Andrei Prikyin ("Kefir!"): "We are completely leaving for mobile games. Studio Kefir Progs for Kefir Games

Many are moving to the capital to work in a large studio, but there are those who leave Moscow for the same reason. How does this happen where they go and whether the development of the Moscow Ring Road will tell Alexander, the employee of the kefir studio, which two years ago moved from Moscow to Volgograd.

Kefir - Russian Game Studio-Developer, which you can know by "Last Day On Earth", "Grim Soul", "Tyuryaga", "Metro 2033", "in the opposite" and other popular projects. Total audience coverage about 170 million users.

It was difficult to decide on moving?

It is easy, of course. The point is not even that I am leaving the capital, it is always difficult to move from an obsolete place. But the wife supported me, in addition, the studio pays the apartment constantly, and not the first couple of months is a serious plus.

Tell me, please, how did Relocation occurred?

A few days after the interview, we phoned with HR. I took an invitation to the studio, we chose tickets on the plane and I began to collect things. At the airport I was met with a sign "Kefir" and taken to a new home.

I was visiting many guys who were also moved here, so I can say that a good apartment is not luck, but the norm. It's nice.

And how did you meet?

I worried a little that the office will be heading like on loot and everyone will give me too much attention. Fortunately, this was not. I was just personally introduced to the neighbors and curator, and then during the day I was already acquainted with the rest.

There is a probationary period, but there is no psychological barrier in the new team - you are treated as if you work for a long time, but I left for a long time. Quickly introduce into the course of the case, and you immerse yourself in full-fledged work. It is very important at this moment to understand the pace and the mood of the team - it is necessary to join instantly, otherwise you will miss a lot.

How do you, Volgograd after Moscow?

Well, now you have to fly back to big concerts and festivals, and the rest has not changed. Many scares that after Moscow there will be nothing to do, but I traveled half of Russia, including all 15 millionnikov, and I speak with full responsibility: every city in its own way cool and everywhere you can find something to do.

At the same time, any city comes, if you live in it all my life. Immediately becomes good everywhere where we are not. Travels are solved for me personally for me. When you have a decent salary, you can easily afford to see the whole world. Since we are about money - Volgograd is much more financially suitable for life.

What to do in the city, are your favorite activity?

If it is separate from work, then we are going to cafes and bars with friends - I can't boast an event talent, but the studio regularly suits us some cultural and entertainment shake. They make exhibitions, speakers are brought from Russia and Europe, it happens that everyone is leaving somewhere together. So we do not particularly bathe about the organization of leisure, in the company the company's plan is scheduled for half a year ago.

Let's go back to workflows. Why exactly kefir?

In general, I came here for the sake of interest - sawing the video, he had given feedback acquaintances and decided to try. I am close to the spirit of the world and hardcore projects, and I am completely indifferent to Casuals, for example. A good approach is not to chase the trend, but to create what, firstly, there is no on the market, and secondly, what you want to play yourself. There are guys with a cool sense of humor and a great love for cheerful toys. Last Day, for example, has appeared thanks to the set of intrahordial tournaments by Rust.

It was like this:

And on the mobile phone there is this?

Many people think that working in your industry is to constantly play games, you can even during working hours, you can even do anything else. What percentage of time is actually paid to the game?

You can even do nothing, yeah. I do not know who still thinks so far. Grandmothers at the entrance?

I do not understand why people are surprised, learning that a lot to play games is part of our profession. We make games. We need to know everything about them. Just as the directors should watch the movies, and the musicians are listening to music. However, in any game studio, a person playing from morning to evening and no longer busy anything will fly instantly. This is obvious, I think.

Another thing is that we have a lot of games implemented in real life. Well, or the game just became part of it. We regularly conduct intrahudial tournaments, go to the raid together and create a kefir guild. We must do this in order to see and understand all the projects, analyze their weak points and take a strong note. Normal, by the way, excuse for a wife at 4 am per game: "Dear, I work." And do not match the same.

The internal system of promotions, DKP - "Dragon Kill Points", which we took from Warcraft are entertained. You kill dragons - that is, you are not late, do not touch, you work cool - you get meals for it. And then at the auction take the game computer, iPhone, the journey is everything you wish. I am aimed at MacBook Pro this year.

The main goal of DKP is not the training of punctuality, of course. The biggest glasses are given for learning games. This year, for several months they rolled in EVE: Online, Pubg, Rust, Warcraft and also with a dozen less well-known, recently released games. Masterpieces need to know in the face.

Once every two weeks, Internet entrepreneurs and executives of Internet companies enter the hourly conversation to Maxim Spiridonov, co-founder and general director of the educational company Netology-Group. This is how the Runetology podcast is created. "Secret" publishes the most interesting excerpts from these interviews.

31-year-old Andrei Priesakh was born in Volgograd. In 2005 he graduated from the Law Faculty of the Volgograd Academy of Public Service. From 2005 to 2008 was engaged in various types of business. In 2009, he founded the studio to develop the game "Kefir!".

An interview with Andrei Strying and other guests of Spiridonov can be found on the Runetology website.

You and "Kefir!" They know primarily on the game "Tyuriga" with her 13 million players who exploit the thrust of our fellow citizens to the thieves romance. Is it right, from your point of view, to warm up interest in such odious topics?

For a Russian person, it seems to me, prison topics, like the Second World War, is part of the culture. It was more likely surprised us why no one did such a game to us: Niche was free. We did only what our user wanted. "Tyuryaga" has been six years old, but it is still in the top and brings good money.

I will say more, this story is not about prison. A man from the criminal world would have laughed, claim somebody the opposite: even there is no fit in the game. Slang - yard, and realities - street.

In the end, why not ask the creators of Grand Theft Auto, whether to beat people correctly to beat a woman of easy behavior on the head. I also have GTA more questions than "Tyuryaga".

- What prompted you to make social networking games?

We, like players, there was a long-standing dream - to make games. We were looking for such an opportunity. They wrote concept documents before reaching the social network. Thought about browser games, about other segments. But their budgets were high. Started with comic crafts, but, screwing to them monetization, saw that in social networks you can earn. A year and a half sat on the apartment - we were seven people - and created a game under the audience of girls. There is nothing more in life for girls and I will not do anything for children: it is a trust. But the project paid off with interest. In another year and a half, we released "turbulent", and things went uphill.

Yes. For some time were in fashion and sit libliders whose popularity then went to the decline. But the most significant for the industry, probably, was the appearance of "Travianov", which perfectly fixed in it. The genre is named after the first game in it - TRAVIAN: You send the army, it goes, kills, carries prey. They are now in the top on mobile devices. In social networks too.

- At the expense of what, except the subject, succeeded "Tyuriga"?

It involved successful mechanics tested by us earlier. We also included in the "Tyurieu" of the schemes from Big Gamedeva (from the English. Game Development - "Game Development Industry". - Approx. "Secret"). We were the first to transfer to social networks raid mechanics when a group of players go to kill the boss. It is impossible to say that the achieved "Tyuryaga" is obliged only to setting. Later, we made a similar game in the situation of World War II - "in the trench". It has become no less popular.

- All your "fired" projects are based in "VKontakte"?

Not only. Of course, in the context of revenues at the peak of VKontakte, I brought "Tyuryag" more than "classmates", although in general they are comparable.

- And how are your successes on Facebook?

From the point of view of business, everything is chic. And from the point of view of our ambitions everything is sad. While we make a decent thing there, paying for the team's work and getting some profit. But we are not satisfied with us. We want to be upstairs. Business, I believe in the specifics of the products. Still, prison themes are closer to residents of Russia. And the Second World War, especially a look at her from the Soviet Union, does not occupy a western player.

- In Facebook, do you earn in the Russian market or foreign?

On overseas. In the general catalog, our games are all the same - available on three or four languages.

- How is the work of the studio organized?

From the very beginning, we tried to create independent teams from each other. So, "Tyurieu" I, consider, do not touch two years. The guys independently update and support it. Composition as everywhere: programmers, gamedizainers, artists. In total, the company is more than 150 people. The main part is in Volgograd. And incredible talented guys in St. Petersburg, with whom we are about a year.

- How are the game teams are managed?

At the discretion of a person who stands at the helm. In some commands, very hard discipline and management methods are used closer to classic, in some - more flexible. We exhibit a plank for managers, and if the guys reach the result, we absolutely do not care how they behave.

- How many people make one game?

Depending on the project. Usually from 20 to 30.

Office of the company "Kefir!"

- Along with social games, you had an experiment with desktop - ONE LIFE. He failed?

Not. The case in the principle of our work, which, as time has shown, justifies itself: We develop several products, we look at their indicators following the results of Soft Launch ("soft launch" - the product test on a limited audience. - Approx. "Secret") and, most importantly , User reaction. And what will show the highest indicators, pay maximum attention. Previously, we tried to create several new projects in parallel, but without proper concentration, this does not work.

A year and a half ago we had three products: One Life, Forge of Glory and Totem Rush. We chose from the three forge of Glory, because its indicators are headed above than two others. Now we are engaged in close, focusing on it. This does not mean that we close our other projects or freeze them for a long time. The same happened with Tyuryagoy. At that time, we did something like Tamagotchi in the same time, something else. They saw the indicators of "Türies" - and that's all: concentrated on it.

- What is the basic forces now?

For Forge of Glory - Mobile game. At this stage, it is engaged in 50-70 people. During the Soft Launch, she showed good numbers. And our task is to make them even higher.

- The last year or two interest in games in social networks is gradually fastened. How does this affect you?

Misses, undoubtedly. But in your business we do not see it. In the worst, it is necessary to speak of a decline from the strength by 5-7%. All because we have the audience is collected, we work with her. But we do not want new games only for social networks. First, do nothing. No development platform. Unity Now for social networks is not suitable, we tried - and not only we. And the default Google will be turned off at the end of 2016. No, the person from our formed audience will go to the browser settings, press the checkboxes and will play. But new users, of course, will not be clicked anywhere. Secondly, the social networks remain, but their use goes beyond the computer, and there are mobile games, not social. I add to friends a lot of players and when I open the Friend List, I see that interest 80-90 of them are sitting from mobile devices.

Is it possible that in a year, in extreme cases in two or three, the games almost will not be left in Vkontakte, nor in Odnoklassniki?

Even in two or three - will be. Audience is there. They will still exist for a long time, the more current hits. But in five years later, if nothing happens and the market will move, where it moves, everything will most likely be very sad.

Essentially the same as before. Absolutely different audience. Watching what product. If Match3 (mechanics, in accordance with which the player must collect three items in a row or more so that they disappear from the game field and brought him glasses. - Approx. "Secret"), then the overwhelming majority are women. In our subject - both teenagers and adults.

- Their willingness to pay changed lately?

In no way. As paid, and pay. The audience is extremely loyal. Very well pay on Facebook. That and from the point of view of volumes is very promising. In it really earn millions of dollars if the product is decent. And the organic is normal there.

Apparently, are you in solid plus?

Yes, we are fine. If possible, we, of course, invest in development, in new teams. But, in addition, we invest in real estate. And thanks to the rental business, let him passive, "stupid" - we are able to make bold things like the same ONE Life. If suddenly we will make a big mistake - close "turbulent", something else will happen, "then due to such support, you can do your favorite thing for long years without financial injections from the outside. Even with a series of failures. I planned this program several years ago, and it is practically implemented.

- In which plane do your new "bold things" lie?

Last year, we have changed the direction of development. "Kefir!" Fully goes into mobile games. There are those money that we are interested. You may be engaged in client games. But Mobyle priority.

- And not too late to do?

Not at all. We entered the Russian game market in social networks, when it would seem to be cramped.

- At what point did you get going to go to Mobile?

The decision was made very late because it was not bad for social networks - and we continue to earn so far. Finally ripe when they realized that Unity could no longer fully make games in social networks.

- With Forge of Glory, do you go to the international market or in some local?

In international. This is more expedient and from the point of view of volumes, and in other relations.

- Why did this game become the flagship?

We have a large number of concept documents. Of these, we choose the best. At their database, create prototypes. And in prototypes, we understand whether one or another project of further attention is worthy. Or we see the prospects for the game after the prototype stage. In many cases, we can generally close the game. Here forge of Glory passed all the stages and is now in Soft Launch.

We analyze the reaction of the audience, buy a little bit and fill traffic, earn. Corresponding, for how much the players attracted and how much money received. We pretend: here a little bit like, to twist. We study the refund of users, then we appreciate your colleagues in the workshop. They have a retention - such, we have such? Normally, we will live. They have Life-Time Value here, and we have a kind? Great, even twisted. I purchased the audience, drove A / B tests. After all, you can sell some in the game in the game for three rubles, and you can five. Who ahead knows how best? No one. Bought 2000 users, the test was driven - they saw: the cheeters are better bought in five rubles. Ok, put a tick: now we sell five rubles. Very turbine process. Soft Launch can reach the year and longer.

Yes, in Asia a lot of users similar to our audience. Localize the game, the benefit of it is well suited to the inhabitants of the mechanics. This is easy Battler (Game genre, the main content of which is the fighting, which do not require complex strategic calculations. - Approx. "Secret") - what they love.

- Do other mobile games scheduled for the studio?

Yes. This, by the way, is a very big psychological problem for me, and for guys. Now we are all concentrated on Forge of Glory. But there are already prototypes that the hands are squeezed to do. I now have one of them in the phone, I look at him and cry: I want to bring it to mind and run. There fire, just a breakthrough will be, I'm sure. We still sometimes get drunk and distracted. But it's not right.

- You will not watch other platforms and formats? PC, consoles, browser games?

Currently no. Along with the mobile, client games are very attracted, we will also try to work with them. But mobail closer to us: and the development is faster, and the budget is modest, and the specificity is familiar to us.

- Do you build a studio?

Together with my best friend Mikhail Talalayev.

- Shareholders only two?

- And investment offered to you?

Yes, and often. But we were based in the apartment, we were five seven. Grab your own.

- Earning on microtransactions, you, as far as I know, get a monthly revenue at $ 700,000

- What is your average payment in games?

In Russia - about 50 rubles.

- And how much does the user spend on the game?

Order - thousand rubles.

- And for what time? Year?

If it is "Polinochit", then yes. And the "whales" - those who pay a lot, - there have been more than a million rubles. Even, in my opinion, several million.

- Which of the trends of the industry are you most detained?

A virtual reality. It is hard to believe that it will be mastered soon, but I dream about it. Every day we at home in the studio three or four hours we pay computer games. And all VR gadgets, which are available on the market (and Oculus Rift, and others), we have tried. Only, being a player, I do not understand how to practically use them now. While this is an attraction. In the shopping center passed on the board, fell, laughed, the beer drank, once again passed with closed eyes - you patted you, you are well done. But how to use it at home, a big question. I tried different fun with a short gameplay - not that. Uncomfortable. In my opinion, a completely different gadget must be created for a truly comfortable tightening VR game at home.

Photography on the cover: press service "Kefir!"

Company rating: Detailed estimates

  • Collective and corporate culture:
  • Chief and its respect for employees:
  • Workplace and working conditions:
  • Social package and benefits:
  • Prospects for work in the company:

27.07.2018, 13:59

Positive sides

Worked a little more than a year, excellent experience, everyone was satisfied. Caught the moment of launching the top project and took part in it. A bunch of funny feathers and entertainment. The team is rather friendly and friendly, there is no conflict, to quarrel with someone faithful way to instantly lose work. Teachka is, but only in some posts. But there, some I apologize, the brainless creatures came, which were unreasonably distinguished both before bosium and before the colleagues. Free lunches and drinks, lectures Kr ... More Right specialists, loyalty for hospital and holidays and delays. And yes, the working chairs are not cheap, very comfortable. True, I did not understand what principle they are distributed among employees. About foreign corporate parties in general, Valeva is some kind of. Well, in short, a very generous company, very valuable valuable. But to achieve something and show yourself will have twice inside out to turn out.

Negative sides

You can disperse from the amount of snacks. No kidding.
- Everything is unorganized, all, but the people are able to drag the Deadline exclusively due to the aggregate of skill and uptime. I do not know how enough them is like this.
- No coffee machines. With this level of the development of the orgculture there must be a coffee machine, but alas.
- Work in Volgograd.
-Ind you have to delay hard and you have no choice.
-Sthers are preserved at their work. Maybe it's not bad, but sometimes it seems ... more then they are extracted for the company's diffilams.
-Heconfllery does not mean that you will not be sensitive to stem.
-Nextful creepy snobs on how to dress to work, and they will not be ashamed to inform you about your opinion.

"If we are not number one, it is not considered for us!" "So the founder of the Studio" Kefir "Andrei Priesiin formulated the company's main slogan. He is seriously configured: in 2017, the "Kefir" revenue was $ 100 million

Art Director and Producer Peter Kostylev and

"What only rumors do not go about us, will soon say that we bought the whole city," the employee of Kefir is laughing, who meets the correspondent and photographer of RBC magazine on the service Maybach. On it, two days the magazine employees go to interviews and shooting. "A couple of years ago, Maybach was alone in the city, today there are several," says the driver Alexander.

34-year-old Preyach founded Kefir with several friends in 2009. Now 145 people operate in the Volgograd office of the company, about 25 more in St. Petersburg, mostly developers. The first large hit of the studio, the Social Game of Tyuryaga, was released in 2010 and still enters the top 25 most popular games in VKontakte. But the most part of the money - 60-65% of the entire revenue of Kefiru brings the online strategy to Last Day on Earth in 2017: Survival.

To meet in the Kefir office in the center of Volgograd Priesin did not want: "Scary ... I am ashamed to show." Recently, the company bought for 260 million rubles. A new building area of \u200b\u200b4.2 thousand square meters. m, also in the center, and is about to move. The interview takes place in the loft on the 22nd floor in one of the new buildings. "We bought this place only for the sake of the veranda," says Preakhin. On it, Kefir employees are going in the summer to work overlooking the city or to arrange a party. On an open area - several tables and chairs, near the jacuzzi. Sometimes guests are stopped in the loft instead of the hotel: indoors have a bed, a small kitchen, a fireplace.

To "kefir"

The father of the sticker served in the FSB, resigned by the lieutenant colonel, the mother worked as a designer designer, then became a housewife. After the service, Priesiin-senior was engaged in business and realized that in technology the future, says Andrei: "Probably, thanks to him everything happened." Parents did not try to fight the love of the Son to computer games, although his friends had, and cords from computers were hiding so that they did not spend all the time. "My, on the contrary, always supported: the father drove into computer conferences," recalls Pryakhin.

The most prestigious educational institution of Volgograd was the Academy of State Service, so Pryakhin came there at the Faculty of Law: "I still do not like construction and lawyers - these are sad classes for me." Working by profession a young man was not even going to work. Back in school years, in the late 1990s, Andrei began to be interested in business: the Father taught him to write business plans and build relationships with people - "the foundation of each businessman."

The first business of the straight was specific. "I don't even know if you can talk about it. They sold a liquid to incite fireplaces, but drove it alkashi and drank, "he recalls. In the early 2000s, Andrei took the ringtones and music for mobile phones, then sold the first versions of the iPhone, produced and installed payment street terminals. "Unlike today's business, when you can't touch the product, in that business there was a true kayf: you have a lot of" kamaz ", downloaded by these terminals, and they are sent from the factory," he remembers. But all this was only for the sake of money and did not bring any pleasure, Priesun is recognized.

Founder of the Studio "Kefir" Andrei Prikyin (Photo: Vladislav Shatilo for RBC)

One of the Father's business was popular at the time of the Internet cafe, where a teenager Pryakhin met many friends who were also passionate about the computer games. The first game, called the "Mission Saakashvili", Preyin invented in 2009, did with the help of programmers on the outsource, and then launched a friend in Vkontakte. Shortly thereafter, Kefir studio was created.

Among those who, together with him, began to do "Kefir", - programmer Mikhail Talalayev and the author of the studio logo designer Ilya Yelgin. The fourth worker of Kefir, who was standing at the origins, - Victor Kirillov: He was an architect and later left the team. When the game became popular (about 1.5 million people downloaded), friends decided to add monetization: it turned out that players are willing to pay.

Young people removed the apartment and turned it into the office: the tables did them with their own hands from the doors that bought OBI in Volgograd. In this room, the company has created a "turbulent".


"It was then possible to turn on the TV and see what the Russian audience prefers," recumben the 2010 PRYAIN. On TV they were mostly criminal series: "Streets of broken lamps", "Ceremonic", "Secrets of the investigation". Created in less than six months of "Tyuryiga" organically fitted into the picture. "They saw that Niche was free, and decided to make people a game about what they were looking, read and hear on the street," recalls Preakhin.

The "Tyurii" takes place in prison: the player must embarrass from the ordinary zeka to authorities, performing tasks: to fill the knack, swing, arrange disassembly, earning a game currency - cigarettes. "There were many complaints about the fact that we promote in the game of thieves life. But the maximum that you can hear there, is the yard slang, there is neither a phenomenon, nothing, "Priesiin spreads.

For about two years, Tyuryaga held in the top of the games in VKontakte and brought creators more than $ 1 million per month. "When the first million dollars came to us on accounts, we bought a small office building in Volgograd and began to actively recruit people," recalls Pryakhin. He compares the development of games with sports competitions, where only one goal can be - first place. "The second and third is already for weaknikov. Then the most popular game was a "happy farmer", and we set yourself the task of creating a game that will destroy it, "recalls Andrei.

The audience of the Farmer in June 2010 exceeded 8 million people, but next year Kefir broke forward: in 2011, 13 million people played in Tyurayu. But back in 2010, when the Kefir team moved to a new building, Prsyin set himself the task of making a game that will exceed the "Turonu".

The scenario and the plan of the military simulator "in the trench", which was released in 2013, Pryakhin wrote himself, but was dissatisfied with them. "However, the guys cheated him in such a way that at some point the game bypassed the" Turonu. " Although it was not entirely as we expected: by that time, Tyuryiga had a little bit to be blown away, "the founder of Kefir recalls. As the representative of VKontakte spokes together with RBC magazine, from 2013 to the present "Tyuryaga" is included in the top 25 most popular social network games. But how much does the game earn now, Priesin does not want to speak: "I'm not looking, I'm not interested. Social networks have already passed. "

The peak of the popularity of social games fell on 2012-2014, then the number of their fans began to decline, told RBC magazine the head of the playing direction Mail.Ru Group Vasily Maguryan. If in 2014 the market volume was 14 billion rubles, then in 2017 - already 9.8 billion rubles. Users began to give preference to mobile platforms, which were more accessible in all senses compared to the PC. Social games themselves have quite poorly adapted to the mobile platform and could not fully transfer their functionality there, notes the expert.

Since the "kefir" affairs went fine on social networks, the studio was "the most backward in terms of transition to the mobile market," recognizes Priesiin. In 2015-2016, the company made several prototypes of games and moved towards the mobile market.

"Horse money"

The debut of "kefir" in mobile games has become a fantasy action-RPG Forge of Glory. It was developed a year and a half, in the spring of 2016 there was a launch in Australia and in Canada, a year later - in the rest of the world.

But a big success came only with the second mobile game - Last Day On Earth, the release of which was held in May 2017, for a year and a half she brought more than $ 150 million to "kefir", taking into account advertising revenues. In June 2018, the company has another game in the same genre - Grim Soul: Survival, but it was not possible to beat Last Day (see infographics).

"A game that earns horse money thanks to Peter and his team," this describes the Last Day on Earth. Peter is a producer Last Day on Earth Peter Kostylev, who came to Kefir in 2012. He and another 17 people made a project for three months - a record for the company. According to the plot, the player finds himself in a postpocalyptic world, where he needs to fight for resources, food and weapons, fighting with zombies and other players.

With the control of the quality and direction of development of the game, Kostylev combines the position of art director and is responsible for the visual part of the product. While the development team was small, he had to engage in animation and modeling of assets (resources) in the game. "I spent, probably, two weeks only on the animation of blood and departing limbs," Peter smiles.

In the Russian game market, the most highly incomes were always revenues from the sale of games for personal computers, but in 2018 the mobile game market in Russia will reach $ 635 million, which is almost equal to income from the PC games, a representative of the research company NEWZOO Cleo Sarendis told the RBC magazine. Until 2021, the mobile game revenues will grow by 7.5%, which will allow this segment to become the biggest, she noted.

The popularity of the mobile platform is growing from year to year, confirms Maguryan from Mail.Ru Group. In 2017, the volume of mobile games market in Russia grew by 24%, up to 20.3 billion rubles. Unlike a computer, a mobile phone is always at hand, so users who have never been interested in them came to the game. Those who play on a mobile phone are less demanding of the project schedule, prefer simpler gaming mechanics, make it easier to make decisions about gaming buying, says Maguryan.

Recently, Last Day On Earth brings the company $ 4-5 million per month, and its audience is 83 million people, says Preakhin. At the same time, it is not completely satisfied with the achieved: "Last Day does not satisfy our ambitions. This is just a good project. The hit we will consider the game that will be the top-1 for the collection in the United States, but for now we are shooting, "said Andrei.

Today, Kefir employees work mainly above the updates of Last Day on Earth, but some of them focused on new projects. "We will now have a bomb at all," Priesiin says, refusing details. After conquering a mobile market, he dreams of making a game for a PC. To sell his company in the foreseeable future, Andrei is not going to: "It's how to build a city with love, and then burn it."


Pryakhin - Patriot Volgograd, but his attitude towards his hometown is difficult: Andrei himself says that it is like "attitude to mom, which drinks." "We love it, but there are some difficulties," he explains, "the infrastructure is not so developed, plus the weather per amateur. But if we leave, then by the city of taxes. " However, Preyan is primarily a rational businessman and speaks straight: "If you need to leave for business, we will do it."

The success of the game business Andrei assesses primarily in terms of income. When the user puts like or writes a good comment, it does not mean anything, he says, but when he gives his money, this is true recognition of labor.

In the "kefir" a fairly rigid linear control style. "If you at least once communicate with the director Andrei stricter, you will understand that you should not argue with him," says one of the former studios staff. - This is a talented person, but under his character you need to adapt. " For the eyes of the sticker in the company is often called not by name, but simply "director".

Preakhin says that it delegates absolutely all tasks and prefers independent managers. But the most unpleasant responsibilities like the dismissal of employees, "In order not to injure executives," he takes on: "We like a ball - inflated, take a lot of people, and then we look at which of them does not pull the profession, and fry, disaghaning these people."

Salaries in the "kefir" reaches a Moscow level, approves the director of the company. One of the former employees does not agree with him: "If you compare work in the" kefir "and remote work in [Studios-developer of mobile games from Vologda] Playrix, then in Kefir pay less," he says. - High salary there from the tops, in ordinary employees there are no. But they are higher than in Volgograd: the average salary in the city is 20 thousand rubles, and in the "kefir" will be above one and a half or twice. "

Personnel hunger The company does not experience: Candidates for various vacancies move to Volgograd from different cities, including from St. Petersburg and Moscow. At the same time, "kefir", cooperates with studios in Russia and abroad in the process of developing games. "I can write on Facebook: Guys, you need a studio that can do projects on Unity. Then with some we build partnerships, "says Priesin.

"Kefir" brings the highest income, but the games are not the only business. According to his own admission, the entrepreneur leases commercial and residential real estate in Europe and Russia (only 247 thousand square meters. M) and buys securities, including government bonds of Russia and six more countries.

These businesses are not structured and are not associated with game, claims Priesin. He admits that part of the income from the games invests in real estate, "but in general is parallel businesses." Bonds and real estate - passive business that allows you to create a airbag. "We still create it to this day, and it is already quite weighty to make bold foods, in case there will be a series of failures, as it can be in any business, especially when you make bold games," says the entrepreneur. According to him, the real estate brings less money than the game business: "In Russia, it is even more or less, and in Europe there are at all 3-3.5% in terms of profits."

But the straight is also hobbies that require money. For example, a collection of expensive cars - 17 cars, including Lamborgini, Aston Martin and others. Tesla Andrei does not want to buy: says that it looks like Mazda from afar. And recently, he had another passion from the category of those that were provided with people, "decided to organize tourist flights to the stratosphere.

Tourist in Stratosphere

On October 14, 2012, people around the world included broadcast on YouTube to see how the Austrian Parachutist Felix Baumgartner will take a jump from the stratosphere from a height of 39 km. The live broadcast of this jump has become the most popular in Youtube history: 8 million people watched it. Two years later, the record of Baumgarter broke the executive director of Google Alan Yustas, who made a jump from a height of 41 km.

Stratomantics, which Priesiin creates together with the founder of the Laboratory "Middle Cosmos" by Denis Efremov, wants to launch people to a height of up to 25 km. "We will do it on the territory of Volgograd, because nature here we have here ... Let's say, on the one hand, it is sad that many fields and winds, but on the other hand, in the launch plan it is very cool," he explains.

Efremov for the first time came to Volgograd for about two years ago. The guys from the "kefir" came up with an unusual corporate party: "Develop and run several stratostats ourselves." All requests on the Internet led to Efremov. "Middle Space" has already spent about 100 launch of various items. Its services are used including private companies that want to organize such a flight for promotional purposes.

"That we just didn't fly - and the spray for the nose, and the barrel for Gazprom, for Yandex, organized flight," lists Ephraims. Schoolchildren and students are used by the company, as well as scientists who need to experience their inventions in conditions close to cosmic. One launch costs about 200-300 thousand rubles.

Two years ago, Pryakhin with his employees launched five probes of 2 kg each. A year later, Efremov offered them to launch a skater "as the first stage of testing the pilot flight" into the stratosphere. Before that, Peter never launched so heavy items: the mass of the skuffard with all equipment reached 30 kg. Inside the square installed a chamber with a review of 360 degrees, the broadcast from which one could look on the ground in the virtual reality helmet. "You rotate your head, and at that time the camera rotates at the top, you feel almost inside the square," recalls Efremov.

Preparing for half a year, they carried out tests, the flight was successful, its cost amounted to several million rubles, recalls Efremov: "And I, and the guys from Kefir expected the worst. But no more than 10% of what we conceived, it went wrong. "

Pryakhin and Efremov do not disclose the cost of the project to launch tourists in the stratosphere. "We have entered the equipment more: a recently quadrocopter came to us, which stands with cameras somewhere under 4 million rubles," said Andrei. Those who wish to see the land from a height of 25 km is bypassing several million rubles. The first piloted flight will take place after one and a half - two years, hopes Efremov. He does not exclude that she will fly first.

Founder of the Studio "Kefir" Andrei Prikyin (Photo: Vladislav Shatilo for RBC)

The design for running is a huge ball or several balls. Under them parachute with a chair, equipped with sensors, radio communication system and telemetry, life support, ventilation, soft landing, oxygen reserve, etc. "A man is sitting in the chair in the scaffle and admires the earth and space," describes Efremov.

The founders of "Stratomanian" will have to create a system to ensure air and heat in flight that will need to be placed in the spacecraft. The whole design will weigh about 200 kg. "For the price of the ticket, we hope to meet at $ 80 thousand, but the flights of Baumgarter and Ustasa cost several million dollars each," says Efremov.

"We are an ideal company"

See the land from the Stratosphere Priesiin does not seek. "I'm afraid to fly even with ordinary aircraft," he admits. The day after the interview, Kefir employees went to "their" train from six sleeping cars to Sochi to celebrate the company's nineth anniversary. "There are three very important people in the company that do not like to fly at all. Tomorrow because of us, the whole company travels by train, "says Andrei. The composition will go along the route Volgograd - Adler, its preparation cost the company by 6 million rubles, says the employee of Kefir Mary Pestrikova.

A year ago, employees are all but sticker and Kostyleva, - flew on a rented plane to corporate in the Maldives. Everyone could take another person with him. "Rent a plane cost a little more expensive than the train. The plane could be branded, but we did not become, as they flew there, where Muslims are mostly living, "says Peparkov.

Photo: Vladislav Shatilo for RBC

"Kafir - in Arabic" incorrect ", and players from Arab countries have long written angry comments in the app store and communications in technical support. "We explained to them that there is such a drink - kefir," says Priesin. To the question, and why, in fact, "kefir", he gives an unexpected answer: "We were and remain fans of the" Cinema "group. Tsoi in one of his interviews told that he called the group so, because this name is not related to the music. We decided that we would be called "kefir". The name not related to the company's activities is the desire to stand out among others, "Andrei explains.

According to the studio, only 5% of Kefir games live in Russia, and most players in the USA, Asia and Europe. "We are generally an ideal company in this regard. We are here, earn in the US and spend here. Fabulous, "says Priesin. Not everyone is ready to become partners of the Russian company, but he does not want to open a legal entity abroad, and he does not regret the missed partners: "Well, they went to FIG ..."

"We are ready to deal with everything and treat with great respect and tremble to our city and to Russia as a whole. Now the hymn must be here, "Priesin laughs.