Dragon Age: Inquisition - We disassemble the ending of the game. Solax - a new satellite in Dragon Age: Inquisition Dragon Age Inquisition Solas absorbs someone else's strength

Even in such inhuman conditions there is a place for flirting, sex and even a high feeling. If you plan not only to finish the fate of the world, but also in parallel to build close relationships with subordinates, then our guide is useful. With him, you in two bills will turn into the main heart of the tedas.

Total in Dragon Age: Inquisition Eight potential partners: Cassandra, Blackwall, Josephine, Iron Bull, sulfur, Dorian, Cullen and Solas. Each of them has their own tastes: someone prefers heterosexual relationships, someone is ready to get closer only with representatives of certain races, and for someone all this without difference - if only a person / dwarf / elf / kunari was good.

In addition, the heroes inquisition have its own beliefs and a unique character. Therefore, it is important not just to be causing and flirting without tired, but also to ensure that your words and affairs coincide with the views of the goal. Religious Cassandra will not suffer blasphemy, Blackwall will condemn any injustice, and Josephine will be disappointed in you if you decide to neglect diplomacy in favor of a military campaign.

If someone from heroes liked you, talk more often with him. So you will learn more about the biography and the looks of the character, and at the same time, and you can tell him a compliment. All this will have a positive effect on your relationship and will open up new opportunities for the novel.



Important facts: Religious, entirely and fully supports the church. Believes that the Inquisitor is really the Bulletin Andrast.

Save, decisive and impenetrable - approximately such Cassandra seems at first glance. But only at first: later you will open that the prosperity reacts quite adequately to compliments, loves poetry and is even fond of sentimental novels.

Relationship with it is quite simple. To begin with, ask her to tell about your past. In further dialogues, do not miss the possibilities for flirting. Each time you go back to the base, do not forget to visit it. The main thing - be careful in matters of religion.



Important facts: Appreciates mercy and assistance to suffering. It believes that any villain deserves a second chance.

Blackwall - embodied justice with a beard. Trying to make the world better and highly appreciates people who share his beliefs. Large companies do not like, prefers to hold apart.

The shortest path to his heart lies through good actions. If you are accustomed to playing good heroes, it is very soon to deserve the trust of Blackwall. As soon as your relationships begin to grow out of friendly in romantic, he will remove. Do not give up - very soon gray guard will trust you completely and tell your main secret.



Important facts: He believes that diplomacy is the best way to resolve the conflict.

The main diplomat in the Inquisition. Josephine is responsible for the political influence of the organization and seeks to expand it. Appreciates etiquette and manners, with all the courtesy of themselves, although alone with the hero holds quite relaxed.

To conquer the sympathy of Josephine, it is enough to listen to its advice. At some point she will ask you to talk with your best friend, Leliana. In a conversation with the main spy of the Inquisition, it is better not to lie - especially when she asks about your relationship to Josephine.

Iron Bull

Partner: Inquisitor of any sex and race

Important facts: Loves good fights and boys. Works on two fronts - with the inquisition and intelligence kunari. Does not hide it because it really appreciates honesty.

The iron bull receives the same pleasure from the gatherings in the tavern, and from battles on the battlefield. This good-natured mercenary relates to everything easily - if not to say frivolously. Nevertheless, for the sake of friends, he is ready to take a risk of life, which will probably prove.

At first, the iron bull almost does not respond to compliments and flirt, but over time it will change. Be sure to ask him about the race of Kunari and their culture. Returning to the base, do not miss the opportunity to drink with the Iron Bull and his command of mercenaries. And, yes - be honest.


Partner: Female inquisitor of any race

Important facts: Cynical and conflict. Atheist, the Spirit does not tolerate the history of religion and the lost greatness of the elves. It relates well to people with a sense of humor, loves draws.

With sulfur difficult. Constantly kept, mocking over the opposingists, steals and compliments correspond to sarcastic sharpness. But there is an approach to it.

Do not try to restrict it somehow and control, otherwise the quarrel cannot be avoided. Do not be offended by her attacks, and better pay everything in a joke. If she is in your party, always get up to the side of the poor, orphans and other disadvantages.

And last: although sulfur seeks to protect oppressed, she is ruthless to the villains. Therefore, it will rather approve a penalty than imprisonment or pardon. Remember this when you endure the sentence of defeated enemies.


Partner: Male Inquisitor of any race

Important facts: Proud and ulcer. Does not tolerate when his intelligence and magical abilities are questioned. He opposes the tevinter empire, from where he fled in his youth.

Magician Dorian almost always behaves arrogantly and incredulously - at least with poorly familiar people. He needs a partner with whom he could communicate on equal. Therefore, in a conversation with him, feel free to demonstrate your erudition and mind. In response, you can get a sarcastic remark, but you should not hither in response - Dorian painfully perceives any criticism.

At the same time, the wizard tries to make the world with the best place. He acutely responds to any injustice, so it should not execute everyone without parsing and there are children. Dorian hates the tevinter empire and will appreciate if you support it.


Partner:woman Elf or Woman Man

Important facts: Trying to get rid of lyrium addiction. Supporter of temples, not magicians.

Cullen - a former temple, who is trying to return to ordinary life. He stands at the head of the Inquisition Army. Cullen in nature soldiers, so prefers military actions to diplomatic talks.

He suffers from breaking after a long dependence on the Liarria. His sick topic is that because of this, he will ever submit an inquisitor and will not be able to fulfill his duty. Cullen will appreciate if you help him overcome the addiction and support the former temple in the decision to refuse Liri. Loyalty is very important to Callen, so the novel with him can start only heroes that are not related to relationships with other characters.


Partner: Woman elf

Important facts:inquisitive and respects craving for knowledge. It believes that there is no absolute evil or good, sees the world in gray tones. Sometimes it seems that he loves spirits and other other entities more than people.

Single elf, magnificent expert in magic, history and mythology. She strives to expand their knowledge about the ancient world even more and relates well to people who help him.

Sollas approval is easy to get if you try to squeeze out the maximum information dialogs. Ask him to talk about travels, magic, curtain and elf history. Discard categorical judgments about good and evil, because Solas believes that there is a place for sin and virtue everywhere. And most importantly - do not hurt spirits. That he will not forgive.

: What can you tell us about Solas?

[Patrick Wicks]: Well ... everything is quite simple with him. An ordinary elf-apostate that has voluntarily entered into the inquisition at the height of the Made revolt to help its knowledge of the shadows.

: Straight "Normal"? ..

[PU]: I do not like to complicate without need.

: You can ask a lot about Solas. Let's start with the fact that he is an apostate. That is, engaged in magic outside the circle of magicians. He escaped from there with other rebels?

[PU]: Actually, he never came in a circle.

: Curious.

[PU]: A lot of places in the tedas. If you do not shat near the villages and do not fit anyone, the temples are about you and will not know.

: How did he manage to develop his gift without teachers from the circle?

[PU]: Solax is predominantly self-taught. At the same time, even though he may stand for himself, it is where the study of the shadow occupies more than throwing fire.

: What is so interesting in the shadow?

[PU]: Well, like ... Shadow ... Take a minute, it's somewhat strange ... Shadow is an intangible, dream side of the Universe Dragon Age. Spirits and memories live here, they leave their mark all the strong emotions and significant events of our world. Solas practices something like conscious dreams. He climbs into ancient ruins, where the curtain is thinner than usual, falls asleep and literally lives those events that witnesses in the world have not been left for a long time.

: Do these vision are accurate?

[PU]: By no means. Do they arise from human memories, understand? Ask ten eyewitnesses in the incident describe what happened, and get a whole bouquet of conflicting versions. Solas understands that everything that seen in the shadow is subjectively and inaccurate. It is like a huge Wikipedia, full of marks "Source is not specified." But even this did not prevent Solas to open striking things.

: In previous games, the shadow was a dangerous place with demons.

[PU]: Yes. Most of the residents of the Tedas perceives the shadow as a habitat of demons ... Solas believes that this is the problem. After all, you go into the world, which by nature, reflects the thoughts and fears of living. If before this church taught you that the shadow is a terrible place where you will be trying to kill or subordinate, then of course it is just such a thing for you.

: And Solas is not afraid of shadows?

[PU]: I would say he respects her. The danger does not go anywhere, but since Solas mastered the shadow himself, he fell there without bad expectations and could make friends with spirits. He did not interfere with the installation on black and white perception, like magicians from the circle. Those, getting into the shadow, go into a deaf defense, seeing around a solid danger. Solas, seeing the bright light, is interested in smiling and comes closer to consider.

: Do these rich knowledge help him in battle?

[PU]: On the battlefield, Solas can manage magic as the majority of magicians do not know. Yes, he helps him experience in the shadows.

Outside the battlefield ... when Solas sees how a huge hole appears in the sky and demons fall out of it, it understands that the magicians of the circle will not help here, but he can. As a result, although there are no guarantees that he will not catch as another apart, Solas voluntarily goes to the Inquisition.

: Difficulties arose in creating this character?

[PU]: Yes, in work on Solas were their subtleties. Personally, I like smart characters - such that do not break everything around themselves, but make the players think and look at the world under a new angle. It will be interesting to take a look, who will find him charming, and who will call a tendelby who survived the mind.

: It can be assumed that among its satellites there are those and those.

[PU]: Still would. Vivien, let's say, loyal around the circles. Naturally, when it is some kind of unwitched pavement magician and says: "You are thinking about everything here, you need to be friends with spirits!", I do not cause anything other than ice contempt. With the iron bull of Solas closes on the soil of the Kunariy beliefs, since the freedom of thought is in the first place for Solax, and in a kun, everything is very strict. But with Cole in Solax wonderful mutual understanding.

: Because Cole Spirit?

[PU]: Yes. Cole is trying to figure out what it means, and Solas can answer many Kowli questions. They can talk about what it is - to be a spirit. The rest at this time usually look at them with the view: "What are they talking about?".

: Word, magicians in the world do not really complain. And Solas is also an elf in addition. How does he cope with such a bunch of misstain?

[PU]: Actually, Solas cannot tolerate those who sees in it primarily elf. This bias, he relates to the same black and white thinking, because of which in the world of Dragon Age so many troubles. Temples or magicians, demons or spirits, elves or people ... everything is much more difficult. By the way, if you think, the expression "everything is much more complicated" could well be a combat clog of Solax.

Fuh ... So there were those tens of hours that spent on closing breaks, the destruction of the Red Larium, the murder of dragons and much more. Soon the end of the game comes, everyone is happy and satisfied, you look at the fruits of your passage, but after literally five minutes the question arises: "And what happened now?!".

And you know, you are not alone. After all, even the most ardent fans that have studied everything along and along the universe of the game faced with a complete misunderstanding of the final scene of the "Inquisition", but to be accurate, then with the stage after the titles. In general, this scene makes it in a stupor and after scratching your turnip. The most interesting thing is that if you are familiar with the universe of the game, did not use such coarse people who needed and did not even read the code, then the ending of the game will be no less than the mysterious Bermuda triangle. And some may seem that it is generally complete nonsense, although this is not so. So, dear readers prepared, you are waiting for "brain explosion" (which we experienced only when we passed), hold on to your chairs, you are waiting for many theories, historical moments and of course spoilers!

If someone missed the final scene in, then we recommend to view it now, since there is nothing at all at all:

So, what in this scene? A fever with Solas chatted, as if a long time ago know each other. Although no one has met anything like this and could not see anything like that, even suggest that these two characters are familiar so close and generally familiar. Everything is still mysterious when the fever in Solax becomes ashes!

Now we will analyze what we know. First, Solas dumped immediately after the cherished battle with the cornea was held. Secondly, despite the fact that the Inquisition was able to stop it evil, Solas is still upset and depressed that the sphere is destroyed (after all, Solas gave it to the cornea himself). Thirdly, after the titles, in the final scene, the Fleets very interestingly called Solax - "Horrible Wolf". This name is the key to everything that happens in this confusion, let's certainly have a game and is not fully built on this story. In order to become clear: the old woman of a fever calls Solax with a strange name - a terrible wolf. Based on these words, it can be said that Solas keeps the elven deity in himself. And then many people might think that Solas is the likeness of Judas, but to understand if it is necessary to disassemble for a start, who is this "terrible wolf".

Solas, who are you?

Well, as you know, a terrible wolf is one of the characters in the world of Dragon Age. He is also known as the name "Fen`hal", which is like Loki. Basically, Hair Fen. Carl is known for the fact that he is a famous traitor, as it says that it is he who locked the most elven gods (they are "creators") along with their enemies (which are known as "forgotten") somewhere on the territory Shadow If you deepen a little in the shadow, it becomes known that they are in some "abyss." Based on this, it was for this reason that it was dangerous for the cornea to enter the shadow. The Korife could free something much terrible than the Mor, although it was also the likelihood that he would have freed the elven gods.

In general, now absolutely the entire Tedas believes that the elves fell into oblivion because Tevinter came and destroyed them the holy capital - Arlatan. After passing the task with the source of grief, it becomes known that the legendary Arlatan fell not from the Teveliter, but due to the fact that there was a war between elves. Tevinter had nothing to do with this great drop. It is not known anyone exactly which reason served for internecine wars. If you rely on the story of a terrible wolf, then there is a version of what actually happened in Arlatan. Fenar'Hell "closed" the elven gods, after which Arlatan could not get help from them so that they in turn saved them from the invasion of Tevinter, who was literally standing on the threshold. Therefore, it can be argued by the fact that the elves fell completely due to the fault of a terrible wolf - Hairdrya.

But even this theory has many "holes" and many subsequent issues. In the game, Icendite is that Haird-Carl - a terrible wolf is presented to everyone as a bad character. In the elven story, he is also almost better. The code also says that he is bad and in God's dandelion he does not like.

Legends about Hairdryer

So, for example, the famous legend "Slow Strela" speaks of the following:

Hairdryer, asked to kill a huge beast. He came to the beast at dawn, saw his strength and realized that the beast would kill him if he would fight him. And instead, the hair dryer lasted an arrow into the sky. Residents of the village asked Hairdryer, how he would save them, and he replied: "Did I say that you will save you?" Then he left. At night, that beast came to the village and confused warriors, women and old people. He got to the children, and when the monster revealed his huge mouth, an arrow, a stripped hairdryer in the sky, stuck right in the throat of the beast and struck him. Children mourned their parents and elders of the village, but still they brought gratitude to Haird Scharlah, for he did what the villagers asked. He killed the beast with the mind and a slow boom, which the beast did not even notice.

There is one more legend that says about Hairdryel'ale, but we hope you understand the overall idea. It is described everywhere as "terrible" and the following legend of confirmation:

The word "Harellan" at the Dolites means "the traitor of a kind of", but before the century, it did not appear in any elven texts. It is likely that it is akin to "Harilla" - "confrontation" - and "Hellaten" - "noble struggle." Dolitsa call hair dryer "Harela God deception, but it seems to me that a more accurate translation is a" rebellious God. "

What if all are wrong?

And what if everyone is mistaken as well as with the fact that it was Tevinter who destroyed Arlatan? A terrible wolf, he is our Solas, can not be ideal, as it is a real individual, especially since I did and performed a lot of bad things / actions. But what if the intentions of the hair dryer were noble and what if he had significant reasons to "close" the elven gods? Solax with Sara was somehow a dialogue that you can read below:

- When you weaken the aristocracy, Sir, you will need to redirect your strength.

- Ohhhh ... again it. Well, and what should I do?

- Some of your strength, no matter how important they are, are not interested in anything other than the "defeat". Chaos. But they have to create it without harm, or even go away, if necessary. You must replace them and build a new system, make all the dirty work that you need.

- BUT? What? What dirty work?

- It is up to you ...

As everyone knows - Sir is just one walking problem. And the fact that Solas is trying to instruct sulfur, very noticeable. So possibly, that a terrible wolf is bad, just a lie? And it will not be surprising, since the universe of the game revealed in the first part, and the next two just destroy all the constructed principles, legends and much more. Perhaps the Lyrium is still alive. Perhaps the legendary Andrasta is not the one who everyone counts her. Perhaps the Elven Race does not know his age history at all. Perhaps in general there is no creator! Everyone who once tried to tighten the theory of "Bulletin Andrasthe", know that the truth is not important at all, because people will continue to believe in what they want to believe.

So, knowing about it, let's look at a terrible wolf on the other side. Let's assume that Fen` Carry is such an Elfi Robin Hood, something like Sir. He is not against doing and glorify chaos if these acts have good intentions and goals. But then the question arises: "If the hair dryer is not so bad, as everyone claims, then that he eventually pursued?".

Intent Solax

It is very difficult to think about the fact that the game does not describe us. One can only say for sure that Solas is interested in the lost elven history. His interest in his history is personal, she is not important for him because there is a thousand-year history of elves, it is important because there are hidden evil ideas and intentions that he thinks should not know. At this time, when we assume that the story of a terrible Wolf True, then the story concerning the Mutt comes out just a lie. After all, it says everywhere that Malta was killed by a terrible wolf, but if we see the scene after the titles, it becomes clear that there is no hostility between them!

In the end, everyone sees like a terrible wolf absorbs a taller, and such a vryatli will be able to make enemies. Perhaps a terrible wolf is actually the one who beats in the back and all the fairy tales about him really. But again, it is hard to approve all this without accurate information. No one knows who the elven gods were: some say that this is the creators themselves, and others that the same elves, only with unique magic. The only thing that we know is known - the Malt is eager for revenge, which Morrigan speaks about. From here we learn that the relocation of the Spirit can only be done with the resolution of the "vessel". Then this explains the final scene, where the fever becomes rush. Most perceives the scene after the titles as a kind of betrayal, but what if it is not? As everyone knows, after the battle in the first part, the fever did not disappear and did not even died. The hero Ferlden thought that he killed her, but it was not so.

Need to fall even deeper. So, what were the intentions of Solax? The sphere that Solas handed over the cornea is just the only key that helps contact the elven gods. And what if Solas decided to go to the "abyss" and contact them, but then the question arises - why? If he closed them himself in this place, why should he return them back?

Again, we get even more questions than answers. It is worth recognizing that the ending of the game clings and captures. It is so interesting that with the knowledge of the Universe Dragon Age, you begin to think even more and dig. Immediately the most interesting begins, because everyone has its thoughts and ideas, respectively, different theories.

Fan theory about Solas

The user named Tumblr (Knight-Enchanter) described a very interesting article that concerns the elven gods. First, maybe they were not gods. As an example, an inquisitor can be attributed, whom some are considered demigod or even God. In general, despite anything, the majority claims that he is holy, although there is no "grain" of the strength that Elves had no.

Based on this, it can be said that these ancient elves were ordinary elves, and not by the gods, according to many. But developing this idea further, becomes much harder ... These elves could not be such "saints", as many argue that if they were terrible representatives of a kind? What if they killed each other, unleashed battles, war, sacrificed with their relatives and much more. If so, then the activity of a terrible wolf is not so bad, and the intentions too. If such "gods" were and were terrible, then someone should fight with them. From here you can find and explanations what is happening in the Inquisition, because the "closure" of the gods is a lot of strength. So, on this account, Tumblr (Knight-Enchanter) writes this:

Unfortunately, his plan [Make it all better, "locked the" gods] gave fire. Abela tells us that at all Tevinter destroyed the culture of the ancient elves - the ancient elves destroyed it themselves. Without his creators, they began the war among themselves and destroyed themselves. And after many centuries, Fan'hal woke up. He understood with horror that he had done what his actions had led - elves are now slaves in Tevinet, live in Elfinage, persecuted and killed by people, or hiding in the forests as the shadow of their own greatness, granting the past, which was actually Almost another. He wanted to free them, but in the end they lost everything. Their history, power, culture, immortality and wisdom have rushed into oblivion. This is not what he wanted. He sincerely regrets what he did, and even talks about it: "This is a mistake of a young elf."

He tried to fix everything by sharing his knowledge with the modern elves of the Doli, but as he himself says, they turned away from him, called him a crazy, deceiver, fool. And he understands that modern elves are not his people, his people are an ancient elves. That is why Solas is all the time depressed and lonely and this pain feels Cole, when she touches to Solas. The pain he can not heal, as Solas himself says.

The terrible wolf wants to correct its mistake. He is trying to use the sphere in order to open Eluvian and return the elven gods, but he was too weak when he woke up. In desperation, he gave the sphere to the cornea, because he could have been able to take advantage of it.

And you know, this version confirms a lot. For example, Solax's conversation with the Inquisitor, in which answering what you want to make the world is better using a sorrow source, he answers you that suddenly you wake up, and everything became much worse? From here, it can be understood that Solas speaks about his mistake when he decided to "close" the elven gods with his good intentions. Solax's unrest is clear and understandable, because he made a global mistake.

There is another interesting conversation: if you take a Solax with you to the Temple of the Mutan, then he will begin to argue along with Morrigan on the true goals of a terrible Wolf:

- And why is it here?

- Is something wrong?

- This is an image of a terrible wolf, Fen'harla. In the elven legends, he deceived their gods, locked them in the abyss on forever. To put on Fen'harla, in the temple there was a bogworm so much how to draw a naked Andrasthe in the church.

- Some churches set the statue of the traitor Andrast Meferat as part of the story.

- This can perform the same role. Reminder of the villain of believers.

- despite all your "markings", Lady Morrigan, you still equate legends and history. After all, one cannot replace another.

- I pray, say, our elven "expert" How to understand what it means?

- certainly not just looking at.

- When you argue, it seems that you are kissing now.

In addition, it is very interesting when Cole talks with Solas. As everyone knows, Cole can read other people's thoughts. He does it in order to help. Cole constantly builds his attention around Solax. Here is one of the dialogs that occurs in case you have a relationship with Solas, while you take into the COUL team:

- Ar Lasa Mala Revas. You are free. You're beautiful. But then you turned away. Why?

- I had no choice.

- She is in Nevisage, she is surprised, and she does not know. She thinks she is to blame.

- You can't heal it, Cole. Please forget.

- Perhaps Cole will be able to get the best answer than me.

- It hurts him, pain from the past, when everything was also. You are real, and everything can be real. This changes everything, but can not.

"They sleep, hidden in the mirrors, hidden, sick, and to awaken them .... (Sigh!) Where did the thought disappear?

- Sorry, Cole. This is not the pain that you can heal.

Cole here claims the pain that remained from the distant past. Of course, it goes on the porridge of words, but the determined meaning is made from which it is clear that we are talking about the elven gods: "They sleep, hidden in the mirrors, hide, sore, and to awaken them ... (sigh)!". If you believe in the version of the rebels of God, and that the rest of the gods are "locked" in the shade, then the connection becomes clear. Solax is completely looped on his actions and cannot continue further relationships with you ... But it is not even the only example of where he says something interesting. Here are the Cool dialogues that concern Solax:

To be attentive to 50 second attentive, then you will understand that someone is named "pride" either "pride" and the essence is that he has a great pain. If you get involved in the elven speech, then SOLAS - in translating to the elf means "pride". If you remember the task of the "Pride Fruits", where you are in the elven temple. Knowing the translation of the name of Solax, then look at everything in a friend and no matter how fun, but our Cole is constantly, every minute. Treplet about the ending of the game.

In any case, there is another very interesting conversation, about which they say very strongly. This dialogue can be heard at the very end of the game, it tells you as usual Cole and he claims to Solas:

"Sorry, Cole, but with your gift, I'm afraid you can see my way, and I have to leave for forever." This is my fate. And in fact, I would not wish her enemy, and even moreover, about whom I cared. I know you complaint. And I insist that you forget ... I ... uh. What we were talking about? I am ready to help people like you.

So, based on this conversation, it becomes clear that he claims to Solass and someone says through it. Yes, and more, this is what Solas says! But unfortunately, this dialogue has nothing to say about Soolas's plan.


It is worth remembering that these are all the theories, therefore, depending on how you read it all, a variety may occur. Many may not agree that Solas is a terrible wolf, but it becomes much more interesting when the remaining players spend their investigations. So you can hear the translation of the Solax conversation in the shade:

If you took Solax with you, then the demon will speak to the language of elves. One of the more accurate translations you can hear in the video. It is worth only to say that when the fans cannot fall into a single point of view, the ending is naturally perceived for each differently.

Still theories ...

Here is another interesting theory that one of the Redeita people wrote. Let's call it "the theory of old gods." This theory conducts an interesting line between the old gods and dragons, which once struck the division of darkness during Mora, thereby turning them into archdotes - and those the most elven gods. So, based on this theory, there are seven old gods, but there are nine elven, but two of these nine are a terrible wolf and a malt, which by the way were not "closed" into the shadows. If we are compatible with the legend of the old gods, which were once locked under the Earth by the creator and legend about the terrible Wolf, which, as everyone knows the location of the elven gods, then you can come to one very interesting story! And immediately arises a new question, can these stories be the same?

The old gods only appeared and Tevinter began to flourish after the disappearance of the elven gods, and the collapse of the elves civilization. Oddly enough, but many the sacraments of the old Gods of Tevinter are very similar to the magic of the elven gods. What points to the fact that the old gods are a kind of elven gods without taking into account Mutan and Hairdreel ... old gods is the heirs of seven disappeared gods from the Elven Pantheon. They are what remains of the gods, after they were "locked" or "killed."

Now let's take a fever (she talked) together with the venture in the dragon (a kind of shell), take Morrigan, who drank the source of the sorrow and turned into a dragon capable of fighting with the cornea, take a fever (it is a taller), which has an interest in son Morrigan, who is most likely to be the old God, that he lived in the archdiction, which he won the hero of Ferlanden, then the idea arises that the elven gods are somehow connected with this (he has loaded tautology very much).

Other sources of information

Some argue that Bos is closely connected with the elven gods. Everyone knows that this mor is striking all the old gods, but what if it is also associated with the elven gods? Some argue that the Golden City is Arlatan and as a separate place he never existed. And that if Mor is not a kara for sins, as the church says, but only the defense against that no one can get and free the elven gods.

But again, it is just an assumption. In the same source, REDIT also write something interesting:

Fleet says that the process of transition of the spirit Mal must be voluntary. If we admit that these archigitware, in fact, the particles of the ancient elven gods, it turns out that they can move into the soul of any of the darkness of the darkness (after all, those serve their Mr.) and accordingly to fully recover, just as Korifea did. It turns out, the guard that kills the architeon is the closest vessel for the Spirit, because the guard drank the blood of the division of darkness. But at the same time, the guard does not want to let the Spirit, as a result of which the guard dies, the end of Mora is the end of Mora, and maybe the spirit of God is also dying.

Yes, perhaps this is complete nonsense, but you only pay attention to how Solas refers to gray guards. He simply hates them. From the very beginning it looks sufficiently stupid, but if you again dig deeper, then the following theory arises: the goal of gray guards - to stop the sea and kill the architeon, if we assume that these dragons are affected by the sea have a part of the elven gods, then it turns out that Gray Guards are spread with the elven gods without understanding. Hence it becomes clear why Solas is nervous. He "closed" in the abyss of the elven gods, who come out in the form of Mora, and gray guards kill them, so it becomes clear why Solas does not want you to rejuvenate the Order of Gray Guardians.

After the collection of information given, the theories begins just a mess. Some say that a fever is a kind of Andrasta, and a terrible wolf, he is Solas - the creator. Others argue that Andrasthe is the brainchild of the ancient God named (the ritual of which Morrigan once spent with the hero of Ferlden), based on this, she could "hear" the creator himself. Yes, all these theories are very fragile, so it remains only to wait for what they say. The story was unequivocally turned out to be incredibly interesting, so I would like to seek to learn whether at least one of the theory or everything could be much "deeper" ...

Some may argue that the information provided and the built theories of only nonsense, but they did not arise just so, in each version there is a "push". Let in the end and no one received a global battle, but everyone could feel the whole global history of the world. The epilogue of the game is unrealistic cool, for this you can forgive literally everything. You can scold a game for holes in the plot and reread the code in the game, but still the last word remains for the studio and we can all remain just just waiting to build guesses and theory.

Greeting the inhabitants of the Dragon Age Fandom. Smoking on the Internet I found an interesting theory about sulfur on the BioWare Forum. I decided to translate her fragments for those who have not read it yet. Translation is possible clouded, but I hope that folding. I warn you immediately - there will be spoilers. If someone has not yet passed DA: I, then pass by, then not to whine.

The author AutumnWitch made the assumption that sulfur is an elphyk goddess of hunting, Andruil:

One fact about Serya and Solas surprised me very much - their resemblance. Considering that how significant Solax was in the plot Da: I, then I think that we do not know something about sulfur. I think she is not the one for whom it gives out.

But let's see at first that between them is common:

First, they look very different from most elves, which we know in Tedas.

Both evade answers when the conversation comes to their past or where they came from.

Both express contempt for the values \u200b\u200band modern elves in general.

Both argue that no one taught them to combat skills (sulfur - archery / Solas - magic). It is also important that they are reluctant to talk on this topic.

They both are quite mysterious.

In the game, I think there are hints that Solas knows about the sulfur more than it seems. First, in one of the dialogues, Solas asks Sulf, whether she knows something about magic. Why does he ask such a question? Especially when we know who he really is. Is it really a secret magician? So it refers to magic with caution? Keep in mind that the Iron Bull team has an elf-magazine that uses his weapon like onions and staff. I think it hints more on someone who is actually sulfur.

In addition, when Solas is trying to speak with her on the elven language, he turned to her as someone from his people. It is of great importance if you play an elf-inquisitor, because In this case, Solas assures that the Inquisitor is not part of his people, albeit elf. See the harness? Why did he then appealed to the sole as equal to himself, and not to the Savior of the world?

Sulfur speaks very often about the "people" and most suggested that it has in view of ordinary people. But remember as a fever (mal) called the Dolites in DA2? "People". I do not think it's just a coincidence.

Now, on the basis of all this, it is possible to assume that sulfur is actually hiding Andruil?

Quote below describes Andruil:

"Andruil - the elven goddess of hunting, the creator of Vir Tadadal - the path of three trees:

Vir Assan, or the arrow path: Be quiet, agile; Do not hesitate, shoot; Mining do not cause torment.

Vir Bor "Assan, or Luke's path: how a young tree bends, incur and you. In humility, find elastic resistance, in submission - strength.

Vir Adalen, or Forest Path: Take the Gifts of Hunting, with respect to the sacrifice of my children. Know that your death is in his turn gives them intake. "

Andril is a master of archery. The sulfur is also masterfully shooting from Luka and at the same time claims that no one taught her.

Andruil was one of the goddesses of the first elves and therefore Solas can attribute it to his "people".

Andruil, being an elven goddess, would have some magic. Sere, according to her statements, the magic does not own, but the hints of Solas reacts violently, as well as Magia itself. Is it too violently?

We also know (thanks to Solas in DA: I) that Andruil has already manifested disrespect for his people, hunting them for sports interest.

Let's assume a minute that sulfur is really Andruil. We all know that the elven gods were not "almighty" in contrast to the creator. In fact, after DA: I, it can be assumed that they were just very powerful magicians or demigods, which were accepted for the gods.

We also know that the ancient elves fell not because of the people, and their inner strain hints that their gods did not answer them because of a terrible wolf, which was sharpened by the gods.

We know that at least a malital was alive and Czenel for many years before the events of Da: I. We also know that the terrible Wolf (Hair Harel / Solas) recently awakened in a weakened state.

Is it possible that Andruil was also awakened? Is it possible that when she was awakened and saw around chaos and destruction caused by the tedas because of the magic and the disappearance of the elven gods, it covered the feeling of guilt and shame, which made him take another person? Maybe she found out the truth about the inner straits, because of which the ancient elves fell, and decided to abandon everything that was in her previous life?

If this is true and she knew that Conclave was destroyed by Elf Magia, then joined the inquisition with hidden motifs? Maybe she thinks that the elven magic threatens peace again, and wants to prevent this? Could she accept the appearance of sulfur to hide their true person?

The author of this idea was supported by two users (Banxey and ISPAN), offering their own option in which sulfur is a vessel for the spirit of Andruil:

First, I'm not sure that sulfur is a deity like Solas. Since sulfur does not remember his parents, he can assume that she is a vessel for Andruil, like a mutal tube. Despite this, I don't think sulfur understands what is happening. It seems that she is hiding from his memories, it is afraid that her dreams will become real (something similar happens at the novel with her), and is hostile to the elven "gods". From time to time, it seems to want the Inquisitor to reassure it by the fact that the elven "gods" is not real (her reaction after returning from the temple of the Mal).

Here is the text from the Code, which seemed important to me:

"But even for the elven goddess is dismissed emptiness - and therefore, after returning Andruil, everything could not get out of madness longer and longer." and "But Maltal his magic pulled the strength of Andruil and drank her knowledge about how to find a void. After that, the Great Hunt could no longer return to the abyss, and the world came again."

This text can explain why sulfur does not know who she (who was), from where she comes from, as well as her obvious memory loss. She remembers that she was a foster child, but he says that he does not remember his parents and does not want to remember where he was born.

When you get together with sulfur in the shadow and find a cemetery, "non-existence" is written on sulfur. It is stranger, if not to assume that "non-existence" may turn out to be another way to describe "emptiness".

"Once Andrille is tired of hunting for mortal creatures. She took up for the forgotten - wicked creatures inhabiting in the hell."and "Then the Mutalian dissolved rumors about the monster, and he herself took the appearance of a huge snake and attached at the foot of the mountain, expecting Anduril."

I think that the dragons may be forgotten or they can take their appearance as a bubble. The proof is weak, but there is more ancient elven text, it is assumed, about the ancient gods and their chosen (this text I broke into the game, because I did not immerse the Inquisitor in the well of the sorrow. Therefore, without a Russian screenshot).

"His crime is treason. He accepted the appearance, intended only for the gods and their chosen, and dreamed of flying in the sacred form. The sinner belongs to the dirtama; He claims that he took the wings at the insistence of Hilannine, and asks for the defense of a malital. She was not to It is favorable and allowed Elgarhahan to judge him "

If this is true, it explains why Serya likes to hunt dragons. This is an entry in the Code of Sulfur.

You can take a look at a story with a taller who lured Andruil to the west and stole her strength and knowledge. In her personal task, sulfur falls in the west prepared by the nobleman. With a certain choice, sulfur moves from the coils and collaps his anger on him, killing it. Sulfur was too cruel (considering that she herself did not tolerate cruelty), but perhaps it was an echo anger of Andruil, as well as a fever, which still craves ignition for his own betrayal and betrayal of the Malt in the past. Perhaps sulfur resists Andruil's spirit and gets strange feelings / messages / abilities herself without knowing.

It is also worth looking at the involvement of the sulfur to friends of Red Jenny, the path of three trees Andruil ("Be quiet, agile; incur, but do not break; together we are stronger") and the story about Hilannine and Andruil.

The path of three trees can also be a motto for friends of Red Jenny, and Histornine's story shows a great deal, as the friends of Red Jenny actually actually actually.

Hilannine (friend) calls to Andruil (Red Jenny) for help. The one sends the hares (people of the lower layers), which are overcoiled by the way, freeing it (people of the lower layers act together to help friends of red Jenny as a whole) and make justice over the guilty (friends pursue the nobles, rob them, crumble their plans, and even Kill, if they deserve it). If sulfur felt the echo from the spirit of Andruil inside her, he may considered it right to act in a similar way. Therefore, by joining the friends of Red Jenny, she followed a slightly changed path of three trees.

Now, let's look at the map of Taro Serma and Wallaslin Andruil. Usually it remains to be guessing, to which "God" belongs to Wallaslin, but everything is obvious from Andruil - onions and arrows. If you turn over Wallaslin, then you can notice a lot of coincidences with the second tarot sulfur map. The position of the bow corresponds to the position of the bow on the mosaic of Andruil.

I will add from myself: the author also mentioned that the stars on the Tarot map also play their role and are associated with the ancient elven text.

from the temple, Mutals (again, I do not have the Russian version of the screen, but I will not turn to translate)

So far, two theories are walking on the BioWare forums: either sulfur goddess Andruil (like Solas / Hairdryer "Harel), or she is a vessel for her spirit (like a bubber / malital). For someone it may seem to be attracted by the ears of nonsense, but for Someone - food for reflection. You decide.

The elven goddess Andruil once Andruil was tired of hunting mortals and creatures. £ she took up for the forgotten - wicked creatures living in the abyss. But even for the elven goddess of the emptiness is dismissed - and therefore, after returning Andruil, it all longer and longer could not get out of madness. Andruil put on the armor made from emptiness, and all forgotten how she looks like. She made weapons from darkness, and the plague devastated all her lands. She screamed about what was supposed to be forgotten, and other gods were afraid that Andruil would begin to hunt them. Then the Mutalian dissolved rumors about the monster, and herself took the look of a huge snake and attached at the foot of the mountain, expecting Andruil. When Andruil came, the Mutan rushed to the hunting man. They fought for three days and three nights. Deep cuts left Andruil on the serpentine body, but Mital his magic pulled the power of Andruil and drank her knowledge about how to find a void. After that, the great hunter could no longer return to the abyss, and the world came again.
"HIS CRIME IS HIGH TREASON. HE TOOK ON FORM RESERVED FOR THE GODS AND THE THE SHAPE OF THE DILRTHAMEN; HE Claims He Took Wings At the Urging Of Ghilan" Nain And Begs Protection from Mythal. She Does Not Show Him Favor, And Will Let Elgar "Nan Judge Him." For a Moment There Is An Image of a Shifting, Shadowy Mass with Blazing Eyes, Whose Form May Be One or Many. Then It Fades.
- Supplement: I don't know about the hobby of sire, I do not know what fascinates sir in dragons, but from her excited confessions it is obvious that fighting with them lead it to such ecstasy, which she herself did not expect from themselves. At least, it seems to me. (Under the "confessions" are meant as a maximum of statements like "it was hurt!". The Sir's self-examination is not inclined. Nevertheless, she showed interest in future hikes on the dragons.) (Careless drawing: Sir with a dried tongue stands on the dragon, depicting his fingers Horn.) That's ass, I can't draw the saddle.
And Hilannine prayed to the gods, asking for help. She prayed to Elagarnan about revenge, a taller about defense, but she prayed to Andruil. Andruil sent to Hilannine his hares, and they were overgrown with her; However, Hilannine was injured and blind, and therefore could not find the road home. Then Andruil turned her into the beautiful white deer - the first Gaul. I found Hilannine my sisters and led them to the hunter, and betrayed the hunter to the court.
Sera "S Tarot Card Combined
"SHE SHOOK THE RADIANCE OF THE STARS OF THEN STODED THER IN A SHAFT OF GOLD. ANDRUIL, BLOOD AND FORCE, SAVE US FROM THE TIME THIS WEAPON IS THROWN. Your People Pray To You. Spare US The Moment We Become Your Sacrifice. " There is a brief Image of An Elaborate Golden Spear, Glowing with Unbearable Heat. Then It Fades.

Attention! Text contains serious spoilers! If you have not passed the Dragon Age: Inquisition, refrain from reading!

Also in the text contains spoilers of the Finals of Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age II. If you have not played these games and are going to refrain from reading!

Last warning about spoilers!

As I already wrote in the review, the Dragon Age: Inquisition finals did not reach my expectations. Of course, I had overestimated expectations: After Dragon Age: Origins, I was waiting for a difficult choice at the end, and after Dragon Age II I was waiting for all the main characters in the final battle (at least all satellites). The preceding battle with the Corobius solution "Who drinks from the well", revelations a fever only strengthened these expectations: the plot of all should evolve on increasing. Yes, and Solas suddenly refused a romantic relationship with my heroine ...

In fact, nothing happened in the final quest at all. They came, killed Corifius (also with ease due to the high level of heroes), returned to the castle, celebrated victory. Yes, split the sphere and left Solas, but the heroes do not understand the values \u200b\u200bof these events. After all, Solax scene and a fever happens after the titles and the other heroes do not participate in it - a good teaser of the next game, but not replacing the finals of the history of the Inquisitor.

I began to think, how to improve the story, but quickly understood that it is hardly possible. Corobius must be killed, because imprisoned already tried (did not help). Who will apply the final blow - no matter how the enemy will die - it does not matter. In other words, the dramatic choice does not work. The scene need for the death of someone from the heroes is also not. To transfer the revelation of Solax from the epilog to the final? I do not think that Solas would tell everyone about himself ... In short, to get another finale, you need to redo the whole story.

We should not forget about two important aspects of game design. First, in the following games it will be necessary to take into account all possible versions of the ending. If there are many options, they will not be able to hardly affect the plot. But if something happens to everyone (for example, a hahuk in Dragon Age II always survives), then this can be actively used.

Secondly, the game must be balanced in all possible options. For example, if we allow all satellites to participate in the battle with Corobius (or, let's say, we are drunk with Corobius, and the rest - with his dragon), then you need to consider the case when satellites 9 and when there are 3.s Consider such things as Coula Amulet, etc. And it is necessary that all these variations differ in difficulty: because satellites should contribute to victory.

So what made through the War Table missions and personal quests of satellites do not affect the final, quite explained. Here, either our choice does not affect anything, or the player will almost certainly receive the final, which will be too simple or too complicated. The second option is much worse and not surprising that the creators choose the first. And we must pay tribute to the scenarios, there are plot explanations for such a development of events: our army did not have time to return from the last fight, and other companions simply did not have time to rinse in the ruins of the temple before he rose into the air. We prepared for one battle, but everything happened otherwise. It happens, especially in the world of Dragon Age.

Perhaps my disappointment is explained by the fact that I got very dramatic endings in Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age II. In general, I have some kind of amazing talent to choose from all possible romantic relationships the most dramatic option.

In Dragon Age: Origins I played for the aristocrat, and I had a romantic relationship with Alistair. When Morrigan suggested a dark ritual, my heroine, of course, refused, especially since Riordan just expressed his readiness to kill the architeon. And then I had to choose who to apply the last blow to me or alistaer. The replica chosen by me meant alistar. And here it is honored as a heroine, and I know that my beloved died, and in my power it was prevented.

In Dragon Age II, I had a romantic relationship with Anders. Khauk has always been looking for peaceful solutions and tried to help everyone. He helped Anders. And here Anders unleashes the war and it turns out that I put to this hand. I killed him for this betrayal and then I thought for a long time why he did it with me, and could I change something.

Inquisition of the closest soul for my elves was Solas. For the success of the Inquisition and the protection of the world, my heroin had to be the one who she was not - the Messenger of the Human gods. Solax was for it one of the few connections with elves and an elven culture. And then Solas said that they could not be together, and not explaining why. He left, haling a heroine of another particle itself.

At the end, I want to remember the two points that I liked in the game most.

My favorite replica is the phrase Leliana "IT WAS REAL" from the quest in Hushed Whispers. A short phrase, but for these three words we understand how much the world will change if the corneus wins. After all, even if the creator of Leliana truly believes in the fishery does not remain anything, except for the desire to revenge, it is terribly even to imagine that it will become with ordinary people.

My favorite scene is the song "The Dawn Will Come". The song itself is very simple, but an amazing mixture of sadness and hope is imprisoned in this simplicity. She gives strength, she gives faith in a prosperous outcome, she says that you must about do. After this scene, after this song, my heroine realized: if she wants to save what is expensive to her, she will have to change himself and become the rest of them.

Already for the sake of these moments it was worth passing the game.