Where to exchange money for a trifle. How to change a trifle on paper money in Sberbank? Self-service payment terminals and cash registers

Paper bills are always present in the wallet of most people. However, despite the era of plastic cards and contactless payments, it is very often possible to pay or deal with cash. And in such cases you want do not want, but come across the need to exchange money on a trifle, which often turns out to be a big problem. Today there are many ways to change - from the most traditional, like buying something in the store, to more complex, express in the campaign in financial and commercial institutions. Let's analyze in detail where to exchange money on a trifle?

Exchange in banking institutions

Changing paper money on a trifle in a bank does not represent any difficulties. However, before visiting the bank, you need to be confident in the authenticity of bills that are subject to exchange.

Until recently, this service was provided on completely free conditions, and now every commercial bank has the right to signify its percentage for providing this option. For example, the most popular PJSC Sberbank in Russia takes 1-2% of the amount of the change. However, this option is suitable only if you need to cancel a large number of five thousandth bills for rather small money, otherwise the passage of this procedure is meaningless.

Rules for sharing bills for a trifle in a bank

If it still the need for the exchange of bills on a trifle arose, you will have to comply with some requirements.

First, turning to any branch of the bank, it is necessary to have a document confirming the person (passport, driver's license).

Secondly, a document is drawn up (application), in which all information about the physical face is prescribed in detail, as well as the nominal number of the bills that must be translated.

Further, the cashier checks the authenticity of the bills and gives the exchange in the exchangeable currency you specified. It can be paper money with a denomination of less than a cashier or minor coins. After the cashier makes a mark on the application for the execution of the operation and gives small money to the Bank's visitor.

At the same time, it is necessary to remember about the commission, which each bank establishes at its discretion. Therefore, before this operation should be clarified by the administrator relative to this part, since the percentage value may vary not only from the bank to the bank, but even be different in one institution, in its various branches.

Why in the bank can refuse to change the major bills

The way of changing money in the bank is the least common service of all possible. It is obvious that banking institutions, like no other, deal with cash bills and should freely carry out any operations, but in practice, there is no such option in the overall list of services provided in each bank. So, visiting the next bank for exchange, it is worth keeping in mind that you may refuse, regardless of the status of a financial and money institution, and the Bank's position will have to accept.

Where to exchange bills on a trifle, as not in an ATM

One of the lightest and at the same time unnecessary ways to change is an ATM. The exchange is convenient because the transactions can be spent 24 hours a day, and for this you need to have only the corresponding bank card. The process is completely simple - replenish the bill card, and then remove the amount with small bills. But at the same time, there is a complexity of refuses, since the ATM does not always have small money and the removal and replenishment options.

However, this option is one of the fastest, and if it is not even possible to exchange on a trifle, then at least you can change to a smaller denomination, which will further facilitate the process of changing the process.

Where to exchange bills for a trifle in public transport

Each of us has experience in using public transport. For everyone is its own story. Someone enjoys them every day, and someone even forgot the number of the bus or tram, which is heading towards his house. However, most of us turned out to be in an awkward situation when driving in a tram or trolleybus, if in the morning I stretched the conductor with a secret desire to exchange it into smaller bills and coins.

In some cases, the destination can be drilled free of charge, and therefore, stay with the same large checkout. And the picture is radically opposite if you turn to the conductor with a similar request at the end of the work shift. After all, every conductor puts the accumulated cash money, reports and recounts them, and will be happy to exchange a trifle accumulated for the day with the large banks offered by you. This method of reproduction has a flaw. In the case of the change in the large proposed coin bills, the time for mutual settlement can delay, despite the time that the time of arrival of transport in the depot at the end of the shift is strictly regulated.

Metro tokens as an alternative

This method is good in cities with underground transport, since, collecting a large stream of passengers, cashiers always have a salary. With the next operation for buying a token, you can always exchange the existing large amount of coins. The advantage are automata, which also have the function of issuing the delivery, which cannot but rejoice.

Use a vending device

Under the Soviet power, the question of where to exchange bills on a trifle was not acute for society, as special techniques had a great popularity, in which currencies could be changed. Such automata stood everywhere. Nowadays, these devices are not present in our lives, but certain analogues are very rarely found - vending devices. These devices are distinguished by the largest commission - up to 5%, but it can not only exchange your bill on a trifle, but on the contrary, accumulate all your accumulated coins and give a new banknote.

Often, such devices are installed in a complex with a light snack by analogy with a vending machine, and if you pay attention to such devices, you can see that there are models not only with your favorite coffee and chocolate, but also those that can give a barrier coin. Here you can also simply exchange bills, if in a hurry to lower the banknote into the device, but not to make an order. And the question of where you can change the money for a trifle is closed.

Other ways of changing bills

The most obvious way to whom most people are guided is to go to the nearest store (Lark, Kiosk, Pavilion) and buy some small goods such as Zhwwing or ice cream there. Often, sellers with reluctance part with the exchange coin accumulated per day, and the situation is especially complex in the early morning or in the first half of the day when coins are clearly not enough. As practice and logic shows, it is better to produce the operation of the break, when the coins in stores accumulate enough, the number of visitors to the evening is minimized and in a short time it is necessary to rent a cashier.

As a result, the question about where to exchange bills on a trifle, should no longer cause difficulties.

It should be noted that a few months ago, by order of the Central Bank of Russia, 2 new bills with a denomination of 200 and 2,000 rubles were introduced into circulation of the Russian economy. This action is necessary to facilitate payment transactions and reduce the load from the largest bill with a par value of 5,000 rubles.

In any case, each person must consciously approach where to change the paper money on a trifle, weighing everything in and against, because it is not only not to achieve the goal, but also to get into an awkward position.

In case you have accumulated a lot of little things (for example, if you broke a big piggy bank and you are going to buy something), you can exchange it on paper bills in Sberbank of Russia. However, it will be somewhat more complicated than other actions prescribed in the list.

The fact is that the exchange of small things in Sberbank itself is not produced. This is not a service, and you may simply refuse to exchange. At the same time, if we are talking about damaged metal or paper money, you have the full right to exchange them at the checkout.

However, if you still need to exchange, you can do one of the following ways:

1) Personally ask Sberbank's cashier to exchange a trifle on paper bills. If we are not talking about too much amount, you can gladly help: as a rule, cashiers need little things for surrender. Often, the reverse exchange is made, getting a trifle for paper bills (usually, if these are representatives of the store, cafe or other institution,). It should be borne in mind that in this case, the cashier takes responsibility for the exchange of trivia in Sberbank, and if there is no shortage in the little things, or the employee has no time to service, you can get a failure.

2) If, personally, asking the cashier, you received a refusal, you can proceed simply: open a deposit account (simple savings book) and put all your trifle on it. In this case, it is simply obliged to accept. Money back, already in paper bills, you can get back on the same day or literally a minute after they put them on the bill. True, in this case you have the right to issue funds in the same little things. In order not to have happened, you can use a plastic card with a deposit account. Putting money on it at the box office and waiting for crediting to your account, you can remove them in the nearest ATM. In this case, you will receive only paper bills.

3) If your little thing is damaged, you can fully exchange it at the checkout. Damaged money Sberbank is obliged to exchange. In this case, unfortunately, you can also give exactly the same little thing, but most often cashiers prefer to give to larger bills.

Today, Sberbank expands the range of services and opportunities for its customers. So, in Moscow, terminals have already appeared for the exchange of trivia on paper bills. They allow you to make an exchange quickly and without any problems. The terminal himself considers and classifies coins and issuing the necessary amount. Unfortunately, it will have to pay for it - the bank takes 3% of the exchange amount.

You can exchange trivia in Sberbank at any time and in different ways. The main thing is to remember that the exchange itself is not obliged to do this in itself, and write a complaint against the cashier who refused you in this service, you do not have the right. However, in many branches, in view of the small number of those who wish to make an exchange, go to a meeting not only to regular customers from shops and kiosks, but also to ordinary people.

Suppose a trifle in Sberbank - a great way to get rid of small money. Today, this is the only option for those who have a large number of coins and want to exchange them. Make it as simple as possible, and the whole process will take a minimum of time.

Why do you want to get rid of little things for 10 kopecks, 50 kopecks and the other?

  • Such coins accumulate in large quantities and do not carry practical value.
  • We are very difficult to wear them so that at least a small part to give during shopping.
  • They occupy a place in the house or in the wallet.
  • If you immediately do not give minor coins in other stores, then more and more accumulates.

Therefore, it is better to find a large number of coins worthy use. Does Sberbank and which nuances have this exchange operation? It should be understood in all subtleties and rules.

Get rid of little things simple enough, it can be exchanged in a bank. This operation passes quickly, you will receive bills and can fully pay them in the store.

According to the decision of the Central Bank, the Sberbank is imposed on the reception of the little things in people and conducting its exchange. Bank employees cannot refuse to you in this operation, in any case you can go through the procedure.

Now you know whether it is a trifle to pass in Sberbank. But how to do that? The process is quite simple and carried out in several stages:

  1. In order to carry out this operation in 2019, you will need to provide a passport to employees.
  2. To write an application.
  3. An employee recalculates coins for exchange, will be convinced of their integrity and authenticity. After determining the amount, the agreement is, you get bills.

When making an application, you will need to specify the following information in it:

  • FULL NAME, which operates.
  • Number.
  • The nominal coins you want to change.
  • If the money is exchanged to a legal entity, it is indicated by the name of the organization.

Some features

If you want to pass coins in Sberbank, you need to know some subtleties:

It is recommended even before contacting the bank to clarify the employees where the operation can be carried out as quickly as possible. In many compartments, special machines are installed to count money. They significantly accelerate the process and allow you to save time.

If there is no equipment, then with a large amount of little things, employees can assign time for visiting. In the watches you specified, the Cass load is minimal, it is possible to avoid queues during the recalculation.

Pass a trifle to the store

Where can I pass a trifle? It is possible to give it to employees of various stores. They are ready to take only coins with a par with one ruble and higher. This fact should be taken into account when exchanging.

The procedure is quite simple:

  1. You need to approach the seller or cashier, clarify whether they need a trifle. Many shops have an acute need for coins and will gladly take them.
  2. It is better to sort it in advance in sachets to facilitate counting.
  3. Transfer a trifle to the seller to determine the amount.
  4. After you will be able to exchange it on paper money.

The little thing is a full-fledged payment facility, must be accepted on the territory of the Russian Federation. Therefore, coins from the piggy bank can be used to pay for various services and goods.

Where to give them? It is better to carry out operations in a bank, it usually has equipment for counting coins. Options for possible use Multiple:

  • Payment for services at the checkout.
  • You can put money on your personal account, and after removing them.
  • You can buy a currency for your coins.
  • Payment of utility services.
  • Many other operations.

The bank cannot refuse to receive coins as a means of means. Naturally, it is better to sort them so that the procedure for further counting has occupied the minimum amount of time.


You can not only make the exchange of money in Sberbank, but also use a trifle to pay for services and enter into account. It can be enrolled on your card, and then pay in stores or remove cash in an ATM. This solution has several advantages:

  1. Refuse to receive money, the employee has no right.
  2. You do not have to pay interest for exchange.
  3. This is a tricky way to get rid of little things.

The procedure for calculating a large number of coins will take some time. This fact should be taken into account, it is better to come to the clock of minimum workload, so as not to create queues at the box office. These are all ways to get rid of little things.

In our pockets and wallets, sometimes quite a large number of little things are going, from which you want to get rid of. But it is not always easy to do because of bounces in retail outlets. Is it possible to exchange coins on bills in Sberbank and how easy it is to implement?

Features of the exchange procedure

To exchange coins on paper money, you can contact the banking department. Since the exchange of coins on bills in Sberbank is not obligatory, the Bank's employee has the right to refuse.

If the failure does not suit, you can write a complaint to the representative of the bank. However, the employee may not punish, and the complaint will not be considered due to the lack of violations of the regulations.
Methods of getting rid of little things:

  • repayment of a certain part of the mandatory credit payment;
  • making on a valid card or account;
  • opening an instant free card and crediting money on her account.

Coin exchange procedure in Sberbank

Coin exchange on banknotes in Sberbank is described in detail in the bank employee instructions and is available for familiarization on the site. Available in the presence of a trifle must be sorted by separate rates and calculate the final amount of each nominal. When visiting the bank, you must have a passport. It will be needed to fill out your own data in a statement. They may be required to bring to the responsibility of those customers who are trying to change fake coins on real monetary bills.

The procedure for sharing little things in Sberbank:
  • submit an arbitrary application application with personal data, the size of coins and final sums;
  • recalculation by the representative of the Bank of the amount of money at the rates and total amounts;
  • positioning the mark on the application in the form of signatures and printing on the adoption of the indicated money;
  • issuance of cash bills in the appropriate amount.
The process of recalculation of coins can be carried out both by manually and using the appropriate apparatus, which can as accurately determine the nominal coins. In departments equipped with such a device, the probability of refusal is minimal.

For the exchange of coins on bills in Sberbank, it will be necessary to pay the commission. Its size is established by the banking department and is within 1-3% of the amount. Payment of the Commission can be made separately or as a result of issuing a smaller amount of bills.

When exchanging, it must be borne in mind that this procedure provides for certain restrictions. If you have little things up to 100 rubles, the exchange is not carried out, it is easier to contact any trading point. As a rule, store employees without problems change the trifle on paper bills. It is possible to get a refusal. It is possible that in large supermarkets, where according to the regulations, it is forbidden to carry out similar procedures.

Terminal Terms

At the moment you can already meet terminals that allow you to exchange coins on bills in Sberbank. You can only use them in the capital, in other regions of the country, such devices have not yet begun to be used.
Principle of operation of terminals for the exchange of coins on the bills:
  • pre-put minor money in the receiving compartment;
  • wait until the device performs recognition and convert coins;
  • familiarize yourself with the information on the results of the counting, with the commission (3%) and the ultimate sum;
  • get paper money on hand.
This equipment is as easy as possible and allows you to reduce the time for this type of operation not only by Sberbank employees, but also to customers. Thanks to the use of remote banking devices, it is possible to reduce the likelihood of claims and complaints in the Sberbank offices.

Each Sberbank worker is obliged to exchange coins and paper bills to its customers within the framework of provision No. 318-P Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Therefore, Sberbank provides such services, which will be described in detail just below.

How can I pass coins in Sberbank

  1. It is necessary to make an employee of the Bank to present a document that certifies the personality (passport).
  2. In arbitrary form, a statement is written indicating the nominal monetary signs that are provided for the exchange, and the denomination of paper money. The surname is also indicated with the initials of an individual who received the application, the name of the organization (if necessary), the amount of numbers and inapplication. At the end, the client signs the document. Some bank branches have a ready-made application template that the client can receive on demand.
  3. For a short time, the bank's cashier recalculates the client's money to make sure that reliability and solvency. After signing the application, the client receives the specified amount of paper bills.

All coins can be handed over to Sberbank

Depending on the Sberbank branch, the Service Commission may differ and varies from 1 to 3%. At the same time, the Commission will definitely be at least 100 rubles.

In the application form, the client necessarily indicates the number of coins and their nominal value (mandatory, if the coins of various denominations). Coins to be exchanged for bills must be sorted in advance by the client in different tanks or towers depending on the nominal. For convenience, it is possible to put a piece of paper in each container with an inscription. Then the exchange process in the bank will accelerate. The presence of a client passport is necessary in case the bank worker detects fake coins to immediately determine the identity.

Recommended similar exchange operations in advance with representatives of Sberbank, as in some compartments of the coin recalculates a special machine. In this case, the client is serviced at any time convenient for it.

If in your region there is no separation with such a device or getting far away, then you are waiting for manual congestion of coins. Therefore, in this case, it is worth awarded in advance with the bank about the arrival time for exchanging, as it will take more time. Time will be scheduled when the cash registers are less downloaded.

In case the client appeals to any of the departments of the bank for coin exchange for billsBut he is denied the service, he may require the call of the branch of the department. The client may refer to its rights and relevant regulations of the Russian Federation. In the event of a complete refusal, the client may contact the internal affairs bodies to protect their rights and interests.

Coin exchange with a denomination of 10 and 50 kopecks

Coins with a nominal value of 10 and 50 kopecks are a valid payment facility in the territory of all Russia. Therefore, they are required to take all the structures, including banks and outlets. In order to avoid unpleasant situations when exchanging money and entering commission, you can transfer a trifle to a savings book. On the next or any other day you can come and get the money put on a deposit that the Bank's employee will issue with paper bills.

In Sberbank, you can also buy currency, lottery and exercise many other important payment transactions.