Geographic map. Learn to read the map. Russia on the map which maps around the world

The lesson of the surrounding world in grade 3

on the topic "Geographical Map"

The purpose of the lesson: Creating conditions for the formation of meta-delta skills by means of the lesson of the "surrounding world".

Tasks lesson:

  1. To form the first ideas of students about maps, their diversity and appointment (Card Hemispheres, Physical Map of Russia, Contour Map, etc.)
  2. Formation of the initial skills of working with the card.
  3. Development of communicative and cognitive universal training actions.
  4. Development of independence of thinking, cognitive interest in the world around.

Planned results

  • Subject: Be able to explain the meaning of the term "geographical map", characterize the globe and map, their conditional notation.
  • MetaPered:
  • Communicative: Business partnership skills; cooperation in the joint solving problem; The ability to find and correct errors in the work of a neighbor and with a collective discussion.
  • Regulatory:

Reflective skills: comprehend the practical task, to solve which there is not enough knowledge.

Estimated skills: compare the results obtained with the task; Evaluate their activities in the lesson, determine the success and difficulties.

  • Cognitive:

Overlooking actions: The ability to build a speech statement verbally on issues to extract the necessary information from the text.

Logic Actions: The ability to build a logical chain of reasoning.

  • Personal: independently formulate the objectives of the lesson after prior discussion; Formation of positive self-esteem.

Type of lesson : Mastering lesson with new knowledge, skills

Form of conducting lesson: collective, work in pairs

Teaching methods : verbal, visual, practical

Equipment and visual manuals: Textbooks, Krestomatia, Notebooks for independent work, School Globes for the pair (group) work, demonstration globe, Western and Eastern Hemispheres, Physical Map of Russia, ICT, Multi-Level Cards.

During the classes

  1. Organizing time

Close your eyes, lower your head and listen in words: "If we close your eyes, I will not see anything. Nothing before was not, except for darkness. And it was as long as the blue sparkling ball appeared. This is the Earth. Life begins: the world is dazzlingly overflowing, and it is important that it continues forever. "

Here with such a mood we will begin our surrounding lesson.

  1. Actualization of knowledge

At the lesson you are waiting for discovery. What will they be: big or small, each of you will have their own. And I also want to give you advice: "Before answering, think well!"

Before we define the subject of the lesson, let's remember some material that has previously studied and which will come in handy today at the lesson.

Work on cards (multi-level tasks) followed by checkingAttachment 1

  1. Creating a problem situation. Message Topics and Objectives

In previous lessons with the help of the globe, you learned a lot of new things about our land. First of all: what form is our land; What objects of nature are on the surface of the Earth, about the location on the ground of the oceans, continents, mountains and other objects.

Find and show on the globe of several mainland, oceans, mountains, plains on the globe.

What do you think the inconvenience of the use of the land model?

(Globes are pretty cumbersome, they are not entirely convenient to use, and even more so carry with you. In addition, the globe is a strongly reduced model of the Earth, it shows only the largest, saumas important objects. And in life, people need a more detailed description of some kind specific terrain.)

Let's turn to the textbook, with. 19 - 20.

How to be? What can help us?

Try to guess the riddle:

There are seas - you can not swim,

There are roads - it is impossible to ride

Earth is - to plow it is impossible. What is it? (map)

What is the topic of today's lesson? What purpose do we put in front of ourselves?

  1. Studying a new material

The word "geography" means "earth farming" (from the words "Gai" - Earth, "schedule" - I write). What is a geographical map?

Work with the concepts of "Geographic Map", "Geographical Objects" (Explanatory textbook dictionary)

Teacher's story About the diversity of cards (using the presentation)

Maps can be of different sizes and various purposes. There are cards of hemispheres, maps of individual continents and oceans, countries of countries, regions, districts, there are historical cards with which we will get acquainted in the history lessons.

  1. Fizminutka

To the sea black descended

Leaned and washed.


That's so nicely fed.

And now they swam together,

You need to do so:

Together - once, it's Bras.

One, the other is a crown.

Everyone as one is sailing like a dolphin.

Went ashore cool

And went home.

  1. Acquaintance and work with a hemisphey card

Today we will get acquainted in more detail with a hemisphey map.

What do you think is the hemispheres map?

Working with a textbook on with. 20 - 21.

Demonstration of the map of the northern and southern hemispheres (in the textbook) of the Western and South Hemispheres (on the board).

In the first version of the Card Hemisphere Globe is divided into two parts by equator, and in the second - the section line passes to zero meridian.

Work in pairs. One schoolboy shows a neighbor on the party Equator, the Northern and South Hemisphere, and his neighbor shows on the map of Zero Meridian, the map of the Western and Eastern Hemispheres.

On the map of the hemispheres, our land can be seen entirely with all the seas, oceans, continents, large rivers and lakes, mountains, plains.

What is the difference between the globe from the card? (Only one half of the earth can be seen on the globe at once, the globe is more cumbersome and heavy.)

  1. Fastening the knowledge gained. Work in the notebook for independent work with. 6 - 7, tasks 8-9

Task 8. Determine what is the question - about the globe or map?

(If all the answers are true, then the selected letters will make a word from seven letters "excellent")

If a person wants to learn something new about distant countries, going to travel, he must be able to work with the card, i.e. Read it. To work with the map you need to be able to find geographic objects on it, such as mountains, plains, countries and cities.

Task 9. Working with a contour hemisphey card.

On this map, only geographical objects are indicated, but not signed. There is no conditional color designations on it. You need to independently apply the necessary information on the map.

  1. Total lesson

What tasks did we put at the beginning of the lesson?

Reflection "10 seconds" (children in one sentence express what they learned about the lesson)

  1. Homework

Prepare reports about the diversity of cards using the information of the Courtstation by the world with. ________ and information of additional sources.

Attachment 1

Multi-level cards

Card number 1. (for a weak student)

  1. Consider the globe. Find the largest mainland, find the smallest mainland and write down their names.
  1. What on Earth more: sushi or water? What ocean is the smallest, and what big one? ___________________________________


Card number 2. (for average student)

  1. What ocean, in your opinion, the warmer, and what is the coldest?


  1. Guess the continent.
  • I am the smallest mainland, with the dry climate, which is completely in the southern hemisphere ._________________
  • And I am in the southern hemisphere, but for some reason people are in no hurry to populate me. _______________________________
  • And I almost all of all I am between the northern and southern tropics, I call me the hottest mainland.


Card number 3. (for a strong student)

  1. Lines indicating the direction of north-south are called ______________
  2. The biggest parallel of the land _________________________________
  3. Lines of different lengths located on the globe are called _____________________________________________________
  4. Huge plots of sushi, from all sides washed by the oceans, called _____________________________________________________
  5. Sections of the earth's surface, which are significantly raised over the plains, is called ___________________________________________
  6. Huge water spaces separating main students, called _____________________________________________________

1. See definition.

Map this is a reduced image of the earth's surface on the plane using conventional signs.

2. Think and write, why do you need to be able to read the map.

To be able to find an object on the map that interests you and put a route to it.

1) Read in the textbook how to determine on the side of the horizon side. Mark them on this map.

North on the map at the top, south - below, west - left, east - right.

2) Read in the textbook, which is indicated on the map various colors. Color how designated on the map:

Find on the map in the textbook water bodies, plains, mountains.

3) Using the textbook, find out and sign, which indicate these conditional signs.

Assessment of completed work (whether the goal is reached): the work is made, the goal is achieved.

Presentation: Tell the class of work results, listen and evaluate other messages.

4. Map is a rich source of information. Using the card in the tutorial, take the task.

Option 1. Advanced titles.

  • Arctic ocean
  • Eastern European plain
  • Barents sea
  • Urals the mountains
  • West Siberian plain
  • Black sea
  • Caucasian the mountains
  • Okhotskoye sea
  • Quiet ocean

Option 2. Determine and write what is listed here.

a) Don, Ob, Lena, Indigirika is river
b) Kursk, Salekhard, Chita, Magadan, Volgograd - these are cities

Option 3. Bring examples (2-3 in each item).

a) Islands: New Earth, Northern Earth, Sakhalin
b) Peninsula: Kamchatka, Taimyr, Kola Peninsula

Think what the difference between the islands and the peninsulas. Explain (orally).

The islands are completely surrounded by water, and the peninsulas have a connection with the "big" earth.

Option 4. Find on the map River Volga. Wrong the names of the cities that stand on the Volga.

Astrakhan, Volgograd, Samara, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod

Geography is one of the most ancient sciences. See the world through the eyes of the geographer - it means to collect infinite knowledge of the Earth, its inhabitants, the population, resources. In this article we will talk about the most important aspects of the science of geography and help excellent prepare for the lesson in the 4th grade.

Evolution of geography

Geography, translated from Greek, means the description of the Earth (geo - land, graphics - description). For many centuries, science had two tasks - to tell about those lands that were already known or to open those that were not available. Now, when we know where it is and how to get there, other tasks arise before geographers. Answer questions "Why?

" And How?" There is something or another phenomenon.

Modern geography is a complex complex consisting of a variety of sciences covering knowledge about natural and economic laws occurring on Earth.

Tools of geographer

The most wonderful tools that were invented to describe the world are a globe and map.

The first card in the world was created by an ancient Greek scientist Anaximandr 2.5 thousand years ago. She was round, and in the center, Greece was depicted, surrounded by the land known at the time. All the land washed the ocean.

Fig. 1. One of the first cards

the globe- This is a reduced earth model. It has two poles - the North and South, between which the axis passes. Naturally, the planet has these points imaginary, but thanks to the globe, we see under what tilt the earth rotates around your axis and around the sun.

Throughout the surface of the globe, vertical and horizontal circular lines pass. These are meridians and parallels.

Top 4 Articleswho read with this

Meridians- Conditional lines conducted from the North Geographical Pole to the South. They have a different meaning. The countdown begins with a zero, which passes through the oldest Greenwich Observatory in the UK and divides the hemisphere to the Western and East.

Fig. 2. Globus

Equator- This is a conditional line passing in the center of the Earth and dividing it to the Northern and South Hemisphere. In parallel, the equator is depicted parallels. Approaching the poles, they decrease in length until it turns into a point.

Meridians and parallels form a degree grid, with which you can find any object on a map or globe.

Types of cards

Map- This is a projection, a schematic representation of land objects. There are many types of cards. The most common:

  • physical card;
  • political card;
  • climate map;
  • map of natural zones;
  • demographic map;
  • map of natural resources;
  • Etc.

Fig. 3. Physical World Map

Maps may display land as a whole, separate continents, countries, regions and areas. Therefore, the most important thing is a scale.

Scale- This is a ratio of a certain distance on the map to the real length. For example, one centimeter on the map corresponds to 200 km. On the terrain. In this case, the card will be the signature: 1: 200,000,000 (in one centimeter - 200 thousand kilometers).

What did we know?

The world around the eyes of the geographer is an image of the planet Earth and all phenomena taking place on it using a globe or cards. The main task of students is to learn to decipher cards to thoroughly find out the world.

Test on the topic

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This page contains GDZ on the world around the world. Grade 1 1 part - Workbook authors Pleshakov A.A. and Novitskaya M.Yu. For 2019 - 2020 academic year. We hope that this "Reshebnik" will help when preparing homework on the subject of the world around.

Joy of knowledge

Page 3 - 5 - Light of Knowledge

1. Pick up the proverbs of the peoples of your region about the strength of mind, knowledge, skillful hands. Write them.

Proverbs about the power of mind - Reason will win. - Any advice to mind is good. - What is the mind, such and speech. - Mind - gold is more beautiful, and the truth is the sun. - Fist won one, and the mind is thousands. more proverbs about mind and mind Proverbs about the strength of knowledge- gram not evil, and the truth is strong. - Knowledge is better than wealth. - Red bird feathers, and man knowledge. - Knowledge is more expensive than wealth. - Knowledge and wisdom decorate a person. Proverbs about skillful hands - Skillful hands - Assistants of science. - Gold hands on silver can not buy. - A hundred councilov will not replace the pair of experienced hands. - Smellian and a needleer and himself and people joy brings.

2. Questions "How?", "Why", "Why?" Humanity is obliged to mostly greater discoveries. Make up and write questions about what would you like to know in school lessons?

How do black holes appear? How did the pyramids built in Egypt? Why is Japan called the country of the ascending sun? Why are airplanes disappear in the Bermuda triangle? Why master space? Why the woodpecker knocks on the tree? Why do birds fly with a jamb?

3. Review the corner of nature in the photo above. Tell me on it that you are already known about this plant. Make up and write questions about what you would like to know about it. Try to find answers to your questions.

Douglasia or Lzetsug Tissoloy or Lyetsug Menzis in the picture shows Douglasia. Also, it is also called Lyetsuga Tissolide or Lyzuezug Menzis, pseudo-sewing anecis, Douglasov Fir, PseudoSUG Tissiste, Douglas Spruce, Oregon Pine, Fir Douglas. - Where can I find a Menzis falsehood? - Lyetsuga Menzis is found in North America, as well as in Asia. - What is the maximum height of the Douglasia? - Douglasia can reach a height of up to 100 meters. - Why does this plant have so many names and how did they appear? - During the journey in North America in 1791, the biologist and Medic Archibald Menzis saw a big tree, which was similar to Pir. The message about this tree remained unnoticed. But in 1827, this tree was openly re-english Botany David Douglas, who brought him to Europe. Then the tree was given the name "Douglas Fir". In the study, it was found that with all the similarity with the fir, there are a number of differences that allowed to distinguish the genus - pseudootsuchi in the pine family. So the "Fir Douglas" became a pseudotensuga Douglas, and even later - a pseudotensuga teisset. Then it was decided to call the tree in honor of the discoverer, that is, the pseudotensuga of Menzis, however, the old names: "Fir Douglas" or "Douglasia" have been preserved and used by forest rods.

4. Tell me on the photo on C.5, that you already know about Red Square in Moscow. Make up and write questions about what you would like to know about the cultural monuments depicted in the photo. Try to find answers to your questions.

Red Square in Moscow The figure shows the Red Square. Left is located the temple of Vasily blissful, and on the right Spasskaya Tower. Before the temple is the frontal place, where the royal decrees were announced in the past times. On Red Square there are other attractions, for example, there is a Mausoleum V. I. Lenin. - What is the total area of \u200b\u200bRed Square in Moscow in kilometers and how much people can fit on the square? - The length of the Red Square is 330 meters long and 70 meters wide, while the total area is 23,100 square meters or 0.023 square kilometers. If you translate square meters to hectares, it turns out that the area of \u200b\u200bthe Red Square is 2.31 hectares. One person covers an area - 0.21 m2, then it turns out that on the Red Square can fit: 23100: 0.21 \u003d 110,000 people. At the same time, the entire population of Moscow, which is 12,380,664 people for 2017 on Red Square will not be able to fit on Red Square. - Why is the Red Square in Moscow called Red? - Often in fairy tales there is an expression "Krasniva Girl", which means a beautiful maiden. With reference to the square, it means beautiful. According to another version, it believes that when Moscow was founded in it there were many wooden buildings that were very often burned. Not exception was the area next to the Kremlin. So, because of frequent fires, the area called the fire, and later began to call "Red Square" as this color of the fire. - What is the height of the Spasskaya Tower? - The height of the Spasskaya Tower along with the star - 71 meters.

5. Recalling an illustration for the ancient Greek myth about Dedal and Ikara.

Illustration for ancient Greek myth about Dedal and Ikara

Page 6 - 11 - How to study the world around

1. What ways to study the surrounding world use these textbooks? Sign independently or using words for references.

Words for references: observation, experience, identification of natural objects, measurement, modeling.

2. Practical work "Observation".
The purpose of the work: master the stages of monitoring.
Speak the behavior of aquarium fish (or other animals) during feeding. Think up the stages of work and make records.

  1. Observation Purpose: Observation of the behavior of aquarium fish during feeding.
  2. Observation plan:
    • feed gold fish dry food, pouring it to the surface of the water,
    • track fake behavior
    • record the results of the observation.
  3. Surveillance results: if goldfish did not eat all the fastened food for 5 minutes, then they stubborn and the remains of the feed will spoil the water.
  4. Conclusions: It is important that goldfish get enough, but not an excessive amount of food.

Come up with each other questions to find out whether the purpose of the observation is achieved. Evaluate your progress by putting the "+" sign in the corresponding squares.
We managed to formulate the purpose of the observation.
We accounted for a clear observation plan.
We have successfully completed the observation plan and fixed the results.
We managed to draw conclusions from observation.

3. Practical work "Experience".
The purpose of the work: master the stages of experience.
Spend experience with a magnet. Think up the stages of work and make records.

  1. The purpose of the experience: find out if a magnet can attract any metal.
  2. Experience plan:
    1. Take a magnet.
    2. Scatter on the table objects from metal (pins), of gold (earrings), silver (suspension).
    3. Relieve a magnet to each of the items.
    4. Record the result.
  3. The results of the experience: the magnet attracts metal objects, but not from any.
  4. Conclusions: Magnet can attract metal objects, but not from any. Items made of gold and silver, which are also metals, can not attract a magnet.

Come up with each other questions to find out whether the purpose of the experience has been achieved. Evaluate your progress by putting the "+" sign in the corresponding squares.
We managed to formulate the purpose of the experience.
We accounted for a clear plan of experience.
We have successfully fulfilled the plan of experience and fixed the results.
We managed to draw conclusions from experience.
4. What device (tool) will be required for each case? Specify the arrows.

5. Practical work "Mass measurement".
Objective: learn how to measure the mass using weights.
1. Using the drawing, examine the scales.

2. Consider a set of girek for weights. Write down the mass of each hiring.
3. Swipe the mass of the mass issued by the teacher. Measurement results in the table.

4. Extract.

Scales are a device for measuring the mass.

We learned how scales are arranged.
We understood how scales work.
We learned to measure the mass.

6. Practical work "Length Measurement".
Objective: Learn to measure length using a ruler (roulette).

1. Using the drawing, read the ruler and roulette device. Compare them. Think at what cases a ruler should be used, and in what - roulette.

The ruler should be used to measure items not long. When the object is large, it is advisable to use roulette.

2. Fill in skipping.

Completed task:

3. Spend a measurement of the length of items issued (or specified) by the teacher. Measurement results in the table.

4. Extract.

The ruler and roulette are tools for measuring length.

Come up with each other questions and tasks to find out whether the purpose of the work has been achieved. Evaluate your progress by putting the "+" sign in the corresponding squares.
We learned how the ruler and roulette were arranged.
We understood, in what cases should be used a ruler, and in what - roulette.
We learned to measure length.
We learned to fix the measurement results.

Page 12 - 13 - Book - Source of Knowledge

1. Record information about the popular science book that you especially liked:

2. Draw an illustration for this book. Instead of the drawing, you can stick a photo on the topic of books.

3. Read the statements about the meaning of books and the native language in the life of a person who are posted on the train "reading Moscow" of the Moscow Metro.

The house in which there is no books are like a body devoid of soul. Tsetsoron True love for his country is unthinkable without love for his language. K.G. Powesty

Cicero Mark Tully - Roman politician, speaker and writer. The information is taken from the new illustrated encyclopedic dictionary, page 798. Paust Konstantin Georgievich is a Russian writer. Master of lyrical prose. The information is taken from the new illustrated encyclopedic dictionary, page 545.

4. Come up with your statement about the benefits of books and reading. Write it.

All human wisdom is hidden in books, and only reading it can be comprehended.

5. In which reference editions can you find out what is famous for the ancient Greek city of Troy? Write.

Ancient world, complete encyclopedia, Hardman S., Styl F., Teims R., 2007 - A. B. Preobrazhensky. I will know the world: Children's Encyclopedia: History of the Ancient World. 2001.

Page 14 - 15 - go on a tour

1. Find a description and point by arrows.

Completed option:

2. Bring 1-2 examples.

Art Museums: Tretyakov Gallery, Museum of Fine Arts named after A. S. Pushkin

Museum-Apartment, House Museum, Manor Museum: Museum of Vladimir Mayakovsky, Apartment Museum S.S. Prokofiev

Reserves, National Parks: Moscow State Museum-Reserve Kolomenskoye , Izmailovsky Island - Museum-Reserve

3. Invent and write down the questions you would like to ask in the zoo or botanical garden.

  • Why is the hippos pink milk?
  • Is it true that the elephants are afraid of mice?
  • What color is giraffe?
  • Through how many years across the oak appear?
  • Why is walnut called walnut?

Find out what questions they prepared other guys. Can you answer them?

4. Alone or with the help of additional literature, the Internet has determined which museums are depicted in photos in the application. Cut and shoot them into the corresponding windows.

Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin

5. Think and write where you can go on an excursion in your area. The name of the place that seems to you the most interesting, emphasize.

  • Museum of Contemporary Art "Garage"
  • Museums of the Moscow Kremlin Armory Chamber
  • Planetarium
  • Museum "House upside"

Page 16 - 17 - Our Excursion

Visit the excursions and make a photoranscase about it. Write down as you evaluate the excursion and why.

Weapon Chamber in Moscow

I liked the excursion. I learned a lot of new and interesting.

Page 18 - 21 - What will tell about the plan

Plan of terrain - This is the exact drawing of the area, made using conventional signs.

2. On your own or using the textbook to sign the conditional signs of the plan.

3. Remove the conditional signs of the plan out of the application and stir them into the appropriate windows.

1 - Pashnya.
2 - garden.

4. Draw the conditional signs of the plan.

Check yourself on the textbook.

5. In the lesson, the teacher asked: "What does the scale of the plan shown in the textbook mean?" Children answered like this:

Seryozha: "One centimeter on the plan corresponds to one meter on the ground."
Nadya: "One centimeter on the plan corresponds to 50 meters on the ground."
Vitya: "One centimeter on the ground corresponds to 10 meters on the plan."
Ira: one centimeter on the plan corresponds to 100 meters on the ground.

Who answered right? Talk.

6. Practical work "Travel plans".

1) Consider the zoo plan in the textbook.

Cheer on the sides of the horizon and determine which parts of the zoo live:

a) Tigers - in the north
b) lions - in the south
c) bullfinches and other birds - in the west
d) camels - in the east

2) Consider the textbook fragment of the Moscow Plan.

Fragment of Moscow plan

Write down which attractions of the city are depicted on it.

Sparrow Mountains Stadium "Luzhniki"

3) Consider the plan of the central part of St. Petersburg. Determine how from Moscow railway station to reach the Winter Palace. Write what can be seen on this route.

The central part of St. Petersburg from the Moscow railway station should be followed to the left of Nevsky Prospect, pass by Anichkova Bridge, and after the Alexandrovsky column, turn right. And then we will be near the Winter Palace. Following this route you can see Anichkov Bridge, Kazan Cathedral, Alexandrovsk Column and Palace Square.

Put on the plan any other route. Orally describe it.

If you brought other tourist plans to the lesson, consider them. Come up with each other questions and tasks to find out if you learned to read tourist plans.

We learned how to determine the side of the horizon.
We have learned to find different attractions on the plan.
We learned how to determine the plan, how to go through this or that place.
We learned how to lay a certain route on the plan.

Page 22 - 23 - Planet on Paper Sheet

1. Using the textbook for adding the definition.

The map is a reduced image of the earth's surface on the plane using conventional signs.

2. Indicate the side of the horizon on the world map.

3. Color how designated on the map:

4) Using a textbook, add definition.

Mainland - This is a huge land of sushi, surrounded with water from all sides. It is also called the continent. Part of light - It is a mainland or part of the mainland with located close to the islands.

Explain (orally), what is the similarity and differences in the mainland and part of the world.

5. Write in the table name of all the mainland and parts of the world.

Slide in any color the uncompanying names of the continents and parts of the world.

6. Using the textbook card, give examples (3-4 titles in each item).

Seas: Barents Sea, Arabian Sea, Norwegian Sea, Beaufort Sea. Rivers: Lena, Amazon, Volga, Ob. Islands: Aleutian Islands, Islands New Zealand, Madagascar Island, Tasmania Island.

Page 24 - 25 - countries and peoples on the political map of the world

1. Wide a wall political map of the world. We define the name and boundaries of the country, where the capital is Rome - an ancient city, whose culture you already know a lot. What are the country neighboring with her? Write information obtained by learning the political map of the world:

Turn to the map, and we see that neighboring countries are: France, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia. Rome is the capital of Italy neighbors of Italy - Austria, Switzerland, France and Slovenia.

2. Read the story about Henry Schliman. Find a country in the wall political map of the country whose languages \u200b\u200bhe learned where he lived and worked. Mark them flags.

Heinrich Schliman was born in 1922 in Germany . Children's dream to find the ancient city of Troy led him in 18 years by the sailor on the ship "Dorothea", which was sent to Venezuela . The ship fell into the storm and sank, and Heinrich miraculously saved and found himself in Amsterdam . Here he worked in the trading office and mastered in two years russian , english , french , dutch , spanish , portuguese and italian languages. Then Heinrich Shliman went to Petersburg And 20 years led his trading in the Russian capital. During this time he learned polish , swedish , greek, arab and other languages \u200b\u200brich in gold mining in America . And finally, went to Greece - Implement your dream. To read "oriad" in the script, he learned an ancient Greek in six weeks. The text of Homer became a guide for him. And the ancient land of Greece revealed his mystery before the archaeologist. Buried Schliman in Athens.

We note on the checkboxes on the map all countries whose languages \u200b\u200blearned G. Shliman, where he lived and worked.

Political map of the world - Click to enlarge image

3. Consider representatives of different countries in traditional costumes. Find the country of their native language on the political map of the world. Write the names of these countries and their capitals.

Country - Belarus
Capital - Minsk

Country - Mexico
Capital - Mexico City

Country - Turkey
Capital - Ankara

Country - China
Capital - Beijing

Page 26 - 27 - Traveling, We will learn the world

1. To discuss together with friends and make a travel preparation plan for your city (Selu). Use a sample plan from the textbook.

Purpose of Travel: Learn about the death of the royal family. Travel location: Temple on blood Sources of information about travel place: Internet. Reference reference: Pilgrims from all over Russia will go in July along the route "Shynny Yekaterinburg Diocese, royal days."; E. Guilbo "The Mystery of the Death of the Tsarist Family", Article 2004; Greg King, Penny Wilson "Romanov. The fate of the tsarist dynasty. " Publisher "Eksmo", Moscow, 2005 Maps, Schemes, Plans, Travel Guides: City map of Yekaterinburg. Equipment: Camera, Navigator. Weather forecast: find out on the site Clothing form: free, comfortable shoes. My satellite (satellites): Parents.

2. After traveling, choose from the diary the most interesting and record on these lines.

The tragic death of Emperor Nicholas II became the end of the Great Russian Empire. The fatal events that occurred in Yekaterinburg, in the house of the engineer of Ipatiev, many legends spawned. There are many mysteries that have to solve historians.

3. In the farm "on the edges" of the Belgorod region will take over the skill of beekeeping. Cut out the drawings from the application. Complete by photos of photorescases, observing the order in the work of the worker-bee and in the concerns of the beekeeper.

Page 28 - 29 - Transport

1. Draw an old vehicle movement from the peoples of your edge or shoot a photo.

Photography of ancient vehicle vehicles - Sali-hardened top

2. Waste vehicle vehicles by type. Land transport to note in a red circle, water transport - blue circle, air transport - yellow circle.

Which of these vehicles are vintage, and what are modern? Answer orally.

3. Project "Curious passenger". Read the story and consider photos.

About the train "reading Moscow" you already know. And in the Moscow Metropolitan, the train "Watercolor" walks. Sit into the car and as if you get to the art gallery. With the interest of youth, girls and guys of your age consider the creations of Russian artists. Often, passengers of this train are moving from a car to the car to see as many paintings as possible. Many photograph what they especially liked. The train "Watercolor" is a wonderful gift to all connoisseurs of art and just inquisitive people.
Train "Watercolor"

Invent a project of one of the types of transport for inquisitive passengers. What phenomena of nature and culture of your edge would you like to present in your project? Draw and describe the project on P.30-31.

the name of the project : Tram classic music
Title of means of transport : Tramway
Appearance :

Description : Classical music will sound in the tram. In the intervals between the compositions, the announcer will tell about different interesting facts related to writing works, composers that they wrote them, their lives, performers.

Page 32 - 33 - Means of information and communication

1. Come up with conditional signs for information transfer. Draw them on flags.

Swap with other notebooks and decrypt information on the checkboxes. Write it with words.

On the left depicts a warning warning of a kind of event that requires attention. On the right shows the arrow to the right - indicating the direction of further movement.

2. Imagine that you send a letter to a friend. Using the necessary mail envelope information.

3. Place information from the local newspaper or magazine about the interests of nature or events of culture that interests the phenomena of nature or events.

4. write down the name of the names of information and communication. Check yourself on the textbook.

Means of information and communication Postal service, Telegraph, Telephone, Radio, Television, Internet.

Peace as home

Page 34 - 35 - World of Nature in Folk Creativity

1. With the text of the textbook on with. 46 Complete Proposal:

The word "ecospa" ("Okos") translated from the Greek language " house, housing ". The word" Logos "translated from Greek means knowledge . The word "Okuman" Ancient Greeks called populated and mastered man part of the world .

2. Color the fragment of the ancient spindles. We defined how many tiers of the universe on it are depicted. Describe them orally.

3. Make a chain of questions and answers by sample songs "Where, Thomas, you go?", Using knowledge about the nature and life of people of your region. For the final response, use the tip of the textbook or put the name of the one who write this song. To the text you can draw a picture as a gift (on a separate sheet).

Option 1 - Where, shepherd, you go? Where do your sheep lead? - On the field. - Why do you need on the field? - Sheep feed. - Why feed the sheep? - So that the wool is given. - Why do you need wool? - So that the children were warm in the winter. Option # 2. - Where, Anya, you go? - Mushrooms to collect. - Why do you need mushrooms? - To cook soup. - Why do you need soup? - To feed yourself, and treat friends!

Page 36 - 37 - everything consists of

1. Find an excess photo in each row and circle it. Explain your choice.

Natural objects - All that relates to nature. In addition, we are surrounded by countless items created by man. In the first picture, natural objects are depicted, except for a circle, which is the objects created by a person, respectively, it will be superfluous in this row. On the second figure shows items created by a person, except the tit, which is a natural object, respectively, it will be superfluous in this series.

2. Give examples of natural objects (3-4 in each row).
Objects of inanimate nature: planets, waterfalls, stones.
Objects of wildlife: trees, beasts, birds, insects.
3. Using text and tutorial illustrations, fill in the table. You can supplement it with your examples.

4. Find out the description of the substances and write their name to the cells.
- This substance is part of any living organism. The human body on 2/3 consists of this substance.

- This substance is found in the form of stone under the ground, as well as dissolved in the water of the seas and oceans. It can be governed in every home - the kitchen.

- This substance is added to many products - candy, cakes, cakes. In nature, it is contained in plants.


- This substance is our assistant in the kitchen, because it burns well. But in the event of a leak, it can spread throughout the apartment, but it is very dangerous.

Natural gas

- These substances are created artificially. They are used for the manufacture of home utensils, window frames, toys and many other products.


5. Stress in a blue pencil of solid bodies, and green-titles substances: salt, nail, iron, horseshoe, aluminum, wire, copper, canister for gasoline, plastic, gasoline, icicle, water, ice, candy, sugar, salt.

Page 38 - 39

6. Practical work (experience) "Water - solvent".

The purpose of the experience: determine which substances water dissolves, and which is not.
1) Suppose the plan (order) of experience.

  1. Pour water in 4 glasses.
  2. Put in the 1st cup of sugar.
  3. Put in the 2nd glass of salt.
  4. Put in a 3rd cup chalk.
  5. Put in the 4th cup of clay.
  6. Jump over the result.
  7. Write output

2) Consider the drawing. Select the equipment that we need to carry out experience. Mark the selected items check box.

3) Perform actions on the instructions.

Water from the flask run in 4 laboratory glass. In a glass No. 1, pour sugar, in a glass No. 2 - salt, in a glass No. 3 - crushed chalk (chalk grinding in the mortar), in a glass No. 4 - clay. Stir all the substances with a glass wand. What are you watching? Describe orally.

4) Fix the results of the experience, putting the "+" sign in the corresponding column columns.

5) Take output. Check yourself by Appendix.

Water dissolves sugar and salt, but does not dissolve sand and chalk.

Think about each other questions to find out whether the purpose of the experience has been achieved. Evaluate your progress by putting the "+" sign in the corresponding squares.
We offered the right experience plan.
We correctly chose the equipment.
We accurately recorded the results of experience.
We made a conclusion from experience.

Page 40 - 41 - World of Heavenly Tel

1. Using the textbook information, write digital data into text.

Sun diameter B. 109 Once lard of the diameter of the Earth. Sun mass B. 330 thousand Once more mass of our planet. The distance from the ground to the Sun is 150 million kilometers . The temperature on the surface of the Sun reaches 6 thousand degrees , and in the center of the sun - 15-20 million degrees .

Tell your classmates about the sun. Include in your story data discharged from the textbook.

2. Fill out the table. One example is taken from the textbook (drawing on p. 56). Other examples (1-2 in each column) Try to find in additional literature, Internet.


Names of stars in colors

3. The sun and the celestial bodies moving around it make up the solar system. Build the model of the solar system. To do this, cut out the plane of the model planets and place them in the correct sequence on the cardboard sheet. Sign on the name signs planets and get them on your model.

4. Reling the crossword.

1) The largest planet of the solar system.
2) The planet having a well-visible rings in the telescope.
3) the closest planet to the sun.
4) the most distant planet to the sun.
5) Planet on which we live.
6) Planet - a neighbor of land, located closer to the Sun than the Earth.
7) Planet - a neighbor of land, located furthest than the earth.
8) Planet located between Saturn and Neptune.

5. Using various sources of information, prepare a message about the star, constellation or planet that you would like to learn more. Record the basic information for your message. Specify sources of information.

Star Aldebaran. One of the brightest stars on the night sky, the main, the brightest star in the Constellation of the Taurus, is called Aldebaran. In Arabic and this word means "coming after." Aldebaran - Orange-Red Star Giant. Its brightness is greater than the sun, 150 times. Located from us at a distance of 65 light years. Source: Tarasov L.V., Tarasova T.B. Cosmos: Encyclopedia - M.: Eksmo, 2015.- 96 C.: IL. - (Your first encyclopedia).

Page 42 - 43 - Invisible treasure

1. In the text of the textbook, find a paragraph, where the emergence of wind is explained. Carefully read it. Come up and draw a wind diagram.

In nature, moving air is the wind. As you know, the Earth in different places is heated in different ways. Air heats up from the ground. Warm air is lighter than cold; It rises up, and the cold air rushes to his place. So the wind arises.

See what schemes offered other guys. Rate your work and work your comrades. Whose scheme is correct, accurate, understandable? Who made mistakes? Tell us about the emergence of wind on the most successful schemes.
2. Sign in the chart of the names of the gases that are part of the air. Check yourself on the textbook.

Emphasize the green pencil of the gas title, which the living organisms are absorbed by breathing.
Emphasize the red pencil of the name of the gas that alive organisms allocate when breathing.
3. Examine the properties of the air and write down their conclusions.

1) Air is transparent or opaque?
Air is transparent.
2) Does the air have the color?
Air has no color.
3) Does the air have the smell?
The air does not smell.
4) What happens to the air when heated or cooling?
hot air expands .

This experience suggests that cold air shrinks.
5) How does the air carries out heat?
Air does not spend heat.

4. What is the name of the equipment used in these experiments? Indicate arrows.

Page 44 - 45 - The most important thing

Practical work "Study of the properties of water."

purpose of work: Determine the properties of water.

Lower into a glass with a glass wand. Is it visible? What kind of water is said about?

Conclusion: Water is transparent.

Compare the color of water with the color of the strips depicted on this page. What do you see? What does it say?

Conclusion: Water is colorless.

Smoke clean water. What kind of water can be installed in this way?

Conclusion: water does not smell.

The flask with a tube filled with tinted water, lower in hot water. What are you watching? What does this testify?

Conclusion: When heated water expands.

Place the same flask in the ice plate. What are you watching? What does this testify?

Conclusion: When cooled, the water is compressed.

General conclusion: Water is transparent, colorless, there is no smell, when heated expands, it is compressed when cooled.

Determine the purpose of each experience. Describe (orally) its move. Check your conclusions by application.

We correctly chose equipment for experiments.
Our conclusions coincided with the appendix.
We correctly determined the properties of water, but inaccurately formulated conclusions.
We made errors in determining some properties of water.

Page 46 - 47 - Natural Elements in Folk Creativity

1. Cut out the photo application. Low them under the names of natural elements. At the bottom of the table, draw the images of fire, water and air, characteristic of the image-applied arts of the peoples of your edge.

2. Write the riddles on fire, water and air, created creativity of the peoples of your edge. Fight their participants of other working groups.

Riddles about fire Firebird flies, golden feathers drop. (Fire) without drinking lives. But it is worthwhile - dies. (Fire) scarlet rooster in water ground. (Fire) chew - I do not care, but eating everything. (The fire) Riddles of water In winter, it falls, in the spring rumbles, the summer is noise, falling in the fall. (Water) In the frying day, the most desirable. (Water) What is not to roll out into the mountain, do not carry in the hands and do not hold in your hands? (Water) Riddles about air What do we breathe? What we do not see? (Air) What is wrong in the room, do not see any street? (Air)

3. Consider the patterns of folk embroidery. Determine the images of fire, water and air.

Orally cooking a fairy tale about natural elements.

Page 48 - 49 - Storage houses

  1. Alone or using a definition textbook.
Minerals. - these are natural substances Rocks - These are natural compounds of minerals.

2. Practical work "The composition of Granite".

Objective: Determine the minerals that are part of the granite.

  1. Consider and compare mineral samples: field spat, quartz, mica. Orally describe their properties (color, transparency, shine).
  2. Consider a piece of granite with a magnifying glass. Find colored grains. This is a mineral field spar. Find a translucent gravel. This is Mineral Quartz. Find black brilliant grains. This is a mica mineral.
  3. According to the results of the study, fill out the scheme.

4. Make the output (oral). Check yourself by Appendix.

Come up with each other questions and tasks to find out whether the purpose of the work has been achieved. Evaluate your progress by putting the "+" sign in the corresponding squares.

We correctly described the properties of minerals.
We have defined the minerals that are part of the granite.
We correctly filled out the "composition of granite" scheme.
Our conclusion coincided with the one that is shown in the application.

3. Do you know what is kept in storage houses? Cut out the photo application and stir them into the appropriate windows.

4. Record the name of the minerals of your edge.

Gold, gas, oil, granite, asbestos, iron ore.

Page 50 - 51 - Miracle under the legs

Practical work "Study of the soil composition".

Objective: Determine what is included in the soil.

Consider equipment made for practical work. Specify the arrow names of objects. Explain (orally), for which they are used.

Throw the lump of dry soil into the water. What are you watching? What does it say?

Output: The soil contains air.

Little fresh soil heat on fire. Hold the cold glass over the soil. What are you watching? What does it say about?

Output: The soil contains water.

Continue to heat the soil. Wait for the appearance of smoke and unpleasant odor. It burns the humus soil, which is formed from the remains of plants and animals. Humus gives soil dark color. What does this experience testify about?

Output: The soil contains humus.

The calcined soil in which the humus burned down (it is gray), pour into a glass with water and stir. Watch what falls on the bottom first and that - after a while. What does this experience say?

Output: in the soil contains clay and sand.

Place a few drops of water on the glass, in which the soil has long been. Hold the glass over the fire. What happened to water? What remains on the glass? These are mineral salts. What does this experience say?

Output: In the soil contains mineral salts.
General conclusion: The soil includes air, water, humid, clay, sand, mineral salts.

Determine the purpose of each experience. Describe (orally) its move. Check your conclusions by application. Rate your work by putting the "+" sign in the corresponding squares.
We rightly called equipment for experiences.
Our conclusions coincided with the conclusions in the application.
We correctly determined the composition of the soil, but inaccurately formulated the conclusion.
We made errors in determining the composition of the soil.

Page 52 - 53 - Plant World

1. Find out groups of plants according to descriptions. Write the names of groups into cells.

  • These plants have roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruits, in which seeds ripen - 9 letters. Answer: Flower. Flower plants Have flowers and fruits. They have all the other parts: roots, stems, leaves. These plants are most diverse. The group has 250,000 species. Examples of flowers plants: Narcissus, Calendula, Velhets, Iva, Lily of Lily, Astra, Sunflower, Pear, Potatoes, Linden, Coltsfoot, Dandelion.
  • These plants have no roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruits. Their body is called a layer - 9 letters. Answer: Algae. Seaweed - Water residents. An example of algae is sea cabbage. Algae has no roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruits. The body of algae is similar to long brown ribbons, it is called a layer. The group has 100,000 species.
  • The plants of this group have stalks and leaves, but there are no roots, flowers and fruits with seeds - 3 letters. Answer: Mossi. Mossa Grow in wet places. They have stalks and leaves, but they do not have roots, flowers and fruits with seeds. The group has 27,000 species.
  • These plants have all parts except flowers and fruits. Seeds are ripening in cones - 7 letters. Answer: Coniferous. Coniferous plants They have roots, stems, leaves (chewing), but do not have flowers and fruits. At the place of fruits they have cones, in which seeds ripen. The group has 600 species. Examples of coniferous plants: Pine, Thuja, larch, spruce.
  • Plants of this group have roots, stems and leaves, similar to large feathers. But they do not have flowers, fruits and seed - 11 letters. Answer: Fern. Fern Easy to learn on beautiful leaves, similar to big feathers. In addition to leaves, fern has roots and stems. Fruits, fruits and seeds do not happen. The group has 10,000 species.

2. At the lesson, the teacher asked to bring examples of flowering plants. Children answered like this:

  • Seryozha: Narcissus, Calendula, Velhets, Iva, Pine.
  • Nadia: Lily of Lily, Astra, Sunflower, Pear, Potatoes.
  • Vitya: Thuja, larch, fern, water lily, strawberries.
  • Ira: sea cabbage, spruce, linden, mother and stepmother, dandelion.

Which of the guys answered right? Who made one mistake, two mistakes, three mistakes?

The right answer is Nadi, one mistake in Serezha, two mistakes of Ira, three mistakes at Viti.

3. Determine these plants. Sign the names of the plants and the groups to which they relate.









4. Using the Book "Green Pages", prepare a message about one of the types of plants of any group. Write the name, group name, group and brief information for your message.

Reurenger, he is blind

Many plants: lily of the valley, snow-white pitfalls - disappear from the face of the earth, but not a burdock.
Due to the fact that his fruit baskets are firmly attached to human clothes and distributed everywhere, the burdock grows throughout.

If we arm a magnifying glass and consider this plant carefully, then inside the ball-baskets - small purple flowers, and outside - special sheets. They end with spikes, thanks to which they are easily attached to man and animals.

Page 54 - 55 - Our journey into the world of plants

On these pages, prepare a photoranscase about the amazing world of plants of your edge or other places where you had to visit. In photos and signatures try to transfer your attitude towards the world of plants.

Ural plants

Blue Vasileuk is an annual plant. It is found along the edges of forests, glades, roadside, as a weed plant on the gardens and fields of cereals.

A shrub tall up to 120 cm. She is not far from the relative of the lingonberry. Blueberry flowers in June-July, and fruit in August-September. Her fruits are very tasty. They are widely used to prepare various dishes.

- a perennial grassy plant. In Russia, it grows throughout (with the exception of the Far North): in the glades, edges, among shrubs, on dry open herbaceous places, on the slopes of the hills. In Europe, it is called oregano, it is a distant relative of mint, Melissa, Salfa, Basilica and other spicy herbs. Oregano is almost an important spice for the manufacture of legendary pizza in Italy and Greek salad.

Page 56 - 57 - fertile land and plants in folk creativity

1. Coloring patterns on an old towel. Determine the images of the Earth and plants. Decorate the second towel with ancient patterns, characteristic of the insolent and applied art of the peoples of your edge.

Now offer several embroidery options on antique towels. But first of all, we note that mostly when embroidered used white and red colors. This is due to the fact that there were no other dyes simply.

At the same time, the following rules were used in the old-circular embroidery.

  • The land was displayed at the bottom of the towel, while it was allowed to use black colors. Geometric shapes were used as the Earth's mapping: squares, diamonds.
  • Plants were embroidered on the top of the towel, as a rule, this is a color image, leaves. Pushed image
    Separates in the middle part of the towel.

2. Draw an illustration for the fairy tale of the peoples of your edge, in which the plant plays the most important role in the development of action.

Before this task, recall the fairy tales in which the plant plays an important role in the development of activities.

  • First of all, the Russian-folk fairy tale "Rack" comes to mind.
  • Russian folk fairy tale "Moldable apples".
  • Russian folk fairy tale "Cups and roots".
  • Russian folk tale "spikes".
  • Russian folk fairy tale "Golden Ear of".
  • "Toad and Rosa" Vsevolod Garshin.
  • "Scarlet Flower" Sergey Aksakova.
  • "Flower-seven-seventure" Valentina Kataeva.
  • "Unknown flower" Andrei Platonova.
  • "Twelve months" Samuel Marshak.

And now we give a few drawings to the named fairy tales.

3. Pick up and write down the riddles and proverbs of the peoples of your edge about the land of the cormal and plants.

Proverbs and sayings about the land of cormal and plants Plant - Earth Decoration. The earth loves care. Who is cherished, the earth regrets. More land fertilize - the harvest will be higher. In the ground, crumbs, from the land of the cake. What deeper the seed will be shifted, then it is better to eat. Grass without clover that porridge without butter.

And now riddles

Riddles of Earth-Kormilice and Plants Blowing and grows, and can't walk. (Answer: Plant) *** Hey, bells, blue color! With the tongue, but there is no ringing! (Answer: Flowers Bells) *** Head on the leg, in the head of the peas. (Answer: Mac) *** Circle sisters: Yellow eyes, White Cilia. (Answer: Chamomile) *** The whole world feeds. (Answer: Earth)

Page 58 - 59 - World of Animals

1. Write the names of groups of familiar animals. If necessary, use words for references.

Frog, Toad, Triton is amphibious. Rainworm, beer - it worms. Snail, slug, octopus, squid - it mollusks. River cancer, crab, shrimp is crustaceans. Starfish, sea yout, marine lily echinoderms. Spider, Scorpio, Senakers - this spider-shaped. Lizard, snake, crocodile, turtle is presbysee.

2. Determine animals. Sign the names of animals and groups to which they relate. If necessary, use words for references.


Page 80 - 81 - How to preserve the wealth of nature

1. With the text of the textbook text, fill in the right column of the table.

Negative human influence on nature Nature Protection Measures
Entering into the air of poisonous emissions of industrial enterprises and cars Construction of installations that capture harmful substances. Creating cars that are less polluted air (work partly on gasoline, and partly on electricity).
Domestic wastewater contact, waste industrial enterprises, farms Construction of sewage treatment plants in which polluted water will pass through various filters.
In addition, the cleaning facilities are worth using invisible bacteria, which neutralize poisonous substances.
Mineral losses in mining, transportation, processing Carefully and economically use minerals when producing them,
Transportation and processing.
Destruction of plants protecting the soil Plants strengthen the soil with their roots, so to save
Soil is important to protect and plant plants.
Collect the population of rare plants Protect rare plants, building reserves, national parks and
Botanical gardens.
Unlimited animal hunting, poaching Prohibit and limit the hunt for rare animals. Guard
Animals, building reserves and national parks. Also help
The protection of animal zoos.

2. Come up with and draw conditional signs showing the protection of natural communities.

c) reservoir

Discuss the conditional signs proposed by other groups. Choose the most successful.

Tell us on the conventional signs about the protection of natural communities.

Page 82 - 83 - Nature Protection in the culture of the peoples of Russia and the world

1. Write (to choose from) proverbs, legends, fairy tales of the peoples of your region, which says that it is necessary to love and protect nature.

Proverbs that say about what you need to love and protect the nature - Fire - King, Water - Queen, Earth - Mother, Sky - Father, Wind - Mr., Rain - Cormilers. - Who is cherished, she regrets. - Feed the land - she feeds you. - Love nature - she will answer good! - break the tree - second, and grow up - year. - Take care of the land is gathering like a mother's beloved.

2. Imagine yourself the main environmentally friendly settlement. Draw in the frame of the scheme of your imaginary farm, where for heating, lighting, for different types of activity, the power of water, wind, heat of the sun, waste and garbage processing is used, again planted with trees. Plots intended for cutting down. Use the experience of the peoples of your edge, which has been preserved in rural and country settlements, in books about the old and modern culture of the peoples of Russia and the world.

Page 84 - Wonderful trip

Visit (to choose from) in the local lore or zoological museum, the battery, the zoo, the natural or historical and cultural reserve of your edge. Stick the very interesting photo of your travel.

On one piece of card, a whole world can fit, with all the oceans, continents, mountains and plains, countries, cities, minerals, animals and birds. Just need to be able to correctly read the card. In this lesson, we will find out which cards were in antiquity, and what types of cards are now, what are the advantages of the card in front of the globe, what is the scale, the legend of the card. We will learn how to use the depth scale and heights, determine the coordinates of earth objects.

Subject: Planet on which we live

People began to draw cards even before they thought about the round earth or flat. Scientists have discovered in Kamchatka drawing on the dice depicting the path to a rich prey to the place. This is probably one of the oldest cards. The cards painted on the slices of the bark, cut out on wooden planks, which were convenient to take on the road. Some peoples scratched the cards with an acute subject on raw clay tiles, which, after drying, became durable, with a clear image.

This map of the worldIn the center of which is the city of Babylon, more than 3 thousand years.

Fig. 1. World map of the ancient Babylon ()

Also found rock paintings in the caves, where people lived thousands of years ago.

Fig. 2. Fashionable area of \u200b\u200bterrain ()

With the invention, paper cards began to draw on it. All information received by scientists and travelers was applied to the cards during wanderings on various lands.

Fig. 3. Ancient world map on paper ()

The manufacture of the map was a long process, because all the details were drawn manually, so the cards were very expensive.

The long period of time was present on the maps only four: Eurasia, Africa, North America, South America. Many years passed before the navigators opened Australia and Antarctica.

When you are looking for some country on the globe, you see only one hemisphere. And to see another, the globe must be turned.

On the globe, it is impossible to designate a large number of geographic objects without increasing its size. A large globe is uncomfortable for travel use.

Scale- This is the ratio of the length of the lines on the map or drawing to the actual length. The scale of the physical map of Russia tells us that every centimeter card corresponds to 200 km on the ground.

Fig. 7. Physical map of Russia ()

On the map you can show two half of the earth at once. If we divide the globe on the equator, it will turn out map of the North and South Hemispheres,

Fig. 5. North and South Hemisphere

and if on the line of zero meridian - Western and Eastern Hemispheres.

Fig. 6. Western and Eastern Hemispheres

On the mineral map Special icons marked places of mineral deposits.

Fig. 9. Maintenance map ()

On the habitat animal habitats The habitats of various types of birds and animals are indicated.

Fig. 10. Map of habitat birds and animals ()

On the contour cards No color designations and depicted, but not signed, all kinds of geographical objects. They are convenient for labeling routes.

Fig. 11. Contour map

On the political map The world is depicted countries and their borders.

Fig. 12. Political map of Eurasia ()

On the synoptic maps Conditional icons showing observations of the weather.

Fig. 13. Synoptic map ()

Different maps are combined into atlasi.

Fig. 14. Geographical Atlas ()

Maps depict various territories. There are cards of districts, cities, regions, states, mainland, oceans, hemispheres and world maps.

Legend The map is the same as on the globe. They're called legendand usually placed at the bottom of the card.

We will find on the physical map of Russia, the West Siberian Plain.

Fig. 16. West Siberian Plain ()

Small horizontal invasses covering a considerable part of its territory, mean swamps.

Here are some of the biggest world of swamps - Vasyugansky. Lines depict rivers, borders and roads, circles - cities.

Fig. 17. Vasyugan Swamot

The sea and mountains have real outlines and paint different colors. Blue and blue - reservoirs, yellow - hills, green - lowlands, brown - mountains.

At the bottom of the card, the depth scales and heights are placed, with which you can see what height or depth means one or another color shade on the map.

The deeper the ocean, the darker color. On the North Ocean map, the darkest shade of blue in the Greenland Sea, where the depth reaches 5 thousand 527 meters; The brightest shade of pale blue color, there is the depth of the sea - 200 meters.

Fig. 18. Physical map of the Arctic Ocean

The higher the mountains, the darker the color they are indicated. So, the Ural Mountains, which are considered relatively low (the highest peaks from 1000 to 2000 m above sea level), on the map painted with light brown color.

Fig. 19. Ural Mountains

Himalayas are the highest mountains in the world (10 vertices with a height of more than 8 km) are denoted by dark brown.

Fig. 20. Himalayan Mountains

In Himalayas, Jomolungma is located (Everest) - the highest peak of the world (8848 m).

Taking advantage of the scale of heights, it is easy to determine the height of the Caucasian mountains.

Fig. 23. Caucasian Mountains

Their brown color indicates that the height of the mountains is more than 5 thousand meters. The most famous vertices - Mount Elbrus (5642 m) and Mount Kazbek (5033 m) are covered with eternal snow and glaciers.

Using a map, you can determine the exact location of any object. For this you need to know it coordinates: latitude and longitude, which are determined by a degree grid formed by parallels and meridians.

Fig. 26. Degree grid

The equator serves as the beginning of the reference - the latitude is equal to it 0⁰. The latitude is counted from 0⁰ to 90⁰ on both sides of the equator and is called northern or south. For example, the coordinate 60⁰ of northern latitude means that this point lies in the northern hemisphere and is at an angle of 60 ° to the equator.

Fig. 27. Geographic latitude

Longitude is counted from 0⁰ to 180⁰ on both sides of Greenwich Meridian and is called Western or Eastern.

Fig. 28. Geographical longitude

Coordinates of St. Petersburg - 60⁰ S.Sh., 30⁰ V.D.

The coordinates of Moscow - 55⁰ S.Sh., 37⁰v.

Fig. 29. Political map of Russia ()

  1. Vakhrushev AA, Danilov D.D. The world surrounding 3. M.: Ballas.
  2. Dmitrieva N.Ya., Kazakov A.N. The world around 3. M.: ID "Fedorov".
  3. Pleshakov A.A.Orrupturing World 3. M.: Enlightenment.
  1. Academician ().
  2. Survival ().
  1. Find a quiet ocean on the physical map of the world. Determine its deepest location, specify its name and depth. Describe how you defined this place.
  2. Make a short test (4 questions with three answers) on the topic "Geographical Maps".
  3. Prepare a memo with the rules of work with cards.