Ideas for a quest in the apartment. Interesting tasks for quests. Ready scenarios for the quest. Detailed information can be viewed by clicking on the picture.

Quests for quests are very interesting and popular entertainment. Players give various riddles and tips, with the help of which they go from one point of a specified route to the next, getting pleasant surprises for this.

Questions defined by participants are often combined with one topic, which the quest is dedicated. The main requirement for their compilation is a diversity and unusualness. From how difficult they will be, the degree of fascination of the game depends. But during the inventing prompts, it is also important not to pass a stick and not to make them excessively complex.

Basic classification

The simplest on the level of preparation of the task for quests is questions in the notes. They are encrypted on the leaves that participants need to find or earn at every stage of the competition. There are a lot of their varieties.

    1. The name of the next point of movement is cut into separate letters, which correctly folds which participants will learn where to go further.
    2. Using Rus and Sharad. They can combine pictures, numbers, letters, which, with the right interpretation, give tips on the further movement route.
    3. Riddles in logical series. For example: "The heat is born in the oven, and where does the cold come from?"
    4. An option in the best spy traditions - tips written on paper with melted wax. To find out the answer, you need to paint the leaf with colored pencils.
    5. Accommodation throughout the path of the pointers. But this does not necessarily have ordinary arrows. You can use the colors of a certain type or traces of an animal. In this form, tasks are often made for example, you can say to them: "Go in the footsteps of the lion and find a pleasant surge."
    6. The phrase from which the word consists may be mixed words. Players need to be placed in the correct order. Just so they find out what to do next.
    7. The task is written back in advance, and you need to read it right.
    8. Tip is applied on paper with lemon juice or milk. Together with the leaves, the participants are given a candle and lighter, thanks to heat from the fire of which words should manifest itself and send players to the next item.
    9. Digital encryption words are used. For example, instead of each letter it is written its sequence number in the alphabet. The key to the rapidness must be guessing or winning at one of the previous steps.
    10. As a task for a quest in the room, you can use an object in a room in several copies in one of which indications of further actions are hidden. It may be a book, a box, a bedside table and the like things.
    11. Another interesting option is to use prompts recorded in the form of their decoding - the lesson is not from the lungs, but it is very exciting and interesting.
    12. Riddles can be encrypted using pictures, each of which symbolizes part of the title of the next point of the following.
    13. Messages are also laid out by magnets on the refrigerator door.
    14. Notes hide inside cookies, candies and other products.

So that participants successfully passed all the steps of the competition and received the maximum amount of pleasure from this, the hints should be interesting and original. For a victory in each individual stage and the game as a whole, it is necessary to prepare prizes.

Since tasks for quests directly depend on the chosen topics of the competition, consider the most popular options for its conduct.

You can even get confused in four walls.

In order to spend this game, it is not necessary to go out. Tasks for the quest in the room are no less fascinating than beyond. There are several varieties of the game of this type.

  1. Escape from the room. Already by the very name, it is clear where this contest is being carried out. Its essence is that the participants are locked in an apartment or a separate room, and they should find the key to get out of it. This is a very unusual and interesting way to entertain guests who came, for example, to celebrate his birthday.
  2. Tasks for the quest in the office Great to make a surprise chief. If the firm is small, every employee can come up with one puzzle for the chef and enjoy plenty, watching how it is worn by the building in search of a raidness and his gift. The office is an ideal place in order to hide a lot of tips in it, the solidification of which will become an unforgettable entertainment.
  3. Interesting examples of tasks for the quest in the mall. And if he is also big, you can organize a truly unforgettable game. After all, in large store complexes, it is often possible to get lost, even just making purchases, and what is there to talk about the search for tips and solve puzzles! For example, you can give participants a photo of the dresses, and they will have to know its price. But first you need to find a boutique in which this model of the object of clothing is sold. Even, as an option, hide the leaf with the next task in some jacket, which will also need to be found in the photo. But in the case of this task, you will need to warn the store staff in advance so that no one will accidentally sell this thing.

Turn on brains for complete

Who said intellectuals can only be measured by their knowledge? They may be no less chest and active than others. If among your friends there are several such "book worms", make them get out of their docked room textbooks and disperse in the fresh air.

Device for them Quest in the style of the TV shows "Who wants to become a millionaire?", "The smartest" and "What? Where? When?" Prepare encrypted messages-tips on knowing various facts from history, geography, physics, biology and any other sciences. Make sure that the answer to each question serve as the key to the next destination.

You can also organize a similar test for your second half on the anniversary of your relationship or any other holiday. Only in this case the questions must be tied to the dates, places and events from living together.

If your "sacrifice" loves the series "The theory of the Big Explosion", connect to the case of his main hero Sheldon Cooper. The tangled notes written by a dusty syllable in the style of this eccentric physics will pretty quickly wore any connoisseur of the intellectual humor and make it make a thoroughly break over the raysters.

For the smallest

Children's tasks for the quest game can be no less exciting and interesting than adults. To organize such a competition for your child and his friends, use your favorite cartoon characters or computer games. Issues write on the leaves depicting a hero. You can use both the images from one cartoon, organizing the entire quest in its style and immediately from several.

An excellent source for inspiration can serve as a computer game "Klondike". Quests and tasks invented on its basis are looking for various artifacts associated with the theme of the Wild West. For greater realism, children can be put on or fully adjusted them in the best traditions of Westerns.

Participants can go in search of treasure, following the guidelines of the card. On it, you will depict several streets closest to the house by placing the game "Klondike". Quests and tasks of this type involve the search for treasures, opening the caches, appealing for help to friends, etc. This adventure will bring the kids with a lot of joy and pleasant gifts. Any holiday with such a game will be an unforgettable event in the life of every child.

"Klondike", quests and tasks in which are very fascinating and diverse, far from the only option of an interesting game. Also excellent will be the mobile quiz in the style of the film "Pirates of the Caribbean Sea". In the end point of the travel, they will be waiting for a person who dressed up by Jack Sparrow, who will give the treasure to the winner.

Hide Answers Farm

You can come up with a wide variety of interesting tasks for the quest. For example, use your old suitcase with hide the main prize. And the cipher that will help you open, let the participants collect on the digit throughout the game.

To come up with tasks for quests in the apartment, use the deck of cards. Scratch on her point of instructions to the next step and thicker it well. To disassemble the message, players will have to fold the cards in the right order. Make a tip for them, in which something from the category of "Clea, Trephists, Peaks and Bubnes will reveal you the secrets of the future." Thus, you will give players to understand that they should look for maps, as well as in what order you need to position them.

Prevent gifts original

To unusually present a gift to the birthday party, you can also use the quest. Tasks for birthday can be the most different. For example, you can arrange a whole journey around the city in search of the present. The end point will be a wardrobe with a bunch of boxes, in one of which will be hidden a cherished souvenir, and to find it, everyone will have to open them.

You can also arrange a fascinating quest in the city, whose tasks will bring the birthday room to the place where he will be waiting for a surprise congratulatory party. You can start the journey as follows. Leave from the night in your friend's room a piece of cake with a note containing approximately such a text: "Well, here is your birthday. Today everything will be for you, but to get cooked pleasantness, you will have to work hard. After all, nothing in this life is just like that. And even your holiday is no exception. To begin with, it's more comfortable, we have a cake, charge the energy from the coffee grief. What to do next - you will soon find out. "

If you are going to give a birthday one of the clothes or jewelry, you can leave the next message in a jar with coffee: "I hope you liked the cake and you finally have woke up. If yes - well done! Now capture something stylish with you and go to search for your happiness. " Even if there is no surprise among things, you can simply hide a note in the closet with further instructions.

If you want an unusual way to present a mobile for my birthday, let me receive a participant at each stage of the game one digit. Of these, the phone number will be a phone number by calling which, in the final, the birthday officer will find his gift.

Fighting cunning numbers

Interesting tasks for the quest can be invented using the most different ways of the numbers. It can be both the most elementary challenges from the category to calculate the number of steps in the house and wisdom puzzles. You can encrypt the code in the log or book. Participants will need to first guess the name of the necessary publication, and then on the specified page numbers, rows and words to find a hint to the next action.

Jobs for quests also are also able to solve the human phone number, which the key to the next step came to the email. To guess the cherished figures, it is necessary to find information about the growth, age of stars or dates of famous and not very events on the Internet. A puzzle can look like this.

Visual example

"Are you finally here? I can not even believe that I still got! I am sure that you won't pass further, because this task is clearly unable to you. The fact is that the necessary code was sent to one person whose name I will not say. You can only contact him by phone, but you will not get his number too. Want or not, but you will have to guess it. So, the first figure is the weight of Arnold Schwarzenegger in grams, you need a second digit. Further is the fourth number of Leonardo di Caprio. Then - the second digit of the growth of his partner on Wolf from Wall Street. Month of birth Rene Zelweger. Then - the second half of the foot of the foot Penelope Cruz. And the last figure is the number when Jason Stethhem girl was born. May you help you the great connoisseur of Google Stars! "

Examples of tasks for the quest of this type can be encrypted as the soul wishes, and use any wording that only come to your mind. Since the execution of this task implies the help of an Internet search engine, you can ask questions of any complexity. Including not prohibited to mention stars, in whose biographies your friend-player is not too strong. But that he himself was still more interesting to search for answers, you can make information about his idols.

Hollywood to help!

Tasks for the quest in the office and on the street you can organize in the style of any movies and serials of a group of people for whom the game is held. Options for riddles can be thought of an indispensable amount.

For example, it is very interesting to use the topic of "people in black", starting the competition from such a note: "Welcome to you, earthlings! We, Agent K and Agent J, need your help. We recorded going on, but not yet installed the planet with which he was sent. It may be a warning of people about the alien invasion to the ground, therefore, it is necessary to act very quickly. Message is encoded. The best of our agents suffer over its decryption, but they can not cope without you. We have separate parts of the message, but without help we cannot recreate all its contents. Immediately proceed to the search for the whole text! You will be an agent M and get all the necessary data from the agent B. Do not forget that the fate of the planet is in your hands! Before communication! "

Sea Top

An interesting hunt for monsters can be organized during the quest in the style of the "Supernatural" series. For lovers of monarch intrigues, the ideal option is the competition in the "game of throne". And for the fans of the walking dead, an unforgettable surprise will be a meeting with a zombie apocalypse on the streets of the city.

"Lord of the Rings", "Harry Potter", "Transformers", "Fast and Furious", "Betman" ... This list can be continued to infinity, because any popular film is just a table of fact that you can use when the mysteries are written. The same can be said about online entertainment. For example, for this purpose, the game "Klondike", quests and tasks on which will make a holiday unforgettable.

Quest (from English Quest - Search for Adventures) - This is a game in which players receive various tasks, performing which they produce hints, allowing you to proceed to the next task. Players who successfully fierce with the tasks win and receive a prize.

Children such a type of game is suitable as anyone, since the players require activity, a creative approach to the fulfillment of missions and an email.

Tasks for quest Often depend on the topic on which the game is carried out. The greatest popularity in children enjoys the search of treasure (treasures) or detective.

But whatever the topic should be interesting and varied. The complexity of the tasks also affects how the game will turn out and here the main rule is "not to overdo it", the tasks should not be too complex, but should not be simple.

Search by memories is the easiest option for organizing a quest. It is recorded on leaves that players should get or find.

Also and methods of their encryption can be different, for example:

1. The name of the next place is cut into the letters that need to be connected in the correct order.

2. The name of the place is encrypted in the form of a rebus or charade.

3. Understand the pattern and insert the missed word ("heat - oven, cold -?").

4. Write a tip of the candle and give together with the paints so that the baby can paint the sheet and the text manifested itself.

5. Pour to the site of the next cache pointers (for example, different colors, forms or from certain items and to inform the children that the next tip took the lion and to find it to find it in its footsteps).

6. The words of the prompts can be mixed and they must be placed in the right order.

7. Write a tip back in advance.

8. Write lemon juice or milk on a sheet, which to give together with a candle and lighter

9. Encrypsession (for example, a simple replacement when each letter is changing to its own sequence number in the alphabet). The key to the cipher must be guessing or provide an opportunity to earn it (in another task).

10. Name the subject that is in a house in several copies so that children bypasses them all in search of the note.

11. Record the tip mirror.

12. Encry the message to the pictures.

13. Write on the refrigerator magnetic letters.

In order for children to cope with all tasks for quest , and get the most pleasure from his passage, you need to prepare tips and most importantly - prizes!

Quest party for teenagers - fresh and fascinating idea. They teach children and young people and actively spend their free time. Among the great variety of quest scenarios, you will definitely find those that suit your child by age, theme and place. In their organization, professional animators will also be able to help you.

Quest parties are popular among children of any age. They enable the participants to feel like heroes of favorite stories from books and cartoons, exercise in sponderfulness, dexterity, accuracy and other qualities.

Quests are so fascinating that even adults will be happy to turn on this whirlpool of emotions.

From the article you will learn how to properly prepare and hold a quest for a teenager's birthday, and also complement your piggy bank with interesting scenarios and quest ideas.

Features and advantages of quests

Quest is an interactive entertainment, during which players perform a number of logical tasks related to each other to reach the ultimate goal.

The finish should be attractive for participants to act a strong motivating factor.

In Quests for the birthday, the birthday name with friends is looking for a major gift or a nobility cake, but all participants must receive incentive prizes behind the diligence and cohesive work in the passage of tests.

There is a huge variety of quests for teenagers. All events can be combined into several groups for one or another signs:

  • at the venue
    Apartment, cafe, quest-room, open space, etc.;
  • by number of participants
    Games can be designed for one, two or three people and even on whole groups;
  • on topics
    detective, historical, spyware, scientific and other types of games;
  • by content
    Depending on the purpose of the quest: find a way out of the room, find a gift, save the character, investigate the crime, etc.;
  • by linearity
    Single-level tasks with a single solution or multi-level puzzle with different approach.

Quests for children and adolescents not only perform entertainment function, but also they are responsible for the development and education of young people. We list the advantages of this kind of party:

  • the universal form of the holiday for any age - both children and adults with pleasure participate in the game;
  • specify the child the right vector for recreation (active pastime with charging for mind is clearly more useful than playing a computer or tablet);
  • teach children teamwork, contribute to the cohesion of the team;
  • make it possible to feel their significance and benefit to achieve a common goal;
  • give bright emotions and unforgettable sensations;
  • help children and adolescents to reveal their potential, show leadership and other qualities;
  • family quests help to get close to children and parents, especially this is relevant to teenagers whose interests are outside the home and family.

We invite the Event Agency for the holiday

In order not to "break the head" to prepare a quest for adolescents, you can contact the agency for organizing holidays. Professional animators will offer interesting quests for teenagers with a bright costume show, an interesting plot and a rich propulsion.

As a rule, there are ready-made quests for adolescents in Event Agencies, but specialists can adapt the quest for hobbies and age features of your child or even write an individual scenario. If the animators conduct an outbound quest for teenagers in your territory, they must study it in advance and discuss all the details about the design and content of the game.

Even if you do not need to inform the organizers of any information, with the future leading celebrations you need to meet in advance. From the conversation, it will become clear how a person treats children, whether he disassembled in children's psychology, is able to find an approach to each child - this is how such a good animator should be. According to reviews, photographs and video recordings you can see the quality of his acting game and the ability to captivate participants.

Choosing a place of the game

The choice of the area of \u200b\u200bthe quest is the first task in the preparation of the holiday.

Quests for children can be held both indoors and in nature. It is important to compare the script of the quest-game for adolescents with the place of its holding. For example, if you planned the Quest "Parallel Worlds", you will need a lot of space for the event - it provides for the presence of several tents depicting different epochs.

Most often, outbound quests for children's holidays are held in a cafe, at home and in nature. In the room you can organize a holiday with magical or pirate notes - something in the spirit of "Harry Potter", the "Lord of the Rings" or "Pirates of the Caribbean Sea". In the open area there is where to turn around, therefore, the tasks for the quest in nature for adolescents should be not only intellectual, but also to assume the tests for agility, strength, speed, endurance.

The choice of the game area depends on the number of participants. Unlikely in a small apartment you can organize a fascinating quest for the team of adolescents in 7-8 people. To find the prompts, you need to overcome obstacles, search for the desired thing in several places and do not stumble on the other keys. Note that the number of stops for high-quality quest is at least 6, so choose a spacious room with unexpected caches.

If you place all the varieties of the territory from a smaller area to the greater, it will turn out such a picture:

  • Flat
    For small quests with intelligent riddles and puzzles. The optimal number of participants is 1-4.
  • Cafe
    It has more space and opportunities for scenery. Here are relevant bright thematic shows, often organized with professional animators.
  • Open area
    Suitable for a large company or several competing teams. The scenarios of interesting quests in nature for adolescents should contain many dynamic tasks using space (for example, the performance of the relay or the combination of the accuracy).

Universal Competitions for Quests

Any quest is interesting in moderation with complex, unusual and funny tests that need to be performed to obtain a prompt and promotion to the next level of the game. All tasks for the quest for adolescents are divided into three types:

  • Puzzle
    Sleeping of rebs, crosswords, sharad, anagrams, the passage of labyrinths, etc.
  • Using requisite
    Show invisible ink, open a lock or box, etc.
  • Active action
    From parts to collect artifact, collect ingredients for potions, overcome the physical obstacle, etc.

The following are examples that you can hide the prompts in which "shell" and how to get them from there:

  • make a letter-tip letter from cut or written by the letter;
  • collect puzzle (picture or map);
  • solve the rebus or charade (the answer will be the keyword);
  • decrypt the encoded word or message (the definition scheme is attached to the task, where a specific icon is assigned to each letter);
  • write a word or text with a candle (on the painted sheet, the inscription will manifest itself);
  • finish the logical chain of words;
  • choose an excess word from the group of proposed (it will be a hint);
  • guess the riddles (deposit and will be the necessary keys);
  • solve the crossword, in which the highlighted word will be a tip;
  • decrypt the winged expressions or sayings;
  • hide the tip in one of the frames of the camera, send it by e-mail or SMS;
  • find out the labyrinth to the desired key key.

Adapt and complement the tasks depending on the level of complexity and the subject matter of the quest script for adolescents. They must be decorated bright and attractive for children.

Scenario Quest "Cave of the Three Parrots"

This event is ideal for carrying out at the cottage or on another open area. The quest is a series of obstacles and tests that need to be taken to get to the main prize - the treasure in the cave of three parrots. The presenter is in the image of an experienced traveler or captain of the ship, participants are machined under Papuans. The game is passionate as children of 9-10 years old and older guys. To organize this quest for adolescents, the following details will be needed:

  • materials for aquagrim;
  • a bottle with an encrypted letter;
  • pictures of three parrots;
  • 15-20 balloons filled with water;
  • long rope for web;
  • dishes for the noise orchestra (buckets, bowls, spoons, pans, etc.);
  • 10-15 plastic water bottles;
  • homemade target from plywood or cardboard, a few sticks as a spear;
  • disposable plates;
  • paints, tassels;
  • clothespins;
  • plastic and cardboard cups;
  • empty bottle;
  • materials for amulets (cones, stones, pasta of various shapes, sticks, etc.);
  • parts of the cut card;
  • chest with stores - gifts for all participants.

The sequence of quest stages is as follows:

  • Reading a letter from a closed bottle
    The message is encrypted, the key to the cipher is attached to the letter.
  • Relay "Collect Coconuts"
    Balloons with water.
  • Passing of web
    The task is to go through the rope, stretched in different positions between the trees, trying not to hook it.
  • Rite noise orchestra
    The goal is to create a certain rhythmic pattern and, having passed in a circle, play a melody.
  • Passage of trail
    Plastic water bottles with water and run between them "serpentine" to place zigzago-like plastic water bottles.
  • Javelin-throwing
    The task is to get to the target "spear" from a certain distance;
  • Sacrifice
    On plastic plates, paint rigs and place them on the rope using clothespins;
  • Transfusion "Live" water
    The task is to pour water along the chain with the help of cups from the first player to the last and pour it into a bottle with a narrow neck.
  • Building a fortress
    Build the highest fortress from cardboard cups.
  • Obstacle - Scala
    The goal is to "split" the rock from plastic bottles with water balloons filled with water.
  • Gifts for Papuans
    The manufacture of amulets from the subwoofers - pebbles, pasta, sticks, cones, coloring and painting them.
  • Card recovery
    Papuans in gratitude leave the players to the pieces of the card, which, the children find the cave of the three parrot, where the treasure is hidden.
  • Final part
    Presentation of gifts, completing the game.

Invitation cards on such an exciting event can be prepared in the form of an ancient message, which can be "aged" with the help of tea brewing or coffee grounds. For a larger effect, you can fall the edges of the letter.

Organization of Pirate Quest

This thematic party is one of the quests for adolescents at home. The lead can be transformed into a captain of a ship or a famous pirate (for example, Jack Sparrow). Pirate themes fascinates both children, and older children, so this game will suit the participants of any age (only one should choose the optimal complexity of tasks). According to the script, the feast is smoothly flowing into the game when the organizer, spill by all "pirates" rum or El, detects a note-glued to the bottle ...

Before the game you should prepare the following props:

  • an invitation letter with a Salton Island (apartment scheme);
  • sails made of thin tissue attached to a long stick, fan (for imitation of the movement of the ship in the wind), video of the ship movement in the open sea;
  • tied bundle with riddles;
  • note with a task and image of a banana (for the bathroom);
  • rope, bananas, boxes with pirated labels inside (on each label - the letter from the keyword);
  • 10 pictures of volatile mice, bag (for cave);
  • palm drawing;
  • balls with keyword letters, basket (for jungle).
  • note with a task, kegli (for sleepy dell);
  • paper snowflake;
  • treasures in the form of sweets.

Quest script includes such steps:

  • Acquaintance with the letter of the leader of the Pirates of the Caribbean
    Invitation to the game, the purpose of which is to find treasures on the island of Satolnd.
  • Folding pieces card for all route points
    She is attached to the letter. The first station is indicated by the number "1", all of the following are found from the keys.
  • Stop in the Valley of Wisdom
    desk. Guessing mysteries on marine themes (a bundle with riddles is hiding in the depths of the table).
  • Stop in Coral Bay
    In bathroom. The task is to name at least 30 words related to the sea and pirated life (this task players find on a note attached in the bathroom). After his successful execution, the host asks to find the key where to follow (the bathroom is glued with a banana picture).
  • Stop in a banana grove
    kitchen. The task is to cut off the pirated labels from the rope and from the letters on them to make a keyword - the place of further follow.
  • Stop in the cave
    corridor. The task is to find 10 bats and fold them into the bag, then the entrance to the cave (cabinet) will open, where the tip is drawing a palm tree.
  • Stop in the jungle
    Window side with indoor plants. The task is to throw coconuts (balls) in the basket, then from the letters of the balls make a word-tip - the next item of the route.
  • Sleeping
    sofa. Players find a note, which states that everyone is falling asleep. The task of the participants is to pass with closed eyes from one end of the sofa to the other, did not assign put the kegli. After passing the test for the sofa, the hint is hidden - snowflake.
  • Stop on the glacier
    refrigerator. The task is to collect a keyword pointing to the treasures from the letters on the magnets (it will be candy and cake that can be seen by opening the refrigerator).
  • Finishing Quest
    Solemn feast with the main prize.

By organizing a pirated party, you need to follow the dress code. Pour for young pirates of bandanes or dark scarves, homemade vests with fringe (they can be cut out of black films and packages), dressings on one eye. In the invitation to the holiday, you need to specify the requirements for a pirated image and appoint a "fine" for the complete absence of any pirate labels. The final sweet prize should also be arranged in the thematic style: the cake can be decorated with a picture of a funny Roger, and next to it put a "box with gold" - chocolate coins in foil.

A good quest for teenagers can be organized anywhere - at home, in a cafe or in nature. Interesting tasks, non-standard ideas, unexpected horses with tips, steep turns of the plot and bright themed scenery with a propulsion - if you take into account these conditions, the quest will cause a squall of delight at the birthday and his friends.

Holding a quest for teenagers: video

A fascinating quest is a great option for teenagers. In today's video review, two videos are provided - in the first you will be able to familiarize yourself with the quest "Magic Spring", and in the second - "tourist silence".

Gift-Quest- The method of originally and fun to give any gift, turning it into an interesting, exciting adventure. Why is such a name? In general, the quest is a type of game with various ciphers and riddles, which by chain lead to the main prize.

Main idea:instead of a gift that is hiding in advance in a secluded place, a person is awarded a kind of message-riddle-directions with a tip where to look for the next note. Foundation for a guess, and a person finds a surprise. The ideas of the quest in the room can be viewed.

Ready scenarios for the quest. You can see detailed information by clicking on the picture.

Quest transformer - The finished original set (idea and its embodiment belongs exclusively site site), consisting of a set of tasks, with which you can be interested in and originally to beat the presentation of a gift to your loved ones, native or friends.

All tasks are fully prepared - you just need to choose from them the most suitable by keywords, print and immediately before the start of the game, decompose according to the well-thought-out search chain.

About Complete

  • A wide variety of universal places in the apartment or in a cottage, where you can hide the riddles and the surprise itself.
  • No search chain, you can launch tasks in any sequence and make any number of steps (maximum 15 stages).
  • Multifunctional, suitable for any holiday: This kit can be useful to you more than once: With it, you can organize a quest and beat the presentation of a gift to a variety of holidays, and just make a surprise.
  • Fascinating: Tasks are interesting, merry and varied. In their basis - verbal games (including words-anagram with permutation of letters, puzzles encrypted by pictures of phraseologism). The riddles are not very complicated, but not primitive, they are more designed for the smelting and intelligence than any specific knowledge. Many tasks, so you will definitely make a chain search for your taste!
  • The kit is suitable for printing on a black and white printer.
  • The recommended age of players is adults and adolescents from 14 years.

Design set

This is how part of the tasks of the proposed kit looks:

Description of tasks

(in brackets indicate key places where you can hide tips and surprise)

  1. Tip "Switching TV-Gear" (television). Interesting and fun task, which will especially like to lovers of the game "Reversals". Example from the tip: Caucasian Chebureks (Ural dumplings).
  2. Tip "Winged phrases from movies" (newspaper).To find out where to move on, you need to remember phrases from the well-known Soviet films.
  3. Hint "Pseudo-native nonsense" (lamp).Very fascinating task for a sense of humor and figurative thinking. The task shows the famous proverbs and sayings, in which all the words are replaced by scientific (or almost scientific) definitions. As a result, it turned out some pseudo-native nonsense. Example from the tip: The person who used the ethyl alcohol in an amount exceeding a certain dose, prone to inadequate representation of the degree of depth of certain types of large reservoirs (the answer is the drunken sea by knee).
  4. Tip "Fabulous Ads" (a computer).Pleasant cheerful task for the smell. You need to guess which of famous fabulous characters is the author of comic ads. Example from the tip: I offer services for conducting a fiery and pyrotechnic show. An indispensable worker! By inviting me, you will appreciate the saying: "One head is good, and a few - better!" (Answer - snakes Gorynych).
  5. Tip "Proverb in Square" (sofa).Difficult task on the speed of thinking: you need to cut 9 squares with letters and fold them into one large square so that you can read the proverb.
  6. Tip "In the world of animals" (mirror).A funny task for a mixture: you need to guess who from representatives of the animal world the most common suggestions as mottos. Example from the tip: "Leopard change his spots!" (camel).
  7. Tip "Family Ties" (plate).It is necessary to restore the confused words denoting the names of various related relationships.
  8. Tip "Encrypted Text" (cupboard).Select 4 options encrypted phrase.
  9. Tip "Dance" (refrigerator).Interesting dance quiz.
  10. Tip "Edible anagrams" (curtain). Interesting task with anagramms. Example from the tip: rent + Nick \u003d Nectarine.
  11. Hint "Encrypted phraseologisms" (chair).Good task for figurative thinking.
  12. Tip "Riddles with trick" (pillow). Comic riddles.
  13. Tip "Shared letters" (cup).Assurance task.
  14. Tip "Encrypted saying" (a bag).Sunny cipher. It is necessary to find a way to read the famous saying.
  15. Tip "Multiplication Table" (box in the kitchen).Interesting task on logic.

Note: Tips 1-9 are performed on a sheet of format A4; And tips 10-15 - at half pasta.

  • recommendations for the preparation and conduct of the quest + plate for compiling the search chain + exemplary quest scenario in the apartment
  • tasks and answers (every task immediately follows the answer, and for convenience and visibility all the answers are decorated in the same way as the tasks themselves)

Attention! The kit is offered in electronic form - you will need to print everything you need on the printer (sheet format when printing A4).

Set format: tasks and answers - 27 pp., Recommendations - 3 pp. (PDF files)

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When you plan a children's holiday, the easiest option is to contact people who professionally engage in the organization of the holidays. They will offer you a lot of options for conducting, various types of entertainment, among which quests are particularly popular today.

Quest - This is a chain of tasks, related to any subject, a common goal.

It is not surprising that children are delighted with quests, because they love to solve secrets so much, to go to the goal and result in such a desired prize.

But to arrange a fascinating quest, not necessarily to contact anyone. By turning on the mixture and fantasy, to any parent under the power to write the script of its special quest, which will be drawn up with the entry of hobbies, the interests of your child. And such a quest will be more valuable, because you have invested the soul into it, and even more interesting, because who, how don't you know than to interest your own child.

To compile the script, you will need tasks for the quest for children. Consider various options for children's tasks, which, which, you can make your own unique scenario.

To read it, you need to do certain actions. Examples of such a letter:

  • inscription with milk. Manifests itself when heated. To do this, you will need matches or lighter, so such a task cannot be given to the kids. But even if you make a quest for schoolchildren, at this stage it is desirable to participate or at least the presence of an adult for security purposes.
  • wax candle or chalk. Paper with a tip must be painted with a pencil so that the inscription manifests itself. Excellent safe task option.
  • advanced inscription. We take two sheets of paper, put on a soft surface and write a message so that it is imprinted on the bottom sheet. He will be our secret letter. To read the inscription, it is the same as in the previous version, you need to paint.


It can be easily compiled independently. For example, a guess of the next stage will be the word "sun". For each letter, we invent another word: the letter "C" is a dog, etc. Moreover, it may not necessarily be the first letter of the word. Then we select a leading question or a riddle. Answers fit into cells and the result is a word-tip in one of the columns. It is painted in some color. An example of such a crossword can be looked here.

Hid tip

For such a type of tasks, a container with sand, any cereal or pasta, in which the capsule is hidden with a hint. You can also use water bucket.

Such tasks are more suitable for the quest, which is carried out in nature.

You can hide the tip and not in the container, but on a certain area. It can be some bushes or thick grass.


One or more questions, solving which, participants receive a hint. It is desirable that quiz questions be combined with one topic. It can be phrases from fairy tales, for which you need to guess the fairy tale itself.

More quiz options:

  • we take several items or pictures, you need to guess from what movie or cartoon these items;
  • geographic quiz - guess the country, cities;
  • quiz with questions about animals, birds or insects;
  • quiz with questions about household appliances or about any items used in everyday life.

If the quest is held with schoolchildren, quiz can be devoted to any subject they study at school. In this case, the task will not only be fascinating, but also useful.


More suitable for nature, but at home can be organized. On the street, it can be stretched ropes, between which you need to crawl, or a tunnel of branches - it is already necessary to look from the presence of materials.

At home, you can use a special children's tunnel or pull the tape between the walls in the corridor.


It can be both in prose and in poetic form. Foundation is the key to the next task.

To complicate the task, write down the riddle of the back in advance - then the children will have to try to read it, and then just guess.


We portray the key word using the rebus. Rebus can be selected ready, but you can come up with yourself.


We pre-print a word or a picture on paper, glue paper on a dense cardboard and cut into parts. The task of the child is to fold the puzzle to get a hint.

Word encrypted using phone buttons

There are letters on the phone buttons, which means each letter in the word can be designated. But each digit corresponds to a few letters, which complicates the task. Such tasks are suitable for schoolchildren, kids can not cope with them.

Icons encrypted word

Each letter of the alphabet is indicated by some sign - a circle, a square, an asterisk. Children gives cipher from signs and alphabet with symbols. Their task is to choose the letters as soon as possible and solve the word.

find 10 differences

Famous entertainment since childhood - compare two pictures and find differences. It is quite possible to make a task for a children's quest. The team to seek the differences is much more fun and more interesting.


This is the amount of quest in nature. Variations The relay is very much. You can come up with your own, stylizing it under the topics of the quest. For example, if the quest is dedicated to the New Year, then children can instead of a ball to transmit each other toy snowman or a bag of Santa Claus with gifts.

Who is excess here?

Children are offered several words or pictures. Their task is to determine what object or word is extra. Excessive word is just the key to the next stage. An option with complication - every word I make a mystery or rus, then children first need to solve words, and then search among them is superfluous.


Pre-prepare cards with prompts, on each card - the word and number. To find out what word and there is a key, you need to count something. You can count the steps in the entrance, shops or trees on the street, windows in the house, etc. Complete the task - it is necessary to calculate several objects, then fold these numbers to get the key.

Find the desired box

It is necessary to prepare a few identical boxes, in one of which is the key or word. The task of the participants is to open all the boxes. The option is more complicated - in each put on the key, but only one of them comes to the castle, or in each piece on a piece of paper, but only on one of them a hint.

Mirror reflection

We write a word or a riddle in mirror mapping. Participants must guess themselves that it is necessary to apply the mirror to read. By the way, the mirror can also be hidden, thereby making the task even more interesting.

General rules of tasks

Here are only the basic options for tasks, you can take them as a basis or come up with your own, but at the same time you need to follow several rules:

  • all tasks should not be in danger. You can not force a child to twist across the river or to dry the fire;
  • the tasks must correspond to the age of the participants so that they can be able to solve them. But at the same time, they should not be too simple;
  • the quest stages should be combined with one topic, smoothly move into each other, line up with a logical chain;
  • at the end of the participants should wait for the prize, and he must be such that no one disappoints. If the game is a command, then the prize should be designed for the entire team. Optionally, you can give small prizes at each of the stages of passage.

We hope that our prompts will help you and you organize your original and fascinating children's quest!