Games on three battle pillows. Mickey Mouse: Fight pillows. Free online games, no need to download

Many in childhood loved to arrange different battles and fights. The battle of the pillows was probably the most popular species of solving issues among small children.

This fun arcade will show you how the favorite Disney heroes are fighting on the pillows. First, the geimer needs to choose a hero. Choose from Gufi, Mickey Mouse and Donald Daca. Then you need to decide with the place of battle. Three different battlefield options will be available at once!

The chapter is a step-by-step shooter, where each participant per course should shoot in opponent with one of several weapons options. To do this, there is a serious arsenal at your disposal. It has tomatoes, paper airplanes, a pillow, a water pistol and even an umbrella. Sometimes drawers with bonuses will fall from the sky. To use them, you need to take care of them on the balloon. Try to be as neat as possible with such flights, because the fall from a decent height will cause you more damage than the enemy shells.

Description Flash Games

Mickey Mouse: Battle Pillows

Mikki Maus: Bitva Podushkami

Friendly battles with pillows is always fun and exciting. And it does not matter, they are held in life or with characters from a favorite animated series. In the online game Mickey Mouse: You can take part in the Battle of Pillows in one of these battles. In this game you can play one, two or three players. First, select the game mode and then the characters themselves with whom will continue the game. It may be: Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse or Guffa. When the choice is made, you will find yourself on the field with different characters of the game, among which the whole same is the above trience. A player will take part in merry battles with pillows, but not only pillows can be used in the case? Water balls, various toys, toy pistols and other attributes will help you. The main task is to cause damage to your opponents using the presented attributes. But Mickey Mouse game: Battle of pillows is presented for a while. For the allocated time, your character needs to apply as much damage to your rivals. Good luck with that!

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