Indian Chess Party. Who came up with Indian defense? What is this debut

Old Indian Protection remains one of the main weapons against 1.D4When playing victory. This popular protection has its own ups and downs throughout the entire modern practice. This debut was very popular in the 50s, thanks to such players like Bronstein, Geller, Glygaric, whose batch gave a big impetus in the development of the theory of Old Indian protection.

1.D4 NF6 2.C4 G6 3.NC3 BG7 4.E4 D6 5.NF3 0-0 6.Be2 E5 7.0-0 NC6 8.D5 NE7

Later, celebrities such as Mikhail Tal and Bobby Fisher also brought fame to this debut. However, the highest peak of popularity of Old-Indian defense received when Harry Casparov began to apply for black, having won a pretty number of amazing victories against the world's top grandmaster at the time.

Several unforgettable parties Harry Kasparov should be remembered in this debut, especially this wonderful victory against the Dutch GM Piket Jeroen:

Kasparov played 20 ... G3!, Sacrificed Rudew and later win through 8 moves.

The list of rivals, defeated Harry Kasparov in this version of the extensive, including A Shirov, Kamsky, Gelfand, Ljubojevic and Korchnoi. However, a few years later, Kasparov began to experience some difficulties against Vladimir Kramnik and his favorite version of 9.B4, later he refused this option. Of course, it is difficult to say that this decision was made only due to theoretical reasons. Apparently, there was still a question of changing the repertoire. Since then, Old Indian Protection is rarely found at the highest level. If we consider modern grandmaster, then only Rajabs Teymur and Nakamura Hikaru from time to time apply it with good results.

In this article, we will look at a few excellent games in this option and provide you with some understanding of the game plan. We will focus on position arising after 8 ... ne7.where white has a few moves, but we will look at the main answer 9. NE1.

Black planning plan:

After moves:

1.D4 NF6 2.C4 G6 3.NC3 BG7 4.E4 D6 5.NF3 0-0 6.Be2 E5 7.0-0 NC6 8.D5 NE7 9.NE1, Black continue 9 ... nd7.To prepare F7-F5. 10.Be3. White attack on the queen flank, promoting its queen paws to open a line with the course of C4-C5. 10 ... F5 11.F3 F4 12.BF2 G5

In the next position, both sides have clear goals: white "destroy" the ferous flank black, attacked by its figures and pawns, and black are trying to do the same on the opposite, where the white king is.

In this embodiment, black has a standard plan: NG6 - NF6 - RF7 - BF8. It is important to know this idea because it is often used, not only after 9. NE1. In the next game, we can appreciate how black managed to coordinate their strength and won a great victory. Let's look at the batch between the two famous legends:

Next, we consider a slightly different plan, but very aggressive - the translation of the rook by vertical \\ "\\" H \\ "\\" with the help of maneuver RF6 - RH6. - and then QE8-QH5. This direct attack can be very effective, and practice has shown that white need to be careful. This plan was seen in the following parties:

As we can see by the parties here, the Mar-del Plata version of Old Indian protection leads to a cruel battle with mutual chances. Those who love to risk and always fight for victory, avoiding drawnings, can consider old-indian protection as a reliable weapon.

Good day, dear friend!

Question on the backfill: What chess debut was reflected in the songs of Vladimir Vysotsky? Answer you probably know if I have little familiar with the work of Vladimir Semenovich. This is Old Indian Protection.

"And he destroys my defense, the old Indian at the moment. This vaguely reminds me of Indo-Pakistani incident ... "

Remember? The unlucky hero of this work was played by the match with "slate" and a classic debut played with fright - old-indian protection.

And now let's get away from the creativity of the poet and return to our chess "land."

What is this debut?

Old Indian Protection, one of the most popular and interesting, is as follows:

Black does not prevent the creation of a pawn center whites than those in most options uselessly use.

main ideaold Indian Protection - Attack of the White Figures Attack at the timely support of nursing confrudars e7-E5, F7-F5, in some options c7-C5.. This is an assimitric debut, in which black is trying to implement their own counterpore plan.

An important role in the development of black counterproofs is given fiaketed elephant on G7. It's not by chance that it is called "Starindian" . In many options, white are trying to exchange it on their black elephant even at the cost of a pace pair.

Perhaps, I will refrain from transferring the names of outstanding chess players - supporters of Old Indies and opponents for whites, playing and playing this debut in one way or another. For it is easier to list those who managed the old woman to the side.

And therefore we move directly to the debut:

Main options

Option four paws

White seek to get the maximum advantage in space using a heavy duty nose center. The idea is understandable and logical, however takes time. Black can and should have time to deploy their counterpart.

5 ... 0-0 6.kf3

Today, the most popular continuations for black 6 ... C5. and 6 ... ka6.They are Most often lead to the positions of the debut of modern benon, which we will look at in a separate article.

Approximate option:

With the game. Dean Lick - Report , 2013

6 ... E5 The principal answer is the victim of the pawn, which is most often rejecting.

For example:

With a slight advantage of white



This move is characterized by the Zemish system, one of the most famous buildings for whites in Old Indian.

White create a powerful honest fist in the center. In the future, they seek to develop the initiative or on the royal flank of the pawns g4. and h4-H5, or on the queen.

Black typical game for Old Indian: Contrudar e7-E5 or c7-C5. and sometimes b7-B5..

Consider 5 ... E5, 5…0-0 , 5 ... C6.

5 ... E5

Black spend Constridar e5before castling, trying to save the pace.

With a sharp game with mutual chances.

With mutual chances. Sangieneti - Fisher . 1959


Black is not yet defined with the plan.


Software in the zemish system.

Consider black 6 ... KBD7.and 6 ... KC6.. May also be 6 ... E5 With the ideas of the previous version.

6 ... KBD7.

Black cook conrtidar c7-C5. and try to expand the radius of the Stare Indian Elephant g7..

With about equal to the game. Wityugov - Mamedov , 2013

6 ... KC6.

Black takes Under the sight Point D4 at the same time preparing the flank operation.

For example:

With exemplary equality. Spassky -Nazhmetdinov .1969g.

Classic system

White creates an extended honest center and without delay develop the figures of the Royal Flange. White plane - active actions in the center and on the query flank.

6 ... E5 The most logical continuation.

7.0-0 The most principled.

Most popular moves for black in this position 7 ... KBD7 and 7 ... ks6.

7 ... KBD7

Approximate option:

With a little freaking in white. Knaak - Meking, 1975

7 ... ks6.

The most modern interpretation of the variant for black.

With about equal to the game. Taimanov - Simagin , 1961


With the help of the flank development of the elephant, the white strengthen the pressure on the center and the queen flank and cover their king.

5.Kf3 0-0.6.0-0

While everything is logical and in special comments, there is no need, as I suppose.

The most popular plans for black: 6 ... .kbd7 and 6 ... ks6.

6 ... KBD7.

7.KC3. The most frequent continuation. White reserve move e2-E4.

With some advantage of white.

6 ... ks6.

So-called modern option . Black organize immediate figured pressure on the center and only then complement it with nursing shocks.

7.x3The most frequent answer white

With about equal to the game.

Brief summary

We briefly reviewed the most popular Stare-Indian Systems.

I would say this: if you love an active, dynamic game, you know how to lead the attack on the king - Old Indian Protection is a very sensible choice for black.

The most typical attacking scenario: at a fixed pawn center C4-D5-E4 White I. d6-E5 in black, - Promotion f7-F5-F4, then putting the pawns g. and h.moving figures on the Royal Flang and Taran Pawn g. and h. The position of the king white.

Typical example of such an attack - party CO - Nakamura See section approximate parties

Chances of whites - on the queen flank - attack on pawns fromand b., opening the lines and penetration into the rival camp figures.

In short, the game goes on counter courses, which promises an interesting and meaningful struggle with mutual chances.

Typical mistakes and traps

And the white thing is to surrender. They extremely unsuccessfully placed the figures, - contracted with the rules of playing the old-indictment for whites.

Black win quality. Here is an old-indian elephant in action.

The next party is interesting in which the White donated the Queen and conducted a decisive attack:

Zakharchenko - Ulansky , 2009

Black surrendered

Approximate parties

Karlsen-Grishchuk, Dubai, 2014, 1:0

CO - Nakamura, Saint Louis, 2015. 0:1

Nikolich - Kasparov , New York, 1994. 0:1

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difficulty: ★ ★

If you are looking for a simple, but effective way to play black in response to any white stroke except 1. E4, it is definitely worth paying attention to old Indian Protection. This debut is obtained after the moves 1. D4 KF6 2. C4 G6 3. KC3 CG7 4. E4 D6. See Diagram:

Black give the center, avoiding immediate contact, but calculate the counterattack by undermines C5 or E5 later. At the disposal of white development methods. We highlight the main.

1) Attack of four pawns

5. F4.

It looks terrible. White want to dream from the opponent's board with their nice avalanche. But not everything is so sad for black. After the exemplary option 5. ... 0-0 6. KF3 C5 7. D5(In the case of 7. DC F5! Black take on C5 Castle with an active game, TK White do not have time to take on D6 due to the threat to: E4) e6 8. CE2 ED 9. ED CG4 10. 0-0 KBD7 11. H3 C: F3 12. C: F3 le8in black comfortable development, and white pawns do not go further.

2) Zeep System

5. F3.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bwhite is to play se3, fd2, 0-0-0 and then carry out a typical during versatile casting: Сh6, h4, g4, h5 etc.. Black wide selection of retaliation plans. After the casting, you can play KS6 or C6, A6, B5 or cooking C5. And the oldest, proven method is: 5. ... 0-0 6. CE3 E5 7. D5 KH5 8. FD2 F5 etc.

3) classic system

5. KF3.

White make a reasonable developing course. Next, the game usually goes like this: 5. ... 0-0 6. CE2 E5 7. 0-0(If white twice takes on E5, then after k: E4 blacks are playing a pawn - this trick passes in many versions of Old Indian protection.) KS6 8. D5 KE7.

This option is one of the most popular and principled in Old Indian Protection for both colors. The main plans of the parties are as follows.

White will try to use their spatial advantage on the queen flank, undermining the black with B4 and C5. The horse F3 goes through D2 on C4 (after C5) or through E1 on D3. The elephant comes out on A3 or E3. At some point, white can beat on D6 and attack a weak pawn, and also try to invade vertical with.

Black plan - to lead the horse F6 on H5, E8 or D7, play F5 and return to the F6 horse. After the white will fix the center using F3, the blacks play F4 and exercise the honest assault assault on whites: G5, H5, G4 etc.. Such a movement of pawns from its own king is not as dangerous at the closed center. In this embodiment, blacks often give up their queens flank, making a bet only for a desperate attack. The strategy is risky, but often works.

4) Averbach System

The idea is white in the fact that in the case of a standard game of black to undermining the E5 horse F6 will be under the bundle and to spend F5 will not be easy. But there are other plans, for example: 5. ... 0-0 6. FD2 C5 7. D5 E6 8. CD3 ED 9. CD KBD7etc.

5) System 5. H3

Flexible move. It is useful to cover the G4 field from the horse's socks to develop an elephant on E3. Or sometimes white non-completely play G2-G4 to prevent the subsidence F5. The main plan for black standard for Old Indian Protection - E7-E5 after casting.

6) Fianketto System

1. D4 KF6 2. C4 G6 3. KC3 CG7 4. G3

Calm positional system. The response pianketo religibly protects the position of the castle and makes a pawn offensive black on the royal flank less attractive. Possible development of further events: 4. ... 0-0 5. CG2 D6 6. KF3 KBD7 7. 0-0 E5 8. E4 C6 9. H3 LE8 10. CE3 ED 11. K: D4 KC5 12. FS2 A5 - White has a little more space, but the position of the blacks is very strong.

The huge plus of Old Indian Protection is that it can be played on any first move white except E4. It is not necessary to learn separately how to react to 1.d4, the English beginning (1. C4), the debut of retire (1. KF3) itd. You just piankett the elephant and then counterattack the center in one way or another depending on which construction is elected white. As a result, combat asymmetric positions are obtained, in which black is easier to play victory than in more "right" debuts, such as. But, of course, nothing free. The center has a center, and a strong opponent can crush, and not allowing the opportunity to turn the black counterpore. Nevertheless, Old Indian Protection remains a very popular debut at all levels, including grandmaster.

Black plans.

In the "Indian" there are many plans for small, but remote black defenders, ready for you to go immediately and without intense. Like this? Now you will see in the following example. Indians, learned your blood, - their owner, - saw that you were, and they stopped feeling fear, madmen!
And do not think that they create only fiction, the simply imitation of non-existing power ... No. Although, of course, with the power here they are not very good (they do not understand this), but with anger - better and do not ask. Remember, modern benoni is, first of all, an aggressive toy in need of a permanent initiative. She does not like not threaten: a constant jack, threat, audacity, anger - here is her essence. If you don't have her blood in the veins, she will not be friends with you, but she will feel you with the tips of his cogging, believe me.
Tal once said that "she" chose him herself, having gone all the hearts of chess players!

I. Attack on the royal flank.

This guy (below in the picture) 22. And he already ... I managed to just lose the quarterfinal match of applicants! What do you think who is it?
Mikhail Tal? Looks like. But no, - in the yard of 1974 and before you for three years as a grandmaster, - Enrique Mecking! This Brazilian guy Wunderkind received the peak of his outstanding success during this period 1974-1977, twice storming the Championship Olympus in contendent matches! But in vain. And without achieving success, he followed the recent example of Fisher - left the speeches. But together with Fisher, he came to chess - also in 1991!?
This party is the last party of the missed contender match of 1974, nothing has already depended on it, so Enrique decided to wake! So, the third in the world by rating (at that time, not counting Fisher) Yunets (younger short for 23 years) playing the match in the USA, Georgia, the city of Augusta.

KORTSCHNOJ, VIKTOR (2670) - Mecking, Henrique (2615)

1.D4 KF6 2.KF3 C5 3.D5 E6 4.C4 EXD5 5.CXD5 D6 6.KC3 G6 7.E4 CG7 8.SE2 0-0 9.0-0 LE8 10.Kd2 KBD7 11.FC2 KE5 12.B3 G5 !?

Burns. So just not played!? Horse outpost sat down well on E5, and does not want to leave ... and who will you talk to something? F4 is clearly for black as a chicken for a fox, and G5 depreciates it. Need to play sharply! Now it is already a classic, standard maneuver, and then - Revelation!
13.cb2 g4!?

And this is what?! Cut here thought. Well, of course: the contender match is still, not a survey in the park. Black in Indian does not play so, here are not their plot!
So the audacity ... She teach her blood. The instinct and human factor comes into business: a short time is lost.
14.LFE1 Again by: what is called not that rook
14. ... kh5 15.kd1?! 15. ... KF4.
What is being done, what is being done ... Look at the black attack on the royal flank !! Look at the moves of whites - they retreat (with all their recent positional advantages), here it is her whole essence - anger! I have long guess that she is a woman ...

16.cb5 LF8 17.KE3 FG5!

Queen jumped up, - you can't call it differently. How beautiful is the position! Ploy! The black game unfolds itself!
18.kf5? And here is the human factor: Is it possible to capture power so quickly? Corrior broke.
CXF5 19.exf5

CED3 ?! \u003d
Now black misses their chances. Swing. White equalize. And then - black even lost. But no one is not at all "India", she justified himself!

20.cd3 CXB2 21.Lad1 CD4 22.KE4 FXF5 23.kg3 FG5 24.cxh7 + krH8 25.FF5 FH6 26.FXG4 KXG2 27.KrXG2 FXH7 28.Le7 LG8 29.FF4 SE5 30.FF3 LG7 31.LXB7 FC2 32. Le1 krgin8 33.Le4 LF8 34.LG4 FXA2 35.KF5 LXG4 + 36.FXG4 + KRH7 37.FH5 + KRG8 38.Kh6 + KRG7 39.KxF7 LG8 40.KXE5 + KRF6 + 41.KG4 + LXG4 + 42.FXG4 1-0

I remember, it was one of the first to be analyzed by me on the topic black Attacks on the Royal Flan! Then the party captured me, and I began to apply an attack on the royal flank in Indian where it was possible, and where there is no!

Later I will still post when a minute will appear, on this topic are fresh examples and followers of Mecking.
In the meantime.

As you can see, the black attack is possible when leaving the horse whites with F3 (usually translated it on C4), which for a while leaves without controlling the royal flank, and with the support of his horse-out on E5, which, as it should shouts with its camp: "Let's , I'm already here, pop up! ".

And indeed, "Error price for black is very high" But the reward does not dorm ...