The history of maps in the world of tanks. Ruinberg is on fire. The main components of the map


A vibrant and lush landscape with many forests and villages located in different parts of the map. A large damaged aqueduct crosses the eastern part of the valley. The numerous mountain ranges are great places for ambushes, but the wide fields make movement between positions dangerous.

Empire border

The first Asian map in the game after update 1.0. Its distinguishing feature is the Great Wall of China, dividing the location into two parts. Different areas of the map suit different classes and playstyles.


Swamps, rocks and rocky cliffs divide the map into three main areas of operation. The absence of buildings and a small number of rock shelters favor the actions of artillery. For success, it is necessary to concentrate the forces of the attackers in one of the directions in case of diversionary actions or tough containment of the enemy in other sectors.


An isolated mountain valley on one flank and city blocks on the other allow you to get close to the enemy at the distance of the final throw. An open lake in the center of the field allows you to provide fire support to your allies at a fairly large distance.

Siegfried Line

The successful combination of open spaces and city blocks is a feature of this map. The winding streets allow you to penetrate into the rear of the enemy, and numerous pillboxes can be used as cover.


The teams' starting positions are separated by an even, well-shot field. This map in World of Tank is convenient for defending and destroying the enemy with artillery forces. Deep detours using cover - copses, folds of terrain and village houses can decide the outcome of the battle. A well-coordinated attack across the field at high speed, with the support of artillery can also be successful, but rather risky.


It is a mixed type card. Two zones with dense urban development, separated by an open section of the Svisloch River embankment. The main collision takes place on opposite sides of the avenue. Attempts to quickly break through the defenses in this place are extremely risky. Only by achieving success on the flank can you expect to win.


In the center of the map are a large monastery and a city. Three roads lead from north to south. The monastery courtyard is an advantageous firing position. A long hill to the west and a winding ravine to the east provide excellent protection from artillery fire.


A scenic area with a mixed landscape, divided into 3 main zones: an old castle in the center of the map, a small town and elevation with watchtowers in the northern part, hilly plains in the southern part.


Map conveying the atmosphere of the landing of the allied forces in the coastal part of Normandy on June 6, 1944. It is interesting not only for its historical component, but also for its design. This is a whole exhibition hall of samples of German fortifications from all over the Atlantic Wall.

Oryol ledge

Atmospheric map from Belgorod 1943. The map is intended for the General battle. There are several zones: a factory in the center of the map, dense forests in both teams, a church above the plain, a small bridge and a destroyed plane.


We can safely say that "Paris" is not only a city of fashion and beauty, love and romance, but also an excellent game location for virtual tank battles. Features of the map open up opportunities for varied and dynamic combat operations. Three playing zones provide freedom of action for all classes of vehicles. There is a place for everyone, the main thing is to decide on your own desires.


This map is characterized by mountainous terrain, which is characterized by rugged relief. Numerous rocks and stones protect against enemy fire, various hills are great places for ambushes, and winding roads allow you to strike at an enemy base.


The hills along the edges of this map are lined with numerous houses. The winding streets will allow you to strike unexpectedly. The wasteland lying between the hills is the shortest path to the enemy base.


An open hilly area, divided by a railroad embankment. Groups of trees provide excellent cover for anti-tank SPGs. Watch out for the flanks when attacking. While defending, attack the enemy's flanks. Artillery has freedom of action, but is extremely vulnerable to raids by high-speed light forces.


The game location is a rural area in Britain. There is a small town in the center of the map. Fields that blend into hills are great places for decisive attacks. The river in the middle of the map does not impede vehicle movement and serves as a good reference point.


The high hill in the center of the map is the key point of the map. Despite the difficulties in its occupation, it sharply improves the position of the team that took it. The village northeast of the hill and the island west of it, despite a number of advantages, remain vulnerable to fire from the center.


The concentric system of streets of the city, dense trees and bushes in the park allow making hidden maneuvers and quickly transferring reserves. Artillery operations in the urban area are very difficult, but the high degree of destruction in the city allows them to provide effective support to their allies.

Fishing bay

This map is a good combination of open space and rugged terrain. The narrow, winding streets of the port city on the flank will help you gain an unexpected advantage. Gentle hills with numerous bushes will allow widespread use of ambush tactics.


Open flat terrain. The only shelters were large rocks, folds of the terrain, and a railroad on the embankment to the north. Both bases are connected by a road, sheltered in the lowlands from what is happening on the flanks.


For a whole week, the village of Studzianki was the site of fierce battles of the Red Army units (including the 1st Tank Brigade of the Polish Army) with the German invaders. In memory of these events, which ended in great success for the Allied forces, in 1969 the village was renamed Studzianki Pancerne (Studzianki Tanki).

Quiet coast

The land area is limited at the edges by mountain ranges and water space that occupies a third of the map. A railway runs through the entire territory from north to south. The hilly terrain with dense vegetation on the western flank is ideal for a quick attack. The direct road between the bases passes through a small town where protracted battles can be fought. The bases are protected by hills from direct invasion, but vulnerable from the flanks.


The mountain to the east provides a significant combat advantage, while controlling the central part of the map is a tactical advantage. The swamp to the west can be used for reconnaissance and attack from the rear.


The map represents a Western European city. It is no coincidence that the working name of the map was "Munich". Factory districts, destroyed houses, freight trains are the features of this location. An embankment with a railroad dividing the map in half allows you to concentrate forces for a strike.


The teams' bases are separated by rocks and cliffs. The presence of many shelters allows you to concentrate forces in the right direction. The center of the map has some advantage, but neglecting the flanks is fraught with defeat.


Huge mountains and narrow valleys allow you to make a variety of tactical decisions. You can fight a fire duel across the bay or a pistol-range battle in a coastal city, or you can choose a deep detour to capture an enemy base.


The varied landscape of this map gives it a unique charm and makes it possible to use different tactics. Open spaces are good for wide flanking strikes, and city blocks offer intense close combat. The pre-release name of the map is "Kansas"


A maze of streets and squares, extremely inconvenient for artillery and anti-tank self-propelled guns, but ideal for quick breakthroughs and bypassing light and medium tanks. Bypass routes - through the hill dominating the area with a castle and along the tracks of the railway station - will help to get out of the resulting positional dead end.


The maze of city blocks and the flat field of the suburbs are separated by narrow passages between the station tracks. When concentrating forces, take into account the strengths and weaknesses of combat vehicles in each of their directions: artillery can disrupt a dash across an open field, but is almost helpless against the enemy hiding behind the walls of buildings.

Winter cards


The scene is North America. The mine in the north of the map is full of corridors, buildings, and narrow passages. The island to the south is a vast open area dotted with lonely buildings and ramshackle wooden hovels of diggers and miners. In the central part of the map, a bridge connects the muddy banks of the river. The map has been upgraded and returned to the game in update 1.0.2

Mannerheim Line

Snowy and rocky terrain with many different obstacles and cover. The winding roads that lead around mountain ranges and along the banks of the river allow you to unexpectedly find yourself in the rear of the advancing enemy, as well as provide many convenient places for ambushes. Former name - "Zapolyarye".


The urban development in the center of the map is the most important strategic site. Two more directions stand out on the map: the city square, where you can fight at long distances, and the area outside the city limits, where maneuverable vehicles can best show themselves.


Map in the middle of the snow-capped mountains of Scandinavia in the atmosphere of endless winter. The central part of the map, pierced by fierce winds, provides room for bold reconnaissance maneuvers. The graveyard of ships in a frozen bay is suitable for positional combat. Roads along the mountains will serve as breakthroughs to the enemy base, and fishing villages will become the site of deadly ambushes to repel attacks.


Divided in half by the river, the map has three possible lines of attack. The central bridge is located among the ruins of a small town. The terrain near the north and south bridges has a small amount of cover. As firing positions, you can use the castle and the line of hills on the opposite side of the map.

Desert maps


The map represents a British military airfield and the surrounding area. The scene is North Africa. The command bases are located in two small port villages. In the center between them there is a rocky hill, which allows you to control the surrounding space and access to the bases. The location is replete with convenient ambush spots and numerous paths for breakthroughs and maneuvers. At the top of the map is the airfield itself with two large aircraft hangars and a runway. The developers paid great attention to the entourage: in this game location you can find various equipment (aircraft, fuel trucks, ambulances), a radar station, a canteen and a shower room for staff, a mosque with a minaret, ancient ruins, fishing boats, and more.

Sandy river

At first glance, this card seems very open, but it is not. Despite the fact that the clay houses in the villages are easily destroyed, they can be successfully used as a defense. The flanks are well covered by rocky massifs and high dunes, which allows attacking from unexpected directions.

Lost city

A symmetrical mixed card carefully balanced, crafted with input from top players. The discreet color palette and soft daylight are designed to ensure maximum gaming comfort. One of the maps on which battles took place within the Domination game mode.

El Halluf

In the center of the map is a spacious valley filled with rocks and small vegetation. High mountains on both sides of the valley provide many firing positions. Regardless of the route, the attackers will face a difficult climb towards the enemy camp.

Special cards


This is how Kharkiv looks like in the world of destroyed equipment, which is in the power of Leviathan. The map was created for the Halloween in-game event (October-November 2017).

Cards removed from the game


On the map, there are two main directions along the flanks and the direction of support - through the center. Heated battles for domination in the city will take place on two bridges connecting a small factory with a central square. The team that managed to break through the crossing will receive more opportunities for outflanking the enemy and tactical maneuvers. You can go behind enemy lines and support the allies by destroying enemy artillery through the northwest direction at the foot of the mountain. Lots of cover and small elevation differences along the entire route will allow you to fully realize the potential of fast, maneuverable vehicles. The central diagonal is the shortest route to the enemy base, it provides an opportunity to quickly transfer forces and support the allies on the flanks.


The map is completely identical to the well-known "Ruinberg", differing from it only in the season. The circular square in the western part of the city serves as the site of protracted positional battles. Concentric city streets are suitable for gradually breaking into enemy defenses with heavily armored vehicles, and a long radial street will allow you to fire daggers at the enemy. The eastern area of ​​the map is quite open and quite suitable for medium tank maneuvers, but only if they control a small settlement in the middle of this zone.

Pearl river

The rugged landscape offers great opportunities for the use of various battle tactics - ambushes, sudden detours, clashes in small areas. Moving along the riverbed allows you to quickly reach the enemy base and engage in battle. Remember that on this map you must not forget about your rear.

Winter Himmelsdorf

The map is a complete copy of the original Himmelsdorf, with the only exception that it is a winter map. A maze of streets and squares, extremely inconvenient for artillery and anti-tank self-propelled guns, but ideal for quick breakthroughs and bypassing light and medium tanks. Bypass routes - through the hill dominating the area with a castle and along the tracks of the railway station - will help to get out of the resulting positional dead end.


The in-game location consists of two sections of low-lying wetland. They are separated by a river that can be crossed by three bridges. In the center of the map is a small hill with abundant vegetation and several buildings. Players call it "the island", although formally it is a peninsula adjacent to the northern coast. The bases are located in the west and east, but the teams start the battle in the north and south.


Starting positions on rocky slopes do not provide any cover, so the best tactic is to successfully take the city streets. Artillery is located on either side of the city cathedral - breaking into this area will be a significant contribution to victory.

Fiery arc

The Fire Arc map is a copy of the Prokhorovka map, but at this location the lighting, landscape, sound and visual accompaniment during the battle have been changed to convey a greater atmosphere during the battle. The "arc of fire" is a reference to the events of the Great Patriotic War on the Kursk salient, when in July 1943 the largest tank battle in the history of mankind took place between Germany and the USSR. An open hilly area, divided by a railway embankment. Groups of trees provide excellent cover for anti-tank SPGs. Watch out for the flanks when attacking. While defending, attack the enemy's flanks. Artillery has freedom of action, but is extremely vulnerable to raids by high-speed light forces.

Ruinberg on fire

The map is a complete copy of the Ruinberg map with changed lighting and design. The concentric system of streets of the city, dense trees and bushes in the park allow making hidden maneuvers and quickly transferring reserves. Artillery operations in the urban area are very difficult, but the high degree of destruction in the city allows them to provide effective support to their allies.

Sacred Valley

Most of the area is occupied by a hollow lost in the mountains. The presence of numerous villages, high cliffs, trees and bushes allows you to choose the optimal tactics of warfare.


Visually, the landscape and nature of the map resembles the North American region with characteristic vegetation and mountain ranges in an atmosphere of early autumn. The map is replete with buildings, hills, rocky shelters. Most of the buildings are indestructible, there are quite good positions for heavy equipment and places for lightning. At the same time, there are good positions for SPGs, as well as paths and loopholes for medium and light tanks. The map is balanced enough for all types of vehicles and does not have a pronounced imbalance. has diagonal symmetry.


The map was added in update 0.8.7, the working title was "Belogorsk 19". The snow-covered Soviet factory town, divided in two by an ice-bound rivulet, can be captured from a wide variety of directions, but it has excellent firefighting from the surrounding hills, which offer numerous shelters, firing positions and routes. Removed from the game in update 0.9.5.

Hidden village

The most hidden is the direction at the foot of the mountain, which is great for heavy equipment. Fast and maneuverable vehicles can be used when storming a village, but you should be wary of the enemy lurking on the hill. Altitude control provides a tangible tactical advantage.


The dense urban development in the center of the map allows for a variety of tactics. The open embankment is well suited for fast battles and maneuverable vehicles.


The game location is a low-lying wetland. The roads running along the flanks allow you to choose a place to strike or conduct distractions. The swamp in the center of the map is not only an obstacle, but also a tactically important object.

Few people know, but with the help of simple actions, you can easily get a debit card (with which you can pay for any purchases) World of Tanks. Today we will briefly tell you what kind of card it is and whether it is worth the money and time spent on its design.

What is the World of Tanks map?

Wargaming, together with Alfa-Bank, have issued a common card with which players can pay for daily purchases and receive some percentage back to the WOT account in the form of gold... Coincidentally, my card was just about to expire and I was interested in finding a new one. And I decided to figure out whether it is worth getting a WOT card or not.

What are the advantages of the card

Every month, a certain amount of gold will be sent to your account, which you specify when registering the card, depending on how much you spend for this month.
  • If you spend less than 20,000 rubles per month, then for every 100 rubles spent, you will be refunded 6 units of gold;
  • If more than 20,000 rubles per month, then accordingly 8.5 gold.
Whether it is a lot or a little is up to you, however, this is some kind of freebie that can be used by almost everyone.

Month of prema - for issuing a card

After a month of the life of your "tank" card has passed, you will receive:
  • + 50% to combat experience for each battle;
  • + 50% to crew experience for each battle;
  • + 50% credits for each battle.

Bonuses when paying in a premium store

If you donate to World of Tanks sometimes, then 5% of the amount will be returned to your account in gold.

Replenishment of the card from another bank

The card can be replenished easily and free of charge from any other bank. Therefore, if you receive a salary, for example, on a SberBank card, then you can transfer part of it to a WOT card and pay for purchases of products from it, receiving small bonuses.

How much does it cost to issue and maintain a card?

The World of Tanks card would be a great alternative to another bank card, if not for one BUT: registration is free, but the cost of servicing the card per year is 490 rbl.

Should I issue a tank card?

It all depends on how often you pay by bank transfer for purchases and how much money you spend per month. Perhaps such a card will significantly save your budget and delight you with gifts in the hangar. In addition, the map has an excellent design that will not leave any tanker indifferent!

Map Inspector is an application for World of Tanks PC and Blitz versions. Map Inspector is available online and on iOS / Android mobile platforms.

Map Inspector will help you understand World of Tanks maps, understand rails, flash points, positions from which you can inflict damage. The application shows 3D interactive models of each map of the game, calculates in real time the areas of light and shooting, displays all important game objects, HD textures, the position of each tree, bush and destructible object, and much more.

Map Inspector can also act as a command tablet. You can draw tactics, share them with other players, plan and analyze the battle.

how to use the map inspector

The menu on the left serves to select the mode of use. Each mode works as a separate layer on the map. Tank 1 allows you to select a tank and evaluate how fast it can move, shine and shoot. Sketches are used to draw and share tactics. Replays for playing and analyzing WoT replays.

In the View menu, you can customize the appearance of the map. This includes switching between LD, HD textures and technical map, turning on and off the display of types of ground, areas of light and lumbago ..

You can get more usage information by visiting.

it's free?

Basic functions can be used for free. The app is being developed by two WoT players for WoT players. We do not receive any support from Wargaming, and we ourselves search and extract information from all versions of the game. It takes a lot of effort and time, and hosting this website and being able to download HD content and textures costs us money, which we pay out of pocket.

If you like the app, please visit. With your support, we will be able to update the data for the application and work on new cool things.

have a question

You can ask a question by visiting.


Map Inspector is not restricted for personal use or non-profit use. Commercial organizations may not use, distribute or display images, videos and other Map Inspector content without our prior consent.

Fans of the game World of Tanks often talk about the advantages of a particular technique, comparing its advantages and disadvantages. However, such gurus often forget about the integral part of the game, without which the gameplay and other features of the game mechanics are simply impossible.

These are locations where hot tank battles take place. Many veterans recall with nostalgia the cards removed by the developers from the game, and newcomers are not even aware of their existence.

Therefore, we suggest that you take a short excursion into the world of nostalgia and once again remember some of the game cards. There are only 12 such locations, let's visit them again.

The location appeared in the game client April 18, 2013, with the exit patch 8.5... Initially, the passage through the central part of the map was closed: there is a monumental hill. Therefore, the battles took place on the outskirts, where the players of both teams rushed, trying to occupy strategically important positions.

In subsequent updates, through corridors appeared in the structure of the central hill, so the useless embankment turned into a key location point. In addition to the hill, a river flows in the center of the map and there is a small village, but only light tanks dominated here: the weights that had pushed into the center were instantly disassembled, shooting from the side hills.

The location was characterized by multi-level terrain, which made life much more difficult for artisans.

The map went to the archive in September 2015, with the release of update 9. 10. The location was frankly unbalanced, so its removal was accepted by many with joy.

This is one of the oldest playable locations, nicknamed "Nightmare" by tankers. The name came from the imbalanced respawns, frankly sluggish gameplay. Map entered in October 2010 when the patch came out 0. 5. 5. 1 (just think about this figure!).

So, the location represents an average village located in a swampy area. The release of the map was remembered by many: a tank hitting a dog kennel was accompanied by hysterical barking of an angry animal, bases were located on one side, respawns on the other. Therefore, some tankers proudly stood up to capture their own base, indignant that the timer was not running.
Update 6.4 from May 2011 brought some excitement to the map. The central island has acquired houses, the number of green spaces has decreased. Patch 7.4 removes the map from random battles, leaving it available for training only.

A year later, in the fall of 2013 (update 8. 8) Komarin returned to random somewhat modified. Subsequent edits were made in patches 9. 2 and 9. 4. The final point was set on May 26, 2015, when, together with the release of patch 9.8, the developers decided to permanently remove the card from the client. The introduced changes could not affect the gameplay, although many fans of "World of Tanks" liked Komarin.

Historical map of the Allied landings in Normandy.
In fact, the map turned out to be very colorful, but completely unplayable. The imbalance was that the top respawn team had a clear advantage.

The location has appeared April 22, 2015 when it came out update 9.7... The location did not last 12 months and was removed from the game client. Curiously, WG conducted a survey among the players in an attempt to identify the worst playing area. The Overlord won by a wide margin.

This map depicts an industrial area lined with threads of railroad tracks.
Location "Port" appeared in the game summer 2012... At this time, the global update 7.5 when players were first introduced to Tier 10 Medium Tanks. The map was a jumble of buildings, pipes, hangars and railway lines.

The latter were presented in incredible numbers, so one could get lost among the standing cars. Curiously, the map featured the WORLD of WARPLANES emblems, which was being prepared for release.

This area appeared in the game spring 2012: update 7.2... This is a miniature location, 600 * 600 in size. As a result, high-level vehicles exposed the enemy immediately after the command "Into battle", and the bacchanalia began without tactics and strategy.
The map is made in the form of two opposite slopes, where the teams' respawns are located, in the center is an open space. The location cannot boast of shelters, so it was transferred to the "sandbox" so that vehicles up to level 3 inclusive could frolic.

This happened three months after the release of the map. Update 9 was released on September 1, 2015, and the map left the game client for good. It should be noted that many remember the dynamic battles on the "Province" map with sadness and affection.

Not a very successful clone of the Ruinberg card. Why on fire? The developers added a little smoke disturbing everyone and introduced the rain effect, which appeared only at maximum graphics resolutions.
This misunderstanding appeared in the game together with the location of the Winter Himmelsdorf and lasted until Updates 9.5... By the way, snow-covered Khimki is still pleasing to the eyes of the players, and the smoking "Ruins" went into the archive. Many people do not understand such movements of developers who add modified types of maps, clogging up the game client.

A beautiful autumn map that simulates the mountainous regions of Central America.
The location appeared in October 2013: release update 8.9... Colorful landscapes, intriguing atmosphere and outright imbalance for down-respawn players.

The issue was fixed in subsequent updates when new attack vectors emerged. The location was removed in update 9.7, which was released in April 2015. The developers motivated their decision by the corridor map that could not be fixed. In vain, the location was really good.

A provincial snow-covered town of Soviet times.
The location appeared in patch 8. 7, the release date is summer 2013. It is curious that in one of the hangars a real STURMTIGER is hidden, visible through a click. Unfortunately, this was the only attraction of the map.

Limited space, chaotic heap of mountains. In subsequent patches, the developers tried to fix this problem, but to no avail. In the winter of 2014, the map left the game client.

A tribute to the players of the Asian region, but done in a hurry.
The map appeared from Update 8.10 what happened December 20, 2013... Blooming sakura trees and rounded roofs of houses evoked a Japanese mood, however, beauty did not solve the issue with dull gameplay.

Only three vectors of attack were available to the players, and outright despondency reigned on two. The attempts to make corrections were unsuccessful, so the map left the game with the release of Update 9.10.

Historical map depicting the real quarter of the military Stalingrad.
The location appeared in November 2014, patch 9.4... There were destroyed houses, dug trenches, which impeded the speed of movement of equipment. The map evoked double sensations: some were happy, others were crying.

Unfortunately, the developers listened to the latter, and the map was removed from the game in 2015. It was announced that after the fix, "Stalingrad" will return to the game.

A card based on Chinese motives that makes players hysterical.
The location has appeared spring 2012 and caused frank bewilderment in the gaming community. 10% of the playability of the total area of ​​the map looked like a complete mockery of the tankers who got here.

Taking into account the constant changes in the landscape, the owners of slow strands could not leave the respawn at all, but go to brew tea for themselves. The passages in this pile could be remembered only by a person with a phenomenal memory, so moving along the Dragon Ridge resembled Susanin's campaign into the unknown.

The card was sent for processing four times (!), But they could not solve the situation. Finally, the developers resigned themselves to defeat, and in update 9. 6 disappeared, causing tears of joy for the vast majority of players.

The location is dedicated to the battle for the Crimean Peninsula, therefore it is a resort coast.
Appeared in patch 7.5. In principle, quite a playable location with several directions of attack. For some unknown reason, the map was removed from the game in 2015, after trying to modify it.

So the cards flashed, which brought the players a lot of joyful and sad minutes. Regardless of playability and gameplay, these locations are worth remembering.

Lately I've been writing everything about rare tanks. But all this time I wanted some nostalgic material. Remember what was once in the game. What the players liked or what made their chairs "burn". And then I remembered! We have more than a dozen cards that were once introduced into the game, and then withdrawn for one reason or another. In general, in this material we recall the locations removed from the game. Well, for those who cannot remember it, because they simply did not play in those days - a small excursion into the history of the game.

Pearl river

To be precise, we have 12 cards that have left “ World of tanks". The first card in our memories will be “ Pearl river". Remember this layered Asian setting?

The map was introduced in patch 8.5 (April 18, 2013). It was possible to move along it in a circle. In the center there was a huge hill, which was impossible to drive. In one of the subsequent updates, not very soon after the release of the map, we made corridor drives along this hill. In fact, the entire map was 90 percent from the corridors. There was a small plain in the center, along the riverbed. But few people played there, and usually only light tanks flew there. Heavy tanks and self-propelled guns went to the upper right corner to "butt" into the gorge. Medium tanks went into the mountains on the left side of the map. The game on the ART-SPG was not very comfortable here - after all, this landscape, which was multi-level ...

In patch 9.10 (September 1, 2015), the map was removed from the game. " Pearl river”Was liked by a very rare player and therefore her conclusion was greeted with joy.


My favorite " Nightmare", Or as it was officially called" Komarin". He got this nickname due to the fact that the atmosphere here was kind of gloomy, and the game here was boring.

We introduced this map in a very distant update under the number (October 6, 2010). An ordinary Russian village, which is located on the banks of a small river. The area is swampy. There are many memories with this card. So, for example, here, when the map was released, the sound of a barking dog was turned on during a run over a doghouse. And even more laughter was caused by the fact that the players were sometimes confused in the bases. Respawns were on one side, and bases on the other. The player came to capture the base, but the capture did not go! It turned out that the player was trying to capture an allied base.

In Patch 6.4 (May 11, 2011) " Komarin»Has undergone the first changes. In the center of the map, on the so-called island, buildings have been added and the number of bushes has been reduced. At 7.4 (June 14, 2012), the map was completely removed from random battles and was left only in the training room and in company battles. A little over a year later, in Update 8.8 (September 10, 2013), my beloved is returning to Random Battles. Komarin"In a slightly revised form. My joy knew no bounds! In Update 9.2 (July 29, 2014), new changes were made to the map. In 9.4 (November 4, 2014) there are more changes. And so, in update 9.8 (May 26, 2015), the map finally left our game. Looking at the number of changes on the map, you can understand that it was useless to redo and change something on it. But no matter how inconvenient it is “ Nightmare"- I liked him for his atmosphere. I will never forget this card.


Devil spawn called " Overlord". The map was created based on the 1944 Allied landings in Normandy.

The map is supposedly historical and very beautiful, but absolutely unplayable and unbalanced. In most cases, the top respawn team won. " Overlord”Was introduced in Patch 9.7 (April 22, 2015) and was removed from the game less than a year later. Somewhere in late 2015 - early 2016. In February 2016 “ Wargaming”Even ran a vote on which card was the worst in the game. This card turned out to be our " Overlord". It bombed very hard when I hit this card and was incredibly happy when I learned about the withdrawal of this card.


The son of the port train ... Ahem! Game location " Port»With many railway lines and an industrial area. Railway tracks here VERY a lot of.

« Port”Was introduced to the game in Update 7.5 (July 26, 2012). By the way, Tier X STs were introduced in the same update. The map represented a busy industrial area with some kind of gatehouses, warehouses, pipes. The highlight " Porta»Numerous railway tracks were considered, of which there are a lot. Among the cars, it was even possible to lose orientation in space. After a year and a half, the map was taken out of the game in the 8.11 update (February 11, 2014).
On the map one could see the logos “ World of warplanes", Because when the card appeared in the game -" aircraft»Were preparing for release. And once the map returned to the game, but in a revised form for the game event " Tank racing", Which took place in the fall of 2014.


As of patch 7.2 (March 29, 2012), the " World of tanks"A small 600x600 map was added called" Provinces". High-level vehicles shone on each other almost from respawn.

« Provinces"Reminds" Mittengrad". Two slopes where vehicles will respawn. Soon the developers realized that it was impossible to play this way, and in update 7.4 (June 14, 2012) the map became available only for vehicles up to and including Tier III. In patch 9.10 (September 1, 2015), the map was removed from the game. I absolutely do not understand why she was taken out. It was fun to get fun with low tier tanks there. " Mittengrad"Still, I don't like it the way I liked it" Provinces", Which was recreated based on the war in Italy 1943-1945. #SourVerniProvince

Ruinberg on fire

The same " Ruinberg", But on fire. Oh yes, there was still the effect of some kind of rain, but it was only at the maximum graphics settings.

« Ruinberg on fire”Appeared in our game with update 8.11 (February 11, 2014). At the same time, by the way, the winter version appeared “ Himmelsdorf". And if " Winter Himmelsdorf"Is still in the game, then" Ruinberg on fire»Left the game in update 9.5 (December 22, 2014). I absolutely do not understand what duplicates are for, but with different effects. Can you explain? I look forward to your explanations in the comments.


Early autumn in the mountain ranges of the North American region. It was very beautiful and atmospheric.

In update 8.9 (October 29, 2013), the map " Northwest"Appeared in the vastness of random battles. She was very beautiful, but challenging from the bottom right corner of the gameplay. In Update 8.11 (February 11, 2014), this issue was fixed by adding a new direction. I liked playing here after changing it, but in 9.7 (April 22, 2015) the map was removed from random battles, and in update 9.8 (May 26, 2015) it was completely removed from the game client. The map, it seemed, was not very bad. Well, corridor ... We had corridor on many maps at that time.


A small Soviet town, which was somehow industrial and had the name Severogorsk.

« Severogorsk"Appeared in the game with the 8.7 update (July 23, 2013). The map immediately attracted attention by the fact that in one of the garages there was “ Sturmtiger And he could be seen through the ajar gates. There was very little playable space on the map - most of the free space was occupied by mountains. In one of some updates, they tried to fix this, but it did not work. In Patch 9.5 (December 22, 2014) " Severogorsk"Left us.

Hidden village

At the end of 2013 " Wargaming"Tried to please the Asian market and injected a ton of Asian content into the game. Map « Hidden village"Was drawn in a hurry and added to the game.

This " Hidden village"In Update 8.10 (December 20, 2013). She was all Japanese-style with cherry blossoms in full bloom. But it was absolutely unplayable, in my opinion. Two corridors and a hilly wasteland along the river. There were three directions here, and on two of them there was a stoolovo. In game version 9.2 (July 29, 2014), attempts were made to make some changes. But they were unsuccessful. In Update 9.10 (September 1, 2015), the map was finally gotten rid of.


The real quarter of Stalingrad, now Volgograd. A lot of new unique buildings and houses were created especially for this map. And also here, for the first time, trenches were used, which reduced the speed of the tank.

« Stalingrad"Was added to the game in Update 9.4 (November 4, 2014). And if " Overlord", A map taken from real terrain - was very unsuccessful, then with" Stalingrad"Everything was fine. For most players Stalingrad»I liked it. But those who did not like him cried persistently on the official forum of the game. As a result, in the fall of 2015, the card was removed from the game. But they promised to somehow fix it and return it back. I hope that someday we will be able to fight again on the streets of virtual Stalingrad.

Dragon's spine

When an old player hears the phrase “ Dragon's spine"- he panics. He begins to shake, he is lost in space. It darkens in the eyes. A feeling of nausea appears. " Dragon's spine"It is better not to remember. This is a torture map.

In Patch 7.3 (May 3, 2012), the " World of tanks"A map with the name" Dragon's spine". A map whose real playing space occupied 10 percent of the total area. This map had such a vertical drop that tank owners Maus and they like them just shut the game if they got this card. You could play on this map as much as you want, but you would never remember where you had to turn to go where you need to. I described everything in such a confusing way, in fact, as the map itself was. Already in Update 7.4 (June 14, 2012), the map was removed from random battles for rework. Returned " Dragon's spine"Only in 8.1 (October 25, 2012). The map did not stay in the game for very long, and already in update 8.4 (February 28, 2013) it was sent back for rework. They did something with her there for a long time, but they decided that it was better not to do it. As of Update 9.6 (February 10, 2015), all map files " Dragon's spine"Were permanently removed from the game.

South coast

Like Crimea, but only “ South coast". The map is dedicated to the battles for the Crimea in 1942.

Update 7.5 (July 26, 2012) added the map " South coast", Which has a network of Crimea. The card even on the supertest was called “ Crimea". A small resort town on the seashore, where virtual tank battles unfolded. Once the card was taken out of the game for processing and returned. But for some reason she never caught on in the game. In 2015, it was decided to remove the map completely from the game. I personally did not like the atmosphere that prevailed on the map. But it was nice to play here.

So we remembered all those 12 cards that left our game. Some of them we loved, some we hated. Each player has his own opinion about each card. I would also like to hear your opinion about any card. We share in the comments what you remember from these 12 cards. It will be interesting to read a lot of opinions. I've already expressed my opinion.