How to pass cal of duty black ops. Walkthrough Call of Duty: Black Ops. Easter eggs and other jokes of a single game

You will find yourself in a bar and the cops will immediately attack. Take out your weapon and start shooting at them. Be sure to shoot the cop who will be in front of you. Then you will have an M16 with a grenade launcher in your hands. Rejoice, because this gun is very good. Get out, shooting from the cops along the way, and move forward. On your way there will be cars that can be blown up with a grenade launcher. When moving along the street, do not forget to hide in shelters so that enemy bullets fly past you. When you see Woods, run after him. Thus, you will find yourself in the alley where the car is. In the further passage of the game Call of Duty: Black Ops, you need to get into this transport and leave here on it.

Your main task now is to kill Castro, who is now in his mansion. Keep following Woods without him seeing you. When you find yourself in a small booth, then try to shoot the guard without too much noise and move on. When you get out on the road, be careful, because trucks will drive soon, which you need to skip and continue moving. When you see a parked truck, go to it, just be careful, because there are enemies hanging around it, which you need to finish off. After the massacre of opponents, go into the buildings and clean them up. As soon as you find yourself in the room where Castro hid, go to the door and knock it out. Go inside the room and kill the villain with a pistol. Then you can continue the passage of this task in Call of Duty: Black Ops and get out of here to the street. Once on the field, start running towards the hangar. Climb into it and find a working plane. After climbing into it, immediately stand behind the machine gun and shoot the enemies. But then you also need to cover your comrades. Therefore, get out of the plane and hurry to help them. Get to the large-caliber weapons and shoot the trucks. After the enemies are destroyed, your allies will fly away. And you will be captured.


You will go to serve your sentence in a camp located in Vorkuta. But immediately everything will start with the fact that you have to fight with Reznov, who will be the only friend here. Suddenly, a guard bursts into the cell and starts beating Reznov. Do not miss the moment and grab the stone lying nearby to kill the guard with it. Then grab the knife and go very quickly for Reznov. So, start escaping from this prison. On your way you will meet a few more guards who you need to kill and pick up a gun from one of them. After that, continue to run after Reznov, simultaneously shooting opponents.

Then, in the passage of Call of Duty: Black Ops, you will meet Sergey, who will also be at your side. Together with him, move further until you reach the doors of the weapons room. Go through it and climb up the stairs. Once on the roof, pick up a large slingshot and start firing at three towers from it. After that, you can go down and pick up the necessary ammunition in the weapon room. Then go further for Reznov. It turns out that he needs to find welding. As soon as you find it, immediately move to a huge armored door. Now you need to try to cover your comrade from opponents while he opens the door with the help of welding. I advise you to get a weapon and aim at the exit from the stairs and the turn leading to the corridor. As soon as Reznov opens the door, you will need to arm yourself with a minigun, which you will see when you exit. Now it will be hot, many opponents will attack you and your friend. Try to finish off everyone with the found minigun. Then go further and deal with everyone who wants to attack you. Having cleared the territory, go further, looking around. Ultimately, in the passage of Call of Duty: Black Ops, you will find yourself in a garage that contains motorcycles. Quickly get behind the wheel and get out. Remember that you are armed with a shotgun, and use it on the fighters who will resist you. After eliminating all the mercenaries who pursued you on trucks and motorcycles, you will be free. Having reached the train, your comrade Reznov will not enter the car and will throw himself at enemy bullets to save you. Then you will watch a small cut-scene called "Pentagon".

Special mission

Now you will meet Woods, who you need to quickly follow. Ahead are two opponents who need to be silently eliminated, and then hide their bodies and move on. Soon you will meet accomplices Bowman and Brooks, who are also busy shooting Russian mercenaries. As soon as the soldiers stop breathing, you can all go into the building together. There, too, you will have to clear the floors from the soldiers and climb onto the roof. Be careful, because mercenaries also walk on it, who will resist you.

Having dealt with the enemies, go to Woods and take a crossbow from him, to which explosives are attached and start using it to undermine enemy vehicles and mercenaries. Once all the infidels stop breathing, continue through the game Call of Duty: Black Ops. Now you will need to aim at the window of the house, because that is where the Weaver is being held captive. As soon as you shoot there, the rope will immediately fall, go to it and go down into the room with the prisoner. Eliminate the mercenary holding Weaver at gunpoint. Then you can find Woods and move further with him, simultaneously shooting enemies and hiding from them.

I advise you to put C4 on missiles and blow them up. Also, when you see the Valkyrie rocket, don't forget to take them with you, because with it you can blow up all the other rockets. You need to flour the bottom of the weapon, not the side, because that will be more effective. It's going to be very hot right now, so you'll need to get your feet in a dungeon full of mercenaries quickly. Get ready for a serious fight and the fact that you will probably die here more than once. It is worth noting that there will be a checkpoint in the middle of this underground tunnel, so stock up on grenades and AK47s to easily destroy the fighters. Also at the very end you will see another checkpoint, after passing which new enemies will not bother you. Then continue with the walkthrough of the game Call of Duty: Black Ops and move further along the tunnel until you see enemies dressed in gas masks. They will come out of the room where the steam comes from. Shoot them and go into that room.


It must be said right away that this mission is not very interesting, it can be called boring. From the very beginning, enjoy the song that accompanies the landing of Woods from the turntable. Get ready for the fact that now the jeep will suddenly turn over and opponents will immediately attack the base. Quickly destroy them and get out on the steps to the mountain, which is captured by soldiers. Now in the walkthrough of Call of Duty: Black Ops, the Marines, along with Woods, will start an offensive on the enemy, but you do not need to run with them, because it is risky for your life. It is better to go behind the wooden partition and shoot the mercenaries from there. Then quickly move to Woods and Hudson, with whom you need to go down the mountain, along the way I will eliminate the soldiers. You will also see a bunker, which you should definitely go into and clean it from evil spirits. After the enemies are destroyed, pick up ammo and start running until you see a trench. Approaching him closely, jump in and destroy the enemies from there. You may not be able to jump into the trench the first time, but don't despair, just try to jump there without diving in the air. When there is no resistance around, get out of the trench and go to the transport. Climbing into the car, drive around the location and use a grenade launcher to blow up tanks and soldiers who are still breathing.


Now you will be given a shotgun loaded with explosive bullets. In the further passage of the game Call of Duty: Black Ops, your main goal will be to find a defector. It is worth noting that now the soldiers are also armed with shotguns, so you need to be extremely careful. I advise you to shoot them from a distance. Then it turns out that the defector is Reznov himself. Hurry to the evacuation zone. Get outside and move around. Allies will cover you, but do not forget that now it is worth undermining the anti-aircraft guns, and then try to hold the position until reinforcements from the air arrive. Get to the machine gun and use it to send enemies to the next world. As soon as a tank appears on the horizon, immediately run to the barricades and wait for the boat to arrive there.


Now you will be in the role of Hudson. The main task during the passage of this mission in the game Call of Duty: Black Ops will be to find and torture Clark. You can torture him with the help of fragments, and then start beating him again. As soon as the soldiers appear, immediately hide behind the table to shoot them from there. Then you can climb to the very top of the stairs. I only advise you to do it very quickly, because you risk gassing. Once on the roof, run across to another and so on until you see a tent below. Jump on it. It is worth noting that it will not hold you and you will fall into it. Look around and pick up an ownerless pistol lying nearby. Use it to shoot opponents and run to the van. As soon as you are near it, you can climb inside.

Project "Nova"

Now you will play the role of Reznov. So you should follow Dragovich. Now you will need to deal with the opponents who captured the German base, and then find a certain Steiner. Once in the house, eliminate the opponents and inspect everything. But it turns out that Steiner is not here, so move forward to the ship. It is worth noting that after Steiner is captured by you, you need to get on the ship with Dragovich to find the Nova-6. Once on board, the British will soon appear, who also sailed here to get these weapons. Defeat them and run forward. Along the way, you should plant a charge and then find a glowing pipe that you need to shoot at. Thus, a hole will appear through which you can get out. In the further passage of Call of Duty: Black Ops, you need to try to get your feet off the ship as soon as possible, because it will soon sink.

Victor Charlie

You will open your eyes on a helicopter that has crashed. Quickly get out of it and shoot two opponents, and then dive. Now Reznov will help you. Then there will be a meeting with the Whiskey group, after which you need to go to the village and plant explosive packages there. After done, try to quietly move beyond its limits and undermine everything. Then run up to cover and take out the grenade launchers from the roofs, because they can finish you off. After dealing with them, jump down and make your way into the tunnels. When you move through them, take out your weapon and keep it cocked to immediately finish off opponents who may appear at the most inopportune moment

Place of fall

Now you will see a boat, go to it and sit at the helm. To continue the passage of Call of Duty: Black Ops, you will swim across the river, simultaneously shooting soldiers. Once on the shore, try to safely reach the mouth of the river. I advise you to watch the snipers, which can be detected by the glow. As soon as you kill them, go to the crash site and wait for your allies there. After waiting for them, move on together. It is worth noting that at the very end the plane will be shot by opponents and you will become a prisoner of Dragovich.


At the very beginning, you will have to be in the shoes of Moseley, who controls the plane. Try to follow the instructions and keep a small detachment under control from the air. There is nothing complicated in this, just do everything that is written.

Then you will play the role of Hudson. So wait a little while the soldiers from the patrol pass you. And then join the allies and go forward with them, copying all their movements. As soon as you hear the sound of an approaching avalanche, quickly take your feet off the radar station. Then in the passage of the game Call of Duty: Black Ops you will need to climb into the mountains and find a parachute there. Approach it and try to open it in order to land near the base, which is under the control of the opponents. Once you've eliminated all the enemies pacing it, make your way further to blow up the cargo transport in which reinforcements arrive. Be careful, because when you leave this base, you will be attacked by opponents armed to the teeth. I advise you to deal with them as soon as possible and move on.


Now you need to escape from captivity together with Woods. Once freed, try not to lose sight of the soldier who is trying to escape. It is worth noting that there will be two paths in the tunnels: upper and lower. I advise you to move along the bottom. So, having climbed there, look for an AK-47 with an underbarrel grenade launcher and take it for yourself. Use it to remove the mercenary and get out. Now continue through Call of Duty: Black Ops and move towards the helipad. Approaching, get a grenade launcher and use it to shoot the opponents who attack you. When the territory is cleared, you can climb into the turntable and fire at the attacking enemies from it. I advise you to beware of missiles, because they can cause special harm to you. After killing everyone in this location, start the engine and fly towards the forest. When you get to the place, disembark and go on. Once in the enemy's lair, clear the area and look for Reznov. Once you find him, free him and don't forget about the rest of the captives. Then, together with everyone, go to Kravchenko, simultaneously repulsing the attack of the soldiers.


Now your goal is the laboratory. You need to get into it and find Steiner. So get out of the car and finish off the guard, from whose body you can pick up the tomahawk. Then continue through Call of Duty: Black Ops and follow Reznov. It is worth noting that you can climb into this laboratory through the roof. Once inside, deal with opponents and go to Steiner. When you get there, watch the video.
Then you will play as Hudson. It is worth noting that all events will take place twenty minutes before Mason and Reznov meet. Take out the machine gun and deal with the soldiers who attacked you. Then you will be attacked by a helicopter from the air. So put on a protective mask and quickly move to a safe place to shoot the helicopter from there. Then climb inside the laboratory and find Mason and Steiner there. Then you can take a break and watch a cut-scene called "Revelations".

So, hello ordinary people and users of the site. Today I offer you (as you can see by the name DOX) a walkthrough. And I will add a piece of the plot to each mission so that you better understand the game (I take the plot from materials).
Throughout the game, the main character is Alex Mason. Only in three missions is Jason Hudson, the pilot of the SR-71 and Viktor Reznov.



Minor characters

Let's start with the plot part:

The protagonist of the game - Captain Alex Mason, woke up in a room with a bunch of monitors, tied to a chair. In front of him is a small window that opens up to a room where two people are. Their faces are not visible, and their voices are distorted. Alex sees the numbers, which are also shown on the monitors. Alex is asked questions about where he's from and he lies saying he's from the USSR. But they know everything about Alex: everything except the reason for the strange numbers. People are trying to get an explanation from him and ask about General Nikita Dragovich. Mason starts the story from the very beginning...

1) Operation 40

During our conversation with the agent, the police burst into the cafe. With the help of a pistol, we kill a cop standing right in front of us. We pass through the streets, eliminating opponents. We shoot enemy reinforcements arriving by car from a grenade launcher. Following the partners, we turn into the alley and get into the car.

Using the cable, we penetrate the complex. We follow Woods and Bowman, carefully sneaking so that we are not noticed. Having met resistance, we deal with enemies. Having found Fidel Castro, we deal with him and his girlfriend in slow motion. We leave the complex through the main entrance. Right on the porch is an RPG --- take it. We get to the airfield and quickly run to the plane. We shoot soldiers from a machine gun. Noticing an obstacle on the runway, we jump off and head towards the anti-aircraft gun. From it we shoot at trucks that interfere with the takeoff of the plane. We were neutralized and tied up. Turns out we killed a Castro doppelgänger.

Cuba. 1961 Mason, along with Woods and Bowman (the three are best friends). They are in Cuba to eliminate Fidel Castro. They are in a bar where the rebel Carlos explains the details of the upcoming operation, but suddenly the police break into the bar. Breaking through the police surrounding them, they reach Castro and Mason kills him. After, they must leave the base on an enemy aircraft. Having reached the airport and boarded the plane, the team discovers that the way to takeoff is blocked by fuel trucks. Mason jumps out of the plane and clears the way for his friends with anti-aircraft guns, but he himself fell into the hands of the enemy, who stunned him. Alex woke up near some pier, where there was a huge ship "RUSALKA", Fidel Castro, Generals Dragovich and Kravchenko. Killed by Alex Castro is a double, and the real Castro with the words "This is my gift to you as a sign of a new relationship" gives Mason into the hands of the generals.

2) Vorkuta

We save Carved from the guards. We kill all enemies along the way with a knife. We go up the elevator, after which we select the pistol of the murdered warden. When the gates open, after Reznov shouts "run!" - we move to the right behind the trolley with coal.
While our friends are pushing it forward, we shoot the enemies that appear from the left, then from the right. After blowing up the tower, we penetrate the building, inspect the second floor. We aim at three buildings with a large crossbow and destroy them.
We go down to the first floor, where we get a shotgun. We shoot at the lock on the gate. We start breaking forward until we get to the next building. We rise to the roof and quickly, picking up a harpoon, we throw it into the helicopter on the right. We get into the next building.
Near our allies lies an AK-47 with an underbarrel grenade launcher. We go for Reznov. After finding propane tanks, elite enemy troops will attack us. We use a shotgun on them. We protect Carved while he opens the armory door. We select a machine gun and go outside. We move along it, cracking down on opponents.

Then again a room and two people, and Alex goes on to say that he was in Vorkuta. The former captain of the Red Army, Viktor Reznov, who was also imprisoned in Vorkuta, helped him escape from there. Alex helped Reznov make an escape plan, but only Mason escaped. Reznov did not have time for the train, which was supposed to send them far from this hellish place.

3) Pentagon

We're going to meet President Kennedy.

Room. Alex says that he was reinstated and invited to the Pentagon to see President Kennedy. Mason was taken to the President by his handler Jason Hudson. Mason, Hudson, Kennedy, and the US Prime Minister were at the Pentagon's hideout, where Kennedy had given Alex the task of assassinating General Dragovic. However, Mason imagined that he pointed the gun at Kennedy.

4) Special mission

We follow Woods.
Our second partner, Weaver, was captured by the Russians. We eliminate two soldiers from the knife and pick up the uniform. We hide the corpses and move on. Then two more will join us. Without breaking the disguise, we penetrate the spaceport.
We are waiting for the partners to destroy two near the door. We pass inside and, breaking through the opponents, we rise to the roof. From there we cover our own, shooting at enemies from a crossbow with explosive shells. Further, from the same crossbow, we shoot at the window, releasing the rope, go down it and destroy the opponents in slow motion. Free Weaver.
In a limited time, we must have time to run to the command center and stop the rocket launch. But in any case, we do not have time ... Therefore, we knock out the Soyuz-2 rocket from a rocket launcher with guided projectiles. We penetrate the tunnels and move along them, deal with a large number of enemies.

The plot for 4 and 5 missions:
Another room with monitors. Alex reveals that he, Woods, and Bowman are to infiltrate Baikonur, destroy the SOYUZ-2 missile, and also kill Generals Kravchenko and Dragovich. Helped them get through, the US spy in the USSR Weaver. However, Weaver was caught and Kravchenko cut out his left eye. Soon the group finds Weaver and shoot down the rocket, SOYUZ-1 managed to take off. Then a room with monitors, where Alex reveals that he and Woods blew up Dragovic's limousine, but it was not possible to confirm that he died. After that, Vietnam.

5) Marines

After the accident, we help Hudson get to the bunker. We move along the trenches, eliminating opponents who appear in the most unexpected places.
Next, we protect the bunkers. To destroy tanks, we find rocket launchers. We follow Woods and go down deeper. From the grenade launcher we fire at the arriving enemy forces.
We go down, along the left edge and break through the trenches. Once in the burnt forest, we again go along the left edge.
At the top, we suddenly lose consciousness, and when we come to ourselves, we see that they are trying to kill Woods. We must get ahead of the enemy at any cost, we have a few seconds for this. We pass through another bunker.
At the exit, we get into the car and patrol the area, destroying tanks, and in between we killVietnamese from a grenade launcher.

6) Defector

We get Spas-12 with explosive cartridges and go in search of a defector. Unfortunately, the opponents also have shotguns. Our friend Reznov turned out to be a defector.
Now our task is to get to the evacuation zone. We move along the streets, at the right time, using aircraft. We destroy the anti-aircraft gun by substituting explosives under it. We defend the position until the helicopters arrive. We stand behind the machine gun and shoot the enemy forces. When the tank appears, we hide behind the barricade until the rescue boat lights up on the horizon.

The plot for 6 and 7 missions:
In Vietnam, Mason and Woods must track down a Soviet defector. Finding him, Mason finds out that it is Reznov. However, Mason has no time for questions, as the enemy is everywhere. Leaving the city, again the room. Alex says that thanks to Reznov, they learned about a British scientist who worked for the USSR. Hudson and Weaver are sent to catch and interrogate. Dr. Daniel Clark says he was working on a Nova 6 chemical that would kill a human in seconds. Clark agreed to cooperate if he was granted protection. Trying to evacuate, and running away from enemies, Clark talks about the fact that Dragovich will soon launch gas in the United States. He even wanted to say what these numbers were, and from whom and for whom they were, but was killed.

7) Numbers

We play Hudson, we torture Clark.
We break the glass and put the fragments in his mouth (cruel, but necessary). Then hit a few times.
When opponents appear, take cover behind an overturned table and quickly climb up the stairs, the poisonous gas called Nova-6 is deadly to you. Every now and then we move along slippery roofs, discovering caches with weapons. Unable to hold Clark, he falls, without having time to tell us important information. We jump down and fall through the roof of the tent. We pick up a gun right in front of us and eliminate the enemies.
We get into the van.

8) Project Nova

We play Reznov, we follow Petrenko.
We jump on the truck. Dragovich and Kravchenko go the other way, but we need to clear the German base and find Steiner. Not finding him in the building, we move forward to the ship. Now we can use smoke bombs to mark targets for destruction.
Having grabbed Steiner, we unite with Dragovich. Together we penetrate the ship and find the German weapon "Nova-6" --- the same poisonous gas that was in the seventh mission. Dragovich wished to test it on our people. Petrenko dies in the next cell.
The ship is attacked by the British, who also want to have this superweapon with them. Having got out of the chamber, we move forward and set the charge on the V-2. We shoot at the illuminated pipe and through the formed path we exit to the surface.
We leave the ship for a limited time.

Room. Alex continues the story, and talks about what Reznov told him. After the Second World War, Reznov, under the command of General Dragovich, goes to the Arctic to capture a German scientist. Together with Reznov, his best friend Dmitry Petrenko (the protagonist of the Soviet company in Call of Duty: World at War). Having captured a scientist named Steiner, Dragovich, as if talking to a friend, is talking to Steiner. He then takes them to the ship where the Nova 6 is stored. Inside are cylinders with this gas. Dragovich, wanting to see the effect of the gas, orders Reznov's people to be put in the rooms and the gas is released. They were put in two rooms, in one Petrenko, in the other Reznov. Petrenko and all the people who were with him in the room died, Reznov's turn. But suddenly the Russians are attacked by British special forces, with the desire to get the "Nova 6" in their hands. A grenade launcher knocks out the door of the cell and Reznov, and the survivors in his cell escape, killing everyone in their path, Russians and British, mine the ship and undermine it so that, as Reznov put it, "No one gets this hellish weapon." However, he could not go far, and he was caught and exiled to Vorkuta.

9) Victor Charlie

Waking up in a crashed helicopter, we examine the pilots.
Eliminate two enemies and dive under the water. Reznov helps to get out. We emerge near the boat and, using the enemy, we shoot the rest on the shore.
We follow Woods until we meet with the Whiskey group. After discussing a further plan of action, we install explosives in the village. We move silently, without attracting attention. Having detonated explosives, we begin to break forward. There are grenade launchers on the roofs, we deal with them first of all.
We get to the shore, pick up a rocket launcher and shoot at the air defense system. Move on, (!!!keep the rocket launcher with you!!!).--- We will need it later to destroy the machine gun nest. We jump down into the tunnels. It is safest to move with aim, so that when the enemy suddenly appears, you can instantly kill him.

Plot 9 and 10 missions:

Another dark room. Alex talks about Vietnam again. Alex, Woods and Bowman, plus Reznov, who helps them, must find a Soviet crashed plane that allegedly was transporting the Nova 6. Having reached the plane, the friends realize that there is nothing there, and at the same time they are also captured by Dragovich.

10) Place of fall

We sit on the boat at the helm.
We move along the river, eliminating numerous enemy troops. We have a machine gun and a rocket launcher at our disposal.
Having landed, we begin to break through the mouth of the river. There are snipers on the trees, you can distinguish them by the sparkle of a spark, after a shot from a rifle. We get to the crashed plane and go along the wing, carefully balancing so as not to fall. Then we jump down and wait for our partners near the box with the dangerous substance Nova-6. We go further and observe what is happening below. A sniper rifle lies nearby, we select it and kill the opponents from below. Further, the plane is fired from helicopters again.
We fall down and fall into the hands of Dragovic.

11) WMD

We play as Moseley. Controlling a fighter, we take off by pressing the corresponding buttons.
We have a small detachment at our disposal, which we will control from the air using a repeater. We are waiting for the car to pass, and indicate the path to the first goal. Next, we place a detachment in a shelter in the north. Having dealt with curious opponents, we indicate the path to the next place. Since there is a patrol nearby, first we point the repeater at them and only then where we want to move. While moving towards the barracks, a patrol will appear. We quickly lie down and wait for it to pass. We clean the barracks and set the charge on the shields, thereby disabling the connection. We move further north.

We play Hudson. We are waiting for the patrol to pass. We follow the partners and repeat their actions. We go down on the ropes and in slow motion we eliminate the opponents. We penetrate the station: this can be done both covertly and aggressively. Inside, we also eliminate opponents. Then disable the radar. We leave the station before the avalanche covers us. We jump off the mountain, open the parachute and land right next to the enemy base. Now is the time to have some fun. We use explosive arrows and deal with the soldiers from afar. We also destroy the approaching trucks with Russian reinforcements. You can’t go further, because a machine gunner sat in the building. Turn left and go through the house. We get to the Nova 6 base and leave it. At the exit, we are met with serious resistance. Use explosive arrows again. On the street, we kill the machine gunner and capture the vehicle. Leaving Yamantau.

Plot 11 and 12 missions:
Another room. Alex told how Hudson and Weaver, with the help of SR-71 Blackbird support, were able to capture the enemy station, and how Steiner offered to cooperate, as he was afraid that Dragovic would kill him. He told me that he was hiding on the island of Renaissance. Also, there are places in the USA where the charges from the "New 6" are hidden, and from the words of Steiner, it becomes clear that they should be activated by the "sleeping" agents of Dragovich. Then he told how he and Woods escaped from captivity. Bowman was killed in captivity when he did not want to play Russian roulette. Woods and Mason freed the prisoners and went after Kravchenko. As a result, Alex, Woods and Reznov survived. Kravchenko beat Woods and then wanted to shoot Alex, Kravchenko looked at Alex and said in surprise "You're the one from Vorkuta", and then Woods jumped on Kravchenko and stabbed him in the back. Kravchenko, with the words "You will die with me," pulls out the check from all the grenades. Woods, not at a loss, jumps out the window together with Kravchenko. Woods died or not, but nothing is known about him until the end of the game. The explosion occurred almost after they jumped out, but the chances of Woods to escape, the same as to die, are equal (And if you unfasten yourself from the chair in the main menu, and then go to the computer behind the back of the chair and enter cat NoteX2.txt in it, then we We learn that Woods survived). After that, Reznov appears and tells Alex that everything is fine with him.

12) Revenge

Together with Woods, we are miraculously freed from captivity. We pursue the fleeing Russian.
There are two paths in the tunnels: upper and lower. Go downstairs, there are a lot of weapons. We take AK-47 with a grenade launcher. We kill the Russian and get out to the surface.
We fire at the helipad from a grenade launcher. After destroying everyone, we sit down in the helicopter. First, we fire at small camps. Then we destroy the Kravchenko complex. While moving, hitting targets is hard enough, but you also need to dodge. Our helicopter is strong and easily endures machine-gun attacks. But from missiles it is necessary to constantly wag around in order to avoid dangerous consequences. The closer we get to the target, the easier it is to destroy it. We land in the forests, pick up weapons if the cartridges run out. We move inside the enemy base, destroying the enemies we meet. We release the captives, including Carved. We get to Kravchenko. Woods saves us from certain death by sacrificing himself.

Plot 11 and 12 missions:
Room. The man says that Mason is the only one who survived the massacre, and that Reznov was not there, Mason denies everything. Then Mason says how he and Reznov killed Steiner, and also Steiner's words “Are you the one from Vorkuta? I recognized you. You don't know anything yet," despite the fact that the CIA needed him. Alex Says that Steiner was killed by Reznov with the words "I am Viktor Reznov and I will take revenge", but the man says that Steiner was killed by Alex and this is confirmed by Jason Hudson, who, along with Weaver and US forces, went to capture Steiner, and Alex killing said the same as, according to his story, Reznov. After that, the person says that there are actually numbers, and in order to find out where the place is, Alex needs to tell everything. Alex says the numbers are driving him crazy and he doesn't remember anything else. After two people in the window start arguing, one of them says that he needs to be released. Then Hudson comes out of the room, and Weaver yells after him, “Do you want to die with him? Please!" Weaver and Hudson were the people who were all the time behind the glass in the interrogation room. The interrogation was conducted by Weaver. Hudson approaches Alex and frees him. Alex stuns Hudson and flees the room. He staggers, the numbers haunt him. Then he passes by some operating room and remembers.

13) Rebirth

Our goal is to get into the laboratory and find Steiner.
We get out of the car, eliminate the guard and pick up the hatchet. We follow Reznov without attracting attention. We quickly destroy another one and pick up the weapon. We are waiting for the helicopter to fly away, and we climb up. From the roof we get into the laboratory. We take out all the soldiers that come across on the way. Having reached Steiner, we watch how Reznov beats him and then points a gun at him.

20 minutes before. We play Hudson. We eliminate enemy forces from a machine gun and a grenade launcher. Next, a helicopter will attack us. We put on a protective mask and move along the streets, from cover to cover. We destroy helicopters with the help of a homing arrow. We get into the laboratory, through the main entrance. We find Steiner and Mason.

Steiner implants something in Alex that should make him obey Dragovich. But Steiner says he is resisting and nothing will come of it. Dragovic orders to return him to the cell. After these memories, Alex goes further, to the corridor, some memories again, and Hudson punches Alex in the face. After that, Hudson tells him that Reznov died while escaping in Vorkuta, that Reznov was not there all this time, and that it was not Dragovich and Steiner who brainwashed him, but Reznov, who, out of hatred for Dragovich (for the death of Dmitry), "programs" Alex that he should not serve Dragovic and Steiner, but kill them, and that he was sent to kill Kennedy, but somehow managed to do it.

14) Revelations

We release from the chair and go along the corridors, learning new details about the mysterious numbers.

Plot (continuation from mission 13):
He goes on to say that there is a number station somewhere, and when the report begins, Dragovic's "sleeping" agents will activate charges from the New 6. Gradually, the stream of numbers that Alex constantly hears are transformed into Dragovich's speech, in which he conveys that all instructions come from the "Mermaid". Alex began to remember and remembered the day he was caught in Cuba, when Castro gave him as a gift to Dragovic, and he also remembered that behind the backs of the speakers was a moored ship, whose name was "Mermaid". He tells Hudson that the ship is in Cuba and Hudson, Weaver and Mason are heading there to clean up and cancel the report.

15) Redemption

Controlling a helicopter, we clean the deck of the ship "Mermaid". We accompany the group, protecting it from emerging enemies. When we see an enemy helicopter, keep a distance from it. It will not be possible to destroy him, he will kill us. We land at the helipad. We move forward, taking out all the enemies. We shoot down helicopters from induced rocket launchers. We go down to the lower decks. Having found the station of numbers, we get to it. We stop the transfer of data and eliminate Dragovich.


After clearing the ship, Alex convinces Hudson to go with him to the number station and kill Dragovic. The station began to collapse after Alex and Hudson "cleared" their way. They got to the reporting point, Alex was about to destroy the launcher, but suddenly there was an explosion, and Mason was thrown back. Then Dragovich appears, and he, with the words “You would be my best agent, and everything would have ended differently,” wanted to shoot Mason, but Hudson did not let him do it, while he himself was hit by bullets. Alex throws off Dragovich and begins to choke him. During the fight between Alex and Dragovic, a dialogue occurs: - Mason: You tried to make me kill my president! - Dragovich: Tried? ... (He wanted to say that he did it) Dragovich's dead body completely submerged under water, and Alex and Hudson successfully left the station. And above the water, there were already US military forces, and Alex and Hudson climb onto the boat in which Weaver is waiting for them.

Plot (epilogue):
The game isn't over yet. A video appears in which a woman says the very numbers that Alex went crazy about. Then the plane from which John F. Kennedy and his wife come out to applause (it looks like this is from the day of the Kennedy assassination), and in the clapping crowd you can see a man who is just standing, although his face is blurry, but it looks like it is Alex Mason.

You completed the game. Congratulations.

Easter eggs and other jokes of a single game

  • In Game Call of Duty: Black Ops there are easter eggs, one of them: being in the main menu of the game, you can understand that the player is sitting chained to a chair. If you get free (to do this, you need to look at your feet using the right stick, and then alternately press R2 / L2 on the console as quickly as possible Playstation 3 and LT/RT on console Xbox 360, or hold down the Space key in the PC version) and get up from the chair, you can go to the computer (it is located immediately behind the chair on which the player was sitting). The computer can be turned on. When the keyboard appears, on it you need to enter DOA, which will unlock an additional mode called Dead Ops Mode, which is available when you select the zombie fight mode. The mode is a shooting game that can be played both alone and together - players move from the bottom up, in this mode you can also earn several trophies. The second Easter egg is a text-based adventure game called Zork. To activate this mode on the same computer, you must enter the word on the keyboard ZORK.
  • On the map Nuketown there is a little secret: if during a certain time from the beginning of the game you knock off all the heads from the dummies on the map, then the track Sympathy for the Devil by The Rolling Stones will start playing from the loudspeakers installed on the territory of the level. Also on this map you can see a model of a special Call of Duty: Black Ops publications Jeep Wrangler.
  • In the mission "Vorkuta" on assignment, you need to use the manual version of the M134 Minigun, although its weight without ammunition is 20 kg, and with ammunition - all 40. One can only guess how strong the protagonist was, who fired it from his hands.
  • One of the challenges of the new installment of the franchise is the use of only dual weapons during the passage of the mission "Numbers" in Kowloon. So why not use Thunder Cannon instead?

    To get it, you need to listen to several tapes scattered along the corridors of Kowloon. But I am sure that such an explanation will not make your search much easier. That is why we invite you to take a look at the video guide published by IGN, which is completely dedicated to obtaining this unusual gun.

    Youtube link:

Russian name: Call of Duty Black Ops
Developer: Treyarch
Publisher: Activision
Localizer in Russia: 1C-SoftClub
Release date: November 9, 2010
Release date in Russia: November 9, 2010
Platform: PC, XBox360, PS3, Wii, NDS

Operation 40.

During our conversation with the agent, the police burst into the cafe. Aiming from a pistol, we kill a cop standing right in front of us. We pass through the streets, destroying opponents. We shoot reinforcements arriving by car from an underbarrel grenade launcher. Following the partners, we turn into the alley and get into the car.
Using the cable, we penetrate the complex. We follow Woods and Bowman, carefully sneaking so that we are not noticed. Having met resistance, we deal with enemies. Having found Fidel Castro, we deal with him and his girlfriend in slow motion. We leave the complex through the main entrance. Right on the porch is an RPG, you can pick it up as an additional weapon. We get to the airfield and quickly run to the plane. We shoot Cuban soldiers from a machine gun. Noticing an obstacle on the runway, we jump off and head towards the anti-aircraft gun. From it we shoot at trucks that interfere with the takeoff of the plane. We were seized and tied up. It turns out that we did not kill Castro, but only his double.


We save Carved from the guard. We follow him, killing the enemies that come across with a knife. We go up the elevator, after which we select the pistol of the murdered warden. When the gate opens, we run to the right for the trolley with coal. While our friends are pushing it forward, we shoot the enemies that appear from the left, then from the right. After blowing up the tower, we penetrate the building, inspect the second floor. We aim at three buildings with a large crossbow and destroy them. We go down to the first floor, where we get a shotgun. We shoot at the lock on the gate. We start breaking forward until we get to the next building. We rise to the roof and quickly, picking up a harpoon, we throw it into the helicopter on the right. We get into the next building. Near our allies lies an AK-47 with an underbarrel grenade launcher. We follow Reznov. After finding propane tanks, elite troops will begin to resist against us. It is advisable to use a shotgun against them. We protect Carved while he opens the armory door. We select a machine gun and go outside. We move along it, cracking down on opponents.


We're going to meet President Kennedy.

Special assignment.

We follow Woods. Our second partner, Weaver, was captured by the Russians. We eliminate two soldiers from the knife and pick up the form. We hide the corpses and move on. Then two more will join us. Without breaking the disguise, we penetrate the spaceport. We are waiting for the partners to destroy two near the door. We pass inside and, breaking through the opponents, we rise to the roof. From there we cover our own, shooting at enemies from a crossbow with explosive shells. Further, from the same crossbow, we shoot at the window, releasing the rope, go down it and destroy the opponents in slow motion. Free Weaver. In a limited time, we must have time to run to the command center and stop the rocket launch. However, no matter how fast we run, we still can't make it. Therefore, we knock out the Soyuz-2 rocket from a rocket launcher with guided projectiles. We penetrate the tunnels and move along them, deal with a large number of Russians.


After a small accident, we help Hudson get to the bunker. We move along the trenches, destroying opponents who appear in the most unexpected places. Next, we protect the bunkers. To destroy tanks, we find rocket launchers. We follow Woods and go down deeper. From a grenade launcher we fire at the arriving enemy forces. We go down, along the left edge and break through the trenches. Once in the burnt forest, we again go along the left edge. Already, being upstairs, we lose consciousness for a few seconds, and when we come to ourselves, we see that they are trying to kill Woods. We must get ahead of the enemy, we have a few seconds for this. We pass through another bunker. At the exit, we get into the car and patrol the area, destroying tanks, and in between we kill the Vietnamese from a grenade launcher.


We get Spas-12 with explosive cartridges and go in search of a defector. Almost all enemies also have shotguns, so we try to kill them from a distance. Reznov turned out to be a defector. Now our task is to get to the evacuation zone. We move through the streets, at the right time, using air support. We destroy the anti-aircraft gun by substituting explosives under it. We defend the position until the helicopters arrive. We stand behind the machine gun and shoot the enemy forces. When the tank appears, we hide behind the barricade until the rescue boat lights up on the horizon.


Playing as Hudson, torture Clark. We break the glass and put the pieces in his mouth. Then hit a few times. When opponents appear, we take cover behind an overturned table and quickly climb up the stairs, because the Nova-6 poisonous gas is deadly. Every now and then we move along slippery roofs, discovering caches with weapons. Unable to hold Clark, he falls, without having time to tell us important information. We jump down and fall through the roof of the tent. We pick up the gun right in front of us and kill the enemies. We get into the van.

Nova project.

Playing Reznov, we follow Petrenko. We jump on the truck. Dragovich and Kravchenko go the other way, but we need to clear the German base and find Steiner. Not finding him in the building, we move forward to the ship. Now we can use smoke bombs to mark targets for destruction. Having grabbed Steiner, we unite with Dragovich. Together we penetrate the ship and find the weapon of the Germans "Nova-6". Dragovich wished to test it on our people. Petrenko dies in the next cell. Suddenly, the ship is attacked by the British, who also want to have this superweapon with them. Having got out of the chamber, we move forward and set the charge on the V-2. After that, we shoot at the illuminated pipe and through the formed path we exit to the surface. We leave the ship for a limited time.

Victor Charlie.

Waking up in a crashed helicopter, we examine the pilots. We kill two Vietnamese and dive under the water. Reznov helps to get out. We emerge near the boat and, using the enemy, we shoot the rest on the shore. We follow the Woods until we meet with the Whiskey group. After discussing a further plan of action, we install explosives in the village. We move silently, without attracting attention. Having detonated explosives, we begin to break forward. There are grenade launchers on the roofs, we deal with them first of all. We get to the shore, pick up a rocket launcher and shoot at the air defense system. We move on, leaving the rocket launcher with us. In the future, we will need it to destroy the machine gun nest. We jump down into the tunnels. It is safest to move with aim, so that when the enemy suddenly appears, you can instantly kill him.

Place of fall.

We sit on the boat at the helm. We move along the river, destroying numerous enemy troops. We have a machine gun and a rocket launcher at our disposal. Having landed, we begin to break through the mouth of the river. Snipers are sitting on the trees, you can distinguish them by the sparkle of a spark, after a shot from a rifle. We get to the crashed plane and go along the wing, carefully balancing so as not to fall. Then we jump down and wait for our partners near the box with the dangerous substance Nova-6. We go further and observe what is happening below. A sniper rifle lies nearby, we select it and kill the opponents from below. Further, the plane is fired from helicopters again. We fall down and fall into the hands of Dragovic.


We play as Moseley. Controlling a fighter, we take off by pressing the corresponding buttons. We have a small detachment at our disposal, which we will control from the air using a repeater. We are waiting for the car to pass, and indicate the path to the first goal. Next, we place a detachment in a shelter in the north. Having dealt with curious opponents, we indicate the path to the next place. Since there is a patrol nearby, first we point the repeater at them and only then where we want to move. While moving towards the barracks, a patrol will appear. We quickly lie down and wait for it to pass. We clean the barracks and set the charge on the shields, thereby disabling the connection. We move further north.

Playing Hudson. We are waiting for the patrol to pass. We follow the partners and repeat their actions. We go down on the ropes and in slow motion we destroy opponents. We penetrate the station: this can be done both covertly and aggressively. Inside, we also destroy opponents. Then disable the radar. We leave the station before the avalanche covers us. We jump off the mountain, open the parachute and land right next to the enemy base. Now is the time to have some fun. We use explosive arrows and deal with the soldiers from afar. We also destroy the approaching trucks with Russian reinforcements. You can’t go further, because a machine gunner sat in the building. Turn left and go through the house. We get to the Nova 6 base and leave it. At the exit, we are met with serious resistance. Use explosive arrows again. On the street, we kill the machine gunner and capture the vehicle. Leaving Yamantau.


Together with Woods, we are miraculously freed from captivity. We pursue the fleeing Russian. There are two paths in the tunnels: upper and lower. We will go to the lower one, because there are a lot of weapons there. We take AK-47 with a grenade launcher. We kill the Russian and get out to the surface. We fire at the helipad from a grenade launcher. After destroying everyone, we sit down in the helicopter. First, we fire at small camps. Then we destroy the Kravchenko complex. While moving, hitting targets is hard enough, but you also need to dodge. Our helicopter is strong and easily endures machine-gun attacks. But from missiles it is necessary to constantly wag around in order to avoid dangerous consequences. The closer we get to the target, the easier it is to destroy it. We land in the forests, pick up weapons if the cartridges run out. We move inside the enemy base, destroying the enemies we meet. We release the captives, including Carved. We get to Kravchenko. Woods saves us from certain death by sacrificing himself.


Our goal is to get into the laboratory and find Steiner. We get out of the car, kill the guard and take the hatchet. We follow Reznov without attracting attention. We quickly destroy another one and pick up the weapon. We are waiting for the helicopter to fly away, and we climb up. From the roof we get into the laboratory. We kill all the soldiers that come across on the way. Having reached Steiner, we watch how Reznov beats him and then points a gun at him.

20 minutes before. Playing Hudson. We shoot enemy forces from a machine gun and a grenade launcher. Next, a helicopter will attack us. We put on a protective mask and move along the streets, from cover to cover, because the suit is quickly damaged. We destroy helicopters with the help of a homing arrow. We get into the laboratory, through the main entrance. We find Steiner and Mason.


We release from the chair and go along the corridors, learning new details about the mysterious numbers.


Controlling a helicopter, we clean the deck of the ship "Mermaid". We accompany the group, protecting it from emerging enemies. When we notice an enemy helicopter, keep a distance from it. It will not be possible to destroy him, on the contrary, he will kill us. We land at the helipad. We move forward, killing enemies. We shoot down helicopters from induced rocket launchers. We go down to the lower decks. Having found the station of numbers, we get to it. We stop the data transfer and kill Dragovich.


Article taken from the site

It all started many years ago, during the Great War. Two German scientists decided that they could curb the dark forces buried in the distant past. These people believed that their discovery would ensure victory for Germany, but they could not even imagine what results their research would bring. An ancient evil raged on the front line, and only three fighters could stop it. The fate of the allies depended on them.

Legendary game series

Despite the fact that this is the ninth game in the series, the original presentation is preserved, the game is of very high quality and detailed. You can read about the plot and gameplay features on, but I advise you to download call of duty black ops 2 on pc - it's better to see once than hear a hundred times.

Passing Tactics

So, so that the onslaught of the undead crowd does not turn out to be fatal, a well-thought-out strategy, a well-coordinated team and honed skills are needed. Here are some tips to help you score more points and generally last longer. Work with a knife. Given that at first the enemy is quite weak, so it is not advisable to spend ammunition on him. When the zombies gain strength, take a few shots and finish them off with a knife. This will give you more points than just a kill. By the way, it's better to shoot in the head - at the finish line, this is the only way to win.

Buses exist to give Sims the opportunity to move to a quieter location, but you shouldn't use every bus either. Explore the surroundings, you may find good weapons and ammunition, and the bus will definitely pass again. In general, there is no need to rush in other cases. For example, it is better to use a nuclear bonus when there are more zombies, and before restoring ammo, it is worth completely using up those that are. A useful tactic when finding a bonus is to take it when it sparkles. Just don't be late - it will disappear.

One last moment. At the beginning of the game, you can make good money repairing barricades. Let the zombies destroy them while it is possible to take care of both repairs and security - then there will be so many enemies that such risky actions will lead to instant defeat. If the crowd managed to get too close, shooting at the legs and grenades thrown at the group will perfectly slow down the impending danger. During this time, you can take a breath and explore the map. Just look for power-ups and weapons while staying away from crawling zombies.

Operation 40.

During our conversation with the agent, the police burst into the cafe. Aiming from a pistol, we kill a cop standing right in front of us. We pass through the streets, destroying opponents. We shoot reinforcements arriving by car from an underbarrel grenade launcher. Following the partners, we turn into the alley and get into the car.

Using the cable, we penetrate the complex. We follow Woods and Bowman, carefully sneaking so that we are not noticed. Having met resistance, we deal with enemies. Having found Fidel Castro, we deal with him and his girlfriend in slow motion. We leave the complex through the main entrance. Right on the porch is an RPG, you can pick it up as an additional weapon. We get to the airfield and quickly run to the plane. We shoot Cuban soldiers from a machine gun. Noticing an obstacle on the runway, we jump off and head towards the anti-aircraft gun. From it we shoot at trucks that interfere with the takeoff of the plane. We were seized and tied up. It turns out that we did not kill Castro, but only his double.

We save Carved from the guard. We follow him, killing the enemies that come across with a knife. We go up the elevator, after which we select the pistol of the murdered warden. When the gate opens, we run to the right for the trolley with coal. While our friends are pushing it forward, we shoot the enemies that appear from the left, then from the right. After blowing up the tower, we penetrate the building, inspect the second floor. We aim at three buildings with a large crossbow and destroy them. We go down to the first floor, where we get a shotgun. We shoot at the lock on the gate. We start breaking forward until we get to the next building. We rise to the roof and quickly, picking up a harpoon, we throw it into the helicopter on the right. We get into the next building. Near our allies lies an AK-47 with an underbarrel grenade launcher. We follow Reznov. After finding propane tanks, elite troops will begin to resist against us. It is advisable to use a shotgun against them. We protect Carved while he opens the armory door. We select a machine gun and go outside.

We move along it, cracking down on opponents.


We're going to meet President Kennedy.

Special assignment.

We follow Woods. Our second partner, Weaver, was captured by the Russians. We eliminate two soldiers from the knife and pick up the form. We hide the corpses and move on. Then two more will join us. Without breaking the disguise, we penetrate the spaceport. We are waiting for the partners to destroy two near the door. We pass inside and, breaking through the opponents, we rise to the roof. From there we cover our own, shooting at enemies from a crossbow with explosive shells. Further, from the same crossbow, we shoot at the window, releasing the rope, go down it and destroy the opponents in slow motion. Free Weaver. In a limited time, we must have time to run to the command center and stop the rocket launch. However, no matter how fast we run, we still can't make it. Therefore, we knock out the #Soyuz-2# rocket from a rocket launcher with guided projectiles. We penetrate the tunnels and move along them, deal with a large number of Russians.

After a small accident, we help Hudson get to the bunker. We move along the trenches, destroying opponents who appear in the most unexpected places. Next, we protect the bunkers. To destroy tanks, we find rocket launchers. We follow Woods and go down deeper. From a grenade launcher we fire at the arriving enemy forces. We go down, along the left edge and break through the trenches. Once in the burnt forest, we again go along the left edge. Already, being upstairs, we lose consciousness for a few seconds, and when we come to ourselves, we see that they are trying to kill Woods. We must get ahead of the enemy, we have a few seconds for this. We pass through another bunker. At the exit, we get into the car and patrol the area, destroying tanks, and in between we kill the Vietnamese from a grenade launcher.


We get Spas-12 with explosive cartridges and go in search of a defector. Almost all enemies also have shotguns, so we try to kill them from a distance. Reznov turned out to be a defector. Now our task is to get to the evacuation zone. We move through the streets, at the right time, using air support. We destroy the anti-aircraft gun by substituting explosives under it. We defend the position until the helicopters arrive. We stand behind the machine gun and shoot the enemy forces. When the tank appears, we hide behind the barricade until the rescue boat lights up on the horizon.

Playing as Hudson, torture Clark. We break the glass and put the pieces in his mouth. Then hit a few times. When opponents appear, we take cover behind an overturned table and quickly climb up the stairs, because the poisonous gas #Nova-6# is deadly. Every now and then we move along slippery roofs, discovering caches with weapons. Unable to hold Clark, he falls, without having time to tell us important information. We jump down and fall through the roof of the tent. We pick up the gun right in front of us and kill the enemies. We get into the van.

Project #Nova#.

Playing Reznov, we follow Petrenko. We jump on the truck. Dragovich and Kravchenko go the other way, but we need to clear the German base and find Steiner. Not finding him in the building, we move forward to the ship. Now we can use smoke bombs to mark targets for destruction. Having grabbed Steiner, we unite with Dragovich. Together we penetrate the ship and find the weapons of the Germans #Nova-6#. Dragovich wished to test it on our people. Petrenko dies in the next cell. Suddenly, the ship is attacked by the British, who also want to have this superweapon with them. Having got out of the chamber, we move forward and set the charge on #V-2#. After that, we shoot at the illuminated pipe and through the formed path we exit to the surface. We leave the ship for a limited time.

Victor Charlie.

Waking up in a crashed helicopter, we examine the pilots. We kill two Vietnamese and dive under the water. Reznov helps to get out. We emerge near the boat and, using the enemy, we shoot the rest on the shore. We follow Woods until we meet with the #Whisky# group. After discussing a further plan of action, we install explosives in the village. We move silently, without attracting attention. Having detonated explosives, we begin to break forward. There are grenade launchers on the roofs, we deal with them first of all. We get to the shore, pick up a rocket launcher and shoot at the air defense system. We move on, leaving the rocket launcher with us. In the future, we will need it to destroy the machine gun nest. We jump down into the tunnels. It is safest to move with aim, so that when the enemy suddenly appears, you can instantly kill him.

Place of fall.

We sit on the boat at the helm. We move along the river, destroying numerous enemy troops. We have a machine gun and a rocket launcher at our disposal. Having landed, we begin to break through the mouth of the river. Snipers are sitting on the trees, you can distinguish them by the sparkle of a spark, after a shot from a rifle. We get to the crashed plane and go along the wing, carefully balancing so as not to fall. Then we jump down and wait for our partners near the box with the dangerous substance #Nova-6#. We go further and observe what is happening below. A sniper rifle lies nearby, we select it and kill the opponents from below. Further, the plane is fired from helicopters again. We fall down and fall into the hands of Dragovic.

We play as Moseley. Controlling a fighter, we take off by pressing the corresponding buttons. We have a small detachment at our disposal, which we will control from the air using a repeater. We are waiting for the car to pass, and indicate the path to the first goal. Next, we place a detachment in a shelter in the north. Having dealt with curious opponents, we indicate the path to the next place. Since there is a patrol nearby, first we point the repeater at them and only then where we want to move. While moving towards the barracks, a patrol will appear. We quickly lie down and wait for it to pass. We clean the barracks and set the charge on the shields, thereby disabling the connection. We move further north.

Playing Hudson. We are waiting for the patrol to pass. We follow the partners and repeat their actions. We go down on the ropes and in slow motion we destroy opponents. We penetrate the station: this can be done both covertly and aggressively. Inside, we also destroy opponents. Then disable the radar. We leave the station before the avalanche covers us. We jump off the mountain, open the parachute and land right next to the enemy base. Now is the time to have some fun. We use explosive arrows and deal with the soldiers from afar. We also destroy the approaching trucks with Russian reinforcements. You can’t go further, because a machine gunner sat in the building. Turn left and go through the house. We get to the #Nova 6# base and leave it. At the exit, we are met with serious resistance. Use explosive arrows again. On the street, we kill the machine gunner and capture the vehicle. Leaving Yamantau.

Together with Woods, we are miraculously freed from captivity. We pursue the fleeing Russian. There are two paths in the tunnels: upper and lower. We will go to the lower one, because there are a lot of weapons there. We take AK-47 with a grenade launcher. We kill the Russian and get out to the surface. We fire at the helipad from a grenade launcher. After destroying everyone, we sit down in the helicopter. First, we fire at small camps. Then we destroy the Kravchenko complex. While moving, hitting targets is hard enough, but you also need to dodge. Our helicopter is strong and easily endures machine-gun attacks. But from missiles it is necessary to constantly wag around in order to avoid dangerous consequences. The closer we get to the target, the easier it is to destroy it. We land in the forests, pick up weapons if the cartridges run out. We move inside the enemy base, destroying the enemies we meet. We release the captives, including Carved. We get to Kravchenko. Woods saves us from certain death by sacrificing himself.


Our goal is to get into the laboratory and find Steiner. We get out of the car, kill the guard and take the hatchet. We follow Reznov without attracting attention. We quickly destroy another one and pick up the weapon. We are waiting for the helicopter to fly away, and we climb up. From the roof we get into the laboratory. We kill all the soldiers that come across on the way. Having reached Steiner, we watch how Reznov beats him and then points a gun at him.

20 minutes before. Playing Hudson. We shoot enemy forces from a machine gun and a grenade launcher. Next, a helicopter will attack us. We put on a protective mask and move along the streets, from cover to cover, because the suit is quickly damaged. We destroy helicopters with the help of a homing arrow. We get into the laboratory, through the main entrance. We find Steiner and Mason.


We release from the chair and go along the corridors, learning new details about the mysterious numbers.


Controlling a helicopter, we clean the deck of the ship #Mermaid#. We accompany the group, protecting it from emerging enemies. When we notice an enemy helicopter, keep a distance from it. It will not be possible to destroy him, on the contrary, he will kill us. We land at the helipad. We move forward, killing enemies. We shoot down helicopters from induced rocket launchers. We go down to the lower decks. Having found the station of numbers, we get to it. We stop the data transfer and kill Dragovich.