Does not start SAINTS ROW IV? Inhibits the game? Crashes? Buggy? Resolving the most common problems. FAILED TO CREATE GRAPHICS DEVICE - what to do

If you encountered the fact that Saints Row IV slows down, crashes, Saints Row IV does not start, Saints Row IV is not installed, control does not work in Saints Row IV, there are no errors, in Saints Row IV do not work saving - we offer you The most common ways to solve these problems.

Be sure to update the video card drivers and the other

Before remembering the most bad words and express them towards developers, do not forget to go to the official website of the manufacturer of your video card and download the latest drivers. Often, specially optimized drivers are being prepared for the release of games. You can also try to set a later version of the drivers if the problem is not solved by installing the current version.

It is important to remember that only the final versions of video cards should be downloaded - try not to use beta, as they can have a large number of not found and not corrected errors.

Do not forget that for stable operations of games, it is often required to install the latest version of DirectX, which can always be downloaded from the official Microsoft website.

Saints Row IV does not start

Many of the launching problems happen because of the incorrect installation. Check if there were no errors during installation, try removing the game and start the installer again, after turning off the antivirus - the files often need to work for the game are deleted. It is also important to remember that on the way to the folder with the installed game there should be no signs of Cyrillic - use for the names of the directories only the letters of the latice and numbers.

It does not prevent Check if there is enough space on the HDD to install. You can try to start the game on behalf of the administrator in compatibility mode with different versions of Windows.

Saints Row IV slows down. Low FPS. Lags. Friezes. Freezes

The first is to install fresh drivers on the video card, from this FPS in the game can significantly climb. Also check the computer load in the Task Manager (opens by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Escape). If you see before running the game, that some kind of process consumes too much resources - turn off its program or simply complete this process from the task manager.

Next, go to the graphics settings in the game. First of all, turn off the smoothing and try to reduce the settings that are responsible for post-processing. Many of them consume many resources and their disconnection will significantly increase productivity, not strongly affecting the quality of the picture.

Saints Row IV flies on the desktop

If Saints Row IV often crashes on a working slot, try to start solving the problem with reducing the quality of graphics. It is possible that your computer simply lacks performance and the game cannot work correctly. It is also worth checking the updates - most modern games have a system of automatic installation of new patches. Check if this option is turned off in the settings.

Black Screen in Saints Row IV

Most often, the problem with the black screen is a problem with a graphics processor. Check if your video card meets the minimum requirements and put the latest version of the drivers. Sometimes the black screen is a consequence of insufficient CPU performance.

If everything is fine with iron, and it satisfies the minimum requirements - try switching to another window (Alt + Tab), and then return to the game window.

Saints Row IV is not installed. Hung up installation

First of all, check if you have enough HDD to install. Remember that the installation program is required to work correctly, the stated space is required, plus 1-2 gigabytes of free space on the system disk. In general, remember the rule - at a system disk should always be at least 2 gigabytes of free space for temporary files. Otherwise, both games and programs can not work correctly or altogether refuse to start.

Installation problems may also occur due to lack of an Internet connection or unstable operation. Also, do not forget to pause the operation of the antivirus during the installation time of the game - sometimes it interferes with the correct copying of the files or deletes them by mistake, counting with viruses.

Saints Row IV do not work saving

By analogy with the past solution, check the availability of an HDD space - both on where the game is installed and on the system disk. Often saving files are stored in the document folder, which is located separately from the game itself.

In Saints Row IV does not work management

Sometimes control in the game does not work due to the simultaneous connection of multiple input devices. Try turning off the gamepad or, if for some reason you have two keyboards or mouse, leave only one pair of devices. If the gamepad does not work for you, remember - officially support only controllers defined as Xbox joysticks. If your controller is determined differently - try using programs that emulate Xbox joysticks (for example, X360CE).

Sound does not work in Saints Row IV

Check if the sound works in other programs. After that, check whether the sound is not turned off in the settings of the game itself and whether the sound reproduction device is selected to which your speakers or headset are connected. Next, during the operation of the game, open the mixer and check if the sound is turned off there.

If you use an external audio card - check for new drivers on the manufacturer's website.

Saints Row - an example of a purely entertainment game series. Everything is not working on realism and not on a thoughtful plot, but for the maximum convenience of the player and the variety of gameplay. Wherever the hero went, he will not have to miss or fight annoying conventions. What is the difference that the control of the helicopter even the handle does not wait like, is the main thing that it is comfortable! Think, well, you can not actually sink the car, jumping into the salon through the windshield, - but it is fast and fun!

The fourth, final, part of the franchise brought the fight against realism to the natural finale: the services of players are a variety of superpowers that can replace transport and armament. With such skills, no aliens are scared.

Matrix Has You!

What to be afraid to president of the United States, except for laying back from the laurels on which he reveals? But it is not by chance that the comics teach that with great power comes great responsibility. In our case, responsibility is in the case of insidious aliens, which won to attach the land to their empire. What irony - intergalactic democracy decided to bring to the most democratic state! However, the rich gangster past did not pass for our president without a trace - Having reached the first weapon turned up in an oval office, he goes to tear ass and chew a chewing gum.

During the loading of the matrix, its architecture is clearly visible.

But the fervor of our hero, not the example of Duke Nosekom, quickly cool. Loolent is caught and placed in the local matrix - the illusory world, a copying reality. In fact, an accurate virtual copy of the stylport is a city that the gang of "saints" won in the third part. Only all our past successes went the shrock: the appears and apartments "Saints" from there are ruthlessly cut out, and the cosmic ships of the aliens are terrible. To defeat aliens, it is necessary to put the resistance and try to take a virtual city under your control.

In the past parts, we took the quarters of the bandits, and now we are struggling with aliens. Their capabilities within the system on envy are wide - for example, who arrived in place, the police can turn into alien soldiers, as becoming agents, ordinary people in the film "Matrix". And this is not the only focus that aliens own. They can easily fit a teleporter ball, which will be from time to "spin" new soldiers, or tighten the disassembly of a special drone, who knows how to make fighters invulnerable. However, no matter how good agents in the matrix are, the present elected still turns out to be cooler.

Flaming ruins are all that remained from our old headquarters.

The generous developers allowed our hero to study superpackers - a rapid run, which will envy the cheetahs, jumping, from which fleas will come to a reverent thrill, and a whole pack of magical skills, impressive even gandalph. Telekinosis, frost, earthquake, fiery balls - US President from the political catastrophe turned into a natural cataclysm. With such an impressive arsenal, all sorts of equipment quickly goes to the background - who is interested in dragging the helicopter when you can fly yourself? What is a grenade launcher with his limited ammunition, if you can confuse the enemy UFO direct freezing?

The ability to gradually develop, collecting special glowing columns in the city - clusters. They, with increasing level, bought, say, accelerate running or increasing the range of telekinease. Search for clusters - the most interesting occupation. Despite their solid amount (one thousand and nuts!), The collection does not look a challenge, this is a meditative process that makes walks around the city meaningful and more interesting. You can at least jump on the roofs on the roofs, collecting glowing columns - it does not bother.

Aliens among us

If the plot of the plot unequivocally sent to the "matrix" and Duke of the Nosekom, then then he is systematically driving along the Mass Effect series. In the real world, the hero is forced to hide from aliens on a small and maneuverable spacecraft - Mantope Mix with "Nebuchadnezzor". Weapons, costumes, appliances design, cartoons on the game engine - the ears of Captain Shepard stick out from everywhere. The hero is constantly moving between the virtual and real world with the help of special gates, scattered around the city map. According to the traditions of the cosmopes, a variety of team, ready and quest for loyalty, and chat "for life", live on the ship, and he warm the commander bed. Love is not alien to even the robot drone - so from the soul we advise the nervous chambers of the morality to stay from Saints Row 4 away.

The ship is an inexhaustible folding jokes: take a closer look closely to the wash button in this space toilet.

To compare it is the story part - more fun in Saints Row: The Third. For truly funny dialogues, the scenarios tried to repeat the most spectacular moments from the past games of the series. As a result, it is not very pulling in the virtual space in the virtual space, to undergo a plot line, which is connected with the outputs into reality.

And here the revenue come side missions. They are arranged in Saints Row 4 surprisingly simple - you need to consistently capture several districts. We buy shops, embroider aliens from checkpoints, successfully pass game trials - and our next quarter!

Conquering the city in Saints Row 4 has become even more interesting than in the third part. Blue tests marked on the map - the dream of any maniac. Here are some examples of what is available to players:

  • insurance fraud is a mini-game where you need to get the maximum damage, rushing under the cars;
  • tests for telecinez, where with the help of this supercoperation you need to throw objects through the rings;
  • sign at checkpoints for a while;
  • all sorts of pogroms - tests where you need to destroy more objects in the city as soon as possible. Courish municipal ownership to be treated with weapons, tank and UFOs.

Separate charm of such tests - medals: for overfulfing the conditions of the players are waiting for additional money and experience.

Orange tasks of the same type - over all aliens at the control point, hijaculate the car, turn off the protective dome, - but their passage of a little changes the appearance of the city. Especially memorable to the conquest of towers - it is possible to climb on special links of communication only by packing platforms in the air. For some reason, the analogy with Far Cry 3. - Only here it is much more fun, and it's not dangerous to break.

A separate article is the PVP-fights - they can be activated only if you pass Saints Row 4 in the company Comrade. They do not give control over the city, but also displayed on the map with orange icons. The choice of entertainment is not familiar: there is a duel to the victorious end and the "cats against mice" mode. The duel is carried out only with the use of arms arsenal equally for both players and superchains. "Cats against mice" resemble one of the network modes Driver: San Francisco - One of the players rides the control points, and the other is trying to destroy it. Then they change roles. Who scored more points, he won.

Now we do not just pay money, but also explain what article revenue for how much I brought.

One of the most noticeable changes for menckers - shops now need to not buy, but to crack. This is done with the help of a mini-game in the style of unforgettable Pipe Mania.. Puzzles are simple, on the solution of each task is given just a minute or if you open a special ability, two. Do not put on time - the aliens will be alarmed by the unsuccessful hacker attack begin to hunt.

This is how a mini-game with hacking shops looks like. Simply, but the last tasks can not be solved from the first attempt.

The search level decreases in several ways, but only two are worthy of special mention. You can catch a special tracking ball - a gold drone, which is responsible for coordinating the actions of the aliens. As soon as they are found - he will immediately begin to spin nearby. Hunting for the tracking drone is a fascinating thing, because it moves at the speed of Snitch. Extremes can bring the search level to six and finish off the boss, which in this case is sent to disassembly. As soon as he dies, the enemy for the time being will forget about your existence.

We caught up the tracking ball - and now we break it about the Earth.

The shootouts were very dynamic, and the point here is not only in supersilah, which many times accelerated movement, "the developers decided not to encourage seat seats. Health in the game in itself is not restored, it can be corrected only at the expense of therapeutic crosses falling out of enemies. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly rush around the battlefield, for Mile to beat the aliens in the eye and peep supercans. Lovers clogged into the corner here quickly press the number and roasted with laser rifles. Yes, the whole game is this - do not sit on the spot, move, do something!

Important details

Even if you do not know the history of creating Saints Row 4, it is difficult to get rid of the thought that you are playing in addition to the third part. Stilport although he changed the gamut with purple on the red, but he did not change geographically. After passing the third part, you already know the location of all the streets and turns in the fourth. But this is not annoying, which you will not say about the schedule that regularly reminds that initially Saints Row 4 thought about as DLC. The fact that a couple of years ago also looked quite pretty, now depressing. Well at least to the old chart did not put old music - the soundtrack at the game and very good. True, turn on the radio often forget.

Instead of the famous stylport statue, a monument to Zinyaka was established, the leader of aliens.

The weapon enhancement system has changed. Modification of the trunks is now much more individual - we invest money into a specific parameter like damage or rapidity. Each characteristic can be improved up to five times, and the next level costs only a little more expensive than the previous one. A separate item is a special property like bursting bullets at a pistol - it is bought only once and for a solid amount.

In addition, now the gun can also change the appearance - for each of the main trunks there is a good tens of finishes. They caught a pirate costume - so why not add vintage guns to him? Your character is spinning like a vampire hunter - stylish crossbows instead of SMG him just right!

One of the design options "Uzi". From another SMG type, this is beneficial to the ability to temporarily shock enemies.

An individual plus will highlight the ability to transfer the character from the third part. Yes, while some time you have to dance with a tambourine around my account on, and some items like your favorite pants will not be transferred - but still continue the game exactly the hero that you passed Saints Row 3, damn nice . Especially if once a few hours polished his alter ego in The Third.

Saints Row 4 - Continuation of the popular series of open-world action games. Soundts row began as a clone of GTA, but the fourth part has become a completely independent game with its style and feed. GMBox Reviews; We are also. This material will respond to the most popular questions about Saints Row 4.

How to download a character

Register on the website and go to the "Community" tab. There you will find a huge selection of characters. After selecting your favorite, click on the Add to Queue button. After that, the loaded characters are activated either in the character creation menu before starting the game, or in the store when you click on the "Gallery of Characters" options.

How to Activate DLC

Make sure the DLC is purchased first. Find the game in the Steam library, right-click on it and select the "Game Properties" option. If you do not have a DLC, the field in the "Add-on" tab will be empty. By purchasing add-ons, in this tab you can choose which DLC should be installed with the game itself.

What is different from Saints Row 3

Differences on the surface: the leader of the gang became the president, got superstilacy and now lives in a simulation matrix. The game has become even more customization: besides the signs for a series of opportunity to create something unlucky, each category of weapons acquired various skins and variations. Additional tasks have become noticeably more difficult, for the most part, due to the fact that you now have super supervisory. To many of them will have to get used before you get something to perform at all three difficulties (this is another new addition) - bronze, silver and gold.

With the addition of such opportunities as quick running on walls or super-jumps on high buildings, the game city is fully opened to you for research - both below and upstairs, in skyscrapers.

Developers also got rid of the "Respect" (respect) of your gang and people of the city, now this mechanic is simply called "XP" (experience). There is no in the game and opposing factions, you will have to fight only with one enemy, who, however, it is also necessary to beat the territory.

Finally, the game has now raised a greater emphasis on the collection of objects scattered around the city; This is due to the fact that, for example, date-clusters improve your super-abilities.

Who is such uce

UKS is one of the characters of Saints Row 4. Once he was an alien living form, which was concluded in the simulation by Emperor Zinyak, the main antagonist of the game. His physical body died long ago, so after he programmed and included his consciousness into simulation.

Saints Row 4 lags what to do?

Check if your system meets the minimum system requirements of the game.

If you have a computer with AMD video card and you are experiencing low FPS mainly in the open world, then try to install a new beta driver from AMD, which according to reports can improve performance by almost 25%.

Saints Row 4 in English, what to do?

Find the game in the Steam library, click "Game Properties" and go to the "Language" tab. Select there Russian language and close the tab. By the way, there is no Russian voice acting in the game, so you will probably need to include Russian subtitles. You can do this as possible: Settings - gameplay - Show subtitles.

How to change the language into Russian (when the crack will come out when the Russian version comes out)

The Russian version went to Steam simultaneously with all others and is available from the same moment.

Why clusters are needed

Clusters are used to improve your supercopiness. In total, the game has four types of clusters, which are scattered around the world: ordinary, hidden in the walls, underground and flying in the air. In total, 1255 clusters are scattered around the city.

Where they are preserved (where saves are stored)

Savings lie approximately by this address: / userdata // 206420

Where to find a tank

The tank appears in the "ON-FOOT MAYHEM" mode. Expect His appearance after you have a little swimming, destroying everything around. After arrival, pull out the driver from the black hole tank, but do not destroy the vehicle itself. Then climb into the car and do nothing before the end of the timer. Events will end, and after exiting Tank mode will be on the same place.

How to play online via Hamachi

By purchasing a licensed version of the game, you will not have to shaman and download completely unnecessary programs.

How to play online via steam

The game has both a local cooperative and the selection system of random partners again for KO-OPA.

How to add your music

The game does not have such an opportunity, however, if the computer allows, nothing interferes with turning off the sound in the game, run the player and put your favorite music.

How to pass the Mission "Real World" ("Escape")

Go to where the star points to you, then try to open the door on the roof twice. Catscena will follow, after which you will find yourself in the middle of the aliens spacecraft. Move forward until you reach the door, near which QTE scene will occur. Click the right mouse button to kill the aliens that attacked you, and take its armament.

Now that you have, than to defend yourself, continue to move on, straightening along the road with the annoying aliens. Soon you will reach the bridge - as soon as you come to his opposite side, there will be even more aliens. Take a favorable position and shoot them until another Katszen begin.

After you take over the control of the ship. Flying is simple and intuitive - Use WASD to drive a ship, and a mouse to lean forward, to the side or dive. Fly forward, avoiding barriers - the most dangerous reversal will make the game for you. On the way, shoot enemy ships.

After some time, you will fly into the corridor, which will become all already. Tilt the ship in different directions, as stronger as possible, and soon you will fly out.

How to create a beautiful character

Everyone has different concepts about beauty, however, several tips from me: for example, creating a woman, make the jaw and chin smaller, increase your eyes, expand your cheeks and, possibly, lower the cheeks. Creating a man, make higher cheekbones, wider jaw and short hair.

Who is Jane Austen

Throughout the game, Austin is an invisible and unnamed narrator. However, in one of the last scenes of the game, it turns out that it was kidnapped by traveling in time by the main antagonist of the game.

What kind of song from Saints Row 4, when are you flying on the ship?

This What is Love singer Haddaway.

What is better - SAINTS ROW 3 or SAINTS ROW 4?

It will have to solve you. At least Metacritic inclined in favor of the fourth part, which has 84 points on the site 84 from the third.

Where to find Dubstep Gun (where to take dubstep gun)

It becomes available in a weapon cache after passing one of the additional tasks of China David.

Perform FEAT OF STRENGTH - What to do?

You will need the skill of "Topot", so before it is better not to start to pass the DLC.

Failed to Create Graphics Device - What to do?

Complete by approximately this address:

C: \\ Program Files (x86) \\ Steam \\ Steamapps \\ COMMON \\ SAINTS ROW IV \\ _COMMONREDIST \\ DirectX \\ jun2010

Run dxsetup.exe and after installation Check the integrity of game files in Steam.

If it did not help, then try remove D3D11.DLL from the game folder.

What will end

Attention, spoilers

There are two different endings in the game. The final depends on whether you could complete all the loyalty mission of your associates before the final game mission.

If you have not completed the mission mentioned, then you will see only a short crime, in which the leader of the saints will suggest that it is time to capture a new native planet instead of Earth and restore civilization.

However, if you have completed all six associate missions before the final, you will see an expanded roller in which the former Zinyak Assistant will inform the saints that the Zin civilization not only captured most of the galaxy, but also developed a time travel method. Saints after that decide to go on a journey through time in an attempt to save the Earth from destruction.

In this material, consider problems with the work of Saints Row IV. The article will consider solutions to problems when Saints Row 4 crashes or the game does not start.

It so happened that after the release of the game I had to wait quite a lot to wait for the crack to the game, which really would work. Owners of a licensed copy of the game problems with the launch of Saints Row 4 practically did not know at all. However, this problem can focus almost every player, because The reasons for its occurrence are quite a lot.

To the detailed explanation of the causes of the problems, I would like to note right away: if you have a licensed copy to Steam, immediately check the cache for integrity!!!

OS: Windows Vista / 7
Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad @ 2.4 GHz / AMD Phenom II x3 @ 2.6 GHz
Hard Disk: 10 GB Free
Video Memory: 1 GB
Video Map: Nvidia GeForce GTX 260 / ATI Radeon HD 5850
Sound card: Compatible with DirectX
DirectX: 11.

Saints row does not work 4. Why doesn't the game start?

If you downloaded the game from torrent, it means a crack to it. Usually, the kryaki are included in the distribution, but as it was said above the game Saints Row 4 cracks may not be and need to be installed separately.

And now we will describe the launch methods of Saints Row 4, for those who have cracks already have and set to the game.

1. Update the video driver

With the release of a new game, zraivers are created in which the video card is optimized for it, which allows you to make all the work stable and increase productivity in the game.

3. Install additional software

Especially in cases where the Saints Row 4 game does not start and still flies the error, fault in the inoperability of the game are problems with additional software.

4. Check that the username of your computer and the path to the game are made without the use of Cyrillic characters. Otherwise it is recommended to correct the situation.

5. Turn off the third-party application and antivirus when installing and starting the game.

6. Perhaps your processor I3 / i5 / I7 the model consists of 3 digits.

For example: i5-720. Players with such processors at the moment can not access the game. Perhaps soon it is corrected by a patch, but for now even dancing with tambourines will not help. Players whose model with 4 digits do not have such difficulties.

7. If you have Windows XP, unfortunately Saints Row 4 is not created for this operating system. If you really want to play and do not want to reinstall the Operation on another, we recommend to watch this article.

8. You have Saints Row 4 may not start due to the fact that your video card supports DirectX not higher version 9.0, and how is it known for the game it is necessary 11.0. In such a situation, in addition to changing the video card can not help anything. Determine Supports Your DirectX 11 video card using the GPU-Z program.

9. Also, the reason when Saints Row 4 does not work, maybe the lack of Steam on the computer (even on pirated copies of the game). Install Steam and run the game on behalf of the administrator.

10. If nothing helps install another crack.

Cleans Saints Row 4. Full Views Games

In this part of the article, we will consider the situation when the game starts, but after some time it flies on the desktop.

In order not to waste time, we immediately begin to disassemble the ways to stabilize the work of Saints Row 4.

1. Optimize graphic settings

Often games fly out due to raised graphic settings. Reset all parameters to a minimum, and if possible, envey at all. If you have the "Vertical Synchronization" item, it is recommended to switch the value to the opposite set.

2. Increase the paging file

Modern games require a lot of RAM, so if you have only a couple of gigabytes, it is recommended to try to reimburse its lack of paging file. About how to put it, you can read. If you have a flash drive - enable the ReadyBoost option in its properties.

3. Install the new video drivers

Saints Row 4 departures in the game itself, can mean problems with the processing of any graphic elements of the game. These can be effects, huge scasted territory and so on.

If you have problems with saints Row 4 gameYou can always take advantage of our advice and information to action. We describe the steps in detail that you need to do to fully go through the game. Saints Row 4.. In the most difficult places, we add pictures that can help you. Passage Saints Row 4 Read on our site.

Zero Saints Thirty

After the epic video, follow through the corridor to the specified point and kill the terrorist quietly. Shoot the enemies, then go to the gate and wait until they open. Now you just need to run several corridors and clean them all from the Arabian misfortunes. In general, you will not have any problems on the way, truth will have to knock the door and the lattice with a partner to sharply attack the enemies.

After passing the stairs, the cat scene will begin: press the jump button, then the letter E, well, in finishing just shoot the boss. To finish your mission, you will need to reach the rocket, jump on it. Clear the jump to climb up, and the right mouse button to tear the wires. Jump off the rocket.

The Saints Wing.

Before the next level begins, create a new character, use the standard or transfer it from the third part of the game (if it was). Next, just go a quiet step at a press conference, on the way you will have to solve comic tasks, select the best options for answers. After a video about the capture, go up from under the guards and run behind weapons in your office. How are you complete with steep cannons, follow the specified point, sit down to a huge machine gun. Destroy space ships. Another video and finally will have to press the buttons: Forward, hit, back, shot, jump

A Pleasant Day.

Get down the stairs and go to the kitchen to talk to your wife. Then head to the street and sit in the car after the dialogue with the police. Drive in a cafe, the only nuance of the trip is impossible to violate the rules of the road. Pain in front of fans and go to the building. After the video, sit in the car and eat to any direction until the control point appears. Reaching it: Kill the police, apply damage to the city by 100 thousand dollars and finally destroy the sheriff.

The FundameTals.

Steal the wheelbarrow and go to the gun shop, but for starters it will have to be allocated on your smartphone. Attit police attention, kill them. Sit into the guard of the law enforcement, go to the point of collecting aliens. Kill them, and then go to the marked building. Go on it, focusing on the instructions of the partner.

Learn The Rules ...

Open your smartphone, now in the quest section, you have main and additional missions. To begin with, you need to perform several third-party tasks, thus the authority of the aliens will be shaken and you will receive superpower. When everything is obtained and done, then the mission will be completed.

The Escape.

Follow the exit that is on the roof of the building. Try to open the door, after it does not work, hit her fist.

You will wake up in a terrible condition on the spacecraft, follow the corridor, kill the aliens. Now run through the corridors to freedom, destroying their enemies along the path. Going out on the runway, defend it. Then the video follows and you will leave the labyrinths to be in the open space.

Breaking The Law.

Go to the zone store, hack it and rejoice. Now you need to kill the police, then aliens, and finally catch up with a huge yellow ball and break it.

Now go to the port, go to a red ball. You need to dial as many points as possible using ultra-speed and super jump.

Finally, you have to go through the training task, in it you will learn how to destroy enemies with fiery balls.

Ghost in the Machine

Run to the base of aliens, kill everyone on it. Activate a few balls. Now you need to visit the control points, and protect them. Closer to the end of the task will have to defeat the mini-boss and learn its supercondubleness.

Then you will be waiting for participation in the mini-game. You need to visit three areas and in each throw a certain subject (man, car, ball) in the right ring.

Zero Cool.

Go to slot machines, there you will have a cheerful game. First you have to kill the enemies to the tank, then destroy obstacles, and finally ride on the bike from the throne for a while. After all, you have to go through one of two tests. One will be devoted to good characters from the third part of the game, and another bad.

Follow the place where Matra holds. Kill robots, then follow together for the purpose of freedom. Define positions and pick up the ship. Leave the base of the aliens. Finally, destroy two tows to close the gate.

Anomalous Readings

Go to the city emulator, fight with a new monster, winning it you will learn another supercoperation. Examine it.

Finally, you will have to visit the Special Fight Club, where you need to win three fights for a while.

Back by Popular Demand

The mission you will like it very much if you passed past parts of the game, you will be glad. You will have to save Shaundi and Johnny Gethea, going to the past.

The Boss Goes to Washington

It was a pier turn. Go for a familiar cafe, go to it. You will find yourself a penthouse of saints from the third part, you will need to collect all the weapons, kill the bottle of cola, and then get rid of their dad floor, which, by the way, with the size of the building.

King of Stilwater.

You need to pull Ben King from the ass, so run to the cafe. You will find yourself on the street, go through it and kill gangsters. Go to church, talk to Ben. Go outside, defend the position. Now you have to save Ben, kill Tony, and finally go to the other end of the street and kill Tanya.

From Asha With Love

Follow the spy instructions of Ashi, to get to the Boss Cabinet and defeat the evil yourself.

Emergency Situation

First, go back to the city through the simulator of life. Now you need to scatter the sensors in the right points, they will destroy shields on enemy machines that will have to destroy. Then get to the portal, throw the clones there and finally have to defeat another boss to explore the new ability (fiery blow). Examine it.

... The Very Next Day

And yet the chance to return Johnny there is, the truth will have to go through the game for NES.

Death From Above.

Go to the familiar cafe, examine the new reception - an air attack

The Kinze Gambit.

Go to the warehouse to Kenz. Defense him, sit down to the helicopter, and then guard the car. When you are gathering, go to the elevator and go down the building. Kill the cat and aliens, go to the street. Drive down the street on a cool car, destroy enemies.

After the video, defend the room, kill all the aliens and go to the bridge. Take the bombs, come to an enemy ship, mining it and return it back.

Talkie Talkie.

Talk to meter on the bottom deck.


Go to Square to talk to Kate. Kill the locals, go to the building and get rid of robots and aliens. Go to the Cabinet. After the video, you need to catch up with the roof kate, destroy all the balls and the radio.


Stop with Johnny, attack the base of the aliens. Remove the chip in one of several boxes, then go to the helicopter to fly the flying platforms. Break them and collect chips. Get to another database, repeat all actions. Now you need to follow Johnny, and then save it.

Now with Shandi you need to find very important keys in two zones. In search of you will help the robot and locator. Steal the tank and return to the warehouse.

Punch The Snark.

Return to the ship, savor and start the last battle. Choose whom you take with you on the road. Go to the simulator, sit down in the car and defend it. How to happen an accident grab the shield, convey it to the enemy base. Wait while your robot cracks the system, go inside. Now you need to defend the platform.

Select the second command for the final. Run to the desired point on the street. You need to destroy the premium on the platform, and then keep the defense. Leave the symulation zone.

Before the final, it remained quite a little bit, get to the hall, where Zinyak is located, will remain only to defeat it: destroy the protective circles, throw the balls into it and shoot the guns. Enjoy the final song, video. The game is passed.