Passage of the game Mass Effect 2. Guide to achievements. Quest and additional characters


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For the most part, those who played the first part without problems are brought off in the second. We all also fly through the Milky Way, perform orders, chatting about everything in the world and, of course, will save the world.

The first to which players usually pay attention, and inquiringly staring at the screen, asked: "Where to get inventory"? He disappeared, together with the existent rules of the trash in it. True now it will not be possible to pass into the store everything that has accumulated for the last breakdown, sell, and help out a couple of millions. Money, like glasses, is issued exclusively at the end of the mission and hacking safes.

We went into the past and plots on the planets on the Planet trip "Mako". Instead, a mini-game: find a radio source. At this point we land on the descent module. Together with travel on the planet, the search for resources on the planets went into the past. Now it is stylized under an orbital mini-game. You need to scan the planet, and where the oscilloscope will show the deposits of minerals, the probe should be put. Try to improve the resource search module as soon as possible so that tiring "excavations" passed faster.

Yes, the ship, as well as armor and weapons, can be upgraded - all this is under the auspices of getting rid of the inventory. Thus, in the game two currencies: money for which you can buy drawings of improvements, and metals from which we are implementing projects. From whether we will improve our vessel in all respects or not, the outcome of the last operation depends.

Requiem in Normandy

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In the first part there was a whole branch of additional tasks, where we destroyed the base of the Cerberian organization, who conducted illegal experiments with Rakhni race. The Book of Mass Effect: Ascension, the action of which unfolds between the first and second part is dedicated also to Cerberra. Even if you missed the utility quests and the book, now past the "Cerber" do not pass. Shepard is currently working on this powerful pro-human organization.

The Alliance does not complain of these, in fact, terrorists. How came out that our hero moved to the dark side of power, and violated the oath? The fact is that literally at the beginning of the game at Normandia SR-1 - the Shpard ship - attack and destroy. As befits the captain, he leaves the bridge, he is the last, for which it pays. The Savior of the world explosive wave throws into open space near some planet.

The head of "Cherberry" not only builds a new "Normandia", but also collects all molecules who have once captain, and for two years he returns him to life. The universe is needed by the hero - someone abducts people from the colonies and Shepard, the hero of mankind, the personification of hope in the bright future is the best candidate to investigate this matter.

Resurrection is a good reason to reset all accumulated in the first part of the skill, and change the attitude towards Shepard all around. Forget that you are a spectrum, hero and so on. The reputation will have to be restored from scratch, as well as appearance and classes. However, if the saving from the first part is still allocated to the hard disk, they can be imported.

What for? For example, we will start immediately from the second-third level, but it will not get rid of the opportunity to re-create a class and even change the floor. Moreover, many decisions that are accepted in the first part are reflected on the attitude towards the hero and the situation in the world.

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Soldier (Soldier)

In general, any classes can be divided into clean and mixed. So the soldier is a clean class. His feature is stamina (soldier initially the fastest health) and the ability to handle everything that has a blow. It is suitable for those who prefer more agile and gross power.

The first and most important skill of the soldier is Adrenalin Rush, it is also a slowdown in time. The player shoots twice as fast, the enemies run twice as slower. Madly useful thing in most cases. It is a pity that the effect ends quickly, so it is unreasonable to apply with a half-mounted rope (aha, now the weapon does not overheat, but the overwhelming heat element is consumed.

Second - Concussive Shot. This is from the "All of your feet" cycle: Stunches, knocks the enemy from the legs, let the opportunity to recharge, or focus on a more dangerous goal.

In addition, all kinds of cartridges are available: destroying, incendiary and freezing. The first is primarily effective against the entire electronic: geta and robots. The second wonderfully coped with alive opponents, reduce the effect of treatment and even make you abandon direct attack. The third, freezing guest only stops the enemy for a few seconds. Convenient option, if you need to quickly regroup to, for example, restore the health of the partners.

Biotik (ADEPT.)

If you do not count the engineer - the most peaceful class. He passes the whole game with the slogan "No weapon!", So uses only a duty gun, useless against strong opponents, and machine gun. But you would have seen what tricks he does with the enemies! For example, Singularity throws him up and he dies from shame from awareness of his own absurdity. Throw (Pull) - a game of bowling: a tag, and a pair of gangsters lies on Earth. Finally, Warp damages panels, health and biotic enemy bonus.

Scout (Infiltrator.)

Class for war due to shelters. Combines the skills of an engineer and a soldier. The most remarkable feature is TACTICAL CLOAKS, in other words, masking. Yes, we can become completely invisible, however, just a few seconds. If you shoot in the masking mode, then its use is reduced, but the opponents will receive a double damage.

Without having significant endurance, the scout cannot fully rely on firepower or invisibility. Her goal, rather an engineering retreat than entering the rear. In addition to this ability, the intelligence is easy to apply AI Hacking to turn the opponent's autonomous combat unit in an ally.

On the other hand, it cannot develop fire skills from a grenade launcher, or an assault rifle - it pays off using the machine gun. Also unavailable an incendiary ammunition. But this fighter is perfectly drawn with a sniper rifle. If this skill is to develop, then it will dismiss with the invisibility included, almost from one shot. It is worth notify that Shepard can shoot from any gun, to whatever class does not belong.

Stormcover (Vanguard)

The attack aircraft is designed for the dipped battle, and is a mixture of soldier and adept biotics. Uses primarily shotgun and pistols, and of course, it preliminaries everyone around biotic gifts. The most noticeable Charge. Have you always wanted to feel like an American football player? You here: Shepard increases the power of the shield twice and runs to the enemy with unintelligible screams, crashes into it, and then the palette in a stunned enemy from everything that is. In addition, you can paralyze their explosive wave, or show levitation lesson.

It cannot develop the skill of firing from a sniper rifle, heavy weapons, but wonderfully copes with shotguns, a gun and a machine gun.

Engineer (Engineer.)

This class is no longer associated with hacking particularly cunning locks. Fortunately, now a player of any class can open any safe. Then why did the engineer need? He carries with him a bundle of drones, which is allowed to fight instead of himself - a good distracting maneuver. From weapons - a machine gun and a gun, so it cannot rely on fire power. The comrades who exactly also like drones can be given the order of whom to attack.

Of the special skills, it is worth noting overload that overloads and disables the shields, Incinerate sets on enemies and damages the shields, and Cryo Blast - freezes the goal.

Guardian (Sentinel)

The share of the guard is not only the support of the detachment in the rear. Thanks to Tech Armor, they can make their armor impenetrable, and make an open battle. But the most interesting thing is that it makes this class look like an attack aircraft: when the reinforcement of the reinforced shield disappears, it explodes, scattering enemies. Otherwise, the guard is not much different from the engineer and fragile biotics.

Weapons and Space Adventures

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The battles got rid of the role element and now began to resemble a very frisky producing fighter. True, with an improved tactical element. Before the mission, each group fighter can be issued the right weapon. By the way, in battle, it is not always necessary to go into the tactical pause. The skills can be mounted on the keys from 1 to 8, and to give AI orders to hide - and, each separately, the Q and E buttons are assigned.

You do not need to climb into the inventory to change the type of cartridges from the whole group - it is enough to do this in the tactical pause, or by pressing the hot button. Also when we approach the enemy, Shepard does not hit his butt, but continues to shoot - for the butt now a separate button, which is much more convenient. Another hero does not "stick" to the walls without an order. Is it worth saying that thanks to these innovations, the dynamics of battles increased at times? More enemies, weapons, shelters and bypass tracks. By the way about weapons:

Storm rifles -excellent alloy of accuracy, rapidity, range and firepower. Alas, only soldiers can take them with them. Only a few species are offered to choose from, but with the output of the downloadable content, the amount will undoubtedly grow.

Machine guns -not bad replacement machine, if your Shepard has not become a soldier. Unfortunately, the scatter of the bullet is higher, and, consequently, the effective range is lower.

Sniper rifles -without the development of skills, the thing is almost useless. Shepard's hands are too shaking, although in combination with Adrenalin Rush with a soldier and tactical cloaks scouts - a powerful weapon. In fact, in the game can be useful only a couple of times. In general, the battles are designed for the middle distance, and dynamism when using the rifle falls repeatedly.

Shotgun. - We are accustomed that the shotgun destroys from one shot of a weak enemy, and almost paralyzes the average. In Me 2, unfortunately, it is not. Thanks to the shields, even the weakest can withstand two, three hits (of course, while the skill of this weapon is not developed at the maximum), which makes it a choice of suicides (or attack aircraft: only they can effectively combine its fire power, biotic skills and the near style of combat) .

Heavy weapons- These guns are highly different in effect. KAIN, for example, is such a miniature nuclear installation. He brings everything, and there is enough of it for only one shot, and there is a real chance to die for himself. There are traditional rocket installation and cryo cannon.

Grenades -this almost useless thing from the original disappeared, you can not search.

Space adventures

By space, we are now moving on our two, more precisely in Normandy and a flat map. In some systems, it is not possible to get through the repeater, but flights in the interstellar space. For this you need fuel - it can be bought at stations in the same systems where repeaters are. They also sell probes for soil sample planets. Explore all the planets to find secondary missions on them.

Medical station

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Shepard wakes up on the operating table. At the station was attacked, so it was taken out of anabyosis before it was planned, and the scars did not heal.

In fact, if we play the role of the hero, they will become less if the apostate, then more. You can choose a role with your actions in small inserts between the dialogs: if a blue mouse image appears in the corner of the screen, by clicking on the button, we will make the heroic act, and if red, and click - the villain. By the way, the atrocities help to avoid the mass of battles.

The second way to get glasses are dialogs. Remember, on the wheel of the branches of dialogs, the top answer - corresponds to the hero, the bottom - villain. The average may be neutral, that is, either do not give points or equally distribute them.

So, finish with lyric departure. To the left of you a gun. You do not miss it, it is highlighted by the arrow. Run to the exit, you will be asked to click the gap to check how a new shelter system works. Behind the door are cartridges - in practice, cooling element. In the next room, we will teach us to leather through obstacles, and at the same time will introduce you to two weakened robots. Climb the stairs and run on. Here again we carefully put in place and ask to shoot. The girl on the radio always says where to go, but where she herself is not clear.

Run further. Yeah, what's here with us? Nam-Yam - Grenadeomette: Take the shelter, and the pallet of the time from it. To select a weapon, you can press and hold the SHIFT button, and then lend a mouse pointer to the loop of the weapon, click on it with the mouse and release Shift, or just rotate the mouse wheel if you have it. To the right of you the elevator, go down to the robot robots and run through the fire by closing the W and space.

Further a pair of stairs, climb on them and come to a small corridor. Right in front of you entrance to the office. Caution! As soon as you enter, two baked robots come from somewhere. After a few seconds, they will explode, so do not fall under the explosive wave. In the office you will find two computers - you can listen to the records, they relate to your health, and between them on the wall safe and the first mini-game from the "Find a couple" series. Highlight two identical elements, remember their location and allocate everything in pairwise.

Get out of the office, go left along the corridor to the door, go down and ... Who is this? An African American leads an unequal battle. Talk to him, and he will become a member of the detachment. Now enter the pause mode, press the spacebar, and climbing the left mouse button, bring the sight on the enemy. Give the Jacob order by clicking on any of the icons below. Have you seen how this piece of iron flew beautifully? All, the fight is over, go to the next door. We need to find a girl, her, by the way, is Miranda's name.

Next again the corridor, at the end of which you will find a warm welcome of several robots. By the way, if you plan to get achievement for a hand-to-hand fight (kill 25 enemies, while they are stunned), it is better to earn a reward here where opponents are very weak.

Go to the exit, then on the stairs. Before entering the door the floor above, look into a small yarn, there is another terminal there. From him, you also know something about the revival of Shepard. In the next room lies Wilson, he is wounded. To the left of us hangs the copper gel, it needs to be taken and then enter the usual menu by the SHIFT key and use the "Unity" skill. Immediately robots attacked us, but you know what to do. Pay attention to the boxes on the side where the enemies come from. See the orange rectangle on them? This means that the subject is explosive. Well, sneak it!

The next room is a disk with data, he will introduce us to another mini-game hacking. At the top of the screen shows the text sample to be found on the running line. The role plays everything: color, formatting, number of lines. You need to find three different fragments for the allotted time. As soon as they figured out - jump on the door. Here we have a small robo party - ask them to make music quieter. As soon as everyone is hugged, go upstairs, go to the left wing: Check the computer data and crack the safe. Turn back to the right wing. Oh, here she is Miranda. Well, no matter how much I want to fly with her to meet with the head of "Cerber", but will have.

Upon arrival at the base, we will leave down and talk to the ghost. After climbing up, and we can talk to Miranda and Jacob, as well as change the costume with the help of a terminal on the wall. Next stop: Colony "Freedom Path".

Colony Progress of Freedom

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By the tradition of the series, the first mission begins with an attack on the colony. As soon as you land. Go to the house in front of you. Go down and go to the goal. To the left of you piles of computers - explore them to get some loans. Over the gates, we are waiting for location in shape, similar to the letter G. Face to the goal on the remote platform costs two robots, then another couple will join them. On the other hand, there are two more robots, and then a couple of cyber dogs will come to their profits. Do not forget to give orders to the members of the detachment to take places, otherwise they will run into the peckel.

As soon as you finish, enter the room, where the dogs ran. Here we are waiting for medicine and safe. Remember, one attempt is given on hacking! If you want, persist in front of each drawer. Go to the courtyard. A little higher than you cost one dog with a robot - apparently walked, and we are not in time. We are just there. But do not forget to go down and seize computers - there will be no credit pair of loans.

As soon as we enter the door to meet old friends - Tali! Is it really you! But now you are by yourself, and you still do not love "Cerberry", eh, well, we try for one goal. So we combine. Go further, go down the stairs to the house. Here on the left sleeps with a peaceful sleep and sees the electorcamot cute dog, guarding the safe. Idyllo will have to break. Let's go out from here.

And here already ordered the orchestra and even fireworks. True, rocket drones combat. Use Miranda's skills to quickly pay for reception. Survey the houses, you will find a first-aid kit. There is nothing more to do here, look for a staircase, descend and ... running into the shelter - again drone. Specify where to hide friends - rocket children are not a toy. If you end the cartridges, run into the left corner of the location, where the hlama warehouse - there is a cooling element. Well, when it will end, give the Q and E buttons to the orders to move to the goal and get ready for a meeting with the oscillation.

Its in the local mug of amateur playing a hefty robotic. Eh, Miranda, discharge to him shields, and I'll still get my grenade launcher. It was not easy, but it is defeated. If all your partners are dead before the robot - do not despair. There is a way to deceive stupid roby. Run to the nearby house on the left. There you will find charges for a grenade launcher and at the same time you can shoot it out of the window. Or touch the right house (it is close to those gates through which you passed). There is a first aid kit - you can revive the comrades.

After the battle, go a little, scan the remains of the robot and finally, go to the house in front, talk with his tenant and go back to the base, drink coffee - you deserve.

Dr. Mordvin

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What to do on this piece of asteroid? Yes, a lot of things. Here we will spend about the same time as the citadel in the first part, of course, if you want to fulfill all the side missions. But now focus on the main thing. We need to find two guys: the mysterious archangel and the scholar Mordvin. You can do it by going to the club, Afterlife. On the top floor sends his owner, Aria. She will say where to find Dr. and Archangel. Go down below, and looking for a recruiter.

Then we leave the bar and go ... Let's say first to the doctor, in the living area. She left from the entrance to the bar. The landmark is a crazy prophet. We have where he looks. As soon as we approach, we will see the girl who demands that they are allowed in the quarantine zone. She will not be allowed, and we can say that they came to help, or that Aria sent us. We enter the zone of quarantine.

On the right pass, but we are not yet there: go ahead, and pick up the zero element and charges. We turn into the passage - in the far corner two enemy. We go to where they stood, we enter the door, inspect the corpses, watch the records on the computer. We return, we go down the steps and see the patient of the batharianin. What to do with it on your conscience. We go past him. On the right staircase, raise to get the trophies. Get down, then the course another staircase. If you immediately complete the right - the fight will begin. If you are climbing - it will give an advantage. You decide. In any case, there is something to get used.

You can move on. If you climb the stairs to the left, we will meet the survivors, as well as pick up the medicine. But you can just go on, walking around the barricades. Do not forget to scan the rifle opposite the door. And then see the stairs. We also recommend using, because there is a bad battle ahead: a lot of grumbling and a couple of crags with twisters.

When we are ending with them, do not rush to run on. Drain. See on the left door? Go there. Soon you will notice the marauders and a bit of the zero element. Everything can now be returned. Go to the room where there was a slaughter, and wrap over the distant corner. Soon you will reach the clinic. What happiness, cheers. But do not hurry to rejoice - this is only the beginning.

You, of course, enhance everything into the clinics, and find many rare metals, and also agree to help the doctor dispel an antidote of ventilation, only evil gangs cut off her. Ay-ah, cheaps decided to play with the light as Chubais. Not good, it is necessary to help, otherwise the professor, a devotee will not go with us. We leave the clinic through another door.

And here is warm. Yes No, not in broken ventilation. The case is: here and fire, and krogans from the grumb. You are delissate with them. How finish, run to the stairs at the other end. To the left of her gaming machine - do not forget to clean, and when you climb another floor to look into the bank terminal. They are generous today, give an interest-free continuous loan.

Come on. Corridor. Take a look at the door on the left. Here is a cute family quarrel: Dad Batarian gently explains the son of a person why he is to blame against the epidemic. Oh yeah, Professor spoke about this guy. Well, you will have to solve the problem. How - Think yourself. Now we will collect a first-aid kit and go to the right door of the corridor.

And here again fanfares: grumbling on a balcony with a grenade launcher. Well, we'll figure it out again with them. Then the bottom fall from the bottom. They think that the discovery of McDonalds. We remove them with fire on defeat and go to the door from which they came out. A pair of staircases and a meeting with one, but very unpleasant Krogan, and - that yes, we are in place.

We clean the room from strangers, introduce the medicine into the terminal and ... ah, well, what is bad luck. We will have to manually activate the turbines on both sides of the terminal. Note that each of your successful action is accompanied by the appearance of disgruntled apartments. Once you understand everything and everyone, you will return to the clinic, where you have to convince Mordvin to join the team. This is not so difficult.


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Well, it came to the turn of Archangel, to become a member of our friendly Normandy family of the Savior of the world. In order to find out where he, we go to Aria in Afterlife, then go down to the first floor and looking for a recruiter, talking to him. We leave the bar and go to the right, where there are many parked cars. A person will ask, are we ready to fly? And then!

As soon as we land, we will immediately say that they will be empty like cannon meat. We are not accustomed to us. Go ahead to the door. On the table we take a note with a dress, talk about everything with the Salaarians. Let's go through the other door to the corridor. Left there is a room, I wonder what's there? This is yes, a zero element, and a heavy robot, and well, if you hack, hee-hee. Okay, went further.

If you go on the door straight, then it is immediately alone behind it, and there is a healthy Krogan Garm. Although they are all healthy, okay, come out of it and pass on the door to the left. Before our eyes kill the guy on the barricade. What is that lying? No, I understand that the corpse, and next? Right: Tablet with data. We take. Going further, in the course there is a door, try to hack it. If you have learned, we get metal, money and improvement of the pistol. Further in the same pass the door, and behind it the corridor. In his depth, the base of the blue shone, we just do to them. We speak with them and go back to the main hall, cross the road and find the kafku there. Well, started assault?

Guys in front think that we are for them, but we need one to whom they hunt, Archangel, so without the shadow of the arms shoot them in the back. Climb upstairs and ... what a meeting! Worsted! These reptiles are not allowed to enjoy the meeting, let's drop them. It can be descended, or polished from the balcony. And here is the second wave, for her third, and with them ... Robot?! Oh yeah, we hacked it, so it's time to relax.

After the attack, Garus will ask to overlap the rear approaches. We can leave one of the subordinates with him if we want to get a hero. We go down to the first floor and under the stairs are looking for the door. Yeah, here it is. Now the task is to close three valves in three rooms. The closure is given 10 seconds, during which the enemy flows are poured like dirty water from the sidewalk after the shower. Having broken with three valves: one on the left, the other in the center and the third right, we return. Immediately below can be shared by ammunition.

Ahead is a decisive fight. Garus is wounded, and we threaten anticipate paratroopers and the ship. As soon as he is shot down, the mission is safely completed, but the doctor, please, rather a doctor!

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What is the team without the coarse physical strength of Krogan? In the spacecap mode, we fly to the repeater, we use it and on the map of the Galaxy We are looking for the "Nerya Nebula". Found? Excellent. Fly! We are in the Irmir system, we need Korlus planet. There is a war here. Wherever there are Crookans can only be a war, so in this mission our task shoot.

After landing, we run in direct, shoot from mercenaries. After the second turn for improvised ladies, we will meet the wounded mercenary. He will tell a lot and can even embrace, but in general everything is pretty sad: someone again clones Croogans. As soon as we promise a little further, we will again attack.

As soon as they are finished, run to the stairs and rise. In one of the spans you can pick up the first aid kit. By the way, remember that even if it is not needed you, then 100 credits are accrued for scanning. Walking up. Continue to run and fight, until finally, do not come up to a dead end with a lonely bored Croan. He is some kind of ... Wrong. In any case, a healthy will help to clear the road. Behind the hole made the Krog lies the corpse, a hotel is awaited.

Further the path is divided into two parts - choose any, anyway, the Krogan quartet plays her own funeral here, and it is not going anywhere. As we finish with them, run on, in one of the corpses we will find metal. Then - climbing stairs.

At the very top in the room on the floor lies a sniper rifle for scanning and more pair of deliciousness. Can a rifle - is it a hint? Behind the door on a remote platform, several rocket meter mercenaries, the jokes are bad with them. Or with us - someone as lucky. Do not relax - further a few more mercenaries, reinforced shields, so switch to disintegrating cartridges. At the end of the passage to the left door, behind which the staircase is up, and on the right card that is worth hacking.

Rising, you can go left to pick up the first aid kit, or right to immediately start fighting. Are you still on disintegrating cartridges? Okay. Having finished in this room - run to the next, on the way aim is the corpse, he has palladium. The corpse has a cooling element to the right of the columns, and another fight is another. It is best to give the order to the order to hide, and to advance from shelter to shelter, of course, not forgetting to give a group of orders about special attacks.

UV, you can stay, collect cartridges, open a safe and move on. Do not hurry to enter the door. If you reach the end of the passage and wrap the corner, then here we will find two things: 1. Corpse, 2. Card with data. Take yourself what I like more.

Raise, there is a rather complicated battle. At first, the four of the Hilakov, then the racket with shields and a retinue, then shelling two young people from the platform at the top, and through the arch - two more raquel and a couple of infantrymen. With the latter, everything is completely bad: the rackets are very like to shoot at the same time, and this is true death. If you do not want to die, then you can distribute the orders to hide and run up, hide and shoot.

Finally, go through the door and here we will meet those who are looking for. He will ask to deal with his enemies. Not in the first. Before you leave, learn technology on one of the computers. Everything is now in battle. Tactics: hide and shoot. In the closed room, otherwise in no way. Do not forget to change the type of ammunition and use the skills. The robot is easiest to fill down a grenade launcher. We run back.

Krogan is dead, but he left us a message. We look at it, make a decision and fly from here.


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Now we fly to the ORDUS system that in the cluster "clock". I dock with a prison station. We want to select a weapon, what anger! Haha, the same! - Everyone remained with their trunks. Let's go until everything quietly, you can talk about prison, see how torture prisoners, chat with the guards. But everything changes when we get to the dead-paper room. A sales caretaker decided to grab Shepard and give it enemies. But the enemy does not surrender our proud "Varyag"!

I warn you, the cartridges will not be enough, there are a lot of enemies. Where possible, use the skills and butt - "bullet - fool, bayonet - well done." Run along the corridor to the left, kill the employee of the medical staff, collect all that can be taken in this room, and release the "Zero object". This is a woman! Yes, and a powerful biotic. Well, the most important thing - she ran away.

Go down, one of the destroyed robots will give interesting information, scan it. In the next room, a big bot and a few guards, nothing unusual. Near the door through which you can get out of the room, there is a corpse with a shotgun - scan it. Climb on the ladder, there is a security guard with a data card. Pick up everything - you can now go further. Collect everything you can in a narrow pass, and move into the next block.

Here: the guards on the far platform are easy to remove, blowing up the tank next to them, and guys that are suitable from the right flank - to instruct partners. Further run through the bridge. First, disperse with a robot from the launcher. When you leave, do not forget to choose a couple of credits from the guard near the door.

And here is a sneaky guard, hidden behind the shields. Do not pay attention to mercenaries - run and disconnect the shield. To do this, you need to destroy three power sources. Then deal with the protection, if it is still alive, take a convenient position, and shoot the caretaker base from sniper rifle.

Talk to Jack and go to the ship.


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On the human colony again attacked. Fly!

Run forward, there will be a pair of collectors, nothing interesting, except the box in the center of the battlefield - these are cartridges to a grenade launcher. Come on. A little indeed stands a table with a tablet - hacking - we get 6000. Next again the fight. As we finish - we go to the house on the right, there we are having selected the data tablet. By the way, the fight from the house is much more efficient. At the outlet of the house, a little further is a collector, scan it.

Again the fight, and again the house - run into it, and go to the enemies from the rear. There is a safe in the house, by the way. I went further. Wow, here we have frozen colonists. Povements. Climb upstairs, we enter the house, break the computer. Let's go down and go to the houses on the other side of the street. On the way to them raise the emitter of the particles.

Further by plan a lunch break. Joke: a lot of buzzing collectors. Many of them have a barrier, so the skills are useless. Try armor-piercing and incendiary cartridges. As we finish - we enter the house on the left for the looting. Then we go to a healthy gate, we wake them up, speak with the technician. Yeah, it turns out, there are anti-aircraft. I love big guns! And why they did not say about them before. Forward! ... Uh-uh, not so fast - all right here, change the weapon if necessary.

Further fight again. Where the husky appears, there is an exploding container if you want, undermine it, and facilitate your life. Sibling is best to throw incendiary. As you finish: for the house, there are 100 credits. Go to the right house, on the outlet of it, a hotel is a good corpse. Run to the house upstairs on the stairs and activate the computer.

Get down, hack the central door. Oh, what a meat grinder will be here! Two offspring and weight of hassles. How to finish wake. And what is all already? Well then wake up the computer. Then there will be three collectors waves. Run and hide. The last enemy is a huge beetle. It uses a barrier and powerful armor, so constantly change the ammunition.

Well, we coped with these enemies, but when former friends consider us enemies - it is too for Shepard. However, our business is right.

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The ghost proposes to recruit several more professionals. Well, let's go to the ILUM. Here we will meet the old familiar Liar, as well as two new members of the detachment. But first they need to find and persuade.

Liarra we can find on the second floor in a business district - look for the sign "Administration", the girl will help to find people that we need. She will also offer an additional mission on hacking computers. You decide, take it, or not.

Let's start with the killer. For the beginning it is necessary to talk with a serial. She is in the loading dock. To get there, go down, and go to the door under the office of Liara. In the far corner of the room, the one sites who we need. After conversation with it, we fly to the mission.

In the hall Committee on a meeting of robots. Well, they are! At the end of the corridor on the left, the computer and a first-aid kit. We go right and meet Salaarian. Fools! They attacked scientists. Ahead is a large battlefield. Fortunately there are a lot of shelters on it. Everywhere on the walls hanging a first-aid kit, so do not disappear. Cut the room - here the door. There is another intensive fight. The room in general is similar to what was at the bottom. On the right door, and behind it, if you hack, a couple of scientists and some money.

Come to the elevator, but before that, arrange the fighters for the shelter. Croogan and technician will be released from the elevator. Make your own business with them and go up. There is an eclipse fighter. Release, or kill it - your choice. Next you need to find a bridge. We go back to the elevator, go around to the right. Here the door, and behind it a couple of robots. Shoot them, or use the skills until they woke up. Now they will run out more fighters. Then the technician and fighter will appear from the long-left corner. If you have time, blew the box next to them. Left door. Hack it down, talk to the Salarian, clean the room and go out - we need to go for the corner. There is a study of a new rifle and a computer. Now up.

There is a couple of robots and technicians Azari. Further - the wardrobe of the change of weapons and, if you turn the zero element. Jump down. There is also a couple of robots and technicians, one corpse can scatter a gun. And here is the bridge. There are many biotics and robots on it, and at the end - two rocket turret - remove their rocket.

Climb the stairs and watch the video: our regiment arrived. But this is not all, now you need to find another warrior. To do this, we laugh at the ILUM and go there where they met a serine. But now without reaching it to her climbing the stairs. In the hall we go to the left. Operator Azari sits behind the transparent partition. Talk to her and go on a taxi.

Talk to the Volus opposite, and then go back to the police office. We persuade an officer to open the way to the crime scene. At the same time, look at what you can get started in the office. Go to the crime scene for the fence. To the right of you the terminal - download the message from it. Dark Deliche, yes? Raise and go forward until you stop. Below, printed circuit boards, aim in them. Close the stairs ... Well, I do not play that - even here are the gangsters: shoot them, do not shoot, it does not get less. Hack the door at the end of the corridor. And here is Samara. She will agree to help if ... In general, as always.

Ask Volus the vendor name of the ship. To the left of the entrance to the crime scene behind the boxes of the elevator - we are there. He is immediately a robot, and then a lot of biotics and several roby. There is nothing to do in the room after their destruction - we are moving on. Take a shotgun on the table. Low on the door with frightened Azari. There is a computer. We climb, kill Azari. In one of the rooms there is a computer - we wake it up, and then climb the stairs. Well, we think with robots and biotics there will be no problems.

Wrap left, hack your computer and go up. There are azari couple, left a bit of methala, and the ship we need ahead. Unfortunately, following the covenants of Carlson, he flew away, however, will come back soon. And while we will deal with the new pack of Azari from Eclipse. Further in the room box and recording, and outside the door - robots and purified element. Well, where is the letow? Oh, he is! Prepare a starting installation and arrange the fighters. Fortunately, the pilot is so stupid that he went to the frontal attack ... Well, in general, it was like this: when Shepard took off his half of the armor, Pilot drank and rushed to the hangar and immediately crashed into something. Bare legs were taken. Amateur, probably gave birth to birthday.

We go to the opposite direction, we wake the door and go through the next door, just do not forget to pick up the disk from the table. And here is the local boss. Do not rush to the frontal - she has a barrier, do not stretch for a long time, the fighters will be pulled up to the same soon. Take more profitable position and get rid of the rackets, and then do the boss. Take off the table entry, have been well enough and go back. Talk to Samara and ... It's time to Normania.

Aero, exclusively for the site

With Tali, we have already seen, unfortunately, she could not join us, but not all lost. She will probably change his mind. We go beyond her on the Haestrom planet in the Dholen system. The feature of the local mission is that it is impossible to stand in the sun, otherwise melt literally. Look for a shadow.

Let's go down until we reach the closed gate. Right control panel and first aid kit. Go there, opens the door and take everything in the room. We pass through the gate and fight with Gethami. We run into the opposite end of the area. Go down - you will find an improvement there, and someone's palette on you, punish it for tactlessness.

Ahead door, but it's not to go through it - go around to the right, eliminating enemies. If you want to run under the sun - you can collect metal on the square. When you figure it out with everyone, pick up the radio. The guys need to help, but ... Christmas trees, again everything is not going on the plan: Gettes poured the entrance to the complex, you will have to look for explosives.

She lies on the next square in the left hangar. We make your way with the battle, and do not forget to take metal. The second charge lies on. We leave from the hangar, and climb the stairs to get a tactical advantage - shoot the geta at the bottom. You can even go further into the room and, opening the shutters, shoot from there. Now go down and go to the long pass.

Found the second charge. We go to the column column, although it will be not easy again. We put the charge, running away and pass at the door. Mom native! How much is everything here! Even crawling goet, and the hologram of Tali ... Talk to her, it will open the door. Ahead is a large and stupid corridor, sising hethi. Want to shoot them all, no - run to the door.

Behind the door safe, and opposite it control panel. Open it and run - save the hoists. At the army of the GETOV, if possible, do not pay attention. Our goal is Colossus. Cut it from the left flank: Take the metal and supplies. Move on. Stand up from the corner and shoot as much as possible from the grenade launcher, while the colossus does not collapse sews. Do not let him restore! Conside the entire mobility of heavy weapons - there are still cartridges nearby.

As soon as we can handle it, it will remain to deal with the trifle, collect resources and go to the long-distance room for a conversation with Tali.

Ship collectible

Aero, exclusively for the site

On the ship is not so much useful, but it will have to fight a lot. Remember that collectors have no shields, they are vulnerable to biotic skills. So, after landing, run on the corridor, then wrap the corner. In the left end you will find a disk with data. Then run right, pay attention to the corpses. Running forward again, there will be a first-aid kit, and further - the terminal from which you will learn sensational information. There is also a pile of weapons. Choose what you like will like: sniper rifle, machine gun, or shotgun.

Adjust the corridor. In the corner, detect the zero element. At the end of the corridor, something like an elevator, it will take us to another part of the ship. At the end of the hall a computer, hack it. Now you can run without looking up to a round-round, with a terminal in the center. Activate it and prepare for battle: Collectors will throw in the flying platforms. When you finish - stand up the panel close to you and activate the console. Filty!

Former serenity can be forgotten, now two-legged insects everywhere! Soon you will see the first aid kit, and a little further the door you can hack. Ahead is a huge hall in which it is easy to guess, we are already waiting for us. When you finish, go to the other end: there is a first-aid kit and zero element. Go down.

You are waiting for an unforgettable meeting with Pretorian, the same mini-boss, as on the "horizon." There is no single tactics: destroy the shields, and then use skills and grenade launchers. Oh yeah - Move more often and do not fit too close. As soon as we finish - Ralm from here through the far pass. On it we are waiting for a door for hacking and a computer. Then another battle at a disadvantaged position. We recommend attacking from the flank to break through the defense and stand on one level with the enemy. Now run to the exit! Ahead is a decisive fight.

IFF Reapes

Aero, exclusively for the site

We found another ship Rezapes. This time he is much more dwelling and do not believe that there are no signs of life on it: not everything is inhabited equally safely. It is necessary for us in order to get the technology that allows you to return after the jump through the Omega repeater 4. Yes, and one more thing: after this mission, it will not be up to the galaxy, so that all missions, especially loyalty tasks, we recommend complete to flight ship. So, proceed.

When you enter and go down the steps, do not forget to check the safes on the left and right, as well as see the computer records. A little indeed, the console hid in the corner: listen to the entry from it. Further there will be more than a lot. Literally in the next room, next to two first-aid kits (by the way, use). Go through the gateway - ahead one more entry. On the right, a long corridor - prepare your guns.

Somewhere in the middle of battle with husks to the left of you will flash another computer. At the end you will see a computer, Cherberian rifle, and metal. Move on, let off the attack of Haskov. The room is another computer last. And also a console that can be hacked and a first-aid kit. Come back, turn left to the gateway.

Here, the corner is lying around, and the enemies are hidden under the floor. Climb on the second floor: a first-aid kit and a couple of computers at your disposal. You can move on: Go down on the other side of the platform. In order not to lose friends, you can leave them to stand in front of the stairs and go down. There will be many hassles and several offspring.

Around the corner below the shotgun. Go further, there is a computer here. Again, we recommend leaving subordinates to this place so that they see the passage, and advance further. Prepare a grenade launcher: several offspring will be attacking from above.

As soon as they choose an open place to get acquainted, while I published, with the goet, who shot another Getheet. It's strange! Be that as it may, run forward. In the course, select a first-aid kit and go to the kernel.

We select an IFF, and on the right of the passage we are seeded. Ahead of the core, it needs to be destroyed. It opens for a short time, and then closes. During the time until it openly needs to have time to be pretty well. Each such round is accompanied by the advent of Horde Haskov - be alert. On the left there is a computer, you can familiarize yourself with its contents. As soon as the kernel is destroyed, the mission is completed. Get-well-friendly in the disconnected state can also be on board.

Suicide mission

Aero, exclusively for the site

Before the final mission, we will be given to Joker for a short time. Here everything is simple: you need to go along the burning lights, and not to come across the shots. Then Shepard will decide to go through the repeater and destroy the reptiles. Do we with him, or how? In fact, there is always a choice. If you want to go through the game "right", without losing a single fighter, you need to make sure that the ship is completely modified - otherwise some will simply die on the approach, squeezing, for example, the head of the post board (we also did not notice it at Normandy). All members of the detachment must be loyal, otherwise they will die.

So, what should everyone stay alive? The general rule is: if the character is not loyal - he will die.

In the first case, the specialist will die in any case, if we do not have time to turn on the temperature regulator.

Who to send with the survivors to Normandia - to solve you. If the team has a disloyal character - it is better to send it.

In the case of the choice of biotics: If you could not solve the dispute of Miranda and Jack in Heroic, then you have a biotic in whose benefit you have solved the problem. In this case, it is not necessary to appoint a disloyal character in any or in the second team, since the actions of the second group depend on the general, let's say, the tone.

The task to capture the station is quite linear. After starting, drones will be attacked. Remember, you have a limited time, it is not necessary to kill everyone - the primary task to open the valves. At the end of the room we will see a green hexagon - this is the valve. There are still seven such - run, shoot: if you reached this place, there should be no problem - you know how to shoot. As soon as the gate closes, you will see prisoners from Normandy. We must decide who to send with them. As soon as this, the second part will begin: under the dome.

The bottom line is that you can't go under the dome, as the swarm will eat you right there. Biotik moves very slowly and does not participate in the battle, remember this: take care of it. Return to the gate again, and again choose a detachment. Ahead of the final battle. Shoot down collectors. Clear the most distant panel and turn on the console, it will lead us straight to the boss.

The first stage of the battle is simple: there are two holders, they need to be knocked down. From time to time they close, so you need to have time. In the intermission to us, new parties of enemies look at the light. But that's not all. The defeated enemy will soon rise and start a new attack. Shoot him and in the chest, hide from attacks. Now and the truth is all. You can congratulate yourself: collectors will no longer be kidnapped by a single person. However, from the porthole of Normandy a completely different look: the army of the devourers moves to the relay. Soon they will be in our world. Seeing fast meetings in Mass Effect 3.

Events develop after the end of the first part. Shepard and his team sent to eliminate the last betes. But suddenly the ship was attacked. We have to go through a small distance to the ship's bridge, where we will see that Shepard dies. After we show a roller about his revival. Create a character. You can drag the character of their first part if you have saved.

The escape

After creating the character, we have to run away from the base on which we revived. Robots attacked her. Take the gun, the cartridges will give you after the door opens. We take the cartridges and go to twist robots. It is impossible to get confused at this level, as it will not be possible to run into another door - it simply will not be released. By the way, in places that lead you to a dead end, you can often find loans.

We meet Jacob, who can attract enemies. To pull the robot, hover on it, press the left SHIFT and select the action to attract. After several robots, you will be able to talk to Jacob, in the process of conversation, Wilson will call him a radio, the one that lived you. We run to help him, on the way, shooting robots and collecting loans. Up to Wilson, you will be taught. Again, we bring the sight to the goal, press the left shift and choose treatment. As soon as Wilson stands up, the door immediately opens at the end of the hall, of course, robots run away, we kill everyone, go further. Now our goal is to reach the shuttle, on the way again we kill enemies, collect loans.

As soon as you get to the door, which leads to the shuttle, we discover Miranda behind it, who woke us up, she immediately kills Wilson and says he is a traitor. We destroy with her and with Jacob on the Shatle, where we will have a test during the flight, which will prove Miranda and Jacob that you are fine after revival. Coming to the database, you immediately say to go and talk to the ghost. Go down, watch the video and choose the answers. Ghost will give you a task: to fly to the ruined colony and find there at least something. Climb upstairs and go to the door at the end, open it, the mission is passed.

Dosing colony

We are sent to the empty colony. Upon arrival we discover that robots hostile to us are also present on the planet. Having passed through several ambuses, we find that we are not alone on the planet, we meet the old familiar Tali and her assistant prazzu with their detachment. They say that hostile robots set up a brother, and the fact that he can know something about what happened here. They offer to be divided and go from two sides.

On the way to the vitor you will get a new type of robots, first you need to knock down the shield, the ability of Miranda. We bring the sight to the robot, press the left shift and choose the ability to overload. During the battle, Tali reports that Prazza decided to pick up the brother for himself, but it was not there. A very strong robots attacked the prazaz, and they did not have a single chance against them. These robots need to be killed by overload.

After you figure it out with robots, go to the club to the vitra. Judging by the first glance, he was crazy. But no, he says that collectors attacked the planet. We go back to the base, when talking with a ghost, we learn that collectors probably belong to the renges. The ghost proposes to collect you a new team and gives you an old pilot - Joker, whom we saved at the very beginning of the game, just as he gave a new ship.

Return to Normandia

Having hit the ship, we will be taught to use the map of the Galaxy. Let's fly to the Omega station. Upon arrival, we are told that we are waiting for the "Living Life" club. We go to the club, climb to the second floor. We speak with Aria. She explains to us that mercenaries are hunting for Archangel, and to find it, you need to join the detachment. We go down and approach the recruiter. We are recorded in the detachment, come out of the club on the same road, on which they came, go to the right, there will be a driver will wait for us, talking to him, he takes us to the destination. Immediately we task: Talk to the kafka. We run to him, he says that two squads go to the Archangel: one distracting, and the other will attack him from the back, but it is not for us, killing a kafku. All mercenaries are immediately becoming enemies for us, pass to Archangel.

As it turned out, the archangel is our old familiar - Garrus. He agrees to go with you, but first you need to remove mercenaries from the way, or we do not go out. We shoot all those who run to us. Robots with protection must first break the specials. skills, well, the bullets also take them. After they figured out one of the mercenarms groupings, we are told that the second breaks through the basement, go down and block the doors, on the way killing everyone who comes. After you block all the doors, Garru reports that they attacked him. Climb back to it, help.

After that, Shepard suggests to leave and break through the stinking of blue shining, but they were ahead of him and fly on the ship directly to the window, where we stand, kill the main and his girlfriend, after finishing their ship. The mission with Archangel is completed, but another future member of the team remained on Omega.

Let's fly on Omega again, go to the place called the "Quarantine Zone", is to the right of the club. There will be a security guard, negotiating him that he missed us. Inside the quarantine, we need to find a hospital, press M and running around the arrow. Reaching the hospital, looking for Dr. Sohsa. He agrees to go with us, provided that we will help him destroy the virus. We agree to this and go to the fan system. We will wait there. Rackets who stand in balconies are best killed from a sniper rifle.

Reaching station, the enemies open our secret to us, they are all the same collectors. We shoot everything that moves, we introduce the medicine. Now you need to run two fans, they are located on the sides of the room in which we are. Run fans. Talk to the doctor.

Jack - hot thing!

Now we need to pick up Jack - prisoner on a prison ship. Taking advantage of the repeater, fly to the system in which this ship is located. Drain into the ship, we are asked to give weapons, naturally, we do not agree. We pass along the corridor to the waiting room. As soon as you get to her, it turns out that you have not been going to give you, but even on the contrary - to enter into this prison. We get the weapon and shoot guards, here will have to shoot a lot, so we select all the cartridges that will get out.

Reaching the main security guard, you will need to turn off the shields, simply induce the sight on the racks that provide the power of the shield, and use the skills - deformation or overload, pass the enemies. Centurions and other guards with shields are best to shoot from a sniper rifle right in the head, then they die immediately, do the same with the main guard, however, he will need to shoot two or three times. After that, talk to Jack.

Information from Okira

Now we need to fly to the Citadel. Page to the repeater, choose the citadel and fly there. We speak with everyone who we need, detect. The following task is to pick up the eye. Choose a repeater, look where it is located, fly there. The planet turns out to be a landfill, but it is full of blue. As it turned out, here are their base. We make your way further, we find a wounded mercenary, talking to him, when trying to report on us, kill him. We run on, Krogan will meet on the way. We speak with him. He helps us, opens the passage, the enemies will immediately follow him. We make things further, along the way we collect everything that is: loans, platinum, cartridges.

Run to the Oklar, talking to him. After conversation, the head of the base decides to destroy all the experiments and start all over again, go down, we kill it, you need to beat the same way as the previous one - that is, from a sniper rifle. After they deal with it, you need to go up and inspect the computer. Okire died, but left us his "pure" krogan.

Upon arrival on the ship, we descend on the elevator on 4 decks. There will be a Krogan, we open it, talk to him, put it on your side. After talking to Krogan, go up onto 2 deck and go to the meeting room, talk there on the device with the ghost. After a conversation with the ghost, you will be sent to the horizon.

Here you will have to meet with collectors for the first time. Collectors do not differ from other enemies, kill them in the same way as the rest. On the way, examine everything you can. After you show a video about how the chief collector takes the management of the soldiers, kill them and run right, hack the door and talk to the mechanic. He will say that there is a weapon on the planet, but it is not calibrated. We run to a computer that controls guns. There will be many collectors here, so get ready to shoot a lot.

After you have overdone all, go to the computer, hack it. After the suzzi connect to it, take a defensive position and kill the enemies that there will be a lot. After all, some monster will arrive. I killed him with a gun of collectors, selected on the way, if you don't have it, you will have to act special skills and just shoot on it. Killing him, Ashley will come to you. Talking to her, they will be chatted back to the ship, where the ghost will give you a dossier on other applicants to your team.

Tali search

We go to look for hoists. Let's fly to the relay, look where and fly. Nearby there is a planet, I advise her to explore, because there are a lot of resources. Landing on the planet, you immediately warn that the sun here is very much, and the shields are not kept. Therefore, try to stay in the shade, do not go out into the sun, overcome open areas with a sprint. The technique of combat with Guethas is the same as with all. On the way, pick up a walkie-talkie, there they will be told that Tali is in a safe place, but those who communicate with you is not quite. You need to go to the room, but the column blocked the path. Killing gotes, break through to the left warehouse. We take explosives, loans, exploring the improvement for weapons.

Next, we turn from the warehouse turn to the left, running in a straight line to the next building. We take explosives, come back to the column. We blame it. We collect everything that is in the building, we speak with Tali. She will open the door to us. After running to the button that opens the windows, you will see a colossose of geta. A large car that can cure himself. Go down, you will see a kvarian woman who spoke with you by walking. He will distract the attention of the colossus for himself while you break through to him, on the way killing all the geta, it will be very hot here, so get ready to shoot a lot. As soon as you pick up to a colossi, shoot it, the shields will not be recovered. Killing Colossus and all geta, go to the hoist.

Who is Tain?

Let's fly to the hired killer. As soon as they land on the planet ILIM, you will say that you are waiting for you. We go to the administration, we speak with the merchant information, she says that Tain is here and is preparing to kill Nazsen. Go down go down. We are told that Nazsen was locked in one of two towers, in which there is a lot of security, and it is possible to get there only for a pass, but as it turned out, our informant has this pass, she worked there before, and then she was fired. Let's fly with her towers.

Upon arrival we see two workers running away from robots, we kill robots, we go talking to the surviving workers. Now we have to go upstairs through crowds of guards. I would advise Tali to this mission, as she can control robots and direct them against their. There is nothing difficult foresaw, so we simply kill everyone who gets, rising to the elevator, which will lead us to Nazsen. Next, Tain appears, which kills Nazsen. We speak with him. And again replenishment in the team.


We stay in Illium. We go to the cargo district. There are talking to Pint. He says it is better for us to talk with a detective. Go to her, she is in honey. Parts. Speaking with her, learn that Samara is on the crime scene. We go there, kill several members of the eclipse. We go, watch the video, talk to Samara. She agrees to go with you only when you learn the name of the ship on which the criminal was taken away. We return, talk to Pint. He gives us the key so that we can get to the eclipse base.

We go to the elevator. We rise to the database, kill everyone, where the door will be, it needs to hack, there will be a participant in Eclipse, she will try to kill you if you want to earn apostate points, you can kill her. Going further around the room, collect all that is there. Raise above. Kill everyone who comes you, on the way you will meet a ship that will attack you, I advise you to blow it out of the collectors' gun, if, of course, you have it. Before the fight with the head of the eclipse, you will meet a member of the Pinton team, he is a little wrong, so you as you want - you can take it with you, or leave it, depends on you. It is not harder to kill it than everyone else, though, if you have a gun of collectors again, the task comes down to keep it in the sight for a few seconds.

By killing everyone, take information from the table and return to Samara. On the way, meet Pint, give him what he asks. Go to honey. Part, talk first with Samara, and then - with a detective, tell her that the killer is a mercentee from eclipse. Return to Normandia. Upon return, you will not have plot missions, so you need to fulfill the mission from the crew, I advise you to take the Mission of Grunta and Soulas. They are on the same planet. There are no special advice on these missions, everything is simple - run, kill the main thing and that's it. On the mission with Gruntom, I advise you to take a gun of collectors to kill the thresholder faster. You can fulfill another mission of Miranda (come in handy in the future ...).

After you do these missions, come back to "Normandia", they will tell you that the ghost is waiting for you when you leave him in touch, go to the conference room and talk to him. He will say that the Turian ship managed to immobilize the ship collectors, and we have time to look at it. Let's fly there. Looking around on the ship, you can safely collect everything you get, there are a lot of collectors' technologies here, and they will be useful for us. As soon as you try to connect Suzi to the ship, you will immediately attack you. As it was possible to guess, it was a trap, by the way, it is the same ship that attacked us at the very beginning of the game. Bring away from collectors, bullets better switch to freezing.

As soon as you go down, run to the place where you tried to connect Suzi. Connect it. The ship begins to turn on, but suzu holds back it. We run to the place of disembarkation, passing the collectors. Reaching his shuttle, you will be taking you to "Normandia", where you hurry to wash off the collectors' ship. The ghost wants to talk to you, he knew that the ship was a trap, but said that if he had told you, then you would not go. Talking to him, a conversation with the team. After that, we go to the map of the Galaxy and fly to the rebel.

Fight on Zhnzez

On the zanese, we are probably waiting for the most mass shooting in the whole game, at least I do not remember such a shootout until this point. It will be necessary to shoot not just a lot, but a lot of mad, you can pass the mission from the first time, only if you shoot heads. When a crowd will attack you, try to scoff back and do not use shelters, constantly move. As soon as you get to the kernel, take the position near the console, where it was getting in the roller. As soon as the kernel opens, deploy and shoot it. Haskov closely try not to let and then clamp. After that, "hell" take Geteta and leave.

Source to 3 decks. Go to the kernel of the AI, activate Gethea, talking to him, you understand that the costumes are two species, and this friendly one. Now we need to wait until you activate the system of your own. At this time, we have to fulfill the mission of crew members.

Normandy detection

After executing 3-4 missions from the crew members, you need to fly to the following, as soon as you click on the dock with the planet, you will show you a video that the system is also stranger. You are asked to go down to the shuttle. As soon as Shepard with the team will fly away, Suzu will immediately inform Joker that the signal is about how "Normandy" is located. The collector ship will instantly appear.

Collectors invade the ship, and we have to go to the core of the Pipes. Run the ship, the road indicates the red blinking light bulbs on the floor. Opening access, you need to go down to 4 decks in the engineering compartment. Walking on the stairs, be careful, wait until the collectors go away, and only then go. Come and activate the kernel. Suzi saves "Normandia", but the entire crew died, together with collectors. The system is alien ready. You can fly to the omega system and use the omega-4 repeater. As soon as they use it, a suicide mission will begin.

Suicide mission

A suicide mission is not so much suicide. In this mission, only those who were not to you loyal will die. At the very beginning of the mission, you have to deal with the eye on the bottom deck. Shoot on it, as well as an ordinary boss. It will be necessary to beat it 2 times. After that, you will make a "soft" landing on the base of collectors. In this mission you have to form squads that will perform one or another goal. Choose as you want, the right of yours will die the one who you chose to the role of one who climbs the pipes, the one who will go with you under the dome of Biotik, and the one who will lead a detachment that will go to the door until you go under dome. During the first aisle, you will need to open dampers in the ventilation mine, run up to the console and open, the problem is that you will be disturbed hard, so watch the health indicator of your comrade (it is best to choose Tali-Zoro or Legion on this purpose. The second detachment take Garrus).

After you have to choose a biotic, which will create a dome for a pass through the swarm (Samara or Jack). While you will be under this dome your task is to protect the biotics, so that no one breaks down to him, use shelters, the cartridges may not be enough, so try to save, if they are not enough, you can get out of the dome for several seconds if They are behind him. Returning to the end, you have to leave all comrades for the protection of the door, and go to the base reactor yourself. As soon as you come to him, a human reaper will appear to your eyes. There are no special chips in its elimination. You need to shoot at the tanks in his hands, after they break one, the rest will close, and collectors will appear (so far it closes one, you can try to knock another one). The reaper falls, you open the reactor, and then how the ghost appears here, he wants you to save the base. To decide again to you, I destroyed it.

After activating the reactor, the priest wakes up, and with it new collectors will arrive. Shoot him in the eyes and generator on the chest, it is its so-called vulnerable place. Finally, hesitating with the priest, we look at the final video about how Shepard is saved from the base and flies at Normandy, and the one as the renges that are already flying through space. Now you can either continue the game, or start it on a new same character, but you will be given more resources and loans.

Is the universe - not an amazing place? I would not want to live somewhere else.


Galaxy, but there, somewhere behind star spiral sleeves, enemies were attached. These are renouncements - cybernetic fleet, thirsting to destroy all the living. And when the connection with remote human colonies is broken, and the citadel does not want to deal with the obscure threat, the commander of Shepard and his fighters with the ship "Normandy" takes.

He is not the first to save the galaxy. With faithful companions, he falls around on any planet, where his help is needed. Arsenal Lee of his weapon, whether the strength of biotic or engineering techniques is, but he will take the first number to everyone who has thought to contact the Galactic Council in general and with humanity in particular.

Jedi's return

For two years, the commander was listed among the missing - he fused, saving the crew of Normandy in unequal battle. But it is not that he is to be checked for a long time, especially since the resurrection of Shepard took a whole scientific laboratory.

The sudden return of the legendary Savior of the Citadel was not too pleased with politicians who managed to convince each other during this time that there was no threat of "reapers". So now Shepard has only one ally - the mysterious ghost, the head of the mysterious organization "Cerberry", famous for the grandiolesale chauvinism and dubious scientific experiments.

However, dilemma! On the one hand, it is not prestigious to be listed in the terrorist organization, but on the other - the ghost is not a politician, but a person of the case (if he is a person). He has already invested huge money for the resurrection of Shepard, and now she is ready to give a new ship, the crew and a bunch of intelligence - if only he continued to save the Galaxy. Of course, in every cabin, "Normandy" - cameras and microphones, the crew - sexwork for sex, and the ship himself, to acquire artificial intelligence, carefully follows everyone for each, coping with the role of a big brother. But do we have a choice? Shepard is obliged to ghost life. He agrees to cooperate.

And the map of the galaxy is reappeared before us, and urgent things appear again. It is necessary from scratch to gain a new combat team of superprofessional. It is necessary to track down those who attack the colonies, and to give them chitinos ass. Finally, it is not bad to write planets in search of valuable minerals, money, weapons, experience and scientific data to prepare for future battles.

Special prospector

For starters, let's carry out a small inventory that we have, and compare with what was in Mass Effect.

  • Commander Shepard - one thing. Was in the first part.
  • Fighters and colleagues, ten. Also were, although not in such quantities.
  • Star "Normandy". Again put a tick.
  • Battles, shooting, biotic skills, quests, side tasks, conversations with partners "For Life", Exotic Dancers, Love-Carrot - All this was.

Logic suggests that Mass Effect 2 represents only a new plot on an old basis. Is not it?

Not at all.

Before us is a completely different game. BioWare developers, leaving the world with visually formerly (although more gloomy by tones), overhauled in Mass Effect 2 almost all - gameplay, rules, battles, gear and even dialogs!

And immediately, not to pull - sad news. They took M35 Mako. Common. It is pretty sad, because "Mako" was beautiful and as a vehicle, and as a weapon. We will forever remember this cute armored car, pokatushki on snow-covered or volcanic planets and jumps in the mountains of unexplored worlds.

These worlds, by the way, BioWare also rolled into the tube and took. There are no more multi-kilometer spaces, plains and mountains in Mass Effect, which could be wheelchair, looking for ancient artifacts, abandoned laboratories and ambushes of hetkhov. We will not see any of these landscapes, nor these skies - star and cloud, with nebulaes and hanging over the horizon planets.

Huge unexplored worlds were beautiful, but it is clear that they were slaughtered: they were too big and empty and did not fit into the main gameplay. They are too spacious. After them on the plot planets too closely.

But together with them, cloned dungeons and laboratories were disappeared from the game, which were a real scourge of Mass Effect. It was still possible to believe in the serial ships and buildings created by one drawings, but the template caves were greatly puzzled. Now they can be forgotten with relief. Let each unexplored world - not kilometers of the mountains, but a compact quest, but for them no one threatens deja vu.

At the same time, the planets that are not associated with either the plot, nor with side assignments, there was excellent use. I do not know if the developers played in the game " Space Rangers 2: Dominators"But the idea of \u200b\u200bturning every planet in a warehouse of valuable resources has arrived obviously from somewhere on the other side. Now, going into orbit, the planet is useless earlier, the player can clean it from four rare elements, if any on it. For this, the developers have entered even a fuel system that is spent on flights inside the stellar cluster and is purchased on special gas stations.

The search itself is a mini-game, in which you need to drive an eye on the planet, looking for a field. The detected rich deposits are sent inexpensive drone (acquire in the capital systems of clusters), and the reserves of "Normandy" precious metals will immediately be replenished.

Found minerals in huge quantities are spent on scientific research - also instantaneous. And, we must immediately say, without science in Mass Effect 2 - in no way! The times passed when for money you could buy everything in the world. Today, finances are no longer so important. Of course, some newcomer cannon and now can be found at the level, buy or get as a reward. But without new technologies of improved damage it will not be too useful. The end of the thing! Do not look for a superpower or megascafandr. To become stronger, it is necessary not only to grow in the level, but also to support science, increasing the damage of weapons of the desired types. So now we do not earn money on the new clothes, but we are looking for drawings and spear rare elements, cleaning one star cluster from them after another.

Down with meshness

The implacable BioWare struggle with the little thing led to the fact that the developers decided to abolish the storm. Bezy with him was a northful occupation in the original game. Finite! There are no more first-aid kits, redheads, a pouch of the same guns and sets of armor, unnecessary improvements loaded on the Kuch of Klama and endless trips to merchants.

Varieties of armor and all kinds of modifications abolished at all. No longer need to think what kind of humented jump on what humanoid and what kind of modification is hanging on the next gun. If there is a desire, you can slightly change the individual parts of the armor personfully Shepard, but here the changes are mostly external. Five percent of health or shields there will not be solved there, and there are not many interesting modifications: except for pockets to increase the ammunition will always be useful, and even a terrible duck helmet of the "death mask" will add effective negotiations. It is the opportunity to paint the jade in a pink cluster or change the "home" suit on a less formal very pleasant.

The storm who went into the history led to the full alteration of Arsenal. Types of weapons of just a couple of dozens, and all different and on the effect, and on the view (finally!). Having found a gun of a new type, the player can distribute it through the menu-directory at least to all team members - just to allow their class. You can change the type of charges with one click right in battle. Now it is not a modification of the gun itself, but the skill of the character. If the skill is well developed, at once the whole team begins to sink zombie incendiary bullets or power uniforms if the enemies are robots.

Of course, some cannons are stronger than others, and, producing a new automatic "X-15 Winecator", Shepard will no longer use the basic "Evenger". But the power of the weapon is determined not only by the model. The character skills are important and the level of scientific progress at Normandy.

And if you did the cartridges?

The elimination of storms and hunting for artifacts is far from all simplified in the gameplay. For example, a question of soldiers and biotics: in the first part of the Mass Effect did not irritate the containers that you could not open the whole game because of the "insufficient skill"? So, the developers realized and repent. Now Shepard, whoever he can, can break any program and bypass the electronic circuits of any safe with the help of two new, lungs, but at the same time very atmospheric mini-games.

Omnigel from the game disappeared at all. Grenades disappeared, and I really don't feel sorry to say them. First aid kits and treatment were also removed. Health is restored by itself, as the second energy set. MEDIGEL The developers spared, but now it is not a first-aid kit, but the consumable material for the "combat resurrection".

As you can see, the developers looked a lot from the bulky combat system. But added ammunition. At first glance, this is pretty dubious innovation. In the original Mass Effect, the guns shot endlessly and could only overheat, fierce for a few seconds. For this I had to follow, and with this it was necessary to fight, subducting radiators to the trunkers. Now, according to legend, the guns are cooled using special small "thermoelements" - with each shot, the heat goes into one of them, and then they are removed and replaced with new ones. Accordingly, if there are no thermoelements - the gun does not shoot at all. This rule is not valid for the partners - they have an endless "thermoboid".

The lack of such a system is one: you can no longer fall from one place half an hour - you need to pick up the enemies of the stores. But two advantages are two. Firstly, Shepard will no longer be in front of a zombie crowd with overheating with an automatic. Secondly, he will be able at the right moment to lead a very dense continuous fire. The restriction is one - the number of horns in the machine. In the battles with bosses, the developers are so overcome to us "Nezozny" shops there and Sym, so that you can also not worry about this.

Selectable shops add a wip to the whole weapon that there is a main character. The mansion is only a new class "Super Build", which only Shepard can use. For its large guns, a separate type of ammunition is required, and they are found quite rare at levels. Usually you have to save and do only to what Shepard came with.

Yes, and as a new megaPushka concept is not fully balanced. One is madly powerful, but disposable. Another freezes enemies, but its charge quickly dries. Grenadeomets are not bad, but it is necessary to get from it to start someone, and it is not easy. The ideal option for all occasions - alien flames. It is easy to aim, he is well delighted enemies, and its ammunition consumption is very easy to control.

Love and hamsters

Unbalance with classes in Mass Effect 2 will not go anywhere. Shepard, no matter how cool, it is more convenient and most advantageous to be a soldier, but to take with me engineers, biotics or soldiers - in terms of the situation.

Of course, the role-playing system the developers are overhauled, and now to get into it and understand an order easier. But at the same time, they gave the soldier pretty to the Julic Slo-Mo skill. In the slowing world, Shepard can run in front of the enemy through the entire room or carry someone label queue, to then wait for the time to recharge the skill around the corner or drawer.

The partners in the battle of big problems do not deliver, especially if they sink them to shelters so that they do not climb forward. It is best to leave them the right to decide when using technical or biotic skills, - manually manage all this can be done, but in a dynamic battle is difficult. Nothing, however, does not interfere with manually unusual to the partners on the necessary enemies - and there he will be cut off or flies into the air, depending on who used it against him.

A tenth of partners could be a big problem: how to choose two of them for the next task, if biotics, and fighters, and engineers knowingly more than you can capture with you? How to choose those who will be near, will cover their back and support good word?

The developers thought about this problem on time and made comrades in unequal interesting. Yes, everyone will have about what to talk to the team, everyone has a good quest. But to highlight favorites the player will be quite easy.

The most wonderful satellite - Mordin, a brilliant Salaarian scientist. He struck me from the very first seconds of our conversation with him and was constantly surprised later, there was no such thing that I imagined it at first. Other characters and even Shepard hearts are not as interesting as conversations with scientists in his laboratory.

Is it bad? Not. Here we have a classic question about a glass, half full. Best the enemy of the good. These are not other characters worse than Mordin. They are good, just Mordin is best!

But on it, of course, the Light Wedge does not converge. Life on "Normandy" boils! Beautiful and scenes of jealousy on the ship, and the servers of our passions. From an unusual side, the gray-haired Dr. Chakvas will appear before us. More than once forced to smile the difficult attitude of the pilot of Joker and ship artificial intelligence. Gorious flirting Shepard with his red-stop secretary on the bridge. Wonderful engineers in the engineered department, and if Shepard will look into Kubrick, he will be able to join the peripetimes of the life of an unknown family from the planet New Canton.

On the planets and stations that we will visit will also grab interesting characters, including old friends. But here's a strange thing: they all remembered most of them most that neither there is an episodic character - Asari detective with the planet ILIM. This is whom I would gladly take the team. You will be on Illium - send her hello to her.

Second act

On the way to another victory over the next enemy Sheparde will have to do a lot. We will visit the places that only heard before, - the planet of Croogan, the wandering fleet of the Kvarian. We will meet many acquaintances - some meetings will be joyful, others - sad. And much of what was the secret in the history of the galaxy and roles in her reapers, it will be apparent.

For the first time in my memory, the choice of the path of good or evil, light and darkness turned out to be so blurred and ambiguous. Usually good in role-playing games is the best way to win friends, open additional storylines, in one word - the best choice. And in Mass Effect, I am without much fluctuations in the top version of the dialogs. There was an evil, it was still a bit unnatural, frightened, unreasonable.

And in Mass Effect 2, when an old friend asked him to help him with the murder who broke his life and fate, I didn't have enough strength to be "kindly" and give the victim to escape. When the Krogan broken by the Spirit, the once-harsh warrior is sitting and humping on the floor - will you exhort it to him, give arguments or shine on it to awaken the remnants of the fighting valor? Finally, if the fight is inevitable - is it worth it to interrupt the verbal outpouring of enemies by a tack of shooting to ensure yourself an advantage in the fight? What to do in court: to present evidence, justifying the accused friend, or hide them, how does it require himself, risking to be expelled forever? Do you save some, the sickness of others? The choice is true. And sometimes very difficult.

All this creates a mood and involves into the world. Game atmosphere ... They often speak about her, and in role-playing games it is perhaps one of the most important things. The thing is very thin, ephemeral. She creates trivia and kill the little things too. She is like air. Rise into the mountains - he decreases gradually, on a little bit, but suddenly you feel - breathe hard. So, for example, a tricky little thing - a dressful voice of a voicing actor - can be expelled from the game charm.

Arrives the play atmosphere also gradually. Dialogue there, a couple of words here. Buying fish for decorating the captain's cabin. Sick hamster in a cage on the shelf. Aquarium with diefids. Beautiful landscape or correct camera angle in the game scene. Everything works for the atmosphere - and the expression of the face of the character, and the naturalness of gestures, and the thoughtfulness of the dialogues ... and even the actor, not just reading the phrase, and who knows how to raise the voice in the right place, to stumble.

Fold together all these little things - and ready! Yes, this is a heroic story about the salvation of the galaxy, the cosmocker with the entourage, hidden from literature and cinema ... But suddenly you catch yourself that they empathize with the heroes and think about how to help them.

This is sometimes very unexpected. And, I think this is the highest praise, which can be imagined for the role-playing game.

If something I forget ...

I think everyone already knows that the main character - the commander of Shepard - can be imported from the first part of the Mass Effect. The recruited levels, of course, will not be preserved (as-in no way, the hero is half a year old, but the tendency to good or evil will remain, and with it - all the decisions that Shepard accepted or took it in the game.

You might think that these are just advertising slogans and the transfer of the hero does not affect anything. Well, seriously, what solutions can be there? Select the object of love? Choosing in front of the explosion on the base where the Croogans are growing? Yes, during the final battle, the hero could affect the composition of the future council of the Citadel. It would seem, a para-triple options, a little thing.

If a pair-triple ... when importing a character from the first part goes not less fifteen The results of the received Mass Effect solutions. You probably have already forgotten about many of them, they seemed to you with insignificant trifles. But you remember about them, only when you see their consequences in the second part of the trilogy.

So listen to the best advice that I can give you: If you have not played in Mass Effect, be sure to go around the game before you take on the second. Even if they played, it is necessary to run it again to remember everything and consciously take each solution.

And your Shepard will not be an abstract commander without a kind and tribe, but the hero who lived in this world, made things in him, won the reputation and influenced the future of the Galaxy.

Mass Effect 2 is a whole story, but at the same time its plot complements and develops the narrative of the first part. We change the world with our own hands and make decisions, whose echoes will be conveyed to us only after years. Literally through years - in the final part of the trilogy, in Mass Effect 3.

We can only gain patience and wait.


In those days, the hearts were brave, and rates were high, the men were real men, women - real women, and small fluffs with Alpha Centaurus - small fluffy with alpha centaution.

Douglas Adams, "Highway for Galaxy"

It's time to go hiking along the plot of Mass Effect 2 - from the first timid steps of the Commander Shepard on the decks of space stations to the final battles with frozen ju-eyed alien villains! This guide covers the whole game, namely:

  • Plot tasks;
  • Softe missions of all planets;
  • Tasks on "unexplored planets";
  • Quests from ten comrades on combat detachment and even from some ordinary crew members.

Ready? Then forward, to new victories!

The story begins with nothing that does not expect a hike among distant systems. The politicians frightened by the prophecies refer to the outskirts under the pretext of the fight against heats.

However, it will reveal the disguise of our frigate, and then will uncover it on the part not the ship of the geta, but the cruiser of the mysterious race collectors. "Normandia" is no longer saving, but Joker refuses to leave the cut. And here the Shepard joins the case.

To rescue Joker, you need to go through a burning corridor, go through the door-aperture into open space and, looking at the path over the path of the planet, get to the cut. The pilot is saved, but the explosion resets the commander of Shepard from the wreckage of the ship towards an unknown planet. The death is inevitable!

It is interesting: Try, running the game, a couple of minutes do not touch the screen with red clouds and see what will happen.

Operation "Lazar"

Yes, throw you to impass, ordinary. Surely you really started the sklock because you revived you?

The way it is. According to military laws, even a simple soldier has rights.

R. Shekley, "The right to death"

Two years it took the secret laboratory of the Cerberian organization to restore the commander of ... what remains from him. In the meantime, scientists suck the last gloss on the resurrected Shepard, you can choose a class, name and appearance of a new character.

After a quick acquaintance with Miranda and unknown lys, the subject of Shepard will be sent to workout in battle. An attack was made to the space station, and Shepard must be urgently moved to the evacuation zone, despite not to the end of the wounds healing.

So, rising from the operating table, the commandandor under the wise leadership already familiar to him Miranda will take a gun from the box. Cartridges (or, strictly speaking, thermoelements for cooling) He will find outside the door, after he hides from the explosion that knocked this door.

After that, we will be taught to jump over the obstacles and collide with the first enemy - with a whispering medical droid. Behind the turn will have to deal with several droids. Look at the warehouse and move on.

We will show us the first sample of heavy weapons and teach them to use. Then, descending on the platform, Shepard will have to use the sprint to run through the stream of fire.

When communication with Miranda disappears, look into the room with crawling robots to learn a little details about the resurrection of the Commander and the technologies that were used. Apparently, a certain Wilson, a colleague of Miranda, has long been unevenly breathing towards her, but it is not relaxingly jealous to the still late Shepard.

By the way: Do you not forget to read all the magazines, break all the safes and computers on the way? I am sure that you do not forget.

Meeting with Jacob Taylor will be crumpled, but something about the station, Miranda and about our resurrection will tell us. After that, the training will continue: the droids will be reborn until Shepard gives Jacob order to use biotic ability. Only after that you can move on, to the alleged location of Miranda. After a couple of meetings with droids, you will catch on the third surviving - Wilson, the most suspicious character you saw near Miranda during the first, unsuccessful attempt of revival.

So that Wilson spoke, it is necessary to fulfill another item of training - to take a mediary and apply the ability "Unity". Jacob will suspect the traitor in Wilson, but for the lack of evidence, Shepard will tell, that the hexagonal sign "Cerber" is everywhere - not just like that.

When robots break into the room, you will be offered to undermine the boxes standing in the center of the room. After that, there is a fight on a more or less open space, where there will be very useful shots from afar.

When the robots in the room run out, the door will lead you to Miranda. After the scene and dialogue, Shepard will be safely evacuated from the laboratory.

For your information: At this place you will provide the opportunity to independently determine who will be the main Council of the Citadel: Anderson or Udine. The choice will be provided in any case - even if Shepard has been imported from Mass Effect.

Colony "Progress of Freedom"

You are three, by chance, do not want to become members of my new space team?

New? What happened to the old?

Oh, these poor things ... no matter. It is important that I need a new space team. Has anyone interested?


Shepard is puzzled - in which from these cocoons his former friend?

No one will be interested in the station Shepard until he talks to the head of Cerper, the mysterious ghost. Go to the "negotiation"!

For your information: On the way to "Negotiate" you can choose clothes and bloom the taste of the taste. The choice of the details of the SPACANDR is still very scooped, but this disgrace will last only until the first visit to the stores.

The ghost although it will not appear personally, but in the holographic Ipostasi will tell us about what is happening in the galaxy.

They began to disappear remote human colonies. The case smells like the renges, but the council of the Citadel, as usual, is a head in the sand and blames in all pirates and gangsters. In this situation, it is necessary to deal with the hero, symbol! And he, Shepard!

The latter disappeared the progress of freedom. There should be to go and inspect everything in place, search evidence and survivors.

Tip: In this mission to fight against robots, so consider this, choosing with an increase in the level of skill.

Before you go, it will be necessary to talk to Miranda and Jacob.

Not a colony, but simply some kind of "Maria Chest". Everything is intelligent, but there is no soul around. Not visible traces of battle, and even breakfasts are underwound.

For your information: I will not remind you that each safe and castle on the way should be opened, each computer - wears, and inconspicuous resources - to assign. Only new types of weapons and drawings for future studies will be particularly significant.

The colony is really empty, and only alone guarding droids are sad in the night. But the group of kvarians, bubbing in one of the containers, will bring suspicion of Shepard and partners. Fortunately, the Tali "Zora, our old friend will welt the conflict and tell you what's the matter: the Carians flew to spend one of their pilgrims, named Vytor, and even found him, but can not break through - the poor fellow Slept and surrounded himself DROIDS. Will a proposal to try to storm the shelter of the witness together. So do it.

When guarding droids fly over the heads of Shepard and colleagues, they should be alerted and wait for a fierce shelling behind the next container house. Keep colleagues in shelters. Having lost the protective field, hide into the shelter itself. Darides with rockets. Their weakness is that when shooting, they do not move.

In the stairs, do not rush to pop up on open space: the droids shoot apt. Use biotic "overload" primarily on missile druids.

For your information: It is not necessary that the partners see your goal. They can use biotic skills "from behind the angle", blindly, on the tip of Shepard.

In front of the large door, place the partners on the left and right. The first complex fight with a large combat droid is to be.

It is necessary to remove its shields as quickly as possible by applying all the biotic skills that will be at hand. Fire droid leads tight and shepard shields with partners shooting instantly. Do not feel too much on the shelter - many boxes on the site are marked with a symbol of destructibility, and indeed, they are easy to demolish. Let this property do not find you surprise.

In one of the containers on the square, our witness will be discovered - a mad kvarianin Vytor. Because of the unsanitary hole in the scaffle, he got sick and habit, without reacting to Shepard. Here you will have the first character in the game. The character's speech is a way good or bad, depending on what Shepard Silen.

Anyway, the ring will find and show his records. The inhabitants of the colony were really kidnapped, and they made it collectors, mysterious and little-known inacomine race. Their miniature beetles robots have previously immersed all people in the field of the Stasis - this explains the fact that no colony has resisted.

Before returning to the Zerber station, it remains only to make the last moral choice: either go to meet the Tali and give a patient of a quarianin to relatives, or pick it up with them - for experiments.


The ghost will tell Shepard a couple of interesting things about collectors. He also will give a list of the best of the best fighters of the whole galaxy, which would be very nice to see in the team. One of them, he will notice particularly - Professor Monda Solus. Salaarian Scientist We need for research and to develop countermeasures against stasis-poison collectors.

And then you will meet an old familiar - Pilot Joker. He also transfers Shepard to a new ship built by Cerberom personally for the commander. Tradition ship will be called "Normandia".

We have to get acquainted with the frigate and its crew. First, Shepard will present the ship artificial intelligence Edi, and then - the personal secretary of the commander, the Red Kelly. After that, Shepard will give freedom of movement, and he can personally sniff the corners of the new ship. First of all, it is worth going to the bridge to Joker to talk to him and Edie.

It is interesting: Try to visit Joker after each mission. It is not necessary to talk to him - just wait next to and listen to his stream of consciousness, sometimes very funny and "Easter".

Take a look at Jacob in Arsenal. After the examination of the entire deck, you can climb the captain's cabin on the elevator, although there is nothing to do Shepard there, except to visit Personal Commander Galun.

Below, on the residential deck, on the contrary, there is something to do.

It is interesting: The elevator on the residential deck is an interesting update - toilets. If Shepard goes to the toilet not his sex, Eddi will gently remind about it. Alas, do nothing there is nothing - even the hands are washed. Probably, therefore, no one uses them. Never in the game, the general Galun will not be busy.

Many premises in the plot while locked. However, Shepard can go to the Madblock and talk to the old familiar, Dr. Chakvas. She puzzles his mini-quest for the search for the Brendy Bottle - instead of the one who scattered into dust along with a snack on the old "Normandy".

In the dining room Sergeant Gardner, Plumbing Cook, complain to army rations, of which you can not do anything delicious. He will ask for decent products for the team (they can be found in the cytadel markets).

It is interesting: In Kubrick, two crew members discuss some unknown family from a colony under threat of assets of collectors. To intervene in the conversation, Shepard can not, but he should look into Kubrick after each mission to be aware of what happens to this family.

On the very bottom deck, it is still a bit too - except to look at the hangar and not see "Mako" there. Instead, it is strange on the sight of the landing bot, which in flight most of all resembles a horse, jumping over the backward.

Two funny engineers - Daniels and Donelley are on duty in the engine compartment. They will ask for rare details for them, which would facilitate the maintenance of "Normandy".


Frau March, we have trouble: Baron Risen! There will be trouble!

H / f "The same Munchhausen"

Shortly after Shepard starts to be shown in humans, he will come a letter from the citadel. Our old familiar Anderson wants to see us in the flesh. Quests, except for the "grocery", here yet (there is no plot at all), but at least for at least the sake of local shops should be reached.

Looking around, listen to the gunmaker explaining the soldiers of the basics of Newtonian battle in space. At the entrance, the guardian-touring will declare Shepard, that he is dead, and will send "to revive" to the commander of Haley. The commander will solve the problem (as - to choose to you) and will suggest talk to the consul.

Talk to the holographic guide. He will tell you how things are at the station now, two years after the attack.

You are at level 27. Around full stores where you can knock down a discount - in good or with a scandal. Next to the gifts of Gifts, Sanasi, two Crogans argue, is there in the pools of the Presidium Fish. At the pillar on the opposite side of the square, you can listen individually customized advertising ("Shepard, you have long died. Would you like to buy Savans and Coffins with a discount?")

In the Cafe Zaiser near you can buy two historical novels and products for the cook "Normandy".

Climb the stairs to level 28. There is also a lot of interesting things here. Starne Tyrone sells drawings. The seller of games praises his goods. With his words, the "Galaxy of Fantasia" is now popular, based on Turian mythology. It is played by 11 billion humanoids.

At the far end of the hall, the acquaintance of the journalist lies you. Give her an interview if there is a desire.

Double doors at the same level - the Bar "Dark Star", cozy and not such an aggressive-insane, as an institution of Aria on "Omega". Try to ask Barmen on the news for laughter.

The wall here has a tourinian, which can be asked about fish in reservoirs. Send information to argue Croogans. You can, however, alone.

Now it remains only to go down on two levels, on the floor 26. There you will immediately find a disorder: a volvas accuses the ring in the stealing of a credit card, it unlocks, and the security officer is trying to figure out. Shepard can intervene. The fate of the credit card will turn out after visiting the store of Salarianin Maraba. Return to the Volus and explain to him what exactly he is wrong.

Opposite the store Marab Asari Kian Lowros will sell you a couple more good things. You can't do anything else here, so you can only go to the presidium and talk to Anderson, with the Udine (and with the Council of the Citadel, if he survived in the battle with the "ruler").

After that, you can return to "Normandia" and rake the mailbox inputs.

Since we are passion as you need a scientist in the team, the first visit is the station "Omega", a semi-breeding voltage, based on the old asteroid ore station. There are also a professor, and the mysterious archangel, whom we also should hire.

Let's start with the professor, because without it idle the laboratory "Normandy".

Omega: Mordin Solus

We are to you, professor, - and here in what cause!

You are in vain, gentlemen, go without Kalosh: First, you are catching up, and secondly, you guarantee me on carpets.

M. Bulgakov, "Dog's Heart"

After the scene in which it turns out that even two years as the dead Shepard still uses some authority from the bandits, he will be directed to the aria t "Loak, hostess of the entire station.

On the main square, the entrance to the club "Posterstiya" is very highlighted. If you want, listen to the conversation of man and bouncer-Elkor. Pay attention to the silent tourist with a weapon. This is the captain of Gavorn, the thunderstorm of local aliens-grumbling.

It is interesting: Radio at the station will give Shepard the opportunity to learn about the news over the past couple of years and what problems are now worried about the galaxy.

Come to the club. You will miss you silently and do not even look at weapons. In a dark corridor on Shepard, a barrel will blow the company of criminal-looking batarians. Before us is a moral choice, but rather one-sided. You can contradict the hooligans relaxed, kindly, or sharply, viciously - but the essence of both cases alone: \u200b\u200bShepard explains the batabians that they, having come to him, made a mistake.

In the club itself - noisy, spacious, beautiful. Music plays, Asari dance at the poles. Drink local drinks. Do not forget to buy brandy for Dr. Chakvas.

The guards of Aria T "Loake will try Shepard to be seen. You can forget the joke to promise them to shove the scanner, where the sun does not shine (if Shepard is malicious). It will be heated by Aria, but the scanning will have to go - you have to do Shepard.

Aria - "The Cross Mother" of all "Omega". Talk to her interesting. She enhances a little, but tells what he knows about Professor and Archangel.

  • Dr. Mordin Sivus is trying to save victims of the epidemic of an unknown mortal disease in the lower residential levels "Omega". There is a quarantine.
  • Archangel was so angry with local bandits that the three largest gangs were united and try to dig it from his asylum. The defendant Archangel keeps such that the bandits staged an additional set of volunteers, Sulleh generous fee.

We are still interested in Dr. Mordin. But before you go to a quarantine zone, it is worth inspecting the whole "omega".

Later, the guard Grizza, standing at the stairs leading to the aria's lie, will offer you a task. Mercenaries "bloody flocks" conceived to arrange an attempt on the patriarch. They must be stopped. The problem is that the Patriarch himself does not really want to defend Shepard. However, it can be persuaded to accept help.

The mercenaries themselves - the pair of Crohans - are waiting for you outside the door (left from the room of the Patriarch). Talk to him, and then go back to Aria for a reward.

Go down to the bottom of the club. Perhaps you will meet with an old familiar, Helen Blake, it depends on how you broke up in the first part of the Mass Effect.

Once at the bottom, Shepard can appreciate the dancer near. Asari-torn on the table although smiling for tips, but silent as a fish. Go down to the surplus and talk to Krogan on the nicknamed Patriarch. Once he was the leader of Omega. Aria of his overall, strongly crocheted in battle personally, but left alive as a warning to everyone. We will meet with the patriarch, and now it's time to drink a bar in front of the door.

The view of the Barmen Batharianin is unfriendly, and the drink will have a strange action on Shepard. We will tell us that Barman is not the first time to poison people, they made them for the fact that they did in the distant pirate past. Shepard is the first who survived. It seems, very soon one bartender is not lucky. Remember the corridor in which you woke up. Go to the bartender and disperse with him as you think right. Both ways - and good, and bad - end with the death of bad batarian.

Return to the corridor, which you remember the pair of lines above. Strange creatures "Vorch", as if those who came down from the pages of the alien encyclopedia, are the gangsters, or dikari, in one word, pests. At the corner of the corridor of Shepard, one of the starch will give and say a couple of warm words about Captain Gavornna. If you want, go back to the captain - he will tell you about who hazard and how they harm honest humanoids.

Around the corner - the shop of a young old woman, Kvarianin Kenna. The guy has a serious problem - he stuck on the "Omega" without money, and the business is essentially bad, since the local Elkor trader named Harrot forbids him to reduce prices. We have a simple moral choice. You can do Kenna money to return to the wandering fleet. You can press on the Harrot merchant so that he does not stick to the guy, or offer him to take the store at all at all. In any case, do not forget to take care that there is an old woman for sale.

Above the stairs - the market. Left - entrance to the hall for important persons, where we do not have the move. So far, we are interested in local merchants and their assortment.

Before you go to the quarantine zone, look at the insane prophet-batarianine, proclaiming the close end of the world and declare people with an infection on the body of the Galaxy. He has its own sharms, as the mysterious disease that has hit the lower floors, mysteriously kills all races, except for people and grumbling. And since few people think that the grumble is able to create such biological weapons, of course, all the Kosos look at people. It is necessary to check what is there.

Make sure the guard to skip Shepard into the quarantine zone will be easy.

Searches for mails for drawers, move along the corridor to the barricades. The junction of the Guardian Guardians will not shoot - they were warned that Shepard was going.

Ahead - signs of launching and dying batory, welcoming you with the words: "You not only screamed with a plague, but also a laughing, without waiting when we die?" The poor fellow can be helped if the soul of Shepard has good sprouts. However, if you want to save batarian, act quickly.

On the left - the door to the warehouse, where Batharians are locked a few days ago. They are dead, and their diaries suggest Jacob to Jacob. On the right side of the corridor - blocked outside the apartment. Again the body, again a gloomy diary.

And then we are waiting for the battle, quite unpleasant. It is easiest to pass it to Snieper. Planners in the shelter at the door to the apartment, and flashes the bandits themselves, step back and hold on the sight to the hall. The flashed gangster gets a bullet in his forehead. Securely and safely.

Do not forget to climb the stairs to the left of the balcony and collect valuable things. Barricade will go around the right. Take a look at the apartment where people have been hided out, not excludingly fearful batabine terror. They can promise protection.

Immediately for the barricade - the drawings for the machine, giving an increased damage in the future. Grab them - there will be something to study in the laboratory.

The next battle will also be difficult. This is the case: Banditov-Batharian in these quarters strongly sweating grumbling. In general, they are not a row of gangsters, but the epidemic has greatly displaced the balance of power. In your eyes, "Blue Suns" fell away from the grumbling and the warrens. The main rule is not aligning (if, of course, you do not play a "loving" class). The stairs are climbing the balcony, from where it is better to review. Try to first help the gangsters without attracting attention. And then then beat off the grumb, as the bandits do not last long.

Tip: If the enemy is somewhere near, but you are not sure where exactly see where your partners are killed. They are able to teach their cheaps through many walls.

Try to shoot a vorte from afar. Spicy partners. Do not let go closely. If necessary, pop up for cartridges in the middle of the room and the bullet run back.

A pair of marauders can be worn in the apartment on the left. Here the developers are priable pretty entertaining moral dilemma. Mraderism is bad, and good Shepard seems to be stopped. But in blocks, where the alienaters are pourabous in people, should Shepard have to shoot on representatives of their race? Marauders argue quite convincingly: "Here then, the apartment will be expelled here, and we have some kind of benefits ..." Yes, and Shepard himself, we will be honest, has always been a marauder.

At the end of the area around the corner - the Mondinian hospital, styled by patients and recovering aliens. Listen to the negotiations of the doctor in the intercom. They will at some extent prepare you for a meeting with the professor themselves - a brilliant doctor, an inquisitive scientist, a comprehensive killer and the former fighter of the Salarian special forces.

After a conversation with Mordin Solus, Shepard will have two new tasks. First, you need to penetrate the ventilation management center. Grumbling turned off and threatened to suffocate all around the quarter. If you beat off the ventilation control center and spray the antidote, the epidemic end.

Secondly, it is necessary to find a person, a student Mordin, who went with the medicine in the quarters, but disappeared.

The doctor will open a locked door for Shepard and give an improved pistol. In addition, it is worth chilling a hospital for useful things and technologies, among which is to increase the amount of wearable mediguel.

Bloody patterns along the edges of the screen - a hint that it is time to hide. Shelter, however, does not always save.

Once in the Hall with columns, quickly find the shelter. The battle will be long. First, the enemies will be drunk because of the door on the right, then - from the stairs to the left.

In the next big hall, the haze will fill rockets from shelters. Liquid them, take the position on the balcony and destroy the enemies using the advantage in height.

For one of the locked doors there is a Mordin's student. He is still alive, but the band of Banditov-Batarian wants to lick him for the suspicious substances that he carried with him. Shepard will have the opportunity to show their qualities - good or bad.

And then, at the entrance to the ventilation control center, the grumble of the sorry recognize that they work on collectors who created the plague. Immediately after the fulfillment, the battle will begin.

It is very dangerous to be in the open space here: literally after each of your silence, the oral of enemies is poured from somewhere. Worst of all those who let rockets from the balconies. Liquid them first. You to some extent will protect powerful columns - try far from them not to leave.

After the first battle, hide the partners for the nearest columns, and try to start the ventilation system from the remote. The enemies appeared will be a bit puzzled by the fact that the player at one end of the hall, and his partners are in the other.

Now you need to include two generators - behind the doors in the left and right corners of the hall. In no case do not go ahead of the Namobum. Spicy partners, and yourself carefully, move to the door to the door and do not hesitate to retreat, lumbling enemies under the crossfire. Remember that you will have to beat not only along the way to each generator, but also on the way back - and there is also extreme caution there.

When the medicine falls into ventilation and the epidemic will stop, Mordin will be ready to join his team.

Returning to "Normandia", check the mail, distribute quests to the addressees, wait next to Joker - and generally run around the ship, beating all starting with Kelly.

Get the habit of doing it after each task.

It is interesting: In letters you will come across and those waiting for you two years. Remember, for example, Talite, a girl with a pistol of docks "Citadel"? Even if not, she remembers you.

And of course, look at the opening laboratory where Mordin Solus shamanit and where you can escape the drawings and rare metals together to get all sorts of improvements. If rare metals are missing, they make sense to hunt in nearest systems.

And, since we are in the same system with Archangel, let's try to save it from mercenaries and take into the team. To do this, we return to Omhega.

Omega: Archangel

Citizens! When the bandits are around, and you have no firearms, try to at least die worthy! And not like him!

c / F "Aibolit-66"

An attempt to save the archangel from anger of the three largest gangs "Omega" will result in a series of battles - uncomplicated, but intense. And compared to what was in the previous mission, the fights will be more difficult. For a long time to wait, retreat at the first signs of danger, maneuvering, the enemies to the enemies are already impossible here, because the time of each fight is strictly limited.

To get to Archangel, Shepard must return to the club "Posteria" and talk to Batharian, hiring fighters for battle. After that, Shepard will have the opportunity to dissuade the local Yunz to record on the battle.

We will take us on the battlefield on the car (talk to the chauffeur to the left of the main entrance to the club). On the spot we will be met by the gloomy batarian and will send to a certain sergeant kafka. At the same time we learn and the disposition. Archangel strengthened for well-skilled bridge, and the bandits are not waiting for free mercenaries to overcome him. The task of freshlybranny fighters is to distract the attention of the archangel, while the main forces are preparing a blow from the rear.

Edi will be offered whether the bandits do not yet know that Shepard is not at all interested in the death of Archangel.

Salaarian Jarota, head of the "Eclipse" gang, will honor us conversations and tell about the droids that will help him in the attack. On the table next to him lies a message that may be interested in Arya. Around the corner - the droid warehouse. A heavy robot is simply asking himself to knock him down the configuration of the identification of "his alien".

Krogan Garm is the head of the international Krogan-Varachansk gang of the "bloody pack". He also sharpens tooth to the archangel, what will tell us about.

With the last one before the bridge of the barricades, Archangel himself is visible - he leads a disturbing fire on the positions of the gangsters from his shelter. Over the door on the right - Batharian Terek, head of the Band "Blue Sun" and formally - the whole combat operation. He is so distinguished by a breakdown of his attack aircraft, which will not talk to us.

Kafka is engaged in the repair of this aircraft - the very sergeant that we need. He will break away from the repair of the Terek's personal assault car and dedicate us to the details of the attack plan. The conversation will be interrupted by the signal to the attack, and the evil sheprads will have the opportunity to make a lot of fighting, having shut off the kafka and leaving the attack aircraft without repair.

When Shepard starts to shoot back gangsters, they will quickly contemplate who is Hu, and will open fire. Just go to the archangel and pay attention to the strip of his health. It is she limits the battle time. I will not say that the frames are too draconian, but he was contraindicated in battle.

On the first floor in one of the lockers - drawings to enhance the Omni tool. And the Archangel himself, when you get to him, supplies you a magnificent machine that can lead accorce and very tight fire with short queues.

Soon the gangsters of "Eclipse" will go to the attack by the bridge. The shelter is excellent, and the enemies are like on the palm. Ammunition on the bedside table, borsch on the stove. When a big robot comes out, guard it, helping the glands to shoot the gangsters.

The latter will go to Jarota himself.

It is interesting: When the battle subsides, Archangel will suggest Shepard on the radio to himself. It will sound somewhat comic if the team stands in a pair of meters.

After a short respite, the sounds of explosions marked the attack from the rear. Archangel will stay to cover the bridge, and you need to go down the stairs, go through the door under the stairs and find a fork with three doors.

The task is to block three inputs from the inside, making it so that ten seconds after starting the locking of the enemies to the doors did not get. With the first entrance to do it relatively easily - they drived to the button, pressed, retired bandits. With the hangar (the door to the right) will be harder. However, there is no choice - the health of the archangel is quickly coming down, and the enemies storm the hangar with an endless flow. It is necessary to break through the entire hangar, close the doors and do not give enemies to interrupt blocking.

With the door on the left - completely gloomy. There have a shelter gangsters, there are grumbling flamets around us around the corner, and there will have to move through a few barriers. You can use shelters, but do it without fanatism - time presses. I would even advise you to drop rocket people to break through the way to the cherished button. But be sure to leave yourself at least a dozen missiles. It is good that the corridor immediately behind the door is narrow and defended it ten seconds is very easy.

When the blocking will be finished, it is necessary to fight with a garot, Krogan from the "bloody flock." It is important here very quickly sit down on the tail and not to leave him one on one with the Archangel.

Then there will be a turn to enter the battle of the third gang, "Blue Suns". First, you will need to reflect the attack of the gangsters flying out of the window. Then you will have to defend the familiar balcony, but on the other hand - and it is not so difficult, since the Archangel himself is right with us. But after the scene, it will be necessary to deal with the "wizard in a blue helicopter", and here it is worth learning the good rule: a big enemy is a big gun. Throw the storming machine of Terek rockets. How much they need it - it depends on, Kafka managed to finish the repair, or his works were interrupted by Shepard.

When the attack aircraft will lose all armor and explode, the task will be executed.

Now in our team an old familiar - Tourian Garrus. He changed a lot since the first meeting with him in the "Citadel", and not only externally. Where is his law-abradiating? Why did he arrange a free hunt for bandits on one single station? The life of the once brave police fell firmly.

The next stop is the Prison Ship "Purgatory", where Cerberu bought for us some Jack - a false criminal, but an exceptionally strong biotics.

"Purgatory": Jack

What else is what?


Why under the orchestra?

Your Highness, first came out celebrations. Then arrests. Then they decided to combine.

h / f "The same Munchhausen"

Upon arrival at the prison ship, the first-cases security guards will want to pick up the weapons from Shepard and his team. There is no large selection of dialogue options, as the commander and without you will be treated by the horn and the gun will refuse.

Talking to souls with the head of the prison, Tourian named Kuril, move along the corridor past cameras, where prisoners are sitting. One of them beats the guard - Shepard can stop the process. Another arrestant will ask him to redeem him, but hearing about Jack, immediately takes the words back.

Go straight, not folding, and soon the situation will change dramatically. We will have to make your way with the fighting enemies of humanoid and droid outside. Shelters are enough. Coming out of a deadlocking hall, turn to the "pipe" to the left, and you will find yourself in the management hall of the castles of the entire prison. Naturally, Shepard wants to release all prisoners immediately. And will release.

Before our eyes will be released and the subject of Zero will be released. She will immediately take a bull for the horns and start sowing chaos throughout the ship, punching the wall behind the wall. And we should move to its traces. Do not forget to choose the technology from the bottom.

Further everything is standard: the enemies pop up, you shoot them. In the first large room, try to gain a foothold at the switchboard - it will be easier to get rid of a heavy droid. At the end of the hall, do not miss the technology of improved shotguns. Move continuously and feel free to retreat - the benefit is where. Behind the crowd of fur and mercenaries will come another heavy droid, and soon, after a small scene, you will have to deal with the smoke. He closed himself in a impenetrable power bubble, but left the generators outside. Several shots will bring out the generator. Smaller get distracted by enemies. The mercenaries popping out from behind the doors and boxes can be destroyed with rockets, and to use a sniper roller to generators. Rockets can also be recruited due to shelter and smoking himself.

When the problem of Tourianina is solved, Shepard will remain only to get acquainted with the subject of the Zero and return to the ship.

What kind of life without krogan? Urdnot VRRs in the first part of the game was a funny character, and the ghost at the same time there is another Krogan, Professor Okir, trying to cure his race from "Genophag" - an artificial mutation limiting reproduction.

Okir on the planet dump, where among rusting space ships, a polygon of mercenaries made themselves from the "Blue Sun" gang.

Korlus: Okire

Some believe that I am a very strange person. But I just dream to create a race of atomic monsters robots, superchards with octagonal bodies, which will be bought!


Korlus - Planet is very interesting. She resembles a dock with abandoned steamboats, but only in a space scale. Having admired the silhouette of something huge, swimming in the sky, begin to conquer the landfill. At first, there will be nothing complicated in battles - ordinary mercenaries, and the spaces of large, shelters are against you.

The wounded mercenary will tell that the Okir really does something strange: takes from somewhere the crowds of stupid, but very aggressive crags and calmly gives them bosses "blue suns" as a cannon meat for training. Private mercenaries are not very glad to this, as Croogans are dangerous and can calmly tear the arrow.

The interlocutor will open the passage to the laboratory for Shepard, and then there is a very difficult battle. Yes, yes, the crowd of Croogans, armored with legs to the head armed with rocketans and shotguns! Here you can use heavy weapons without special reflection - a little further will be allowed to replenish the ammunition. Do not sit in one place - smoothly, but steadily pierced forward.

Hack the door and throw a mercenary standing on the edge into the abyss. "The Blue Sun", driven by the radio with their leadership, will strengthen the pressure, but they will not become a big problem. If you broke the crowd of krogan, then with people and batabians somehow cope.

Do not forget to pick up the drawing on the way for improved sniper rifle damage. Behind the staircase and the door you may, meet you already familiar to you wound Tanoptis. Or maybe not meeting - it depends on how your meeting with her ended in the first part of the game.

And after the next door - the Okire itself. He will agree to join the detachment of Shepard if he cope with the leadership of mercenaries, with which his relationship has spoiled. The battle will not be difficult, if neither Shepard nor his partners will turn the nose from the room into the hall with Cahnes. In addition to the vein, a couple of stupid crags and a heavy droid will appear against you.

Alas, the Okire itself for objective reasons will not be able to hold back promise. But instead of herself, he will glorify Shepard one of his "Croogans from the test tube" - the best of the best, perfect fighters.

Funny will be a dispute aboard "Normandy" - to remove Croogan from Chan or throw it into an open vacuum. One way or another, the "autoclave" with a marinated Krogan stands in stock, which over the hangar on the right side. "Unpack" the fighter and explain to him who on the chief chief, Shepard can at any time.

Colony "Horizon"

Gun ... they charge the gun ... Why? BUT! They will shoot! Put the move!

m / f "Treasure Island"

In about this place, the plot of Kelly must pass the commander that he wants to see a ghost. The holographic boss will say that literally, just that has just disappeared with the human colony in the term of the term, and "Normandy" can still have to catch collectors at the crime scene. And - what coincidence! - Our side scientist managed to create masking technology from flocks of cyber. Now the Shepard team will not freeze in the field of the Stasis as poor colonists. So we fly to the term, save the colonists and personally Ashley Williams (or Kaidan Alenko), which (or whom) recently sent an alliance on the planet - to adjust defensive guns.

I'll say right away, it will not be easy, especially closer to the end. So if you still have something from the combat technologies - to study. Your enemies will be the collectors themselves and their electrosby - they are all passing according to the category of "Organizer". To shoot down the shields will also have - as if without it, - but the droids will not.

After disembarking on the planet and a funny dialogue with Mordin, there is no ridiculous fight with collectors. Pay attention to their rays of death. Soon you will have the same. You can use heavy weapons - in the courtyard is ammunition to it.

The houses of the blocks our team will meet electrosbit - so far quite harmless. They are the first proof that collectors are associated with the reaches. However, it is unlikely that the zombies are "made" from the locals. The victims of the attack on the colony are harnessed in transportation cocoons, and we have a chance to save at least some.

Take a drawing for improved protection from the body. After another small battle, we will meet the colonists who have already bitten and frozen, but have not yet been folded into cocoons. The appearance of them is quite unhappy.

Do not forget to climb the stairs to the house block. The next home has a new superpower - the best in the game. This death ray generator is comfortable and deadly.

It will be very soon to experience when a new flock of collectors arrive. From now on, from time to time, then in one, then the main collector will be filmed to another: "I take control." It is easy to distinguish such a "obsessed" enemy - it glows from the inside orange. The reinforced collector becomes stronger and more dangerous, so it needs to be destroyed in the first place. With some proportion of good luck (and slow down, which sin to hide, time) you can get rid of "obsessed" collectors, without waiting when the chief will finish the union into the body.

In this battle your chief friend is a house-block and its closing doors. My home, as they say, is my fortress. The battle algorithm is simple: they approached the door-diaphragm, opened her open, they shot out, and as the case smelled kerosene, moved deep into the house - the door closes and isolates you from enemies. It is possible to use in the measure of the rays of death - the ammunition lie in the house on the contrary, you can choose after the fight.

Then, hacking the door to the workshop, Shepard will get acquainted with the only ill-frozen inhabitant of the "horizon" - local technician. He will tell about defensive guns in the space port and will open you the passage in the right direction. However, himself goes with Shepard refused flatness - as if guessed what kind of warm welcome, collectors will be there.

Native warehouse, change, if you want, weapons and push. Immediately at the gate, you will get acquainted with the comming - naked zombie biotics. They beat from afar and very pain, ignoring all shelters. By envying their silhouettes, carry fire on them immediately and get ready to leave the lesion zone. Here it is possible to use heavy artillery - at the bottom of the left lie ammunition to it.

From the dead collector, take the drawings of an increased biotic damage. Do not forget to climb the stairs and clean the house before weching the door.

A large platform with an antenna and a bunch of boxes around the perimeter will be a transparent hint that it will be very hot here soon. Getting rid of a pair of superzomby-sums and from the crowd of ordinary electricians, pick all the available ammunition (they are updated here), take the charges to the superpowers on the verge of a house on the right, and give a connection with Normandy through the remote control near the antenna.

While Joker and Edie tune the guns to open fire through the gatherers ship, you will need to reflect several attacks. I advise you to hide the partners for a low fence in the form of "g" at the end of the square. Sit themselves there and shoot yourself, unless, of course, you do not play a melee class. Pauses in battles, use to collect thermoelements.

Do not discount your heavy weapons. It will come in handy for you to fight with the boss - Pretorian. This is a very dangerous character. From his rays of death, it is necessary to hide very quickly and high quality and cram the laser in response. The rule here is: first, with any way we remove the Pretorian shields, and then beat out of everything you can, until the shields are recharged.

And then there will be a conversation with Ashley / Kaidan, and it will be strange:

Shepard, you radish, threw us and disappeared somewhere two years.

Wow ... Actually, I was in a coma, I was collected on pieces!

You are now with Cerber, and all the "cerberries" are goats. And in general, we suspect that you are attacking the colony.

Hello, we saved you from collectors here, here just just that if you did not notice / noticed.

Do not care, you still go goats.

And Ashley / Kaidan leaves proudly raised head.

The journey to the term will denote the new stage of the plot - preparations for a "suicide mission", to traveling for the Gate of Omega 4, to the unexplored area where collectors live. The ghost will give us a pack of new dossier, and all your companions will imbued with the desire to settle their affairs and will begin to issue side quests - one for a character.

According to these tasks, we will go later - you must first have a team. Let's start, perhaps, from the Kvarianka Tali - after all, she was once our faithful companion.

Get ready for battle with droids, and only with them.

Hastrom: Tali

Did they really blow up the sun?

As I understand, Sir, yes, blew.

It probably looks good on their resume, eh?

"Star Gates"

Haystrom - Planet in controlled geta space. It is not known that there was a Kvarianskaya expedition, especially since the luminaries in the system turns into a red giant and burns so that they do not even withstand energy-intensifies. Any output from the shade is fraught with slow frowning, so you have to move around the hastromes of the mining, hiding from the sun.

We will land on the outskirts of an ancient stone complex, in which, judging by the abandoned equipment, archaeologists have already rumble. In the gate management booth, we will see the first kvariana. He is dead - died, defending the expedition from the geta. Therefore, robots here and hoists in danger! Take money from the broken Geteta and open the gate.

In the courtyard there will be robots. Stick them because of the shelters and remember about sunlight. Go to the gate is best along the fence along the ledge on the right: there are a lot of shelters, and there is where to hide, and robots shoot comfortably.

For your information: Even if you prefer to sit down in the rear and give to the partners to do all the work, keep in mind that against the disguised "under the predator" droids-hunters your colleagues are powerless, since they do not see them in emphasis.

Behind the doors lies beet with a new machine gun (must be said excellent). Take the radio from the body of the Radio and contact fighters that protect the entrance to the stone complex from robots. You can't help them already, and you will soon puzzle with a new problem - where to get two explosive devices to move the fallen column and tanned input.

I warn you right away: in this place after each of your silence, somewhere will begin to pop up the detachment of droids. First you have to assign the building opposite the column. When you take the first explosive device, Getets will pull from the side of the bridges to the left of the exit from the structure. Conscate in shelters, as the robots will be a droid prime - all in white. You can spend some heavy weapon's ammunition.

After that, you will need to go to the door behind the bridge and pick up there the second explosive device. At the exit you, naturally, robots will welcome again. With them, it will be a prime again with them, and racket meters on duty on the bridge, so you immediately hide behind concrete blocks and then eliminate the most annoying shooters.

When the column is blown up, take the drawings from the destroyed heta. Holographic connection raises colleagues. She will be glad and Shepard. It turns out that Tali "Zora flew to the once kvarian planet to study the problems of dark energy and its possible connection with an abnormally fast aging of the sun. Now the tali barricaded in the observatory, they are covered with soldiers, but the geettes are breaking inside, and the fighters can not remove the siege. Help !

There is a long battle. Arrange the partners in the doorway - let them shoot drones that are flying in your side. It will save you thermoelements that will be needed to cope with the wanderings of the Stone Prime.

When the flow of drones runs out, carefully occupy new positions in the pass between blocks along the right wall. The enemies will braid with new forces, so try to keep the partners behind the shelters and, as usual, take care of the sun. The long-air doors will need to destroy another prime.

And then you are waiting for a joyful meeting with an old acquaintance - a walking girad-like droid-tank system "Colossi". That's just without guns, "Mako" to fight him not with his hands. Do not even try to open fire on it - the droid will hide and repaid, and you only spend the ammunition.

The only surviving quarian will tell you that you can get rid of the colossus if you get closer to him. If desired, Shepard can persuade him not to climb into a fight, so as not to upset the mouth with the death of her last colleague.

A quarian will say that there are three paths for which you can get to the colossus. I advise you to consider seriously only the road on the right flank, on the ledge, under a reliable cover of durable fence, withstanding the explosions of the Colossus power supplyors. Having shot due to the nearest fence of all the waters of droids, carefully overcome the fence along the stairs to the ledge. Droids, of course, will go to the attack, but most importantly, that you will be covered with a colossus. The ledger ends with a magnificent position for shooting over Colossia. Grab heavy gun and destroy it. Not so difficult it seemed to at first!

Native courtyard and meet the hoists. She is so upset that almost her whole group died for the extraction of data of doubtful utility, that having grown without hesitation agree to join the Shepard team again.

Now, when Tali with us, you can go to the Illium to hire two - Asari named Samara and a reptiloid murder named Teine.

Illium: Taine.

I'm tired of the warriors with their unnecessary ideals. I need a killer, a cold-blooded killer. A real killer, taking ZF-1 in the hands, will definitely ask that this is a red button below.

x / F "Fifth Element"

Illium - trading planet owned by Asari. Everything is bought and everything is sold, and the biggest danger in Illium is not to sign the contract, because all contractual obligations on the trading planet must be respected.

About this you will kindly warn meeting Asari. She will announce that some Liara T "Sony paid all fees for Shepard and asks him to look at her.

Go to the trading level and admire the view from the balconies. Wonderful Illium with quiet weather. Perhaps the Balcony of the Commander will wait asia-connected and give hello from their common acquaintance. It will be in place or not, depends on how two years ago Shepard cost this acquaintance.

The most delicious is your nose!

It is also possible that a little further caught his sleeve an unsuitable Gianna Parasini, a fighter with corporate corruption with the state. She again needs help - she will ask Shepard to make a control purchased from Asari trading smuggling. The moral choice is not completely unequivocal. By the way, useful technologies are sold in this Asari's shop.

Liarra you will find in the office, climbing the stairs marked by the "Administration" pointer. How violent will be a meeting, it depends on who Shepard is friendly / friendly on the old "Normandy". Liara will have the necessary information, and she will share them by acquaintance for free:

  • Samara was noted on arrival from the officer named Dana.
  • The representative of the rare race "Drelel", named Tein, flew to Ilium to end with some Nassatus Dentius, but a certain serine know about his whereabout ... Yes, not all Asari has harmonious names. However, with Nassanny Dentius and her sister, we have already crossed a couple of years ago.

Liara for us, by the way, there is a couple of quests. In the first Shepard must hack several terminals on the car park - and after each hacking he has only a minute to get to another terminal and download the data. The location of the data is unknown - we only have an indicator showing the number of meters to the terminal - we must find a goal.

  • The first goal is the screen to the right from the entrance, next to two consension asaries. Hacking it, quickly download data from the terminal on the contrary, under a large tree in the tub.
  • The second goal is the news terminal to the left of the entrance. Hacking it, run to another terminal by weapons and souvenir shops.
  • The third goal is next to the weapon store. Hacking it, quickly send data from the terminal next to the Dara's officer.

Return to Liare for a reward and take the following quest. To cope with a dark broker, she needs his head of his local observer. But in order to find out the personality of the observer, Liarare needs information from local terminals.

  • The first terminal - under the Liara office's stairs - will tell us the following: "The Merchant Merchant does not want to contact Salaarian, from which there are more problems than good. The observer recommends that it can be removed, but she could hide the malice. "
  • The second terminal is near the big blue screen. Data: "Tourian-connected works well with the merchant. The observer canceled the order to kill him because otherwise it would be too difficult to establish a connection with the merchant. "
  • The third terminal is even further, where talkative Volus is traded on the stock exchange. "The merchant tried to kill Batharianin. I explained that he does not like the workmanship, but probably the case is due to the struggle for money. Now watches ... "
  • Another terminal is the stairs leading to the Baru "Eternity". "Tourian is too curious. The observer recommends to kill him, substituting the killer or salarianine-connected. "
  • The last terminal is in the bar. "The smuggler and the killer refused to work with the grumb, saying that they did not trust him. It is strange to see such scrupulsiness. "

We primarily interest the words "she could hide anger." Call Liare and check if someone's female are among suspects. Then return to her and take the reward.

To fly with Shepard to save the world of Liara predictably refuses. Get out of her cabinet, descend the stairs and, remembering the round door under the stairs, go to the store area. Your path lies in the Bar "Eternity".

Perhaps on the way you will learn that a certain scandalidist of human externalism is loose in the bar and requires the owner to rewrite the institution on him.

I must say, the bar "Eternity" is delightful first of all with his dialogues. Only here it is possible to overhear such details about the structure of the kvarian scaffolds, which Croogans will drive into the paint. And if you visit the boy, who man and Tourian staged for his Salarian colleague, it is possible to learn not only the views of the representatives of alien races on the marriage traditions of people, but also the answer to the sacramental question that all worries since the first Mass Effect: why Asari is so much like on people?

Meeting with your faith fan by the Werner will be delicious. In the absence of Shepard, the guy decided to fight evil: "I do the same thing you did! I speak with the people (everyone is waiting to talk to them), solve their problems. Sometimes I reveal the containers to intercept the coin-other. "

It is interesting: When Conrad will answer the question of his wife, pay attention to the Barmen-Asari gesture behind his back.

But why suddenly Konrad took up extortion? He was taught to this shopping weapon from the car dock. I will take it later, and now the main thing is to distract stupid, but pure thoughts of the fan from the bartender.

Pay attention to Assari, possibly standing in a snack opposite the bar with an independent view. We will return to her when we make the task of Miranda.

At the entrance to the bar, you will later meet the kvarianka who assumed into a long-term slavery to the local "Pereiro". But it would be a mistake to think that you can say on a white horse, buy out and let go on the will. The kvarianka does not need freedom, it is quite suitable for a slave contract for several years. Everything that she will ask is to talk to those who stand the representative of the "Synthetic Insayts" by the representative of the Synthetic for a specialty contract. At first, Asari from the "Synthetic" is puzzled, they say, the image will suffer if we will buy slaves - but you can convince it.

Return to the Liara Office and go through the round doors under the stairs. Behind the turn, in a small room, you will come across a concerned Salaarian, which on the phone complains about the loss of important data. Remember it.

On the contrary, a series is working in a small glazing office. She needs us, but a little later. First finish local quests.

Through another round door, you will fall to the flying car.

It is interesting: This location beats all records by the number of opposite dialogues. Immediately at the entrance, two Asari discusses drugs and moral responsibility. To the right of the Borchka, another couple talks about asari-painting. And on the left, the shops, the two interracial couples are loudly choosing weapons and souvenirs.

Pay attention to lonely Asari in the parking lot. She speaks with someone about the goods and the place of crime. You will visit this place later when you follow the trails of Samara.

It is possible to right from the entrance to the bench you will see a strange Asari - with green skin. This is Shial, your old familiar from the Ferosa. She has a big problem - a certain harmful doctor-asari, promising the colonists of "Hope Zhu" to save them from neurological problems, forced them to sign the Cabital Contract. The culprit of problems goes away. To persuade her to rewrite a contract, you will have to withdraw it to frankness and understand why she so hates all neastarian.

Do not forget to buy in the shopping card of four star clusters in the shop: Chain Aida, Pushya Minotaurov, Misty of Pilos, Shracy's abyss.

On the way back, pay attention to the officer Daru: She later will send you in the footsteps of Samara.

With the opposite side of the parking side - shops. The seller of weapons is the same Asari that he pulled the brains to a poor conducer. You can dormant to her the same and send it to the "Eternity" for the doner. Seller's sentiment in the bar, you will receive a discount on its goods. Do not forget only then look there yourself, see what the matter ended, and calm the Werner.

The souvenir shop "Memory about Illium" is crazy in love with Krogan reads some Asari verses of its own manufacture ("And let our three hearts be fighting like two"). The view of him is inspired. Help, if there is a desire, saleswoman-asaries decide on its feelings. If you persuade it to give up Croogan courtship, then formally you do a good deed. But then, when you then meet them both on the tucanka, you will have a chance to think about whether you did well, as it seemed.

Having granting the personal life of Asari, do not forget about souvenirs in her shop.

Now let's start, perhaps, from Tayne, an alien killer. It is easier for him to get easier (it is necessary only for a long time to shoot for mercenaries), and from a romantic point of view, he is more interesting for female sheprads. Take long-range classes with you. It does not hurt any contriaroduced-shielding skill - and droids, and the covered shields of humanoids will be much among the enemies.

The serina will tell you that Nassan Danctius, a large bump in the city, has long asked for problems. At her account a lot of victims. When she found out that Taine went to kill her himself, he barricaded on the top floor of his skyscraper and surrounded himself with mercenaries "Eclipse".

Tain is already in the tower, and we must first overcome halfway over its unfinished "twin", and then go through the bridge connecting two towers.

It will very quickly find out that mercenaries and their droids began to exterminate peace builders in order not to leave unnecessary witnesses. You will tell you a short-grained Salaarian. Call it with a media if your Shepard has a kind soul.

Further to play Bruce Willis, keeping his way through an unfinished skyscraper to the elevator and every ten meters exterminating the droids and mercenaries hatched ahead. Fortunately, shelters here are also found every ten meters - as if they were specifically unfolded for us. Although...

At the door of the elevator, turn to the left. Open the locked survey with the workers - they will tell that they saved them and locked away from the mercenaries a certain strange tremell. Who could it be?

Be sure to pick up in a stupid, the rapid firing sniper rifle is a real miracle of engineering thought. Before calling the elevator, hide the partners behind the stack of plastic panels opposite.

Rising on the elevator to the upper floors of the unfinished tower, interrogate the mercenary (kindly or like Bruce Willis). Pick up the elevator documents for which Salaarian talking on the telephone.

Reflect the attack at the exit to the big hall and unlock another extraction with the Salarian builders (this time very nervous). They will tell you what happened to them, and warn about the strong wind on the bridge.

Before the ramp, pick up the drawings with which you can improve machine gun guns.

The wind is really strong. He knocks the Shepard's sight (not scary for soldiers), but helps those who love throw enemies into the air. The battle on the bridge is not too dangerous. There are too many shelters there, which can be hidden from mercenaries, and from a pair of rocket guard droids.

Already at the end of the bridge, take care of - the enemies will jump onto the balcony, and it will be necessary either to hide, or run into the blind zone under the balcony. Behind the stairs at the round doors, steep biotics lie, and there is no one between you and the nossana.

The conversation with the Nassana will not immediately fit. Fortunately, it quickly interrupts Taine. Having learned that Shepard was going to go to the "suicide mission", the Tayne would quickly agree to join the team.

Illium: Samara

I, of course, do not cherub. I have no wings, but I read the criminal code. This is my weakness.

The officer of the gift you will find in the parking lot of flying cars. She is noticeably nervous. At the first mention of Samara, it will exclaim: "She killed someone already?" "But then a little calm down and send you to the spaceport." There can be a taxi.

Samara - Matriarch Asari and at the same time - Justiciary, a member of the ancient monastic order of "free judges." On the territory of Asari, she has the right to hold a consequence, to endure the sentence and execute in place. But at Illium, such an accelerated justice can lead to problems if the defendant will be the representative of another race. It is not surprising that all local police on the ears stand.

Matriarch-Justiciareyev has its own ways to extract information.

In the cosmoport you will see how Detective Nona will forbid to leave the planet Volus by name Pitte Form. His partner, other voluce, someone killed, and the investigation continues.

Volus will complain to Shepard for life and say that Justiciary examines the detached crime scene. To get there, you need an aid resolution. Go to her. The detective will incorporate that he can order to arrest Samara, and this is true death.

Go to the crime scene. Police will tell you that mercenaries can be opened and need to be careful. Immediately at the police ribbon, you will find the terminal with information about the stolen goods that unknown Asari in the parking lot said. You can transfer information to the owner of goods, some kind of tax.

A group of mercenaries by turning can be caught by surprise. Samara can be found behind the round door at the end of the corridor. It is having fun as maybe by interrogating the lieutenant of mercenaries for the name of the ship, on which the planet left a dangerous criminal.

Detective and delayed Samara will come running to the noise. Justiciary will obey, but only one day. Now the problem of clarifying the name of the ship is on Shepard's shoulders. If he attacks the trail, Samara will join him. The key to the rayster is a grazing volc. Pitte Form.

Increase the Volus, and he admits under pressure that he sold the mercenaries "Eclipse" enhancing the biotic abilities of the drug, but "forgot" to tell about its toxicity. Annexed by the fact that Shepard wants to deal with the "eclipse", he will give you a copy of the passage on their base and will warn you that each of these mercenaries is a dangerous cold-blooded killer.

Change the weapon if you want, in the police building. Come in the elevator, and - the battle begins!

Avoid poisonous clouds from the broken canister with a drug. If you have biotic abilities, you can enter these clouds to intensify, but follow the toxicity indicator.

Having passed through the berth, take a shotgun of a new model from the table - excellent rapid weapon. You can immediately distribute to his partners.

The door of Elnor hides behind the door, and she will assure it happened here by chance that she is good and kind ... But remember that the Volus spoke about the "eclipse"? Do you believe Elnor? In any case, in the room besides it there are still interesting things: Biotic drawings and ammunition for heavy guns.

Continue stripping - go with the battle through the next pier and offices. Enemies will be ordinary bandits, biotics, droids. Occasionally - rocket meters.

Going to the conveyor, ride a pair of shots an assault car. If possible, shoot enemies from afar. In the next office, one of the terminals you will have the opportunity to assess the sincerity of Elnory's words. Looks like now we know who killed Volus. Do not forget to transfer information to Detaequet Anaa.

And now cook big guns - a wizard will arrive in a blue helicopter, and you must give it faster than he is you. Before going to the bridge, hide the partners for fragile boxes (others here, alas, no). Take a heavy gun - it is best to better, pop up on the bridge, and then the cable to the cable back under the cover of the boxes. Experience shows that the helicopter is quite realistic to break away the ray of death before it destroys all drawers with rockets.

Hack the door and take the compromising on the feather. Behind the next door you are waiting for you a delightful scene - a sprinkled with drugs with drugs Volus, making himself a biotic superman, it crares out to fight with the leader of mercenaries alone.

One way or another, to fight with the leadership of local mercenaries will have to be, and here I advise you to get a heavy gun, because the aunt is well packed in the shields and is very dangerous. In addition, it covers the rocket meter, so immediately send partners for drawers.

When the battle is over, hack the terminal. You will learn the name of the ship, and Samara, which you will later find at the police department will bring you the oath.

Before you go to the police to release Justiciaria, decide what you do with the Path of Form. For compromising it can fall off a good amount. Do not forget to return on the commercial floor to complete the case with a stolen goods of the dachshund.

At this place, it is likely that you will want to talk to the ghost. He will give a plot task, and it is impossible to postpone it. The case is urgent: the Turians managed to immobilize the cruisers of collectors, and "Normandy" flies to the board. What is interesting to pay the ship? Is there inside information about omega 4 gates? This we will soon find out.

With your enemies will be zombies, collectors, as well as their armor and shields. In general, make sure for "organic" enemies.

Ship collectors

Friends! Guinea pig deceived me!


The ship is very picturesque from the inside and so far it looks empty. Edi will tell me that this is the same ship that we fired on the guns on the "horizon."

Inspect the collied body colonists. Save before approaching the terminal next to two containers. Sheparde will tell interesting things about collectors and will simply offer one of the three weapons samples.

  • Pistol machine gun. It shoots very quickly and powerfully, but the scatter of the bullets is large, and the trunk will quickly take up and to the side. This option is for classes that can not wear another weapon (to take it can and soldier, but then the gun gun will take place of the machine, which is not good).
  • Shotgun. Powerful, but noticeable and take only ten cartridges. Effective only in close distances. What classes will prefer it, completely understandable - those who use these weapons. For the soldier, too, not the worst choice - the battle in the near distances is imposed on the game rarely, but there are such cases.
  • Sniper rifle.She delivers extremely big damage, but it also has a serious disadvantage - the number of charges that are allowed to carry with them can be counted on the fingers of one hand. There is also a bad thing in it, it will replace the rapid sniper. Take it - Loss "Viper"!

The choice is yours! Consider only that weapons exist in a single copy and you can not distribute the same partners.

Hack two terminals - one will give money, and another protection technology. A long lifting in the tunnel will lead you to a huge hall, packed with "shells" to store the stolen people.

Enemies, as it is not difficult to guess, will be commissioned at the command immediately after activating the command console and conversation with Normandy. It is good that the flying panel is simply settled by the "coffins". Carefully hide the partners and first of all eliminate the superzombi, as shelting is not a hindrance. When the battle is over, Edi will ask for it through the command console and tells interesting things about the ship collectors and ghost.

Now that information about the gates with us, time to get out of the ship. After the output through the open door and a simple first battle, descend on the ramp and reliably steal the partners for the large "barrel" on the left. This is important - the trunk will cover them from the crowd of heavy gatherers going from the left flank.

Fire zombies shoot from afar. Do not forget to choose elements for heavy weapons and values. The level of you will meet already familiar Pretorian. Before punching his armor with heavy weapons, eliminate shields. Top up the charges of heavy guns.

When the door on your way closes and Edie will open another, grab money, take the technology and get ready for final battles on the way to freedom. Behind the door, take a defensive position, carefully move forward from the shelter to the shelter and take care of the element around the corner. Last test - a fight with a crowd of zombies.

The boarding team returns to the ship, and on this optimistic note "Normandy" despair from the prominent cruiser collectors.

Now the ghost knows that the collectors, and the rebels are used to pass through the gates a complex system of identification. You can get a sample from an abandoned ship-ren, drifting in the upper layers of the atmosphere of brown dwarf, gas planet Kendagon.

Scientists "Cerber" have already planted on the ship, but the whole team disappeared without a trace, and the ghost then decided more scientists not to send. However, Shepard is a completely different matter! He and the chip "His Alien" will add to, and find out what happened to scientists.

Edi between the case will throw new and fairly unexpected information about where the main base of collectors is located. So the road is known, and we can only find the magical "sesam", which opens the gates of Omega 4.

It is important: Try until the next mission to perform as much tasks as possible from the partners, otherwise then you may encounter a very unpleasant dilemma.

Abandoned reaper

Everyone taken into account the powerful hurricane.

I. Ilf, E. Petrov, "Golden Calf"

So, we need to get into the abandoned ship's ship, find a "your own strangers" microcircuit there and simultaneously find out what happened to the previous expedition of Cherberry. What does it usually happen to people, too closely communicating with the technologies of the reapers? That's right - they become a zombie! So we are equipping respectively.

It is important: Before starting the task, make sure all missions from the partners are made. Uncoid can be left except that the hoists.

Complete through the base of scientists, looking through all video days. At the entrance to the ship itself, it turns out that Shepard is locked in it and can only leave it, only turning off the power field holding it in orbit.

The first zombies go out in the same place where the first shelters for Shepard with the company will begin. The dead will crawl out of the bridges. Feel free to render and pull out an electric comb in a fire bag. And use exploding barrels - they are placed here for you. In general, the method of "tactical retreat" makes all the battles of trivial, and so far the main problem is your partners who, after every small combat episode, will break away from shelters and run to you.

Soon you will learn that someone else is still shooting on the ship on the zombie. Take the sniper drawing and get ready for a meeting with the Section. They will crawl away from distant boxes. For safety, it is worthwhile to take colleagues away, but to lone enemies to them yourself. Take advantage of heavy weapons - you can replenish the ammunition in the drawer behind.

From the Terminal Take Protection Technology. Open the door in the root on the right. After a meeting with a talkative bitter, it will have to make a long time and quite tediously on the deck, knocking on zombies and sumsions.

Do not miss the right in the snack technology of shotguns and a gloomy for heavy weapons. Closer to the twist of the deck you will meet two omsion at once, and it is better to retreat from their vast biotic techniques away. Behind the turn, two more elements lie down.

Give the partners to shoot a couple of dozen zombies, driving because of the railing of couples (in the same place), grab the "your own strangers" chip and meet the heta sniper familiar to us.

The battle will happen like this: first we fell out of something slaughter on the core of the reactor (blue overflowing ball), and then shoot a bundle of zombies. And so on until complete satisfaction.

Returning to the ship, get acquainted with the Legion - you will find it behind the medblock, in the compartment of the AI.

Missions of partmen

And now on the eve of the last tasks it is worth running by quests that give you members of the detachment. Tasks ten - one for each.

It is important: A short plot mission can emerge at any time, and it will not be able to open it. Before the final task, you will have the opportunity to return to the conquest of the heads of the detachment, but the price of delay will be high: the longer you slow down with the salvation of the crew of "Normandy", the less they will remain alive when you come to their aid.

That satellite, the problem of which you decided, becomes loyal, and he "unlocks" a new ability. In addition, the loyalty of the team also affects the outcome of the last, "suicidal", mission.

It is interesting: Another consequence of the "loyalty" of the character is the ability to change him a suit. The conquest of loyalty to Jack, for example, is the only way to cover the tattoos on her ... Torso.


Our side murderer has a problem - his unavaevy son wanted to go by the path of the Father, and we need to stop him while he did not make enough nonsense. Fly on the Citadel!

Captain Bailey will say that the alleged son of Tayne (there are not many representatives of the race of Drelel on the citadel) with a small bandit for nicking a mouse, which can be found near the Bar "Dark Star" at 28.

Be with a little gentle, and he will call the name of the customer - Ellay Kellem. Captain Bailey will not like this name, but it will agree to bring Kellem to interrogation.

After Taine with Shepard play a "good policeman - a bad policeman," Kellem will inform the name of the victim - Tourian Joram Talit. The captain will send you to the place of the future crime, the quarter 800.

Actually, you can only follow the bridges for the Talit and regularly "interact" with him, telling Tayne, where there is a future victim. Do not forget to pick up a technology from the computer that increases the damage of pistols.

When the father and his son meet, it will be easy to understand the situation, especially since Captain Bailey sympathizes Tayne.


Garrus wants to deal with a traitor who substituted his detachment. To the traitor, the merchant will withdraw our fake documents, a person named Fade.

Capitita Bailey from the Citadel will send you to the warehouse that at the level of 26. There we will really meet the connected Fade - small, but arrogant Volus, accompanied by two krogan guards. Left without "cabinets", he will quickly tell you where the Fade is hidden - in the factory under the protection of the crowd of mercenaries from the "Blue Suns".

Taxi go to the factory and start fighting with banditry. In constructive to take with us the specialties on robots - there will be many of them, especially at the end of the battle. The ideal group is Garru + Legion, two sniper.

Please note that at low drawers you can climb. On the ledge along the long wall, your enemies will be drudes (heavy guns can be used against them). When you lower the bridge, mercenaries will come in, and then you will fly a heavy robot. Again, it is possible to spend some of the waters of heavy cannons.

Take the pack of fake certificates, open in the Dispatcher window. Harkin / Fade is waiting for you at the other end of the warehouse, and yes - he has surprises for you.

Take the sniper damage technology outside the door and go to the warehouse. There is a battle with several dolls and strong mercenaries. However, the worst of only two heavy droids, from which you need to escape as quickly as possible to shoot them from afar or, if you have a good eye, try to reset boxes with explosives on them.

Harkin will appoint us a meeting with Sidonis. And then do what the heart tells you!

Return through customs on the Citadel. At the level of 27 Asari by the name of Kalara Tomi complains about the arbitrariness of the human authorities, which walked it as "potentially associated with geta." Fake identity cards will save the giant of thought. There is another way to help Asari - talk to the customs officer.


Samara is looking for "Ardat Yaksha" - a dangerous criminal that hides at the Omega station under the name of Morint.

"Ardat Yaksha" is famous for the fact that the brains of their partners are fried in moments of love. Aria T "Loake will send you to the house of the last victim of the Morint. Talk to a lucky mother and inspect the crime scene.

Shepard serves as a "bait" for the Morint, having departed unarmed into the club through the entrance for important persons (password: "I am from Jorinta"). Samara will give the last instructions. Morint loves delets, dancing, deaths, murder, art, sculptor named Fort, Drug "Hallex" and the film "Venia". Be careful to show modesty or knightly behavior - this is a meger not like.

Do not make money to a person named the width, but remember the name of the group to shine later in front of the morint. Do not interfere with a quarrel on a dance floor. Dance, buy all the drinks, provoke two talking towards a fight. This should be enough for the Morint to call you for a table. And what to mention the "unstable" in conversation with her, you already know: Fort, "Venia", dangerous travel sites, power, Hallex. Soon, Morint will understand that Shepard is the one who needs her, and will call to himself to squeeze his brain.

Inspect the apartment, remove the measure from the machine on the wall (even here we produce new technologies!) And entertain Morint conversation until Samara appears.

The ability to make an important gaming choice will appear if you show the Morint Dark or Light side of your soul ("bad" or "good" answers).


Our tattooed girlfriend, the task is quite easy - the abandoned building is broken in half, where the superbiotics did in childhood. There is no serious enemies there - so, a flock of warrens and several mercenaries from the "bloody flock." Their leader is well protected, but shoots Shepard from shotgun from afar. Big mistake.

At the end of the way, help Jack and the local resident named Aresh to deal with his feelings.

View along with Jack her room before blowing up the building.

It is interesting: Jack is the only possible passion that will not require Eternal Love from Shepard in exchange for favor. We just have to be honest with her. However, you can spin with it and a serious novel - all in your hands.


Our Krogan is worried and beats about glass in a warehouse like a butterfly. He spoke in him, and only other krogans can help him. Let's fly on a tucan!

On the throne of the clan, the VRRS sits our old friends of Urdnot ... or his successor, if Urdnot did not survive events on Virveyra. The common attitude of the krogan to Shepard and the commonality of the event of the events.

The leader of the clan will say that our grant is simply growing and he needs to undergo a test - a ritual of initiation. To start it, you need to talk to Shaman. But do not rush. Go shopping, make a pair of bets in the battles of the Warren. Make the Warren. Hit the madshka fist in the laboratory. Help the breeder of Warren Ratch to exterminate several pledge pests with rocket weapons.

Shaman you will find, climbing the stairs to the floor. Talk to him, check the test conditions and start.

The ritual of initiation is pretty difficult to fight. First with flocks of Warren and with Rakney. Then with an underground worm, already familiar from the first part of the game. The worm is dangerous. Severe heavy weapons for him and try not to hide behind the "cardboard" shelters that are closer to you. Spit worm demolish them in two bills.

Tip: Before calling the waves of enemies, we are well aware of everything around - scrap, the bodies of unfortunate krogans ... When you call the worm, you will no longer be able to disappear in the arena.

The next tactic works against the guest with Arrakis: hide your partners for two durable columns ahead, and begin to run around the battlefield, evading the splashes of the worm and watering his rays of hatred. The ammunition is not enough, so you prepare in advance to select energy cells from the lying boxes.

When the worm dwells, you will have to withstand another battle - with several krogans.


Professor Solus is concerned about the fate of his student who was captured by Krogans, the mercenaries "bloody flocks." He will ask Shepard to free the ex-protege, which is held on the tucan. Very by the way, that we are already a tusim on this planet.

Talk to the Krogan mechanic, which is hurt by the wheel of the tank, and promise him to search the exhaust pipe. To get to the database of mercenaries, talk to the chief intelligence, modestly standing behind the screen.

First you have to overcome the approaches to the base in the open area, and the most dangerous enemy here is racket meters. Using shelters, move to the laboratory. Do not forget to remove the exhaust pipe from the broken tank at the door itself.

The "bloody flock" is located in the former Krogan hospital. When you come out to meet a representative of the rival clan, use the "bad" interruption of the conversation - anyway will not agree with him.

The body of the Kroganka will talk to Mordin and hack the terminal to get drawings for reinforcing technology. For one of the doors, Krogan sits on the right side of the corridor, the experimental victim. We persuade him to return to the clan (do not forget to talk to the main intelligence).

At the next door you will fall into the inner premises, where we will meet a bunch of kroganov, warrens and grumbling. Since the distances here are large, and the krogans prefer all types of shotguns, you have an advantage.

At the bottom of the stairs, the scientific terminal will share with you technology that allows you to carry more charges of heavy cannons with you.

When Mordin and the student will discuss not without your help your affairs (decisions, solutions!), Give the engineer to the exhaust pipe, discuss the salvation of his Croogan with the chief intelligence and return to Normandia.


Miranda wants to save his sister on Illium from the unnecessary attention of the general biological father.

Returning to the ILUM, pay attention to Asari at the balcony - she speaks about some kind of lost in the transport terminal.

Asari-connected Lantaia is waiting for us at the Bar "Eternity". She will say that Oriana, sister Miranda, is already accompanied by a nickem space, an old friend of Miranda. Such a plan: Shepard's team distracts father's mercenaries, and in the meantime nicknamed sits the sister on the ship.

However, the commander of mercenaries will warn that it will not help us, and Miranda will be selected in the hiring of truth from Shepard. Alas, it will not work with him peacefully, so you facilitate the battle, if you interrupt his words "in bad".

There is a common "battle-on-warehouse". Under the cover of the boxes, get to the elevator. The working conveyor battle is better to lead, hiding inside the empty transport container.

Behind the line of the conveyor, take the drawings of technology reinforcing machine guns, and switch to antidroid cartridges. For the next conveyor, grab the media technology from the body and move on to the elevator.

But nick with Eneala. For once, Miranda will understand what to hide the truth from all in a row is not the best way to conquer confidence. Dispose peacefully will not work.

Before entering the elevator, take a medallion that lies to the left of the door. Remember Asari, who complained about someone on the phone, what did you lose the valuable thing? Take her a medallion after you figure it out with family problems of Miranda.


From a distant planet received a distress signal from the ship, which served father Jacob. But why did the emergency buoy earned only nine years after the crash?

Inspect the broken ship, listen to diaries and talk to the holographic assistant. Looks like the local food of poisonous and causes dementia. Talk to a frightened girl - if you want to save it from the reclining gang of "wild hunters", interrupt its outpouring quickly.

"Hunters" a lot, but there will be no problems to cope with them. Climb into the village, where the women clearly delighted for ten years will say that this is Jacob's father, becoming a new captain after the crash, forced them to eat poisonous meal.

Having got rid of several droids, talk to the ship doctor - by virtue of understanding, it will try to explain what exactly happened, and will give us ship records that are overwhelming the crimes of the Father Jacob.

To get to the culprit of the celebration, it will be necessary to overcome barriers from droids (one of them is heavy) and several living guards.

The conversation of Jacob with a prodigal father will be difficult.


The hoists accused the fact that she sent a living Geta to the wandering fleet, who arranged on the ship-laboratory the Taras and Pancakes.

Now Shepard must protect her from accusations on the territory of her native fleet ... And it is unlikely that many will unleash themselves to look at the reaction of the Kvarians when the legion will go down on the deck of the ship together with the team. Take it with you, it is also because he is a specialty to combat droids.

Tip: According to some plot considerations that I can't reveal here, it is advisable to make the mission of Tali not least. Let after it will still be the task of the Legion.

After the stormy scene, the meeting with the captain of her native ship ("you were accused of sending us Getta ... But by the way, and the second!") Go to court. There, the essence of the case will become a little clearer. The way to justify Tali is - it is only necessary to go to the captured by Gethai the ship-laboratory and discourage him from robots, having found the evidence of the innocence of the kvarian.

Before you go on business, chat with the people (part of the already familiar) in the hall - you will learn a lot of new things about the culture of the kvarian.

There is nothing to speak about the ship itself: there is something to be boring, there are gloomy video cameras and, of course, a bunch of geta. Do not miss the security room - hack the tracking system and get an interesting feature of the protective system. When Tali finds her father, calm her. And in the next room, be sure to pick up the model of the ship.

Tali will ask you not to submit to the court of evidence of the irresponsibility of her father, risking with this to be expelled. With sufficient advancement in the area of \u200b\u200bgood or evil, you can win the case on one rhetoric. There is a third way - to attract familiar kvarians to the side of the Tali. And, as usual, one more decision has to be taken, which will respond in Mass Effect 3.


Gets concerned that "heretics" (worshiping the gtez renges) created a "missionary" virus, turning robots to a new faith. The virus is located on the space station, and we should visit it.

It is important: If the legion is in your team, it means that you have already visited the rebel, and the latest missions can roll at any time. If by that time, not all members of the detachment are loyal, the delay threatens complications in the last mission.

Our enemies, of course, will be geettes. The Legion will say that the virus can not destroy the "heretics", and rewrite it to turn them into a true faith. Solution for you.

Another unusual concept will be the green "data bands" on the floor. While they do not come to them, the alarm does not rise, and we get the opportunity to strike the first blow, exploding the "bonding nodes", around which they cost.

In addition, the station will be found by defensive guns, which Legion will be able to hack over the distance - after such a hacking, the cannon shoots for some time on enemies (sometimes it is very good), and then self-suits.

When the windows will seem a fifteen-cell metering room, hack the terminal under one of the windows - a great protective technology is hidden there.

By activating the reading of the virus, Shepard will have to protect the terminal from several waves of attacking droids that have been driving on both sides. The partners hide behind a comfortable shelter at the entrance to the hall. Try yourself in turn to activate protective guns - several pieces at the bottom, perili, and two - next to you. At the same time, only two guns can work. You greatly facilitate the fight if you run them on time. In this battle, I advise you to apply heavy weapons, as robots will really have a lot.

After that, you have to take a difficult decision, and then - in three minutes I get to exit from the station. Take the countergear - they are not very dangerous. Where worse the prime, stupid at the exit. In the grinding station, it is very dangerous, so if possible, reprogram it, depends on a few seconds.

For your information: Do not forget to talk with the already "loyal" characters to learn more about them. Be wise and far-sighted, viewing the conflicts "Tali vs. Legion" and "Jack against Miranda" (they will disappear after the tasks of both participants are performed).

Normandy: Joker

This plot mission will pop up after a while after you accomplish your own-alien recognition technology. As a result of the study of the chip selected on the ship's ship, the situation on "Normandy" quickly comes out from under control. Shepard and his whole detachment in the absence, so it is necessary to fade away to Joker.

Go along the path from the flashing light bulbs in the laboratory and go there in the ventilation hatch. Once at the residential deck, go along the same path through the medbok in the AI \u200b\u200broom. Give Eddi ship management and go back to the air ducts.

Now - the most dangerous place: lower deck. Do not rush to climb the stairs - wait until the horizon is cleaned (if you doubt, listen to Edous, she will tell you about it). Roll to the door to the engine to the motor compartment and quickly activate the remote, near which the hoists usually stood.

The case is done, and Shepard has again need to make a serious decision.

For your information: After this mission, Eddi's behavioral blocks will be removed, and you can ask her about "Cerberry" on the bridge.

Suicide mission

You know, the only thing I like in alien threats is the lack of immunity to bullets.

"Doctor Who"

I will say once again the main thing: the outcome of the mission and the number of surviving characters depend primarily on the loyalty of the partners and from the "minced" of our frigate. For interest, I even advise first to try to pass the mission without the improvements of Normandy and see what will happen.

While the joker will lead the ship to the station collectors, Shepard (finally!) Empty in the cargo compartment, reflect the attack of the sasmodic rays of the death "Eyes". First, the trigger robot must be driven out of the cargo compartment, and then - to score with heavy weapons.

After the landing, it will be necessary to decide which participant of the detachment is scored on ventilation to open the door team, and who will lead the distracting detachment. It is necessary to choose to be accidentally not to send to ventilation or in another detachment of your favorite and convenient for you personally for you.

Say speech, and - Forward!

A task is to speed. The specialist will move through the pipes, and Shepard must open the dampers on its path (green hexagons) for limited time. This means that to demolish collectors, especially obsessed, you need as quickly as possible in order to keep up with the main damper in time. In general, time is enough. There are only the last two dampers, but they are close to each other.

After that, there will be an important choice: the one you choose the boss of a sabotage group may die. There is a way to rescue it, having sacrificed the saved members of the crew of "Normandy" by sending them to the ship without accompaniment. But it will change little, because in this case, perhaps, one of your partners will die.

Highlight the biotics, which will cover your group of the field, and the commander of a sabotage group separate from Shepard. After that, it is necessary to accompany the biotics to move towards the main entrance, exterminating collectors and zombies. As soon as possible, get rid of the meeting, which will come out of the corner, - after that it will not be so hard to get to the entrance.

After a solemn speech, you can only take two experienced fighters and go for the last fight. Your enemies will be zombies flying on platforms collectors, obsessed harbingers and two epic, which can be shot from afar.

When you get to the reel and reflect the next attack from the platforms, you will need to make an important choice, and then kill the boss. Fight, in general, not very difficult. Shoot the eyes. When the boss will demolish the shelter, throw the Shepard for another.

The monster with however collapsed into the abyss, which means that you passed Mass Effect 2. Congratulations!

Unexplored planets

When Eddi reports anomalies when late the next planet, you have a chance to land on the planet and perform the task associated with it, sometimes a chain of missions. Some will not appear immediately. Some will appear only after Shepard will buy the necessary cards. Some will be deposited during the passage of the game plot.

The complexity of tasks will also be different: on some planets you will need only to solve the puzzle or run out of the point A to the point B. on others you will have to seriously fight for getting a portion of experience, metals, technologies and other pleasant little things.

Lorek, Fatar System (Nebula Omega)

In this green world, the base of mercenaries "Eclipse" was discovered. Somewhere there - the deceased agent "Cerber", who had dangerous information with him.

There is a simple and short battle. Compact base must be cleared of "Eclipse" fighters, which convenient shelters at the entrance will help you. On the way, you will open a couple of doors, take everything that lies badly, and in the distant room, find the fallen agent.

The information that he has with him represents the threat to the image of "Cerper", and Shepard will have three options: send all the Alliance (well), send them to the ghost (neutral) or leave yourself (bad).

Taius, Talawa system (Rift Kaleston)

On the planet detected a signal of non-functioning heavy fur. Upon arrival, it will be found that the droid is really broken - it flows energy, so that elements (they scattered everywhere) is very short.

The situation with Dorothy and Titstok from the book Frank Bauma will repeat: the robot makes a few steps and stalls, and we will start it again, changing the elements. There are no enemies in the area if you do not count the pairs of slamming vanes. Your goal with a droid path is a mountain, which is hidden a rather big metal reserve.

Slimar, Solveig System (Rift Caleston)

And here is pure puzzle water. A flying city on the planet of Mercurian type denied magnetic shields, and the sun threatens to burn it. Shepard must repair shields, and since he will not meet a single living soul, it falls on a flying platform he is alone.

The puzzle is very simple. It is actually inserted "for the form" to justify the beautiful landscape. But if you still found it difficult, then you have a solution:

  • Switch in the center of the platform, let the energy on the cooling unit.
  • Run the refrigerator.
  • Translate the energy to the generator.
  • Run the generator.
  • Translate energy to a computer that controls the shield.
  • Hack it, and the shield will earn again.
  • Profit!

Browse, POINTARY SYSTEM (Tumor Hourglass)

From the surface of the planet gives a distress signal missing a year ago "Estevaniko" truck. A broken ship lies on the ledge and can collapse at any time into the abyss. Shepard needs to have time to get into the wreckage to the ship computer to drain the information.

Here, in general, there are neither enemies nor puzzles - only an atmospheric campaign for destroying in our eyes. Grab on the path of Iridium and slowly go on inclined overlaps to a red bearing. Computer - there.

Dratartar, Fariar system (Tumor Hourglass)

On the planet there was a base of smugglers from "Eclipse", and, judging by the voice of Salaarian on the radio, they also discovered us. Now they are going to destroy their base so that she does not get the enemy, and we need to have time to hurt them.

This is a speed task: you will need to destroy three heavy robots that are rowed boxes. Initially, these boxes are twenty, and this number decreases quite quickly. Furies can be distracted by itself, but it is not easy to survive.

I think you should not remind you that you need to take those members of the squad that have proven themselves in battles with droids.

Do not forget how to finish, chopping the platform.

Nate, amounter system (eagle nebula)

A truck recently collapsed on this planet, but it's strange - someone moves on the crash site, but there are no traces of the organic.

The task is very difficult. When Shepard, finding out the details of the "rebellion of cars", will try to turn off the beacon, the crowds of robots will come, and the weather will begin to deteriorate. The team will have to do an anti-abnital and very dangerous business - quickly make their way with the battle through the entire quest back, to the landing bot.

Visibility will immediately begin to go. Hurry! Select the path and stick to it. Keep a ready-made medigel, as it is extremely difficult to protect colleagues from death here. Several missiles try to save for heavy fur, which will meet you at the bot. Do not try to "reset" droids, they will not end. To win, run up to board the bot and activate the ship.

Planet Jarrach, system of country (Nerya)

Why would this droids be bored and arranged a truck from the past disaster mission? Traces will lead you to the system of a country where the Space Scientific Station fell into paranoia destroyed all its population.

I'll say right away: you can not be afraid of enemies. The station is absolutely empty, and only her artificial mind is trying to stop the uninhabited guests (us). Our task is to re-enable three de-energized stations compartment, and then go to the server and turn off the artificial mind.

So, you are in the hall, in the center of which is the control panel of AI. But the doors leading to it are locked and open only after visiting three compartments.

Left - laboratory. Here, to turn it on, you need to turn the reflective plates so that the beam hit the sample at the wall in front of you. Compared to the pyramids from the Mass Effect, the task is the level of kindergarten.

The next door is opposite the entrance, for the server booth. There are dangerous plasma jets that escape from pipes. Having podded the moment, run down the corridors and take care of the partners: the plasma may well kill them.

Finally, the door on the right side is a residential complex. AI will miss you there, but the prohibition of the door and suggest to commit suicide so as not to die of hunger. Open the doors easily - it is only necessary to activate three terminals in the following sequence: 2, 1, 2, 3.

Only after that we will be missed to the terminal of artificial intelligence, and Shepard will be able to cut it out.

Cape, Huskins system (Titan nebula)

Here we will also be trapped thanks to the evidence in the case of a strange virus infecting droids. Our goal is a plant that produces these droids. It is closed by Chenn-Kedar on Quarantine, since robots have begging. To stop them, you need to deactivate the main conveyor.

Several droids welcome you at the entrance, but there are many more inside. The path through the warehouse in the control room will be long, and the robots in large quantities will be revived literally at each angle, wave for the wave. Take care - there is nothing particularly difficult in this mission, but the robots here are so much that it is enough for many tasks forward.

Tarry, system Lusan (Misty of Crescent)

The planet found the station of mercenaries "Blood Farn". I will apply to them the court of politeness.

The neighborhood of the base of mercenaries is a foggy labyrinth. Move the labyrinth, including the beacon beacon. Their signals will not let you get lost. Counter Rakney will not become a big problem, so we collect everything that lies badly, and read the abandoned diaries, scattered by looking at the Barmaglot flying in the fog.

At the end there will be a fight with mercenaries and their leader Salamul - a rather strong Krogan. Do not miss a couple of grumbling guarding the resource, - to find them, from the base of Salamula, return along the path in the foggy labyrinth and go along the left cliff.

Elay, Green System (Misty of Crescent)

Another base of mercenaries. When her radars were defended by "Normandia", there was a mustache. However, there is still there anyone else.

Considering the data on the computer's likely a new destination, enter the database. There is a fight with mercenaries, among which there are biotics ("Eclipse" is generally famous for its biotics). Before opening the door, do not forget to turn left and choose the stock of the metal.

Under the cover of the doorway, reflect the attack of mercenaries and pay attention to the edge of the balcony far ahead - fighters-racket meters are hiding there, which can pretty to sweat careless Shepard.

Before hacking the terminal, go around the room, put forward the bridge and take palladium from the noise. Just prepared for battle and hiding the partners, open the computer and start the decoding.

While will go decoding, mercenaries in large quantities will be drunk because of the door through which you came. There are many biotics among them. Higher stronger - the leader, Salaarian Varleon.

We ask the ban, the system of Ze Cha (shracy's abyss)

It was evidence from the previous bases of the "bloody flock." The task is not very complex. Having passed through the gap on the stone arch, hidey for conveniently placed shelters and shoot with impunity at the bottom, behind the iron grille.

In the next arch, cover the boxes and reflect another not too dangerous attack.

Behind the door you will find a strong Krogan - the leader Kalosk. But these Croans are only strong when they do not use the rays of death against them.

Clean the grotto from the values, undermine the containers next to two large pots - and run away.

Equitas, Fortis System (Pusty Minos)

Disaster signal from ore processing plant. Fixed signs of abnormal life. The location of workers is unknown.

If short: zombies. Many electrosby, bitching and fast, will meet you. Wear appropriately.

When the endless attack of the Horde Zombie begins, turn to the left and move through the tunnel to the alien machine, which the miners were excavated to his head. Bring two bombs lying near, and the task will be completed.

Gay Jinn, Systems Shecate (Chain Aida)

On the planet detected fragments of the Kvariansk ship. There are signs of life - including local.

The wounded kvarianka should be considered, and then protect from the Horde of Warren. Make it will be easy if you arm with fiery ammunition.

Jonus, Cutter System (Plios Nebula)

At the planet, Ionus suffers a disaster "Broken Arrow" truck. On board the presence of gethes is fixed, so you know how to equip the team.

You have only five minutes to take the ship under control and lead it from the course on a collision with the human colony. Time is quite enough.

Grab the room, open the door from one of the remotes to the right. Do not forget to clean it and view diaries. Outside the window - the hall with the engine. To activate it, you first need to run two programs at the bottom - one left, one right. The problem will be in Geta - they jump on the balcony behind and very painful shoot, sometimes even rockets. Hide the partners behind metal plates, kill droids as quickly as possible. Use the pause to run one transmission.

After that, go around the lounge in bridges and pipes (for metal plates), fight again with droids and run the second gear. Do not rush, do not risk in vain - you can calmly dig a little if the end of the reference. The main thing is to have enough time to run up the stairs that to the left of you, and activate the engine with one click.

It is done!

Canal, Dirata System (Plos Nebula)

The planet detected the activity of the GETOV. Grab the hoists and other "anticheat" characters, sit down.

Task is a problem. Due to the thick fog, the Geta see you better than you. You will have to fill almost blindly, focusing on the enemy tracks and on the interface target. Take care of the partners and keep under the protection of flat rocks. It is very useful in this mission of Tali with your drone and hacking AI.

Do not forget to collect native palladium. The road to the weather, which should be turned off, will show the signal lights scattered on the ground.

Joab, System of Eno (rosette nebula)

On the planet found an illegal base of archaeologists and gangsters from "Blue Suns".

At first, the crowd of enemies will fall out due to doors. When the bandits are completed, clean the platform and go to the station. Inside, oddly enough, another crowd of mercenaries will come at you. They will go from the stairs to the right and because of the doors on the left.

For the long leading down tunnel and doors there will be another little battle. Conduct with the lieutenant Loke and his handicrafts easier, if you hide on a balcony for a transparent fence.

Check the information on your pocket computer (it will open access to the task to capture the ship) and study the protean pyramid in the next room.

It is done!

Ship "Strontsiye Mul", System of Arinlarkan (Nebula Omega)

This is the continuation of the previous mission. The truck is captured by the "blue suns", and it is necessary to take it on boarding.

The task is very difficult, because inside the truck is closed, and there are many enemies, and the fire they lead a dense, not bent the rockets. Therefore, take care of yourself and partners, feel free to retreat.

Hold the battle in the first room. Climb the stairs and ramps to the level above. Hold the battle and hack the console.

Go to the middle door, clean the room with engines from enemies (among them there is a strong biotic). Return.

Roll to the left, go to the corridor with balconies in the center. By the sign of Lightning, go along the corridor, clean the room with bodies. Return through the hall with a balcony and a corridor to a locked door to the captain's bridge. Rate the right and crack the Security Console. Now you can take the captain's cabin. Be careful: when the battle is over, from the rear, through the hall with a balcony, Pretods the orava mercenaries.

When and this fight you will win, inspect the cut. The cargo that you need to find is opposite the dining room with bodies (opposite the Captain cabin to the left). Before grabbed it, hack the locker in which the protection drawings lie.

Sanctum, decoration system (Cigurd cradle)

Continuing the previous task. It is necessary to capture the database of "Blue Suns", from where they send fake disaster signals, luring peaceful ships to themselves.

The fight by tradition will begin immediately after landing - the benefit is where to hide. Inside, cover the railing and reflect the attack. Take a look at the residential room to the right and extend to the dining room covered breed. Another batch of bandits will pop up.

Through Iridius, the underground tunnel you will get into the hangar, where you will warm two heavy droids first (you can hide behind the boxes at the door, lurking on the barrels with explosives), and then traditional bandits.

After that, it remains only to clean the hall and adjacent rooms from the values, open the door to the beacon control room and turn it off.

Franklin, Skeppris System (Cygurd Caller)

And one more continuation. Batarian gangsters released two rockets on the colony of the Alliance. After breaking on the base with which rockets flew away, Shepard should nest them in five minutes.

The task is quite complicated, as Batharians - the guys are persistent and there are many of them. Use death rays generator to demolish enemies quickly.

The first batch of bandits will pop up because of the boxes on the left, the second will wait for you in the room with a rocket outside the door to the right. To destroy enemies around the rocket, you have two or three minutes. Then you need to quickly hack the door downstairs under the rocket, destroy the last battarianine and make a solution - one of those that then squeeze you in Mass Effect 3.

1 2 3 All

Original title: Mass Effect 2
Developer: BioWare.
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Localizer in Russia: Electronic Arts
Release date: January 29, 2010
Release date in Russia: January 27, 2010
Platform: PC, XBOX360
Topic: Fantasy, Fantasy
Keyboard control, mouse
View: from a third party

Prologue: Saving Joker

By sending Ashley to the rescue capsule, we go to the upper deck of "Normandy". In a conversation with Joker, choose any replica. Joker is saved, but "Normandy" is destroyed.

Scientific station

This is a learning level. Taking a gun and armor hiding in the shelter. After the explosion we go to the corridor. You jump over the barrier and, pick up the cartridges, kill the robot. Climb the steps. Passing into the door, hiding in the shelter and shoot a bunch of robots. On the left in the compartment we take the cartridges and go out into the corridor. In the next room we select a grenade launcher and, switching to it, shoot robots. We go to the right and descend on the lift. We reach the door open it, and then open the door opposite. In this room there is a safe (on the wall) and two laptops "Cherberry". Listen to laptop information and open the safe, connecting the same characters. Here is the first profit, in the form of credit money. We return to the corridor and go to the left. Rising along the steps, open the door and get under the shelling of robots. Get acquainted with Biotik Jacob. Need to get out. We will develop attraction. By visoring the robot for which you need to pull, open the control panel and click on the attraction icon. Having understood with robots, we go to search for Wilson. Finding Wilson, we see that he was wounded. In the medical station we take Papelyin, open the control panel and select unity icon.

Now we are three. Go ahead. On the floor, about one of the corpses open the data block. Hacking which we get a little more loans. To hack it, you need to move the cursor and choose the desired segment. We do this procedure several times until you hack the block.

Let's leave this room and go straight. Having reached the door, get acquainted with Miranda. In a conversation with her, choose a replica: "Now you will not interrogate it," "Well, what now?" And "went." I am flying to the meeting with the ghost answer the questions of Jacob.

Prologue: Awakening

We got out of the Medical Complex "Cerber". Probably, it is possible to receive information now at the ghost. We go to it. In a conversation with the ghost, choose phrases: "What do we know?", "Where will we start?", "And I can trust them?", "I will find evidence." The conversation is over. In the hangar we are waiting for a ship, which will deliver us to the colony of freedom. There we must find anything that can tell about the fate of the disapstal colonists. Return to Jacob. Talking to him, go out on the door.

Path of freedom

Arriving in the colony, choose weapons and go to search for someone. We come into battle and in the hangar take the first aid kit and open the safe. Moving on, focusing on the compass, which is in the control panel. In the hangar we celebrate Tali. In a conversation, I choose phrases: "Do you think he is alive?", "We need to unite", "looks like a plan." We go to search for a brief in the far part of the colony. Along the way, we kill enemies, collect aid kits and open the safe. And so we got to the place where the Tali group is located. Killing a huge robot and go to the place where the damaged Robot "IMIR" is. Scan it and take the purified iridium. We go to the hangar with the open doors and talk to the hoist. We return to the "Iirm" robot, climb the steps and open the door. And here is the bright. Let's talk to the wizard and ask him about the details. Tali will appear. In a conversation, I choose phrases: "Go with us, Tali," and then "the Vitor will go with the Tali."

We arrived at the ghost report. Speaking with him and getting a fare of, get acquainted with our new pilot. Yes, this is a joker! Together with Joker, we go to the new Normandia.

Normandy cf-2

On the ship, in a conversation, choose phrases: "True", "it can be useful", "I am glad to hear it." First of all, we need to find Dr. Monda Solus, a specialist in biological weapons and archangel. We rise to the map of the Galaxy and fly on Omega. Choose members of the squad and leave "Normandia".

Omega: Archangel

In a conversation with Moklan, choose the phrase "relax". Moklan sends us in the bar of the afterlife to talk to Arian, the Governor of Omega. Excellent! Arian can become a valuable source of information. We go to the bar, focusing on the map. Finding Arian, ask her about Solus and Archangel. And so to find a salt. We must penetrate the quarantine zone. To get to Archangel, we will have to join the mercenaron detachment. To do this, we must talk to the recruiter, in one of the rooms "MODER LIFE". Let's start with the detachment of mercenaries. We go to the recruiter. We tell him that we are looking for Archangel. We are sent to the garage. We go to the transport depot and find the driver of the "blue shining". Skolki, so the name of the driver will send us to the sergeant Kafka. We go on the corridor and in the following room, we take from the table a block of data that needs an aria. Go ahead. In the left room, the purified zero element, we wake the notes of smugglers of the NE and we are hacked the diagnostic station of heavy robots. In the next room we communicate with Garm and in search of Sergeant Kafki. We go to the left door. On Earth, the receipt of money for "protection" is taken into account. We hack him and go to the left. We find cafes assistants and pass to the sergeant. To get to Archangel, we will have to shoot all the mercenaries. Climb the stairs and go to the right door. And here is the archangel. Yes, this is the Garus! Talk to him. We beat off the attack and talk to the Garlo once again. Now we need to close all the shutters (gates) to overlap access the second wave of mercenaries. Go down. We are interested in the door under the stairs (right). There are three more doors behind it, for each of which we need to close the gate. Having coped with this task, return to the Garus. Coming into battle. Garus is seriously injured, but at "Normandy" will be able to help him.

Normandy cf-2

After the conversation with the Garus, we will pass around the ship and talk to everyone and we will receive additional quests (buy a bottle of whiskey, to buy for "Normandy" modules T6-AMS, find the missing fighter, buy food for the crew of Normandy). In your cabin, we view incoming messages. Having finished bypass, heading to the battle information center. We rise to the Galaxy map and choose Ohga. Having gathered a squad and distributing experience points, put on Omhega.

Omega: Mordin Solus

We go to the bar the afterlife and give Arian data block. Bar buy a bottle of brandy for the doctor. Now our path lies in the quarantine zone, where we must find Monda Solus. Arriving on Omega, consider Arian data block. In the bar we buy a bottle of brandy, for Dr. Chakvas. We go to the omega market (Kenescy spare parts) and acquire a stimulating circuit and modules for "Normandy". We go to, other shops and buy what you like. We return to "Normandia" to give whiskey and improve armor. After doing this, again we go on Omega and go to the quarantine zone. We find a security guard and talk to him. In the detachment, choose Miranda and Jacob and go to search for a salt. Through through the enemies, we go to the clinic. We find Martvin Solus and talk to him. We get a new introductory - get to the ventilation system and spray medicine from the plague. As easy as pie. Go to the Center for Environmental Protection. Running the air conditioning system, return to Mordina. Negotivis with him, we turn out to be "Normandy".

Normandy cf-2

After a small meeting, we attribute the whiskey to Dr. Chakvas and climb to engineers. If you bought improvements and you have enough minerals, you can upgrade improvements. We return to the Galaxy map, fly to the fuel warehouse. We buy fuel and probes and go on the planet Loremex (it is not investigated) in the Omega Nebula Fatamy system. We probed the planet, collecting, minerals and, finding the transmitter, planted on Loremex.


We need to try to save the missing operative. We are passing inside the base, killing everyone on your way, and we find the defense official. We approach the computer and send data to Cerberra. The honest name of the operative is restored, and we return to Normandia.

Normandy cf-2

Let's talk to Doctor, Garus and Jacob to find out what improvements are necessary normandy. To improve Normandy, we need minerals. We will collect. We fly to the fuel warehouse, refuel and buy probes. We probably communicate the planet and, by the financing of projects for the improvement of "Normandy", make them. Return to the Galaxy map. It's time to resume the configuration of the team. The next team member is a criminal. We fly to the system of Sarabarik, fly on the repeater and go to the nebula of the clock. We probably communicate all the planets and fly to the prison "purgatory".

Prison "Purgatory"

Looking at the planet, let's talk with a prison guard. Having received an instruction from the head of the prison where to go, we go to the design item. On the way, we will talk to the prisoner of 780. Going to the execution point, we fall into the trap. In vain, the head of the prison did it! After interrupting everyone, we go to cryogenic cameras to free the Jack. Activate the security management system. But Jack will try to escape. But it's not to escape. Finding Jack, we convince her to join our detachment and return to Normandia.

Normandy cf-2

After a conversation with Jack, we go to the next member of the detachment of Krogan Okim. We go to the map of the galaxy and fly to the nearea nebula, on the planet Korlus.


We must penetrate the building. Kill mercenaries. We approach the wounded and asking about Croogan. Having received an idea of \u200b\u200bwhere to search for, moving on. We get acquainted with the incubator Krogan and ask him to take us into the laboratory. No, the Krogan will not lead us, but will indicate the road. We go to the Jedora laboratory to pull out Okyr. Through the battles to the laboratory, we wake up the PDA. We find the sapper located in the container. We have a battle. Having understood with mercenaries, we return to the container with Krogan and take it to Normandia.

Normandy cf-2

After a small meeting, we go to release Croogan. We rise to the engineering deck and go to the cargo compartment. Releaseing Croogan, we return to the map of the Galaxy. It wants to talk to us a ghost. We go to the meeting room. We are sent to the horizon.


It is necessary to find out how to stop the attacks. Finding mechanics, we get a new introductory. It is necessary to go to the cosmoport to the protective towers. Through the cosmoport, exploring the tower to find a transmitter and, by contacting Suzi, activate the protective tower. We wake a computer. It remains to last, until the activation of the protective tower. Well. Let's take a fight! After victory, we turn out to be "Normandy". It is a pity that Ashley refused to join our squad. Well, nothing, we have other candidates.

Normandy cf-2

Paul teams collected. We continue in the same vein. We go to the nebula of the crescent, on the planet Illium.


We inform us that Liara is waiting for us at the trading hall. There and go. We find the administration and climb the stairs. Liara asks to hack the system on ILIM. Let's help the old friend. We go to the area of \u200b\u200bprotective systems "Gaital", we are having selected security stations terminals and download data. Let's return to Liare a little later. And now we go to the district of the babe "Eternity". We speak with the slave trade. Let's help the neighborhood. We find a representative "Synthetic Insight" and talk to it. But the SI representative can not take the neighborhood - few jobs. We return to the worker and suggest how to return, almost the entire amount of the contract. We go to the area of \u200b\u200bBaria Frontirs. There you can purchase starry systems. We find the colonist. She needs help, it turns out, over the colonists, gathered to conduct medical experiments. We find a representative of Baria Frontirs and convince the refuse to conduct research. We return to the colonist and get a reward. We find Azari, near which Crohan stands, muttering about love and convince Azari, make a decision against Crohana. We get extra glasses. Return to the Liara office. She has one more request. Find data fragments, hacking terminals. Take it. Let's start with the first that is near the administration. We find another 4 terminals and wake them. Now we need to answer. We say that no one is suitable, and we go to Liare. We try to convince her to join our squad. But we get a refusal. It's time to take up the recruitment of the following team members.

We go to the transport department and find the operator of the gift. We call a taxi, choose a detachment and go for Samara. We go to the police station and find a detective anaya. Let's talk about Samara and the crime scene. We are allowed to visit it. We go to the crime scene and find Samara. But for your own, to recruit it, we must learn the name of the ship. We go to the Pitment to learn about his business partner. We get a pass from your mother to the "Eclipse" database. We will attack the database of mercenaries. We go to the right and go to the elevator. Through all obstacles, we take the loading order and wake the terminal "Eclipse". Let's talk to a fender with nifta, and then pass to the captain of Vasta. Kill the captain and take the data block. Now we know the name of the ship. We return to the police station. On the way to Him, let's talk with your nurse. Go to the site. Talk to Samara. Now she is in our squad. Paint a couple of words with a detective and return to Normandia.

Normandy cf-2

If you can make improvements, make them. Returning to the Galaxy map, we receive a message about that. What does Miranda talk to us with us. Look at her. Miranda needs help. Let's help her. Return to the Galaxy map. Oh, you want to talk to Jacob. We go to it. He also needs help. We agree to deviate a little from the course. And the Jack wants to see us. We agree to help her. Top to the map of the Galaxy and again we go to the ILUM. Miranda must be present in the detachment, since we will fulfill her request.


We go to the Bar "Eternity" and find connected lines. Apparently, the problem is more serious than expected. We have to enter into battle. Punching through the fire of enemies, we get to the elevator and sit down in it. So we found a nicety. But he turned out to be a traitor. We convince nickname to say nothing to the Father Miranda. Poor nick. The only thing we can do for him is to kill everyone. Having understood with the enemies, find a medallion. It will be necessary to return it to the owner. We persuade Miranda to talk with my sister. After that, we find yourself in the Bar "Eternity". We go to the exit to Normandy. We find Azari, which is looking for a missing medallion. We give the find and get a small remuneration. On Illium, there were still things left - to find Tein Kriz. We go to the transport department (the door is near the stairs leading to the Liara Cabinet). In the commerce, cargo level, we find a serine. We learn from her where we can find Tein. Serie will tell and deliver us to the Dentus Tower area.

Our task, get to the top of the second Dentus Tower to get to Nassna. Let's talk to the Salarian workers to find out what happened. With battles make themselves to the elevator and climb upstairs. The fighter "Eclipse" ask about Taine. We go to the bridge connecting two Dentius towers. On the way, we select the DNA database of the Salarian. It will be necessary to find someone who is looking for the Chiros family data. Move the bridge, killing all your enemies and destroying two rocket plants. We go to the lair of Ukraine. Let's talk to the Nass. So we found Teine. Although Tain and sick, he still takes our offer, and we find ourselves at Normandy.

Normandy cf-2

We carry out accessible studies and improve everything that can be improved. We go to the Galaxy map, we read the incoming message and again planted on the ILUM.


We find Salaarians in the area of \u200b\u200bthe trade hall Serrais Technology and give him the data of the kiros family. Return to "Normandia".

Normandy cf-2

I get a request from Jacob. Fly to the repeater, and then to the fume of the socket. Scan the planets and collect resources. On the planet Joab, we find anomaly. Let's see what. We land and choose a detachment.


Our task to pick up artifact from the territory of the archaeological site. Through through the fire barrier, taking the artifact. Fly to Alpha Dragon and further on the planet 2175 Ey.

2175 Eya.

We find the Lighthouse VI and ask him questions. There is something wrong here. Check. We need to find Captain Taylor. Go forward. We kill the attackers and find the settlement in which there are some women. Talk to them and move on. We approach the doctor and get ship magazine. Having studied the records, we understand that only Taylor will be able to explain what happened here. Moving on. Activate the robot to blow the barrier. We are moving forward, killing everyone on your way and, we find Ronald Taylor. Let's talk to him and listen to explanations. We accept the decision to do with Taylor.

Normandy cf-2

After the meeting at the ghost we go to the map of the Galaxy. We again cause a ghost. If there is something to impede and enough resources, then make improvements and go to the meeting room. We get a task and choose a detachment.

Ship collectible

We need to explore the ship and search for it for useful information. We are moving, focusing on the compass. We collect data on collectors technology. We inspect the control terminal. We continue to move forward and collect data. We get access to the terminal control. We find the control panel and communicate with Normandy. We trap. After beating the attack, once again, we associate with Normandy and begin a difficult return to Normandia.

Normandy cf-2

Talking with the ghost and team, go to the map of the Galaxy. We will continue to collect the team. Check your personal terminal. We collect resources on the planets of this system. Fly to the repeater and further on the far rim. We have left to recruit Tali. Let's fly on the guide.


We go to the ruins in search of the hoist. We move with acceleration, trying to stick in the shade. Open automatic gate. Tali fell into an ambush. I will hit the rear. We have to find explosives to clear the way. Finding two explosives, we go to the wall and install explosives. We run on a safe distance. After the explosion go to the building. Communicate with holographic hoists. We get the introductory - break through the geta and get to the observation site. Pose to Cala Rigar and talk to him. By destroying all enemies, we go to the door. And so hoists. Talking to her, go to "Normandia",

Normandy cf-2

After a small meeting, make improvements and go to the map of the Galaxy. We check the personal terminal for incoming messages and fly to Pragia to the Dhaka system, which is located in Nubian spacious, to fulfill the request of Jack.


We need to enter the building and find the old chamber Jack. Going inside and descending on the stairs, turn off the security console. Finding a blood stain on the floor, we speak Jack. Having reached the morgue, accept the fight. We wake the door. Finding records, we begin to understand what Jack had to go through. Having understood with the "bloody packs" we go in search of the one who sent mercenaries. We find the area and decide everything to blow here. We fulfilled the request of Jack.

Normandy cf-2

Jack with Miranda quarreled a bit. Udichomir girls. We wage "Normandia" and talk to Mordin, Gruntom, Garrup, Samara, Tayne and Tali. We will receive additional quests. We will fulfill all requests, so that all team members are loyal. We go to the map of the Galaxy and go on a tucanka, to the Aralch system.


We need to talk to the leader of the clan. Look at the Ratch shop and promise it to get pyzhamkov. We go to the throne of the Urlnot and communicate with the Riv. Ask for Salaarians and Grunt. The Grunt decided to pass the rite, and we will help him. We go to the shaman, and we are delivered to the test site. To pass the rite, we need one thing - to survive. We accept the fight. We have passed the test, but it's not all. Kill Croogans - traitors and go to the commander of the scouts. Activate the management of guard guns and shoot in pyrup. After we shoot the right amount of pyzhamkov, talking from the scout commanders. We get another task, find a fighter, and permission to use the truck. Look at the medical laboratory. You can buy everything you like, and go to the truck. We appeal to the mechanics and get another task, to find a collector. Well, we will try not to miss it. We go to the intelligence commander and appeal to it. We use the truck. Arriving in place, we go in search of Melon. We kill enemies, find a collector. We go to the hospital. We inspect the human body and continue the search for Melon. Without the battle, we will not give it away. We kill everyone and go upstairs. On the way inspect the body of the krogan. We find the missing fighter - Croan and send it to the commander. Moving on. By killing everyone, find Melon. Vainly Mordin experienced. Melon betrayed him. The task is made. It remains to speak with the head of intelligence, mechanic and radish. Having made it, we return to Normandia.

Normandy cf-2

We produce improvements and go to the Galaxy map. We read incoming messages and go through the repeater in the nebula of Omega, and then to the Arinlarkan. Sit down on strontium mule.

Strontium mule

This ship is captured by mercenaries of "blue shining" we need to kill them and find a container. This makes it. Killing mercenaries and reading their transmitters, moving forward. We find the control console and turn on it. We find the console to the second and also activate it. Having reached the top deck, we find a container, taking it and return to Normandia.

Normandy cf-2

We read the incoming message and go through the repeater on the planet of the sanctuary, which is in the decoration system, the Cigurd cradle to disable the transmitter of false disaster signals.


Scan the planet, we collect fossils, find an anomaly and planted. Penetrate the database and turn off the source of the false signal. The task is made. We return to "Normandia" and through the repeater fly to Franklir to prevent a rocket blow.


We need to penetrate the rocket database and stop the dart rockets before they hit the goal. Pose into the way inside and deactivate the rocket. We are offered to choose that save: residential area or industrial. The choice is made. The task is made. Return to "Normandia". Do not forget to collect fossil on the planets. Now our path lies on Omega to fulfill Samara's request.


We have to find and stop the daughter of Samara. We go to the Bar "Morobic Life" to talk to Aria about Morinn. Talking with Aria, we go to the apartment area. In the apartment we are talking to the dassen. We read the holographic diary and go to the VIP sector of the "afterlife and speak the name jarut name. After receiving the warning and instruction of Samara, go to the bar. We speak with Wiym. He will mention the band Exile 10. We pass forward and beat Melna, then dance from War, and in the Bar from Edwina, we ask for all customers to serve. Morin will contact us. In a conversation, I choose phrases: "We are similar", "art", "I know what I like", "Your Image", "Venia", "Music", "Exile 10", "like" Hallems? ", "Travels", "I love the danger", "power is power," "both among adults." Morin invites us home. Now we need to take something to Morin. Talk to her. And here is Samara. We look at the roller and return to Normandia.

Normandy cf-2

Improve everything that can be improved and go to the Galaxy map. We will fulfill the waist request. Through the repeater, we go into the system threshold of Valham, and then to a migrating fleet.

Migrating Fleet

After a conversation with the captain of car Donn, we go to the hearing, to the Admirals College, which is located on the square. We must pull out the hoists out of trouble. Let's talk to Chala Raan. At the trial we will act the defender of Tali. Having learned some details, the hearing is interrupted, in order to repel from the mercenaries "Alaria" and find Father Tali. We go to the second gateway and sit down in the shuttle. We flew to "Anarth". Well, that we will send the ship in Getoves and find the evidence that will help withdraw accusations from Tali. We listen to the ring and go on. In one of the compartments we find a block of memory that Tali sent to the Father. Go ahead. Climbing the stairs, we kill the feet of the getov and go to the open door. We find a wall console. We speak with the hoist. The evidence is still not enough. Will seek. Go forward and beat down the attack go down the steps. Listen to the magazine and go to the open door. We examine the corpse of the kvariana. We found Father Tali. Now we need to turn off the console located on the bridge to deal with the network of geta. By killing the last getov, activating the Kvarianskaya console (we obtain evidence). We return to the court. In court we say that we have no evidence, and we return to Normandia.

Normandy cf-2

Check the personal terminal and go to make available improvements. We return to the map of the galaxy and through the repeater we go to the nebula of the Pilos to save the broken ship.

"Broken Arrow"

Sit down on the ship. We need to launch engines. And it is necessary to do it quickly. Open the door and kill the geta. On the left pane, we read the state status report, and on the right we take the shipment of the ship's emergency blocking. Go ahead. Go down and in the center of the room activate contact 1. Raise upstairs and try to start the engine control system. But nutrition is still not included. We go and activate contact 2, where they activated the contact 1. Returning to the engine control system and restart it. The task is made.

Normandy cf-2

On the personal terminal we read incoming messages. Now we fly to the brown dwarf mnemosis in the Thorn system. Through the repeater, we go to the system this Hawkings. I dock with an abandoned reaper.

Abandoned reaper

Our goal is to repair the identification system. We look at the work journal of Dr. Candan. From Suzi, we obtain the coordinates of the location of the generator to be destroyed to disable the barrier. Pose through the Haskov and find Getta, which saves our lives. Moving on. Killing enemies, make in touch with the kernel. Open the door and take the system of Reapers "your own - someone else." It remains to destroy the kernel. Coming into battle, we destroy the kernel and return to Normandia.

Normandy cf-2

During the meeting, insist on to leave and interrogate Gethea who saved our life. Turn on Gethea. After that, we go and make available improvements. We go to the map of the galaxy, check the personal terminal and through the repeater fly to the Citadel.


Look at the captain of Bailey and learn about the shadow and son of Tayne. We go to the Cafe Cap and buy delicacies. Let's start with the request of Harrus. We need to meet with a shadow, in a warehouse near the Neon market, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe comma. We go to the speed transport terminal and go on level 26. Do not pass by a quarrel between the kvarians and the Volus. Talk to them. Wiel is accused of stealing credit cards. We promise to help figure out. Look at the Sarodis Applied Programs store. Let's talk with the seller and buy what we will like. Asking the seller about the credit card. Of course, the Volus forgot her in the store. I will go to the Sirta Foundation and let's talk to Kian Luros. Acquire what you like. We go to say the Volus about where he forgot his credit card. Well, now we go to the warehouse. We speak with the representative of the shadow. We are sent to the worker area where Harkin is hidden. We go to the terminal of high-speed transport and go to the working area. Harkin ran away. You will have to shoot a little. Run as rushing. Moved forward and killing enemies, we reach Kharkina's office. On the table we take a fake identity card. We continue to persecute. Reaching Harkin, forcing it, agree on the meeting. We go to this meeting.

Now I get a request for Tayne. We go to the souvenir shop area and we are witnessing the conversation of two krogans, about fish. Top in the Bar "Dark Star", we find the gardener of the Presidium and learn about the fish. Returning to Croogans and tell me what we learned. Visit another store "Godama's equipment" and buy the necessary one. Near this store we find a mouse and talk to him. We go to the captain of Bailey and ask permission to interrogate Bailey Kelzhem. We learn the name of the victim. We ask the captain to deliver us to Joe Rama Talid. We update any information about Talida. Now we need not to let him out of sight. We have to run. So we found the quadas. Talk to the captain.

We go to the store souvenirs of the citadel and the tummy. We leave the store and go to the left, towards the stairs leading to level 28 in the "Dark Star". Before entering the staircase, on the right on the sofa, Clara Tomi sits. Speaking with her, give a fake identity card. Top to the terminal of high-speed transport and go to the presidium. Talking with Andersen, return to Normandia.

Normandy cf-2

Let's talk to the cook and go to improve everything that remains not improved. If there is not enough resources, scan planets. In the medpark, you can heal wounds (unless of course you have modified the medport). Let's talk with all team members, as the last task is waiting ahead. After the time spent on the ship, we go to the Galaxy map and try to fly on Omhega 4. But as it turns out, the system is not entirely ready and we are invited to use the shuttle. Play for Joker.

Normandy in trouble. We go forward, focusing on the red light bulbs, and Zalazim in the repair tunnel. Carefully pass along the corridor and the medical center. We fall to the core control system. Connect the kernel to the module. Now our path lies in the engineering compartment. We go down to the repairman and climb the stairs. We are waiting for the enemies, hide from sight and go further. Reboot the engine management system. "Normandy" saved, but those who were on the ship disappeared. The system is ready and we are also ready to perform. Let's last passed on "Normandy" and talk with all team members. We go to the map of the galaxy and flying on Omega 4.

Omega 4.

The last fight, he is difficult. We need to make the right choice otherwise, many members of the detachment will die. Do not make mistakes. Choose a detachment. Let's start our battle with the destruction of the eye, which resulted in Normandia. Here we are near the base collectors. We make a forced landing. We collect an emergency meeting. We pass inside the database and turn off 8 valves. Each valve will have to break through the battles. We got to the crew of the ship. We send the crew with the accompanying "Normandia. Turning the detachments, we start the last operation, to destroy the reinstalls. To begin with, we have to protect biotics, which creates a protective field and helps in our progress towards the goal. We passed this stage. Again we form a detachment and make your way to the management console platforms. Killing everyone on their own way, activate the panel. And here is a hefty reaper. In order to destroy it, we must break up 4 flasks with orange liquid, which are periodically hidden behind protective plates. And with this we cope. Having understood with the reaper, we speak with the ghost. We stayed last jerk. Destroy the trades. To do this, shoot in the eyes. That's it. "Normandy" is waiting for us, and the base of collectors ceases to exist.

Present to your attention passage of Mass Effect 2in which the main storyline of the company is described in detail. At the beginning, we will give some general recommendations on the game, and later close to the passage itself. Bear to the world of mass effect under the number two! After the complexity level is selected and the basic values \u200b\u200bof the auto adjustment parameters are defined, it is necessary to view the introductory video. It should be reached before the control panel, passing along the decks of agonizing Normandy. Then it is worth getting around the cabin company, climb on the right staircase and pass through the airless space to Joker. What will happen next can be seen in the video.

At the next stage, the character or its creation is selected. You can change both appearance and a personal matter, it will affect some replicas in the dialogues. You need to be very responsible for the selection of the class class: Do you have a desire throughout the game to use all types of weapons? Or will the gun will be enough, and in return will acquire engineering or biotic abilities? Be that as it may, each player independently decides on the basis of the experience of the game or on the experience of the previous passage of the Mass Effect sequel. This does not have anything strange, because both series of games are adapted for repeated passage, and they contain a number of key points that, although they cannot change the plot, but it can be quite strong to affect the outcome of events.

In the game Mass Effect 2, all classes of characters are very vitial, but you should know that among the fighting there are some features. It is meaningless to use all available types of weapons, because in each form of weapons there are very powerful copies, so you do not even want to switch to a rifle or, for example, with a gun-gun gun on a hand gun. In this regard, the most preferred is the class of engineer or biotics, which has a gun and a gun in his arsenal. During the mission, the collectors' ship will be able to choose a sniper rifle or shotgun, but the best option is a storm rifle.

Passage of Mass Effect 2

After you have come to yourself on the operating table, you need to follow the instructions of Miranda and pick up a gun, then you need to hide from the explosion and enter into neighboring rooms. Kill the robot, which is in the room with a staircase, and then three more in the next room.

You will see a corridor with a glass wall, a shootout happens after it, you need to go to the balcony and pick up a grenade launcher (the process of switching the weapon can be carried out using the mouse wheel). Immediately because of the door located at the bottom, four robots will come out - shoot them from the grenade launcher. Then go down. It is worth paying attention to the room with two computers - it can experience a new method for hacking lockers. Hover over the mouse and highlight the elements of the circuit until you find two identical, you must consistently press them, if possible, do it as quickly as possible.

Right around the corner you will see another computer, as well as the door to the room in which Jacob is shooting. After you help him fight off, he will suggest you to tell at what moment he will need to strike a biotic. Hold the left shift and down to select the ability to attract. Then talk to Jacob to different topics. Go along the corridors until you reach the room with emergency lighting - there are three robots in it. When you raise the stairs to the left you will see the room with a computer. After you meet Wilson, pick up Panacelin from the aid kit and apply unity on Wilson. When the dialogue is completed, you need to shoot robots and blow up barrels that close the passage. Pass into the room, the data block will lie near the body. The essence of his hacking is to find fragments identical sample, which is depicted on the left above. The choice must be made using the W, A, S, D buttons, and the confirmation is a space. Then you will get into the big hall, in it, at the very bottom two robots and one on the balcony from above. Close to the second floor, you will see four robots in the room on the left, they will be comfortable to blow up a grenade launcher. There you will find a locker, computer and data block. Go to the door of the shuttle, during the conversation, see the rollers.

The room is Jacob and Miranda, but they have no desire to talk. You can change the appearance of the holographic keyboard, which hangs on the wall. Then go into a room with a hopper and start a conversation with the ghost. Return to the room and talk to Miranda and Jacob, then go through the door. During the flight, a short briefing awaits you.

Mass Effect 2 Passage
Path of freedom

You need to explore the station until you reach the big door (on the left side there are parts). Behind the door there will be a lot of enemies, and two are opposite, on the balcony, and the rest will rise around the stairs to the right. You will need to figure out, and then find the first-aid kit. You will see two enemies at the exit, and in the room we will meet your long friend. Help may be needed, so it is necessary to agree to joint searches. Go further, destroy the security bot in the building, in the same place hack the wall locker.

When you leave the room, you will find fierce resistance in the face of flying rocket drones. Be sure to use the shelter. Listen carefully what Tali will say, take medical supplies and move on. When you find yourself at the staircase, then come across new drones that have hidden on the left of the cliff leak. Take advantage of the shelter, but remember that you need to instruct your partners to use abilities - it helps it very much. Then go down down (parts are in a distance point from the gate), select the first-aid kit and place the team members so that they stand on both sides of the gate. Your position in the center, take it and watch the roller about the kvarian murder. When you fight a robot - use a reboot. Native a house on the left, in it you will find a box and batteries. The robot can be scanned, and the drawer with Iridius pick up.

Be sure to visit the wounded kvarian in the house and follow the Viitor, who is far from the gate of the house. Look carefully a selection of rollers, simultaneously with the dialogues. As a result, you will find yourself in Normandy SR2 - this is a slightly modified copy of that very Normandy. In this place there will be many opportunities to spend your time, for example, talk with the crew members, find all sorts of sites for studying, you can spend time in the weapon room or in the fitting room, trying to understand what is better - a book of armor in tone with a weapon or a rifle of the same Colors as a jacket. Personal terminal, psychologist named Kelly and other spaces of the ship, whose study will be a pleasant pastime.

One way or another, after bypass, it will be possible to get 4 additional tasks: whiskey for Dr. Chakvas, a monument on the site of the death of the first Normandy, help engineers on the lower deck and provisions for the ship's chef. In any case, you will get plot tasks in full.

A galactic map can choose a destination. First, visit the Citadel - we very much for native landscapes.

Citadel: Council

After you find yourself in the citadel, in addition to side tasks, you can visit the Bureau, which from the first part decreased only to one room and talk to Admiral Andersen. During your conversation with him, a member of the Udine Board will appear in the office. The conversation will be unpleasant and short, and the council will not help. At this stage, one of the missions can be considered made.


Following the recommendations of Miranda, we fly on Omhega - this station is an asteroid, you can buy at once two partners. After unloading, we will meet a solid type that will persistently ask to visit the Tsaritsa local tailoring - Aria. She will be expected in the "Meril Life" bar. It will be after a while. At the end of the corridor you will see our potential colleague to save the world that kicks someone. He will ask to help fulfill the task for him, then he will join the team and direct all his strength to fulfill our mission. This character joins when buying a DLC.

Omega: Aryat'Loac
And now you can visit Aria. Go to the bar and go around the round scene, then climb the second floor. In this place again conversations.

Omega: Archangel
Now you can make one of the potential teammates. You need to talk with a recruiter on the first floor, after that leave the bar and turn right, then you need to go around the surroundings of the possession of Archangel. Further, everything is linear - you need to bypass the headquarters of three groups and a large number of large rooms. You will have several opportunities to facilitate your task, you can use all the chances or only part, because some give apostate points. Be sure to make the robot fail. Only in the last answer, talk to the sergeant kafka. You will be held on the bridge where you can start shooting, but not in the archangel, but only in the wolved guys who run ahead of you. Archangel in you will not shoot, so collect all the trophies that are in the house and talk to him. Probably, you already understood who it is.

Then you need to work together to try to keep the attacks from the front. After that go to the basement and close the gate. First, the central when you press the button, then the enemies will appear at the end of the corridor. Then close the door on the left and right, located at the end of the passage - it is already more difficult here, because to get to the button, you will have to go under the enemy's fire. Then browse the video.

The enemy pierces straight up the stairs towards the Garus. To delay them all on the first floor will not work, but for some time Garus will laugh and himself. After completing the "cleaning" of the first floor, go to the aid of the Turian.

The last side of the conflict will give themselves to know the blow from the air. Shelling from the side of the bridge will begin, and then the landing of the long corner. Standing the reservation will succeed pretty quickly, the most important thing is not to stick out longer than it is necessary. Review the videos.

Even with the first part, it was so necessary that after the mission was completed, it is necessary to bypass the ship, talk to everyone and the like. Now your team has another character, so there will be even more to the conversation. When you get tired, you can go back to the planet - there are still tasks.

Mass Effect 2 Passage
Omega: Professor

Now you can proceed with the consideration of the second candidate for the team - Mordin Solus. Catch with Aria about quarantine and try to convince the guard to let you down. When you find yourself inside a quarantine, then you will not need to do anything, only examine all the premises and collect useful pleasures, those who you will prevent it - kill. In the clinic, talk to the professor and he will give a new task. Exit through the door at the end of the clinic, which was previously closed, there will be a hot fog. Climb the stairs and open the first door to the left. Behind her, you will meet with Daniel, about whom Professor spoke. To the right, too, the door, there is a lot of voice behind it. Several people have firemen, there are many grenade launchers on the balconies, and below arrows. First of all, you need to deal with pomegranaters, and then go down and get the shooters.

Passing a little, you will stumble on the scripting scene. First, disperse from the voice, and then throw a medicine into the ventilation system. Now run the system itself, this is done with the help of two consoles that are located on the right and to the left of the main one. Keep in mind that after each launch will be an attack from enemies, but there will be no problems with this. As a result, you will fall into the Laboratory of Professor, and you can only penetrate the ship.

Perhaps you have the need to visit Omega again. Here will come in handy map of the galaxy. Or you can start executing the following mission.

Dossier: Criminal

Now you need to get to the prison ship, then dock. When you start talking to the guard, you will see that the video starts. Follow the corridor to the discharge room. During the way there will be the opportunity to earn the hero / apostate glasses if you figure it out with a situation associated with the beating of the prisoner. You can learn a lot of interesting things from the prisoner, which is in the next chamber.

Going to the door where your Jack should be - look at the roller. After viewing, return through the strict mode wing. On the way back, you will meet the guards, as well as four-legged robots. When you find the Security Console - be sure to disconnect it. Then go down in a break, which in the wall. You will get into a large hall and prepare for battle with a powerful robot. In another hall, the robot and infantrymen, and in the latter - the dominant elite of prison. It will be very difficult here, it is necessary to apply an individual approach separately to each opponent. The boss hides the field, but it can be removed, for this you need to make a few shots in the base that feeds these poles. It is easy to cope with the boss if you didn't hurry before and did not remove the field before his assistants died. See the video.

On the ship, as always, make a trap and talk with everyone. Some replicas will be repeated, but to skip this stage, which helps to develop the relationship is unacceptable. The most recent member of the team will expect you on the planet of the Korlus, which is in the nebula of the eagle. Fly there, find the planet and land.

Passage of Mass Effect 2
Dossier: Chief

Run forward, destroy your enemies until you see the wounded soldier. Talking with him, be very convincing, and then let them go. Go further, clearing the way with weapons. Chat with Krogan and go on again. First there will be mercenaries, and then krogans will go. This will help the bunch of engineer + biotic + Garrus. I had Garrus and Jack. Shepard knocked off the reservation and shields, finished one, and Jack flattened the whole biotic, at that time Garrus knocked down, at the same time shooting the third. After the door is hacking, mercenaries will appear again, but already advanced. Because of the battle, promotion will be long, but a large number of shelters will simplify the process.

As a result, you will go to the leader. When a conversation with him is finished, go down and enter the open door, and now get ready for the battle. After a certain time interval, Krogan will be released against you, as well as Robot and Jedor. It is advisable to kill her right away if you do it, then the krogans will stop acting, and you will have to figure it out only with a robot. Return to the Chief Cabinet and look at the roller. Go again everything on the ship and talk with each member of your team.

In the cargo compartment you will need to find Krogan, it is necessary to defrost and then a wonderful conversation will take place if you are convincing, the Grunt will join the team. Thanks to him, it is possible to acquire a valuable improvement in the form of a Krogan large-caliber shotgun.


Move in the direction of the settlement and soon you will meet collectors, and then Haskov. Throughout the settlement and its outskirts lies a large number of cocoons. At this place to be fighting and shaking at home, in which there is a lot of useful, for example, a heavy weapon of collectors. A little later to face the harbinger beetle, he will take the management of soldiers, it is very difficult to kill him. When you complete the cleaning of the village, go to a large closed door and hack it. Inside the video and dialogue. When you find yourself outside, you are waiting for a collision with another detachment, here again the main beetle will be controlled by individual individuals.

And again you are the door with the castle, and behind it there are two disgusting offspring and a crowd of hassies. You need to fight with offspring only from the shelter. Take advantage of the skills of the squad members.

After that, you have to hack the console in the center of the square. Here will begin fun. At first, the beetle will arrive, with him you need to fight a reboot (with full panels), against armor - ignition, and then small arms, or a heavy weapon of collectors, which was selected at the beginning of the mission. After some time, the beetle is restored and you need to start again. The main thing is not to come across under his ray and follow his movement, under fire it will be slow, but inevitably approaching your shelter and in the end it will take place its side - then you will be very bad. Therefore, such maneuvers must be stopped in advance and change the shelter. Then look the video. You can not replay, because Ashley still can not join the team. Then, again the traditional bypass of the farms.

After the completion of this mission, the ghost will tell you that it is necessary to make the team and give a few dossier. At the same time, you should perform one task for team members, by this you will provide a partner loyalty.

Jack: experimental zero

Jack will ask you to fly on the planet, there is her prison, you will need to blow up the whole complex. Go on the road without losing time. Everything will be calm until you detect the dead boren, which you were not killed. In subsequent halls, you will meet the Croog Girl. Going there Try to explore everything that can come in handy - all safes, PDAs, terminals. In the chamber, explore the table, window, bed, and in the corridor of the blood stain, which is on the wall. Look at the roller.

Jacob: Great Dar

The goal of the mission is to land on the planet, reach the village, get to Father Jacoba, on the way killing robots, which die without the use of special power. Decide what to do with it, and on the way to collect all the supplies.

Zaid: Price revenge

When buying a DLC, a mission is added from the character. Fly on the planet, there will have to make a choice: continue pursuit or save workers. Despite the choice - get the loyalty of the Zaid - only the question of the apostate glasses or the hero, which you are accrued.

Miranda: Miracle Child

At the beginning of the mission in the bar on Illium, talk to a woman. Looking at the rollers, free your way to the elevator, on the way, shooting two mercenary detachments. After the elevator, move through the warehouse landscape by shooting enemies. After another travel on the elevator, look at the roller and get ready to resist the group of mercenaries and Enealya. After completion, go to the elevator, which is on the other side of the platform and view the rollers.

Dossier: Tali

When Geta gotta, Tali conducted some studies on this planet. It needs to be saved, even at the cost of life. Do not go to the sun, because it burns the shields. Return to the booth with a gate, find out the situation, take everything you need and open the gate. Through a large space break through into the corridor. Here we take a useful submachine gun. Open the doors and smore the roller. It is necessary to find two charges. One-in the distant hangar, and the second is in the near. First, it is better distant, and then close. When the second bomb is taken to appear a detachment of geta, it is headed by Prime - the battle will be easier if the battle passes in the sun, where shelters is not lower than enemy.

Charges should be installed, collect all the valuable inside and answer the radio. Go to the opened door. In a large space, you will have resistance to flying drones and primers. Try to deal with them separately, with several weak or with one strong enemy. Go to the door, break the console and go down to the kelu. Warn it so that he does not go to the attack in full growth, and sat in place. You were surrounded, but it is easily solved. Go on the right through the place under the sun and attack the tank from the flank. To have the opportunity to move - remove small geta from the square, which near the kel. And begin to advance.

In the middle of the place under the sun hide behind the side. It will protect from the Sun and the enemies that go to the meeting. Partners can be immediately sent to the other side where the shadow, covering their movement (dangerous when the sun and geettes, plus the tank, the pins do not guess from it - it can destroy them), another option, to plant their partners on this side of the bridge, too In the shade, but to break through the flank to the tank. From there, slowly take him off his shields, health and armor, since it is in sight of you, then it will not be cleaned. Having understood with the tank, destroy the trifle, if still stayed and collect all sorts of helpful charms. Touch the door to Tali. Final mission roller.

Dossier: Justicear

Liara helps find out where both candidates are in Illium. In return, you need to do something. Go to the market, not far from the entrance to the terminal, hack it, at the far end of this wing another terminal, go to it. Not far from the souvenir tray, make a second hacking, copy the information near the operator is given. The remaining terminal is posted at the exit from this zone, the information will be taken behind the souvenir tray, at the far end of the platform. And read Liaire.

Talking with Dana, go to the mission. When you go to the port, talk to the Volus, it was shown in the video, and then with a detective from the police station. Go to the alley and kill the mercenarious detachment. Chat with our heroine and watch the video. Then talk again with the Volus and go to the elevator.

Inside strong biotics and droids. In the room near the ladder novice-mercenary. Talk and follow up, shooting in those who resist. After the door there will be a hall, there is a conveyor and biotics, droids and attack aircraft. In the neighboring hall - Letun, which fluttering over you will go to the rear, so look after two shelters. Use ignition. After he collapses - go to the door in the corner of the platform. There is a funny volc and last fight. The blown containers with toxins may prevent, so wait in the shelter until the fog will be dispelled. And at this time, the partners can already complete the elimination, because the fog did not interfere with them aim. Collect all the valuable indoors and go back to the port. Now dispose of the proof of the guilt of the Merchant and Volus and go to the ship.

Dossier: hired killer

First, talk to Lairo, and then with a serial and go to the mission. On the first floor there will be a droid of the simplest model, robots dogs and weak mercenaries. The injured Salarian worker will explain what both in these buildings. Later will be able to free his comrades. Call the elevator and hide, because two engineers and Crohan will jump towards meeting. Climb the elevator and talk with a single mercenary. Go to the big hall, which is behind the elevator - there are technicians and robots. Hack the door and save the builders. Go to the bridge. Biotics in the way will become more common.

On the bridge will have to resist the droids, then mercenaries and biotics, and on top attack rocket turrets. Going closer, destroy the latest reboot. The elevator at the top is a strong biotic.

Mass Effect 2 Passage
Ship collectible

This mission will begin, despite your actions when there is a stage of the team of team members. Since the galactic map is inactive, then talk with the ghost, and he will send you here.

Move through the corridors of the ship, past the corpses and cocoons, then to the console. During its use, a video will appear when it is completed, you can choose an additional weapon specialization. If you did not have an assault rifle, then choose it. Here, in the Armory Cabinet you can replace it with another of your stock. Go to the hexagonal platform, which has the control panel from above. Now it will be hot. Comrades on the team are sure to say where to hide, from which to shoot and what to use is very helping. At the first platform, you will join you some more. After reading everything, use the control panel again.

Suzi will indicate the way to exit. In the big room, two waves of beetles, collect all useful, especially the cartridges, jump down, there will meet Huski and Pretorian. The difficulty level will affect the first they will be or all the time. In Pretorian, shoot about 5 times until it falls apart. Follow the instructions to suzi to find output. When you go through two doors again come across the opponent. It will be easy, so you will quickly choose a soldier from the top fortification to take it. There you are safe. The end. Go to the shuttle and watch the video.

Grunt: Dedication Rite

Mission aimed at conquering Grunta's loyalty. It is necessary to go through the tucan. Take off the senior, then with shaman and you can start. To start the test Touch the button on the site, but first you can examine everything. After each step, press the button. First go Warren, then crustaceans. At the last stage, a thresholder. You should hold out for 5 minutes. You can kill it with a heavy weapon (collectors emitter). After the test, the Green Crohan will appear and will suggest bad things. Grunt will get angry and you will have to kill everyone.

Mordin: Old Blood

Immediately two tasks on the same planet - for Mondin and Grunta. After a conversation with the elder, go to the commander of mercenaries. The truck will take the surroundings of the base of mercenaries. Here will be crustaceans and boiled.

After entering the hospital, a video will appear, in it you can show yourself as an apostate. After completing the stripping group of the speaker, go on. There will be a lot of useful and long conversation near the Croada Cropa. Then see the big room in two floors, there will be a battle with Croogans and with a clan leader, which is easy to kill.

In the last room - the goal of the mission and the conversation. Make sure the development carefully, there will be a chance to raise an apostate / hero rating. Can

Garru: OK OK

Talk to the head of the PPC. Go 26 levels and find the entrance to the warehouses (there is an inadvertent client and the storekeeper nearby, they have a dispute about ordering). Log in and talk to the Volus, then go to the express taxi to the scene. After downloading, the action will begin: mercenaries and robots. When the bridge drops down to appear a big robot. For a small room with a roller and a dialogue will be lit by a huge hall. From opponents here are ordinary mercenaries and several robots. At the end of the hall, two large robots will appear, they will start to surround you, so go back. After falling robots, climb the platform, which is in the left corner of the hall and browse the video. At a meeting with Sidonis, behave anyhow - it will not affect the loyalty of Harrus.

Tain: Sins of Father

We can say that a conversational mission. Take Tain to the command. Talk to the officer of the PAP on the checkpoint, and then with the mouse on the top floor and again with the officer. Soon there will be an interrogation and a chance to show yourself from the worst side, earning many apostate points. Hero can use replicas, but the result will be the same. Look at the roller as Tain prays. Go for the Turian and tell Teine What are the stops. Again the roller and the end of the mission.

Samara: Ardat Yaksha

The essence of this mission of Samara will explain after the next mission. Also a colloquial mission. They flew on Omega, talking there with Aryia and the mother killed, which is in the residential area (not far from the entrance to the quarantine zone). Then inspect the room and go to the club's VIP zone. Cut the bartender to treat drinking at the expense of the institution, agree to help a friend journalist and bribing two Turians, forcing them to leave. And other actions can also attract the attention of the Morint. She will start talking to you. Topics for conversation: travel, music, art. Do not talk about the family. You can look in the house and capture the prototype of the rifle. Talk to Morint. In the most interesting moment Samara will come. Hero helps her, renegat - Morint. Their strength is approximately equal. Returning to Normandia.

Tali: Treason

Mysterious kvarian accused and judge for treason to their people. She needs to help. And in return to get her loyalty. Go according to the specified coordinates. Carefully select the command when a landing for resounds will occur, it will not be changed, and during the mission there will be a battle with heta. First dialogues, then the court. When the court is completed, go around the hall, talk with everyone and you will better understand the essence of the mission, as well as the kvarians in general. When will be ready, follow the shuttle on the captured ship. On it all sorts of types of geta. Give them all, collect utility, learn all laptops and monitors. When there is a father's body, in the room you will see the prime and a few gets. From the prime, remove the shields and call to your side, and then kill. At the end of the room, on the console - proof.












