Simple tricks at home. Ideas of simple focuss for children. Emotions of the President of America

Guess the magic number. This is a simple trick in which the magician asks for a person to do simple mathematical calculations, which leads it to almost the same answer every time. That's what you should tell the viewer:

  • "Come up with any number from 2 to 10".
  • "Multiply it to 9."
  • "Fold the first digit of this number from the second."
  • "From the result, deduct 4."
  • "Remember the new number - this is your secret number!"
  • "Now commend the letter according to the alphabet, corresponding to this figure. That is, if you succeeded 1, then this is a letter A; 2 - Letter B and so on. "
  • "Think about the European country that begins on this letter."
  • "For 3 letters of this country, make a large animal."
    • When the viewer fulfill all your instructions, just tell me: "I know what you think ... This is the number 5 and rhino in Denmark!" It should work every time.
  • Guess the magic vegetable. This simple trick works almost always. All you need is sheets of paper, handles and several gullible viewers. First, put one sheet of paper with the inscription "Cucumber" into the left pocket, and the second, with the inscription "Tomato", in the right pocket. Remember where you put each of the leaves. You are ready to start focus:

    • To begin with, distribute paper and handles to all the wishing to the audience.
    • Ask them to do several simple mathematical calculations, for example, multiply 2 to 2, divide 10 to 5, fold 3 and 3 and so on. You can say that this is a preparatory stage before reading thoughts.
    • Then tell me: "Quickly write the name of the vegetable!" Make sure that people do it as quickly as possible; Do not let anyone think for a long time.
    • Call the random viewer and ask to call the recorded name of the vegetable.
    • If he calls "Cucumber", pull out the paper with the inscription "Cucumber" from the left pocket. If he calls "Tomato", pull out the paper with the inscription "Tomato" from the right pocket. Tell the audience that you have so developed the ability to read thoughts that you were able to predict that they would write before the focus itself began.
    • People in Russia choose one of these vegetables in most cases. If a person does not call one of these two vegetables, in this case you will have to quickly go to another focus! If you live in another country with other common vegetables, you will have to search your own "magic vegetable."
  • Guess the name of the famous person. It is a rather simple focus, but it can take a little time. All you need is a hat, about 10 spectators, a handle, something you can write your prediction and so many sheets of paper, how much will be present. Here you should do:

    • Ask one of the audience to name the name of the celebrity.
    • Write the first name on a piece of paper and throw it into a hat.
    • Ask the rest to call the names of celebrities.
    • Do look that you write down each name, while in reality you will record only the first name again and again. This is what practice needs.
    • When the hat is filled, ask someone from the audience to help you.
    • Tell me that you can predict what name it pulls out of the hat. Of course, you will predict the first name. Write it on a skid to everyone can see.
    • Ask the viewer to get any sheet of paper out of the hat. All viewers will see that the first name is written there and, about a miracle, you made the right prediction!
  • Any child at least once in life dreamed of becoming a real magician. And even more he wanted to learn to solve mysterious tricks. We will consider several of the most popular focus and reveal the secrets of their execution.

    Magic wand

    To perform the focus, it is necessary to glue the wand from the paper sheet that you need to decorate. Fill it on one side of confetti, and on the other - serpentine. A child in front of the audience worst wand in a newspaper leaf and shake her. As a result, confetti will fall out of the paper. Then the sheet should be turned over, and get serpentine. At the end of the newspaper comes together with a wand.

    Guess the number

    The baby must ask a friend to think about the figure from 1 to 5. Then he must ask about the specified number. A friend will say that, for example, he conceived the top three. The wizard should come closer to the closet, in the sash of which lies a leaf with the inscription three.

    The secret is simple: pre-harvested cards with written numbers should be hidden in different objects of furniture.

    Depending on what number of friends will call, the magician will get the corresponding card from the piano or bedside tables. It is only important to remember what and where it will be hidden. Such a focus will perfectly develop a child's memory and makes believing his friends that the baby knows how to read thoughts.

    Apple and Orange

    The child needs to show the audience orange and cover it with a colored handkerchief. Pronounced "Kreks-Fex Pekk" ("Crible-crable-boom" Also must work), you need to pull the handkerchiefs. An apple will be lying on the palm.

    The secret of the trick is that with an orange it is necessary to remove the peel, and put an apple in his skin. When the focus is in full swing, the baby will need to tightly squeeze the apple in the skin of the orange and show it to everyone around.

    The scarf shrinks with the skin, and the apple is lying on the palm. Everything is simple. I need only hand dexterity.

    Such a trick will greatly affect the development of motility movements from your young wizard.

    Tennis ball

    The child should show all the tennis ball and clamp it in the handle. Then, the handkerchief is pushed into the fist. When the fingers are squeezed, only the ball remains, and there is no handker.

    The focus secret is simple: in the tennis ball is made in advance. When demonstrating the ball, he needs to show the audience in such a way that no one would guess that it has a hole. When the ball will be clamped in the handle, the hole must be top. As you understood, when pushing your handkerchief in your hand, the rag is placed in the ball itself. By the way, the baby can show all the ball without a handkerchief, and then from a squeezed hand with a shirt of deftly get a rag.

    Vertical egg

    This is a fairly simple focus, which is that the child can argue with friends, which can make an egg vertically.

    To solve such a task, you will need to make holes in the egg and remove protein and yolk through it.

    Then the baby simply will need to promote the egg, it will start turning and stand up vertically: here's fun and surprise will be friends!

    Where does water come from?

    The magician must demonstrate to the entire empty vase and the same empty hands. When he launches the handle in the vase, it will be able to spill the water.

    For the trick you will need:

    • rubber pear;
    • vase;
    • a tube.

    It is necessary to dial water into a rubber pear with a tube and hide "Nipple system" Under the sweatshirt in the sleeve. Then the baby will only need to press the hand to the barrel and put pressure on the pear slightly, water will turn into a container.

    As you can see, this seemingly impossible miracle, a very simple secret. Such simple tricks are intended, of course, for the kids ahead, because very small, perhaps, will not be able to imperceptibly pressing the pear. In conclusion, let's say: any tricks are a bit of magic. The child always dreams of feeling the wizard. Now the trading points offer a lot of all sorts of devices that may be needed by a young magician. Buy or personally make such things - solve yourself. Focus can truly captivate the child, and may be interesting to him only a couple of weeks.

    Many parents want their baby to mentally develop with the help of cognitive games, cartoons, performances. However, tricks can also develop attentiveness, agility and intelligence in the child.

    Focuss can be learn even at home by setting a small idea with the participation of the child. He will surprise all guests with his abilities to work wonders.

    Cognitive tricks for children on day born

    Loose a match that has already burned very easily!

    Spectators are watching the magician burned the burnt match. How is it possible?

    It is necessary to take a simple match and cut her base with a knife so that it looks like a burnt.

    After that, you need to lower the match into the black paint and wait until it dries.

    Who said that the spoon will not stick to the nose?

    This focus can be done only when there is a sweet drink on the table, such as compote or sweet coffee.

    1. First, the spoon must be dipped into the liquid, to prevent a little, and after some time get it and show it to guests.
    2. A spoon should be located as follows: its handle is directed down, and it is necessary to attach a spoon with a concave side.
    3. The magician slightly presses the object to the nose so that it is better stuck and slowly releases.
    4. A spoon, thanks to a sweet drink, easily glued.

    Quite a bit of time to learn this amazing focus. And the audience will already be delighted.

    Mountaindew bottle with carbonated water glows!

    It is already clear from the name that a bottle containing carbonated water will glow. It is only necessary to carry out several simple chemical reactions so that the liquid in the vessel can emit light. The effect will be incredible, as the light is so bright, which resembles a lit light bulb.


    • MountainDew - a bottle of soda.
    • Simple soda.
    • Solution of hydrogen peroxide.

    It is assumed that the MountainDew gas was less popular because of the ability to glow.

    1. To do this focus, you need to take a bottle with carbonated water. Three quarters of water need to pour out at all, and leave the rest.
    2. The next step is to put a slightly food soda in a vessel, somewhere one teaspoon, you can hide.
    3. Then add hydrogen peroxide, about 3 bottled plugs. Next, close the vessel and greatly shake.
      The longer shake the bottle, the more noticeably the effect becomes.
    4. Liquid in the vessel starts glowing. From luminous water, you can try to make various characters, drawings, words. To do this, just open the bottle and pour on any surface so that the image is released. This focus will be possible only in the dark.

    It is necessary to be careful that the liquid does not hit the surface of the skin, as well as in the eye and inside.

    Button can swim in carbonated water

    To carry out this magic, it is necessary to take conventional carbonated water and a small buttons. Mineralo pour into the cup and put a button in there. It turns out that it is sinking. Where is Miracles? And everything will be next.

    Then, as soon as the button is in a vessel, you need to lead the palm over it and talk the following words: "Buttons, up". She will rise. And once again you need to spend your palm over the glass and say: "Button, down". She will again be downstairs.

    Secret is focus simple:

    1. When the buttice is located at the very bottom, small bubbles are formed near it. When there are quite a lot of them, they push the button to the surface.
    2. As soon as the button pops up - bubbles disappear, and then it returns back again. This process will be accomplished until the gasport loses the property to highlight the gas.

    In order for this focus to be, before it is displayed, it is necessary to thoroughly practice. It is necessary to calculate the time when you need to give the button buttice. Without prior preparation, the focus may fail. Look at the video focus for children at home:

    Simple and interesting tricks for children and their parents

    Balloon that can not burst

    Focuscript must be in the hands of a balloon, to inflate it and pierce through the needles. Surprise ball did not burst.

    The child should show the audience that this ball is ordinary, and then pierce it with a thin needle. The ball immediately bursts.

    The needle will need, the main thing is that it is thin and long. After that, it should be glued to the ball on both sides a little tape. Before displaying the magic, it is best to practice the ball in those places where Scotch is fixed. Do it need it quickly and carefully.

    If you get a needle in the stretched rubber, the balloon can safely burst.

    Magic Power Bottles absorbed the Rope

    The child needs to take a vessel that has a narrow neck. Rope is lowered in it (not fully). The magician should show that the rope can be easily included in the vessel, so easily and go out. After that, it is necessary to turn the vessel down the neck.

    Viewers will see that the rope hangs, as if she was holding something inside. The magician should take on the rope, turning the vase, let go and rock the vessel backwards. Then the magician pronounces magical words, the beef is quietly coming out of the neck. How could this happen?

    1. For focus, a thick rope will need, and the length should be at least a meter to easily manage it. Accordingly, the neck of the vase should be two times wider than the diameter of the bemp itself.
    2. It is necessary to take a bottle of glass and paint, the main thing is that it does not shine, you can be beautifully decorated with various drawings. The most important thing in front: you need to take a small ball, you can do it from the plug for the bottle.
    3. The main thing is that it is a little more diameter of the inner neck of the bottle. After you need to lower the ball into the vessel, and do not get it until you end the focus.
    4. As soon as the child will show guests that the beef can easily enter and go out, he must lower the rope so that it touched the bottom. Next turn the bottle and very slowly, which is important, turn the vessel.
    5. The ball is also rolling towards the bottom and fixes the rope so that it can not slip out of the neck of the bottle.
    6. The rope and the vessel must be kept in different hands so that the focus is.
    7. Then you need to pull neatly for the rope so that it finally fixed. You need to let go too slowly. Spectators will see that the rope does not fall.
    8. To rotate the bottle in the initial position, and the rope did not slip out, you need to carry it slightly with one hand. And the vessel swings like a pendulum. In order for the rope again freed from the vessel, you just need to push the rope and the ball will let go of her.

    In order for the effect to be even better, you can ask the audience yourself to try to carry out this focus. You can give to touch the bottle, check the rope. You can show the guests of the bottom. As long as they look at him, you need to unwind in the hands of the groaned ball. After that, it is not scary to show the inner content of the vase.

    Really ordinary threads are also able to run?

    1. Focuscript It is necessary to take coils of different colors, the first is black, and the second is white. On one of them should be a thread, for example, they will be on the black, and there are no on white.
    2. Next you need to cross hands, cover with something coils or squeeze into fists. For much, conviction is to read the magic words.
    3. This focus can be repeated. All the time threads will change, first on one coil, then to another.

      It is not difficult to carry out the magic, you just need to paint both coils in one color, that is, one side in white, and the second one is in black.

    4. The coils themselves are placed so that they seem that they are different colors. We just need to practice unnoticing the coils imperceptibly, then the audience will have the feeling that the threads from one coil move to another. However, only the location changes.

    Incredible magical reincarnation of orange in an apple

    The magician must get an orange and demonstrate to his audience. After that, it is necessary to cover some beautiful and bright handkerchief. Pronounce magical words and grasp the handkerchief. Instead of orange, an apple appeared. How is it possible? Focus secret is simple.

    1. It is necessary before the focus shows to remove the peel of the orange so that it remains the whole.After that, the young wizard must wear an apple into orange crust. Apple size to choose a little less orange itself.
    2. As soon as the focus starts, the child should tightly squeeze the apple located in the peel of the orange and show the audience, which is in his hand.
    3. Then, when the fruit be covered with a handkerchief, the focuscript must be tried to remove it so that the crust of the orange appeared with it. It is necessary before the focus showing more than once to rehearse.

    These simple tricks for children at home can be made for birthday or some other holiday.

    What you still need to read:

    Secrets and training focus at home

    Magic thread that has no end

    Near Lartskana, the child notices a thread and strives to shake her, but he does not work. Repeats this action several times.

    The young magician takes the end of a white thread and begins to pull it, and it is drawn up as if she has no end.

    The magician must depict the surprise on his face so that the audience believes to him that this focus is unplanned.

    To carry out magic, you need to take threads, it is desirable to choose more, and wind them on a short pencil. After that, the child should put a pencil in the side pocket, and the end of the thread with the help of a needle should be shattered through the material of the jacket.

    Why exactly a pencil? Because when children ask for a pocket's content, they will see there only a regular pencil. He will distract guests from thoughts that the threads can be coated not only on the coil. In addition, the pencil is not so high in his pocket, unlike the coil.

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    But we argue that you can not blunt the candle?!

    Everyone can blew a candle, but is it possible to do this if you have to blow through the funnel. The funnel is wide, and its end is narrow - it will be difficult to implement this action. Especially when the candle is in the middle of the funnel, then to blew the candle in general it is unrealistic. Even if you apply all your mooler power, the flame will not break.

    However, there is a way with which the candle will easily go out. It is important to know the location where you need to put a candle. It is necessary to put a funnel so that the flame is at the edge of the funnel, and not in the middle. The candle will immediately go out. Why does it happen?

    When the air leaves through a narrow tube through a wide hole, it never comes across in the middle.

    Before the release of the air is dissipated along the walls of the vessel, so the air is able to get only on the flame located on the edges of the funnel. Focus will surprise all the audience with his magical feature. Although it is just the law of physics.

    Slim sheet capable of withstanding a glass

    1. Focuscript must be put on the table two vessels, such as glasses. They should be put on some distance from each other. No need to choose heavy glasses, it will make it difficult to implement the focus.
    2. Next, the young wizard should give guests a regular white sheet and ask to put it on the glasses, and on top of it to put the third glass.
    3. Let the guests know themselves that this is the most common leaf and ordinary glasses. But the audience is in bewilderment, as it is impossible to do this action, since the weight of the glass is much more than the weight of the usual sheet of paper.
    4. Then the young wizard folds the paper by the accordion, and the glass easily holds on the surface. Very simple and cunning way to cheer and hit the audience.

    Effective tricks for children of any age

    How can the usual tea turn into ink?

    In one vessel you need to pour milk, and in the other cup there must be tea. But it is only for children, it is impossible to assume that they taste fluids in glasses.

    Instead of milk, mix starch with water, it turns out a white liquid similar to milk. And instead of tea - mix water and a few drops of iodine.

    Focuscript need to demonstrate the contents in glasses and fill the liquid from one to another. It turns out something like ink. You can offer guests to draw a resulting mixture something on any surface or hold a competition for the best drawing.

    How to skip the ball so that he stays the whole?

    Before the case, a true magician will take place, the presenter must offer viewers with a pencil to pierce the balloon, respectively, filled with air. From children, no one can save the ball in the integer.

    They are convinced that it will not work without consequences. But the magician knows how to work wonders, so he will do it with ease.

    The child will need match boxes, or rather his case. The young wizard must fill the ball through it with air. Then pierce the match, and then the ball itself. Children will see that he remained whole and unharmed.

    No help lips inflate balloon

    Before showing the wonders of the focus, you need to ask the audience to inflate the ball so that the lips are not involved, as well as the pumps. Guests can not do the task, no matter how trying to do it. But there is a single person who can show a master class and this is a magician.

    For focus, a conventional glass bottle will be required, it is necessary to wear a balloon on it. Then to put the vessel in hot water, when about two minutes goes, the ball will start to increase.

    Why is this happening? The bottle begins to heat up, respectively, the air also becomes warm. When it heats up, it expands and dishes out of the bottle, accumulating in the ball.

    As soon as the bottle is cooled, the ball again takes the initial appearance.

    Incredible, the ball can inflate independently

    1. Again guests presenter asks to fill the ball with air without the help of lips. The young wizard must take a plastic bottle and pour the vinegar there, approximately half a cup (adults should look after).
    2. The ball is put on five teaspoons of food soda. On the neck of the bottle to wear a ball. When the soda falls into the bottle, the ball is inflated independently.

    Why is this happening? In this focus, as in the previous one, there is a chemical reaction. When the soda is connected to the vinegar, carbon dioxide is released, so the ball is filled with the ball.

    Focuses for children at home will be very informing both children and their parents.

    Focuses for children at home

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    After reading the article, you can do simple, but very funny tricks.

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    Why start?

    It is especially useful to learn a few focus shy, unsure of themselves to the kids. After all, in order to show the prepared trick, you need to get out if not on the stage, then at least in the center of the room where the whole family or friends gathered at the presentation. And the rapid applause and surprise of friends will be the best medicine of the affected self-esteem.

    Firstly explain the daughter or son that in order for the focus to be needed, it is necessary to work out. Very often, children want everything immediately. They are upset if after a few attempts they do not come out. Remind the child that you can not get out without difficulty and fish out of the pond. With your help, a novice magician will cope with the inevitable difficulties, and this will help him further bring the work started to the end, it will work out purposefulness.

    Many focuses require the manufacture of requisites. For 5-6-year-old kids it will be an excellent creative activity. And where the child will not cope himself, his mother or grandmother will help him. Here in the course will go the most ordinary things: ropes, coins, cardboard boxes, plastic jars from sour cream and of course colored paper, paints, pencils.

    Where to find descriptions of focus? In children's magazines and books. This literature is not so much, but it is easy to find it. After all, the door to the magic is closed, but not locked. Try to interest the young Maga and books on the history of the art of illusions, tell him about the great magicians of the past and present. This will give the child new knowledge and will teach more seriously, comprehensively refer to the topic of interest. Tell the baby that, for example, David Copperfield since childhood read all the literature on focus, which he could only find, and it helped him to become the greatest illusionist of the world.

    Act on the principle of "from simple to complex". If the baby has a good focus in his life, he will feel more confident in the future. Choose a simple, well understandable trick, disassemble it with the baby. When the child starts to get, let it rehearse before the mirror. So he will be able to understand what the audience will see, and correct possible errors.

    Practice together what and how your magician will say during the execution of the trick. Explain to him that the artist is very important how he behaves on stage. Even the most amazing "magic" will be boring if the "wizard" silently waves with a wand. It is quite another thing when the artist smiles and jokes with the audience. So gradually the child will learn not only to speak at ease during the presentation, it will contribute to the development of a sense of humor. And still tell the baby, which is very important never to disclose the secret of the focus, no matter how they asked him about it. Otherwise, the sense of magic will be destroyed.

    The simplest tricks

    Here are some simple tricks from which you can start.

    Spoon glued to the nose

    Focus spoon glued to the nose, suitable for the occasion when you drink sweet coffee or compote, stirring it with a light tea spoon. To demonstrate focus, remove the spoon out of the cup. Turn the spoon with the handle down and attach a concave side to the nose. Lightly press the spoon outside with your fingers. After you remove your hand, the spoon will hang on the nose, as if she was glued. The secret of focus is simple. The spoon was really glued with a sweet drink left on it when stirring. Even with small acting abilities a few seconds to convince the audience of this focus in an extraordinary property of your spoon.

    Coins in book

    Put six coins on the big book page. Close the book, we say the magical words "Kreks-Pekx-Fex". Now we open the book, we creep it so that the coins slip into someone from the audience in the hand. Recounting them and discover that the coins became ten! The secret of focus is simple. Before the start of the presentation, you need to shove four coins in the root of an open book and check that they can imperceptibly slip away from there when you tilt the book, but do not fall out at any movement.

    Wonderful tie appearance

    The next simple trick is a focus joke. A little magician goes to the audience and asks what important item is lacking in his costume. Oh, he forgot to wear a tie! Nothing terrible, because the wizard can all. The child swears the magic wand - and the bow tie turns out to be on his place! Where did he come from? And the whole thing, of course, in special training.

    You need to take a thin round gum and one end to attach it to the tie. Then a tie with a rubber body climb under the arm so that the audience is not visible. The free end of the gum is extended to the loop on the collar of the shirt, under the shirt, we will lower it to the belt and will firmly fix it. Now you need to take a magic wand in hand. When the baby is waving her, the gum will attract the tie to the collar.

    Three bottled covers

    Three viewers distribute on the lemonade lid, two of which are conventional white (colorless), and one is yellow. Offer to hide the caps into the box with three compartments so that you do not see where what, and you will guess, in which separation lies the cover, for example, yellow.

    The box is made of four outdoor cases and three internal drawers of matchboxes. When the lids are decomposed, turn to the audience, take the box and after a second, reflections confidently specify where the specified lid is hidden.

    The secret of the focus: in a yellow-colored cover in advance to put a lead circle under the seal, equal to the diameter of the lid. Covers distribute the audience one so that they could not have the opportunity to compare them. When you get a box in your hand, you imperceptibly take her finger tips for the middle. The advantage of one side will immediately indicate you the desired separation. If the box remains in equilibrium, then the desired lid - in the center).

    Reading thoughts

    The young magician can surprise the audience and the ability to read thoughts. A child takes a book from the shelf as if at random and asks the viewers to name the number of any page. Then he comes out of the room, and the assistant, for example, mom, at this time reads the top line on the selected page out loud.

    The kid returns to the room and asks the audience to think about the heard line. Then, pretending that he reads thoughts, says it. This trick will easily work out by the baby who can read. The whole secret lies in the fact that the same book is hidden behind the door. When a child comes out of the room, he just reads and remembers the top line on the desired page.

    Balloon and needker

    The young magician holds an inflated balloon in his hands. Then he takes a long needle, pursues the ball through, but the magic ball remains the whole. To demonstrate to the audience that the ball is the most ordinary, the child is lightly pierced by his needle. The ball bursts.

    How is it possible? Help your son or daughter to prepare the needle for this focus. It must be long, thin, well pointed and carefully polished, without jar. Now we stick to the ball on both sides on a piece of scotch - and the requisite is ready. Only at first it is necessary to practice the ball exactly in the "fortified" scotch flames quickly and neatly. If you accidentally get the needle into a thin, stretched tires of the ball, it will immediately burst. And nothing that the baby will spoil not one dozen balls. But then he can surprise guests on the birthday or buddies in kindergarten in a mysterious trick.

    Magic Figure

    And now we will demonstrate the audience magic rice. Your magician fills the plastic jar from margarine to the edges. Then she covers it with the exact same jar of the dress up, turns the jars on the side, tightly pressing each other, and wears them in all four corners of the room, saying that in the magic rice is transferred to the north, south, west and east. Our rice flew around the world.

    Perhaps he did not twice the tastier, but it was twice as much. We put jars on a tray, remove the top ... Capacity is full of rice, but from somewhere undescene! He crumbled throughout the tray, it was twice as much! But earlier rice easily placed in a jar, it was seen everything. For this focus, we need to put in advance over plastic jars. We will need two completely identical containers.

    Take the lid from the jar, gently cut her edge. Lubricate the edge of the lid by any universal glue and glue it inside one of the cans around in the middle now the volume of banks decreased by two times. Let the kid decorate both jars so that they look exactly equally.

    To do this, they can be placed by colored paper and brilliant stars. In order for the focus to be, we embarrass the rice into a regular jar and cover it with the one that we specifically prepared, putting inside the lid. Now only it remains not to forget the important detail at the end of the focus: after "traveling around the world" a jar with a glued lid should be downstairs.

    Hand binding

    For a successful carrying out the next focus, the baby will have to practice a little.

    We will need a rope with a length of about 1 m, a thin metal (or plastic) bracelet in the form of a ring, which is easy to pass a child's hand, and a big handkerchief. Two assistants tightly tied up the brushes of the hands of the "Wizard" ends of the rope. A child takes a bracelet in one hand and hides both hands under a handkerchief, which hold on the ends of the helpers. After a few seconds, assistants remove the handkerchief, and the artist raises his hands up and shows a bracelet hanging on the rope. Of course, and here the attenuation is very simple. After all, there is a second, exactly the same bracelet. The child pre-put it on his hand and covers the sleeve of a shirt or sweatshirt. In the meantime, the assistants hold a handkerchief, the bracelet in his pocket, and hidden under the sleeve shifts down the rope. That's the whole secret!

    Amazing pencil

    Fold a cash bill in half and keep horizontally. Put a pencil for it. Spectators will see how he, pushing the paper, leaned on the other side. Do not pull out a pencil, turn the bill vertically. Holding it with one hand from above, another sharply lower the pencil down. It will easily pass through paper, and paper ... it turns out the whole and unharmed!

    The secret of the focus: In the middle of the pencil, do a 4 cm long cut. Showing the focus, move the pencil with the opposite side of the side of the bills so that the half of the bills entered into the propyl. Bend the second half of the bill. Seeing a part of a pencil like a tongue, the audience will take her for a whole pencil. It remains only to sharply lower the pencil down and release the bill from the propyl.

    Instant transformation of an orange in an apple

    The young wizard shows all the orange, covers it with a bright handkerchief, pronounces magic spells, pulls the handkerchief. And on my palm already an apple! Secret focus. Gently remove the peel from the orange in advance. Then an apple (it should be a little less orange) Place in this peel. When showing a child, tightly holding an apple in an orange peel, shows everyone that he has in his hand. Then a clever move removes a scarf from an apple along with the skin.

    Candy from confetti

    Just imagine: covers a young magician with a scarf paper cup with confetti, removes a handkerchief, and instead of confetti in a cup of candy. The most real, sweet and tasty. Help, friends! And no matter how fantastic it sounds, but with the necessary props, it is easy to make such a focus. So, we will need a large opaque bowl or a wide vase, filled until the middle of the confetti (we buy several bags and pour out in the bowl), two completely identical paper or plastic cups (one with a lid), candy in the candy, handkerchief. Before proceeding to the training session, we'll put a little bit above the cup.

    The one that is with a lid, fill with sweets, close the lid, dense it with glue and cover the confetti. It is better to stick confetti into several layers so that they reliably disguised the lid. If there is no ready-made protrusion on the cap on the side, we glue a piece of a solid fishing line so that it does not get into the eyes, but at the same time it was easy to grope and capture his fingers. Cups together with baby can be decorated with stickers. Just follow up to look absolutely identical (for this use two sheets of identical stickers).

    After all this, you put the cup into the bowl of confetti in such a way that it is not visible. Preparation is completed. Go actually to focus. The magician demonstrates the audience a bowl with confetti and reports that it can turn confetti into candy. Do not believe? Now!

    He takes an empty cup, shows his viewers, scolds them confetti from the vase and pouring him back from a fairly high height, demonstrating the audience that all this is the usual things, there are no secrets in them. You need to scatter confetti carefully, so as not to "light up" the hidden glass. Then the young magician again stresses confetti, but at the same time it imperceptibly leaves an empty glass under the layer of colored circles, and pulls out a glass with a "secret". This is the first moment to work as it should be worked out. Spectators should not suspect anything.

    The "secret" cup rises above the bowl and demonstrates to the audience, the remnants of confetti roll down, and no one suspects about the substitution. The magician shakes more unnecessary confetti (leaving only glued), covers a glass with a scarf and "squeezes" over it, uttering something like: once, two, three, become candy confetti!

    And he himself grips through the handkerchief prepared loop from the fishing line and pulls the handkerchief from the cup along with the lid. This is the second point that requires training. You need to learn how to quickly capture the loop and remove the handkerchief so that the cover is not noticeable under it. After that, the young magician puts the handkerchief to the side, and a cup of surprised spectators demonstrates a cup, full of candies. Well, what are the magic candy taste?

    Jumping coin

    This is a cute home focus, simple and efficient. Put a small coin on the table and offer someone to raise it without touching the table or a coin. Of course, even if anyone calls to do it, still will not be able.

    The secret of the focus: it's enough to keep your hand close to the coin and blend hard on it from a distance of 5 centimeters. The air squeezed by your dunge will raise the coin and threw it into your hand. It is not possible that it is not immediately, but after a few exercises you can deftly do this focus: I blew my coin in my hand!

    Infinite thread

    The magician notices on his jacket, near Lartskana, white thread, is trying to smear it several times. But the thread is not "smackhing." The magician takes her end and pulls down. Thread begins to stretch out of the jacket. The more she pulls out, the more wondering the magician. And the length of the thread is several tens of meters! Focus mechanics: White thread from the coil is wound on a short color pencil (as much as wound), put in the side inner pocket and her tail (1-2 cm) is dragged with a needle through the fabric of the jacket outward. The pencil is needed so that in the pocket "there is no trace left" if someone from the audience will ask the magician to show his pocket; Pencil is not a coil, it will not help the randering of this focus.

    Water deceivers

    If a transparent glass is put on a large copper coin, then through its walls, the coin will be clearly visible. Pour water into the glass - the coin "will disappear" (of course, if not to look into the glass from above). Based on this optical effect, you can come up with a number. Take the coin and take it in advance to the bottom of the glass. A child shows the audience a glass with water. There is nothing in it. Lower the glass down and keep it so that the audience look at him from above - a coin appeared in a glass!

    Obedient butt

    Pour in a glass of gas. The young magician takes a small button and lowers it into a glass. The button will be at the bottom. Immediately or a little later, moving over a glass and says: "Buttitz, to me!" Button slowly rises up. He holds his hand over a glass and says: "Button, down!" She obediently drops.
    The secret of the focus: when the button is located at the bottom of the glass, gas bubbles are going around it and when they will become a lot, they will raise a button. Then the bubbles will disappear and the button goes down again. This movement will continue reaching carbon dioxide. But first work, calculate the time before commanding the button "up" or "down".

    Focus with slippers

    The magician makes a paper bundle. Unlock it. It takes from a convolution a pure truth. From all sides shows his audience: nothing is hidden in it. Spreads it on the floor. Another holding a trick with his hands around the edge, he paints one foot with another slipper and covers them with a half. Makes in the air with the hands of "Magic Passions". Risses a rug and indicates "Unknown from where" appears, shoes. Sailing viewers air kiss. It is solemnly crushed in all directions. And it does not notice that his slippers "by themselves" (they are pulled for the thread) rapidly "leaving" from the scene. King to bow, clown is looking for their slippers. There are no them anywhere! Promotion of the leg of a fullness, confusedly seed from the scene. And at the same time still trying to smile.

    Slow candle

    Plant the candle - there is nothing easier, but try to blew through a wide funnel, blowing into it through a narrow end, or through a paper tube, folded panty. If the candle costs you just before the middle of the tube, blend the candle is completely impossible. The flame, despite all efforts, is still still and not even pegs. Try to put a funnel so that it has to have her edge, and the flame will go out now. It happens because the jet of air, emerging from the mouth, pass through the narrow part of the funnel and dissipate in its wide part, then they go along the walls of the funnel and the candle flames are passed. If the flame stands in the edge of the funnel, then the same jet of air blows it. This focus will seem interesting and strange viewers.

    Glass on paper

    Put two glasses at some distance one from the other (the glasses should be not heavy). Give the audience a sheet of paper and offer this paper placed on the glasses, put the third glass. No one will believe that a thin leaf of paper can withstand the severity of the glass put on it. To make this focus, you need a sheet of paper to fold the harmonica, and the glass will stand.

    Gaying the date of birth

    This focus can spend the leading holiday with the audience. He refers to the audience: "Do you want, I recognize the date of birth of each of you? Let someone come to me ... Please multiply by the 2 number when you were born. To the "Result, add 5, and multiply this amount to 50. Now add the sequence number of the month when you were born, and name the resulting number". Having learned this number, the one immediately calls the day and month of birth. Focus secret: from the audience called It is necessary to take 250. It will turn out a three-digit or four-digit number in which one or two first digits - a birthday, and the last two months.

    Taking tea

    In one glass - "Milk" (brazed potato starch). In another glass - "Tea" (a few drops of iodine in a semi-head of water). The liquid from one cup is poured into the other and get "ink". They can even write on paper. Spectators can try their abilities to draw, taking a brush and depicting something on a clean sheet of watman or cardboard.

    Living water

    On a blank paper, the baby draws a simple pencil of the flower circuit, then watering it with water. And then the plant gradually flourishes (becomes color).
    Focus's secret: Take white paper, put a flower cardboard stencil on it. Pull the entire volume of the flower with a bright red aniline powder, while closing its rest. Leaf and stem float with green aniline powder. Without removing the stencil, blew everything from paper. In places where the powder was, the smallest small paint particles will remain. On the reverse side of the leaf, where the child will then draw a flower, barely notice the contour. When showing water, it is necessary to pour slowly, from the side of the stem. From water, paper wets, and paint through it will gradually paint the flower!

    Magic vase

    And you probably saw this focus repeatedly. The magician takes a vessel with a narrow neck, lowers the end of the rope in it, pre-showing the audience that the rope freely "enters and comes out." Then he turns the vessel to the bottom, and the rope continues to hang, held in a vessel with some mysterious force. The magician is taken by his hands for the rope, turns the vase into normal position, let go, and she swings on the rope, like a pendulum. What is this strange force so tightly tied rope and vase?

    Finally, the magician pronounces the spell, "strength" releases the rope, and that freely, there is no effort to the vessel neck. What? Is there any secret in a vase? Please look at yourself and make sure they turn in your hands: just a vase and just a rope, nothing special!

    And the secret of this focus is very simple. And the baby will cope with him. Only here he can not do without the help of mom or dad, because our vessel must first prepare. This we, of course, deceived our viewers, that there is no secret. He is, as in any focus. So, as a magic vessel, it is convenient to use a glass bottle from Ketchup with a narrow neck or any other suitable dishes. The rope is needed fat and rigid, about a length of about half a meter or less (the child should be conveniently controlled by it).

    The diameter of the neck should be larger than the diameter of the rope is roughly twice. Make an opaque glass bottle, paint its paint (for example, acrylic) and decides with magic patterns. Now the most important thing. You will need a small rubber ball with a diameter of slightly more than half of the inner diameter of the neck. The ball can be cut from a bottle plug. It descends into the bottle and is there throughout the focus. Perhaps you will have to experiment with different sizes of the ball so that the focus get perfectly.

    So what happens during the focus? The young focker demonstrates the audience a bottle and rope, then shows that the rope is fluent in the neck of the bottle and also easily leaves. After that, it lowers the rope into the bottle until the bottom and slowly (this is important) turns the bottle with a snitch up. The bottle should be kept in one hand, and the rope is in another. The ball at the same time rolling into the neck between the rope and the wall of the bottle. Now you need to slightly pull the rope to secure the design, and then slowly let go.

    Ahalai Mahalai! The rope does not fall. Then the magician is taken by hand for the rope, slowly turns the bottle and let go. And now she is already swinging on the rope. The ball still does not give the rope to slip out. To eliminate "magical power", it is enough just to push the rope deep into the bottle.

    The ball will fall on the bottom, and the rope will easily come out. For a considerable effect, you can offer viewers to examine the rope and a bottle for the subject of "magic" and try to repeat the focus. Let any of the audience pull out the rope from the neck. Then the magician turns over the bottle, as if showing the viewers of her bottom, and meanwhile, hides in his hand gone from the neck of the ball. Everything, now the bottle can be given to the audience for a scrupulous study. It is clear that no one can repeat the focus.

    Presentation begins! Spectacular appearance

    When your young illusionist, several focus will be well rehearsed, you can think about the present home show. Write together with the kid scenario of the presentation, think about suit, light, musical design. The costume will depend on the role that the child will choose. If he wants to be a wizard, then a long wide balachon is suitable, embroidered with stars. Or maybe he will represent a gnome or other fabulous character. Then you need to dress accordingly. And of course, do not forget about the magic wand, which can be made from the usual wooden stick, wrapped it with foil and decorate.

    To impress the viewers, devote the spectacular beginning of your show: The Great Magician and the Wizard appears in the room the most mysterious way.

    For this purpose, you will need a large cardboard box (for example, from a TV) in which a child can fit.

    From her mom along with the baby will make a house. Put the box with colored paper or paint paint. On the one hand, we draw or take windows and doors, and with another neatly cut down a secret "door", in which the artist can crawl. Separately from the cardboard, make a removable roof for our house. In the room we will put the table, to the floor with a closed cloth, a short distance from it we will install our house "face" to the audience.

    Between the table and the house temporarily deliver the roof from the house, blocking the gap. Your young Copperfield climbs under the table and is waiting there quietly right moment. All is ready. Spectators enter the "Hall". Mom in the role of an entertainer reports that the famous artist illusionist will appear from minute to minute, raises the house, showing that it is empty and puts in place. After that, the "artist" is very neatly crawling out of the table, under the roof in the house.

    Mom raises the roof, showing that there is nothing between the house and the table, and puts on the roof on the house. Now I need to say magic words, remove the roof, and your small magician and magician appears from the house. Further, he demonstrates the audience his art, necessarily leaving some interesting focus in case it causes it to bis.

    Or maybe you arrange a whole family view for your guests? After all, mom or dad is also under the power to learn several busy foci and perform with your crumb. Ready? So Eni-Beni-slave! Incredible, magic performance begins!

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    It's no secret that focuses Love not only children, but also adults. After all, each of us wants to believe in miracles, and what, no matter how good focus, convinces us in their existence. In addition, with the help of focus you can entertain guests on any holiday. The content of the article:

    If you decide to include several magic tricks on the entertainment program of your event, we advise you to choose where guests are required, because everyone wants to become a part "Wonderful" process. We picked up for you the easiest tricks that do not require special skills and props. But it does not make them less interesting.

    Magic with paper

    Mathematical tricks


    1. Cover Magician

      You will need not all the deck, but only 21 map. . Spread three rows of seven cards down shirts. Invite the viewer and ask him to remember any card of three rows. He will have to tell you in which row is the map. Then you need to fold the cards in three stacks. The stack in which the card selected by the participant put in the middle.

    Now the resulting deck of 21 cards Spread out again in three rows and ask the viewer to specify to you in which column is that card. Again, fold the cards in the stacks and in the middle, put the row to which you indicated the participant of this focus. Make this manipulation with the layout and the map indication again. It turns out that you folded the card three times, put the selected row between the other two stacks and collected everything into one deck. Then you remove a deck behind your back and pull out the molded card!

    Secret: If three times put a stack with a guessable card between two others, then as a result, the desired map will be the eleventh in a bill in the deck.

    1. Miracle map.

      You will need all the deck of cards. Put cards in front of the audience and ask one of them to participate in the magic act. This lucky one will have to choose any card, remember it and, without showing you, put on top of the deck. You need a deck to divide into two parts and the bottom put on the upper one. Then decompose cards with a shirt down and show the molded card.

    Secret: Before starting focus Before Remember the bottom card. When you fold a deck, the mandated map will be above the bottom.

    Focuses with water

    1. Enchanted water

      For the experiment, you will need several transparent glasses. One of them should have simple water. Show the audience that these are ordinary glasses and there is nothing in them. But you are the magician, so ordinary glasses and water become magical in your hands and you can change the color of the liquid. To prove it, you pour into every glass of water and every time the fluid color changes. And as a result, you turn out four glasses with red, yellow, blue and green water. Secret: You need dyes Four colors I. stationery glue. Before starting the focus, lubricate the edge of the glass with glue and sprinkle different dyes in four places, but only quite a bit. Then very carefully pour water into the glass. Before spilling water around the tanks, you imperceptibly twist the glass with dyes so that every time a different color was obtained. That's the whole secret!
    2. Obedient butt

    Fill the glass with carbonated water. Then take a small button and lower it into the container. The button drops to the bottom. After a few seconds, aloud order the button to climb and it will slowly start moving upstairs. Then order her go down and it will start to fall on the bottom. So you can manage objects! Secret: At that moment, when you throw a button in a glass, bubbles of carbon dioxide will gather around it and raise it upstairs. Then the bubbles will disappear and the button drops again to the bottom. The button will "drift" until the water is carbon dioxide. You also need to watch the button and during her order!

    It is so easy with the help of focuss you can entertain guests, which, no doubt, will get a lot of pleasure from participating in your presentation.

    If you plan to arrange children's holiday With focus, we advise you to see the following video:

    Sets of focus

    And after all, there are whole sets for focus! I had such a child in my childhood, here nostalgia !!! How great was to play in real magicians with such accessories. Climbed on the sites of children's toys, see if there is something similar now? It turns out how much please! Here selection Sets for focus