Entertainment for wealthy and wealthy individuals: new TOP from HG! Holidays for billionaires: how big businessmen of Russia spend their leisure time Top 10 entertainment for the rich

China is an ancient state with a distinctive culture, positioned as a kind of standard that needs to be imitated. Over the centuries, the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire have formed their own views on sex and eroticism, as evidenced by the old manuscripts and accompanying drawings.

Entertainment for wealthy Chinese women

Wealthy Chinese women have invented their own rather strange way of meditation. To do this, they were looking for young guys, necessarily innocent, who had not yet turned eighteen years old. For a solid monetary reward, rich ladies invited young men to indulge in love pleasures with them. A fair question arises: what is strange and shocking here? This was followed by the most violent part of their sexual perversion. Innocent guys who agreed to participate in the entertainment of rich ladies were placed in the water so that only their head and neck remained at the top. Young men were fixed to pre-prepared devices, which were installed in the water directly over the head of the unfortunate guy. The ladies sat on the rig from above so that their naked genitals were above the face of a young innocent man. According to ancient manuscripts, such a strange and cruel perversion of wealthy Chinese ladies gave them pleasure.

The women enjoyed the fact that the innocent young man did not have the opportunity to take his eyes off the picture that opened before his eyes and they had no choice but to "see what was happening."

Although these facts do not have scientific confirmation, but analyzing the style of modern perversions, we can conclude that the homeland of most of them is China or Japan.

The shocking perversions of wealthy Chinese men

In their many palaces, the emperors and their courtiers arranged sexual orgies, indulging in various bizarre pleasures. And they explained such fun by the fact that in this way they contribute to the harmony between female (yin) and male (yang) energy.

Entertainment of ancient Chinese rulers

A prime example demonstrating the customs of the imperial court is King Zhou Xin of the Yin Dynasty. Regular exercise and participation in fights allowed him to keep himself in excellent physical shape.

But not only martial arts with wild animals and fights with the best warriors interested the royal person. In the palace of Zhou Xin lived a queen, three main wives, wives of the second and third rank (nine and twenty-seven, respectively), numerous concubines. In addition, the staff of the royal palace consisted of about three thousand girls who took part in festive events and feasts, where they were given the opportunity to show what virtues and skills they possess.

The king lined up the courtiers along the perimeter of the arena, where he showed them his sexual exploits. He could walk around the arena with a roasted calf leg in one hand and a two-liter bronze goblet full of wine in the other.

Meanwhile, in his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist, there was a naked girl riding on his manhood. The woman moved up and down his excited penis, she moaned and made voluptuous sounds. The audience was delighted with this picture.

The love joys of the Chinese emperors of our era

However, the luxurious life of the ancient Chinese rulers can in no way compare with the lifestyle of some emperors who lived at a later time.

One of them is Emperor Yandi, who belonged to the Sui dynasty. He was born in 581 and died in 618 AD. He began his reign with the construction of one of the greatest palaces in the world, for which he employed about two million workers gathered throughout the empire. Outside, the palace was decorated with the finest marble in a wide variety of colors. And its interior decoration was striking in its luxury. The Imperial Palace was located in a walled park covering an area of ​​120 square kilometers. In the center of the park there was an artificially created lake, along the banks of which sixteen palaces were built for concubines and court ladies. Emperor Yandi preferred to indulge in lovemaking in boats, gently swaying on the waves. The emperor went on walks in the park, accompanied by thousands of court girls. Throughout the park, at a short distance from each other, there were pavilions enclosed by a low fence.

Emperor Yandi could have a sudden sexual desire, and then he chose several girls to make love to them in one of the pavilions. All the other women sat around, humming and playing tunes that pleased their master.

As soon as the palace was completed, the emperor began construction of the Great Canal, connecting north and south by waterway. Palaces were also built on the banks of the canal, where Yandi stayed during his water trips. The imperial fleet included junks, in which about a thousand wives and numerous concubines followed the emperor.

The indefatigable ruler, who adored love joys on the waves, wanted to feel something similar on land. For this, a circular wavy road was built. The carriage, passing on such a surface, swayed, which gave even greater pleasure to people who indulged in love delights in it. By order of the emperor, "seven wonderful chariots" were built. Outwardly, the chariot looked more like a coffin. In each of them was a concubine, waiting for the master to pay attention to her. The emperor liked to go for a ride in a chariot in the early morning to enjoy sexual games with his concubines. Throughout the day, he made love to every girl he chose.


China is one of the oldest states in the world with its own unique culture, which is fundamentally different from the culture of the West. This can be clearly seen in such an important and intimate sphere of human life as erotica. Based on the above, it can be seen that Chinese men and women have been looking for new ways of sexual pleasure since ancient times. Sometimes it was cruel entertainment and shocking ordinary people with its perversity.

Comments (6)

    Nikolay, more than 50 games have already been invented by me or creatively reworked from well-known ones for organizing the leisure of our wealthy compatriots. Here are the four most popular:
    1. "Homeless tour" - clients are made up under the homeless, put on rags, rubbed with rotten radish for the appropriate smell and sent to the Three Station Square in Moscow to earn alms. The winner is the one who managed to collect the most. Of course, I have to pay extra for those godfathers who control the homeless work in that "gold-bearing" place. The game has been hugely popular for over 7 years. Not so long ago, 4 ministers of the Russian Federation played it at once.
    2. "Waitresses" - clients are made up and dressed up like tough waiters, after which they serve an incredibly colorful audience in tacky cafes near the station. The winner is the one who serves dumplings to customers on plastic plates, but still manages to get at least some tip from them.
    3. "Market traders" - clients are placed at the counters of the usual collective farm market, where their task is to make the greatest revenue by selling tomatoes, cucumbers or apples, pears and other vegetables or fruits. The winner is the one with the highest revenue with the least number of transactions. Bankers, sales managers and marketers are especially fond of the game.
    4. "Strippers" - clients are taught to spin at a pole, undress, collect tips in an elastic band on their thighs, sew appropriate striptease outfits for them, make up and release on stage one of the popular strip clubs in the capital. The winner is the one who collects the most tip in the rubber band on the hip. For about 7 years now, the game has enjoyed constant success, both among the wives of businessmen and their husbands.
    These are not all the games that are offered in the extensive menu of my agency, which is making good money on organizing role-playing and business games for 10 years soon.

    To answer

    Thank you Sergey for your attention, I have not been in the community for long, but I have already paid attention to your creative approach to games and the organization of elite entertainment tours. And you, and some respected members of the community, have also spoken about the game "Homeless Tour". My interest lies in a somewhat different area - as long as the client views the game as a game, it brings him new sensations, joy, an emotional charge - no doubt! What about the severity of the situation? For your money, for a couple of weeks in a place where no one understands you? Without a doubt, there is control there, but hardly at your level, so there, in this training, the same homeless people can easily spoil their faces ... Although, as far as I know, it never came to this, but who will spread about it ?

    To answer

    It seems to me, Nikolay, that such a way of changing people cannot be called training in the stromic sense of the word, and neither can it be called training.
    I think this is a good shake-up for a person (I don’t understand just for what 20,000 euros), and if he copes with the task, then either he already possessed the same practical and emotional intelligence or developed it. And if you didn’t do it? How? will die of hunger and cold in a foreign land (do you know how events develop in this case? it is interesting), how is learning built in this case?
    It reminds me of a way to learn to swim, when a person is thrown into the river - you swim out - you learned, if you don't swim out - you don't learn. Numerous sections and swimming instructors show that there are more humane and effective ways to master swimming.
    In my opinion, the controlled games that Sergey offers to his clients are more humane, moreover, they can be repeated (hone skills)

    To answer

    The price tag of course ... otherwise I saw it and even took part in similar trainings (not much else of course).
    I can say about "not coping". The tasks are essentially for the lower level of development. In the early days, they cry and ask their mother, but then they somehow solve the problem. They reach the end. In this, most likely, there is training - to be able to get together and do what is necessary. I know only one case of "getting off the track" - he seriously injured his leg while making a fire (again, this is the only case when it was clear that the situation was under the control of the organizers).
    For those who already possess the qualities, this is at best an adventure - well, maybe the first day, two - while getting oriented in a new environment. For them, this is not training, but only a confirmation of their skills.
    "Considerations" at the level of a student living in a hostel without "feeding" parents and a soldier - a conscript to perform such tasks is more than enough.

    To answer

Money can buy, if not everything, then a lot. And even services that you did not know about before. And if they had guessed, they would have found that such a niche in the market is already occupied by someone. Oh, those quirks of the rich! Before you is a small excursion into the world of unusual services for the richest.

(10 photos total)

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Source: Oddee

The company that promises good weather for a wedding for 100 thousand dollars

No matter how carefully the couple planned all the details of their wedding, the weather is something that is impossible to predict. At least it has been that way until now. Oliver’s Travels, an elite travel company, offers its wealthy clients the “Perfect Wedding Day” package, within which it promises to control the weather for as little as $ 100,000. The company employs a team of professional meteorologists and pilots who fly airplanes above the clouds and spray them with silver iodide. This substance causes the clouds to burst and scatter.

Cloud dispersion was invented in the late 1940s. This technique was used during the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing to avoid rain during the opening and closing ceremonies of the Games. Also, this method was used on the wedding day of Prince William and Duchess Kate in 2012.

Uber offers helicopter flights to avoid terrible traffic jams in Sao Paulo

The service of ordering a taxi through the application pleased the residents of São Paulo, who are upset about the terrible traffic jams on the city roads, by offering them helicopter flights. Uber decided to try this pilot project for a month, and in June began taking its customers by helicopter between airports, hotels and convention centers.

Air taxis remain the privilege of the wealthy, but Uber hopes to make a difference. The promoce starts at $ 19 a seat for a journey from Helicentro Morumbi in one of São Paulo's wealthiest neighborhoods to the Blue Tree Hotel across the river. The distance is approximately 6 km by air. It's the cheapest service on this list, but still being able to fly to the party by helicopter is pretty cool.

Counselor who offers psychotherapy for the wealthy

Meet Clay Cockrell. He used to work on Wall Street, but now he is a psychotherapist in Manhattan. What does he specialize in? Of course, on the problems of very rich people! In an interview with The Guardian, he said: “We are all taught to be sympathetic, not to judge, and so many rich people feel that their problems are not real problems. But they are real. Many psychotherapists do not give due importance to these problems. "

Mostly American pop culture teaches the masses that it's okay to hate people, especially if they're rich. In addition, wealthy people are often isolated and have difficulty forming close relationships. They experience the same difficulties as ordinary people, for example, grieve over the loss of a loved one or sad because of a failed relationship, but poor people often dismiss difficulties when it comes to a rich person.

The man who takes $ 2.5k to $ 80k to decorate your tree

Bob Pranga is a Christmas tree stylist. He is a great professional in this matter. When he was working part-time at Macy’s store about 30 years ago during the Christmas holidays, a famous actress approached him with a request to find someone to decorate the Christmas tree for her. And he took up this job.

Pranga and his business partner Debi Staron started Dr. Christmas in 1984. One of the earliest clients was Katie Hilton, an American actress, designer and philanthropist. She introduced Pranga to the Los Angeles elite. Since then, he has decorated the homes of Hollywood stars, including Christy Ellie, Kate Hudson, Christina Aguilera, Mark Wahlberg and Barbra Streisand, for the holidays.

His services cost from 2.5 to 80 thousand dollars. He starts with a half-hour consultation to determine the style, budget and timeline. “I offer what I call Honda, Lexus and Rolls Royce packages,” says the stylist.

Another advantage is that the company takes over the dismantling of the scenery and works not only with the stars, but also with ordinary and corporate clients.

The woman who will collect and properly pack your kids before going to summer camp for $ 1000

If you are a wealthy and prepared parent, you are sure to send your kids to an exclusive summer camp. But what do you do when the camp administrators send you a list of things to take with you and you just don't have time to pack all of this in your child's suitcase? You are calling the professional - Barbara Reich.

Barbara is a professional personal cleaning consultant. In the past few years, she and other tidying professionals have discovered there is a demand for wealthy kids to go to summer camps. Two years ago she had one such order, in the past - already five, and this - already ten, although the season is not over yet. Some clients even ask her to reproduce the child's room and make him feel at home in the camp. Reich charges $ 250 per hour of work, but one child's fees help her earn $ 1,000. For many clients, it will be worth it.

The company to make a panoramic roof in your private jet for $ 53 million

If you can't get your hands on a window seat during your flight, chances are you don't feel the full beauty of air travel. With stiff limbs, tired, irritated, you fly through the air at a speed of 1000 km / h in a metal pipe thousands of meters above the ground. If there is anything to remind you of this, it is a panoramic roof that can be installed if you have a private jet and a lot of money.

This is the essence of the vision of the Brazilian aircraft manufacturer Embraer, which offers the Airship Kyoto design. The company presented this concept in 2015 and is ready to accept orders. Customers purchasing an Embraer Lineage 1000E for $ 53 million can request transparent windows around the cabin to provide passengers with unparalleled views.

The company claims that these windows are fairly easy to install, just cutting a few extra holes in the fuselage. Windows are an additional load that can affect engine efficiency, but that's up to the manufacturer, not wealthy buyers.

An application for meeting some millionaires with others

Jokingly referred to as a tinder for rich guys, Luxy is one of the few apps aimed specifically at the elite. The application is widely used by businessmen, investors, celebrities, models and artists. In it, you can flip through profiles and chat with other users who seemed interesting to you. In addition, Luxy has a Topics and Moments tab that allows you to chat with people you haven't connected yet but share common interests. Each profile includes name, age, gender, and location, as well as favorite brands and annual income. Only the very cream of society can be chosen this way.

In order to verify information, Luxy requires users to upload clear copies of passports, tax receipts, bank statements and other documents confirming the user's financial situation. In addition to all this, you can choose the Black service in the application, in which there are many additional options that help to get more accurate search results (for example, a filter by income).

Simply put, this is an application for some millionaires to get to know others. Of course, this is a great way to spend time and connect with people with similar tastes and incomes. The app starts at $ 12.99 per month, but only users with annual income of over $ 200K receive a profile confirmation.

The most expensive dinner in the world worth $ 2 million

The world's most expensive dinner was recently ordered for a lucky couple in Singapore. The eight-hour, $ 2 million event kicks off with a 45-minute helicopter flight over Singapore. Also included is a chauffeured Rolls-Royce ride and a private luxury cruise.

After the flight, trip and swim, the couple will be taken to the rooftop of the Marina Bay Sands Hotel. Here they will have a panoramic view of Singapore and ten thousand roses that will fill the air with a pleasant aroma. They will be entertained by live music as they enjoy an 18-course dinner as part of a modern Asian tasting menu. The menu includes fresh European oysters with champagne foam, albino beluga caviar, wild salmon from Alaska and tender fillets fried on apple wood, paired with world-class wines, including Salon 'S' Champagne from 1988, Domaine 2008 Leflaive Chevalier-Montrachet Grand Cru and 1972 Oremus Tokaji Aszu 5 Puttonyos.

And that is not all! The happy couple will receive personalized engraved, diamond-inlaid chopsticks and designer chairs to use during dinner.

$ 1 Million Ticket to Icelandic Music Festival

In 2015, the Icelandic Secret Solstice Festival became famous in the media with a ticket for two for $ 200,000. At that time, it was the most expensive ticket to the festival in history. This year, the organizers have significantly increased the price - up to $ 1 million. Nevertheless, this is a good offer, since this amount includes a lot, including round-trip tickets for six people on a private jet from anywhere in the world, an elite six-room villa for seven nights in the heart of Reykjavik, a sumptuous dinner in a villa from the famous Icelandic chefs, two luxury cars with chauffeurs available 24 hours a day, security for the entire trip, two private concerts from famous Icelandic musicians, an air tour of Iceland (with a champagne afternoon break near a geothermal spring), a whale watching tour and dolphins, a midnight glacier walk in the summer sun, a snowmobile ride on a glacier, and helicopter transfers between all points.

Oh, we almost forgot about the music! For this money, you will get full access to the main festival, unlimited access to VIP zones wherever possible, access to the closed Artists Bar (only for headliners and very famous guests) with food and drinks at the expense of the institution. In addition, you will have access to the world's first (and already sold out) concert inside the magma chamber of a dormant volcano and a private session at the Icelandic Blue Lagoon geothermal complex. As a souvenir, each person in your company will receive a personalized, engraved, framed ticket made from Icelandic volcanic rock.

Manicure for 51 thousand dollars

If your regular manicurist is upsetting you, you need a glazed manicure. Cherish… ME nail service promises to decorate your hands with ten carats of diamonds. For only 51 thousand dollars.

Believe it or not, this is not the only option for inlaid gems in your nails. Leighton Denny, Chief Manicure Specialist at Urban Retreat in London, will insert nine carats of diamonds into your nails for less than $ 32,000.

"Homeless Tour" is not cheap entertainment for the rich, which changes their lives, turning them into a vagabond.

The organizers of the "bum-tour" assure that after such a newfangled leisure he removes all the troubles in life as if by hand - everything falls into place in his head.

In addition to "homeless tours" in Ukraine, trips are arranged to China to ride tanks, and to Japan to take geisha courses. All of these are part of the newfangled trend in tourism - creative. Psychotechnologist Volodymyr Nefedov is one of the first to create such leisure for Ukrainians.

"I remember the very first client who wanted to shoot us all at the end of the" bum-tour ". He has already taken part in the" tours ", but in Russia. They do mostly rigged provocations. And we have a scenario as close as possible to natural events... There is nowhere to wait for help, there is no one to hope for.

Generally if the client has a desire to kill us, then we have fulfilled his order well". According to the psychotechnologist, throughout the game, the security is watching the client unnoticed - for his own safety.

Vladimir Nefedov says that after the game a person begins to reassess values, he usually goes on vacation to sort out his life, and some succeed. "One large businessman, whose name I have no right to name, after the tour became a major politician and entered BYuT.

And another equally famous businessman, trying on the role of a bum, soon launched several social projects... He even later told me that he began to invest less money in the business itself, so that more money would be for these social programs. Another public husband could not reconcile with his wife for a long time, otherwise she tried to sue him for real estate. After the tour, they made up. The player stopped suing her, his wife appreciated the changes in his attitude. "

The essence of "homeless tours" - create such conditions in which a person could discover something, experience, understand... There is an opinion that David Fincher's film "The Game" is copied from the working methods of a mysterious structure that arranges real "homeless tours" headquartered in London. "Clochard tours", as they are also called in the West, are wildly popular with the powerful. People who have everything are trying to pull themselves out of the swamp of wealth and prosperity.

In Ukraine, "homeless tours" appeared about 10 years ago. Psychotechnologists organize the trip so that the customer has to face their fears, complexes, stereotypes, ghosts of the past and their own "rakes". For this, a psychologist first talks to the client. The secrets of the customer's name are strictly observed, because the tests require experiences at the limit of possibilities, and the feelings of the tourist are deeply intimate. The game lasts from 2 hours to 5 days, depending on the wishes of the customer and costs from $ 750 to $ 100,000

“All people love the classics, but not everyone knows about it,” says Alexander Chakhovsky, art organizer of the “Classics at the Town Hall” project. Five years ago, he worked in IT, and then dramatically changed his life. TUT.BY found out from Chakhovsky which of the Belarusian musicians could play in Barcelona, ​​why they stopped driving schoolchildren to the best concerts, and also how flash mobs, quests and open-air concerts make the classics popular.

Used to drive schoolchildren, now hipsters come

In 2012, Chakhovsky founded the "Musical House" Classics "", which promotes academic music in a format that is close and understandable to ordinary viewers. Why did a metropolitan IT specialist change his life so dramatically?

- At some point, I realized: the direction I was doing has ceased to interest me. It was a kind of running on the spot. And I always liked the classics. As a child, he studied at a music school, so the foundations were laid. But I will not hide - at the time of the start, I did not know a lot. But I always say: if you want to learn something - start teaching, if you want to know better classical music - open a music house.

After I got involved in this, I began to prepare, participate in webinars, attend some round tables and delve into the matter more. There is a book called Funky Business, written by two professors at the Stockholm School of Economics. So I started my business in the funky style (the authors of the book argue that the corporate world should become more interesting, people should become creative, etc. - TUT.BY note).

The most famous project, in which the Musical House participated, was the Saturday evenings “Classics at the City Hall with velcom”, which were sold out for two seasons in a row. The Minsk City Executive Committee proposed to popularize the classics in this way, Chakhovsky's team organized the event in cooperation with the Idea Foundation.

Alexander Chakhovsky. Photo: Daria Buryakina, TUT.BY

- Open-air is a specific, even promenade format, when people are not sitting, but walking, - says Alexander Chakhovsky... - If in a concert hall you can play a symphony, which usually consists of four parts, 6-12 minutes each, then you need to use other forms here. But in the promenade format, the classic fits well. It seems to me that the project "Classics at the Town Hall" has become the hallmark of our city.

Works by Vivaldi, Mozart, Strauss, Mikhail Kleofas Oginsky and other composers were performed near the Town Hall. Even those who are not yet ready to go to a long concert at the Philharmonic could listen to the masterpieces of the classics.

Alexander Chakhovsky is sure: musical taste must be developed.

- It's like with physical education. If a person does not give a damn about himself physiologically, he will not do yoga, go to fitness, or swim in the pool. So it is with the development of musical taste, - explains Alexander. - True, if in sports you see the result and decide: “Oh, handsome! I will go to the gym, ”the situation here is slightly different. Here you need to work on yourself in a mental-intellectual sense.

Our listener is primarily a latent lover of classical music. Due to non-standard promotion, we are trying to involve those who do not listen to the classics yet. For example, Mozart is for everyone, that's why he is a genius. And then, when a person gets involved, he can be invited to some work by Brahms, or Mahler - this is already another league of rethinking.

Alpine Horn together with the orchestra under the direction of conductor Ivan Kostyakhin. Photo: Alexander Vasyukovich, TUT.BY

- And how many latent lovers of the classics do we have?

“Of course, we didn’t do much research. Surely less than that of Stas Mikhailov. Unfortunately, Alexander smiles. - But we already have our own audience. Now I am seeing an interesting phenomenon. In the past, the last audience for classical music concerts was young people between the ages of 14 and 20. They only came when they were driven out of school. And now the situation is changing - people come to our concerts, a lot of young people, some can be called hipsters. Someone is just interested in trying, someone is really "poking", as they say. And there is something in this.

“If Belarusians played in teams like Barcelona, ​​only then would we know them for sure”

Alexander draws attention to the fact that many major world-renowned musicians come from Belarus.

- If our compatriots played in teams like Barcelona, ​​only then would we know them for sure. And an ordinary person, unfortunately, does not know our classical music stars today. Oksana Volkova sings at the Metropolitan Opera, the world's number one theater. It's as if the Belarusian actor starred in a Hollywood movie. Nadezhda Kucher at the Grand Opera in Paris. Belarusian Andrei Kovalinsky is the first trumpet of the French national orchestra. Pianists Timur Sergeenya and Kirill Keduk with programs all over the world. And these are just some of the names.

According to Chakhovsky, it is important that people learn about Belarusian stars not only in the capital, but also in the regions.

- Imagine: Baranovichi University has a wonderful concert hall for 500 seats, with an excellent concert grand piano! - says Alexander Chakhovsky. - Of course, there is a philharmonic hall in Minsk - for almost 700 seats, but it is constantly scheduled. There is no other such site in Minsk. And in Baranovichi it is quite possible to hold concerts. Once a month we organize an event, and people go. There is a demand, because there is nothing more classic in the city. The audience is very intelligent.

Does Belarus have its own great composers, classics? Musical House "Classics" is trying to prove that there is. A short video was shot about one of them in 2013. Sportsmen, TV presenters, artists reminded about Stanislav Moniuszko, the author of songs, operettas, ballets and operas.

Alexander recalls how in Soviet times the State Symphony Orchestra gave a big concert every week in the big hall of the Belarusian State Philharmonic.

- Every week there was a new program - and a full hall of people. Now they have one concert a month - there is a certain stagnation. But you can revive what was. And you need to. To do this, it is necessary to show how different the classics are. It seems to me that we succeed.

Some venues where classical pieces are traditionally performed only reinforce stereotypes. For example, that classic is boring. I would like to dispel such stereotypes.

Musicians during the concert "Classics at the Town Hall". Photo: Alexander Vasyukovich, TUT.BY

- For example, for the same hipsters, the classics can be presented in their usual atmosphere. Art spaces are very fashionable now. Recently, guys from one of them wrote to us, asking to speak - perhaps we can do something with them. Why not? - says Alexander. - Or another option that we are thinking about. We have rich people - this can be seen at least from the cars in the city. Well, do people want to be somewhere in fur coats, evening dresses, talking and listening to the classics? Please.

It's a role-playing game like an Oscar. An entrance ticket can cost 150-200 dollars, for this money a buffet table, drinks, an interesting presentation of a concert. Practice shows: two chapters for an hour at a concert in the Philharmonic is tiring for people, overdose. And such concerts can be made from three blocks that are not similar to each other. Let's say, first, symphonic music, then a violinist plays a concert with an orchestra, and in the third part - an orchestra and opera artists.

But there is a problem with the premises where this could be done. The Nesvizh Castle has a theater hall, but it has only 110 seats. To recoup a high-quality pretentious story, you need a site for 250-400 seats. But, in principle, in Minsk we are already on the way to such a project.

Reality and dreams: flash mobs, quests and classics for kids

Flash mobs also help bring the classics closer to the people. Chakhovsky used this format more than once.

- Or here's another form - quests. People love them now. And this is again an element of the game, - says Alexander. - We have developed a theatrical quest for the Nesvizh Castle. The goal is to acquaint with the history of our country. People meet with the prince, with the courtiers, get into rooms where excursions usually do not go, listen to classical music.

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This is what opera flash mobs look like in Minsk.

The classics can be interesting for children, Chakhovsky is sure. It is no coincidence that composers also wrote for this age audience.

- Sergei Prokofiev has a symphonic tale "Peter and the Wolf". Britten has a work "Let's create an opera" - children get acquainted with the opera house, and "compose" their own work. There are various interactive stories. We think about it. Music education can be affordable. But this requires that tickets for these concerts cost five rubles. But you have to pay for the premises, the work of the musicians, so at least ten rubles per ticket comes out. It turns out that you need support, sponsors ... Such a project should be beneficial to everyone.

It seems that jazz concerts at the Town Hall, and then "Classics at the Town Hall" were able to stir up Minsk. In the city, they started talking about the legalization of street musicians - they are thinking of providing sites for performances in underground passages. But that's a completely different story. Photo: Dmitry Brushko, TUT.BY

It is possible to involve not only children, but also adults in the performance of classical music. Alexander Chakhovsky explains one of the possible formats.

- In any collective there will certainly be people who studied at music schools and know how to play certain instruments. It is possible to combine performances of both amateurs and professionals in the concert program. This is an incredibly strong thing for team spirit, motivating people. Imagine if the money was spent not on restaurants at corporate parties, but on something like that. There is also a moment of music therapy: when you not only listen, but also play music yourself. This is great.

The head of the Musical House Classica sees the problem in the fact that today in Belarus adults are hardly taught to play classical instruments.

- You want, for example, to learn to play the oboe. Where to do it? How? I know that there are several courses for adults in music schools on such instruments, but who knows about this? I myself did not know about it. It would be nice to fill this gap.

Performance by the State Academic Symphony Orchestra conducted by the People's Artist of Belarus maestro Alexander Anisimov. Photo: Dmitry Brushko, TUT.BY

While working on the project, Alexander Chakhovsky noticed: in state cultural institutions, people missed normal human communication.

- And here I see that people get a buzz from the project. Musicians come with their ideas, projects - and there is no barrier when you can come to the director only on some day, making an appointment. People enjoy it. And for myself, I realized: it's such a thrill to do what you like. You are at a free music concert almost every day. After the previous lesson, I have a feeling: as if a person who works a lot, a lot, a lot, suddenly finds himself on vacation in the Canary Islands. And preparation for concerts, and the concerts themselves for me from a spiritual point of view - a meditative vacation moment.

During the concert "Classics at the Town Hall". Photo: Alexander Vasyukovich, TUT.BY

- When everything is fine - do you have a dream?

- Probably, the dream is this: that our project will someday have its own building. So that you can come there not only to listen to the classics, but also to learn from them.

Visitors to the concert "Classics at the Town Hall". Photo: Alexander Vasyukovich, TUT.BY