Rune sword. Steel meteoric swords in the Witcher

My Runed Sword: One of many, but only mine.
Monograph Lady Bly.

Greetings you, Novogrena. Most likely, the instructor of the dispersion already taught you the first lesson about what it means to be a death knight. Let me introduce you to the most important treasure of your new life: a rune sword.

Without you, this blade is just a piece of iron. Separately you are weak, helpless and not imagine a threat. If you find yourself in a situation where your rune sword is not at hand, your first task is to find a replacement for him, and as quickly as possible.

For the Knight of Death, the Runic Sword is the incarnation of the will of the King Lica himself. It is with his help that you will deal with the anger of your lord on the heads of incorrect, and therefore the possession of such a weapon is not only the highest privilege, but also a huge responsibility. Therefore, you extremely need to learn the following things:

  • 1) This blade is a continuation of your body. And your body belongs to Lich's king.
  • 2) Runic blade in your hand is the physical embodiment of your will. And your will is one with the will of the King Lich.
  • 3) Runic Blade is a conductor of death filling your soul. And your soul is the incarnation of the will of the King Lich.

In the process of learning, you will have to absorb many knowledge available to our understanding. Treat your teachings with due diligence, without neglecting a single subject, for such carelessness is characterized only by a stupid Gordin, who destroyed not one death knight on the battlefield.

Perhaps many of you will soon clean the power of the Rounic Sword, feeding your rage. However, this is not enough. Do not perceive your blade only as a point of application of force. The most powerful death knights are able to control the blade with one effort of mind. Together they are able to fight as a whole, as the focus of the will, which is prevented by any death being.

Others may noted that the blade acts more efficiently, being charged with ice jeanies. Even an acute weapon will not be able to compare the strength with a runic sword, filled with ice power. Know, the Death Knight that the magic is subject to you, permeating the great Citadel - Ice Corona. If you wish to improve in the art of the management of this element, your enemies will not have a chance to approach you at the distance of the strike, because the cold and ice are whine their movements.

However, many of you will feel the vocation to carry death and destruction of the disease and plague, soaking your blades. This specialization is subject to only the most skillful knights of death. Sometimes it will seem to you that you have faced the protection that it is impossible to overcome. But any defense is designed to hide weakness, and any armor has vulnerable places. Remember, the Knight of Death, that Lorderon destroyed not the Great Army, but a simple plague.


Legendary swords used by Hessaras, during the wars of Andrasthe with the magicians, were enchanted by her personal footrest and issued only the best soldiers as a sign of respect and reverence of military skills ... Even despite the old age of these swords, they are still very strong and runes on them not went out so far.

Six retarders of luminous runes are attached to the modification: yellow color, green, red, orange, blue and purple color.


2). Run in the root folder game Daupdater.
3). With it, set Dazip files from the archive.
four). Run the game and activate the modifications in the loadable content.
five). Load any saving and look at your inventory.

Installing Retaxtures:

one). Download the archive laid out with Dazip files and reetextors.
2). Remove from the archive somewhere retardes and browse the screenshots.
3). Select the desired Retacks and throw it into the Override folder.


one). Remove from "... Documents \\ BioWare \\ Dragon Age \\ Addins" folders:
- 13_rune_swords_org - version for starters.
- 13_Rune_SWORDS_AWK - Version for Awakening.
- 13_rune_swords_glm - Version for the Golets Amgrake.
- 13_rune_swords_wtch - version for witch hunting.
- 13_rune_swords_lln - version for Leliana's song.
2). Remove from "... Documents \\ Biojare \\ Dragon Age \\ Packages \\ Core \\ Data" Files:
- 13_rune_swords_org_package.erf - version for starters.
- 13_rune_swords_awk_package.erf - Version for Awakening.
- 13_rune_swords_glm_package.erf - version for the Golets Amgrake.
- 13_rune_swords_wtch_package.erf - version for witch hunting.
- 13_rune_swords_lln_package.erf - version for Leliana's song.
3). Remove from "... Documents \\ Biojare \\ Dragon Age \\ Packages \\ Core \\ Override":
- file "13_rune_swords_org.cif".


one). To get swords in the original campaign, it is enough to download anyone saving and swords to get to your inventory. In additions, to get swords, you need to either transfer the character from the beginning in addition to these swords in the inventory, or establish a modification of a set of weapons and buy these swords at the Banaka merchant, or call swords in the inventory using console commands: Runscript atonement_glow - get Right swords; And RunScript Atonement - get swords from magic steel.

Comment OT Thalsayder

Beautiful Katana from all which I saw, besides, it looks like a two-handed, but worn in one hand, there is such a horny and wait I can't wait 4.3. In order to make it like their weapon).

Comment OT Ferzrrn.

Still swords on samurai theme:

Hantam of course lucky with A9 network - True Samurai :) - Robe of a violent gladiator

Comment OT Suicide777.

Hmm sold recently on Auke for 500 g, but judging by the chance of the Drop and, in general, the rarity of the samurai swords in voyage I understand that I used it :(

Comment OT Megauguugu.

I sold on Auka for 250g (my second blade), I was bought almost instantly, I strongly extended the campaign, the first one was all the vendor, because did not know his approximate cost ...
Nauticalness - Black Scar

Comment OT orest.

According to legend, the first samurai sword was formed by the Amakuni Kuznets in Yamato about 700 g. AD, and, although there is no accurate historical confirmation, it looks logical, since the history of the earliest swords from existing in our time can be traced to the Blacksmith Yasutsun from Hoki around 900 G.N. Amaakuni was the head of the group of Kuznetsov who had swords for the imperial troops. One day Amaakuni and his son Amakura stood at the door of their forge and watched soldiers returned from the battle. I drove the emperor, but I didn't even look towards Amakuni, as he did, but the Blacksmith always regarded the emperor as a sign of gratitude for his efforts. Then Amakuni noticed that almost half of the returned soldiers of the swords were broken
Broken heroes blade.
Amaakuni and his son gathered fragments of swords and began to consider them: it turned out that swords were poorly stuck and broke from strong blows. The blacksmith's eyes were filled with tears, and he whispered, "I will make such swords that will not let go even in the most cruel battle." Having accepted such an oath, Amaakuni with her son was accounted for in the forge and prayed seven days and nights to the Sinto deities.
Delivery of the blade of heroes
Slowly, but rightly they worked on this difficult task, and thirty days of depleted, exhausted, but joyful, blacksmiths brought a little curved sword with one-sided sharpening. Of course, other blacksmiths decided that they were touched by the mind,
but Amakuni and the Son thoroughly sharpened and polished the new thrown blade of the heroes. The father and son continued the work launched and released many such improved swords. And when the next spring soldiers returned from the war, Blacksmith stood by the road and considered his swords: 27, 28, 29, 30 ... 31! All swords of his work even after the battle were in excellent condition! The emperor drove up to him and said, "You are an excellent blacksmith. None of your swords failed in Sech. " Amaakuny rejoiced and felt that his life had gained fullness again and the meaning.
Characteristics of Katana.
The length of the handle ranges from 25 to 30 cm, and the length of the working area (between the grip and the edge) is not more than 75 cm. Catana's decoration is different from a slightly barbarous luxury tati. (Tati - Another type, a longer samurai sword used predominantly equestrian warriors, the length of its working zone was 100-110 cm).Its decor can be transferred by the words "modesty", "elegance", as a last resort - "discreet chic", but not more. It was in the mounting of Katana that the traditional features of the Japanese understanding of beauty, formulated by the four Formulas "Measurements of Perfect" - Vabi, Sabi, Sibui and Yugen, appeared most clearly. The first three are rooted in the ancient religion of Sino, "Yugan" the same - Buddhist category.

"Vaby" is the absence of something deliberate, fade, catchy, that is, in the representation of the Japanese vulgar. This is a wise restraint, the beauty of simplicity.

"Sabi" - literally "rust". This concept is transmitted to the charming of scuffs, a certain place of time, patina, traces of touching many hands. It is believed that time contributes to the identification of the essence of things. Therefore, the Japanese see a special charm in age testimonies. They are attracted to the dark color of the old tree, the sloe stone in the garden, etc. The category "Sabi" expresses the connection of art with nature.

But "Vabi" and "Sabi" are vintage words, and gradually they began to use them together, pounced as one concept. So the popular word "Sibuy" was born. If you ask the Japanese what it means, he will answer: "Sibuy is that a person with a good taste calls beautiful." Thus, Sibui is the final sentence in the assessment of the subject. For centuries, the Japanese developed almost mystical, intuitive ability to recognize the qualities determined by the category "Sibui". This is the beauty of naturalness plus the beauty of simplicity. This is a beauty inherent in the appointment of this item, as well as the material from which it is made. The sword or knife is beautiful because it is drained with dragons. First of all, the blade sharpness and hardening strength should be felt in it. That is why all Japanese blades inspire unconscious fear, mixed with admiration. M.

Steel swords

Steel Sword Witcher
The Witcher will get this sword in the Prologue, after the attack of Salamander on Kare Morcher. This is an ordinary steel sword, so that his damage determines the style of the battle, and there are no bonuses at all.

Elven armor crow

These powerful armor can be obtained by completing the quest armor in the 5th chapter. If the Witcher Heralt decides to join the proteins in their fight against the Order of the Burning Rose, the Blacksmith of Nerluddi will agree to force these armor with a white wolf, provided, of course, that all components are collected. This version of the Armor of the Crow is distinguished by the elven design design: a slightly strange version of the shouting and classic plates of sharpness on a man. For other joys, in these armor, there are now three slots for the results of the alchemical activity of the Witch.
Damage -20%
Power of signs: + 10%
Energy +25
Energy Regeneration: + 10%

Order armor crow

We get these armor as soon as I complete the quest armor in the 5th chapter. If the Witcher became on the side of the blazing rose and decided to finish with an unlamide grown, the Kuznets Order will be able to give these armor for Geralha, when all the components are collected. This version is distinguished, besides its set of bonuses, an abundance of spikes on the shoulder and penetration, which gives the Witcher an extremely threatening look. Everything else, there are three slots for potions.
Damage -30%
Health +150
Damage + 10%
Health Regeneration + 10%

Neutral corneal crow

These armor are the goal of the quest 5 chapters armor. If heralt decided to do not give a damn on political intrigue, protein and crazy priests and proceed as a real wit's, keeping neutrality, our kind familiar, alchemist Calctein, can make these armor for a white wolf, when he bring him all the components (which teach these alchemists, if they Also, the armor can be koving?!). This version is distinguished by a lattice design of the eyelid and shoe. There are also three slots for elixirs and a set of bonuses.
Damage -20%
Health +75
Energy +15
Health and Energy Regeneration + 5%
Nokdauna resistance + 25%

And here you will learn where there are components: