TDS 7 passage. View final titers

The game has a lot of tasks that are directly related to the main gaming task of the GG, but which still can be ignored and at the same time the line of "life" will not worry in any way - the player will reach the end and sees the titles. Do you consider such tasks with plot or not? What is the plot, and that only an improt to him, a branch for the sake of interest? All this is quite subjective. Everyone decides for himself.

But you can say for sure that there is a chain of tasks, without which the player will not be able to bring his GG to the final point of the game. At the same time, it must necessarily go through some specific key points in order to be able to move to the next. Yes, without them, fripnes are possible and in the game it will be possible to "live-wait", perform different tasks, but do not move on.

How long the player goes to them, which makes in the interval between them, what other tasks do - it does not matter to play. The bottom line is that all of them must be passed consistently one after another so that the GG could do to the final.
Probably, this is the "plot line" tasks. And it is very intertwined with the line of the original game, the difference is only in gaming motifs, purposes and methods of execution.
Here is the sequence of such tasks.

1. Bring Artifact Sidorovich

At the very beginning of the game at the first meeting with GG Sidorovich asks to bring artifact from the distribution. It is not necessary to bring exactly the "Medusa" from the place. The main thing to bring Sidorovich any artifact, otherwise he will dwell at his request and will not give any further tasks.

2. Get documents on Agroprom

How and when the GG will receive a call of Sidorovich for a conversation, it does not matter. But after the challenge Sidorovich will ask to get the documents on the agry. You can steal them, you can take a fight with a fight, you can buy away from the woolka, you can also bring Sidorovich not documents, but the Dembel album found in the subway of the agriculture on the tip of the deserter. In any case, it will give a pass to the bar and the possibility of bartender to give the following task.

3. Bring Bartender Documents from X-18

How long will the GG be looking for the opportunity to get to the X-18 and what will do for this does not matter. It doesn't matter how long it will bear the documents found from the X-18 bartender and what will do at this time. It is important to get the task of the bartender, get to X-18, find the document, bring a bartender.

4. Imagine bartender Documents from X-16

This task can be delayed for a long time, as to get into X-16 (not knowing how) is not quite simple. It does not matter how it will go there, as it comes out and how long will delay with the report. Time and methods do not matter. GG should get to X-16, find a document and bring Bartender.

5. Include scanners on the radar

The task gives sugars on amber. He should be reported. Only after that it is possible to turn off the dear. Time and methods are also not important.

6. Turn off the dear

In fact, in the plot does not turn off the dear. But going to this task, he still does not know. The essence of the task is to pass the radar, get to x-8, pull the chopper (it does not turn off the dear, but it serves meals to the door at the exit from X-6), get out of X-6 and return with a report to the bartender. The terms are also not installed and the GG can wander after this in the zone as much as he flies and do what he will do.

7. Return to the bar

It doesn't matter how long the GG is getting to the bar and what ways, but it is there that will be the key game character Ivar, who gives the further direction of action.

8. Make what Ivar asks

Next, you just need to be guided by what the key characters of Ivar and Doctor say. Ivar asks to contact scientists in the district center, and then read the entries arrow. Doctor's records. Thus, the further path is obvious - the district center, a bar, a misty bowl (there is a doctor). Doctor talks about "Berorog" - the cave laboratory arrow. That is, you need to visit the cave and deal with the documents found there.

10. Visit in X-10

In X-10, no one sends specifically. GG, as if he decides to go there after visiting the cave, and then bar. In X-10, the main task is to include a backup power line in order to get into X-12 later.
After that, it will be possible to get into X-12 (on the radar), on which there was no power before.

11. Include the deceit in X-12

In X-12, no one specifically sends. GG, as it were, decides to go there and turn on the burner after communicating with Ivar and reading the arrow entries. How he comes there the way that for this will do, how much time will be "hang", it does not matter. But in order to get there and get out from there, he needs an decoder for opening the doors, as no one will give codes. The decoder can be obtained from Vergas.
It is necessary to get in X-12, to include something and get out of there through the Ivankovsky district center.

12. Talk to the ghost

By turning on the delicate, you need to talk to Ivar in the bar. And after that, the ghost will call GG. After the conversation, it will be obvious that it is necessary to meet again with Ivar or the doctor (or so, and others, and when performing a kesta for moving the fang, perhaps also with a fang). Then again with the ghost. After a second conversation with the ghost, you will need to go to Pripyat in any case (it does not matter whether it was earlier than the GG and met with Lebedev).

13. Run quest for landing "Seeds"

"Seeds" - the name conditional. This is actually certain artifacts that GG must be put next to the "matrices" on certain locations. This quest gives or Lebedev in Pripyat, or much earlier monolithic in a foggy more often. One way or another, it must be done, since only after that, the GG can get a "skip" on the Chernuez from Lebedev. (A player can actually get to the Chernobia at any time, if he is famous for him. But only after completing this task, it will be able to leave and continue the game, and not finish it there.)

14. Visit the Chernobyl's and find a way out.

Chaise locations have to go through, find the entry shooter, understand what is required, and based on the information received find the entrance to the monolith control bunker.

15. Get out of the control bunker

In a bunker, a player (and lazy with him) finally reaches a gaming goal - aware of himself, he understands who he is. It will tell him in the final conversation to the doctor.
But there are two possibilities in the management bunker:
You can immediately go into foggy thumbs and meet with a doctor. After that, no quests are supposed. Further - fripnels. Or you can be like a dungeon, it is necessary to understand what is required further and go to the final quest. Both are acceptable, since after going out on Fryrov, the player can again go through the same way to the Chernobyl, and now go to the final quest (if wishes).

16. Get to monolith

In the final quest GG (already realizing himself) decides to get to Monolith and understand the design of the arrow (at its level of understanding, as can).
Search for a path to monolith and is the main task.
During this search, the player will have the opportunity to reach one of the final endings (or both, if it repeats the action, but is a little different). It is impossible to say that this is a good and bad ending, Hapi-End is not in any case. These are just two versions of the ending. But in one of them, the GG still performs that she sought to perform the arrows, but could not.

17. View final titers

Only after the execution of all these steps will be finally achieved the end of the game and the player will see the titles. After that, you can start a new game, if by that time the strength remains for it :)

In the course of the game, the GG may remember something. This is not a task, but memories and awareness of yourself are one of the main gaming tasks.
There are 5 memories tied to specific events. They are always the same with any game.
- Memories in a tunnel on a landfill.
- Memories in the subway agriculture.
- Memories in X-16.
- Memories in the Red Forest at the Cross.
- Memories when cooking "pendulum."

And there are 10 memories from your life.
There are 7 options for these memories. Which option "life" will fall out - laid at the start of the game. Each memory comes as the GH goats along the zone and in them very briefly and fragmetric reflects the main life events sufficient in order that in the end of the GH somehow realized themselves. As the intervals between them are between them, more and more (that is, the GG on the game remembers more and less, and with a certain style of the game "Fast" player may not get all 10 fragments, although it does not matter to awareness of the GH). The longer the player lives in the zone and moves more, the more his GG receives impressions, and with them and associative memories. Something like this.

Video passage of NLC 7 "Rethinking / Rethinking".

Video passage of the NLC 7 Assembly "Rethinking / Rethinking" based on Chernobyl shadows. Happy viewing!
If you go through the mod on your own, in the description of the video there are timecodes of some key events. And also you can download the saving that I did to experiment with something, something to see something, something to understand.

StalkerNLC7. Series 01. Acquaintance from the village of Newbies\u003d4owjeqz-fug.

We study the settings of the game.
Conversation with a marsh doctor.
Learning the game interface.
Lut in the village of newcomers on the Korodon.
Take the task of Sidorovich - bring artifact. We give a knife.
First death, anomaly.
We find and bring Artifact Sidorovich. We give a belt for artifacts.
The next task from Sidorovich is to bring a container with an artifact.

StalkerNLC7. Series 02. Container for Sidorovich\u003dCTAA7OFU7_E.

3 spa spa container.
Lunt under the bridge (energy bank).
Place Spound of container for Sidorovich - "south-west of ATP".
We go through the Lunt ATP (broken pistol, boob, empty canister).
We find the artifact of jellyfish on ATP.
We take a container for Sidorovich, a place of spauna - "north of ATP".
We find another artifact of the jellyfish.
Get acquainted with the military under the railway bridge, Major Kuznetsov.
Second death, anomaly.
The place of sauna container for Sidorovich - "at the elevator".
Lunt the Bandit Corpse and find a notebook on the elevator.
We rent a container Sidorovich, we get a new PM and cartridges to it.
Agrees with Vergas about fixing a notebook.
Operation "Medusa". We bring one of our radioactive jellyfish with ATP.
We take the task of a wolf to search for documents in a tunnel under the Libe Bridge.

StalkerNLC7. Series 03. Documents for Wolf\u003d0me1ffycsxa.

We take away from Vergas a repaired notebook.
Trading with Sidorovich.
We sleep.
Put forward on the task.
In the tunnel with electrons we find documents for a wolf, PB gun, artifact.
We find jellyfish for the Layer Vys.
Find whining in the attic.
Talk to the marsh doctor.
With the help of a gun, we get an artifact from a radioactive truck.
We find a notebook of the artist in the corpse.
We speak with the father of the diador.
We return to the village of Novychkov through the blockage of the military under the Identius.
We find a gas cylinder on the Military Block.
We rent the Wolf documents and get your first ACS74-y automatic.
We take a job at the Sidrovich - bring a flash drive to the shouter.
We change artifacts from Sidorovich on first aid kits and antiradishes.
I find out from the wolf that a shouter in captivity of the gangsters on ATP.

StalkerNLC7. Series 04. Save the shouter.\u003dgpgu0yavjww

Rescue Togan.
Errors in the implementation of the script for Togana.
Talk about real stalkers.
We speak Petrukh, choose a peaceful option to pass the quest for the rescue of the smart.
We speak with a wolf about the peaceful salvation of the shouter.
We speak with gangsters and shock. You have to look for PDA in the bowel location.
We are talking to Petrukh, Wolf and again with Petrukhi about the campaign.
Agrees with the Dan Hunter. Go to the location of the intestine.
Get acquainted with the bone samurai.
We find the camp of the debtles and pure sky.
Get acquainted with Ignat and keep on the sawmill.
We find a benzocolone. We find gangs for bandits.

StalkerNLC7. Series 05. Flash drive smart\u003dq75n7i2-f-c.

The tail of the pseudo-cap spoiled.
Hunt zombies.
We change from pretending.
Return to the cordon.
We pay for the passage of Dan - the hunter.
We are preparing to the turret with gangsters.
We give the gangsters of PD and redeem the shouter.
Take a closer flash drive.
We take a jacket for a jacket with a chain.
We return to the village of newbies.
We rent a task to save a smart wolf, we get a reward of the Fort and Artifacts gun.
Fishing gasoline.
We rent a flash drive Sidorovich, we get the unloading of special forces as a reward.
We study the work of unloading.
Tusoran take and rent a task on 5 tails of dogs.

StalkerNLC7. Series 06. Move into the sanatorium\u003dsy0oieyMqui.

Getting ready for a campaign in the sanatorium
How to defeat stuck in the doors of the NPS
Clean the road to the sanatorium
We find a canister with gasoline
We find the corpse of the gangster with a mixture of unknown origin

StalkerNLC7. Series 07. Monster Sanatorium\u003dkugpxbqw7x4

We find an artifact mucus.
Monster Sanatorium is blocked.
Lunt a sanatorium.
Return to the cordon.
We find a jacket for smart.
We take an ointment for trouble by a marsh doctor.
We find a canister with gasoline on the farm.
We give an ointment with an imnyomen and get a container for atreafacts.
We give the jacket shustrom.

StalkerNLC7. Series 08. We go to the landfill\u003dqujj68q1pqw.

"Clean" cordon from artifacts.
Getting ready for a campaign to the landfill.
Storage Camera in Stas.
We go out on the landfill.
We save the eurik.
Task on guns from walnut.
Conversation with demons.

StalkerNLC7. Series 09. Good gangster - Dead Bandit\u003dXMVLaORMFB0.

Find combs of stalker
Fight with chimera.
We help Shurikov, get binoculars, find the blood of the blood of the stone.
We help gray to beat off the gangsters, we get a tip on the crot.
And again fight with bandits.
We find the trunk for the EURIC (MP5 under the 9x18 cartridge).
Savor Naptya etch and get a tip on a rifle for donana walnut and an artifact flash.
We find the Broncing PS3-9D and AK-74 on the debt blockage.

StalkerNLC7. Series 10. Help Stalker Besu\u003d1GVTY80BGUI

We give to the eurct of its automatic, we get artmodod.
We give to the eurika Lap of the Burner, we get a tip for an artifact Emerald Medusa.
We take the emerald medus with the battle.
Fight with gangsters.
We find combus. mercenaries.
How to save the demon from the anomalies.
Night battle for Besa.

Nlc 7 i labeled rethinking by serega-lus download torrent

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl - NLC 7. I labeled - rethinking / Rethinking (2017) PC RePack by Serega-Lus

The assembly contains two gaming balances: "Light" and "Default". The first with various innovations of the gaming balance, and the second retains in most part unchanged settings specified in the release version of the NLC7. To switch to another balance (and back), you need to enter the G_Game_Balance Default command in the console (or G_Game_Balance Light), then enter the CFG_Save command immediately and exit the game. The plot line of assembly with the final from Mickeetka, as well as with an alternative finale from him, similar to the assembly of Michetox NLC 7.5. One of the main components of the assembly is a high-quality weapon. Some weapon visuals of the Rail version of the NLC7 were replaced with the best. Some visuals are processed. Removable sights have been introduced. Also, one of the distinguished Light balance from the December release of features is a modified weapon balance and a different weapon ballistics adapted to the game distances.

Year of release: 2017
Genre: Action / Shooter / 3D / 1st Person
Publisher: Syak & Co
Publication Type: Repack
Game version: 1.0006

Interface language: Russian
Voice language: Russian
Tablet: Write

System requirements:
Operating system: Windows 7 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 10 / (64-bit) Complete dynamic lighting
Processor: Intel Core i3 or analog
Video card: 1024 MB / NVIDIA® GeForce ™ / ATI RADEON®
Sound Card: DirectX® 9.0c Compatible Sound Device
Free Hard Drive: 14 GB

This is the work of people. This is done by players for players. The basis of this product assembly NLC7_LIGHT from SOB and Co. In compiling this assembly, the wishes of many players were taken into account. Part of the changes in the conscience of the authors.

Additions, changes and corrections to the assembly of the NLC7_LIGHT from Mikelik.
1. Added the final quest after the realization of himself. After the quest it is not expected to any turrya - definitely the end of the game and the titers. It is necessary to go on it in the monolith management bunker. The possibility of exit and the previous ending, as it was - a conversation with the doctor and further fripnes. In this case, there is no direct access to the final quest. But you can go to the Cherniphon in Fryripple and go to the final quest.
2. Added bed in Limansk.
3. Added vice in the intestine, Limansk, Agro, on the basis of swamps, in X-12.
4. Added a fire in the bar before the dog.
5. Reputation and rank GG are added for some important plot and secondary tasks (and not only for and cyclic quests).
Changes. Reputation for performing plot tasks is reduced.
1. "Subway agriculture" in the exceptions for theft.
2. Removed mill from location bar (not the place of such archaic design in the industrial zone of the plant "Rostock")
3. Kuznetsova always has first aid kits (let it trade and does not stand out, since the Kuz himself does not happen often in place).
4. The Kuznetsov in the dialogue does not mention the specially aidfts, but speaks about simple, which corresponds to the sale - 2 for the bottle, and not 1.
5. Petruma gives the tail of the pseudo half a whole (and not almost stuffing, as it was before).
6. From the fang behind the psi-helmet is a useful bonus.
7. The number of paved documents in X-8 is significantly reduced (these tons of waste paper).
8. The number of extended documents in X-18 for Sakharov is significantly reduced. (Sakharov takes docks, the name is corrected.)
9. Dialogs of Sakharov and the cook about the teleport in Pripyat are disabled (it's not logical to know there quick way).
10. Disabled spawn cats at the walnut house in the intestine. Slightly moved to the carcasses.
11. Shinkar asks 3 claws, and not 7 for teleport (there was an unreal high price even for NLS).
12. The found "compasses" are calculated on 5 teleports.
13. Added a dialogue with Lukash about the past Vasilyeva (after the "shutdown" of the radar).
14. There is no transition from pripyat to Chernoby and back. Transitions to the Chernobyl Accommodation and from there only plot (illogical to go here to the Chernobia, as to his home).
15. Received Receivers at Barmen and Mikhalych so that the player can turn off the music if desired.
16. After returning from the Chernobyl, the spawn of cats and dogs in Limansk at the Lamika Bandits (because of them, the stupid war begins, which is already plotting for nothing).
17. Sidorovich always takes rare art and does not shift.
18. Water always has water.
19. Matveyeva is enough to spend through the wild territory to the bar. Connected a dialogue with Sakharov about it.
20. You can report to Sakharov about the beacon for Matveyeva.
21. Connected tasks for Sakharov teleports.
22. Connected Psychic Dialog for Max. And with Max Pro Psychic.
23. Mikhalych takes the sparrow mixture.
24. Fixed Teleport Max with AU for Amber (threw on Cordon).
25. Replaced the dialogue with Sakharov about Vasilyeva (if not led Matveyeva).
26. Added a description of the emerald assembly.

Corrections from Zagolski.
1. Strengthening - "Namazka" costumes, works correctly.
2. Theft of whins, rob everything and everywhere. Exceptions See above.
3. Payment for the storage cameras, works properly.
4. Other some fixes in scripts that have not worked.
5. Fix Spoilement "Pendiles", Compass Artifacts and Dandelion.

Trade - from Dmitry (Graycat)
1. Revised, corrected merchants, for the assortment, pricing and "altruism". Different NPS, for the same item asking for different prices.

From a group of comrades (the result of the joint discussion of Mikelik, Mari, Waylander, igor.doc.)
Changes, corrections, additions.

1. Rearmed the NPS on all locations, and almost from the game are removed sigi and il.
2. NPS is taken abacans and almost all weapons with optics. Abakans stayed in cache and awards.
3. The whole length will now be in the second slot, get used to it.
4. Coin of the Wolf, since there is a conversation from Petruchi. Little bonus. Not "useless" and not "so-so." The answer is below. Proposals for the continuation of this branch are accepted.
5. Inserted Quest Kap on the speakers about the cache of the "Unknown Stalker", since there is a game dialogue. Available to those who have not yet communicated with the CEP, after the protection of the barrier. For the rest, it, unfortunately, will be unavailable.
6. Inserted Quest Voronin about Case from TD, accessible after X16.
7. Prices for merchants, barter. Fixed errors, amended the range and cost of goods. Prices for some product are reasonably increased.
8. New trunks: Fort-17 at Scheretuk and Agram 2000 at Sultan.
9. Wasteuki instead of CH. Abakana, AK-74N with PSO included.
10. Kuznetsova AK-47 instead of the RPK-74, the woolka is now instead of PKM in the exchange of RPK-74.
11. Bartender has changed the quest, to the PCM brought, asks RPK-74.
12. Housings instead of Abakan and MP-5, now ultrasound and AKS. Drucia from the exchange is removed. Nelda with the engine, as explained by smart people.
13. Lesnik in the radar changes spare parts only for the fraction, cheeks, shards and vodka.
14. Replaced the quest for the collapse of the bombardment in X-18. "Assist" to disassemble and bartender for money, and Raven - for second-level artifacts.
15. Cyclic tasks (quests) - corrected that you can fix it. Reduced, taking into account the changes, the quests themselves, rewards, the number of required items and the execution time. The rest are turned off. Wolfhound is turned off from the quests. Lukasa added a quest for an unlikely "therapeutic beryl".
Special thanks to Lemberg-73 - for vigilance.
16. Added bonus from Seraphim, after installing the third scanner. Previously, this "useful" bonus in the game was able to receive units of players. The time for installing scanners is increased to 5 days.
17. Dialogs are not having a gaming continuation.
18. There is no strengthening - "Namazki" of weapons on the swamps.
19. The flashlight shines - a little brighter and a little further.
20. Fixed, the inaccuracies are corrected in the descriptions of the items, etc.
21. Revised all lout in the caches, revealed explicit "garbage". In theory, if the script of the caches works correctly, there will be no special "fat". And it turns out that the main awards, the player is not for the fulfillment of quests and tasks, and stupidly Shmanny is someone else's ht.
22. Pendants and modificates are removed from the caches, almost all pacifiers. In the caches, on the initial locations, were removed by the airships and dandelions, except Cain Borov
23. Sultan has a small overcrowding.
24. She lived and changes not charged pda, only the price has increased.
25. Capped on the swamps, for the quest "Disappearance" of Botanov, said Stechkin and AK-74 with a magnified store.
26. Zombie and chimeras are slightly reinforced from small arms. Chimeram added damage damage.
27. Added Pda Military and mercenaries, mercenaries are connected to the cache.
28. Raised the percentage of PDA in zombied.
29. Biors for harmonica gives a bison, instead of MP 5.
30. Replaced part of the awards from nescript.
31. The shell, BBB and CP have only positive properties. The config of the symbion is corrected, now art will be more in demand. The modificates were corrected by the configs, it may be less falling, when picked up and a hut on GG.
32. Tooth, the price for recipes for modifications increased by 30%.
33. Specific services of merchants and others. NPS has risen in price.
34. We returned shaking during the emission. The time did not change ± 36 hours.
35. Screw and quest for the renovation of flamethrower. We hope all (timers) will work correctly.
36. Semenova's decoder is spawned in a room with cells, at the X16 console.
37. Added the ability to fasten to AK-104 Sight 1PN93 "Kid".
38. Trade. NPS sell junk at different prices.
39. Arni does not take an artist album, art without properties.
40. Picky brick. Content and text corrected.
41. Reduced exoskeleton wear when walking.
42. Peda loss in the NPS lute increased by 10%, not caches, and PDA.
43. The name is corrected in the game menu.
44. In the cache of Borov, on the AU, Random - three ecsees, who will fall out.
45. Some additions when measurements on amber and radar. Who will come true, will appreciate the opinion.
46. \u200b\u200bThere was an opportunity to get the entire line of the modifications of the soul, without using the tooth services. Carefully read the dialogues. Some recipes are issued by the NPC, part of the game bonus.
47. Mikhalychu - the text about the "energy" of the sparrow.
48. Shinkar - about claws, corrected text in pda.
49. Fixed, Added entries to PDA.
50. Removed "AF_MEDUS_NEW", spawned after the "death" of the semetsky, pulled out.
51. Lisaped no longer occupy a weapon upgrade. While will not come up with something intelligible.
52. Attack of bandits in the landfill is transferred to the lightest time of day 17.00.

1. Fix exchange canister from jack pavlov
1. Armory of gunsmith (Aka Mari).
- New configs on the Balance "Light"
- Revision of configs on the balance "Defalt"
- Ballistics on the Balance "Light"
- New Weapons and Addon Models in Assembly: AK-107/108, FN2000, Mini Dragunov, Aps, RPK-74, RPG-7, Gauss Pistol / Gauss Rifle, SVD-C, Toz-34, Toz-66 , Saiga-12K, Vepr-12, AKM "Special Forces", Mossberg500, Fort 17, Ultrasound, Removable sights and silencers
- Edit models of release models NLC7
- Textures, Hood Settings, Weapons Sounds and Other Trivia

Recent Armory:
- Uzi Visual Uzi Visual + New Sounds
- Edit Aps: Model, Textures
- Winchester 1200 replaced by Fort 500
- Beretta Pistol Added Bump Texture
- Changed Sound Recharge Pistol Fort 17
- Replaced Sound Shot Remigton 870

Help in the gun: pseudo-s.t.a.l.k.r., Alkseur, _andrey_, Ghost-2142
Adaptation of all the above to the assembly of the NLC_LIGHT - from the authors of the assembly of Mari, Waylander, igor.doc
Full passage with a new final and most of the corrections, tested - from cordon to sarcophagus and back.
Thanks vvdok and -R-V-S-
P.S Thanks to all those whose names are not named, but who responded and identified by them inaccuracies and mistakes were corrected, and entered this patch.

Changes and additions:
1. Inserted quest for "Improvement" of artifacts in a foggy more often. We speak with scientists on the swamps. (Thanks Mikelik)
2. Added dialogs at the crow. It is possible to gain a "unique" things.
3. Reviewed Recipes for Dummy class artifacts and some 3-level artifacts. We look at the recipe pictures. Previously received recipes will not work. Please forgive for inconvenience.
4. Changed Har-ki artifacts, modificates and absolutes in the direction of "improvement".
Description of rare artifacts. Thank you Olodkav.
5. Artifacts are now disappearing when wearing on the belt when wear is above 85%. Thank you zagolski.
Separately, for lovers, where artifacts explode.
6. Reviewed plot caches and the caches of stalkers.
7. Changes in Barter in some merchants and characters.
8. PNV for exoskeletons from Den1s.
9. Chimera slightly weakened, the giants are a bit strengthened.
10. Reviewed awards and costs for performing certain cyclic quests and at the request of stalkers. Raspil and Chinese, take any saved. Sakharov will take and "smeared" costume.
11. The repairs repairs repairs and weapons with repair kits and in vice.
12. There is a continuation of a wolf cache for the SK, but is also available to those who have not found him yet.
Well, in the little things, about 50 points ... mostly not concerning hemplee.

Description of work on arms:
1. Replaced Visual Machine Machine Famas G2 (Sold by Sultan)
2. Replaced Visual Beretta-93 pistol
3. Revived Visual Beretta-92 pistol. Small edits of the model, replaced texture.
4. Added removable sights on the next weapon:
- automatic speaker
- Avtomat SIG552.
- automatic g36 compact
- Automatic Famas F1
- Machine Famas G2
- Pistol-machine UMP45
- Pistol-machine bison
5. Added silencers on weapons:
- Pistol-machine UMP45
- Pistol-machine gun ultrasound
6. Small edits of the Fort-17 pistol.
7. Small edits rifle WEPER12
8. Replaced textures of some weapons on more detailed and bumba to them.
9. Replaced sounds of shots in arms:
- Rutting machine guns G36
- Beretta-92 gun
- Pistol Brauning High Power
10. Pistol-machine UmP45 added sound shot with silencer.
11. Removed Fort-12 trunk during aiming.
12. Edits in the description of some weapon samples.
13. Reduced multiplicity of sight 1pn93 to the initial value.
14. With PCM machine gun, on the Balance Light, you can now run.
15. Rebalans of pistols and gun-machine gun 9 mm.

Patch 2.5.1 dated September 10, 2017 includes all previously laid out patches and fixes to the assembly 2.5
1. Recipes are completely revised. Radically.
2. Added 5 new ones. "Scroll of meat", "mucus", "Sea Yozh", "Battery" from "Snowball" and "Revolution" from "Kholty".
3. Added eye poltergeist. The eye is added to a couple of recipes.
4. Added glow of artifacts from Tolera.
5. Added quest about "pendulums". Continuing the quest for Gauss Pistol.
6. There is an opportunity "Charging Compass" in the RL.
7. Sultan is red.
8. Trade.
9. New icons, dreams, final titers.
10. And a lot of things are all the little things ...
Thank you - Mikelik, Grisli, Paradox, VVDOK, -R-V-S-, Graycat, Den1s

Hanging Stas.
Unfortunately, there is a problem with the hanging logic of Stasik - the guard of Sidorovich.
Most often, this is manifested at the arrival of Sidorovich after the rest.
Stasik or stubbornly sticks out his fire in the house, or is somewhere nearby from the village of Newbies.
At the same time, all the dialogues work in him, and the door to Sidorovich opens, but in this console, messages about problems appear.

1. At about 5.30 in the morning to go to the Kuznetsov under the bridge and wait there 6.20 in the morning.
Make saving at this time, completely exit the game, and downloading this saving to return to the day.
Stasik will be in its workplace.
It works here that Statsik turns out to be out of the zone of "life" and normally work out its task.
2. Also in a half hundredth to go to the swamp, and wait for 6.20 there, after which it is saved to make saving, get out of the game, download this preservation and return to the cordon to the day.
The result will be the same as in the first version.
3. Go to the swamp and wait for the emission.

Bug with unnecessary zombies
Armed with bugs are found in the bug, well, do not kill them, although they are insecured. Reboot from the desktop. This bug is still from the old engine.
Also the Council shoot an armed zombie into the body.

Dark Valley
So that the bandits do not have unexpectedly enemies.
When performing a quest for the rescue, try to fulfill everything without intermediate saving.
The wounded gangster is treated only after saving M Luber.

P.S. It is impossible to persist near Sidorovich and near the quest NPS! Sidor may disappear simply!

Nothing cut out / nothing recoded
Game version: 1.0006
Game version: Patch from 11.03. 2018.

Repack updated 03/19/2018. Added patch from 11.03. 2018. Added supplement, make saving anywhere (set as desired).

Spavner for NLC 7 I Lamed

The NLC 7 mod was represented by players as a plot project, with the original name "I was labeled", which immediately after the release, gave rise to a lot of contradictory reviews. The players were divided into two camps, those who did not have perhaps the presented realism and those who were opposed to the passage of positive emotions on the contrary, enjoying the hardcore gameplay and close to the reality everyday life of the main character in the exclusion zone.

It was much difficult to survive in the game, especially a newcomer, given the features of the gameplay from an unprepared stalker, it was involuntarily impressed that everything around really rebelled against him. Save the position and help fully enjoy the game will help the adapted spavner for NLC 7 I was labeled.

Spavner is fully compatible with an open version of NLC 7 I was labeled, assembling from Sob'a and Mikelik. The spawner is equipped with a comfortable and intuitively intuitive menu, with quick navigation by partitions and sorted objects. With its help, in the main character, it is possible to equip and wear in the best armored vehicles, to arm rare and slaughter models of small arms, correct its financial position, generate or restore any game element necessary by the plot. In addition to the script for spawn game items, the developer tried to simplify the gameplay, bringing its mechanisms to the original game. Spawn menu is fully adapted and its composition includes all items. Artifacts, quest items, weapons, etc.

Cheat edits facilitating gameplay:
We returned the standard saving system by pressing the F5 key (now there is no need to dry the fires to preserve).
An increased number of cartridges up to 30 pieces, in the left and right slot from 10 and 30, respectively.
Reduced endurance limit when running the main character.
We returned the health regeneration system from 0 to 0.01%.
Match in the game is only necessary for breeding fire, respectively, their cost is reduced, and the amount in the box is increased to real values \u200b\u200b- from 38 to 45 pieces.

Management and launch:
During the game, you must press the ESC key.
After hitting the main menu, press F1.
Next, moving on tabs (weapons, ammunition, canopies, costumes, artifacts, items, quests, livestocks) Select the necessary game object and click the "Get" button.

How to install Spavner:
Unzip the downloaded archive.
Copy the received GameData folder to the game folder.
When copying, agreed to replace files.

Name: NLC 7 Spavner I was labeled for assemblies Sob'a and Mikelik