The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, blacksmithing. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Blacksmithing how to sharpen enchanted weapon in Skyrim

With this, you can create different armor (light and heavy), weapons and improve it.

To start production it is necessary to find a blacksmith in one of the cities, it is usually not difficult, since this is a completely impressive object. In it, you can overpay the ore into the bars, process the skin of animals, to rush weapons and armor, as well as improve all this products.

It looks like this:

In fact, not quite so, but a little simpler. This is a heavenly forge (SkyForge) in Waitran (Whiterun). She is the coolest blacksmith in all Skyrim, but a general view in general should be clear.

Production of things

So, the production process is quite simple, and a little different from other professions.

On the left we see the types of armor and weapons that we can produce. On the right shows the characteristics, appearance and required resources. If only enough, then simply click the button and get a ready-made product and skill growth. It is possible to pump a blacksmithing case with help, but much cheaper to make things from simple materials.

Improving things

To improve armor and weapons, you need to use the table and grinding circle, respectively. This will require an improved subject and a piece of material from which it is made.

We choose the necessary item allocate and confirm the improvement.

There are only six types of improvements that differ in force:

  1. Good (Fine)
  2. Excellent (Superior)
  3. Best (Exquisite)
  4. Flawless)
  5. Epic (EPIC)
  6. Legendary (Legendary)

To obtain a higher level of improvement, it is necessary to raise the skill of blacksmithing and take talents responsible for improving things from a certain material. However, you can do without talents, but the required skill value will be more. Enchanting and alchemy well helps in this, raising the skill of a blacksmith.

Required skill value (with talent / without talent) for improvement:

  • Good (Fine) - 1/1
  • A great (Superior) - 22/31
  • Best (Exquisite) - 40/65
  • Irreproachable (Flawless) - 57/100
  • Epic (EPIC) - 74/134
  • Legendary (Legendary) - from 91/168

After the legendary level, the increase in skill continues to increase the gain efficiency.

It is worth noting that it is possible to improve the enchanted items, only taking a special talent in the blacksmithing branch.

Blacksmithing (smithing)

Unlike other games from the Elder Scrolls series, in Skyrime, weapons and armor do not deteriorate and, therefore, do not need in the repair. Repair skill here is replaced by a blacksmithing skill, which simply needs a character, enthusiastic creating and improving weapons and armor.

Pumping skill blacksmith:

Creating (or kraft) objects in the forge gives the greatest growth of the skill, after the output of the patch 1.5 its increase is directly dependent on the value of the items created - than it is more, the more the skill grows. Improving items on the workbenches and grinding stones increases the skill depending on the value of the value added of the improved item.

For blacksmithing works can be engaged only in certain places, such as equipped forge, anvil in camps, etc., where you can find several types of tools:

  • Forge (Forge) or Anvil (Anvil): It serves to create new weapons and armor. What you can create is determined by your peppers.
  • Grindstone: Ichitates weapons to increase damage applied by him. The higher your skill, the more weapons damage rises.
  • Workbench: WORKS: Allows you to improve the armor. The higher your skill, the greater the armor class.

Materials used in the crafting process of weapons and armor are made on other equipment:

  • Tanning Rack: Cutting the skin from the skins and cutting it on the strips.
  • Meltal (Smelter): overpaid pieces of ore of various metals and dwell scrap metal into the bars.

I especially note that the payment of metals in the melts and the stretch of the skin on tanning machines does not increase the skill of blacksmithing.

  • +5 Skill is given: Nordam (NORD), Orcs (ORC) and Redgard (Redguard).
  • Gorza Gra-Bagol (Ghorza Gra-Bagol), specialist (1-50), Marcart (Markarth);
  • Balimund (Balimund), Expert (1-75), Riften, "The Scorched Hammer";
  • Yorlund Gray Mane, Master (1-90), Waitran (Whiterun), Heavenly Forge (SkyForge);
  • Gunmar (Gunmar), Master (1-90), Fort Dawnguard - You need to install Dawnguard.
  • Making light armor (Light Armor Forging):
    • Fortress Cracked Tusk Keep (Cracked Tusk Keep);
    • Torch mine (Embershard Mine);
    • Falkrith, Loda House, in the basement (LOD "s House, Falkreath);
    • Silent Moons Camp (Silent Moons Camp) camp;
    • The chest in the NMA Eastern Dresser-Yala and South Rocking Cave (East of Dushnikh Yal, South Of Reachcliff Cave);
  • HEAVY FORGING (Heavy Armor Forging):
    • Eastern Imperial Company Warehouse (East Empire Company Warehouse);
    • Gloomy mine, at the entrance to the mine (Gloombound Mine);
    • Pine peak cave (Pinepeak Cavern);
    • Silent Moons Camp, Near The Lunar Forge near the Moon Camp, Near The Lunar Forge);
    • Whistling mine (Whistling Mine);
  • Last Scabard Of Akrash:
    • Southeast of the black heather residence (South-East of Black-Briar Lodge);
    • Fort Sangard - Platz, in the Armory (Fort Sungard Muster);
    • Handy cliff, near the residential premises (Gallows Rock);
  • Competition of gunsmiths (The Armorer "s challenge):
    • Bile mine (Bilegulch Mine);
    • Mor Kazgur, near the anvil (Mor Khazgur);
    • Riften, "burned hammer" (The Scorched Hammer, Riften);
    • Waitran, Heavenly Force (The Skyforge in Whiterun);
    • Mzarkk Tower, in the first room (Tower of MZARK);
  • Cherim's heart (Cherim "s Heart):
    • Grotto broken paddle (Broken Oar Grotto);
    • South-west of the sanctuary of the Great Tree, on the table in the hunter camp (South-West of Eldergleam Sanctuary);
    • Morvunskar, near the anvil (Morvunskar);
    • Pure stream, in a flooded chest (PURWATER RUN);
    • Danstar, Mercut (Quicksilver Mine, Dawnstar).
  • +1 In search of the sword of Queen Freudis, in Quest Ongula Anvil (Oengul War-Anvil) from Windhelm;
  • +1 In search of the book "Night comes to sentel", in Quest Rustleif (Rustleif) from Danstara;
  • +1 In search of the book "Abrashen's last sheath", in Quest Gor-Bagol (Ghorza Gra-Bagol) from Marcage;
  • +1 In search of drum ridge, in Quest Giraud Gemane (Giraud Gemane) from the Bard College;
  • +5 (as well as all other combat skills), if you choose a "power path" when reading Fuephin Infinium (oghma infinium).

Perks skill blacksmith

Tree of skill perks Blacksmithing consists of 10 perks, requiring a total of 10 glasses of perks. In shape it is similar to the circle, but in fact, two different ways ending with the same crafting of lungs and heavy dragon armor (Dragon Armar), the best armor in the game. There is a small branch on the tree that provides the ability to improve the enchanted armor and weapons - the Blacksmith-Wizard Perch.

You can take all 10 perks, however, for most, it is enough to master one of the two branches - either the left (mainly represented by light armor), or right (severe armor). The left branch in short, requires one perks less than the right, rather than the right, to achieve the ability to create a dragon armor. Since the left branch of the peaks tree includes a lamellar heavy armor (Perk complex armor types), then it can also be a good choice for lovers of heavy armor.

It is also worth mentioning that the decline in the damage character being obtained by the protection of the Armor stops at the size of the class of armor 567, and this value can be achieved by many game armor, subject to sufficient attention to their improvement.

An important difference between the left and right branches of the peaks tree is accessible to the manufacture of weapons. Ebonite and daedric weapons are gusty than glass, which is the best of the proposed left branch. However, when the quality of the weapon rises to the legendary, the difference in the damage between the weapon from glass and Daedrick will succeed less than 10%. The official Dawnguard plugin, in addition to the crafting of all sorts of arrows, adds the opportunity to create the most powerful dragon weapon.

Form ID
Description Perk. Requirements for the skill Required perks
Steel armor
Steel Smithing
You can create steel armor and weapons in all forge and improve them until half a higher level. - -
Arcane BlackSmith.
You can improve magic weapons and armor. 60 Steel armor
Delmer armor
Dwarven Smithing.
You can create a coupper and weapons in all forge and improve them until a higher level. 30 Steel armor
Oreniy Armor
Orcish Smithing.
You can create an orcane armor and weapons in all forge and improve them until a higher level. 50 Delmer armor
Ebonite armor
Ebony Smithing.
You can create ebonite armor and weapons in all forge and improve them until a high level. 80 Oreniy Armor
Daederic armor
Daedric Smithing.
You can create daederic armor and weapons in all forge and improve them until a higher level. 90 Ebonite armor
Elven armor
Elven Smithing.
You can create an elf armor and weapons in all forge and improve them until a higher level. 30 Steel armor
Sophisticated types of armor
Advanced Armors.
You can create lamellar and lamellar armor in all forge and improve them until a high level. 50 Elven armor
Glass armor
Glass Smithing
You can create glass armor and weapons in all forge and improve them until half a higher level. 70 Sophisticated types of armor
Dragon armor
Dragon Armor
You can create dragon armor in all forge and improve them until a high level. 100 Daederic armor or glass armor

Quality of weapons and armor

The game has 6 levels of quality of weapons and armor: good, excellent, the best, impeccable, epic and legendary. Quality levels are unlocked when a character achieves a character of a certain size of a blacksmithing skill, which depends on top of whether the character has the appropriate peppers (see the table in the spoiler below).

For example, when skilling a blacksmithing 60, the preservation of the necessary materials and the pepper of the Oroda of the armor, you can improve the orchard armor to flawlessly, and ebonite only to excellent.

The skill of a blacksmithing business can be raised over 100 with the help of enhanced things and potions with the effect of the Effect of a Blacksmithing Business Skill (Fortify Smithing), which will allow you to achieve the quality epic or legendary for any subject. Enchanted things can be accidentally found somewhere or buy, and alchemical ingredients, of which the potion will be with such an effect, you can choose using the Skinimian ingredients or an alchemical calculator with the filter.

Fast pumping skill blacksmith

To accelerate the pumping skill it is worth taking the blessing of the warrior stone (The Warrior Stone, + 20% to the growth rate of all combat skills) and relax well (from + 5% to + 15% to the growth rate of all skills for 8 hours). You should also perform the quest "from the depths" (UNFATHOMABLE Depths) as early as possible, for the sake of obtaining the effect of "ancient knowledge" (Ancient Knowledge) (+ 15% to the growth rate of the blacksmithing business).

  • The torch mine (Embershard Mine) near Riverwood and Camp of Pure Springs (Halted Stream Camp) near Waitran - a place where a low-level character can get a lot of iron ore.
  • Convenient space for pumping skill blacksmithing - "House of Warmhouse" (Warmaiden "S) in Waitran, because There is access to all equipment and two merchants: Adrianna Avenicchi outside and Ulfbert furious bear inside.
  • Skins are less weighted (half or smaller), rather than the skin made of them. Therefore, in the inventory it is more profitable to wear skins and garbage from them immediately before creating or improving items.
  • On the top of the Throat of the World (Throat of The World), you can find a special kirk, enchanted by +5 to the skill of a blacksmithing business - a gear pickaxe (Notched Pickaxe).

To patch 1.5: Skill growth depended on the number of items created, so iron daggers could be stamped on an industrial scale, for which only iron bars and skin strips were required. It should also be noted that the iron daggers are beneficial for pumping engine skill, and you will receive a small profit even by buying materials for stamping daggers and empty or filled shower tiny stones.

After patch 1.5: The value of the objects created by the created items, therefore, the production of iron daggers, the price of 10 gold aparts, will give a very small increase in the skill of blacksmithing and can no longer be used for its quick pumping. However, this skill can still be pumped pretty quickly by making jewels. A good way (an additional effect will also increase the skills of change and eloquence): look into the camp of pure springs (Halted Stream Camp), located north of Waitran, and find the Ruda Transmute Mineral Ore Camp in this camp, with which you can turn Iron ore in silver, and silver in gold. Given the abundance of iron ore in the game, jewelry will be boiled all skyrim markets and shops. Moreover, adding to a product of various precious stones, very often dropping down when mining ore, significantly increases the cost of the finished jewelry, so that you need to use;)

blacksmith craft

blacksmith craft (Orig. - "smithing") - skill from the game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. A blacksmithing business is a skill that determines the possibility of creating and improving weapons and clothing to which armor includes simple clothes and jewels. The higher its level, the better the items are.

The following races have a bonus to the skill of a blacksmith:
+5 Bonus: Nord, Orc, Redgard

You can only forge items in special places - forge. There are several types of tools available in the blacksmith:
Grindstone: Colding the weapon, giving him a bigger damage. The greater the level of ownership of your "blacksmithing" skill, the greater the damage will cause weapons.
Crafting table: Allows you to improve armor. The greater the level of ownership of your "blacksmithing" skill, the stronger will be your armor.
Forge: Allows you to create new weapons and armor from raw materials. What you can create is determined by your peppers.
Anvil: The same as blacksmith horn.
Getting raw materials occurs with other tools, the use of which is not included in the concept of blacksmithing.
Truble stand: Creates skin and strips of skin from the skins; Skins are obtained with caught or found dead animals.
Melts: Pours ingots from raw ore or darker debris; Raw materials are mined in mines with the help of kirk, the dwell fragments are found in the coumen. As a rule, free pickaxes (weight - 10) can always be found directly in the mines, so we do not have to wear it with you (Note: In the black limit, there are also yields of mineral and other ore veins).

Ore centers

Ore centers

For the manufacture of weapons, armor and jewelry, you will need metals in the ingots. Ingots can be bought from merchants, but can be obtained independently, remembating the appropriate ore in any melting. Melts are usually located next to the mines, in them or near the forge. For the mining of ore you will need Kirk. As a rule, pick can be found in any mine, but I always have one with myself for Balasta. When I overload myself, I just throw a pickaxe. Each veins contains exactly three pieces of relevant ore. So, if you want to write here how much and where you found you found, but you are too lazy to consider the veins themselves, remember / write down how many pieces of ore you had at the entrance to the mine. At the exit from the mine, divide the difference in the number of pieces after and up to 3 is and will be the number of lives that you have processed. Together with ore, precious stones can be caught in the veins.
For the production of one ingot, 2 pieces of relevant ore will be required, with the exception of iron, steel and dwelling metal. For iron, 1 piece of iron ore is needed, for the production of steel - 1 iron and 1 corundum.

All used speakers in the game are restored after 1 game month.

Rone rigor

The torch mine (Embershard Mine), the southwest of Riverwood - 8 lived + 2 pieces are lying, 1 lived at the second exit from the mine on the street.
Half-Moon Mill (Half-Moon Mill), North of Falcrit
LEFT Hand Mine (Left Hand Mine), Southeast Marcage - 5 lived
Fort Fellammer - Shakhty - 10 lived
Mine Rockwallow Mine, East from Morocha
Frozen Stream Camp (Halted Stream Camp), North from Waitran - 16 lived
Mine of the North Wind (Northwind Mine), southeast of the Mistotcha
Iron-Breker mine (Iron-Breaker Mine), southeast from Dunstar - 4-5 lived
Chest Mine (Whistling Mine), Southeast Winterhold - 2 veins
Sareti Farm (Sarethi Farm), Southwestern Part
Girmund Hall (Geirmund? S Hall), East from Aivstened. - 1 core
Spentler lair (Swindler? S Den). - 1 core
Grotto Graywater Grotto. - 1 core
Grotto broken paddle (Broken Oar Grotto). - 1 core
Red Eagle Redoubt, in a gangster camp, right from the entrance. - 1 core
Serethi Farm, on a hill, northeast from the farm. - 1 core
Fort Greymour - 1 lived
Camp Slow tree - 1 lived
Nipple pass - 2 veins
Kiss seconds - 2 veins
Glenmorilsky Coven - 1 lived
Windy peak - 1 lived
Camp of pure springs - 15 lived + 4 \\ 6 pieces are lying on the tables.
Lair Plut - 1 lived, at the very end of the way, the 2nd way to the beginning of the cave
Avarsted - Southeast 1 lived on the shore, east of the island 1 lived.


Mine Colskegg (Kolskegg Mine), south from the stone of lovers (The Lover Stone), next to Marcard. - from 13 to 20 lived
LOST PROSPECT MINE (LOST PROSPECT MINE), East from Rippitten, north from the mountains, near the waterfall.
Grotto Groatto (Greywater Grotto), south-south-east of Helgen.
Towers Vatallim (Valthiem Towers), East. - 1 lived outside, 2 veins inside
North from Fellglow Kip (Fellglow Keep) and the West from Sherpoint (Shearpoint), on Earth - 1 lived
Fort Nugard, immediately behind the lake, next to the store of this fort.
Deep shadow - 2 veins.

Mineral exit

Black limit (BlackReach). Available when performing a quest "Behind the Eddynnaya Grand". Over 10 lived.

Corundic core

Darkwater Crossing (Darkwater Crossing), west from the Mistotech (Mistwatch). - 5 lived
Pine Peak Cave (Pinepeak Cavern), North from Ivarsted (Ivarstead)
Eldergleam Sanctuary (Eldergleam Sanctuary), North Wall. - 1 core
Holm Hollow Helm Holl (Broken Helm Hollow), East from Ripeda, use a chain
Frozen Stream Camp (Halted Stream Camp), North from Waitran -1 lived
North from the stable of Waitran. We go to the main gate, look left - climb the stairs and follow the wall
Irkngthand (outside the stone wall), stand up at the entrance to the ruins and look north. Ruda is 20-25 steps straight to the west, next to a stone face. - 1 core
20-30 meters north from Farm Battle Born (Born Farm), Waitran, there is a lot of mercury there (Quicksilver)
The path to the northeast of the North Tower Waltheim (Valtheim Tower). - 1 core
Snake Stone (The Serpent Stone) ~ 1 lived.
Abandoned cave (Forsaken Cave) ~ 1 lived.
Tested the robber - to the right of the head of the leader. - 1 lived.
Ridge tip knife in a mine
Eastification depth at the very end
Honning's medical worn - to the southwest 1 lived.

Lived lunar ore

MZULFT (MZULFT), Southeast from Windhelm. - 4 residentials
Stony Cave Cavek Cave, southeast from Windhelm. Entrance to the cave in Lakes. - 2 housings
Soljund Soljund (Soljund "s sinkhole), West from Roriksted, East Coast. - 4 Residents
3 pieces of ore also lies on the table in the mine
Halfway down to the north of the temple of pyrite (shrine to peryite)
Northeast from the entrance to Waitran, next to the wall
At the top of a small mountain south-west of Winterhold's imperial camp, which is east of Doanstar. - 1 core

Malachite veins

Throat of The World), Mountain Top. - 3 residentials
Shakhty Mine (Steamscorch Mine). Mine on the map is not indicated. The entrance to it can be found in the location of the Kynesgrove of Kynesgrove behind the inn. - 7 lived

Output Origher

Mine Bilgulch (Bilegulch Mine), South-Crap from Fort Sangard (Fort Sungard). - 8 lived
Mine Depth Mine (Gloombound Mine), to the left of the entrance to the mine. - 1 core
Mine in the fortress of the orcs Dustcher-Yal (Dushnikh Yal).
Salmon tree - Cave - 1 lived.
Wascious Utøs - 1 lived.
The bile mine (south from Rorixted) is about 10 lived.
Ma Kazgur - Mine - 7 lived.
On the rock of the south of the Ineev Lighthouse - 2 veins
Near the hut Froms - 1 lived

Mercury core

The Tower Stone, move to the east.
Mercury mine (Quicksilver Mine), North-West from Dozonstar.
Alpatand (Alftand), South-West from Saarthal, on the right after the entrance to the first level.
The Lost Echo Cave (Lost Echo Cave), in one of the very first caves on the right side.
20-30 meters north of the farm of the Sons of the Battle (Born Farm), Waitran, there are also a corundum
20 meters southwest from Shimermist Cave, Waitran
Stresty blinds. It is slightly above the drinking rock cave. 2-3 cores
Ineeial abyss (1 lived)
East of the stone of the tower (2 veins)

Silver core

Throne Bloodlet (Bloodlet Throne), behind the throne.
Marcart (Markarth), turn left behind the bridge and climb the hill, look for Kamenyuki in semi-dead trees.
Next to Standarr's Lighthouse (Near Stendarr, S Beacon), East from Rip Natten.
FROSTMERE CRYPT (Frostmere Crypt), front of frostmer depths.
CarTwasten (Karthwasten), Northeast from Marcard, a small village with two mines.
Raldbtathar (Raldbthar) ~ 1 lived
The separated gorge - 1 lived.
Throat of the World), along the road to the top (1)

Ebonite core

MZULFT (MZULFT), Southeast from Windhelm.
Shore stone S Stone), northern part, along the mountains.
Stone Shore - Red Mine - 3 veins.
Throat of the World), on top. (2 veins)
The gloomy mine, directly in the orckers of the Narzulbourbar fortress - 15 livets 3 pieces of ore \u003d 45 pieces / 2 pieces on the ingot \u003d 22 ingot. Two more pieces of ore were lying on.

The location of the cousnets

1) Markart, located north of the witch tincture, and the other - in the oldest right corner from the throne of the Yarl in the replacement fortress.
2) Riverwood, near the house of Alvora and Sigrid (Alvor and Sigrid "s House).
3) Waitran, near the house of the warranty.
4) Windhelm, next to the market, west of the main gate.
5) Ricks, west of the market, in the city center.
6) Shore stone: on the porch of the building in the southwest (the first building on the left, if you come from the south side).
7) Solitude, west of the gloomy castle, called Solitude - the forge, belongs to Beiranda.
8) Dunstar: south of the iron mine.
9) Rift - Imperial Camp: Eastern Aivsted, West Ruins Btalfta.
10) Falkrith, after the GRAY Pine Goods store and the right of a log house.
11) The forge of Atronakhov: In Midden under the Winterhold College.
12) Lunar forge: in the camp of the quiet moon.
13) Heavenly forge: Waitran. In the forge there is a Johlund gray mane, famous for the best blacksmith in Skyrim. All weapons and armor of associates are going on there.


By pumping up to 100% of the skill of the Blacksmith and having received all the blacksmithing peppers, you already get enough powerful equipment in the blacksmith.
Nevertheless, the quality of weapons and armor can be enhanced even more if you use potions and enchanted objects.
Here are some tips, how to effectively organize this process:

To enhance the blacksmith skill, you can enchant the following items:
Gloves (mittens).
Clothing (armor).

The effects of improving the skill of the blacksmith from these items with their equipment are summed up (unlike potions, where one drinking bottle or ten does not play any role - the total effect will still be like from one bottle).
Of course, the contribution of each equipped object is as high as possible, it is necessary to develop an enchance skill to 100% and get all the corresponding peppers. Clothes that increases enchantment does not exist, but you can create a potion.

To create an increase in the enhancement skill, you will need any two of the following ingredients:
Wing of blue butterfly
Claw Wheel
Snow berries
Zhivitsa Spriggana
So that the potion can be "stronger" as possible, it is necessary to develop an alchemy skill to 100% from the character and grind the corresponding peppers.

In turn, even having an alchemy skill of 100%, it can be significantly increased by closing items to make it:
gloves (mittens);
hoop (hood, helmet).

The last effect of the enchantment "Additional effect" allows you to impose 2 enchanted effect on the subject. Since the three objects of clothing coincide, you can enchant the ring, necklace and gloves on the simultaneous increase in skills - and alchemy, and blacksmithing.
Enchanting power also depends on the capacity of the shower stone. It should be great, with a Caught Great Soul. So before starting work, you need to be in sufficient quantities.
To get more powerful potions that increase the engine skill, you need more powerful enchantment on clothes that increase the skill of alchemy, which, in turn, can increase all the same potions.
It turns out a vicious circle, a certain iterative process that needs to repeat several times ... But it is not infinite - there is a certain maximum border when an increase in alchemy skill by 1-2 units no longer leads to an improvement in the parameters of the enjoyed item.
Using the potion to increase the enhancement skill, keep in mind that its operation time is 30 seconds, so you first need to choose spells, then the subject, and only last time - the great stone shower.

To create potions of enhance the skill of the Blacksmith, you will need any two of the following ingredients:
Lyut mushroom
Glowing mushroom
Fang Sablezuba
Zhivitsa Spriggana

Ultimately, by closing the appropriate items and equipped with them, as well as having at the disposal powerful potions of improving the skill of a blacksmith, can be sent to the blacksmith.
One bottle of potions also operates 30 seconds, so you should have sufficient stock and act quickly.
Further improvement of the quality of armor and weapons can be obtained by enchanting them accordingly. And here you will need the potions and the great stones of the souls.


Steel armor
(No requirements) You can create steel armor and weapons in all forge and improve them until half a higher level.
(Skill \u003d 60, steel armor) You can improve magic weapons and armor.
Delmer armor
You can create a coupper and weapons in all forge and improve them until a higher level.
Oreniy Armor
(Skill \u003d 50, dwell armor) You can create an orcane armor and weapons in all forge and improve them until a higher level.
Ebonite armor
(Skill \u003d 80, orca armor) You can create ebonite armor and weapons in all forge and improve them until a high level.
Daederic armor
(Skill \u003d 90, ebonite armor) You can create daederic armor and weapons in all forge and improve them until a higher level.
Elven armor
(Skill \u003d 30, steel armor) You can create an elf armor and weapons in all forge and improve them until a higher level.
Sophisticated types of armor
(Skill \u003d 50, elven armor) You can create lamellar and lamellar armor in all forge and improve them until a high level.
Glass armor
(Skill \u003d 70, complex armor types) You can create glass armor and weapons in all forge and improve them until half a higher level.
Dragon armor
(Skill \u003d 100, glass armor or daederic armor) You can create dragon armor in all forge and improve them until a high level.


Specialist Gorza Gra-Bagol (Ghorza Gra-Bagol) Marcart
Expert Balimund (Balimund) Rift
Master Yorlund Gray Mane (Eorlund Gray-Mane) Waitran, Heavenly Forge


Cherim's heart (Cherim "s Heart)
Warm lake. On the table on the island with a tent on a warm lake.
Grotto broken paddle. Next to the smelting stove.
Pure stream. In the chest under water.
Danstar. Mercury mine.
Morvunskar. In the blacksmith.

Competition of gunsmiths (The Armorer "s challenge)
Waitran. Heavenly forge, on the table.
Tower Mzarkk. Entrance from a black limit for the main quest. In the first room ahead on the right.

Last Scabard of Akrash
Hanging cliff. Comraders, after turning into a werewolf.
Fort Sangard. Armory.

Making light armor (Light Armor Forging)
Torch mine. On the table near the forge.
Falkrite. Loda house.
Drain-yal. To the east, south of the entrance to the drowning cave in the chest.

HEAVY FORGING (Heavy Armor Forging)
Cave pine peak.
Camp of a quiet moon.
Gray mine. Not going inside the mine. On the table near the bed.

In the game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, we have the opportunity not only to create your weapons and armor, but also sharpen weapons and improve armor in the forge. The higher the skill of the blacksmith at the hero, those, respectively, will better improve.

Blacksmithing peers

Perk Description Requirements Required perks
Steel armor It makes it possible to create steel armor and weapons and improve them until a high level.
Kuznets-wizard It gives to improve magic weapons and armor. 60 Steel armor
Delmer armor It gives to create a branker and weapon and improve them until a higher level. 30 Steel armor
Oreniy Armor It gives to create orch the armor and weapons and improve them until a high level. 50 Delmer armor
Ebonite armor It makes it possible to create ebonite armor and weapons and improve them until a high level. 80 Oreniy Armor
Daederic armor It gives you to create daederic armor and weapons and improve them until a high level. 90 Ebonite armor
Elven armor It gives to create elven armor and weapons and improve them until a high level. 30 Steel armor
Sophisticated types of armor It gives to create lamellar and lamellar armor and improve them until high levels. 50 Elven armor
Glass armor It gives to create glass armor and weapons and improve them until high. 70 Sophisticated types of armor
Dragon armor It gives to create dragon armor and improve them until a high level. 100 Daederic armor or glass armor

Improving weapons and armor

In addition to directly creating weapons and armor, we can improve this weapon and armor. To do this, you will have to find special places that are most often located next to the blacksmith.

Grinding stones

On the grinding stones, we can sharpen a melee weapon, such as swords, axes and hammers. In addition, Luke can be perfectly. For sharpening, we will require a certain amount of one or another material (iron ingot, silver ingot, etc.). As a result of data of manipulations, the damage rate increases significantly with high skille bombing.

Crafting table

On the workbenks, we improve our armor (gloves, shoes, helmets, shields, etc.) We also need materials and the quality of improvements will depend on the scope of the skill.

Improvement indicator of objects

In the table below, there should be a blacksmithing skill indicator and which perk must be taken to sharpen better.


Bonus protection

Bonus Ataaki


Skill (with pep)



A great




Where to get the required resources

As for creating objects, and for their improvement and sharpening, we will need resources. Where can they take them? The easiest way to - buy from the blacksmith is what we need, most often the player's pumping level corresponds to the assortment of the seller, however, you can also find the following in its path:

Mining ore

We often have tasks associated with a stripping of a particular mine. In these mines it is often possible to meet a variety of metal veins. Here we kill 2 hares at once - we produce the necessary metal and often precious stones as a bonus. It should be noted that the Kirk will need for this process, which, most often, carefully lies somewhere nearby.

Processing ore

Well, after it will be necessary to find a melting furnace, in which we will allow us to bake from ore the required ingots.

Iron Ore (1) \u003d Iron Brochock (1)
Iron ore (1) + corundum ore (1) \u003d steel ingot (1)
Corundic ore (2) \u003d Corundicle ingot (1)
Orihelkaya ore (2) \u003d Orihal Brochka (1)
Mercury ore (2) \u003d ingot of mercury ore (1)
Malachite ore (2) \u003d Purified Malachite (1)
Moon ore (2) \u003d Purified Moonstone (1)
Ebonite ore (2) \u003d ebonite ingot (1)
Silver ore (2) \u003d silver ingot (1)
Golden ore (2) \u003d Golden Blow (1)

The dwelling metal ingots can be obtained in the process of smearing the fragments of the dwelling metal, which can be found in any dormant ruins, the truth of these are very heavy and to give them to the right place sometimes problematic.
Large decorative dormant beam (1) \u003d Double metal ingot (2)
Large dormant metal plate (1) \u003d Twemtery metallic ingot (3)
Big dormant beam (1) \u003d Diver Metal Brochka (3)
Curved to tweer scrap metal (1) \u003d Twemter metallic ingot (3)
Small Dammer Metal Plate (1) \u003d Double Metal Brochock (3)
Delmer Metal Casting (1) \u003d Metal Bottom (5)

Truble machine

On tanning machines, you can make the skin from the skins of various animals, after which this very skin can, in turn, to be separated into strips. Like leather and strips are widely used for the manufacture of armor and weapons. From one piece of leather always turns out 4 strips.

Bear skin (1) \u003d leather (4)
The skin of the cave bear (1) \u003d leather (4)
Snow bear ski (1) \u003d leather (4)
Skore Savlezub (1) \u003d Leather (4)
Skin Skura Savab (1) \u003d Leather (4)
Wolf Skura (1) \u003d Leather (1)
Snow Wolf Skin (1) \u003d Leather (1)
Liser skins (1) \u003d leather (1)
Skin skin (1) \u003d leather (1)
Deer Shkura (1) \u003d Leather (2)
Horsepower (1) \u003d leather (3)
Cow skins (1) \u003d leather (3)
Goat skins (2) \u003d leather (1)

Let's start with alchemy, and for what reason: in the game the routing of this skill it seemed to me the most invoice in view of a number of factors.

1. The first and main factor - the simple potions do not make a lot of skill.

Simple potions you can download the skill for a very long time, as in the game mechanics, pumping skill depends not on quantity, but from quality. Let's say the skill of wearing heavy or light armor depends not from how many times you sworn, and how many damage caused you this blow.

Banal potion on magic regeneration (salt + garlic),

Hyde by mastercraft.

Hyde by mastercraft.

after creation, it will increase the existing level of alchemy well, somewhere by 1-3% strips.

Hyde by mastercraft.

Hyde by mastercraft.

While a complex potion having a bunch of parameters (by the way, both negative and positive),

Hyde by mastercraft.

Hyde by mastercraft.

for one bank can increase the existing level somewhere by 10-15% strips.

Hyde by mastercraft.

Hyde by mastercraft.

Another omission in the game is that side - Unnecessary alchemical effects only increase the value of potions. Although the logic of things of the poison that simultaneously causes damage and he treats him, a complete nonsense, but this nonsense will cost more than a poison that causes damage and takes Magic for example.

I think you will immediately see that complex potions are not an example more than simple potions.

Since the pumping of Alchemy directly depends on the quality of potions, then I will immediately answer your question:

Yes, if you wear things on a bonus to create a potion, the cost of the generated potions will increase greatly, but on pumping skill, alas, it will almost not affect.

Here is the value of the created potion without things giving a bonus to the strength of the potions created.

Hyde by mastercraft.

Hyde by mastercraft.

But the tone of the created potion of cooked in things that give a bonus to the strength of the potions created.

Hyde by mastercraft.

Hyde by mastercraft.
2. The second factor arising from the first - to create complex potions it is necessary that there are many different ingredients in the presence.

Therefore, it is common to spend all the mugs that collect all the thumbs of giants, all the eggs. Space all, all that can be collected, steal, buy! Yes, buy, so you need to earn septim. (Good in Skyrim is not a problem)

3. Third factor - with an increase in skill in alchemy, pumping starts to be braked.

This is expressed in the following, if with the skill of Alchemy 25 you make the potion - the regeneration of magic (salt + garlic) and to raise from 25 to 26 you need to make 10 cans, then on raising from 30 to 31 you are already making 13 cans.

In view of which alchemy I shook at three receptions:

From 1 to 40, it is possible to pump up the creation of simple potions.

From 40 to 70-80 he studied the mind of Arkadia, which is in Waitran. In parallel collected, bought, cradle tons of ingredients.

Where all the teachers of Alchemy dwell, I do not remember, and I don't need to look here.

From 80 to 100, scattered exclusively by creating complex poisons and potions.


If you re-started the game, and suffer from the manchkinism, then go immediately by the second or third level in Wetran. Kill the dragon, collect and sell all the trash that became "white", for the Yellow cleared. Now you can make 90% of Waitran trap and sell it. Zarayev Septimov, every LVL AP Do not forget to teach alchemy, so, without departing from the box office, you can lift up to 70 skills, while pumping the hero to 20 levels. (Of course if there is money, or if you use a hole, by returning "septimov" after training)

Who in alchemy will not "shake", spend the master class.

We look here

On the example I will show what.

We look that we have in the inventory and choose the ingredient, say Dragon language. We choose on the plate you liked its property - Fire resistance and Raising skill: two-handed weapons.

Now we are looking for an ingredient with these properties, plus some other positive properties. (can be negative) let it be Torman - Our potion will have two properties. Now you have to add such an ingredient to "open" in the potion still a couple of properties. Look like Torman has properties? - this is Rabies and Regeneration of stock for power.

Alchemist 5/5. (Potions and poisons are 20% stronger (+ 20% for each additional level of ability) - Well, it is clear, a good potion is a strong potion.

Healer (Your potions, regenerating health, magic or reserves, are 25% more effective) - the ability to pass to take the following ability.

Pharmacist (You can create potions that will have a 25% percent more favorable effect)

As you can see, I took only the most necessary abilities to enhance the potions received by me.