Tykvovin - Hyde, achievements, quests - WOW JP. Horseman without a head How to urge the rider without head WOW

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Headless horseman (English. Headless Horseman) - the nickname that Sir Thomas Thomson, who was resurrected by Balnazar in the form of undead with free will. In life, Thomas was a brave paladin of silver dance, which became part of the Scarlet Order. Accidentally killing his own family, Thomas went crazy and decided that the whole world was infected with Chuma. He was executed after several kills of comrades, and Balnazar raised him, having fallen by special forces.

The rider without a head appears during the celebration of pumpkin and distributes the flame and darkness on the settlements of Azeroth.


Source of information in this section - comics and manga By the Warcraft Universe.

Thomas Thomson and his family were owners of Pumpkin's own farm in Tirisfalsky forests, which was south-west of the Mills of Agamund. He was one of the paladins who became the sweenders of how Utra Light and Jaina Praudmur refused to help Prince Artas Generalulu with the cleansing of Stratholm. Sir Thomas was agreed with the decision of Lord Uther, and soon he had to observe how Lorderon destroys the scour. He was also present during the betrayal of the Rivender, who sent an infected grain to the village, which the Baron swore to defend. Later he was reported that Prince Artas returned from Nordskol and killed his own father. Thomas was sure that the prerequisites for this crime were the events that occurred even before sailing to the north, including a massacre in Stratholm. Five days later, he learned that Arthas managed to get to Uter and many other Knights of Silver Dlann. They were all killed.

Thomas fell into despair and wanted only to save his family. He ordered his wife to go to Kalimdor for the Jain Praudmur, and himself remained in Lorederon with other paladines, intend to destroy the whip. Over the next four years, he fought against undisming together with other paladines driven by Sidan Datrohanom, including Alexandros Mogrune, known as a caregiver. However, Balnazar hid under the appearance of Daarthan, who led the Knights of Silver Dlann to the collapse when Reno Mogruin killed his own father. Some paladins listened to the words of the Supreme Inquisitor of Fairbank, who witnessed the murder, and left to establish a silver dawn. Thomas, however, did not go and became part of the scarlet order.

One day, Sidan brought his paladins to the settlement, where refugees lived, who happily met the scarlet order and were confident that it was just a check for the presence of plague. Although the inhabitants of the city were healthy, Datorkhan tricks convinced Thomas that they were all infected. The story was repeated with Stratholm, and this time Sir Thomas took the other side - he was ready to give to refugees to death and save them from the ministry of the plenty. So it happened when the scarlet Order was burned by the city of Dotley and killed all the inhabitants.

The cleansing crusade continued, and after two months an event occurred, which broke Sir Thomas. During the next destruction of the alleged infected, he killed a woman with two children, trying to escape from Paladinov. He then saw their faces and realized that he had dealt with his own family. He came to the conclusion that the ship, which sailed to Kalimdor, got into the storm and was damaged. Those who were saved, remained at the Lorderonian coast and were forced to survive in Chaos, which covered the kingdom.

Broken Paladin was taken to the monastery of the Scarlet Order, where he finally went crazy and decided that the whole world was infected with Chuma. Sir Thomas remained the only one who else could save everyone. During the pumpkin, he killed many of his former associates before he was grabbed and beheaded. Dajachan stated that the fallen knight earned the honorary burial. When the burial ceremony was finished, Balnazar applied the energy of the bad to resurrect Thomas in the form of a crazy rider without a head, endowed with special forces and free will.

Monastery of the Scarlet Order. In addition, he attacks the city of the Alliance and Horde periodically during the holiday.

Once the rider was a silver darling knight, but now he is cursed. He believes that alive, while all those he meets are dead. After the victory over it opens his name - Thomas Thomson (or Sir Thomas).

To call it, click on the shrine of pumpkins and get Call the rider without head . Click on loose feeded soil behind the sanctuary to start the task. Each player can call for the rider once a day.

Also, players can call him once, having received a task starting with the shadow of the rider. This task can be obtained only at the refugee trustees of orphans (alliance) or trustees of orphans in a mask (Horde), when the shadow is defeated in one of the villages and a large pumpkin lamp lies on Earth.


Thomas Thomson and his family were owners of Pumpkin's own farm in Tirisfalsky forests, which was south-west of the Mills of Agamund. He was one of the paladins who became the sweenders of how Utra Light and Jaina Praudmur refused to help Prince Artas Generalulu with the cleansing of Stratholm. Sir Thomas was agreed with the decision of Lord Uther, and soon he had to observe how Lorderon destroys the scour. He was also present during the betrayal of the Rivender, who sent an infected grain to the village, which the Baron swore to defend. Later he was reported that Prince Artas returned from Nordskol and killed his own father. Thomas was sure that the prerequisites for this crime were the events that occurred even before sailing to the north, including a massacre in Stratholm. Five days later, he learned that Arthas managed to get to Uter and many other Knights of Silver Dlann. They were all killed.

Thomas fell into despair and wanted only to save his family. He ordered his wife to go to Kalimdor for the Jain Praudmur, and himself remained in Lorederon with other paladines, intend to destroy the whip. Over the next four years, he fought against undisming together with other paladines driven by Sidan Datrohanom, including Alexandros Mogrune, known as a caregiver. However, Balnazar hid under the appearance of Daarthan, who led the Knights of Silver Dlann to the collapse when Reno Mogruin killed his own father. Some paladins listened to the words of the Supreme Inquisitor of Fairbank, who witnessed the murder, and left to establish a silver dawn. Thomas, however, did not go and became part of the scarlet order.

One day, Sidan brought his paladins to the settlement, where refugees lived, who happily met the scarlet order and were confident that it was just a check for the presence of plague. Although the inhabitants of the city were healthy, Datorkhan tricks convinced Thomas that they were all infected. The story was repeated with Stratholm, and this time Sir Thomas took the other side - he was ready to give to refugees to death and save them from the ministry of the plenty. So it happened when the scarlet Order was burned by the city of Dotley and killed all the inhabitants.

The cleansing crusade continued, and after two months an event occurred, which broke Sir Thomas. During the next destruction of the alleged infected, he killed a woman with two children, trying to escape from Paladinov. He then saw their faces and realized that he had dealt with his own family. He came to the conclusion that the ship, which sailed to Kalimdor, got into the storm and was damaged. Those who were saved, remained at the Lorderonian coast and were forced to survive in Chaos, which covered the kingdom.

Broken Paladin was taken to the monastery of the Scarlet Order, where he finally went crazy and decided that the whole world was infected with Chuma. Sir Thomas remained the only one who else could save everyone. During the pumpkin, he killed many of his former associates before he was grabbed and beheaded. Dajachan stated that the fallen knight earned the honorary burial. When the burial ceremony was finished, Balnazar applied the energy of the bad to resurrect Thomas in the form of a crazy rider without a head, endowed with special forces and free will.

Attacks and abilities

Headless horseman

  • Middle Boy: Inflicts 3-4K damage.
  • Dispersion strike: An ordinary dispersion blow, causes ~ 4K damage.
  • Vortex: After the loss of the head, the body begins to beat the swirl in the area ~ 2k / s.
  • Ignition: Beating on the square of the UZV, only PVP accessories or similar ability (ice block, divine shield, etc.) can be filmed. Ticks percentage of maximum health every second and scares the goal. Continues ~ 5 seconds. Pretending the dead right before ignition, you can prevent fear, although the animation will allocate. You can attack / move as usual. It is not known whether the UZB is canceled too.
  • Head rider: Appears when the rider is damaged by 99% in each phase. ~ 27000 Health.
  • Pulsating pumpkin: Rushes to Earth during the third phase. It germinates ~ 15 seconds. ~ 10K Health. If the pumpkin falls on the player, he will receive a soul soul disease, which gives -18 to the spirit for 20 minutes.
  • Evil pumpkin: Germinates from pulsating pumpkin. Deals ~ 650 damage, has ~ 10K health.


The battle with the rider without a head consists of three phases.

First phase

The rider appears and moves to the one who lit a candle. The tank must immediately use the provocation if he was not for those who called the rider. Beware of the dissection strike and beate it until the end of the phase.

With 1% of health, he will become invulnerable, throwing his head, starts to worse back and forth lost and periodically attack the swirl. The head of the rider will become an affordable goal, and the body will cure up to 100%. All DD should have a macro for aiming the rider's head. After the head remains 60% or the body will recover up to 100%, the head will reinstately connect to the body and the next phase will begin.

Second phase

Pumpkin sanctuary.

When the rider is reunited with his head, he attacks the player with the highest level of threat. This phase differs from the previous fact that periodically the rider will ignite a random player who is not a tank. You can use PVP Accessory to remove ignition. Healers and long-range DD should monitor where the tank is located and the ignited goal. Stay from it away.

The second phase ends when the head remains 30% of health or when the body is restored to 100%.

Third phase

In the third phase, the rider does not use ignition. At some point, he will throw four pulsating pumpkins, which will warm in a few seconds, and at the same time their health will be recovered. At the Pumpkin about 10K health and evil pumpkins will be applied with cloths on 1K damage. The fastest way of victory is the attack on the rider by all their might, at this time the tank holds pumpkins on himself and prepares for the emergence of new waves. The attack lasts until the head of the rider does not come off. If the group is not capable of applying enough damage, then a second or even third wave of pumpkins may appear.

The rider tanning on the steps in the dungeon leads to the fact that pumpkins appear close to the boss. Thanks to this, the tank is much easier to select them.

After the death of the rider's head, the rider without a head is defeated and the remaining pumpkins die. If you do not kill the rider's head before the body cures up to 100%, then the third phase will begin again, this means that the rider will have to beat again until the head breaks away. It almost certainly means defeat, because The yard will fill with evil pumpkins.


Having a Paladin Tank Makes This Phase Much Easier Due to Consecration. The REST OF THE PARTY HUGS THE PALADIN, INSIDE THE SPELL "S RANGE, ALLOWING THEREAFTER THE PICK Up The Fiends, Thereafter The DPS Can Burn Theseeman Is to Find And DPS DOWN THE HEAD AS FAST AS Possible WHEN IT IS OFF THE HORSEMAN. The Head Does No Damage SO All DPS SHOULD FEEL Free to Unload on It. The Macro / Target Head of Helps With this, As It Allows You to Pick Up the Head Almost As Soon As It Detaches.


Preparation of fillings.

Collective rider figure.

Monastery of the Scarlet Order:

Player: The rider gets up ... Your hour is nearing ... once you have already touched a bony hand of death ... Learn the death now!

The appearance of the rider: Unhappy, you reached the end of the way! Fate will decide who to go forward!

Loss of head: (Defended Horseman) Over Here, You idiot!

Reunion: Here is my body, beautiful and boldly! Black souls punish skill!

Conflagration: HARKEN, CUR! Tis You I Spurn! NOW FEEL ... THE BURN!

Spruting Pumpkins: Stand up servants, fix the battle! Let the fallen knight gain peace!

The death of the rider: With death, we are already friends for a long time ... What is it waiting for me now?

Death player: Your Body Lies Beaten, Battered and Broken. Let My Curse Be Your Own, Fate Has Spoken.


AT The Beginning of the Attack:

Get ready, despicable, death is getting closer! Save the elderly and kids! Ridge over the earth thunderstorms, there will be no mercy! It has come for a pile!


THE SKY IS DARK. The Fire Burns. You strive in vain as fate "S Wheel Turns.

Time Almost Up:

Let the damned city burn the duck! It expires my term and the case is waiting for me!

Upon SuccessFully Dowsing His Flames:

Wesky Fire My, triumphs enemy! I immerse yourself in infinite darkness.

Upon Failing to Does His Flames:

Fire Consumes! You "Ve Tried and Failed. Let There Be No Doubt, Justice Prevailed!

Upon SuccessFully Defeating Shade of Horseman "S Body:

So Eager You Are, for My Blood to Spill. Yet to Vanquish Me, "Tis My Head You Must Kill!

Additional notes

When the rider without a head appeared in the game in 2007, he called the wave attempt to restart the dungeon and creating, therefore, many instances of dungeons running on the server. This caused the appearance of the rule "no more than 5 dungeons per hour." In 2008, changes were made, after which there was no longer a restart of the dungeon.


[Tykvovin Sweets] DROP ON EVERY KILL. Ring of satisfaction Vurdalak, Rider's ring print, Witchino Ring, and [Weighted lamp from pumpkin] Are Common Drops.

[Magic broom] , [Sacred Helmet] , and. [Ominous ticking] Are Moderately Rare Drops.

Rider blade, rider helmet, and rider reins without Are Rare Drops.

Mining from the rider without a head

During pumpkin, Headless horseman Calls upon the pumpkin sanctuate, which is located in the middle of an abandoned monastery on the cemetery, the wing of the dungeon of the monastery of the Scarlet Order. In addition, he attacks the city of the Alliance and Horde periodically during the holiday.

Once the rider was a silver darling knight, but now he is cursed. He believes that alive, while all those he meets are dead. After the victory over it opens his name - Thomas Thomson (or Sir Thomas).

To call it, click on the shrine of pumpkins and get Call the rider without head . Click on loose feeded soil behind the sanctuary to start the task. Each player can call for the rider once a day.

Also, players can call him once, having received a task starting with the shadow of the rider. This task can be obtained only at the refugee trustees of orphans (alliance) or trustees of orphans in a mask (Horde), when the shadow is defeated in one of the villages and a large pumpkin lamp lies on Earth.

Attacks and abilities

Head rider

  • Middle Boy: Apply ~ 1.8K damage.
  • Dispersion strike: An ordinary dissective blow, causes ~ 3K damage.
  • Vortex: After the loss of the head, the body begins to beat the swirl in the area of \u200b\u200b~ 1.4k / sec.
  • Ignition: Beating on the square of the UZV, only PVP accessories or similar ability (ice block, divine shield, etc.) can be filmed. Ticks percentage of maximum health every second and scares the goal. Continues ~ 5 seconds. Pretending the dead right before ignition, you can prevent fear, although the animation will allocate. You can attack / move as usual. It is not known whether the UZB is canceled too.
  • Head rider: Appears when the rider is damaged by 99% in each phase. ~ 27000 Health.
  • Pulsating pumpkin: Rushes to Earth during the third phase. It germinates ~ 15 seconds. ~ 10K Health. If the pumpkin falls on the player, he will receive a soul soul disease, which gives -18 to the spirit for 20 minutes.
  • Evil pumpkin: Germinates from pulsating pumpkin. Deals ~ 650 damage, has ~ 10K health.


Sanctuary of Pumpkin

The battle with the rider without a head consists of three phases.

First phase

The rider appears and moves to the one who burned the candle. The tank must immediately use the provocation if he was not for those who called the rider. Beware of the dissection strike and beate it until the end of the phase.

With 1% of health, he will become invulnerable, throwing his head, starts to worse back and forth lost and periodically attack the swirl. The head of the rider will become an affordable goal, and the body will cure up to 100%. All DD should have a macro for aiming the rider's head. After the head remains 60% or the body will reconcile up to 100%, the head will again connect with the body and the next phase will begin.

Second phase

When the rider is reunited with his head, he attacks the player with the highest level of threat. This phase differs from the previous fact that periodically the rider will ignite a random player who is not a tank. You can use PVP Accessory to remove ignition. Healers and long-range DD should monitor where the tank is located and the ignited goal. Stay from it away.

The second phase ends when the head remains 30% of health or when the body is restored to 100%.

Third phase

In the third phase, the rider does not use ignition. At some point, he will throw four pulsating pumpkins, which will warm in a few seconds, and at the same time their health will be recovered. At the Pumpkin about 10K health and evil pumpkins will be applied with cloths on 1K damage. The fastest way of victory is the attack on the rider by all their might, at this time the tank holds pumpkins on himself and prepares for the emergence of new waves. The attack lasts until the head of the rider does not come off. If the group is not capable of applying enough damage, then a second or even third wave of pumpkins may appear.

The rider tanning on the steps in the dungeon leads to the fact that pumpkins appear close to the boss. Thanks to this, the tank is much easier to select them.

After the death of the rider's head, the rider without a head is defeated and the remaining pumpkins die. If you do not kill the rider's head before the body cures up to 100%, then the third phase will begin again, this means that the rider will have to beat again until the head breaks away. It almost certainly means defeat, because The yard will fill with evil pumpkins.


Having a Paladin Tank Makes This Phase Much Easier Due to Consecration. The REST OF THE PARTY HUGS THE PALADIN, INSIDE THE SPELL "S RANGE, ALLOWING THEREAFTER THE PICK Up The Fiends, Thereafter The DPS Can Burn Theseeman Is to Find And DPS DOWN THE HEAD AS FAST AS Possible WHEN IT IS OFF THE HORSEMAN. The Head Does No Damage SO All DPS SHOULD FEEL Free to Unload on It. The Macro / Target Head of Helps With this, As It Allows You to Pick Up the Head Almost As Soon As It Detaches.


Monastery of the Scarlet Order:

Player: The rider gets up ... Your hour is nearing ... once you have already touched a bony hand of death ... Learn the death now!

The appearance of the rider: Unhappy, you reached the end of the way! Fate will decide who to go forward!

Loss of head: (Defended Horseman) Over Here, You idiot!

Reunion: Here is my body, beautiful and boldly! Black souls punish skill!

Conflagration: HARKEN, CUR! Tis You I Spurn! NOW FEEL ... THE BURN!

Spruting Pumpkins: Stand up servants, fix the battle! Let the fallen knight gain peace!

The death of the rider: With death, we are already friends for a long time ... What is it waiting for me now?

Death player: Your Body Lies Beaten, Battered and Broken. Let My Curse Be Your Own, Fate Has Spoken.


AT The Beginning of the Attack:

Get ready, despicable, death is getting closer! Save the elderly and kids! Ridge over the earth thunderstorms, there will be no mercy! It has come for a pile!


THE SKY IS DARK. The Fire Burns. You strive in vain as fate "S Wheel Turns.

Time Almost Up:

Let the damned city burn the duck! It expires my term and the case is waiting for me!

Upon SuccessFully Dowsing His Flames:

Wesky Fire My, triumphs enemy! I immerse yourself in infinite darkness.

Upon Failing to Does His Flames:

Fire Consumes! You "Ve Tried and Failed. Let There Be No Doubt, Justice Prevailed!

Upon SuccessFully Defeating Shade of Horseman "S Body:

So Eager You Are, for My Blood to Spill. Yet to Vanquish Me, "Tis My Head You Must Kill!

Additional notes

When the rider without a head appeared in the game in 2007, he called the wave attempt to restart the dungeon and creating, therefore, many instances of dungeons running on the server. This caused the appearance of the rule "no more than 5 dungeons per hour." In 2008, changes were made, after which there was no longer a restart of the dungeon.


[Tykvovin Sweets] DROP ON EVERY KILL. Ring of satisfaction Vurdalaka , Rider print , Witchino Ring, and [Weighted lamp from pumpkin] Are Common Drops.

Magic broom, [Blessed helmet] , and. [Ominous ticking] Are Moderately Rare Drops.

Rider blade, rider helmet, and Rider reins without a head Are Rare Drops.

Places of appearance of rider

SINCE 3.0.2, The World Spawn of the Shade of the Headless Horseman Has Been Changed to a Player Spawned Event and Is Described Fully In The Article Shade of Horseman. The Shade Attacks.

"Unhappy, you reached the end of the way! Fate will decide who is forward to go! "
- Horseman without a head, Curse Pumpkin

The real name of the rider is Thomas Thomason and he was a Silver Dlann Knight. During the plague, the crown of the damned, he was aimed at protecting a large village. As a result of the betrayal of Baron Rivendel, who sent an infected grain into the village, all residents of the village turned into a zombie, and only Thomas managed to escape. Arthas's decision to kill all the inhabitants of Stratholm Thomson took extremely negative, considering it wrong. The further betrayal of Arthas and the death of Uther were a blow to him and, fearing for the life of her family, Thomas decided to send them to Kalimdor together with the Jaina expedition.

Once in Aloma Order, Thomas tried to see the location of the world with all their might, so he was happy to participate in the raids of the Crusaders. The Methods of the Order were extremely cruel, therefore their victims often became no obey people. In one of these raids, the wife and children of Thomas were killed, who could not go to Kalimdor. From Grief, Thomas went crazy and was placed in custody.

In his cell, instead of the usual sounds of grief and tears, he heard a strange inhuman noise. Laughter, howl, sobbing - everything stirred with strange rhymes, similar to those heard in old children's fairy tales. Tykvovin has come. At the request of Daarthan Thomas again stood up and during the first battle, he began to chop and enemies, and the allies, as a result of which he was beheaded by his associates.

The Supreme Knight Da Tarthan said that she would personally prepare the body of Thomas to be burned to give the honor to the fallen comrade, not looking at his mistakes during his lifetime. In fact, Said Datrohan was not someone else like a balnazr - one of the three natzimov left in Lorederon. He could not miss such a chance and resurrected to Thomas, having rolled him with the forces.

I fought for you ... I fought in vain.
Run, hide, cry, grief!
None of you will not find mercy ...
In the night of all saints, when the rider is coming!

"The rider without a head, the once formerly the knights of the Silver Dlann Order and the hero among Paladinov comrades, now cursed. Brought to madness in the monastery of the Scarlet Order, he believes that he is alive, and we are all dead. He no longer serves the light " . - Guardianity orphans in a mask.

  • For the first time, the rider appeared in WOW in 2007 in patch 2.2.2
  • Rider says only verses.
  • Each pumpkin rider attacks the small towns of Azeroth and set fires at home.

Long my lies to fool eyes,
But now I see you!
You're infected! And light
Murder carries victory!
Let the cleansing fire
With you, I will wash the firm trail and stench!

« You do not have blood blood with your sword. Srubi same pumpkin and kill me! » - Headless horseman.

« Get ready despicable - death is getting closer! Save the elderly and kids. Ridge over the earth thunderstorm rolls. There will be no mercy, it is an hour of reckoning! » - Headless horseman.

« Redade the servants, ask for battle! Let the fallen knight gain peace! » - Headless horseman.

« You lost, fate said the word. My curse fell on another! » - Headless horseman.

« Flame went out in your chest. And the winner in the fight is only one! » - Headless horseman.

(Feature) Horseman's hornbene without a head.

The hero can not use the means of movement. If the rider does not receive damage for 5 seconds, its movement speed increases by 30%.

(Q) Blow rider.

The hero makes a jerk to the enemy and causes damage. Restoration time for 8 seconds.

(W) Calling flaming heads.

Splits fiery heads into the selected area, which explode when a collision with the ground. Recovery time: 6 seconds.

(E) ignition.

Within 4 seconds, it is ignited by 3 seconds of all opponents, the hoody of the rider. Recovery time: 12 seconds.

(R1) Pumpkin time!

Throws pumpkin on the enemy's head, thereby disorienting it for 4 seconds. Recovery time: 50 seconds.

(R2) without head

The hero throws his head to a huge distance, the body of the hero becomes uncontrollable. Head health stock - 10% of the overall hero health stock. If there is a body, then the head can go back. While the hero is in this form, it cannot use the abilities. After 30 seconds, a new body is created, and the old one is destroyed. Recovery time: 120 seconds.

From the very well the appearance of the rider, talented artists turned their eyes to him.

". The holiday begins October 18 and continues before Nov. 1 . The rider without a head, crowds of lepries fill Azeroth. For receiving all the achievements of this event, players are issued a beautiful title ( Tykver). So how to get the cherished title? And it is required to get the achievement da dropping your name. We will analyze each of the achives that will be needed for receiving before:

This is not a difficult achievement. You will only need to go to any hotel Azeroth, talk to her owner by choosing a "Candy or Life" string. After that, you are hanging on the debafe, which will not give you for 60 minutes to receive cures with sweets, where there can be some good trifles, as well as candy or life. An fun moment should be noted that sometimes you can get a debate transforming you into any creature. Try to perform "candy or life" if possible, because the magic wands need to be needed in the future.

One of the simplest advances in the celebration. Remember, I talked about nice little things dropping out of killes with candy? So here. Of them can fall out toothpicks. After applying the toothpick, you will not only shine your teeth, but you will get the above-mentioned achievement.

Not lovers of PVP - attach, because to perform this achive, you will need to be reinforced with smoothness (which fall out of crops with candies), go to any battlefield and fight until you earn achievement, namely, to killing 50 players, While you have a bough with smoothness.

Where will the desire to get the title go? Of course, in the distant foothills of Hillsbrad! There you will need to fulfill all available tasks related to the celebration. The horde should spoil the holiday by the Alliance, and those on the contrary. It depends on the fact that you will be asked to do: throw out smelly bombs or rotten eggs, and still burn stuffed.

Once in 60 minutes, the rider without a head will attack the starting locations of each of the fractions. At this time, you have the opportunity to take quests from NPCs facing these locations. After performing the quest in which you will need to smear fires, you will get a cherished achievement. It is better to perform this achive at a time when this quest is crawling not only you, but also other players. Than they are more, the greater the chances of the rapid successful extinguishing of fires.

Also easy achievement. You need to gain a large number of candies and eat them at a time. It is necessary until your character starts to be sick and he will not receive a debate "frustrated tummy." The cruel method in relation to your character, but it is worth it, because you approach the title "Tykin".

If you have Gold, you can just buy the opportunity to put pumpkins on the heads of the players of another fraction. If you have no gold or you just do not want to spend in vain, you will have to travel around Azero in search of "victims". Pumpkins can be obtained for daily tasks, knock out from the rider without a head or shaking out of a hood with candy.

It would seem that everything is easy, bypassing all the taverns of Azeroth and take in every handy of sweets from the buckets, but it is not as easy as I would like. The taverns of the Kalimdora, the Eastern Kingdoms and the cavity opens the doors in front of you and are waiting for you to give you candy.

Tykvovin - like Halloween, during the celebration of which it is customary to change into various costumes. Magic wands derived from crops with candies give you the opportunity to turn other players in different creatures. The best way to get a fortune "Masquerade" is to exchange transformations with other players. For example, you turn the player in Lepregenic, and he is in a bat. Also during pumpkin on transformations, it is not bad to earn money if you have already fulfilled this achievement. Dare!