In which country is the largest coins. The most coins. The smallest in the size of the banknote

Alexander Igorevich

Reading time: ~ 29 minutes

Numismat, who is seriously interested in collecting coins, is definitely interested in their history, as well as the most expensive, rare, large in the history of numismatics. The most expensive coins of Russia can be found in our article.

Who underestimates the wisdom "penny ruble", he is very much mistaken! Takes up and as! And reasons for this, at least three:

  • first of all, money has their own energy and can accumulate, multiply - not from scratch, but with a penny for sure;
  • the ruble exchange rate, like the true weight of a penny on the market in different times, is different, and the proverb does not oblays - it works as before;
  • the numismatic cost of a modest penny can be significantly higher than its value nominal.

On our site you can familiarize yourself with the CO, in which you will also find interesting representatives from the world of numismatics.

The uninitiated people often think that only the "antiques deep" coins are expensive, who were in circulation many centuries ago and therefore rarely falling on the market. Indeed, there are several positions in the list of this category, for which collectors hunt. But this article will be discussed about the most valuable coins of modern Russia. Among them, the palm of the championship claims for a completely understandable reason for the coin of precious metals. Their cost is calculated by millions of rubles. In general, the following factors affect the numismatic significance of modern gold coins:

  • the quality of gold from which they are made;
  • sizes of coins, thickness and weight;
  • the degree of complexity and painstream labor of designers, technologists and medalkers;
  • the volume of circulation of collectible metal money;
  • beauty and design topics.

The latter is not so clearly determines the direct price of the money, but attracts the attention of buyers for which gold coins of 1997-2014 are most accessible. The claimed cost is 1000 rubles, and the actual - 250 thousand. Metal quality excellent - 999 sample. This gold weighing 155.5 grams, or 5 oz. Coins are quite large in thickness - 6 mm and have a diameter of 50 mm. During all the time they produced 17 species. The circulation is quite large for such a category of drag coins - about 500 pieces. However, the design of them, by conclusion of specialists and the opinion of ordinary inhabitants, can be considered highly artistic, the quality of the chasing too. Therefore, it turns out that with the relative availability of these valuable copies, they gain weight at auctions and cause close attention to themselves. So the above their price is actually significantly growing. Judge for yourself:

  • metal money released in 1997-2009 with a circulation of 250 copies. rose in price to 500-800 thousand rubles;
  • later coins that see the light since 2010 are not so expensive due to the larger circulation of 500 pieces, but also well evaluated - at 350-400 thousand rubles.

All this combines them with "highly nominal" coins of gold, which are also called "kilogramoviks". This is another level of numismatics. We advise you to watch the video: the most expensive coins of Russia.

The most expensive coins of Russia on varieties

We are talking about a whole group of golden monetary signs that are stated above all with a powerful weight - from one kilogram to five. They are manufactured as status signs that demonstrate the capabilities and ambitions of the mint. According to them, it is possible to judge the technological resources of the yard, and the function of them is to promote the position of their enterprise in the world market.

From 1996 to the year 2002, these coins were published periodically, then their annual release was adjusted. Here is a list of modern Russian gold "heavyweights":

  • the largest and most expensive coin of gold with a par value of 50,000 rubles with a numismatic price of 8 million rubles, manufactured in St. Petersburg to the 150th anniversary of the Bank of Russia;
  • polar bear and the Amur Tiger from the series "Keep our World" with a par with a par 10,000 rubles and a collectible price of 1.5 million rubles;
  • Sochi Olympic Coins "Matsesta" and "Prometheus" (the latter was named the coin of the year at the COINS-2014 - the international exhibition of numismatic values);
  • 4 coins of 25,000 rubles, the release of which was launched from 2008 and which was dedicated to the significant events of the 190th anniversary of the State Dawn, the history of the monetary circulation in Russia, the 200th anniversary of Russia's victory in the Great Patriotic War with Napoleon 1812 and the victorious for Russia Olympiad 2014 in Sochi. The circulation of such coins is not great, but the sizes of each instance are impressed: 3 kg of weight, 120 mm in diameter and thickness - 16 mm. The price of such a metal reaches without a small 5 million rubles.

The largest coin of Russia

The largest in the nominal and most severe coin of modern Russia are, of course, 50,000 rubles issued on February 1, 2010 and dedicated to a hundred fiftieth anniversary of the Central Bank of Russia. This luxurious money came out with a circulation of only 50 copies, made of pure gold and weighs no not much 5 kilos. You can learn more about this beauty in another article dedicated to the most expensive commemorative coins of Russia.

Prior to this, the coin of 25,000 rubles was the largest, minedly 50 units circulation and the 190th anniversary of the "Goznak". Its weight amounted to 3,017 grams, and the release date is August 11, 2008

The smallest coin of Russia

In 1700, a rare exchange rate was released during the Great Peter, the denomination of which was only one eighth penny or a quarter of money, or half of the half. Circulation was very small, and copper became metal for the chasing.

The largest coin of the Russian Empire, the USSR and the Russian Federation

If we consider the largest payment facilities of the mass issue (not commemorative and not investment), then the payment means of the maximum nominal value are bimetallic 100 rubles issued in 1992 and copper-nickel 100 rubles, minted in 1993.

Heavy Coins of Russia

To date, the most difficult is the same five-kilogram golden disk, which we have already told above.

Prior to this, the palm of the championship was behind the surmise silver coin of the 900th test, which was issued in appeal on November 22, 1999 and was dedicated to the 275th anniversary of the SPMD (St. Petersburg Mint). She came out with a circulation of 150 copies, the denomination amounted to 200 r., And the total weight - 3 342 gr.

A little later, other 200-ruble coins were also released - 300 copies of 900 sample silver and 200 copies, minted from the sample precancetal 925.

As for the payment facilities from the Times of the Russian Empire, the square plate made of copper with the advantage of only 1 ruble was famous for its weight, but weighing 1,638 grams. The size of such a square was 188x188 mm, and the thickness is 0.5 cm. He was called the ruble of Catherine first, he was minted in 1725-1726 by order of Peter I, and today, this weighty money is among the most rare coins of Russia . In the center of the square indicated the nominal, and in four corners the coat of arms of the Russian Empire are depicted. In the central part in a circle, the inscription "Price Ruble. Yekaterinburg. 1725. " Today, the cost of such a raritet is more than 100 thousand in American currency.

The hardest five in the history of the country

In the same years, when the hardest ruble was released, it was minimal and the most weighty in the literal sense of the word PIQ. This happened in 1725-1727, and the weight of the five-terrible coin was 81.9 grams. It also had a square form of 4.5x4.5 cm in size and was regularly minted at the boat yard of Yekaterinburg.

A few years ago, the most expensive coin of Russia was the famous Konstantinovsky ruble, which was sold for 550 thousand US dollars at the famous New York Auction Markov. The story of this coin is very interesting. After the death of Tsar Alexander, the first managers of minting courtyards were considered that the younger brother of Tsar Konstantin Pavlovich would rise to the throne and hurried to release several rarities with his image. But by the actual Russian emperor, Nicholas I became, so Konstantinovsky rubles were very quickly disappeared from the appeal.

Earlier earlier in the leaders "went" Reikhevskaya Poltina - for this test coin, minted in honor of the twenty-year stay on the throne of Nikolay first in 1845, the buyer gave 350 thousand US dollars.

Since 2007 officially the most expensive coin sold at auction is "Anna with chain" - This is a test ruble of chasing 1730, released during Anna John. The auction was held in August 2007 by the company "Coins and Medals" with the support of the "Russian numismatic home", the starting price amounted to 15,000,000 rubles (At that time, the amount in US dollars was equal to 629 thousand), and in fact the price of sale amounted to 15.5 million rubles, which became an absolute record for coins of Russia.

Interestingly, just a few years before that, exactly the same "Anna with the chain" went with the auction for only 200,000 US dollars.

Rating of the most valuable coins of modern Russia

A place

Nominal banknote

Year of issue

Approximate price, rub.







2-ruble with the image of Gagarina

The rarest coins of Tsarist Russia

Although during the existence of Russia, many rare copies have accumulated, but single payment means of the royal period are particularly interesting. These include:

  1. Already mentioned Konstantinovsky ruble,
  2. The famous burgundy sign, mined in 1705, which was obliged to pay as a duty of the boyars who did not want to shave beard. And although this duty caused quite righteous anger of the entire Russian Orthodox Church, no one dared to go against the will of the Sovereign, so I had to either chant the beard, or pay a burgundy sign for your will. From the appeal, the coin came out only after the death of Peter the Great, as well as the duty itself, which was canceled.
  3. The rarest are "2 rubles of 1722", which are known in just two copies that have survived to this day. They minted from 1718 to 1785, and today one rarity is in the Hermitage, and the second is at the Institute of Smithson in the United States.
  4. Very rare and very interesting is the "Trial Golden Ruble", which was mines with Elizabeth first in 1756. This miniature coin was produced very rarely and today is a dream of any numismat.

Nominal banknote

Year of issue

Approximate price, rub.













The most unique trial instances

The so-called russes and historians are of great interest in numismatists and historians - whole kits of coins are worth 5, 10 and 15 rubles, which were issued in 1895 at the end of the reign of Tsar Alexander III. Then an attempt was made to rename the Russian national currency.

Just about five sets of such trial moneyFrom which one takes place in the Historical Museum, the second - in the Hermitage, the third - in the famous Smithsonian Institute of the United States of America, the fourth - in a private museum, and the copies of the fifth set have found their place in various private collections.

The very first gold coins

The first payment facility from gold appeared in Kievan Rus closer towards the end of the 10th century. This is a scenario, on the obverse of which was the portrait of the Grand Duke Vladimir, and on the back side - the face of Jesus Christ. Today it is known about 11 such rarities, ten of which occupy an honorable place in various museums, and the location of the eleventh gold one is unknown.

The world of numismatists is fulfilled by fascinating situations for finding rare coins, and in the mass of their reason for collecting is inexhaustible. But it is possible that someone from these problems can detect the most expensive coins of Russia in their wallet, which contain a small or big treasure. So be careful to your money, and they will answer you reciprocity!

The biggest and most expensive gold coins of the world. Coin "Golden maple leaf" 100 kg.

The biggest gold coins of the world

    Golden maple leaf Big Phil Beijing Olympiad 2008.
    150th anniversary of the Bank of Russia Taj Mahal Golyan Kangaroo

Canadian coin 100 kg "Golden maple leaf"

  • In 2007, the Central Bank of Canada issued a giant gold coin "Golden Male Sheet" weighing 100 kg, 1.2 inches thick and a diameter of 0.53 m. Gold sample 999.
    On the front side, the Queen of Great Britain and Canada Elizabeth II, on the revolt - the symbol of Canada is three maple leaf.
    Made of only 5 copies. The release of coins is timed to the century-old anniversary of the Royal Mint (Royal Canadian Mint). Golden maple leaf, a denomination of 1 million Canadian dollars, or $ 904.03 thousand, is one of the most expensive coins in the world, and until November 2011 was the most severe gold coin.
    The Queen of Elizabeth II itself owns one coin, another coin is stored in the Safe of the Royal Canadian Mint, the rest are sold at auctions from 3.27 million euros.

    "Golden maple leaf"

Austrian Gold Coin 31 kg "Big Phil"

  • Austrian gold coin "Big Phil" (Big Phil) weighs 31 kg and costs 100 thousand euros (diameter 37 cm). This coin is made by the Vienna Mint in October 2004 and at that time was the largest gold coin. She was released for the anniversary of the Vienna Philharmonic. The circulation of "Big Fila" was 15 pieces and most coins are bought by anonymous buyers.

    Big Phil (Big Phil)

Chinese Golden Coin 10 kg "XXIH Olympic Games in Beijing"

  • In China, by the XXIX Summer Olympic Games of 2008, 10 kilogram gold coins were released in 100 thousand yuan (diameter 18 cm; circulation 29 pieces). On the front side of the gold coin - the colored logo of the Beijing Olympiad, on the revolving - the heavenly temple on the background of the clouds, dragon, years of the Olympiad, seventeen figures of athletes.
    One Chinese ten-mlare gold coin was sold in Russia in 2008 (30,000,000 rubles).

    Chinese Golden Coin 10 kg

French Golden Coin 1kg Taj Mahal

Money is known to mankind from ancient times. Initially, pebbles and shells were used instead of money, then coins, paper money included in use. For all the history of its existence, what they were not only! You can read the most interesting, unusual money in our article.


Let's start with the most beautiful coins all over the world. She became a Mexican silver coin with the image of the national coat of arms and the Aztec "calendar". This is the proud title of Dicks in 2008 at the World Conference of Mint, which took place in South Korea.

So, the biggest coin.

1 Tonne Gold Kangaroo Coin is presented with this title. She was made in Australia, and today it has its own nominal value (it is a little-a lot - one million Australian dollars). As for the weight of the coin, it is 1012 kilograms, made of 999.9 samples. The diameter of the chain coin was 80 centimeters, and the thickness was 12 cm. As for the appearance, it was located on the obverse, as it is necessary, the Queen of Elizabeth II profile, but a larger kangaroo in the rays of the Sun looks great on the reverse. It was necessary to spend a little more than 18 months to create such a rather big coin. Well, let's see if it will be able to steal such a "baby".

The smallest coin in the world.

She was released in Nepal, back in the 18th century, namely in 1740. Its nominal value was 1/4 of Dzhava, but the weight was only on 0.002 g.

But, perhaps, the smallest and largest coins are not in shorts will go with the others presented below "exclusions".

Coins with celebrities.

For example, everyone remembers how in the 90s the world simply won the film "Star Wars". He continues to stay on the wave of popularity today. But the tiny Pacific states of Niue decided to earn money on this passion. So the coin appeared, which is shown below. Rather, not alone, but a whole series. Each of them has a famous character from "Star Wars". And there is such a "toy" as many as 390 "alive"! But this small state decided to earn not only at Star Wars. In 2005, a unique in its kind, say, "Edison Coin" was born. Its peculiarity is that when pressed on a coin, the built-in light lights up, exactly the first electric incandescent bulb invented invented by Edison. Its nominal value is $ 1.

By the way, not only the heroes from the film are immortalized in monetary signs. In 2007, a coin was released on the Islands of Cook in honor of the decade of the tragic death of Diana Spencer. But in Palau in 2008, they decided to perpetuate the portrait of the greatest fantasist and a wrestler with windmills, brave and invincible Don Quixote. Or how do you like Picasso image for 10 euros, which appeared in France in 2010?

Volumetric coins and QR code.

But in another small state, it seems, they are not very trusted by flat coins. Therefore, using their own, volumetric coins. They look in the form of balls, cubes and triangles. Apparently, this is done for the safety of its own citizens: to fight back with such "denunciations" from opponents in the civil war is much simpler. But the mint for security, but no longer citizens, and their own currency released the first coins in the world with QR code. This code encrypted the link to the site of the Ministry of Finance of this country. Interesting coins, is not it?

Changing money.

No less interesting and unique is a coin that literally "comes to life in the hands." Her secret in the thermal image. It turns out that in the usual state of the coin looks quite simple: it is completely red. But .. as soon as you take in my hands, it is immediately transformed. Voila! And instead of one red in your hands, sitting.

This is the Easter Surprise.

Coin - illusion.

But this is not the most amazing and extravagant coin in the world. In 2001, this commemorative coin appeared. Who do you see on it? Bored lady in glasses and with strange hairstyle? And turn over? Surprised? That's so. Captain long-range swimming, sailor with experience or adorable intelligent lady? To choose only to those in the hands of this miracle worth $ 10!

And how do you like a pleasant coin? She was made in Benin in 2011, and its nominal value is 100 francs. And only arises the question of what I wanted to say the world Benin government to the world?

Paper money.

But not only coins are the original money. Do not forget that paper banknotes are very popular. Well, let's start traditional: biggest paper banknote. You will be surprised, but this is not a banknote at all. In fact, it is simply a huge building. See for yourself - in front of your Easy Office office center, which is located in Lithuanian Kaunas looks like a real cash bill in a whole thousand litas.

The denomination of the largest banknote in the world.

But the greatest paper banknote in its nominal in the entire history was released in Hungary. It was in the post-war years, when mad inflation reigned in the country. Well, the sextillion penga at that time was truly a good amount. Such a billion banknote was released in 1946.

Americans not distinguished themselves in this regard. Have you managed to hold a banknote equal to one million? Then you, most likely, a member of the international club, because it is precisely for them a similar "paper" as a kind of membership ticket. It was done in 1988. But the bill is a nominal value of 200, 500 and 1000 dollars.

And here the smallest paper banknote It was born in 1917. Her homeland became Romania. A ticket to 10 baths had a size of 27.5 per 38 millimeters.

And another novelty from the world of money pleased Canada. Simple banknotes, as Canadians are quite fair, have a rather short lifespan. That is why they have long ago introduced a system of plastic money. As a result, in this country the most reliable and durable banknotes. But even further left Luminous Paper Money. They decided to create those bills that will shine in the dark. By the way, each denomination of such a backlight has its own color.

The most beautiful banknote.

And at the time, while the beautiful half of humanity puts the question of beauty parameters, thoroughly discusses what external and internal data this most "Miss Beauty" should have, among the cash banknotes have long established a unanimous opinion. So, the most beautiful banknote of the world became French Pacific Frank.

He will be in your wallet when You will go to the Pacific Ocean on the territory of France: Frhench Polynesia, Wallis and Futuna, New Caledonia. The impeccable beauty of these places, the carefree life of local residents, calm and serenity of nature, the fabulous underwater world - all this was perfectly reflected in the cash bills. Here is the banknote of ten thousand francs, which seems to be "charged by the atmosphere and the spirit of the countries. Competition of the bouncing today can only be the one that, if not surprising, "older". "Beauty," confidently messed in second place, became the German currency of "crisis" times. This image shows how difficult and multifaceted image style.

But, perhaps, the title of Erotic bills can quietly claim 20 from Cook Islands. Beautiful, feminine and graceful .. Well, what is not the native erotic?

But all the listed types of banknotes exist in reality, they can be seen, touch, sniff, in the end. But there are also such money that is not really. Surprised? Read on.

Do you know which of world banknotes is the most fake? Not? Then pay attention to the presented instance. This money appeared during"Operations Bernard". It was their fascists who were discharged from their aircraft to English territory. The principle and purpose of such actions was understandable: to the maximum destabilize the existing situation.

But one more, now has already fictional bills. Agree, it is so unprepared that he is happy that it has not come to the head to print and enter into circulation. But for statistics, fix it is quite possible.

Do you know which of the cash bills is the most ancient?

This is a Chinese banknote that was going in 1380. True, the Chinese invented the paper even earlier: in 800 of our era.

Everyone is afraid of the mythical number "666". But few people know that it is with him that the fate of another valuable paper bill is connected. This, by the way, not only the most mythical, but also the first banknote in Europe. Her story began in 1666: it was then that the Swedish Bank issued the first European "money". Well, the date that many are afraid of as damn Ladan: is it not possible to apply for the title of the mythical and mysterious?

Here they are the most unusual money World. It is worth noting that this is far from an exhaustive list of unique, unique, funny and funny, formidable and serious cash banknotes, as well as coins. I saw the history and cash bills equal to trillion rubles, and banknotes dedicated not only to outstanding personalities (presidents and kings, dukes and duchess), but also by ordinary people, as well as football players. In short, do not describe those multifaceted manifestations that have formed the basis of these monetary signs.

A huge number of numismatists around the world collects such amazing coins and bills. But only the goal of them - do not get rich, but just enjoy

For reading 4 min. Views 2.1k. Published March 9, 2015

The biggest coin

The biggest coin in the world

Coin Made in Australia Even has its name - Tonne Gold Kangaroo Coin
The dimensions hit the imagination - 80 cm diameter of the coin, thickness - 12 cm. The biggest coin is made of 999.9 samples. Its weight is 102 kg. Nominal coins - 1 million Australian dollars. The real price of the market is hundreds of times more (gold). And the fact that it is made in a single copy makes it truly unique.

Money with surprise

Thermal coin

The coin itself initially looks simple, except that it is red. But it is worth take it in hand, as the image is changing and .... Chicken appears. Case in thermal material that covers the surface. Different images appear at different temperatures.

A coin with the image ... ..konopli were released in 2011 in Benin. It is not clear what sense to persecute the government, which produces coins. Smoking marijuana in this country is officially prohibited.

Coin in the form of cannabis

Biggest paper banknote It was released in Hungary in 1946. In the post-war time in the country, mad inflation reigned. The price tags had to rewrite literally every day. Therefore, the banknote in the sextillion at that time did not surprise anyone.

Sextillion is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 or billion trillion

The smallest banknote in the world Released in Romania in 1917. The dimensions of "Baby" accounted for 2.7 x 3.8 cm.

The average duration of the circulation of paper money is about 3-5 years. Too short-lived, decided in Canada and released plastic money into circulation. Pros are obvious - such money is practically not wearing and are the most durable money in the world.

Plastic money from Canada

If you have a banknote on your hands, a par value of 1 million US dollars, then you are a member of the International Club of Millionaires. The bill was released in 1988 precisely for these purposes and is a kind of passion to the club.

Banknote 1 million dollars

The biggest cash bill in the world is not really money. This is a huge office building in Lithuania. It is built in the form of monetary bills in 1000 local money (litah.)

Building in Lithuania in the form of banknotes

The coin-sleeve was released in Liberia in 2001. An image of a woman in glasses during a coup of the coin is changing to the sailor.

The smallest coin in the world was released in Nepal in 1740. Its weight was just - 0.002 g.
For a comparison of a coin in 1 ruble weighs about 3.24 g and by weight, it is comparable from 1,162 Nepalese coins.

Coins with celebrities

Coin - Star Wars

The Little Island State of Niue decided to earn on popular film heroes, namely on "star wars". It began to produce coins with the image of the heroes of popular filmaging. It is clear that these coins immediately repented numismatics and film fans. Only there is one but. The cost of one coin began from 500 US dollars. Thus, the government found a practical unapelled source of replenishment of the treasury.

Coin - Don Quixote

In general, such images of various fictional heroes are periodically found on coins and banknotes. So, in anyone who is not the famous state of Palau, coins depicted by Don Quixote were released. It is noteworthy that the work of Cervantes knows only about 5% of the country's indigenous people.

Money adopted in modern society is not always coins and banknotes. Many nations still use wooden planks or metal plates as a currency.

Unusual paper money

Disney dollars

Walt Disney was created by the real world of fairy tales, in which it is not necessary without its own currency. There are Disney bills with a par value of 1, 5, 10 and 50 dollars, the release of which began in 1987. These money can pay for attractions in all parks name of the famous multiplier. The central place at bills occupy cartoon characters, among which Gofi, Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck.

Wine money

From 1919 to 1921, wine labels were used as money in Yakutia, the cost of which they depended on the price per bottle of wine to which they were pasted. So, the label from a good French wine cost 100 rubles, from Portwine - 25 rubles, Kagora - 10 rubles.

The fact that in Yakutia instead of the money taken, the wine labels are used, it became known due to the essay of Maxim Gorky "On Unit", in which the author shared impressions about this original currency - non-ferrous labels from wines such as Jerez, Cahors, Madera, Portwine, on Whose Semenov put the printing of the drug addict and signed the nominal.

Tribute footballer

In 2006, the National Bank of Ireland was issued a banknote in more advantage of 5 pounds. The release of a limited series has been devoted to the memory of one of the best players of the country - George Besz, who has left a year earlier. As the basis for printing pictures took photos of the most famous his football positions on the field, when he managed to score important balls into the opponent team gate.

The most unusual coins

Paradise flavors

Some of the most unique coins from the "Paradise Aroma" series, released on Palau Island. Their distinctive feature, in every one has its own smell. The first coin from the party became a coin with an image and aroma of coconut. An surphist in the wave is engraved on another coin, and the coin smells with sea freshness.

Butterfly from Cameroon

Silver coin in 1000 Cameroonian francs released in 2011. With many numismatists, she was recognized as the most beautiful in the world - it shows a flower with a flower sitting on it, the colored wings of which protrude beyond the borders of the coin. The technology of its manufacture is kept in strict secrecy. It is only known that there were 2500 pieces that have been released, and almost all of them were immediately born with collectors.

Silver pyramid

This original coin was released in 2009 by the POBJOY MINT Mint in the English city of Tadworth. Her release was timed to the 70th anniversary of the death of the archaeologist Howard Carter, who discovered Tutankhamon's tomb in the valley of the kings in Egypt. On the coin of the triangular form depicts writing from the walls of the tomb, and in the upper corner - the solar disk with the splashes of the sand particles taken from the tomb of Pharaoh.


In 2004, colored coins with silver spraying were released in Somalia. The manufacture of collectible metal money was timed to the 50th anniversary of the birth of the rock roll. They are made in the form of guitars of famous musicians and some American states. The nominal value of each coin is 1 dollar.

Ural Owl

In 2007, the National Bank of Mongolia began to produce collective coins with the image of animals located on the verge of extinction. These metal money is in demand not only in numismatists, but also in ordinary citizens who have decided to support the idea of \u200b\u200bthe government. On the 2011 coin from silver, the highest sample depicted Ural Owl with eyes from Dark Crystal Swarovski.

Dinosaur skeleton

One of the latest innovations in the current numismatics market is a coin with a denomination of 25 cents with a dinosaur image, the remains of which were found not far from Alberta Province in Canada. Turning off the light, on one of the sides you can see the luminous skeleton of the prehistoric giant, and on the other - the image of Elizabeth second, but already without glow.

The Sistine Chapel

On the front side of the "Sicstinskaya Capella" coins, issued by a circulation of 999 pieces, depicted a monk profile, and on the back - the image of God and Adam, exactly the same as in the picture of the Great Michelangelo.

Money of unusual forms and sizes

In some low-developed countries, people continue to pay unusual currency, such as stones, wooden chopsticks, products, or other objects of various geometric shapes.

Stones Rai

On the island of Yap, who is part of the Federated States of Micronesia, the official payment facility are the stones of Rai, which are limestone discs with a diameter of 5 meters. The cost of such a disk is determined by its size and weight - the heavier the so-called coin, the higher it is appreciated.