Witcher lonely rock like. Silver Sword of Griffin School and Fortress on Lonely Rock

Gamers can collect several networks of various armor, for example, the gear of the Wolf School. Full set of griffin armor find much harder than all other sets. The problem is that the task of collecting armor, as such, is not at all. But you can find a considerable amount of a variety of tips, which indicate the path to locations where every object of the kit is located. However, it is worth noting that in search of the set of griffin, it is better to increase the level of the main character to the fourteenth, otherwise there may be problems with monsters guarding each part.

Silver Sword of Griffin School and Fortress on Lonely Rock

To get a silver blade of the griffin, it is necessary get into the location of a lonely rock. To begin with, it is best to send the main character in Venten, after which the map is looking for a small island with a lighthouse icon. The desired location is located in the northwestern part of the card, so it follows it there.

But the fact is that in fact it is not so easy to get into this very location, because all kinds of trouble can be found on the way. Therefore, it is necessary to understand more about how to get into a lonely rock, and then leave her! To begin with, we should consider tips on passing from the game developers:

  • as soon as gamers get to the island with a lighthouse, problems immediately begin. In this location there is a monster of the fourteenth level - Vfulnna. Win it without proper pumping and equipment will be very hard, so it is better to think a little and smear;
  • do not pass through the bridge, as it is practically destroyed. If you fall from it, then more than it is likely that the chief hero of the Witcher will disassemble to death. It is better to choose another option. Get to the specified place of power and take one point of the ability of additional magic from him for your sign. After which they pour into the water again - in search of a secret passage;
  • you can further explore the lighthouse to find the necessary things, however, if the main character did not reach the fourteenth level, then in no case cannot be raised on the top floor of the lighthouse, as the monster will immediately kill the character;
  • you can get out of the lonely cliff as follows: as soon as all the necessary things were collected, you need to get to the outer part of the lighthouse itself. In this area there is a special wheel, when activated which the bridge will go down. On it, it is best to leave the location.

Many players want to know how to lower the bridge on a lonely rock And go on. Unfortunately, you will only do it on the way back.

Video: how to get into the fortress on a lonely rock

  1. If the character has a fourteenth level, you can use another entrance to a single rock in the Witcher's game 3. For example, jump into the water, go to the lighthouse and on the stones and speakers to climb on the top. Next, of course, there is a battle with Vfulno.
  2. Beating a monster, you can continue the way with several ways. For example, if you look around, standing at the very top of the lighthouse, you can notice the entry inwards - through the room that has no roof. She is shallow, so when jumping health does not take away.
  3. Especially lucky gamers found the third option to get here. If you come up to the very edge of the bridge and move away a little bit in the side - you can dump up the wall of the beacon and climb on it. This is the most shortened passage.

First of all, before choosing the path of passage, it is worth paying attention to the pumping and the level of the main character. If the Witcher is not pumped up to level 14 - it is better not to spend time and go through the "quiet" way or

In the game only three network schools of the Witchelovak. School of griffin, cat and bear. There is also a Snake School, but this school has no armor, there are only swords. Activate the task for searching for armor and weapons of a school can be accidentally or specifically. If you want specifically, the gunsmiths sell notes about these schools. Read them and go to the place. But if you want to save precious money and still find sets, then read this guide.

The spoilers will be located the maps of those places where there are drawings of a particular set.

Witcher 3. Hyde for the search for the equipment of the witch schools and the masters of a blacksmith craft

Witcher 3. Hyde for the search for the equipment of the witch schools and the masters of a blacksmith craft

In Wen, there will be a grave of the Witcher from the Griffin school. Download to his grave. There will be many ghosts and poisonous zones. Blast them with Igni and quickly run at the end of the hall without paying attention to the ghosts. Remove the rank with the help of Aard and touch with Akhima.

Searches all the chests. As a result, you will get the drawings of the armor, pants, boots and griffin school gloves. Read the diary and get the following tips. If you have no eyes (get along the plot), then you can dispel the illusion of boulder and get out of here.

Now you need to search the castle of the baronet and the ruins of the fortress at the lonely cliff.

Witcher 3. Hyde for the search for the equipment of the witch schools and the masters of a blacksmith craft

Witcher 3. Hyde for the search for the equipment of the witch schools and the masters of a blacksmith craft

Near the fortress will be raised bridge. So we go to the cliff and slowly go down to the water. There will be a place of force. Take advantage of them and go to the water again, dive and you will find the cave in which you can sail to the castle. There will be a lot of utteles in the water, so use the crossbow to understand with them. For cliffs and stairs, go to the fortress. Inside there will be many chests with drawings and other utilities, so inspect everything very carefully. Chest with a silver sword's drawing needed to us next to the bridge. Climb the stairs and take everything from there. Lower the bridge and leave here.

Witcher 3. Hyde for the search for the equipment of the witch schools and the masters of a blacksmith craft

Witcher 3. Hyde for the search for the equipment of the witch schools and the masters of a blacksmith craft

Witcher 3. Hyde for the search for the equipment of the witch schools and the masters of a blacksmith craft

Witcher 3. Hyde for the search for the equipment of the witch schools and the masters of a blacksmith craft

We go to the castle of the baronet. In the castle there will be Andriagi and Garpia. Also here will be a nest of Garpius. Clean the lock and destroy the nest. After that, inspect each shorn, so as not to lose anything valuable. Go to the door and there you will find the skeleton of George and the last drawing of the Griffin school, namely the drawing of the steel sword.

Witcher 3. Hyde for the search for the equipment of the witch schools and the masters of a blacksmith craft

Witcher 3. Hyde for the search for the equipment of the witch schools and the masters of a blacksmith craft

Witcher 3. Hyde for the search for the equipment of the witch schools and the masters of a blacksmith craft

Witcher 3. Hyde for the search for the equipment of the witch schools and the masters of a blacksmith craft

You can buy a part of the bubble of the blacksmith in the lamp and go explore the temple island (see on the map). To do this, download in Novigrad. Drink to the end of the label and you will understand what you need to look for a cave. Get down from the horse and go down the steps, and then jump from the cliff and along the path you will reach the cave. In the cave, use the eyes of the stupid to dispel the illusion. Inside will be naked. Kill it and go on. The central door will be closed.

Go to the left pass and you get into the room with a mystery. You need to position the statues so that they look at each other (centered). If you do everything correctly, the passage with water opens. Now go to the right pass, destroy the barrier with the help of Aard and go further. At the end of the pass, kill the ghost and take away from there "the score for the golem".

Now go to the left pass and jump into the water. Here there will be three utteles, kill them with a crossbow. Swim on the very bottom where you will find a skeleton with a key from the laboratory. Return to the door, open it and touch with a distraught witcher. From his corpse, you remove the drawings of the armor, pants, boots and the School Gloves. Read his diary to get further tips.

Witcher 3. Hyde for the search for the equipment of the witch schools and the masters of a blacksmith craft

Witcher 3. Hyde for the search for the equipment of the witch schools and the masters of a blacksmith craft

Now we need to search the coil of the destroyed ship "Flying Deer". Sit on the nearest tape and swim to the ship. Close to the ship and go in the bag. There will be a chest with a crust drawing and a magazine note. Read them.

Witcher 3. Hyde for the search for the equipment of the witch schools and the masters of a blacksmith craft

Witcher 3. Hyde for the search for the equipment of the witch schools and the masters of a blacksmith craft

Now we need to visit the ruins of Est Tyära. Your road to ruins will pass through the oxenfurt. There will be no enemies in the ruins. Scroll to the barrier and take the drawing of silver sword from the skeleton and the next notes. Read them.

Witcher 3. Hyde for the search for the equipment of the witch schools and the masters of a blacksmith craft

Witcher 3. Hyde for the search for the equipment of the witch schools and the masters of a blacksmith craft

The last point will be a castle drachim. In place, break the door with or aard and pass inside. With the help of stairs, descend to the lowest level of the castle. There will be a chest with the drawings of the steel sword and the next notes.

Witcher 3. Hyde for the search for the equipment of the witch schools and the masters of a blacksmith craft

Witcher 3. Hyde for the search for the equipment of the witch schools and the masters of a blacksmith craft

Witcher 3. Hyde for the search for the equipment of the witch schools and the masters of a blacksmith craft

Witcher 3. Hyde for the search for the equipment of the witch schools and the masters of a blacksmith craft

The tip on this task can be bought from the gunsmith in Oxenfurt. This set you have to search on Selling. First of all, we need to seize the ruins of the castle of the tires clan. The passage to the fort will be blocked, but not trouble. Close on the rocks nearby and jump on the other side. You will be around the entrance to the fort. In the fort, you will find yourself in front of the grille. Go left and go down to prisons. There kill the ghost and pull the lever, and then kill the ghosts that appeared. Inversely no longer return. Name Camera. In one of them there will be emptiness. Jump there, kill ghosts and go upstairs. As a result, you will find yourself in the throne room. Take from there Scrapbooks and drawings of armor, pants, boots and a bear school gloves. Do not forget to read the poem. Kill ghosts, pull the lever and leave here. From the writing, we immediately get two tips: Cave Siren and Ethnic Fortress.

Witcher 3. Hyde for the search for the equipment of the witch schools and the masters of a blacksmith craft

Witcher 3. Hyde for the search for the equipment of the witch schools and the masters of a blacksmith craft

We put forward the ruins of the Ethnic Fortress. Near the fortress will be harguli and ice elemental. The badge is good on the elemental, and you need to know tactics with Gargools by this time. After massacre over the monsters, go into an open passage and take the drawings of a silver sword with letters. From the letter we will learn about another drawing location: the ruins of the Corch.

Witcher 3. Hyde for the search for the equipment of the witch schools and the masters of a blacksmith craft

Witcher 3. Hyde for the search for the equipment of the witch schools and the masters of a blacksmith craft

There will be sirens and ghosts on the spot of the burnt Corchma. Kill them and go to the entrance to Cortm. Slide the chips with the help of Aard and come inside, examine Corchm. Inside there will be notes and drawing of steel sword.

Witcher 3. Hyde for the search for the equipment of the witch schools and the masters of a blacksmith craft

Witcher 3. Hyde for the search for the equipment of the witch schools and the masters of a blacksmith craft

The last point will be a siren cave (the extreme left end of the map). There is very far there. It is better to sit on the boat, and then with the help of a quick transition to moisten to the village not far from the cave, and get to the horse to the horse. There will be a lot of utteles in the cave. Go almost to the end of the cave and go to the left tunnel. Close to the ledge and you will stumble upon the skeleton from which there will be a note and the drawing of the crossbow.

Witcher 3. Hyde for the search for the equipment of the witch schools and the masters of a blacksmith craft

Witcher 3. Hyde for the search for the equipment of the witch schools and the masters of a blacksmith craft

So that you make all these network armor and their improved versions that you collected on this guide or yourself, you will need a master - Bronnik. Go to the castle of Spirinds in Wheel (Baron Castle) and speak with the blacksmith about the workshop. He together with the partner will tell you that he needs tools of excellent quality. We need to sail on Skeliga, or rather on a separate island called Undwick (left side of the map, in the center). Before it, it's a long sailing for a long time, so you take a boat and, with the help of a quick journey, land from the pier, and download the goal with the help of a horse. Once on the spot, go to the house, and then go to the right cave. Because the left cave leads another task. Inside there will be a rock troll 26 level. Bake him with strong impacts on the back and do not forget to use the sign of the Igni. From the chest take the tools and directly from this place you can make a quick journey to the velen.

Witcher 3. Hyde for the search for the equipment of the witch schools and the masters of a blacksmith craft

Witcher 3. Hyde for the search for the equipment of the witch schools and the masters of a blacksmith craft

Ionna will tell the whole truth. In fact, it is a master blacksmith, but not Fergus. She will decide to prove that she is the best blacksmith and reuses you the best armor. But for this you need an acid, and here the archharifon appeared nearby. Following the place after the trail with the help of a faint. You will find yourself on a hill, where you will fight a monster. Bake it with fast blows and donate. Sometimes you can set the heat using the sign of the Igni and do not forget to protect yourself using the Kwen sign. Remove with its corp the acid gland and download to John. As a result, the general will come and will arrange a check of this armor. Agree to help John and put it. Stand and wait. You are shooting out of the crossbow, but the bolt will simply fly away, but the second test was lucky not as much as you. Ivanomak 3. Hyde to find the equipment of the witch schools and the masculshell craft

In order for you all these swords and crossbows that you collected on this guide or yourself, you will need a master's sword. Go to Novigrad and say with a blacksmith near the port. He will give a tip on the masters - the swordsman who has already moved away from the affairs and sculpts the dumplings. Take a ticket to the workshop and talk to him. Elf will tell about his problems and ask to go to a meeting with the king of the beggar to discuss the supply. He is afraid, and somehow easier to the shower. In a reward, he promises to post a good sword and will continue to help in creating objects.

Come to the communion at midnight and speak with Hattori. After that, follow it. He will lead to the man of the king on his nickname. It will offer 50% from income, tell me that it is a lot. Then he will offer 35%. Say anyway, that's a lot. Then it will unfold and leave you will have time to decide. Tell me "No, so no." It will unfold and agree.

It's time to celebrate, but no. Tesacian people will attack you. Bring them away from them and run behind the bandit. He will open the door. Break the barrels and go on. You will find yourself in the port and everything will become quiet. Speak with a gangster and confirm the terms of the transaction. While you talked, Hattoric was crushed and ran away. Run behind him in his shop. Touch the door and talk to him. He will refuse to either do without guard and asked to go talk to the Sukrus - his former bodyguard, to whom he did not pay a prize. We go to the square and see how he beat the merchant, after that he will throw on us. Men to him the sides. After the fight, he will call you a tavern for a conversation. Offer his work, and he will ask about the service. You can either pick up money from his son-in-law - a merchant or you can disseminate all the goods. Go to the port and convince the merchant with the help of the sign of Ambassions to give the Sukruus money. Now you can return to him and tell good news, and then return to the Hattori and please it.

To start making swords, he will ask to steal the raw materials from Ernest Van Khoran. Go to Sukrus and tell me about this task. He will say that we come at midnight to the tavern "Golden Ostr". He will tell you what to do. Go to the guard and meet the merchant there (if you enchanted it), which will complain about you. Guard You also can enchant or pass hello from Jäpn Sigrine and give him 200 coins. After that, go inside and with the help of an alie, find the right boxes and mark them with chalk, so that the guys sucrus can carry them.

Witcher 3. Hyde for the search for the equipment of the witch schools and the masters of a blacksmith craft

Witcher 3. Hyde for the search for the equipment of the witch schools and the masters of a blacksmith craft

Go out to the air and see Ernest together with a merchant, who already taught you. But before the fight, he will be corrected and you can, with him, Sukrus and his guys, break the detachment of Ernest, and then forget about him at all. Go to the Hattori and talk about award. He will tell you that we go beyond the sword in a couple of days. The blacksmith will give you a "sword from cropping" and thanks for the help. Now he can do master weapon and everything else.

Witcher 3. Hyde for the search for the equipment of the witch schools and the masters of a blacksmith craft

Witcher 3. Hyde for the search for the equipment of the witch schools and the masters of a blacksmith craft

Most users have a question in the game "Witcher-3", how to get on a lonely rock. It is on this location that there is one of the parts of the griffin school equipment set. Any player who wishes to collect armor with a weapon will have to look for a way to enter this territory. The article describes the easiest method, as well as everything related to the collection of things.


To find out how to get on a lonely rock in the "Witcher-3"; It is necessary to explore the territory around it. Location is located in Wheel, where the user falls at the 4th level. It is not recommended to engage immediately by collecting equipment, since strong enemies wait in some places. When the player approaches the desired location, it will detect a raised bridge that will not allow climbing the fortress. It is not worth throwing out the collection of things at this stage, because skillful players found a second way to penetrate the high tower on a sheer cliff.

Tunnel and monster

If you do not know how to get on a lonely rock in the "Witcher-3", then jump into the water that surrounds the location. Chunk will get to the stone of the force that is at the bottom. Near it will be found a passage, which will lead the user directly to the top of the desired location. Here is a regular surprise in the form of the wiven of the fourteenth level. The monster will easily stop hunting for the equipment of an ineptly fighter.

It is better to be prestable in potions, create a few bombs and prepare for battle. To feel the most comfortable, it is better to crime to stripping location by 11-15 characters development steps. If the complexity of passing is not higher than the average, then from the seventh level you can start collecting equipment. Some users report that they killed a monster immediately after passing the location of a white garden, where the path led to Venten. If a player is confident in his abilities, it may try to do this, but it is better to create a point of saving on land.

Description of the Armor and their search

Many users are looking for a way to get on a lonely rock in the "Witcher-3" because of its method of pumping. They want to create a character who in battle will rely on the use of signs. The middle armor of the Griffin school is focused on this direction. In location with a tower on the rock is only a silver sword. If I find it, then the beginning of the whole task of the "treasure hunt" will start, which provides for the finding of six other parts of the armor.

The steel sword is in the forest, north of a tree with hanged people. There players are waiting for the Garpius of the seventh level with their nest. It must be destroyed in the ruins Hindhold, then from the roof you can see the hidden door. Inside the room behind it will be the body of a dead soldier with a drawing of weapons. After solving difficulties with how to get into the castle on a lonely rock in the "Witcher-3", you can safely go after the steel sword. In the dark room, use special vision so as not to miss the right thing.

Other parts

Difficulties with how in the "Witcher-3" get into the wood on a lonely rock, are not the only ones on the way to receive equipment. To find the rest of the parts, it is necessary to get into the cave called the grotto of the dragon hunters. To make it easier to navigate the terrain on the way to this place, stop in the village of Donvarren. From there, the path lies through the forest with many diverse monsters. In the cave, the first opponents will be ghosts, the obstacles on the way are considered using the AARD sign.

The final boss will be a vampire of the eleventh level, which is very susceptible to Inden's magic. After the imposition of the sign to fight him will be much easier. The chest with drawings is located on the top tier, but the search for the armor does not end. Closer to 14 levels, all the equipment will be very obsolete. We will have to look for improvements in certain places where new battles and adventures are waiting!