What feeds lamas in minecraft. How to tame animals in minecraft. How to tame a horse

Players who have recently started playing Minecraft PE faced with a lot of problems. One of them: Lama's taming. Many people think to settle in Lama, you need to wear a saddle on her, but it's not like that! In fact, with the lama a little more difficult.

In order to set the Lama, you need to start installing minecraft 1.1.5. After that we go to our world where you will tame Lama. In order to tame Lama, you will need: mat (any color), food (wheat), straight hands.

Next, you should put on her rug (including inventory). After you wear a mat - Lama under your control. In order to enhance the effect of obedience, you need to feed Lama. Lama is powered by wheat, and it is enough for 3-4 beam of wheat.

You can hang the chest on Lama, which will add three places inventory for different things.

Natural zones in the game worlds of minecraft are inhabited by many creatures, animals and other mobs. Some of them are dangerous and hostile, while others can become friends for the player.

For example, Lama is initially neutral mobs, but they can be made friendly. Tips, how to tame Lama in minecraft, you will find in this article.

Lama is found in Savannah, a plateau either in mountainous areas where they roam herds. Their health is eleven units. When murdering, some skin drops from these creatures.

Adults are neutral, young friendly to the player. However, if a character or other creature attacks Lama, it will produce one or two attacks and calm down. Even a tamed mob can attack his offender, but with wolves and cripers they have an eternal feud.

Lama with an indicator of force above four units scare wolves, which makes them extremely useful in the defense of the farm and other animals from these predators.

Minecraft can be engaged in farming, spreading animals for various purposes. To begin with, you will need to tame a few wild individuals so that they become domesticated and began to give offspring.

I deciding how to tame in minecraft Lama, you must click on the selected individual with the right mouse button. To set out, you will need a special carpet of any color.

Unlike a horse, it cannot manage this animal sedk. There is an opinion that it is possible to lead them with the help of a fishing rod with carrot attached to it. Curious player can check it out.

Lama is recommended to provide a chest to transfer things that accommodates from three to fifteen slots. The player can also bind the animal to the leash, it will follow the character. After binding the second Lama, the caravan will begin to organize the first to be organized, in which up to ten individuals can enter.

Adjected animals can be breeding if necessary.

  1. In put in the hands of the heaf of Sena.
  2. Come to the lama.
  3. Press the right mouse button.

Baby will receive an exterior option from one of the parents, and the force will be determined in random order.

The player can get sheaf hay, unless combined with nine beams.

It is important that the general state of your animals, which, first of all, it is necessary to feed well. The most suitable feed for Lam is grain, stack of grain. Want to get a lot of skins or other resources from your animals - ensure a permanent and large feed of feed. Good nutrition also speeds up the process of growth and elimination of young people.

Fans of farm achievements will be interested to know that several achives are associated with torn and breeding. Sometimes a tamed and tied Lama refuses to follow the player, in this case a technical error takes place - contact the server administration.

Video: How to tame Lama in minecraft.

We build steel, and for the rack Lam I will be with players of 4 emerald to take 2_

They are all the time of something infuriates that even the donkey_

and I have white llamas

His name is almost like me only i'm sinking

I know VSO and Laca in Main

Need to feed and sit holding wheat in hand

I put like a lamb she was drunk

there are a bunch of other facts about Laca

and I got 11 at once

And Lama do not like toko wolves or what? Answer

We must wait so that they tame

Thank you and look at my channel

Try green not lettuce! And green and see the crip face

Nada sap and sits down when she throws you while she won't love you.

The saddles in minecraft are subjects that can be placed on mobs suitable for riding, except Lam, horses skeletons, zombie horses. From the version of minecraft 1.6.1 (13W18A) the saddles became universal, which is very convenient. The saddle will need to ride horses, mules, donkey and pigs. Moreover, it is possible to sit on the horse, mule and donkey without a saddle, but to manage them and go where the player needs to be managed. And to control the pig, you will need a fishing rod with carrots.

A number of questions remain without a positive answer. What kind? For example, "how to make a saddle in minecraft", "how to make a saddle for a pig", "How to make a saddle in minecraft without mods." The answer is simple. Unfortunately, it is impossible to make a saddle in minecraft. It remains to hope that it is temporary.

But there are also good news - this item you need can be:

And, if everything is clear with the last item, then other methods of obtaining need explanation.

With the release of new versions of minecraft, sometimes the places where you can: or find a saddle, or quantity. But anyway, it is not necessary to bypass:

  • chests in the fortresses;
  • abandoned mines;
  • hellish fortress;
  • temples in the desert and in the jungle;
  • chest house blacksmith in the village;
  • city \u200b\u200bof edge.

The chances of finding the saddle in a particular place are sometimes very significant.

In this method, the mining of the saddle is the patience. We take the fishing rod and go to the water. The saddle, which can be caught fishing, belong to the category "Treasures".

Here it is necessary to understand that the non-enchanted fishing rod has a chance:

  • 85% catch fish;
  • 10% catch garbage;
  • 5% catch treasure.

Each level of Char "Maritime Luck" reduces the chance to catch trash by 2.5%, and also increases the chances of catching treasures by 1%. Each level of the "Primanka" smoke lowers the chance of garbage and treasure by 1%.

Such a conclusion: the best fishing rod is:

  1. For treasure fishing - fishing rod with "Maritime Luck III".
  2. For fishing - "Maritime Luck III" and "Primanka III".

In this method, getting a saddle is relatively simple. It is only necessary to find the village, and in it - the Kozhevnik with a white apron (like a butcher).

Taper deal can be made as the third level of trade for 8-10 emeralds. As a result, the player will receive the saddle.

The saddle can be put on a pig, horse, mule and donkey.

The main nuances are associated with the use of a saddle on a pig. To put on the seat on this animal, you need to keep it in your hand, click right mouse button. It is impossible to remove the saddle from the pig, it will fall only after her death. In order to sit on the pork, you need to click PCM, and the Shift button will help you get off it. Drift fishing rods with carrots It is impossible, but if there is something there is, the animal will follow in the direction of the player. Initially, the speed of movement will be low, but will soon increase. To increase the speed, you can hold the PCM, sitting on a pig with a fishing rod, while the fishing rod will gradually break. In the water of a pig uncontrollable.

With a horse, a muzzle and a donkey should be done otherwise. For example, you can sit on a horse by clicking on her right mouse button with an empty hand. You can wear a saddle on the tamed horse, allowing you to control the movement with the W-A-S-D buttons.

These mobs have an inventory that opens with a cliking on the animal PCM with a pinned key SHIFT, a saddle (inventory of horses can be opened and horse armor), or, sit on the horse and open the inventory in the usual way. In the appropriate cell and you need to install the saddle.

Summing up, let's say that for saddling tamed horses, donkeys and mules, the saddle is not required, but it is necessary to control. To put on the saddle, you must put it in a special horses inventory cell, donkey and mule, which opens with holding the left button Shift and pressing the PCM with a saddle in your hand.

But to apply the saddle to the lama will not work. But on it, you can hang the chest and decorate the carpet.

Lama is a neutral mob, which can be tamed and use for transportation of objects.Slock: hostile mob

Lama will be achieved in the savanna (the option of plateau) and in the mountain biomes in the form of a herd of 4 or 5 individuals, as a rule, on the tops of the hills. The color of their wool depends on the biome in which they are.

Lama can have one of 4 colors: brown, cream, gray or white. Their growth of 0.9 blocks in width and 1.87 blocks in height.

Lam can be tamed, clicking on them PKM. But, taking them, you will not be able to control their movements when driving, and they will not follow you. When you tie Lama to the leash, surrounding Lama will follow each other. Thus, a caravan is formed. In caravans can be up to 10 lamas. Binding the 2nd Lama will create the 2nd caravan. The player using this feature can lead so much flash as he wants.

Lama can be equipped with chests, giving 3, 6, 9, 12 or 15 free slots in the inventory, according to the Strength tag. To equip the lobe in the chest, you need to click on her PKM, holding a chest in hand. 3 * Strength slots available for storage.

Lama can also be equipped with carpets. Each color of the carpet gives different style and drawing. The color of the pattern corresponds to the color of the carpet.

The / ReplaceItem command can serve to change the carpet by replacing the slot.horse.armor slot.

Lama is neutral, and if a player or mob attacks one of them, then she spits toward the attacker, applying 1 (), even if tamed. Sometimes, when they spit, they can start the battle in the Lam group, accidentally taped each other.

They are hostile to wolves and will spit in them without any reason. From Lam with a force of 4 or 5 wolves will always run away. Weaker Lama will scare wolves less often.

Lama will not attack tamed wolves if they do not provoke them.

Flame lave can be breed. To do this, click PKM for each lamp, holding a sheaf of the Sen. Baby Lama will take the appearance of one of the parents. The force is chosen randomly from numbers between 1 and the power of the strongest parent inclusive.

Lama Minecraft.! This is a fun, spy, ever-aware animal that can be tamed! How? Find in the article!

This is a neutral mob on which you can ride and carry things, unless of course tame.

Where dwells lama Minecraft?

Usually they live in Savane or mountain. They go to a herd to 5 individuals. But you will find them at the tops of the mountains, or hills. The color of these funny animals depends on where they live.

What lama Minecraft there is?

Llamas in the game have 4 colors:

Tame lama Minecraft.?

In general, everything is simple, clicking the right mission button on it and that's it!

There is one "but" by taking you will not control it, rushing on it, and Lama will not go after you. To do this, you need to hang a leash on it, but note that all other Lama will follow you. How to craft it, just below.

Kraft leash

You will become Lama Laman - Caravan! Someone lam minecraft. You can already up to 10 pieces. Want more caravan? Then tie the 2nd Lama, at the expense of it there is still a caravan! In general, it is possible an unlimited number of Lama - caravans to lead \u003d)

Why need lama Minecraft?

There are 2 options for using Lam. The first is rational, to move things, yes, that's the way. Lama can be put in the chest. Keep in hand the chest and click on PKM.

And in the second option - decoration. Lama Minecraft. Can be decorated with a carpet. Carpets can be different drawings and can be changed. Command / ReplaceItem, to change the carpet, replacing the slot.horse.armor slot.

Lama Minecraft. Can you spit?

And here is the fun, because Lama is a neutral mob, she can attack if it is hurt, let it be mob or by chance a player. Lama is protected by a spit, and if it falls, then you will take in your life, even if she is tamed!

Lama Minecraft.they may spit into each other if someone from their will be coming.

The lam is different strength, and depending on it the wolves will run away about them, because Wolves they are blocked at any scenaries. But if the wolf is tamed and does not touch Lama, then she does not touch him.

How to divorce lama Minecraft?

All to the will simply, take the hay in hand and click on all Lamam PKM. But the color of the cub is a randomy - one of the parents, well, and power can also be any.

Appeared lama Minecraft In version 1.11 and in mobile version 1.1. That's all about Lama, good game to you!

Natural zones in the game worlds of minecraft are inhabited by many creatures, animals and other mobs. Some of them are dangerous and hostile, while others can become friends for the player.

For example, Lama is initially neutral mobs, but they can be made friendly. Tips, how to tame Lama in minecraft, you will find in this article.


Lama is found in Savannah, a plateau either in mountainous areas where they roam herds. Their health is eleven units. When murdering, some skin drops from these creatures.

Adults are neutral, young friendly to the player. However, if a character or other creature attacks Lama, it will produce one or two attacks and calm down. Even a tamed mob can attack his offender, but with wolves and cripers they have an eternal feud.

Lama with an indicator of force above four units scare wolves, which makes them extremely useful in the defense of the farm and other animals from these predators.

Lama taming

Lama rushes like horses, and they can be somewhat ridiculous.

Minecraft can be engaged in farming, spreading animals for various purposes. To begin with, you will need to tame a few wild individuals so that they become domesticated and began to give offspring.

I deciding how to tame in minecraft Lama, you must click on the selected individual with the right mouse button. To set out, you will need a special carpet of any color.

Unlike a horse, it cannot manage this animal sedk. There is an opinion that it is possible to lead them with the help of a fishing rod with carrot attached to it. Curious player can check it out.

Lama is recommended to provide a chest to transfer things that accommodates from three to fifteen slots. The player can also bind the animal to the leash, it will follow the character. After binding the second Lama, the caravan will begin to organize the first to be organized, in which up to ten individuals can enter.

Breeding Lam

Adjected animals can be breeding if necessary.

  1. In put in the hands of the heaf of Sena.
  2. Come to the lama.
  3. Press the right mouse button.

Baby will receive an exterior option from one of the parents, and the force will be determined in random order.

The player can get sheaf hay, unless combined with nine beams.

It is important that the general state of your animals, which, first of all, it is necessary to feed well. The most suitable feed for Lam is grain, stack of grain. Want to get a lot of skins or other resources from your animals - ensure a permanent and large feed of feed. Good nutrition also speeds up the process of growth and elimination of young people.

Fans of farm achievements will be interested to know that several achives are associated with torn and breeding. Sometimes a tamed and tied Lama refuses to follow the player, in this case a technical error takes place - contact the server administration.


Video: How to tame Lama in minecraft.

Players who have recently started playing Minecraft PE faced with a lot of problems. One of them: Lama's taming. Many people think to settle in Lama, you need to wear a saddle on her, but it's not like that! In fact, with the lama a little more difficult.


In order to set the Lama, you need to start installing minecraft 1.1.5. After that we go to our world where you will tame Lama. In order to tame Lama, you will need: mat (any color), food (wheat), straight hands.

If you are in the creative, then put in Lama, but if in survival, find it. After that, you need to sit on Lama, and wait when she appears "hearts". This means that Lama loved you.

Next, you should put on her rug (including inventory). After you wear a mat - Lama under your control. In order to enhance the effect of obedience, you need to feed Lama. Lama is powered by wheat, and it is enough for 3-4 beam of wheat.

You can hang the chest on Lama, which will add three places inventory for different things.

Lama can be tied on a leash. In order to make it you need to take / scratch a leash, and approach the lame close to the lama to the "Bring" button. Also Lama can be tied to the fence, just tapping him.

One of the aspects of the game minecraft is breeding and taking animals. The creation of small zoos allows you to collect useful LUT (food, skin) and experience, practically without leaving the oblique area. Farms can be built for both friendly and unfriendly mobs.

In this manual we will talk about pets, from which you can easily create a personal zoo. By the way, if you want to play minecraft for free, it is not necessary to download the client at all. Just go to caniplay.ru and choose any flash drive for the evening!

What are the friendly animals?

A list of friendly and tamed mobs is not so great. You can divide them into three groups:

  • animals that are hardened for food and produce a lute (chicken, cow, mushroom cow, pig, rabbit, sheep, lama);
  • animals that are breeding for movement or transfer of things (Lama, donkey, horse, horse-skeleton, mule);
  • animals that are breeding for protection (cat and dog).

Separately, it is possible to highlight the spruit, which is also often placed in the zoo to obtain bags with ink, but, unlike other pets, it is impossible to multiply.

Why do I need mobafers and zoos?

If you play minecraft online, and not use creative mode, you will have to extract food and other LUT. From animals you can get a variety of items:

  • various types of meat (chicken, cow, mushroom cow, pig, rabbit, sheep);
  • wool (sheep);
  • eggs (chicken);
  • feathers (chicken);
  • skin or rabbit skirt (cows, mushroom cows, rabbits, lama);
  • rabbit paw (rabbit, rare drop);
  • milk (cows, mushroom cows);
  • stew mushrooms (mushroom cows);
  • red mushrooms (mushroom cows).

Edible LUT is used in food, and inedible applied in the craft. So, from feathers you can get arrows, from wool - bed, from eggs - cake, and from leather - clothes, books, frames. Some items (for example, hare's paw) are used in potions. The picture contains objects that can be obtained from animals.

If you have a homely zoo and you regularly spread up and destroy animals in it, you will never have a shortage of food: the meat drops almost with each individual. Exception - young. From the young to collect items can not. Perhaps if you play the Minecraft Lego Games series, then the rules there are a bit different. Specify it in advance.

How to build moboferm

The most primitive method of building mobafoferms is the creation of a courtyard surrounded by a wall, two blocks height. Blocks can be used any, but usually recommended a fence. It allows you to watch animals, besides that your wards do not run away, it is enough for a fence with a height of 1 block.

Important! There are deficiencies in one-block fence: chicken flip over it and you can easily see hostile mobes (archers and cries can even kill). However, you can always create a fence, in two blocks high and save yourself from the attention of enemies.

After you were outpathed by space, you put animals there and start feeding them. They breed, the young grow. Further you can either kill the grew animals, leaving a pair or two "divorce", or continue to contain them in the pen. No food and water mobs do not die. For breeding the beasts you need objects, you can see them in the screenshot. Other conditions can offer Flash Minecraft, but in general the world works in about the same.

There are many more complex farms, including with automatic destruction and collecting things. But their main disadvantage is that the feeding process is only with the participation of the player. Even if you leave the food to the ground, the animals will not pick it up. The only appearance that can multiply without your attention is a chicken. Birds hatch from eggs, so if there are many of them on one territory, they begin to restore the population themselves.

One of the options of a semi-automatic farm involves placing a pair of individuals in the air on one block. If they periodically feed them, they will multiply, and the young will fall on the ground. As matters, the young you can destroy automatically or manually.

Where to take the inhabitants of the zoo?

Fill out your mini-zoo in the world of Minecraft is not so difficult. Most animals graze around you on a free walking. Your task is only to lead a pair of the same species in the prolonged pen. You do not need to choose on the floor of the animals: they have no floor.

The easiest way to get tested by sheep, cows, pigs, rabbits and chicians. They appear in many biomes in sufficient quantities. You can bring a pair with the help of a rope, or melting wheat (for sheep and cows), carrot (for pigs and rabbits), dandelions (for rabbits) or seeds (for chickens). Another option is to put an animal in the trolley and send to go to the right place to go.

It will be necessary to work in search of horses, donkeys, llamas and wolves. Wolves live mainly in the forest (in taiga), and horses, lamas and donkeys appear in the prairies (on the meadows). Lop their home much easier than ordinary cattle. All three can be tamed. On the horse after taming you are easy to get home, and the wolves will simply be resorted by follow. By the way, in the Minecraft 2D games, the wolves often actually act as hostile monsters. Be careful!

Mushroom cows and ocellot are considered the most difficult for the institution. Mushroom cows in principle are found only on the islands in the ocean. The chance that you will live nearby, very small. Ocelotes are more common, but only in the jungle. And they are very frightened. But they can be tamed and they themselves will come for you in housing.

Animal breeding is an interesting and useful occupation in the world of minecraft games. It will definitely delight you, and your associates. A little perseverance and you will be provided with food, cheap leather clothing and ingredients for potions that you can get without much difficulty.