Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition Walkthrough Tips and tactics. Passage of story missions

1. In the game you will need to break cells with all sorts of bones, but there is one problem, this cell is suspended on a chain and when it hits, it flies off in the other direction. So, so as not to run after it, just jump on it and wet it until it falls apart.

2. The fight with the twins in the tower often causes problems, in some passages it is advised to shoot them with pistols and try to maneuver, but my method is different. Choose Cerberus. From the beginning of the mission, collect red balls. When you have enough, study the level 2 "revolver". It is advisable that in front of the bosses you have balls for the big life star. The fight itself. It is only necessary to dodge their attacks in a jump, the rest is solved with a revolver. Aim at one brother and attack with a revolver obscenely, if the second tries to hit you from behind, he will also take decent damage or even drop his sword. I advise you to reduce the health of both brothers, so that one of them does not have time to acquire two swords. If we do everything quickly, then we can put them at the same time. And most importantly - only a "revolver", while you are doing it, you are invulnerable!

3. Starting from chapter 18, you can use one very cool fennel - creating a shadow. Your shadow will walk on your side and follow your movements and strokes. But this ability can be used better if you have a friend and a second joystick next to you. When you create your shadow, connect 2 joystick and press start. After that, your friend plays as a shadow. This ability is temporary, but helps when fighting Arkham.

4. Advice for beginners.

When you get to the "centipede" (at the very beginning), then I do not advise you to immediately jump down, hide behind a box and shoot from there. So you will kill the enemy in at least 30 minutes, and you will hardly kill at all. The best thing is to climb up and jump on the back of this caterpillar and beat with a sword. This will kill the boss in 5 minutes.

5. If you play in the werewolf style. To keep it longer, you need to constantly attack the enemy. Better if you are far from the enemy, use the Ebony & Ivory pistols. And also, choose Kalina Ann (rocket launcher), then quickly switch to pistols. Dante will use pistols and the shadow will use Kalina Ann. The same applies to melee weapons.

6. As you know, each Boss has his own weak point.

1) The Centipede has a head.

2 Jesters - you need to catch the moment when he laughs and shoot him with a firearm (Vergil is better to do combo and shoot).

3) Cerberus - paws, and when life remains the last stripe (checked by the sight) - it is better to bounce away.

4) Agni and Rudra - you must try to hit your hands as accurately as possible so that the sword will fly off. When one of the brothers remains, it is better to shoot from the air (for Dante).

5) Vergil 1 - Ebony & Ivory are good for him, watch the "moment" when Vergil turns away and strike. If you ALREADY HAVE Beowulf, then this is the best weapon against him.

6) Heart of Lifivian - First you need to "stun" one of the two hearts. Moreover, it is better to do this with Kalina Ann (if you already have one). And also, to catch the moment when the Main Heart attacks.

7) Witch - it's better to use pistols. Before this level, I bought Holy Water. You can stun her in two ways - when she laughs or when she lets out a few bunches of ray mice. When she scribbles an electric field on the floor, it is better to stay in the air, firing from pistols. When she has her last life left, use Holy Water (although this should be done by the Luchge with Virgil, and, playing as Dante, hit her before she starts running after you.)

8) Jester 2 and 3 - already playing Very Difficult and Dante Must Die Mods, I didn't fight him, you can just get around him.

9) Horse - First, take away one fifth of his life by shooting him as he runs towards you. Then you fall into the colosseum. When he stops shooting rockets at you, just jump on him.

10) Beowulf - at the beginning, try to get into the wounded eye, then, when he pushes the cells, stand behind him and attack.

11) Shadow - take Cerberus. go to the eye windows and hit once. When the shadow is already next to you, strike again, and the shadow will be blinded for a while.

12) Vergil 2 - you need to attack when he makes a jump and immediately attack on the ground.

13) Arkam - attack in the eye. when his life is a little more than half, Virgil will come. When you are attacked by big-toothed dolphins (haha) try to attack from the air while simultaneously pressing the melee attack (so that Vergil will kill them).

14) The Last Vergil - Hit with Beowulf.

7. The passage of the secret mission at speed (where you need to slide on enemies to a piece of blue orb in a certain time) can be greatly facilitated if you have bought purple orbs from the store. It is enough to cut in the devil trigger and just run the distance. True, on the way to "eat" the Devil Star (and thereby restore the trigger), but this is a small price to pay for the opportunity to increase the maximum bar of life.

8. In the battle with the hearts of the Liviathan (at least with the left one), you can use Dante's incomprehensible jumping ability. To do this, let's aim at the heart, make a double jump to fly as high as possible and hit with biowulf, after hitting Dante should fly up slightly and you can strike (especially useful on Veri Hard and Dante Mast Day (if Veri Hard is not passed)).

9. In the fight against Faydo (three-headed dog) try to knock down the ice blocks he throws, then you will get a few lives.

While playing Vergil, it is difficult to escape from the vampire, but there is one method. Before she disappears to appear, in order to drink some blood, you need to stand at one of the edges of the room, when she starts to teleport, you need to quickly run to the other edge. If everything is done correctly, then it will stop in front of you two steps away and you will be able to attack it with impunity.

10. I will tell you how to kill Cerberus (2 bosses in the game).

As soon as you start fighting with him, aim at the head with green eyes and shoot at it with pestoles (and do not use other types of weapons, it is almost useless) until you destroy it (then it will be much easier for you to destroy all other heads). Then start shooting in the head with red eyes. As soon as you destroy it, aim at the head with blue eyes and stand in the left corner of the room. And be sure that he will not reach you and you can safely shoot him until you destroy him!

11. Complete the secret mission in which you need to go up the elevator for a blue shard, dropping enemies, you can easily, make a double jump and run up the wall of the elevator shaft using the stunt style, as high as possible when Dante rolls over and lands on the platform again, the enemies will disappear somewhere (perhaps this is a game bug, or just a joke from the developers), in this way you can easily climb up without a single wave of the sword (I played the game on normal, I can not vouch for the rest of the difficulty levels).

12. Against blocking attacks such as: cobweb, attack of soul eaters, attack of the Siren at death (kiss of a vampire) there is a very simple remedy - it is enough to turn into a demon, at least for a couple of seconds.

13. Almost every boss in the game reacts especially sharply to certain weapons: Cerberus to fire and vortex swords, centipede to ice flail, etc. The shadow, quite logically, receives the most damage from the gloves of light.

14. How easy it is (1-2 minutes) to defeat Virgil in the last battle.

We take the bazooka (we get it when we defeat the lady), pump it 1 or 2 times (depending on the available money) and wet Virgil with it. Sometimes he blocks shots - then we run up, hit something a couple of times - and he is again open to bazooka attacks.

P.S. Hope it helps someone)

First, fire with pistols, and when opponents turn to stone, break with a sword. Now - a jester. By the way, this boss is only in the Special Edition. So you can say you're in luck. First, the jester will start to scoff, and at that moment you cannot reach him with a sword, so fire from your pistols. Soon he will get tired and start fanning himself with his cane. Run fast and deliver a series of blows.

When the jester surrounds himself with a field and opens the portals, it's time to urgently make legs. Dodge the balls with continuous maneuvers. In general, you can try to run up close and just beat the boss. The balls don't hit too often, especially if they bounce in time. It's faster and more dangerous this way. When the portals disappear, fire at the boss with pistols again, run up close and attack with your sword. After defeating the jester, return to the center of the tower. Climb to the very top and insert the found amulet into the pedestal. On the fourth floor, the walls have been pulled back, and now you can pick up the trident. Plus at the bottom a red circle lit up; if you stand on it, Dante will throw high. Such a kind of elevator that allows you to avoid long races. Remember the stone behind the bars? You need to go back to that room. Insert the trident into the mechanism opposite the cage, pick up the stone and finish off the running monsters. Now remember the room where the stairs collapsed. Step into the abyss. The soul stone will not allow you to fall down. On the other side, find a statue from which you can knock out a blue ball. Then insert the stone into the hole and go into the door. A fun ride awaits you now. Activate the lift with a series of rock hits, jump in and get ready. Soon, opponents will begin to pour in from above. Killing them is simple, the difficulty is different: do not miss the enemy strike, so as not to fly down, otherwise you will have to start over. Once on the site, find the statue and buy the necessary items. Now, perhaps the most difficult battle in the game lies ahead. The gate is guarded by two brothers. And with one something tight, but with two in general a pipe. I advise you to upgrade your pistols to the second level and choose the Trickster style (also preferably the second level). How do they attack? Jump and attack. Just bounce or run to the side. Run and hit. The bosses rush to Dante and try to seriously cripple him. Only a double jump will save here. Particularly arrogant can try to attack in the air. Please note that the first two attacks are performed by the monsters together, and they are the most dangerous. Uppercut - a sharp blow from below. Stay away. Well, ice and fire attacks ... Actually, listen to what they scream before the attack, and soon you will understand what expression the blow will follow. There can be two tactics: either constantly firing from pistols, jumping and dodging blows, or - learn habits and shouts so that you know when the enemy will attack and, at good moments, break through a series of blows. If you hit the adversaries successfully, you can knock the sword out of your hands. At such a moment, the enemy will kneel. Run up and use a devastating combination. With pistols, this trick is also possible. Only, as it seemed to me, it will be more difficult to complete. Although some argue that, on the contrary, it is easier. In general, I advise you to switch from one brother to another. Because when you finish off one, the second will go berserk completely. The attacks, in principle, will remain the same, but the speed will increase. Attack jumping, running and hitting, a stream of fire, a whirlwind of flame and ice. Don't even try to reach the enemy with your sword. Shoot him with pistols constantly and ride like crazy. If you were able to almost completely reset the health of the second, before finishing off the first brother, then the battle will end with a couple of accurate shots. Otherwise, I cannot guarantee that the victory will be yours.

We actually need the left aisle. But it is littered, so search the statue and head straight. Do you see three rooms? You need to pass a test of at least two in order to get two special crystals. But if you get three, you will get a new weapon. Test of wisdom. If you have read the sign in front of the entrance, it will not be difficult to guess the riddle. You need to go through the correct doors to get to the crystal. If you make a mistake, a bunch of monsters will appear, and after the victory you will return to the entrance. Here are the correct answers: first go through the door with four lights, then two, and finally three. Test of technique. You need to run a long, long corridor, dodging the spikes that pop out of the floor, walls and ceiling. Basically, nothing fancy as long as you play with a joystick. The main thing is attentiveness. When you take the crystal, the monsters will come running; deal with them and leave the room. Test of the battle. It's simple. When the stones are not burning, enemies are invulnerable. Therefore, you need to quickly light them (stones, of course) and kill the enemy. When the stones are extinguished, repeat the procedure. Now go to the room where the passage is blocked and insert three crystals into the statue. Congratulations on purchasing your new weapon. Yes, the road is clear too. In the hallway, break the statue with your brothers swords, collect the red balls and go downstairs to complete the mission.

A chance meeting

Return immediately to the previous corridor and collect the red balls. Just like that, for nothing. Go back. Look down. Decent height, right? Jump. After landing, go to the library and start destroying the statues. Under one you will find a crystal. Take it and exit the library.

Stand on the glowing circle and Dante will throw you high. Land on the platform and jump onto another circle. Thus, you will rise to the very top. Go through the door. In the corridor, take the blue ball, which someone thought of throwing up, and move on. Run upstairs, scattering the revived statues along the way. The door is directly closed, so turn left, remembering to pick up your bonus behind bars. Here you will meet a new enemy. Hit them when the monsters thrust the coffins into the ground and begin to summon spirits. Having dealt with the enemy, pick up the stone and go into the central door. Break the statue to get a blue ball, go upstairs and insert the crystal found in the library into the console. The elevator doors will open at the bottom. Go inside ... and go down to the tower entrance. Remember the door on the second floor, engulfed in flames? Go up there and use the stone from the tomb. The fire will disappear. Go down the corridor and go through the door. Some strange place ... However, a couple of blows, and the wall will collapse. Then light the lights on the rock to release the huge ball. Take a couple of punches and it will fly to pieces. Pick up the skull - a bunch of monsters with coffins will immediately fall out. Beat. If it gets difficult, use the holy water ball to destroy the demons. Then get out of here, take the elevator and step to the closed door. Insert the skull and go inside. The statue hints that now there will be a showdown with the boss. Get ready. Brother Dante is a simple enemy. He attacks as follows: fast run and sword attack; a series of sword strikes; energy wave. How to beat him? Wait for him to attack, bounce to the side, and then run up and deliver a couple of blows. When you decently reduce his health, he will begin to move with the help of the teleporter. You need to carefully monitor such feints so as not to get hit from the back. But in general, the tactics are exactly the same. When you remove all health, watch the crazy video. Pay particular attention to the descent from the tower.

To be honest, I don’t remember such an original level anywhere else. You will have to fight organs and monsters in the demon's stomach to get out. However ... By the way, look around. And when did you just swallow? To get out of this room (let it be called that), you need to destroy five pulsating processes, then the passages will open. One near the bus, two on the upper tier, one below in the cave, the last one on the second tier too. But you can get to it only through the mentioned cave. After destroying the shoots, go into the cave. After running through the intestines and reaching the heart, inspect the future boss and exit through the membrane (you know, it seems to me that the writers ate sushi). After going a little forward, you will suddenly fall under an evil monster. You should not fight with him, immediately run as fast as possible, otherwise the insides will be devoured. When you reach the end, cut the membrane to get into the shelter. Next, you will meet a detachment of demons, which are counted once. Slash demons in the retina until you get the item. It's simple. In the next intestine, there are two that hide a green ball and a statue. To break it, you need a flail. Next, you will again fall under the distribution of an internal organ. Run from him gracefully. Once in the stomach, crawl back into the opening that leads to the heart. So, besides the very heart, a bunch of demons will keep you company. They also need to be hit on the head with a sword as far as possible. But the heart is more important, especially since it is not one. Two additional ones do not attack, but one absorbs prizes knocked out from opponents, and the other weakens the Devil Trigger. The central heart cannot be easily reached, it is constantly hiding in a shell. You need to beat like this: first, beat one of the additional hearts; when it dies, the main thing will stick out and try to get Dante. Either it will shoot balls - in this case, jump off or put in the way of the demon, or turn on the laser - just jump over. By the way, the last attack is different - one beam or two. Having survived the attack of the heart (the enemy should, by the way, become much smaller), run up to the central heart and beat until it hides. Then again take up additional hearts that have already come to life. Well, and so on in the same vein, until a heart attack occurs.

To go further, you need to turn the bridge, but this will not be possible until the next chapter. Therefore, without hesitation, run forward and enter the door. In the room you will come across calf-sized spiders. Beware of the cobwebs. In general, you can finish them off with pistols so as not to climb into the sticky embrace of monsters. In this room, you have to solve a riddle: you need to direct a beam of light into the statue in order to open the door.

Video walkthrough of all missions in Devil May Cry 3.

In these videos, I will play as Dante. The location of all secret missions and hidden blue orb shards will be shown here.

Mission 1. SS-rank

Mission 2. SS-rank

Mission 3. Rank-A

Finding 3 pieces of the blue ball and the 1st secret mission. First boss (Cerberus). The first blue orb shard is in the first secret mission, the second is hidden and the third is in a B-rank style statue (Rebelion).

Mission 4. SS-rank

Finding 1 piece of a blue ball and passing the 2nd boss.

Mission 5. SS-rank

Finding 2 fragments of the blue ball and fighting the 3rd boss (Agni and Rudra). The first blue orb shard in this mission is in an A-rank (Cerberus) style statue, and the second in secret mission 2.

Mission 6.A-rank

Finding three essences and one blue orb shard. If you collect all the essences (the essence of the mind, the essence of technology and the essence of combat), then you can get the weapon (Artemis) in this mission, and not in the 16th mission.

Mission 7. A-rank

Finding three pieces of the blue ball and fighting the 4th boss (Vergil). The first blue ball shard in this mission is in the 3rd secret mission, the second is hidden, the 3rd is in an SSS-ranked (Rebelion) style statue.

Mission 8.S-rank

Finding three fragments of the blue ball and passing the fifth boss (Leviathan). The first blue orb shard is hidden, the second is in the fourth secret mission, and the third is in an SS-ranked (Cerberus) style statue.

Mission 9.S-rank

Finding three blue ball shards and fighting the 6th boss (Nevan Witch). The first blue orb shard is hidden, the second is in the B-rank style statue (Nevan), and the third is in the fifth secret mission.

Mission 10. S-rank

Mission 11. SS-rank

Finding three shards of the blue ball and fighting the seventh boss (Beowulf). The first shard of the blue ball is in the seventh secret mission, the second is hidden, the third is in an SS-rank style statue (Agni and Rudra).

Mission 12. S-rank

Fight against the eighth boss (Geryon).

Mission 13. S-rank

Finding three shards of the blue ball and fighting the eighth boss (Vergil). The first blue orb shard is in the eighth secret mission, the second in the ninth secret mission, and the third in the (Nevan) SS-rank style statue.

Mission 14. S-rank

Mission 15. S-rank

Finding one shard of the blue ball.

Mission 16.A-rank

Finding one shard of the blue ball and fighting the ninth boss (Lady).

Mission 17. A-rank

Finding three shards of the blue ball and fighting the tenth boss (Doppler). The first blue ball shard is in an SSS-grade (Beowulf) style statue, the second is hidden and the third is in the 11th secret mission.

Mission 18. A-rank

Finding two fragments of the blue ball and passing all the bosses. The first shard of the blue ball is in the 12th secret mission, and the second can be obtained by defeating all the bosses in this mission.

Mission 19.A-rank

Fight with the 11th boss (Arkham).

Mission 20. SS-Rank

Fight with the last, 12th boss (Vergil). Shown Bonus video (Vergil and Mundus) and the entire rating.

Game mechanics

So what do you need to know about the game? There are two options for starting the game: Yellow Orbs and Gold Orbs. In the first case, if you are defeated, you can start from the last control point by spending the yellow ball. In the second - continue the game from the last checkpoint without spending anything. Or use the golden ball and continue from the place of death.

What are balls? There are several types of them, each with its own properties. These items can be purchased in the store or found during the game. Here is a complete list.

  • Red orb- local currency. It is used to buy items, techniques and improve weapons. They are knocked out of opponents, are at the level and are given for passing.
  • Vital Star S- restores some health. You can also restore health by picking up green balls that drop from opponents.
  • Vital Star L- restores more health.
  • Devil star- restores Devil Trigger.
  • Holy water- destroys all enemies in the area and inflicts significant damage to bosses. It is insanely expensive, so it's easier to find than to buy.
  • Blue orb- these balls add one streak to health. They are not so easy to buy. You need to find four of their fragments, and only then the ball will become available for purchase. But only one. To buy the second, you will have to find four more fragments.
  • Purple orb- adds one ball to the Devil Trigger.
  • Yellow orb- the same ball for restoring the game, which was mentioned above.

What Devil trigger?
After the seventh mission, Dante will be able to transform into a demon for a limited time - until the balls run out under the health bar. What does it do? Strength and speed. Dante moves faster, and opponents die three times faster. Balls are restored during fights or with a special item. Often times, battles can only be won with the Devil Trigger. This is especially true in boss fights. Also, some moves require the Devil Trigger to be activated. During the game, you will come across stones that resemble the sun more than once. They need to be hit a number of times to ignite the fires. Usually this is the "switch" of some action. You will also find crystals, breaking which you will receive a bunch of red balls. Besides all this, there are statues of war. They contain fragments of blue balls and can be broken with certain weapons. If the weapon is chosen incorrectly, they will write about it after the first hit. Sometimes the task becomes more difficult, and you need to perform a combination of blows of a certain level. To make it clearer, I will give an example. Let's say you performed a dashing combination from the list “ Dante's weapon" or " Virgil's weapon". An inscription appeared in the upper right corner of the screen and a scale below it. Perform the second combination of punches quickly. The scale was full, another inscription appeared with a new scale. In other words, the faster and harder you hit, the faster the combometer fills up. The highest score is SSStylish, but not easy to achieve. Therefore, breaking some of the statues can be overwhelming.


Infernal Jailers

Hell pride The first enemy you will face. Slow, attacks with a scythe when it gets close. There is an improved version of the demon that moves faster, hits harder and looks different.

Hell lust Attacks a little unusual. First he bounces back, then makes a sharp lunge oblique.

Hell sloth A demon made from sand. Knows how to teleport to the victim, after which he hits with a scythe.

Hell gluttony Made of sand and spits with it. Shoots infrequently, but accurately. Better to finish off first, so that you don't have time to do something wrong.

Hell greed Carries a huge coffin, which he fights painfully with. He can also stick it into the ground to summon ghosts that attack the character. You need to hit when summoning ghosts, otherwise you will not break the block.

Hell wrath He carries with him a huge ball that explodes as soon as the demon gets to the character. The explosion also destroys opponents. He needs to be fired at with pistols from afar. It is advisable to undermine the enemies in the crowd.

Hell Vanguard Perhaps the most dangerous of these demons. Delivers a double scythe, and can also suddenly teleport to strike from the air or make a sharp throw.

Cursed chess

Damned pawn A pawn is a weak enemy, often does not even have time to strike. Before attacking, his swords will blaze with fire.

Damned bishop Instead of a sword, this figure holds a magic staff, from which it releases balls of fire. It is dangerous because it attacks from afar. Therefore, try to deal with it quickly.

Damned knight A fairly flexible figure. Jumps quickly, trying to crush the character, or trying to gore to death. When fighting her, the main thing is not to miss the attack and jump to the side.

Damned rook Stopping, this figure will open the center and strike with lasers in four directions. It is better not to be under attack at this moment.

Damned queen You will only meet the Queen on the chessboard. She rapidly moves along the purple path, trying to ram the character.

Damned king The king is also found exclusively on the chessboard. Controls the rest of the shapes. If you kill him, the rest will crumble to dust. Can swap places with Damned Rook and cause a small explosion around him.

Other demons

Three attacks. Sickle blow. Sharp thrust and blow. Finally, he can teleport further away and launch a fireball.

Arachne Three attacks. A simple blow. Bounce and kick. Shot a spider web that will captivate the character for a while. The last attack is especially dangerous.

Bloodgoyles Sly beasts. To destroy, you need to shoot them with a pistol, then they turn to stone. Finish off with your sword. If you just strike with the sword, the monster will spawn a copy of itself. Attacks with a sharp throw followed by a blow.

Enigma Revived statues-arrows. They try not to go into hand-to-hand combat, but to fire from afar. Their charges knock the character down, making him vulnerable to other attacks. Therefore, attack them first, otherwise they will pretty much spoil the blood.

Dullahan A fully armored knight. It can only be pierced by attacking from behind. I tried in vain not to mess with these demons - too much trouble. If possible, you better run past. Their attack is a swift ram.

Soul eaters Dangerous demons. Attempts to ram the character or lift him up in order to suck out the Devil Trigger.

Fallen This demon is more difficult than other bosses. He can only be hit by hitting him in the stomach. But for this you have to break through the protection from the wings. Attacks in the following ways: throw and sharp blow with a sword; a throw with a sword that explodes after a while, dealing damage in a decent radius.


There are six styles for Dante and one for Virgil. How exactly you play the game depends on the style. Four styles are available initially. The last two will have to be mined as you progress. The main styles grow in the level, after which new movements become available.

This style allows Dante to jump dashingly and dodge attacks. That is, this way it is easier to defend against attacks, but you yourself will not be able to inflict damage, as with the Swordmaster style. However, I recommend using this style for beginners. If you are playing for the first time, it will be much easier. Press circle and move key... Dante will suddenly throw himself to the side. This is useful when you need to quickly disappear to avoid an attack. As the level increases, Dante will begin to move further and faster. Standing near the wall, hit the circle... Dante will run along the wall and make a dashing jump. You can use this maneuver after a double jump to get even higher. Jump, movement key and circle... Dante will do an acrobatic stunt in the air. To be honest, it's not entirely clear when this might come in handy. Perhaps dodging an attack. But in the air, rarely does anyone attack ... Forward, R1 and circle... Dante will disappear and appear in front of the monster that you have captured in the scope. Extremely useful in boss battles, and also useful in regular battles.

The style adds new techniques for melee weapons. With its help, you will be able to inflict colossal damage and make insane combinations of blows. For techniques, see the chapter “ Hand-to-hand combat».

Adds new techniques for firearms. Yes, pistols are much inferior to swords, but if you learn how to play, you can deal decent damage and make beautiful combinations. For weapon techniques, see the chapter “ Firearms».

Royal guard
Interesting style. Allows you to absorb damage and return it to opponents. True, it is difficult to master, but if you do it, you will get a fantastic result. This style is especially helpful at higher difficulty levels. Block... Press the circle when the enemy attacks - this way you will repel the blow and stun the demon. The same can be done in the air. If you hold the circle, you take 25% less damage. It is clear that the former is more profitable, but it is more difficult to accomplish. Attack... After repelling a bunch of enemy attacks, press the circle to make a return combination. The damage is colossal. The same can be done in the air. Just make sure that the enemy is nearby, otherwise the attack will go into the void. Shield... After hitting a lot of punches, press R1, back and circle. Dante will create a shield that repels enemy attacks and converts them into additional health. It's just wonderful: Dante is being killed, and he is getting healthier before our eyes!

This style is obtained by defeating the Demon Horse. It allows you to stop time until the end of the Devil Trigger. Opponents stop, which gives Dante the opportunity to attack with impunity. An extremely useful style against both bosses and lesser demons. Press R1 and circle to activate the ability.

Defeating the shadow at the seventeenth level, Dante will be able to transform into a demon and summon a double that exactly repeats his actions. True, sometimes he attacks enemies on his own. This style is useful because you can deal double damage in one attack. Press R1 and circle to activate the ability.

Dark slayer
The unique and unique style of Virgil, Dante's twin brother. It resembles Trickster. In general, playing as Virgil is much easier. He scatters demons in small groups, which is not very interesting. Hold circle, R1 and circle or forward (towards enemy) and circle... Vergil will instantly move to the enemy. If you planted a monster, Vergil will be teleported to the enemy in the air. This allows you to quickly move from enemy to enemy, striking and dodging oncoming attacks. It is not so easy to master, but very effective. R1, forward and circle... Virgil appears over the enemy. Useful when the enemy is about to block an attack or attack. Surprise him and hit him from above. You can perform a similar trick if you press R1, back and circle.

Virgil's weapon

Hand-to-hand combat

Yamato 3 fold triangle... A combination of three hits. The latter touches all opponents who are on the way. Good for dealing with a crowd. Hold R1, back and triangle 2 times... Uppercut and blow to the thrown enemy. Pressing the triangle a second time is optional if you just want to throw up the opponent.

Jump, triangle... Double blow in the air. ... Throw to the enemy and double blow. Most often knocks the monster down. Clamp triangle... A technique that works well against a crowd of enemies. It is advisable to use it when you are finishing off someone.

Beowulf 3 times triangle... Two punches and two kicks. A powerful move that works great against a single opponent. Jump and triangle... Kick attack in the air. ... Uppercut and double kick. Vergil stays in the air after taking it, so you can do the previous move. Clamp R1, forward and triangle... Virgil will jump up and deliver a series of blows. This is probably the most powerful trick. Works great against bosses and powerful critters.

Force Edge 4 fold triangle... A series of five strikes, fast and powerful. The last blow is especially cruel. Jump and triangle... Jump attack, fast and strong. If the opponent is aggressive, I advise you to use it. Clamp R1, forward and triangle... A sharp throw to the enemy and a blow. Clamp R1, back and triangle... Sharp throw and uppercut. Press the triangle a second time for an extra hit. Clamp triangle... A sword flies at the enemy. Until you get your weapon back, you can fight Yamato.

Devil May Cry 3SE Walkthrough
The Blood Link You can complete the first mission again to
accumulate red balls and buy a Stinger attack. In general, nothing
a remarkable level. There are a bunch of monsters who just ask
to try a couple of interesting combinations on them. Worth fearing
only kamikaze. Noticing him, run away and fire from
pistol. Do not forget to pick up the first aid kit, which is located near the door. She
you will need it soon, since you will have to fight with
the first boss. This is a fairly simple opponent, but loves to use
spatial portals. Instant movement from one point to
the other is dangerous in that you can miss a stab in the back. His favorites
attacks after moving: a sharp lunge and an oblique blow or two blows
simultaneously. So when it disappears, immediately jump to the side and
open fire with pistols. Then run up and chop with your sword. Sometimes
you can make it in time and interrupt the attack with a counterattack, but it's better not
to risk. When the boss puts a block, immediately run around it from the side and
break through a series of blows. If things are really bad, use the found
first aid kit. While this can be avoided ...

The Devil Tower Immediately after the start
level, run forward and jump to Enigma. These monsters have
amazing ability to shit at the most inopportune moment, therefore
have to deal with them first. A couple of blows should
enough to dump them down.

Then jump down and
start hunting the rest of the monsters. Come to the bar. There is no
opponents, so you can take a break. Then break the furniture and
jump onto the bar to replenish your health. To open
door, break the three jukeboxes on the left and attack the stone
circle. When it ignites with a flame, the force field will subside. Take
shotgun off the wall and move on. In the next room you
meet new opponents. They take a hit well, they hit hard, but
move too slowly, so they can be dealt with without losing
health. Break the furniture, go up the stairs for the plus and
go outside. There are no enemies here, but many are hidden
interesting things. First, collect the balls that are scattered on the top
tiers. You can get there by double jump. Don't forget the blue ball!
Break the decrepit wall near the lanterns to get to the crystal with
a couple of thousand red balls. Also, on a building nearby, find a statue.
If you can do a Blast combo, get a blue ball. Before
move on, approach the statue and exchange the red balls for a new one
reception or any items. Now go through the door. You have to
battle with a large dog that guards the entrance to the tower. Cerberus is the first
a serious boss, and you need to approach him with extreme caution.
The first thing to remember is that in order to damage him, you first have to
knock down the ice shell. It's best to do it with pistols, meddle with
the sword is too dangerous. The second is that Cerberus has three heads, and each one attacks
in my own way. Only the middle head can attack, and it is better to learn attacks
each in order to evade attacks in a timely manner. Head with yellow
with his eyes throws off healthy blocks of ice from above. Head with blue eyes
spits out ice balls. The head with red eyes has an icy
breathing. If you get into its zone of action, you will receive damage and
freeze for a while. Also Cerberus sometimes paws, again
jumps, paws and exhales ice. Most attacks can
dodge with a double jump, if you carefully study his habits. Stern
Moreover, double jump from the wall works well. By removing the ice, you can
attack the heads while the dog is resting after the attacks. However, in this
in case you need to stand close enough, and you may not have time to jump back
back. The second tactic is much safer: kick in the legs when Cerberus
will go down, practice a powerful combination of blows and swiftly
fleeing. By defeating Cerberus, you will receive a new weapon -
Ice flail. The level is over, and Dante ends up in the tower.

The uninvited one

there are no opponents, so just go up to the third floor and go into
the blue door that was shown in the video. The n-th is waiting in the corridor
the number of monsters on which you can test new weapons. Then
go to the only door. Already more serious. Grab Enigma first,
then switch to the rest of the enemies. Do you see the stone behind the bars?
You can't pick it up yet, so leave the hall immediately. To raise
platform, destroy the statues standing on it, and then light a fire on
stone. The opponents in the new room are much more interesting. However, thanks to
confined spaces are easier to break through intimidating combinations of blows.
Jump into the secret niche, pick up the blue ball and head through the door.
You will again find yourself in the center of the tower, only one floor higher. Come up
upstairs and go through the yellow door. The exits are sealed, so it remains
go up the stairs. She will not support the weight, and Dante will fall down. At the bottom
a bunch of monsters are waiting. Finish everyone, go upstairs and
go into the opened door. You will have a battle with the next boss.
Despite its impressive appearance, the overgrown worm is killed enough
easy - just have to torment for a long time. His only attack is
electric balls that fly out of the belly. It's easy to dodge them:
just run into the shelter or jump onto the second tier. How to beat?
Stand upstairs and wait. When the worm flies by, jump to it
on your back and throw a series of punches. Climb upstairs again and wait.
Repeat to the bitter end. Then collect the red balls and get out
through the door on the lower tier. Pick up an amulet and see the next
crazy video.

Of Devils And Swords

A new level
- new enemies. "Birds" are not a fearful enemy. Just don't need to beat
sword, otherwise they will create new ones. First fire from
pistols, and when opponents turn to stone, break with a sword.
Now - a jester. By the way, this boss is only in the Special version.
Edition. So you can say you're in luck. First the jester will start
mock him, and at this moment he cannot be reached with a sword, so fire
from pistols. Soon he will get tired and start fanning himself with his cane. Quickly
run and deliver a series of blows.

When the jester surrounds himself with a field
and will open portals - it's time to urgently make legs. Dodge the balls
continuous maneuvers. In general, you can try to run up close and
just hit the boss. The balls do not hit too often, especially if
bounce in time. It's faster and more dangerous this way. When the portals are gone
shoot the boss again with pistols, run up close and attack
with a sword. After defeating the jester, return to the center of the tower. Climb to the very top
and insert the found amulet into the pedestal. On the fourth floor
the walls have moved away, and now you can pick up the trident. Plus at the bottom
the red circle lit up; if you stand on it, Dante will throw high.
Such a kind of elevator that allows you to avoid long races. Remember
a stone behind bars? You need to go back to that room. Insert the trident
into the mechanism opposite the cage, pick up the stone and finish off the running
monsters. Now remember the room where the stairs collapsed. Step into
abyss. The soul stone will not allow you to fall down. On the other side
find a statue from which you can knock out a blue ball. Then insert
stone into the hole and go into the door. Now a funny one awaits you
the trip. Activate the lift by breaking through a series of blows to the stone,
jump in and get ready. Soon, opponents will begin to pour in from above.
It is easy to kill them, the difficulty is different: do not miss the enemy strike,
so as not to fly down, otherwise you have to start over. Once on
playground, find the statue and buy the items you need. Now to come
perhaps the hardest battle in the game. The gate is guarded by two brothers. And with
one is tight, but with two in general a pipe. I advise you to upgrade your pistols to
the second level and choose the style of Trickster (also preferably the second
level). How do they attack? Jump and attack. Just bounce or run back
to the side. Run and hit. Bosses rush Dante and try to get him serious
cripple. Only a double jump will save here. Especially arrogant can
try to attack in the air. Note that the first
monsters perform two attacks together, and they are the most dangerous.
Uppercut - a sharp blow from below. Stay away. Well, ice attacks and
fire ... Actually, listen to what they scream before the attack, and soon you
understand what expression the blow will follow. There can be two tactics:
either constantly fire with pistols, jump and dodge
blows, or - learn habits and shouts in order to know when the enemy will
to attack, and to break through a series of blows at good moments. If successful
If you touch adversaries, you can knock the sword out of your hands. At a moment like this
the enemy will kneel. Run up and use the crushing
combination. With pistols, this trick is also possible. Just like me
it seemed to be more difficult to complete. Although some would argue
which, on the contrary, is simpler. In general, I advise you to switch from one brother to
another. Because when you finish one, the other will go berserk
finally. Attacks, in principle, will remain the same, but will increase
speed. Jumping attack, running and hitting, torrent of fire, whirlwind of flame and
ice. Don't even try to reach the enemy with your sword. Shoot constantly
him out of pistols and download like crazy. If you could
almost completely reset the health of the second, before
finish off the first brother, then the battle will end with a couple of accurate
shots. Otherwise, I cannot guarantee that the victory will be yours.

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We actually need the left aisle.
But it is littered, so search the statue and head straight. See three
rooms? You need to pass the test in at least two to get two.
special crystal. But if you get three, you will get a new weapon. Test of wisdom.
If you have read the sign in front of the entrance, guessing the riddle will not be
labor. You need to go through the correct doors to get to the crystal.
If you make a mistake, a bunch of monsters will appear, and after the victory you will return to
entrance. Here are the correct answers: first go to the door with four lights,
then two, and finally three. Test of technique. Necessary
run a long, long corridor, dodging the thorns that
pop up from the floor, walls and ceiling. Basically, nothing complicated
if you are playing with a joystick. The main thing is attentiveness. When will you take
crystal, monsters will come running; deal with them and leave the room. Test of the battle.
It's simple. When the stones are not burning, enemies are invulnerable. Therefore, you need to quickly
light them (stones, of course) and kill the enemy. When
stones will go out, repeat the procedure. Now go to the room where
overwhelmed the passage, and insert three crystals into the statue. Congratulations on
the acquisition of new weapons. Yes, the road is clear too. In the corridor
break the statue with swords brothers, collect red balls and go down
down to complete the mission.

A chance meeting

return to the previous corridor and collect the red balls. Just,
for nothing. Go back. Look down. Decent height, right?
Jump. After landing, go to the library and start destroying the statues.
Under one you will find a crystal. Take it and exit the library.

Stand up
onto the glowing circle, and Dante will throw it high. Land on the platform
and jump to another circle. This way you will climb to the most
top. Go through the door. In the corridor, pick up the blue ball that someone
thought of throwing it up, and move on. Run upstairs along the way
scattering revived statues. The door is straight closed, so roll up
to the left, not forgetting to pick up the prize behind bars. Here you will get to know
a new adversary. Hit them when the monsters drive the coffins into the ground and
will begin to summon spirits. Having dealt with the enemy, pick up a stone and
go into the central door. Break the statue to get blue
ball, go upstairs and insert the crystal found in
library. The elevator doors will open at the bottom. Come inside ... and come down
to the tower entrance. Remember the door on the second floor, engulfed in flames?
Go up there and use the stone from the tomb. The fire will disappear.
Go down the corridor and go through the door. Some strange place ...
However, a couple of blows and the wall will collapse. Then light the lights on the stone,
to release a huge ball. Take a couple of hits and it will fly apart
into parts. Pick up the skull - a bunch of monsters with coffins will immediately fall out.
Beat. If it gets difficult, use the holy water ball to
destroy demons. Then get out of here, take the elevator and
go to the closed door. Insert the skull and go inside. The statue
hints that now there will be a showdown with the boss. Get ready. Brother Dante
- a simple enemy. He attacks in the following way: fast run and attack
sword; a series of sword strikes; energy wave. How to beat him? Wait for him
attacks, bounce to the side, and then run up and apply a couple
blows. When you decently reduce his health, he will start
move using the teleport. It is necessary to carefully monitor such
feints so as not to get hit from the back. But in general, the tactics are for sure
the same. When you remove all health, watch the crazy video.
Pay particular attention to the descent from the tower.

speaking, I don't remember anywhere else such an original level. To you
will have to fight organs and monsters in the demon's stomach in order to
get out. However ... By the way, look around. And when
just swallowed? To get out of this room (let it be called that)
you need to destroy five pulsating processes, then the passages will open.
One near the bus, two on the top tier, one below, in a cave,
the latter is also on the second tier. But you can only get to it through
the cave mentioned. After destroying the shoots, go into the cave. After running
through the intestines and reaching the heart, examine the future boss and
go out through the membrane (you know, it seems to me that the writers overeat
sushi). Walking a little forward, you will suddenly fall under the evil
monster. You should not fight with him, immediately run as fast as possible,
otherwise the insides will be devoured. When you reach the end, cut the membrane
to get into cover. Next, you will meet a squad of demons who
are credited once. In retina slash demons until you get
item. It's simple. There are two "sleeves" in the next intestine, which
hide the green ball and statue. To break it, you need a flail. Further
you will again fall under the distribution of an internal organ. Run elegantly from
him. Once in the stomach, climb back into the hole that leads
to the heart. So, besides the very heart, you will be accompanied by a bunch of
demons. They also need to be hit on the head with a sword as far as possible. But
the heart is more important, especially since it is not one. Two additional not
attack, but one absorbs the prizes knocked out of opponents, and the other
weakens Devil Trigger. The central heart just can't be reached, it
constantly hiding in a shell. You need to beat like this: first you beat one of
extra hearts; when it dies, the main thing sticks out and tries
get Dante. Either it will shoot balls - in this case, bounce or
put a demon in the way, or turn on the laser - just jump over.
By the way, the last attack is different - one beam or two. Having survived the attack
hearts (the enemy should, by the way, become much smaller), run up to
central heart and beat until it hides. Then again
take on additional hearts that have already come to life. Well
so on in the same vein, until a heart attack occurs.

To go through
further, you need to turn the bridge, but this will not be possible before
next chapter. Therefore, without hesitation, run forward and enter
a door. In the room you will come across calf-sized spiders.
Beware of the cobwebs. In general, you can finish them off with pistols, so as not
climb into the sticky embrace of monsters. In this room you will have to solve a riddle:
you need to direct a beam of light into the statue to open the door. For this
break unnecessary crystals. If you're wrong, light the lights on the stone
to restore crystals. Too lazy to think? See the picture. When
handle it, go in the door. ********** DevilMayCry Image 14.jpg

heels of "riddles" await you, and they stood in such a way that
run for a long time. Therefore, on the go, fire the reptiles with pistols to
prevent the monsters from attacking, and when you come close, finish off with a sword. V
the next corridor will have to be fought with extreme caution. From the walls
spinning blades stick out, which perfectly remove health. Especially
it will be unpleasant if you are thrown from one blade to another.
Therefore, be careful. Underground lake. In the tower? OK. At first
run to the left and jump onto the second tier to collect the red
balls. Then break the statue and jump onto the ruins. At the very top you
you will find a sniper rifle. Now you need to decide where to go
farther. There is a passage through the waterfall, but it's too early to go there. So go
through the door next to the statue. You will find yourself in another corridor with rotating
blades, only the opponents will be different. In the next room, take
"Ambrosia" and get ready for the invasion of spiders with demons. Straightened out
with them, return to the underground lake and go into the passage under the waterfall.
First jump down and collect the balls, then go back and walk
right. Finish off the monsters and insert Ambrosia into the statue to
unlock the door. The next boss is waiting for you behind it. Siren - dangerous
enemy. Therefore, before you fight, you need to study her habits. Let's start
with attacks. Each attack starts with a specific phrase that sounds
something like this: How "s This? And a flock of bats is flying towards Dante. Jump aside or just run away. Now You Will Become Tired! And lightning strikes from below. Therefore, when you hear the phrase, immediately jump to the side and, preferably, do not stop Laughter. And something that looks like blades will fly towards Dante. Again, jump to the side. Don "t Feel Lightning? This will be followed by a huge ball of bats. Run away from him. Get Ready! A whirlwind of black blades appears around the siren. Just do not approach her at such a moment, otherwise you will lose half of your health.

Are You Enjoying Yourself?

the siren will start using the attack when you remove half of it
life. Flows of electricity will begin to gather around the demon, after which
she shoots out waves of energy. It's hard to dodge this attack
too many charges are flying, but possible. Run around vertical
horizontal jump over. You Can "t Escape! First
the siren shoots out all the bats. Then he runs up and starts
suck health, pumping it to yourself. How unpleasant it is. Also
she moves around the room between attacks. How to deal with
siren? Simple enough. Most attacks can be dodged
jump. At this time, shoot her yourself with a pistol or beat her
sword when the moment is right. This gradually removes her protection.
After destroying all the bats that guarded her, run up and start
cut with a sword. Just look - when the demon is almost completely
will plunge into the floor, immediately jump away so as not to lose health.
When you remove 2/3 of her health from her, the siren will finally go berserk and
will start attacking much faster. But that's okay - just jump
faster. The most dangerous of all is the last attack, which pumps health from
Dante to the demon. Seeing that the siren rushed to Dante, immediately run from
all forces, so that the heels sparkle. Otherwise it will be bad. Having won
siren, you will receive a stone mask and a new weapon - an electric guitar. Hard
rock will defeat the demons and save the world ...

The Job After this
battles are not a sin to stand and rest. Take the mask and run to
underground lake. Insert the mask to lift the bridge, take
the neo-generator lying near the statue and exit here. In the hallway you
stumble upon new monsters - Dullahans. They are not so much dangerous
how boring. They die quickly, but to hit them, you have to
try. Further, the road will be calm, only in the cave again
spiders attack with their leader. When you get to the bridge, Dante
will put the neo-generator and start the mechanism. Don't rush to run on
first go outside and collect balls. Completed the chapter.

Jump down onto the gears, deal with the demons and pick up the plus.
Then get out of here. In the corridor, you will meet a new enemy -
nasty monsters, especially if you fight them hand-to-hand. Can
suck and drain health. I advise you to destroy them with pistols. AND
don't forget to pick up the blue ball.

In this room to get through
further, you need to solve a simple riddle. First you need to get to the second
tier. Jump onto the sword stuck in the statue, and then onto the balcony. See
stone block? Drive it with punches into the hole. Then go to another
side, break the wall with a crack and drive the second block into another
hole. A passage will open at the bottom and a bunch of demons will come running. Finish off
monsters and get out of here. Break the statue (required
swords-brothers), knock down the second statue to get to the holy water, and
sit in the cart. On the trip, you need to fight off the demons that
decided to ruin your life once again. You can't fall down
therefore, dealing with them is not a big problem. Don't forget to shoot from
pistols "riddles". Upon reaching the terminal station, purchase from the statue
necessary items and go through the door. You will have a fight with
boss. Let's start with the boss attacks. Triple Strike: A few hard cuffs with
right and left. Kicking: Beowulf will try to step on you to
turn into a cake. Strike at random: when you blind the demon (about this
later), he will strike at random. Energy kick: charge around you or
targeted shot. Crypt Attack: Boss kicks, and from above
what pillars are flying or puts a pillar in front of him and with a blow of his fist
sends in the direction of Dante. Acceleration Hit: The boss gets on
all fours, accelerates and tries to hit the hero into the wall, or just
kicks. The demon's weak point is the eyes. Wait for it to finish
attack, jump and slash in the eye. For a while
will go blind. Immediately run up close, deliver a series of blows and escape
fleeing until he walked away. When you take off most of it
health, the demon will begin to attack more actively, try to trample, shoot
energy and throw coffins. Carefully study the habits and, catching
respite between attacks, chop the eye again.

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Hunter and Hunted Dante got another neo-generator,
who turned him into a demon and constantly takes away his health. Nothing
yourself a present. We need to quickly get rid of it before it's over
health. Run to the cart and roll to the other side. During
trips will annoy opponents, they will bring not only experience, but also
health replenishing balls. So try to deal with them

Then run along the old paths to the bridge. Along the way
will have to fight the demons, but it will only do you good - although
would restore the health that the neo-generator takes away. Once on
bridge, Dante will get rid of the crystal and take on his normal form. Entering
corridor, step on the glowing circle to be transported to the arena for
battles with a jester. There are not so many differences from the first battle, therefore
read what you had to do in the mission Of Devils and Swords. When you
remove 75% of his health, the jester will show you a couple of new techniques. He
will summon a ball with a face and jump on it and from there will launch charges
energy. Sometimes the ball explodes when hacked with a sword. From shots
dodge, as before, by jumping and somersaulting to the side. Then
go in the door and go to the long bridge. There is a mad horse waiting for you
with a carriage. Here is such an unusual boss of the level. The fight will take place in two
stages: the first on the bridge, the second on the arena. The horse is attacking on the bridge
in the following ways: jumps out of the gate and rushes forward, trying
trample Dante, or stops and fires three rockets. From
the last attack is easy to dodge with a jump. Escape from the first double
jump. When doing this, try to shoot the horse with pistols or
slash with a sword. After several attempts to trample Dante's horse
will stop to take a breath. Jump up to her and slash
several times with the sword - she should fall to the ground. Don't waste your time
and punch a combination of blows. After you remove some
the amount of health of the horse, the bridge will collapse and the battle will move to
arena. Here the enemy's attacks will become more diverse. The horse will start prancing
in a circle, launching rockets, and will also try to hit the carriage. Yet
the horse will stop time in a certain radius around it.
If you get into this radius, you will get hit on the head with a carriage and nothing
can do. She will also fire Blue Power Charges and
launch balls that stop time. You need to save yourself from this
double jump. And of course, she will still try to trample
you to death, jumping out of the gate. How to attack her? While the horse
rage, dodge attacks while firing pistols
or other firearms (although for a lot of life you don't
remove). Seizing the right moment, you run up to the demon and strike with your swords.
Usually, after a good hit, the horse falls to the ground, thereby giving
break through an excellent combination. But soon the monster will jump up, freeze time
and, most likely, Dante will do it well. That's how lucky you are.
When you finish off your horse, you get a new style that allows
stop time.

Chaos "Warm Welcome

in the corridor, you will meet new demons. Having dealt with them,
exit through the door and go up the stairs. Walk to the right of
doors to pick up a plus, then go back and head to the other end.
There, deal with the opponents and go through the first door. In this
room, you need to direct a beam of light to get the crystal.
First, break the wall with a crack, and in the corridor, destroy the second
crystal. Return to the room and destroy the crystals to make
as shown in the picture. Pick up the crystal and exit
rooms. Destroy the demons that jumped out of nowhere while you
tormented with a riddle, and go to the second door. You can smash the statue
if taken on a mission Nevan. Insert the found crystal and enter
into the arena. Now you have a second battle with Virgil. Brother with
the last meeting became much stronger, but the habits remained the same.
The same feints, sudden jumps, sudden movements, teleports and
energy shots. Therefore, you can fight in the same way as in mission A
Chance Meeting. There are only two differences. Now instead of a sword, he usually
uses Beowulf gloves, which is much more painful. He also
turns into a demon, like Dante. It's better to hold on in this state
away from him. Running on the walls and double jumps works out well.
Vergil blocks most of your attacks and ignores
firearms. Therefore, it is worth attacking only when he
will end his own attack. Problems will start when you take off
almost all of his health - he will become much more likely to turn into

Drive! After the battle, jump over the broken
brick wall, go all the way and jump up. Collect 1500
red balls. Now go to the abyss where Virgil fell, and
pick up the Beowulf gloves. Use them to break the statue that blocks
exit, take the blue ball and move on. Break the crystal to
collect the red balls and enter the elevator. Move on until
get to the hall with the altar. Kill the demons, get out of here and
sit on the cart. While you're rolling, you'll have to deal with again
monsters. Head straight and enter the green room. Understand
monsters, return to the room where you came from and step into the pink
room. There you will meet new demons who are very comfortable
destroy from Beowulf. Go to a dead end room, pick up a plus and
go to the orange room. From there, go to the exit, not forgetting
grab the blue ball. Collect the green ball on the statue and exit through
a door. Destroy monsters and move on. Collect balls in the bar
destroy the furniture and go outside. Take the red balls and the saint
water from the last building on the left and run to the tower. There Dante will find
motorcycle and climb to the top, and in a very extravagant way.

The gatecrasher
The beginning of the level is annoyingly difficult. The first time you come across
an opponent who is more difficult to defeat than some bosses. Per
details in the chapter "Monsters". In the next room you will have
fight overgrown spiders.

From here you will enter the hall with
lift. To run it, you need three pieces of the pattern. They
scattered at different ends of the tower, and to get there, you will have to
start the turning mechanism. Go to the only one available
door, collect red balls (including from demon eyes) and light
lights on the stone. Go back and step into the room with the spiders. There
the gate went up and opened the stone. Hit him until the lights come on.
The tower will turn. Exit through the door with the emblem on the door. Wheels
spin and chop you into cabbage if you stumble. Run over them
until you reach the next door. On the way, remember where it stands
the stone that rotates the tower. Jump over the blades, deal with
enemies, grab a piece of ornament and return to the room with gears.
Finish off the demons and light the fires on the stone to turn the tower.
Now exit through the door with the emblem. Jump over the blades,
deal with the enemy and go to the next room. Finish off
spiders, pick up the second fragment, return to the previous room and
light the lights on the stone to turn the tower. Exit through the door with
emblem. Collect the balls and go through the blue door. Here you have to
Jump over the blades with extreme care. Calculate carefully
movement. Then pick up the third fragment, deal with the monsters and
return to the previous room. Light up the stone to turn
door, and go out the door with the emblem. Walk straight until you reach
the bridge leading to the arena where you fought the horse. Come on down
finish off the demons, pick up the blue ball and go upstairs with the help
platforms. Although you can go further, and you will return to the streets of the city.
Rotate the tower one more time, go out the door with the emblem and place on
lift three fragments of the ornament. Then go downstairs. Level passed.
Win or Lose Surprisingly simple level. To open the door
you need to find two characters. First, we go to the upper door. Just before
how to move, I advise you to stop near the statue and choose a technique with
stopping time.

Destroy the demons in the room and exit
through the top door. Light a fire on the stone and a ball will fall from above.
skulls. It needs to be destroyed in about 15 seconds. Do it
problematic enough, because after the first blow it will start
spin around the room. Better do this: run up, stop
time, hit several times and jump onto the ball. Time again
will speed up, and you break the ball with several powerful blows. And no
run around the room. Take the symbol and get ready to meet a new one
enemy. It is dangerous if hit by a laser beam, and so nothing
serious. Only there will be a lot of them ... Then get out of here. Now
you can go to the lower door to get the second symbol. Understand
monsters, climb the stairs and enter the door. In the room
the doors will close, and a bunch of demons will gallop. Destroy them, take them away
pluses and get off the stairs. Go downstairs and go into the opening.
Light a fire on two stones. Two balls will go down from above. Necessary
push them so that they knock and fall apart. This
the problem is much simpler than the previous one: first you hit one ball with
one side, then the other on the other side. They fly to the center
meet and fly to pieces. Pick up the symbol, finish off
demons and return to the room with the closed gate. Finish off
birds, climb up and jump into the hole. Move on until
get to the library. An unusual boss is waiting there. It's simple
enemy. Seize the moment - there will be no more such indulgences. Young woman
attacks exclusively with its monstrous grenade launcher. Before
shoot, she takes aim for a long time and says something. If you have time,
run up close and write down a series of blows. If not, then jump in
side. She also constantly climbs somewhere on a hook and fires
from machines. This is easily avoided by constantly moving and wiggling out of
side to side. When you remove most of her health from her, she
will jump on stands and throw grenades. How to fight? Highly
simply. You flee from attacks, and when she descends to the ground,
you run up and throw a series of blows. You just need to be careful
watch so as not to get hit by a rocket. True, it's hard to catch her
because the girl is constantly running away. But when you get the hang of it, there won't be
no problem. That's all.

Inner-Demons Pick up plus in
corridor, break the wall to get into the room and start the battle.
You have already been in this chamber when you passed the test of the warrior. Let me remind you
rules: you need to light a fire on the stones and, while it burns, kill
demons. True, the opponents have become tougher, so if it doesn't work out,
you can skip the room. It is optional. If you complete the task,
pick up the prize and go out into the corridor. Then go through the blue door.

statue and crystal to get a blue and red ball. Now you need
go upstairs. To do this, you have to jump over the cubes. The order is:
first jump onto the cube in the middle of the room; when another comes down from above
- jump on it. Wait for another cube to descend,
get over to it. Then to the landing, from there to the door. Go
inside, destroy enemies, collect items - including a blue ball
- and come back. Jump back to the landing. From there to the cube, which
spins in a circle, from it to four cubes that move about
walls and constantly change shape. Climb up and jump to the door.
There is a choice here: immediately go upstairs or first go through the door in order to
last fight with the jester. He did not change his habits, so
You know what to do. The only difference: the demonic ball he
will call when half of life remains. Destroy the demons in the room and
move on. Remember the thorny corridor where you took the test
skill? So, now it will be many times worse. You need to move
faster and more careful. This will be followed by traveling through the halls, collecting
items and the battle with demons (among which there are new copies).
Soon you will reach the boss of the level. If you know his weak point,
it is not much more difficult to deal with than with a lady. Since he is a shadow, it means
afraid of the light. In the normal state, it cannot be pierced at all, so you need
blows open the "eyes" on the wall. The light will fall on the shadow and she
curls up. You can beat. It takes a few seconds for this. When
all "eyes" will open, you will have five seconds to execute
a combination of blows. Shadow attacks are as follows: dark energy shot,
which extinguishes the open "eye"; the shadow lowers its hand, and the dark energy
hits Dante out of the floor; two options for blows with swords and a sharp throw. How
fight? Stand and wait for the shadow to rush to Dante. You open
"Eye" blow, hit the shadow and run away to avoid retaliatory
attacks. Then stand at the other "eye" and wait. Opening all the "eyes"
you get the ability to hit longer and deal more damage. But soon
the shadow will obscure the lights, and you have to start over. Generally,
the main difficulty is to understand at what point to open
"Eye" so as not to get hit and hook the enemy. But
once you get the hang of it, you can deal with the demon in a few minutes. As a reward -
new style.

Invading Hell After a little run through Hell, you
you will get to the chessboard. We'll have to play a hell of a game. The main
the tactic is: finish off the king faster, then the rest will die
figures. Therefore, all attention is directed to the king. By the rest of the demons
only do it if it gets in the way.

Getting out from the chessboard
boards, finish off the demons and jump into the portal. Do you see the green balls? Not
take them. You will need them later. Better to find a board with stones. Colour
each crystal corresponds to a specific boss. They can be found
if you go into a stone board with a figure. Need to ignite crystals in such
order so that they form such a picture: three crystals are connected,
a semicircle is formed, a full circle. That is, no one forces you to kill
all, three is enough. For example, Cerberus, Agni and Rudra, Beowulf. But
if you kill everyone, you will receive a blue orb. True, the reward is not worth it
the effort expended. In general, decide for yourself. Here is a list of colors and bosses,
corresponding to them.
White - Beowulf
Black - Doppelganger
Purple - Nevan
Green - Agni and Rudra
Blue - Geryon
Blue - Cerberus
Yellow - Gigapede
Orange - a bunch of lesser demons
Red - Heart of Leviathan
After opening the portal, pick up the green balls and jump towards fate.

choose the Swordmaster style, because at the end of the level there is a battle with
boss, which requires not cunning, but brute force. In the first room
destroy opponents and jump into the portal. Here you have to beat
enemy in an unusual way. Don't try to destroy demons, better
break the green mirror that moves between the walls. When
handle it, the portal will open. This area needs to be destroyed
opponents before the sand in the clock runs out, otherwise you will have to start
at first. It's not difficult, demons are not very strong. Then run up to
clock, pick up the item and jump into the portal. Then again into the portal, more
one - and finally, insert the found item into the statue. Left
jump into the portal to start the boss fight. It's not too difficult.
Consider this a respite before the last battle. Hellish
battle. The Shapeless Slime Pile attacks in the following ways: Strike
tentacles; top and side; blow and shot; hide underground and
attack with a bunch of toothy fish; and finally, ramming with a carcass. Run up and
perform creepy combinations of blows. Dodge oncoming attacks
jumping. When the monster disintegrates into fish, shoot them from
pistols and chop with a sword. After exterminating the small creatures, grab the
monster. Taking off half of your life, you will receive as support
Virgil, who repeats Dante's movements. You attack - he attacks.
You jump - he jumps. How to proceed now? Similar. Only
will be twice as easy.

Screaming Souls Last Stand with
brother and generally the last in the game. Don't think it will be easy! Will
hard. Buy remedies, purple balls and, if possible,
a couple of bottles of holy water. If there is not enough cash, it is better
go through several levels to save up red balls.

Virgil's attacks:
two hits, uppercut, overhead attack, sharp dash and blow; attack from above;
two blows with two swords; sharp dash and overturning blow; shots
energy; transformation into a demon. The main problem is not attacks, but
the speed with which he executes them, and the damage done. Many of his tricks
remained the same, only it will be more difficult to cope. However, this needs
enjoy. He, as before, is vulnerable after attacks. So shy away
from blows, then attack, having previously turned into a demon,
to shoot more. Turning into a demon, he will begin to inflict
huge damage. But he will have to be attacked, because he gradually
restores life and - most importantly - after a couple of blows
Dante immediately turns into a human. Gloves usually work well
Beowulf and air attack. Also, in the guise of a demon, he can summon
huge black ball and start shelling. Or turn into pure
energy and chase Dante. At such moments you need to transform yourself
into the demon and quickly run away. But after such an attack, Virgil for several
seconds becomes vulnerable, which should be used. But the main
the tactic is this: a counterattack after the attack and turning from a demon into
person. Also try to stun him with a trick to
carry out a full-fledged combination of blows. And don't forget to use
holy water, if it becomes very bad, - at least a little closer to
victory. The game is over, but it's too early to relax. While the credits roll
kill 100 enemies and you will see a cutscene about Virgil's adventures
hell. What else can you have fun with? Finish the game a second time as Brother Dante.
try out new styles and different combinations. After all, you
you can do secret missions, of course, if there is such
a wish. After the end of the game, the following became available: a new playable character -
Virgil, new costumes for Dante, a menu with all the videos,
additional difficulty levels, gallery with pictures and videos about
creating a game.

Secret missions

missions are optional tasks, for the completion of which they give
fragment of a blue ball. Finding them is not easy, and it is doubly difficult to accomplish.
Let's talk about how to do it.

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The Exorcist Location: Second mission, 13th Avenue (door near the rubble). What to do:
Destroy demons in one minute. You need to finish in the allotted time
about a dozen lesser demons. The enemy is weak and dies quickly. Not
try to do something incredible, use the usual combinations.
If you have time, then break the furniture to get red balls.

Untouchable Location: Fifth mission, Surge of Fortunas (investigate the red object near the wall before riding the lift). What to do:
Destroy demons without taking damage. There are four Enigmas in total. But
to overcome them, you need to move quickly. Very fast. Therefore, I advise
choose a Trickster style.

Death from Above Location: Seventh mission, The Dark Corridor (just after the mission starts, jump into the small depression). What to do:
Hold out in the air for 20 seconds. A tricky task, but it can be solved.
The key to success is jumping over the heads of opponents. Unrealistic? Very much
really. Jump up, do a double jump. Shoot all the way from
pistols to slowly descend. Then land on
head and jump again. True, do it on the keyboard
almost impossible.

Devil "s Teeter-totter Location: Eighth mission, Leviathan" s Stomach (break the boards in the cave near the pirate ship). What to do:
Take the lift to the top. The problem is that demons are constantly
jump from above and strive to push. Also, the platform may collapse,
if there are too many enemies on it. What to do? Shove
monsters with a knockback attack. Or you can wait until you receive
grenade launcher and shoot at the enemy. Demons will instantly scatter into
different sides.

Destroyer Location: Ninth mission, Limestone Cavern (you need to jump up). What to do:
Destroy all objects within the allotted time. 50 items in 40 seconds?
Not a problem. Choose a fast weapon, remember what and where it stands. Later
break until it works. It should come out soon.

Flight of the Demon Location: Mission 10, Subterranean Lake (when insert the stone mask and get the neo-generator, go to the right of the statue). What to do:
Collect all balls before time runs out. 40 balls still needed
find. Therefore, first carefully look for caches. Then turn into
demon and collect quickly. Perhaps it will work out in the usual state,
but it didn't work out for me.

Hang 10 Location: Eleventh
mission, Gears of Madness (go down and step to the door, find
small platform and jump up). What to do:
Reach the blue ball fragment within the allotted time. Make sure to
having scored 7-8 balls in the Devil Trigger lineup. When will it start
mission, turn into a demon and run forward. On opponents not
pay attention, not to them. Head jump. When will it end
energy, use balls to restore it.

Tough Guys Location: Thirteenth mission, Spiral Staircase (note the red light instead of the white - this is it). What to do:
Destroy opponents. No restrictions, just another battle.
Only difficult. It all depends on the skill and the weapon chosen. Better
take what is more powerful.

Target Practice Location: Fourteenth mission, Vestibule (when you enter the premises, turn around and jump upstairs). What to do:
Destroy opponents before they hide. Take with you
sniper rifle, pistols and fast shooting, changing weapons in
depending on the situation. Remember, you have to shoot quickly. If not
turns out come back here when you get the style to slow down

Guiding Light Where is: Sixteenth mission, Waking Sun Chamber (when you destroy the ball, the wall will open - there you will find the entrance). What to do:
Solve the crystal problem. As I understand it, the arrangement of the crystals
changes every time. Therefore, before you act, carefully
look and think for half an hour. Mentally lead the way, then
try it.

On Pins And Needles Location: Eighteenth Mission, Pitch-Black Corridor (jump up). What to do: You need to go through the spiked corridor to the blue ball. Choose the Trickster style (second level) and use the jump movement, movement key and circle.
It allows you to go through the spikes and not receive damage. If you are not mature enough
to the second level, you will have to suffer from jumps and evasions.

Final Ascension Where is: Nineteenth mission, Road To Despair (run to the big leg and go downstairs). What to do:
Get to the blue ball. To get to the ball, you have to jump
by cubes. Acrobatics of the highest level, words cannot describe. It all depends on
skill and perseverance. And don’t think you’ll get it right the first time - or
even from the tenth.