Dragon Age Passage Elfi Ritual. Passage: Bresilian. Getting the best magic gloves and one of the best one-handed swords

Where and how?

I present to your attention the passage (step-by-step and very detailed :)) quest "Treasure of the Maga", by completing which you will receive a wonderful set of Juggernaut's reservation (one of the best sets of armor in the game)

The quest takes place in the Bresilian forest, where you will fall (be sure), performing the task of the Doli elves.

In it, you are waiting for terrible spoilers and piles of pictures, so carefully, there is a lot of traffic :)

History of Armor.

Empire has long hands. Once they reached even before the Bresilian forest - during the time, when the barbaric tribes of Klein still owned. Tevelin magicians retracted their forest step by step, if necessary, putting the most terrible magic if necessary. Master Haras sent an army to the forest under the leadership of General Alarika, his friend. For him, Harash ordered a set of beautiful armor, which has finished the lyric and its own blood magic. Armor, he called "Jaggernautsky" in honor of the turbulent stone giants guarding the Gate of the Minratoux. Armor helped Alarik to win many victories in battle battles. The defeat did not come from the outside, but from the inside. Against Alarika rebelled his own officers who have possessed the honor, which he used the masters, and decided to pick up the Jaggernaut's armor.

But it was worth someone from the officers to pick up armor, as the rest turned around against him. Very soon, the Tevinsky outpost turned into a nest of intersubs. The last three officers killed Magister Haras who came there. But Klein's troops have already approached the outpost. The leader of Varvarov Klein also wanted to get the famous armor, and even with all his power, Harash could not resist them to them. Instead, Harash, using the remnants of vitality, urged demons in the body of the three last fallen officers, as well as in his own. These revived dead people reliably hid the fragments of Jaggernutic armor, so when barbarians broke into the outpost, they did not find any armor, nor troops there. The legend of the Jaggernutic armor is still alive, and a lot of brave men looked at the depths of the Bresilian forest on their searches. But no one has come back.

Characteristics of juggernaut armor.

Jaggernaut's helmet - Power: 38; Armor: 3.15; +1 to armor, +10 to mental resistance.
Jaggernaut's walled gloves - power: 38; Armor: 2.63; +5 to resistance to fire, cold, electricity, nature forces, magic of the Spirit.
Jaggernaut's War Armor - Power: 38; Armor: 18.38; +10 to the resistance to fire, cold, electricity, the forces of nature, the magic of the Spirit.
Jaggernaut's ward boots - power: 38; Armor: 3.15; +5 to resistance to fire, cold, electricity, nature forces, magic of the Spirit.

Not bad, on the mage you can wear, either on the tank.

All roads lead to armor.

To begin with, we need to break into the eastern part of the forest and find the gravestone: here is the exact place on the map, where it is:
We approach and use the tombstone, choose the option to disturb the runes.
As soon as we do this, we start the quest "Treasure Magic" and will occur with spawn enemies around us. Here is the disposition of spawn enemies: list of enemies:

Skeleton-Eater (Yellow Nick)




(Theoretically, the composition may change, but the same enemies have spawned for two passages)

Tactics: I kept the rebel on the tank (Alister), Winn he treated him and Buffala, and the rest cut out the add-on (ordinary skeletons), then, when there was no one in addition to the rebel, all Gurta hired on him and finished.

Having killed him, we remove the first part of the set with the corpse - the playing boots of Juggernaut.

- Go further, here:

Actually disturb the grave:

Spawn occurs, the disposition of enemies:
List of enemies:

Reserved from the dead (orange nickname)

Skeleton-archer (yellow nickname)




Tactics: the same as in the first battle.

From the corpse of the rebel, removed - Jaggernaut's walled gloves.

- Next, we need to return to the western part of the forest, here:
Actually disturbing the grave:
And we kill the outstanding enemies, the disposition:
List of enemies:

Reserved from the dead (orange nickname)

Fly Skeleton (yellow nickname)

Skeleton Mag.



Tactics: All the same, only be sure to kill the skeleton-magician first, and then he can deliver a lot of trouble.

From the corpse of the rebel, we remove the third part of the set - the jaggernaut helmet.
Nishtyachki on the surface we collected, and now in the ruins!

All roads lead to armor 2.

For the last part of the set (armor) we will have to go down in the ruins.

We go to the lower level of the ruins:
At the lower level, we go (killing the undead and spiders along the way) in this room.

The quest begins when touched to the tombstone in the north of the eastern Bresilian forest. You need to assemble the jaggernaut armor kit. Gloves, shoes and helmet are in tombstones under the protection of rebeling from the dead in West and East Bresilian. To get the lats to open a passage to the elven burial chamber, which is at the lower level of the ruins.
To do this, you need to take a sign with a description of the ritual, and then make a ritual in the hall with a fountain.
The procedure for performing a ritual:

  • take a jar from the fountain,
  • fill it with water
  • get away from the fountain,
  • put a jug on the altar,
  • pray,
  • inspect the jug
  • drink one sip
  • take a jar
  • get away from the altar
  • pour water into the fountain.

Puzzle in the cellar of Wilhelm (Honnlit)

You need to move the tiles, becoming on them, so as to heat the opposite angle. The direction of fire is determined by the arrow on the tile.

The key to the city (Orzammar)

Places of finding documents:

  • Hall Heroes,
  • Community halls
  • Diamond halls
  • Dusty city
  • Arena tests.

Guardian Life (Orsammar)

Location of three Rune Stones:

  • Community halls
  • Crididine crossroads
  • Dead rally.


The sequence of actions for the release of the dragon:

  • touch the throne
  • put two characters on push plates in the throne room (located next to each other to the left of the throne)
  • put the third character on the third pressure plate, which is located in the lobby in front of the throne room,
  • touch the throne again.

Reduced bags (deep orzammar trails)

Places of finding bags. Those who need to reunite in Teig Othan: one - Teig Edukan and two - at the caridine crossroad.

Terrier limit (magic tower)

Location of three fragments of the text:

  • three in the rooms of students,
  • two in the rooms of senior magicians,
  • one in the Big Hall.

The activation sequence of statues in the Big Hall:

  • statue with bowl,
  • statue with raised sword,
  • statue with lowered sword,
  • statue with shield (located in another room in the center of location).

After that, touching the door of the basement in the rooms of students, you will call the Shah Verd Demon.

Science call (magic tower)

Find and read one of the two fragments of the text of science science in the tower of the magicians who are in the rooms of students. The ritual of the call is made in the library

At the beginning of each call, touch the font in the central library compartment (at the same time all the necessary items in the library will appear). Then you need to activate the items listed in the list, and touch the appropriate semi's call stain (three are in the library, the fourth in the neighboring central room in the niche. Located on the left of the entrance).

Procedure for activation of objects:

First call:

  • Handbook of spiritual figures.

(Caban-ghost will appear).

Second call:

  • Magician Gorbish.

(A ghostly deft switter appears, this call opens an additional quest on a dumping board in a rareclifer).

Third call:

  • Big Bestiary Elvorn
  • Table thread space,
  • Sparium etteriasis,
  • Mag Gorbish,
  • Amylolet novice.

(Beressarian will appear a bursting shadow that will attack you).

Fourth Call:

(All items of the first three appeals)

  • Handbook of spiritual figures
  • Unusual profession Roderkoma,
  • Mag Gorvish
  • Big Bestiary Elvorn
  • Table thread space,
  • Sparium etteriasis,
  • Mag Gorbish,
  • Amylolet novice.

(Earl Formshedou will appear, who needs to have time to steal a note).

Test of faith (destroyed temple)

Right answers to questions:

  • Bronen - Dreams;
  • Taine Scandal House;
  • General Murfert - Jealousy;
  • Archont Gesarian - compassion;
  • Student Katere - Hunger;
  • Pupil Haward - Mountains;
  • Lady Vasily - Revenge;
  • Elisha - melody.

Phantom Bridge

Near the ghostly bridge disconnect the detachment. One person must go through the appearing compartments of the bridge, three (a, b and c) press tiles.

Tile press sequence:

  • (A) the second right,
  • (B) the third left.
  • (C) the sixth left.
  • (B) the fourth right.
  • (A) The first left.
  • (C) the fifth right.
  • (B) fifth left.

In the power of the curse

The quest will give an atrance in the camp of the Dolites (you need conviction), telling that his wife Daniella died in a slaughter with a short. So he told him, but Artas suspects that it is not, and asks to find out the truth.

Passage: Bresilian

Passage: Bresilian

D.anella is located in East Bresilian near the northern entrance. The elf managed to turn into a werewolf and very suffering from it, praying for death. It is impossible to help her - you have an option to get rid of a woman from suffering (you can ask her a little about a mad fang), or she will attack you. Upon returning to the atras, tell him the truth or Lengit (Leliana will approve this decision). At the same time, you can give him a scarf elf, and in any case you will get an amulet with an increase in the magic resistance + 4%.

T.the same can lie that Daniella is still running in the forest, and the atraces will throw on her searches.

Iron bark

The gunsmith Varatory will tell that he really needs an iron cortex that could be found in the forest if the keeper did not forbade walking there. You can promise to find this Cora, since you still need to go in search of a mad fang.

TOora is located in Western Bresilian near the northern move to the eastern part of the forest in a fallen tree and is guarded by wild Silvan.

Passage: Bresilian

Passage: Bresilian

TOwhen you give Corra Varatorna, he will offer you to make you either a long bow with a bonus against wild animals and non-love, or middle armor +25 to endurance. You can choose something one, convince the varatory to do both and other or even refuse to reward and get a percean amulet with an increase to the resistance to nature forces.

Passage: Bresilian

Passage: Bresilian

Regret Kammena

The young elf named Kamman will tell you about his personal difficulties (the Doli must only be polite, and the guard with other prehistory will have to use the belief or threat).

INcement Cameman's problem is that the girl named Heina rejected his courting, as he had not confirmed him, which is a hunter, bringing a wolf skin out of the forest, because the slave does not allow the elves to go hunting so that they do not become a victim.

Passage: Bresilian

Passage: Bresilian

Z.the following solutions are available:

- To convince Hein to continue the relationship, because the cammen will gladly pass the "exam" as soon as access to the forest will be opened. Lanaya will definitely discuss with you what happened in the end, but in general will be pleased;

- convincing the cammen to present the fiber of the wolf, which you have extracted (remove the skin from the Bnessilian Wolf or save one of the lottering);

- to seduce the gay (only affordable man's guard) and tell about this stone - the elf will run away, and Leliana and Winn will reduce approval, but Zeusman will increase;

- to seduce the cammen (available only by the guardian-woman) and make the refuse of the Hein (the change in approval is similar);

Passage: Bresilian

Passage: Bresilian

- Tell the elves that the beloved hates them, and then they will stop talking;

- Sold Heine, as if Kamman tells everyone about his intention to quickly drag her into bed. In this case, a very emotional scene will follow, which will also lead to a rupture;

"To talk to the gee and convince Kammen to leave everything as it is up to the best times."

E.if you did not destroy the relationship of the couple, the cammen will give you the book "Legend Ilorana", giving a new entry to the code.

Galla Elor

Elf Elf, who follows Galline tells that one of her pets is clearly unhealthy and can be wounded by weakens. You will be asked to inspect the noble animal. In order for the inspection to be a sense, your custody needs to have at least a second level of survival skill and choose the "Suffer Gaul" option.

Passage: Bresilian

Passage: Bresilian

E.if you succeed, Elora will be able to determine the problem and the quest will end. You can also lie to the elf that Galla is doomed and better finish it from mercy. If Elora believes your words, she will give you the horns of Galla, of which Varatorn will make an amulet with a bonus to mental protection.

E.if you will miss conviction, Elora will stop talking with you.

Wounded in the forest

In the center of Western Bresilian near the tombstone, you will find a wounded elf named Dayan. It can be attributed to the camp, cure and send to relatives, rob and / or strangle (and then deliver to the camp). If you delivered Daigan to the camp, then when talking, he will thank you for salvation and give sapphire as a sign of gratitude. If you robbed it, then the elf will tell that he lost one valuable thing - a wooden archer statuette - and asks to find it. Return a statuette or not, does not have a special difference.

Passage: Bresilian

Passage: Bresilian

Unfinished correspondence

To the north of Varatorna there is a locked chest, in which one love letter is located, and in the southern secret room on the first tier ruins the second.

Security sign

Given in the denerism restaurant "Frontalist nobleman" on the chain of "Services to interested persons". In the center of Western Bresilian, it is required to put an arrow. At the same time, your guard must be armed with onions.

Passage: Bresilian

Passage: Bresilian

Place of Power

Activated next to the tombstones in the center of Western Bnessilian on the task of the magician Guild.

Treasures Maga

In the north and east of the eastern Bresilian are two graves. Having disturbed them, you will raise the squad of the skeletons led by the rebels from the dead, from which, after the murder, part of the heavy armor of Juggernaut is removed, which activates this quest.

Passage: Bresilian

Passage: BresilianT.part part is located in the center of West Bresilian, near the place of power to the previous quest (available only after receiving the quest). The fourth part is located on the lower tier of the ruins, in the last sarcophage in the hall, accessible by the Quest "Elfi Ritual". Having collected all four parts, you complete the quest.

Passage: Bresilian

Passage: BresilianINthe squeezed out of the dead is strong enough and at an early stage are serious opponents. It makes sense to throw something like a type of power field on them and first unhindered to deal with the retinue.

Elfi ritual

On the second tier, the ruins south of the first hall you will find a scroll with a description of an ancient ritual and a clay sign that activates this quest. Further at the intersection, go to the north and go out in the hall, where the ritual should be performed. Having studied his finds, follow these steps:

Passage: Bresilian

Passage: Bresilian

1. Take a jug from the altar;

2. dial water from the source in the center of the hall;

3. Put the jug on the altar;

4. Pray;

5. Sop up water from the jug;

6. Pour the remaining water back to the pool.

Passage: Bresilian

Passage: BresilianE.if the ritual is performed correctly, locked earlier the door in the northern wall of the hall will open. Inside, you will come across several skeletons and the ghost of elf, which, after a brief and unproductive conversation, will take into battle, calling for help to help a couple of elite ghosts. In the sarcophagus guarded by ghosts, there is a jaggernaut armor in Quest "Treasure Maga". His ending completes the quest "Treasures of Maga".

Regret Winn

The quest is issued wine in the camp, and Enener will be found north of the crazy hermit, in East Bresilian.

The killer of your brothers

Quest is issued by the Mages guild. Malegories are located in the north of East Bresilian, not far from the tombstone of the rebel from the dead (Quest of Treasure Maga). You push this group only if received a quest, and only with the second visits to location.

Passage: Bresilian

Passage: Bresilian

Battle Mage

On the second tier, the ruins south of the second intersection in the room you will find the altar and a phylactery in which you will understand the spirit of the elven magician for many centuries. The spirit promises to teach the specialization of the combat mage in exchange for freedom - for this you need to put the filacservation in the altar.

Passage: Bresilian

Banastor scrolls

In the southeastern room in the lair of the root, you will find one of the five scrolls you need in Quest Mages.

Assassin - teaches Zevman with sufficient respect. You can buy a book in Elfinza.
Duelist - teaches Isabella (Captain of Pirate Korough) stands in the brothel of Denerima.
Bard - teaches Leliana with sufficient respect. You can buy a book in deserim.
Pathfinder - bought in the basic camp.

Battle Mage - During the quest for the murder of a waswolf in the elven ruins. Find an amulet, pass the light quest and hiking you.
Spiritual tech - teaches Winn with sufficient respect. Sale in the store Mages Deromereim.
Werewolf - teaches Morrigan with sufficient respect. You can buy from Varatna (at the Doli).
Blood magician "After saving Redcliff from the attack from the castle, in the castle during the battle in the shade with the demon, talk to the demon and he will teach."

Knight - After finding urn, Earl Eamon will offer a reward, part of this award is specially Vityaz.
Berserk - teaches Ogren if there is sufficient respect. The second option is to buy at the gnome in deserim.
Ripper - teaches the collegum (it seems to be a leader of fanatics) during the passage of the Quest "Urn of Holy Prach"
Templar - teaches Alistaq with sufficient respect. You can buy in the basic camp.

Characters for group: Where to take, favorite gifts

Alistaire - Join Ostagar || Figurines, Rune Stones, Duncan Shield and Mother Amulet
Morrigan - Joined after Ostagar || Jewelry, Falliant Fleet (tells how to kill it)
Martial dog Mabari - at the lottering, if you did the Quest in Ostayar || bones
Leliana - in lottering || Andrasta symbols, silver sword
Walls - in lottering || Portraits, Totem and your sword
Zevran - After the lottery, a random meeting after the joining of the Doli elves, dwarves or magicians || Gold and silver bars, gloves and boots
Ogren - After the lottering, in Ozammar || Dwarf loves to drink \u003d))
Winn. - After the lottering, in the circle tower || Printed publications
Sheila - (in addition to the game) After the lottery, make a quest from premium content || gems
LOGYIN MAC-TIR - in deserim || cards

Where to find? .. Products

Runes (Grandmaster) . Deep Roads, Ruck's Store (Grandmaster Cold Iron Rune)
. Denerim Market, Cesar After The Landsmeet (Grandmaster Dweomer Rune) // Trading Quarter Delnerim, after the Land Meeting
. Denerim Market, Gorim, After The Landsmeet (Grandmaster Silverite Rune) // Trading Quarter Delnerima, burning after lands meeting
. Denerim Market, Wonders of thetedas After The Landsmeet (Grandmaster Flame Rune) // Trading Quarter Delnerima, Tedas Wonders after lands meeting
. Denerim Market, Wonders of thetedas After The Landsmeet (Grandmaster Paralyze Rune) // Denasim Shopping Quarter, Tedas Wonders after lands meeting
. Frostback Mountains, Faryn (Grandmaster Silverite Rune) // Frosty Mountains, Farin
. Party Camp, Bodahn's Wares (Grandmaster Frost Rune) // Camp, Boddan Feddick
. Party Camp, Bodahn's Wares (Grandmaster Lightning Rune) // Camp, Boddan Feddick
. Party Camp, Bodahn's Wares (Grandmaster Slow Rune) // Camp, Boddan Feddick
. Redcliffe, Owen (Grandmaster Hale Rune) // Rarcliff, Owen

Books (add glasses skills, abilities or attributes) Tower of Circle, Intensdunt (Magic Development Book)
Doli camp, Varatn (book about skills and different)
Doli camp, Varatorn (a bunch of fatal vessel)
Trade Quarter Denomem, Miracles of Tedas after the lands meeting (a book about magical development)
Elfinage, Alarite's shop (book about skills and different)
Refuge, rustic shop (big book about fatal vessel)
Ozammar community halls, Garin (Physical Development Book)
Orsammar communal halls, Lennar (a deadly vessel book)
Camp, Boddan Feddick (Book of Magic Development)
Camp, Boddan Feddick (book on physical development)
Random meeting, Gnome Trader (book about skills and different)

Backpacks (increase inventory) Tower of Circle, Intendant
Doli camp, Varatorn
Trading Quarter Delmanima, burning after the assembly of land
Ostor, intennant
Camp, Boddan Feddick

Endless goods from merchants Elfi root, death root and animal poison - Varatory from the camps of the Doli (Forest Painting Bresilian).
Dust Lirima - the intensity in the tower of the circle.
Dexted reagent - Bodan Feddick in the camp and Alimar on the Alimar market in a dusty city (ORZAMMAR).
The launch mechanism is Alimar in the Alimar market in a dusty city (ORZAMMAR).
Flaski - Figor in the goods of a bar in the community halls (ORZAMMAMMAR), an interpreter from the "bustled nobleman" (Delmanim) and Bodan Feddick in the camp.
Reagent for sublimation and concentrating reagent - an interpreter from the "bustled nobleman" (Delmanim) and Bodan Feddick in the camp.
Stones of Life and Deep Mushrooms - Hands (Ruck) - Teig Ortan (Ortan Thaig), Orsammar (Orzammar)

Combinations of spells

Grease Fire (Grease Fire)
Mud (Grease) + Fireball Fireball or Geenna Fire or Unit, Wired Flame Flash

Flame Quencher
Grease Fire + Blizzard (Blizzard)

Storm of the Century (Storm of the Century)
Magic Power (Spell Might) + Blizzard + Storm (Tempest)

The goal is frozen by a spell handling a stone (Petrify) or a icy grip (Winter's Grasp) or a Cone Cone (COLD) + Crete weapon or a crushing dunna (Stonefist) (Stonefist) (not always added to the code)

Electric explosion (Paralysis Explosion)
Runa repulsion (Glyph of Repulsion) on top of the runes paralysis (Glyph of Paralysis), the role of the role does not play.

Nightmare Sleep (Nightmare)
Sleeping (Sleep) + Horror (Horror)

Inflammation (ShockWave)
Power field (force field) + crushing dunna (crushing prison)

Improved Resurrection (Advanced Reanimation)
Magic Power (Spell Might) + Revival of the Dead (Animate Dead)

Cloud Couple (Improved Drain)
Vulnerability HEX (Vulnerability HEX) + Draw Life (DRAIN LIFE) or Mana Exhaustion (Drain Mana)

Entropic Death (Entropic Death)

How to get a bridge?

1 - The first compatarius is put on the figure 1
2 - The second compatarius is put on the figure 2
3 - The third compatarius is put on the figure 3
4 - Conduct GG on the bridge to the end
5 - Conduct the oppiators from point 2 to point 5
6 - Conduct the oppiators from point 1 to point 6
7 - Conduct the GG on the bridge ahead
8 - Conduct the oppiators from point 3 to point 8
9 - Conduct the oppiators from the point 5 to the point 9
10 - Conduct GG to the end

Set of Jaggernaut

1 subject: Lower level of elven ruins (input through the ruins of the iswolf). Perform a ritual for the opening of the door (there is in fact "E) and in the grave will lie part of the set.
2 subject: Gravestone in the eastern Bresilian forest, after passing the magic barrier, on the way to the ruins of turning.
3 subject: Gravestone in the Western Bnessilian Forest, next to the place where you met the faces.
4 subject: Tombstone in the Bnessilian forest (immediately how to leave the camps of the values, where there is an oak stychoplet)

Wide Armor of Dragon Skur

1. Go here (Dragon Cave Where Fanatics Tuck)

2. Kill the cologma and a horn from him.
3. We run to the top of the mountain and the denim.
4. Kill the highest dragon and take another 1 skin.
5. We go to Dencherim to the Blacksmith and give 3 skins (Ideally pay to pay, since the last armor will be better).
6. We leave the city and go.
7. Take the armor.
8. Repeat (pay a little more) and give the last 3 ordinary skins.
9. We come out again and enter.
10. Choose and give the slope of the highest dragon.
11. Voila! Seth mild, heavy or massive (let you choose) Veida's armor from the dragon skins you have.

Getting the best magic gloves and one of the best one-handed swords

1. Find the adventure corpse in the destroyed temple, during the Quest of Urn Prach (South West Corridor).
2. Find the adventure corpse in Bnessilian lower ruins (southern room with fire traps).
3. In Ozammar, go to the tavern and talk to the adventurence.
4. Return to Dencherim and go to the dirty rear alley.
5. Open the door to the left, say with a man and kill Galahaga for your award.

How to open the door of the jug (in the ruins of the Bresilian forest)

Take and pour water in a jug
Put on altar
Hind a sip of water
Pick up and pour out the rest in the fountain. (To fulfill, you need to find a note about the ritual)

Quest - Summoning Science / Summoning Sciences (the one that is in the tower of magicians)

Find one or both half of the book in the library, then start calling. The first three challenges to hold in accordance with the code. The fourth call contains the sequence of all three lessons (with the exception of the flame call) and the "Summoning the Fourth" is completed with cabinets. Arl Foreshadow will appear, which can be drowned and get a note for the code.

The first call: a call of the call, a reference book of spiritual figures, the call of the first.
The third call: Aviation Forew, Large Bestiary of Elvorn, a place for threading tables, etherial, Magician Gorvis, Novice Amulet, Calling the Third.
Fourth Call: Fallet Call, Handbook of Spirituals, Unusual Profession Rodercoma, Magician Gorvish, Big Bestiary Elvorn, Place for Table Threads, Spiritarum Eterioleis, Magician Gorvish, Amulet Novice, Calling Fourth, Pocket Theft on Harl.

How to cause a dragon asylum to fight?

You can only call it if you refused to desecrate the urn with ashes. Then the collegiate attacks you and the horn of the cologma will be discovered on his body. Open the inventory and use this item in the location where the dragon was (at the output of the destroyed temple). Also P.the dock of desecration and formal accession to the cult on the cologry can still be attacked.

What advantages to characteristics give every race in Dragon Age: Origins?

Everything is quite simple:

Human:+1 to strength, +1 to agility, +1 to magic, +1 to tricks.

Elf: +2 to magic, +2 to the power of will.

Dwarf: +1 to strength, +1 to agility, +1 to the physique, a 10% chance to resist hostile magic.

In fact, Race inDragon.Age.: Origins.of particular importance does not. So take what you like.

How is the development of characters?

Any class is gave E T levels with the same speed and gete. t Sions and the same glasses.
- Companions Receive experience about at the same speed as the main character. But this is if you take them with you. If they remain in the camp, they will be automatically translated into the next level in case you are torn away from them more than one rank. Thus, they will always lag behind you for one level.
- Each level
the hero gets 1 point of skills and 3 points of attributes.
- Warriors and magicians get skills every 3 level,
robbers - every 2 levels.
- Specialization glasses are issued in the 7th and 14th levels.

How to make spectacular finishing strikes that showed in the rollers?

But all this is scripted and shown in strictly defined moments of the game.
But one small advice can give, when the superboss (orange nicknie) does not use any skills, as well as onions and other distance weapons, as the script is started in the "free" battle and when using a melee, and when the script occupies its place Skills, no necessary conditions for the execution of the Fatalyti script.

How to hack castles?

I miss the potions of life. What to do?

Instead of buying them, do this:

Buy more from any merchant more flasks and elven roots.

Examine the skill "Travnik" (or take with me Morrigan / any other with the corresponding skill).

Make a kip. This is enough for a long time. If necessary, repeat.

Problems may arise later when you can't cost small parires. Then you need to learn your grass further, buy reagents for sublimation and other ingredients required to create more powerful suppress. The same can be done with the potions of Mana.

PS. In my opinion, the khards are needed to the tower of the magicians either (with re-passing the game) to 7 Level Maga, because the specialization of the "spiritual healer", especially at the later levels of development (when the magician has a very high indicator of "magic") makes the parires absolutely unnecessary ( With the exception of the pair of especially hot places closer to the end of the game).

What to do with magical runes?

When you leave the lottery, you will meet two dwarves, which attacked Darkness. After the violence over the enemies will follow a short dialogue, after which it becomes clear that the guys are merchants. From now on, they will travel with your camps. At the same time, one dwarf (Bodan) simply trades, and his receiving son can enchant your weapon using these very runes. But for this you will need things with special slots.

In Corkari's Debries there is a task: "Missionary". How to execute it?

You need to prompt the chest. Can be found and without tips, Just thoroughly examining the territory. The desired chest located In the southern part of the location - the track from Kama leads to itn.to her. Guarded flocks of wolves. Two statues will stand near the chest.

In Debries, Corkari has a task "Testament". How to execute it?

You need to pick up things from the cache in the camp (located in the fire) in the WestDebrey Corkari And attribute Jette to Redcliffe. The cache appears only after, how startsthe task.

Urn of Holy Praha.

Brother's House in Denerime (Brother) Genitivi
The assistant named Weylon will say that Genitivi was last seen on Lake Calenhad. Next paths are possible:
- Catch Weylon on lies if the attribute attribute is quite high (Weylon attacks);
- Try to open the door to the Genitivi bedroom and insist on it (Weylon attacks);
- Go to the spoiled princess on Lake Calenhad, ask the innkeeper, get into the ambush at the exit and return to Weylon (he attacks).
The search of the bedroom will allow finding Genitivi research and will open a new location on the map - Village of Haven.
Haven / shelter
After a conversation with Father Eirik in Haven Chantry, do not forget to choose Cultist Medallion - this is the key to the destroyed temple (Ruined Temple). In the northeastern corner of the room you can also open the secret door and find Genitivi.

Ruined Temple / Temple Ruins
The key from the southeastern room is hidden in a richly decorated chest (Ornate Chest). The key from the main door is in the locked southeastern room. The door as the main one opens with the ignition of the magic warmer (Brazier).
Further, all the chests, except for the locked, do not contain anything useful, but cause Ash Wraitys when trying to open them.

Wyrmling Lair / Dragon LogGood opportunity to deal with drake scales. The right tunnel branches are optional.
The collegum (Kolgrim) will be offered to defile the urn of the Holy Blue Dragon Blood (Dragon's Blood). If you agree, it will provide a blood vessel. Otherwise, Kolgrim (Kolgrim) should be killed and pick up the horn from his body, or the mountain in the console version.

Mountaintop / Top Mountain
If you use the Horn Horn (Kolgrim's Horn), you can call the Great Dragon.

The Gauntlet.
Right and in a circle:
- Ealisay: a Tune
- Lady Vasilia: Vengeance
- Disciple Havard: The Mountains
- Disciple Cathaire: Hunger
- Brona: Dreams
- General Maferath: Jealousy
- Archon Hessarian: Mercy

Ghost from the past
Regardless of the responses, the ghost will allow you to go further. Who will be depends on the origin.

Phantom Bridge
Described in paragraph

Assassin - teaches Zevman with sufficient respect. You can buy a book in Elfinza.
Duelist - teaches Isabella (Captain of Pirate Korough) stands in the brothel of Denerima.
Bard - teaches Leliana with sufficient respect. You can buy a book in deserim.
Pathfinder - bought in the basic camp.

Battle Mage - During the quest for the murder of a waswolf in the elven ruins. Find an amulet, pass the light quest and hiking you.
Spiritual tech - teaches Winn with sufficient respect. Sale in the store Mages Deromereim.
Werewolf - teaches Morrigan with sufficient respect. You can buy from Varatna (at the Doli).
Blood magician "After saving Redcliff from the attack from the castle, in the castle during the battle in the shade with the demon, talk to the demon and he will teach."

Knight - After finding urn, Earl Eamon will offer a reward, part of this award is specially Vityaz.
Berserk - teaches Ogren if there is sufficient respect. The second option is to buy at the gnome in deserim.
Ripper - teaches the collegum (it seems to be a leader of fanatics) during the passage of the Quest "Urn of Holy Prach"
Templar - teaches Alistaq with sufficient respect. You can buy in the basic camp.

Characters for group: Where to take, favorite gifts

Alistaire - Join Ostagar || Figurines, Rune Stones, Duncan Shield and Mother Amulet
Morrigan - Joined after Ostagar || Jewelry, Falliant Fleet (tells how to kill it)
Martial dog Mabari - at the lottering, if you did the Quest in Ostayar || bones
Leliana - in lottering || Andrasta symbols, silver sword
Walls - in lottering || Portraits, Totem and your sword
Zevran - After the lottery, a random meeting after the joining of the Doli elves, dwarves or magicians || Gold and silver bars, gloves and boots
Ogren - After the lottering, in Ozammar || Dwarf loves to drink \u003d))
Winn. - After the lottering, in the circle tower || Printed publications
Sheila - (in addition to the game) After the lottery, make a quest from premium content || gems
LOGYIN MAC-TIR - in deserim || cards

Where to find? .. Products

Runes (Grandmaster) . Deep Roads, Ruck's Store (Grandmaster Cold Iron Rune)
. Denerim Market, Cesar After The Landsmeet (Grandmaster Dweomer Rune) // Trading Quarter Delnerim, after the Land Meeting
. Denerim Market, Gorim, After The Landsmeet (Grandmaster Silverite Rune) // Trading Quarter Delnerima, burning after lands meeting
. Denerim Market, Wonders of thetedas After The Landsmeet (Grandmaster Flame Rune) // Trading Quarter Delnerima, Tedas Wonders after lands meeting
. Denerim Market, Wonders of thetedas After The Landsmeet (Grandmaster Paralyze Rune) // Denasim Shopping Quarter, Tedas Wonders after lands meeting
. Frostback Mountains, Faryn (Grandmaster Silverite Rune) // Frosty Mountains, Farin
. Party Camp, Bodahn's Wares (Grandmaster Frost Rune) // Camp, Boddan Feddick
. Party Camp, Bodahn's Wares (Grandmaster Lightning Rune) // Camp, Boddan Feddick
. Party Camp, Bodahn's Wares (Grandmaster Slow Rune) // Camp, Boddan Feddick
. Redcliffe, Owen (Grandmaster Hale Rune) // Rarcliff, Owen

Books (add glasses skills, abilities or attributes) Tower of Circle, Intensdunt (Magic Development Book)
Doli camp, Varatn (book about skills and different)
Doli camp, Varatorn (a bunch of fatal vessel)
Trade Quarter Denomem, Miracles of Tedas after the lands meeting (a book about magical development)
Elfinage, Alarite's shop (book about skills and different)
Refuge, rustic shop (big book about fatal vessel)
Ozammar community halls, Garin (Physical Development Book)
Orsammar communal halls, Lennar (a deadly vessel book)
Camp, Boddan Feddick (Book of Magic Development)
Camp, Boddan Feddick (book on physical development)
Random meeting, Gnome Trader (book about skills and different)

Backpacks (increase inventory) Tower of Circle, Intendant
Doli camp, Varatorn
Trading Quarter Delmanima, burning after the assembly of land
Ostor, intennant
Camp, Boddan Feddick

Endless goods from merchants Elfi root, death root and animal poison - Varatory from the camps of the Doli (Forest Painting Bresilian).
Dust Lirima - the intensity in the tower of the circle.
Dexted reagent - Bodan Feddick in the camp and Alimar on the Alimar market in a dusty city (ORZAMMAR).
The launch mechanism is Alimar in the Alimar market in a dusty city (ORZAMMAR).
Flaski - Figor in the goods of a bar in the community halls (ORZAMMAMMAR), an interpreter from the "bustled nobleman" (Delmanim) and Bodan Feddick in the camp.
Reagent for sublimation and concentrating reagent - an interpreter from the "bustled nobleman" (Delmanim) and Bodan Feddick in the camp.
Stones of Life and Deep Mushrooms - Hands (Ruck) - Teig Ortan (Ortan Thaig), Orsammar (Orzammar)

Combinations of spells

Grease Fire (Grease Fire)
Mud (Grease) + Fireball Fireball or Geenna Fire or Unit, Wired Flame Flash

Flame Quencher
Grease Fire + Blizzard (Blizzard)

Storm of the Century (Storm of the Century)
Magic Power (Spell Might) + Blizzard + Storm (Tempest)

The goal is frozen by a spell handling a stone (Petrify) or a icy grip (Winter's Grasp) or a Cone Cone (COLD) + Crete weapon or a crushing dunna (Stonefist) (Stonefist) (not always added to the code)

Electric explosion (Paralysis Explosion)
Runa repulsion (Glyph of Repulsion) on top of the runes paralysis (Glyph of Paralysis), the role of the role does not play.

Nightmare Sleep (Nightmare)
Sleeping (Sleep) + Horror (Horror)

Inflammation (ShockWave)
Power field (force field) + crushing dunna (crushing prison)

Improved Resurrection (Advanced Reanimation)
Magic Power (Spell Might) + Revival of the Dead (Animate Dead)

Cloud Couple (Improved Drain)
Vulnerability HEX (Vulnerability HEX) + Draw Life (DRAIN LIFE) or Mana Exhaustion (Drain Mana)

Entropic Death (Entropic Death)

How to get a bridge?

1 - The first compatarius is put on the figure 1
2 - The second compatarius is put on the figure 2
3 - The third compatarius is put on the figure 3
4 - Conduct GG on the bridge to the end
5 - Conduct the oppiators from point 2 to point 5
6 - Conduct the oppiators from point 1 to point 6
7 - Conduct the GG on the bridge ahead
8 - Conduct the oppiators from point 3 to point 8
9 - Conduct the oppiators from the point 5 to the point 9
10 - Conduct GG to the end

Set of Jaggernaut

1 subject: Lower level of elven ruins (input through the ruins of the iswolf). Perform a ritual for the opening of the door (there is in fact "E) and in the grave will lie part of the set.
2 subject: Gravestone in the eastern Bresilian forest, after passing the magic barrier, on the way to the ruins of turning.
3 subject: Gravestone in the Western Bnessilian Forest, next to the place where you met the faces.
4 subject: Tombstone in the Bnessilian forest (immediately how to leave the camps of the values, where there is an oak stychoplet)

Wide Armor of Dragon Skur

1. Go here (Dragon Cave Where Fanatics Tuck)

2. Kill the cologma and a horn from him.
3. We run to the top of the mountain and the denim.
4. Kill the highest dragon and take another 1 skin.
5. We go to Dencherim to the Blacksmith and give 3 skins (Ideally pay to pay, since the last armor will be better).
6. We leave the city and go.
7. Take the armor.
8. Repeat (pay a little more) and give the last 3 ordinary skins.
9. We come out again and enter.
10. Choose and give the slope of the highest dragon.
11. Voila! Seth mild, heavy or massive (let you choose) Veida's armor from the dragon skins you have.

Getting the best magic gloves and one of the best one-handed swords

1. Find the adventure corpse in the destroyed temple, during the Quest of Urn Prach (South West Corridor).
2. Find the adventure corpse in Bnessilian lower ruins (southern room with fire traps).
3. In Ozammar, go to the tavern and talk to the adventurence.
4. Return to Dencherim and go to the dirty rear alley.
5. Open the door to the left, say with a man and kill Galahaga for your award.

How to open the door of the jug (in the ruins of the Bresilian forest)

Take and pour water in a jug
Put on altar
Hind a sip of water
Pick up and pour out the rest in the fountain. (To fulfill, you need to find a note about the ritual)

Quest - Summoning Science / Summoning Sciences (the one that is in the tower of magicians)

Find one or both half of the book in the library, then start calling. The first three challenges to hold in accordance with the code. The fourth call contains the sequence of all three lessons (with the exception of the flame call) and the "Summoning the Fourth" is completed with cabinets. Arl Foreshadow will appear, which can be drowned and get a note for the code.

The first call: a call of the call, a reference book of spiritual figures, the call of the first.
The third call: Aviation Forew, Large Bestiary of Elvorn, a place for threading tables, etherial, Magician Gorvis, Novice Amulet, Calling the Third.
Fourth Call: Fallet Call, Handbook of Spirituals, Unusual Profession Rodercoma, Magician Gorvish, Big Bestiary Elvorn, Place for Table Threads, Spiritarum Eterioleis, Magician Gorvish, Amulet Novice, Calling Fourth, Pocket Theft on Harl.

How to cause a dragon asylum to fight?

You can only call it if you refused to desecrate the urn with ashes. Then the collegiate attacks you and the horn of the cologma will be discovered on his body. Open the inventory and use this item in the location where the dragon was (at the output of the destroyed temple). Also P.the dock of desecration and formal accession to the cult on the cologry can still be attacked.

What advantages to characteristics give every race in Dragon Age: Origins?

Everything is quite simple:

Human:+1 to strength, +1 to agility, +1 to magic, +1 to tricks.

Elf: +2 to magic, +2 to the power of will.

Dwarf: +1 to strength, +1 to agility, +1 to the physique, a 10% chance to resist hostile magic.

In fact, Race inDragon.Age.: Origins.of particular importance does not. So take what you like.

How is the development of characters?

Any class is gave E T levels with the same speed and gete. t Sions and the same glasses.
- Companions Receive experience about at the same speed as the main character. But this is if you take them with you. If they remain in the camp, they will be automatically translated into the next level in case you are torn away from them more than one rank. Thus, they will always lag behind you for one level.
- Each level
the hero gets 1 point of skills and 3 points of attributes.
- Warriors and magicians get skills every 3 level,
robbers - every 2 levels.
- Specialization glasses are issued in the 7th and 14th levels.

How to make spectacular finishing strikes that showed in the rollers?

But all this is scripted and shown in strictly defined moments of the game.
But one small advice can give, when the superboss (orange nicknie) does not use any skills, as well as onions and other distance weapons, as the script is started in the "free" battle and when using a melee, and when the script occupies its place Skills, no necessary conditions for the execution of the Fatalyti script.

How to hack castles?

I miss the potions of life. What to do?

Instead of buying them, do this:

Buy more from any merchant more flasks and elven roots.

Examine the skill "Travnik" (or take with me Morrigan / any other with the corresponding skill).

Make a kip. This is enough for a long time. If necessary, repeat.

Problems may arise later when you can't cost small parires. Then you need to learn your grass further, buy reagents for sublimation and other ingredients required to create more powerful suppress. The same can be done with the potions of Mana.

PS. In my opinion, the khards are needed to the tower of the magicians either (with re-passing the game) to 7 Level Maga, because the specialization of the "spiritual healer", especially at the later levels of development (when the magician has a very high indicator of "magic") makes the parires absolutely unnecessary ( With the exception of the pair of especially hot places closer to the end of the game).

What to do with magical runes?

When you leave the lottery, you will meet two dwarves, which attacked Darkness. After the violence over the enemies will follow a short dialogue, after which it becomes clear that the guys are merchants. From now on, they will travel with your camps. At the same time, one dwarf (Bodan) simply trades, and his receiving son can enchant your weapon using these very runes. But for this you will need things with special slots.

In Corkari's Debries there is a task: "Missionary". How to execute it?

You need to prompt the chest. Can be found and without tips, Just thoroughly examining the territory. The desired chest located In the southern part of the location - the track from Kama leads to itn.to her. Guarded flocks of wolves. Two statues will stand near the chest.

In Debries, Corkari has a task "Testament". How to execute it?

You need to pick up things from the cache in the camp (located in the fire) in the WestDebrey Corkari And attribute Jette to Redcliffe. The cache appears only after, how startsthe task.

Urn of Holy Praha.

Brother's House in Denerime (Brother) Genitivi
The assistant named Weylon will say that Genitivi was last seen on Lake Calenhad. Next paths are possible:
- Catch Weylon on lies if the attribute attribute is quite high (Weylon attacks);
- Try to open the door to the Genitivi bedroom and insist on it (Weylon attacks);
- Go to the spoiled princess on Lake Calenhad, ask the innkeeper, get into the ambush at the exit and return to Weylon (he attacks).
The search of the bedroom will allow finding Genitivi research and will open a new location on the map - Village of Haven.
Haven / shelter
After a conversation with Father Eirik in Haven Chantry, do not forget to choose Cultist Medallion - this is the key to the destroyed temple (Ruined Temple). In the northeastern corner of the room you can also open the secret door and find Genitivi.

Ruined Temple / Temple Ruins
The key from the southeastern room is hidden in a richly decorated chest (Ornate Chest). The key from the main door is in the locked southeastern room. The door as the main one opens with the ignition of the magic warmer (Brazier).
Further, all the chests, except for the locked, do not contain anything useful, but cause Ash Wraitys when trying to open them.

Wyrmling Lair / Dragon LogGood opportunity to deal with drake scales. The right tunnel branches are optional.
The collegum (Kolgrim) will be offered to defile the urn of the Holy Blue Dragon Blood (Dragon's Blood). If you agree, it will provide a blood vessel. Otherwise, Kolgrim (Kolgrim) should be killed and pick up the horn from his body, or the mountain in the console version.

Mountaintop / Top Mountain
If you use the Horn Horn (Kolgrim's Horn), you can call the Great Dragon.

The Gauntlet.
Right and in a circle:
- Ealisay: a Tune
- Lady Vasilia: Vengeance
- Disciple Havard: The Mountains
- Disciple Cathaire: Hunger
- Brona: Dreams
- General Maferath: Jealousy
- Archon Hessarian: Mercy

Ghost from the past
Regardless of the responses, the ghost will allow you to go further. Who will be depends on the origin.

Phantom Bridge
Described in paragraph