Greeting Rules for Competitions. Greeting. Description, Rules, History of Figures in the towns in order

Rules of sport "Greeting"

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1. Game in the towns. Curious figures

1.1. Game in towns.
The game in the townships is to knock out the figures built from five towns, from a limited platform called "city", bits from a certain distance.
1.2. Curious figures.
1.2.1. For the game in the towns are used 10 or 15 figures. The sequence and correct formulation in a batch of 15 figures is shown in Fig. 1 (Appendix 1).
1.2.2. In the party of 10 figures for children (boys and girls), younger boys and girls shapes put and knock out in the following sequence: 1. "gun", 2. "Fork", 3. "Well", 4. "Strela", 5 . "Artillery", 6. "SERP", 7. "Machine-gunning nest", 8. "Airplane", 9. "Tir", 10. "Letter".
1.2.3. All the figures, except the figure of the "letter", put in the middle of the front of the "city", without going beyond its limits, in accordance with the requirements of the "Rules of formation of figures" (Appendix 2).
1.2.4. The angular towns of the figure "Letter" put on the outer line of "cities", without going beyond its limits, so that in the corners to be formed
equal triangles. The town that means "Mark" is installed in the center of the diagonal coming from the rear right corner of the "city" to the front left corner (for playing with the right hand), or in the center of the diagonal coming from the rear left corner to the front right corner
"Cities" (for playing left hand).
1.2.5. Figure "Sickle" for playing left hand installed in the left half of the "city" in the "mirror mapping".
1.2.6. The sequence and number of embossed figures can be changed depending on the competition system. All changes should be reflected in the position.

2. Playground for the game. Equipment. Inventory

2.1. The cities and its equipment.
2.1.1. The cruise area is placed on an even horizontal land plot with a size of 30 (22) x 15 (12) meters Fig.3.3, (adhere to 3).
2.1.2. Equipment of the cities:
- Metal or polymer sheets on which the contrasting paint are applied lines of "cities" and "suburbs". Metal sheet metal - 10 mm, material - steel (ZSP). The optimal width of the Li Stov is 1.33 - 1.5m. Sheets fit in such a way that their joints strictly coincided with the axial line of the "cities" and "suburbs". The sheets of sheets are put on a smaller shelf of an angular steel 75x50x3;
- a jackhaft (grid and rubber curtain);
- fence;
- Lighting devices for playing in the evening;
- fixed removable planks with a height of 40 - 50 mm on the front lines of horses and halfcomes;
- Sports to cover the players and the secretary of atmospheric precipitation. It is desirable for the equipment of a common canopy (above the "cities", "Podgugo Dami" and a jackhaft).
2.1.3. Metal (polymeric) sheets on which two "cities" with "suburbs" are placed, should cover an area of \u200b\u200bat least 8.0 x 3.2 m, located strictly horizontally (round town rolling in the "city" or "suburb" with a small speed should slow down movement in any direction in the absence of external influence on it.
2.1.4. The area bounded by two side lines, the front strip, from the limits of which throws in the figures are called a horse. The distance from the Kona plank to the front line is 13 m (for senior boys and men), 11 m (for senior girls and women) and 6.5 m (for children and younger boys and girls).
Square, limited by side lines, front strip and plank Kona from behind. From the limits of which throws after knocking out at least one town (except for the "Letter" figure), is called half-one. The distance from the front plank of the middle-top to the front line - 6.5m.
The surface of the horses and half-one should be sufficiently solid, eliminating shoe slip. The most preferred coatings are asphalt or special synthetic coatings.
2.1.5. "City" - a zone having a square shape with a side of 2 m, in
the limits of which are installed figures.
2.1.6. "Suburb" - a zone located between the facial and free-line lines, limited from the sides by the continuation of the diagonals of the "city". In the center of the "suburbs" on the distance 20 and 40 cm from the penalty line, the paint is caused by two marks 20 cm long, to install "penalties" of the towns.
2.1.7. The penalty line and the area located in front of it is called a penalty area. It is falling asleep with sand or covered with a chalk of aqueous suspension.
2.1.8. The side lines of the Kona and the middle chamber must be strictly opposite the side lines of the "cities" taking into account the fact that the width of the restrictive lines of the "cities" and the side lines "suburbs" are included in the size of the "cities" and "suburbs", and the width of the restrictive lines of the Kona and the middle The dimensions of these zones are not included.
2 cm width lines 2 cm color paint contrasting coated.
2.2. Inventory.
2.2.1. Town.
The town (Fig.4 Appendix 3) may have a form of a cylinder with a diameter of 48-50 mm or a rectangular parallelepiped, having a square in the section with a side of 45 - 47 mm, 200 + length - 1 mm. The town is made of wood, it can be painted and should not have any cavities. The ends of the towns must have a chamfer 2-3 mm and be even. All the faces of the town having a square in cross section should have a chamchair 2-3 mm.
Cylindrical towns are applied to all-Russian and qualifying competitions.
2.2.2. Bit (Figure 5 Appendix 3) is an arbitrary (for men and young men) weight, no more than meter long. The weight of the bits for girls cannot exceed 2 kg, for women - 2.5 kg. The diameter of the bits is arbitrary in any part of it. The bit is collected from inserts, bushings, terminal glasses and handles. It is most advisable to produce inserts from woody - layered plastic or cousin, sleeves - from a sololy pulled steel pipe, a handle from textolite or cousin. The length of the sleeve should be at least two diameters of the insert, the inserts must be connected tightly with the sleeves and fix the core or another fastening method. Depth of pressing insert - no less than the inner diameter of the bush. The distance from the edge of the sleeve to the place of attachment is 10-15 mm (except for the attachment of the handle). Composite parts should not have mutual movements. The polymer bit can be made from a polymer pipe, polymer rods, or may be composite. The weight of the polymer bits should not exceed 2 kg. The composite polymer bit may have inside the metal rod and threaded compounds that ensure the necessary strength. Polymer bits should not have external protruding metal parts. Composite parts should not shift relative to each other.

3. Types of competitions and ways of their conduct

3.1. Types of competitions (disciplines). Competitions are divided into:
- Personal;
- pair;
- paired (mixed);
- commanders;
- Personal commanders.

The form of competition in each case is determined by the position.
3.1.1. In private competitions, participants are individually.
3.1.2. In pair competitions, participants perform in pairs: male (youthful), female (maiden) and mixed
3.1.3. In team competitions, participants are teams.

The composition of the team and the order of the competition is determined by the Regulation.
3.1.4. In personal-team competitions, participants can act in person and in team competitions. The winner of the competition is determined by the amount of points recorded by the participants in the personal event, or by the amount of points scored in personal and team certificates.
3.2. Methods of competition.
3.2.1. Personal, pair and team competitions can be held:
- from a certain number of parties;
- to knock out the set number of figures;
- in a circular way;
- in the way of disposal;
- by mixed method.
The number of batches, broken figures, as well as the order of formulation of figures is determined by the provision.

4. Competition participants

4.1. Age of participants. Depending on the age, participants of the competition are divided into groups:
- Children (boys and girls) 9 - 12 years;
- younger boys and girls 13 - 14 years old;
- Senior young men and girls 15 - 18 years;
- Juniors and juniors 19 - 25 years;
- Men and women 26 - 54 years;
- Veterans of 55 years and older.
4.1.1. Children, younger boys and girls play from a distance of 6.5 m - con and half bowl.

4.1.2. Senior young men, juniors and men play from a distance of 6.5 m - halfcom and 13 m - con. The distance for the game of veterans is determined by the position.
Note: When carrying out all-Russian competitions, veterans play with Kona 13 m.
4.1.3. To participate in the competitions of the city and above, each athlete must have a certificate of admission to the competition signed by a doctor, certified by the personal seal of a doctor or the seal of a medical institution. The application of the participant's application for personal responsibility for health care during the competition is allowed.
4.1.4. Participants of competitions from younger age groups can
to be admitted to competitions in senior age groups with permissions of the chief judge, subject to the compliance of their technical training in the level of the competition.
4.2. Dress.
4.2.1. Participants must be dressed in an sporting form, relevant weather and conditions for holding competitions.
4.2.2. Team members must be dressed in a single sports
form with the appropriate emblem. Each team members must
have a spinner on the back, under which it is recorded in the protocol.
The number must be distinguished from any distance within the site.
4.2.3. The captain of the team should have a bandage on the sleeve, distinguished from the form in color, or the "captain" sign.
4.3. Coach (representative).
4.3.1. The team participating in the competition is a coach
4.3.2. Coach (representative) is the team leader. It
responsible for respecting the sports regime, discipline,
clear fulfillment of the athletes of the Rules and Regulations on the Competition.
4.3.3. The coach (representative) participates in the draw, is present at the meetings of the judiciary, if they are held jointly with
coaches (representatives).
4.3.4. During the game, the coach (representative) has the right to be at the command. He is forbidden to intervene in the actions of judges on
4.4. Team captain.
4.4.1. In each team, one of the participants is elected by the captain of the team.
4.4.2. In the absence of a coach (representative), he is the team leader. He one has the right to contact the judge. The captain is responsible for the discipline in the team during the game.
4.4.3. The captain of the team monitors the installation sequence
figures and the outlines of the release of participants in each goal.
4.4.4. If the captain of the team leaves the platform, he informs the judge number and the name of the participant, who will perform the Functions of the Command Captain in his absence.
4.5. The rights and obligations of participants in the competition.
4.5.1. Competition participants are entitled:
- on the warm-up before the start of the game for 10 minutes in personal competitions. In the command competition, the duration of the workout is determined at the rate of 5 minutes for each participant in the team;
- Contact the judge in personal competitions. In case of disagreement
with the decision of the judge to refer to the main (senior) judge (only the captain has such a law in team competitions);
- Submit a protest to the decision of the judge for an hour, what to do
appropriate entry in the protocol after the end of the game;
- to protest the result of the meeting in case of violations of the rules and provisions. All appeals are served in the main refereees (Federation) in writing (Appendix 4) within an hour after the end of the meeting;
- to receive medical care;
- to the rescue of one or two assistants in personal competitions.
4.5.2. Partners Competitions are required:
- know and fulfill the rules and regulations on competitions;
- behave in the spirit of honest rivalry;
- be polite and tactful in relation to judges and rivals;
- Avoid actions aimed at delaying the game and actions,
which may be regarded as such;
- During the game, do not make any actions that interfere with the opponent.

5. The judicial board of the competition.

5.1. For the competition, the judicial board is appointed, which includes: Chief Judge, Chief Secretary, one or more deputy chief judges, Deputy Secretary, Senior Judges, Judges, Judges, Secretaries, Informant Judge.
The quantitative composition of the Judges of the Board depends on the number of teams participating in competitions. For personal and team competitions in which 8-10 teams participate, the judicial board is necessary as part of 16 people. For competitions in which 11-16 teams participate, the judicial board should be in the amount of 20 people. For competitions in which more than 16 teams participate, the judicial board is 24 people.
5.2. The main referee.
5.2.1. The main refereees of the competition includes:
chief Judge, Chief Secretary, Deputy (Vice) of the Chief
judges, Deputy General Secretary.
5.2.2. The main referee (judiciary) works
under the leadership of the Chief Judge. At its meetings, she considers the organization's issues and the course of the competition.
5.2.3. Functional duties of judges are determined by the "Qualification requirements for sports judges in terms of sports" Greeting "

6. Rules and order of the game.

6.1. Workout.
6.1.1. Before starting the game, participants are promoted (clause 4.5.1.).
6.1.2. Before the start of the warm-up, the judge and participants are built up behind the territory of the playgrounds, after which it is organized at the team of the Judge of the Informant (judges) enter the platform and become along the back of the "cities" with bits, facing the audience. In private competitions, participants occupy places at the rear line of "cities" opposite the inner side lines of the "cities". The judge takes place between the participants. The informant judge (judge) announces the competition and provides a warm-up.
6.1.3. During the warm-up, the Physician reports information about the teams (athletes), their tournament position, achievements in past co-relies and records.
6.1.4. Before the start of the game (until the end of the warm-up), the secretary must fill in the protocol, and the captains of the teams to sign it.
6.1.5. The team player not speaking throughout one party has the right to warm up on the free platform, while not interfering with the competition.
6.1.6. During the exit to the con or halfcom and return to the players, it is forbidden to step on the front restrictive planks or step over them.
6.2. Building and ordering the game.
6.2.1. After the declaration of the workout and training sites for the competition, participants become along the back
lines of "cities" with bits, facing the audience. The judge takes place between the participants.
6.2.2. The informant judge (judge) announces competitions and represents the participants of the game and judges. Participants welcome each other.
6.2.3. When leaving the construction, during the warm-up and games, participants must carry bits in one hand.
6.2.4. The game starts the team (participant) of the right "city", then the rivals perform the throws alternately using two in each output
6.2.5. The composition of the team and the number of participants playing in one position is determined by the provision. Player's output shades establishes a captain or team coach. In one goal, each player can go out once. In pair competitions, participants perform turns in turn
6.2.6. All shapes begin to knock out from Kon. If at least one town knocks out, the rest are knocked out from the middle. The figure "Letter" is knocked out only with Kona.
6.2.7. After graduating from the party, the teams are lined up
along the side lines of the "cities" face to each other and after the announcement of the result, according to the team, the judges change "cities".
6.2.8. A sent player can enter the game after notice
judges if his surname is entered into the protocol. The player, the name of which is included in the protocol, has no right to leave the platform without notifying the judge through the captain.
6.2.9. If before the start of the game as part of the team for two people less than necessary in one position in position, the team is not allowed to play.
6.2.10. Participants in both teams during the execution of throws should be on the side of their "cities".
6.2.11. The player is forbidden to perform two throw in one and the same bat in one side, but if the player had a bit during the competition, he has the right to continue the game one bit only in a given day.
6.2.12. In team games in the decisive party, after knocking out one of the teams, the artillery figures are changing "cities". At the same time, both teams must make the same number of shots before the transition. If one bit remained before changing the "cities" in the decisive party, then after the transition, he performs a throw by one bat. After the transition of the command put regular figures or towns in their "cities", they are not knocked out before changing the "cities" (in the same position), and continue the party. If the player of the team of the left "city" knocked out (finished) the figure "artillery" first bat, then after the transition he performs the second throw, then the game continues the player of the same team.
6.2.13. A team playing by incomplete composition performs in each occurrence of two throw less. Failured throws are considered "lost".
6.2.14. In the first round of personal competition, the Chief Secretary distributes players on the sided players. In the second round there is a sequential change of sites. At each site, players are distributed over pairs in strict dependence on the results of the first round. In the third round, they are distributed over couples strictly according to the results shown in two rounds, while the platforms for each pair are determined
foal. In the second and third tours, players who showered the best results perform the last. The leader's performance should be convenient for viewers.
6.2.15. If one of the participants of the personal competition completed his party earlier, he waits until the opponent graduates his. At the same time, he is allowed to make warm-up throws in order of his turn. If the opponent's retaining to complete the party is needed theoretically at least five bits, or the difference in the results of the first batch reached five bits, the players change "cities" and the lagging rival completes the party, after which he starts the second.
6.2.16. If the towns are shifted from a place for any reason earlier than their bits (or fly past them), they are installed in the same position, the bit returns and the throw is repeated. It also concerns the cases when the bit passes under the towns, jumped from the concussion of the site due to the beat of the bits.
6.2.17. If the towns will move as a result of a shocked site (or from the wind) after the throw, when the bit did not touch the towns, they are restored in the same position, but the bit is not returned.
6.2.18. If the bits (town) and the bit takes place from concussion after impact, the bits take place under the towns
their, then the location of the towns is restored and the throw is reused.
6.2.19. If the town after hitting rolled in one direction, and then changed the direction of movement to the opposite, then the judge rolls him into place from which he rolled back.
6.2.20. If, after hitting the town split into two parts or lost the cylindrical shape more than half the length, and its big
the part remained in the "city" or "suburb", the bit returns, the figure or position of the towns is restored. If the "city" or "suburb" remained a smaller part of the town, the town is considered knocked out.
6.2.21. If the team playing in the left "city", theoretically cannot finish the party with the same result, with how the team has finished
in the right "city", the game in this party ceases.
6.2.22. If a player playing with his left hand, made a miss
"Sickle" or "Letter" and at the same time not a single town, then for the next player who challenges his right hand, these figures are rearranged. And vice versa.
6.2.23. Competitions (game) may be temporarily interrupted (canceled):
- due to unsatisfactory training of platforms;
- due to adverse meteorological conditions;
- To provide medical care for the trauma (sick) competitions. If the break in the game was no more than 15 minutes, then the game is renewed immediately, without workout, and if more than 15 minutes, then players
a five-minute warm-up is provided, after which the game is resumed from the interrupted position of the party. If the break lasted for more than two hours, the interrupted batch begins again, and the score of the batches played to the break is preserved. If the game is postponed the other day, the result of the playd games is canceled.
6.2.24. If the player violated the rules during the throw, then such a throw is considered "lost" (see clause 6.4.1.).
6.2.25. For violation of the rules not related to the execution of the throw, the participant receives the warning of the judge. In the case of a repeated violation, it (the team) is punishable by the thrust (not produced by the throw is considered "lost").
6.2.26. For unsporting behavior, the participant can be deleted by the judge until the end of the game, and the main judge to the end of the competition.
6.2.27. At the end of the meeting, the judge builds players along the rear lines of the "cities", the face to the audience. After declaring the results of the meeting, players and judges exchange hands and leave the platform.
6.3 .. Embossed and not embossed town.
6.3.1. The town is considered knocked out if he completely went beyond the "city" or "suburbs" in any direction, except for the penalty area.
6.3.2. The town (towns), which came out beyond the "city" or at the "cities" and rolled back, is considered knocked out.
6.3.3. The position of the town stopped next to the border of the "city"
or "suburbs" from the outside, the judge determines visually, looking
from above vertical. If the lumen is visible between the line and the town, the town is considered knocked out. In doubtful cases near the town on
the outer edge of the line is vertically another town and, if the towns are not in contact, the town is considered knocked out.
6.3.4. The position of the town dropping when rotating the "city" or "suburbs" line is determined after its complete stop.
6.3.5. The town rushing in the "suburb" for a distance less than 20 cm
from the penalty line or hardened over it, it is set at a distance of 20 cm from the free line parallel to it against the center of "City",
if at least one town is knocking out of the figure. If there are several such towns, they are set to each other. The town (towns), which touched the coating over the penalty area is also pushed to the penalty mark.
If no town is knocked out of the figure, all the towns, taking the "suburb" at a distance of less than 40 cm from the free line, are installed at a distance of 40 cm from the free-line line. If any town located in the "suburbs" prevents the installation of another town per penalty mark, it is minimally shifted in the direction of the front line without changing the orientation.
6.3.6. Towns rushing to the "suburb" and not reaching the penalty mark remain in a busy position.
6.3.7. The town, which rolled up to the penalty line at a distance of less than 40 cm when knocking out the "Letter" figure, put 40 cm at a distance from the penalty line parallel to it opposite the place previously occupied by this town.
6.3.8. In the competitions of children, younger boys and girls, senior girls and women, the town that rolled up to a free-line line is less than 40 cm placed at a distance of 40 cm from the penalty line in the center of the "suburbs". In the competitions of children, such towns are installed vertically.
6.3.9. If the embossed town, which returned to the "cities" or "suburbs", prevented the movement of other towns, the position of the townships to the throw is restored, while the player returns the Bit. If the town, which returned to the "cities" or "suburbar", prevented the movement of another The town, which was moving towards the free-line line, the position of the towns after impact is preserved, moving the town is placed on the collision site, while the bit is not refundable.
6.3.10. If the town that has changed the direction of movement to the opposite (having had a "dead" point) inside the "city" or "suburbs", mounted the movement of other towns. The position of the township to the throw is restored, while the player returns a bit. If the town who had previously "dead" point rolled and prevented the movement of the town that was moving towards the penalty area, the moving town was put in the position in which he was at the time of the collision of the town, who had previously "dead" point, put on its place fixation.
6.3.11. If two towns face in the "city" or "suburb" and then disagree, then their final position is fixed.
6.3.12. Prior to the announcement of the judge's result, the result of the throw is allowed to remove the towns, bounced off from the jackhaft or having gone from the flooring for the coating of the "cities", not advancing the sheets of the game cover;
Before the declaration of the judge, the throw result is prohibited:
- sweep the "city" or "suburb";
- To become on the sheets of coverage of the "cities" or "suburbs".
If these violations influenced the result of the throw, the team (participant), which made a violation, shall be punished by the fact that the town (towns) ranked as a result of the violation, is installed on the edge of the line at its exit.
6.3.13. The position of the town that Katovya in another town is determined after its complete stop.
6.3.14. If the embarrassing town returned to the "city" touched the town already stopped and at the same time changed his direction, the latter returns to the previous position, returning to the "city" the town is cleaned. In this case, the Bit is not returned to the player.
6.4. Lost throw.
6.4.1. The throw is considered "lost", and the location of the towns is restored if:
- the throw is made before the whistle of the judge;
- Bita touched the penalty area or coating over it;
- The player in one side committed the third and more throw;
- The player in the period from the beginning of Zamaha to landing the bits stepped on a restrictive line (bar) or jumped out for her and touched any
part of the surface body outside the conma or semi-chamber. In this case, the position of the townships before the blow may not be recovered. The decision of the judge is ne.
must be beneficial to the participant (team) who violates the rules.
6.5. Winning party and end result of the game.
6.5.1. The party is considered to be won by the team (participant), which knocked out smaller bits of all the figures of this party. With an equal number of bits spent on knocking out all the figures, the party is considered a native.
If a figure is missing during the game or in the team game, the output of the players' output is disturbed, then:
- If the skipping of the figure is discovered before performing the figure "Letter", the missed figure is put immediately after the liberation of the "city" from
- If the skipping of the figure is discovered during knocking out the "Letter" figure, then the throws made in the figure "Letter" are considered "lost", the missed figure is set, and the figure "the letter is coming out again;
- If the skipping of the figure in personal competitions was found after the end of the party, then four bits for each transmitted figure are added to the result of the batch;
- If the violation of the output of players is found before the end
party, then all the throws made from the moment of violation are considered "lost" and the game continues;
- if the violation of the output of the release of players or the skipping figure was found after the end of the game, then in the party, played with violation, and
in all unreclaimed parties, the team that made a violation, the defeat is counted, and the result of the game is determined taking into account the parties played without violations;
- if the disorder of the output of the players' output or the skipping of the figure is found before declaring the judge of the result of the game, then in the party, played
with a violation, a team that made a violation, defeat and the game continues.
6.5.2. The game is won by one of the teams (one of the participants), if:
- In the game of three parties, the score is 2: 0.2: 1,2,5: 0.5;
- in the game from five batches. 3: 0.3: 1,3: 2,3,5: 1,5,3,5: 0.5;
With a score of 1.5: 1.5 and 2.5: 2.5, the result of the game is a draw.
6.5.3. If the provision provides for other forms of competition, then other ways to determine the winner in the game are possible.
7. Determining the results of the competition.
7.1. In competitions for knocking out the set number of figures
places of participants are determined by the smallest amount of bits. With an equal number of bits in several participants, the winner is determined by
the smallest number of bits spent on knocking out figures:
- the last round;
- the last party of the last round;
- the penultimate tour;
- "machine-gun nest", "hour", "TIR", "letter" in all parties of the competition.
7.2. In competitions held in a circular way, places are determined by the number of points scored. The number of points accrued by the results of the game is determined by the position. In equality
the winner points are determined by:
- by the amount of points scored in games between them;
- by the difference of won and lost parties in games between them;
- for the best average technical results in the won and drawing parties in games between them;
- by the difference of won and lost parties in all the competition games;
- on the average technical result in the won and draws in all competition games.
7.3. In the competition held on the system with disposal, with a draw, the winner is determined in an additional batch to the first benefit received by one of the participants (one of the commands).

3. Simplified rules.

Mass competitions in the teams of physical culture, youth and children's camps, other places of recreation can be held at the expected rules. It is recommended to maintain the sizes of the site. The composition of the team may be arbitrary. Towns and bits may not comply with the requirements of the rules. Special attention must be paid to ensuring the safety of participants and viewers. It is possible to determine the winner in the number of edged towns with a limited amount of bits. In team and personal competitions, the logging of protocols is not necessary, just write the end result of the game in the table.

Greater sport is familiar with everyone like the towns. This is a sports direction with a very rich development history. Moreover, this is an invalid Slavic game originated in the VIII century. She gained widespread both among the peasants and among the urban population.

In the 9th century, the towns were finally formed as a sports game with specific rules and became part of the Spartakiad. And from 1936, the Soviet Union Championships began to be held in this sport. In 1993, an international federation of civic sports was organized.

In historical reports, there are evidence that Pierce I and Alexander Suvorov loved the "battles". They were also fond of Russian writers Tolstoy, Gorky and Andreev, singer Shalyapin and musician Stasov, a scientist Pavlov, as well as notorious political activists Lenin, Stalin, Kalinin, Voroshilov.

Almost all tournaments held by the winners were Moscow athletes. Semen Gromov became the champion of the USSR in city sports.

Since 2000, deputies and even the head of state began to be included in the matches. So, at the Sixth All-Russian Games in Izhevsk in the tournament, V.V. Putin. And at the International Forum called "Russia - Sports Power" demonstrated his skill in the towns of Sports Minister V.L. Mutko.

Previously, the connectors for the confrontation were only fixed. Now there are premise-collapsible sites that are easily installed on the horizontal surface.

How to play towns

The essence of the battle is reduced to the battles to embroider several combinations consisting of five "towns" - cylindrical columns from a tree. Wins the one that will do it with the smallest number of throws.

Playground and bits for the game

It is called "city" and its parameters 2 by 2 meters. The field must have an absolutely smooth surface and a fence. Thursts are made from far distance - 13 meters (wearing the name "Kon") and from the near - 6.5 meters ("halfcom"). Towns are installed with a diameter of 5 cm, and their length is at least 20 cm.

Bits are 1 meter long, and each player has two. Bits can be:
  • Composite - round, without weight limit and size.
  • From polymeric materials - weighing up to 2 kg.

When conducting the competition, the platform is equipped with a wall for chopping, as well as a visor in case of precipitation and lanterns for dark time.

Rules of the game

Play can both two opponents and two teams, five people each. Begins the game team on the right field. As soon as it breaks through a couple of bits, another group turns on. And so in order. The party is played out from five to fifteen figures that have certain names in the established sequence. How many throws should be made, coordinated by the parties in advance. A victory won the one who wins two parties in a row.

Each figure is knocked out from a long distance and if it comes out at least to hurt it, go to your neighbor. Only the last combination breaks through exclusively with Kona.

The blow is not counted when:
  • The player touched the battle line.
  • Sticking stepped for "con".
  • For the preparation for the throw, the team member spent more than 15 seconds.

If the blow is not counted, all the towns are returned to its original position. Making another strike is prohibited.

In the process of the city "battle", the parties have the right to change, simplify or complicate the requirements, with the exception of the main principles (the number and order of throws, as well as the rules for counting them).

Technique throw
The cast in the game is performed in the following sequence of movements:
  • Bitted Hands with a brush ("grip").
  • Right legs put to the line at an angle of 45 degrees, and the left retissure to the left ("Rack").
  • The shoulders are removed back and transfer weight to the push foot ("shuffles").
  • Move left leg, pulling the whole body forward ("overclocking").
  • The shoulder is served forward by controlling the bit with hand ("throw").

Types of custody

Distinguish classic, Finnish and euro towns.

The essence of the classical tournament comes down to the raising of combinations of a square court ("cities"). The game uses 5 "towns" in the form of cylinders, of which 15 figures are compiled in order. For impact, meter bits made from wood and metal, whose weight is not limited to.

Eurrogers are distinguished by the type of town, the number of figures and bits used. The town is a square prism. Figures also, as in the traditional version, are made up of five towns, but 16: 15 of traditional and one more, called "Fax" be played. Throw polymer bits weighing up to 2 kg without additional inserts.

In Finnish towns play sticks from a tree on a soil field as follows: small cylinders are knocked out from the installed distance. In the team battle, the number of embossed cylinders - 20 pairs, and in personal - 10 pairs.

Problems and prospects of civilian sports

After World War II, the towns were a very famous sport. They were inferior to only football. But at the end of the twentieth century, this game began to lose its significance. After the collapse of the USSR and caused by this crisis in the economy, the custody ceased to exist in many parts of our immense homeland.

According to experts, this was due to the fact that Russia became largely oriented to the West, including in sports. Those types of competitions that were distributed worldwide continued their development and acquired a commercial basis. And ethnic sports - lapta, Russian hockey and cruise sports - turned out to be aside.

Previously, meetings were held between the regions, there were prefabricated areas that participated in the All-Russian Competitions. Today, the towns are not involved in the Olympic program, unlike, let's say, from rugby and golf. After all, to get there, a sports game should receive its development at least in 75 countries. And in the account of the towns, only about 20 are only about 20. While this sport is only the European Cup draws.

But meanwhile, the city "battle" is extremely spectacular and can have good ratings, enjoy popular on television. This sport trains the accuracy, strength, the ability to weigh the position and make decisions - those properties that revered at all times. Yes, and it is very easy to organize a territory for the game - there are gathering and disassembly options for plastic platforms that can be selected for any parameters. And it is possible not expensive at all. This sport can well be introduced in school lessons of physical culture, arrange demonstration performances.

The revival of custody is the revival of national traditions and cultures. But this requires an administrative resource, the interest of power, financial investments and, of course, a rash rate. You need to engage in the game youth, new promising sports personnel. It will takes the development of youth sports, the propaganda of all directions of the game, the organization of professional clubs, and of course, participation in international competitions of various levels, including the inclusion in the program of the World Olympiad. Perhaps the implementation of these ideas will be able to implement the International Federation of Sports, who established the concept of the popularization of all directions of the city game in 2006 and their release to the world arena.

Competition Rules

Game in town

The game in the townships is to knock out the figures built of five towns, from a limited platform called "city", bits from a certain distance.

Curious figures

1 . 15 figures are used for the towns. The sequence and correct formulation in the part of the 15 figures is shown in Figure:

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

10 11 12

13 14 15

Picture. Curious figures:

1. Gun, 2. Fork, 3. Star,

4. Arrow, 5. Well, 6. Crankshaft,

7. Artillery, 8. Racket, 9. Machine-tube nest,

10. Cancer, 11. Watch, 12. SERP,

13. Tir, 14. Airplane, 15. Letter

2 . IN parts of 10 figures for younger boys, the figures put and knock out in the following sequence:

1.Push, 2.Vilka, 3. Fodder, 4. Stretch, 5.Artler, 6.Serp, 7.Pulent nest, 8.Sames

9.Tir, 10.Fecmo

3 . All the figures, except for the "letters", put in the middle of the front line, without leaving the limits of the "city", in accordance with the requirements of the "Regulations of the figures" (Appendix No. 2).

4 . The angular towns of the figure "Letter" put on the outer line of the "cities", without going beyond its limits, so that in the corners is formed an equally chained triangles. The town, which denotes the brand, is installed in the center of the diagonal coming from the rear right corner of the "city" to the front left (for playing with the right hand) or in the center of the diagonal coming from the rear left to the front right angle of "cities" (for playing left hand).

5 . The figure "Sickle" for playing left hand is installed in the left half of the "city" in the mirror reflection.

6 . The sequence and number of embossed figures can be changed depending on the competition system. All changes should be reflected in the position.

Towns - Ancient Slavic game. Her story has several centuries. Mention of the towns can also be found in fairy tales, and in old legends, and in documents relating to the history of ancient Russia. This game entered our story as part of the national culture.

It was believed that the towns are a game of a simple people, but history testifies that Peter 1 and Generalissimus A.V. played in the towns Suvorov, V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin) and I.V. Stalin, M.I. Kalinin and K.E. Voroshilov. The game in the towns was a favorite physical exercise for many outstanding figures of domestic science, culture, writers. Among them - Academician I.P. Pavlov, Genetic N.V. Timofeev-Resovsky, singer F.I. Shalyapin, musical critic and composer V.V.Stasov, classics of world literature L.N. Tolstoy and A.M. Bitter.

When they talk about the game, in the towns to the revolution and the hobby of the broad masses after 1917, they usually mean the game in essence without rules. As a sport, having uniform rules, the towns were formed by 1923, when the first All-Union competitions were held in Moscow. The program of the first All-Union Olympiad, the towns were included in 1928.

Previously, the game took place mainly on earth, wooden bits. In the twenties, platforms with solid concrete and asphalt coating began to appear. Cocumenics began to apply hinge bits. In 1933, new rules were published in which 15 figures were identified, and the game was largely regulated. Essentially, these rules apply today.

What is the attractive strength of civic sports? The game is simple according to the rules, passes on open areas, in summer and winter in the fresh air. This game is fascinating, athletic, requiring power and agility, accuracy and excerpt, good coordination of movements. The towns are forced to forget about the lived years, they are literally the words "all the ages are submissive." The popularity of this game is explained not only by the fact that it is an excellent rehabilitation tool, but also its accessibility for the most different ages of people.

In the postwar years, the towns were one of the most massive sports, giving way to popularity, perhaps, only football. The country sites were almost at all stadiums, in all holiday homes, boarding houses, sanatoriums and pioneering camps, in parks and even often in the territories of factories and factories. For regret, in recent times the number of participants in the competitions and viewers has decreased significantly.

Gloria Sport undoubtedly applies to the concept of a national idea - primarily in the careful attitude of the people to its history, culture, traditions, to all that it is united.

Rules of towns

For the game in the towns are used 15 figures, which consist of 5 pods (wooden cylinders).

The winner is the player or the team that spent on knocking out the smallest bits.

The following is the sequence and correct placement in the part of the 15 figures.

These Rules are developed by the All-Russian Sports Federation accredited by the type of Sport "Curious Sport" (hereinafter referred to as the Federation) on the basis of the Rules of Sports Sports "Sports" approved by the International Federation of Sports (hereinafter - MFGS) (hereinafter referred to as the Rules). The rules applies to all official sports competitions held in the territory of the Russian Federation. The purpose of this Regulation is to ensure competitions in compliance with the requirements of international rules. Curious competitions are held on sports facilities relevant to the requirements of these Rules. Sports situations that have not found reflections in the present editorial board of rules are interpreted on the basis of the MFGS Rules.

Competitions for custody are held in accordance with these Rules, the Rules of Competitions.

Any changes are made to the situation of a specific competition and are obliged to be agreed with the Federation.

1.1 Definition

The game in the townships is to knock out the figures of five towns, with limited sites. The knockout is made from a certain distance by composite bits consisting of metal sleeves, end cup and wooden or polymer inserts, as well as handles made of wood, textolite or polymeric materials. For the game uses 15 figures built out of five towns made of wood. The game surface of the "cities" and "suburbs" is covered with metal or polymer sheets.

1.2 Terminology

The town is a cylinder or the correct octamic prism, made of wood, which are used to build figures.

The figure is the construction of five towns located in the "city".

The bit is a composite rod with a round cross section, which are performed by throws in figures and towns.

The handle is the item located at the end of the bits, which is used for grabbing hand.

The sleeve is a metal part that is used for the manufacture of the bits and is located between the handle and the terminal glass.

The end cup is a metal part located on the opposite of the pen with the end of the bits.

Insert is a detail of wood or polymeric cylindrical materials. Inserts connect metal parts of the bits (sleeves and end glass).

The game coating is the surface of the platform covered with sheets of metal or polycarbonate, which is located "City" and "suburb."

"City" is the square in the form of a square, within which the figures are installed.

The front line of "cities" is a line included in the "cities" area, which separates it from the "suburbs".

Side Lines "Cities" - lines located perpendicular to the front and rear line.

The back line "Cities" is a line connecting the two side lines of the "city".

The central line of "cities" is a line that comes from the middle of the front line, perpendicular to it to the intersection of the diagonals of the "Cities"

Lines "Mark" are a lines of 20 cm long, located in the middle of the diagonals of the "cities".

"Suburb" is an area in the form of a trapezium located between the front line of "cities" and a penalty line, limited by side lines.

The side lines of the "suburbs" are lines connecting the front line of "cities" and a penalty line. They are the continuation of the diagonals of the "City".

The penalty line is a line that is not part of the "suburbs" located parallel to the front line, at a distance of 1 m from it and connecting the two side lines "suburbs" with each other.

The penalty area is a penalty line and an area located in front of it.

Penalty marks - lines 20 cm long, located in the center of the "suburbs" parallel to the penalty line at a distance of 20 and 40 cm from it.

Con is a square, limited to two side lines and anterior bar, from the limits of which throws along the figures.

The semi-shot is an area, limited to two side lines, anterior plate and a plank Kona from behind, from the limits of which throws after knocking out of the figure at least one town (except the figure "Letter").

The game is a meeting between two teams, couples or participants in the framework of competitions or training sessions or demonstration performances.

The "lost" throw is a non-response throw, made with a violation of the rules, after which the position of the towns is restored.

Promas - a non-accomplishment of a throw, in which no town will not be held.

"Dead Point" - the position of the town, to which he rolled in one direction, and after which - in the opposite.

2. Inventory. Playground for the game. Equipment site

2.1. Town

The "suburbs" is an area located between the front "city" and a penalty line, limited by the side lines of the "suburbs" passing along the inner side of the continuation of the diagonals of the "city". In the center of the "suburbs" at a distance of 20 and 40 cm from the penalty line, two marks 20 cm long for installation of penalty towns are applied.

The lines of markings of the "city" and "suburbs" (except for the penalty line) are included in the size of these areas. The penalty marks are measured from the penalty area to the front edge of the line.

The distance between the "cities" of one platform is possible, if necessary, to cut up to 1.5 m. In this case, the markup of the "suburbs" is allowed to be put on each other.

2.3.4. The penalty area is covered with sand or chalk from an aqueous suspension. It is allowed to use other coatings and means providing objective control over the bits of the penalty area.

2.3.5. The distance from Kona's plank to the front line is 13 m (for men, juniors and senior boys) and 6.5 m (for children, younger boys, girls, juniors and women).

The distance from the front strip of the semi-chamber to the front line is 6.5 m. The markup lines in the area of \u200b\u200bhorses and halfcomes are not included.

The surface of the horses and halfcomes should exclude sliding shoes and be sufficiently solid. The most preferred coatings are special synthetic coatings, asphalt or sidewalk tiles.

When conducting competitions in unsuitable gyms or on non-specialized sports fields, restrictive planks on the front lines of the position and the semi-chamber may not be recorded.

The inner edges of the side lines of the Kona and the semi-chamber must be on one straight line with the outer edges of the side lines of the "cities". 2 cm width lines are painted white paint.

3. Curious figures

3.1. For competitions in classic towns, 15 figures are used. The sequence and correct setting in the part of the 15 figures is shown on.

3.2. In the part of the 10 figures, the sequence of formulation of figures is as follows:

1. "Cannon", 2. "Fork", 3. "Well", 4. "Arrow", 5. "Artillery", 6. "Sickle", 7. "Machine-gun nest", 8. "Airplane", 9 . "Tir", 10. "Letter" - in the competitions of younger boys and girls;

1. "gun", 2. "Fork", 3. "Well", 4. "Crankshaft", 5. "Artillery", 6. "Machine-gun nest", 7. "Watch", 8. "SERP", 9. "TIR", 10. "Letter" - in competitions of men, women, juniors, juniors, senior boys and girls.

3.3. The sequence and number of embossed figures can be changed depending on the competition system. All changes should be reflected in the position.

3.4. All figures put in accordance with the requirements of the "Rules of Figures" ().

4. Conditions and order of the game

4.1. Workout

4.1.1. Before starting the game, participants are warm up.

4.1.2. Before starting the warm-up, the judge and participants with bits are built by the territory of the site. At the computer player athletes enter the platform and become along the back of the "cities". The judge takes place between the participants (teams). Captains of teams and participants in personal competitions are becoming next to the judge. The informant announces the start of the workout.

4.1.3. During the workout, the informant reports information on athletes, teams, their tournament position, achievements and records.

4.1.4. Before the start of the game, before the end of the warm-up, the secretary should fill out the protocol. Captains of teams and participants in personal competitions must put their signatures in the protocol.

4.1.5. A team player who did not perform for one party has the right to warm up on a free platform for 10 minutes. At the same time, he should not interfere with the competition. The captain of the team should deliver a judge to the work of the spare player.

4.1.6. During the workout and the game, when leaving the con or halfcom and return, the players should not step on the restrictive plates of the Kona and the middle or to step over them.

4.1.7. When you enter the warm-up, during the workout and the participants must carry bits in one hand.

4.2. Building before playing

4.2.1. After the announcement of the end of the warm-up and preparation of sites for the competition, the judge takes place on the continuation of the rear lines of the "cities" between them, and participants with the bits are becoming close to the judge of the rear corners of the "cities".

4.2.2. The informant judge (judge) represents participants (teams) and judges and announces the start of the game. Participants (teams) welcome each other.

4.3. The game

4.3.1. The game begins the participant (couple or team) of the right "city", performing two throw sequentially, then the opponents perform two throw alternately.

4.3.2. Children, younger boys, girls, juniors and women play from a distance of 6.5 m from the front line "Cities". For young men, 15-18 years old, juniors and men Kon are located at a distance of 13 m from the front line, half-shot - at a distance of 6.5 m. The distance for the game of veterans is determined by the position.

4.3.3. The composition of the team and the number of participants playing in one goal is determined by the Regulation. The order of the release of players in the team and in pair competitions establishes a coach or team captain (pairs). In one goal, each player can go out to perform shots only once. At the same time, each time he must have two bits, except in cases where the athlete is given the right to one throw.

4.3.4. All shapes begin to knock out from Kon. If at least one town knocks out, the rest are knocked out from the middle. "Letter" is knocked out only with Kona.

4.3.5. After the release of the participant to the con or half a bowl, making sure the outcome of the figure and in the fact that the throw would not be threatened with anyone, the judge gives a whistle to perform a throw. The judge gives two short whistle, if the throw is considered "lost", and three short whistle - with a violation of the integrity of the figure to throw or even in any emergency situation.

4.3.6. After graduating from the team, the teams (participants) are built along the side lines of the "cities" face to each other and after declaring the result, according to the signal of the judge, change "cities".

4.3.7. If there is not enough two or more players before the game before the game starts than it is necessary in one position in position, the team to the game is not allowed.

5.3.8. The late player can enter the game after notifying the judge if his surname is recorded in the Protocol.

4.3.9. The player, the name of which is listed in the protocol, has no right to leave the platform without notifying the judge through the captain.

4.3.10. Participants in both teams during the execution of throws should be on the side of their "cities".

4.3.11. The player is forbidden to perform two shots in one and the same bat in one side, but if the player had a bit during the competition, he has the right to continue the game one bit only in the day of the competition.

4.3.12. In games that are held before a certain number of victories in the parties, in the decisive party, after knocking out one of the parties "artillery", rivals change "cities". At the same time, before the transition, both parties should make the same number of throws. After the transition, the participants put in their "cities" the next figures or towns, not knocked out before changing the "cities" (in the same position) and continue the party. If the player of the left "city" knocked out (finished) the figure "artillery" first bat, then after the transition, he performs the second throw, and then the game continues the player of the right "city" again.

4.3.13. An additional party played after the third or fifth party before the first advantage of one of the teams or one of the participants after the full knockout of the figure begins without changing the "cities". After knocking out a team or participant "Artillery" rivals go to the opposite "city".

4.3.14. If one of the participants of the personal competition finished his party earlier, he is waiting until the opponent finishes its (with the exception of competitions held before the victory in the party). At the same time, he is allowed to perform warm-up throws in order of its turn. If the opposition to the opponent to complete the party is needed theoretically at least five bits or the difference in the results of the first batch reached five bits, the players change "cities" and the lagging rival completes the party, after which it starts a new one.

4.3.15. If the towns from behind the wind will move from the place earlier than the bit touched them (or will fly by them), they are installed in the same position, the bit returns and the throw is reused.

4.3.16. If the towns will move as a result of a shocking site (or because of the wind) after the throw, when the bit passed past the towns, they are restored in the same position, but the bit is not returned.

4.3.17. If the town after hitting rolled in one direction, and then changed the direction of movement to the opposite, that is, he had a "dead point", the judge rolls him into place from which he rolled back.

4.3.18. If two towns face in the "city" or "suburb" and then disagree, then their final position is fixed.

4.3.19. If the participant (couple or team), which is playing in the left "city", theoretically cannot finish the party with the same result, with which the participant (couple or the team) ended in the right "city", then the game in this party stops if the game is being done Before victory in the party.

4.3.20. If the player made misses on the figure or and at the same time the bit did not hurt any town or made a "lost" throw, then for the player following him, throwing the other hand, these figures are rearranged.

4.3.21. Competitions (games) may be temporarily interrupted (canceled):

Due to unsatisfactory training of platforms;

Due to adverse meteorological conditions;

To provide medical care for traumatized (sick) participants in the competition.

If the break in the game was no more than 15 minutes, the game is renewed immediately, without a warm-up, and if more than 15 minutes, the players are given a five-minute warm-up, after which the game resumes the interrupted position in the party. If the break lasted more than two hours, then the interrupted batch begins again, and the account of the parties played to the break is preserved.

4.3.22. If the town who has changed the direction of movement to the opposite (who had a "dead point") inside the "city" or "suburbar", prevented the movement of another town, then the moving town is put to the position in which he was at the time of the collision, and the town he had earlier " Dead point ", put on its definition.

4.3.23. After the throw before declaring the result, the result is prohibited:

Remove or stop the towns located near the "cities" or "suburbs";

Sweep the "city" or "suburb";

To become on the sheets of coverage of the "city" or "suburbs".

If these violations influenced the result of the throw, the participant (team), which made a violation, shall be punished by the fact that the town (towns), which, in the presence of a violation, is installed on the edge of the line at the site of its (their) exit.

4.3.24. Before declaring the judge of the result of the throw of the judge, players and assistants are allowed and it is recommended to remove the towns that bounced out of the jackhaft or the "city" from the "city" from the "city" from the "City", not advancing the sheets of playing.

4.3.25. The position of the town that Katovya in another town is determined after its complete stop.

4.3.26. If the embossed town returned to the "city" touched the town already stopped and at the same time changed his position, the latter returns to the previous position. If the knocked out town or bit, which returned to the "cities" or "suburbs", prevented the movement of other towns, the position of the townships to the throw is restored, while the player returns the right to throw. If the town or bits, who returned to the "cities" or "suburbs", prevented the movement of another town, which was moving towards the penalty area, then the moving town is put in place of collision.

4.3.28. The town, who stopped in the "suburbs" at a distance of less than 20 cm from the free-end line or hardened for it, is installed on the penalty mark at a distance of 20 cm from the free-line line in parallel to it against the center of the "city", if at least one town knocks out of the figure. If there are several such towns, they are set to each other. The town (towns), which touched the penalty area is also put on the penalty mark. If no town does not knock out of the figure, then all the towns rushing to the "suburb" at a distance of less than 40 cm from the free line are mounted at a distance of 40 cm from the free-line line. If any town located in the "suburbs" prevents the installation of another town per penalty mark, it is minimally shifted in the direction of the front line without changing the orientation.

4.3.29. The town, who stopped in the "suburbs" at a distance of less than 40 cm from the penalty line or in the penalty area when knocking out a "letter", is set at a distance of 40 cm from the penalty line in parallel to it opposite the place previously occupied by this town. The side town is established in such a way that the vertical projection of its end coincides with the continuation of the outer edge of the side line "of the city".

4.3.30. In competitions in men, juniors and senior boys, towns who stayed in the "suburbs" at a distance of less than 20 cm from the penalty line or entering the penalty area, put on the penalty area at a distance of 20 cm from the penalty line. In competitions of children, younger boys, girls, juniors and women, the towns who stopped in the "suburb" at a distance of less than 40 cm from the free-line line or hit the penalty area, put on the penalty area at a distance of 40 cm from the free-line line. In the competitions of children, such towns are installed vertically.

4.3.31. The town (towns), rushing in the "suburb", and stopped to the penalty mark (20 or 40 cm), fixed at the stop place.

4.3.32. Splitting the threaded bits during the game leads to a violation of these rules () and is not allowed.

4.4. Building after the end of the game

4.4.1. At the end of the meeting, the judge builds players without bit along the rear lines of "cities". After declaring the results, players and judges exchange hands and leave the platform.

4.4.2. At the end of the game, coaches or captains sign the protocol. In the event of a protest in the protocol, the corresponding entry is made.

4.5. Knocked and not embarked town

4.5.1. The town is considered knocked out if he completely went beyond the "city" or "suburbs" in any direction without touched by the penalty area.

4.5.2. The town who left the limits of the "city" or "suburbs" and returned back, is considered knocked out.

4.5.3. The position of the town who stopped next to the "cities" or "suburbs" line on the outside, the judge determines visually on the vertical projection of the town, looking along the line. If the lumen is visible between the line and the town, the town is considered knocked out. In doubtful cases, next to the town on the outer edge of the line are vertically another town and, if the towns are not in touch, the town is considered knocked out.

4.5.4. The position of the town dropping when rotating the "city" or "suburbs" line is determined after its complete stop.

4.5.5. If, after hitting the town split into two parts or lost the form in more than half the length (for cylindrical shapes), and most of its part or half of the town stayed in the "city" or "suburb", the athlete returns the right to a throw, and the figure or position Towns to throw are restored. If the "city" or "suburb" remained a smaller part of the town, the town is considered knocked out.

4.6. "Lost" throw

The throw is considered "lost", and the location of the towns is restored if:

The throw is made to the whistle of the judge;

Bita touched the penalty area;

The player in one entry of the team game made a throw for the third time or more;

The player in the period from the beginning of the zamaha to achieve a steady equilibrium after performing the throw occurred to the restrictive line (bar) or jumped out for it and touched by any part of the surface body outside the conma zone (semi-chamber). In this case, the position of the towns before the strike may not be recovered if the restoration of the previous position of the towns will be beneficial to the violator of the rules;

Violated the placement of players or the figure is missing in cases and.

The team, plays incomplete and performs in each goal for two throw less. Failured throws are considered "lost".

4.7. Winning party and end result game

4.7.1. The party is considered to be won by the team (a pair or participant), which (which) knocked out (knocked) smaller than the bits of all the figures of this party. With an equal number of bits spent on knocking out all the figures, the party is considered a draw. If the figure is missing during the game or in the command game, the order of the players' output is violated, then:

a) if the skipping of the figure is found until "Letter" is set, the missed figure is put immediately after the liberation of the "city" from the towns;

b) if the skipping of the figure is detected during the knocking "Letter", then the throws made according to the "Letter" figure are considered "lost", the missed figure is set, and the figure "letter" is rebounded again;

c) if the skipping of the figure in private competitions was found after the end of the party, then four bits for each transmitted figure are added to the result of the batch;

d) if the violation of the order of players' output was found before the end of the party, then all the throws made from the moment of violation are considered "lost" and the game continues;

e) if the violation of the order of players' output or skipping figures were found after the end of the game, then in the party, played with a violation, and in all unsended teams that made a violation, the defeat is counted, and the result of the game is determined taking into account the parties played without disorders;

e) If the violation of the order of players' output or the skipping of the figure is found before declaring the judge of the game's result, then in a party played with a violation, the team that made a violation takes place defeat, and the game continues.

4.7.2. The game is won by one of the teams (one of the participants), if:

In the game of three batches, the score 2: 0, 2.5: 0.5, 2: 1;

In the game of five batches, the score 3: 0,3.5: 0.5, 3: 1, 3.5: 1.5.3: 2.

With a score 1.5: 1.5 and 2.5: 2.5 The result of the game is a draw.

4.7.3. If the competition is provided for other ways to conduct competitions, then another order of determining the winner in the parties and in the game is possible.

5. Definition of competition results

5.1. In personal competitions for knocking out the established number of features, participants are determined by the smallest number of bits. With an equal number of bits in several participants, the winner is determined by the smallest number of bits spent on knocking out figures:

Last round;

Last party of the last round;

Monitor the sequence and correct formation of figures;

When setting standing figures, check the ends of standing and cylindrity of the upper towns when playing cylindrical shapes;

Mark the position of the towns of chalk or pencil in all cases when there is a real possibility of determining the "lost" throw or shift of the towns for any reason;

Fix the rules violations, make warnings to players, to make them punishment for violations;

Justify your decisions in the event of the appeal of the participant, captain or coach;

8.7.2. At each moment of the game, the judge is obliged to choose such a place from which it can clearly see the correctness of the formation of the figure, towns, the place of landing the bits, as well as movement and stopping (fixation) of the towns after impact.

8.7.3. In case of doubt, the judge must refer to the secretary for help.

8.7.4. The judge should not correct the figures and towns, to put or remove them, except the case described in and in.

8.7.5. The judge should not have any help players, with the exception of medical.

8.7.6. By decision of the Chief Judge, the judge's competition can simultaneously perform the work of the Secretary's judge.

8.8. Judge-secretary

8.8.1. The Secretary's judge before the start of the game records data on the place and nature of the competition, the date and time of the game, the names of the participants, the name of the teams, the names and categories of judges, team formulations, the number of figures in the party.

8.8.2. During the game, the Secretary's judge leads the protocol of the competition, records the result of the throw declared by the judge.

8.8.3. The results of the ships of the judge, the secretary records in the protocol as follows: the shaved towns - a digit corresponding to their number, "lost" throw - a sign of multiplication "X".

8.8.4. In the team competition, the Secretary's judge also records the number of the player who makes the throttle, monitors the order of the players' output and in case of violation, the judge and players are informed.

8.8.5. When servicing the game in each party, the Secretary must check the number of erased figures before making a "letter".

8.8.6. Controls compliance with the rules by participants and, if necessary, informs a judge of violations.

9. Safety rules

For competitions without injury and other undesirable consequences, every judge, participant, assistant, coach or viewer must comply with the following security rules:

Only a good, corresponding to the rules inventory is allowed to competition.

The player should not produce a throw if there are people in the sector of possible defeat (outside the protected zone).

The player performing a throw must also ensure that during the throw in the zone of its execution there were no unauthorized persons. At the same time, the necessary free security zone is behind and from the cast-up hands should be at least 3 meters.

During the competition, the athlete must perform a throw only after the whistle of the judge.

It is unacceptable to perform a throw, if there is any other than the judge on the game covering in the opposite area of \u200b\u200bthe "city".

When formulating the figures, the assistant must be spinning to the jacking wall, and not to the horse (half-one).

Players should not move across the sites on which competitions or training are held.

Persons under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medicines are not allowed for civilian sites.

Players, judges and coaches carry personal responsibility for complying with the above security rules.

10. Sanctions for violation of the rules

p / P.
Violation Punishment
10.1. Violations of the rules during the execution of a throw
10.1.1. The throw is made before the whistle of the judge
10.1.2. Bit touched a penalty area or coverage over it Passed "Lost" throw
10.1.3. Bit landed outside the game cover Passed "Lost" throw
10.1.4. The player in one sign of the team game made a throw for the third time or more Passed "Lost" throw
10.1.5. The player in the period from the beginning of the Zamaha until the sustainable equilibrium will reach the line (bar) or jumped out for it and touched by any part of the surface body outside the Kona zone (semi-chamber) Passed "Lost" throw. The position of the towns before the strike should not be recovered if it is beneficial to the violator of the rules.
10.2. Violations of the rules while sitting on the site in the process of competition
10.2.1. The skip of the figure is discovered during the knockout "Letter" Thresters made by "Letter" are considered "lost", the missed figure is set, and the figure "Letter" is knocked out
10.2.2. Skipping figures in personal competitions found after the end of the party The result of the batch is added four bits for each missing figure.
10.2.3. Violation of the order of players' output found before the end of the party All shots made from the moment of violation, are considered lost and the game continues
10.2.4. Violation of the order of players' output or skipping figures found before declaring the judge of the game result In a party, played with a violation, a team that made a violation, a defeat is counted, and the game continues
10.2.5. Violation of the order of players' output or skipping figures found after the end of the game In a party, played with a violation, and in all unsended teams that made a violation, a defeat is counted, and the result of the game is determined taking into account parties played without disorders
10.2.6. Inventory inconsistency Rules (primary violation) Withdrawal inappropriate inventory (towns). Fix or replace bit until the next game. Adding three bits to the result in the party in private competitions and defeat in the party - in the team game.
10.2.7. Inventory inconsistency Rules (re-violation) Withdrawal inappropriate inventory (towns). Defeat in the party - in the team game. Disqualification of the violator by the main judge to the end of the competition.
10.2.8. Skipping through the restrictive bar (line) or advancing on it (primary violation) Oral warning
10.2.9. Skipping through the restrictive bar (line) or advancing on it (re-violation)
10.2.10. A player or assistant commit actions aimed at a delayed game or actions that may be regarded as such (primary violation) Oral warning
10.2.11. A player or assistant make actions aimed at launching a game or actions that may be regarded as such (re-violation) Passed "Lost" throw without a work such
10.3. Disciplinary disorders
10.3.1. Care from the site without notice of the judge (primary violation) Oral warning
10.3.2. Care from the site without notice of the judge (re-violation)
10.3.3. Unintentional actions that hinder the game Oral warning
10.3.4. Repeated actions that interfering Protocol Warning
10.3.5. Unfortunate behavior (primary violation) Protocol Warning
10.3.6. Unsporting behavior (re-violation), including actions that interfering the game and care from the site without notice of the judge Removing the judge to the end of the game (after a warning with a record in the protocol)
10.3.7. Rough unsporting behavior Removing a judge to the end of the game and disqualification by the chief judge until the end of the competition followed by the consideration at the Disciplinary Commission of the Federation.


1. Athlete who has received a warning of a judge with a record in the protocol, for the next similar violation is removed from the site.

11. Simplified rules

Mass competitions in physical education groups, youth and children's camps, other places of recreation can be held under simplified rules. It is possible to change the size of the playgrounds. The composition of the team may be arbitrary. Towns and bits may not comply with the requirements of the rules. You can define the winner in the number of broken towns with a limited amount of bits. In team and personal competitions, the logging of protocols is not necessary, just write the end result of the game in the table.

For mass competitions allow bits of any design that provides security. Polymer bits or bits made of solid wood species are recommended.

Appendix N 1.

Rules of figures

The main purpose of this regulation is to standardize the formulation of the classic township figures in order to create equal conditions for the participants of the Competition.

1. All shapes, except for the "letter", put from the middle of the front line, without leaving the limits of the "city".

2. All towns located on the facial, rear or side lines of the "cities" should be located so that the outer edges of the vertical projections of these towns coincide with the outer edges of the restrictive lines of the "cities".

3. The accuracy of the formulation of the towns relative to the lines can be checked with the help of a vertically installed control town, which is located close to the outer edge of the restrictive line outside the "city" so that the vertical projection of the town coincided with the outer edge of the line.

4. The accuracy of distances between the towns is checked with horizontally located control towns.

5. Towns located next to each other must touch tightly.

6. Towns located along the central line "Cities" and a town that denotes "Mark" is put on the middle of the lines.

7. For the formulation of figures during the competition, only the towns corresponding to the rules of competition are used.

8. In competitions conducted by cylindrical shapes, standing and upper towns are marked and used only by appointment (as standing and upper towns in high figures).

9. In the competitions of any level, participants have the right to use their towns if they fully comply with the rules and verified by the judge, provided that the organizers of the competition do not provide towns that meet the rules of the competition.

1. "gun"

1. Before making a figure, the control gallery in the "suburbs" is close to the center of the front line in the "suburbs" vertically, contacting his middle with whom the lower town is put along the front line.

2. On top, close to the control cushion, in contact with each other along the entire length, are put perpendicular to the lower two middle town, along the center of the city. The control town is cleaned.

3. The rear town is put along the central line of "cities" over the rear edges of the middle towns, entering them the front edge of 1 cm.

4. The upper town is put in one edge on the front ends of the middle towns, and the second edge to the rear town, along the center of the city. The lower front edge of the upper town must be on the same level with the upper edges of the middle towns.

2. "Fork"

2. The middle towns are located behind the front of the front town, in parallel to the front line, in contact with the ends in the middle of the central line "Cities".

3. Side towns are put in parallel to the front town and each other. The front edges of the side towns must be on the same level with the front edges of the middle towns.

3. "Star"

1. The front town is put on the end close to the control cushion (see), along the central line "Cities". The control town is cleaned.

2. The central town is put on the central line of the "cities" vertically close to the front town.

3. Side and rear towns are located perpendicular to neighboring towns. Horizontal towns do not come into contact with each other.

4. "Arrow"

1. The front town is put on the end close to the control cushion (see), along the central line "Cities". The control town is cleaned.

3. The rear towns are attached to the rear edge of the last town at an angle of 30 °. They come into contact among themselves in the middle of the central line "Cities". The front inner edges of the rear towns are located at a distance of the town's length (20 cm).

5. "Well"

1. The lower towns are put by perpendicular to the front line of the "cities" close to the control cakes, installed symmetrically central line on the width of the town (by external edges).

2. The front upper town is put on top of the lower along the front line of the "cities" close to the control cakes. The rear upper town is established similarly to the rear edges of the lower towns. The vertical projections of the outer surfaces of the lower and upper towns form a square, coinciding in the corners. Control towns are cleaned.

3. The vertical middle town is located in the center of this square.

6. "Crankshaft"

1. The middle town is put in the center along the front line "Cities" close to the control cushion (see). The checking town is cleaned

2. The following two towns are put close to it in parallel, but shift back so that the thickness of the contact of the towns of the ends was not more than 1 cm (including chamfer).

3. Extreme towns are located along the front line "Cities" close to neighboring towns, on the same line with a middle town. All towns in the figure come into contact with the ends.

7. "Artillery"

1. The checking town is installed vertically at the intersection of the facial and central lines of "cities".

3. The central checklock is set as the top town of one of the "guns", one of the control ceremonies is set by the top town of the second "gun". Upper towns are installed on top of the lower perpendicular to the front line of the "cities" close to vertical control cages set to the centers of the lower towns of "guns" close to the outer edge of the city line.

4. The central town is installed vertically at the intersection of the facial and central lines of "cities", without leaving the limits of the "city".

8. "Racket"

1. The front town is put on the end close to the control cortex

2. (See), along the central line "Cities". The control town is cleaned.

3. Two medium-sized towns are installed close to the rear edge of the front town at an angle of 30 ° to the central line "Cities". The correctness of the formulation is checked with the help of a control campus, which in contact with its chamfer with the chamices of the near rear ends of the middle towns, forms an equilateral triangle.

4. Rear towns are located, in contact with the chamfer among themselves and with the near chamfer of medium-sized towns, forming a rhombus.

9. "Machine-gun nest"

1. Before stepping the figure, in the "suburb" parallel to the front line

2. In its middle, the control gallery is installed horizontally. Vertical towns are located in front edges at the level of the outer edge of the front line. Their outer edges are located at one level with the ends of the control camp. The control town is cleaned.

3. The upper town is installed on top of the vertical towns so that the vertical projections of its front, rear and outer edges coincided with the edges of the vertical towns

4. The lower town of "guns" is placed from behind vertical towns so that he concerned both towns and the ends coincided with the outer edges of standing towns.

5. The upper town of "Cannon" is placed on top of the lower town along the central line so that the front edge of the upper town "gun" was at the level of the rear edges of the vertical towns.

10. "Cancer"

1. Before stepping the figure, in the "suburb" parallel to the front line on its middle, the control gallery is set horizontally. The two front towns are located in such a way that they, in contact with the chamfer with the control town and among themselves, formed an equilateral triangle. The control town is cleaned.

2. The middle town is placed close to the front towns along the central line "Cities".

3. Rear towns are put in the mirror mapping to the front, if necessary, the correctness of the formulation is also checked using the test town.

11. "Voice"

1. Before installing the figure in the middle of the front line, three control codes are stacked close to each other. At the edges on the front line, vertical towns are installed. Control towns are cleaned.

2. In the middle of the front line, the central vertical town is installed.

3. Upper towns are installed on top of extreme vertical towns, parallel to the front line. The middle of the top cereals should be located in the center of standing towns.

12. "SERP"

1. The front town is put on the end close to the control cushion (see), along the central line "Cities". The control town is cleaned.

2. The next town is raised close to the front town perpendicular to the central line. The edges of both towns facing the opposite cast side are on the same level.

3. Further, behind the second town along the central line, two control codes are put in such a way that it goes to come from each other half the length of the town. The rear town is close to them in parallel to the front line so that his end, facing the opposite, relative to the hands-casting side, was at the same level with the same end of the second town. Control towns are cleaned.

4. Side towns are connected by the chamfer with the inner chamices of the second and last towns from the casting hand, connecting in the same way among themselves.

13. "TIR"

The figure is placed in the same way, only the "gun" is located on the "brand" so that its front edge is in the middle of the intersection of the "brand" lines (the distance from the outer edge of the front line to the front edge of the gun is 1 m).

14. "Airplane"

1. The front town is put along the front line close to the control cushion (see), touching it with its middle. The control town is cleaned.

2. The following two towns are set to each other in parallel front line behind the front town. The joint of two towns should be in the middle of the central line.

3. The middle town is located along the central line "Cities" behind the three previously installed towns.

4. The rear town is put perpendicular to the central line behind the rest of the towns. The middle of the town should be located in the middle of the central line.

15. "Letter"

1. Towns located at the corners of the "cities" form with corners of an isolated triangles.

2. The town, denoting "Mark", is installed along the line of "brand", coming from the rear right corner of the "city" to the front left (for playing right hand) or coming from the rear left to the front right corner of the "city" (for playing left hand). The middle of the town must be at the intersection of the "brand" lines.

Appendix N 2.

Regulations of the judiciary

The judicial board begins work a day before the competion.

1. Sport and Technical Commission

The chief judge appoints a sports and technical commission (hereinafter - STK). The Commission should include an odd number of members (from three to five).

The main tasks of the STK are:

1. Acceptance of a sports facility on which competitions will be conducted;

2. Checking the sports equipment (bits and towns) used in competitions;

3. Current monitoring of the state of sports equipment and inventory and timely correction of defects.

Taking a sports facility at which competitions will be conducted, the Commission performs the following functions:

1) checks the horizontal surface of the "cities" and "suburbs", the correctness of their markup;

2) checks the surface of the horses and half-one, markup on them, the presence of adhesion of shoes with the surface of the racks, the correctness of the attachment of the planks and their size;

3) checks the condition of the jackhaft, fences for the safety of participants and viewers, their compliance with the rules;

4) checks the presence and state of changing rooms for participants and judges, sanitary premises;

5) checks the presence and condition of the premises for the work of the main refereeing board, places for the work of secretaries on the courts.

According to the results of the inspection of sports facilities and related premises, an act of acceptance is drawn up, which indicates the conclusions and comments of the Commission with the mandatory conclusion about the possibility of holding competitions on this sports facility. The act signs the chairman of the Commission and all its members.

Checking sports inventory participants in the competition, STK performs the following functions:

1. Contains inspection and measurement of bit parameters:

Bit length;

Matching fixtures of the rules;

Condition of bit at the time of the competition.

2. Carries out the quality of the townships and the measurement of their parameters:

The length of the towns;

Diameter or thickness of the towns;

Chamfer width;

The quality of the ends of the towns;

The absence of dents and chips on the end and cylindrical surfaces of the towns;

Marking of standing and upper towns for high figures.

Carrying out current control over the state of sports equipment and inventory and timely correction of defects, STK performs the following functions:

1. Regular checking the game surface of the "city" and "suburbs" for the horizontality and the presence of deformation;

2. Timely correction of the defects of the game coverage "Cities" and "Prigodnod";

3. Regular verification of the status of the bit and towns for failure and the presence of wear defects;

4. Timely removal of faulty inventory from use in competitions before eliminating a defect or withdrawal in case of inconsistency of the rules.

2. Commission for admission

On the day of arrival to verify the application documents, the chief judge from the Judicial Board appoints a commission for admission to the chairman and several members of the Commission (2 or 4).

The obligation of the commission for admission to:

1) verification of the documents provided for compliance with their requirements and rules;

2) the admission of teams and participants who have passed the commission for admission to participate in competitions;

3) removal from participation in competitions of athletes with a properly disabled documents not allowed by the state of health or not appropriate for any requirements or regulations;

4) Drawing up a protocol meeting of the Commission on Access, indicating the decision on the admission of participants or teams to competitions. The protocol signed the Chairman of the Commission and all its members.

5) Speech by the Chairman of the Commission at the first meeting of the main refereeing board on the results of the participants and teams of the Commission for admission.

After the announcement of the results, the commission for admission ceases to work.

3. Meetings of the Judicial College

All meetings of the Judge College conducts the chief judge, and in his absence of his deputy. The minutes of the sessions of the Judicial College are conducted by the Secretary-General or other member of the Judge Board for the appointment of the Chief Judge. Decisions for each issue of the agenda are approved by voting, which involves only members of the Judicial Board.

3.1. The first meeting of the Judge College is held on the day of arrival together with the organizers of the competition and representatives of the teams that should be notified in advance.

Two main questions are made to the agenda:

1. Report of the Chairman of the Commission for Access on the results of the work and tolerance of participants;

2. Conduct the draw.

If necessary, the agenda may be expanded upon the proposal of the meeting participants after approval by the decision of the judiciary.

According to the first question, the Chairman of the Commission on tolerance reports the Judge College:

1. On the number of applications filed;

2. On the total number of participants declared for speaking in competitions;

3. On the number of participants and teams admitted to competitions;

4. On the reasons for the removal of some athletes or teams from participation in competitions;

5. On comments on the design of applications and other documents (if any).

On the second issue, the chief judge of the competition reports independently or trusts information to the general secretary or his deputy. If necessary, the assembled resemble the main points of the situation in which the method of conducting the competition is determined. After that, you begin the draw (see. Trawn). When conducting and personal and team competitions, the draw can be drawn only by personal competitions, and the conversation conversation can be held later.

3.2. At the end of each gaming day, the chief judge collects the judicial board to the meeting, on which the results of the games of the last day are approved, the controversial issues arising in the competition process, the quality of refereeing, protests and disciplinary disorders are considered. In addition, the meeting may consider current issues requiring a collegial decision.

3.3. At the end of the competition, the main judge collects the judiciary at the final meeting, on which the results of the competition are approved.

4. Zerbid

4.1. In the first round of personal competitions carried out on knocking out a certain number of figures, the chief secretary distributes players by players according to the draws of the draw. In the second round there is a sequential change of sites. At each site, players are distributed over pairs in strict dependence on the results of the first round. In the third round, players are distributed over couples strictly according to the results shown in two rounds, while the platforms for each pair are determined by the draw. In the second and third tours, players who showed the best results perform the last in the leading group. The leader's performance should be convenient for viewers.

4.2. The drawing of the competition held on the system with disposal is carried out taking into account the rating of participants, couples or teams, the conditions for determining which are stipulated by the Regulation. Players, couples or teams that have the best rank must meet in the last standards of competition.

4.3. The draw of the Competitions held by the Groups is made taking into account the rating of participants, couples or teams, so that the strongest participants, pairs or teams fall into different groups in accordance with their rating, the method of determining which is negotiated in the Regulation.

4.4. In the first round of competitions held on knocking out the figures with a certain amount of bits, athletes, pairs or teams are distributed over time and in the arts according to the draw. In subsequent tours, rivals are distributed according to previously shown results with a sequential change of platforms. At the same time, the teams, couples or participants who showered the best results perform the last in the leading group. In the last round, the distribution of participants in the right and platforms occurs according to the results shown before the last round. The platform for the game of each pair in the last round is determined by the method of exclusion already used by both rivals. If this does not turn out, the platform is selected on which the opponent has not yet played, which has the best result in front of the last round. The leader's performance should be convenient for viewers.

5. Reporting documents

5.1. For a report in a conductive organization, the main judiciary prepares the package of documents in which:

2) the report of the Chief Judge, certified by the signatures of the Chief Judge and the General Secretary;

3) minutes of meetings of the judiciary, certified by the signatures of the Chief Judge and the General Secretary;

4) the protocols of the Commission on the tolerance certified by the signatures of the Chairman and its members;

5) Applications of all teams and participants certified by the seals of sports organizations and medical institutions and signatures of the head and doctor;

6) protocols of games certified by the signatures of the judge and the secretary serving the meeting, the Chief Judge and the General Secretary;

7) The final protocols, certified by the seal of a conductive organization and signatures of the Chief Judge and the General Secretary;

8) certificate of teams, certified by the seal of a conductive organization and signatures of the Chief Judge and General Secretary;

9) Help on the composition of the judging board, indicating the qualifications of judges, the place of residence and work performed.

5.2. To the final day of the competition, the main referee board must prepare a package of documents that are transferred to representatives of participating teams. This package includes posters, all the final protocols of the competition, a certificate of the composition of the judiciary and a certificate of teams participating in competitions, certified by the seal of a conductive organization and signed by the Chief Judge and the Secretary-General.

Overview of the document

The rules determine the procedure and conditions for conducting competitions in custody. They apply to all official sports competitions held in Russia.

Requirements for competition participants, inventory for the game.

Mass competitions in physical education groups, youth and children's camps, other places of recreation can be held under simplified rules.