Games for two Oriental Wars. Games for two oriental wars play the game Oriental Wars in Russian

On Planet Paleus, the unique and very good people of Paleutan lived for a long time. And so, in one beautiful morning, everything, it seems, began as always - the sun rose over the world and the inhabitants began to wake up from sleep. But here, from where the evil robots appeared, who wish to capture the beautiful planet with all its wealth. Residents of these places began to hide anyone who called you, because you are with your friend, being real fighters, you will be able to beat off the attack of villains and restore justice to the wonderful planet Paleus.

Start your star war from landing on the slopes of the mountain hills of the world Paleutan. In order to proceed with the protection of the local population, click on the icon with a fascinating flash game for girls called the game for two Oriental Wars, relating to the section of the games of our site for two boys. Now you will be the task of destroying the evil invaders and the liberation of the beautiful rich planet from their raids and defeat. Restore the world again for the good people. The site wish you success in hostilities!

Tips for passing:

After booting on the screens of your monitors, click on the Start Game button and select the number of players, among the possible options - one or two. Next, you can proceed with the immediate passage of the first level of this completely free entertainment. Moreover, for this you do not even have to register on our website. Now you will find yourself in an unusual virtual world, where you will immediately be attacked by the invaders of the planet Paleus. Be extremely careful and try not to fall under the shelling of the enemy.

To manage the first character, you will need the W, a, s, d keys to make the shots from the weapon you will need a key with the letter G. Jump up will help the F key to move. In order to move through the game field the second character, use the keyboard arrows. You can jump by using the key with the letter x, and you can shoot the Z button using the Z button. You can also combine the various keys, for example, when you combine the shooting keys with any of the moving buttons, your heroes will be able to shots in four directions - left, up, right and down .

Choose yourself or with a friend, what type of combat action attracts you the most and prepare to plunge into the fascinating world of 3D graphics. Thanks to the three-dimensionality, which almost all the games of the war war are possessed from this section, which happens on the screen seems absolutely real and captures with his head.

Nuances Gameplay

Since almost all games for 2 war guys are made using 3D graphics, control in them is carried out traditionally for this kind of toys - simultaneously with the mouse, and keyboard. The arrow keys or letters of WASD make the main character or the tank move on the screen in a given direction, the movement of the mouse ensures the ability to turn it into different directions, and the click of its left-click is shooting or hit, depending on the game.

With the right mouse button, during the game, a war war indicates either a blocking of enemy attack, or its own alternative attack on the enemy. The space key (Space) is usually responsible for jumping or squatting, and the combination of buttons W and SHIFT makes the hero run. The listed set of features is not statical. Gameplay Specifically taken for two war can be great from him. We described the most common option of management buttons found in toys of such a plan.

By the way, it is very important for successful conducting virtual combat operations in them timely pumping total: from characteristics of the character to the capabilities of available military equipment. As a rule, after each successful mission, you will have the opportunity to visit a special store and purchase there any upgrade. Never regret it on it earned in the process of passing points. If you want to hold out in the online war guard as long as possible, without pumping resources can not do. By the way, useful trophies often fall out of the defeated enemies, they should also be diligently assembled - believe me, we will use.

If you like the films about Zombies, then our new online game about zombies will also like 100%. Take responsibility for the destruction of all monsters on the planet in the online game without registration for boys "games for two Oriental Wars." You and your friend will have to oppose the unclean strength as an archery named Sara-Rose and the war named Sky Khauk. Who among you will choose to decide for yourself. One warrior specializes in shooting at a large distance, the other loves to fight in the near battle.

After downloading the game, you will find yourself on a virtual ominous field, where not your destruction will be sent a whole army of evil forces. Only mutual assistance and mutual assistance will help you handle the zombie battalion and other evil monsters. Use your weapon with the sense and destroy all creatures that are not from the world of this. And we can help you only with parting words - good luck!

In order to proceed with the immediate passage of our new flash toy, click on the icon on your monitors with the Start inscription. Decide with the number of players, whether you will play alone, or with a friend, then select yourself players who want to control the Sara-Rose-Lien or Sky Hawk-stronghold, armed heavy sword and shield. When decide on the selection, click on the Start icon and you can start passing toys. To control the first player, you need to press the arrow on the keyboard, the attack with the ENTER button. You can control the movement of the second player using the WSAD keys, and you can attack the zombies by pressing the space. The game sounds an excellent Rock melody, the most that is for such a dynamic toy, so make music louder and go ahead!