How to spell in English Enderman. Who is Enderman in Mininraft? As Enderman tried to stay Enderman

N.B. At first, it was not planned to translate this and many other articles about Mobs or Minecraft blocks. However, yesterday it happened small discussion where I had to give explanations about the translation into Russian, some names from the game. And then I thought that such articles could be translated, complementing their comments on the translation of the term. Of course, if there is something to comment.

Acquaintance with Enderman

Will no way come on!

Do you like the picture at the beginning of the article? Enjoy, because it is the safest way to look at Enderman. This long and long-legged Mob color is darker-night, with purple eyes, ready to fight with any champion of the game "in glades". It can often be found in End or Nertheh, but occasionally can face him in the usual world. And even less often players who meet him were able to look into his eyes and survive ...

This mob exhibits aggression if it is for the first to attack him (which can not be done) or if you just look at it (oh, it is necessary ...). Given that he can pursue you and teleport, bypassing any obstacles, then listen to our friendly council: no need to stare on it! Write it to my forehead to remember. And do not forget to thank then.

"Enderman was created by notch, based on the Slenderman Mem on Slenderman in those days. This is really the most terrible mob in the game, which is also very strong. Initially, he had green eyes, so the items to it are also green. Then, somehow in the morning, notch told me: "Oh, I corrected the color of the eyes, they must be purple." And I said: "Okay", and then I thought all day - why? * Laughs * I think this is because the portal particles and the portal itself purple. But I never received an explanation - I actually did not ask, because for notch it seemed obvious! "
Jens Bergensten

It is noteworthy that the measurement of the END was intended already after How Enderman was added to the game, so the similarity of the names is just a frightening coincidence. But not such a frightening, as the expectation that Enderman can hide somewhere nearby right now, waiting for the moment I finish typing and looking back ...

That's all. We had to make your eyes - better so, what then regret ...

Tom Stone, 03/20/2017

As Enderman tried to stay Enderman

On translation name

It seems to me that the translation of the word Enderman turned out to be the main reason why the translation of the game differs in many ways from the transfer of the community performed by the wiki. I have not been able to agree once about the word, on both sides for a long time and did not try to find a common language.

It all started with the fact that Enderman was added to the game. He had a working name Farlander, and to call him on the wiki offered a "black skeleton" or "lap." But none of the name has not worked on, until the appearance of the measurement of the END. But the players could safely enjoy the transliteration - Ederman.

And it was difficult to imagine what could be different.

But here the "edge" happened. On October 13, 2011, the Creep Wiki community participant was asked for the word "edge" as a translation of the measurement name "END". This translation was approved by the Vicky Administration, and the player community was divided into two parts. Those who started their acquaintance with the game, reading articles in Vicky, was surprised by the Ender Dragon instead of the Dragon of the Region and Enderman instead of a wanderer of the edge. And those who studied the world in the game, tried in bewilderment to understand what the first people say about.

It was not possible to agree on the term and did not succeed, and at some point in time it was simply humbled with this situation.

Nevertheless, at some point in time, the term "Enderman" attached a greater weight of the developers themselves. They identified a list of words that are not subject to translation - i.e. It can be translated from them exclusively by transliteration. The terms based on the words "END" and "Ender" are also included in this list, which means "Enderman" can only be "Enderman".

"Minecraft" is a virtual game that every child knew in two thousandths. The main characters in it are mobs interacting with the player. Hurry-free communications without causing discomfort. Neutral characters leave a player without attention to close contact. Angry mob attacks. Enderman is a specific character from the number of neutral mobs.

History of creation

The game was developed in the spring of 2009 by Marcus Personsson on nicknamed Notch. Initially, the project was visually different from what looks like today. The blocks of the earth and stones organized pictures, allowing to associate seen from a real life. Later, the graphics block was finalized and images of plants appeared.

Majcraft game developer Markus Persson

The Persson called the Cavegame project, but the game was renamed. In 2010, she became a network. Online entertainment did not differ scales and had a lot of flaws. But it was not embarrassed by the audience. The stream of the same type of games, corrosive eyes, was the usual alternative, and minecraft became an exclusive. The construction of the settlers on servers liked users.

In 2010, the blocks of water and lava appeared as a result of refinement in the system, but they were "raw." Bugs quickly noticed and eliminated. The project was then completed by the mobs skeleton and. The survival scale appeared contained the same categories that exist today: health and hunger.

Game "minecraft"

In the fall of 2011, the project was updated, and the latest version was updated for Sony Ericsson smartphones. Gadgets who could not create a quality photo or play a song, did not "pull" the game. The number and quality of the blocks was refined, and the creators worked on improving the game. In 2014, Minecraft gained the possibility of infinite generation. Bil Gates showed attention to the project and twisted it for 2.5 billion dollars, which attracted the attention of the market. The version of this year had an updated engine and lighting.

"Minecraft" is a network game, the promotion of which is not required to be required. The project has advertised itself without investments. Today there is not a single avid player who does not know about this entertainment. Developers are in work on the new version of the "minisfaft" and are preparing to surprise fans.

In the game "Mauncraft"

Enderman is the usual name of the character, whose story is called a wanderer of the region. This name sounds in the English prototype and was invented in accordance with the place of origin of the described mob. Players meet him in the world called the edge, which is translated as "End" and in the usual world. The creators warn that the collisions with it are dangerous.

The growth of the character is comparable with the size of three blocks. In comparison with the main hero, Enderman is just a giant. The character is painted black, and his eyes are highlighted with a purple tint. Enderman belongs to neutral mobs. It is impossible to tame it, so the only correct solution becomes a refusal to interact with it. If you can not carefully move it, you should expect a bloody fight. Happy Mob begins to exercise aggression against the player in sensitive blows and heavy touches. At night, it is overly angry and excited from one glance. The smallest contact is enough to start the attack. At night, it is better not to watch Enderman.

The character has the possibility of teleportation. If you failed to avoid a collision with him, the aggressor will have to take on the sight to avoid his appearance behind your back. Enderman - fan of moving blocks. He will sweep up the world, is fond of the found unit and, a little closing it, moves to a new place. There are no complex tasks for him. Any block for the character.

Enderman has gained popularity among the public. Today, every third child knows who this hero. On social networks and on the Internet, cartoons, anime and fan fiction on the plot of the game are published. In them, Enderman opposes, reads rap, opposes and, against gasta, against Nubic and against the tsunami from the water. Fans of the game lay out comic videos to the music. In them, the wanderer of the region performs in the image of a mutant or zombie.

The game is curious that there is no bloody scenes in it. Even the girl could become her user. In the time of popularity of shooters, this characteristic is considered to be rare


As in any game, "minecraft" there are subtleties and tricks. Secrets relating to Enderman know experienced players.

  • For example, those who managed to try various approaches to the character, know: if you throw in the Ender the potion of invisibility, his body will dissolve in the air, and the glowing eyes will remain. From the attacks of the hero can be removed, putting on the head of the pumpkin. In such cases, the wanderer of the region becomes harmless, does not react to views and is not able to teleport. If precipitation begins, the latter ability always cuts Enderman.
  • The edge wanderer cannot be killed from Luke, as he has time to move, avoiding danger. Manual wolves help to keep it from teleportation, biting. If the hero dies, he leaves the pearls of Ender instead of himself. If you want to stop the teleportation of the character, apply shocks on your feet. From his attacks you will protect you in time organized visor, towering to the third block. Enderman's glove allows you to move blocks in space.
  • Players interested in skins and nicknames of this character will find useful information on the Internet and on thematic sites. To tame Ederman seems impossible, but players are divided by mods that allow it to achieve. Also on the Internet there is a roller about the wanderer of the region, its life cycle and modifications during the existence of the game. Funny cartoons narrate about the life of the character. About how he found a puppy, stole a house or climbed into someone else's house.

  • Stories about the wanderer of the region seem to be messed and strange as long as you yourself become a player in Minecraft. At this point, everything falls into place.

"Mincraft" is a game in which mobs are divided into three types: harmless, neutral and aggressive. The first will not attack the player under any circumstances, even if death threatens them, because they simply are unable to harm. Neutral mobs are calmly moving around the world and are engaged in their affairs, on the player, until he provokes them. For some of these characters, it is enough to come too close, some need to hit. But if you provoked a neutral mob, then it will behave like aggressive. In turn, aggressive mob, as soon as the player sees, immediately starts to attack him. Therefore, you will have to take the battle if he noticed you. Each class has its own outstanding samples, but it is more interesting to disassemble the Enderman, which is most interesting not only among neutral, but also, most likely, of all mobs in principle. Who is such Ender in the "minecraft"?

Wanderer edge

Officially, this mob is called a wanderer of the region, but Gamers are most often called him by Enderman. The fact is that it is the name that he wears in the English version of the game. It appeared because of the place where this mob occurs. Enderman in the minecraft appears most often in the world called the edge, which in the English version is called End. Accordingly, gamers are more often called the Enderman, and the place of its origin is endome. So, you can meet him in End almost every step, but he also appears in the usual world, where a meeting with him can be very dangerous. What is Enderman in Mininraft? Why is he so dangerous?

Features Enderman

The first thing you pay attention to when you see what the Ender in the "minecraft" looks like, is his height. The fact is that in this game this mob is the highest. Its growth is equal to three blocks. All other beings, including the main character himself, are noticeably less growth. The awesome view of the Enderman gives it to coal as well as luminous however, it makes no sense to be frightened because of the appearance. It is much more terrible how he behaves in relation to the player, being a neutral mob. Finding it, you want to learn how to tame Enderman in the "minecraft", but this is unfortunately impossible. So you have to either move very carefully, or prepare for a fierce fight.

Enderman's behavior

As mentioned above, Enderman is a neutral mob that will not touch you until you touch it. How to make in the "minecraft" Enderman aggressive? To do this, you will have enough to hit it, and he will immediately begin to attack you in response. But this concerns only the light time of day. You can just bypass this mob face, and he will not touch you. But everything changes with the onset of the night. Here you will not need to even approach Ender to pick it up. As soon as you bring a sight on him, then look at him, he will look at you in response, after which you will teleport you behind your back and starts to attack. That is why you better not meet with Edermen's eyes at night. If it happened, then you need to try to keep the opponent on the sight, so that he could not teleport to you again.

Other features Enderman

In addition to such non-standard behavior at night, Enderman is also famous for its burden to rearrange the blocks. This Mob is aimlessly wandering around the world, periodically choosing some block and rearrange him to a new place, a little walking with him around the district. Enderman can carry almost any block that exists in the game. Especially funny, it looks with a dandelion in his hands.

Endermen (edge \u200b\u200bwanderers) - neutral mobs, not aggressive. They are able to show hostility only in case of direct provocation, when the player begins to beat or attack it.

Methods for taming Enderman

Enderman is a rather strong mob, so minecraft players repeatedly thought about the methods of his taming so that it would be useful and defended the character. Make this mob to your assistant is very difficult, in some cases, it is almost impossible.

Patience should be drawn and prepared for the very efforts of your player may remain unsuccessful, and attempts will be numerous.

The most important thing is to be attentive and follow such advice:

  • The first thing you need to know: Never look a wanderer edge straight in the eye. It perceives this action as an attack and begins to show aggression.
  • Come to Mob in small steps. With the onset of dawn, it becomes enough passive, but do not close too close to it, because Enderman, first of all, is a dangerous character. When it creates a threatening sound - run away.
  • Try to feed the edge wanderer. It is necessary to be initially stocking of poultry meat and constantly keep it in your hands. There is no guarantee that hostile Enderman will turn out to be tamed in this way, but you can try and see the result.

It is worth noting, the Minecraft game does not provide for the possibility of taming a wanderer, but for a modern player it is not a problem: numerous methods and attempts to make Enderman, sometime, can become successful.

It is possible to view the themed videos like players minecraft tried to tame a wanderer.