How to make a ring from a coin? How to make a ring from the coin. Ring of coins with your own hands Equipment for making rings made of coins

Now in fashion different unusual decorations. Things qualitatively made by their own hands emphasize the unusualness of their owner. We offer to get acquainted with the master class, how to make a ring from a regular coin.

When you make a ring from a coin, it is very important to first choose the coin correctly.

When selecting coins, pay attention to the following parameters:

  • safety;
  • strength;
  • color;
  • the size.

Do not pose a rings from coins made from materials such as silver, brass, steel, bronze. It is necessary to be careful with coins containing nickel and copper, as they can cause skin diseases, allergies and organism poisoning.

According to color scheme, coins are bronze-yellow and silver-steel. Bronze-yellow coins include Russian 10 and 50 kopecks, 1, 5, 10 and 50 rubles and Ukrainian 25 and 50 kopecks, 1 and 2 hryvnias.

It is necessary to pay attention to the size of the coin, since a large diameter ring cannot be made from a small coin. Not depending on the year of release in Russia, coins of such dimensions: small - with a par value of up to 1 ruble, average - from 1 to 10 rubles; Large - 5, 10, 20, 25, 50 and 100 rubles. In Ukraine, the size of coins ascending such: the smallest - 1.2 and 10 kopecks, then 25 and 50 kopecks, the largest - 5 kopecks, 1, 2 and 5 hryvnia.

For example, 50 kopecks of the USSR until 1931 are made of silver, American Dollar Sashagawa from the Bronze Alloy and make rings well with a large diameter, some EU coins are made of bronze alloys and a variety of sizes.

Ring from coins with your own hands: master class

You will need:

  • coin;
  • vice;
  • power tools with nozzles for grinding and polishing;
  • drill;
  • steel spoon;
  • metal platform performing the role of anvil;
  • small grade sandpaper.
  1. We put a coin on the "anvil" edge, we apply a convex part of a spoon and unsilent blows to it evenly throughout the edge of the coin. Periodically check the shape of the workpiece.
  2. Stop when the edge of the coin becomes necessary for our width ring.
  3. Using a nail or pointed subject, wealthing the center of the coin.
  4. Drill the drill in a coin in the center of a small hole, stop the drill at once, as soon as its end passes through the coin. The drill is crossed in the metal, which will allow us to perform the next stage. Be careful because the ring heats up when drilling and can be burned.
  5. We take coarse sandpaper, and turning on the drill so that the coin on the drill is spinning, process the outer parts of the rings. Then we take fine-grained sandpaper and repeat the processing.
  6. We carry out the final processing of the outer surface. To do this, we take fabric, apply the abrasive composition and polish them the surface. To obtain a mirror gloss, we repeat this processing several times.
  7. We clamp the coin into vice using the linings in the form of cardboard or paper for its protection against scratches and dents.
  8. We increase the hole in the coin using the drill or other device. This is the most difficult and painstaking stage of work, since there is a chance to spoil the coin. It is necessary to do everything neatly, slowly, periodically checking the mount of the coin.
  9. Using the power tools with a grinding roller, rush the inner part of the ring. After this stage, the edge of the product will be pretty sharp.
  10. We pass in the edge of the product from all sides at an angle of 45 degrees until they become more rounded.
  11. The polishing nozzle with a small amount of abrasive material is grinding the inner surface of the product, removing all the remaining roughness.

Our homemade ring from the coin is ready.

Increasingly, there are photos of rings made of coins on the Internet, they look very nice and unusual but to buy such a ring is not so easy to come to the finger and cost it is not expensive. But if you adapt to a similar ring from a coin can be made at home with your own hands.

For the manufacture of a ring from the coin we will need:

  • Coin;
  • Vice;
  • Drill with a set of dried;
  • Blowtorch;
  • Hammer or chisel (can be wooden with the ring get better, but the process will take longer);
  • Metal tapered pins and metal-plastic pipes;
  • Emery paper and gay paste.

How to make a ring from a coin with your own hands, step-by-step instructions:

First you need to outline the center of the coin with a kerner and hammer. Then we will need to drill the hole, for this you need to gently hold the coin. It is done so, two boards (one fine other than any thick thickness) or plywood in one of them is drilled by a hole, then put on between these boards, so that the planned center of the coin was exactly the center of the hole opening and these two boards are compressed by clamps All our coin is reliably fixed and you can drill a hole of a small diameter. After that, the hole needs to sand so that it was smooth and ready for further actions.

Next, it is necessary to heat up to the red coin with a soldering lamp or gas burner, it will allow you to "release" the metal and the coin will not break it with further unfolding it on the cone and makes it more plastic and militant. Then immerse it into the water.

Now we put our coin on the conical pin and begin to slowly beat the coin from above, turning it, it is better to use a wooden chisel for this, it will allow you to save the pattern of coins as possible, also in order to expand the coin you can take a pipe that is suitable for a diameter that Topped onto the pin and cautious blows on the base of the pipe, we farther and further fit the coin on the rod, increasing the hole to the diameter we need (under the desired thicker of the finger). We want to note that this most time-consuming and complex part of the work as at this stage you can easily damage the coin and will have to start again with a new coin.

After all this, we must get something like this:

So that the ring does not work out a cone-shaped form, during the molding it takes it from time to time to shoot and turn over. I bring it to such a state. To remove the cone shape and it has become the necessary diameter.

If, after the work done by us, the ring began to meet our requests and the drawing remained uncountable, then you can proceed to the next final step - polishing. This can be done in different ways, for example, using Dremel with the right brushes and polishing circles with paste gay. You can also manually polish it, the main thing is not to spoil the drawing. Before polishing, the ring is better to warm up and throw into the water when the scale will come down. The drawing will appear better.

Thus, from the coins, you can make various thicknesses (wide or thin) rings, those who seriously engage in the creation of rings from coins buy collectible coins for their work, but if you are just a beginner, the first ring from the coin is better to make from more accessible coins, since Great risk to spoil her. This is far from the only way to make a ring from a coin, and others can be found on the network, but it is probably the most affordable of them.

Examples of work rings from coins:

The ring from the coin will look very beautiful on female fingers. If everything is done correctly, it will be difficult to distinguish from the salon.

How to make a fashionable ring from a coin with your own hands?

To do this, you will need:

  • vice;
  • metal platform for anvil;
  • coin;
  • drill;
  • sandpaper;
  • grinding and polishing instruments;
  • steel spoon.

Instructions for creating a ring of coins:

How to make a ring from a five-tone coin?

To do this, you will need:

  • the spoon;
  • drill;
  • five-) coin;
  • a hammer;
  • compass;
  • vice;
  • drill.

Instructions for creating an accessory:

If you want to make thick jewelry, use a coin in 5 rubles.

First, take something metallic, for example, a hammer or just a piece of metal. Top on it put the edge of the coin and holding with your fingers, beat around the edge of a heavy spoon. Do it you need long, so be patient. Only so you can understand how to make a ring from the coin and whether it is worth it.

Make this work about 3 times, then turn the metal and proceed to work again. In this case, the main thing, knocking often, but not much so that the surface expands from the blows gradually, and was smooth.

Strong shocks contribute to the appearance of dents.

Stick until the fiction reaches the desired size. After that, start measuring the circulation diameter to follow the exact parameters.

It's time to drill. First fix the pile in the vice so as not to scratch the surface. After that, insert the ring between them so that through their opening there was access to the coin. Well fixed and holding the design, drill the item.

Now extend the hole. To do this, the magnetic ring, without pulling out of the clamp, you need to extend using a drill or round file of a suitable diameter. First grind the outside. Take the bolt and nut of the desired size and diameter, similar to the internal circumference of jewelry. Put on a bolt a dense piece of fabric, fix the nut.

It is important that the ring does not come into contact with the metal, otherwise it scratches. Hold the bolt in the drill, turn it on and grind the ring first on fine emery paper, then on dense fabric. The inner part is easy to polish, inserting a smooth segment of the shelf to the drill instead of drill. Keep the ring of pliers by wrapped with a dense cloth.

That's all, the ring is done, it remains to wipe it well well, and the fashion accessory is ready.

Do it yourself a ring from a coin with a brigal

If you think how to make a ring from a coin without a drill, try this option. First you need to decide what you will make a ring. Silver is considered excellent material. First, warm the coin of hot, so that it acquires elasticity, but do not cease, otherwise the material will begin to deform and part of the elements can be lubricated. As soon as Pyacto acquired a reddish hue and blocked slightly, lower it immediately into the cold water.

Do not be afraid, having heard hissing. This is a normal phenomenon.

Now go to the main job. Take the drill and do the hole to be smooth. The larger diameter of the drill, the thinner it will turn out the jewelry. After you did a hole, take the hammer and a brigade. Thanks to them, you will pick up the desired coin size and give it an optimal form.

Snap the coin on the bolt, and lower the hammer blows down it down, gradually stretching. This is quite a painstaking process. Very carefully knock on jewelry so that it does not deform. Bring the incl to the desired size, then remove the ring.

The history of the emergence of the idea

In the recent past, American designer Nicholas Heckman decided to create a ring from a silver coin and a hammer ring for his beloved girl. No one could assume that it would be an exclusive and original jewelry, which would delight not only the young lady, but also her relatives.

How to make a ring from a coin with your own hands at home?

First of all, it is necessary to prepare for the process. You need to choose not only a coin, but also tools for work. Coin requirements are not so extensive. Of course, the coins are equivalent less than 1 ruble are not suitable for work, as they are not suitable in size. And the remaining qualities are quite standard for metal.

Choose a suitable coin

When selecting coins, pay attention to the following set of qualities:

  • Maximum strength. The coin will be processed to create a jewelry, so the metal must withstand all mechanical and thermal effects.
  • Safety. A ring of a coin made by your own hands should not bear any harm to human health.
  • Color. This parameter depends on individual preferences. In the color range of coins are: bronze-yellow and silver-steel.
  • The size. Of the small coins, it is impossible to make a ring of even medium diameter.

Important! The more coin, the wider there will be a ring.

The ring from the coin with their own hands at home can be made of the following materials:

  • Silver.
  • Brass.
  • Bronze.
  • Steel.

All these materials are absolutely harmless and strong enough.

Important! Be careful with coins containing copper and nickel. Metals are unsafe. They can cause skin diseases, allergies and organism poisoning.

Screening materials for work

In addition to the coin, you need to pick up the tools. If you have a whole workshop, then make a jewelry will not be any work using special tools. On how to make a ring from a silver coin in such conditions, we will also tell me further. In the meantime, I will conduct a master class for "crazy handles" who prefer to do everything at home.

Ring from coin. Method number 1.

So, you will need for work:

  • Drill or bli helper and plastic hammer.
  • Vice.
  • Strong stainless steel spoon.
  • Anvil (or slice of rail).
  • Coarse and fine-grained sandpaper.
  • Drill.
  • Power tools with lacquers for grinding and polishing.
  • Passatia.
  • File.
  • A piece of woolen fabric.
  • Abrasive composition for polishing.

As you can see, in the technical plan there is no difficulty tool. Now proceed to work, acting in the measure of our skill and ingenuity. However, do not forget about the safety technique.

Prepare the following means of protection:

  • Protective glasses. Do not remove points until the end of the work.
  • Mask.
  • Specialized gloves. In the process of work, you will deal with a heated metal, and it is unsafe.

Coin Ring - Step-by-step instructions:

  • Take a coin into the left hand, put it on the anvil by the edge.
  • Right hand take a spoon. Applying a convex part, start tapping evenly throughout the edge of the coin. For example, tell three times on one side, then check the money slightly and knock on the other side. Everything should be evenly if knocked three times on one side, then such a number of knocks should be on the other side.
  • Periodically check the shape of the workpiece. Stop when the edge of the coin becomes sufficient for the rings width.
  • Note the coin center using a nail or other pointed object.
  • Make a hole in the center of the coin with drill and drill on metal. Drill stop immediately as soon as it goes through the money. The tool is jammed in the metal, and this will allow you to proceed to the next step.

Important! Be careful when drilling a coin can warm up, so hold it with passatsia.

  • Take coarse sandpaper for processing the outer part of the rings blank.
  • Turn on the drill so that the coin is spinning on the drill. Treat the edges of the workpiece.
  • Take fine-grained emery paper. Turning on the drill, repeat the grinding.
  • Prepare the fabric, apply an abrasive composition on it.
  • Swipe the final stage of polishing the outer surface of the workpiece using the tissue with the abrasive composition. To obtain a mirror brilliance, spend a polish several times.
  • Hold the workpiece into vice. In order not to scratch the coin and protect it from the dent, use linings from paper or cardboard.
  • Increase the hole in the coin to the required size using the drill or other device (the beel and plastic hammer). This is the most difficult and painstaking stage of work. It is very important to monitor the symmetry and thickness. Do everything must be neat so as not to spoil the product. Periodically remove the mounting of the coin, check the diameter of the opening.
  • Turn on the power tools with a grinding roller, crumple the inner part of the workpiece. After processing the edge of the product will become sharp.
  • Come on the edges of the billet from all sides at an angle of 45 degrees until they become more rounded.
  • Collect the inner surface of the product with a polishing nozzle with a small amount of abrasive material. Remove all the remaining roughness.
  • The homemade ring is ready.

  • If you have only drill, a bolt and a plastic hammer, then to make a hole, place a coin on the rigleel (the rod expanding to the bottom). Accurate, neat hammer blows accompany it into the lower, expanding part of the instrument. Focus on the mark located on the rigle and informing the completion of the work.

Important! To make the product, it looks like a cone, periodically remove it from the beam and shift the opposite side.

  • For grinding blanks on the outside, you can make a homemade nozzle from a suitable bolt and two nuts. Insert the drilled coin into the bolt and secure it with nuts from both sides. Attach the homemade nozzle to the drill and polish the product using fine-grained emery paper. Next, using the same reception, polish the product with a piece of leather.

As you can see, make a ring from the coin with your own hands is not so difficult, as it may seem at first glance. You can use other ways that we will tell below.

How to make a ring from a silver coin. Method number 2.

This method for those who have specialized tools, such as press and punches (putting pressure on the material during stamping).

So, act as follows:

  • Install the coin in Punson.
  • Join the hole with the press. The hole can be drilled and a suitable drill.

Important! You can measure the thickness of the wall around the hole using the caliper.

  • Remove burrs inside the hole using the leg and sandpaper.
  • Place the workpiece into the solution of denatured alcohol and boric acid to protect the metal from the flame before the root.
  • Personate the coin for the center with a metal wire and bring the workpiece to the burner to burn alcohol. As a result, the coin will cover the protective white film.
  • Warm the workpiece with a torch until it accepts dim orange color.
  • Immerse the coin into the water. Repeat the process of heating and cooling several times.
  • Determine which side of the workpiece will be outside the ring.
  • Place the face of the coin face down.
  • In the center of the workpiece, place a big ball from the bearing.
  • Install the rim with a coin in vice, slowly squeeze.
  • Remove the rim from the vice. The coin must have a conical form.
  • Dress the billet on the conical shape. With the help of a wooden hammer, lower the ring as low as possible, rotating the mandrel.
  • Remove the ring. Now it must be aligned and check the size on the annular mandrel.
  • Slightly align the ring in the vice.
  • Take the mandrel with the smallest cup, install the product with a wide side.
  • Very slowly squeeze the vice.
  • Check the ring after alignment.
  • To align the surface, install the ring in the mandrel and squeeze in the vice.
  • Check the ring from all sides. Line on the dimensional mandrel to make sure the product diameter accuracy.
  • Treat edges with supfyl.
  • For polishing, use aluminum oxide powder mixed with water. Apply the composition on the coarse side of the skin of the skin and polish the product.
  • Created by your own hands Ring is ready and glitter.

There is another interesting way to make a ring with your own hands. We offer to make an ornament from the usual plastic bottle. This method of manufacturing the ring will like the female half of our readers, since no special tools for creating a unique accessory will not need.

How to make a ring from a bottle?

Many original ornaments and crafts are made of plastic bottles. For example, necklaces, bracelets and rings. To decorate products, various materials are used, and the method of manufacturing unique decorations is quite simple.

For the ring you will need:

  • Plastic bottle.
  • Scissors.
  • Scotch.
  • Iron.
  • Thermopystole.
  • Ribbons (lace).
  • Rhinestones, beads, chain (for decorating).

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Wash the bottle and dry.
  2. Cut the strip 1-2 cm wide using a smooth part of the tank.
  3. Make out of the strip billet in the size of the finger.
  4. Excess material cut off.
  5. Secure the workpiece with scotch.
  6. Turn on the iron at the maximum temperature.
  7. Press the edge of the ring iron. Treat the workpiece on both sides.
  8. Ring base decorate with thin ribbons. Wrap the ribbon around the ring and secure with silicone glue.
  9. Cut the end of the tape, fall out with a match and glue.
  10. In the center of the ring, glue a bead (rhinestone) using a thermopystole.

Now you know how to create a unique jewelry made of remedies and without special costs. In the same way, you can make different on the width of the rings using colored threads, lace or tape. It is possible to decorate the finished ring by beads, rhinestones or chain. All elements are glued with a thermopystole.

Stock foot

Create your unique and unique jewelry, choosing your own remedies with which you can cope masterfully, and create yourself and relatives to yourself!

Hi, people with hands from the right places and just sympathizing.

I would like to tell you how I learned to do super-steep coins rings. But no. Super-cool did not learn.
In any case, so far I have not reached the level "Well, everything, now it is possible on peace," so we call them just ordinary rings from coins.

Under the cut way through the thorns, garage workshops and the suffering of numismatists.

It all started four years ago, when in Vkontakte began to actively walk the post "How to make it easy and simple." There were 9 photos, on two of which Iron hammers were broken by a coin, and then she is all so beautiful and unharmed. There used civilian quoters (25 cents) and I had a handful of quoters from a recent trip on the table. This is a sign, I thought and forgot about this post for two months, leaving the quoters to be covered with dust.

According to the laws of the genre, this post came across to my eyes quite regularly, so that at one point I realized that I had no new hobby, and thought it was actually done. He took a few pyruzele coins, a couple of beers of beer and went to the garage to experiment. Now I understand the whole importance of that chance that I was hit by coins until 2009, copper nickel, and not steel modern.

A couple of hours of experiments have shown that the garage by type "Do not throw away" is good, but even this is not enough for comfortable work with an unfamiliar material and a slightly specific tool is required. For example, cutting down disks, because when drilling a drill, terrible glare and the coin was bent from heating and pressure. Or the jewelry beghel, which at first I tried to replace some random, rusty, barely cone iron. Before the appearance of a video of the Egorova's lawyer, where he pulled the Rigel Bulgarian from the reinforcement in the lathe remained about six months.

Googled Youtyub, first our, then Zareghor. I found out that a) in Russia such no one does, b) in the States it is almost on the stream and is in demand, c) initial investments are almost no need and is done quite simply (three times Haha). A single conclusion was made - you need to jump. I planted the snack, went to the "jewelry tools", left a snack. In fact, the basic jewelry equipment (cutting, riglel, plastic hammer) was required of only about 5 thousand rubles. If I ordered all this on Ali - it would be much cheaper, but I had to be here and now. You know how it happens.

In fact, the manufacturing process itself is quite simple, albeit somewhat specific from the point of view of the tool used and more similar to the instruction to the lathe. It seems everything is clear, but it is incomprehensible.

From the tools you will need:

Jewelry tool:
- cutting down disks, like this can drill, but long and uncomfortable. On Ali cutting, of course there are too:

Rigel, this is such a metal cone, without him anywhere, you can pull out of the reinforcement as a lawyer of Egorov or again on Ali, just need to watch it be steel (and not plastic) and smooth, without steps:

The usual tool: caliper, vice (possible without them, but with them it is more convenient), the hammer is ordinary, the hammer is plastic (or textolite), to preserve a pattern on a coin, segment 20 cm PVC pipes (preferably different internal diameters ± by the size of the desired rings), Fire, fine-grained skin, polishing (gay paste, for example).

The algorithm is the following:

We find the center of the coin, cut the hole about 10 mm with a diameter. Cutting or drill

We put on the resulting washer on the bolt and they cut it with a plastic hammer that the edges of the coin began to bend down.

Having bent the washer at least 45 degrees, turn the rhegel horizontally, supervised the coin on some plate. We continue to knock on the coin so that it continues to be pressed against the rigle.

I turn over the coin on the reiglee wide up. We wear a cut of a plastic tube on the Rigel, resting the coin to the coin and knocking the usual hammer over a pipe from above, becking the coin below. The meaning is to remove the taper ring by making it the wall parallel. We try not to overdo it with stretch, because Without jewelry anquie and vice, you will not be able to reduce the size of the ring.

We remove the ring, with a file or a large sandpaper, we clean the face, then fine, then polish.

Ready, you are amazing! But I warned it looks like instructions for a lathe.

According to this algorithm, I did rings for the first six months. Now the process has become much more complicated (but faster), and new tools appeared in the equipment park, from the stretcher of the rings (Pyratino), to the special cones ordered in the latch.

However, even then enthusiasm was enough so that even a broken finger of a friend did not prevent me from makeing it work. Gypsum helped keep the dremel correctly.

Approximately a year later, finally, learned to work with silver. It was a really big achievement, because before that, silver coins were torn around at half past cases, which did not add optimism at all. It turned out, simply missed silver. The moment when the jewelry education would be very useful, and Google actually came in handy. From the same series, the moment when the steel coin was hot, I got cold in water and could not understand why then the hammer about it crumbs. Literally "how the steel was tempered."

But without a variety of first pancakes, of course, it did not cost, and it still does not do. A box with "Curves Pinocchio" is regularly replenished, although slower than the box "Ready", which cannot but rejoice.

I worked then, three years ago, with a friend in my garage. There, naturally, the junk warehouse, as in any garage where the car is not worth it. Well, a couple of free square meters for us. We do not need a lot. And somehow they call, they say "We're from local television here, we ride about you, we want to come to the workshop, to replace the report." We are a little bit in shock, a little bit down and on the joy of such a chusi they spent on the whole TV, which is still a shame to watch. And all this in a littered trash garage.

In another "somehow time" wrote me a friend. "I'm here," says, "Cosplay Festival Organize, let's sell your rings there?". So for me the era of Hendmade Marketov opened. First local in Ekaterinburg, then in the neighboring areas. Last year I went to Moscow twice. Accepted warmth, thanks.

With these markets I had to activate the skill "come up with something from nothing" and create a stand. Typical jewelry did not want, I was a creative personality, so this is a miracle. Plexiglas G8, Laser cutting of slots, end RGB-tape and upper backlight passed the path from "and so will come down" to the LED strip on 1600 lumens.

In the year before last, due to the circumstances, it was necessary to leave a native warm garage and urgently find a replacement in the capital box. There was realized my dream about a separate workbench. Running the legs with a regular office desk, pulled all the corners and tightly attached to the cans and anchors to the floor and wall. It is not worth knocking on it with a hammer, the tabletop vibrates from shocks, but the vice and Pinocchio will hold confidently, it does not grow anywhere and is generally nice.

Over time, in the manufacture of the rings, I wanted more in the literal sense of the word. Large coins are always attracting small, and the state craftsmen have long mastered them for a long time. Again, Google helped find the scary phrase of Swedish Wrap Method, which essentially means induction of the finished ring into a polished inner cone in order to reduce the size. Here very, by the way, to protect the pattern of coins, a sanitary teflon sealing tape was useful. And PVC pipes. And balls from bearings. And even any different unknown garbage that is beautifully decomposed on the workbench on the previous pictures. I say, a complex method. But it turns out well.

So I got it, in fact, to Cherry on the cake. A very long time I went to her - two years, without a small one. The first idea to make gifs to create a ring from the Morgan dollar originated when I made the very first animation from copper kopecks and immediately wanted to raise the bar. But then I have not been able to work with silver yet. Then the second problem arose - the size of the coin. For existing technologies at that time in my workshop, the coin was too big, 38 millimeters are not a joke. But it was decided (the biggest coin with which I worked at the moment is the British Crown of 1937, 38.6 mm). True to the gifs were still far away. One thing to learn how to make rings from such a coin, another thing - to find time, place and situation to fall asleep process. I will not paint the typical household problems, everyone knows them, but they took a few more months.

But, like everything in the world, it finally happened. Three hours of manufacture and filming, five hours of processing and creating, total 8 hours of work for the sake of 15-second animation. Stunning efficiency. Tag sarcasm.