How to make money on testing games. How to get into the gaming industry? Profession - tester. Requirements for the video game tester

Most recently stumbled upon the site, which offers to make money on testing games. The site that I met with this proposal is.
The offer to earn money on testing game seemed very suspicious to me. On the main page of the site there are two pictures with signatures:
Maxim gets money for testing a game with a guitar;>
Alena tests a new real-time strategy.

Beautiful words about partial employment are also written, about earnings from 100 rubles. at one o'clock. And at the bottom of the site there is a permanent desire about who who worked on the tests of games.
But do not hope - this is all deception. No earnings on testing games not!

You can make sure about it yourself - just read in more detail the site. Meful FAQ, no information about the company that conducts games tests, in the Contacts section there is a feedback form. In general, it is immediately seen that the site-fake and anything about it cannot be speech.
Read the "Terms of Use" and "Privacy Policy" - there is not a single word about testing.
Well, the most funny - at the bottom of the site there is an offer that Website does not guarantee you no earnings or workAnd this means that there are really no work here.

Update. Half a year passed, the clone site appeared, which is completely copied, and not at best -


To begin with, register.
We are asked e-mail, name and gender, and also warn that there are only 4 vacant places. This is for Loch think that if he is thinking for a long time, it may not have to register in this " very popular and profitable"Project.
Well, - registered. For some reason, see the page on which it is written that you need to confirm the subscription, well, well, so be confirming.

After that, a letter comes with such content:

We are a team of game testers. This is not just our job or hobby is a lifestyle. We help game developers create really high-quality products.
Our team consists of the following specialists:
Specialists in languages. They are looking for spelling errors and typos in games.
Quality specialists. Experienced players who help find mistakes in games.
Specialists in cross-platform compatibility. They help port games for different platforms.
We use three simple, but super effective principles in our work:
We do not give up proposals. We are pleased to cooperate both with newcomers and the giants of the gaming industry.
We love our work and try to do everything possible in any situations.
We are active. Testing This work is not for lazy. We spend hours, days and weeks to achieve really decent results.
At the end of the complex testing process, we just start playing. We check all possible shortcomings in practice. Working with our team will give you sincere pleasure.
Do not waste your time in vain - fill out the questionnaire and start working and earning.
Testing games from the company
Test reports
Filling reports, documentation of bugs
Experience: not required, but desirable
Fill out a questionnaire
After passing the survey, please perform test tasks to determine your skills.
When performing a test task, pay special attention to the errors specified in the category description
You can test both one game and a few.
The more detailed and detailed report, you provide, the more likelihood immediately raise your rating and get higher paying tasks.
Report Place in the following forms:
Browser games - for browser games
Customer Games - for Client Games
Games for iPad, iPhone, Android - Mobile Games
If you have been tested not one, and several games - fill in the report on each.

Filling the questionnaire happens on the Google Documents service, and not on the site TestGames. The profile is needed to allegedly take the game suitable for you, but it is not. In fact, this questionnaire does not need anyone at all. You may not even fill.
Then, we have the opportunity to pass test.

Dream to make games, but do not know where to start? The easiest answer is to get a tester.

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Getting into the gaming industry is not as difficult: it is enough to have the knowledge and skills that are in demand in the industry. Here you always need programmers, artists, 3D animators, designers, producers. As a rule, these positions require specialized education.

Much less demanding of crusts of marketers and prachics, community managers and testers. It is about how to become a tester, today and will be discussed. The article is prepared by the company's expert Bytex. Artem Lukyanov on the basis of his many years of experience in the test studio, as well as lectures that he conducted in the framework of the educational program "Management of game Internet projects" in the VSHBI.

So, testing games - That's where to start a conventional player who wants to work in the gaming industry, but not yet owning specialized skills. However, this does not mean that the work of the tester is not demanding of knowledge. On the contrary, the applicants are waiting a lot, because the tester, in fact, directly participates in the development of the game.

Under quality sign

Immediately warn, work in QA-Department (from the English. Quality Assurance, quality assurance - this is a testing process) has little common with the "work of the dream", which newcomers are cut. That very, where "play games and get money for it."

In fact, it is a very painstaking, monotonous and places a tedious occupation, requiring perfection and concentration. The same level or card must be held many, many times: "Stroy" along and across, check the borders, lighting, physical models, textures ...

And so - eight hours a day, five days a week. Well, when the project is large, and even better - multiplayer. Then there constantly change something, add, balance, and every new day brings new tests. Another thing, if the project is single and small. It comes to the point that the "Old-timers" testers remember not only all the bugs, but who and when they discovered and designed.

Another frequent misconception of newbies is associated with the revaluation of its gaming experience. It does not matter what thirty thousand fights in the "tanks" you learned not to "merge". Much more useful if all this time you have learned thoroughly mechanics. The ability to understand how and what works, valuable no less than gaming experience.

The principle "The more play, the better" no one has canceled. Projects at the test studio can be the most diverse: from casual "browser" to huge MMOs. You never know what kind of genres or gaming series is useful. It helps the tester and a wide range, and the passion, such as modeling, motor racing, weapon or medieval armor - is often a test project anyway associated with similar hobbies.

Somehow, probably, specialized courses will appear in educational institutions where first-class testers will be preparing. But nevertheless, not so many diplomas and certificates will be important in the profession of the tester, as the ability to quickly delve into the essence of the question, understand the usual things and generally think to think.

Try to write the so-called test case for the ballpoint pen. It must take into account many aspects of the subject. How to find out what the handle writes the right color? On different materials? At different angles? With different pressing strength?

As you can see, even testing a conventional ballpoint handle may contain (and contains, because they are also tested) a mass of aspects. Now imagine how much you need to check in the game like Skyrim. . One of the tasks of the tester, by the way, is not only to check and make bugs, but also to make test cases. Before the interview, we advise you to get acquainted with professional terminology - will help.

In general, the necessary information in excess is enough on the Internet. Find all with regard to future work, it is not difficult. For the successful passage of the interview, we will recommend the book of Roman Savin "Testing Dot Com". This is a capacious, simple and live description of the profession. The book is very valuable at least because it is written not by the Cabinet theorist, but a professional practitioner with a huge experience.

One famous People's Artist said that the interviews for the stars should be coming prepared. Test studios, of course, not stars, but also require certain preparations from the applicant. Be prepared for tricky questions. You may say: "Describe how you would tested this remote from the TV"? Or from air conditioning. Example with a ballpoint handle We led not just like that!

Of course, it would be nice to own English. In addition, you will need a skill competently and detail algorithms. Many, for example, are completely lost when they are asked to describe the sequence of actions necessary for descent from the stairs.

Suppose that the interview was completed successfully, and now you are engaged in testing. What awaits you next? Work in the test studio implies first of all the "vertical" career growth: first Qa Engineer, then Senior Qa Engineer, Qa Lead, producer, deputy head of the test studio ... more and higher, and above!

But also "horizontal" growth is not uncommon. Let's say, the company began to engage in automated application testing, and a simple tester just knows Python and knows how to write scripts. No one limits the test studio officer - everything depends exclusively from him. The test studio is like a springboard: with a proper diligence, an employee can make a good career jump both inside this studio and abroad.

That's all. In the next article from the "Gamedev for Players" cycle, we will tell about how they make games in virtual reality. You can listen to a lecture on this topic in the VCHBI at the VR-Today conference on May 17. Detailed information and the ability to buy tickets are looking for on the conference page.

Leave your feedback and wishes on what else you would like to know. We will gladly tell me that and how it is arranged in the gaming industry, so that you can join it.

Test games for money, earn playing!

Playing games, many wondered about earnings on them. People began to shoot video, do lessons, talk about different tricks, but only a small part learned about earnings on testing games for money in 2014, and before ...

And so, what do I mean by "testing"? Everything is quite simple, video game developers naturally are interested in what their creations would be better, but for this it is directly required, at least different errors and "bugs". And since Game Developers is not in force to eliminate all the shortcomings, they come to the aid of the gamers, that is, you.

Testing games for money:

Nevertheless, what is the main mission of testers and for what they pay?

The basic requirement for lovers to play video games is to find mistakes and notify developers about them, as well as tell about the impressions of the game itself, which is not enough and what to modify.

Now consider all the pros and cons of such work for this 2014, as well as how much you can earn, at least this site and specializes in surveys for money, but we conducted our experiment, these are the results for testing online games for money:

Pros: You are a favorite thing: play games, and in a closed beta version. That is, the game has not yet managed to go out, and you already try it out.

Earnings from this pleasure is pretty not small. You can receive from 8 to 15 dollars per hour. (Think, you probably have a friend who plays more than 4 hours a day).

As for minuses on the topic: Earnings on the dash game for money , then everything is not very good here. What to get into the test (not just in beta test, namely testing for money), you need to find an employer to begin with, and then wait for a small queue that it cannot guarantee permanent earnings. However, if you are really a good gamer and especially if you are known, you will be invited increasingly and more often to various online testing, because your opinion will be important for developers.

Testing games for money Reviews and conclusions:

You can conclude. Most people in this area are employed, and not at some contract with a constant salary, which in turn deprives many career growth, in this case it is possible to earn more on tests for money (surveys for money).

But still, you can earn in a fully real and quite good money, because the reviews are quite positive!

To do this, let's do not complicate mathematical calculations. Suppose you are very new in this business and you will pay $ 8 per hour of the game. For a week, you worked 40 hours of the game for a week, and in a month it turns out, for example, 120. 120 Multiply on 8, it turns out 960 dollars !!! It is just a fabulous salary for such work, taking into account the fact that you are new to, we also recommend reading how to earn from 200 to 500 rubles a day :.

But to our regret, not many fall into this sphere, because competition is huge and employers do not want to pay anyone.

List of sites that spend test games for money:

And now the most important thing is some sites that offer work in this area (testing Android applications for money or iOS) are scammers, let's start with them, and then there will be solvent projects!

I would like to start with no good resources that do not pay:

First Site : The first impression of it is quite positive, because he is foreign and it seems that he should not deceive. But it was not there. The article on the main page promises, almost instant enrichment after registration. And in fact, you will ask you somewhat bucks, as a guarantee that you will do everything conscientious, and they say that as if they give them away. But no money, you will not have money.

Reviews of the site does not pay! Do not spend your time and money!

The second unscrupulous site or also : Going on these web pages, you fall on the same resource, we meet attractive pictures and phrases. Type if you like computer games, then earn money for money for money online, it is written that the boy tests the game with a guitar, and a new new strategy in real time, below are the pictures of operating systems, consoles, as well as logos of game developer companies that Allegedly cooperate with this resource. But this is all the fake, be alert, you are deceived here.

Reviews about ( site does not pay! We think and read feedback, before registering!

Test sites for money that pay!

Everything, finished about the bad. Now let's talk about normal sites that are ready to pay you for your efforts, let's talk about paid games.

The first such site is Everything is quite simple. Application developers for mobile platforms want that their creations would be in the top and for it are willing to pay, for such actions and created this system. You swing the app, put 5 stars, good comment and your money. The employer has an advanced application, and you, in turn, money in your pocket. That is, you can register as a performer, but as well as the customer. The minimum sum of the output is 15 rubles. The referral program is available. This means that you can invite a friend and make money from it. Important moment, do not leave stupid comment to applications, in words, as you will simply be added to the black sheet of performers. Sights of paid surveys.

From the author: The idea of \u200b\u200bthe test of the tester is often built on stereotypes. Vague Geimer This profession may seem in a cool way to make a living, playing in favorite games. If you think so too, I will tell you in a nutshell: the work of the tester is quite heavy and is responsible. Before you strive for it, I advise you to get a more or less clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe desired goal. I will help you today and tell you how to become a tester game.

Why do you need game testers?

The gaming industry is growing rapid pace, and millions of gamers will not forgive the developers of the favorite game, if something goes wrong in it. At best, they will simply lose interest to her, and at worst - will make her "anti-advertising" among their friends.

Using testing, you can check whether the game is performed correctly on all popular platforms and devices. The tester will have to check the game for errors, disadvantages and other problems, as well as place everything in the appropriate report for developers with the proposal of ways to correct the shortcomings. All changes urgently should be made to the official release of the game. Otherwise shame.

Is it all rosy in the profession of the tester?

If you think that in the position of the tester you will play all day long, getting pleasure, and also money, then urgently remove the "pink glasses". According to employees who recruit personnel for the diversion of games testing, such gamers immediately send home after the interview, play on.

The work of the tester is quite complex and routine. The working day of the representative of this profession is often reduced to a multiple repetition of the same actions. The performance of various interface elements on different screens is checked, the correctness of entering the game, voice acting, etc. After that, all the results are recorded in a special checklist.

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As you understand, not all this work may seem to the incarnation of dreams. Most likely, you will have to watch a certain section of the game "under the microscope", again and again losing all the options and testing everything that comes across this site. And so a few days, months, weeks ... and imagine if the game is tested for children from 4 years?

For the most persistent, which have not yet escaped to look for another way of developing events, I will talk about the benefits and how it is still becoming a game tester.

Pros of the profession "Computer Game Testing":

training in the forces of each newcomer (often carried out by companies that are "growing" themselves "), while you can get knowledge and practical skills in the development of software and games;

excellent opportunities for freelancing;

research nature of activities that combines technology and creativity;

this is a young and promising profession, only gaining momentum in the labor market.

What do you need to know to become a tester?

Ideal if a person applying for this position has a higher education in the specialty "Automation of information and management processing systems" or "Information Systems and Technologies". You must have an understanding about the development of software.

There is another option to finish computer courses and get a test certificate. Specific professional skills can be obtained directly in the workplace.

Deep knowledge in programming from you is unlikely to require. First of all, you need to be perfected, attentive, meticulous perfectionist, and, of course, understand the games. As for literature, I advise you to read the books "Testing Dot COM" Roman Savina and "A Practitioner's Guide to Software Test Design" Lee Copeland.

By the way, among mandatory requirements - good knowledge of English, because many new games are written by foreign companies and are localized only for certain countries. You should be able to clearly and clearly explain the essence of the errors found, have knowledge of administering operating systems, know the SQL query language and be able to work with databases. You will have to work with programmers and other testers, so the ability to work in a team in a short time is also required.

In general, a test carter is not always going up the hierarchical staircase. First of all, the specialist should grow and pump off his skills in testing examination: to teach programming languages, methods and testing programs, pursuit of bugs and develop scripting / cases. You will also have to check possible problems with the performance of the promised properties.

Anecdote in the topic. It comes to somehow the tester in the bar. Tear in the bar. Purses in the bar. Run into the bar. Dancing, jumps into the bar ... then orders: beer mug. 0 Beer mugs. 3 beer mugs. 999999 Beer mugs. Lizard in a glass. After that, I'm trying to get out without paying. Dissolve in the air. Patient. Go in English. Fly away ... well, you understand

Consider the games significantly different from software. One of the differences - they have a significantly more target audience. You should not have to spit on the opinion of gamers, so you will be long and tediously explore every piece of the game until it starts to dream.

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How to find a job safety test?

The algorithm is about the same as everywhere when searching for work:

Summary It is advisable to do in English, no more than 1-2 pages. In the "Desired Post" section, specify Trainee or Junior Test Engineer.

Employers can be found on the portals for job search, forums, freelance exchanges, ad sites, on social networks, promoting acquaintances.

You may be suggested to participate in the free project "Thank you" or within the framework of equity participation in future profits. Most often, such projects are falling apart before the release, and you will not see money. You will encounter the fact that the work of the novice tester is very low due. Therefore, the ideal option is to find work as Trainee in a steadily developing company, where you will be tested from scratch.

If you were invited to an interview, consider the following points:

explore the tools and programs specified in the vacancy requirements. Do not think to refuse to interview only because you are not sure about your abilities. You have time to prepare - use it to the maximum;

collect information about the company. Most likely, you will be asked what you heard about it, therefore I prepare several phrases. If you have familiar who work there, you can refer to them;

think out your appearance. Casual style is welcome for the IT sphere, and not a jacket-tie shirt. But not shorts. Jeans and T-shirt will fit;

come not too early, but not late. More precisely, you can come at least a day, but call the door for 5 minutes before the interview.

At the interview you can ask about previous experience, about your goals and expectations. Can check your English, set technical questions or logical tasks. If you do not know something or do not remember, ask to rephrase the question, ask leading questions. You may even ask what it is, and promise to deal with this. You can't know absolutely everything.

In any case, lead and feel in moderation relaxed and moderately concentrated. Imagine that you have nothing to lose, and then your potential will reveal to the maximum, not squeezed into the vice of your uncertainty.

Let's summarize

So, the testing of the game is an integral part of the cycle of its development. So that companies of the gaming industry produced as much-quality products as possible, you need, guess who? That's right, testers!

Training Tester Games The process is simple and forces to everyone. The main thing here is to be amusted, patient and attentive. This is difficult to learn how to agree. You have these qualities, or they are not. Look inside yourself, do you see a tester there?

I hope this article was helpful to you. Subscribe to updates our blog, and you will learn a lot of interesting things and other Internet professions:, blogger, web designer. If you are still looking for your field of activity, this information will be useful to you. Good luck and be happy, doing your favorite thing and getting good money for it!

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Among the many ways to make money on the Internet, not so long ago, one more thing - testing games. To understand what it is connected with it is quite easy to pay developers much more profitable for it to random users than to hire people professionally engaged.

In addition, the games and are designed for a similar audience that it will be better than any prospector not only to fully appreciate them, but also to identify the slightest errors and flaws.

But what is the benefit for these very users who conduct testing games, what kind of money they get from this, and is there any prospect in such a lesson? This is to be dealt with. After all, it is their interests most of all affects this work, even if not burdensome, but, like any other, which deserves remuneration.

What is the work of the tester?

It is quite obvious that it is not always possible to create an ideal project, especially in the case of game projects - almost always they are not deprived of bugs, such as: possible departures from perfection texture, gameplay failures and others.

The work of the tester is to identify them in practice, to put on the firm of the employers, indicating all these shortcomings and flaws, with a clear justification.

Of course, it does not deal with this person, cope with such a volume (for each individual playing point) will be extremely difficult, and there will be wide knowledge of the subject.

As a rule, 5-10 people are selected, conducting the testing of games in the team, the vacancies are distributed between them based on the qualification level of each individual member. Thus, when dividing labor, project managers receive the best possible results.

What else is important, with team work, the opinion of the game product is not one person, who himself can be mistaken in its judgments, but groups of people who can find refutation and correct the error.

Participation in such projects implies full or partial employment for a period of 1 to 3 months, depending on the complexity of the structure and the company that orders the testing of the computer game.

Serious customers are not brightened and do not save on it so that as a result, not to "hit the dirt face" when the "raw" product is released - it will be too generous gift for competitors.

The full scheme of activity is as follows:

  1. The developer company carefully selects the team for testing, taking into account the knowledge and experience of each of its members.
  2. Beta testing of the game product is launched, in order to study the possible nuances, unnoticed by the creators.
  3. Throughout the allotted period, the testers fill the questionnaires on the part we allocated and the report on the revealed bugs is daily.
  4. The mutual settlement for the work done is carried out on its completion, when the team finds all flaws, and their creators eliminate them.

One important detail should be noted, payment does not always occur in the cash equivalent. Stakeholders who conducted testing, being avid gamers, often work "on the barter" - receiving official copies of games, becoming their first owners. Many ashitis is already the fact that they made their contribution to their creation, which is impossible to evaluate any money.

Pros and Cons Work Tester Games

Like any other labor activity, testing games for PCs and other platforms has both its advantages and disadvantages. We are specifically expressed, it will be easier to understand if we consider the entire process from the inside.

But someone will find more positive parties for themselves, and someone this occupation does not fit at a variety of own causes. And the point here is not at all some kind of personal preferences, everything is much more serious.

The specificity of such employment is such that during the work there may be problems and irresistible obstacles for individual team members. And the violation of the integrity of the coherent collective, will negatively affect the non-one, but on all its participants.

Therefore, before becoming part of the team, so as not to bring it, and do not waste all months of precious time, avoid feelings of disappointment, you should briefly consider all these parties.

What are the advantages of earnings on testing games:

  • for testing games, nothing special will be required, except for a PC, well acquainted to the user, and the whole process occurs in the usual home environment;
  • this work activity is not burdensome, rather, even on the contrary - it is of interest, and in some cases it brings pleasure;
  • such work does not require special skills and qualifications, there will be enough basic ideas regarding the platform presented for testing;
  • testers first of users have the opportunity to get acquainted with a new game, without restrictions to immerse themselves in it and take part in the development of the project;
  • a fairly high level of remuneration for the work done, depending on the customer, the game platform and structure, reaching 12 dollars per hour.

And all that will be needed in the workflow, is limited to the presence of a computer, or even a smartphone with a required platform for which one or another game is being developed. Nothing else will be required, except, except, free time and increased attention.

What are the cons of this earnings:

  • this method of obtaining income is not distinguished by stability, so put it on the flow, with all the desire and wide knowledge of the subject, will not work;
  • the team includes a limited number of participants, and therefore it is difficult to become her member, because too much willing to take this niche;
  • full futility in part of the career ladder - in this area of \u200b\u200bemployment, past merits are very rarely taken into account, and the experience gained remains unclaimed.

It is also important that there are quite large chances of becoming a member of a non-promising project, but a fraudulent scheme, the possibility of this - 50x50. In this case, applicants not only earn nothing, but also deprived of their own funds rejected by cubs, return which is completely unrealistic. As a result, spending months and their savings remain with nothing.

Testing game gadgets

It will not be superfluous to add to the foregoing that the occupation implies different versions of working activities. That is, it is often necessary to test not only the games themselves, but also the gaming tool and attributes attached to them.

Here, of course, it all depends on the storyline, most often in the role of the subjects are: steering wheel, weapons, ammunition, helmets, virtual reality glasses and much more.

It is much more interesting than the usual employment of the tester, which includes exclusively disassembling game moments. But this is not a separate genus activity, but part of the general process, and only if the testing of game gadgets needs to manage the project.

There is another side of this process, not often voiced by misleading, forcing the fact that such work is one solid pleasure. And in reality, it is not close.

Of course, the testing of games is given at home, does not include physical exertion, and implies a certain payment, all this is true. But such a job is not devoid of routine, monotony, when the hours need to be checked alone and those gaming aspects, everything related to the performance of the attributes, and so day after the day ...

For those who seriously decided to do this, it will not be superfluous - you will give it all your time, connected not only by a test game, part of which, in fact, become, but also commitments and adopted responsibility.

How much can you earn playing in games

Whatever work in the network, let it even be pleasant to the applicant, everything resumes in a certain, agreed remuneration for its implementation.

After all, it is quite obvious that no one will spend their time on a voluntary basis. As for earnings on testing games, its size directly depends on the nature of the proposed work.

The initial rate of specialists in the field of IT-technologies is an average of $ 500 per month, if they prove themselves in the process of work, it may increase to several thousand.

If you see what the freeline exchanges are offered on this occasion, it turns out the following picture: there are many orders here, there is from what to choose, the question is different - whether your candidacy will be customer.

Project managers, for a reasonable reason, prefer performers with experience, which is evidenced by their internal stock exchange. But beginners on the service, albeit with testing experience, little shines, in the best there are a spear earnings, for the fact that others pay ten times more.

Taking on the calculation of all the tasks of this kind, the level of payment for them is from 50 to 1000 rubles per hour. It is not difficult to guess how it is distributed.

However, there is no limit of human fantasy, in order to get a job and increase income from testing games, many go to small tricks.

First, they are recorded on several freelance excavations, which much increases the chances of finding a normal task.

Secondly, filling the registration data, or when drawing up a portfolio, many overestimate their real experience and skill.

Thirdly, you ordered work yourself, fulfill, pay and write deployed feedback than rate in the system. And people who have adequate skill themselves are searching for customers, although it is really very difficult to find.

Where to find a vacancy of player games

Independently searching for customers, except that troublesome, considerable time and far from always justified financially, is also unsafe - you can run into one of numerous fraudsters.

Internet shot by ads, with fantastic offers, "guaranteeing" payment in the amount of $ 80-100 per hour. It is clear that like any work, the testing of games is paid, sometimes enough generously, but no one will look for performers in the right mind using ads.

Yes, and no project manager will pay so much - such spending on testing, in no way justified. What sources then contact? The answer to this can only be one - to verified.

Freelance trading

They have already been mentioned, but only in general terms, and to search for a reliable source, some important details will be required. Now online you can find many services, with vacancies for testers.

But the vast majority of them are not bent to post the proposals of those most scams, and therefore the faith can not be. Below is a list of sites that are really worth trusting:

Despite the fact that it is far from the highest position, among such resources, but still deserves trust. This service works without a small 8 years, from April 2011. During the day, at least 2,000 unique visitors takes. The number of pages in the search engine index - almost 35,000. The site reputation is estimated at 61 out of 100.

This service, accommodating vacancies, including relating to the testing of games, is somewhat inferior to the previous one in all indicators. It works for more than 6.5 years, since May 2012. The number of unique visitors per day exceeds 1,000 people. The number of pages in the search engine index - 11 300. The reputation is not specified.

It is considered one of the most reliable services among itself, and his reputation is quite deserved. Among other things, he belongs to the oldest among vacancies, spent almost 19 years since March 2000. About 38,000 users are visited daily every day. It has about the same number of pages. Reputation - 88 out of 100.

To search for a suitable vacancy, it will be enough to go to one of these services and in the search bar, enter the cast "Testing Games". It is worth doing as often as possible, given that there are not many kind of proposals, the competition is very high, and, despite the competitive basis, the team is rarely selected longer than one day.

Specialized resources

Here, as in the case of Freilance's exchanges, there are many own fraudsters. Although these include every 2nd from sites offering to make money on testing games, in reality they are much larger than at least 8 out of 10.

Currently, you can not doubt the decency of just a few specialized resources, the rest is better to go around the party - the acquaintance with them can do the applicant too expensive.

One of the most reliable sites in this area that has deserved a high assessment of users for more than 8 years of impeccable work, starting from October 2010.

The meaning of working with it is to install the application, select the "Testing Games" section in orders and download the selected game on Android.

Further, test it, after which it is a positive feedback to developers and get a remuneration, although small, but without any deception. Money is displayed on WebMoney or phone for 5 days.

For all indicators, this resource does not shine at all, but do not charge it with accounts, only because it does not have a colorful wrapper and can boast of great achievements.

He began to work quite recently, a little over a year ago, therefore it is not familiar with a wide range of users, which can be attributed to the main advantages of the site - the lack of competition.

The principle of his work is no different from the previous one, but it pays a little more: for the installation - up to 30 rubles, for feedback - up to 10 rubles, for testing the game - up to 50 rubles. In general, the work occupying from force an hour brings up to 100 rubles of pure income.

But this site, the full opposite of the previous one - and shell it came out, colorful and elegant, so much that some solemnity feels, and suggestions such that it is simply impossible to resist.

For testing games, it promises to pay from 600 to 8000 dollars a month! Truly generosity it has no borders.

But in fact, it turns out that the silent and promising, at least in words, the service, only pulls out money from gullible users. At the same time, no guarantee of their work does not give, not only so highly paid, and any.

In the case of specialized resources, everything is extremely simple and understandable. Of course, the income received from this is somewhat disappointing and does not justify rainbow hopes.

But it is worth considering a minor level of complexity, and a short period of time, diverting for such a work, and the fact that the sites included in the list really pay, except for the latter, whose place is completely in another list.

Possible deception when searching for work

Returning to the issue of fraud in this area, you can emphasize some more important details that have not yet been voiced.

The crooks of all stripes literally occupied this industry, which represents the organ affected by the cancer, more and more on it is spreading.

Perhaps none of the existing ways to earn money are not in such scammers as testing games for money, despite the fact that it appeared relatively recently.

By and large, do not get caught in the network of these deft figures, for those who decided to make money testing, will be great luck, which can give a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe degree of problem formed around attractive for all employment.

It is also important that the threat is lighted not only in the bright appearance of scam sites, taking advertising and promises of payments of fabulous amounts. Over time, they change the strategy if it becomes too predictable, and the schemes of deception are widely known. In the Arsenal Zhulikov a lot of tricks, here are some of them most applicable:

  • the proposal to go through the training course, of course, paid, which looks like a requirement or a prerequisite, without which, allegedly, the high-paying order is not received;
  • other, from such conditions, the addition of the internal balance on the service during registration, which according to the "employer", it is necessary to confirm the specified payment system;
  • attractive conditions of the affiliate program, which enlighten the substantial benefits from attracting new users that actively never causes any suspicion;
  • but the most sophisticated of all the ways of deception, when the registration requires passport data and payment details, which in no case cannot give anyone.

In the first two cases, gullible users simply lose their funds and do not get any work. In the third, when they start asking questions about the partnerships, their accounts will immediately block, without bothering an explanation of the reasons.

And in the latter, you can expect truly big problems if all means will disappear from the bank card, it is still far from the worst of them.

It may also be that such a negligent tester, he himself, not knowing, took a significant loan at several banks, and even with burdensome interest.

Such cases are not increasing now, and that in this very bad it is not possible to correct the situation, and the careless user, instead of high earnings will receive non-payment debts.