Metal Gir Solid 5 Phantom Paines Mission. The passage of all missions on the rank s in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Passage of tasks for the destruction of heavy infantry

Mission 7: Bloody Copper
Mission 8: occupation forces
Mission 9: Help and waste
Mission 10: Angel with broken wings
Mission 11: Surrounded by Silence
Mission 12: Road to hell
Mission 13: impenetrable darkness
Mission 14: Common language
Mission 15: Footprints of ghosts
Mission 16: Caravan Traitors Mission 17: Saving Scouts
Mission 18: blood bonds
Mission 19: on the trail
Mission 20: Voices
Mission 21: Military Economy
Mission 22: Platform Liberation
Mission 23: White Mamba
Mission 24: close contact
Mission 25: The right hand of the avenger
Mission 26: Hunting
Mission 27: a radical reason
Mission 28: Code Talker
Mission 29: Metal Archai
Mission 30: Skull
Mission 31: SahelanTrope
Mission 33: [Autonomy] Information War
Mission 34: [Extreme] Help and waste

The main task:

  • The Soviet soldier, recruited CIA, stopped contacting. Evacuate this "CROT".

Personnel with skills:

  • Climber
  • Electromagnetic Mines Specialist
  • Rocket Management Specialist

Additional tasks:

This is the main task, so you do it in mandatory. The CIA agent escaped and is in the desert. His location will be marked with a yellow marker. When approaching the specified point, you will see how the desert in search of the agent is chosen four Walker Gear. You either eliminate these soldiers or imperceptibly to the agent and evacuate it. However, be careful, you have a little time until the search group soldiers find a fugitive.

The task becomes clear that the CIA agent needs to be evacuated before the search group arrives, which consists of four Walker Gear. As soon as you approach the desert, the conventional countdown of the agent search. For faster to get to a fugitive, take the SUV on the mission, or call what through support. Quickly pave your route along the edge of the desert, bypassing the search team members. As soon as you find the agent, evacuate it using Fulton. You can try to destroy the search group, but then you will have to run throughout the desert, since Walker Gear is going to the location of the fugitive from four sides.

The optimal option for performing this task is to wait until the search group detects the CIA agent, since after that all four soldiers will gather at one point and you will not need to run in the desert for them. As soon as they call the car to transport the fugitive, sweep their tranquilizer and evacuate.

After the search group detects the agent, one of the soldiers will cause an SUV for the transportation of a fugitive. After some time, a SUV will arrive. Your task to put the driver and evacuate it. This task can be performed in three ways:

  • The first way: Wait until the driver comes to the fugitive and evacuate it.

  • The second way: arrange an ambush on the path of the SUV from the Lamar Haate Palace. The road in the desert is marked by Karacy from cars. Drop the road by car, or just shoot the driver from the sniper rifle.
  • Third way: Evacuate the agent before discovering its search group. This will lead to the fact that the search group will endlessly search for a fugitive, and the driver with a car will constantly stand near the palace of Lamar Haate, waiting for the order. You will only stay to the palace of Lamar Haate and, together with an SUV, evacuate the driver.

  • The first prisoner is the village of Shago in a central building on the 1st floor. Be sure to evacuate it before the evacuation of the CIA agent, since after this event of the mission zone narrows and the village of Shago will become unavailable, with the result that you will have to go through the mission for the second time.

  • The second prisoner is located in the palace of Lamar Haate. It is concluded in one of the dungeons, which are located near the building of the Palace. When salvation of this captive there is no restrictions, so they can be done at any time.

To follow the task, you must proceed by a specific chain of events. After the search group detects the CIA agent, it will cause a car that will transport the fugitive to the Palace of Lamar Haate. The agent will be placed in the chamber and put the sentries. After some time, on the radio, you will be informed that unknown people captured an outpost and advanced in the direction of the Palace of Lamar Haate. Then the palace will drive a SUV from which the driver will come out in black balaclava. This is the Soviet soldier who has planned an attempt on the CIA agent. If he goes into the chamber to the agent, it will inevitably kill him and the mission will be failed. As soon as he breaks out from the car while drinking it with the help of a tranquilizer and evacuate.

Video passage on the rank "S" with the performance of additional tasks # 1,2,3,4,5:


We climb your head, raise your eyes up. The dock asks how our name is, choosing a name. We watch the movie, choose the face of the squad.

Calm to Izmail, which stands at the door. Moving further, an explosion occurs. We run into the room and lay down. Follow the corridor, avoid searchlights. We run to Izmail.

I hurt for one of the shirm, closer to the enemy. The enemy checks the bed in the neighborhood, quickly overwhelming there, so we will not be noticeable.

Return to the corridor and get silence. The enemy leaves, straightening his leg. We go back to the site, go down. On the floor, we will see the burning steps. We follow to Izmail, and then we get a gun. The room will light up. Aim and shoot in the desired fire extinguisher. Kill enemies and go further.

Ishmael will distract the enemy. Shot to him in Boschka, we move to the balcony, but do not rise, we kill the remaining enemies. If we are noticed, the mission will complicate. We look at the roller and run away from the tanned opponent, jump into the wreckage. We run to the exit while the enemy is distracted.

Skump on horseback, shoot from the enemy.

Chapter 1. Revenge

We enter the formroid. There is a settlement on the map - Gweetha Har. Close the PDA and open binoculars. We will help Ocelot, namely where to take a look. We increase zoom and inspect everything in detail. Request information about Vial. We put the mark on this village, namely Valo.

Shower straight to the village. Ocelot stops us before the post. We look at it. There are 2 guards here, they are not close to each other. We understand with them. We capture the post. We will receive a reward.

Approach Valo. Ocelot invites us to find a good point for observations. We can go to the hills of the assion and take a look at the village in binoculars. We use binoculars, we can mark the enemy, as well as transport and a variety of objects.

We go to the main building of Valo, there is still waving flag. We find the gate that are open and climb up, so we will go to this building. In the table we examine the intelligence, in order to find out where the KAZ is hidden.

We go on horse in Guvanda. On the way, we note the next post, we decide to capture it yourself or pass by. Checking the LOCA and celebrate the enemy. We need to move to a yellow marker. We go into the construction and on the 2nd floor we will find Cas. Take the chance and cry to evacuation. There are zombies. We will try to notice us.

Chapter2. Diamonddogs.

We approach Ocelot, listen to it. He gives us Fulton - the evacuation system. This device can instantly move prisoners. Shot in the coming soldier, then approach him and evacuate Fulton.

Open the PDA and select the personnel management item. We will see that the employee taken was thrown into the research center. We return back and transfer to the development department. We choose weapons, as well as objects. Let's try to make a box. We need to raise the ability of the research section. Close the iDroid, approach the next soldier and attack the neighboring battle. Further need to evacuate.

Being the other and come together. Interest on the evacuation sign means the possibility of delivering a soldier Fulton to the base. There are several factors. We evacuate it. Go back to development and create a box. Request her delivery near Snake. After a second, the parcel will arrive.

We can go to the next task, and we can come to Ocelot, he will check the skill of the melee. We grab the soldier and press a couple of times on this button, it will lose consciousness. I interrogate another soldier, take it off and evacuate it. Open I Droid and call the helicopter. We indicate the disembarkation zone and climb into it.

From the turntables, we can choose the next task.

Open the PDA and go to the "tasks".

Chapter 3. Hero Path

Choose 1-oh of 2 landing sites. Choose a point in the East from Yes Stego Callai. From the very beginning, we immediately point out time, 6 in the morning or 6 pm.

We need to eliminate the commander of the special forces detachment. We jump from the turntable, jumping on the horse to the marked point. We look at the camp, we use binoculars. The commander should get out of the building. We identify it on a red burea. We celebrate enemies and begin to eliminate them. First, we designate with the enemy on the construction of before an externalpost, a little right. We find a tower at the end of the village, there is a military. On the left, too, there is a tower - removing all.

Then we can eliminate the commander, or muffle, we take out of the room and evacuate. We leave this place. When we are in the desert, the horse does not stop and the mission will be completed. We call the helicopter to the landing point marked on the map. We climb the helicopter and wait.

Chapter 4. Information War

We prepare for the mission and choose a point for disembarking. For the purposes of the mission, it is necessary to find communication equipment. Moving to the shown point. We will see the database. We climb the top of the hill and inspect the base into binoculars. We must find 3 antennas. When you find it, then 1 part of the mission is completed.

We pay attention, we can either destroy three antennas, or find a radio transmitter. Equipment in the building, on the roof of which is one antenna. This building is closer to us. Further leave the hot point.

Chapter5. Behind the fence

Buildings Wah Sind are decently protected, but there is a reliable way, how to go to the prisoner without loss. There are 2 entrances. The 1st entrance is located before the tower with soldiers and spotlights. For this tower there is a main path to the barracks. Another entrance is on the contrary, a longitudinally way with an obstacle.

Everything is not protected here. We capture information from the house with the guard, then moving to the barracks.

We can go to the guard station and, bent, get across the road to the watchdog. Raised the stairs and jump from the roof to the rock near us. We go around on the right side, so find a prisoner who sits on the edge. We evacuate it with the help of Fulton.

Evacuating the captive engineer

By how we go to the barracks by the way described above, we move deep into and turn to the left, to the ruins of the building. On the right side, we will see this building. We find a staircase that leads down. In the 1st came of the chambers of the hostage - engineer. We find him and free. We do not leave the basement, we find a hole on the ceiling. Put the saved under the hole, then use Fulton. So we will execute this task.

Evacuating SUV.

The SUV is located at the levels of lowering the location, which leads to Sind. If we get to go past a dozen warriors and secretly evacuate the SUV, then we could have been handing a medal. As an alternative, sit down for the turret and shoot all enemies.

Chapter 6 - Where does the sting hide?

Capture the Slaring system

The closest landing platform is far from the mission's task. We are preparing to run or spark a couple of kilometers. When we go to the fort zone, we move to the rear, where we find the cave with candles. Tunnel will bring us down. As a result, we will be in the Big Hall. We go to the door on the left, get to the back room and find a "sting".

Destroy the "skulls" and take the "sting" system

As covering the cave, we meet skulls. We use against the Slaring skulls. Shoot at that moment as soon as they are close to each other. Will stand. We try to keep at least one projectile.

Evacuating the captive

It is located on Mountain Relay Base Locke, hidden in the car. It will be transported to the fortress of the alms. 3 soldiers accompany him to the room where the "sting" was.

Split the helicopter

We will come up with a military helicopter, he will block our way. We use the "Powers" system to quickly pass the mission.

Chapter 7 - Copper Blood

We destroy or evacuate commanders

Commanders will meet in Valo. You just need to clean the territory from the opponent's patrols. One commander will be here first. We can quickly kill him. Or exported with "Fulton". Next, we are waiting for the arrival of the 2 remaining chiefs. Eliminate or evacuate them. We will be attentive, since the commanders are bypass soldiers. It is very necessary that we do not raise the alarm.

We evacuate the commander, as well as soldiers on transport

We look to notice the commander and friends in the car. He put on red. We need to find a way to stop the machine without deaths. We can punch the bullet car wheel. We run up and stun everyone who will find. In turn evacuating the prisoners.

Listen to the conversation of 3 commanders

We wait for the moment when 3 commander will be under one tent, we erupt their conversation.

Chapter 8 - Occupational Forces

The mission is made up of 2 parts. In Shah, there is a colonel, it must be eliminated. You still need to learn about its plans. Further, we will need to destroy all the enemy tanks.

To fulfill one of the additional missions, we enter the 1st building and exempt the prisoner. We evacuate it.

In the middle of the Loki on the 2nd floor of the building we will find intelligible. We will be attentive, so the alarm will sound, then this part of the mission will be completed. Open the card and see the red area of \u200b\u200bthe village behind the village. Moving there, so that the Polkan goes into the fortress. We need to make everything you can, armored cars did not come to the destination.

The use of the air strike is most effectively ordering it through the PDA. We remember that the aircraft must be ordering there, where tanks will arrive in 15-20 seconds. As soon as 2 tanks are liquidated, the task will end. Let's leave the hot spot by calling the helicopter.

Chapter 9 - Help and Waste

Destroy Soviet armored cars

Improve the actuator to the beginning of this task. On the map all enemy cars are shown. We find a car and move to it, we try not to pursue the guard posts. They must be ignored, as time. We destroy the tanks, as we consider it necessary: \u200b\u200bart strange, rocket, mines, explosives, grenades.

We destroy the technique quickly, while it is within this location. If the tanks leave, we will not be able to catch up with them. The mission is enough to destroy 1 unit. If we destroy 5 tanks, then the task is to "eliminate several combat vehicles".

Capture a weapon that is transported on the truck

A machine with a weapon will appear on the location. We are looking for her on the road, or on the basis of jackets.

Evacuate 4 soldiers who were looking for a prisoner

We will find a soldier in the east of the "12" point. As a result, all warriors are broken in pairs. We use a gun and a tranquilizer. We try to save time.

Evacuating 6 captives

Prisoners are located on the basis of jackets. Someone is in the transport of the enemy, he will ride on Loca. Survey the area with the help of binoculars to find all prisoners and release them.

Chapter 10 - Angel with broken wings

We go to the palace and clean the semi-whole building. Several hostages are on the floors, but they are not our main goal. We liberate the 1st of them, evacuate, after that the mission will be updated. Ocelot reports that Malaka was taken to a new place.

We move to the top of the card on jacket. Clean the territory around the building. We pass through the fortress and search rooms. One of the rooms has red doors. We pass there and pull out the captive. Let's leave the database, we call the helicopter, we use the PDA, moving to the evacuation point.

Now we take extra. Mission "Contact with Emmerich". Moving to jackets (there and disembark). Climb up until we are in the ruins of the Aabe Schifap.

Chapter 11 - Cleaning Silence

Sniper shoots us. We can eliminate silent, and we can just get to another piece of Loki and get away from it. We go to the end of Loki, the episode is completed.

If we decide to destroy the silent, we can attack from the rifle. As soon as she remains little lives, it moves to the middle of the card.

How to neutralize silent without applying lethal weapons

Binoculars We are looking for her position and celebrate on the map. Now we call Snake stocks to where it is located.

And you can also wait for it when it starts to jump on the water. We run and put it with the help of a tranquilizer.

How to do with her?

We will have to decide what to do with it. Kaz will say that you need to kill, and Ocelot - for the rest of it. If we leave her to live, then we have a couple of advantages. She becomes our companion, and we will also become an affordable storyline that is associated with a girl.

Extra. mission. Visit to Mr.

If we did not kill the girl, but they took the squad, then the mission appears. Ocelot talks about meeting with us next to the Molchuny camera. Open the card and go to honey. compartment. Card open up to make a marker or cause a turntable. This mission is extra. Quests are labeled yellow.

With arrival at honey. Platform leave the platform and find the staircase near it, which leads to the basement. Go down and approach Ocelot. Listen to it. The mission will be executed.

Extra. mission. Contact with Emmerich

This is an additional. The task must be done to continue the main storyline.

Moving to the stated serak station. We need to be secretly reached by its end, where there is a red door. If we are noticed, then you need to go with the battle. As soon as you kill everyone, you can open the door to open.

Chapter 12 - Road to hell

We pass to the big goal, we kill 2 soldiers on the left side. We need to climb the metal platform on the right side of the gate, scan documents. We move to the camp of the main base, which is located in Afghanistan.

Go back. Moving to the main database. Here a helicopter appears again. The enemy will also become more serious. We need to find a place where Emmerich holds. We will be able to pass if there is no anxiety or after it, all enemies were eliminated or after it. To crash a helicopter, you must take the fur. Robot. How do it, then we can enter the hangar with one of the doors on the side.

There we will find Emmerich. We grab it and taking the zone for evacuation. Initially, we call the turntable. After the roller, we run away and hiding from the robot. Further we need to cause a helicopter to another zone of evacuation, a little away. Then jump to this point and jump as soon as possible. On the right side or with the left we find a machine gun, pull it out. Shoot in Sahelanprop.

Chapter 13 - Dispretten Darkness

On the central base, we call the turntable and sit down in it. Choose another mission. Let's leave Afghanistan and go to the adventures to Central Africa.

We must destroy petroleum fields. Moving on the database. On the oil database, we will need to destroy the big tank and turn off the pumps. To begin with, moving towards the neighbor marker. We open the grille and see a big tank. Throw a grenade to either install a bomb. We run away and follow the next yellow marker, climb higher and enter the room with a blue door. Here there will be a console panel. We interact with it and turn off the pumps. After that, it is necessary to get out of the danger zone.

Chapter 14 - Common Language

We choose the mission in the iDroid, where the point shown.

We need to help the Viscount. Moving to the point shown on the map. We look at everything in binoculars and reveal the translator. Follow the translator and do not raise the alarm. Only in this way we can go to the hostages, there is a Viscount there. It is best to evacuate and translator, as well as a viscont. The translator of another military enters the room. There will be no one except them. The captive will hold here. We can go to the meeting northeast. Turn on the night vision device, so we will see the 1st soldier who leads the viscont. We understand with him and save the hostage. Next, we can go into the hut to the translator, neutralize it and take it out on the street. There they evacuate him.

Chapter 15 - Footage of Ghosts

Select the following task and move to the shown point. We start the task through the turntable.

Moving to the old village. We need to find and destroy robots in the number of four pieces. We will try to make their way to tents on the right side of the village. We find there two robots. More than 2 more goals are located. We can use them to eliminate soldiers and robots. As we finish, leave the hot point.

Chapter 16 - Caravan Traitors

We take the task and move to the point shown, begin the mission. Moving to the post guard, which is marked on the map. We have a choice. Or we improve Fulton, so we can evacuate the goods, or we deal with all the guards and export a truck with the necessary goods from the hot zone limits.

Follow the post and kill five six guards. We can also joke. In one of the 2 tents, we find the data on the truck. We will see the marked trajectory on the map. Moving from the end from which we will be closer. In the middle of the airport. Military equipment is located on the territory. Raise the alarm and move away. The technique begins to move along the trajectory. We get up on the path of cars, run up to the truck. From there jump the skulls. We defeat the skulls. Use the tank and the BTR. The skull remains alone, then it will be quite simple to figure it out. We defeat everyone, sit down in a truck and export it from a hot spot.

Chapter 17 - Saving Scouts

We follow the neighbor marker in the forest. The hostage is hiding here. By the middle of the Loki, the label of "information". We study the fallen radio of some scout. It is located near, in the same place, between the grounds. We will find it and evacuate. Moving to another point, we clean the log. There is a yellow zone here, where you need to find a 2-scout. We will find on Locke 2 cells. Not far from them is a pit with boards, it's a roof. We descend and find the scout. Deliver it to a horse from the hot spot limits.

Episode 18 - blood ties

Moving to the label shown, start the task. We have 6 goals. Prison data should be eliminated. First we move to your neighbor. At her end there is an ordinary military whom we were told to kill. Kill it and move to a new place. Moving to the mountain in the opposite side, we destroy the enemy. We enter the mine, overcoming the grid, and find the kids. Now we need to rescue the children to the point of evacuation. One child was injured and he does not walk, so we take it periodically and drag it. Kill the opponent in advance, and then we say the kids, so that they should be shattered.

Episode 19 - on the trail

At the central base, we call the helicopter and choose the next mission. First we move to the check-point. In binoculars inspect the database. We need to find an approximate major, which with the 2nd military are located in a tent, closer to us. We are waiting for the moment as an assistant coming out, then scan it into binoculars.

Watch the assistant car. At some point he transplants to another car. Here we get to the place where the meeting will be. Killing a major, as well as its approximate, or try to evacuate everyone. If the approximate Major notices us before the moment, as it comes to this place, then we will need to destroy the enemy turntable.

Chapter 20 - Voices

We call the turntable on the central database, choose the mission. How to fall, then where the place is shown. Check-point is located at a distance of over 1.5 kilometers.

We need to go through the station. Front is a lattice. Left there is a door. We pass. We move directly on the road, it is very close to the place shown. We pass through the next door, we will be in front of the ruins of the bridge. We turn to the right, and get to the cliff with a waterfall, we will crime to the left. Get to a huge white building. Left is open doors. We pass and find a boy. We watch the video.

Now we need to make harmless creature from the fire. We are chosen faster from the premises, we run to the tunnel. The tunnel will be collapse. Next, we enter the PDA and call the helicopter away from the current position. Follow the building, there are a couple of blue canister with water. Throw a lemon or shoot these tanks, near which the fiery monster will go. So we will neutralize it. However, not long. Since we previously called the turntable, then we have to climb into it. For every fireman, we pull the machine gun of the turntable and shoot huge tanks on the street.

Chapter 21 - Military Economics

We follow to the airport. Moving on the take-off area. In another part, at the top of the building there is a platform for helicopters. The trader lands there. We must trace the merchant, he will go to settlements for the middle of the building, on the 2nd floor, there it meets with the enemy you need. Kill him.

Chapter 22 - Liberation Platform

We leave the room where research is being conducted on a robot. We cause the turntable to the near platform and choose the mission. We move to the left of 2 tiers, to a check-point. We pass in the alley and climb to the top, destroy all the enemies. However, not all stairs go to the top of the platform.

Chapter 23 - White Mamba

We have to find a boy and evacuate him. First choose the task. Learn, we will be in place. Moving to the active zone. Horses will not apply. White Mamba is the leader of kids-gangsters. They will attack us, but we cannot kill them. When we find ourselves on the necessary location, then we will find a ruined ship into binoculars. Moving the vessel.

In the back of its part there is a hole, through which you can imperceptibly get into the Three-eyed it makes it swaying secretly in the trum. We rise to the top and meet the leader of youngsters. We run behind him, counterattack. We repeat this for a number of times. The boy will sometimes go down the floor below. We watch the video. Call the helicopter to the near point, then take the bandit there. The kids will not attack.

Chapter 24 - Close Contact

We call the turntable, take the mission and choose a point for disembarking. We need to save 2 civilians. We run on the bearing. We pass through the already familiar deposit. We clean it and move to another. We look into binoculars, we see in the car of the 1st hostage. Auto after a certain time leaves back. We return to her and free the hostage. Go again to the post, the yellow marker indicates on it. We pass a little north and in the midst of the stones we will see the 2-hostage lying 2-hostage. We evacuate it, choose from a hot spot.

Chapter 25 - The right hand of the avenger

Again it is necessary to adhere to children soldiers. We must find and make the evacuation of their commander, and still stolen headquarters. We decide who will be the first abducted. After you write every time you need to call the helicopter and go back, in order to squeeze the boy or the captured prisoner, they will not survive the flight with the help of Fulton. Sit down to the helicopter as soon as the 2 right characters we will put. If possible, transfer 1 character to the evacuation zone, then put forward to another. When two will be safe, then we call the helicopter and the garden of both. If we are sitting 1st, and the helicopter will be down to the house, again we call the other again, the task will not be completed.

Open the PDA and go to the "Personnel Management" section. Click on tabs from above where the red arrows shows. Listen to info. Now we can choose a new task.

Chapter 26 - Hunting

We need to destroy the slave traders. Open the card and see 2 marked areas. Moving to a small circle area. We will come to the old village. We rise higher, to the tent, on the left there is an antenna. Near the tent there is a table where we scan info.

If the alarm creates, then you scan the info when everyone perished, or when the alarm disable. It will appear on the map route, it moves the worker. We will try to eliminate it before the appearance in Cizibe camp. Moving around there, where the enemy trajectory goes to the right. We need to go bend. We kill everyone.

Chapter 27 - A RECORD

We will save one fighter. We clean the 1st cashpost specified by the marker. Our fighter is not here. Moving to another mark. As a result, we must be upstairs, in a circle (on our map). The scout is lying here, which is connected. Scouts will find in the northwest of the circle. We grab a guy and carry to the turntance.

Chapter 28 - Code Talker

It is necessary to find a grandmother that lives in the mansion, you need to find out about the pathogen. We go straight until we get to the fog. We need to eliminate the 4th skulls with snipers. The enemy is not aimed at the same time with everyone. Sometimes one jumps down. Turn there, where the enemy will try to hit, beat it at that moment.

As killing a couple of skulls, we move on a little further. Kill the 3rd and follow the next.

Moving to the point and see the mansion. We go around. In the back we will find the entrance to the 1st floor. Go down to the basement, there are barrels with wine. Moving the lower, open the door, there is an old man there.

We grab the old man and climb. Here we begin to attack zombies. We can just throw them to the ground, then pick up my grandfather and run. Do not forget to cause the turntable in advance.

Chapter 29 - Metal Archa

Select the following task. Forest the coolest weapon. We will have to get into battle with the 4th turtles. As soon as the skull is covered in a stone, we destroy this layer. Next, we cut the life of the monster. Focus on the 1st Monster. If the monster has a machine, then run. Monsters can be hidden in the middle of buildings with the right or on the left side. How do it, we can take extra. Weapons when the cartridges run out. If all the 4th skulls perished, then go to the grandfather, raise it and transfer to the landing point. Pebbles will fly with "self-adjustment" until they fly past us, it is better to go to the field.

Chapter 30 - Skull

We pass a couple of locations. Moving to the end of the map, we enter a huge mine. Right in the corner there is an iron staircase. We rise to the very top, there is a skull there. Follow the skull, and how we will be downstairs, sit down in the car. We watch the movie.

Chapter 31 - Sachelante

Go down on the road, shoot from Sahelanprop. I will see "Katyusha" and the tank. We use them, I appline a good damage to the enemy. Shoot without interrupting from Katyusha. The robot can rapidly run to us, leaving right away. We can drive between the legs. The only wallet of the flamethrower can destroy our car. When the robot loses half of life, then the air will become red. If we are not going to beat the enemy now, it will destroy everything on the location. The machines will flush, and it will be impossible to use them. We take a machine gun as well as a rocket. If you have time to shoot in the robot at that moment, he will not spoil the car. When the robot life will be on the outcome, he will still attack unrestrained. The robot jumps to the hill and sits. Capacity appears on its shoulders. The robot will aim, pointing the directions with two rays. Running for the rock. We look at the final video.

Act 2. Race

Chapter 32. Too much knowledge

Choose a mission at a helicopter. We arrive at the place, follow the point shown. We capture the post, compiled from 6 mercenaries. We are waiting for Randevo with the 4th Walkergear. We can kill them, and we can wait, and they will leave us. The prisoner is lying around near the rocks, in the herbushka. We evacuate it and return to the base.

Extra. the task. Eau's test

Another mission from the additional plot. In the 1st of the tasks, we stole a soldier elay. After the end of the main plot and the completion of the task "Too much knowledge." We can use the hand with the skill of stunning as an instrument. We run and beat the boy, soon he will be stunned.

Chapter 33. Information War

This episode is not similar to that, the fact that we will not give a cap chicken, but tools and things are in place. Many support are not available here. The biggest left complexity. We need to do the same thing that earlier. Find a radio button and destroy it.

Chapter 34. Help and waste

The difference is that we can not take the head of the chicken.

Extra. mission. Evacuation Capsules II

We go to the place. Either kill everyone, or carefully proceed to the building. If you raise anxiety, you need to kill everyone in order to get inside the building. There we will find a computer with red lights. Activate the capsule. And now we can leave the hot point.

Additional mission. Capture of the remains of a burning person

The mission is available after completing the previous additional. tasks. We need to find the remains of the burnt person. They are located in sight. See them will not be easy. We go to the database. With the right and left side there is a couple of rooms that we will not be useful to us. The center is located. On the right in the corner is the corpse of a smoldering person. We evacuate him.

Passage Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain

Chapter 35. Damned Inheritance

Moving straight, after the bridge, to the old man's villa. Among the warrior there are well booked, they are not easy to destroy them. It makes no sense to kill this mass. Move the 1st and interrogate. He should know about hidden containers.

In the house on the 1st floor there is infa on the table. Jump it there is hidden and studying it. We will learn the location of 2 containers. Moving there. We try to secretly behave.

As we will send 1 container to the base, it begins the counting of minutes before the arrival of the helicopters. Next, we choose from the territory of the events and fly by helicopter. If a small wooden bridge between the areas of the zone with containers is undermined, then we are looking for bypass.

Chapter 36. Footprints of Ghosts (Invisible)

The task is similar to the plot, but however: we must remain invisible. Silent, artel. Shelling and use as previously. Snake will have to remain invisible for enemies.

We can fire a settlement by aviation strikes. The girl will be able to analyze the village for the presence of enemies and robotic techniques.

Upon completion of this mission, Ocelot will say that the enemy ordered new Walkergear.

Extra. Mission (plot). Search escaped children 01

We carry out at least 1 episode from the completed (repeating plot, however with special conditions). For example, chapter 34. The next story mission after that will be available.

Sit down to the helicopter and take the task. Moving to the database. Mission is lightning, provided that everything is done correctly. Go down on the rock down. We move for the fence near the building where the child is located. We can send to the exploration to intelligence, in order to recognize the location of enemies and a child. There are drawers with which we can move through the fence.

We go around the building on the right. Watch the helicopter in the air. Do not come to the door guarding the soldier. Get up in another, passive door. We expect moments as two military will be held in the dietary room. Then we wait when the turntrate will fly over the head of the head, we run to the door and stun a soldier. Then go into the room and stun 2 others. Do not relax, run out to the street, take the 1st soldier and enter the room. Here 3 jergy soldiers kill from the gun with the silencer. Then we grab the child and run away from the base. From behind the building, closer to the output is available. We can leave this place on the jeep.

Extra. Mission (plot). Search for escaped children 02

Moving to the Villa Tolter Code. We must find the boy. We can interrogate several military until the 1-H show the location of the child. Moving there. We clean the house before. Fortunately, there is no well armored warrior. Then we take it and export (enduring) for the territory of the hot spot.

Chapter 39. For the fence (invisible)

You need to remain imperceptible. Shell all the fuel helicopter. We use artillery. And even Molchunya will find out the location of all opponents and a priority goal. Since we have already passed a similar episode, we know that the plated engineer hides in the basement.

Chapter 40. Unusual phenomenon

We take a mission and find ourselves in place. Moving to the fortress and we clean it from the enemy. We can and hang. Next comes a serious stage. Opening the PDA and go to the "Task" section. On the right side there is a description of the current task. Below is a list of purposes, and even deeper - the photo is loaded. At the beginning of the photo will be blurred. Ocelot reports that he corrected the picture. We open again and see a good image. We need to pass through the ruins of the fortress to the southern part of them. We came from about the part of the North, we are in the end of the ruins. There are some small fallen columns. With a side of one of the columns there is a container with a film. We take it and leave the hot point.

Extra. Mission (plot). Searches for escaped children 03

We find ourselves on Loca where they met with Molchunya. Now be sure to modify Fulton to the level of "children". Reach 24 levels in research and level support department. It is difficult, but perhaps.

Extra. Mission (plot). Searches for escaped children 04

Move to the collapsed building and clean. We will find on the street near the building a huge machine with communication. We destroy the radar, and the opponents will not be able to bring support. Next, we enter the building where the radar is located immediately climb the steps on 2 spills. We go to the opposite part of the premises. We will see the destroyed floor, go around narrow tiles. Moving straight, soon with a boy. We can send to intelligence. Item "Tasks", choose the line "Spying". We take the boy and without hysterics go back. We call the turntable and plant a boy.

Extra. Mission (plot). Searches for escaped children 05

We go to the mission. We will be in the caves in the rock. The girl explodes the terrain and find zombies and baby. We need to go inside this cave and find the move where there is a small reservoir. Here is a narrow tunnel, which leads to the top. Here and looking for a boy. The cliff on the right there is room with antenna. A slightly above this antenna is monsters, as well as a child. We evacuate the boy on the turntance.

Chapter 40. Surrounded by Silence

Since there are no other side plot missions, then we pass this mission again. Her difference is that they will not be able to use a chicken cap. And even the shots are all fatal. We play the day, as Molchka will distract to the rainbow.

Chapter 41. War of others

This task is available if you set the task above. We must eliminate the army of the enemy.

There should be no serious problems. We use the artillery shelling and rocketr to eliminate the enemy technique. We do not have to beat her when she is on the go. We can wait for her stop and shoot. When you destroy everything, the combat helicopter flies to be destroyed. We can call the turntable to support, and we can hide in a tent, run around the tent and shoot a helicopter.

Chapter 43. Restless Light

We need to find out the truth about the disease. How to land moving to the point. Ocelot is associated with us again. Loading. We will be in the contaminated compartment. The atmosphere is somewhat reminded by DeadSpace, you will agree. Go to the corridors and climb upstairs, reach the doors and open it. We watch the video.

Just remain invisible. Remember: in such missions artillery and silence are used.

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In the next part of the MGS did not cost without the corporate style of the goat. In the game for each plot mission there are a number of tasks and many of them are sometimes simply not amenable to logic. This article describes all the additional Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain tasks. Performing these tasks will give you the achievement of the Perfectionist.

Prologue: Awakening

1. The task is made without the use of rapid

It is better to disconnect the rapid in the menu than each time you hysterically load the checkpoint.

2. The task is done so that the burning person never was able to attack you

Tactics here is very simple. Just keep the Volga on the distance removed from you. If you do not miss, then you are enough ammunition. Drive damage it can when he is preparing to shoot fiery arrows.

Mission 1. Phantom limbs

1. Location Kazuhira Miller installed

2. Kazuhira Miller Evacuoked

3. From the barracks Wah Sind evacuated commander

The commander is different from the soldiers and it is not so difficult to find. If you do not want to look for it among the soldiers, you can simply evacuate all the staff.

4. The task is fulfilled in secret from the skulls

There are so many ways to bypass the skulls, applying clips and active bait. But there is a way even simpler - just do not get to the landing point and change it using the iDroid and the skull simply will not appear.

5. Captured untreated diamonds from the rock fortress

Diamond is here, they are easy to miss sight.

6. Truck driver evacuated

The driver moves between three locations, it will be enough to wait for it on one of them or take a horse and ride along the main road connecting three advanceplates.

Mission 3. Hero path

1. Special Force commander liquidated

2. The special forces commander is eliminated from a long distance (100 meters or more)

3. Special Force Evacuoked Commander

4. Soma collected, growing in the desert between the village "Scho" and the fortress of the soup.

This plant grows on a deserted plain. It is easy to find if you take with me to the partner of Pesik.

Attention! If you have gathered this plant in the open world mode, it will not be in the task and will have to wait for a long time until it to sleep again.

5. Captured recycled materials from the village of Shago.

Mission 4. Information War

1. Equipment of the Eastern Communications Point Found.

2. Equipment of the Eastern Communication Point is destroyed.

3. Unprocessed diamonds are captured from the Eastern Communications Point.

Diamonds are located on the cliff right behind the east. Their exact location can be found by conducting interrogation of Soviet soldiers.

4. The transmitter of the eastern connection point is destroyed.

It is in one of the buildings. It is best to destroy the transmitter using a water pistol

5. Two captives were evacuated from the village of Valo.

Their location is easy to find out by questioning Soviet soldiers.

Mission 5. For the fence

1. The plated engineer is evacuated.

2. The engineer is evacuated using Fulton through a hole in the basement.

The hole is not so difficult to find. It is in the next room. Just put the engineer under the hole and evacuate Fulton.

3. The captive was evacuated, which planned to escape from the barracks Wah Sind.

Inattentive players will be very hard to find this prisoner, since he took such a place about which any common man would not even guessed.

4. Evacuated SUV, performing patrol.

With this it is better not to slow, as it can just go beyond the limits of the card and not return. He will make his stop near Barack Wah Sind.

5. Captured drawings from the barracks of Wah Sind.

To find out where the drawings are better to interrogate the soldiers. They lie in one of the small houses in the barracks.

Mission 6. Where does the sting hide?

1. Cooking "Sting".

2. Skulls are eliminated.

For this task, it is better to take to the partner of silent and equip it with a sinful butterfly. Just distract attention to yourself, and Molchka will destroy all goals. You do not even have to spend the ammunition of the "Powers" system.

3. The sting system is captured with ammunition.

Will be fulfilled under the condition that you have never been shot in the "Powers" attachment

4. Captive, unable to speak evacuated.

Pretty difficult task. You need imperceptibly to go through the bridge, and evacuate the Mujahed before he was taken away from the jeep, otherwise it would just be killed.

5. Two snipers are evacuated from the transit point.

To wait and best in the afternoon. At night you can not find them. One snapper will sit on the tower, the other on the forests of the other end of the bridge.


It is better to use the installation of "Javelin". If it is shooting from an ordinary gun, the helicopter will have time to fly before you destroy it.

Mission 7. Bloody copper

1. Liquidated commander of the company from the village of Valo.

2. The platoon commander from the village of Shago is eliminated.

3. The platoon commander from the barracks of Wah Sind is eliminated.

4. The commander is evacuated with his soldiers (only 4).

To convulsely do not disassemble which soldiers came with commanders, it is proposed to simply call the helicopter and destroy everyone who was in the village or evacuate. It will fit with the three previous tasks.

5. Three commanders were evacuated.

Commanders will look different than ordinary soldiers. So here it is not possible to confuse.

6. The conversation of three commanders is obedient to the end.

It should be borne in mind that any alarm challenge will force the script and have to reboot to the save point. The conversation will be short-lived, so wait long does not have to.

7. Two captives were evacuated from Gweandai.

Standard task, coordinates can be found by questioning soldiers.

Mission 8. Payback

In this mission, all tasks can be performed in one approach, except for the liberation of the captive. Just turn the road column and evacuate all the technique from the rear.

1. Deployment plans are obtained.

2. Colonel is eliminated.

3. All tanks are destroyed.

4. Colonel is evacuated.

5. Colonel and all his tanks are eliminated before arriving in the fortress of the soup.

6. The captive of the village of Shah Ye is evacuated.

7. All tanks are evacuated.

Mission 9. Help and waste

1. Armor destroyed.

2. Several combat machines and helicopters are eliminated.

3. All armored vehicles are destroyed without the use of supply and fire support.

It is best to block the road in this place and evacuate all the technique. Time will be more than enough.

All cars are going along this road, so be careful, have time to run back to the armored vehicles and the "fulton" them before they end patience, and they will break the truck.

4. Captured weapons transported on a truck.

5. Armor is evacuated.

6. Evacuated 4 soldiers who were looking for a runaway captive.

Soldiers are in this canyon, there you will find one of the prisoners.

7. Evacuated 6 prisoners.

Open in the next to the Lamar Khaate Palace point.

Next to the landing point, literally in ten meters, there will be the first prisoner.

Next, very quickly put forward to the prisoner at number two. If you have not spent a lot of time looking for the first prisoner, then you have time to save the second, since it is a punitive detachment, which you also need to evacuate to perform another task.

The third captive advise the release of one that is located directly in the Lamar Khaate Palace, in one of the carcers.

By the time you finish the release of the third, the 4th one should appear on the map. It will be transported in the jeep. Its route can be traced by iDroid.

The fifth hidden in the subway in Wakh Sind Barrazks.

The latter lies near the river, downstairs at the rocks.

8. 3 tanks evacuated.

Tanks will appear as soon as you steal a secret weapon from a truck. Here it is best to use bait that distracting the attention of tanks while you will evacuate them.

Mission 10. Aangel with broken wings

1. Packed Mujahide Mall evacuated.

2. Evacuated accompaniment armored.

Make it best on the fork. When the convoy is installed and the crew armored vehicles says goodbye to the driver, you will have time while transport will leave and will not notice how you are fulltonite armored vehicle.

3. Three captives were evacuated from the palace of Larom Haat.

Here you should hurry and not listen to the conversation of the driver. Prisoners are going to execute and you will have very little time to save them. Their location can be found by questioning the soldier.

4. Two captives were evacuated from the supply base from the bubbly.

They can also be found by questioning the soldier.

5. Listening to the last conversation between the driver and Malak.

Any alarm call will cut the script chain. The last conversation will be held in the interrogation room, based on. You can mark goals and wait for them on the basis, hiding under the bed.

Mission 11. Surrounded by silence

All four tasks can be performed in one right. Just point out the silence and call the ammunition to it through the iDroid. When the cargo is reset, a little more than 10 meters will remain, look out and provoke it on a shot. While she will shoot and reload the shutter, the box will have time to fall on her head.

1. Muschunya is eliminated.

2. You decided how to do with Molchunya.

3. Musching is neutralized without applying a fatal weapon against her.

4. Silence is neutralized without the use of firearms.

Mission 12. Road to hell

The main problem is to fulfill the task of rescue Emmerich. The fact is that, no matter how good you hide him, he will still receive damage. Even if he, at first glance, did not receive it. If we take into account that you will learn about the fulfillment of the task only after passing the mission, the further overlap turns simply into hell. For this task, it is better to take with you D-HORSE.

1. Contact with Dr. Emmerich took place.

2. Dr. Emmerich evacuated.

3. From the central base were evacuated 3 (three)WalkerGear.

4. Dr. Emmerich evacuated whole and unharmed.

For a guaranteed task execution, it is necessary to start to neutralize all the protection on the base. Then bring Emmerich to the control point. After the cat scene, press and reboot to the control point, in order for Emmerich to be on your shoulders. Then immediately put it on the horse and order her to move away, but to flee the satellip himself. Then hide and cause a helicopter to the long point of disembarkation. When Sahelanter runs towards landing, change the landing point to the near point and fill there. As soon as you arrive at the place, call the horse to which you planted Emmerich, and evacuate it on a helicopter.

5. Captured a vertical poster with a fashion model from the central base.

6. Captured drawings from the central base.

The drawings are in the nearby bunker.

Mission 13. Impropering Darkness

1. The oil refining pump is disabled.

2. The separator of the oil-containing water is destroyed.

3. Four children-soldiers who studied in the village of Masa were evacuated.

Children you will not be able to evacuate without a children's Fulton. You will get it when overpowering Eli on your base.

4. The output from the danger zone is completed to the blockade of the Mfinda field.

After you explode the tank run to the container, which is nearby, take it onto it and Fultonite yourself.

5. Powed eared neck, whipped in a burned village.

6. Evacuated 4.WalkerGear, blocked Mfinda deposit.

Mission 14. Total language

1. Translator with Afrikaans found.

2. Viscount found.

3. Viscount is evacuated.

4. In the intelligence, the location of 4 captives was established.

5. Three captives were evacuated from Camp Camp.

6. The container with materials is evacuated from the camp of Kiziba.

It is located next to the main building, there you will find and explored. The container may not appear if you evacuated it in the open world. In this case, you will have to wait until it is sleeping .

7. Oversized interrogation of all 4 prisoners.

The problem is that any alarm will cause a script break and you will not be able to listen to all conversations. The first three interrogation will not cause difficulties, just follow the commander and translator and listen to the conversations. The last interrogation will occur at night in the house.

Mission 15. Footprints of ghosts

1. EverythingWalkerGear destroyed.

2. From the abandoned village of Ditadi, 2 captives were evacuated.

3. EverythingWalker Gear is evacuated.

4. In the abandoned village of Ditadi, a ride collected (yellow).

5. A truck was evacuated from the abandoned village of Ditadi.

Truck will stand on the edge of the camps near the road .

Mission 16. Caravan Traitors

1. The accompaniment armor was found.

2. Truck found.

3. Truck evacuated.

4. Skulls are eliminated.

To do this, it is best to use itching with a sinful butterfly. Just exit an open area and let it shoot all the skulls.


6. The explored is an approximate support route.

7. Listen to all the conversations of the driver of the truck with soldiers at advanced and guard posts.

Conversations will be three. The first will be near the truck, when the armored vehicles column will arrive. The latter will happen in Cizibe camp. To fulfill, it is best to use Stealth to disguise Emmerich.

8. 3 soldiers were evacuatedZero.Risk.Security.

Just evacuate any three soldiers of this grouping, the task is asked at the end of the mission.

Mission 17. Saving scouts

1. Evacuated by the fighter of intelligence detachment, fled to the forest to the north of Camp Camp!

2. The camp of Kiziba was evacuated by a fighter of intelligence detachment.

3. Evacuated 2 employeesC.F.A.

4. Captive prisoner evacuated from Camp.

5. Evacuated 4 soldiers reinforcement of the search group.

Soldiers reinforcement of the search group will quickly find a second prisoner who hides in the forest near the camp of Kiziba.

6. The driver of the truck is evacuated.

Mission 18. blood bonds

1. The former rebel of their army Mbele is liquidated.

2. 5 captives in the kungeng mine are eliminated.

3. A flock is evacuated.

4. The former Mestel's army is evacuated.

5. The task is designed so that the enemy did not notice the evacuation of 5 children.

It is best to fulfill this task using the Children's Futton, which you will get from the ela in the second duel.

6. The assault helicopter is destroyed.

7. They evacuated 5 snipers near the northeast and south-western guard of the Mine Kungenga.

It makes no sense for a long time, the problem is not to destroy snipers, but to find them.

8. Evacuated 3 armored vehicles.

Mission 19. On the trail

1. Found the subordinate commander of the ChvK on the nicknamed "Major".

2. The commander of the CHHV on the nicknamed "Major" was found.

3. The commander of the CHVK on the nicknamed "Major is liquidated.

4. The commander of the ChvK on the nicknamed "Major" was evacuated.

5. Subordinate major evacuated.

6. The captive with the northeastern guard post of Munko Ja Nioca will be evacuated.

7. Suspended the conversation between the NPC commander on the nicknamed "Major" and his subordinates.

Just follow the commander, and he will lead you lately .

Mission 20. Votes

1. Shabani evacuated.


To successfully perform the task, you will need a C4-charge.

Upon completion of all cat-scenes, run to any remaining whole water tower. Freak to her C4 charge and wait until "MAN ON Fire" is suitable for a sufficient distance so that it is water.

Let's come to him immediately, as it will go out. And someone knew how in a sober mind, you can guess this - we call the removal of ammunition.

Ideally, psycho mantis spins over the "man on fire" counterclockwise, and the discharge of the supplies in this mission does not have a delay (literally 3-4 seconds) of time. If you are all done correctly - the container will fall exactly on the head of the flying boy.

3. The attack of a burning person is reflected.

4. On the intelligence, the path of the Western Karaul post of the industrial zone of Ngumba is established.

The intelligence is here, they are also easy to find out by questioning one of the soldiers.

5. Near the western guard of the industrial zone Ngumba caught a hyenous dog.

The dog is not far from the post behind the river. Just go along the river to the waterfall and turn to the right side, there and come across the dog.

6. Listen to the conversation about the corpses at the station Munko Ya Niota.

The goal of the task is slightly not corresponding to its name, so you can fight for a very long time in hysterics, trying to overhear the conversation between local soldiers from the station. But everything turns out to be processed ...

Almost at the very beginning of the mission, meters in 200,000 from the starting point, the station "Munko Ya Niotoka" is located. The most important thing in this additional task is not to raise anxiety, because the goal movement script can be broken, because of which it will have to undergo a mission.

In the far (from us) part of the station, behind the fence, it is a cargo car. But it will not stand for long. Therefore, from the very beginning, we find the way to the car and put in the body.

Our first stop will be near the camp, where the driver will talk to the guard. You can not crawling out of the body to overhear this conversation, the benefit of the truck will be parked very convenient for this event. After the end of the conversation, the blacks will go to look for some documents, so that you can lie further and wait for the next shipment.

The second stop will be the last on the trip, but not the latter in the task. We approach the second cashpost, which is guarded by three mercenaries. A second dialogue will take place with one of them, after which the driver will be slowed down to a change. He will go down to the foggy territory, which the local call "the abode of evil spirits." Follow him to the end of his route, and the last conversation will take place near the stone tunnel, which you need to listen.

Mission 21. Military Economy

1. The arms dealer is found.

2. EmployeeC.F.A. Detected.

3. EmployeeC.F.A. liquidated.

4. EmployeeC.F.A. evacuated.

5. Arms dealer evacuated.

6. Listen to all conversations between a weapon trader and employeeC.F.A.

Task with broken stripes. This means that any distraction of squeezed goals from its task can break the script operation, and you will not be able to perform this additional goal!

Mission is long and tedious. Wood with binoculars does not count this task.

After the first conversation in the office, they will go to the near hangar. So follow them, but do not descend to the street. Lower the floor and watch binoculars. This conversation can be heard, lying on the belly.

After the second short conversation in the hangar, goals will be in a truck and go to the second hangar through the entire airport. We unfold back and pass through the entire office through and exit, on the other hand. It is necessary to go carefully, so as not to attract attention, since the slightest suspicion can lead to the script breakdown. We lie down and listen to the third, the longest, dialogue.

After three dialogues, they will go back to the office, so we return to the position described in the second paragraph and wait for the last dialogue.


To get the drawings, you need to knock down the helicopter and on the spot of its fall will be drawings.

8. The container with materials from the hangar at Nova Braga is evacuated.

The snag is that the containers are under the bunker and the roof prevents them for evacuation. This task will not work without having examined the retaliation portal. Simply put, it is necessary to pump Fulton to teleport, then the containers can be evacuated freely.

Mission 23. White Mamba

1. White mamba evacuated.

2. The captive of the village of Masa was evacuated.

3. White Mamba is evacuated, without having to resist.

There are two options like performing this task:

Performing at night: shooting all children without raising anxiety and not falling into the eyes by any ways, preferably from sniper rifles with tranquilizers. It is imperceptible to sleeping Eli and gently shoot him in the head with a tranquilizer. It is advisable not to freeze when rapprochement, it happened that he woke up from a simple aiming.

Execution at any time of the day: Climb on a comfortable place, from which the window's porthole will be visible, where the head sticks out. He will sit, leaning back on the back of the chair, propparing his head with his hands. With a duty of aiming, it may raise an alarm.

Use the muffler and choose the largest distance as much as possible not to move the white mamba sound sound.

4. Unprocessed diamonds are captured near the village of Mas.

Interrogate one of the children, and it will indicate the place where diamonds are hidden.

5. Evacuated 20 children soldiers.

Mission 24. Close contact

1. The man engineer is evacuated.

2. Woman engineer evacuated.

3. Evacuated 6 Nubi residents near the south-western guard post Promsons Ngumba.

4. Evacuated 2 SUVs.

5. 4 containers were evacuated by 4 containers from the northeastern guard post of Munco Station.

6. Near Munco Stop Ya Niotoka collected African peach.

Peach location can be easily found with the help of a dog.

7. Near Munco Stop Ya Niotoka caught the battle eagle.

The task is satisfied with the simple, since the eagle is not alone, they fly a lot at the station. To fulfill the task, it will be enough to sleep only one and pick up.

Mission 25. The right hand of the avenger

1. Head of the headquarters of militants was evacuated.

2. The commander of children-soldier is evacuated.

3. Evacuated captive, fled from the northeast guard post.

The captive is here.

4. 12 children soldiers evacuated.

5. Head of the headquarters and commander of children soldiers were simultaneously evacuated by transport.

Do not even try to evacuate both goals by Fulton, no matter how hard you try, a wounded captive will fall out even from a van with closed doors. So grab the child and the commander and go on land on transport.

6. On the northeast guard traffic station Muski Ya Nioca collected a midwives (purple).

Patterns are here.

Mission 26. Hunting

1. At intelligence, the Route of the slavers is determined.

2. The worker is eliminated.

3. The worker has been eliminated before arriving at Camp Camp.

4. The worker is evacuated together with 5 accompanying soldiers.

5. From the abandoned village of Ditadi, 4 captives were evacuated.

6. Near the camp Kiziba caught the striped jackal.

The search for the jackal is a rather difficult task, it will be easier to find it using a dog to the partner.

Mission 27. The root cause

1. Evacuated intelligence detachment fighter.

2. The fighter of the intelligence detachment is evacuated before he could suffer.

It will be best to take a horse and run towards the road, according to which the captive will go. It does not have to stop when he sees you, it will automatically fall out of the truck cockpit and will not suffer.

3. The danger zone is abandoned by land.

Mission 28. Code Talker

1. Contact S.Code.Talker took place.

2. Code.Talker evacuated.

3. Code.Talker is evacuated whole and unharmed.

4. Skulls are eliminated.

5. Skulls are evacuated.

6. An armored person who blocked the valley was evacuated.

Armor will be over the bridge. Here it is necessary to take into account if you avoid battles with turtles, then the armored person will not appear. To accomplish this task, it is necessary to destroy the skulls here.

Mission 29. Metal Archaei

1. Skulls are eliminated.

2. Code Talker evacuated.

3. The task is made without capturing a puppet soldier.

You need to go through the mission so that the puppets do not cause you damage .

4. Skulls are evacuated.

Here you should remember when you kill all the skulls you will not have time to choose everyone, because they will disappear very quickly. It is recommended to first kill three and evacuate them, and then take the latter.

Mission 30. Skull

1. Contact with a skull took place.

2. Information from the skull is obtained.

3. Evacuated 4.Walker Gear.

All four are located on the territory of the base, they will not be founded.

4. In the OKB "Zero" found audio cassette.

The cassette is in the elevator in which the skull and the boss will come down. Due to the complexity of the design of the helicopter platform, this cassette is very easy to skip.

5. 7 red containers were evacuated to OKB "Zero".

6. In the OKB "Zero" evacuated 3 tanks.

The location of all tanks

Mission 31. Sachelanpop

1. Sahelanhrop is destroyed.

2. The head of the Sahelanop is destroyed.

3. Flying boy has been successfully attacked.

Mission 32. Too much knowledge

1. The CIA agent is evacuated.

2. The CIA agent is evacuated before the arrival of the search group.

3. Evacuated 4 soldiers of the search group.

All 4 soldiers are searching for, but sooner or later they will find the agent, so you can just wait when they all arrive at a certain place.

4. The driver of the vehicle is evacuated.

5. Two captives were evacuated from the village of Shago and the Palace of Lamar Haat.

The location of the captives is better to know by questioning the soldiers.

6. The Soviet soldier, who planned an attempt on the CIA agent.

Rather, this is not an attempt, but a conscious execution. At the beginning of the mission, the CIA agent will lie in the desert. If you evacuate it right away, then the task will not work. As in missions with overheard, the soldier's movement script can be broken. As soon as it goes out enough time, 4 D-Walker will find the CIA agent and cause a professional in the form of a motorist - the agent will take place at Lamar Khaate Palace. As soon as you come to the Lamar Khaate Palace closer, Miller will inform the radio that unknown transportation is approaching you. From there, soldiers will be released in a mask. It must be evacuated.

Mission 35. Cursed inheritance

1. Evacuated 2 containers.

2. The task is completed by leaving the danger zone on the container, evacuated using Fulton.

You need to climb the container, press the FULTON button and then clamp E (button for action) for evacuation.

Leave you need to capture all containers.

3. The task is designed so that the enemy did not notice the evacuation of the container.

It is best to neutralize the protection around the container. If there is no security, then no one will notice the loss.

4. The location of the soldier was established on the intelligence.

5. Evacuated commander of the detachmentZero.Risk.SECURITY guarding mansion.

The commander moves inside the mansion, the best way to find it is to interrogate other soldiers.

6. Unprocessed diamonds kidnapped by a raven near the North-West guard of the Lufra Valley.

Easy to find out the questioning of soldiers.

Mission 38. Unusual phenomenon

1. The container with the film is captured.

Translation sounds not entirely correct. The film is in the jug in the ruins.

2. The fortress of the soup is captured.

You just need to neutralize all the fighters in the area.

3. The film container is captured before the reinforcement approach.

Reinforcement will push pretty quickly, so here, it is better not to slow. As soon as we land, take the horse and download to the fortress, and with the help of a camouflage device, grab the film.

4. Captive from the eastern guard of the fortress of the Kuagmay fortress is evacuated.

It is easy to get confused here, as there are two eastern post on the map. The captive is located in the Northern Eastern Point (at the top of the card).

5. Near the ruins of the desuagmay caught a white-headed SIP.

Here you need to catch a bird. The task is one very simple, because the bird will not even have to look for, they will circle in the sky on the ruins.

Mission 41. War of others

1. The assault helicopter is destroyed.

2. 2 tanks destroyed.

3. Two armored vehicles were destroyed.

4. The commander of column armored vehicles was evacuated.

Columns of military equipment go from all sides. Do not spend your time for their destruction. From the very beginning of the mission, we go to the airport Nova Braga. After some time, the whole military column will arrive there, and the helicopter landing in the middle of the airport will come there. The commander himself will be released from the helicopter. There it will be possible.

5. The column commander was found untreated diamond.

To find out the location of the diamond, it is enough to find it and interrogate the commander. With the first interrogation, he will indicate the location of the diamond.

6. Captured drawings from an assault helicopter.

To capture the drawings you need to knock down the helicopter, there will be a drawer on the spot of its fall.

Mission 45. Silent

1. Contact with Molchunya took place.

2. Soviet mechanized division destroyed.

3. Received audio cassette.

4. Seven tanks and 7 armored vehicles were evacuated.

Tactics are simple. At the very beginning of the mission to hide from the enemy will be unreal, since the battle alarm is already included:

5. The task is made without damage to Molchunya.

Mission 46. True: a person who sold the world

1. 6 soldiers at the entrance to the hospital are eliminated.

All 6 soldiers will be in the Parade Hall.

2. Perfect 20 or more hits in a burning person.

It just just enough to shoot him when he is in the Parade Hall.


  • Complete the mission without rapid (time slowing)
  • During escape, along with Ocelot, do not give a burning person to attack us.

We are a real legend! The greatest soldier in history, but for a number of reasons that you can learn from the game Metal Gear. Solid V: Ground. Zeroes., we have crashed and fell into someone for 9 years! BUT Metal Gear. Solid V: Phantom Pain. Starts with our awakening.

3 days after awakening:

After a long cat-scene, we begin to poll the doctor when he asks to look upstairs, then [Tilt forward - Ls (left stick)].

When he asks your name, you drive in the field, then the name you would like, as well as a month and year of birth.

2 weeks after awakening:

After a small cat-scene, we will be offered to make plastic surgery. We agree, because then our enemies will not recognize us. We choose the avatar, set up the features of the face and click on the tick. ( do not be afraid - we will play for the original Big Boss.)

Further, we look at a rather long cat-scene, where we learn about what is happening during the time we spent lying in a coma. But did not have time to fully come to herself, the armed detachment is broken into the hospital, the purpose of which is clearly the murder of Big Boss.

As soon as they are controlled, the moon behind our Savior - Izmail. When you add to the elevator, an explosion will occur. But you do not stop, but go for Izmail in the room and put in the floor. Rolling up to the exit, come to the wall and flex [For this click a], quickly we turn right and stick to the wall, we go further by avoiding the light of the spotlight, and at the end we run to the exit [To use Sprint, click LS].

Moving further and when we get into the room with the chambers, we will rush under them, we climb to the penultimate chamber and wait when the enemy comes out of the next chamber and will not go to the next one. We look at the cat-scene and leave the room.

Ahead and behind the enemy - no way out! We lie down and messenger to the corpses. Now we do not do anything in order not to move. After the next roller, we press the leg [For this press Y]. Now we go down the stairs, get your first gun with a silencer and shoot fire extinguishers to repay the flame. Further harvested behind the wall and kill two opponents [much easier to shoot from weapons from the first person to go to it, hold the LT, and then press the RB button].

Having reached the hall, we are met by an enemy squad, Izmail takes the initiative to his hands and distracts them from you. Killing the enemy on the stairs, and then, having swollen, shoot the rest or go to the left, go down the hole down and already kill them from there. For a more comfortable passage of this episode, use a first-person view, as well as shoot in the head. After massacre over the enemy, we go to the exit, shorten from the wreckage and run away from the burning Volga to the street.

Soon we meet our old familiar - Revolver Ocelot. We climb on the horse and run away from the Volga, shooting it when he starts attacks.

Episode 1: Revenge


  • Location Kazuhira Miller installed
  • Kazuhira Miller Evacuoked
  • From the barracks Wah Sind evacuated commander
  • The task is fulfilled in secret from "Skulls"
  • Captured untreated diamonds from the rock fortress

Open IDroid [Press START] and put a label on the yellow area. Now open binoculars , We look at the nearest village and put a label on it . Further girlfriend on the horse [to nourish it (dispersed), click X.]. As soon as we reach an advance, Ocelot will warn us about it. We can how to clean the outpost, it is enough just to put all the opponents, but you can and bypass the onpaid by the side, but then we will not get a reward.

As soon as we select to the first village, Revolver Ocelot Suggest us to explore the terrain. We climb on the nearest elevation and marching enemies. We need to the biggest building - what next to the flag the USSR. We go and scan documents lying on the table. Now we know where they keep Kazuhir Miller.

As soon as you reach Gwandai, We climb on the stones and marked enemies. If you want to go through this task quietly, it is best to wade on the right side through the alley. Kaz will be on the second floor. We liberate him and endure from the village as soon as you are sure that no one will notice you, we call up the horse and jump to the helicopter.

Once in the landing zone of the helicopter, fog appears, and the helicopter cannot sit down. We will have to get to the second platform. We are waiting when " Skull"Let's go down to the right pass from us and gallop jump on the bridge, so they won't notice us. I donate to the helicopter and sit down with Kazuhira.

Episode 2: Dimond Dogs


  • The instruction in the use of the Fulton system passed
  • Thanks to the staff evacuation, the level of research department is increased
  • A cardboard box has been developed; The basic training course is completed.
  • Passed briefing on grip
  • Prepare briefing on shocks

Here we are on " Mother Base." Say S. Ocelotom and get the evacuation system - " Fulton" Now we can evacuate from the battlefield of people and animals to the database. We approach one of our soldiers, shoot a tranquilizer and activate Fulton on it.

Now open the iDroid and watch the window " Personnel Management"In this window you can see where there are new fighters, you can also redistribute them. Now come back and open " Development" We lack several people on the box. Stun another of our two soldiers and evacuate them.

Attention! Before using the Fulton system, be sure to look at the percentage of successful evacuation. The lower the number, the greater the probability of failure.

Open the development window, exploring " Box"And shipping. You can also enroll on the task if you won't have enough equipment, including cartridges with silencers.

Now open IDroid, Go to the task tab, call the helicopter and choose the landing site. When you are in VSU (air control center), you have much more opportunities to manage the base, including customization. But for now it is not available to us. We can listen to all available audio recordings (extremely recommended, they contain a huge layer of the plot and without listening to them, you will not fully understand the plot of the game).

So, after you listened to audio recordings or did not do this. We open the iDroid, go to the task tab and select any mission available to us. Then choose the place of disembarkation, as well as select equipment and disembarking time. But be careful, in the afternoon you are more difficult to keep imperceptibility, and at night it is easier, but at the same time at night and it is harder to find an opponent.

Episode 3: Hero Path


  • Special Force commander liquidated
  • The special forces commander is eliminated from a long distance (100 m or more)
  • Special Force Evacuoked Commander
  • A cat was collected, which stretching in the desert between the village of Scho and the fortress of the soupgami
  • Captured recycled materials from the village of Shago

Reaching the camp, we mark all opponents, our goal is the commander of the special forces. It is located in the central two-story building.

First of all, eliminate the guard on the towers, then turn off the electricity (if in the game night) and go to the second floor. There will be your goal there, you can kill him and evacuate - to solve you!

After completing the task, we call the helicopter and return to Mother Base.

Episode 4: Information War


  • Equipment Eastern Communications Found
  • Eastern Communication Point Equipment
  • Unprocessed diamonds are captured near the Eastern Communications Point
  • The transmitter of the eastern connection point is destroyed
  • Two captives evacuated from the village of Valo
  • Container with materials taken from the Eastern Communications Point

Get to " Eastern point communication"And we look at the location. We note opponents, as well as satellite communications antennas. All their three pieces, and we need to destroy them, preferably with C4..

Also in this task there is a second option. Go to the building next to the controversial system of early warning and destroy standing on the table of the radio station, then we run to the landing zone of the helicopter and fly on our base.

Episode 5: For the fence


  • Packed engineer evacuated
  • Engineer evacuated using Fulton across the hole in the flooding of the basement
  • The captive was evacuated, who planned escape from the barracks Wah Sind
  • Evacuated SUV, which carried out patrols between advanced
  • Captured drawings from the barracks Wah Sind

Reaching the base of the USSR, we go to the left towards the lonely opponent in Jot. We go further by eliminating one enemy and climb on the rock.

Episode 6: Where is the sting

  • Captured the "Sting" system
  • "Skulls" are eliminated
  • Assault helicopter is destroyed
  • Two snipers are evacuated from a mining transit point

On the way to Fort, we will have to go through the "transit item", there are two snipers on the bridge on the right side, cut them out and go to the database.

  • Evacuated prisoner unable to talk

As soon as you get to Fort, go to the cave, without forgetting to evacuate the prisoner, which lies at the entrance. After his evacuation, you will be aware of the exact location of the "sting".

  • Captured the "Sting" system
  • The "sting" system is captured with ammunition

We go around the cave until we stumble upon the pond. There we turn into the left tunnel, we select the "Powers" missile and choose up.

  • "Skulls" are eliminated

After the cat scene, the "skulls" will be attacked on us, we are waiting for when they are as close as possible to each other and shoot them from the "sting", and grenades can also be used.

  • Assault helicopter is destroyed

As soon as we figured out the skulls, we call the helicopter and where the disembarkation zone, we will meet an enemy assault helicopter along the way. You can how to knock him down from the "sting" and just hide from him.

Episode 7: Bloody Copper

  • Three commander were evacuated
  • Liquidated commander of the company from the village of Valo
  • Eliminated commander of the platoon from the village of Shago
  • Liquidated platoon commander from the barracks Wah Sind

The main task:

Make your way to the village " Vial"In the central one-story building there will be a meeting of three commanders. We are waiting for the meeting, and by eliminating commanders, you can kill how to kill and stun and send to the base.

Conversation three commanders listened to the end

We go into the building where the meeting takes place, but before eliminating the commanders, listen to their conversation.

The commander is evacuated with his soldiers

Do not reach the village, turn right and where the road does not hear how the car goes. We put the horse in the middle of the road, we climb the stones and wait until the car stops. We shoot from the tranquilizer to the soldiers and evacuate them. There must be four soldiers, as well as the commander, it can be determined by the Red Beret.

Two captives evacuated from the city of Guvanda

In the village "Gavunda" there is a cell with two prisoners, open the cage, we take off the prisoners and evacuate them to the base.

Episode 8: Occupation Forces

  • Deploying plans received
  • Colonel liquidated
  • All tanks are destroyed
  • Colonel evacuated
  • Colonel and all his tanks are eliminated before arriving in the fortress
  • All tanks are evacuated

The main task:

We have two goals. The elimination of the colonel and the destruction of technology. You can get explored and just find enemy troops yourself.

As soon as you find the enemy, you will get a choice. You can kill the colonel and evacuate him as you will detect it - to solve only you!

So, after the elimination of the colonel, we still have to deal with the technique, here we have no choice - at the moment it can only be destroyed, because the evacuation of technology requires an improvement FULTON Loads 2.", And at the initial stage it is not available. You can destroy the technique itself by different ways: to shoot all the enemy technique from the BTR (the location of the BTR is indicated on the map), to destroy it with subwoofers (grenade launcher, C4), and can be avoided by the aircraft.

Evacuated captive from the village of Shah Ye

In the village, in one of the first buildings, the captive will lie, pull it out and evacuate the Fulton system.

Deploying plans received

Now make your way to the second floor of the highest building and scan the intelligence. Now you know the exact location of the colonel and its technique.

Episode 9: Help and waste

  • Armor destroyed
  • Liquidated several combat vehicles or helicopters
  • Evacuoked armored person
  • 6 captives evacuated
  • 3 tank evacuated

The main task:

Our task is to destroy the enemy's technique in 15 minutes. To fulfill the mission, it is enough to destroy one BTR, but then the award will be small.

Skump on the horse to the nearest enemy mark and destroy the technique, they often drive in pairs. For destruction, a grenade launcher and C4 can be used, as well as the aircraft, and in the middle of the mission we will be able to take a rocket tape with self-based rockets. To complete the mission you need to destroy five BTRs.

All armored vehicles are destroyed without the use of supply and firing support

To perform this additional task, we will have to undergo a mission without support. It is easiest to do this, pumping Fulton, and evacuate all the technique to myself on the base.

Captured weapons transported on a truck

After a while, Casuhira Miller will contact us and label on the map a truck with a rocket. With this weapon, the passage will become more easily, since only one shot is enough to destroy the technique.

Evacuoked armored person

Everything is simple. It is necessary to improve Fulton to "Load 2", run up to armored equipment and evacuate it with Fulton.

Evacuated 4 soldiers who were looking for a runaway captive

We go to 12 label on the map, there will be soldiers seeking the escaped prisoner. We shoot in them from the tranquilizer and send them to your base.

6 captives evacuated

We make your way to the supply base of the USSR, there are prisoners that need to be released. Prisoners are not in one place, therefore, to quickly detect them, we use binoculars or simply interrogate opponents.

3 tank evacuated

The same as with armored vehicles. Improve Fulton to "Load 2", sneak into a tank and use Fulton.

Episode 10: Angel with broken wings

  • Packed Mujahed Malac evacuated
  • Armored accompaniment evacuated
  • 3 captives were evacuated from Lamar Haat Palace
  • Listening to the last conversation between the driver and Malak

The main task:

We get to the mark on the map, go to the destroyed building and evacuate the three prisoners, one of them will tell us that the Malaka was transported to another place.

Once at the base of supply, by eliminating the guards and go to the right-hand side of the base, at the end of the corridor there will be a door for which Malak is located. But we can't evacuate him with the help of Fulton, so we call the helicopter and drag the prisoner, and then sang themselves in it.

From the supply base of Yaho on evacuated 2 captives

In the same place, where we found Malaka, there is another prisoner. You can evacuate it with Fulton, or dragged into the helicopter.

Episode 11: Surrounded by Silence

  • Silence liquidated
  • You decide how to do with Molchunya

The main task:

After completing the previous mission, scene tasks will end. To advance further in the plot, you need to run self-task « Contact from Emmerich" As soon as you reach the ruins, the side mission will interrupt and starts Episode 11: surrounded by silence.

Sniper "Molchunya" will attack us. We need to eliminate it, but it is not necessary to kill it if it is not eliminated by death, then in the future there will be a storyline with her participation, well, it will also be possible to take it with him as a partner. Extremely advise not to kill it.

Silent is neutralized without applying a flying weapon against her

In order to neutralize Sniper, while not killing it, we will need a sniper rifle with a modification for not lethal cartridges. It is also best to take with you D-Dog In order for he to march the location of the enemy.

So, aims in the enemy and shoot in the head, after three hits she will fall asleep. We are approaching and when Big Boss will be aimed in silent, do not press anything, after a while Snake will lower the weapon, and we will be able to deliver it to themselves at the base.

Silent is neutralized without the use of firearms

In order to accomplish this additional task, you will have to lift a little. We march itching or wait when DD marks it, then we call the discharge of equipment right to the place where the sniper is.

How to continue running the storyline?

Returning to the base, again launch Side Task: " Contact from Emmerich».

We move to the marker and proceed with the power plant. At the end of the location we wake the door and watch the cat-scene. After that, the task is immediately activated. Episode 12: Road to hell».

Episode 12: Road to hell

  • Contact with Dr. Emmerich took place
  • Dr. Emmerich evacuated
  • From the central base is evacuated 3 Walker Gear
  • Dr. Emmerich evacuated whole and unharmed
  • Captured a vertical poster with a photo model from the central base
  • Captured drawings from the central base

The main task:

In this task, we need to capture one engineer named Hewie Emmerich, who is 9 years ago, most likely betrayed us, and precisely because of it we lost their hands, as well as the "main base".

As soon as you get to the central base of the USSR, we will have a very difficult task - to find and pull out the goal. In order to find out the exact location of the doctor, you can interrogate one of the soldiers based on.

And the difficulty lies not to find, but to get to it. In this location, opponents are much stronger than those we have seen before. They are equipped with helmet, thermal diagram, as well as a shape - Gear Walker. In addition, to get to the warehouse, we need to enter it imperceptibly, without raising the battle alarm. The entrance itself is located on the right, it is guarded by two guards, but they can be easily eliminated using a tranquilizer.

After the cat scene, we sit down in the walkway and select Emmerich. We go through the rear gate and make your way to the point of planting a helicopter on the right side. But by almost coming to the helicopter, Metal Gear will attack us. We run away from him until he leaves us. Then we get to the helicopter and sit down together. Shot a rocket released in us, and after destroying Metal Gear itself.

Episode 13: Improte Darkness

  • Oil pump disabled
  • Oil-containing water separator is destroyed
  • Evacuated 4 child soldiers who studied in the village of Masa
  • Leaving the danger zone completed to the blockade of the Mfinda deposit
  • African eared vulture caught in a burnt village
  • Evacuated 4 Walker Gear, blocking the Mfinda deposit

The main task:

In this mission, a new location is available to us - Central Africa.

The purpose of this mission is to destroy the oil-producing plant. We are moving forward until you reach the first village as soon as we reach the barracks, child soldiers will come out of it. You can get around them, eat and evacuate, and perform an additional task.

Having reached the plant, prolazis through the sewer and climb on the top floor, we pass through the blue door and activate the computer. Then we choose through the window and make your way to the next marker, go for the fence, come to the red tank and install explosives. We depart on a safe distance and underminate. Anxiety rises at the factory, go out for the territory of the plant and leave for a safe zone. All, the mission is completed.

Episode 14: Common Language

  • Translator with africaans found
  • Viscount found
  • Viscount evacuated
  • On intelligent location 4 prisoners
  • 3 prisoners evacuated from camp
  • Camp Kiziba evacuated container with materials
  • Oversized interrogation of all 4 captives

The main task:

We make your way to the marker and tagging opponents, we need a translator. After we find it, follow him. It will stop for interrogations of prisoners. We are waiting for when he finishes and will continue to move, and they themselves evacuate these prisoners and follow him. As a result, the translator along with the security will go to the tent. We can how to wait until the prisoners are given and simply evacuate the translator and to find a viscont to the marker. After evacuation of the viscont, we leave the territory.

Attention! After performing this task, we will open a side mission (located in the section "Side Tasks" and is marked with golden color), after which we can take on the missions of the new partner - Rush.

Episode 15: Footprints of Ghosts

  • All Walker Gear are destroyed
  • From the abandoned village of Ditadi evacuated 2 captives
  • All Walker Gear is evacuated
  • In the abandoned village, Ditadi collected a midwives (yellow)
  • Evacuated truck from the abandoned village of Ditadi

The main task:

We need to eliminate four Walker Gear. The easiest of them can be found from the mountain. Suggesight will be with the left and on the right side. If you are found, the mission will be significantly complicated, as opponents will be controlled by a step. It is best to descend from the mountain and put the soldiers in quietly, then evacuate Fulton four Walker Gear, but if you have not yet opened an improvement to Fulton, you can simply install explosives and blow the goalkeys. After completing the task, we leave the danger zone.

Episode 16: Caravan Traitors

  • Armored accompaniment found
  • Truck found
  • Truck evacuated
  • "Skulls" are eliminated
  • Truck driver evacuated
  • Approximate maintenance route
  • Listen to all the conversations of the driver of the truck with soldiers on advanced and guard posts
  • Evacuated 3 soldiers Zero Risk Security

We are moving towards the marker and get on the cashpost. I liquidate the guard and go into the right tent, they scan the intelligence. Now we have a route. We put a marker to the airport and moving there. There will be two armored cars, as well as the necessary truck. For an invisible passage, it is better to wait until they start to go. At the next cashpost, they will stop for a few minutes. During this stop, it is easier to steal a truck. The messenger to the truck on the right side, and, as soon as the distance with the truck is small, the "skull" will jump out of it.

It also begins the most interesting, run up to the truck and evacuate it on Fultogne, then sit down in the tank and shoot a skull. You can, of course, do not kill them, but then we do not count the fulfillment of an additional task.

Do not worry, the murder of the skulls is not counted in the statistics, so we boldly kill them. After that, leave the place by car, or by calling the helicopter, the landing zone will be completely close.

Episode 17: Saving Scouts

  • Evacuoked
  • Camp Kiziba evacuated fighter of intelligence detachment
  • Evacuated 2 employees C.F.A.
  • Camp Kiziba evacuated prisoner
  • Evacuated 4 soldiers reinforcement of the search group
  • Truck driver evacuated

The main task:

To start withding the escaped prisoner. I cut down a few soldiers in the forest, then we get to the walkie-talkie, which lies on the stone, and we get intelligible from it. Now climb carefully on the hillock, and the right will stand soldiers in heavy armor. We sneak into it from the back and stun, the captive will be located near, whom we are looking for. We evacuate it and get information about the location of the second prisoner.

The second prisoner is in the camp, carefully selected and cut down the guards. There will be a pit covered with boards, but on the right there is an entrance to this pit. We descend and boar the prisoner on the shoulders, but since it was trying very much, the prisoner simply may not survive from the evacuation by Fulton. Therefore, pull it out on your shoulders from the danger zone or export it in transport. As soon as our goal is safe, the mission will be completed.

Episode 18: blood bonds

  • Former Mblem Army Restantum eliminated
  • 5 captives in the kungeng mine liquidated
  • Frenched baby boy evacuated
  • Former Mblem's Army Restantler Evacued
  • The task is done so that the enemy did not notice the evacuation of 5 children soldiers
  • Assault helicopter is destroyed
  • Evacuated 5 snipers near the northeast and south-western guard post Kungenga mine
  • Three armored cars were evacuated

The main task:

Our task is to eliminate all the goals, but, of course, it is not necessary to kill them, because we can just take them to the base.

To begin with, we move to a small cashpost, we calculate the desired soldier and eliminate it. After that, we are moving to the second marker. Now we need to get into the mine. We go around all the opponents, hack the doors to the mine and free children from the cage. But one child is very wounded, you will have to drag it on my shoulders.

We leave through the spare output and go to the left. It is advisable at the moment to have a dead sniper rifle with a silencer. As soon as we discover the soldiers, hiding in the wounded child, and we give the rest of the children to wait. I liquidate soldiers and move forward. Also in secretive passing will strongly help the partner - Molchunya. Just give her orders, and it will eliminate the marked goals. As soon as you get to the helicopter, try in turns of all children in the helicopter, and then fly away.

Episode 19: on the trail

  • Found a subordinate commander of the ChvK on nicknamed "Major"
  • The commander of the ChvK on the nicknamed "Major" found
  • The commander of the CHVK on the nicknamed "Major" is eliminated
  • Commander of the CHVK on the nickname "Major" evacuated
  • Subordinate Major Evacuoked
  • The captive with the northeast guard post of Munko Ya Niotoka will be evacuated
  • Suspended the conversation between the ChvK commander on the nickname "Major" and his subordinate

The main task:

Get to the Marker and celebrate the goal. But do not touch the marked goal, and we are waiting for it when she sits into the car. The main thing is to follow it and not to detect yourself. As a result, a meeting will occur at the crossroads. As soon as the car stops, go through the second car into the rear, we sleep two guards, then we sleep myself, we climb him on my shoulders and evacuate him to myself at the base. You can also kill it, but for the highest rating it is better not to kill anyone.

Episode 20: Voices

  • Shabani evacuated
  • The attack of a burning person is reflected
  • On the intelligence, the path to the Western guard post of the industrial zone of Ngumba
  • Near the western guard of the industrial zone Ngumba caught a hyiennous dog
  • Listening to the conversation about the corpses at the station Munko ya Niota

The main task:

We are going to the marker until you reach the destroyed bridge. We jump down down, location in the fog, so you will be very difficult to detect, but it will be more difficult for you to notice the enemy, two opponents will stand in front of the waterfall, the rest are bait. These soldiers can be easily eliminated and simply involved in a small river to the waterfall. Further we turn left, the tent we understand with two guards and pass to a white building. There go to the left door and move forward, through the bloody curtains.

After watching the cat-scene, fiery Volgin attacks us. We run out of the building and run to the tunnel, but it collapses. We'll have to fight the boss. Do not even think to kill him in the usual way. He absorbs explosives and bullets, and if he absorbs a lot of explosive energy, he can counterattack. To eliminate him, lubricate under the water tower, before this installing explosives on it, as soon as the enemy is under the tower, undermine the tower, and the opponent will temporarily disappear. We had a chance to evacuation, asking a helicopter into the left upper landing zone, while the helicopter flies, run up to another tower, put the explosion and lubricate the enemy as soon as he is under the tower, underminate and run into the helicopter. After that, the mission will end.

Episode 21: Military Economy

  • The arms dealer is found
  • Employee C.F.A. Detected
  • Employee C.F.A. Liquidated
  • Employee C.F.A. Evacuoked
  • Merchant arms evacuated
  • Listen to all conversations between the merchant and employees of C.F.A.
  • Captured drawings from assault helicopter
  • Evacucked container with materials from hangar at Nova Braga Airport

The main task:

We make your way to the territory of the airport and the Zalazim on the roof of any building. Then we wait when an enemy helicopter drops the merchant we need. We mark it through binoculars, and then we get to the goal on the right side. As soon as the dispatching is achieved, two goals will come out of it. We put them on and evacuate on the base. But now we choose from the territory and fly to your base.

Episode 22: Platform Liberation

  • The enemy commander is liquidated

The main task:

When passing the previous mission, an attack was made on our base. We return back and get on one of the platforms. We need to destroy the enemy commander, you can get to him and put it on, but it will be extremely difficult, besides, they will not give us any bonuses. It is easier to take a sniper rifle to task, wait, when the desired goal will be released on the staircase, with which we can easily kill it. At the same time, it is not necessary to raise anywhere, it will be enough to pass the bridge and take a convenient position.

Episode 23: White Mamba

  • White mamba evacuated
  • Evacuated captive from the village of Masa
  • White Mamba is evacuated without having to resist
  • Raw diamonds are captured near the village of Masa
  • Evacuated 20 children soldiers

The main task:

In this mission, we need to find and evacuate the commander of "Children's Soldiers". But here not everything is so simple, because as our opponent will be children, then we will not be able to kill them. The use of lethal weapons will immediately lead to the failure of the mission. Therefore, for a more comfortable passage, we take in the partner of Mischu and give her a sniper rifle with a tranquilizer.

As soon as we get into the right village, I give me a joke "Cover me", so she will distract all the attention, and we will be able to quietly get into the destroyed ship. As soon as we find ourselves on the second deck, we will meet "White Mamba". There will begin the battle, the boy will attack, counteract it [click R2]. After several successful counterattacks, we look at the cat-scene, and then fly by helicopter with the "White Mamba".

Episode 24: Close Contact

  • Man Engineer Evacuated
  • Woman Engineer Evacuated
  • Evacuated 6 Nubianyats near the south-western guard of the industrial zone of Ngumba
  • Two SUVs evacuated
  • From the northeast guard station of Munco Nioca Station evacuated 4 containers
  • Near Munko Ya Niotok Niotoka collected African Peach
  • Near the station Munco ya Niotoka caught a combat eagle

The main task:

Approaching the marker, let out binoculars and marked enemies. We need to find one of the prisoners, it is in the car. But now we will not have time to evacuate him, the car will go to the externalpost, which we met along the way here. We return to the deposit and evacuating the captive. Now we go for the second prisoner, a little to the right of the marker, the second engineer will lie behind the stones. We evacuate it and return to the base.

Episode 25: The right hand of the avenger

  • Head of the headquarters evacuated
  • Commander Children Soldier Evacuated
  • Captive, fled from the northeast guard post of Munco Station Niotoka
  • 12 children soldier evacuated
  • Chief of Staff and Commander Children's Soldiers were simultaneously evacuated by transport
  • On the northeast guard traffic station, Munko Ya Nioca collected internshot (purple)

The main task:

Now our task is to evacuate two goals: hostage and commander of children soldier. Both goals are on the same outpost, first cut out the commander and his guard, attribute the commander into the car, then we get to the prisoner and also sit it into the car. After that, we call the helicopter, manually send prisoners to the helicopter and go back home.

Episode 26: Hunting

  • Overwhelmed Route
  • The worker is eliminated
  • The worker is eliminated before arrival in Camp Camp
  • The worker is evacuated together with 5 accompanying soldiers
  • From the abandoned village of Ditadi evacuated 4 captives
  • Near the camp Kiziba caught a striped jackal

The main task:

We are moving towards the first marker and scan data from the table. Now we have a routing of the worker, we go to the end of the route, turn on the PNV and move forward. Somewhere in the middle of the route we will meet the right goal, but first cut down the guards, and then the worber himself. Now you can evacuate it and take a new task.

Episode 27: Nongenic Cause

  • Evacuated intelligence detachment fighter
  • The fighter of the intelligence detachment was evacuated by how he could suffer
  • The danger zone is abandoned by land

The main task:

Now we need to evacuate the scout. But on the first await it will not be, we reach the second marker and we rise to the elevation, there will be our spy. We boar it on my shoulders and carry into the helicopter, and then leave the zone of task.

Episode 28: Code Talker

  • Contact with Code Talker took place
  • Code Talker evacuated
  • Code Talker is evacuated whole and unharmed
  • "Skulls" are eliminated
  • "Skulls" evacuated
  • Evacuated armored vehicle by blocked by the Valley of the Lufva

The main task:

As soon as they pick up to the mansion, go around the left side and cut down the guard, then there will be another door. Now we go down the stairs to the basement, we look at the cat-scene and boil the old man on your shoulders.

Rising to the first floor, all the soldiers turn into the like "Zombies", eliminate them from the gun and we are moving towards the helicopter, along the way there will be detachments consisting of these zombies. In the liquidation, I can help with Mercean, you can also lower the old man on the ground and sort out the detachments themselves. After you are evacuating the goal, the scene will begin, after which you will be given to change the equipment.

Episode 29: Metal Archai

  • "Skulls" are eliminated
  • Code Talker evacuated
  • The task is made without capturing a puppet soldier
  • "Skulls" evacuated

The main task:

In this episode, we will not be able to deal with the opponent "in quiet", so we take the best weapon and armor.

We run away from the old man and begin to attack the opponents. First you need to remove the armor with them, only then they will decrease the health strip. But do not even think to call the technique, it will be destroyed at the point. Also, if it gets hard, run through the buildings and hide from the enemy, and while they will search for you, you can restore your health. After the victory over the enemy, we choose the old man and evacuate it on a new helicopter.

Episode 30: Skull

  • Contact with a skull took place
  • Skull information received
  • Evacuated 4 Walker Gear
  • In OKB "Zero" found audio cassette
  • 7 red containers were evacuated from OKB "Zero"
  • 3 tanks were evacuated from OKB "Zero"

The main task:

To this task is best to take itching. We get to the base of the skull and give an order to the joke about the attack. While all the enemy forces will be occupied by your partner, take advantage of the moment and will not be noticeable to the mine. Then climb up the helicopter platform and look at a very long cat scene.

Episode 31: Sachelanp

  • SahelanTrope destroyed
  • Sachelanop's head is destroyed
  • Flying boy successfully attacked

The main task:

Here is the last episode in the first chapter. We run away from Metal Gear down the road, we do not pay attention to the tank, because a little further there will be much more interesting armored personnel. And after a couple of turns will stand a BTR with a missile complex on board. We approach the Sahaentrop closer and shoot rockets in it, try to get into it with all the ammunition. When the boss has a little less than half of the strength, it will release the cloud of Archey, which will destroy all the technique on the location. Now we run away from it down and as soon as he stops, we call the aircraft on it, do the same when he jumps on the mountain and starts shooting from the main caliber. It is also worth noting that if you find yourself too close to the boss, he will try to crush you, at this moment Rapid turns on, at this time you need to shoot the flying boy. After the robot is destroyed, we look at a long-lasting final cat-scene.

It is also worth noting that after passing the episode, we have access to the development / disposal of nuclear weapons. But be careful, a demonic glasses are charged for its development, because of which the horn will increase you, and the face will be bored and the blood can not be washed. To return the original view of Big Boss, you need to dispose of a nuclear charge or perform a large number of good deeds.

Episode 32: Too much knowledge

  • CIA Agent evacuated
  • The CIA agent is evacuated before the search group arrives
  • Evacuated 4 search team soldiers
  • Evacuated vehicle driver
  • From the village of Scho and the Palace of Lamar Haat evacuated 2 captives
  • Soviet soldier evacuated, who has planned an attempt on the CIA agent

Having reached the task zone, we will meet the fighters managers Walker Gear. We destroy them or wait when they leave. Our goal will lie in the grass, evacuate the hostage and return to the base.

Episode 35: Damned Inheritance

  • 2 containers evacuated
  • The task is completed by leaving the danger zone on the container, evacuated using the Fulton system
  • The task is designed so that the enemy did not notice the evacuation of containers
  • The location of the soldier was established
  • Evacuated by Zero Risk Security squad, guarding mansion
  • Unprocessed diamonds kidnapped by a raven near the North-Western guard of the Lufva Valley

To pass this task, we need to improve "Fulton Loads", you can open it in the section "Development / Weapons and Items / Items".

We make my way to the mansion and interrogate any soldier, after that it becomes known location of containers. As soon as we evacuate the first container, the timer will start prior to arrival of the XOF detachment helicopters. We run to the second container, evacuate it and return to the base.

Episode 40: Unusual Phenomenon

  • Captain container captured
  • The fortress of the taggmy is captured
  • Container with film captured before the reinforcement approach
  • Evacuated Captive from Eastern Loading Latestrige
  • Near Ruins Kuagmay caught a white-headed sip

We need to find a cache in the ruins of the souagmay. We go around enemy fighters or eliminate them. Further open the iDroid and go through the job section, in the lower right corner there will be a photo with a location of the target. The cache is in the arc on the right side. We take it and return to the database.

Episode 41: War of others

  • Assault helicopter is destroyed
  • 2 tank destroyed
  • Two armored vehicles destroyed
  • 2 tanks and 2 armored vehicles were evacuated
  • Evacuated commander column armored vehicles
  • The raw diamond commander has found
  • Captured drawings from assault helicopter

Attention! This episode becomes available after passing by side tasks that are marked with gold!

In this episode, we need to destroy enemy technique. Revived before launching a task to take a rocket and C4, it is also recommended to have an improvement [FULTON - Loads]

We are moving towards the marked technique and destroy it or evacuate towards yourself. You can also wait for it when it stops, and to destroy it with an art-rider, but then you will have a rating not higher than A. After the destruction of armored vehicles, you will fly an enemy helicopter, bring it off with a rocketrian or call the helicopter, and he will destroy it. After that, we leave from the action zone.

Episode 43: Restless Light

  • Sender Message Found
  • Infected eliminated

At "Mother Base" again epidemic. We go to quarantine, after the cat scene rose to the very top, until you get to the survivor. Now with the help of glasses, we find infected. Go down and kill everyone in the room, except that it sits at the wall. Raise it and touched on the top floor to the exit, then after talking, look at the survivor, then kill it. He is infected. Now we leave through the doors and look at a very touching cat-scene)

Episode 46: True: a man who sold the world

  • The task is made without the use of rapid
  • The task is made so that the burning man never was able to attack after meeting with Ocelot

This is a final episode, for its opening it is necessary to go through all side tasks marked with gold, listen to all audio recordings, and also have a connection with the mile - 100%.

The passage is no different from the "Prolog", for the exception of the cat-scenes, here they are significantly expanded.

Points of Demon. The game has a hidden karma indicator. If you prefer to play aggressively, a fragment in the head Snake will gradually grow, more and more reminding the horn. Ultimately, you reach the stage of Demon Snake and Big Boss will cover without blood. The fastest way to score the glasses of the demon is to burn hostages, enemies and subordinates, finish the wounded, inflict critical damage to partners and develop nuclear weapons. The merciful actions like the salvation of people and animals Fulton and the destruction of nuclear weapons take away the glasses of the demon.

Easter eggs everywhere. In Africa on the radio, you can hear an entry from P.T., the famous interactive tizer canceled Silent Hills. Also in the game you can pump an active "false goal", and then instead of the rubber squirrel, it will take the form of Lisa from the same P.T.

Hat chicken - One of the most easily accessible jokes. It is offered to wear after three mission failures, but you can activate at any time in the settings. In this ridiculous hat, the player may not be afraid of discovery: who has noticed Bizza Boss enemy instead of an alarm will begin to press from laughter. But taking into account after the third detection of the hat disappears until the next mission. Or attempts.

THE GAME Much is sent to the literature. For example, the pork head on the table (and the jacket) is Yila - the tribute to the memory of the Much Much William Golding. But the "1984" of George Orwell George Orwell received the most attention.

REFLECTION In the helicopter window shows not Big Boss, but the avatar you created in the Prolog game. To see it, bring the camera under a certain angle. And think about it may mean in the context of history.

Often You can find hidden sound effects. Biionic hand hit by running to the film "Man of six million dollars",

BIRTHDAY. If you return to the database that day, which in the prologue noted as your birthday, you will see a cat-scene with congratulations from your subordinates. Snake will even get a special gift.

Shower Not only shears blood from Big Boss, she restores his strength and eliminates dirt. If you don't wash too long, the BIG boss starts to stink - and the enemies will notice his smell. Ultimately, at the next return to the database, you will be shown a video, where the big boss rolled with flies is coming out of the helicopter, his soldier grows from Woney, and Ocelot pours his bucket of water.

Tikhone There were a lot of special cat scenes and hidden animations. In the helicopter, turning on the view from the first person, you can see how it is trying to seduce Big Boss. And if you have won her full trust and take with you on the tasks, some rollers will change. Let's say, the scene of congratulations on his birthday will change, and instead of a bucket of water from Ocelot you will get the opportunity to take a shower together with the quiet.

Tikhonia Not only sings Sins of the Father, but also listens in the Snake Eater chamber, the main theme of MGS 3.

Eliminate The enemy can be a good dozen non-obvious ways. To throw an empty store of the machine shop to throw him in the head, to activate near him a snap (inflatable Snake), jump on it from a height, throw the body of another opponent (or hostage) into it, mark it with a point of landing of supplies or transport. Even imperceptibly hang him on the fifth point C-4. Experiment!

If you got to the missions, in the helicopter, Vig Boss from the hand will hang around the catheter tube.

Aims On the enemy to stop, you make him surrender. He will put a weapon and the team may lie on Earth or tell you the necessary information - about hidden hostages, resources or routes of other soldiers (the same can be deduced by capturing the enemy). Be careful: if you do not aim for a few seconds, the enemies jump and get weapons. And some can immediately snatch the knife to rush to Snake.

Hourly adapt To your tactics. In the course of the game, opponents will be better arm, put inflatable decens and mines. The more often you eliminate the enemies to the head, the more soldiers with helmets will appear, which protect from the murder with one shot and from which paralyzing darts fly away. If you prefer the night, there will be more soldiers with infrared glasses. But sending his fighters to the tasks to destroy enemy reserves, you can reduce the number of enemies to a minimum for ahead.

Codisima He loves to invent explanations for game chips. Phantom cigar speeds up time not just like that. And because it contains special psychoactive plants affecting the perception of time.

Enemies are also people. In the sandy storm, the soldiers cover their eyes with hand, in the rain - try to find shelter. A shot of a tranquilizer dart will make them scratch, and if we put a cut enemy on the bed, other soldiers will not pay attention to him. If they see him in any other place, they can read for sleep in the post. If the patrol reports the headquarters about a suspicious box, then get a catching over nonsense. But another detail is particularly interesting: sometimes ringed in the crowd of a pomegranate can make one of the soldiers cover it with his body to protect his comrades.

Fulton ball You can burst down. Enemies also know this - and will certainly interfere with you to send them to the base comrades. Note that Fulton does not work if the sacrifice of the obstacle (forms, the roof), and the bad weather reduces the likelihood that the goal is to the helicopter, and not break. Also, enemies can notice the disappearance of a stationary weapon or a container with resources, but the disappearance of other patrol suspicions will not cause if you send them to the sky at least at a distance of thirty-forty meters.

Quickly evacuated You can also Fulton, it is only worth pumping it. When you can draw transport and containers, you can go to the sky along with them - you just need to adapt.

Some soldiers Snake is a special characteristic of "Zadira". Because of them, other fighters sometimes go to the medical board.

Skills Fighters open you access to new features. For example, the reconnected translator will allow you to interrogate the enemies speaking in a certain language, and a kinologist will help develop a combat suit for your dog. But there is a special specialist - the legendary gunsmith. Filling it into your army, you can flexibly customize weapons. To do this, you will need to perform a series of special sides-ops. The rest of the specialists can be calculated by interrogating the soldiers or pumping binoculars, then when you hover on the fighter, it will display its characteristics and possible skills.

If equip Singing a silver shield, he will protect you from damage, even when he rests on his back. Therefore, climbing with a shield in the D-Walker, Snake becomes almost invulnerable from any side.

Reinforcements In alarm mode, only if the enemy fighter contacts the headquarters and requests help. To avoid this, you need to either have to kill / put a fighter with a walkie-talkie, or destroy all communication plates in the camp. To destroy the plates quietly, without explosions and unnecessary attention, you will have to develop and take with you ... aquatic gun. If you eliminate the enemy when he managed to come into touch, but did not have time to report the situation, he would send the nearest fighters on his searches.

Special awards The game issues for the fulfillment of certain conditions. For example, the water gun you can develop when you save children in the 18th mission, the execution of the Side operation 143 will allow you to "develop" the Bandana Boss, and for the capture of the legendary jackal you can create a fulton portal: it is impossible to interrupt it, it never Feathers and works even under the roof. Some awards open for a certain style of play - let's say, the third Fulton's upgrade will be available when you send 500 people to the sky.

Anyway, WATER GUN - Useless toy, which, however, can be successfully used on the battlefield. Finding out with this "weapon" to the enemy from the back, you can make him lie on the ground. You can use a water gun and to distract opponents - just jump with water in a certain direction, the enemy hears the sound and goes to check what is happening there. With it, it is possible to extinguish fire, creating dark areas in which it is so easy to hide from stupid opponents. Water jet undermines mines. Well, if you understand the enemy to the enemy, then the effect will be exactly the same as from a stunning grenade (the enemy will be disoriented for 3-4 seconds). And last, water displays any electronics, so out of the system of communication devices, radio transmitters and light switches can now be without "noise and dust". But against the fiery man, this gun is powerless.

If you destroy Communication plates Accurate before the C2W mission, it will end immediately on the introductory credits.

Like the famous boss The End from MGS 3. Tikhonia is able to photosynthesize - and can keep a sniper duel with Snake as much as you like. However, nothing prevents simply to call her head with supplies /

Additional costumes Opened as an option awards. So, Cybernind Cybernide Costume will be available if all major missions with S. on the mission with Extreme, Subsistence and Total Stealth, this condition does not apply. The costume of Rajna will make Snake much faster and will allow jumping much further. The costume of Gay Fox will open after passing the main missions on increased complexity (available after the first passing of the game). Other costumes (silver and golden neukide Snake) open for the passage of additional missions, and the cool leather jacket Diamond Dogs is for the implementation of the secret mission 46.

Transfer CONSTRUCTION FROM GROUND ZEROES PROTOR will give you access to a Solid Snake Suit and a Big Boss Suit from Prolog, and at the same time it will allow you to replenish the base with new recruits. For example, Hideo Codisima, in which all characteristics are unscrewed to the maximum. It is a pity that it is attached to a certain detachment and cannot be played for it. By the way, if you have not saved Codzima in Ground Zeroes, you will have such an opportunity in The Phantom Pain - in one of the additional missions.

For Tihony The game also seized a special suit. If you defeat it in a duel in the "Expert" mode, you can dress a girl in the Sniper Wolf costume - the most charming boss of the first part of Metal Gear Solid. Other suits of Tikhoni open themselves, you only need to achieve its location.

You can play not only for big boss. You are free to choose any fighter from the operational group on any mission. Moreover, both men and women received voice acting for interrogation of opponents. But keep in mind, especially if the storming of the FOB of another player is that only the Snake has the opportunity to use a prosthesis biolocator and that the lack of level of skills of another fighter affects the gameplay for it. And only Snake will return from the mission alive with any scenario. Killed on the missions, the operative will die forever.

Many opportunities Management will have to find out independently. For example, in some cliffs there are cracks for which you can climb. Also, Snake can ride on the ground, pretend to be dead and lower his head, sitting in a truck.

Each partner Brings your tactical benefits. The horse is the most secretive transport in the game, because Snake can slip her on his side so that he does not see the enemies. The dog is better than all marked the surrounding enemies, can attack the team and help you out in a near battle: if you took the enemy on the sight, and he snatched the knife, the dog will not allow to hit the Snake and cause anxiousness. D-Walker makes Snake faster and stronger, not depriving him to sneak into enemies. Tikhonya marks enemies and can support sniper fire: shoot in the selected enemy by team, remove the soldier who remarked you, and even a palp on the grenade abandoned by Snake, so that it restores faster.

Tikhon can be given orders Through the iDroid menu. In the section "Supports of partners", you can send it to any sniper position in the area to explore the terrain or prepare for the attack.

Trust of partmen. Increases if Snake takes them on major missions and uses in battle. Increased trust allows you to develop new equipment for them and opens new teams. For example, a horse can be prohibited on the team to deteriorate - the manure on the road will allow you to bring enemy transportation on the road, and the dog will learn how to attack enemies and distract their attention to Laem.

Audio cassettes Answer in half the plot of the game. Only there you can find out that the nickname of Ocelot, Shalask, happened from the other two of his nickname - a checker and cracker. Scene records can be listened at any time. Also in the game there is a player, and to replenish the playlist with new songs, they need to be found on tape recorders scattered through enemy camps. PC players free download to the player any audio files from the hard disk, whether it is a favorite song or record a legendary scene from the film "Blood and Concrete" - you just need to throw files to the CustomSoundTrack folder located in the game folder.

For helicopter You can develop a loudspeaker, after which the "Put the track to the helicopter" function appears in the player menu. Then the loudspeaker will constantly broadcast the selected track (including and custom) to the entire district. It will not affect the gameplay, but raise you the mood.

Development of a helicopter loudspeaker (Droid\u003e Mother Base\u003e Development\u003e Helicopter):

Turn on music (IDroid\u003e missions\u003e Cassette Tapes):

Some audio recordings are useful. If you have at least 60% of Tikhoni confidence, after passing any mission with it, you will get a cassette on which she sings Sins of the Father's song. While you lose this cassette, the snock's hands will not shake at the sight. In some places you can find a cassette with the sounds of a precorated soldier (Father Johnny Sasaki?). If you lock in the toilet and include it, the opponents who have noticed you will stop searching (unless they are in anxiety mode). African and Afghan music makes the nearest opponents from the respective regions go to bed. You can also find cassettes with the voices of soldiers - they are able to stop the alarm. All useful cassettes break over time, but they can be re-found.

Cassettes with animal sounds Allow not to scam the animals of the same kind that on the record. To get them, send the animal by Fulton, and on the basis of a special platform it will be possible to find the appropriate cassette. An animal platform is located separately, you can get on it only from the helicopter. In the menu selection menu, the database will need to press a special button that will be displayed on the screen. By the way, the audio recording with the roar of the bear scares enemy soldiers.

Animals can be used in battle. It is only necessary to develop a bait and use it near the enemy base. If she attracts aggressive animals, they will take a soldier for a while. Pets Snake do not lag behind: PSA can be learned by the "FAS" team, and the horse leave in the middle of the road. At the sight of cones, enemy transport will stop, and the driver will try to drive the animal.

On the basis of a lot of interesting, But no one will lead you for the hand. For example, on the main platform over time it will be possible to find posters with an orega groove drawn in the style of anime, and use as stickers for the box. On each platform there is a siding quest with a tire, and exploring the database, you can find diamonds and emblems to configure your own logo. Help you can patrol: interrog them, they will tell, where they saw good. Interrogation, like beating, will only increase the fighting spirit of your soldiers, because Big Boss himself instilled them with his attention!

Many optional scenes There are on the basis of random order. For example, a cat scene in which Ocelot teaches fighters that Big Boss explained to him in Metal Gear Solid 3. But some episodes will have to find. So, at the very top of the medical platform, you will delete the door on which the blue lamp is burning. Sign in there - and you will open one of the most powerful optional scenes in the game. If you played in previous games of the series, there is enough impressions for a long time.

Hidden Replica The game also has a lot. For example, when you save Kaz in the first mission, he will ask to say the words he was waiting for nine years. If you press the desired button, the boss will pronounce his crown "Kept You Waiting, HUH?", And if you shoot in Ocelot Tranquilizer on the basis, it will mostly say that it is trained to resist its action, but sometimes can react otherwise: for example, call several Japanese Names, say "2 + 2 \u003d 5" (sending to the novel "1984" Orwell) or the famous "La-Li-Lu-LE-Lo" - the code name of patriots.

Special hidden cat scene It will appear only if all the players in the Phantom Pain get rid of nuclear weapons. But it is so utopian condition that they found it only in the game files.

The fastest Method of moving on the basis and enemy camps - box. To use it in the game there are special transport platforms located on the very edge of the camps. But to get to the desired platform, you must first take the corresponding sticker from it. Then you can return to it from any other platform: just stand up on it, put on the box and clamp the button that will be displayed on the screen. You can only move within the Bioma (get to Afghanistan from Africa or the database will not be released) and only if an alarm is not included on the database.

It is a pity that the enemies in the fifth part have learned to see the tracks of blood and the prints of wet feet, but in general their level of intelligence increased. If you activated the alarm, the soldiers finally calm down until the end of the shift

BOX - An indispensable tactical tool, lighten it as soon as possible. It will allow to hide in a prominent place and take the enemy on the sight at the most convenient moment. If you have noticed from afar, turn to the enemy with your back and jump: Snake will fly out of the box and will be able to console. But consider - you are limited to the stock of the boxes, and jumping out of the box, you will not return it back to it. And take care of the rain.

Volgina rage, the influence of The Boss on the world. Photos of small hala Emmerich. The shadow of rock over the "external heavens" - many plot elements do not understand and not feel without knowing past parts MGS

The most cunning trick. As you can not only develop boxes with different types of camouflage, but also to sculpt posters on them. The world of the game scattered posters with images of different soldiers and women. They can be flipped in inventory in the box selection by pressing a special button. Put, stand in a box face to the enemy, and he will take you either for a soldier or for a woman. In the second case, it will be suitable and will admire, becoming completely vulnerable to the Crown CQC. Hit it in the jaw, grab for the throat - it's all yours.

Soldier last army Snake can be in feeling. The first option is to get on the medical platform (yes, in the room) audio cassette with the "Special Cavern" songs Love Deterrence straight from the soundtrack MGS: Peace Walker. Another way to go to the fighter in the box. He will look at it for a long time, until he recognizes Big Boss in you, after which I will be honored.

Cardboard allows Even roll off the slides. Just run up to the slope and jump. Are there any things in the world to which the box is not capable?!