Plugin for set. Operations with selected regions

I present to your attention the mod “WoodEdit (World Editor) for!

This mod is the perfect tool for building more efficiently. It is limited to the use of Android only if it requires a third-party launch, for example, a block launcher pro for Minecraft PE. The best thing about this add-on is that it minimizes the need for text commands. Instead, you will be using wooden tools in the game.

How does it work?

There are several different tools you can use for editing the world.

Stick- Select the boundaries of the site (as private).
Wooden shovel- Copy the selected area to a new area.
Wooden hoe- Move the selected area to a new area.
Wooden ax- Rotate the selected area around one of the three axes.
Fishing rod- Replace a certain block with another one inside the selected cube.
Wooden sword- Fill the selected area with air.
Wooden pickaxe- Fill the selected area with a specific block.

In addition, there are also three commands that are useful for building.

/ undo- Undo the last WoodEdit operation.
/ save[filename] - Save the selected area in a local file.
/ load[filename] - Download the selected local file to the clipboard for further copy / rotate operation.

Here's a quick tutorial to demonstrate a few different ways to use WoodEdit.

Let's create a structure and want to move or copy it to a different location. Tap the ground with sticks to select two different coordinates. Once this is done, you have selected a site for action.

Find the place where you want to move the lot, then click on the ground with the tool ( Wooden shovel- Copy, Wooden hoe- Move) to move or copy the selection to a new area.

You can rotate a section of any of the three axes with a wooden ax.


1. Install LiteLoader (archived with the mod version) or Forge for your version of Minecraft

2. Download WorldEditCUI and move to the game folder

Mod, a plugin that will allow you to select a certain territory and work only with it by moving and managing it. Historically, the world has changed and has become one of the most important tools in existence for minecraft players who want to build massive structures. The WorldEditCUI mod gives players a dedicated interface for their WorldEdit plugin that allows them to choose their region, either in-game or in real time. This allows players to work more responsively, allowing them to copy, craft, build and pin down faster than if they were using WorldEdit alone. According to the author of the mod, WorldEditCUI is especially useful when working with a cylinder, convex hull and polygon selection when doing your work.

If you don't have a lot of experience already through WorldEdit, this add-on will not help you figure it out. Recommended to be a fool on WorldEdit for a while first, using it in a junk world You will not get bored as long as you understand the various functions and what they do, as well as what forms are best when working in specific areas. This WorldEditCUI mod is more of a step forward than something to start with - it adds more functions and commands that will just make WorldEdit very difficult to learn if you add all the commands and features already present in the base mod.

Not to say WorldEdit is basic. This is one of the most advanced Minecraft mods available today. It's just a little less intimidating, without any extra stuff added by the WorldEditCUI mod. It is very important that you are using the latest LiteLoader for whatever version of minecraft you are using. This mod is not designed to work with Forge and LiteLoader, you must have it if you want it to work. This may interfere with other installed mods, but you can always switch back to the forge and those mods after you've created the world you want with LiteLoader and this mod.

WorldEdit this is the easiest way to edit maps without leaving the game. Thanks to the convenient map editor, which includes a set of special commands and tools, you can quickly build anything, of any shape and scale, and you can also move or save your favorite building in a separate file. With which you can insert it into another world. The only limitation is the power of the computer, manipulation of large areas of the map with a huge number of blocks can cause lags and crashes. The mod does not affect the game files, so it is compatible with many different modifications.

WorldEdit Features

  • Quickly create, replace or delete thousands of blocks
  • No more wasting time on leveling terrain, removing water and lava
  • Quickly create spheres, cubes, cylinders, and more.
  • Copy / Paste Regions and Save them in Schematics Format
  • Use the special brush tools to remove mountains, ravines, etc.
  • Use the compass to quickly teleport to different areas
  • You can roll back changes using backups
  • WorldEdit is one of the oldest surviving Minecraft projects since the alpha version!
  • WorldEdit works in single player and server mode. This map editor does not have any effect on the game and on your world until you use it. This will not cause any mod conflicts, and it will only work when you need it.


How do I install WorldEdit?

  1. Install Minecraft Forge
  2. Press Win + R (the "Win" button is between "Ctrl" and "Alt")
  3. In the window that appears, write% appdata%
  4. Go to .minecraft / mods (if there is no “mods” folder, create it)
  5. Drag the mod (.zip / .jar) to the mods folder

Command List


// repl - Makes the instrument in your hand a "substitute", right-click changes the selected block to the specified one.

// toggleplace- switch between the first position and your current position.

//fill - fill the holes with the block block, in radius and depth.

// fillr - recursive filling of holes with a block, in a radius.

// drain - drain water / lava pools within radius.

// fixwater - the level of nearby water bodies.

// fixlava - the level of nearby lava pools.

// removeabove- remove blocks above your head.

// removebelow - remove blocks under your feet.

// replacenear - replace blocks at a distance of size, replace from-id blocks with to-id blocks.

// removenear - remove blocks at a distance of size.

// snow - cover everything with snow within a radius.

// thaw - remove snow within radius.

// ex- put out the fire at a distance of size. By default, within a radius of 40 blocks.

//butcher- kill all mobs within radius. Worldwide default.

// - if you break blocks with a pickaxe, they break very quickly.

// regen- restores the selected region. Generates it again.

// limit - the maximum number of blocks used for commands. Only works for you. Used to prevent catastrophic incidents.

Interacting with history

// undo- cancels your last command. - the number of undoing of the last commands.

// redo- returns the commands you canceled. - the number of commands returned by you canceled.

// clearhistory- clears history.


// hcyl - create a hollow (wall only), vertical cylinder from a block, radius, and height.

// cyl - create a vertical cylinder from a block, radius, and height.

// sphere - create a sphere from with radius

// hsphere - create a hollow sphere from with radius .

// forestgen- creating a forest with size, type type (tree types) and density (1-100)

// pumpkins- the creation of pumpkins.


// wand- gives you a wooden ax (edit ax). LMB on the block with a wooden ax assigns the first position, RMB on the block assigns the second position.

// toggleeditwand- disables the wooden ax. Now it can be used for its intended purpose.

// sel - selection of the form of the selected region. cuboid - selects a cube. poly - selects only in the plane.

// pos1- designates the block on which you are standing as the first position for selection.

// pos2- designates the block on which you are standing as the second position for selection.

// hpos1- designates the block you are looking at as the first position for selection.

// hpos2- designates the block you are looking at as the second selection position.

// chunk- selects the entire chunk you are on.

// contract - decreases the region you selected by the amount of blocks in the direction you are looking.

// contract - decreases the selected region by the amount of blocks in the direction (north, east, south, west, up, down).

// contract - decreases the region you selected in two directions. amount is the number of decrease blocks in the first direction, reverse-amount is the number of decrease blocks in the opposite direction, direction is the direction (north, east, south, west, up, down). For example: // contract 10 7 south - will decrease the selected region by 10 blocks to the south (south) and by 7 blocks to the north (north).

// expand - expands the region of your choice by the amount of blocks in the direction you are looking in.

// expand - expands the selected region by the amount of blocks in the direction (north, east, south, west, up, down).

// expand - expands your chosen region in two directions. amount is the number of expansion units in the first direction, reverse-amount is the number of expansion units in the opposite direction, direction is the direction (north, east, south, west, up, down). For example: // expand 10 7 south - expands the selected region 10 blocks south (south) and 7 blocks north (north).

// expand vert- will maximize your chosen region up and down.

// outset [-hv] - Expands the selected region in each direction.

// inset [-hv] - Narrows the selected region in each direction.

// shift - moves the selection region. Does not move the contents of the region. amount - distance, direction (north, east, south, west, up, down).

// size- enter to find out the size of the selected region.

// count - enter to find out how many blocks of something (block) are in the selected region.

// distr- enter to get a list of blocks located in the selected region.

Operations with selected regions

// set - fill the selected region with a certain block (block).

// replace - replace all blocks in the selected region with a certain block (to-block) (does not touch the air).

// replace - replace certain blocks (from-block) with other defined blocks (to-block) in the selected region.

//overlay - cover the selected region with a certain block ... For example: // overlay 50 - cover the selected region with torches.

// walls - create walls around the selected region with a specific block.

// outline - creates walls, floor, ceiling around the selected region.

// smooth- smooths (makes more realistic) the selected region. iterations - intensity.

// move- move blocks of the selected region to count blocks towards direction(north, east, south, west, up, down). And replace the vacated area with a specific block (leave-id).

// stack- copying the selected region to count copies towards direction(north, east, south, west, up, down).

Regions buffer

// copy- copy the selected region.

// cut- cut the selected region.

// paste- paste the copied region.

// rotate - rotate the copied region in the clipboard in the direction of angle-in-degrees.

// flip- reflect the region in the buffer.

// load - load buffer files named filename.

/ clearclipboard- clear the buffer.

*** Be sure to double slash before commands

If you don't have this plugin yet then you can download it here.

These commands are needed if the WorldEdit plugin is installed on the server and you have no restrictions on its use. On a regular server, for most players, these teams will be prohibited.

To select the hotspot using WorldEdit, do the following:

To simplify actions in regions, you can use WorldEditCUI.

// pos1 - The first point of coordinates becomes the cube where you are now.

// pos2 - The second point of coordinates becomes the cube where you are now.

// hpos1 - The first point of coordinates is the cube, where you point with your gaze.

// hpos2 - The second point of coordinates becomes the cube, where you point with your gaze.

// wand - Equips you with a special tool made of wood to put the first point by clicking LMB on the cube, and RMB will put the second point.

// replace - The specified cubes will be replaced with others in this zone. Example: // replace dirt glass - replaces dirt blocks with glass ones.

// overlay - Can be overlaid with written blocks.


// overlay grass - the region will be covered with grass blocks.

// set - The empty area will be filled with the prescribed blocks.


// set 0 - Blocks will be removed in the entire selection.

// move - Shifts the prescribed number of cubes and their direction, changing them to others.

// walls - Makes a wall of the prescribed cubes in this zone.

// sel - The selection will be deselected.

// sphere - Creates a sphere with the given radius. Raised can be set to yes / no, where yes moves the sphere up.

// hsphere - Creates an empty sphere based on the selected parameters.

// cyl - Creates a cylindrical shape from the specified blocks with the specified radius and height.

// hcyl - Creates an empty cylinder shape with the specified parameters.

// forestgen - A forest with the specified block volume, density (from 0 to 100) and type will be created.

// undo - Deletes your what you did.

// redo - The actions you deleted are returned.

// sel - Selects the shape for the selected area. cuboid is a parallelepiped. extend - identical to cuboid, but by setting the second point, the object will be extended without losing the selection of the already specified region. poly - plane. cyl is the shape of the cylinder. sphere - the shape of the sphere. ellipsoid - ellipsoid (capsule) shape.

// desel - Deselects the selection.

// contract - Decreases the area by the amount that you specified in this direction (north, east, south, west, up, down), and if you specify, then the direction will be different.

// expand - Increases the region by the number that you specified in the specified direction (north, east, south, west, up, down), and if you specify, then the direction will be different.

// inset [-hv] - The circle will be narrowed in all directions.

// outset [-hv] - The region will be expanded in all directions.

// size - Displays the number of cubes in the selected area.

// regen - The zone will be re-generated.

// copy - The content in the region will be repeated.

// cut - The content in the region will be cut.

// paste - Replaces with the region that was copied.

// rotate - The copied region will be rotated a certain number of degrees.

// flip - The region will be shown in the direction of dir, or in the direction you are looking in.

// pumpkins - Creates a pumpkin field according to the size you specify.

// hpyramid - A pyramid will be created from the specified blocks and size.

// drain - Removes water from the specified distance.

// fixwater - The water level at a certain distance will be corrected.

// fixlava - The lava level at a certain distance will be fixed.

// snow - The area will be covered with snow at the specified distance.

// thaw - Snow will be removed from the area at the specified distance.

// butcher [-a] - Hostile mobs will be destroyed in the area in the specified distance. [-a] - kills peaceful mobs as well.

// - Equips you with a super pickaxe that will allow you to destroy any blocks.