Passage of the game Corsary: \u200b\u200bCurse of the Far Seas. Passage for the French

Maxim Zayatsa is 1630 ... In this rapid time the captains of ships, furring the expanses of the Atlantic, quite easily changed their flag, moving to the service from one monarch to another. The game has four main storylines and a lot of additional quests. Nicholas Sharp will have the opportunity to serve the England, France and Spain or choose the path of one of the members of the "coastal brotherhood" - while in the course of the game we can easily move from one storyline to another. This passage is advice for those who wish to go through the game as quickly as possible without being distracted by trade and sea battles, which can be able to avoid anyway. Nevertheless, both is a great way to expand its squadron composition and strengthen its weapons - actions that are absolutely necessary for those who want to create a military force with which any opponents will be considered. But we were a little distracted ... So, the Spanish captive and escape from the plantation remained behind. At the pier of the main English colony of Hyok, pink was moored, with us forty man team, there are few ammunition. Life is full of new hopes, the main of which is to get a Corsair's patent ... England We begin the game from the city gate of the English colony of Heyok. In order to enter the service of the king of England, we need to get a Corsair patent from the governor Samuel Morotnes. His residence is located at the other end of the city. Taking a patent, you need to turn to the governor again to get the first task. We will be instructed to take a letter to Sir John Clifford Brini, the governor of the second English colony in the archipelago. In this letter, there is nothing secret, but we must deliver it safely without opening the press. The award for the successful execution of this task will be 500 gold. The island, on which the colony is located, is called Tendeylz - when issuing tasks, it appears on the map. On the way to the city gate it is worth looking into the tavern. There are free time merchants, captains and officers of ships standing on Khayina Pier. At the side to the left of the entrance, the Russian Christopher Clayston, an English officer, purposefully pumped from the entrance. He had already switched to the line, behind which alcohol unleash the language, and for the excess circle is ready to tell us the "state secret". Recently, two frigates arrived from England to fight pirates. They passed a re-equipment, and Christopher received an appointment for one of them. However, according to him, it turns out that the frigates are floating garbage and almost fall apart from dilapidation. The neighboring table sits Julius Ironkast, the canonir, in battle lost sight. He dreams of going into the sea and can become a worthy member of our team - in the end, his experience is worth a dozen couple of the most tearful young eyes. Its services will cost us 200 gold per month, and 600 coins will have to lay out immediately as a deposit. Finally, Pete Dalton sits on the table on the right, the former submaster of the local gunsmith. Not so easy to talk this guy - but in the end he tells us the story that his former owner tried to drive some unknown people from the island. Soon after a conversation with them, the son of the gunsight was killed in a street fight, and the master left Hayok, fearing for his life. The new owner drove Pita, and now the guy is scared and dreams only about how to get to the island of Tendney and find a job there. Perhaps, it is worth offering to him our help - in addition to ordinary human humanism, it should be a good to affect our reputation. Well, it is worth looking to the governor Morotnes and try to ask him about these mysterious frigates. But, contrary to expectations, after the very first question, his high-speed comes to a state of strong anger and simply indicates to our door, not forgetting to promise serious trouble by the Bedolhage Claystone for his drunk trep. It seems that now we really have to go swimming. However, having met in the streets of the city from Russia from Russia to Gavril Dubinin, we can part with four hundreds of gold coins and acquire Bottch. But, one way or another, we soon leave the port of Hayok and go to the island of Tendeylz. The journey promises to be relatively calm - pirates, and even more so the Spaniards are not often found in this region. Upon arrival on the island, we go to the residence of the Governor of Brin and give him a letter. After awarding the deserved award, he informs us that Samuel Morotnes is far from the best leader, and the example of this can serve the plight of the small English colony of Grandfather Island, where the most real hunger came because of the irrevenaval. Bryn invites us to deliver the cargo of wheat and make it easier for the position of the colonists. From this task you can refuse, but ... Does it make sense? On Grandfather Island, there is one of the characters you need, and there will still have to sail there, besides, due to the refusal, we will fall reputation. At the same time, the delivery of the cargo can be obtained a very good fee - 2000 gold. We agree and, by downloading the selected wheat in the three English centners, we go to Grandfather Island - a new island that appeared on the map at the time of our task. Upon arrival in place, we need to pass the burden to the owner of the local tavern. He is incredibly pleased that Governor Brin remembers their troubles - moreover, the innkeeper is even ready to reward us for the works. Since all gold on the island went to the purchase of food, as awards we offer to take a little cloth, which is quite suitable for sale. Agreeing on this proposal, we lose one point of reputation - in the end, the governor promised us a generous payment for this journey, and it's not good for someone else's misfortune. In the same tavern, we meet with the English officer David Murrey. The story is repeated, but on the contrary: he is ready to treat us with drinking, if we agree to listen to his story. Like Christipher Clayston, he received an appointment for one of these two ill-fated frigates, moreover, it had time to go to one of the battles. Murray was a senior canonom, and he saw with his own eyes, as the first side of the Pirate ship was literally filled with a pirate ship. Our interlocutor was the only one who managed to escape from a quickly sunken ship, but the memories of the experienced, it seems, not yet come together in his memory. After this conversation, we can hire a murray as a canonir - it will serve as 350 gold coins, and the first month is ready to work for free. Returning to the island of Tendeylz, we get from the governor of Brina promised 2000 gold, after which we go to the Hyrok for the new task. This time Samuel Mortalt offers us 2000 for maintaining Pinas Bristol, following the island of Tendeylz. We cannot refuse this task, although it is trapped in yourself: near Tendeilza attacks Pirate Edwin on nicknamed Karakatitsa. The battle promises to be not too difficult: the ship of Edwin is quite sluggish maneuver not far from the island and clearly does not seek to suppress us with his firing power. Do not forget that now at our disposal is Pinas Bristol. By casting him to the captain, the order to attack the enemy, we are a few precise volley commanded. While the Edwin ship is smoothly immersed on the bottom, we learn that the pirate was ordered to kill us, and this order was given someone named BelTrop. Somewhere in the depths of the soul there is a desire to get acquainted with this BelTrope closer ... And, the sooner, the better. With the captain of "Bristol" Lemuel Humm we meet in Tendylza tavern. He transmits us promised by Morths fee in 2000 gold and tells that the only cargo that he delivered to Tendelz was fifty-strong guys of frankly gangster outforthiness. Perhaps, it will not be superfluous to look at the Governor to Brinus and inform him this news. After that, we can return to High Conscience with a clean conscience. It's time to perform a couple of additional quests. To begin with, we will have to find a man in the streets of the Hydhike in the Navy Camzole of the Scientist. His name is Albrecht Tsalpfer. In a conversation with him, questions should be avoided about the new era in the navigation and the new invention of the scientist. Tsalpfer tells us that he worked on Alexander Bishop as long as he dismissed him. Now the inventor dreams of getting to Tendeilz and find a job there. It seems that a good deal is coil. We offer Tsalpfer the place of the ship carpenter, promising in return to deliver it to Tendeils. He agrees with joy, and we get a high-class worker for free, which will remain on the ship until we gather to visit the ownership of Governor of Brina. Looking ahead, it should be said that, being on Tendeilze, Tsalpfer will immediately leave our ship, and we will get a little experience in return. But this is not the end of the story. Having found the Central Supplement on the streets of Tendeilza, we replaced with him on the rights of an old buddy - and as a result, the scientist gives us the drawings of your new invention. They will be happy to buy Berram Michelson, the owner of a local shipyard, and we will become richer at 1,500 gold. Distributing for another while. Returning to the city gate of Heyke, we learn that one of the guards, Billy, is unbearably hard to stand at the post, without having to water the throat of a pair of sips of good wines. Will help you guy? To do this, we will have to look into the tavern. Her owner, Jeremy Win, will gladly give us a bottle of local acids for a completely robbing price in 1 gold. Perfect with a sense of legal pride for your own nobility, we attribute a bottle of a soldier and, resolutely abandoning money, we obtain an increase in reputation and 250 points of experience in return. But that's not all. Standing on the right Comrade Billy, Frederick, also suffers from thirst. True, he prefers guilty, but he saw how we brought a bottle of his partner and. .. in a word, could Captain Nicholas make another noble act? Of course, for the question. We return to the tavern and buy a bottle of Roma from the squalegi-owner. By giving it Frederick, we feel easy guilt for soldering the time English army, but the increase in reputation and experience gained in a reward compensates for all moral torments. Returning to the main storyline, we go to the governor. This time, Sir Mortyts invites us to inspect the surroundings of the tiny island of Itcal, explaining this by the fact that the Spanish ships have been seen there. We can agree on this expedition or refuse, motivating that our ship is too weak to fight the Spaniards. On the way to the city gate, it is worth paying attention to a very colorful stranger, confidently pacing through the streets of Heinck. Strange, he knows our name. The messenger of some Olaf Ulsson invites us to visit the pirate colony on the island of Shark Island, after which the flattery refuses to answer any questions. Well, curiosity is not a vice, and we will definitely look there ... at one time. In the meantime, if we decided to first fight with the Spaniards, it is thoroughly stocking by ammunition. According to the standards of the start of the game, the fight will be quite serious, and the journey itself does not promise to become a pleasant walk - in this region there are quite a few pirated ships. Near the island, Shnava "Tonina" is waiting for us, floating under the Spanish flag, the ship is quite powerful and maneuverable to become a serious opponent in the upcoming battle. However, sooner or later we simply are obliged to put it on the bottom. After that, it is necessary to look into the city and talk to John Baronts, the owner of the only local establishment - a small store. He will tell that the Spaniards captured and plundered Ical, not protected by the fort. The robbery lasted two days, and as a result, only a few townspeople managed to survive. It is a pity that we cannot sink "Tonin" again. But there is nothing to do - we will have to return to Hyok and inform the governor of Morotus such a small news. Actually, reporting on the results of our intelligence, we can tell the truth about the plunder of Itcalka ... But we can and paint, painting our great victory over the Spaniards and the salvation of the doomed city. In the first case, we have to take all the blame for ourselves and submortively agree when Morothies will blame us in slowness and incompetence. If you begin to object to him, he will fade Nicholas from his residence, and England will become hostile towards us. If we sat down, the result will not be better - the truth will open, after the next visit to Mortytus, and we still have a delayed English corsary patent, acquiring one more powerful enemy. Therefore, in case we wish to follow this storyline, the only right decision will be submorted to agree with all the accusations and to leave the residence of the angry governor. Now is the time for a while to leave Hyok and go with a friendly visit to Shark Island. Olaf Ulsson, the leader of the pirated colony, we can find in the tavern. He invites us to become a member of the "coastal fraternity" - this is a good opportunity to go to another storyline of the game. But so far we still fight on the side of England. However, the benefits of this visit are still there. Tolding the Ulson about the attack of Edwin "Karakatitsa" and about the mysterious note, we get advice to talk to the former first assistant Belterropa, Peter Ordo. The problem lies in the fact that Ulsson has no idea where it can be found now. However, it is possible to learn about this from Munito Hernando, the owner of the store on Gray Sailz (this island is located in the northeast of Shark Island). In just 50 gold, this type will gladly inform us that ORDO went to see someone from the English governors, who, oddly enough, is his old buddy. Well, it looks like it is time to visit our old governor friends. Mortytus extremely dislikes it clear that he does not know and does not want to know any of the pirates in general and Peter Ordo in particular; But Brin pretty willingly tell us that Ordo was a few days ago and advised to leave Tendeylz for a while, went to Tel Cerrat Island. It seems now and we will have to follow him. # seadogs011.bmp Tel Cerrat Island is located in the eastern part of the map. It belongs to the French, but the city is not protected by the Fort, we can do without interference to it. From the very beginning we are waiting for cruel disappointment: we do not know how Ordo looks like. However, it is easy to fix it. After talking with the owner of a local store, we learn that the former first assistant Belterrop really arrived at Tel Cerrat, and he has a habit of carrying a yellow handkerchief on his head. We go to the streets and - that's luck! - Peter Ordo his own person jumps us towards us. Talking to him, we learn about the fact that Beltropa plans to raid on Tendeylz, and someone from the British helps him. Ordo himself, warning Brin about the danger, hopes to reset the foul in the French in Tel Kerrat. However, there is still one serious problem in his life: his beloved girl, Alicia Gardenener, is now in Gray Sailz, and Ordo is extremely needed by the help of a person who would help her run from there. Our candidacy is suitable just right. In return, ORDO promises to become our faithful friend and an ally - the offer for us is also not useless. SOLVED: We return to Gray Sailz for Alicia Gardenener. Returning to Gray Sailz, on the streets of the Pirate Town we find Alias \u200b\u200bGardenener. The girl happily agrees to run together with us, but Beltrop is not at all going to part so easily with his prey. Near the shores of Gray Sailz chops the frigate under the command of Peter Glants, whose main task has been the capture of some Nicholas Sharpe, Corsary in the service of England. To fight with the frigate - the occupation is quite ungrateful, and you can simply be able to avoid the battle - but in this case the Glants will attack us every time we find ourselves about Gray Sailz. We must deliver Alicia to Tel Cerrat to Piter Ordo. He honestly complies with the terms of the agreement and, together with his ship, joins our squadron. Running with Gray Seylz, Alicia pulled a cabinet with documents from the cabin, among whom ORDO discovered one very curious letter. An unknown author reported to Berthropus that all the preparations for the storm of the Tandylz were completed, and he could start an operation. The uninhabited island of Chatcha was appointed to collect the Pirate Fleet. Instead of signature, the letter stood the English stamp. Mortytus! Fearing for his career, he seriously decided to get rid of the young and energetic Governor of Tengelza. It was for this purpose that two dilapidated frigate were discharged from England, which will absolutely helpless against the BelTrop squadron, well, on the very island, the rebellion had to support those fifty thieves with "Bristol". It is necessary to warn Brina about the preparing attack. We go to Tendeylz. But to warn about danger - it is only half anteen, you need to somehow eliminate its source. According to Brina, he does not have enough powers to arrest Morotnes, but, fortunately, now on the island there is a royal auditor for the colonies of Admiral Alexander Gritston. He can give an order about the arrest of Morotnes, unless, of course, we will be able to prove his guilt. Brin writes an admiral letter, and we have to deliver it to Hyok. It is worth talking to Rod once again, and then he will tell us about the mysterious disappearance of ships on the way between Heirok and Tendeyles. Everything indicates that some kind of pirate, cunning and arrogance superior to many members of the coastal brotherhood begins in these waters. But the governor does not have accurate information about him, and he advises us to talk to the regulars of the tavern. So, perhaps, we will do. According to Tomas Hancock, the Pirate named Ropflake captured quite a recently trading ship, belonging to some Markus. Marcus captured along with the ship, but by some miracle he managed to escape from captivity and get to Tendeylza, where he was sheltered Hancock. But the guy's business is still bad - during the path from bad water and food with him, some kind of disease happened, which is about the appeal. But since we still go to Heyok, it is worth trying to put such a useful witness on the feet. Alexander Gritston meets us in the governor's residence. Fortunately, Mortalt is missing, and we do not interfere with the admiral letter of Brina. At first, the royal auditor does not want to believe such grave charges, but the letter found in the documents is convinced of our right thing. Gritteon gives an order about the arrest of the Morotons Governor and puts the next task before us: we must defeat the Pirate Fleet near Chatch Island. However, before proceeding to perform this, just say, a difficult task, you can distract a little and take up the fate of the poor marks. To begin with, we need to talk to the owner of the local store George Havesyl. He tells us that the famous Alumnus doctor arrived on the island. Having found a venerable doctor on the streets of Khayynka and very impolitely interrupting the stream of high-tender chatter, we take medicine from him for Marcus. After that, we can return to Tandeylz and with a clean conscience to give the medicine Thomas Hancock. We celebrate Marcus already with the next visit to the tavern. In gratitude for their salvation, he tells us that the Corvette Ropflast "Chance" was last seen near the island of El Caimano. As cute - we are almost on the road. Before you go to battle with the Pirate Fleet, we can allocate to El Cayman and save these waters from the next Holder. We will receive a reward for the capture of ropflake during the next visit to the Governor Brini. So a sweet hour of retaliation has come. Pirate fleet is four ships, from the third class on the sixth, - expects a signal to the attack of Tenneylz near the uninhabited Chatcha island. They are not waiting for attacks, and therefore ships are at a fairly much distance from each other. Well, not even easier ... Speaking all the ships of Bertterrop (one by one), we return to Hyrok to Admiral Gritston and get a new task from him. This time we ordered to capture the Spanish colony of Costa Sinistra. And again before performing the main task, we distract a little for another good deal. After capturing Ropflast, Dr. Alumnus asks us to bring it one rare grass, extremely necessary for some scientific research. Previously, he bought it with some Pablo Loko. But where he is now, the honorable doctor, of course, does not know. Pablo Loco ... It seems to be with this type we met on Gray Seylz (if it really is so, now he moved to El Caymanno). Pablo Loko - Metis, he is extremely disliked about Europeans and is studying the remains of the culture of the indigenous population of the archipelago. Having found it, we are trying to speak with him (it will be possible only if the reputation of Nicholas is not lower than good matey). As before, Pablo is ready to share herb with Dr. Alumnus, but in exchange for this he asks to bring the sacred native tree from which he can build a new boat. Tree it will be for us to buy on Grandfather Island Niphel Feester for 1500 gold and then drive him to Pablo. But all these efforts will not remain without award. Exchange the tree on the grass and having delivered it to Aluminus, we learn that as a sign of gratitude, he ordered one of his students to join our team as a surgeon. The disciple of this is the name of Dick Okhenwood, and he is waiting for us in the Khajkin Tavern. The next task is also not mandatory, but very and very useful for those who decided to change the plot branch of the game. In the khayina tavern you can meet the sailor named Roberto Gorendo. Having learned that Nicholas - Corsair, he says that a sideline that manufactures magnificent sublict tubes lives on El Caymanno. His name is Adriano Montefy. Having found a person with this name on the streets of El Cayman, we talk to him, trying to be extremely polite. As a result, Montefy agrees to make a pipe for us for us for free or, if we neglected him, for 1500 gold. The only problem is that he has no crystal from which lenses are manufactured for the best picking pipes. Crystal can be bought from Lorenzo Marquez Avio on Granada Avilila, but you can get there only having a Corsair patent in Spain in your pocket. Those who wish to change the plot branch of the game will be able to get into the Granada Avilia store and buy a mountain crystal there, from which Andriano Montefy willingly makes the best picking pipe. Also on El Caymanno, we can meet the pirate named Ronald Financial. He tell us that his friend was treacherously killed by another pirate - Frederick on nicknamed Mole, and asks to deliver a black label. Frederick sits in Gray Sales and the nose from there does not seem to flee from fair retribution behind Belterropa. Ronald appoints him a meeting near Chatcha Island. Having delivered a black mark to the addressee and returning to El Cayman, we can warn Ronald that Mole is preparing him a trap, and even join him in order for pirate justice to enthusiasm. In this case, in addition to the money for the delivery of a black mark after the stroke of the crotch, we will get a solid reputation and experience. The battle with the Fort of Costa Sinistra promises to be not easy, but sooner or later we still manage to win. Returning to Hyrok and informing Admiral that the former Spanish Colony is now attached to the ownership of England, we get another task. Now we have to find out where the French are going to establish huge new guns brought from Marseille - and, if possible, capture them. In the tavern grandfather Island we meet the English seaman named Laurence Norton. Near Omori Island, he met three French ships who tried to sink his Pinas. Some kind of miracle managed to leave, but the pair of salts still covered the ship, and one core even fled to the captain's cabin. The weight of this kernel was equal to forty-eight pounds. Thanking Norton for the story, we go to OMI. It seems that the French placed their monstrous guns there. In order to get them, we will have to capture the island. After grabbing Omor and delivering tools, Admiral Alexander Gritston sends us to the seizure of the main base of the Spanish fleet - Islands Islale Ballene. Upon returning from there, Nicolas Sharpe is awarded the noble title and appoint the vice-king of the English colonies in the archipelago. France In order to move to the side of France at the very beginning of the game, we must leave Hyok and head to Balflor - the main French colony in the archipelago. By visiting the governor of the colony, Monsieur Francois de Bhu, we receive a Corsair patent from him and the first task: to meet with the French agent of Auguste Bromont on the island of Gray Sailz. Well, our service begins very unusual. Having found Auguste Bromont on the streets of the Pirate Town, we receive a report from him for the governor de Bhu, after which we return to Belflor. I wonder what the charming girl stands next to the governor? After reading the report, de Beju will fall into the state of Panic: his old friend of Tierry La Mole fell in the hands of the leader of Gray Seals Pirate Belterrop, and now for his life require a huge redemption. Money the governor is ready to give with joy, the problem is only that his required amount is simply not. As a result, we are sent to Ail Paving to the chapter of the merchant guild. Oreliana Dupre to take money from him. The governor was in a hurry to send us that even forgot to call the required amount, therefore, making a debt receipt in the name of Monsieur Francois de Bhu, we call the figure practically at twenty thousand. Fortunately, upon returning to Balflor, it turns out that we guessed the amount right, but with percentages a little mistaken ... But this, however, already the problems of the governor. We are also entrusted to inform the Beltropu about the place and time of exchange. We again go on Gray Sailz. The residence of Belterrop is on board the galleon pulled ashore. The leader of the Pirates is extremely disliked: he declares to us that he himself will appoint time and place of the meeting, and requires the ship with gold to come to Gray Seylz in a week. Returning to Balflor, we give the governor of the answer of Beltroph. De Boshu immediately declares that sending a ship with gold to Gray Sailz means just to give it to pirates, and categorically refuses to take part in such nonsense. However, he invites us to try to free La Pray alone, without money and without the slightest support. Well, it seems, we have no special choice. We sail again on Gray Sailz. On the streets of the Pirate city, we will have to find a captain named Damienvers, and he will make us an offer, from which it is truly difficult to refuse ... Recently, demeyne was offered to switch to the serve in the French fleet, and he decided to agree - for the person of his age, complete dangers and deprivities The life of the pirate and in fact too hard. Having gathered his team, he suggested those who wish to join him. Most pirates supported the captain, but, as always, found and dissatisfied. Instead of cutting the pharynx, those who let them go to all four sides. As it turned out, in vain. Someone from hesitated by Prettropus, that the old speech decided to betray the coastal fraternity and travel to the French. Beltrop came to rage and ordered his people to capture the ship of the traitor. Brig "Odyssey" was donated to someone from the whims of the leader of the Pirate Colony, the team was in captivity of Bertrtropa, and his spectacles with difficulty escaped walking on the board. This turned out to be an unemployed story. Stten offers us a deal: With the help of your friends, he can run from the island at any time, but before that he needs to be released his team from captivity. And he really does not want his ship to belong to some soupe. We would be very happy if we brought him the head of the captain, who now commands the Brig "Odyssey." I am glad so much that I would love to free yourself together with my friends and a merchant ... How is it there? Oh yeah, Tierry La Pray - he sits in the same thunder as the team's team. But the capture of the brig should be carried out as quieter as possible and more accurate, otherwise the shots will win the whole city. Former ship trips, Brig "Odyssey", is in the waters of Gray Sailz. We'll have to take it on the board - if the ship will be sweeping, we will not be able to get the head of its captain, and therefore save the merchant. However, no one said that we cannot shoot a little, having interrupted on the "Odysse" most of the team: in the end, forty people against hundreds - the alignment is not the most successful, and you need to change it. After successfully spent the board, we get the head of an uninterrupted captain and, returning to Gray Seylz, give it to those. And here is our merchant! Talking to him, we take it on board and return to Balflor. There, a saved merchant will need to find once again to get an award for a brilliantly performed operation. In the tavern of Isil Downtrage, we encounter a certain Foker Arain, who invites us to take part in one very badly smelling Delz ... He is going to kidnap the daughter of Francois de Bhu, Jacqueline, and then demand a redemption from the Belflora governor. Naturally, Nicholas Sharp never goes to that. By refusing Arahin, in the same tavern we get acquainted with the former captain of the French fleet by Milon Ansenerville. Foker Araine made him the same sentence as us, and AnServille, has already made a decision ... We return to de Biju to warn him about the preparing abduction, but the old stubborn focus does not want to listen to anything and only laughs at us. Shortly thereafter, the owner of the tavern island Belflor Nouare Senaigan informs us that the daughter of the governor Jacqueline de Beju was abducted by unknown, and now for her life they require a huge redemption. We return to the governor and offer him their services in finding a daughter. This search should be started with the already familiar tavern on Isil Drawing. Having met Milon Ansersville there and threatening him with the accusation of complication in the abduction, we can pull some information from him, and at the same time to force Milon to join us for a while I search Mademoiselle de Bhu. It turned out that when AnServille refused to offer Foker Arain, he hired a pirate for Mikhel Gattenshrag. After the abduction of the daughter of the governor, Foker mysteriously disappeared, well, and the Gattenschraga, according to Anseryville, can be found on Skaqores. Gattenshrag is really in the tavern on the island of Gray Sailz. If Rang Nicholas Sharpe is still lower than the fifth, the pirate will simply laugh at our threats. After our rank rises to seven, the ridicule will stop, and Gattenshrag will begin to respect us and be afraid. He will tell that Bark, belonging to Foker Arayna, is anchored at the uninhabited island of Intuchla, ready to immediately take an anchor and wonder without a look, barely only on the horizon there will be at least one sail. But the ship Gattenshraga is hardly frightened ... We politely offer pirate to exchange ships, and one, desperately swearing, agrees. For a farewell, Gattenschrag warns us that if we hide Bark Foker Arage, then we will not have any chances to find Mademoiselle de Bhu. Having rubbed the course to the island of Inchet, we take Bark "Nemesis" on the board. Unfortunately, during the attack itself, Arain was killed, and we can be content with only his ship magazine and a ring found in the captain's cabin. From records in the journal it follows that we must pass this ring with some brandom Tabari, Captain Karavella, on board which the kidnappers are hiding jacqueline. Karavella Tabari is standing in the port of Isil Downturn, and the captain himself is pleasantly spending time in the city tavern. Having received a ring, he decides that the redemption from the governor has already been received, and, counting its share in the mind, it personally delivers Jacquelin on the belflor. Returning to Balflor, we learn that the Spaniards are preparing an attack on the island. Preparing for war, Monsieur de Bejigu laid several heavy warships, but now at his disposal there is practically nothing significant. Having postponing all this, the governor asks us to protect the island. Mt., the task is not from the lungs ... After the last Spanish ship with our help falls on the seabed, de Beju gives us a reward and let go, saying that he now does not have a suitable task for us. On the streets of Belflore, we meet a stranger who transmits us a note. In it, we are convincingly asking to look into the city tavern - it seems that someone really wants to meet with us. In the tavern we meet Jacqueline de Beju, and she confesses to Nicolas Sharpe in love. Probably, this girl should not talk about the burning passion and an insurmountable desire to spend this night together in the room on the second floor of the tavern. Having noticed, she will certainly tell about the whole Father, and after that, France will be hostile to us. It is better to ask the girl to wait until you become so rich and famous for, not embarrasing, ask her hands from the governor de Bhu. However, there is also the third option: we can be married secretly and then put a happy testing in front of a favorable fact. The choice for us is the choice between the secret and open wedding ... And at the same time between money, and experience. He was secretly married to Jacqueline, we get 10,000 experiences, and officially asking her hands from de Beju - dowry, 8000 gold. For a secret wedding, we need to find a priest - not a single clergy on Belflor will agree to hold this ceremony without the permission of the governor. We will look for it on Omori - and at the same time also earn a little money on the road. On the streets of Belflora, we need to find a merchant named Magis Schirk. He willingly hire us so that we accompany his ship on Omori, promising as a reward not only to pay 1000 gold, but also to tell us with all your friends and companions. La Belle's safely bypassing Caravel to Port Omori and receiving a specified fee from Magisa, you need to contact him again. He will say that the Local Merchant Ives Samua is looking for someone who will carry his coffee to Isil Drainzh. If the reputation of Nicolas Sharpe is not lower than Plain Fellow, Samua will agree to immerse our ship 1200 coffee centers designed to send Joseph Godongville. It will exchange coffee with 1200 chocolate centners that need to be delivered back to Samua. But we can snatch a little and take the coffee not Godonville on Ail Drainzh, and Jana Neville on Belflor. The latter is ready to exchange 1,200 coffee centers for 1600 chocolate centners. Returning to the IVA Samua, we give him the stipulated 1200 centners and get 2,500 gold for their work - and at the same time we have another 400 cents of chocolate, which can be easily sold. The following task is optional and intended for those who want to change the plot line of the game. On the streets of Isil Downtrage, we encounter an old woman who tells us a story about the lost ring ... She is clearly not in themselves. Speaking after that with the owner of the tavern of Isil Downtroza, we learn that this woman is the name of Josephine Sodle and that her son died during the assault of Ayla Ballery by the French fleet. Having learned about his death, she went crazy and always told about some kind of ring with sapphire she lost. We need to get to Isle of Isla Ballene, and for this, most likely, you will have to change the Corsair patent. Asking Arno Manlly, the owner of the tavern, about the ring with sapphire, we learn that one of the local girls named Francesca wears such a ring. She is a weak, and to pick up this ring does not work. We leave the tavern and in the street are familiar with France. Taking her story about the insane woman, we get a ring for free, otherwise we will have to pay for it. Returning to Isil Drainage, we give this ring Josephine Sodle. Seeing him, she comes to himself. And another couple of optional tasks. In the tavern of Isil Downtroza, we meet Arto Muleta, who tells us the story of your unfortunate life. A year ago, Nicolas de Montferrat put him at the head of the expedition, which went to search for new lands to the south of the archipelago. Unfortunately, the expedition died, and only Artoi Muletu managed to return. When he came to Nicolas Montferrat, he announced that Artoi Mulet simply missed the expeditionary funds and now appeared to him without the slightest evidence of his words. Then he kept Arto Muleta and drove him from service. We can offer him to enter the service to us (if Rang Nicholas Sharpe is below 7, he will refuse) or try to persuade the Montferrat to take artoi back. From the last venture will not work, but after we tell artoi about your failure, it can be hired regardless of the rank of Nicholas. After we saved the daughter of Francois de Bhu from captivity, you will be able to meet a merchant on the streets of Tel Cerrat, who will ask us to accompany his ship to Isil Drainage (if the reputation of Nicolas Sharpe is not lower than Plain Fellow). After we open up Pinas "Joan" on Isil Drainage, you need to talk to the studio to get paid from him. Instead, he will offer us his pylon tube (secondary quality), but this replacement can be refused. But we were a little distracted - after all, the wedding is on the nose. On Omori, we find an approach of Modestus, who is ready to secretly marry in love with just 3000 gold. He promises to visit Balflor immediately after he finishes his affairs, but his affairs is obviously a little - by that time, as we return to the island, Prior is already waiting for us there. Looking into the residence of the governor, instead of the Monsieur de Beggju, we celebrate Jacqueline and Modestus there. Talking with the prior, we get 10,000 experiences, and after that it begins slightly ... Mr., slightly abbreviated version of the wedding ritual. Once again on the streets of Belflora, we return to the residence of the governor and we get a new task from Monsiery. Spain and England intend to conclude an alliance, and the diplomats of both powers are preparing for a secret meeting near the uninhabited Island of Aliano. We must go there and sink both ship - English and Spanish. If we manage to do everything neatly and not leave any traces, the two powers accuse each other in perfidy, and the future alliance will not take place. Carefully sulking both ship, we return to de Beju and learn that we were assigned the Baron title and the rank of Admiral French Royal Fleet. There is another news: after the death of his ambassador, the Spaniards tried to plant a landing on the coast of the English colony of Hyok. The attempt was unsuccessful, and now the garrisons of Spanish forts are significantly weakened. We are entrusted without losing time for nothing, capture the Spanish colony of the Costa Sinistra. After successfully carrying out this operation, de Biju sends us to capture the English colony of Hairok. The British have almost ended the descent of the newest warship, and if we manage to capture the island, this ship will go into the French hands. Hayl is very well protected, and at the time of this operation we get a linear ship in the profog (if the rank of Nicolas Sharpe is above 4, you can simply take this ship to yourself). After capturing a khayina, we get an order to take an ultimatum de Beju Olaf Ulson. Upon his return, the governor will tell us that the British and Spaniards still united and are going to attack Ail Drainzh. De Bizu firmly confident that France has enough effort to reflect this attack. His plan is to capture the Spanish colony of Isla Ballery, while the Spaniards themselves will attack Ail Drainage. To fulfill this task, de Beju offers us that the most combat ship that we managed to capture on the shipyer shipyer. By the way, at this point we can completely ask the governor of his daughter from the governor and get dodged in 8,000 gold - or confess that they are now, to some extent, relatives. Capturing Isla Ballene and returning to the governor, we learn that the attack is preparing to the island. Having gathered the remnants of their ships, the allies are sent to the belflore in a vain attempt to reverse the course of hostilities. With the support of Fort, we must protect your island. After the attack is repelled, the governor will pay with us in two previous missions and will say that for the final defeat of the Spaniards and the British in the archipelago there remained to capture the English colony of Tendeylz and the Spanish Grand Avialy. After successfully implementing this last task, we return to de Bhu, and he solemnly reads us the royal decree appointing Nicolas Sharpe by the vice-king of the archipelago. Spain In order to start the Spanish line, we need to accumulate five thousand gold and sail to Shark Island, where the Spanish agent can be purchased a fake Spanish Corsair certificate. After that, you need to sail to the main Spanish colony of Grand Avialy and get the present testimony from Alcald Ricardo Ferrer de Merkadala. De Merkadal immediately gives us a commission to deliver an urgent message to the Second Spanish Alcald, Guilbertusa and Muntlya, to Isle of Isle Ballene. The island appears on the map. Having delivered a letter and receiving payment - 1000 gold, - we go to the tavern of Isil Ballene. The owner, Arno Manul, tells us about a terrible pirate, terrorizing Spanish merchants. Returning to Alcaldo, we reveal the desire to participate in the hunt for the pirate, which, as it turns out, is the name of Francois Jovignon. Alcald advises us to ask about the pirate on Sharc Island and reports that Zovignon's head Senor de Merkadal appointed a solid award. The island appears on the map. Returning there, we get acquainted with Olaf Ulson and ask him about Francois Jovignon. He talks about the fact that Francois appeared in the archipelago recently, but refused to join the coastal fraternity, and therefore was expelled with Skalshorz. They say his ship seen near the uninhabited island of Aliano (this island appears on the map). After going to Aliano, we encounter Pirate Shnyavi there. Speaking it, you can go back to de Merkada with joyful news that the evil pirate will no longer rob poor merchants. However, Don Ricardo clarifies the situation. It turns out that we sink some pirate, accidentally turned around Aliano, and Jovinyon with its ally now attacks the Spanish colony El Cayman, where the ship arrived with a request for help. Alcald sends us to El Caimano, since he has no other ships at hand. Saying to El Cayman, we go to the tavern and bring acquaintance with her owner. He tells us that Jovignon captured the island, received a redemption for noting the city, and sailed. In the tavern we are waiting for a stranger. For a thousand gold, he offers us information that will allow you to catch Jovignon. Paying him, we learn that in fact the Ulsson conspired with Jovignon and gave him asylum to Sharc Island. In return, Jovignon shares with Ulsson prey. We return to Shark Island and blame Ulsson in collusion with Jovignon. The pirate is flared, but everything will cost without a fight. It turns out that the stranger, to whom we paid a thousand, and was Francois Jovignon with his own person. Ulsson claims that Jovignon really founded the base somewhere on Aliano, and in confirmation of his words, it invites us to go there accompanied by his own brig. This time, Francois Jovignon and his accomplice really are near Aliano. Speaking their ships, we can return to Don Ricardo Ferrer de Mercadal for the promised award. Handing it, Don Ricardo sends us to the rockscreen to meet with José Maria Lopez, a Spanish informant who has an important report. Jose Maria Lopez we can find on the streets of Gray Sailz. He tells us that the British intend to attack the Spanish colony Ayla Ballena. Time remained very little, and we must immediately notify Alcalda Ayla Ballene about the preparing attack. Guilbertus de Muntral orders us to defend the island. Fort Ayla Ballene will help us to reflect the attack of the Britley. After the battle, we receive from de Multrala reward for our feats. Alcald also reports that he received a letter, which states that Don Ricardo de Merkadal wants to see Captain Nicholas Sharpe. Several optional missions that we can perform during the passage of the game: * In the Grand Avilia tavern, we meet Padre Ignacio, the Spanish priest who is going to swim on the rockshorz to enjoy the pirates to the Holy Church. Having delivered it there, we get experience and raising reputation. * After we delivered Padre Ignacio to Shark Island, the master of Tommy Barkhead will tell us that the efforts of Padre did not disappear, and the pirates turned to the Holy Church. They decided to restore the old church, who stood on Sharc Island, when he still belonged to the French, but for this they need an old map of the colony. Most likely, the card can be found from someone from the French governors. We go to Nicolas Montferrat. He will say that he has a similar card, but just like to give it to him. The governor is ready to exchange it on some kind of Dicks, to which he is a big amateur. We float on Tel Cerrat and you have a brace, we buy for 300 golden vintage dagger for 300. Returning to the Montferrata, we change the dagger on the card and we carry it to Thomas Barkhadu. In a reward for the implementation of this task, we get a thousand gold, 500 experience points and +5 to reputation. * On the streets of Ayla Ballene, we encounter a woman - Catalina. She will ask us to find out what happened to her beloved, Carlos Esperanza - he was a soldier in one of the Spanish punitive expeditions against pirates. After going to the governor, we ask him about the fate of the expedition, without specifying the fact that we are interested in the fate of one soldier. The governor says that the expedition disappeared to the island of Intache. What exactly happened - he does not know. Tavernacker Arno Manne tells us that the expedition was surrounded near the island of Intuch Pirates. In that battle, many Spanish soldiers were captured and sold by pirates on the slave market in the rocks. We go to Inhuel. There is a pirate ship El Lobo - before he was part of the missing squadron. Speaking it, we return to the governor and tell him about the fate of the expedition. Our reward is a thousand gold. After that, we go to Gray Sailz and talk to the workers of Raimundo. He tells us that the Spanish soldiers participating in the expedition were captured, but when the Ramundo ship passed near the French colony of Omori, Carlos jumped overboard and, thus escaped. On Omori we really meet Carlos. Speaking with him, you need to return to Catalina and inform her that Carlos is alive and will come back to it * on Ayla Ballene Street We are meeting the Englishman named Bartolomew Olster. He asks us about the girl named Karl. Naturally, we do not know any Carla - she is a whore in a local tavern. Looking into the tavern and talking to her, we mention that she is looking for Bartolomew Olster. The girl is clearly alarmed and even refuses to fulfill its work. Take a look at Alcald de Multrala, we learn that his secretary Bartolomew Olster was found dead under very strange circumstances. Having learned that Bartolomew was connected with Carla, Alcald instructs us to investigate this business. On the streets of the city, we need to find a person named Jayme Qigermann. He is the only one who did not use the services of Chala. Khaima tells us that Karl was doing witch. Having learned about this, we go to Arno Manlly and, threatening to give it to the witch's accomplicice, find out from him where Charles disappeared (at the same time you can spin it into a couple of thousand, but at the same time we will have a reputation). The teacher says that Charla sailed with the captain named Miguel Kenda for one of the little Spanish colonies. He knows anything else. In the tavern El Cayman, we find Viktor Martos, Bottchman from Miguel Kenda ship. He tells us that a woman on board brought the captain to death, and then escaped from the ship near Grand Avilila. Sayer to the Grand Avilia, in the tavern, we finally meet Carla again. You can accuse it in the witchcraft and commitment to the Devil, and then find opposite the residence of Alcald inquisitor and give him a witch. The poor girl will burn, and we will be able to return to Alcaldo Muntlya and get a reward. However, there is a second option: After listening to the story of Karla, you can let it go to all four sides and get 5000 experience for it. * The owner of the tavern for the Grand Avilila - Elgano Salvador - asks us to help him get rid of smugglers who are driving a cheap rum to his competitor. For this he offers a thousand gold. Everything is very simple - we leave in the sea and, finding the Bark "Vessel", to Top or capture it. After that, you can return to Enero and get your money. * After we were sinking Francois Jovignon on the streets of the Grand Avilius, the merchant named Theodoro Alameda will come. For two thousand gold, he will asked to accompany his Galleon to the Costa Sistor. If we agree to this task, then after its implementation, we will need to be found on the streets of Costa Sistor Teodoro Alamed and get their money. * If the reputation of Nicolas Sharpe is Good Matey, then Waldrio Garcia, the shop owner on the Costa Sistor, will ask us to deliver 50 centners of the black tree Simon Bencas, the owner of the store on Isla Ballene. For this he offers 2000 gold. Immersating a tree on the ship, we deliver it to Simon Bencas on Isla Ballene and return the money to Waldrio Garcia. We return to the Grand Avilia, where Don Ricardo offers us an award in 5,000 gold for capturing the English colony of Grandfather Island. Returning after the fulfillment of this risky task, we receive an order from Don Ricardo to sink the two newest English schedule, who had just come from the shipyard of Glasgow. On the way, the ships fell into the storm and now stand on anchor near the small English island of Ical, correcting damage. If these ships replenish the English squadron, the Spanish fleet will simply have nothing to oppose the British. The ranges must be surfplanted or captured now while they are repaired. By completing this task, we return to de Mercada. He reports that we were assigned the title of Spanish Grand and Admiral of the Spanish Fleet. After that, Don Ricardo introduces us to a course of political events. France and England concluded an alliance against Spain. It became known that the French collect the fleet to attack some Spanish colony, but what exactly remains a secret. De Merkadal releases us, saying that he now has no tasks, but if we manage to find out what kind of colony is going to attack the French, we must immediately inform him about it. Having left the residence of the governor de Merkadala, we go to the tavern. The host, Elgano Salvador, tells us that the Corvette of His Brother, Captain of the Spanish Fleet Roberto Eggano, recently took the French messenger Brig to board, on board which there were any state of emergency importance. In the battle, Corvet was very damaged, and now it is repaired on the pier of the colonies El Cayman. Going there, we find in the tavern El Cayman Roberto Eggano and talk to him. He transmits us captured documents with whom we return to the Grand Avilia to Don Ricardo. Among these documents is the plan of attack on Isle Ballene. Don Ricardo complains that the Spaniards do not have enough strength to protect the island from the Union Attack, and we offer him a bold decision - to get ahead of the enemy and attack the French ships around the island of Tel Cerrat, where the French have a penny of Randev. Don Ricardo will doubt the reality of this adventure, but still gives its consent and even gives our own combat ship in our disposal. We float to Tel Kerrat and enter the battle with superior enemy forces. The fight promises to be difficult, but sooner or later the victory will be behind us. Speaking the last ship of the Union Fleet, we get a task to capture the French colony of Isle Drainage, then - English Hyok and French Balflor. Returning to the victory after the capture of the Belflore, we learn that pirates have recently osmellies and literally lives do not give shopping and messenger ships. We will be entrusted to go to Shark Island and transfer to Olaf Ulson Ultimatum Done Ricardo. Since Ulsson enjoys an authority among the coastal fraternity and has a reputation as an insightful person, Don Ricardo hopes that the pirate will understand the situation and will not oppose the inevitable. Near Sharc Island attack us, pirates, who obviously do not like the idea of \u200b\u200bleaving the native island and get out of the archipelago. Crawing with them, we convey ultimatum to Ulvon. The old pirate understands perfectly well that he has no choice and agrees with the requirements of Don Ricardo. We return back to the victory and get the last task - to capture the English colony of Tendels. The Spaniards seek to take possession of the whole archipelago, and therefore the colonies of other countries on it are not a place. Capturing Tendeylz, we return to Don Ricardo Ferrer da Merkadala and learn about the fact that we were appointed by the vice-king of the archipelago. Pirates to start passing the game for pirates. We need to join the coastal fraternity. Until a certain turning point, the passage of the game for pirates can be combined with the passage of the game for someone else (England, Spain, France). After going to the rocks, we get acquainted with Olaf Ulsson, and he invites us to replenish the ranks of the brotherhood. Agree. After that, on Grandfather Island, we encounter Yujina Hakster, an old jeweler, who identifies the medallion, which lies in the chest of Nicolas Sharpe. He says that this medallion he made many years ago for Malcolm Sharpe, the famous Pirate, who delivered the Spanish Emerald Cargo. Having learned about it, we go to the Ulson and ask him about the father. Olaf tells us that once he walked under the start of our father and that Malcolm Sharpe disappeared after Olaf was left on the shore with a fever attack. He also adds that we can learn about the fate of Sharpe in two members of his team who stayed alive. One of them is a single-legged Burkvist, he has not leaving Gray Sailz for a long time. The second - Maurikio Camenta, who has long left the pirate craft and now owns a tavern on the Spanish Island of Costa Sinistra. At first we sail on Gray Seylz to talk to the single-legged Burkvist. He talks about the fact that Sharpe ruled the Spanish Emerald Cargo and then buried somewhere treasure, and then disappeared. He does not know any details about the death of Sharpe or pretend that he does not know. Maurikio Camentata refuses to tell something while we do not fulfill his order - you need to take a letter to Lorenzo Marquez Avio, a merchant for the Grand Avilila. Having delivered a letter (for this we will have to temporarily pass over the side of the Spaniards), we get a cargo car for Mauritios Camenty at the merchant. After that, he will tell us about the last swimming of Malcolm Sharpe and suggests half the map of the island, on which Sharpe buried his treasures. Maurikio asks for her 1000 gold, but you can persuade him to give a card with free. Returning to the Ulson, we tell him about everything that we managed to find out. Olaf advises us to try to talk about the father with Desmond Raymond Beltropom - the leader of the Pirate settlement of Gray Sailz. From this conversation, nothing good happens. Beltrop laughs at us, and we cannot adequately answer him without graduating your life in ree. Returning to the Ulson, we tell him about our conversation with Beltrop. Olaf expresses a couple of reflections on the words of the head of the pirates, and then invites us to turn one Delza. We have to sink Karavella "San Miguel", belonging to the merchant named Julio Uzernad, which "ordered" his partner. Caravel is located near the island of Grand Avias. On the implementation of this task, you need to report to "Delkuchu" by Marcus, who will wait for us on the island of Tel Kerrat. He will pay us for the execution of the order. We ask Ulsson about what we do with a map received from Kattya. He says that, undoubtedly, Beltrop knew our father and heard about the treasures of Malcolm Sharpe. It can be caught on that piece of the card that we have, but you can not do it right, in the forehead. If you go to him and declare that we have a map, Beltrop will simply climb us and take it. According to Ulsson, Beltrope needs to somehow deceive. But how exactly - above this we still have to break your head. Speaking the urgent and having received money for Markus's money for this, in a conversation with him we learn that Marcus professionally fakes securities and documents. Having proposed to make a fake, slightly modified duplicate card received from Mauritios Camenty, we pay for this 2000 gold and go with a fake card to Belfrop. By replacing a story about our father on her (who also not really truthful), we can either pretend that they are ready to be a friend of Beltropu, or in the open declare that he will pay for his atrocities. Several optional tasks that we can perform when passing the game: * In the Tavern Shark Island, we meet the pirate named James Callow. He tells us about the Indian idol, taken by the old Indian priest. According to him, this idol brings misfortune. Pirate wants to get rid of the damn ribbed, but how - does not know. Several times he tried to throw an idol, then he mysteriously returned back. According to the old Indian, whose James took the idol, you can only give this statuette. Pirate asks us to help him get rid of the damned idol and give this bauble Desmondon Rai Baltropu, with which he is not in Lada for a long time. Agreeing to help him, we go to Berthrup and hand him a gift. If Rang Nicholas. Igor Savenkov

Korsara is a wonderful pirate game from Russian developers. In ideological terms, it is largely inspired by the legendary game "Pirates!" Side Meyer and can even be considered its 3D remake. In the role of the young Captain Sharpe, you will have to taste all the charm of pirate adventures: to make dashing raids, take the ships to the boarding house, unraveling cunning intrigues, seeking to move on the service staircase and find legendary treasures, simultaneously finding out the secret of their origin ... Magnificent graphics and a lot of special effects create The stunning effect of presence. The game spoils only the abundance of bugs, which, however, already corrects the Akella team.

In the West, the game was published by Bethsoft called Sea Dogs.

Corsair Mightily

So, you are a young English captain Nicolas Sharp, which fled from the Spanish captivity. You are heading to the Heycast Island, the capital of the British colony, in order to receive the Corsair patent, allowing you to "legally" to rob the Spanish ships (in fact, not only Spanish) and thereby pay their losses, as well as caused moral damage. However, you are not required to receive a Corsaire patent from the hands of the British and can take it from the French or even from the former offenders - Spaniards. Finally, no one forbids you to join the pirate brotherhood and become a "free pirate." Depending on what path you choose, you are waiting for four completely different plots and, it means four different passages of the same game. However, the goals of the game are about the same: if you take a Corsair patent, then your goal is to become the governor of the whole archipelago (whether from English, French or Spanish side), if you choose the way of free pirate, then your goal is to proclaim some "independent free pirate State "and become headed by him.


To pass the game, you must pass the chain of mandatory quests (different for each of the four sides: the British, French, Spaniards and Pirates). Main quests tend to give you governors of the islands. There are additional quests, not required for passing, but that can significantly help you in this matter. (For example, to get an excellent pylorous pipe, which can be seen absolutely all, even skills of officers of enemy ships.) These quests can give you anyone, so taking into account with all the oncoming transverse. You never hurry to turn the conversation, even if it seems to you that everything is clear, - the conversation can give an unexpected turn. In addition, you can get expuations, simply by listening to Bedni (or tips) interlocutors to the end. With some characters you can and need to speak on the second and third time: after making any action, they can give you additional information. (For example, such a hint: if something returns alchemist from Heyke, then after the first quest he will give you the second.)

All quests bring you so necessary experience and give, as a rule, gold or something useful (a valuable officer is poured into your team, you get a valuable subject or subject for further quest, etc.).

During the game, in principle, you can travel for any side. It is enough to sail to Shark Island (Pirate Island) and acquire a patent of any nation or become a free pirate. It will cost you in 5,000 gold and -10 reputation. Of course, it will complicate and confuse the passage of the game. For a normal passage there is no need to "change the owner."

Grow, grow, my captain!

You begin the green captain of the 12th rank (below does not happen), and as the game passes you can reach the captain of the 1st rank. Enhancement for each rank gives you the opportunity to control the ship of a higher class: Captain 12 and 11 of ranks can control the vessels not higher than the 6th grade, captain 10 and 9 ranks - ships not higher than 5th, etc. In addition, with raising rank, you are given 3 special points that can be used to develop certain skills.


Your captain has 9 skills, each of which can be pumped to the 9th level.

Navigation -enhances the speed and maneuverability of the ship.

Accuracy -accuracy of gun shooting; Each point increases the accuracy of 10%.

Recharge -recharge time is reduced by 5% for each point.

Coordination -all guns shoot not at the same time; Each coordination point reduces the time between the firmware of the first and last gun.

Protection -this is the skill of your team to hide with enemy shelling; Each defense point reduces the loss of your team by 5%.

Aborduzh -allows you to take an opponent's ships on the board from a longer distance; Each point increases by 5% "boarding distance".

Fencing -the ability to effectively fight when capturing an enemy vessel; Roughly speaking, this is the power of your impact.

Repair -the ability to repair the housing and sails right in the open sea; It is necessary in the holds of sufficient amounts of boards and cans. With the maximum "repair" value, you can repair the ship housing, damaged even by 90%. The higher the mining skill, the faster the ship is repaired: for every two points, repair is reduced by 1 day; However, the repair can not be completed faster than 4 days. If you have no command, the repair will go slower.

Commerce -skill to buy goods cheaper and sell more expensive; Each point reduces the sale price by 5% and increases the purchase price by 5%; However, this skill does not affect the price of the ship purchases.

What skills to develop first of all are depends on the style of your game. However, you can give a number of general councils. First of all, pay attention to the fencing. Even if you are not going to take the courts to the board, you still do it as early as possible this ability to at least 5. During the fulfillment of quests, you still have to take forties, where this skill plays a critical role: thanks to the high fencing skill you can cope with The enemy whose team is 2-4 times superior to yours. The main attention is paid to the 3 "rifle" indicators: accuracy, recharging and coordination - they significantly increase the firing power of your ship. Next, it will be useful to raise navigation, in order to initially have an advantage in speed and maneuverability. If you are going to industrialize the abortion, develop the same skill, which will facilitate your approach to enemy ships. Protection and repair - obviously secondary skills: fight well, and you will not need to "pull holes." Well, if you run into a strong enemy - immediately after the battle, head to the port and replenish the loss. And the commerce skill seems quite useless, since there are almost no problems with money (well, you will make an extra trade flight, in order to compensate for its low level).


There is another way to enhance skills - hiring officers whose skills give plus to your skills. True, officers, as a rule, have to pay a very decent salary (often even exceeding the total salary of all sailors), but it does not matter, since money can always be easily earned on trade. Officers can usually be found in taverns or get during the fulfillment of quests.

First Assistant -your right hand; Increases navigation. But most importantly, in the presence of an assistant, you can take prizes ships (captured during the board) and to take them into ports for sale (otherwise you have to drown them).

Canonir -perhaps the second in value officer. It raises the 3 most important skills at once: accuracy, recharging and coordination.

Boatswain -not the last face on the vessel: usually raises navigation and fencing skills.

Ship doctor -gives several points of protection.

A carpenter -adds multiple glasses.

Treasurer -enhances commerce.

The most valuable officers are presented in Table 1. Determines, where and how they can be hired - and it will not be interesting to play. We will only give a small hint: there are two first assistants in the game, and both can be found on the French islands (and the patch moves one of them to the pirate island).

We gain experience

So, increasing the rank occurs as experience accumulates. For each completed quest, you have experience points, however, these points are clearly not enough to quickly move on the service staircase and grind the desired steep ship. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with typical "pirate fishery": robbery of ships. Points are accrued for each across rummaged or captured ship, and for across it is significantly more (usually in the region of 2000-7000, whereas for the seizure of the vessel will not be given more than 2000). At the same time, your skill and skill are taken into account: for a direct hit in the powder cellar (the so-called critical hit, which leads to the immediate death of the ship) you will be given twice as much exp. If, floating on the gate, you manage to let the bottom of the frigate, then get significantly more experience than if you sink some pink there. The greatest exposure is given for the destruction of the fort (at least 20,000), but the case is not easy and achievable only on the "steep" sudnes not lower than the 3rd class. At the very beginning of the game, it is quite difficult to get the expuations of a direct pirate way, since almost all opponents are clearly stronger than you. Therefore, such a tip: Do not get involved in a fight alone, it is better to join the battle in which the ships allied you are involved. Then you can share their experience, making a very modest contribution to the defeat of the enemy.


Reputation is how people belong to you: whether they consider you a man of his word, able to help you out in any minute, or a windy vagabol who care only about their own well-being. With a low level of reputation, you will be difficult to negotiate something with people, and some may even refuse to talk to you. If you do not pay a salary on time with a low level of reputation, then the riot will immediately rise on the ship, and you will pull you on Ray (on this, naturally, the game will end). With a high level of reputation, you willingly deal with you, and the transaction (such as hiring officers, shopping ships) costs cheaper.

Accordingly, lead yourself so that people have a high opinion about you. Do not require extra or additional remuneration and follow the requests of the inhabitants (such as bring wines to a thirsty guard), do not throw allies in trouble. True, the reputation can be bought for money from a local priest on a dead island (+1 to reputation only for 100 gold).


1 Improved Manovaar 6000 850 140 11,50 30 20000 98 100000 90000 12 16 241 Manovaar 6000 800 175 10,50 25 18000 98 100000 90000 12 16 241 reinforced combat ship 3800 540 140 10.00 25 15500 68 85000 80000 12 16 241 combat ship 4000 540 140 11.20 30 14000 68 85000 80000 12 16 242 Heavy Military Ship 3000 500 150 8,50 25 13200 46 70000 65000 12 16 242 Military ship 2750 425 120 9.50 30 12000 46 70000 65000 12 16 242 Fast linear ship 2200 300 90 10,50 35 9200 46 60000 55000 12 16 242 Linear ship 2400 340 115 9.50 30 10000 46 60000 55000 12 16 243 reinforced frigate 2000 300 100 10.00 30 8800 34 45000 42000 12 16 243 frigate 2100 300 100 10.80 35 8000 34 45000 42000 12 16 243 Protsed Corvette 1500 250 70 11,50 35 7100 26 38000 35000 12 16 243 Corvette 1800 280 70 12.80 40 6500 26 38000 35000 12 16 243 Heavy Military Galloon 3100 450 100 6.00 15 7600 38 40000 37000 12 16 243 Military Galeon 3000 400 75 6,50 20 7000 38 40000 37000 12 16 244 Heavy Flute 2100 210 45 6,50 20 3600 24 15000 13500 12 164 Flute 1900 180 30 7.0 20 3200 24 15000 13500 12 164 Quick Galeon 2100 250 50 9.50 25 3600 36 35000 31000 12 164 Protsed fast galleon 2000 250 50 8,50 20 4000 36 35000 31000 12 164 Trading Caravel 2900 180 40 6,50 30 2500 28 20000 18500 12 164 Karavella 2600 190 50 7.00 35 2500 28 20000 18500 12 164 Light Caravel 2200 240 50 8.00 35 2300 28 20000 18500 12 164 Proved Brig 1200 160 45 10.00 35 2740 16 25000 23000 12 164 Brig 1500 160 45 11.00 45 2540 16 25000 23000 12 164 Reinforced Pinas 2100 200 35 8.00 25 3100 16 16000 14500 12 164 PINAS 2300 200 35 8.50 30 2900 16 16000 14500 12 165 Stressed Galeon 2000 180 50 5.00 15 4800 16 15000 13500 12 165 Galeon 2400 160 50 6.0 20 4200 16 15000 13500 12 165 trading shnyava 1400 170 50 10.00 40 1400 12 22000 20000 12 165 Shnyava 1100 150 50 11.50 45 1400 12 22000 20000 12 165 Quick Lugger 1200 100 25 7.00 25 1000 10 11500 10500 125 Lugger 1400 120 30 5.70 20 1200 10 11500 10500 126 Quick Barc 1000 75 20 9.00 30 950 10 12000 10500 126 Barc 1200 90 20 8.00 30 1100 10 12000 10500 126 Easy Slut 500 35 10 11.00 45 800 12 8000 6500 126 Slut 600 40 15 9,50 40 850 12 8000 6500 126 Heavy Barca 900 70 15 6,50 30 1000 8 8000 6500 126 Barca 800 70 15 7,20 35 900 8 8000 6500 126 shopping pink 600 50 15 7.50 45 900 9 6000 4500 126 Pink 400 40 15 9.0 55 800 9 6000 4500 126 Superior Bilader 500 50 10 9.0 45 850 8 6500 5000 126 Biladder 500 45 15 8.0 40 800 8 6500 5000 127 boat 30 6 1 5.0 50 50 0 0 0 07 Tartan 30 10 2 7.0 50 300 0 0 0 0
Class A type Load capacity (C) Max. Team Min. Team Speed Maneuverability Hit-Point Total tools Purchase price Selling price Available caliber

Ships are divided into 7 classes: from the simplest unarmed boat (7th grade) to the "floating fortress" - Manovar (1st class). At the very beginning, you are only available to all unpretentious pests of the 6th grade, but as Nicholas grows, you can purchase increasingly solid vessels. When choosing a ship, pay special attention to its speeds and maneuverability: a shock shoe with a skillful tactics is quite able to sink a low-ferrous ass, possessing at least 2-3 times greater firing power. Then look at the number and caliber guns. Next - to the maximum number of the team: the more, the better, although at first it may seem the opposite, because each sailor must pay 50 golden monthly. However, by spending at least one boarding battle, you can clearly feel the advantage of a large team. Load capacity on ships above the 6th grade practically does not play roles (the places in the holds are usually enough).

The selection of the ship depends on your preferred tactics of marine fighting. But if you bet on speed and maneuverability, the typical chain of transition from the ship to the ship looks like this: Pink - Slut - Shnyava - (perhaps Brig) - Corvette - (perhaps a quick linear ship) - a combat ship. The desired goal of many players is to swim on Manova, however, to pass the entire game, it is enough to restrict ourselves to Corvette - the fastest and high-depth ship with a decent firepower.

For more information on all ships, see the table above.



The charges are four types: the kernels are applied the largest damage to the case, knocked - sails, boot - team; Bombs cause damage to everything and are especially good when shepling forts, however, bombs and cost more. Bomb prices are about the same everywhere, but in the French islands just below. Especially high bombs are appreciated by El Cayman, so you can get rich very quickly, delivering them to this island. Please note that all shells have different flight range, and this range depends on the caliber. Full data are presented in these tables.


In the game 20 islands, and almost all of them are inhabited. In general, there are no "useless" islands in the game: even if the island is deserted, it means that it will be possible to perform some quest at one time. The islands appear on the world map as they become known to you (usually in conversations with anyone or when receiving a quest). But the islands can be opened independently, just asking the course of the Namaum on the world map. At the same time, it is not necessary to "stumble" to the island at all: it is enough to swim next to it. (Cheat: The Resource \\ Images \\ map \\ russian subdirectors contain an open card as a graphic file map_open.tga, which can be viewed in almost any graphic editor / viewer.)


In the inhabited islands, whole settlements and even cities spread out. The whole "life" in the game occurs in the cities: there you will produce all the information, take quests, hire a team, traded and equip your ship. On the largest islands there are 4 types of "useful buildings":

Tavern -only here you can replenish the salary command of the sailor (click F1, choose the "state" and click on the button "Hire"); Most often, it is in taverns that can be found officers to hire their team and meet other useful people.

Score -here you can buy / sell goods and ammunition.

Shipyard -here you can sell your own or prize ship (but not ships allies) and buy a new ship; You can also repair your ship (allies ships too) and replace guns to more perfect.

Palace -this is the residence of the governor of the island; Usually the governor gives you the required quest - however, only if you have a patent of his nation; If you do not have a patent, then you can only talk to the governor, but you will not receive any quest.

You cannot enter the city, protected by the Fort, if its population is hostile to you. Maximum what can be done is to bomb fort and take MZDU from the local population; However, you will not be able to talk to anyone, and you will not be able to enter anyone else (except for the Palace, where and get MZD). After you leave the island, the fort will automatically restore, and the city will heal like anything happened. (So \u200b\u200byou can, if you want, repeat the plunder.) The exception is only the case when the defeat of the fort was a quest task. Then the city goes under the flag of your nation with all the consequences from here.


Trade is the easiest, easiest and safest way to enrich. You buy the goods on one island and sell them on the other - it turns out a kind "shopping simulator". "Fishka" here is that there is a list on each island

Trade islands
Island Cocoa Sugar Wine Blights Rum Tobacco Coffee The Red tree Wheat Ebony Bombs
Orange - + + - - + -
Belfort + + - - - -
Ooro. - + - +
High + - + + + - -
Tendylz + + + - -
Dead Island + + + - -
El Cayman + - + -
Ballen + + - - - +
Aviam + + - - - + +
Sinista - +

Note: "+" means export; "-" means import.

Import / export goods. Imported goods are expensive, and exports go at random prices. So ship export goods, carry them to the island where they are import items, sell, load new export goods, carry them to the next island, etc. In this way, it can be enriched at least to infinity without anything else. Only here have two "but": 1) Do it at a time when you do not have "burning quests", that is, those that need to be performed during a certain time; 2) Your peaceful occupation can interrupt pirates; If you do not have a strength or desire to give them a message, stored before each sail and reboot if this unpleasant event occurred - most likely it will not be after the reboot.

It makes no sense to buy / sell goods that are not marked as imported / export - in this case, you will most likely find yourself even at a loss or won the smallest. In order to you it was easier to navigate, in Table 5, we present a list of import / export goods across all the islands (excluding several islands, where there are no export or imported goods). If, for example, you play for the British, then from the very beginning of the game you have enough secure route: Tendylz - Hayrok - Dead Island. We ship on the Tendelz cloth and coffee, sell the cloth on the high, ship there still coffee and drive all the coffee on a dead island. Revenue in 7-9 thousand gold in 3 weeks you are guaranteed! (It requires a written with displacement of about 1000 centners).

But if you consider yourself a real pirate, deal with the appropriate affair: rob shopping ships! But do not try them, but take the board. If you sweat the ship, then there is little money in money: only we will collect miserable crumbs floating on the site of the death of the ship. But if you capture the ship, then all his load will become yours, and you can sell it like yours. In addition, in the captain's cabin you will find several thousand gold coins (usually 2-5 thousand). Well, most importantly, you will get a captured ship, which you can take to the nearest port and sell. Only for this you need to have the first helper, which will temporarily go command to the captured ship; In addition, your team should have enough, at least at least, on both ships. If there is no first assistant, and captured by the ship class above yours, it makes sense to transfer to someone else's ship, so you will sell it and return it. But, in principle, you can stay to command the ship, to which you have not yet grown in rank. Only in this case, you get a fine -1 to each skill, multiplied by the difference in the classes of ships - so it is hardly worth doing this (for example, if you can manage only 5th grade ships and reproach to the Corvette of the 3rd class, then get -2 to each ability.)

Thus, the seizure of one merchant ship is approximately equal to one trading turnover. However, in case of capture, you also get experience! The defeat of the fort with the subsequent capture of the city is even more profitable, but the most difficult thing. For this you get at least +15000 gold and + 20000 experience!

Sea battles

Ship control

You can make maneuvers and shoot with the appearance of both "from the third" and "from the first person" (transitions - key Q.). Maneuvering, of course, more convenient, watching the whole picture from above, but shoot, as a rule, better "from the first person" - after all, then you have the opportunity to aim yourself. The exception is two cases: 1) the foggy weather, when no damn is visible, and your canonir, however, manages to shoot aiming; 2) you were between two enemy ships; Then, by clicking on the "Space", you simultaneously shoot from two sides, then you can go sharply. "One of the first person" can also be used by a picking tube (key Ctrl). Having a pipe on the ship, you will get the most important characteristics (the "cool" pipe allows you to get complete information, up to the skills of officers).


Due to the skillful tactics, you can bear the enemy, which is several times superior to you on firepower. The whole "chip" here is to the palp on the enemy himself, without receiving in response. A typical maneuver - to come in sideways to the nose of the enemy ship and shoot with all the board, because no ship has a gun on the nose. The second option - go on board to the stern, but here you risk running on a small buckle in the form of a shot of feed guns (usually insignificant, since no more than 6 guns can stand on the feed, and only the coolest ships; and so on the stern There are only 2 guns). To carry out all these maneuvers, you need to have the highest possible and maneuverable ship. But if you swim in the 8-2rd-clad, then all these maneuvers you are usually for nothing: to lower the sails and only turn around the place, tracking the opponent's maneuvers. As soon as it gets closer enough, wander all the board: rarely, what ship will survive 2-3 such a volley.

In general, from the very beginning, decide that you will do with the enemy: heat it or take it to the board. If you heat up - throw it out with nuclei and bombs from a long distance until it goes to the bottom. If you take on the board, then you don't have anything to breathe the ship's body - it will not affect its combat capability (and, moreover, the exhaust ship will cost less if you then want to sell it). So immediately charge the knocked and cut the sails to him. As soon as you have an overwhelming advantage in speed and maneuverability, it will be calmly approach from the nose or feed and water the creek command. Then you have to come sideways to the side (almost parallel) to the enemy ship - otherwise it does not take it to the board. As soon as your ship approaches the enemy on a fairly close distance (it is the greater, the higher the abortion skill), an icon with the image of the board "cat" appears in the right upper corner of the screen - then press F2. on keyboard.

It makes sense to go to the board if you want to get good and / or you know that an enemy captain is very weak in fencing (in this way you can defeat the enemy floating on stronger ships).


The boarding battle is symbolically represented by hand-to-hand fighting of two captains, but behind each of them stands the whole team in the literal sense: the number of hit points (then you mean health) of each equal number of its team. In addition, the strength of the captain depends on both his skills to fencing and, again, from the number of gabers behind his back. Remember that the battle is tactical, so it's not the one who is faster than a saber waving. The fact is that every captain is tired: the degree of its fatigue is displayed by a green indicator (right under the blue health indicator). And the more fatigue, the weaker the blow. Therefore, it is better to wait a bit and hit in full force than, zealous it is hammered by the keys, reward the enemy with 5% -10% blows. During the rest, watch the opponent, trying to guess the direction of his impact and set the desired block. Just remember that even a successful block skips part of the strike, so "sit down" will not work. Do not forget about fraudulent fins. Finally, the advice: be sure to sign up before the first boarding fight, since it will almost certainly lose it - after all, it is also necessary to get comfortable with the keyboard. Then this preservation will serve as a good simulator for catching fencing skill.

Taking Fort.

This is the most difficult, but the most profitable business. You will need a ship of at least 1-2th grade (although you can manage to endure the fort and on Brig). Load at least 1000 bombs in it (better than 3000). Go to 16 caliber - it has the highest shot range. Entering the harbor, pull out all the ships away from Fort and disappear with them (so that the Fort could not support them with fire). Now you need to take the most favorable position for the shelling of Fort. Focusing on the indicator on the mini-card, go so that the Fort is at the very border of your shelling zone. At the same time, it is possible to fit so that only one gun of the fort could beat you, and then for the most part I would not achieve. Fully lower the sails. Go to the form "from the first person." It is possible to use as much as possible - up to that position when it starts to disappear cursor-crossing. Shoot, shoot and shoot. When a message appears on the destruction of the first gun, go a little bit closer and shoot the second gun. And so on ... When all cannons are destroyed (a message about it appears), swim closer (until the icon appears with the image of the soldier in the helmet in the upper right corner of the screen) and press F2.. After that, you have to win a hand-to-hand match with the Governor of the island (like with Abordage). Behind him will stand 500 thugs.


If you are drawn into a forced battle, and you see that you have no chance to win it, then it is quite possible to try to escape. Expand the ship in the wind, lift the full sails and fly! You, of course, will be filled with chas. Sk up in the opponent from feed guns. If you see that the pursuers still overtake you, try to replace their sails to the bookkeys and continue to escape. (To speed up the process, you can click on R..) As soon as you conquer at a sufficient distance, get access to the world map and be able to float anywhere.


In the course of the game you can join allies. Allies are very desirable at the initial stage of the game, when the power of your own ship is very weak. However, by the end of the game, they are already becoming a clear curb, practically without bringing a real contribution to your victory, but sharing your experience. In addition, the allies have to patronize, so that they did not sink them, from which your reputation may fall.

Allies can be given orders of general type:

Follow me -an ally will follow your ship, shooting on all the enemies, turned out to be in the zone of his defeat. AI behaves with "straightly": if you lower the sail and start someone to fire, turning on the spot, then soon there will be an ally with low sails, standing in the fire line.

Attack -an ally will decide the ship to its full destruction.

Seizeit will not really capture the ship will not be, but will fire a fireball on the defeat of the team; So it is possible to be lacquered and sinking the ship.

Retreat -it is better to give this order at the original position, which is actually equivalent to the order "not to get involved in a fight"; In the future, this order is practically useless, as noticeably damaged ship, as a rule, simply do not give to leave.

Allied ships can be repaired in shipyard as their own, but they cannot be sold. You can download any product to the ally ship, only pick it up from there it is already impossible.

If you grab the prize ship and translate your first assistant to it, then such a ship will also be considered allied. The only difference is this ship is considered your property, so you can sell it or download any product from it.

Third Page

Inhabitants of the archipelago

Desmond Ray Beltrop

For many years, Beltrop has been headed by the Pirate settlement of Gray Sailz. His past is shrouded in darkness, and his reputation beats off the curious desire to ask questions. Cool and calculating bastard, he collected a whole group of such people around him who now support his power. Those who do not suit, from Gray Seylz usually be expelled.

Samuel Moronts

Governor of the main British colony in the archipelago, a high-ranking English official, chvany and greedy. It uses its position in order to extort bribes and picky treated money. However, you will have to behave with him if you decide to play for the British.

Jacqueline de Beju

Daughter Governor Belflore, Monsieur Francois de Bhu. Beautiful and educated girl who came together with Father from France. Accustomed to secular society there, in Paris, on the jacqueline archipelago, naturally misses. Probably, she would love to get acquainted with the young and pretty captain who had served in her father.

Gabril Dubinin

The only leaving from Russia in the game, a restless boatswain-Buzoter, who does not recognize even the concept of discipline. For many years spent on the sea, Gaburla sailed away from his homeland and at the same time he was dirty of experience. If you hire it as a boatswain, then his experience will help you to manage the ship, and its huge physical strength and the ability to carry people will contribute to you in a hand-to-hand fight.

"Golden" bugs

The game is abounding bugs. Some of them can be used as the real cheats (and do not need any codes and trainers!).

How not to pay your team?Bug: If you are not anchored, then at the beginning of the month you just do not need a salary (the appropriate offer will not appear)! So become anchored by the number of 29-30 and experience a couple of days.

How to avoid an unwanted meeting?Sometimes you are forced to draw the battle, without leaving no choice. Well, click on "Yes", and as soon as the screen will fill (turning into the battle screen), immediately press Pause(This is a button on the keyboard). Now click ENTER. If you have time to stop the game in time, you will be available to the world map, from where you can rescue anywhere.

How to defeat the Fort garrison in hand-to-hand combat?The problem is that initially in each forte at least 1000 soldiers, and after your shelling there is still a person 500 people. This is a bit too much, but you can no longer install fort, as soon as all cannons are destroyed. However, if you continue at this point and boot through this preservation, all guns will "revive", as if nothing had happened, but the number of soldiers will not recover! Here you have a great opportunity to quit the lively enemy's living power.

Note: All these bugs "work" in the original version 1.0.

Passage for the British (detailed)

First of all, do not forget to distribute you at the very beginning of 3 points of skills (input to the desired window via F1).

Heyok.Near the gate, talk to Billy with the guards and promise him a bottle of wine. Stream through the streets of the city and find theodore (in green camsole). He will tell you that in almost every city there are three useful places: 1) Tavern, where you can hire a team, listen to gossip and get auxiliary quests; 2) shipyard where you can repair the ship, buy a new weapon or a completely new ship; 3) Shop where you can replenish the ammunition, as well as to be purchased with a variety of goods. Listen to it to the end, and you will receive +250 points of experience. The old Pushkar (with a wooden foot) wanders in the streets. If you listen to the end of his reasoning about guns (elementary libez), then get another +250 experience. Talk also on the street with an unrecognized genius - Engineer Albrecht Zalpfer. He will talk about his brilliant invention, but you do not try to bring everything to the end - otherwise he will suspect a spy into you and refuses to talk to you. Instead, offer him a carpenter's place on your ship - Albrecht will agree to this work for free, but will come ashore at the next English island.

At the shipyard and in the store you do so far. Go to the tavern and talk to all people sitting there. Old sailor and old shirt will teach you some kind of navigation and fencing. After listening to both, and the other to the end, you will get + 250 + 250 \u003d 500 points of experience. From Roberto Gorlando, you will learn about the existence of the island of El Caimano, as well as that the Andriano Montefy living on it can be used to get an excellent pylorous pipe. Julius Ironkast agrees to serve the canonom on your ship for 600 gold per month - hide it. Listen also to the gossip of the tavern himself.

Now - to the palace. Local Governor Samuel Morothies will hand you a Corsair patent. Talk to the governor, and he will give you the first task - to take a letter to the island of Tendylz Tamadovna Governor Sir John Kenford Bruish.

Go to the goal, but before entering the sea, do not forget to hand the bottle of wine Bedolgeha Billy. For this act your reputation will rise by +1, and you will get an additional +250 experience points. Now you can talk to the second guards - Frederick, who will ask you to Roma. It is worth returning to the restaurant and buy a bottle is only for 1 gold. But by giving Rum Frederick, you will receive +250 points of experience.

Tendylz.When you go to the island, you will get +100 experience, and Albrecht leaves your team. However, do not rush to part with him and talk. During the friendly conversation, Albrecht will give you his drawings. Go with him in shipyard. There, you mark these drawings for 1500 gold (all the same, the drawings can not be used - there is a modity of the future wheel steam). Here you can already buy a more roomy boat, pre-selling your pink. Buy an improved biladder - he just loses a pink in maneuverability, but can carry cargo per 100 vengerents. It will be quite by the way, as a trading quest awaits you ahead.

In the tavern, it is possible, in principle, hire Bottchman Andrew Shu (400 gold per month) and the treasurer of Adam Mullao (1000 gold per month). Only on this you can hardly have enough money. But even if it is enough, it is not necessary to do this yet, otherwise your golden stock will completely run out, and you have nothing to pay with the team at the end of the month. Nevertheless, with Adam Moulin, you can talk in order to earn +50 to experience (Adam must ask, what he, actually knows how to do).

Now - to the palace to the governor. Handing him a letter, you will receive +500 experience and +2 to reputation. Take the following quest from the governor: Take the wheat of the starving colony to the Dead Island. Before sailing, visit the store and buy the place of coffee for the remaining in the hold (centners 114 will be released), which is highly appreciated on the Dead Island.

Dead Island.By the streets wanders the former Jeweler Eugene Hakster (in green camsole) - be sure to talk to him and let him carefully examine your medallion. Eugene will open the secret curtains over the history of your father - you will learn a lot of useful for further passage. Well, in addition, you will receive +500 points of experience. (At about this time, your rank will rise to the 11th, so do not forget to redistribute 3 new points of skills.) Now - straight to the tavern to the innkeeper. The innkeeper wants to thank you for the delivered wheat. It is better to modify the remuneration, because the innkeeper will be able to give you only 250 velves centners, which will still need to be implemented, and most importantly, your reputation will fall by 4 units, which is very noticeable (especially since the reputation can not be bought for any money!) . Talk also in the tavern with the canonom David Murrey and Praegross him about his service at Savaja - for this you will be given +1000 points of experience (Hiring David instead of Starny Julius is not worth it). In the tavern you can talk to the merchant who will offer you a quest: to accompany it first to Heiner, and then to Icalka (for 800 + 800 \u003d 1600 gold). Do not care for this quest, because you still expect a better quest more profitable and more appropriate. You will receive it in the store: Merchant Nigel Forster will ask you to take you to the Tendelz 400 venue centners, and from there bring the load of Cocoa, for which it will give you 2000 gold. This is the thing you need, especially since you need to return to Tendelz, in order to pick up the promised fee for the delivery of wheat. (Do not forget to sell him all the coffee, for which you get about 1125 gold!)

Before sailing, you can talk to the priest (it is standing at the end of the street for a tavern), and for the modest price of 100 gold, he will release you sins, which will raise your reputation by +1.

Tendylz-2.Go to the store and pass the load of the canvas, for which you get +1 to reputation. You will automatically be loaded with 150 units of coffee. You still have a place in the trunk, so hammer his coffee, so deficient on a dead island. Tell the governor about the task performed. He will want to reward you even more than promised. Speed \u200b\u200bmodestly, and then lose a few reputation points: it is also generously rewarding 2000 gold. In addition, you will get +3 to reputation and +1000 experience points. Ask the Governor among the following task, and it will incorporate that the shopping caravans between his island and Heirok often robs some pirate. You need to install who is this, and stop its activities. Go to the tavern and talk to the innkeeper. He will tell that one trader (Margus) miraculously escaped a pirate captivity, but now he is unconscious and it is not clear what to treat him - otherwise he could paint a lot about this pirate. Hire in the tavern of Bottchman (now you have money on it) and swim on a dead island.

Dead island-2.For the delivered cocoa you will receive 2000 gold, as well as +500 experience points and +2 to reputation. Sell \u200b\u200bin the store all your cargo coffee, for which you get about 1000 gold. Provise everything canvas and sugar in the same place, they can be beneficial to sell in Hair. The fellow traveler on Hyrok will be reached in the same tavern - the Jacob Ashton trader will ask you for 800 gold to accompany him there (plus another 800 for a further trip to Ical). Before sailing, you can look back to the priest to get +1 to reputation for 100 gold.

Hyokh-2.First of all, go to the store and sell everything cloth and sugar. Talk also with the seller, and he will tell that the miracle doctor of Alchemik Alumnus returned to the city, which can put anyone on the feet. It is very easy to know aluminum: he wears a red beard. Go outside and look for alchemist. By listened to His scholars Bedni, you will get the right drug. In the tavern you will find your companion Jacob, who will give you the promised award (800 gold) and will ask to accompany him and on Ical Island. You can refuse, but then you will lose 3 reputation points. It is better to fuse on the island, especially since there is there than to go.

Ical.Going to the island, you will receive +1000 points of experience. Contact Jacob, and he will pay you promised 800 gold. Your reputation will rise by +3. Go to the store and buy a "under the eyebreaker" of the canvas and sugar to sell in Hyok.

High-3.Sell \u200b\u200bin the store all sugar and canvas. Go to the governor and take the quest: accompany the ship to Tendelz.

Tendylz-3.Sit down from the ship, you will receive +500 experience and +2 reputation. Go to the innkeeper and give him a drug for the poor Marcus. In the same place, in the tavern, you will find the captain of that ship, which you accompanied is Lemuel Hamm. The captain will give you the promised 2000 gold and tells that it was a strange "valuable cargo" on his ship - 50 thugs. Go to the governor and tell him about this strange event. For this you get +250 experience. The governor, in turn, tells you that the royal auditor will come to the colony soon. Drink coffee and swim on a dead island. In the harbor you will be waiting for a pirate ship, but the Fort guns will quickly disappear with him. (This is at best; and at worst - you will have to fight with a pirate ship one on one in the open sea). You will find a note of the Matter Pirate Bertrtropa, and also get +500 experience points and +3 to reputation. After that, your experience should be enough for the 10th rank.

Dead Island.Sell \u200b\u200ball coffee and come back to Tendelz. (Actually, the purpose of this voyage is to wait until "recovers" Marcus.)

Tendylz-4.In the tavern you will find the recovered Marcus. He will say that the malicious pirate is called Roplaik, and that he often replenishes the reserves of provisions on the Spanish Island of El Caimano. Pirate floats on Corway - this is a very strong ship of the 3rd class; Therefore, you need to buy a sudine as much as possible. Maximum that you can acquire as a captain of the 10th rank, it is the Shnyava of the 5th grade. Buy it. If you do not have enough money, make several trade flights along the route Tendylz - Hairok - Dead Island. On Tendylze, ship coffee, canvas and sugar. In Highkee, sell the canvas and sugar and buy coffee. Then all coffee sell on a dead island. For one such flight, you can earn 7-9 thousand gold. (And in general, do a few flights "about the reserve", in order not there were no problems with the payment of salary.) When will be ready to swim on El Cayman, buy at the maximum bomb, which are highly appreciated by El Cayman.

El Cayman.This is a Spanish island, and with Spain you have, gently expressing, stretched relationships. Therefore, do not be surprised that the Spanish ships will be fired in the harbor. Do not pay attention to this and quickly disembark in the city (this can be done because there is no fort for El Cayman). Going to the store, sell approximately half of your cargo bombs - "good pension gain." In the restaurant, talk to Pirate (Philip Vilen), thirsty adventures. Give him 150 gold to repair the ship, and he will join you as an ally. On the street you can talk with two characters in order to get two more additional quest. Andriano Montefy will agree to make a super-duper for you, if you deliver it the optical glass of the highest class. It is possible to get a glasswork from Lorenzo Avio from the island of Grand Avias (only the island of this Spanish, and is guarded by the fort, so the path to you so far "ordered"). "Honest pirate" Ronald Legist will ask you to deliver a black tag Frederick Merch to Gray Sailz Island. For this he promises 2000 gold.

Battle with ropflake.Ropflake will wait for you in Harbor El Caimano. Immediately "Satravit" his ally is such a distracting maneuver. For the further fate of his partner, do not worry - he can even die, it will not affect you. As already mentioned, Ropflake swims on Corway, so it is practically unreal (or very difficult) to sink it with two weak ships (or very difficult). But it is easy to defeat him in hand-to-hand combat, because the Ropflake has a "fencing" indicator zero. So tactics are simple: come to Corvette and take it to the boarding, after having addressed to the card. (Ropflake can even go to the boarding board, bought on the numerical advantage of his team.) After victory, you can even transfer to Corvette to sell it then (and it is about 38000) and return your shnyavi. Do not forget to overload all the good from your ship. Now - to the Governor Brina, in order to report him about his brilliant victory.

Tendylz-5.Go to the Palace and inform the victory. The governor will give you 5,000 gold. Go to the shipyard, sell Corvette and buy shnyavi (do not forget to replace guns on the 16th caliber). It is time to visit the Morotus Governor. Swim on Hyok.

Highro-4.Morothies will order you to inspect the water of the island of Ical, not far from which Spanish ships were noticed. Well, the order is an order. Swim there.

Ical-2.In Itkin's harbor, you will find one Spanish 5-6 class ship, which will sweat without difficulty. Having landed on the island, you will find out that the city was looted by the Spaniards 2 days ago (and so it will always be, no matter how hard you tried to sail to Ical as soon as possible). You will tell you the owner of the store, and you will receive 1000 experience. There is nothing to do, we return to Hyok.

Hyokh-5.Mortytus can be painted by painting the victory of the English fleet, but the truth will open the next visit to the palace, and then you will lose the English patent (and then you will have to play another nation or inextentive efforts to earn the bison of the British). We will have to tell the truth. Morothies accuse you in slowness and incompetence. If they argue him, he will again take your patent. So you have to take all the blame on yourself. Morothies will put you out the door, saying that it will give you a new task next time. But this is not a trouble - the main thing, the English patent remained with us, and you have confessed +1000 experience for the right answer. Going to Khayina's streets, look at all the catches and find a stranger (clearly pirated outdoor). He will tell you that he arrived from Olaf Ulsson to convey that he expects you on the Pirate Island Sharc Island. There is nothing to do - you have to go to the pirates.

Shark Island.First, look at the tavern. There you will find the leader of the Pirate Brotherhood of Olaf Ulsson. Tolding him about the attack of Edwina Karakatitsa and about the found strange note, you will receive a Council to talk to the former first assistant Belterrop, whose name is Peter Ordo. However, Olaf has no idea where you can find Peter. Okay, find out yourself. But do not hurry to lag behind Olaf. Speak with him again and ask your father. Olaf will answer what he really served with him, but about the last years Malcolm Sharpe does not know anything. However, he will report that two members of his team remained alive now: a single-legged Burkvist from Gray Sailz Island and the former Kok Mavriciko Camentata, which contains a tavern on the Spanish Island of Costa Sinistra.

In the same tavern, you can talk to the "evil and terrible" pirate by Jase Callow. He will talk about his melloweer: he ran into a golden idol, taking it out by the Indian and bangs his face with an unfortunate Aboriginal. However, before the death of Indian managed to "attach" an idol of evil spirits, so now the idol owner will chase some failures that constantly happens to James. At the same time, the idol cannot be sold or just throw away. You can only give someone. You and James are born a magnificent plan: not to give if Idola Beltropu? For this, James promises to join you. Coming out of the tavern, as follows from the neighborhood. It is very likely that here you will come across Pablo Loco (if not, then look for it on Gray Seylz or on, on El Caymanno - but with El Caimano, so far having having fun). Speaking with him, let you know that you are looking for a rare grass for alchemist. Pablo will agree to help you, it will only incorporate that he needs a boat. Moreover, the "shop" is not suitable - Pablo needs a special tree, from which he will make the "clean" (from evil spirits) a boat. This tree grows only on a dead island. We note it for myself, but will head so far on Gray Sailz.

Gray Sailz.You will meet one-legged Burkwist right on the street (it is not difficult to find out if it is not? Hint: he is O-dn-o-legis). Burkvist will report that shortly before its disappearance Malcolm Sharpe made a very audacious and very large robbery of the Spanish colony. Where he was going to go - no one knows (in any case, Burkvist does not know). Going to the store and talking to his owner, you will learn that Ordo sailed to one of the English governors and that his ship is called "Destiny". Go to the tavern. There you can hire yourself someone. Kanonir Dreyfus Fitil will ask for its services 2000 gold per month - and it costs because it gives +3 to the accuracy, +3 to recharging and +3 to coordination. The carpenter of Jacques Dullarse will agree to join only 200 gold (gives +2 to the repair). We advise you to take both. You can also choose an ally - William Kabestank is controlled by Karavel, and it will be a stiff for you to help in the nearest battles. In the same place you will meet Frederick Crow. Give him a "black label". Now direct your feet into the "palace" of Bertrtropa. When talking with him, be attentive and cautious in their answers. From the first time you will not work - there will be only verbal switches. From the second right, you can already talk about the idol. Offering him as a gift, motivate your action by the fact that they realized who is a real owner of the island. In exchange, be sure to ask the award, otherwise Beltrop will suspect the trap. Beltrop will suggest you to take a quick galeon captured from the Spanish merchants - a simple sidino, we advise you to take it, for you are unlikely to have a better ship. But you can also refuse - Beltrop will not be offended. In addition to a bangled idol, you will receive +2000 experience.

Shark Island-2.Go to the tavern and tell James Callow that your idea succeeded: the idol was safely fused to Berthropu. However, James will say that I pissed you and refuse to join. However, as "compensation" it will give 2,500 gold - as, and this will fit. Before looking for ORDO, I will perform a couple of additional quests, in order to verify the experience and transfer to a more solid vessel.

El Cayman.Find Ronald Finished (he wanders through the streets). Tend him that his order was completed: Mole is waiting for him near the uninhabited Island Chatcha. Ronald will give the promised award in 2000 gold. Invite your help Ronald, remembering that Mole will not be alone. For this you get +5 to reputation and an excellent opportunity to listen. So swim to Chatcha's Island.

Battle with mole.Your forces will be approximately equal: both on your side and the side of the pirates will be 3 ships of approximately equal classes. The mole itself swims on the Question of the 4th grade. There are two possibilities here: to destroy the crotter and wash away. But it is better to destroy the entire pirate fleet: you are not a cowardous rat, and it does not hurt experience experience. How to fight - you know yourself. We give only one advice: do not spare Ronald ship; Even if he fears, after the battle of Ronald will still leave you.

Now it's time to remember about the task of Pablo Loko.

Dead island-3.Going to the store, you will acquire the desired tree for 1500 gold; It will then need to deliver Pablo Loko. But you will do so. Almost probably by this time your gold reserves will look markedly, and it is necessary to repair both your ship and an ally ship. Therefore, play a little in the "shopping simulator" on the route Dead Island - Hyok - Tendylz.

Returning to the main storyline. Now we need to look for Peter Ordo from one of the two English governors. Immediately, let's say that Mortytse will not help us, so we visit the brinse.

Tendylz-6.Governor Brin will say that Peter Ordo was really on the island, but then went to Tel Cerrat, "until the foul will end," according to his expression. Let us follow there.

Tel Cerrat.The island belongs to the French, but it is not protected by the fort, so you can safely enter the city. On the streets of the city, few hangs, and among them there is no Peter. The city has the only "useful place" - the store, so we will go there. The owner of the store will say that ORDO is truly visiting the island, and will give it signs: Peter carries a yellow handkerchief on the head. Now, going out on the street, you will meet Ordo. Peter will tell that Beltrop is going to attack the Tendelz, and someone from the high English ranks helps him. Peter intends to relieve the foul in Tel Kerrat, but he worries about the fate of his beloved girl, Alicia Gardener, who remained at Gray Sailz. You promise to help run alias from the island, and for this, Peter promises to join you. Not bad deal. On the street, you can also talk to Galien Bracier and buy a magnificent dagger from him for only 300 gold (maybe fit).

Gray Sailz-2.Alicia Gardenener can easily be found on the streets of the Pirate village. She will immediately trust you and agree to run with you - there are no problems here. Problems will begin when escape from the island: in the harbor you will be attended by a pirate frigate (sudine 3rd class), the captain of which is ordered to destroy you. With the support of Karavella Frederick, it is not so difficult to sink this frigate. However, it is possible to escape from him - but then he will pursue you whenever you show at Gray Sailz harbor. Swim on Sharc Island, in order to execute the quest, this Pablo Loko.

Shark Island-3.In Pablo, you will exchange the "sacred tree" without any problems for the weed of the weed and adding +500 experience. To finish all this bodianship with the quest, we float on the High.

High-6.Give the grass alumina (+1000 experience, +2 reputation). As a sign of gratitude, he will order one of his students to join your team as a surgeon. The name is his Dick Okhenwood, and he is waiting for you in the tavern. Well, a good ending of a quest, if you consider that DIC does not require salary at all, giving +2 to protection. We return to the main storyline - we need to deliver the girl to Tel Cerrat.

Tel Kerrat-2.Peter Ordo honestly fulfills the terms of the agreement and join you with your ship (he has a Brig, which is very stupid). Also, you will learn that Alicia pulled a box with documents from the cabin, among which there was one very curious writing. In it, someone tells Beltropu that everything is ready for the Storm of the Genelza. Place of collecting Pirate Fleet - Chatcha Island. Instead of signature - English stamp. So this will enjoy the Mortytus, wrote this letter (guessed the Stirlitz :))! Fearing for his based place, he decided to get rid of the young and honest governor of Brina. It was for this that two dilapidated frigates were discharged from England, which will be completely helpless against the Belterrop squadron; At the same island, the rebellion should support those fifty thugs from Bristol. So, you need to warn Brina.

Tendylz-7.But to warn about danger - it is only half. According to Brina, he lacks the authority to arrest Morotnes, but, fortunately, just now the royal auditor arrived at the archipelago - Admiral Alexander Gritstone. Brin writes a message to the auditor, which must be delivered to Hyrok, where it is now.

High-7.Alexander Gritstone you will find in the governor's residence. Fortunately, Morotnes in the palace is not, so you will freely give a letter right in the hands of Gritstone. At first, the auditor will not believe such grave charges, but the found letter of Morotnes to Beltropu will serve as irrefutable evidence. Gritstone orders the arrest of Morothies, and you will order to defeat the Pirate Fleet near the Chatcha Island. The battle is not so heavy, but not comic, so it's thoroughly "Zampit all holes." Do not forget to fix the ships allies. The wave is possible that your experience is already enough to transfer to Corvette - then everything is wonderful (where to get money - you know).

Battle with the fleet of Bertrtop.On the side of the pirates there will be four ships: Corvette (3rd grade), two vessels of the 4th grade (Brig and Karavella) and a trifle - the Sudine of the 6th grade. Try to "split" the fleet and deal with ships in turn. In addition to the usual "fee" for the destruction of ships, you will receive an additional +8000 experience and +3 reputation for the destruction of the entire Armada. Return to Gritstone to report about the brilliant victory.

High-8.Gritstone will give you 4,000 gold for the victory and "will award" the next order: to inflict a proactive blow and capture the Spanish Island of Costa Sinistra, while there is still not built new big shipyard.

Costa Sinistra.The capture of Fort is a difficult matter. Pre-reread the "Taking Fort" section and do not forget to download to the maximum of the nuclei before sailing. (When shepling the fort, it is better to order your allies not to interfere in this matter, but they will quickly sing them.) Entering the city, you will see a heap of corpses everywhere and you can not go anywhere. Fortunately, you will meet one surviving citizen. Speaking with him, do not require MZDU (Golden), and declare the island of the English colony (otherwise the island will remain Spanish, and your task will not be fulfilled). For this you get +5000 experience and +5 to reputation.

High-9.Gritstone will reward you 5,000 gold coins and will give another task: find out where the French are going to install new huge guns brought from Marseille and capture them. Going to the tavern, from her owner you will learn that the poor fellow of Alumnus fell victim to his own experiments: In search of Elixir of the immortality, he mixed out some native grass with peeled gold; Here, from such a "elixir" he died.

You have not yet forgotten that former COC live on the Costa Costa from the vessel of your father? So we float there, but along the way to look at the dead island.

Dead island-4.In the tavern you will come across the sailor named Laurence Norton. He will tell that three French ship met near Omori Island, from whom he managed only to leave. But the pair of salts still covered the ship, and one kernel was even stuck between the bulkheads. Norton has not yet seen such kernel: it is monstrous sizes and weighs about 48 pounds. Hehe, it seems that we attacked the right track: the French are going to install their new super-daspers on the island of Omori!

Costa Sinistra-2.The owner of the tavern - the former COF from the vessel of your father. However, he refuses to deal with you if you float not under the pirate flag. So wishes to change the storyline and find the inconspicable treasures of Malcolm Sharpe, let them float on the rockschorz and enter into the pirate fraternity. The rest will have to "break out".

Omori.Standard battle with standard fort and standard fleet in the harbor (for us it is already familiar, right?). After traveling, we must talk to the "respected citizen" and inform him that Omori belongs to England (do not be afraid of gold - then you will have to take the forty, who will immediately return the French citizenship to himself, you should sail from the shore). For this you get +5000 experience and +5 reputation. We return to Hyok, in order to notify about your brilliant victory.

High-10.The last touch is the last task. Now Gritstone will instruct you to seize the main database of the Spanish Fleet - Island Island Ballery. Upon returning, you will be awarded by the noble title and appoint the vice-king of the English colonies. What else is needed to meet carefree old age? But no one makes you do it. If you are not yet tired of adventures, you can not return to Hyok, but change the citizenship and go through the next chain of quests.

We will not give such a detailed passing for the rest. We will limit ourselves to a brief manual.

Fourth Page

Passage for the French

Basic line

First of all, you need to get a French patent. So swim on Belfort to the governor of the French colonies - Monsieur Francois de Bhu. You will receive the first task: to meet on the island of Gray Sailz with a French agent Auguste Bromont. (Auguste wanders through the streets of the pirate town, so finding it is very simple.) Auguste will give you a report for the governor, so come back to the Belfort.

From the report of De Bizhu finds out that his old buddy Tierry La Mole fell into the paws of pirates who demand a huge redemption for his head. There are no such money from the governor, and therefore you get a new task: to wake up on Isil de Orange to the head of the merchant guild, Orelyan Dupre, in order to take the required amount from him. The merchant will give you money for a debt receipt that you need to take back the governor.

Now the governor entrusts us to visit Belterropa - the leader of the Pirates - and inform him about the place and time of transferring a ransom. So we are sailing again on Gray Sailz. But Beltrop dictates its conditions: he demands that the ship with gold arrived on Gray Sailz smoothly in a week. Return to Belfort and report this to the governor. The governor naturally does not want to simply give all gold to the pirates and instructs you to complete this case on your own, no money nor support. As you float on Gray Seylz, there may be something else there.

Find on the street of the Pirate Town of Captain Deminos and talk to him on the street. Demeien recently switched to the serve to the French, only here is not enough: Beltrop found out about it and captured the ship, and also captivated most of the team. (Demin himself miraculously escaped.) The demeyne will offer you such a deal: you are exciting his ship - Brig "Odyssey", and demey himself, freeing his comrades from the prison, he will liberately and the poor fellow of the trader La Praying.

Brig "Odyssey" is anchored in Gray Sailz Bay. Just take it. It is necessary to take it on boarding it - otherwise you will not get the head of the captain "Odyssey", which then must then be transferred to demeyen as proof that you fulfilled your part of the transaction. Then talk to La Pray and come back to Belfort. On Belfort, we must once again talk to the merchant, in order to get a reward for his salvation. The governor will also thank you, but will not give any further tasks. What we will look for them on your own. We float on Isil de Orange - maybe there we will find out what a new one.

Going to the tavern, talk to Foker Arayna. He prepares the abduction of Jacqueline de Bhu (this is the daughter of the French governor) and will offer you to participate in this matter. From this vile offer, you naturally refuse. In the same tavern, you will meet the former captain of the French fleet of Milon Ansersville. Speaking with him, you will learn that Foker has already offered him the same thing, and now Milon is thinking ... It remains nothing to do, how to swim on Belfort, in order to warn the governor.

Francois de Beju refuses to believe in a plot and simply will get on you. There is nothing to do - go out of the palace. Going to the tavern, you will learn from the owner that the governor's daughter is still abducted. It's time to return to Francois de Beju and offer him your services.

Let's start my searches with your already familiar taverns on Isil de Orange. Having met Milon there and threatening him by the accusation of complication in the abduction of the daughter of the French governor, from it you can pull some information, and at the same time, to join us at the time of finding Jacqueline. It turns out that in the end, Foker hired a pirate named Michel Gattenshrag, so that he kidnapped the governor's daughter. After the abduction itself, Foker disappeared somewhere, and Michel can be found in the Pirate Archipelago.

We float on Gray Seylz and in the tavern we find Michel. (If your rank is below the seventh, then Michel will simply raise you on laughter and refuses to say anything.) Michel will report that Bark Foker called "Nemesis" stands at anchor at the uninhabited Island of Intuchla and is ready to immediately play and sniff, hardly freezing " strangers "on the horizon. Therefore, we persuade Michel to exchange ships for a while.

Bark "Nemesis" must be required to take on boarding (otherwise there will be no chance to find Jacqueline). In the captain's cabin, you will find a ring, and from the ship's journal you learn that this ring should be conveyed to some brandom Tabari, Captain Caravella, on board whose jacqueline languishes. Finding Tabari is very simple - he is driving time in the tavern on Isil de Orange. Having received a ring, he will personally deliver Jacqueline on Belfort.

On Belfort, the next, and a very difficult task await us. We will have to defend this island from the Spanish invasion. Zavarushka will be decent, but also a remuneration - too. After that, the governor will say that he has no tasks for you yet.

Well, we will seek adventure yourself. On the streets of Belfort you will meet a stranger and will give a note in which someone convincingly asks to look into the tavern. Well, go there. Ba! There, Jacqueline de Bhu is waiting for us and admits us (then you mean, Nicolas Sharpe) in love. Sin does not answer reciprocity. But there are three ways to do it. The first and most vulgar (proposal immediately spend the night together in the room on the second floor of the tavern) will not lead to anything other than the break and hostile relationship from France. The second way is to wait until you become so rich and famous to ask the hands of Jacqueline at the governor himself. You will have to wait quite a long time (almost until the end of the game), and in the bold you get only 8,000 gold (not so densely by the end of the game). But there is a third way - a secret wedding, which will bring you immediately +10000 experience!

So, we choose the third method. But for a secret wedding, a priest is needed, which can be found only on OMI (by the way, despair on Omori, you can simply perform an additional quest - see below). It is not difficult to find an approach of Modestus, who will agree to conduct a secret rite just for the amount of 3,000 gold. Place of wedding - Belfort. So we float there and straight go to the palace. There, instead of the governor, we meet Jacqueline and the priest - which was required. Go outside and come back to the residence again.

This time you will meet there, Monsieur de Beju, who will give a new task: Slow up near the uninhabited Island of Aliano two ships - Spanish and English, on which the diplomats of two powers intend to conclude the Union. Speaking both ship, we return to Belfort and find out that we have been assigned the Baron title and rank of Admiral French Royal Fleet. Next - two tasks approved by the Baron Title: to capture the Spanish colony of the Costa Sinistra, then the English Fort High. (At the time of the last operation, you will get a linear ship into the profog, and if your rank is above the fourth, you can even assign this ship.)

Then - a small passage: just to deliver an ultimatum Olaf Ulson. Another order is to capture the Spanish colony Ayla Ballene. Then it will be necessary to protect the native Belfort (which is not so difficult with the support of its own fort). After that, the governor will pay for two previous missions and will say that for the final defeat of all the enemies, the English colony of Tendelz and the Spanish Fort of the Grand Aviagy should be seized. After that you can return to the Belfort and get the desired title of the vice-governor, and you can continue the rackered pirate adventures ...

Additional quests

Commercial quest-1.On the streets of Belforce, you can find a merchant named Magis Skirk. It will pay 1000 gold, if you escort his ship on OMI. Then you can contact Magizu for the second time. He will give a tip - the local dealer Ives Samua is looking for someone who will carry his coffee to Island Isle de Orange. In exchange for 1200 centners of coffee on Isil de Orange, you will receive 1200 cents of chocolate. Having delivered chocolate, you will receive 2500 gold from it.

Commercial quest-2.This quest becomes affordable after the release of Jacqueline. On the streets of Tel Kerrat, you can meet Jean Filene merchant, which will ask to accompany his ship on Isil de Orange. Then, you can get either promised gold, or a pylon tube (a pipe of average quality, but still better than yours).

Ally.In the tavern Aille de Orange you can meet Arto Muleta, who will tell about his failed expedition organized by Nicholas de Montferrat. The expedition did not die for the fault of the arttia, but Nicholas drove him from the service. You can talk to Nicholas, then - again with artoi, and then Artoi will join you as an ally.

Passage for the Spaniards

Basic line

With the receipt of a Spanish patent is not so simple as with the receipt of French. The fact is that initially Spain is configured hostile to you, and therefore you will be attended by a friendly volley tools of the Fort, Might you get closer to any Spanish colony. But there is still a yield: Shark Island can be mined (in the Spanish agent) the fake Spanish Corsair certificate. (True, for this it will be necessary to pay 5,000 gold - take care of money in advance.) Then you can sail to the main Spanish colony on the island of Grand Avias and get a real testimony from Alcald Ricardo Ferrer de Marcadela.

From Alcald, you will receive the first task - to deliver an urgent letter to another Alkado, Guilbertusa, and Muntlya, to Isle of Isle Ballene. Having delivered a letter and receiving a reward for this 1000 gold, go to the taverna of Isla Baloons. The owner of the tavern will tell about evil and terrible pirate, terrorizing Spanish merchants. Return to the palace and talk to Alcaldos about this pirate. He will say that Pirates is the name of Francois Jovignon and what Senor Ricardo (First Alcald) appointed a solid award for his head. Alcald will also advise the expression of Francois on Sharc Island. As you float there.

Talk to Sharc Island with Olaf Ulsson (the head of the Pirate Brotherhood) and the Praession of him about Francois. Olaf will report that Recently, the Francois ship seen near the uninhabited Island of Aliano.

Near Aliano you will meet Pirate Snaywa. Speaking it, you can return to de Merkada with joyful news that the evil pirate is finished. However, it is too early to rejoice. It turns out that you sink some other pirate, and Jovinnon himself with his ally attacks the Spanish colony El Caimano. Alcald immediately sends you to help.

You can not rush. No matter how soon you float, the result will be the same: there will be no pirates near the island. Going to the tavern El Caimano, you will learn that Jovignon has already done her job - captured the island, received a redemption and sailed. Where sailed? You will learn about this, talking to a stranger in the same tavern. Just have to lay out for information 1000 gold. The stranger will tell that in fact Ulsson agreed with Jovignon and sheltered him to Sharc Island. For this, Jovignon shares loot with him.

As you swear to Shark Island and "take for breasts" Ulsson. There and it turns out that the same stranger, which you paid 1000 Golden: It was Jovignon with his own person. Ulsson will continue to argue that Jovignon settled somewhere around Aliano, and will even offer to accompany you there. Well, we help us quite by the way (this is a whole brig!). This time Jovignon with an accomplice you will really find near the island. Speaking their ships, you can return to Ricardo for the promised reward.

Handing it, Don Ricardo will send us to the Pirate Archipelago to meet with the Spanish Informant José Maria Lopez, who you can easily find on the streets of Gray Sailz. He will report that. What the British are going to attack the colony of Isla Ballery. We must hurry to notify Alcald about it. Señor de Muntral will order us to defend the island (not so, it is difficult to protect your own fort and having a small Spanish fleet in principle). After the victory, Alcald will award you and orders to go to Don Ricardo.

And here is the first major assignment: to capture the English colony on grandfather Island. Upon return, you get 5000 gold and the following (also a stupid) Task: Slow up the two newest English linear vehicles that are anchored near Icalka. The situation facilitates the fact that both ships are somewhat shabby storm and, therefore, they will not fight at full strength. (Try to capture one of them, and then sell it if you have not reached the command to the command.) After this glorious affairs, you are deservedly receiving the title of Spanish Grand and the title of Admiral of the Spanish Fleet.

Then - a small lull. Alcald has no tasks for us, but it is concerned that, according to agent data, the French are going to attack one of the Spanish colonies, but what kind of this is unknown. Well, let's try to find out yourself. Coming out of the palace, go to the tavern. The owner of the tavern, Elgano Salvador, will tell that his brother, Roberto Enagno, recently took the French Brig to the board, where some very important documents were found. You can find Roberto on El Cayman, where his corvette is now repaired. Roberto we find in the local tavern (and where else?). He transmits us captured documents, and we return to the Grand Avilia, in order to transfer them to Senor Ricardo.

Among the documents is the plan of attack on Isle Ballene. Protecting now the island from the attack allies (the British and French) is simply no strength, so a bold decision arises - ahead of the enemy and to attack the French ships near Tel Cerrat Island. As it is not difficult to guess, this mission is assigned to us.

After the victory in Tel Kerrat (by the way, the hardwater will be difficult), we get three tasks one after another: to capture the colony of Isle de Orange, then - Hyok, then - Belfort.

With the allies, so far at the time finished, but the pirates are now much activated. Therefore, we are sent to Shark Island with the instructions to convey to Ultymatum Olaf Ulson. A battle with pirate flotilla awaits us near the island (there is no forty, at least there is no fort). Then we are freely handed the ultimatum Olaf, and nothing remains anything else, as agreed with the requirements of Don Ricardo.

Then - the final barcode - the order to capture the English colony of Tendylz, and then you can return to Ricardo and get an appointment from him by the vice-king of the archipelago.

Additional quests

Commercial quest-1.The master of the store on Costa Sinistra asks to deliver 50 hundred centners to the owner of the store on Isla Ballery. Upon return, it gives 2000 gold.

Commercial quest-2.This quest becomes available after the violence of Francois Jovignon's pirate. Then the Merchant named Theodore Alameda appears on the streets of the Grand Avilila. For 2000 gold, he asks to escort his galleon to the Costa Sinitstra. (Do not forget to find this merchant on the streets of Costa Sistor to get the promised reward.)

Top pirate.The owner of the tavern at the Grand Aviagy asks to eliminate smugglers who brings the cheap rum to his competitor. We leave in the sea and soak or capture Bark "Vessel". Returning to the tavern, we get the promised award in 1000 gold.

We deliver the priest.You can meet the Spanish priest in the Grand Avilia tavern, who wants to get to Sharc Island, in order to bring pirates to the Holy Church. Delivering the priest, we get some experience and reputation.

Searches for the missing soldier.On the streets of Isla Ballene, you can find a woman named Catalina. She asks us to find out what happened to her beloved, Carlos Esperanza - he was a soldier in one of the Spanish punitive expeditions against pirates. After going to the governor, we ask him about the fate of the expedition, without specifying that the fate of one soldier is interested. The governor says that the expedition disappeared to the island of Intache. What exactly happened - he does not know. The Taustcher Arno Manne tells us that the expedition was swaming with pirates near the Island Island. In that battle, many Spanish soldiers were captured and sold by pirates on the slave market in the rocks. We go to Inhuel. There is a pirate ship El Lobo - before he was part of the missing squadron. Speaking it, we return to the governor and tell him about the fate of the expedition. For this we get 1000 gold. After that, we go to Gray Sailz and talk to the workers of Raimundo. He tells us that the Spanish soldiers participating in the expedition were captured, but when the Ramundo ship passed near the French colony of Omori, Carlos jumped overboard and, thus escaped. On Omori we really meet Carlos. Talking to him, you need to return to Catalina and inform her that Carlos is alive and will come back to it.

Searches for witch.On Ayla Ballene Street, the Englishman named Bartolomew Olster. He will ask us about the girl named Karl. Naturally, we do not know any Carla - she is a whore in a local tavern. Looking into the tavern and talking to her, we mention that she is looking for Bartolomew Olster. The girl is clearly alarmed and even refuses to fulfill its work. Looking at Alcald de Multrala, we learn that his secretary Bartolomew Olster was found dead under very strange circumstances. Having learned that Bartolomew was connected with Carla, Alcald instructs us to investigate this business. Now we need to find the streets of the city of Human by Heimeth Qigermann. (He is the only one who did not use the services of Charles.) Heima tells us that Karl was engaged in witchcraft. Having learned about this, we go to Arno Manlly and threatened to give him for the witch's accomplicice, we learn from him, where Charles disappeared (at the same time you can spin it for a couple of thousand, but to the detriment of reputation). The teacher will say that Charles sailed with the captain named Miguel Kenda for one of the little Spanish colonies. He knows anything else. In the tavern El Cayman, we find Viktor Martos, Bottchman from Miguel Kenda ship. He will tell us that the woman on board brought the captain to death, and then escaped around the Grand Avilila. Sayer to the Grand Avilia, in the tavern, we finally meet Carla again. You can accuse it in the witchcraft and commitment to the Devil, and then find opposite the residence of Alcald inquisitor and give him a witch. The poor girl will burn, and we will be able to return to Alcaldo Muntlya and get a reward. But it is better to choose the second way: After listening to the story of Karla, let go of all four sides and get for it +5000 (!) Experience points.

Passage for pirates

Basic line

To begin with, it would be not enough to enter the coastal fraternity. Therefore, swim on the rockshore, meet Olaf Ulsson and replenish the ranks of free hunters for luck. However, the very fact of entry into the ranks of Pirates does not change your relationship with all powers (as long as you will not start attacking their ships). Under this, until a certain point, you can freely enter the "civilized" ports, without fearing to run into a friendly volley of the Fort guns.

Swatch to grandfather Island and talk to Eugene Hakster, an old jeweler who identifies the medallion lying in your chest. He will say that this medallion he made many years ago for Malcolm Sharpe (your father!), The famous pirate, who defended the Spanish Emerald Caravan.

Having learned about it, we go to the Ulson and ask him about the father. Olaf tells us that he once walked under the start of our father and that Malcolm Sharpe disappeared after Olaf was left on the shore with a fever attack. He also adds that we can learn about the fate of Sharpe in two members of his team who stayed alive. One of them is a single-legged Burkvist, he has not leaving Gray Sailz for a long time. The second - Maurikio Camenta, who has long left a pirate craft and now fills the tavern on the Spanish Island of Costa Sinistra.

First we float on Gray Seylz to talk to the single-legged Burkvist. He talks about the fact that Sharpe loomed the Spanish Emerald Caravan and then buried somewhere treasure, and then disappeared. He does not know any details about the death of Sharpe or pretend that he does not know. Now we need to temporarily travel over the side of the Spaniards (in order to be able to go to the Spanish Islands) - so get the fake Spanish testimony from the agent on Gray Sailz.

Maurikio Camentata refuses to tell something while we do not fulfill his order - you need to take a letter to Lorenzo Marquez Avio, a merchant for the Grand Avilila. Having delivered a letter, we get a cargo car for Mauritios Camenty at the merchant. After that, he will tell us about the last swimming of Malcolm Sharpe and suggests half the map of the island, on which Sharpe buried his treasures. Maurikio asks for her 1000 gold, but you can persuade him to give a card with free.

Returning to the Ulson, we tell him about everything that we managed to find out. Olaf advises us to try to talk about the father with Desmond Raymond Beltropom - the leader of the Pirate settlement of Gray Sailz. From this conversation, nothing good happens. Beltrop laughs at us, and we cannot adequately answer him without graduating your life in ree.

Returning to the Ulson, we tell him about our conversation with Beltrop. Then Olaf invites us to turn one Delta. We must sink Karavella "San Miguel", belonging to the merchant named Julio Zamidas, who "ordered" his partner. Caravel is located near the island of Grand Avias. The fulfillment of this task is to be given to the dexhell Marcus, who will wait for us on the island of Tel Kerrat. He will pay us for the execution of the order.

We ask Ulsson about what we do with a map received from Kattya. He says that, undoubtedly, Beltrop knew our father and heard about the treasures of Malcolm Sharpe. It can be "catching" to that piece of the card that we have, but you can not do it straight, in the forehead. If you go to him and declare that we have a map, Beltrop will simply climb us and take it. According to Ulsson, Beltrope needs to somehow deceive. But how exactly - above this we still have to break your head.

Speaking the urgent and having received money for the money from the Markus dealer, in conversation with him we learn that Marcus professionally fakes securities and documents. Having proposed to make a fake, slightly modified duplicate card received from Mauritios Camenty, we pay for this 2000 gold and go with a fake card to Belfrop. By replacing a story about our father on her (who also not really truthful), we can either pretend that they are ready to be a friend of Beltropu, or in the open declare that he will pay for his atrocities.

After that, in the tavern of Gray Sailz we will meet Anna Fore, who will tell us the story of his accident. She is from the noble English clan. Her father was a friend of Belterrop, who, it turns out, once wore Baron title. Beltrop missed a conspiracy against His Majesty and tried to incline her father in him. He refused and tried to convince Baron to quit a bad venture. But now Beltrop has already refused. Then the father, taking away between the loyalty to His Majesty and Friendship, was forced to convey the future leader of pirates in the hands of justice. Berthretop exiled.

Five years later, he returned to England at the head of the Pirate Fleet, plundered and burned the estate of the father of Anna, not sparing, besides her, no one. Beltrop took Anna to his ship and since then he kept with him, only a year ago, let him leave his residence. Brother Anna, Captain of the English Fleet, tried to find her, and during his search collided into the grandfather's grandfather Island with one of the whims of the Pirate Raster. They talked, and then the buddy of Bertropa poded her brother in the dark monitor, killed him and in the proof of his loyalty brought Berthropus the bloody head.

In the conversation it turns out that Belterrop has its half the treasure map of Captain Sharpe. We agree to shove the killer of Brother Anna in exchange for a promise to steal this half for us. Brother Anna's killer - Pirate named Juan Codrodrillo Sangra - chops in search of mining near the French colony of Isle de Orange. Having left there, we will turn his ship "Aspiire" and, without getting involved in battle with the French, return to Anna. Having learned that her brother's death was reombed, she transmits us a piece of card. To the question that she is going to do next, Anna replies that she decided to stick the Beltrop's knife in Beluj. We can promise her to do it instead of her and then return for her - otherwise she will try to kill Belterropa and will die.

Looking into a single-legged Burkvist, we learn that I don't like some captains how Beltrop controls pirates on Gray Sailz. Burkvist tells Nicolas the true history of the death of his father, treacherously killed by Beltropy.

Having received a map, we go to the island of the body, resembling a bullish head. Entrance to the cave, where Malcolm Sharpe hid the emerald cargo, is just between "horns". Together with the treasures, we find the diary of Malcolm Sharpe, which tells about the dream of our father to create a new state in the archipelago, free and independent.

Meanwhile, the deceived and messed Beltrop smys around the island on his Manovar "Gorgon". If we do not hurt him near the body, he will pursue us when we appear in the waters of Gray Sailz. Speaking Belterrop and returning to the Ulson, we learn that after the death of Berthretop, the scals was much more difficult to protect the rocks, and, as it was called, England, France and Spain just decided to take the rocks to his hands. Looks like the island will have to leave. But the ideas of the Father inspired Nicholas, that he persuades Ulsson to start the creation of a new free republic in the archipelago. Olaf eventually agrees and says that you first need to get rid of the threat from the colonial powers and, first of all, to protect the rockshorz from France, which has already started collecting the fleet to capture the pirated islands. Ulson offers us a new ship.

On the island of Isle de Orange in the tavern, we meet the French officer, who has already been pretracted, but never ceases to drink. We learn from him that the French superintendent Eymeri de Orillic went to inspect the state of the fort on the island of Omori. It is de Orillic that is responsible for the punitive expedition to the rockshorz, and we will have to go on O Oy to talk to him. Bribeing superintendent, we achieve consent from it to sabotage the supply of ammunition. The threat from the French is temporarily eliminated, which we, returning to the rocks, happily inform Ulson. However, now the fleet for attack on the pirate colony is prepared by the British.

We go to Heyok and talk to the master of the tavern. He tells us that the island was recently brought a new batch of convicts. In the same tavern, we can talk to Jeremy McMellon. Inspired by the idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding a new republic in the archipelago, he promises to find a way to stop the preparing expedition.

Returning to the Ulson, we tell him that they found a new ally among the British. Olaf also has news: the new leader appeared on Gray Sailz - Pirate Felipe on the nicknamed butcher. Ulsson advises us to talk to him. Having become acquainted with the butcher, we tell him about the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a new free state in the archipelago. This idea has a new leader in the soul, but he warns us that the three Spanish linear ships go to the rocks, in order to capture pirated settlements. It is necessary to meet them on the approach to Gray Sailz. The butcher offers us his help in battle with the Spaniards. After the battle, he will be ready to help us always.

Speaking all three linear (one of them needs to be captured), we go to visit McMelleon. He says everything is ready in order to raise a riot in High, and the only thing he needs is money for the purchase of weapons for the rebels. He needs 3000 gold. Giving money, we learn that the dead island has three new English ships. We have to get rid of them, otherwise they will give the riot to their guns and fall on Highkee to the restoration of the counterpart.

We raise the sail and swim to the dead island. Having won the English fleet, we return to the Ulson, who praises us for the battle with the Spaniards and says that he is tired of pirate life and he is going to leave the archipelago and go to Europe. There, he will buy a small tavern on the shore and hold the rest of his life in warm and rest. Instead, he appoints the head of Pirates Skalshorz Nicholas Sharpe.

Finding goodbye to the Ulsson and promising to visit if it was a tavern, we look at the owner of the tavern on Sharc Island. Francis Dullars gives us a letter from Jeremy McMelleon, in which he reports that unforeseen circumstances interfere with raising a riot in Hyok. The Spaniards collect the fleet near Isle Ballery to attack Haiok. We are invited to sink the Spanish fleet, and at the same time to capture Isle Ballene.

After capturing Isle Ballene, we return to Gray Seylz. There, Burkvist conveys us a second letter from McMelleon. Returning to Heyok and talking to McMellon, we are going to capture Grand Avilia, and then Ail de Orange. After the capture of the island, we persuade his governor to join the new republic and celebrate victory.

Additional quests

Ally or gold. In the tavern Shark Island we meet the pirate named James Callow. He tells us about the Indian idol, taken by the old Indian priest. According to him, this idol brings misfortune. Pirate wants to get rid of the damn ribbed, but how - does not know. Several times he tried to throw an idol, but he mysteriously returned back. According to the old Indian, whose James took the idol, you can only give this statuette. Pirate asks us to help him get rid of the damned idol and give this bauble Desmondon Rai Baltropu, with which he is not in Lada for a long time. Agreeing to help him, we go to Berthrup and hand him a gift. If the rank of Nicholas is 7 or higher, then Beltrop will take it, if not - it will refuse, and we will have to return to James Callow Nesolono Bread. You can also try to imagine idol Nicolas de Montferrata, Governor Ail de Orange. This option is a win-win - the governor will gladly take from us a gift. By completing the commission, we return to James. If the reputation of Nicolas Good Matey, James will join us as an ally, if the reputation below will give two thousand gold, apologize and leaves us.

Free manova or gold. In the tavern Shark Island, we meet the pirate named Hugo Lambermill. If we have a Spanish corsarsky patent in your pocket, it's worth talking to him, and then we will have a chance to capture Manovar. Hugo complains that we are tired of pirated life, and ask for a Spanish corsary patent for him. We are heading straightforward to Giulabertus de Muntlya, and if the reputation of Nicolas Good Matey, we will manage to persuade the governor to give a patent to the old pirate, if it is lower, you can offer de Muntlya to deceive the old pirate - to give him a patent to lure on Ail Ballery, and then hang. After that, we return to Lambermilla and give him a letter. If we brought a real corsary patent, he will tell us that the Chatcha island has a damaged French mananar, which is very easy to capture. After a while, we can look at Guilbertus de Muntlya and inquire how old pirate serves as served. It turns out that a great soldier came out of it. If we attached a trap of Hugo, then after the transfer of the patent, it is necessary to return to Giulabertus de Multrala for the reward - 2500 gold.

Gold.After Eugene Haakster tells us about Malcolm Charpe, in the tavern El Caimano we will meet the smuggler named Octavio Lambrini. Having learned that Nicholas is the son of Malcolm Sharpe, the smuggler will offer us one Delz. On Isle Ballena there is a customs captain named Arkadio La Dam. He does not carely take bribes, and because of this, smugglers the way to Isle Ballene is closed. Octavio wants us to help him get rid of this officer, and is ready to pay for it 3000 gold. Agreeing on these conditions, we float on Isle Ballene and speak in the tavern with Arkadio La Damb. Now we have two options: to perform the task of Lambrinic or to negotiate with the captain and adjust the Lambrinic trap (we will get 2000 gold). Deciding to kill the captain, we exploring the water near Isle Ballene and, having met Brig La Damb, let him on the bottom and return to Oktavio Lambrinic payments. If there is a desire to negotiate with the captain, after talking with him, we need to see Octavio Labrynik and inform him about the successful task and that it can now be free to visit Isla Ballery. Near the island of Arkadio La Dumble will capture the smuggler and betray the fair court. There is no participation in this, so we can immediately go to Isle Ballene and there, in the tavern, get your reward from Captain. However, if we surrender the captain of Octavio Lambrini, about El Caymann, we will wait for his sons.

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1630 ... In this rapidly the captains of ships, furring the expanses of the Atlantic, quite easily changed their flag, moving to the service from one monarch to another. The game has four main storylines and a lot of additional quests.

Nicholas Sharp will have the opportunity to serve the England, France and Spain or choose the path of one of the members of the "coastal brotherhood" - while in the course of the game we can easily move from one storyline to another. This passage is advice for those who wish to go through the game as quickly as possible without being distracted by trade and sea battles, which can be able to avoid anyway. Nevertheless, both is a great way to expand its squadron composition and strengthen its weapons - actions that are absolutely necessary for those who want to create a military force with which any opponents will be considered.

But we were a little distracted ... So, the Spanish captive and escape from the plantation remained behind. At the pier of the main English colony of Hyok, pink was moored, with us forty man team, there are few ammunition. Life is full of new hopes, the main one of which is to get a Corsaire patent ...

We begin the game from the city gate of the English colony of Heyok. In order to enter the service of the king of England, we need to get a Corsair patent from the governor Samuel Morotnes. His residence is located at the other end of the city. Taking a patent, you need to turn to the governor again to get the first task. We will be instructed to take a letter to Sir John Clifford Brini, the governor of the second English colony in the archipelago. In this letter, there is nothing secret, but we must deliver it safely without opening the press. The award for the successful execution of this task will be 500 gold. The island, on which the colony is located, is called Tendeylz - when issuing tasks, it appears on the map.

On the way to the city gate it is worth looking into the tavern. There are free time merchants, captains and officers of ships standing on Khayina Pier. At the side to the left of the entrance, the Russian Christopher Clayston, an English officer, purposefully pumped from the entrance. He had already switched to the line, behind which alcohol unleash the language, and for the excess circle is ready to tell us the "state secret". Recently, two frigates arrived from England to fight pirates. They passed a re-equipment, and Christopher received an appointment for one of them. However, according to him, it turns out that the frigates are floating garbage and almost fall apart from dilapidation. The neighboring table sits Julius Ironkast, the canonir, in battle lost sight. He dreams of going into the sea and can become a worthy member of our team - in the end, his experience is worth a dozen couple of the most tearful young eyes. Its services will cost us 200 gold per month, and 600 coins will have to lay out immediately as a deposit. Finally, Pete Dalton sits on the table on the right, the former submaster of the local gunsmith. Not so easy to talk this guy - but in the end he tells us the story that his former owner tried to drive some unknown people from the island. Soon after a conversation with them, the son of the gunsight was killed in a street fight, and the master left Hayok, fearing for his life. The new owner drove Pita, and now the guy is scared and dreams only about how to get to the island of Tendney and find a job there. Perhaps, it is worth offering to him our help - in addition to ordinary human humanism, it should be a good to affect our reputation.

Well, it is worth looking to the governor Morotnes and try to ask him about these mysterious frigates. But, contrary to expectations, after the very first question, his high-speed comes to a state of strong anger and simply indicates to our door, not forgetting to promise serious trouble by the Bedolhage Claystone for his drunk trep. It seems that now we really have to go swimming. However, having met in the streets of the city from Russia from Russia to Gavril Dubinin, we can part with four hundreds of gold coins and acquire Bottch. But, one way or another, we soon leave the port of Hayok and go to the island of Tendeylz.

The journey promises to be relatively calm - pirates, and even more so the Spaniards are not often found in this region. Upon arrival on the island, we go to the residence of the Governor of Brin and give him a letter. After awarding the deserved award, he informs us that Samuel Morotnes is far from the best leader, and the example of this can serve the plight of the small English colony of Grandfather Island, where the most real hunger came because of the irrevenaval. Bryn invites us to deliver the cargo of wheat and make it easier for the position of the colonists. From this task you can refuse, but ... Does it make sense? On Grandfather Island, there is one of the characters you need, and there will still have to sail there, besides, due to the refusal, we will fall reputation. At the same time, the delivery of the cargo can be obtained a very good fee - 2000 gold. We agree and, by downloading the selected wheat in the three English centners, we go to Grandfather Island - a new island that appeared on the map at the time of our task.

Upon arrival in place, we need to pass the burden to the owner of the local tavern. He is incredibly pleased that Governor Brin remembers their troubles - moreover, the innkeeper is even ready to reward us for the works. Since all gold on the island went to the purchase of food, as awards we offer to take a little cloth, which is quite suitable for sale. Agreeing on this proposal, we lose one point of reputation - in the end, the governor promised us a generous payment for this journey, and it's not good for someone else's misfortune. In the same tavern, we meet with the English officer David Murrey. The story is repeated, but on the contrary: he is ready to treat us with drinking, if we agree to listen to his story. Like Christipher Clayston, he received an appointment for one of these two ill-fated frigates, moreover, it had time to go to one of the battles. Murray was a senior canonom, and he saw with his own eyes, as the first side of the Pirate ship was literally filled with a pirate ship. Our interlocutor was the only one who managed to escape from a quickly sunken ship, but the memories of the experienced, it seems, not yet come together in his memory. After this conversation, we can hire a murray as a canonir - it will serve as 350 gold coins, and the first month is ready to work for free.

Returning to the island of Tendeylz, we get from the governor of Brina promised 2000 gold, after which we go to the Hyrok for the new task. This time Samuel Mortalt offers us 2000 for maintaining Pinas Bristol, following the island of Tendeylz. We cannot refuse this task, although it is trapped in yourself: near Tendeilza attacks Pirate Edwin on nicknamed Karakatitsa. The battle promises to be not too difficult: the ship of Edwin is quite sluggish maneuver not far from the island and clearly does not seek to suppress us with his firing power. Do not forget that now at our disposal is Pinas Bristol. By casting him to the captain, the order to attack the enemy, we are a few precise volley commanded. While the Edwin ship is smoothly immersed on the bottom, we learn that the pirate was ordered to kill us, and this order was given someone named BelTrop. Somewhere in the depths of the soul there is a desire to get acquainted with this BelTrope closer ... And, the sooner, the better.

With the captain of "Bristol" Lemuel Humm we meet in Tendylza tavern. He transmits us promised by Morths fee in 2000 gold and tells that the only cargo that he delivered to Tendelz was fifty-strong guys of frankly gangster outforthiness. Perhaps, it will not be superfluous to look at the Governor to Brinus and inform him this news. After that, we can return to High Conscience with a clean conscience.

It's time to perform a couple of additional quests. To begin with, we will have to find a man in the streets of the Hydhike in the Navy Camzole of the Scientist. His name is Albrecht Tsalpfer. In a conversation with him, questions should be avoided about the new era in the navigation and the new invention of the scientist. Tsalpfer tells us that he worked on Alexander Bishop as long as he dismissed him. Now the inventor dreams of getting to Tendeilz and find a job there. It seems that a good deal is coil. We offer Tsalpfer the place of the ship carpenter, promising in return to deliver it to Tendeylz. He agrees with joy, and we get a high-class worker for free, which will remain on the ship until we gather to visit the ownership of Governor of Brina. Looking ahead, it should be said that, being on Tendeilze, Tsalpfer will immediately leave our ship, and we will get a little experience in return. But this is not the end of the story. Having found the Central Supplement on the streets of Tendeilza, we replaced with him on the rights of an old buddy - and as a result, the scientist gives us the drawings of your new invention. They will be happy to buy Berram Michelson, the owner of a local shipyard, and we will become richer at 1,500 gold.

Distributing for another while. Returning to the city gate of Heyke, we learn that one of the guards, Billy, is unbearably hard to stand at the post, without having to water the throat of a pair of sips of good wines. Will help you guy? To do this, we will have to look into the tavern. Her owner, Jeremy Win, will gladly give us a bottle of local acids for a completely robbing price in 1 gold. Perfect with a sense of legal pride for your own nobility, we attribute a bottle of a soldier and, resolutely abandoning money, we obtain an increase in reputation and 250 points of experience in return. But that's not all. Standing on the right Comrade Billy, Frederick, also suffers from thirst. True, he prefers wine, but he saw how we brought a bottle of his partner and ... in a word, could Captain Nicholas make another noble act? Of course, for the question. We return to the tavern and buy a bottle of Roma from the squalegi-owner. By giving it Frederick, we feel easy guilt for soldering the time English army, but the increase in reputation and experience gained in a reward compensates for all moral torments.

Returning to the main storyline, we go to the governor. This time, Sir Mortyts invites us to inspect the surroundings of the tiny island of Itcal, explaining this by the fact that the Spanish ships have been seen there. We can agree on this expedition or refuse, motivating that our ship is too weak to fight the Spaniards. On the way to the city gate, it is worth paying attention to a very colorful stranger, confidently pacing through the streets of Heinck. Strange, he knows our name. The messenger of some Olaf Ulsson invites us to visit the pirate colony on the island of Shark Island, after which the flattery refuses to answer any questions. Well, curiosity is not a vice, and we will definitely look there ... at one time. In the meantime, if we decided to first fight with the Spaniards, it is thoroughly stocking by ammunition. According to the standards of the start of the game, the fight will be quite serious, and the journey itself does not promise to become a pleasant walk - in this region there are quite a few pirated ships. Near the island, Shnava "Tonina" is waiting for us, floating under the Spanish flag, the ship is quite powerful and maneuverable to become a serious opponent in the upcoming battle. However, sooner or later we simply are obliged to put it on the bottom. After that, it is necessary to look into the city and talk to John Baronts, the owner of the only local establishment - a small store. He will tell that the Spaniards captured and plundered Ical, not protected by the fort. The robbery lasted two days, and as a result, only a few townspeople managed to survive. It is a pity that we cannot sink "Tonin" again. But there is nothing to do - we will have to return to Hyok and inform the governor of Morotus such a small news. Actually, reporting on the results of our intelligence, we can tell the truth about the plunder of Itcalka ... But we can and paint, painting our great victory over the Spaniards and the salvation of the doomed city. In the first case, we have to take all the blame for ourselves and submortively agree when Morothies will blame us in slowness and incompetence. If you begin to object to him, he will fade Nicholas from his residence, and England will become hostile towards us. If we sat down, the result will not be better - the truth will open, after the next visit to Mortytus, and we still have a delayed English corsary patent, acquiring one more powerful enemy. Therefore, in case we wish to follow this storyline, the only right decision will be submorted to agree with all the accusations and to leave the residence of the angry governor.

Now is the time for a while to leave Hyok and go with a friendly visit to Shark Island. Olaf Ulsson, the leader of the pirated colony, we can find in the tavern. He invites us to become a member of the "coastal fraternity" - this is a good opportunity to go to another storyline of the game. But so far we still fight on the side of England. However, the benefits of this visit are still there. Tolding the Ulson about the attack of Edwin "Karakatitsa" and about the mysterious note, we get advice to talk to the former first assistant Belterropa, Peter Ordo. The problem lies in the fact that Ulsson has no idea where it can be found now. However, it is possible to learn about this from Munito Hernando, the owner of the store on Gray Sailz (this island is located in the northeast of Shark Island). In just 50 gold, this type will gladly inform us that ORDO went to see someone from the English governors, who, oddly enough, is his old buddy.

Well, it looks like it is time to visit our old governor friends. Mortytus extremely dislikes it clear that he does not know and does not want to know any of the pirates in general and Peter Ordo in particular; But Brin pretty willingly tell us that Ordo was a few days ago and advised to leave Tendeylz for a while, went to Tel Cerrat Island. It seems now and we will have to follow him.

# seadogs011.bmp Tel Cerrat Island is located in the eastern part of the map. It belongs to the French, but the city is not protected by the Fort, we can do without interference to it. From the very beginning we are waiting for cruel disappointment: we do not know how Ordo looks like. However, it is easy to fix it. After talking with the owner of a local store, we learn that the former first assistant Belterrop really arrived at Tel Cerrat, and he has a habit of carrying a yellow handkerchief on his head. We go to the streets and - that's luck! - Peter Ordo his own person jumps us towards us. Talking to him, we learn about the fact that Beltropa plans to raid on Tendeylz, and someone from the British helps him. Ordo himself, warning Brin about the danger, hopes to reset the foul in the French in Tel Kerrat. However, there is still one serious problem in his life: his beloved girl, Alicia Gardenener, is now in Gray Sailz, and Ordo is extremely needed by the help of a person who would help her run from there. Our candidacy is suitable just right. In return, ORDO promises to become our faithful friend and an ally - the offer for us is also not useless. SOLVED: We return to Gray Sailz for Alicia Gardenener.

Returning to Gray Sailz, on the streets of the Pirate Town we find Alias \u200b\u200bGardenener. The girl happily agrees to run together with us, but Beltrop is not at all going to part so easily with his prey. Near the shores of Gray Sailz chops the frigate under the command of Peter Glants, whose main task has been the capture of some Nicholas Sharpe, Corsary in the service of England. To fight with the frigate - the occupation is quite ungrateful, and you can simply be able to avoid the battle - but in this case the Glants will attack us every time we find ourselves about Gray Sailz.

We must deliver Alicia to Tel Cerrat to Piter Ordo. He honestly complies with the terms of the agreement and, together with his ship, joins our squadron. Running with Gray Seylz, Alicia pulled a cabinet with documents from the cabin, among whom ORDO discovered one very curious letter. An unknown author reported to Berthropus that all the preparations for the storm of the Tandylz were completed, and he could start an operation. The uninhabited island of Chatcha was appointed to collect the Pirate Fleet. Instead of signature, the letter stood the English stamp. Mortytus! Fearing for his career, he seriously decided to get rid of the young and energetic Governor of Tengelza. It was for this purpose that two dilapidated frigate were discharged from England, which will absolutely helpless against the BelTrop squadron, well, on the very island, the rebellion had to support those fifty thieves with "Bristol". It is necessary to warn Brina about the preparing attack. We go to Tendeylz.

But to warn about danger - it is only half anteen, you need to somehow eliminate its source. According to Brina, he does not have enough powers to arrest Morotnes, but, fortunately, now on the island there is a royal auditor for the colonies of Admiral Alexander Gritston. He can give an order about the arrest of Morotnes, unless, of course, we will be able to prove his guilt. Brin writes an admiral letter, and we have to deliver it to Hyok. It is worth talking to Rod once again, and then he will tell us about the mysterious disappearance of ships on the way between Heirok and Tendeyles. Everything indicates that some kind of pirate, cunning and arrogance superior to many members of the coastal brotherhood begins in these waters. But the governor does not have accurate information about him, and he advises us to talk to the regulars of the tavern. So, perhaps, we will do. According to Tomas Hancock, the Pirate named Ropflake captured quite a recently trading ship, belonging to some Markus. Marcus captured along with the ship, but by some miracle he managed to escape from captivity and get to Tendeylza, where he was sheltered Hancock. But the guy's business is still bad - during the path from bad water and food with him, some kind of disease happened, which is about the appeal. But since we still go to Heyok, it is worth trying to put such a useful witness on the feet.

Alexander Gritston meets us in the governor's residence. Fortunately, Mortalt is missing, and we do not interfere with the admiral letter of Brina. At first, the royal auditor does not want to believe such grave charges, but the letter found in the documents is convinced of our right thing. Gritteon gives an order about the arrest of the Morotons Governor and puts the next task before us: we must defeat the Pirate Fleet near Chatch Island. However, before proceeding to perform this, just say, a difficult task, you can distract a little and take up the fate of the poor marks. To begin with, we need to talk to the owner of the local store George Havesyl. He tells us that the famous Alumnus doctor arrived on the island. Having found a venerable doctor on the streets of Khayynka and very impolitely interrupting the stream of high-tender chatter, we take medicine from him for Marcus. After that, we can return to Tandeylz and with a clean conscience to give the medicine Thomas Hancock. We celebrate Marcus already with the next visit to the tavern. In gratitude for their salvation, he tells us that the Corvette Ropflast "Chance" was last seen near the island of El Caimano. As cute - we are almost on the road. Before you go to battle with the Pirate Fleet, we can allocate to El Cayman and save these waters from the next Holder. We will receive a reward for the capture of ropflake during the next visit to the Governor Brini.

The next task is also not mandatory, but very and very useful for those who decided to change the plot branch of the game. In the khayina tavern you can meet the sailor named Roberto Gorendo. Having learned that Nicholas - Corsair, he says that a sideline that manufactures magnificent sublict tubes lives on El Caymanno. His name is Adriano Montefy. Having found a person with this name on the streets of El Cayman, we talk to him, trying to be extremely polite. As a result, Montefy agrees to make a pipe for us for us for free or, if we neglected him, for 1500 gold. The only problem is that he has no crystal from which lenses are manufactured for the best picking pipes. Crystal can be bought from Lorenzo Marquez Avio on Granada Avilila, but you can get there only having a Corsair patent in Spain in your pocket. Those who wish to change the plot branch of the game will be able to get into the Granada Avilila shop without any problems and buy a mountain crystal there, from which Andriano Montefy willingly makes the best pickup pipe. Also on El Caimano, we can meet the pirate named Ronald Finnish. He tell us that his friend was treacherously killed by another pirate - Frederick on nicknamed Mole, and asks to deliver a black label. Frederick sits in Gray Sales and the nose from there does not seem to flee from fair retribution behind Belterropa. Ronald appoints him a meeting near Chatcha Island. Having delivered a black mark to the addressee and returning to El Cayman, we can warn Ronald that Mole is preparing him a trap, and even join him in order for pirate justice to enthusiasm. In this case, in addition to the money for the delivery of a black mark after the stroke of the crotch, we will get a solid reputation and experience.

The battle with the Fort of Costa Sinistra promises to be not easy, but sooner or later we still manage to win. Returning to Hyrok and informing Admiral that the former Spanish Colony is now attached to the ownership of England, we get another task. Now we have to find out where the French are going to establish huge new guns brought from Marseille - and, if possible, capture them. In the tavern grandfather Island we meet the English seaman named Laurence Norton. Near Omori Island, he met three French ships who tried to sink his Pinas. Some kind of miracle managed to leave, but the pair of salts still covered the ship, and one core even fled to the captain's cabin. The weight of this kernel was equal to forty-eight pounds. Thanking Norton for the story, we go to OMI. It seems that the French placed their monstrous guns there. In order to get them, we will have to capture the island.

After grabbing Omor and delivering tools, Admiral Alexander Gritston sends us to the seizure of the main base of the Spanish fleet - Islands Islale Ballene. Upon returning from there, Nicolas Sharpe is awarded the noble title and appoint the vice-king of the English colonies in the archipelago.

In order to move to the side of France at the very beginning of the game, we must leave Hayrok and go to Belflor - the main French colony in the archipelago. By visiting the governor of the colony, Monsieur Francois de Bhu, we receive a Corsair patent from him and the first task: to meet with the French agent of Auguste Bromont on the island of Gray Sailz. Well, our service begins very unusual. Having found Auguste Bromont on the streets of the Pirate Town, we receive a report from him for the governor de Bhu, after which we return to Belflor. I wonder what the charming girl stands next to the governor? After reading the report, de Beju will fall into the state of Panic: his old friend of Tierry La Mole fell in the hands of the leader of Gray Seals Pirate Belterrop, and now for his life require a huge redemption. Money the governor is ready to give with joy, the problem is only that his required amount is simply not. As a result, we are sent to Ail Paving to the chapter of the merchant guild. Oreliana Dupre to take money from him. The governor was in a hurry to send us that even forgot to call the required amount, therefore, making a debt receipt in the name of Monsieur Francois de Bhu, we call the figure practically at twenty thousand. Fortunately, upon returning to Balflor, it turns out that we guessed the amount right, but with percentages a little mistaken ... But this, however, already the problems of the governor. We are also entrusted to inform the Beltropu about the place and time of exchange. We again go on Gray Sailz.

The residence of Belterrop is on board the galleon pulled ashore. The leader of the Pirates is extremely disliked: he declares to us that he himself will appoint time and place of the meeting, and requires the ship with gold to come to Gray Seylz in a week. Returning to Balflor, we give the governor of the answer of Beltroph. De Boshu immediately declares that sending a ship with gold to Gray Sailz means just to give it to pirates, and categorically refuses to take part in such nonsense. However, he invites us to try to free La Pray alone, without money and without the slightest support. Well, it seems, we have no special choice. We sail again on Gray Sailz.

On the streets of the Pirate city, we will have to find a captain named Damienvers, and he will make us an offer, from which it is truly difficult to refuse ... Recently, demeyne was offered to switch to the serve in the French fleet, and he decided to agree - for the person of his age, complete dangers and deprivities The life of the pirate and in fact too hard. Having gathered his team, he suggested those who wish to join him. Most pirates supported the captain, but, as always, found and dissatisfied. Instead of cutting the pharynx, those who let them go to all four sides. As it turned out, in vain. Someone from hesitated by Prettropus, that the old speech decided to betray the coastal fraternity and travel to the French. Beltrop came to rage and ordered his people to capture the ship of the traitor. Brig "Odyssey" was donated to someone from the whims of the leader of the Pirate Colony, the team was in captivity of Bertrtropa, and his spectacles with difficulty escaped walking on the board. This turned out to be an unemployed story. Stten offers us a deal: With the help of your friends, he can run from the island at any time, but before that he needs to be released his team from captivity. And he really does not want his ship to belong to some soupe. We would be very happy if we brought him the head of the captain, who now commands the Brig "Odyssey." I am glad so much that I would love to free yourself together with my friends and a merchant ... How is it there? Oh yeah, Tierry La Pray - he sits in the same thunder as the team's team. But the capture of the brig should be carried out as quieter as possible and more accurate, otherwise the shots will win the whole city.

Former ship trips, Brig "Odyssey", is in the waters of Gray Sailz. We'll have to take it on the board - if the ship will be sweeping, we will not be able to get the head of its captain, and therefore save the merchant. However, no one said that we cannot shoot a little, having interrupted on the "Odysse" most of the team: in the end, forty people against hundreds - the alignment is not the most successful, and you need to change it. After successfully spent the board, we get the head of an uninterrupted captain and, returning to Gray Seylz, give it to those. And here is our merchant! Talking to him, we take it on board and return to Balflor. There, a saved merchant will need to find once again to get an award for a brilliantly performed operation.

In the tavern of Isil Downtrage, we encounter a certain Foker Arain, who invites us to take part in one very badly smelling Delz ... He is going to kidnap the daughter of Francois de Bhu, Jacqueline, and then demand a redemption from the Belflora governor. Naturally, Nicholas Sharp never goes to that. By refusing Arahin, in the same tavern we get acquainted with the former captain of the French fleet by Milon Ansenerville. Foker Arain made him the same offer as we, and Anerville, has already decided ...

We return to de Bhu in order to warn him about the preparing abduction, but the old stubborn is not wanting to listen to anything and only laughs. Shortly thereafter, the owner of the tavern island Belflor Nouare Senaigan informs us that the daughter of the governor Jacqueline de Beju was abducted by unknown, and now for her life they require a huge redemption. We return to the governor and offer him their services in finding a daughter.

This search should be started with the already familiar tavern on Isil Drawing. Having met Milon Ansersville there and threatening him with the accusation of complication in the abduction, we can pull some information from him, and at the same time to force Milon to join us for a while I search Mademoiselle de Bhu. It turned out that when AnServille refused to offer Foker Arain, he hired a pirate for Mikhel Gattenshrag. After the abduction of the daughter of the governor, Foker mysteriously disappeared, well, and the Gattenschraga, according to Anseryville, can be found on Skaqores.

Gattenshrag is really in the tavern on the island of Gray Sailz. If Rang Nicholas Sharpe is still lower than the fifth, the pirate will simply laugh at our threats. After our rank rises to seven, the ridicule will stop, and Gattenshrag will begin to respect us and be afraid. He will tell that Bark, belonging to Foker Arayna, is anchored at the uninhabited island of Intuchla, ready to immediately take an anchor and wonder without a look, barely only on the horizon there will be at least one sail. But the ship Gattenshraga is hardly frightened ... We politely offer pirate to exchange ships, and one, desperately swearing, agrees. For a farewell, Gattenschrag warns us that if we hide Bark Foker Arage, then we will not have any chances to find Mademoiselle de Bhu.

Having rubbed the course to the island of Inchet, we take Bark "Nemesis" on the board. Unfortunately, during the attack itself, Arain was killed, and we can be content with only his ship magazine and a ring found in the captain's cabin. From records in the journal it follows that we must pass this ring with some brandom Tabari, Captain Karavella, on board which the kidnappers are hiding jacqueline. Karavella Tabari is standing in the port of Isil Downturn, and the captain himself is pleasantly spending time in the city tavern. Having received a ring, he decides that the redemption from the governor has already been received, and, counting its share in the mind, it personally delivers Jacquelin on the belflor.

Returning to Balflor, we learn that the Spaniards are preparing an attack on the island. Preparing for war, Monsieur de Bejigu laid several heavy warships, but now at his disposal there is practically nothing significant. Having postponing all this, the governor asks us to protect the island. Mt., the task is not from the lungs ... After the last Spanish ship with our help falls on the seabed, de Beju gives us a reward and let go, saying that he now does not have a suitable task for us.

On the streets of Belflore, we meet a stranger who transmits us a note. In it, we are convincingly asking to look into the city tavern - it seems that someone really wants to meet with us. In the tavern we meet Jacqueline de Beju, and she confesses to Nicolas Sharpe in love. Probably, this girl should not talk about the burning passion and an insurmountable desire to spend this night together in the room on the second floor of the tavern. Having noticed, she will certainly tell about the whole Father, and after that, France will be hostile to us. It is better to ask the girl to wait until you become so rich and famous for, not embarrasing, ask her hands from the governor de Bhu. However, there is also the third option: we can be married secretly and then put a happy testing in front of a favorable fact. The choice for us is the choice between the secret and open wedding ... And at the same time between money, and experience. He was secretly married to Jacqueline, we get 10,000 experiences, and officially asking her hands from de Beju - dowry, 8000 gold.

For a secret wedding, we need to find a priest - not a single clergy on Belflor will agree to hold this ceremony without the permission of the governor. We will look for it on Omori - and at the same time also earn a little money on the road. On the streets of Belflora, we need to find a merchant named Magis Schirk. He willingly hire us so that we accompany his ship on Omori, promising as a reward not only to pay 1000 gold, but also to tell us with all your friends and companions. La Belle's safely bypassing Caravel to Port Omori and receiving a specified fee from Magisa, you need to contact him again. He will say that the Local Merchant Ives Samua is looking for someone who will carry his coffee to Isil Drainzh. If the reputation of Nicolas Sharpe is not lower than Plain Fellow, Samua will agree to immerse our ship 1200 coffee centers designed to send Joseph Godongville. It will exchange coffee with 1200 chocolate centners that need to be delivered back to Samua. But we can snatch a little and take the coffee not Godonville on Ail Drainzh, and Jana Neville on Belflor. The latter is ready to exchange 1,200 coffee centers for 1600 chocolate centners. Returning to the IVA Samua, we give him the stipulated 1200 centners and get 2,500 gold for their work - and at the same time we have another 400 cents of chocolate, which can be easily sold.

The following task is optional and intended for those who want to change the plot line of the game. On the streets of Isil Downtrage, we encounter an old woman who tells us a story about the lost ring ... She is clearly not in themselves. Speaking after that with the owner of the tavern of Isil Downtroza, we learn that this woman is the name of Josephine Sodle and that her son died during the assault of Ayla Ballery by the French fleet. Having learned about his death, she went crazy and always told about some kind of ring with sapphire she lost. We need to get to Isle of Isla Ballene, and for this, most likely, you will have to change the Corsair patent. Asking Arno Manlly, the owner of the tavern, about the ring with sapphire, we learn that one of the local girls named Francesca wears such a ring. She is a weak, and to pick up this ring does not work. We leave the tavern and in the street are familiar with France. Taking her story about the insane woman, we get a ring for free, otherwise we will have to pay for it. Returning to Isil Drainage, we give this ring Josephine Sodle. Seeing him, she comes to himself.

And another couple of optional tasks. In the tavern of Isil Downtroza, we meet Arto Muleta, who tells us the story of your unfortunate life. A year ago, Nicolas de Montferrat put him at the head of the expedition, which went to search for new lands to the south of the archipelago. Unfortunately, the expedition died, and only Artoi Muletu managed to return. When he came to Nicolas Montferrat, he announced that Artoi Mulet simply missed the expeditionary funds and now appeared to him without the slightest evidence of his words. Then he kept Arto Muleta and drove him from service.

We can offer him to enter the service to us (if Rang Nicholas Sharpe is below 7, he will refuse) or try to persuade the Montferrat to take artoi back. From the last venture will not work, but after we tell artoi about your failure, it can be hired regardless of the rank of Nicholas.

After we saved the daughter of Francois de Bhu from captivity, you will be able to meet a merchant on the streets of Tel Cerrat, who will ask us to accompany his ship to Isil Drainage (if the reputation of Nicolas Sharpe is not lower than Plain Fellow). After we open up Pinas "Joan" on Isil Drainage, you need to talk to the studio to get paid from him. Instead, he will offer us his pylon tube (secondary quality), but this replacement can be refused.

But we were a little distracted - after all, the wedding is on the nose. On Omori, we find an approach of Modestus, who is ready to secretly marry in love with just 3000 gold. He promises to visit Balflor immediately after he finishes his affairs, but his affairs is obviously a little - by that time, as we return to the island, Prior is already waiting for us there. Looking into the residence of the governor, instead of the Monsieur de Beggju, we celebrate Jacqueline and Modestus there. Talking with the prior, we get 10,000 experiences, and after that it begins slightly ... Mr., slightly abbreviated version of the wedding ritual.

Once again on the streets of Belflora, we return to the residence of the governor and we get a new task from Monsiery. Spain and England intend to conclude an alliance, and the diplomats of both powers are preparing for a secret meeting near the uninhabited Island of Aliano. We must go there and sink both ship - English and Spanish. If we manage to do everything neatly and not leave any traces, the two powers accuse each other in perfidy, and the future alliance will not take place.

Carefully sulking both ship, we return to de Beju and learn that we were assigned the Baron title and the rank of Admiral French Royal Fleet. There is another news: after the death of his ambassador, the Spaniards tried to plant a landing on the coast of the English colony of Hyok. The attempt was unsuccessful, and now the garrisons of Spanish forts are significantly weakened. We are entrusted without losing time for nothing, capture the Spanish colony of the Costa Sinistra. After successfully carrying out this operation, de Biju sends us to capture the English colony of Hairok. The British have almost ended the descent of the newest warship, and if we manage to capture the island, this ship will go into the French hands. Hayl is very well protected, and at the time of this operation we get a linear ship in the profog (if the rank of Nicolas Sharpe is above 4, you can simply take this ship to yourself).

After capturing a khayina, we get an order to take an ultimatum de Beju Olaf Ulson. Upon his return, the governor will tell us that the British and Spaniards still united and are going to attack Ail Drainzh. De Bizu firmly confident that France has enough effort to reflect this attack. His plan is to capture the Spanish colony of Isla Ballery, while the Spaniards themselves will attack Ail Drainage. To fulfill this task, de Beju offers us that the most combat ship that we managed to capture on the shipyer shipyer. By the way, at this point we can completely ask the governor of his daughter from the governor and get dodged in 8,000 gold - or confess that they are now, to some extent, relatives.

Capturing Isla Ballene and returning to the governor, we learn that the attack is preparing to the island. Having gathered the remnants of their ships, the allies are sent to the belflore in a vain attempt to reverse the course of hostilities. With the support of Fort, we must protect your island. After the attack is repelled, the governor will pay with us in two previous missions and will say that for the final defeat of the Spaniards and the British in the archipelago there remained to capture the English colony of Tendeylz and the Spanish Grand Avialy. After successfully implementing this last task, we return to de Bhu, and he solemnly reads us the royal decree appointing Nicolas Sharpe by the vice-king of the archipelago.

In order to start the Spanish line, we need to accumulate five thousand gold and sail to Shark Island, where the Spanish agent can be purchased a fake Spanish Corsair certificate. After that, you need to sail to the main Spanish colony of Grand Avialy and get the present testimony from Alcald Ricardo Ferrer de Merkadala. De Merkadal immediately gives us a commission to deliver an urgent message to the Second Spanish Alcald, Guilbertusa and Muntlya, to Isle of Isle Ballene. The island appears on the map.

Having delivered a letter and receiving payment - 1000 gold, - we go to the tavern of Isil Ballery. The owner, Arno Manul, tells us about a terrible pirate, terrorizing Spanish merchants. Returning to Alcaldo, we reveal the desire to participate in the hunt for the pirate, which, as it turns out, is the name of Francois Jovignon. Alcald advises us to ask about the pirate on Sharc Island and reports that Zovignon's head Senor de Merkadal appointed a solid award. The island appears on the map. Returning there, we get acquainted with Olaf Ulson and ask him about Francois Jovignon. He talks about the fact that Francois appeared in the archipelago recently, but refused to join the coastal fraternity, and therefore was expelled with Skalshorz. They say his ship seen near the uninhabited island of Aliano (this island appears on the map).

After going to Aliano, we encounter Pirate Shnyavi there. Speaking it, you can go back to de Merkada with joyful news that the evil pirate will no longer rob poor merchants. However, Don Ricardo clarifies the situation. It turns out that we sink some pirate, accidentally turned around Aliano, and Jovinyon with its ally now attacks the Spanish colony El Cayman, where the ship arrived with a request for help. Alcald sends us to El Caimano, since he has no other ships at hand.

Saying to El Cayman, we go to the tavern and bring acquaintance with her owner. He tells us that Jovignon captured the island, received a redemption for noting the city, and sailed. In the tavern we are waiting for a stranger. For a thousand gold, he offers us information that will allow you to catch Jovignon. Paying him, we learn that in fact the Ulsson conspired with Jovignon and gave him asylum to Sharc Island. In return, Jovignon shares with Ulsson prey.

We return to Shark Island and blame Ulsson in collusion with Jovignon. The pirate is flared, but everything will cost without a fight. It turns out that the stranger, to whom we paid a thousand, and was Francois Jovignon with his own person. Ulsson claims that Jovignon really founded the base somewhere on Aliano, and in confirmation of his words, it invites us to go there accompanied by his own brig.

This time, Francois Jovignon and his accomplice really are near Aliano. Speaking their ships, we can return to Don Ricardo Ferrer de Mercadal for the promised award. Handing it, Don Ricardo sends us to the rockscreen to meet with José Maria Lopez, a Spanish informant who has an important report. Jose Maria Lopez we can find on the streets of Gray Sailz. He tells us that the British intend to attack the Spanish colony Ayla Ballena. Time remained very little, and we must immediately notify Alcalda Ayla Ballene about the preparing attack. Guilbertus de Muntral orders us to defend the island. Fort Ayla Ballene will help us to reflect the attack of the Britley. After the battle, we receive from de Multrala reward for our feats. Alcald also reports that he received a letter, which states that Don Ricardo de Merkadal wants to see Captain Nicholas Sharpe. Several optional missions that we can perform when playing the game:

* In the Grand Avilila tavern, we meet Padre Ignacio, the Spanish priest, who is going to swim on the rockshorz to enjoy the pirates to the Holy Church. Having delivered it there, we get experience and raising reputation.

* After we delivered Padre Ignacio to Shark Island, the master of Tommy Barkhead will tell us that the efforts of Padre did not disappear, and the pirates turned to the Holy Church. They decided to restore the old church, who stood on Sharc Island, when he still belonged to the French, but for this they need an old map of the colony. Most likely, the card can be found from someone from the French governors. We go to Nicolas Montferrat. He will say that he has a similar card, but just like to give it to him. The governor is ready to exchange it on some kind of Dicks, to which he is a big amateur. We float on Tel Cerrat and you have a brace, we buy for 300 golden vintage dagger for 300. Returning to the Montferrata, we change the dagger on the card and we carry it to Thomas Barkhadu. In a reward for the implementation of this task, we get a thousand gold, 500 experience points and +5 to reputation.

* On the streets of Ayla Ballene, we encounter a woman - Catalina. She will ask us to find out what happened to her beloved, Carlos Esperanza - he was a soldier in one of the Spanish punitive expeditions against pirates. After going to the governor, we ask him about the fate of the expedition, without specifying the fact that we are interested in the fate of one soldier. The governor says that the expedition disappeared to the island of Intache. What exactly happened - he does not know. Tavernacker Arno Manne tells us that the expedition was surrounded near the island of Intuch Pirates. In that battle, many Spanish soldiers were captured and sold by pirates on the slave market in the rocks. We go to Inhuel. There is a pirate ship El Lobo - before he was part of the missing squadron. Speaking it, we return to the governor and tell him about the fate of the expedition. Our reward is a thousand gold. After that, we go to Gray Sailz and talk to the workers of Raimundo. He tells us that the Spanish soldiers participating in the expedition were captured, but when the Ramundo ship passed near the French colony of Omori, Carlos jumped overboard and, thus escaped. On Omori we really meet Carlos. Speaking with him, you need to return to Catalina and inform her that Carlos is alive and will come back to it * on Ayla Ballene Street We are meeting the Englishman named Bartolomew Olster. He asks us about the girl named Karl. Naturally, we do not know any Carla - she is a whore in a local tavern. Looking into the tavern and talking to her, we mention that she is looking for Bartolomew Olster. The girl is clearly alarmed and even refuses to fulfill its work. Take a look at Alcald de Multrala, we learn that his secretary Bartolomew Olster was found dead under very strange circumstances. Having learned that Bartolomew was connected with Carla, Alcald instructs us to investigate this business. On the streets of the city, we need to find a person named Jayme Qigermann. He is the only one who did not use the services of Chala. Khaima tells us that Karl was doing witch. Having learned about this, we go to Arno Manlly and, threatening to give it to the witch's accomplicice, find out from him where Charles disappeared (at the same time you can spin it into a couple of thousand, but at the same time we will have a reputation). The teacher says that Charla sailed with the captain named Miguel Kenda for one of the little Spanish colonies. He knows anything else. In the tavern El Cayman, we find Viktor Martos, Bottchman from Miguel Kenda ship. He tells us that a woman on board brought the captain to death, and then escaped from the ship near Grand Avilila. Sayer to the Grand Avilia, in the tavern, we finally meet Carla again. You can accuse it in the witchcraft and commitment to the Devil, and then find opposite the residence of Alcald inquisitor and give him a witch. The poor girl will burn, and we will be able to return to Alcaldo Muntlya and get a reward. However, there is a second option: After listening to the story of Karla, you can let it go to all four sides and get 5000 experience for it.

* The owner of the tavern for the Grand Avilila - Elgano Salvador - asks us to help him get rid of smugglers who are driving a cheap rum to his competitor. For this he offers a thousand gold. Everything is very simple - we leave in the sea and, finding the Bark "Vessel", to Top or capture it. After that, you can return to Enero and get your money.

* After we were sinking Francois Jovignon on the streets of the Grand Avilius, the merchant named Theodoro Alameda will come. For two thousand gold, he will asked to accompany his Galleon to the Costa Sistor. If we agree to this task, then after its implementation, we will need to be found on the streets of Costa Sistor Teodoro Alamed and get their money.

* If the reputation of Nicolas Sharpe is Good Matey, then Waldrio Garcia, the shop owner on the Costa Sistor, will ask us to deliver 50 centners of the black tree Simon Bencas, the owner of the store on Isla Ballene. For this he offers 2000 gold. Immersating a tree on the ship, we deliver it to Simon Bencas on Isla Ballene and return the money to Waldrio Garcia.

We return to the Grand Avilia, where Don Ricardo offers us an award in 5,000 gold for capturing the English colony of Grandfather Island. Returning after the fulfillment of this risky task, we receive an order from Don Ricardo to sink the two newest English schedule, who had just come from the shipyard of Glasgow. On the way, the ships fell into the storm and now stand on anchor near the small English island of Ical, correcting damage. If these ships replenish the English squadron, the Spanish fleet will simply have nothing to oppose the British. The ranges must be surfplanted or captured now while they are repaired.

By completing this task, we return to de Mercada. He reports that we were assigned the title of Spanish Grand and Admiral of the Spanish Fleet. After that, Don Ricardo introduces us to the course of political events. France and England concluded an alliance against Spain. It became known that the French collect the fleet to attack some Spanish colony, but what exactly remains a secret. De Merkadal releases us, saying that he now has no tasks, but if we manage to find out what kind of colony is going to attack the French, we must immediately inform him about it.

Having left the residence of the governor de Merkadala, we go to the tavern. The host, Elgano Salvador, tells us that the Corvette of His Brother, Captain of the Spanish Fleet Roberto Eggano, recently took the French messenger Brig to board, on board which there were any state of emergency importance. In the battle, Corvet was very damaged, and now it is repaired on the pier of the colonies El Cayman. Going there, we find in the tavern El Cayman Roberto Eggano and talk to him. He transmits us captured documents with whom we return to the Grand Avilia to Don Ricardo. Among these documents is the plan of attack on Isle Ballene. Don Ricardo complains that the Spaniards do not have enough strength to protect the island from the Union Attack, and we offer him a bold decision - to get ahead of the enemy and attack the French ships around the island of Tel Cerrat, where the French have a penny of Randev. Don Ricardo will doubt the reality of this adventure, but still gives its consent and even gives our own combat ship in our disposal.

We float to Tel Kerrat and enter the battle with superior enemy forces. The fight promises to be difficult, but sooner or later the victory will be behind us. Speaking the last ship of the Union Fleet, we get a task to capture the French colony of Isle Drainage, then - English Hyok and French Balflor. Returning to the victory after the capture of the Belflore, we learn that pirates have recently osmellies and literally lives do not give shopping and messenger ships. We will be entrusted to go to Shark Island and transfer to Olaf Ulson Ultimatum Done Ricardo. Since Ulsson enjoys an authority among the coastal fraternity and has a reputation as an insightful person, Don Ricardo hopes that the pirate will understand the situation and will not oppose the inevitable.

Near Sharc Island attack us, pirates, who obviously do not like the idea of \u200b\u200bleaving the native island and get out of the archipelago. Crawing with them, we convey ultimatum to Ulvon. The old pirate understands perfectly well that he has no choice and agrees with the requirements of Don Ricardo. We return back to the victory and get the last task - to capture the English colony of Tendels. The Spaniards seek to take possession of the whole archipelago, and therefore the colonies of other countries on it are not a place. Capturing Tendeylz, we return to Don Ricardo Ferrer da Merkadala and learn about the fact that we were appointed by the vice-king of the archipelago.

In order to start passing the game for pirates, we need to join the coastal fraternity. Until a certain turning point, the passage of the game for pirates can be combined with the passage of the game for someone else (England, Spain, France). After going to the rocks, we get acquainted with Olaf Ulsson, and he invites us to replenish the ranks of the brotherhood. Agree.

After that, on Grandfather Island, we encounter Yujina Hakster, an old jeweler, who identifies the medallion, which lies in the chest of Nicolas Sharpe. He says that this medallion he made many years ago for Malcolm Sharpe, the famous Pirate, who delivered the Spanish Emerald Cargo.

Having learned about it, we go to the Ulson and ask him about the father. Olaf tells us that once he walked under the start of our father and that Malcolm Sharpe disappeared after Olaf was left on the shore with a fever attack. He also adds that we can learn about the fate of Sharpe in two members of his team who stayed alive. One of them is a single-legged Burkvist, he has not leaving Gray Sailz for a long time. The second - Maurikio Camenta, who has long left the pirate craft and now owns a tavern on the Spanish Island of Costa Sinistra.

At first we sail on Gray Seylz to talk to the single-legged Burkvist. He talks about the fact that Sharpe ruled the Spanish Emerald Cargo and then buried somewhere treasure, and then disappeared. He does not know any details about the death of Sharpe or pretend that he does not know.

Maurikio Camentata refuses to tell something while we do not fulfill his order - you need to take a letter to Lorenzo Marquez Avio, a merchant for the Grand Avilila. Having delivered a letter (for this we will have to temporarily pass over the side of the Spaniards), we get a cargo car for Mauritios Camenty at the merchant. After that, he will tell us about the last swimming of Malcolm Sharpe and suggests half the map of the island, on which Sharpe buried his treasures. Maurikio asks for her 1000 gold, but you can persuade him to give a card with free.

Returning to the Ulson, we tell him about everything that we managed to find out. Olaf advises us to try to talk about the father with Desmond Raymond Beltropom - the leader of the Pirate settlement of Gray Sailz. From this conversation, nothing good happens. Beltrop laughs at us, and we cannot adequately answer him without graduating your life in ree.

Returning to the Ulson, we tell him about our conversation with Beltrop. Olaf expresses a couple of reflections on the words of the head of the pirates, and then invites us to turn one Delza. We have to sink Karavella "San Miguel", belonging to the merchant named Julio Uzernad, which "ordered" his partner. Caravel is located near the island of Grand Avias. On the implementation of this task, you need to report to "Delkuchu" by Marcus, who will wait for us on the island of Tel Kerrat. He will pay us for the execution of the order.

We ask Ulsson about what we do with a map received from Kattya. He says that, undoubtedly, Beltrop knew our father and heard about the treasures of Malcolm Sharpe. It can be caught on that piece of the card that we have, but you can not do it right, in the forehead. If you go to him and declare that we have a map, Beltrop will simply climb us and take it. According to Ulsson, Beltrope needs to somehow deceive. But how exactly - above this we still have to break your head.

Speaking the urgent and having received money for Markus's money for this, in a conversation with him we learn that Marcus professionally fakes securities and documents. Having proposed to make a fake, slightly modified duplicate card received from Mauritios Camenty, we pay for this 2000 gold and go with a fake card to Belfrop. By replacing a story about our father on her (who also not really truthful), we can either pretend that they are ready to be a friend of Beltropu, or in the open declare that he will pay for his atrocities.

Several optional tasks that we can perform when playing the game:

* In the tavern Shark Island, we meet the pirate named James Callow. He tells us about the Indian idol, taken by the old Indian priest. According to him, this idol brings misfortune. Pirate wants to get rid of the damn ribbed, but how - does not know. Several times he tried to throw an idol, then he mysteriously returned back. According to the old Indian, whose James took the idol, you can only give this statuette. Pirate asks us to help him get rid of the damned idol and give this bauble Desmondon Rai Baltropu, with which he is not in Lada for a long time. Agreeing to help him, we go to Berthrup and hand him a gift. If the rank of Nicholas is 7 or higher, then Beltrop will take it, if not - it will refuse, and we will have to return to James Callow Nesolono Bread. You can also try to imagine idol Nicolas de Montferrat, Governor Ail Doparazh. This option is a win-win - the governor will gladly take from us a gift. By completing the commission, we return to James. If the reputation of Nicolas Good Matey, James will join us as an ally, if the reputation below will give two thousand gold, apologize and leaves us.

* In the tavern Shark Island we meet the pirate named Hugo Lambermill. If we have a Spanish corsarsky patent in your pocket, it's worth talking to him, and then we will have a chance to capture Manovar. Hugo complains that we are tired of pirated life, and ask for a Spanish corsary patent for him. We are heading straight to Giulabertus de Muntlya, and if the reputation of Nicolas Good Matey, then we will manage to persuade the governor to give a patent to the old pirate, if it is lower, you can offer de Multrala to deceive the old pirate - give him a patent to lure on Isle Ballene, And then hang. After that, we return to Lambermilla and give him a letter. If we brought a real corsary patent, he will tell us that the Chatcha island has a damaged French mananar, which is very easy to capture. After a while, we can look at Guilbertus de Muntlya and inquire how old pirate serves as served. It turns out that a great soldier came out of it. If we attached a trap of Hugo, then after the transfer of the patent, it is necessary to return to Giulabertus de Multrala for the reward - 2500 gold.

* After Eugene Haakster tells us about Malcolm Charpe in the tavern El Caymann, we will meet the smuggler named Octavio Lambrunic. Having learned that Nicholas is the son of Malcolm Sharpe, the smuggler will offer us one Delz. On Isle Ballene, there is a customs captain named Arkadio La Dam. He fundamentally does not take bribes, and because of this, smugglers the way to Isle Ballene is closed. Octavio wants us to help him get rid of this officer, and is ready to pay for it 3000 gold. Having agreed on these conditions, we float on Isle Ballene and speak in the tavern with Arkadio La Dam. Now we have two options: to perform the task of Lambrinic or to negotiate with the captain and adjust the Lambrinic trap (we will get 2000 gold). Deciding to kill the captain, we exploring the water near Ayla Ballene and, having met Brig La Damb, let him on the bottom and return to Octavio Lambrinis for payment. If there is a desire to negotiate with the captain, after talking with him, we need to see Octavio Labrynik and inform him about the successful task and that it can now be free to visit Isla Ballery. Near the island of Arkadio La Dumble will capture the smuggler and betray the fair court. There is no participation in this, so we can immediately go to Isle Ballene and there, in the tavern, get your reward from Captain. However, if we surrender the captain of Octavio Lambrini, about El Caymann, we will wait for his sons.

After that, in the tavern of Gray Sailz we will meet Anna Fore, who will tell us the story of his accident. She is from the noble English clan. Her father was a friend of Belterrop, who, it turns out, once wore Baron title. Beltrop missed a conspiracy against His Majesty and tried to incline her father in him. He refused and tried to convince Baron to quit a bad venture. But now Beltrop has already refused. Then the father, taking away between the loyalty to His Majesty and Friendship, was forced to convey the future leader of pirates in the hands of justice. Berthretop exiled.

Five years later, he returned to England at the head of the Pirate Fleet, plundered and burned the estate of the father of Anna, not sparing, besides her, no one. Anna Beltrop took to his ship and since then he kept with him, only a year ago, let him leave his residence. Brother Anna, Captain of the English Fleet, tried to find her, and during his search collided into the grandfather's grandfather Island with one of the whims of the Pirate Raster. They talked, and then the buddy of Bertropa poded her brother in the dark monitor, killed him and in the proof of his loyalty brought Berthropus the bloody head.

In the conversation it turns out that Belterrop has its half the treasure map of Captain Sharpe. We agree to shove the killer of Brother Anna in exchange for a promise to steal this half for us. Brother Anna's killer - Pirate named Juan "Kokodrillo Sangra" - chops in search of mining near the French Colony of Isle Drainage. Having left there, we trammed his cracker "Aspiire" and, without getting involved in battle with the French, return to Anna. Having learned that her brother's death was reombed, she transmits us a piece of card. To the question that she is going to do next, Anna replies that she decided to stick the Beltrop's knife in Beluj. We can promise her to do it instead of her and then return for her - otherwise she will try to kill Belterropa and will die.

Looking into a single-legged Burkvist, we learn that I don't like some captains how Beltrop controls pirates on Gray Sailz. Burkvist tells Nicolas the true history of the death of his father, treacherously killed by Beltropy.

Having received a map, we go to the island of the body, resembling a bullish head. Entrance to the cave, where Malcolm Sharp hid the emerald cargo, is just between "horns". Together with the treasures, we find the diary of Malcolm Sharpe, which tells about the dream of our father to create a new state in the archipelago, free and independent.

In the meantime, a deceived and messed Beltrop smys around the island on his Manova Gorgon. If we do not hurt him near the body, he will pursue us when we appear in the waters of Gray Sailz. Speaking Belterrop and returning to the Ulson, we learn that after the death of Berthretop, the scals was much more difficult to protect the rocks, and, as it was called, England, France and Spain just decided to take the rocks to his hands. Looks like the island will have to leave. But the ideas of the Father inspired Nicholas, that he persuades Ulsson to start the creation of a new free republic in the archipelago. Olaf eventually agrees and says that you first need to get rid of the threat from the colonial powers and, first of all, to protect the rockshorz from France, which has already started collecting the fleet to capture the pirated islands. Ulson offers us a new ship.

On the island of Isle Doparazh in the tavern we encounter a French officer, who has already been pretabling, but never ceases to drink. From Him we learn that French superintendent Eymery Dorillic went to inspect the state of the fort on Omori Island. It is the Dorillik that is responsible for the punitive expedition to the rockshorz, and we will have to go on Omori to talk to him. Bribeing superintendent, we achieve consent from it to sabotage the supply of ammunition. The threat from the French is temporarily eliminated, which we, returning to the rocks, happily inform Ulson. However, now the fleet for attack on the pirate colony is prepared by the British.

We go to Heyok and talk to the master of the tavern. He tells us that the island was recently brought a new batch of convicts. In the same tavern, we can talk to Jeremy McMellon. Inspired by the idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding a new republic in the archipelago, he promises to find a way to stop the preparing expedition.

Returning to the Ulson, we tell him that they found a new ally among the British. Olaf also has news: the new leader appeared on Gray Sailz - Pirate Felipe on the nicknamed butcher. Ulsson advises us to talk to him. Having become acquainted with the butcher, we tell him about the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a new free state in the archipelago. This idea accounts for a new leader in the soul, but he warns us that the three Spanish linear ships go to the rockschorz to capture pirated settlements. It is necessary to meet them on the approach to Gray Sailz. The butcher offers us his help in battle with the Spaniards. After the battle, he will be ready to help us always.

Speaking all three linear (one of them needs to be captured), we go to visit McMelleon. He says that everything is ready in order to raise a riot in Hyoka, and the only thing he needs is money for the purchase of weapons for the rebels. He needs three thousand gold. Giving money, we learn that the dead island has three new English ships. We have to get rid of them, otherwise they will give the riot to their guns and fall on Highkee to the restoration of the counterpart.

We raise the sail and swim to the dead island. Having won the English fleet, we return to the Ulson, who praises us for the battle with the Spaniards and says that he is tired of pirate life and he is going to leave the archipelago and go to Europe. There, he will buy a small tavern on the shore and hold the rest of his life in warm and rest. Instead, he appoints the head of Pirates Skalshorz Nicholas Sharpe.

Finding goodbye to the Ulsson and promising to visit if it was a tavern, we look at the owner of the tavern on Sharc Island. Francis Dullars gives us a letter from Jeremy McMelleon, in which he reports that unforeseen circumstances interfere with raising a riot in Hyok. The Spaniards collect the fleet near Isil Ballery to attack High. We are invited to sink the Spanish fleet, and at the same time to capture Isle Ballene.

After capturing Isil Ballery, we return to Gray Seylz. There, Burkvist conveys us a second letter from McMelleon. Returning to Heyok and talking to McMellon, we are going to capture Grand Avilia, and then Ail Drainage. After the capture of the island, we persuade his governor to join the new republic and celebrate victory.

"Sharpes Brothers: Revenge Brothers"

... Nathaniel Khauk, a cousin of Nicholas Sharpe, the most terrible of pirates in the Caribbean in the seventeenth century, served as faith and true Governor of Portsmouth in England, but on obscure reasons was expelled from the country and recognized as a pirate for three nations - England, France and Spain. But he swore back and revenge ...

Chapter 1.
There was a cool morning of May 1630. Nothing broke the silence, only the cries of the chaps were audible over the pier of Portsmouth.
Nathaniel Khauk stood on the pier and watched the loading of his Pinas "Storm". By noon, he and his team had to leave the water of England.
He took out his golden clock and looked at them. This is the only memory of the father, remaining at Nathaniel. On the clock was half the eleventh.
Captain Takes the sailor shock:
- Captain, we plunged. Preparing for sailing?
- No, posttoye - answered Nataniel - Rail to the cabins of its families. - I think you will not want to leave them on the arbitrary of the governor.
- There is, captain. - And the sailors retired to collect their families.
A few minutes later, they wandered the ship with a string. They walked with wives and sons, dragged bales with things. Some carried the furniture. Soon all the cabins were excavated, things were put in her hold. Everything was ready for sailing.
Soon the governor himself arrived at the pier. His chinno accompanied the squad of soldiers. The procession went through the whole city and ended on the pier. The governor and soldiers stopped at once.
Seeing this, Nathaniel woke up from his reflection, and ran around the ladder on the deck of his ship.
- Nathaniel Khauk, your time expires. Hurry! - warned the Governor of Nathaniel with a thorough tone - hurry!
- Of course, Mr. Governor. Still not long - a hahuk answered a little mocking tone - we are almost ready for sailing.
The clock on the city square struck noon.
- give the mooring! - shouted the captain, and heavy fastening ropes pulled into a deck. - Full ahead!
And the ship, slowly gaining speed, slightly swayed on the waves and removed from the pier. Soon the ship was completely gone from the view, hiding behind the horizon. From this, the adventures of Nathaniel Hawka began.

Chapter 2.
First meetings.
The next day, in the early morning, Nathaniel, sitting at his desk in his cabin, examined the card, and decided on which desperate attempt he would still go and his team.
Before it came the knock at the door.
- Sign in - he grunted, without tearing off the eye from the calculations.
The door opened, and the Captain's cabin entered boatswain.
- Good morning, Captain - he greeted Hawka - you have not decided yet, where will we go?
- Well, why - the captain replied, pissed off from the map - I decided - we are moving across the ocean in search of a uninhabited island. As far as I know, in the surrounding waters of at least one, but there is.
- Doesn't it stay better in some close port? - asked Bottchesman.
Grinning, captain replied:
- Jack, think! We are pirates. For all. Maybe it's not so, but - Nathaniel spread his hands - if we appear in the nearest port, we will take us as ...
- Pirates. Yes, Jack nodded, agreed for the captain - thanks for explained, CEP. Are you climbing the deck?
- Yes. In a minute.
- I am waiting for you - and the boatswain retired.
Soon the hair rose upstairs. Stood fog. Dawn. It was cold.
The sailors worked lively on masts and deck. No one on the ship rested.
The captain wondered again, standing at the board of the ship. His look wandered from the blossom - blue water of the ocean to the brightened horizon, but the thoughts still were not about it.
He argued so for some time in silence, broken only by rare batches of sailors and noise of ocean water, which like oil, cut the ship, floating farther further to the horizon.
Suddenly, the captain's view, wandering across the ocean came across a barely noticeable silhouette, slowly moving along the horizon line.
- Jack, pickle pipe! - Nathaniel told a wary tone, pulling his hand back - I need to know who it is.
- Where? - asked the boots in surprise, feeding the pipe -
Have you seen someone?
Huha, looking at the pylon, gave it to Jack with the words:
- Look there, along the horizon. English pennants ...
- Yes, it is so, the captain. Vimpels are really English. And under them are some light ships ... Maybe the sautes or pinks ...
- Captain! - looking from the grotty mast shouted so that Nathaniel trembled, and Boatzman almost dropped the pipe - there are two slut around the horizon line, ... changed the course ... go on us, sir ... I can't disassemble the name ...
- Approximate speed of ships? - Cap hit.
"About 11 knots, ... approaching - looking for a second did not take off his eyes from a picking pipe -, ... will soon be here.
- Well.
Over again, Nathaniel could disassemble the names of the ships - "Freedom" and "Honor".
They approached. Soon, all who looked in their direction saw that the captains of both sluts lead a lively conversation, holding the ships extremely close. But soon, seeing the Pinas not far from himself, they stopped the conversation and divorced the ships.
- Hey, on the gateways! - shouted the hahak - who are you and far away?
"I am Jack Mineston - started the captain of" Freedom "- I served with my brother - he poked at the captain" honor "- served as Governor Portsmut Corsary for about five years. But most recently he drove me, and he said that I was no longer returned. And my brother Dick served at the governor for only three years - he entered the service he later me. And now we exile, and we want to float away from these lands, until we have confiscated ships.
- Yes, it is so - confirmed the Dick story of Brother.
"I share your destiny, gentlemen" Nathaniel sighed - I served for about five years from the governor, and recently he kicked me as a dog, and ordered to get together. Yesterday I despair from Portsmouth, but I will soon come back, and I will remember him! - with angrily finished Nathaniel in his eyes.
- I think that then you will not mind if we join you? - asked Jack Mineston - what do you say?
- Well, naturally, I do not mind! - Joyfully exclaimed Nathaniel - I will only glad to fellow travelers!
In the evening, the ships aroused anchor, and Nathaniel arranged a magnificent dinner on the ship. Behind him, the captains discussed everything.
"I'm going to settle on some uninhabited island within a radius of a hundred fifty miles." We are going to diverge there, to train new people - and in the cabins of my family of a family of sailors, in which the soldiers are fully suitable for maritime. And later, I'm going to rebuild a few new ships using an affordable tree, and give a visit to Mr. Governor.
Well, what do you say?
- plan flawless, sir Nathaniel! - Exclaimed Jack - you think you perfectly!
- Certainly! - confirmed once again Dick - and the nearest, uninhabited island we should look for miles in a hundred ten. At best, two days later we can reach the goal.
- So that's great! For a new plan! - And he was heard a ringing of three glasses, which in the moment were empty.
The brothers diverged along the ships, and the hahak still remained standing on the deck, enjoying the beautiful view of the starry sky and a bright full moon, which illuminated the silver surface of the ocean surface.

Chapter 3.
New meeting and new land.
The next morning did not prevent surprises. The sailors as usual fussed on the deck, and the boots calculated the coordinates.
Nathaniel went to the deck at around five in the morning. The sun has not yet risen, and the ocean seemed black in the morning dusk. The sailors removed the ships from the anchor and lay down in the drift, but to seven in the morning they had to raise the sail and reach the speed of 10 knots to overcome the next day to 150 miles.
- Well, the captain? - Going to the halo, asked Bottches - our plans did not change?
- No, Jack - the captain answered firmly - we go to the same course at the right pace, and therefore soon, I hope, justify on some uninhabited land - so that Jack, our plans have not changed. In extreme cases, in the near future.
Before noon, nothing has changed - the sailors also worked simply, the ship simply flew with a record speed - 12 knots. The Hawka team exceeded the appointed plan for 15 miles per hour. That is, by five in the morning tomorrow they will overcome one hundred and fifty miles, three hours ahead of scheduled time.
And Nathaniel was engaged in his favorite activity - stood on the deck and looked around the ocean space in all directions of light. But for a long time he did not have to stand so - he saw quite close to Bark. "" Spaniards! "Captain thought with delight, without believing that he saw - this is good luck!" ". Bark was a little ahead - several hundred meters, and Pinas began to catch it. Already the name Nathaniel read Chatko - "Bogach". " Well, judging by the title, everyone waited for good prey!
Cutting a water surface, the Hawka ship smoothly cooked a barark, and a panic arose on the deck of the Spanish vessel. Among the crowd of sailors, a fat merchant in Blue Sultuka was sometimes screened - he gestured his hands and shouted something.
"Yeah, a sailor dried! - The captain smiled - and that fat man, probably, captain! We will talk to him in gentle. Soon, Pinas Nastig Bark, and the board of the board comes with him.
- Hey, in Bark! - Nathaniel shouted fun - who are you and where do you keep the way?
- Hello, sir! - I heard the captain's voice made through the crowd of desecrated sailors - I am Ed Neil de Son, French, but serve the Spanish crown. But I never lucky, and I am disappointed in the service. My incomes are petty, and never cover costs. I recently took the cargo from the Spanish coast to France, in La Rochelle, and, spending more than two thousand coins on the flight, received only five hundred! Imagine! This is my last flight - I'm no longer going to climb debts. And who are you?
- Thanks for the impressive story, Mr. Neil de Son - with a smile answered the Corsair - I am English Corsair Nathaniel Khauk, was expelled by Governor Portsmouth for obscure reasons. I move with friends - Jack and Dick Mainestons, also expelled from England Governor Portsmouth. And you, as I see Spaniard ...
- D - Yes - the merchant nodded frightened - what did you want?
"I wanted to make you a proposal - Corsar asked a calm voice - as I understood, you have a money shortage - you do not pay for your expenses. Therefore, I think you will agree to join our expedition to get a lot of money, a new ship, and become a resident of a new country?
- ABOUT! Yes, do not doubt! I will follow you if you want to show such generosity. Thank you! - Hispanic admired. - Where are we going?
"Next, the horizon on full sails - Khauk replied and moved away from the side.
So Nathaniel received another ally, and even faster he drove his ship to the appointed goal.
Early in the morning of the next day, the captain went to the deck, and looked around. There was a fog, almost nothing could be seen. Nathaniel burned slightly from the morning cold. It was in the morning. Ten minutes of stubborn eyes, Nathaniel remarked through the fog of some kind of silhouette, who seemed to him the island.
- Land! - suddenly shouted forward looking, and all stirred. The Allies of Corsaard stared at that silhouette, which gradually turned into an island.
"Earth, finally - then! - I thought Nathaniel - my dream came true! "
At five o'clock in the morning, four ships entered the lagoon of an unknown island.

Chapter 4.
Magnifying to the island, all sailors came to the snow-white sand of an unknown land. These were Nathaniel, Brothers Minestons, and Neil de Son's merchant. The wildness of the island was amazed and accompanied by his beauty - shrubs grew very thickly, palm trees rose with mature coconuts, and a thick grass grew - these were obvious signs that the island is deserted. It was pleased with Hawka.
- In this island, there is clearly no one - violated the general silence of the Corsair - and this means that he is uninhabited. We were waiting for this.
"Yes," Dick Mineston continued - will disrupt here. Why start building?
- Building? - ED asked with surprise - what is the construction?
- De Son, we want to settle here because we are exile! - Nathaniel blurted out in almost the scream - we decided to spend here at least a few months, and then - he squeezed his fist - ... I'll explain later.
On this conversation ended. On this day, still spent the night on the ships, and the construction was moved to the next morning. All day spent on the study of the island. It turned out that in his middle there is a small glade, where they decided to build a center of the camp.
The next morning, work began to boil - all the sailors from all ships began to build the "" Working House of Nathaniel "" - so called a two-storey mansion in the meadow, in which there will be a basement, floor with a small officer room and the Captain's work office on the second floor. He was ready in two days.
Soon after the construction of the "" "work house" "began to build external frequencies - the simplest defense from unexpected pirate attacks. He was rebuilt in the day.
All products from Spanish Bark were unloaded and transferred to the basement (with the permission of Neil de Son, of course).
Even about the crescent, they spent on the construction of huts for sailor families - to keep them on the ship was obscene - so considered Nataniel.
Having finished it, everyone could say with relief, which settled on the island. It was one of the main steps of Hawka Plan. The camp reserved the first of June 1630. This is a month later sailing from Portsmouth.
The next day, the captain gathered all his officers and said that it was time to train young people. From families took almost all young men and built them on the sandy shore of the island.

Chapter 5.
- Yunsha! - Heak began his lecture - you are all - the sons of sailors, and, most likely, all your future is connected with the ship's service. And it does not matter what - you will be corsars, merchants, or pirates - no matter. It is important that you should be able to fencing and some of you - to drive a ship, these are those who are determined to focus on the captain's office. If someone does not know, my name is Nataniel Khauk, Pinas Captain "" Storm "", you see him in the bay. Together with me, you will be trained by my boatswain Jack Digret, navigator William Ontrest, and the first assistant Roger Minx - they all serve me for more than ten years, and they know how to perfectly fight. Well, let's start the training course?
- Yes! - Some answered Shero.
And the course of maritime training began. The majority wanted to study the fencing. But the first days almost no one showed good possession of the sword - everyone had some shortcomings. Week passed, and some fencers distinguished themselves. The flaws became smaller, and the disciples gained skill. But all the same, everyone had to hear the captain's comments often: "" Such a blow is weak! Higher! "", And some started everything from the beginning. Soon brothers Minestons, and even Neil de Son! He also showed a desire to learn fencing. Imagine a fat merchant among skinny boys!
Over time, some have already progressed quite seriously - they were not worse than the navigator. And Nathaniel left the shore and the lessons of fencing, and moved to the sea to teach his student Richard - one of the few who wished learning to manage the ship. Many were considered unsuitable for swimming, and sent to learn to fencing.
And Nathaniel asked John Mineston him "" Freedom ", and went to the bay to train the recruit. Soon the Boatswain Jack joined him on another gate, who took the training of another future captain - Philip.
At first, Huha did a lot of comments: "" Take Turn! "", "" Not so! "", Etc., that is, the young captain allowed many mistakes. But since Nathaniel, Nathaniel became more and more admired with his favorite student - just a couple of days passed, and he was already able to make a sleek turn, to catch the wind correctly, and even maneuvering learned well! It was more and more liked Corsaire, and he thought that the captain in his team was almost ready.
We mention Jackie and his student Philip. It was an explosive guy, he did not like to swim slowly, and often when the captain showed Richard a new maneuver, it was possible to observe how the gate of nodes under thirteen was carried by the helm of the joyful Philip. And Jack spoke to this captain: "He likes to swim so much."
But still, the encouragement received Richard - he was very careful with the ship, and he managed well. Philip, naturally, was worse than him.
A few days later, the results of the entire course of study were summed up - from hundreds of fencers, a quarter received the sword and ten piasters as a reward, fifty-sword and five pirasters, and the rest, more unfortunate - the sword and one piatra.
Nathaniel proudly handed Richard a gold-plated pylon and a bag of hundreds of bezing pirasters. And also said:
- I will build a ship for you, Rich; I know you can become a talented captain.
In response, Richard broke into the smile - he knew that the captain would not deceive.
But Philippe Jack with no less than hawka solemnity (and with a small smile on his face) was handed a bronze, ordinary pickle pipe, and five coins. And after that he said: "" And everything could be better if you float carefully "."
All the evening, the completion of the course of study was noted, and replenishing their rows with young sailors, and drank the Roma Charke.
Further plans of Nathaniel on the island were such: to strengthen his defense; Build docks not far from the shore for the construction of several support ships, and explore the island to the end, as some lake could be in his wilderness, or even a source of fresh water.

Chapter 6.
Construction of docks and study of the island.
The next day, Nathaniel appointed a hard plan to explore the island for freshwater, and building docks for the construction of small ships.
Five sailors went to explore the wilderness of the island, making their way through the thickets of fern and shrubs. In half an hour, they found the source of fresh water - it was a joy to everyone, as the water on the ship ended. The sailors filled with water all the containers that were with them and returned to the camp.
- Captain, there is water on the island! - They said at once, demonstrating the Corsaire filled with water flashes. The captain took one of them and drank a couple of sips. Then the lip wipe sleeve and said:
- Yes, fresh water. Well done boys. You can relax - and the sailors collapsed on the grass.
A little later, the teams took up docks. We decided to build them close to the water in order to drop the ships in the sand. Two long and wide palm trees cut down, and put them on the edges of the cut-down space (as a base). Then they made a steep ladder, which would be easy to ride the ship. And planned piles on the wooden floor. Docks were completed in a week - seventh of August.
Also, the captain asked to build observation nests on two high palm, and put the sentries - the governor's fleet could appear. And the sentries chose two guy - fencers. This ended the execution of the planned plan.

Chapter 7.
The next day, Nathaniel gave orders to the sailor - to start building a gate. The team began to be constructed, and the captain retired to his office, and did a record in the ship's magazine:
"August 7, 1630. I and my friends settled on uninhabited land, explored the island and strengthened it. Fencing fencers and captain from the families of my sailors were trained. On the outcome of resources and food, but fresh water reserves are replenished, since a source was discovered in the middle of the island. We plan to stay here for about a month here, and then go back to Portsmouth, but it can come only if I wait for my brother Nicolas Sharpe ... "
Nathaniel closed the magazine, and came out of the office. He had thoughts that Nicolas Sharp arrives on the island, and everyone can coordinate how his personal flag is developing, which may rise over and above the island, ... But it was only considerations, so it remained only hoping for it. And the captain walked to observe the construction of the ship.
Ten sailors fussed under it. Hammers were knocked, nails were clogged, and the ship acquired the desired appearance. On the deck also worked lively, equal to the boards, and the boys were going to look at this sight. Soon they graduated from the housing and the hold, and installed masts - they were supported by thick lianas, fastened for nearby trees (Liana took the island in more often). When the masts fastened, the Liana was rearged. The ship was almost over. In the evening I squeeze the bottom and secured sails. In the morning it was decided to experience. All scattered sleep.

Chapter 8.
Arrival of Nicolas Sharpe.
In the morning, Nathaniel woke up from incomprehensible noise and voices mixed with him. He hastily rose, dressed and came out. What he saw shocked him. In a small lagoon, a huge battleship with an English pennant was browned, all sides were frigates, too, English. But even more struck the spectacle on the shore - the soldiers in the depths were marched on him, there were the bodies of the dead and wounded sailors, including the young ones. Among all their Khauk noticed Minestons, beaten, in ripped clothes, and the Governor of Portsmouth was again nearby. Neil de Son stood chained in shackles surrounded by soldiers. The spectacle shocked and terrified. Suddenly, Jack ran to the captain, his boots, and groaned: "Help!" ", And fell dead. Corsair was terribly angry, and with creaky teeth went towards the governor. But suddenly he felt some kind of inexplicable heaviness, and weakness in the legs, it was becoming worse. But he walked, and gradually approached the villain. In the end, he walked over to the scoundrel, who laughed in all the throat, standing over a slightly alive minestons.
- Sir !!! I will kill you!!! - Overto Nathaniel, and took out a sword out of herbal.
- Come on, Snaya, hit me! - ha! Ha! Ha! - The governor laughed Corsaire in the face.
Nathaniel could not stand such rudeness, with a cry swallowed, destroyed the governor in the pressure and ... woke up. He stood in a haired office, kept his saber in his hand, and in front of him there was a broken barrel.
- Sleep? He himself asked himself, sowing on the bed - the hell, dreamed of this! Fuh ... - Corsair took a deep breath. He was all in the sweat, his heart was killed, and he had to sit a little to calm down. The hauk came out of the office. Outside it was night, stood cool. Corsair looked around - there was a complete darkness around, but unexpectedly Khauk saw the fire near one of the huts. He stood a little and headed for the fire. Soon, near him he saw someone's figure and accelerated a step. When he approached, he saw that Richard sat at the fire, and gently stirred firewood in the fire. Seeing Corsary, he was surprised, and stared at Nathaniel questioningly.
- Will not sleep? - asked Khauk
"Yes, Richard replied - I decided to sit at the fire. Today is a beautiful sky, right?
The captain looked up. The sky was clean, and on a dark background, placer stars stand out.
- This is true - you won't see such a sky in Portsmouth.
- Yes, I have seen this.
- Rich?
- What?
- You would not want to choke on Pinas? - Nathaniel asked with a smile - now.
- I would like to! Offer?
- Let's go to.
Two figures, slowly moved towards the coast. Soon the moon got up, and became lighter. The moon covered the dark silhouette of the captain ship. Soon it was a little dug the shadow of two people rising to the deck. The ship quarmed a little, sails were plagued - Nathaniel dissolved them.
The ship slowly moved, and Nathaniel lay down on her hammock near Kubrick. He looked at the stars, and occasionally looked at Richard standing at the steering wheel. Suddenly Richard asked:
- Sir Nathaniel, I heard that you have some kind of attitude to Nicolas Shamp. It's true?
- Yes. I am his cousin.
Richard moved away from the steering wheel, and went to Corsaire.
- Brother? Then you can tell something about him? I heard that he is a merciless pirate with the very wild gang of thugs.
Smiling a little, Nathaniel replied:
- This is not true. My brother is not such a pirate. He was just as well as I was driven from the service and settled somewhere nearby on the island. He does not kill people, and does not rob the island. He is only avenge.
- So, almost no one knows the truth about him?
- No one in the colonies. I, and all his loved ones, the team naturally know what he really is. I will introduce you to him if he arrives at this island.
- Can he come here?!
- Yes.
Nathaniel leaned back, and lay, looking at the starry sky. Richie returned to the steering wheel and tried several complex turns. A little time passed, at least it seemed to Nathaniel. Richard tall, and suddenly noticed that the sun rises. He ran up to the dormant captain and shocked his sleeve
- Sir Nathaniel - Dawn! We stayed on the ship all night!
"Perfectly" Hoak rubbed her eyes and got up - go home, and then you will lose you. " Tell me what was with me, and that's it.
Nathaniel cast a ladder, and Richard bullet flew home. And the captain remained standing on the deck.
Suddenly, he turned hechole, and, taking the pipe, stared at the horizon with a half-open mouth.
There, from the horizon, three ship sailed from the horizon - two frigates and one man-o-var - a heavy one hundred gun ships, which were used very little in flotillas. All ships were black - she was covered with black trees, sailors worked on leather clothes, and a full order was observed. On the nose of Man-o-Vara stood captain.
"Nicholas - flashed in the mind of Hawka, and he ran to the shore. Soon on the sand of the island was all the officers of the captain, as well as Minestons and Neil de Son. Next to Nathaniel stood his favorite student Richard.
Ships approached. Soon you could see the Sharpe flag - a tense hand with a saber on a black background.
Man-o-var stopped. Sharpe went ashore and went towards his brother. He was Stathent, the skin was bronze, on his feet we were blinking with glitter boots, and a long saber was hanging on the belt with an enjoyed inscription: "Nicholas Sharp". It was a majestic person - a symbol of power and independence.
- Great, brother! - shook Sharpe's brother's hand - and you sufficiently settled here. The company is not bad ... And who is this? - He showed to Richard - God forbid your son?
- Unfortunately, no - the hahuk grinned - this is my student who, by the way, manages the ship well.
- A, young captain! - Corrected Nicholas - Well, hello, the future thunderstorm of the seas!
- Hello, Nicholas Sharp. I Richard Blixley, Sir Nathaniel taught me to be a good captain, and told about you - Richard replied.
"I hope he did not attract anything, looked incredulously on the brother Sharp - what did he say?"
- He said that you are the greatest captain, but never simply kill people and do not rob the island.
- That's right - Nicholas smiled - and what else did you hear about me?
- In Portsmouth, they said more than once that you are a merciless pirate, an infinitely arrangement of bloodshed, who kills people just like that, the captain of everyone in its path.
- But this is not true - I noticed a pirate - it's a shadow lies, a slander of whose man does not know. "You will probably, you will be a good captain, so take it - he extended to Richard a saber, like his own, but only a little shorter - with this everyone will respect you, seeing my name on the blades.
- Thank you! - thanked the Captain boy - you are very generous.
- Use on health! "Smiling, Nicholas said - and now let's go, dear brother, he turned to Nathaniel to my ship - we need to discuss a lot. And leaving the team on the shore, Nicholas and Nathaniel went to the Sharpe Kutu to discuss the situation.
Boatswie, and all officers spread over two frigates to chat with Sharpe officers and, can discuss some questions.

Chapter 9.
"Well, tell me - Sharpe began, sitting down at the table in his cabin - he sat down - he politely invited his brother.
- Thank you, Nicholas - Hoak sat down - Well, well. I will tell you everything from the very beginning.
This happened on May 1 - more than three months ago. I was expelled from service and from the country Governor Portsmut, how many years ago ...
- damn pigs! - Sharp Orurug the governor - he did not forget that then, ten years ago, he drove me out there, and remembered about you - you are my brother! And now the justice of his beggar happened - I drove you. Dirty Kambala!
"Yes, apparently," Khak continued - I did not expect it, but I had to collect everyone in the shortest time, and at noon the governor drove me from the island. In addition, now I am a national pirate!
- How I was in a brother.
- Yes, as you - Nathaniel grinned - well. The next day I met the brothers of Mainestons on two sluts ...
- Tech two inclusive and muscular guys? - Interrupted, asked Nicholas.
- Yes. It was them - the Corsair continued - so. I met them a little later noon, and they told me that they were also expelled by the governor, so they have nowhere to go. So I swam with me.
- And that fat man? - asked Sharpe - he, too, with them?
- Not. This is Neil de Son, the Spanish trader to whom I offered a profitable deal - a lot of money, a new ship and a residence in the new state.
- In my? - Brother asked incredulously.
- Yes.
- I'll talk to him about the terms of the contract. Go on.
- We continued the way, and the next morning came on a desert island, and it was founded on it. Over the past time, we trained the Yuntans to fight, and raised the captain - you saw him. That's all. I think you will tell me what happened to you after your expulsion? - finished Nathaniel.
- Yes, I will tell. So. The governor drove me, and I sailed away so as not to see my shame. The guys with the guys decided to live according to their rules, and therefore flooded in search of the uninhabited land.
We found two close to the location of absolutely wild islands, and decided to settle there. We rebuilt a small fort, and founded the camp. In the first time he looked like yours now.
Later, when we strengthened there, we began to engage in small "fishery" "- I caught small Spanish ships - Barki, Crates, and robbed them. But the captains were not killed, the ships were not treated, but simply - they were politely taken to the board, asked for forgiveness for anxiety, and asked to proceed to our island. There we unloaded the cargo from the ship, and let the captains. Some even liked it to live with us that they painted ships in black, as we have, and took our flag. So we often replenished the ranks of our allies.
Soon we had a powerful hundred cannon fort and fifty ships - non-real power, I decided to transform into the state - we also settled the neighboring island, and I proclaimed the island by the state of Sharpe. I liked it all, and everyone agreed. So we still live, and we are always happy to accept allies to our ranks - I completed your story Sharp.
- And how much do you have ships in the state now?
- About three hundred. Maybe a little more - doubting, answered Nicholas. - The Motherland dismissed the bad glory about us - they say, somewhere in the ocean there lives gangs of thugs, laughing on the pieces of all who sails past. And a lot of curious. Curious traders float by, fall to our paws, and remain these satisfied. Our rows all grow. We are together - power.
- Thanks for such a bright story Brother - said Nathaniel, rising from the chair - it seems to me, now it's time to gather, and swim on your state. There we are united forces, and the crusher governor who so brutally expelled ...
- Yes, brother is an excellent idea. And we will include this land in our state.
- I agree! - Huhah enthusiastically shouted - I will go, I will announce a collection.
Nathaniel came out of his brother's cabins and headed to the shore, where the officers were gathered at the Fregates of Sharpe.

Chapter 10.
General fees.
Nathaniel descended from the ship, and his officers returned to the island.
- Jack! - Captain shouted - Going! We despair to the sunset!
- There is, captain! - And Jack hurried the rest.
Richard, showing his saber to the rest of the guys, met Nathaniel a little further along the shore.
- Richie, tell everyone to collect things! We are despair soon.
- Yes, Sir Nathaniel! - And Richard ran into the camp.
Soon the Corsair warned everyone, and when he returned to his house, he saw a lot of people in the camp, something fruitfully discussed. Jack Mineston approached the captain.
- What is Sir - despair? - he asked.
"Yes, Nathaniel replied briefly.
- And where will we go? Let's go back to Portsmouth?
"No - Captain angrily looked at Jack - we will go, accompanied by my brother in his state - to the main island.
- In his state? - Maineston was surprised
- Yes, in his state! He founded it on two islands, and this one will become the third. It is called the Sharpe State. - explained Hauk.
- There are many people living there?
- Enough. All who want to live there, Nicholas with joy takes.
On this conversation ended. The sailors began to prepare for sailing - they freed their huts from things, and put them outside.
Nathaniel himself has already transferred all his belongings from the cabinet to the ship.
Sharpe went to the shore, two sailors went with him. They kept the big flag in their hands.
- As I promised from the very beginning - Nicholas began - this island will become part of my country. With all its honor, declare that now this island is part of my state.
The sailors rose to the frequency, and fastened the flag on the bayonet. Now the coat of arms and at the same time the Sharpe flag could be seen from afar.
- That's how Sharp said a little later - So, it's time to start loading!
Loading on ships. Now, unlike the path here, the ship cargo of Nathaniel was divided between all vessels. Only families of sailors are located on Pinas Hawka.
Everything was immersed to the sunset, and the ships were removed from the anchor. Nathaniel stood on the deck and looked at the removing island with incomprehensible sadness. On board to the hauka jumped brother.
"Well, dear brother, to our revenge left for a short time, smiling, he said.
"Yes, Nick" answered Nathaniel calmly - the villain will receive his when we arrive at Portsmouth.
"To our overall joy - as if a negotiation, Nicholas said, putting his brother's hand on his shoulder.

Chapter 11.
State of Sharpe.
Seven days of ships quietly furred ocean expanses. Nathaniel every morning, going to the deck, hoped to see on the horizon at least the outline of the islands, but, by his regret, all the days he saw one thing on the horizon - a blatant water surface, stretching along the horizon line.
But on the eighth day, Nathaniel saw the island on the horizon, clearly looming on a light horizon background.
- Brother, almost profit! - Nicholas shouted with Man-O-Vara - in half an hour in place!
And indeed, not so much time passed when the two gigantic islands approached the distance of the cannon nucleus.
Ships slowly entered the wide bay of the main island. On the shores of the harbor stood fortifications - walls built, leaning on trees. A strange view of the wall by semicircle described the bay. It visited the guns - the sea of \u200b\u200bguns - they looked out of special windows, and if necessary, hid in the wall.
In the center of the semicircle wall, another high strengthening, reminding the fortress, was elevated. Seamless walls hid six dozen guns in themselves, and, by silent dark black, it looked frighteningly from the horizon. From above, there were sailors on the gears - a person is fifty, no more. But the closer everyone moved to the Fort of the island, people on the wall became more and more. It seemed one wrong step - all ships will be separated by volley guns.
Soon, Nicholas went ashore, and after this, a creaking sound was heard - the fort of Fort opened. Sharp quietly entered the inside. The rest of the captains followed behind him, but they still have some feeling of fear of unshakable defenders of the island. Everyone passed under the arch of the gate, over which the big flag of Sharpe developed, and found themselves inside the city.
Immediately, the feeling of anxiety was replaced by admiration. What they saw inside shook. Urban streets are carefully caught, and are divided into many turns and passes. Along the road, there are exactly built two-storey houses - everything is absolutely the same. Persons constantly flash in them, the lads are frozen on the street, flower flower beds grow. Steel-swords are a little further sold, the kings are the merchant military attributes. Next sell bread and pies, and more.
On the edge of the city on the other side of the island - docks in which the ships are releasing, and build new, and very impressive sizes. Nearby there was a big marina with a lot of ships - it is guarded by several towers with guns.
On the island of Sharpe, there were also two taverns, a degree house, and a store for richer people.
All this very much brushed to the capital - although everything was so.
Sharpe spent everyone to the palace - a large house with the so-called hallway hall, and the hall of discussions, in which the captain and at the same time the ruler of the state discussed important problems.
Nicholas waited when everything is boosted, and asked:
- Well, how do you have my island?
- Excellent - answered Khauk.
- delightfully! - Mainstons replied.
- indescribable! - Neil de Son answered the last.
- It's good - smiled at Sharpe - Does anyone have any questions?
- How do you live here, away from everyone? After all, you do not have food, resources? - asked Jack Mineston.
- This is not true. We are fully resources, and we build ships here. When this island was wild, we muttered a lot of wood to themselves, and they were harnessed in our warehouses, then more camp. And now food, and resources in a small amount we regularly deliver our people - merchants who have passed on our side. They buy the goods wherever they come, and bring here on their ships.
- Are you not tracking? - asked Dick Mineston.
- Many know where we are, but they are afraid of a serious collision with my fleet. British expeditions ended here five years ago, and the French and Spaniards do not enjoy in general - with the exception of merchants, of course.
- Do everyone fit here - everyone?
Do you really have enough space for everyone? - Nile de dream asked in surprise
"We take all those who want to be in empty houses, but recently the main part of the settlers go there - Nicholas waved his hand to the east - to the next island. There is still not all populated. And now the third island will still be settled - later, of course.
- And if the governor attacks? - Again asked Ed - what then? Everyone will die? Leave the island?
Nicholas, barely restraining laughter, replied:
- Even if the governor is sailing here with all flotilla - I will not retreat. I will destroy him! - He squeezed his fist, but instantly calmed down.
Questions ended. Everyone came out of the hall to the island, so that everything should be learned.
Yes, in ten years, the country of Nicholas has strengthened its status - impenetrable defense, flotilla in three hundred ships, garrison of each of two forts - two thousand people, and at the same time peaceful, sonorous name of the state - Libertalia.
Chapter 12.
Collect forces. Invincible armada.
Some time later, the brothers continued to talk, spoke on the planned capture of Portsmouth.
- Are you saying what you want to equipped flotilla? - asked Nathaniel.
- Yes, dear brother - answered Nicholas - I want to build Armada, and release Portsmouth from the goat governor. We will share this visit together.
- Well, of course, together - Khauk nodded - I thought so from the very beginning, but I also thought that you would not be in the area of \u200b\u200bour island. And when I saw your ship on the horizon, I approved my opinion.
"It's good - Sharpe nodded - I want to take advantage of this chance, and with the help of my ships and people to start destroying tyranny in the English archipelago. From the bloody pirate, in front of everyone, I will become a noble knight - Nicholas laughed.
"Okay ..." Nathaniel himself gave himself from laughter, we turn to business. How many ships we will have, and when will we go?
Sharpe, holding back laughter, replied:
- Ten ships, it seems to me, enough. We plan to serve or today at sunset, or tomorrow morning. We will need a week on the road -
At best, five days.
- Well, then I went, I will tell everyone to be preparing for swimming.
Nathaniel went to the island, wandering his gaze on the stone faces of the garrison soldiers, according to black ships of his brother, and on a peaceful houses on the houses of residents of Libertlia.
He called the sailors on his pinas, they immediately began to drag deck and prepare for sailing.
Then Nathaniel went to the island for his friends. Going to them, he said:
- Friends, excursion ends. It's time to get into the way.
- What already? - Ede was surprised - we did not come so long ago?
- Yes, it's time. Time does not give to wait - Nathaniel continued - Let's go!
- Well, where are we going? - asked Dick Mainston on the go - somewhere far?
- Not. In Portsmouth - Corsair accelerated a step - we need to apply one urgent visit.
- Who is it to us? - grumbled de Son - and who else?
- Nicholas Sharp - blocked the captain in response.
People in the evening began to stretch into the cabins of the Nathaniel ship - almost all walked around the island. Several sailors who have no families have not been left in Libertlia. Ships were put in order and are ready for long-sworn swimming.
The Armada Nicholas included two elite frigates - the "cramp" and "separating" - on the ships there were 44 guns - on twelve guns more than a standard. This gave a big advantage in battle. The ships had a double board and the bottom, which prevented the flooding of the ship in the event of a break break, or hit the bomb.
Also in Armade had four 30 - and cannon karavels, and three pinas 36 guns each.
The handsome man, on which the Sharpe itself swam, hit the outside and inside - black with a housing, double sails, and most importantly - one hundred forty-guns, three-layer case and bottom, and a team in a thousand people. Such a Class Man-O-Var ship was a dream of any captain.
As soon as duski came, all flotilla moved towards the islands of England, leaving only a foam loop on the water.
Corsairs sailed four days at the speed of 15 knots per hour, and after four days they sailed the planned distance.
There was a cool morning of the fifth day of travel. Already many of the team were on the deck, not counting all the captains who devoured the misty horizon with a hungry look, expecting the appearance of the Portsmouth Fort. Only the sound of a rare screen of someone's legs along the deck, or the wind in the sail - but the harmony of silence was not disturbed. All of something waited.
Slowly, but still the fog dispelled, and everyone saw a slowly approaching fort and pier of the island of Portsmouth. It was an early morning, and the pier was empty. Only a pair of zooak walked along the pier. But, swirls, they stared with open mouths on the water, where slowly, but right, ships were promoted under the flag of Nicolas Sharpe.
On the deck there was a revival - everyone burned in anticipation of the battle. Nicholas and Nathaniel met with a smile native pier.

Chapter 13.
Ships quietly entered the harbor. Pier Vitala in the silence unnatural for Portsmouth, turmoisha in the morning fog.
Armada moored. The marina lay down the ladders. Nathaniel with Nicholas, and some of the officers, and some of the officers were followed ashore. The city is silent in strange silence. There was almost no one on his morning streets, and rarely found people were surprised at the captains.
Having walked on the main street of Portsmouth, Corsairs entered the Palace of the Governor, at the entrance to which, by their perplexity, there was no one.
Inside there was some disorder - inverted chairs and tables lay in the central hall. In the office of the governor were scattered papers, some of the coins were lying around. On the table of the governor, despite the mess around, there was order - there was an empty candlestick, lay a stack of papers, and in the middle of the table lay a disclosed letter. Nathaniel bent over the table, and read the letter:

"" Dear pirates losers! If you read it, then you are standing in the middle of my cabinet with half-open mouths. What a pity that I do not see your faces! Of course, I understand your perplexity, but I say - I sailed. Perhaps for a long time. I do not want to rot in this gap! I all soothered me! And you are expensive pogs, look for me - maybe even see you. Hehe. In the meantime, I say goodbye to you, my avengers. I wish you a pleasant revenge. Hehe.

Victim of your revenge ""

Nathaniel, having finished reading, sat down on the chair.
- Nick - as he squeezed - here, take. Read it.
Nicholas took a letter from his hand, and quickly read it. Then he squeezed his fist, creaked his teeth. Throwing a letter to the table, he gone:
- sailed. Yes, how did he dare - is it to write!? Us! - Nicholas got married noticeably, all his face became bard, her eyes poured blood from anger - I rupt him into pieces !!! Lake!
Corsair, breathing heavily, fell on his knees.
"Nick" said sluggish brother - what should we do? " Where to sail? Where to look for this bastard?
- Nathaniel, we will find it! I swear life - find! Now we will go towards the third island of Libertlia. He is somewhere near.
Look at these inks - they are completely fresh. It must be, he wrote this letter this morning, and therefore his fleet could not float far. Let's go to. Heck! - Nicholas Pink opened the doors, and the captains were easy to run on the ships. At the amazed faces of the sailors captains answered:
- All on the ships, alive! Time does not wait!
Everyone immediately joined the jogging of the capes to the pier. Untime, everyone ran on the decks of the ships, the ladders immediately removed, and raised the sails. Ships slowly moved from the places, and the long way continued.
Armada Sharpe moved to the northeast of Portsmouth - in the direction of which Nathaniel was moving in his swimming after the expulsion. Captains hoped to focus the governor's fleet at any cost. From this much depended.
An hour later, after sailing, barely Portsmouth Vimpel faded behind the horizon, the captains stood in speed standards, and Nicholas decided to talk with Nathaniel.
- Brother - He began - this day a lot for us means - if we do not find the governor, everything will be lost for us. But if we meet it, then the car is finally accomplished over the enemy, which should have been accomplished for a long time ago. We must find it, and we will find it!
"Yes, brother - answered Nathaniel - we will find it, we will find it even in hell. No one hits our revenge - and the governor is no exception.
- ships! - shouted forward looking Nathaniel
- Where? How many? - Corsair asked overwhelmed
- Many ... not far ahead on some island. Before they are about half a mile. Looks like on ships gubernatorial pennants ... Yes, that's them, captain!
- THEY ARE! - I thought Nathaniel, and his view, together with the eyes of the brother, moved to the place where the looking forward pointing forward.
Soon the silhouettes of large ships of the governor began to appear from the vague outlines.

Chapter 14.
The pursuit.
Armada approached the parking lot of the governor's ships. When Corsairs approached them, they saw that absolute calm reigns on them - among the crew of those two frigates who saw Nicholas with Nathaniel, there was no uniform distinguished. The sailors calmly walked along the deck, and nothing pointed to excitement. True, when Sharpe and Hawka ships approached, all the sailors turned their faces in their direction, observing.
- What are they doing? - asked Nathaniel at his brother, looking into the pipe - they seem to be waiting for something. But what?
"Brother, look - answered Nicholas - they keep their hands on their swords, ready to try us for any second. They are most likely waiting for the governor's signal.
"Let him be waiting - the hahon answered dryly - let's see how they arrive.
A few moments, not far from the ships, everyone saw the governor. He walked to his vessels, accompanied by soldiers detachments.
- Kill him with a gun! Shot! - shouted his brother Nathaniel
- Wait, Brantz - Nicholas reassured him - we will deal with him, ... but later.
Governor chinno ascended by one of the frigates, and stood near the side.
- Nathaniel, Blurus! Where are you from? Behind the revenge, pleased? "Smiling, mumbled scoundrels, but a moment later his face took a unwilling look - he noted Nick - Nicolas Sharp?! How did you get here? Where? What for? - And right there he screamed - Get out! Disappear! Why are you here? PLEASE, YES SELLS!
- Hell no! - Sliced \u200b\u200bNicholas, backing the cheek - we will not swim anywhere. Especially now.
- How dare you! Heaven! - again screamed the scoundrel - yes, I will destroy you!
- Are you? - Sharpe began to laugh - well, let's!
The governor froze in bewilderment.
- What are you inactive? - Joined to conversation Nathaniel - Kill us! We are open!
- I will not get like this! - despot exploded - you pay for it with your lives! The fire!
The frigates opened fire on the ships of Sharpe and Hawka, but especially according to Man-O-Varu Sharpe.
In the air appeared cannon smoke clubs, there was nothing visible. So it was another minute until smoke began to dissipate. Looking towards the shots, the governor hoped for a victory. Suddenly he heard laughter. Someone's laughter. It was not clear where he was from.
Suddenly the governor was shocked, and dumbfounded. Among the Clubs of Smoke, he saw ... Absolutely whole brothers, frantically laughing at him. And the ships were damaged, and it is not essential.
The governor drove his jaw.
- Well, your highness? Satisfied? Ha! Ha! Ha! - The brothers continued to laugh - we are already killed! Ha! Ha! Ha!
- Leave! - screamed the villain - carry your feet!
And the governor with all the assistants rushed to the other side of the island, where the frigates immediately headed.
- Raise Sails! We go to the chase! - shouted Sharpe, and the ships tried from the places.
The ships warked the arc of the island, and saw how the governor and soldiers skipped on the ship.
As part of the governor squadron there were two 32-cannted frigates, five 20 and cannon karavel, two galleons of 36 guns each, and the main ship is a lightweight battle with the 75th guns. The ship has highlighted among others, as a bunch of pennants with flags and coat of arms of the governor was tangled.
Soon the flotilla was drowned, and, gaining speed, began to leave.
- Nick, they leave! - shouted Nathaniel Nicholas, and immediately ordered the sailors - full forward! Place all sails!
The same team heard on all ships. The squadron went to the pursuit of the governor's ships.
By evening, the company began to overtake the opponent, but unexpectedly everyone saw that the storm clouds were abandoned not far from them.
- What do we do? - Nataniel asked - ahead of the storm, and our guests go.
"We will go behind them - Sharpe answered firmly, and, without waiting for an answer, added - even through the storm.
The storm was in force for an hour. The sailors came down from the mast, and watered the rain. He was accompanied by the gusts of the wind of the monstrous force, the masts were rushed, and it seemed that they would turn around for a minute. Before Sharpe, a weak voice of brother flew:
- Do you see them? - shouted a hahow - where are they?
- Yes I see! - shouted brother in response - the feed of one of the frigates can be seen on the horizon. All ships there!
- Left, nickname! Turn! - Screamed Nathaniel - our guests also turned out!
Nicholas traced as a brother deftly turned the ship to the right, and turned to the helm to make a maneuver.
- Reef! - Skala Nathaniel
- Heck! - Nicholas turned sharply steering wheel. The ship suffered right with a terrible force, some people fell to the deck. The ship slightly stuck on the surface of the reef, heard the creaking sound, and shocked the ship. But a little later everything subsided.
- I managed - sighed with the relief of Nicholas, and I noticed my joy that the storm ended. The contours of the governor's ships were visible ahead, and a silhouette of some kind of island.
- What is it there? He asked the forward looking.
- Island, sir! - shouted in response looking forward - English flag!
- Save the sail! We must think about the situation.
And the captains decided to discuss the situation for the second time.

Chapter 15.
Capture islands.
- Suicide! - Nathaniel shouted, sitting on the chair in the cabin of Nicholas - in the bay of this island ships of the governor, and five more frigates, too, under his pennant! Fifteen ships!
- Yes, it is serious - Nicholas answered calmly - but I think we need to act differently.
- How? - with a trembling in his voice asked Hohak
- We must move on land.
- What?! - Nathaniel jumped from the chair - and? Where do we move?
- To the fort, naturally! - Made Sharpe - Take more people, and move to them!
- A good idea - Nathaniel calmed down - come out right now!
Sharpe with no answer rushed to the deck, for him brother. Soon people landed the island ashore, and planned their actions. Moved to the east.
The governor sowed coffee in his office, and asked:
- The company from our two friends did not appear? - He swallowed coffee - no one hurts me, even the most famous brothers!
"Sir, to you from a sentigious tower - asked to accept - a soldier reported.
"Let them come - the villain said, putting a cup on a table - I hope the news is good.
- Sir, they! - Looking at the door, the messenger blurted out.
- Who else? - Yawning, asked the governor.
- Khauch and Sharpe, and still horded sailors! Go here.
Scoundrel swipe, framing:
- Do not let them break into the city! We have no garrison! All about defense! - and ran out of the office
The army of sailors approached the wall of the fort. There, there were several soldiers on it.
- Who are you and to whom? - Cool asked the clockwise.
- To the governor, Nicholas Sharp, and Nathaniel Khauk.
- It is forbidden to let! - shouted from the bottom of another watch.
Not responding, everyone rushed to the wooden gate. Defeating them, the crowd rushed deep into the island, shining on the path of all soldiers.
To escape, the governor convened all living soldiers in his office in the tower. A crowd of thugs came there soon.
- Give up, Mr. Governor! - Sharpe shouted with a non-living voice - you have no chance of escape!
- My guests, maybe agree? - the villain asked the villain.
- Never! - And with a victorious cry, the entire army rushed at the assault of the asylum of the governor.
"They go, sir - the guard said frightened - what to do?
- To not give up! Kill them! - Ssed the governor
I heard the sound of a deaf impact. People broke through to the tower.
Suddenly there was a loud crackle, and the cabinet door broke up into chips. Nitolas with Nathaniel flew into it, and about a dozen sailors. There were about two hundred sailors with sabers on the spiral staircase in the tower.
- Our island, Your Highness! - Skrew Nathaniel, sending the sword to the throat of the scoundrel - and you too, sir! It's time to finally finish one thing.

Chapter 16.
Celebration of justice.
Half an hour later, on the island, it was possible to observe such a picture: all the sailors went to the ships, and Nathaniel and Nicholas were among them, leading to the shackles, now the former Governor of Portsmouth. From this spectacle got warm in the soul.
Soon the flotilla was touched in a new composition, raising the Vimpels Nicholas Sharpe at all governor courts. The governor was locked in a special cabin, putting two sailors to her.
When the glow of sunset appeared on the horizon, Nicholas spoke:
- Yes, brother - he sighed - we did the gigantic path here in order to revenge! I waited for this ten years, I thought all these years, and I was looking for a way to revenge for my exile. But I even liked that I was united with you, Nathaniel - After all, now we will be doubly avenge!
"It's right, Nicholas - smiling, Khauk said - I gnawed the thought of revenge immediately after I despair. Thoughts about it did not leave my head, and here it was happening! I met you, and I will remember for a shame caused to me with many people there, in the harbor! He will answer for everything!
- Brother, this is a fabulous moment! - Clapping on the shoulder of Nathaniel, continued the conversation of Sharpe - there was no such triumph in my life! Ten years of expulsion, and those ten minutes of happiness, when the court sentences this despot!
- I'm thirst for this, nickname! - Hauk said in his eyes.
"And I, my brother, sighing, answered Sharpe."
The sunset began to pale, and the ocean crawled the darkness of the darkness. And the brothers waited for arrival at Portsmouth.

Chapter 17.
Court of Saylhard.
Early in the morning of September 15, the ships of the Scharope squadron entered the harbor of Portsmouth. They moored in the bay, some of the lack of space remained on open water.
Immediately after the ships entered the bay, a large crowd of zooak gathered on the pier. Everyone was observed how the brothers go from ships - Nicholas and Nathaniel called so called, leading to Sylhard's shackles.
After a common procession across the streets of the city, the brothers with the governor's enclosed in the shackles went to the courtroom, whose doors were already open, and the entrance to him was guarded.
Entering the courthouse, people took their places.
All sat down, and began to say the judge:
- So, I discover a discussion on the court of the former Governor of Portsmouth Jack Rogers Sylhard, who is accused of illegal actions as the governor.
"Let me add accusations, your honor - I quietly asked Nicholas."
- I ask you - the judge was also replied, and plunged into the rumor.
"I, Nicholas Sharp, an Englishman, the former English Corsair, was in the service of Sir Sylhard for more than ten years, after which it was undeservedly expelled from England, because he was forced to settle on a desert island, where I live. Allow me to charge Sir Saylhard about illegal and unfortunate exile.
"The accusation was accepted - I responded to the story of Nicholas Judge, and Nathaniel's voice was heard:
- Your honor, let me add?
- We are in your attention - and the judge again became a hearing.
"I, Nathaniel Hohuk, the former English Corsair, then the reason to prevent Sir Saylhard to another accusation. I served the governor faithfully for five years, and a few months ago was just like Nicholas Sharp, expelled from the territory of England, and was forced to temporarily settle on the uninhabited island in 110 and miles from Portsmouth.
- The accusation of Sir Sylharda is customary. And now I would like to give the floor to Jack himself, Saylhard, he leaned a little ahead, looking at the villager - we listen to you.
- They ... They are not correctly judged, your honor is heavily breathing, the governor said - I kicked out these two honest corsars for the incorrect implementation of many of my orders, some of which, by the way, were strictly state content! I deny the charges.
- What do you say, Nicolas Sharp?
- I will say, forgive me for rudeness that this bowler has long had to be cluttered from the governor's chair! Because of him suffered people, whole families! And even my sailors! I constantly filed complaints about the governor, but when I was to the palace, then Sir did not accept me!
"This is exactly the truth, your honor - said one sailor - I am a sailor on the ship Sir Nicholas, my name is Jack Reddis. My family constantly complained about Sir Sylhard - then the tax on them was more than the rest, they were expelled from the house, and they asked help from me. And once I learned that Sir Sylhard soldiers almost raped my wife! For me was a paradise of these places. My captain saved me and my family.
- Thank you, Jack - not a medal, answered Sharpe - because of the cruelty of this man we suffered all, and therefore I took with myself all the families of my sailors to protect them from the misfortunes related to this person.
"I did the same" Nathaniel continued.
"Well, say you, Sir Sylhard." What do you say to all this?
- I completely deny the guilt of these people! - Sylhard snapped - I didn't do anything listed! It's a lie!
- Now we will see the records in your book complaints ... - The judge carefully studied the records - so, here it is full of records of those people about the prosecutiones. You have filed more than five dozen complaints!
So, the court makes a sentence - you, Jack Rogers Sylhard, are sentenced to the Court of Potsmut to ten years in the dungeon, and pay from your funds for 10 thousand pirasters to everyone who filed a complaint to you, as well as 20 thousand who consists in the service These two captains have filed a complaint with you, and finally, 50 thousand pirasters by these two captains - Nicolas Shampa and Nathaniel Hawka.
- Not! It is unfair! Saylhard protested when he was led from the courthouse to the dungeon - we will meet, brothers! You still experience my anger on yourself!
Soon soldiers, and the former governor fell out of sight. Everyone began to disperse, and Sharp, and the hahus greeted and congratulated each other.
- That's all, brother! - Sharpe said happily, flapping Hawka on the shoulder - our dream came true. We revenged.
- Yes bro! - Nathaniel replied too cheerfully - I will go with you to Libertalia. I have nothing to do here.
Soon everyone left the courthouse, and headed home.
The next day, early in the morning of September 16, 1630, Pier Portsmouth was crowded with people - everyone wanted to look at the departure of the legendary captains squadron. Through the crowds to the ships slowly walked brothers, occasionally nodding with people standing on the pier. Cancelled the ladder, and the captains climbed the ship.
The crowd greeted greetings. Captains, and several officers turned to the crowd, and waved them with their hands. This day was remembered in Portsmouth with his solemnity.
The ships slowly moved from the place, lifting the sail. Flotilla began to slowly hide behind the cliffs of the island, but a crowd cry was heard for a long time, and a proud flag was visible to the Sharpe ship ...

... The governor's goats ended in the tragedy for him. The captains, on which he imposed a stamp shame, drove them from the country, returned and revenged, arresting the villain, and giving it under the order of the law. The governor was doomed, to sit in the dungeon for a long time, and think about his stupid actions against the great brothers who became symbols of justice and achieve the goal ...