Five-year anniversary game Forge of Empires. Forge of Empires - About Vacancies Great Buildings for the Basic World Forge of Empires

Players have to often fight, capturing a large number of territories and supporting their peaceful existence in their state. If you just started playing this project, most likely, have already wondered how efficiently and as quickly as possible to capture and expanding the territory, how to properly carry out the mechanics of fighting, which troops are better to use on the battlefield and many other small details. In this guide, we will tell about all the features of fighting and secting sectors in Forge of Empires, which will be useful not only for newcomers, but also more experienced players!

The main types of units and their features

In the game, each unit performs its role, whether the usual building buildings, resource mining or the formation of the army. Forge of Empires a very wide range of various units that can be both people and separate implements. Moreover, all units will vary depending on the era, respectively, the appearance, characteristics and parameters are also changing. The more modern era, the more perfect weapon will be at your soldiers, the working class.

Please note that each type of soldiers has its own specific characteristics to which it is necessary to pay attention to the minimal loss to win the battle and capture territories. Suppose if you have a spear, then it is better to use them in the forest, if the riders, then use them against a long-fighting soldier. Heavy units will have an advantage over the lungs. That is, you only need to explore the main advantages of each type of soldiers and used in opposition to your enemy. Remember that the right tactic is already sending to victory.

We advise you to pay attention to elite troops. They, as a rule, all characteristics are slightly increased, if compared with standard troops. Indicators are increased by about 10%! Each unit has a set of characteristics: radius, mobility, attack with protection. Characteristics of attack and protection determine which damage can block and apply your unit. The radius is responsible for the range of attack, and the mobility is a separate parameter that determines which units will go first.

There is to consider individual detachments, the picture will be approximately next:
1. Artillery. It has the highest radius in the attack, but has too low protection, attack, as well as speed. They are best used against rifle detachments, severe infantry.
2. Light units. Such detachments are quickly moving around the field, have certain bonuses in the attack against other units, and can also receive bonuses in defense if they are in the forest.
3. Arrows. Hold a high attack, but weak protection. The speed is average, but the radius of attacks is not big, but moderate. If there is an extra bonus when attacking the enemy's attack. Note that the arrows cannot attack in response!
4. Heavy troops. Half protection, medium attack and very low speed of movement. While on the plain, will receive additional bonuses in defense. Mainly used to cover the rifle troops, as a shield, for example, if you have them in one line.
5. Fast units. They have the highest speed, medium protection and attack. Mainly used for the rapid destruction of troops that attack at large distances. Due to its speed, they can quickly get to the destination and destroy a large number of units, because Possess medium protection. Bonuses from the landscape do not get!

We also advise you to look at all the advantages and disadvantages of each type of units. Suppose, rifle troops will receive the most cavalry damage, heavy infantry is more vulnerable for rifle and siege guns. Each type of soldiers has its own bonuses that depend on the era.
Choose the right tactics of battle and protection

Most of the battles you will occur when attacking a certain sector. This paragraph describes the recommendations for choosing the right tactics if you are attacked!

Be sure to see which landscape in the sector to which you are going to attack. To quickly analyze the area, send the scout. It is best to use one connoun for this. Even if enemies are in the territory, you can quickly retreat, but get important data.
If you are going to attack the province, be sure to browse the tab with information about the presence of protection. Data is displayed in all provinces, and not hidden from users.
If you are going to attack real players, again, first send scouts. It can be sent with a small frequency of 1-3 detachment, as part of 1 person. As soon as the picture is clear, consider the right choice of troops for the attack. We advise you to choose only those soldiers who will have certain bonuses and privileges in relation to the enemy units. That is, you specifically choose troops that will exceed the enemy by certain parameters. Pay special attention to the era. If your era is superior to the enemy, then be sure to take a siege gun.
Now, let's say that they attack your territories. What to do in this case? There are also several techniques that will help you win the battle!
If the army is attacking you, consisting of rifle and siege troops, it is enough to put 8 siege guns against them.
If you are attacked by a player with a more developed epoch, make focus on the right placement and the choice of fighters. See what troops attack you and choose such that they are in opposition to the enemy, with bonus characteristics. If, when you attack you, the enemy of the era is significantly lower than yours, then focus on the exhibition of siege guns and rifle troops. It is also worth considering that siege and rifle troops apply a good damage, despite the fact that there are no additional bonuses.

Secrets of wars with artificial intelligence

Part of the fights will be held with the usual NPC (artificial intelligence). There are also your secrets and techniques that you need to know!

1. Almost all fights artificial intelligence spends in defense. All troops are collected in a pile and slow paced move around the field. At the same time, the fight will be held until the last deceased fighter.
2. NPC will first attack your units that have damage, as well as on rifle detachments. If you have siege guns, then it will first be advantageously on them!

The battle tactory in Forge of Empires is actually a lot, and these are just a few major examples! If you just recently started playing this strategy, you can safely use the described secrets, instructions to develop experience, develop faster. Be sure to join the guild to get support from your Soklanovs!

In Forge of Empires, new tasks appeared - the so-called daily tests, for the execution of which for the day you can get good prizes.

Kings and Queen playing on the beta server are already familiar with these quests, the main feature of which is that they must be fulfilled only per day.

On the first day, for technical reasons appeared in the game later midnight, so that the task is left for a few hours less.

In the daily test window, there are settings where you can specify a convenient time for you to start a new test: you need to click on the icons of two gear in the upper right corner, and the corresponding window will open.

However, it is written and change the time of starting tasks to the closest (for example, if you have finished the quest at 17.00 and want to start a new daily at 18.00) will not come out - the following test will begin not earlier than every other day.

Before starting the quest, you can choose one of the two proposed award options. When performing seven daily buildings in a row (each for some game days) you will get one of the prizes from the challenge chest, where it can be

  • sanctuary of knowledge (probability of 7%),
  • well desire (7%),
  • robbers Log (11%),
  • refresh set (20%),
  • 2 items of storage of buildings (25%),
  • 50 Co (30%).

When you pass the daily test, you do not have to start all seven jobs first, but one execution will be sent to you.

Tests for testing: Secrets Forge of Empires

In the "daily" quite often, the tasks in which it is necessary to complete production, so in the city it is necessary to build as many resource buildings as possible to spend less time on testing. For example, the quest will fall out to the completion of five 8-hour productions, 11 hours or 20 five-minute.

The tasks for the collection of goods are very easy to perform, simply making exchanges on the market, where 100-200 products can be in one loose.

Make sure that you always have several units in the army to fulfill the tasks for the destruction of enemy troops.

Perform a bonus activation test in the tavern faster, choosing "Additional move in the negotiations in the guild expedition", the benefit of the bonus will last only 15 minutes. If silver is not enough, you can choose the strengthening of the "coin inflow", which costs 200 silver, but it lasts four hours, so to activate the second bonus you will have to wait.

A tasks are often found, to fulfill which it is necessary to put goods in the treasury, so be sure to keep them in stock. Such tests are a pleasant news for guilds, where there are vintage participants who do not seek to replenish the treasury by goods.

Some downloads include tasks for secting sectors on the Continent map. Those who are used to sitting in the same epoch for years and has already opened the province of their level, apparently, these quests will have to skip.

Motivate the buildings of other Forge of Empires players (friends and neighbors), as well as visit the taverns now better after performing the daily test, since otherwise you just can not pass the quest because the opportunity to visit the tavern or motivate the building will appear with you Only in a day.

April 20, 2017 in Forge of Empires started dedicated to the five-year anniversary game. Having passed all 10 settings of the event, you will receive 3 special buildings that are included in set of Royal Garden: Statue of Queen, King Statue and Garden Ruins.
By placing these buildings nearby in your city, you can get additional bonuses from these buildings, by analogy of setting from the spring event. Two new buildings can be obtained after passing tasks:

1. Statue of the Queen- A residential building of 2x2, can be plundered, cannot be motivated. To increase the era, you can apply or a set of an increase in the era.

Epoch Population Coins (24h.) Products Rating glasses
Bronze Century 0 220 5 1 20
Iron Century 0 530 5 1 32
Early medieval 0 880 5 1 80
High Middle Ages. 0 1,260 5 1 160
Later Middle Ages 0 1,670 5 1 240
Colonial period 0 2,140 5 1 400
Industrial Epoch 0 2,670 5 1 800
Era progression 0 3,320 5 1 1,200
Epoch Modern 0 4,130 5 1 2,000
Epoch Postmodern 0 5,070 5 1 3,200
The newest time 0 6,250 5 1 4,800
Tomorrow 0 7,640 5 1 8,000
Future 0 9,220 5 1 12,800
Arctic future 0 11,000 5 1 19,200
Ocean future 0 12,990 5 1 24,000

2. Statue of the king- A residential building of 2x2, can be plundered, cannot be motivated. To enhance the era, you can apply a set of updates or a set of an increase in the era.

Population Coins (24h.) Medals (24h.), One building bundled CO (24h.), One building included Rating glasses
Bronze Century 0 220 2 1 20
Iron Century 0 530 2 1 32
Early medieval 0 880 3 1 80
High Middle Ages. 0 1,260 3 1 160
Later Middle Ages 0 1,670 3 1 240
Colonial period 0 2,140 4 1 400
Industrial Epoch 0 2,670 6 1 800
Era progression 0 3,320 9 1 1,200
Epoch Modern 0 4,130 12 1 2,000
Epoch Postmodern 0 5,070 16 1 3,200
The newest time 0 6,250 20 1 4,800
Tomorrow 0 7,640 25 1 8,000
Future 0 9,220 30 1 12,800
Arctic future 0 11,000 36 1 19,200
Ocean future 0 12,990 42 1 24,000

On the last day of the event, you will give another prize building - this is a 3x3 decor, to enhance the era, you can apply a set of updates or a set of an increase in the era.

Epoch Happiness One building included Two building included Rating glasses
Bronze Century 290 2% 3% 45
Iron Century 360 2% 3% 72
Early medieval 410 2% 3% 180
High Middle Ages. 470 2% 3% 360
Later Middle Ages 530 2% 3% 540
Colonial period 600 2% 3% 900
Industrial Epoch 670 2% 3% 1,800
Era progression 750 2% 3% 2,700
Epoch Modern 830 2% 3% 4,500
Epoch Postmodern 910 2% 3% 7,200
The newest time 1,000 2% 3% 10,800

In the previous parts of the review, Hyde Forge of Empires considered the important aspects of the passage - the production of resources, the construction of buildings, the use of circular quests, the guild expedition buns. Here we will focus on the construction of great buildings - how to do it right.

Great buildings in Forge of Empires play an important role in the development of your empire. Some produce an additional product, others raise the mining of resources, the third give the bonuses of the army, the fourths provide happiness, the fifth of the aircraft helps - with drawings, earn strategic glasses (CO), get valuable prizes. You need to build them with the mind and at one time - it is about this that we will talk to this part.

The best great buildings forge of Empires,
In which sequence to build.

What you need to know. First of all - for the construction of any Sun, you need drawings - 9 pieces and a set of goods of a certain era. In addition to the diversity of buns, great buildings are divided into two subspecies and they differ in the method of prey of the drawings. The first, most of them, can be extracted by clicking on the help button - BAU of the buildings of friends and neighbors, up to 3 drawings per day. The second, such as the temple of the relics, the observatory, can only be obtained by helping to build these aircraft to friends, coogingians and neighbors or participating in the guild expedition. The drawings fall out randomly - by chance, there is a lot of doubles, and the latter does not go. In the inventory, in the tab of the Great Buildings, they can be exchanged, choose two unnecessary, click - exchange or buy for 200 diamonds.

Just consider - only one of the two drawings will be returned, and he can become a duplicate, the exchange is also random. In the case of diamonds, everything is much easier, the drawings are always worth 200 diamonds and you get exactly what you need. But, in no hurry to part with diamonds, be patient, do not waste them on Zeus, lighthouses, Sofia. Take care of them for the construction of a rarely great structure, for example - Alcatraza, Arches, here it is really difficult to knock out the latter, and sometimes very expensive.

Up to 10 levels, any great structure is needed 1 set of drawings, above the tenth - for each level a set of 9pcs. If you adhere to the strategy of this review, with the time of the drawings for the great buildings of the first echelon (Lighthouse, Zeus, Mark, Sofia, Aachen, Castel) You will have above the roof - do not hurry to spend on exchange, everything will come and is formed.

What to erect great buildings first. Inexperienced players will advise you to build zeus and download to level 10, for it is small and horror how helps to rob neighbors. Completely inconspicuous will insist with the Colosseum, allegedly he helps get medal and expand the territory of the city.

In the first case, my advice is not in a hurry, it is better to emphasize on the great buildings of the Military orientation in the early Middle Ages, where I recommend to linger a little and do not rise above. By that time you get strengthened, the goods and the set of drawings are not for one Zeus, as well as under the Aachen Cathedral and Castell del Monte. Why are all three? Yes, it is very simple - to raise three sun in parallel, for example - up to 3-4 levels, much cheaper than downloading one zeus to 10. You spend less strategic glasses and get a bigger bonus for troops, and the castel also returns s-shki back.

In the second case - never and not under any circumstances, do not put the Colosseum - the most useless great structure forge of Empires. And here decides neither the opinion, but a purely mathematics. At the first level, the Sun gives 10 medals per day, in the seventh 19, a month is 300-570 pieces, how much. But very soon you will open unpleasant information for yourself - with each subsequent expansion of the territory you need more and more medals. First you will surprise 3000, then 9000, and for them 15000 medals and this is not the limit. Are you ready to wait thirty (30) months?

Great buildings for the main world of Forge of Empires.

In the first place, if necessary, I would put the lighthouse - produces the goods of your era and increases the amount of resources extracted (hammers) in production buildings. Resources will accumulate significantly slower coins, the lighthouse will fix this ratio. In second place - the temple of the relics, the usefulness argument I stated in the previous part of the review.

Third place I would give - the Cathedral of Saint Sophia. Now a lot of igrues will exclaim loudly - the useless sun, it takes a lot of space, etc. To which I can answer - they are mistaken or look from the height of Alcatraz. For early epochs, this is an indispensable great structure that provides the city with happiness, which also produces SO-shki (I'm not talking about add. Mirah).

It is not necessary to immediately rock, it is enough to catch up to the 3rd level (over time the costs will be expected) - this is already in the Iron Age will help you get rid of 3 pools (48 cells - sofa 42) and excess hemorrhoids. You will not need to constantly ask to raise happiness in the city, you will always have a stable 2300 or 2700 on the fourth. Hold in the early Middle Ages, you can for a long time - this is a very profitable, convenient era, an expedition is easily held. In FoE, it is not necessary to jump quickly up the epochs, it is important to equip the city correctly, accumulating resources. In general, the bombing expedition, we accumulate the CO packets, collect the drawings.

To go through the first card of the continents (from the iron to the colonial), in order to capture all the provinces expanding the territory, you can go to the strategic trick - buy a set of goods to alcatras or chateau (progression products). Exchange on the market to the necessary epochs and go through all negotiations.

The fourth place will get the trio - Zeus, Castell del Monte and Aachen Cathedral, full-scale preparation for military actions at the expanses of the guild expedition. In the track behind them, and maybe between the case try to get in the events, at least one lair robbers, better than 2-3. This will allow you almost without loss to pass 4 levels of the guild expedition.

The focus on the military component of the game Forge of Empires will bring you to another very useful great structure - Alcatraz. It gives a lot of happiness, and most importantly - will produce daily robbers (in the presence of one of the buildings in the city). As a result, the war, the passage of EG will be free for you, the soldiers of their era will receive in the guild expedition, the rest will give alcatras.

Sixth place, not as necessary and utility, and purely at a price, takes - Arch. I would put it in the first place, but for a beginner player, lay out 700-1000 co-necks + 200-600 diamonds for the drawings for the product - somewhat problematic. If Alcatrase I called a very useful sun, then the arch is just a treasure for the main world of the active player. In more detail about the use of the Arch and the secrets of earning a large number of SO-Shek, we will talk in the final part of the Forge of Empires review.

Put the arch and pour it carefully, look intently towards the tower of innovation, with a small number of knowledge of knowledge, this great structure will allow you to get rid of the many residential buildings than the area for other buildings. She is better than Habitata, takes less space and produces strategic glasses, and not useless coins in the future.

If you are actively twisting circular quests (10-20 times a day), the city is sharpened for them, constantly participate in the construction of the Sun Friends, neighbors - Build Chateau, profit from quests will increase significantly. If you perform 2-3 quests per day, put the chateau, throw away the resources and SO - stupid. In the world's main world will be revealing the tower, read it just below.

Starting from the modernity for the production of goods, semi-finished products are needed - products of previous eras. To get rid of this dependence, we build great buildings producing goods.

St. Mark's Cathedral - will increase the number of coins and will produce semi-finished products (20 from level 1). Frauenkirche is a little bit of happiness and semi-finished products, the Royal Albert Hall - plus 70% to the production of resources and 22 semi-finished products at the level of level 1, then the rain forest project. It is the whole of the whole, with their bonuses, should block the entire deficit, not a batch of previous eras.

But what about the Babylonian Tower, Observatory, Delphic Oracle? - you ask. Site will answer you - everything is ambiguous with Babelikka, there is a free place in the city, she will not hurt. It will produce a bit of goods, adds the same inhabitants. For the main world, it is not obligatory for add. There are nothing even anymore, it allows you to throw a few housing and reduce the amount of the necessary baff for the city. For the observatory, do not particularly chase, for you personally - the use of it is zero. The Delphic Oracle in the strategic plan is a useless structure, a parody of the same dull notre dame.

A cosmodrome on Cape Canaveral, Arctic greenhouse, Kraken - Sun producing strategic glasses, these are many and bribe. It is better not to dream here, but to be friends with mathematics - to pump a greenhouse up to 10 levels, you need to spend 5450 CO, it will start returning to 10th a day, payback will be 545 days. All this time you will not receive SOCK, but only to spend - do not be mistaken on this. These sun, you need to put when pumping the arch up to 80 levels, and only after it is kraken or a greenhouse up to 60-80, without stretching construction for years. How to swing all the aircraft will tell in the final part.

The list of great buildings Forge of Empires does not end, I only formed a shockbound for you, which will allow you to develop faster than the rest and feel the king or queen, and not a poor subject. With any situation, it is contraindicated to build Notre Dame, Capitol, Colosseum, Atomium, Space Nidl, Gay Statue, Lotus Temple, Habitat - Well, except for a laughter. We also do not build a Dilsky castle, the Church of Vasily Blessed - this is an excessive waste of urban areas and strategic glasses (fill them better in the arch), from a skilled player they will not save you, collect goods on time in the city, the ceremony jump a couple of days and break.

Great buildings for additional worlds FOE.

First of all, we collect drawings for the lighthouse, Sofia and the temple of the relics. The lighthouse will help with hammers and will give a daily product, Sofia will give the necessary happiness, will make the city independent of the bafe, the temple of the relics will help to endure SO-shki and very useful buildings from the guild expedition.

Forget about the military whole and completely, we focus your attention on such a great structure as the rotating tower. For extra. Worlds is just a magical structure, it allows you to receive higher eras products for free. Thanks to the rotational, I passed the map of the continents far ahead and significantly expanded the territory of the city.

Take a minimum for example - 10 friends from the modern, by clicking the help button you will receive 10 products of this era (I'm not talking about friends in the future). We will exchange on the market to the early Middle Ages - 10 Modern \u003d 20 progress \u003d 40 Industrialists \u003d 80 products PS \u003d 160 Sun \u003d 320 Early goods (daily). Free guild expedition + carefree passing a map of continents ahead of the era of the city.

Initially, additional worlds are better sharpened under the guild expedition, build a maximum of industrial buildings. Next, we collect drawings and socks for the chateau, when passing the events, circular tasks will increase the number of prizes, including diamonds. As for free and in sufficient quantities to get diamonds and Say - let's talk in the following parts of Hyda.

How in Forge of Empires correctly swing great buildings.

Swing players their entirety in any way, I will try to explain how to do it right. There are the four most common method of pumping, three practiced the bulk of the fourth - able to count. The first method is "samostroy", the owners of Extra are basically so built. worlds and offended on the whole world. The second is the carousel, exchange with inside the guild, the method is beneficial for a purely top, as it is possible to take prizes from them significantly higher than beginners. The third method is an arrangement with a friend or horticulture, agree on the amount, say you pour 200 CO to the great structure of a friend, he is the same in your sun. Both take the 1st prize place, part of the CO is returned in the form of packages.

The fourth method is more suitable for pumping great buildings above level 10. By this time, you should already establish links with three arched 80 levels and higher. With increasing levels, prizes grow, the higher the level of the aircraft, the less you need to put the owner into it. The better the level of cooperation, the more arched articians - just passersby pour + 85% (multiply prizes by 1.85), familiar + 87% (by 1.87), friends + 90% (by 1.9) to prize, stipulate It's immediately, I gave 10-20 o friends, so that it was not hurt to spend time at me (I swammer quickly and a lot). On the example of Alcatraz.

At the 10th level you need 830 CO. Prizes:
for 1st \u003d 85 x 1,85 \u003d 157 x2 \u003d 314
for 2-\u003d 45 x 1,85 \u003d 83 x2 \u003d 166
for 3rd \u003d 15 x 1,85 \u003d 28 x2 \u003d 56

314, 166 and 56 are not interrupted amounts to which you need to customize the aircraft so that your Arched Friends cannot kill. Fill 516 CO and call for help, from the remaining 314, the first archer will fill 157, the second 83, we fit under 56 and the third fills 28. Next, we write in chat, we distribute the drawings from the 4th and 5th prizes - we close the level. As a result, 280 Sonomili.

On the 20th it is necessary to 1063 CO. Prizes:
1st \u003d 200 \u003d 370 x2 \u003d 740
2 - e \u003d 100 \u003d 185 x2 \u003d 370
3rd \u003d 35 \u003d 65 x2 \u003d 130

At higher levels the scheme is the same, but everything is already lighter and much more fun. Of the 1063, you need to pour out only 323 and you can already call arched. In the process, about 650 co is saved, no exchange will be compared. I hope the principle is clear - multiply prizes by 1.85 or 1.87 or 1.9 (how to agree), the numbers obtained multiplied by 2 and customize these values \u200b\u200bto these values.

On the 30th need 1361 CO. Prizes:
1st 330 \u003d 611 x2 \u003d 1224 with
2nd 165 \u003d 305 x2 \u003d 610
3rd 55 \u003d 102 x2 \u003d 204 with

From the 30s, you will swing great buildings correctly, the process will seem at all in a fairy tale. From 1361 with pour 137 and calling arkanoids, it turns out about 1050 with savings. After the 36th, do not open the levels of the aircraft in advance, only before the pumping itself, so that no levak climb. Next, the fit is not required, prize (+ percentage) from the 1st place will overlap the cost of the level itself. If you open earlier, some left chitropopk will be able to pour less, a strictly non-interrupted amount and well for you to earn. Good luck!

In this text, simple advice and directives will be waiting for you to help you resist the onslaught of rivals and overcome the most different obstacles in the game. Forge of Empires.. I will tell you how to behave correctly, what to take into account, building a city and much more!

Each game, even in such a well-thought-out and honed, as Forge of Empires, are necessarily loopholes and weaknesses that allow players to benefit the benefits they seem to extract. And the speech in this text will do not at all about bugs and not about their use especially. Speech will go about secrets and tricksthat will help you quickly stand up in Forge of Empires. You will be surprised how much you can make it easier for life in Forge of Empires secrets described below.


We use a place with the mind

In Forge of Empires, the development process is somewhat different from the fact that we are used to see in most strategies. Typically, development inhibits only the lack of resources. In FOE you will have to face another problem - a lack of free to build places. The fact is that from the very beginning the player is limited in free space. But do not rush to grieve - we are still allowed to expand your city. You can do this in the following ways:

  • Dial 200 medals and buy one square extension for them.
  • Explore technology, as a reward for which the expansion square will give you.
  • Consider the province and get for this square expansion.
  • Buy crystals that give access to almost everything in this game

So, the fastest way, of course, is the last. However, it is also extremely overlab - you know. It follows that you have to choose from three others. The first personally will help you out, because medals are clicked with difficulty and for a very long time. The second is limited by the number of technologies for which the extension can be obtained. The same story with the provinces. I personally saw only one similar territory and that at the very beginning. Which of all this follows? And the conclusion from all this should be very simple - build with the mind. Save each cell. Compare building indicators and choose those that occupy less space, even if they slightly less provide resources than their analogues. After all, at the expense of saving space, you will probably be able to put two buildings instead of one. But even if you do everything with the mind, you still have to occasionally rebuild and move the buildings. Fortunately, this is nothing in FoE.

Robbery and help

Starting the game, you fall into a certain group consisting of newbies that become your neighbors. In my case, the number of players was about 70. It is with these players that you can contact and interact at the very beginning of the game. What can you do with them? Set Standard - rob, help, communicate, create guilds and trade. Want to pay special attention to robbery and help. I combine them together, because within 24 hours you can take only one action with each of your neighbors - that is, or rob, or friendship is to be friends. So here i will teach you to choose this action. For starters, let's look at what the robbery will give you, and what will give help a neighbor. Help gives you 20 gold coinsRegardless of which building you applied it. First Council - do not press production buildings and at home, because you will increase your neighbor (read the enemy) income from this building for 24 hours. Help better on trees, flowers, statues, etc. Robbery, in turn, can bring you much more benefit. However, it is necessary to take into account a few moments. First, first you need to make sure that someone you are going to rob is what you need. Secondly, remember that you can rob only one building, so robbery of houses for gold hardly a good idea. Thirdly, you first need to break the opponent's defense. At the very beginning, it is rarely strong enough, so there will be almost certainly problems here. However, the most important thing is to properly arrange priorities. Often, get 20 gold turns out to be more intelligent than climbing into battle and, perhaps, lose someone from their troops. As a result, it may be that it is nothing to rob something, and you will have to restore the army at your own expense. Therefore, with the mind, approach the choice of goals for robbery - it can give you a weighty advantage in the early stages.

Competent management of the fight

I have already written a bit about the combat system, so you will describe what and how I will not happen. I will go right away. Personally, I did not immediately notice that all units in the game have a number of very interesting characteristics. For example, the spearnesses have an advantage, protecting in the forest, which can be used with the mind. The riders have significant advantages in attack against distant units, while heavy units have advantages to the attack in the fights with the lungs. Similar nuances of the sea. After examining them as it should, you can win even those battles that seemed lost before the start. So, for example, in the screenshot below it is clearly seen that the advantage of the force was on the side of the enemy. However, thanks to the competent selection of units, the victory remained for me.

Reasonable spending crystals

At the very beginning of the game, you can regret 300 crystals from the Bar's shoulder. Obviously, this is done in order to give you to understand how much this resource is able to simplify your in-game life. Of course, it is capable of this. However, I have decided for myself very long ago that Donat is not for me. You can not agree with me and you will also be right. I decided that I will use my 300 crystals extremely reasonable. But, alas, I did not come out of anything and I almost immediately spent everything on an unnecessary theater, giving a big plus fortunately. After time, I can say that the best solution was to spend crystals on expanding the territory. That is how I advise you to do and you. The more your city, the more you produce. This will allow you to overtake your competitors at the start. Dare!

Forge of Empires secrets enough for everyone

I will be honest to tell you, I hardly managed to find absolutely all tricks in FoE. I tried to introduce you to the most useful secrets that will really simplify the development process and help you do not hit the face. Perhaps later a selection of secrets will be created for advanced players, since this is obviously more suitable for newcomers.