Jokes about chess. Chess and Life

And almost the entire chess primacy of which I own me from this wonderful teacher.

What did my progress look like in chess?

1.) At the earlier stage, it was necessary to get rid of Zowkov. In the Blits, it happens to me so far, but in the parties with standard control usually still avoid putting figures on frankly broken fields or moving forward a pawn that held a heavy figure.
It is not so difficult. Just think. Just watch.

2.) Then I learned the concept of "correct" and "incorrect" stroke. Elephants on E3 and D3 at the beginning of the game it is better not to install. There are nothing to do with horses on a and h. Queen at the beginning of the game to withdraw forward is very careful, but it is better not to output at all. Never played the Scandinavian party.

3.) A little common considerations. The elephant must stand so as to fgar on the maximum number of cells, and not blocked by its own pawn. The rooks need to be displayed in the center, pair ...)) No need to hurry to disclose your center, if you lag in development. And as children are taught - it is advisable not to go at the beginning of the same figure twice, first take them all.

4.) Search for vulnerable places in the opponent's position. Any of his course carries a vulnerability. Attacking, he simultaneously gives me the opportunity to counterattack. Having protecting one place, thereby weakens the other. It is important to feel in what place to fulfill the enemy.

5.) Well, of course, it is necessary to look at a few moves. Does not get out of somewhere fork, whether an unexpected mat will happen or some more trouble.

6.) It is very interesting to "play for defense" and in every course of the enemy to look for a threat. Look at the position of the enemy and understand where it can hit where I get problems, even after a lot of moves.

7.) Debuts, as it turned out, it is not necessary to know especially) I thought earlier that you need to try as Karpov to know Karo Cann's defense to the 26th. In fact, this is a thorough knowledge of debuts begins to play around the level of CCM, and in my humble level it is enough just to know / see the main debut traps and not lose.

I have a few favorite debuts. Behind the White I play most often the Royal Gambit in the same mood or Spanish party in another. Just for shake love to play Gambit Evans :)
For black I love the Russian party, once played Sicilian protection and Karo Cannes.

But in general - not in the debuts of the key, it is much more important to correctly feel the Mittelspil, and the debut is enough to play without gross mistakes.

8.) Of course you need to know the highlights in the endgame, well, at least how to hold the king of the pawn or how not to give to the extreme)

But this is all garbage.

The most important thing in chess - draw conclusions.

The lost and won parties also need to disassemble.
Repeat them on the board.
Mark for yourself turning points.
With the help of programs or more experienced players to look for other options.

When from my point of view everything is lost, it's just to go nuts what resources are open to defense, if you give the Fritz party ...

I began to analyze my lost and no less importantly, the won parties.

As the great Harry Casparov said: If you won a chess game, it only means that you are mistaken in the penultimate.

Harry Kasparov said that if you ranked first in the tournament, then all the famous players returned home and carefully disassembled all the parties. And you in the kayfa at home, I am the strongest chess player, I do not care. Well, so the next tournament will plug you far back, because the people disassembled everything and understood, and you brought the beak.

Raul Kapablac said that one lost and disassembled party cost hundreds won and forgotten.

Mikhail Botvinnik, when he taught people to chess, asked for him to disassemble his lost and won parties. He listened to the analysis and understood everything about the chess player. And he helped just with the analysis on the basis of the parties played, the chess player is simply not very effective.

No one wants to work. Play fun, disassemble the party - terribly boring. An hour and two can be spent on the analysis of one batch. I ask the program to show options in all turning points, try on the board as it were, we will have a party to play like this or a shape ... is even nodded.
But it is worth only seriously to start analyzing their parties - the result becomes noticeable very quickly, especially at the beginning. I got here that I am almost all the parties or on primitive inattention or because I forget about the king and all the power we throw into the attack. As a result, it became during the game a separate attention to pay for the safety of the king and watch after all a little forward is not waiting for me from somewhere the Kedagra. Rating cheerfully went up)) I continue observations.

And in our chess club there are tricks with a 1st category that played in their pleasure much longer than I live in the world. And they also have the first discharge for the last 30-40 years. They play chess as expected retirees - from year to year, out of a decade in a decade at about the same level, coming on the same rake.

I thought that it was in life so.

What man asshole in 20, he exactly will be an asshole and in 30 and 60. Make conclusions like my chess conclusions about the safety of the king, for example, in life, few people manage. And this, meanwhile, the most important moment. Probably.

Threat: It is still interesting that the normal course of the party seemed to me before boring. I wanted actions. I wanted an explosion on the board. Therefore, the royal gambit was put on the soul. The most hard version - when the horse is given to F3))) Pawn GXF3 - YYY !!!))) But the queen goes to H5 and the elephant is already standing on C4 and in general it may be interesting.

So, boring to play a solid and smooth query gambit, the Spanish Party Summit - I want an ecchin, I want to distribute the shapes and split the nodes, rushing forward on the lich horse and put the mat.

In life, it is also so)) The most fun and dashing options are not always the most effective. The most efficient is boring and calm. From here, there is a wonderful misconception "to grow up - it means to stuff."

Zyy: Yes, developing thought from comments: Progress in chess is usually a matter of time (a few hours a day) and desire. To make it up to the master of sports or even above can almost anyone with higher technical education, there would be a desire.
For adults, the task is already relevant to feed the family, and chess as a cute hobby should remain within. Earn chess (as well as many other sports, such as kickboxing) extremely difficult, really lives with a chess can be the first twenty chess players in the world, all the rest are usually working as someone in adjacent areas. And, for example, I personally know one man who played the international master who, for eight and more hours a day, wrote programs on Java, and he had chess so, for the soul.

There is no limit to perfection:-)

The founder of the Magnet network, a billionaire, told Tinkov that his brains were right because of chess.
-I played in them tightly played two years, then threw, but the sharpening remained.
-And have you had any successes?

Two years before the CCC, to do ... My respect :)
And then throw. And earn 5 billion. That's how it is necessary :-)

Until recently, chess was considered one of the most intelligent games. This game is generally the proximity of the centuries was the prerogative of kings and aristocrats. Maybe therefore the winners of chess tournaments were always called kings. Today the situation has changed somewhat.

Since the game went to the masses, the halo gradually began to fill up. The winged phrase that the famous Botvinnik is only for the champion board, and in the rest of the most common Jew, it shows that an ancient game and her knights have grumbled former greatness. Yes, and recently a lot of professions appeared, no less intelligent than playing chess, but more complicated. Therefore, the palm of the championship in the battle of intelligence in chess players are intercepting other specialists today.

It is difficult to believe that chess, which a quarter of a century ago collected many specialists and enthusiasts around the plaid boards, today turned out to be practically on the backyards of history. And the chess players who were once a symbol of mind and intelligence became almost anachronism. Today, this game is almost universally survived from the life of millions with modern computers. Chess players were on the threshold of survival. In front of many of them, including strong players, the question arose than to make a living. It was at that time that many of them found themselves in poker, preferring to Chess Poker Rouma on the Internet and various poker sites.

For such lovers of games with the mind, Poker became a kind of rescue circle. The rules of the poker game are honed and simple, as if strokes of chess figures. In this game there are no more combinations than on a chessboard. The basics of poker can be studied in one evening, and the main principles are studying in practice, losing various situations with friends. And, which is especially valuable, is the absence of any theory. On this game, there is no tutorial. But, that relates poker with chess, is an infinite many possibilities.

Of course, since these are completely different games, there are differences. At the chessboard, the situation is viewed from beginning to end, and enough information is enough. In poker in this sense, everything is exactly the opposite. Information about the opponent - zero. Surely you know only your two cards. For many, it becomes discovery that the laws of mathematical logic reign in poker, as in chess.

Although it would seem what mathematics here. Some riddles. Try to guess that the opponent's hands! But on whether you guessed or not, the outcome of the party depends. Therefore, the price of this decision is much higher than in chess. But it is precisely that causes a serious excitement, excites and attracts in this game.

Today Poker is a very popular game, and dozens play it, or even hundreds of thousands of people around the world. And if earlier there were such card games, as a point, preference or debers, today, poker multiplies in the masses similar to computer viruses on the network. Television and Internet played a huge role in this.

The game of Texas Holdham is most popular as one of the most common types of poker. The rules of this game are simple. Players are heard two cards in the hands of the hand, and the first trade circle begins. Then the flop opens - three common cards, and players come into a bargain again, after which the fourth map is opening. Again there is a bargaining, and finally, River opens - the last common map. Participants of the game again make bets. If there are still rivals in the game, they open their cards. In the course of the game, each player can accept one of three solutions - to equalize the rival bet, raise higher or make pass. Wins, understandable, one who is stronger. This is achieved either at the autopsy - card, or if the cards do not open up, is the power of belief.

Poker raises the character and power of will, often becoming part of the inner essence of man. Just like in chess. Another Fisher said that the ability to suppress the ego of his opponent is often one of the main factors of victory.

The ability to demonstrate to your opponent seeming weakness, the ability to lure him into a trap is the main qualities of the professional chess player who are equally in demand in poker. You can also add and analyze and make the right conclusions about situations at the table as a whole and about the game of your rivals in particular. The main thing in this matter is not to overestimate your capabilities.

Having done the first steps in poker, and feeling that this game was created for you, you will understand that the guide is needed and a reliable assistant in the online poker world. After all, you probably know that the Internet is played in poker, just like in chess. We can say that it is in the network that is most and played in it. It is here that today the best players of the world are honored their skills, and up to 85% of all surrender. It is very convenient: the game can be started at any time convenient for you.

We just want you to show a place where there are all the latest poker news, thanks to which you will be aware of all events. In addition, we will tell you where to look for training materials and which poker rooms offer the best bonus programs.

So, what common features between such a seemingly different games like poker and chess

If you think that there is no connection between chess and will connect, then you are deeply mistaken. In poker, in particular, in Texas Holdeme, as well as in chess, blood is exciting a cocktail from such components as intelligence, excitement, strategies, passions, risk and bluff. All this attracts poker much more players than in chess.

The Soviet Union gave the world much more strongest chess players than any other country. With the development of poker, many are trying forces in this exciting and exciting game. One of them is the fifth young grandmaster Alexander Grischuk in the Russian ranking.

Chess players bring their collections into poker, intelligence, the ability to calculate the options and evaluate situations, learn the theory, to quickly learn, play for several hours in a row.

In poker, in contrast to chess, an artificial intelligence has been created, capable of beating a professional player. Today, it is already generally recognized that the logic and skill play in poker a major role, and only newcomers can count on luck. But for victory it is necessary to be not only logic. You also use the ability to read your opponent. Unlike chess, where only two people play behind the board, the poker table can be from two to nine players, each of which has their own, closed from the rivals of the card.

In poker, as well as in chess, tournaments and championships are held. But prize funds here are much more significant. It should be noted that poker tournaments are held daily, and serious contests with millions of prize funds are almost weekly. If you like chess, it makes sense to try yourself and in poker. After all, such an explosion of emotions and the atmosphere of Azart is not found anywhere else but poker.

It must be said that in Russia, where the mind was always appreciated, and math was on top, poker develops very quickly, and the successes of Russian players follow one after another. Opens Alexander Kravchenko, who in the game Texas Holdem on the WSOP-2007 won a gold bracelet and more than two million dollars. A little later, the young player Alexander Kostritsyn in Australia became the winner in the Aussiemillions tournament, having received one million Australian dollars. Next year, in November, Ivan Demidov ranks second at the main WSOP tournament and receives $ 5.8 million.

On this site you will find everything to start your poker career. Here you can explore the rules, see the combinations in poker, read books and articles, as well as pass free training at the poker school.

Other endings are not won!
Zigbert Tarrash.
Molva mistakenly attributes this aphorism to Sovelius Tartakuer, who himself honestly referred to the authorship of Tarrash.

I feel excellent, seeing his opponent to silent in deaths.
Robert James Fisher

Poor people! As you look like in all your endeavors on the chess player who "could win his party" ...
Savely Tartakover

Be a Threat Every Time You Sit Down to Play.
Ken Smith

During the tournament, the chess master should be a lean monk and a predator in one person. Predator in relation to the opponent, ascetic in everyday life.
Alexander Alekhin

Bogolyubov: Mat in four strokes! Tartakover: Do not bother me!
Savely Tartakover

Kapablanca proved that it is possible to be the best and nevertheless first.
Savely Tartakover

Weakness of character usually manifest themselves during the chess game.
Harry Kasparov

The computer is the only rival that does not find excuses when he loses me.
Robert James Fisher

This is the chess. Today you give a rival lesson, and tomorrow he is to you.
Robert James Fisher

All my life with one woman is like an endgame with multicolored elephants.
Victor Corrhan

Life is a batch in chess.
Miguel Servantes.

Chess is a healing plaster on thousands of fate injections.
Max Weiss

The grandmaster is characterized by the fact that he won he wins quickly and accurately.
Irwin Chernev

Your game is good as your worst move.
Dan Heisman

Always remember the counterattack. It is the best defense and often wins even lost parties.
Frank Marshall

A good player is always lucky!
José Raul Kapablanca

Tactic should know what to do when there is something to do, the strategist should know what to do when there is nothing to do.
Savely Tartakover

The loser is always wrong.
Vasily Panov

The penultimate error wins.
Savely Tartakover

The course of the second variety is often the most accurate.
Savely Tartakover

Maintaining the maximum number of combat forces corresponds to the interests of the part of the parties with high gaming space at the moment.
Alexander Alekhin

Errors always wait to be allowed.
Savely Tartakover

Errors for and exist to do them.
Savely Tartakover

Erroneous moves are often very difficult to find.
Savely Tartakover

Opponents put themselves mats themselves. We just need to wait a bit.
Sigbert Tarrash

The biggest art in chess is not to show the opponent what he can do.
Harry Kasparov

Combination - Soul Chess.
Alexander Alekhin

People play with me for 15 years below their capabilities.
Robert James Fisher

Parties are always different, the interview is always the same.
Harry Kasparov,

This game is a trial stone of the human mind.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Strong enemy figures should be swapped.
José Raul Kapablanca

The most stringent rules in chess are exceptions.
Savely Tartakover

You know that you are a chess fanatic when your first question when meeting with someone: What is your rating?
Bill Wall

You know that you are a chess fanatic when you buy the coolest and expensive computer only to play chess or use as a database.
Bill Wall

You know that you are a chess fanatic when you buy a newspaper just because a chess column is placed.
Bill Wall

You know that you are a chess fanatic when you take a chess tutorial in the toilet and forget there to go.
Bill Wall

The threat is stronger than its execution.
Savely Tartakover

Isolated pawn oppress the mood on the entire board.
Savely Tartakover

Drawing can be achieved by a triple repetition of position or one weak move.
Savely Tartakover

It is not enough to be a good player, you need to play well.
Sigbert Tarrash

There is no such woman who would not have won, even giving a horse forward.
Robert James Fisher

No good and bad players. There are only good or bad players.
Adolf Anderssen

No good or bad players. There are only good or bad moves.
Sigbert Tarrash

No good or bad strokes. There are only good or bad cigars.
Emmanuel Lasker

There are two types of victims: Correct and mine.
Mikhail Tal.

In my life there were such periods when I almost believed that I can't lose one single party.
José Raul Kapablanca

It is better to sacrifice the rival figures.
Savely Tartakover

Errors are a salt of chess.
Savely Tartakover

Do not hope for the mistakes of the opponent, but rely on them.
Bill Wall

I am the world champion and is not obliged to discuss anything with anyone.
Vishvanatan Anand.

I do not believe in psychology, I believe in strong moves.
Robert James Fisher

I have not met any chess player, whose eyes would not burn with fire of death after losing the party.
Bill Wall

I consider each my opponent as a master until he proves to me.
Vasily Panov

I hate anyone who beats me in chess.
Lisa Lane

I have never had fun to beat a completely healthy opponent.
Amos Bern.

In the first batch my teeth hurt. In the second head sick. In the third rheumatism, and during the fourth I did not feel very well. And in the fifth? Well, you can not win all the time!
Savely Tartakover

I know people who have a huge effort of will, but do not know how to play chess.
Robert James Fisher

I love chess for their logicality.
Efim Bogolyubov

I love chess for their illogy.
Savely Tartakover
1887 - 1956

I play honestly and play a win. If I lose, I take medication.
Robert James Fisher

I have been playing chess for 50 years, but I have never won a healthy opponent.

I understand chess better than any other living wizard.
José Raul Kapablanca

At first glance, I grab the essence of the position and I know that it should be done in it. Others rate, and I just know.
José Raul Kapablanca

I will beat 30 strongest US chess players in a simultaneous game session.
José Raul Kapablanca

I Find That Chess Is Very Useful WHEN TRAVELING ALONE IN TURKEY. ... take yourself to the nearest teahouse. Order A Glass of Tea, And Another or Raki, And Set Up a Chess Problem. Within Seconds Turks Will Appear. They Won "T Play Chess with You, But It Starts a Conversation.
Brian Sevel

You, Mr. Lasker, I can only say three words: Shah and Mat.
Sigbert Tarrash

In the polita horse is stronger than an elephant.
Power Millet

Everyone wins in chess. If you enjoy the game, and this is the most important thing, then even the defeat is not scary.
David Bronstein

In chess can be only one error: the revaluation of the enemy. Everything else or bad luck, or weakness.
Savely Tartakover

In chess, you can only then become a big master when you realize your own mistakes and weaknesses. Just like in life.
Alexander Alekhin

Intelligence is determined not covered, but the result.
Harry Kasparov

Do not eat beans before playing.
Bill Wall
Chess journalist

Yang Timman

Yes, I once played a party in Blitz, it was the train in 1929. (from an interview in 1989)
Mikhail Botvinnik

What I become older, the more I appreciate the pawns.
Paul Cerez

Karpov is a museum exhibit.
Harry Kasparov

All grandmasters are abnormal. They differ only to the degree of their insanity.
Victor Corrhan

Combination and trade from under the floors should be prohibited.
Savely Tartakover

Lisa Lane, the US champion in chess, somehow called Fisher's strongest of the living chess players. Answer: "This is true, but Lisa Lane, his own, is not able to judge it."
Robert James Fisher

Long Analysis, Wrong Analysis.
Bent Larsen

It is not always necessary to make the best move. The move should be active, enterprising, correct and beautiful.
David Bronstein

In chess learn only on errors. In errors, something right is always concluded.
Savely Tartakover

My first goal was not to win the party, but to sacrifice the figure.
Wilhelm Steinitz

I do not interfere with the lack of viewers. I have enough struggle in my parties.
Vladimir Kramnik

Modern Computers Have Taken The Place OnCe Occupied by Woman Chess Players.
Robert James Fisher

Mom, I just became an ex-world champion. (coming home after defeat in the match Mikhail Botvinnik)
Mikhail Tal.

There is nothing more difficult in chess than choosing from two approximately equal continuing the strongest, which is often the only true.
Sigbert Tarrash

Nowadays, When "Re Not a Grandmaster At 14, You Can Forget About IT.
Vishvanatan Anand.

Only a good elephant can be donated. Bad can only be played.
Yuri Rasuev

Only really a strong chess player knows how little he plays.
Savely Tartakover

Without errors, there can be no brilliant victories.
Emmanuel Lasker

Victims are possible only due to the error of the opponent.
Savely Tartakover

Chess laws exist in order to be broken.
Savely Tartakover

Chess is life.
Robert James Fisher

Chess merciless. You must be ready to kill.
Alexey Shirov

Chess is a struggle, mainly with their mistakes.
Savely Tartakover

Chess are like a living.
Boris Spassky

Chess as a beautiful woman to which we are constantly returning, no matter how often she rejects us.

Later, ... I became more and more likely to succeed in decisive parties. Perhaps because I realized a simple thing: not only I defeated me, but also my opponent.
Mikhail Tal.

Put the board so that the sun shines in your opponent's eyes.
Rui Lopez

Style? I have no style!
Anatoly Karpov

The strategy determines how to take the girl to the rear seat of the car. Tactics - what to do later.

The Game IS Far More Important Than The Final Result.
Alexey Shirov

There Are Tough Players and Nice Guys, and I "M a Tough Player.
Robert James Fisher

Tips to the winner: Invite an opponent after the party to analyze his game on all his mistakes.
Bill Wall

Tips to the loser: remember always that you had the best position all the time - before the mistake in the last go.
Bill Wall

Tips Loser: ask for the next time the best conditions for the game.
Bill Wall

Tips to the loser: Pay attention to the opponent on the fact that he thought for a long time and thus slowed down the game.
Bill Wall

Tips to the loser: Let's tell the opponent that he stood on a loss due to a disgusting game in the debut, Mittelspile and the endgame.
Bill Wall

Tips to the loser: Treat with understanding to the opponent, in the end he was just lucky.
Bill Wall

In the desire, do not stand on the loss, some lose the party.
Savely Tartakover

About Women: Chess Is Better.
Robert James Fisher

Try to play after the opponent has risen tightly.

What is common between other women and chess players? Their goal is a good party.
Marcus Ronner

What is chess? - What is life?
Garun al-Rashid

We Like To Think. (ASKED by Hans Ree Why He and Karpov Get Into Time Trouble So Often).
Harry Kasparov

If the opponent offers you a draw, try to understand why he believes it is worse.
Nigel Short

When you play with Bobby, it's not about victory or defeat. We are talking about survival.
Boris Spassky

When I visit the chess club, everyone is eagerly from admiration.
José Raul Kapablanca

When I win, I'm a genius. When I do not win, I'm not a genius.
Robert James Fisher

When I play white, I won because I play white. When I play black, I won because I am Bogolyubov.
Efim Bogolyubov

If Spassky donates the figure, you can almost immediately give up. But when the Tal sacrifice the figure, play on. He can still donate anything and then ... who knows?
Miguel Nazidorf.

Who takes the move back, and the wallets and the wallets.
William Fenton

Who is your favorite writer? "I myself."
Alexander Ermolinsky

Who is your adversary? "Today I play against black figures."
Akiba Rubinstein

After I grind them one after another, my superiority became apparent.
José Raul Kapablanca

How does the Tal wins? He develops all his figures to the center, and then sacrifices them somewhere.
Robert James Fisher

How can I take a draw? I do not know how I stand!
Fritz Zemish

Chess, this accurate calculation based on the game, require luck, luck and once again luck!
Savely Tartakover

The victory is achieved not good, but the best game.
Savely Tartakover

There is no sin to laugh at the man who allowed himself to deceive in the unaccompanic trap. Unless, of course, it did not have tragic consequences for him.

The trap is not pulled. "A beast trap himself gets" (V. Dal). A person also comes across "voluntarily" - his trash in the trash, laziness, sadness ... A man behind a chessboard is no exception. The moves from general considerations, without taking into account the peculiarities of the position and the possibilities of the enemy, are often not only bad, but also are funny.

Kostytsky - Berman
Liepaja 1973.

Black stroke

Black queen pretended to leave C5 pawn without his guardianship, and went to B8. What for? What did he happen there? But the white elephant, not devoid, apparently, the above human weaknesses, did not think for a long time and swallowed the bait: C: C5. But here the queen (smiling restrained, and maybe loudly laughing - it depends on the upbringing) returned to F8. Elephant in a mousetrap! How the monkey Toto would sweat!

What was ridiculous, for a serious case is no longer suitable. When the old becomes ridiculous, they refuse him and seek a new one. And already from this it follows that the sense of humor contributes to creativity.
Creativity, in whatever the field of human activity, it is neither committed inevitably takes aesthetic form. And every aesthetic process is essentially creative. The need for beauty prompts people to find, appreciate and develop the next routines. But the update and improvement of life is unthinkable and without comic. The main role is ridiculous - anticipate and in a timely manner "to neutralize" everything that sooner or later can become an obstacle to the creative movement.
In comic, as well as in the beautiful, the properties of typical (patterns, generality) and paradoxicality are connected. Therefore, any aesthetically significant phenomenon and makes an inconsistent impression - it seems familiar and unfamiliar, usual and at the same time unusual. Incompatible, it would seem that the properties of typical and paradoxics in the aesthetic process are faced, fighting and transfers each other.
When the superiority of typicality is detected, a sense of excellent occurs. And if the top takes paradoxics, it happens ridiculous or sad.
In a beautiful something, a single and accidental asserts itself as a necessary and universal - paradoxics goes into typicality.
In the comic, on the contrary, the manifestation of a typical (or applying to become such), paradoxically detects its irregularity and inexpediency. At the same time, typical as it may be compromised and divorced.
In other words, comic (funny) reveals the limitations and relativity of what was before (or seemed) unlimited and unconditional.

In the position in the chart wins 1. LH8. Black can not pick up the pawn 1 ... l: a7 in view of 2. LH7 +.
This standard maneuver is known for every little little competent chess player. Is it so much to be surprised that in the position on the next chart of white played 1.Lh8? But the answer of black became a complete and very unpleasant surprise for them: 1 ... LH2 +. Standard maneuver was in this particular case of a rough mistake. White had to surrender. The comic effect of what happened strengthened the fact that white became a victim of exactly the same tactical strike, how were going to win.

Janien - Ridal,
Helsinki, 1959.

White move

It is known that the British distinguishes a subtle sense of tact and strict adherence to the rules of good tone. The features of the British humor are connected with this, often beating paradoxical manifestations typical of the British courtesy.

The English businessman received a letter from a colleague who wrote: "Dear Sir, because my secretary is a lady, I can not dictate her what I think about you. Moreover, since I'm a gentleman, I have no right to even think about you. But since you are neither the other, I hope you understand me right. "

Two Englishmans spent twenty years on a uninhabited island and, as it turned out, did not even get acquainted. On the question of the reasons for this, they resonantly stated: "We had no one to introduce each other!"

At dinner in a rich country mansion, one of the guests, drinking extra, falls face in a plate. The owner calls the butler and says: "Smitters, please, please cook a room for guests. This gentleman kindly agreed to stay with us."

Foreigners English politeness (as well as everything that is characteristic of some more than for others) often seems excessive. Therefore, we may sometimes need to laugh even that the British themselves say quite seriously - just from the feeling of tact.

A student asks Professor to resolve from lecture. The professor responds perfectly seriously: I am Sure It "LL Break Mu Heart, But Wed Maew Leave - I am sure that it breaks my heart, but you can leave.
("In England, with love" T.A. Lavysh, A.L. Rusayev, V.S. Shahalai)

Comic lies halfway to the beautiful, it is tested something that exists in the present, highlights the inconsistency of his claims for the future, but, unlike the beautiful, does not offer anything in return. Fine what needs to be developed and multiplied. Beautiful is a great future. But the future of funny causes doubt, it is ridiculous most often what needs to be pushed and limit, and perhaps and completely eliminate.

The typical of paradoxical beautiful, and the paradoxicity is typical is funny.

Such a definition of a funny may seem too wide, because the unusual forms of manifestation of ordinary things can also generate and positive values. However, laughter is not only denial.
Laughter does not always mean a negative assessment. The court is not yet condemnation. And not everything, what the sense of humor is drawn, deserve the censure. For example, the words M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin about verses: "Why walk in the rope, and even quiet every four steps?" It is clear that this jogging phrase contains no condemnation, but an unusual, paradoxical look at a good friend (it would seem!) Phenomenon. To better understand the usual, you need to see (find) something strange in it. (Viktor Shklovsky called such a reception "Reasterant" And he considered him one of the most important in art). Therefore, a laugh can also be said that he expresses the joy of preconance.

Quite a typical situation: one serves, the other eats .

It happens comic and with a plus sign. In this case, the comic is most closely approaching the beautiful, but still differs from it that a funny case remains a case that has little chance of repetition. It happens laughter from the feeling of completeness and diversity of life. Laughter welcomed the return of the old, erased from frequent use of concepts, initial associative completeness.

Freud gives an example of witness:
Stubbornness is one of the four Achilles fifth of this Mr.
Name the stubborn man with a donkey - very trite. And then this is done in paradoxical form, without a colorless verbal stamp, and therefore more intact and expressively.

A person can rejoice and laugh because he managed to solve a difficult problem. An independently found nontrivial idea of \u200b\u200bthe solution seems to him beautiful, and the initial attempts to achieve the result of the standard methods and these methods themselves are funny. (Proudness for themselves is added to this, the feeling of superiority over others, and possibly hidden mockery above them)
When a person is happy with good luck, he can laugh at what could happen if Fortuna was not so favorable.

Shereshevsky - Buslaev
Tbilisi, 1973.

White move

In all signs, the position of white is lost. And if Sherchesevsky saw the move KH8!, Then, it would probably be happy and laughed (about myself, of course) such a "gift of fate." But it would have laughed, of course, not over the winning course, but over the wonderfully overcome the threat of defeat. It would be funny to be all the "alternatives" to continue KH8, and in particular, the template course of KG5, which was actually done in this position.

The article uses examples and an illustration from the book Dmitriev A.V., Sychev A.A. "Laughter: Sociophilosophical Analysis", M.: 2005

I play chess every day at home. With parents, brothers, - said first grader.
- Thematimate is not good, - the coach replied, - now you even missed the root ...
-And I usually do not go to the rook!

Physical education teacher asks the student:
-What is the sport of chess - summer or winter?
- If they are drowning in the house, then summer, and if not, then winter.

Once in childhood I swallowed a pawn, but the doctors were worried, the pawn turned out to be a pass!

A programmer after lesion from a chess computer declares: "Damned Windows, gluchitis again."

I admitted to the Father that you are a chess player.
-And what was his reaction?
- He was very happy.
- Site message.
- But do not think that dad loves chess.
-Then what did it please?
"Just my last groom, whom the father tried to throw out the door turned out to be a boxer.

The 4-arrester Zhenya plays a batch with a 2-bit Vika. It has passed only 5 minutes, and the fiance remained only the rooks and paws, while the opponent has almost a complete set of figures.
Is it already an endgame? What do you think it is time for me to activate your king? - asks Zhenya from the coach.
-What is this endgame? - The coach is replied, "you didn't even won a single figure!
"I understand," Zhenya parried, "she has a Mittelspil, but I have an endgame!"

One wizard asked:
-Well, how are you satisfied with your son-in-law?
- How to say, because he does not know how to play chess at all.
- And what's wrong with?
-It that trouble that he could not play, and he plays all the time.

Now I will win everyone in chess, because my dad promised to teach me and play with me every day! Here let's play a party with you!
"Let's play," the coach said, "only in the initial position it is necessary to put elephants near the king and queen, and then horses.
"No," the student replied, "my dad said that the elephants are standing near the loyades!"

Two student asked the coach:
-And the king with the king are found on the same cell? "
"No," the coach replied.
-And we met ...

The medical student asked his chess friend, whether he was inherited, inherited.
"He wondered," the one replied. - Take, for example, Capabalanka. Did you hear something about his father?
-Absolutely nothing.
-And about the mother?
-Also no.
-You see now.
- Costly speaking, I did not hear anything about the capplant, "the future doctor admitted.

Pupil: Is it possible to turn a pawn in the queen if it did not reach the end?
Coach: No, it is impossible.
Pupil: And my grandfather turned the pawn to the queen, who has not yet reached the end, said that retirees can be!

According to a number of programmers, Harry Kasparov, during a recent game with a chess computer, used a secret code that gave him to King Immortality.

The son of the chess player asks the Father that he was going to give him a birthday.
- I prepared you a wonderful gift, "the father answered his beloved son, - We will play a party with you, and I will give you a whole horse to the odds!