How many seasons game the walking dead came out. Walking Dead: The Final Season. Attack on barge

The remaining employees of TellTale Games, which should have completed the project for Netflix, are also dissolved. About this yesterday in Twitter already told the former narrative designer Studio Rachel Noel.

"Remember that [Studios] remained a minimal set of employees who had to continue working, and I was part of it? In general, we were just just fired by all, "Noval said.

The girl immediately began to share negative impressions from working in TellTale, quoting the "blade running."

"I saw things in which you would not believe. 80-hour weeks of workpiece (Forced processing, take away from workers all their free time. - Approx. Author News). Errors in the management allowed by one of the best talents of the industry. All these moments will disappear in time - like tears in the rain. It's time to die, "wrote Noel.

Interestingly, on the same day, the publication with reference to two anonymous sources, reported that Telltale Games wants to transmit the production of the third and fourth episodes of The Walking Dead: The Final Season another company, which, in turn, will hire under the contract of former studio staff. It is still unknown how many employees will be able to return to the project thus.

Also, Kotaku's interlocutors said that the third episode The Walking Dead: The Final Season is almost ready. He was supposed to be sent to certification in ESRB on September 21, when mass dismissal occurred. Another about two weeks should have led to polishing.

For the fourth episode, the replicas of the main characters have already been recorded, and the first player version could appear at the end of September.

Finally, we note that the first two episodes of The Final Season came out according to the plan, but nothing is known about the release dates of the third and fourth parts. Initially, they should have come out on November 6 and December 16. At the end of September, TellTale Games complete the Final Season "in one form or another" without any details.

At the moment, the final season The Walking Dead is removed from sale in digital stores, including Steam,, PlayStation Store and Microsoft Store. Has Certificates of the game took advantage of demo-vessels.

On the Angle-language Fittern of The Walking Dead: The Final Season in the says, what are the ones that have been "in need of" POPOCE "SAPPOCU CAME TELLTALE GAMES. No comments about the suspension of sales from developers at the time of publication were not received.

  • Previously, the leadership of TellTale Games fired most of the employees, stated bankruptcy and, according to the information of the former staff of the studio and other sources that wished to remain anonymous, abolished almost all projects, including the Wolf Among US 2 and the game adaptation of the Stranger Things series.

The game consists of five parts. Play whether Everett, who received a second chance of life in the world, devastated by the dead. Among the lively corpses and the remaining survivors, the protection of the girl-orphans named Clementine will be the redemption of sins for the chief hero.
The story continues in five episodes: a new day, thirst for help, a long road is ahead, there is no more time at each angle.

Release date: April 24, 2012

The effect of this episode unfolds around the truck stop on one of the highway in Georgia and tells five interrelated stories about survival. From the first to 400th day, you are waiting for more and more horrors and human drama. Your decisions from the first season will find their echoes in this game, and the events will be felt in the second season.

Release date: July 3, 2013

Continuing the history of Clementine, which became the orphan as a result of a zombie apocalypse. The provided herself, she is forced to learn to survive. Many months passed Clementine still in search of a safe place.
You will have to get out of heavy situations and solve dilemmas that will be a test for your morality. Your decisions change history and lead to unexpected results.

Release date: December 17, 2013

The Walking Dead: Michonne - A TellTale Miniseries

This is an episodic project consisting of three parts. Its actions unfold between events of 126 and 139 issues. Fans will find out why the girl left a group of friends and that made her back to them again.
The story continues in three episodes: at great depth, no shelter, what we deserve.

Release date: February 23, 2016

If the family is all that you have left ... How far will you go to protect it? Four years later in chaos there are pockets of civilization. In the role of Javier, you meet the girl, in turn, survived the loss. Your name is Clementine and your destinies intertwined, where every decision you adopted by you may be the last.

Release date: December 20, 2016

Before you, the final head of the history of Clementine. Nightmares of the living world years tormented the girl and now the school can be home to her. But she will have to donate many to protect him. Clementine should build a life and take responsibility for Hey-Jeja - orphaned boy.

In this passage, only one of the options for passing the game is considered! + Described to find all collectible items.

Episode 1: Enough to run away

At the beginning of the game, we watch the video in which Clementine with Hey Jeme is driving in the car. Use the WASD keys to bring the mirror to the boy. He is played with a drum of a pistol. After a small conversation, it turns out that the male was hungry. You can try to take it with some things, but in the end it will not really help and have to offer him the last meal.

After time, they drive up to some abandoned place. Clem arms a small asshole with a knife, and they go look around. We take a mount and a fill with water from the trunk. We approach the table next to the fence and read. When we see a red icon, then these actions will have consequences and before making them, it is worth thinking. It would be nice to call the bell so as not to run into anything. The ringing attracted nearby the dead. We go for the fence. We suggest which buttons to use: [E] for stunning, [q] for killing. The baby notices a hanging wheel and asks if it is not a trap, the class explains that it is for swing, for fun. Cleaning the territory, come to the house. Behind the house on the left side you can find a skull of a deer, it is used as a decoration of something, for example, on the hood of the car. On the terrace near the house there is a barrel with water, it is not worth drinking it. The door inside will be locked, so we try to use the mount by pressing + [Q]. Clem gradually teaches his little companion to survive and checks his knowledge in the sequence of actions. Here you can keep silent so that he answered himself.

Inside the guys find a couple of monsters tied to the chair. The door to another room is closed and it is worth finding a way to open it. We look at monsters and read a note on their feet. It says that they are left alone. Near the bottle with poison. The key from the door can be found on the belt of one of the infected. But it's dangerous to get to him. There is another way, but then you will have to start through the Hey-Jay window. It is still better to get the keys. We kill two zombies and take the desired.

The next room is quite cozy. Hey Jay asks to stay. He also finds a pair of cartridges for a pistol. He shoots perfectly. We remind him about the most important rule - always aims. We look at the room while Ey Jay does not notice something under the mattress. Clele moves it and finds a secret door. Disposher efforts to open it. Inside they detect a bunch of edible supplies. But suddenly a grenade rolls out to the hatch, quickly close the hatch using the key. Still a little bit ... The explosion attracted a crowd of walking towards the building. It's time to make legs.

To eliminate walking in the crowd, one of them should be stunning carefully, at this time to divide with the second. Having understood with two zombies, we finish the latter, which the Malts rushed with a metal sheet. Heroes are closed into the car, but the adventures do not end. We use the keys to destroy the walking, but they get stuck in his head. Prowing it on the door and close. Next, you need to quickly remove the car from the handbrake and switch the transmission. The car will go on the rolled. Rubym zombies trying to penetrate inside. Soon the keys turn out to be a crushed zombie car, the cell decided to knock the glass and get them. Playing a wheelbarrow, after a while the guys turn out to be in an inverted car. Clem watches as Hey-Jeje pick up and carry ...

Welcome to the first episode Walking Dead: The Final Season!

Having come to himself, the cell detects himself fastened into some room. Use a slight move to get rid of the velcro on the hand. After examining the room, you can detect a couple of things, such as a first-aid kit, a photo album in the table and a box in the closet on the top shelf. Clem itself will not be able to reach out, so we put a chair and get into two bills. Inside it gets a sharp object. It is quite good for defense. It's time to hide from here. Using a spatula, we leave the room.

Having reached the turn, someone came out of the door in the corridor, and he should be in our direction. This is a boy. We try to disarm it, you never know what. From the shadow it shows someone else and says hey-jay safe. It seems that these are peaceful people. To see his cell should throw a weapon. The clamber is negotiated by mutual unarching. Archer seems to be Marlon, and the guinea call Tennessee. Having become acquainted, Marlon decides to take a closure to the boy and on the way tells about the situation around. There are no adults in this place, only children remained here. The car's car was fully inoperative and they could not go anywhere else. Soon someone at the gate reports that walking appeared at the gate. Marlon leaves us and says where you can find a guy. We just need to go to music.

Inside, we go towards the stairs and go for it. There you can find artificial flowers. Go back to the door and go to the left. A woman runs away to the bed, who says she bites hey jay. We go further and discover the boy next to the musical instrument. Clele making sure that everything is in order with him, it starts talking about the bite of that woman. It is better not to sneak into it from the back. Malts realized that it was impossible to do so anymore. We also introduce us to another hero - Louis. We take your portfolio, which Marlon left here. Louis changed sharply in his face when he saw the Klem hey-Ji's gun. Soothe Louis, saying that the kid is a good shooter.

Here the cab is already tired of the melody that Louis constantly launched and she asked to change the record. Well, already better. Louis invites Hey Jay to play, forward Malets.

Muzitization interrupts Marlon. They had some kind of problem, Rosie disappeared. Clem agrees to help in search.

Going to the goal, Marlon is convinced that we were returned with weapons. Another bed hears the disgruntled garbage girls about her presence here. Louis helps to discharge atmosphere and presents a Violet girl. Clem decided to leave the baby behind the gate on the safe side of the "cover the back". Our task is to kill the walking. We remember about the ungrouping of large clusters on individual individuals. Killing the first two, Louis shows the master class in the use of traps. They are marked with bright ribbons on the trees. We try to repeat when monsters are in the damage zone. We finish the remaining and return with the group to the goal. Suddenly, one of the members of the group is attacked by back. We help him survive in the fight against evil spirits. Then the second walking attacks the Clem and a dog comes to the rescue. So there was a rose.

On the way back, the guys discussed their skills in the murder of zombies. They did not have time to stand for the gate, as Marlon had already received the balls from Hey-Jay. He did not know that it was better not to approach the Malta. It is worth going and talk to him. This is the second such case. After talking to him, we explain that he needs to apologize to Marlon. But before that, he wants to talk to other members of the camp. To begin with, you can approach the girl, which Ey Jay was bitten. Next, we go to Tenne and Violet to the left of the building and try to exchange a pair of phrases with them. They stand near the graves of his sisters. Then to Aaashima, who writes something in the diary. He leads the chronicle of what is happening. After a short conversation, he asks to leave him alone. And it remains to talk to the chief Omar and Louis.

Now, talking to all the characters, Ey-Jay is ready to apologize to Marlon. A minute later, the chef called everyone dinner. The baby quickly slammed and wanted still, Louis extended his plate with the addition. After a meal, Louis pulls out the card, and everyone decide to play "Drunk". Who will have a senior card, he will be able to ask any question. In the course of the game, everyone will win in turn. And the Clem also will try to ask the question to be a question. After an uncomfortable question from Louis, the celesties completes the game and takes hey-Jay to sleep. Having come to the room, Hey Jay finds a box with pencils and is accepted to draw. Later in the room appears Violet and says that the pencils are needed. Clem asks the boy to return the pencils. But Violet allows you to draw a drawing. While they tie a small conversation to the cele, the boy teleshes a drawing. Just his work, Violet takes the box and leaves.

All objects received in the world can be placed in the room. Hang the drawing of Hey Jay on the wall, put flowers in a vase and you can hang horns above the door.

While the Clem hung the drawing, the baby disappeared somewhere. It turns out he was already to sleep ... under the bed. We persuade him to return to the bed, saying the door is durable and more convenient on the bed.

In the morning, the Clem with Hey-Jeme climbed into the room of the Ten. He shows the guy his toys and tells what service for what is responsible. Ten decided to take the toy back, but the cell reasoned them, allowing you to play hey Jay. Clem asked the Ten, where Marlon could be. While he went to look for him, Pesk broke into the room. It is clearly hostile, but at the right moment the owner appears, and adheres the dog. Now Marlon asks him to trust and give his hand. Well, maybe now the dog will remember us by smell. Wow, we can even command.

Marlon showed a plan for food mining. We can help in this. The map shows the locations within the safe zone, he sent people two points, a choice to whom to go. Clem decided to choose Aaasim and Louis.

Here the Clem in the company guys went hunting. Having passed along the trail, some sound hears the cele. It turned out to be suspended walking. Aasim said Louis to cut a walking, but he fonds with him stick. Choose to someone help: Aashima is hunting or restoring a trap on a tree with Louis. Since we are well shooting, I think it will be better to help in the hunt. Aaasim trusts the Clem onions, and the prey himself will lure. We make tagged shots, once or twice and lunch is assembled. From afar, Hey Jay's cries, he found a bunny hanging on a trap. He is very small for food, so let him go, let him grow up. Food shot, but all this is not enough. It is necessary to find Brody and Violet and learn how they coped with their task on fishing. Aasim still takes extraction to the camp.

On the approach to the building, they notice the killed walking, one of our copies is noticed. So friends somewhere near. After examining the castle on the door, Louis says that we are not alone here. Prepare to storm the door. Clem with a sharp blow makes the door, but no one turns out there. Clementine finds a cigarette on the fireplace. A minute later, Brodie with Violet are suitable. The guys did not find fish, all the networks are empty. Clem has a plan, where you can get food, but this is the place for the safe area. On the map We celebrate one single place - the station. After the explosion there should have to stay at least.

The courtyard was already dark when the guys came to the place. Walking here is clearly more than last time. But there is no choice, or die here or from hunger. It is worth come closer and evaluate the situation that Clem does. The plan is: Louis climbs on the car and licks the walking noise of the bell, and Wai will go with us. We move forward, painting alone with walking. I hide at the barrels and wait until Louis lies go fishing further. Submit sign Louis and wait. We pass to the building without ignoring the zombies on the ground, he doesn't just lie here.

Inside the cell is a bag, and hey jay lantern. The guy climbs into the basement and pulls banks, and we collect them in the bag. Soon there is some kind of man with a gun and a cigar in the teeth. The man wants to take off our supplies. Hej-jay get out of the basement and instructs a gun on him. More interesting. We will not expose the boy danger and attack Abel, sending his body straight to the walk. The guys quickly take the bags and are wound with good enough.

Having come to the camp, they bring a whole bunch of food and are all satisfied. It was worth it to get out of the safe zone. Food is enough for a couple of weeks. They also mentioned that they came across a person who had prevented from bringing even more. Brody somehow gotten. Maybe she knows him? Or is worried about surveillance? Brody raises the scandal and get angry. She also blames the Clem, if something happens after that. Marlon joins the conversation and says that he will talk to Brody on this.

The guys deserve dinner, so they headed with the Clem with Hey Jey. After dinner and conversations with the challenium, he will give a drawn pattern, which can be hung in the room. We set items and cotton candle.

Clem wakes up by hearing some kind of sound. It is necessary to go and check. Through the pipe heard someone's voices. We go to the left by the corridor. Having reached the door, where the noise comes from, we are looking for another way as it is closed. We go out on the street, there should be a passage to the basement. Turning to the left, we find the door. It turns out to be closed. We close a brick and divide the castle. Going down, the Clem detects Marlon and Brody there, arguing about something. They immediately detect it and make it seem. Marlon is clearly strange and trying to hide something. But Brody still pronounces. The fact is that they have seen an earlier person with whom we crossed at the station. From the words of Brody, they were taken by the twins, which means they did not kill walking ... The last thrown phrase Brodi was really the last for her. The strongest strike of Marlon kills Brody himself without understanding. After that, Marlon is still trying to save Brodi, starting to look for what can help. The last words of Brodie had information that Clele and Ey Jay in danger. If those people return, Marlon wants to give newcomers to them.

Marlon decides to escape and locked the cab inside that it has been devoured to those who applied Brody. It is necessary to find something thin to join the door handle. We raise a flashlight from the floor and find a ruler nearby. Excellent. But it seems Brode already appealed. We throw off the rack and the oxide under it to the exit. Open the door and. ... Clem is enough behind the reversed Brodie. Well, you will have to save my life and kill the monster.

On the surface of a concerned Ey-Jay already instructed the gun on Marlon. He told everyone that it was killed Brody, but now the whole truth will open. Clem tells how it really was. At that moment Marlon selects the gun at the boys and threatens the cele. Marlon will not kill the cab, since she is not needed to raiders. Next, we appeal for help to Louis so that it will come down. Not immediately, Louis comes to the side of the Clem. At the end we try to take a pistol from Marlon. The group agreed that he would leave their camp and never return. But it was too late ... as we taught hey-jy, he was aimed in his head ...

This is the first episode ends.

Episode 2: disadvantaged children

Waking up in the morning, Clem detects Hey Jay, who prepared her coffee. They discuss the events that occurred at the end of the past episode. Speaking Heyu, that he did wrong. Marlon was no longer dangerous at that moment when the boy decided to shoot him. Heroes remember events. We defend the Malts and answer that Marlon himself was to blame. One member of the group begins to threaten a knife, we answer that today there are enough deaths, first Brodni, then Marlon ... The action returns to the present. Ten appears in the room and gives the hey jejy toy firefighter. The boy does not accept her, because he considers himself unworthy and call himself a "killer". Ten says that the funeral will soon begin. Body is already in the ground.

We get up and look at the room. You can drink a cup of coffee in the morning. As soon as we are ready, let's go on the funeral. However, there is nothing more to do here, so we take hey-jy and go.

Attention! Hey Jay is growing on those lessons who find out from us.

We approach the boy and go along the path in place of the funeral. Clem with Hey Jeme stand a little on the sidelines. Members of the group in turn speak a few words. At the small again, Mitch is running out, they stand for him, saying that he was easier. Violet also enters protection. The band decides to vote, leave them or expel them. We are sent to wait in the bedroom.

The guys are expected in their room solutions. Hey-jay from angerness throws into the wall of the wall, but it calms him.

Well, that came the moment. The doors open and the room includes Violet and Louis. Voices were distributed so that the heroes would have to leave. Wai with Louis offer us beyond the secure zone. Despite the refusal of the Clem, Louis is still insisted. He also asked to give him a gun from which Marlon was shot, but nothing should be given anything, otherwise than we will defend themselves in the open territory. They bring our heroes to the place and they say goodbye.

A little decking in the forest, on the craft and hey jy, already open fire. They barely manage to hide. We look out because of the tree using the key left and see there is the guy from the station. He still survived. We attack him because of the shelter. Having written it to the ground, you can choose what to do with it. But this will not allow His friend who burst out behind. They are looking for Marlon and ask to take them to school. Suddenly it turns out that the second friend is our familiar Lilly, which was in the first group of the Clem. Abel and Lilly want us to persuade a group at school to go with them, according to them, they have asylum with thick walls, food and electricity. The guys already got close to him, so screaming Violet to shoot Lilly.

Begins the pursuit. We are driving with the help of shots and jump over obstacles if necessary. The guys with the pursuers are coming to the walking strip. It stops a little second. But along the path, the Clem rises to zombies. We encourage the [Q] key and finish it using [E]. Hey-Jia has an injury in the abdomen. But the time is not enough. Walking and will have to fight back, protecting the small one. He has a knife to whom he is happy to share. Walking is more dangerous when collected in groups, therefore, press [E] to share them. Suddenly among the walking it turns out one speaking. Someone disguised and tries to distract walking from Clem and Hey Jay. The stranger says to follow him. Take the wounded Hey-Jay on the hands and follow. Having passed a bit, inspecting hey-jee. His wound is quite large. The stranger instructs the cell to pull out the fragments, so that the wound is then burned. Press [F] and move to get just three wounds. But the stranger only sculpts to wound the scotch. Already cold, and hey-jey begins to shake. Guys, along with a stranger, sit by the fire. He says that from the detachment that calls himself whispering. They learned to move along with the walking, merging with them. He removes the mask and seems to be James. According to him, he did not use the name for a long time. He also tells that these people who steal children take them to themselves in the detachments and train to fight against the same groups.

After a time on the horizon, a walking, James offers a new tactic - to distract it to anything else and not kill. Let's try its method. Choose to throw a stone.

Hey-Jey starts the heat. He urgently needs medicines. But the nearest place is a school. It is worth trying, at the same time to warn the guys about danger. James agrees to help us. When he left the group, he wandered all this time alone. But they decide to go to school in a couple of hours. Clele with Hey-Jeme decide to rest, while James is bred.

In the morning they went through the forest to school. At the gate, the boy on the wall almost shot the James in the mask. Walking us, he decides to go back. Soon the Louis appears and helps to attribute Hey-Jay inside. There Ruby decides to look after the boy, at this time Violet calls the Clem to the Cabinet for a conversation. She is interested to know who is the woman from the forest that recognized the cele.

Clem decides to try to strengthen the defense of the fortress. She shows Wai Map. We note that you need to strengthen the walls, then split the courtyard and finally put the traps. Clem decides to go to the greenhouse for barbed wire, which will come in handy later, Violet sends Mitch and Ruby with her.

There is a trophy skull on the spot. Then you have to come up with how to get inside. You can look through the stuffing glass, there is also a staircase on the roof. Clem is pierced inside. On the ground, a pair of walking. One of which is even alive. We grab the knife on the table and temper the mad. After him rises and two others. Get rid of them and let the guys. We came here for the wire, but besides her, you can find some more useful weapons. Take the mount and open the cabinet to it.

There they find a bunch of wire and some fertilizer bags. Mitch conceived to make bombs from them, but for this he will need something. Clem finds the door that is closed by a cabinet. Probably there is something there. Move the cabinet and look inside. From behind the corner, zombies looks out and grabs a class by hand. She managed to escape. Ruby will find out their school nurse in it. She asks the Clem "take care of her", since herself will not be able to. We look at the blade in the head and get rid of danger. Now it is necessary to help find Mitch all for bombs. We pick up with a floor of a lightness and a cylinder with propane.

All, you can go back, but finally, Ruby wants to bury his teacher, more precisely, that it remains from it. We agree with it and help with the funeral.

Returning to school, the evening came on the courtyard. Hey Jay already slept in his room. Louis came to the room and brought a couple of old things to Ten, who would be just. He said that the group is not against that they stay ...

Now that Louis left, you can see what he brought it out there. But first you can furnish the room with objects that were collected outside. We approach the closet where you can place objects. Then choose clothes for Hey-Jay of three options. To complete this day, we blow up a candle and go to bed.

In the morning the celest wakes up early and begins to think about the action plan for the defense of the fortress. Two weeks have passed.

Clem wakes up, having dreamed of some horror. On the bed hey-jej does not turn out. Maybe this is a dream? That is how it is. We go beyond the door from the room. Horse walks along the corridor. Follow it, as the task says. From afar, the baby's cry comes from afar. We go beyond the door ... and then the celest wakes up. Hey Jay is already guard sitting on the table with a knife. Suddenly he decides to go patrol. We dissuade him, asking, maybe he will also try to fall asleep. As a result, the heroes fall asleep together on the same bed.

In the morning the guys go to the courtyard. Hey-Jay replaces the Ten on the wall, and the Clele goes at the request of Violet to check the people. Soon the attack should happen, and everyone is waiting for attacks. To begin with, you will go check the kids. We approach the tower and talk to Hey Jebe and Teno. Then come to the Mitch, sitting at the table. Help him check the action of his bombs, but in a reduced size. Dolbim by key [Q]. But nothing happens. We give Mitch to be alone and deal with the thing. Further go to Louis. He gives us onion Marlona, \u200b\u200bas he does not really cope with him. Find yourself that better, boy. Having finished training with a bow, we go to Violet and talking to her. Also, you can still look like a couple of things, such as a local cemetery.

From the building, Aasim and Ruby come out, arguing, what a trap is better: with bricks or with a log. We allow their dispute. To discharge the situation and distract a little, Louis offers to play. They join hey jay with tenh. We play the game answering questions and asking your own.

Having finished the game, we go to help someone from the two members of the group. Help Play Louis on Piano or Wai Check Strengthening on the Wall. We go to listen as Louis plays. But first it is necessary to help him set up a tool. Click on the key on the signal, then move the leg. In the end, blowing on the string. Haha, very funny, Louis. The guy is trying to tell about his feelings, but it is better to build anything with him, some kind of inconstant. Another thing is James. Now we go to help on the wall with a ward. We play with Hey-Jebe in the "stone-scissors-paper" to whom Abel will get. Clem, fortunately, wins and hey jay will not be dangerous. Small something discovered in the distance. We look into binoculars yourself and see enemies there. We collect advice and decide what to do. We say the riding words and go to battle.

Not having time to finish, one of the group members shoot. Take off the poor fellow in the shelter and grab onions. We occupy a convenient position for shooting. Fighters break through the gate and the negotiation time comes. Drop Lilly, until our "soldiers" are installed traps. Lilly begins to blackmail a group, talking about how one of the former members of the group and at the same time sister is Ten. The explosion of all distracts and the boat begins. The case moves to the building. Cut a rope that holds a trap with bricks. Minus one. Next, we move the sofa and give the babies. Now it remains to deal with Abel. A pair with Hey-Jeme put a blow to the blow, after which I throw it out of the window, falling behind him. At the bottom of us, Lilly meets, which is not sure about their own ... But still, if not Violet, it would be dead. We grab about the onions and fight back from the walky. Before us is a choice: save Violet or Louis.

The attackers decided to leave school. But we have another problem, no one ordered fire walling. Take the bow and shoot from them. We had losses, Michta shot, Aaasima and Omar took, and what about Violet? She was also taken away. It is necessary to save them, it's good that we have the one who knows where their refuge.

On this episode ends and the continuation promises to be cruel.

Episode 3: Broken Toys

Interrogation Abel

After the entrance roller, the Clem will visit the captive abel in the basement. Below remove the collective object - triangular red pennant (1/6). We also take tape from the table. We inspect blood stain on the floor. Stroking Rosi, it will go as a pet to Clementine, provided that you jerked with her before. Also here you can find notepad for drawing (2/6). Abel is already guarding hey jay. Choose what to do to bring it into feelings.

Next, we decide to give Abel to drink or stop Hey-Jey. Let him make a sip. Next, after you refuse to speak, I am rushing on it. After that, we get a Samokrut from Abel's pocket. We decide how to do. You can give him to smoke, put out or burn your face. I burn his face to be talkative. Subsequently, he agrees to tell where Lilly was headed, instead that we would not give him to turn. We shoot in it or beam a knife.

Old barge

Heroes find a boat near the berth on the beach. They decide to divide to look around. Before going to Louis, we turn around and go to the lying log, we select from the ground horseshoe (3/6). Using binoculars, inspect the boat. We find raiders on the deck, we find the pier and the entrance to the boat, the steering wheel on the right and the road to the left of the barge. We will find two types of data: walking, with which you can distract the gangsters and the gap over the entrance where the hey jay can crawl.

Now come to Willy. To the right of him near the tree in the grass we find another item - rabbit Pack (4/6). We speak with the boy and inspect the boat through binoculars. The supplies can be burned or chopped them. A little right is a berth with other suits and a torch.

To the left of the Louis on the rocks sits hey jay. We speak with him, then find more torches and horses. They will help as a distracting maneuver.

Instructing the situation, we are going with the team and decide how to act further. On the pier and on board the barges there is a security, both sides will not work out, so the first should be distracted and wade on board. The team decided to set fire to the hay, and the supplies can always be stealing than Willie. To get to the barge we will help the walking, among which we disguise. Following the way to our familiar in the mask, the team will stumble on the raider in the forest. Touch it. It turns out that this is Minerva, one of the sisters of the Ten. The second sister died. Soon there will be gangsters and heroes will have to hide. Fortunately, Minerva will not pass us.

Meeting with James.

Heroes are sent in search of James to acquire their own walking. On the way, we talk to him about what happened in school. Having met James, he asks to distract walking, without killing them. He will be able to help us, taking your mask from the camp. Click only the [E] button to stun the walking, without killing. Remember that the dead through time rise to your feet and can again attack. Masks in the camp is not detected. She is in the bag nearby. Walking to her hire. The guys will decide to distract the dead, encountered a cart down. On the way we are stunning another walking. James will remember our choice and remember that we spared walking.


Having reached the guys to the stables, inspecting it and appeal to James. If you go a little further and look after the haystacks, you can find figure Beetroot (5/6). Then move to Hey Jay and on the wall further remove it wind bell (6/6). You can also joke on it and say that he tries to lick the salted liswoman for animals.

Imagined with small, approach James and talk to him. Behind the door to the stable it turns out to be a bunch of walking, it is a kind of pen, in case of a sharp need for a manual animal. James suggests putting on the mask and go past them. We agree with him and get through the desolete to the bell. Returning to the guys, we think that James's answer about walking. We say that maybe they are not just monsters. We continue to ask James about helping our friends. Then, saying hey Jay. Whether we said James about Walky or lied so that he helped us. Based on the response, Ey Jay will know new things.

Boarding school

Once in the room, you can place the collected items in the interior. We take the coffee maker and talk to Hey Jeme. After talking to Louis and play the ball with Hey Jeme.

Follow the party to the music room. We inspect possible items. We choose the drawing and offer hey-jy to come up with a motto for stretching. Next, approach the gramophone and choose music, let it be country. At the end, choose one of the colored cans for light.

Ruby says that Willy has prepared some kind of surprise, but first wanted to show his cell. We speak with him. He suggested blowing up the boat to leave the gangsters forever. You can agree with his idea or say that this is not the best idea. Return to the party. Willie is already talking to the tenh. In a conversation with boys, you can choose what name to give a bomb.

Next, Ruby offers to play the game where she will read the passages of the dossier for each child's child, and the Clem will have to guess, about whom is in question. The first dossier will be about Ruby. Next, it will be possible if you wish to change the record with music. After the census of all those killed, listen to the history of Louis / Violet about his appearance at the boarding school. Later, Louis will play a piano if Violet remains, she will sing.

In a dream, we communicate with Lee on the train. He encourages her and says that she will succeed. Clementine admits that he really misses. After a time, the craft wakes up, after which it carries us to the old barge.

Attack on barge

The guys are going to discuss the action plan for the last time, while James is expected. Then Clem and James are departed to talk to an eye on the eye. He reports that walking will soon be at the shore. He also tells his story, it turns out that he is gay. Talking, they return and James agrees to hold us to the boat.

Before attacking Louis / Violet lacks courage and very nervous. Louis can give a slap to cheer it up and lead to feelings or hug. You can only kiss Violet if before it had a relationship with her.

The guys are cooked by the guts of the killed walking so that they did not teach the rest of the dead. We help with this Louis / Violet.

Zombie invasion begins. We merge with the crowd and we move forward forward. When the searchlight is shining in the Clem, we use the [Q] key to hide behind them from the shots. Once in the water, gently move along the pier, quickly cover up not to be noticed by the raider. Under water, the claw will grab the walking, we use [Q] to fight off from it. When climbing on the marina, overlooking the shelter to shelter, without falling on the light of the spotlight. The gates are shooting from the walking group and penetrate the boat.

On the bar, you will need to act secretive. We are touched against the wall from the raider. We go to the right door. You will have to perform all QTE inserts in time to stay unnoticed. Thus, they fall out to the boiler where we need to lay a bomb. It remains to find friends. We climb the stairs and meet on the path of Minerva. She will help us find friends. We go to the chamber Violet and get on the head from Minerva. She betrays us.

Waking up in the chamber, the cell turns out to be with a Violet. She will be unhappy that the Clem did not save it then. She will not want to help us in further actions. In the case of Louis, it turns out that he was tortured and cut off his tongue, he will be scared and also refuses cooperation.

Well, we look at the room and the lattice. On the contrary, we talk with friends and inspect the castle on the opposite door. After that, the hey jay will give a cell a knife. We take him and try to open the door. Protection interrupts escape process. Soon we meet Lilly itself. She enters the chamber and tells about what happened to the sisters of the Ten. Minerva admits that herself killed her sister to prove devotion to the new home. All those present were simply shocked by heard. Louis / Violet begins to threaten violence over Lilly, after which the guard pulls out his / her and cameras and is going to cut off the finger. Hey Jay intends to prevent this. You can let him or say not to do. If you do not interfere with the boy, then he splashes his ear ear, if you stop it, then she will cut the fingers Louis. In both options, she will leave and grab hey-Jia.

The guys are thrown on Minerva and ask for help. Clem at this time is trying to open the door with a knife. Violet is trying to prevent her. If Louis is located in the room, it will not be against. Opening the door, Clem disarms Minerv and frees friends. Between the Clem and Minerway, a fight is tied. Louis, grabbing the crossbow, accidentally kills a woman guard. If there is a vaolet instead of Louis, then it is hardly wounds minerva.

Clem is sent after Ey Jeme. Rising to the upper deck, the bed discovers that Ten and James grab raiders. Lilly orders to kill James, but Ten snatches the weapon and is going to kill Lilly. He can't do it and a fight begins. Clementine intervenes in the case. After a long fight with the use of QTE scenes, the weapon turns out to be at Hey. He aims to Lilly and waits for the approval of the Clem. Lillilie begins to ask for mercy. It is necessary to make an important choice: let Lilly shoot or ask him to stop.

In the event of a mercy, Hey Jay gives the weapon to James and himself becomes a victim of a knife in his back from Lilly, in the end dies. Soon there is an explosion.

In the second case, if you approve the murder, the boy launches the entire store in Lilly. James is upset about what happened. Soon a raider rides and directs weapons on children, but the shot does not have time to do, because the bomb explodes.

This episode is completed.

Episode 4: Return us back

We are awaiting the last episode in the season, the final history of Clementine.

Escape from Barja

After the entrance roller, we show the events on which the third episode ended. We are on a tone, sprinkled on the slices of the ship. Get to Hey-Jay, who needs help. We use the mouse to aim and press inside the circle. [LKM]. We catch a boy and sit down in a lifeboat.

You need to get to another part of the ship, Ey Jay has time, and under the craft boat sags over the crowd. We use movement, press the buttons in the scenes on time, get to the berth at the water. One of the enemies remained and shoots back. Take out the arrow stuck in the village and look in the foot. Near the pier Clem notes sailing onto Lilly. The ship fell on the marina and hurts the heroes.

After waking up, the class with Hey Jeme meet Louis, not far from the walking vaolet. It seems that she blinded. And on the approach, the whole horde zombie. Nearby we meet other friends. Clementine sends everyone to break through, and she will cover the rear. Hey Jay decides to stay with her.

Shot a walking. As a result, after Minnie will break off the floor of the cheek, she will throw a grenade and explosion will call even more walking, they will be climbing everywhere. We run forward, bypassing the danger.


Once in the cave, we need to make a torch. To begin with, select a stick near a heap of a wet tree. Also here you can find a collective subject - toyCabesta flowers. We pick up a rag with a corpse. We inspect the wall of the cave to get flint and another collective object nearby - crystal. By building a torch, you need to think about how to move through the water. We inspect the log on the left. If it is released, it will be stuck on the stones and you can go through the water. While friends are moved through water, beat off the invasion of walkers, including our former friend James, who has become a zombie.

Friends are in front of the choice. On the way several passes in the cave. Clem happens a serious conversation with Hey Jeme. At the end of the conversation to choose:

This is a very important choice.

Heroes still decide what expensive will go where the wind comes from.

Clem together with Hey-Jeme and Tome leave the cave and follow the trail. Luis is shown because of the tree. He returned back to help us. On the way to a safe place, Louis shares the impression of the first murder of a person and just chat in the back.


They get to the bridge. It is pretty old in appearance. But it is necessary to cross on the other side. In the middle, press the key combination to climb through the truck. Ahead of the breakdown and a couple of meters to the next solid land. Whose angelic voice hears at the back, someone sings ... Minnie appears on the horizon. And the crowd of walking behind her. But how? The guys still have to move, and we will cover them in the role of Clem. We kill approaching walky, then with anticipate Minnie. Clem gets injury to foot from the ax. You jump over a break, Ey Jay will be forced to cover Louis and Ten in Bed, but will do as we taught it.

The remaining team in the face of Clem, Hey-Jey and Ten continue to save from walking. They are divided. We help hey-jy climb on elevation. Clem have time to bite down the leg. Well, here, here or amputation or her end.

James stable

Hey Jay, along with a busted Clem through the forest, get to the stables of James. Now there is safe and no one. Already coming to the stable, they still have time to get inside and can't get caught. We put the pitchfork in the door handle to close the door.

Clem is tired and can no longer walk. Now we cover the Manels in the role of the Clem while it closes all the doors. We will be sent to his management. We run and close them, but one of them will be blocked. Cut the rope on the door. In the pistol, the cabin end the cartridges. We will have to protect it with a knife. Kill suitable zombies. First, stun and then finish. Close the last door.

Clem cannot continue to continue the path. She says hey-jy to get out of here and reminds about the rules. The male separates fresh walking and cooked. The last rule will be the way we taught hey-Jeye earlier. Namely - to kill the cele, if something happens to her. But you can choose from two options:


We are transferred to the scene, where the cab rides a horse, but soon the horse raises. Interrogate the enemy at the entrance to the fort. It can later kill it or leave to die. We enter inside. There we will meet a fighter with a machine gun. I hide behind the boxes. Kill him and follow the next. Open the door and go into the room. We inspect the body of a woman who shot. We select things near her, take the key from the locker and open the door. There is a little hey jay sitting there. We take the boy and leave the place by car.


We return now. Hey jay tries to get a lunch. Fishing. Rosie together with us. The kid found some kind of refuge. Remove the spear to the wall. We look at the room. You can find a collective object in the form skull On the floor, as well as scratch the heart on the wall. We leave out to the street. Rosie reacted to something. She found Ten.

In conversation, Ten gives Clementine Cap, which he found down on the river. Ten asks him to teach everything that he knows himself. A little later, Ruby is suitable, she is surprised only to the shade, it looks like they live together with Hey Jeme.

Return to school

Returning home, he meets the cell with an amputated foot, she still remained alive. She gives her cap heyj. Clem takes Malts to surprise - swings from the wheel, about which hey jay in the first episode thought it was a trap on monsters.

All the guys are going at the table and everyone is happy. Hey Jay teaches Ten to shoot, and then talks to the cab before bedtime, discussing all the elections made in this episode. Then, together with Rosie, we go along the corridor, looking at the titers written on the walls. We go to your room, we set all the found items that we have been lying. We put Clementine cap on the table and end your affairs.

Congratulations, the game is passed!