Skyrim Legendary Edition - codes on ingots of ore. Kirk in Skyrim: Description, Finding, Tips for use Where to find Kirk in Skyrim

The addition of DragonBorn has made many changes, but the main thing was the addition of a new type of ore - Stalgrim. You will learn to add it using the console team in any quantity.

Kraft in Skyrim has always been one of the most exciting activities. Although he gave a huge advantage, the process of creating items is rather balanced. It is quite simple, so you can create good things from the very first coming to Wetran, although it is very difficult to collect reagents for daederic items. In SkyrimlegendaryEdition, codes help get one or another subject through the console, but it greatly facilitates the game and can make the passage less interesting. Because for those who first meet this legendary game, it is better to limit the codes to Skyrim on the ore or other consumables, their addition using console teams will almost not affect the gameplay.

If you decide to use the console, it is necessary to clarify that in Skyrim Legendary Edition codes are entered using the same commands as in the original version. The exception is only the fact that to add objects from additions in each ID, it is necessary to introduce not 00, and 04, which corresponds to the DragonBorn add-on. It is the last for the fifth part of TES. In the legendary edition of Skyrim codes on bars and any items from the original version are entered with the usual ID without any changes. The exception is only new types of ore from additions. In the world, they exist only in very limited quantities, because in SkyrimlegendaryEdition codes and only codes will allow you to crafting the items you need.

Mining Stalgrim and Kraft

With the arrival of DRAGONBORN add-on in Skyrim, the code for an ebonite ingot ceased to be relevant. Although the ebony is still needed to improve and craft the top things, a new kind of ore came to a shift - Stalgrim. This is a special breed, which can be produced only in Saltheim. For the mining of ore, special Kirk is needed, because if you have thrown it on arrival on the island, then without console it is not necessary. To add an ancient Nordic Kirk in Skyrime, the code should be administered with the addition of supplement, because in the legendary edition instead of "XX" there will be "04" figures. To add a thing to open the console and enter the "Player.additem040398E6 N" command, where "N" is the number of items.

If you do not want to mess around with mining mining and enter the code on the ancient Nordic Kirk in Skyrim, then you can immediately add ready-made ore. To do this, you need to use the same command, but change the Item ID on XX02B06B, where instead of the "XX" will be the number "04". All other codes for ingots in Skyrim will be introduced without taking into account the addition number, and the ID number of ore and ingots will begin with "00".

All those codes that make you a game

To open the console, press [~] (Tilda) and enter the following cheat codes:

tGM - invulnerability mode

tCL - walk through the walls

tMM 1 - open map of the world (all points on the map)

kILLALL - kill everyone (friends / enemies) in the visibility zone

pSB - Get all spells, dragons and talents

qQQ - Exit the game

advlevel - raise the level. Does not add glasses abilities

tFC - "free" camera mode

tDETECT - theft without consequences. Disable vision from NPC.

tCAI - turns off and includes artificial intelligence. After use, everyone stops fighting.

set TimeScale to 0 - Stop Time. Default: 20. If instead of entering 10,000, then one day will pass in a few seconds

Sexchange - Change the floor to the opposite. The face does not change :)

Showracemenu - Open the Character Creation Window, where you can change: Ras, Paul, Appearance and character name. After changing the race, in the early versions of the game, the level of your character will become 1. It will also lead to the discharge of all pumped skills. In the version of the game after changing the race, the character level remains the same. Before applying this command, do not forget to keep the game.

player.Setav Invisibility 1 - Include Invisibility. After that you will not be noticed enemies or friends. To disable invisibility instead of 1 Enter 0

player.Modav Carryweight X - increase the maximum load capacity of the character on X units

player.Setav Speedmult X - set the speed of moving x%. Applied after running with a pinch key. Default: 100%.

player.Setscale x - increase the growth of your character, where x: 1 - 100%, 2 -200%, etc.

sETGS FJUMPHEIGHTMIN 100 - the height of jumps 100% (default).

player.Setav Stamina X - Install Max. The number of power in X units. If you set great importance, the character will not be tired during running.

player.Setav AttackDamagemult N - increase the damage from weapons in n times

player.Setav LeftWeaponspeedMult N - increase the speed of the attack weapon in the left hand in n times

player.Setav WeaponspeedMult N - increase the speed of attack weapon in the right hand and two-handed weapons in n times

player.Setav Leftitemcharge N - charge a weapon in the left hand on n charges

player.Setav RightItemcharge N - charge weapons in the right hand on n charges

player.additem 0000000f n - get n gold

player.Additem 0000000a N - Get N Machine

player.Placeatme 0010BF90 - call on the spectral horse. Can be used indoors

player.Setcrimegold 0 - Cancel the reward for your head

player.Addspell 00092C48 - Listing Starting. Skill for converting a wolf / iswolf. Appears in the "Talents" section. To activate, use the [Z] key. Cancel skills. The opposite transformation into a person will automatically happen, after a certain period of time

player.Addspell 000B8780 - Vampirism. Adds the Sangwinar Vampiris disease. After 3 days after infection, you have a 10% chance that you will become a vampire. If after 3 days after using this code in the "Magic" section - "Active Effects" will appear "Vulnerability to Fire" - you vampire. And if nothing happened - use the player.removespell 000b8780 command, after which the player.addspell 000b8780 is again

player.Removespell 000B8780 - heres from vampirism, Sangwinar Vampiris disease, which appears in the first stage of transformation (after bite). After transformation into a vampire, this code does not work

setStage 000EAFD5 10 - cure from vampirism. Always heals, but only works 1 time, since the cure takes place after the completion of the quest (this code completes the quest)

player.moveto (without brackets) - teleport to the specified object (character)

cOC QASMOKE - Moves to the test location. There are all game items and fixtures for the manufacture of any items.

coc Riverwood - exit the test location, moves to Riverwood. If instead of "riverwood" enter another name, then teleport will occur in the specified location. How to find out the names of locations for teleportation, read a little lower.

player.Setpos [axis] [Number] (without brackets) - Move your character to the specified coordinates. Instead of the axis, you must specify x, y or z. And instead of the number - the displacement of the selected axis

pRID (without brackets) - highlight the object by its ID. Analogue to the next act: open the console - click on the object. After this command in the console, the inscription "" (object ID) should appear. After that, all the cheats can be applied below, not highlighting the object. Using this cheat code, you can highlight a highly remote object and apply the necessary action to it. For example, resurrect someone or see the contents of the inventory.

In order to work in the following codes, it is necessary to come in front of "focus" to the creature (animal or character) or the necessary object, open the console and click on it with the mouse, while the inscription "" (ID_OP) should appear in the console. After that, enter these cheats:

stopcombat - stop the battle with the specified friendly character

Before applying this command, apply Player.Setcrimegold 0 If you have several enemy NPCs, then to stop the battle you need to apply this cheat for everyone at once without closing the console.

If at least one NPC to attack you (you did not apply this code to it), then all others will be attacked.

If nothing happens - output the attackers from the city (before that it is recommended to enable TGM invulnerability mode) - apply the TCAI command (so that everything is frozen and have never moved) - take a convenient position (so that everyone is in the visibility zone) - not closing the console Apply to all in turn, the StopCombat command. After the commands were applied to all characters, enter TCAI and TGM again (if these modes included).

All the characters hostile to you are shown in red dots at the compass at the top and while these points will not disappear they will attack you.

On constant enemies (monsters and plot NPCs), those who are always attacking you, this team does not work.

kill - kill the selected character / animal

resurRect 1 - Resurrection

resetAi - restore the default dialogs - erase the memory of the selected NPC. This command must be applied only if you killed someone, resurrected and after that refuses to talk to you

openActorContainer 1 - Open inventory of the selected being. You can exchange objects

removeallItems - Clean the inventory of the specified character. Equipitem ID_BERMET - to equip the selected character with the specified subject (subject ID items below). With this chub, you can wear any character, give it a weapon and put on him armor.

inv - Show Inventory Content (List) of the Selected Object

duplicateallItems Player - copy all items from the inventory of the specified NPC or an object in your inventory

resetInventory - reset the contents of the inventory. Dress on the chosen character in the default equipment, the initial

setowNership - Get ownership of the specified subject

unlock - open the lock of the specified object

disable - Hide the specified object

enable - show an object that was hidden using Chita Disable

markFordelete - Delete a selected object or character. Attention! With this code, you can remove not only some chest, but also invisible objects that can be highlighted using the mouse and which are necessary for the normal functioning of the game. You will be careful using this command. The objects you create are removed immediately, while others are after saving and downloading the game. There are no commands with reverse action. It is not recommended to apply this command, as you can remove some wall, floor or a whole building. To remove items, it is recommended to use the Disable command, as it only hides the subject, and does not delete the object.

Obtaining control over NPC

With the help of the following cheats, you can get control over any monster or character. Make everything strictly in the specified sequence. We switched to "a third-face appearance" [F] (it will not work otherwise); come to the necessary character or monster; Open the console, click on it with the mouse and enter the following code;

and close the console.

To return to an ordinary game and get control over your main character Enter in the console: TC and

Notes: After receiving management over NPC, you can only move and you cannot attack. If you press an attack, then your main character will attack, and not the one that is under your control. How to make NPC attack - unknown. If you find a solution to this problem - write in the comments.


In Skyrim, almost any character can be made by your own partner, satellite. To do this, do the following:

Come to the necessary character;

Open the console and click on it (highlight);

Enter SetrelationshipRank Player 3

Enter AddFac 0005C84D 1

After that, this character will have a dialogue: "Follow me. I need your help."

Strengthening skills

All codes below enhance one or another skill on (basic value * N%). That is, if the base damage from weapons you have 15 units, and as the value you have entered 200, then the initial damage will be (15 + 15 * 2) \u003d 45 units. To turn off the modifier as a value, enter 0. Exactly the same formula is used to calculate the length of the spells.

Example: Player.Setav DestructionPowerMod 100 - increase damage from all spells of a 100% destruction school spells

OneHandedPowerMod - one-handed weapon

TwohandedPowerMod - two-handed weapons

MarksmanPowerMod - Luke

Blockpowermod - Shield

SmithingPowerMod - Blacksmithing

HeavyARMORPOWERMOD - Heavy Armor

LightARMORPOWERMOD - Light Armor

PickPocketPowerMod - Pocket Stall

LockpickingPowerMod - hacking

SneakpowerMod - secrecy

AlchemypowerMod - Alchemy

SpeechcraftPowerMod - eloquence

AlterationPowerMod - change

ConjurationPowerMod - Witchcraft


IllusionPowerMod - Illusion

RestorationPowerMod - Restoration

EnchantingPowerMod - Enchantment

Note. Changes in these modifiers are displayed in the description of spells and weapons.

We remove the squares when entering cheat codes

We go to the folder with the game and find the following file:

Skyrim \\ Data \\ Interface \\ FontConfig.txt. We replace the following line:

map "$ Consolefont" \u003d "Arial" Normal

map "$ Consolefont" \u003d "FutratcyLigCon" Normal

Note. If after this file fontconfig.txt does not want to save or proposes to save a copy of this file, then do the following: look at the properties of this file, you should not check "read only"; If it is worth - remove, change the file, save it and put this check mark back.

Install English in the console

Go to C: \\ Users \\<имя_пользователя>\\ Documents \\ My Games \\ Skyrim and open the Skyrim.ini file. After rows:

Slanguage \u003d russian.

add (not replace) next line

sconsole \u003d english

Now in the console you will have English, instead of Russian.

Note. If, after adding this line, the language in the Skyrim console remains the same or you cannot find the Skyrim.ini file (the start folder or it is not) then delete the string sconsole \u003d English (if added) and install the default language in the operating system.

Pumping of all skills

Using data, cheat codes for Skyrim you can quickly pump all the skills and get all the peppers. For this we will need the following cheats:

advskill N x - Raise the skill N to X units of experience. Main team for pumping all skills and perks

player.Setav N X - set x Skill level N. This cheat does not add "glasses of abilities", but it is necessary when the level of your skill reaches 100

player.Setlevel N is to set the character level N (1-255). Can be used to reduce the character level after applying Chita Advskill

List of all skills for Advskill and Player.Setav commands

Example of use:

advskill Destruction 100 - raise "destruction" per 100 experience (not levels)

player.Setav Block 50 - Set 50 Block Skill Level

Alchemy - Alchemy

Alternation - change

Conjuration - Witchcraft

Destruction - Destruction

Enchanting - Engagement

Illusion - Illusion

Restoration - Restoration

Marksman - Shooting

Block - block

HeavyARMOR - Heavy Armor

Lightarmor - Light Armor

Lockpicking - hacking

OneHanded - one-handed weapon

Twohanded - two-handed weapons

Pickpocket - Pocket Stall

Smithing - blacksmithing

Sneak - secrecy

SPEECHCRAFT - eloquence

To pump all the peppers of all skills, we do the following:

With the help of Chita Advskill (description above) raise any skill to 100 levels

After that, apply the Player.SetAV code [Skill Name] 0 (without brackets) - Install 0 level of the specified skill

We repeat the paragraph 1 and 2 until they pump all the peppers.

If after that you still do not understand how to add "glasses of abilities", for pumping perks, then enter this several times (in turn):

advskill Destruction 999999.

player.Setav Destruction 0.

After these manipulations, you will receive the required number of "abilities' glasses" and can spend them on pumping all the perks available in Skyrim.

To change the number of magic, lives and stock, use the following cheats:

player.Setav Health X - Install Max. Number of lives in x units

player.Setav Magicka X - Install Max. Number of magic in x units

player.Setav Stamina X - Install Max. Number of stock in X units

Kits for armor (sets)

To get the desired armor set, enter the cheat codes in the following form:

player.additem [code_Bronic] [quantity] (without brackets)

Example: Player.additem 00013938 1 - Get 1 Glass Boots

A set of dwell armor:

0001394D - Armor

0001394E - Gloves

0001394C - Boots

0001394F - helmet

00013950 - Shield

A set of daederic armor

0001396B - Armor

0001396A - boots

000D7A8C - Fire suppression boots - + 50% fire resistance

000D7A8B - Silent Boots - Silent Movement

000D7A8A - Mammoth boots - +50 units. Grandflowing

0001396D - helmet

0001396C - Gloves

0001396E - Shield

000D7AF9 - Grounding Shield - + 70% Electric Resistance

000D7AF6 - heat shield - + 70% cold resistance

0010DFA3 - denial shield - + 22% of magic resistance

Set of glass armor

00013938 - Boots

00013939 - Armor

0001393A - Gloves

0001393B - helmet

0001393C - Shield

A set of imperial armor

000136D5 - Armor

000136D6 - Boots

000136D4 - violation

00013EDC - helmet

000135BA - Shield

Set of elven armor

000896A3 - Armor

0001391A - Boots

0001391C - Gloves

0001392A - Gold Plated Armor

0001391D - helmet

0001391E - Shield

Set of leather armor

0003619E - Armor

00013920 - Boots

00013921 - violation

00013922 - Helmet

Kit Dragon Pacar Body

00013965 - Boots

00013966 - Armor.

00013967 - Gloves

00013969 - helmet

00013968 - Shield

Kit dragon scaly armor

0001393D - Boots

0001393E - Armor

0001393F - Gloves

00013940 - Helmet

00013941 - Shield

Embonite armor kit

00013960 - Boots

00013961 - Armor.

00013962 - Gloves

00013963 - helmet

00013964 - Shield

Set of row of armor

00013956 - Boots

00013957 - Armor

00013958 - Guidelines

00013959 - helmet

00013946 - Shield

Kit armor Izoev

000D8D50 - armor

000D8D4E - boots

000D8D55 - violation

000D8D52 - Helmet (Horn)

Set of nightingian armor

000fcc0f - armor

000FCC11 - Gloves

000fcc0d - boots

000FCC12 - Hood (helmet)

Bronkov reservation kit

0004F912 - Shield

0004B28F - helmet

0004B288 - Boots

0004B28D - Gloves

0004B28B - armor

Set of wolf armor

000CAE15 - Armor

000CEE7C - Boots

000CEE7E - Gloves

0004C3D0 - helmet

Officer armor brothers storm

0008697E - Armor

00086981 - Boots

00086983 - Gloves

00086985 - helmet

Ancient Nordic Armor.

00018388 - Armor

00056A9D - Boots

00056A9E - helmet

00056B17 - Gloves

Armor Guild thieves

000D3AC4 - Gloves

000D3ACE - Hood

000D3ACC - armor

000D3AC2 - Boots

Armor chapter guild thieves

000E35D7 - Armor

000E35D9 - Hood (helmet)

000E35D8 - Gloves

000E35D6 - Boots

Unique armor with bonuses

0007C932 - "Odine Archima" (armor) - + 100% to the rate of recovery of magic; All spells consume 15% less magic

000F9904 - "Diadem Scientist" (helmet) - All spells spend less magic

000FC5BF - "Tarch Bloodthirsty" (Shield) - Blowing the shield causes 3 units. damage for 5 seconds

000E41D8 - "Shield of Isgramor" - + 20% Magic Resistance; +20 units. Health

000295F3 - "Ingola Helm" - + 30% cold resistance

Accessories with bonuses

000С8911 - "Amulet Akatosh" - + 25% to the rate of recovery of magic

0002D773 - "Amulet of Handira" - +30 units. Magic, health and stock forces

00100E65 - "Necklace of immunity and diseases" - 100% immunity to disease

000C891B - "Amulet Mary" - recovery spells spend 10% less magic. We are necessary for the wedding.

Masks (helmets) with bonuses

00061CB9 - "Crosis" - + 20% to hacking skills, archery and alchemy

00061C8B - "MOROKS" - + 100% to the recovery rate of magic

00061CA5 - "Sailry" - School spells of destruction and recovery spend 20% less mana; +50 Mana

00061CC9 - "Vobun" - School spells of illusion, changes and witchcraft consumption 20% less mana

00061CC2 - "Otar" - the resistance of fire, electricity and cold increases

00061CC0 - "Ragot" - +70 units in power

00061CAB - "Wolzung" - 20% discount on all goods; Breathing under water; +70 load-loading

00061CC1 - Hevnokrak - Immunity to disease and poisons

00061CCA - "Wooden Mask"

00061CD6 - "CONARIK" - with a low level of health gives a chance to heal the carrier and cause damage to nearby enemies

Sets of weapons

To get the necessary weapons, enter the cheat codes in the following form: Player.additem [Code_Article] [Number] (without brackets).

Example: Player.additem 000139a8 1 - Get 1 glass bow

Glass weapons:

000139A3 - one-handed ax

000139A4 - two-handed ax

000139A9 - one-handed sword

000139A7 - two-handed sword

000139A8 - Bulava

000139AA - combat hammer (two-handed)

000139A5 - Luk.

000139A6 - Dagger

Daederic weapons

000139B4 - secrei

0001DDFB - Clear Inferno - +30 units. damage from fire; Goes the goal

0001DFCB - secreir thunderstorm - +30 units. damage from electricity; Takes 15 units. of magic

000139B5 - LUK.

0001DFEF - Loars of Petrament - a chance to paralyze target for 6 seconds

0001DFE6 - onions inferno - +30 units. damage from fire; Goes the goal

0001DFE9 - Winter bow - +30 units. Damage from the cold; takes 30 units. stock of power

0001DFF2 - Onion thunderstorms - +30 units. damage from electricity; Takes 15 units. of magic

0001DFFC - the sacred onion - undead 40 levels and below appeals to flight for 30 seconds

000139B6 - Dagger

000139B7 - two-handed sword

000139B8 - Bulava

000139B9 - Sword

000139B3 - battle ax

000139BA - combat hammer

Imperial weapons

000135B8 - Sword

00013841 - LUK.

Delmer weapons

00013994 - secrei

00013995 - Luk.

00013996 - Dagger

00013997 - two-handed sword

00013998 - Bulava

00013999 - Sword

00013993 - Combat ax

0001399A - combat hammer

Elf weapons

0001399C - Combat Ax

0001399E - Dagger

0001399F - big sword

000139A0 - Bulava

000139A1 - Sword

0001399D - LUK.

000139A2 - Combat Hammer

Ebonite weapons

000139B1 - Sword

000139AD - LUK.

000139B2 - Combat Hammer

000139B0 - Bulava

000139AC - battle ax

000139AB - secoire

000139AF - two-handed sword

000139Ae - Dagger

Orochier weapons

0001398B - battle ax

0001398C - secreir

0001398d - Luk.

0001398E - Dagger

0001398F - two-handed sword

00013990 - Bulawa

00013991 - Sword

00013992 - Combat Hammer

Weapon of isoev

000SS829 - Topor

000SDE9 - Sword

000CEE9B - LUK.

000AE087 - Heath geys (5 units. Additional damage Nordam)

Nightingale weapon

000F6527 - Blade

000F652C - LUK.

Weapons Klinkov

0003AEB9 - Sword

Ancient Nordic weapon

0002C66F - Sword

000236A5 - two-handed sword

0001C864 - Molot.

0002C672 - Topor.

Dragon weapons


XX 014FCB - Dagger from Dragon Bones

XX 014fce - sword from dragon bone

XX 014FCF - Battle Ax Dragon Bone

XX 014FCD - Dragon Bone Bulaw


XX 014FCC - Two-handed sword from dragon bone

XX 014FC3 - Dragon bone sequir

XX 014FD0 - Warm Molt from Dragon Bones

XX 0176F1 - Dragon bone bow

Unique weapons with bonuses

000F1AC1 - "Beach Dragons" - +40 units. damage dragons and +10 units. damage from electricity against all

000F5D2D - "Pale blade" - +25 units. damage by cold; Take 50 reserves for the purpose of the goal; Weathequent creatures and people turn to flight for 30 seconds

000956B5 - "Wutrad" - especially deadly against elves

000B3DFA - "Eye of Chalks" - Fire explosion causes 40 units. damage within a radius of 4.5 m. and settles the goals

000A4DCE - "Bloody Ship" - fills the stone a stone if the enemy dies within 3 seconds

00053379 - "Luty" - +15 units. damage by cold; Takes 15 units. reserves of the enemy

000F8317 - "Cooler" - +30 units. damage by cold; chance to paralyze target for 2 seconds

0001C4E6 - "Sorrow Ax" - takes 20 units. reserves of the enemy

00035369 - "Staff Magnus" - absorbs 20 units. Magic per second, if the opponent has no magic - absorbs her health

0010076D - "Havnraka Staff" - within 30 seconds. Inflicts 50 units. damage per second from lightning. Applied to the surface

000AB704 - "Staff Holdira" - soothes the weak opponents by 60 seconds. or captures their souls if they are dying

000E5F43 - "Staff of Yurik Goldurson" - inflicts 25 units. damage and takes 50 units. of magic

00094A2B - "Phantom blade" - +3 units. extra damage, ignoring armor

000AB703 - "Curse of the Red Eagle" - ignites the undead level 13 and below, and turns to flight for 30 seconds

0009FD50 - "Rage of the Red Eagle" - +5 units. Fire damage and set fire to

000B994E - "Happy Valdar Dagger" - + 25% to a chance of a critical strike

0006A093 - "Tandyla Staff" (staff) - creatures and people levels level 12 and do not fight below 60 seconds


Additional arms damage was indicated for the character of the first level without pumped skills. All descriptions and names were taken from the game. "Staff of the Jurika Goldurson" - this is how it is called in the game, and not "Erika". Perhaps this is a localization error. Only the last (most powerful) versions of weapons were added.

Unbearable armor

Example: Player.additem 000D8D50 1 - Get 1 Irane Armor

Light armor

Armor of Izoev

000D8D50 - Rogue Armor

000D8D4E - Rogue Boots

000D8D55 - Rogue Gloves

000D8D52 - Rogue Headdress

Armor Penitus Okulatus

000D3EA0 - Penitus Okulatus armor

000D3EAA - Penitus Okulatus helmet

000D3EAB - Bracers Penitus Okulatus

000D3EA7 - Penitus Okulatus Boots

Linvi Armor

00108544 - Linvi armor

00108546 - Linvi Hood

00108545 - Linvi Gloves

00108543 - Linvi boots

Fur armor

0010594B - Fur armor (PT.1)

0010594D - Fur armor (PT.2)

0010594F - Fur armor (PT.3)

0006F393 - Fur armor (PT.4)

0006F398 - Fur Boots

000A6D7F - fur boots

0006F39B - Fur Bra

000A6D7D - Fur Gloves

0006F39E - Fur Helmet

Officer Armor Brotherhood

0008697E - officer armor brothers storm

00086983 - officer's violation brothers storm

00086981 - Officer Boots Barry Boots

00086985 - Burry Brothers Officer Helmet

Armor Guild thieves

000D3AC3 - Armor Guild thieves

000D3AC4 - thieves guild gloves

000D3Ac5 - Hoody thieves guild

000D3AC2 - Waiv Guild Boots

(Improved armor: improved armor of the thieves guild - can be exchanged only one part of the armor after the quest "Caprice Scounding)

000D3ACC - Armor Guild thieves

000D3ACD - thieves guild gloves

000D3ACE - Hydia Hydia Thieves

000D3AcB - Wort Guild Boots

Armor Chapter Guild

000E35D7 - armor head of the guild

000E35D9 - Guild Hoods

000E35D8 - Guild Head Gloves

000E35D6 - Boots of the Guild Chapters

Nightingale armor
Each armor element has several options with different IDs.

000fcc0c -
0005DB85 - Nightingale boots
000fcc0d -

0005DB86 -
000fcc0e - Nightingale Armor
000fcc0f -

0005DB87 -
000FCC10 - Nightingale Gloves
000FCC11 -

0005DB88 -
000FCC13 - Nightingale Hood
000FCC12 -

Armor Tsuna

000C0165 - Tsuna armor

000C0166 - Tsuna boots

Armor of the Dark Brotherhood

000D2844 - armor of shadows

000D2845 - Shadow Boots

000D2843 - Shadow Gloves

000D2842 - Hood shadows

0005ABC4 - Hood shadows with mask

Ancient Armor of the Dark Brotherhood

000E1F15 - Ancient Shadow Armor

000E1F14 - Ancient shadow boots

000E1F16 - Ancient shadow gloves

000E1F17 - Ancient Shadow Hood

Heavy armor

Wolf Armor.

000CAE15 - Wolf Armor

000CEE7C - Wolf boots

000CEE7E - Wolf Gloves

0004C3D0 - Wolf helmet

Falmersky Armor

000B83CB - Falmer armor

000B83CD - Falmer boots

000B83CF - Falmers Gloves

0004C3CB - Falmer Helmet

0005C06C - Falmer Shield

Armor Klinkov

0004B28B - armor blades

0004B288 - Blast boots

0004B28D - Blast Gloves

0004B28F - Helmet Klinkov

0004F912 - Blast shield


000295F3 - Ingola helmet

000F9904 - scientist diadem

0002AC61 - Skura Savior

Unbearable weapons

To get the necessary object, the IDs are below, you must use the cheat code in the following form: player.additem [quantity] (without brackets)

Example: Player.additem 0009F25D 1 - Get 1 Heavenly Steel Dagger

Blades of possession

Such blades player gets when it becomes a tan in a particular possession. All indicators of such blades vary depending on the level of the player, namely: material (10 options), type (7 options for each material) and the enchantment (more than 8 options). Thus, the player can get one blade from a huge number of different options, which will have each ID.

Heavenly weapons

0009F25D - Heavenly Steel Dagger

0009F25C - Heavenly Steel Sword

0009F260 - Heavenly Steel Martial Top

Weapons Klinkov

0003AEB9 - sword blades

000F1AC1 - Beach Dragons

Weapon of isoev

000CADE9 - Rogue Sword

000Cee9B - Rogue bow

Weapon from Vologdruda

0008Adfb - ceremonial ax

0008Adfc - ceremonial sword

0008FFDE - Okincons

0008FFDF - Eduzh

Ancient and good ancient Nordic weapon

0002C66F - Ancient Nordic Sword

0002C672 - Ancient Nordic Combat Ax

0005BF14 - Good ancient Nordic Sword

0005BF15 - good ancient Nordic battle ax

Nightingale weapon

0007A917 --- | Nightingale blade

000F6524 --- | Nightingale blade

000F6525 --- | Nightingale blade

000F6526 --- | Nightingale blade

000F6527 --- | Nightingale blade

0007E5C3 --- | Nightingale

000F6529 --- | Nightingale

000F652A --- | Nightingale

000F652B --- | Nightingale

000F652C --- | Nightingale


00029B91 - Great Stake

00046E0B - Magic Staff Gatnor

000B3DFA - eye chalk

000E57F0 --- | Rod control spiders

000C19FF --- | Rod control spiders


0003B562 - Long bow

0006B9AD - Daravina bow

000AB705 - Hunting Bow

000C0186 - Formions onions

000F82FC - Luk Beach Maga

00013985 - Hunting Bow

One-handed weapon

000f5d2d - pale blade

00013983 - Battle Ax Balgruf

000Ae087 - Heath Gaces

00079B1D - sacrificial blade

000426C8 - sharpening

000ECD54 - Dagger Alesandra (I know what is written with two s, just the bug was, so I cut it)

00043E1E - Dagger Borvira

0001C1fe - Dragon Priest Dagger

000ECD53 - Rundi Dagger

000C1989 - Bolara Blade

0009CCDC --- | Blade burning

000964C9 --- | Blade burning

000D0758 - kaverin fang

0001C492 - Horde

000A4DCE - bloody spike

0003B0B7 --- | Moon Steel Sword

0003B0BA --- | Moon Steel Sword

0003B0BD --- | Moon Steel Sword

00053379 - Lyuty

0009F25E - Vilkas Sword

000AB85D - Queen Freudis Sword

00068976 - Hyalty Sword

000f71dd - sword shredder

You can get a sword only by passing the quest "deadly field", and only if both brothers are alive. - Cooler

0001F25A - Knife

0001F25B - fork

Two-handed weapon

0006AF63 - Beach Trolls

0002ACD2 - Volentrang

000956B5 - Vutrad

000223FB - Forester friend

000461DA --- | Dubin Giant

000C334F --- | Dubin Giant

Other things

000461DA --- | Discarded kirk

000C334F --- | Discarded kirk

001019D4 --- | Discarded kirk

000E3C16 - Kirka

0002F2F4 - Colunde

List of small arms

To get the necessary object, the IDs are below, you must use the cheat code in the following form: player.additem [quantity] (without brackets)

Example: Player.Additem 0001398D 1 - Get 1 oroch onions

Created weapon


0001398D - Orochy Bow

00068C57 - Nordic Leek Hero

00013995 - Delmer bow

0001399D - Elfi Onion

XX026232 - Nordic Onion (DragonBorn)

000139A5 - Glass Bow

000139AD - Ebonite onions


000139B5 - Daedric bow

XX0176F1 - Dragon Bone Bow (DragonBorn)


XX000801 - Arbalet (Dawnguard)

XX00B647 - Dwell Arbelt (Dawnguard)

Special weapons


0003B562 - Long bow

00013985 - Hunting Bow

000302CA - Ancient Nordic Bow

00013841 - Imperial bow

00038340 - Falmersky bow

000Cee9B - Rogue bow

0005D179 - Flexible Ancient Nordic Onions

000F82FC - Luk Beach Maga

00083167 - Flexible Falmers

Unique weapons


000C0186 - Formions onions

0006B9AD - Daravina bow

000CC392 - Onion Angi

000A5DEF - Black onions of Handwood

000AB705 - Hunting Bow

XX00CFB6 - Marshmallow (Dawnguard)

00017059 - Death of Firiniel

XX02C01A - Double Black Fate Bow (DragonBorn)

XX018ED5 - Glass Bow Prince-deer (DragonBorn)



0007E5C3 - Nightingale onions

XX000800 - Louk Auriel (Dawnguard)



000CAB52 - Training Arrow

000E738A - Rusty Arrow

00038341 - Falmer Arrow

000CEE9E - Rota Street

0001397D - Iron Arrow

00034182 - Ancient Nordic Arrow

0001397F - Steel Arrow

XX017720 - Spear Riecling (DragonBorn)

000139BB - Orching Arrow

000139BC - Delmer Arrow

XX02623B - Nordic Arrow (DRAGONBORN)

000139BD - Elf Arrow

XX0098A1 - Solar Elf Arrow (Dawnguard)

XX0098A0 - Elven Blood Curse Arrow (Dawnguard)

000139BE - Glass Arrow

0007B932 - Arrow of the Delberry Sphere

000139BF - Ebonite Arrow

XX026239 - Stallrim Strela (DRAGONBORN)

0010B0A7 - designed arrow

000EAFDF - Nordic Arrow Hero

000139C0 - Daederic Arrow

XX0176F4 - Strela from Dawnguard Dragon (Dawnguard)


XX00590c - Test bolt (Dawnguard)

XX000BB3 - Steel Bolt (Dawnguard)

XX00D099 - Dwemer Bolt (Dawnguard)

List of two-handed weapons

To get the necessary object, the IDs are below, you must use the cheat code in the following form: player.additem [quantity] (without brackets)

Example: Player.additem 0001359d 1 - Get 1 iron two-handed sword

Created weapon


0001359D - iron two-handed sword

00013987 - Steel two-handed sword

0001398F - Orochy two-handed sword

00013997 - Two-handed sword

0001399F - Elfi two-handed sword

XX01CDAF - Nordic Two-handed Sword (DragonBorn)

000139A7 - Glass Two-handed Sword

000139AF - Ebonite two-handed sword

XX01CDB6 - Stalgistic Two-Sword (DragonBorn)

000139B7 - Daederic Two-handed Sword

XX014FCC - Dragon Dark Bone Twin Sword (Dawnguard)


00013980 - Iron Clea

00013984 - Steel sequir

0001398C - Socira Orching

00013994 - Delmer secreir

0001399C - elven secreir

XX01cdad - Nordic sequir (DragonBorn)

000139A4 - Glass sequir

000139AC - Ebonite sequir

XX01CDB4 - stagnic sequir (DRAGONBORN)

000139B4 - Daederic sequir

XX014FC3 - Dragon Bone Cucky (Dawnguard)


00013981 - Iron Battle Hammer

0001398A - steel combat hammer

00013992 - Orochy combat hammer

0001399A - Double Combat Hammer

000139A2 - Elfi combat hammer

XX01CDB3 - Nordic Combat Hammer (DRAGONBORN)

000139AA - glass combat hammer

000139B2 - Ebonite combat hammer

XX01CDBA - Stalgistic Milot Hammer (DragonBorn)

000139BA - Daederic Combat Hammer

XX014FD0 - Dracoon Bone Combat Hammer (Dawnguard)

Special weapons


000236A5 - ancient Nordic two-handed sword

0005BF13 - good ancient Nordic two-handed sword

0009F25E - Heavenly Steel Two-handed Sword

0010C6FB - Silver two-handed sword


0001CB64 - Ancient Nordic Cleaner

0005BF12 - good ancient Nordic secreir

0009F25F - Heavenly Steel Cleaner

0005BF12 - Cleaner-blood


XX00DD55 - War Hammer Guard Dawnguard (Dawnguard)

Unique weapons


XX026B0B - Storm Fang (DRAGONBORN)

XX01aea4 - Blade Bladskal (DRAGONBORN)


000223FB - Forester friend

000BE25E - Top Palace


000D2AFE - Curse of Aegis

0006AF63 - Beach Trolls

XX01A578 - Dubic Defender (DragonBorn)

000C334F - Dubin Giant

Quest weapons


000946FC - two-handed sword of Balgruf


00022265 - Battle Hammer Sharpola



0004A38F - Ebonite Blade


0001C4E6 - Sorrow

000956B5 - Vutrad


XX011Bad - Rune Hammer Guard Dawnguard (Dawnguard)

0002ACD2 - Volentrang

Daederic artifacts

ID of daederic artifacts that are below, you must use in the cheat code as follows: Player.additem [Number] (without brackets)

Example: Player.additem 000240D2 1 - Get 1 Dagger "Razor Merness"

000240D2 - "Razor Merness" (Dagger) - a chance to kill the enemy when applying damage

000233E3 - "Mel Malag Bala" (Bulava) - takes 25 units. Stock and magic stock. Fills the stone shower if the enemy dies in 3 seconds

0004E4EE - "Lighting of Dawn" (sword) - +10 units. damage. Under the murder of undead, there is a chance of a fiery explosion, which freezes or destroys the undead nearby

000EA29C - "Ebonite blade" (two-handed sword) - the goal does not perceive the attack with weapons as an attack

0001C4E6 - "Sorrow" ax "(two-handed ax) - takes 20 units. reserves of the enemy

0002ACD2 - "Volentrang" (two-handed hammer) - takes 50 units. stock of power

0002AC6F - "Vabbagek" (staff) - random effect each time

0001CB36 - "Rosa Sanguine" (staff) - Calls upon Dremora for 60 seconds

00035066 - Skull Porki (staff) - +20 units. damage. Sleeping dreams of dreams increase damage up to 50


0002Ac61 - Skura Savior (Light Armor) - + 50% Resistance to Poons and + 15% Magic

00052794 - "Ebonite Kolchug" (heavy armor) - you are moving quieter, and opponents approached too close, 5 units of damage to poison per second

000D2846 - "WILL KE DOWER MASK" (heavy helmet) +10 to eloquence. Speed \u200b\u200brecovery magic + 5%. Favorable prices + 20%

00045F96 - "Spell Destroyer" (shield) - after blocking absorbs up to 50 units. damage from spells


0002C37B - "Ring Normia" - +50 units. stock of forces. Devouring corpses, you raise your health level and recovery rate

0002AC60 - "Hirsina Ring" - additional transformation for revolves

0001A332 - OGMA Infinum (Book) - After reading, you can get +5 to the following skills (only 1 out of 3 lines are randomly selected):
Blacksmithing, blocking, shooting, one-handed weapon, two-handed weapons, heavy armor, hacking, light armor, secrecy, pocket, eloquence, alchemy, illusion, witchcraft, destruction, restoration, enchantment, change

00063B27 - "Star Azura" - endless stone shower

00063B29 - "Black Star" - stone shower

0003A070 - "Skeleton Key" - an infinite latter

Dragon cries

With the help of the PSB cheat code "We get all spells, dragons and talent screams" or add only the necessary screams with the help of readers:

player.teachWord - learn a cry (list of all scream ID below) Example: Player.teachWord 20E17 - learn the first word scream "Fire Breathing"

To learn 3, the word Dragon Creek first need to learn 1 and 2, it will not work in a different way. To explore the "Ice Form" 3 level, you must enter the following:

player.TeachWord 602A3 - First word

player.TeachWord 602A4 - Second

player.TeachWord 602A5 - Third

Dragon Creek ID for Player.teachWord code (without brackets) First word / second / third - Creek Name (Use only 1 of 3):

46B89 / 46B8A / 46B8B - Call of the Dragon

13E22 / 13E23 / 13E24 - ruthless power

602A3 / 602A4 / 602A5 - Ice form

6029A / 6029B / 6029C - Thunderstorm Call

20E17 / 20E18 / 20E19 - Fire Breathing

48ACA / 48ACB / 48ACC - Time Slow

2F7BB / 2F7BC / 2F7BD - rapid jerk

60291/60292/60293 - Friendship with beasts

3291D / 3291E / 3291F - element rage

32917/32918/32919 - Accident

5D16C / 5D16D / 5D16E - Frosty Breath

5FB95 / 5FB96 / 5FB97 - Disarmament

3CD31 / 3DC32 / 3CD33 - Clean sky

51960/51961/51962 - Call valor

44251 / 44252/44253 - Dragon

60297/60298/60299 - death sentence

60294/60295/60296 - Aura whisper

6029D / 6029E / 6029F - Mir Kin

3291A / 3291B / 3291C - fright

To use dragon cries to start, you need to activate them with the help of dragon shower. That is, kill a dragon or add the required amount with the help of Chita:

player.Modav Dragonsouls N - Get N Dragon Shower. This cheat sets the total number of Dragon shower absorbed, and does not add n pc.

To activate dragon screams, press - magic - screams - choose the desired cry you want to activate - click [R] - OK. Now you can use this cry.

player.Setav ShoutRecoveryMult 0 - Dragon cries do not have recharge, recovery time to reuse. If you have entered this code after used a cry, it will be necessary to wait until it restores, after which it will be possible to use this cry all the time without expecting its recovery.

In order to get things from the game, you must enter into the console: Player.additem N

Mass paralysis - 00021876
Curse of non-love - 000218F2
Fire Arrow - 00096598
Ice spike - 00096599
Lightning - 0009659A.
Candle Light - 0009659B
Oak flesh - 0009659C
Zombie revival - 0009659E
Pet call - 0009659F
Courage - 000965A0.
Rage - 000965A1
Magic Light - 000965A2
Stone flesh - 000965a3
Corpse revival - 000965A4
Challenge Fire Atronarch - 000965A5
Capture shower - 000965A7
Fire Rune - 000965A8
Frosty Rune - 000965A9
Thunderstorm Rune - 000965AA
Mute steps - 000965ab
Soothing - 000965ad
Fear - 000965ae.
Fast treatment - 000965AF
Scaring undead - 000965B0
Fire Cloak J`Wargo - 000967E3
Life detection001019AE - 001019Ae
Shalidor's work: Destruction - 001076e7
Shalidor's work: Illusion - 001076E8
Shalidor's work: Change - 001076e9
Shalidor's work: Restoration - 001076EA
Shalidor's work: Witchcraft - 001076EB
Shalidor's work: Magic - 001076EC
Iron flesh - 000A449B
Water Breath - 000A449C
Palsy - 000a449d.
Ebonite flesh - 000A449E
Exile Daedra - 000A449F
Call Ice Atron - 000A44A0
Challenge of Thunderstorm Atron - 000A44A1
Ghost - 000A44A3.
Daera order - 000A44A4
Horrible Zombie - 000A44A5
Offer Daedra - 000A44A6
Dead Trell - 000A44A7
Fire Trell - 000A44A8
Ice Trell - 000A44A9
Thunder Trell - 000A44AA
Fire Cloak - 000A44AB
Frosty raincoat - 000A44AC
Lightning raincoat - 000A44AD
Fireball - 000A44AE
Ice storm - 000A44AF
Chain Lightning - 000A44B0
Fire Storm - 000A44B1
Buran - 000A44B2.
Celebration - 000A44B5.
Frenzy - 000A44B6.
Invisibility - 000A44B7.
Defection - 000A44B9
Rauta - 000A44BA.
Katavasiya - 000A44BB.
Harmony - 000A44BC.
Hysteria - 000A44BD.
Call for arms - 000A44BE
Scaring the younger undead - 000A44BF
Treatment of neighbor - 000A44C1
Repulsion of younger undead - 000A44C2
Circle protection - 000A44C3
Higher Treatment - 000A44C4
Unsubsying undead - 000A44C5
Scaring the older undead - 000A44C6
Rage - 000A44C7
Random Scroll - 000A44C8
Random Scroll - 000A44C9
Treatment of RAS - 000B64B3
Protective circle - 000E0CD5
Dragon skins - 000E0CD6

Puchis scuties

To get the necessary object, the IDs are below, you must use the cheat code in the following form: player.additem [quantity] (without brackets)

Example: Player.additem. XX019534 10 - Get 10 explosive fiery spiders

Spanish scrolls (the conditional name of the group of items entered in the addition of The Elder Scrolls V: DragonBorn.) - These are magical items that can be created using a camera for filling, a device located in the Kurgan of the White Range in Saltheim. The name of the obtained objects does not have the word "scroll", but they are placed in this category of inventory. Spider scrolls can be equipped with each hand.

The creature of this category looks like a spider, which Dovakin keeps in hand before throwing. The creation and final use of spiders does not require the cost of magic, but each separate spider scroll (like an ordinary scroll or volume of spells) is one-time application and disappears after the establishment of the being commissioned.

Fiery spiders

XX019534 - Explosive fire spider (spider throw, which explodes while approaching the enemy, inflicting damage to fire.) + Recipe: Ruby, damaged abdomena-albinos spider

XX01952C - hidden fire spider (spider throw attacking the fire of all approaching enemies.) + Recipe: Ruby, salt, abdomen spider albino

XX014480 - Jumping fiery spider (spider throw, which himself attacks the nearest enemy and explodes, causing damage to fire.) + Recipe: Rubin, BRUSHERA-ALBINOS PUBLIC

Ice spiders

XX0206d3 - explosive ice spider (spider throw, which explodes when the enemy is approaching, causing damage by cold.) + Recipe: Sapphire, damaged abdomena-albinos spider

XX0206d9 - Hidden Ice Spider (spider throw attacking all approaching enemies.) + Recipe: Sapphire, salt, abdomen spider albino

XX0206DB - Jumping icy spider (spider throw, which himself attacks the nearest enemy and explodes, causing damage by cold.) + Recipe: Sapphire, Abstrunk Spider Albino

Thunderstorm spiders

XX02095F - explosive thunder spider (spider throw, which explodes while approaching the enemy, inflicting damage with shock.) + Recipe: Amethyst, damaged abdomena-albino spider

XX020960 - hidden thunderstorm spider (throw of a spider attacking the zipper of all approaching enemies.) + Recipe: Amethyst, salt, abdomen spider albino

XX020961 - Jumping thunder spider (spider throw, which himself attacks the nearest enemy and explodes, causing damage with shock.) + Recipe: Amethyst, Abstrunk Spider Albino

Poisonous spiders

XX01707B - explosive poisonous spider (spider throw, which explodes while approaching the enemy, causing damage to poison.) + Recipe: Emerald, damaged abdomena-albino spider

XX01CAB0 - hidden poisonous spider (spider throw attacking the poison of all approaching enemies.) + Recipe: Emerald, salt, abdomen spider albino

XX01445E - a jumping poisonous (spider throw, which himself attacks the nearest enemy and explodes, causing damage to poison.) + Recipe: Emerald, abdomen spider albino

Other spiders

XX016E1C - controlling spider (creatures and people under the influence of spider fight on the side of the hero for 30 seconds.) + Recipe: Any stone shower, abdomen Spider-albino (note: One spider is created in one launch. Any stone is suitable for azura stars Since they cannot be disassembled.)

XX02749D - Oil spider (calls on a spider that highlights the puddle of flammable oil.) + Recipe: Delmer oil, belt-albino belt (Note: One spider is created in one launch.)

XX027490 - Glowing spider (spider, accompanying the hero and attacking enemies.) + Recipe: Glowing mushroom, belt-albino belt (Note: Not included in the game.)

XX0274a5 - Bind Spider (calls on a spider, no more than one at a time that can carry things.) + Recipe: Bone Flour, Abstrunk Spider-Albino (Note: Not included in the game.)

At the same time, the existence in the applied form up to 6 spiders is permissible. By occupying separate slots, spiders can be coherent with a designed being - either two in the presence of Dovakin the ability of the skill "Witchcraft" - "paired souls".
Allied spiders, struggling along with Dovakin, are urged indefinitely. In contrast to the basic units, the exploding spider exists until the explosion, and activated, abandoned by the enemy the controlling spider exists 30 seconds.
Spiders follow the hero when changing location, including fast movement.
If you apply at least one of the spiders damage, then they all become hostile and attack.
Explosive spiders can be discarded by a crick "ruthless force".
Located to the south of Kurgan Blaskal, all the eggs containers containing the abdock-albinos abdomen are restored, but only once.
When using impeccable gems, 6 spiders are created, and not 3 (from others 2 and 1, respectively).
Light and pack spiders can be obtained in the development room in which you can get using the COC QASMOKE console command.

Books spells. Part 1

What ( XX

Change spells

Candle light - 0009E2A7
Oak flesh - 0009e2a8
Magic Light - 000A26E2
Stone flesh - 000A26E3
Life detection - 000A26E7
Iron flesh - 000A26E4
Telekinis - 000A26E5
Transmutation - 00109112
Water Breath - 000A26E6
Death Detection - 000A26EA
Ebonite flesh - 000A26E9
Palsy - 000A26E8.
Dragon skins - 000D2B4E
Mass paralysis - 000DD646
Equilibrium - 000f4997.

Witchcraft spells

Called Sword - 0009E2A9
Pet call - 0009E2ab
Zombie revival - 0009E2AA
Used sequir - 000a26ed
Call bone person - XX0045B0.
Challenge Fire Atron - 000A26EC
Fire Pet - 000B45F7
Corpse revival - 000A26EB
Capture shower - 0009CD54
Exile Daedra - 000A26EE
Called onion - 000A26F1
Call Ice Atron - 000A26EF
Calling a foggy man - XX0045B1
Ghost - 000A26F2.
Order Daedra - 000A26F6
Call Lord Dormora - 0010FD60
Call the thunderstorm atron - 000A26F0
Calling a fierce person - XX0045B2.
Horrible Zombie - 000A26F7
Offer Daedra - 000A26F8
Fire Trell - 000A26FA
Dead Trell - 000A26F9
Ice Trell - 000A26FB
Thunder Trell - 000A26FC
Ghostly Arrow - 000B3165

Books spells. Part 2

In order to get these items, you must enter in the console: Player.additem <количество>.
What ( XX?) 00E8D6 in id? Look in the sections, there I explain what it is and what to do to get one or another thing.

Destruction spells

Flame - 0009CD51
Frostbite - 0009CD52
Sparks - 0009CD53
Fire Runa - 000A2700
Fire Arrow - 000A26FD
Frosty Rune - 000A2701
Ice spike - 000a26fe
Lightning - 000A26FF.
Thunderstorm Rune - 000A2702
Chain Lightning - 000A2708
Fireball - 000A2706
Fire Cloak - 000A2703
Frosty raincoat - 000A2704
Ice storm - 000A2707
Lightning raincoat - 000A2705
Ice spear - 0010F7F3
Sevement - 0010F7F4.
Thunder discharge - 0010F7F5
Wall of Flame - 000A2709
Wall cold - 000A270A
Thunderstorm Wall - 000A270B
Blizzard - 000A270D.
Fire Storm - 000A270C
Lightning Storm - 000A270E

Illusion spells

Clairvoyance - 000ff7d1
Courage - 0009E2AD.
Rage - 0009e2ac
Soothing - 000A2711
Fear - 000A2712
Mute steps - 000A270F
Rabies - 000A2714.
Celebration - 000A2713
Invisibility - 000A2715
Poverty - 000A2717
Flight - 000A2718.
Hysteria - 000a271c.
Call for arms - 000A271B
Harmony - 000A271A.
Katavasiya - 000A2719

Recovery spells

Treatment - 0009E2AF.
Small chaff - 0009e2ae
Fast treatment - 000A271D
Healing Hands - 000A271E
Necromancer treatment - XX00E8D5
Sustainable Wubble - 000A2720
Sun Fire - XX003F51
Scaring the younger undead - 000A271F
Research from RAS - 0010F64D
Big Wereg - 000A2722
Treatment of neighbor - 000A2727
Treatment of undead - XX00E8D6.
Repulsion of younger undead - 000a2725
Aura Standarra - XX003F4E.
Scaring undead - 000a2721
Beach Vampires - XX003F4d.
Circle protection - 000A2728
Higher Treatment - 000DD643
Unsubsying undead - 000a2726
Scaring the older undead - 000A2729
Damn Nezhdi - 000DD647
Protective Circle - 000FDE7B

Ingredients, Stones Shower, Potions, Arrows

To get the necessary object, the IDs are below, you must use the cheat code in the following form: player.additem [quantity] (without brackets)

Example: Player.additem 00039BE5 10 - Get 10 potions of full health recovery


00039BE5 - completely restores health

00039BE7 - completely restores magic

00039CF3 - fully restores the reserves

00073F34 - "deadly poison" - 65 units. damage poade

00039D12 - "Electioner Elixir"

00039967 - "Elixir Kuznez"

Stones souls

0002E4F4 - big (empty)

0002E4FB - big (big)

0002E4FC - Great (empty)

0002E4FF - Great (Great)

0002E500 - black (empty)

0002E504 - Black (Great)

00063B27 - Azura Star (empty)

00063B29 - Black Azura Star (empty)


00038341 - Falmerskaya

00034182 - Ancient Nordic

000236dd - dart (can be obtained only after passing the main storyline)

00020F02 - Rusty Iron

00020DDF - Iron

000139C0 - Daederic

000139BF - Ebonite

000139BE - Glass

000139BD - Elf

000139BC - Dvuberskaya

000139BB - Orching

0001397F - Steel

XX0176F4 - Dragonia


0005ACE5 - Steel

0005ACE4 - Iron

0005ACE3 - silver

0005AD93 - Karundovy

0005AD99 - Orihalkovka

0005AD9D - Ebonite

0005AD9E - Golden

0005ADA0 - mercury

000DB8A2 - Metal Delmer

0005ADA1 - Purified Malachite

0005AD9F - Purified Moonstone


0003AD52 - Bear Skura

0003AD53 - cave bear skins

0003AD54 - White Bear Skur

0003Ad6d - Skore Savuba

0003Ad6e - Snow Splesuba Skur

0003Ad74 - Wolf Skura

0003Ad75 - Snow Wolf Skur

0003Ad8e - Goat Shkura

0003Ad8F - cow skull

0003AD90 - Deer Skura

0003Ad93 - horsepower

000D4B35 - Liser's skin

000D4BE7 - Skin Liser Skur

000FE6A9 - Vervolf Skura


00063B46 - Amethyst

00063B47 - Brilliant

00063B45 - Granat

00063B43 - Emerald

00063B42 - Rubin

00063B44 - Sapphire

0006851E - impeccable amethyst

0006851F - impeccable diamond

00068521 - impeccable grenade

00068520 - impeccable emerald

00068522 - impeccable ruby

00068523 - impeccable sapphire


0003AD5B - Daedra's Heart

0003ADA3 - Dragon Scales

0003ADA4 - Dragon bones

000E7ED0 - hawp feathers

0003Ad60 - Empty Salt

Ingredients PT.1.

To get the necessary object, the IDs are below, you must use the cheat code in the following form: player.additem [quantity] (without brackets)

Example: Player.Additem 00106e1b 10 - Get 10 Abesinsky perch

Abesin Okun. - 00106E1B (vulnerability to cold, raising skill: secrecy, vulnerability to poison, raising skill: recovery)

Scarlet root Nurna - 000B701A (damage to health, damage to the stock of forces, invisibility, magic resistance)

Belyanka - 0004DA22 (vulnerability to cold, raising skill: heavy armor, recovery of magic, emptying magic)

Bezovsky mushroom - 0004DA23 (damage to health, protracted health damage, paralysis, health restoration)

Fight fish - 00106E1A (Health Damage, Raising Skill: Change, Delay, Improvement Weight)

Swamp pod - 0007E8B7 (resistance to electricity, protracted damage magic, paralysis, health restoration)

Large horns - 0006BC0A (reserving stock of forces, increasing stock of forces, slowing, damage to regeneration of the stock of forces)

Bearded Moss. - 00057F91 (damage magic, health increase, damage to the regeneration of magic, raising skill: one-handed weapon)

Hardwood heart - 0003Ad61 (Restoration of magic, raising skill: blocking, paralysis, increase magic)

Thistle branch - 000134AA (resistance to cold, emptying of power, resistance to poisons, raising skill: heavy armor)

Jazbi grapes - 0006Ac4a (vulnerability to magic, increasing magic, regeneration of magic, improving health)

Giant lichen - 0007E8C1 (vulnerability to electricity, improving health, vulnerability to poison, recovery of magic)

Eye Sablezuba - 0006BC07 (reserve reserve, emptying health, damage magic, health restoration)

Rinch Namira - 0004DA24 (damage magic, raising skill: hacking, fear, health regeneration)

Blue Gornoziver - 00077E1C (health restoration, raising skill: witchcraft, health improvement, damage to the regeneration of magic)

Deluma oil - 000F11C0 (Vulnerability to Magic, Raising Skill: Illusion, Magic Regeneration, Restoration of Magic)

Fried Zerokrycia Leather - 00052695 (Restoration of the stock of forces, healing diseases, resistance to poisons, health restoration)

Pearl - 000854FE (reserving stock of forces, raising skill: blocking, recovery of magic, electricity resistance)

Zhivitsa Spriggana - 00063B5F (damage to the regeneration of magic, raising skill: enhancing, raising skill: blacksmithing, raising skill: change)

Fat Troll - 0003AD72 (resistance to poisons, raising skill: two-handed weapons, rabies, damage to health)

Ice ghost teeth - 0003Ad6a (vulnerability to cold, raising skill: heavy armor, invisibility, vulnerability to fire)

Killer fish caviar - 0007E8C5 (resistance to poisons, promotion skill: pocket theft, protracted damage to health, raising forces)

Root Nirna - 00059B86 (damage to health, damage to the stock of forces, invisibility, magic resistance)

Red Gornoclass - 00077E1D (Restoration of magic, emptying magic, magic increase, health damage)

Pleasses of mud crab - 0006BC00 (Restoration of the stock of forces, healing diseases, resistance to poisons, fire resistance)

Fang Sablezuba - 0006BC04 (reserve reserve, raising skill: heavy armor, skill increase: blacksmithing, vulnerability to poison)

Beak Yastreba - 000E7EBC (reserving stock of forces, resistance cold, increasing portable weight, electricity resistance)

Claw Wheel - 0006B689 (Magic resistance, protracted damage magic, skill increase: Enchantment, Trade Art)

Bone flour - 00034CDD (damage to the stock of forces, fire resistance, rising skill: witchcraft, empty of the stock of forces)

Bloody Venets - 0004DA20 (vulnerability to fire, raising skill: blocking, vulnerability to poison, magic resistance)

Wing moon moth - 000727DF (damage magic, raising skill: light armor, health regeneration, invisibility)

Wing of monarch - 000727E0 (restoration of health, improving the art of trade, protracted damage to the stock of forces, damage magic)

Wing of blue butterfly - 000727de (damage to the stock of forces, raising skill: witchcraft, damage to the regeneration of magic, raising skill: enchantment)

Egg - 00023D77 (Magic resistance, damage to the regeneration of magic, water breathing, protracted damage to the stock of forces)

Lavender - 00045C28 (Magic resistance, reserve increase, emptying magic, raising skill: witchcraft)

Lilac mining - 00077E1E (reserve reserves, raising skill: secrecy, protracted damage magic, cold resistance)

Lunny Sugar. - 000D8E3F (vulnerability to fire, cold resistance, magic recovery, magic regeneration)

Lyut mushroom - 0004DA25 (damage to the stock of forces, rabies, health restoration, rising skill: blacksmithing)

Little pearl - 00085500 (reserve reserve, raising skill: one-handed weapon, rising skill: recovery, cold resistance)

Little horns - 0006BC0B (poison vulnerability, raising skill: recovery, protracted damage to the stock of forces, health damage)

Bear claws - 0006BC02 (Restoration of the stock of forces, health increase, increased skill: one-handed weapons, damage to the regeneration of magic)

Honeycomb - 000B08C5 (reserve reserve, raising skill: blocking, raising skill: light armor, emptying of power)

Mora Tapineella - 000EC870 (Restoration of magic, protracted health damage, regeneration of power, increase skill: illusion)

Frosty Miriam - 00034D32 (Resistance to cold, raising skill: secrecy, emptying of magic, regeneration damage for power)

Frosty salt - 0003Ad5F (vulnerability to fire, cold resistance, recovery of magic, raising skill: witchcraft)

Sea Yellow - 0007EDF5 (damage magic, water breathing, health regeneration, raising skill: pocket thefts)

Torman - 0004DA00 (fire resistance, skill increase: two-handed weapons, rabies, regeneration of power)

Fiery salt - 0003Ad5e (vulnerability to cold, fire resistance, magic recovery, magic regeneration)

Ingredients PT.2

To get the necessary object, the IDs are below, you must use the cheat code in the following form: player.additem [quantity] (without brackets)

Example: Player.additem 000BB956 10 - Get 10 orange dragonflies

Orange dragonfly - 000BB956 (reserve reserve, emptying magic, rising skill: pocket theft, protracted damage to health)

Finger Giant - 0003Ad64 (damage to the stock of forces, improving health, increasing the portable weight, damage to the regeneration of power)

Nightshade - 0002F44C (damage to health, damage to the regeneration of magic, protracted damage to the stock of forces, raising skill: destruction)

Sphew egg - 0009151B (damage to the stock of forces, damage to the regeneration of magic, an increase in skill: hacking, improving the art of an archer)

Pelona Dymka - 0006BC0E (reserving stock of forces, raising skill: destruction, enhancement of portable weight, magic resistance)

Feathers vigori - 0003Ad66 (damage magic, raising skill: witchcraft, rabies, vulnerability to electricity)

Feathers Yastreba - 000E7ED0 (Healing diseases, raising skill: light armor, raising skill: one-handed weapon, raising skill: secrecy)

Creeping vine - 000B2183 (Recovery of magic, regeneration damage to the regeneration of power, increasing portable weight, vulnerability to magic)

Vampire dust - 0003Ad76 (invisibility, recovery of magic, health regeneration, healing diseases)

Cotton grass - 0003F7F8 (Magic Resistance, Improvement Magic, Raising Skill: Blocking, Improving Art Trade)

Bee - 000A9195 (Restoration of the stock of forces, devastation of the stock of forces, regeneration of the stock of forces, vulnerability to electricity)

Bee Nest. - 000a9191 (resistance to poisons, raising skill: light armor, raising skill: secrecy, raising skill: destruction)

Wheat - 0004B0BA (health restoration, health improvement, regeneration damage for power, protracted damage magic)

Glowing dust - 0003AD73 (damage of magic, damage to the regeneration of magic, raising skill: destruction, resistance to electricity)

Glowing mushroom - 0007EE01 (resistance to electricity, raising skill: destruction, raising skill: blacksmithing, health improvement)

Heart daedera - 0003Ad5B (restoration of health, damage to regeneration of power, damage magic, fear)

Silver Okun. - 00106e1c (reserve reserves, damage to the regeneration of power, emptying health, cold resistance)

Blue dragonfly - 000E4F0C (resistance to electricity, raising skill: pocket theft, health restoration, fear)

Syrarodil Lopatohvost. - 00106E19 (damage to the stock of forces, raising skill: restoration, fear, improving health)

Snow berries - 0001B3BD (fire resistance, raising skill: enchantment, cold resistance, electricity resistance)

Dog root - 0006ABCB (damage to the stock of forces, raising skill: one-handed weapon, archer improvement, paralysis)

Salt - 00034CDF (Magic Vulnerability, Raising Skill: Recovery, Deletion, Magic Regeneration)

Salt emptiness - 0003AD60 (vulnerability to electricity, resistance magic, health damage, increase magic)

Taproot - 0003Ad71 (vulnerability to magic, raising skill: illusion, magic regeneration, recovery of magic)

Thusted tusk Mammoth - 0006BC10 (reserve reserves, raising skill: secrecy, vulnerability to fire, fear)

Thorax Firefly - 0004DA73 (Restoration of the stock of forces, protracted damage of magic, vulnerability to magic, raising the stock of forces)

Herbal pod - 00083E64 (resistance to poisons, emptying magic, raising skill: change, restoration of magic)

Ear Falmer - 0003AD5D (damage to health, rabies, resistance to poisons, raising skill: hacking)

Tail Zokrysa - 0003Ad6f (damage to regeneration of power, emptying health, health damage, raising skill: light armor)

Histcarp - 00106E18 (reserve of power, increase magic, regeneration damage for power, water breathing)

Human heart - 000B18CD (damage to health, damage magic, damage to regeneration magic, rabies)

Man meat - 001016B3 (damage to health, paralysis, recovery of magic, raising skill: secrecy)

Garlic - 00034D22 (resistance to poisons, raising the stock, regeneration of magic, health regeneration)

Scales - 0006F950 (vulnerability to magic, raising skill: illusion, regeneration of the stock of forces, increasing portable weight)

Scales Killer Fish - 0003Ad70 (Resistance to cold, prolonged health damage, raising skill: heavy armor, booster increase: blocking)

Ectoplasm - 0003Ad63 (Restoration of magic, raising skill: destruction, increase magic, health damage)

Elf Eho - 00034D31 (Restoration of magic, improving the art of archer, vulnerability to cold, fire resistance)

Juniper berries - 0005076E (vulnerability to fire, improving the art of archer, health regeneration, damage to the regeneration of the stock of forces)

Poisonous bell - 000516C8 (damage to health, emptying of power, slowdown, vulnerability to poison)

Dragon language - 000889A2 (resistance of fire, improving the art of trade, raising skill: illusion, skill increase: two-handed weapons)

Egg Corusa - 0003AD56 (vulnerability to poison, raising the stock of forces, damage magic, invisibility)

Origma Egg - 0007E8C8 (health restoration, skill increase: one-handed weapon, damage to the stock of forces, vulnerability to magic)

Pine Drozda Egg - 00023D6F (restoration of power reserve, raising skill: hacking, vulnerability to poison, electricity resistance)


Yellow Gornoziver. - XX 002A78 (Poison Resistance, Health Improvement, Raising Skill: Restoration, Power Regeneration Damage)

Wing Moth ancestor - XX 0059ba (damage to the stock of forces, raising skill: witchcraft, damage to the regeneration of magic, raising skill: enchantment)

Glowing flower - XX 00B097 (Magic resistance, fear, health regeneration, paralysis)

Mustache Corusa Hunter - XX 0183B7 (damage to the stock of forces, raising skill: witchcraft, damage to the regeneration of magic, raising skill: enchantment)

Poisonous flower - XX 0185FB (Health Damage, Fear, Improvement Weight Improvement)


Salmon caviar - XX 003545 (water breathing, increasing magic, regeneration of magic, reserving of power)

Egg Yastreba - XX 00F1CC (resistance of magic, water breathing, damage to the regeneration of magic, protracted damage to the stock of forces)


Malware - XX 017E97 (emptying health, emptying of power, emptying magic, protracted damage to health)

Wood burned Spriggana - XX 01CD6E (vulnerability to fire, raising skill: change, damage to regeneration magic, slowdown)

Jelly Nescha - XX 01CD72 (paralysis, increasing the portable weight, reserving power, fear)

Jelly ash jumper - XX 01CD71 (health restoration, skill increase: light armor, electricity resistance, cold vulnerability)

Imperial umbrella moss - XX 01FF75 (health damage, magic increase, health regeneration, skill increase: two-handed weapons)

Kabani Klyk - XX 01CD6F (raising the stock of forces, health improvement, rising skill: blocking, rabies)

Root tram - XX 017008 (vulnerability to electricity, increasing portable weight, damage magic, slowdown)

Ash driving - XX 01CD6D (emptying the stock of forces, fire resistance, raising skill: enchanting, emptying magic)

Ash creeping vine - XX 01CD74 (damage to the stock of forces, invisibility, fire resistance, raising skill: destruction)

Feathers of Felsadskaya Krachk - XX 03CD8E (Health Restore, Raising Skill: Light Armor, Healing Diseases, Magic Resistance)

Pod of ash grass - XX 016E26 (fire resistance, vulnerability to electricity, raising skill: hacking, rising skill: secrecy)

To get the necessary object, the IDs are below, you must use the cheat code in the following form: player.additem [quantity] (without brackets)

Example: Player.Additem 00065C9A 10 - Get 10 goat grooves


Goat ham - 00065C9A.

horsemeat - 00065C9c. (Restores 2 units. Health)

Crab legs (Hearthfire) - XX 003540

Chicken breast - 000F2011 (Restores 2 units. Health)

Salmon - 00065C9F. (Restores 2 units. Health)

Kabana Meat (DragonBorn) - XX 03BD14. (Restores 2 units. Health)

Ashpong Meat (DragonBorn) - XX 03BD15 (Restores 2 units. Health)

Meat oyster - 000eba03. (Restores 1 unit. Health)

Meat Horker - 00065C9B. (Restores 1 unit. Health)

Ashpong Leg (DragonBorn) - XX 03D125 (Restores 2 units. Health)

Venison - 000669A2. (Restores 2 units. Health)

Fresh meat - 0010211A.

Dogcatin - 000EDB2E. (Restores 2 units. Health)

Crude beef - 00065C99. (Restores 2 units. Health)

Raw rabbit leg - 00065C9E. (Restores 2 units. Health)

Pheasant breast - 00065C9D. (Restores 2 units. Health)

Trunk Mammoth - 000669A4. (Restores 5 units. Health)

Vegetables and fruits

Green apple - 00064B2F. (Restores 2 units. Health)

Cabbage - 00064B3F. (Restores 1 unit. Health)

Potatoes - 00064B41 (Restores 1 unit. Health)

Red Apple - 00064B2E. (Restores 2 units. Health)

Leek - 000669A5. (Restores 1 unit. Health)

Carrot - 00064B40. (Restores 1 unit. Health)

Ash Bathat (DragonBorn) - XX 0206E7. (Restores 1 unit. Health)

A tomato - 00064B42. (Restores 1 unit. Health)

Pumpkin - 0010D666. (Restores 1 unit. Health)

Bakery products

HEARTHFIRE (Hearthfire) - XX 0009db. (Restores 2 units. Health, increases portable weight by 5 within 30 s.)

Grape Croste (Hearthfire) - XX 00353A. (Restores 10 units. Health, Magic reserve is increased by 4 units. For 60 p.)

homemade food - 000CD614. (Restores 25 units. Health at 600 c., Restores 25 units. The stock of forces by 600 c., Restores 25 units. Magic by 600 c.)

Potato bread (Hearthfire) - XX 003537 (Restores 3 units. Health)

Juniper Croste (Hearthfire) - XX 003539 (Restores 4 units. Health, restores 2 units. Health per second, operates 60 p.)

Cupcake with custard - 00064B30.

Sweet Roulet - 00064B3D. (Restores 5 units. Health)

Hearthfire Puff (Hearthfire) - XX 0117FF. (Restores 15 units. Health, restores 1 units. Health per second, operates 120 p.)

HearthFire Puff (Hearthfire) - XX 011801 (Restores 5 units. Health, Magic reserve increased by 10 units. For 60 s., Gives 10% the resistance of the magic to 60 s.)

Apple Puff (Hearthfire) - XX 003533 (Restores 5 units. Health, arrows are applied by 5% more damage for 60 p.)

Snowfire (Hearthfire) - XX 00353B. (Restores 10 units. Health, neutralizes 4% fiery damage, 60 p.)

Bread (v.1) - 00065C97. (Restores 2 units. Health)

Bread (V.2) - 00065C98. (Restores 2 units. Health)

Garlic bread (Hearthfire) - XX 0009DC. (Restores 2 units. Healing all diseases)

Apple pie - 00064B43. (Restores 10 units. Health)

Meat dishes

Bifstex from Horker - 0007224E. (Restores 10 units. Health)

Boar Meat Kabana (DragonBorn) - XX 03cf72.

Beef with spices - 000CADFB. (Restores 5 units. Health)

Fried horse - 000722B0. (Restores 10 units. Health)

Fried rabbit leg - 000722C2. (Restores 5 units. Health)

Fried chicken breast - 000E8947 (Restores 5 units. Health)

Fried killer fish - 00064B3C. (Restores 5 units. Health)

Roasted meat Zokrysa - 000E8448. (Restores 2 units. Health)

Fried Goat Gold - 0007224C. (Restores 10 units. Health)

Salo Steak - 00064B3B. (Restores 5 units. Health)

Salo Steak (Hearthfire) - XX 003541 (Restores 5 units. Health)

Deer chop - 000722BD. (Restores 5 units. Health)

Boiled beef - 000721E8. (Restores 10 units. Health)

Steak from Mammoth - 000722bb. (Restores 10 units. Health)

Stew crab legs (Hearthfire) - XX 00353F. (Restores 12 units. Health)

Phase roast - 000722C7 (Restores 5 units. Health)

Soups and praise

Beef praise - 000F4314. (The reserves are increased by 25 units. For 720 p., Restores 2 units. The stock of forces per second, operates 720 p.)

Cabbage soup - 000eba02. (Restores 10 units. Health, Restores 8 units. Stock stock)

Cabbage soup with potatoes - 000f431b.

Potato Soup (Hearthfire) - XX 00353d. (Restores 10 units. Health, restores 10 units. Stock of forces)

Vegetable soup - 000F431E. (Restores 1 un. Health per second, operates 720 c., Restores 1 unit. The stock of forces per second, operates 720 c.)

Praise from cabbage and apples - 000eba01 (Restores 15 units. Stock reserve, restores 10 units. Health)

Olenina praise - 000f431d. (Restores 15 units. Stock reserve, restores 1 units. Health per second, 720 c., Restores 1 unit. The reserve of forces per second, operates 720 c.)

Praise from Horker - 000F4315 (Restores 15 units. Stock reserve, restores 15 units. Health, restores 1 unit. Health per second, operates 720 c.)

Bracker from Horker with Bathatas (DragonBorn) - XX 03CD5B. (Restores 16 units. Health, restores 12 units. Stock of forces)

Hearthfire soup - XX 00353E. (Restores 10 units. Health, restores 10 units. Stock of forces)

Tomato soup - 000f431c. (Restores 10 units. Health, restores 10 units. Stock of forces)

Elsweirkoy fondue - 000F4320 (Magic is reduced by 25% faster for 720 c., Magic reserve is increased by 100 units. For 720 c.)

To get the necessary object, the IDs are below, you must use the cheat code in the following form: player.additem [quantity] (without brackets)

Example: Player.additem 00064b33 10 - Get 10 circles of goat cheese


Goat cheese

Slice of goat cheese - 00064b31 (Restores 1 unit. Health)

Correct Goat Cheese Circle - 00064B35

Goat Cheese Circle - 00064B33 (Restores 15 units)

Aydarsky cheese

Slice of Aydar Cheese - 00064B32 (Restores 1 unit. Health)

Eidark Cheese Circle - 00064B36 (Restores 15 units)

Circle of the Eidark Cheese - 00064B34 (Restores 15 units)


Fried leek - 00064B3E (Restores 6 units. Health)

Milk Jug (Hearthfire) - XX003534 (Restores 2 units. Health)

Oil (Hearthfire) - XX00353C. (Restores 2 units. Health)

Flour bag (Hearthfire) - XX003538 (Restores 1 unit. Health)

Mammoth Cheese Bowl - 000669A3 (Restores 10 units. Health, restores 15 units. Stock stock)

Nuts in honey - 00064b38 (Restores 5 units. Health)

Burning potatoes - 00064B3A (Restores 5 units. Health)

Bee honey - 0010394D (Restores 2 units. Health)

Shower Pod (DragonBorn) - XX014dc4. (Interrupts the effect of pulling the soul in the Cairo shower, gives 10% the resistance of magic by 10 c.)

Tyantchka - 00064B39 (Restores 10 units. Health, Restores 5 units. Stock of forces)


Argonian El - 0009380D

Argonian Blood Wine (Hearthfire) - XX003535 (40% of the resilience of poisons, operates 50 s., You can breathe under water for 50 s., The reserves are restored by 30% slower for 30 s.)

Velvet luck - 00065C37

White Gold Tower - 00065C38 (Restores 25 units. Stock stock)

Wine (v.1) - 0003133C (Restores 15 units. Stock reserve, the stock of the forces is restored by 30% slower for 30 p.)

Wine (v.2) - 000C5348 (Restores 15 units. Stock reserve, the stock of the forces is restored by 30% slower for 30 p.)

Wine "Alto" (v.1) - 0003133B (Restores 15 units. Stock reserve, the stock of the forces is restored by 30% slower for 30 p.)

Wine "Alto" (v.2) - 000C5349 (Restores 15 units. Stock reserve, the stock of the forces is restored by 30% slower for 30 p.)

Wine Brothers Surili (Hearthfire) - XX003536 (Restores 15 units. Stock reserve, the stock of the forces is restored by 30% slower for 30 p.)

Jessica wine - 000f257e (Restores 5 units. Stock of forces)

Esbard Potion - 000E6DF5 (Gives you the ability of "dragon bones and scales")

Rold Honey (DragonBorn) - XX03572f. (Restores 40 units. Stock reserve, the reserves are restored by 50% slower for 30 s.)

(Restores 25 units. Stock reserve, prices become 20% more profitable for 30 p., The reserves are restored by 30% slower for 30 p.)

MatsT (DragonBorn) - XX0248CE (Restores 10 units. The stock of the forces is neutralized by 20% of the cold damage, 60 s is valid., Reduces the regeneration of the target magic to 25%, operates 60 p.)

Honey with juniper berries - 00107A8A (Restores 20 units. Stock reserve, the reserves are restored by 30% slower for 40 s.)

Honning Hongning - 000508CA (Restores 20 units. Stock reserves, the reserves are restored by 25% slower for 20 s.)

Nordic Honey - 00034C5D (Restores 15 units. Stock reserve, the stock of the forces is restored by 30% slower for 30 p.)

Fire Honey - 000555E8 (Restores 20 units. Stock reserve, the reserves are restored by 30% slower for 60 p.)

Fire Wine - 0001895F (Restores 20 units. The stock of forces, the reserves are restored by 30% slower for 45 s., It neutralizes 15% of the cold damage, and 45 s.)

Spicy Wine - 00085368 (Restores 25 units. Stock reserve, the reserves are restored by 30% slower for 50 s.)

Holy Water - 000A9661 (Restores 25 units. Stock stock)

Sirodil Brandy - 000B91D7 (Restores 25 units. Stock reserve, the stock of the forces is restored by 25% slower for 30 s.)

Rock Rider - 00065c39 (Restores 25 units. Stock stock)

Stroke M "Kalaya Rom - 000D055E (Restores 25 units. Stock stock)

Judasman (DragonBorn) - XX0207E6.

Sadrij's judges (DRAGONBORN) - XX024E0B. (Restores 25 units. Stock reserve, reduces the regeneration of the reserve of the target for 30%, is valid 60 p.)

Coal Wine (DragonBorn) - XX0320df. (Restores 25 units. Stock reserve, reduces the regeneration of the reserve of the forces of the target of 60%, operates 120 p.)

Flin (DragonBorn) - XX0207E5. (Restores 25 units. The stock of forces, reduces the regeneration of the stock of the forces of the target by 20%, operates 120 p.)

Black Honey - 0002C35A

Covenate selected honey - 000f693f (Restores 25 units. Stock reserve, the reserves are restored by 40% slower for 30 s.)

Shane - XX0248Cc. (Restores 25 units. Stock reserve, reduces the regeneration of the reserve of the target for 30%, is valid 60 p.)

El - 00034c5e (Restores 25 units. Stock reserve, the stock of the forces is restored by 30% slower for 30 s.)

Materials for the manufacture of items

To get the necessary object, the IDs are below, you must use the cheat code in the following form: player.additem [quantity] (without brackets)

Example: Player.additem 000DB5D2 10 - Get 10 skin


000DB5D2 - leather

000800E4 - skin strips


0005ACE5 - steel ingot

0005ACE4 - Iron ingot

0005ACE3 - silver ingot

0005AD93 - Corundic ingot

0005Ad99 - Oriher

0005AD9D - Ebonite ingot

0005AD9E - Gold Cock

0005ADA0 - ingot of mercury ore

000DB8A2 - Metal Blum

0005ADA1 - Purified Malachite

0005AD9F - Purified Moonstone

Dragon scales and bone

0003ADA3 - Dragon Scales

0003ADA4 - Dragon Bone


00071CF3 - Iron Ore

00071CDB - Corundic Ore

00071CDC - Ebonite Ore

00071CDE - Golden Ore

00071ce1 - Malachite Ore

00071ce0 - Moon Ore

00071CDD - Orihalkaya Ore

00071ce2 - mercury ore

00071CDF - silver ore

XX02B06B - Stalgrim


The precious stones come across during the extraction of various ores, in gaming containers, as well as on the bodies of some dead creatures. You can sometimes buy from merchants. With increasing level, it is beginning to meet more often, but the likelihood of finding expensive stone (for example, an impeccable diamond) still remains rather low. Also contributes to the more frequent finding the valuable stones the effect of "thieves good luck". They can be used in blacksmithing in the manufacture of jewelry or sell. Some precious stones are needed for the passage of quests.
In The Elder Scrolls V: DragonBorn, a new possibility of use for precious stones appears - now they are needed for the manufacture of spiders. Since disposable scrolls, there is a reason not to sell stones, but to save them.

00063B46 - Amethyst

00063B47 - Brilliant

00063B45 - Granat

00063B43 - Emerald

00063B42 - Rubin

00063B44 - Sapphire

0006851E - impeccable amethyst

0006851F - impeccable diamond

00068521 - impeccable grenade

00068520 - impeccable emerald

00068522 - impeccable ruby

00068523 - impeccable sapphire


0003AD52 - Bear Skura

0003AD53 - cave bear skins

0003AD54 - White Bear Skur

0003Ad6d - Skore Savuba

0003Ad6e - Snow Splesuba Skur

0003Ad74 - Wolf Skura

0003Ad75 - Snow Wolf Skur

0003Ad8e - Goat Shkura

0003Ad8F - cow skull

0003AD90 - Deer Skura

000D284D - Deer Shkura

000CF89E - Deer Shkura

0003Ad93 - horsepower

000D4B35 - Liser's skin

000D4BE7 - Skin Liser Skur

XX011999 - Skura Valine Deer (Dawnguard)

XX01199A - Valley Savuba Skura (Dawnguard)


Manufactured subjects

XX003035 - Iron fittings

XX003011 - Door loop

XX00300F - Nails

XX003012 - Castle

XX005A69 - Glass

XX003043 - Clay

XX00306C - Career Stone

XX00303F - Goat Rog

XX005A68 - Soloma


XX011CF7 - Claw bone hawk

XX002994 - bone hawp feathers

XX002993 - bone hawk skull

0003AD57 - Corusa Hitin

XX0195AA - Huting Zhuka-Shecirnik

XX01CD7C - Skura Nashcha (DRAGONBORN)

00034CDD - bone flour

0003AD5B - Daedra's Heart

0006F993 - Polaney


To get the necessary object, the IDs are below, you must use the cheat code in the following form: player.additem [quantity] (without brackets)

Example: Player.additem 000f84ae 10 - Get 10 potions fugitive

Potion fugitive

000f84ae - Potion Potion

000F84AF - fugitive medicine

000f84b0 - fugitive drug

000F84B1 - Fugitive Elixir

000F84B2 - Great Fugitive Elixir

000F84B3 - Excellent Fugitive Elixir

Beserka potion

0003EB2B - Berserka Potion

00039974 - Berrice Money

00039980 - Berrice Drug

00039AA6 - Berserka Elixir

Potion Solochka Speech

000D6948 - Potion Speech Boy

000D6949 - Money Speech Boy

000D697F - Drug Speech Boy

000D6980 - Elixir Speech Boy

Potion cracker

00039930 - Burglar Potion

00039945 - Burglar Money

00039946 - cracker drug

00039948 - Burglar Elixir

Warrior potions

0003EB2A - Warrior Potion

00039954 - warrior medicine

00039955 - Warrior Drug

00039956 - Warrior Elixir

Potion thieves

000f84a7 - Viora Potion

000F84A8 - thief medicine

000F84A9 - Tip Drug

000F84AA - Elixir Vora

000F84AB - Great Elixir Vora

000F84AC - Excellent Evil

Potions of the breadthor

000F84C1 - Potion

000F84C2 - mining medicine

000F84C3 - Drug Emergency

000F84C4 - Electioner Elixir

000F84C5 - Great Electioner Elixir

000F84C6 - Excellent Emergency Elixir

Zadira potions

000F84B5 - Zadira Potion

000F84B6 - Money Jasper

000F84B7 - Zadira Drug

000f84b8 - Elixir Zadira

000F84B9 - Great Elixir Zadira

000F84BA - Excellent Elixir Zadira

Potion arrows

000F84BB - Potion Arrow

000F84BC - Money Arrow

000F84BD - Drug Arrow

000F84BE - Elixir Arrow

000F84BF - Great Elixir Arrow

000F84C0 - Excellent Elixir Arrow

Potion Shot

0003EB30 - Potion Single

000398FD - Singing Money

00039903 - Singing Drug

00039904 - Elixir Shot


To get the necessary object, the IDs are below, you must use the cheat code in the following form: player.additem [quantity] (without brackets)

Example: Player.additem 00039CFB 10 - Get 10 potions of the Engineer

Engine fascinator

00039CFB - Engineering Potion

00039D02 - Engine Engineer

00039D0A - Concerning Drug

00039D12 - Encloser Elixir

Protector potion

0003EB32 - Defender's Potion

0003989B - Defender Money

000398AB - Defender Drug

000398AC - Defender Elixir

Change potions

0003EB36 - Change Potion

0003988E - Money Change

00039899 - Change Drug

0003989A - Elixir change

Potions of illusion

0003EB39 - illusion potion

0003994E - illusion medicine

00039950 - illusion drug

00039951 - Illusion Elixir

Potion sorcerer

0003EB37 - Witching Potion

000398AD - Koldun Money

000398EC - sorcerer drug

000398ED - Caldun Elixir

Potion grasshopper

0003EB2E - Blacksmith Potion

0003995D - Kuznez Money

00039962 - Blacksmith Drug

00039967 - Elixir Kuznez

Potion merchant

0003EB35 - merchant potion

00039970 - merchant medicine

00039971 - merchant drug

00039973 - merchant elixir

Potions of light legs

0003EB33 - Lightweight Potion

0003EB0E - Light Foot Money

00039969 - Light Foot Drug

0003996F - Elixir Light Foot

Potion Lekary

0003EB3A - Lekary Potion

0003995A - Hex Money

0003995B - Lekary Drug

0003995C - Lekary Elixir

Potion accuracy

0003EB2C - Potion of the accuracy

00039949 - Money accuracy

0003994B - acceleration

0003994E - elixir accuracy

Potions of destruction

0003EB38 - destruction potion

000398EE - Destruction Money

000398F1 - Destruction Drug

000398F3 - Destruction Elixir

Potion pocket

0003EB31 - Poverty Poverty

00039957 - Pickpit medicine

00039959 - Pickpocket Drug

00039958 - Pocket Elixir

Knight's potion

0003EB2F - Knight's Potion

000398F4 - Knight's medicine

000398F5 - knight's drug

000398F6 - Knight Elixir

PT.3 potion

To get the necessary object, the IDs are below, you must use the cheat code in the following form: player.additem [quantity] (without brackets)
In some IDs there are XX signs, what it is and how to get this item. See in the section "What is XX in Item Item"

Example: Player.additem 0003EB11 10 - Get 10 potions of vigor

Potion cheerful

0003EB11 - Potion of vigor

00039B0C - Beverages

0003EB14 - Drugstion

000FFA02 - Elixir vigor

Water breathing potions

0003Ac2e - Water Respiratory Potion

0003Ac2F - water breathing medicine

0003Ac30 - water breathing drug

0003AC31 - water respiratory elixir

Invisibility potions

0003EB3E - Right Invisibility Potion

0003EB40 - Invisibility Potion

0003EB3F - Central Invisibility Potion

0003EB41 - Lower Invisibility Potion

Potion of additional magic

00033EAF7 - Extreme Magic Potion

0003EAFA - Power Magic Money

0003EAFB - Extreme Magic Drink

0003EAFC - Drug Additional Magic

000FF9FD - Extreme Magic Elixir

Potion stock of power

0003EAE5 - Weak Potion Stock Potion

0003EAE1 - Potion Stock Potion

00033EAE7 - Strong Potion Stock Potion

00039CF3 - Strong Potion Stock Potion

00033EAE6 - Best Potion Stock Potion

00039CF3 - Ideal Potion Stock Power

Enhanced Potion

00033EAFD - the potion of the improved stock

0003EB00 - Medica of the Improved Stock

0003EAFE - Drink of improved stock

0003EAFF - the drug improved power

000FFA01 - Enhanced stock enclosure


XX01391D - red-breed

00057A7A - Skoma

00057A7B - Cordiar Scum

0003F4BD - dual distillation

000DC172 - Balm Xin

Unique potions

0005F6DF - Apathy Vermina

000Aed90 - Sleeping Wow

XX018EF3 - blood potion

0005566A - horsepower potion

XX0390E0 - Potion Water Cream

000E6DF5 - Esbard Potion

0005661F - Unknown Potion

000E2D3D - Curse of Ice Ghost

000A9661 - Holy Water

000B91D7 - Syrarodil Brandy

000663E1 - Phantom Drug

000D055E - Stroke M "Kalya Rom

00076F17 - Falmersky Blood Elixir

00058CFB - lotus extract

XX015A1E - shower pod extract

000F9642 - Ice Ghost Essance


00065A6F - weak poison

00073F35 - Pliva

00073F36 - Strong Pill

00073F37 - Digital Pill

00073F38 - deadly reflection

Potion PT.4.

To get the necessary object, the IDs are below, you must use the cheat code in the following form: player.additem [quantity] (without brackets)

Example: Player.additem 00065a70 10 - Get 10 Antimagia Poison

Antimagia poisoning

00065A70 - Antimagia Pill

00073F3D - protracted antimagia reflection

00073F3E - a continuous reflection of antimagia

00073F3F - Long-term reflection of antimagia

00073F40 - an incessant reflection of antimagia

Poison decline for power

00065A71 - Piva Filkness

00073F45 - Lucky Film Film

00073F46 - Long-term decline of the forces

00073F47 - Long-term reflection of the forces

00073F48 - Increable decline of forces

Poys of rabies

00065A69 - weak poison of rabies

00073F5A - poison of rabies

00073F5B - strong poison of rabies

00073F5C - Viruble Panes

00073F5D - fatal poison of rabies

Paralyach poisons

00065A6A - weak poison paralysis

00074a38 - poison paralysis

00074A39 - strong poison paralysis

00074A3A - Viruble Phenic Phenich

00074A3B - death poison paralysis

Poisons of fear

00065A68 - weak poison of fear

00073F5E - poison of fear

00073F5F - a strong poison of fear

00073F60 - Viruble Poison Fear

00073F61 - death poison

Poisons decline forces

00065A66 - weak poison decline forces

00073F41 - poison decline forces

00073F42 - strong poison decline forces

00073F43 - Virutant poison decline forces

00073F44 - fatal poison decline forces

Pt.5 potion

To get the necessary object, the IDs are below, you must use the cheat code in the following form: player.additem [quantity] (without brackets)

Example: Player.additem 0003EAF2 10 - Get 10 potions of health

Potions Health

0003EAF2 - Health Potion

0003EAF4 - Health Money

0003EAF6 - Health Drink

0003EAF5 - Health Drug

000FF9FS - Health Elixir


000Ae723 - Potion of Healing Diseases

000E41B8 - Poison frostbite

00065A64 - Antidote

Potions of treatment

0003EADD - weak treatment

0003EADE - treatment potion

0003EADF - Strong Care Potion

0003EAE3 - strong treatment potion

00039BE4 - Best Care Potion

00039BE5 - the perfect potion of treatment

Potion magic

0003EAE0 - Weak Magic Potion

0003EAE1 - Magic Potion

0003EAE2 - Strong Potion Magic

00033EAE4 - Strong Magic Potion

00039BE6 - Best Potion Magic

00039BE7 - Perfect Magic Potion

Magic resistance potions

00039E52 - Magic Resistance Potion

00039E53 - MAGI resistance medicine

00039E54 - Magic Resistance Drug

00039E55 - Magic resistance elixir

Potion revenge Magic

00065A6E - weak rejection of magic

00073F56 - rejection of magic

00073F57 - Strong rejection of magic

00073F58 - a detrimental rejection of magic

00073F59 - deadly rejection of magic

Poons of antimagia

00065A65 - a weak poison of antimagia

00073F39 - antimagia poison

00073F3A - strong antimagia poison

00073F3B - Digital Poison Antimagia

00073F3C - fatal antimagia poison

Poons of irregular

00073F90 - weak poison of irregular

00073F91 - Poison of irregular

00073F92 - Strong poison of irregular

00073F93 - Independent poison of irregular

00073F94 - death poison of irregular

Magic potions

0003EB0D - Magic Potion

0003EB0E - Money Magic Forces

0003EB0F - Magic Drink

0003EB10 - Magic Drug

000FFA00 - Magic Elixir

Power potions

0003EB02 - Potion Potion

0003EB05 - power medicine

0003EB03 - Drink forces

0003EB04 - Power Drug

000FF9FE - power elixir

Pt.6 potion

To get the necessary object, the IDs are below, you must use the cheat code in the following form: player.additem [quantity] (without brackets)

Example: Player.additem 00039b4a 10 - get 10 potions of resistance to fire

Potions of fire resistance

00039B4A - fire resistance potion

0003EAE9 - Fire Resistance Money Study

00039B4B - Drug resistance fire

00033EAEF - Elixir Resistance Fire

Resistance potions cold

00039B8A - cold resistance potion

0003EAED - cold resistance medicine

00039BDF - Drug resistance cold

0003EAF0 - Cool Resistance Elixir

Potion resistance to electricity

00039BE1 - electricity resistance potion

0003EAEE - electricity resistance medicine

00039BE3 - Drug resistance electricity

0003EAF1 - Electric resistance elixir

Potion regeneration

0003EB09 - Regeneration Potion

0003EB0A - regeneration medicine

0003EB0B - Regeneration Drink

0003EB0C - Regeneration Drug

000FF9FF - Regeneration Elixir

Potion rejection frost

00065A6C - a weak rejection of frost

00073F4D - rejection of frost

00073F4E - Strong rejection of frost

00073F4F - a detrimental rejection of frost

00073F50 - fatal rejection of frost

Potion rejection fire

00065A6B - weak rejection of fire

00073F49 - rejection of fire

00073F4A - a strong rejection of fire

00073F4B - a detrimental rejection of fire

00073F4C - deadly rejection of fire

Potion rejection electricity

00073F52 - Weak electricity rejection

00065A6D - rejection of electricity

00073F53 - Strong rejection of electricity

00073F54 - Difficult rejection of electricity

00073F55 - deadly rejection of electricity

Poisons fatigue

00073F8B - weak fatigue poison

00073F8C - Poison fatigue

00073F8D - strong poison fatigue

00073F8E - a detrimental poison of fatigue


0003A5A4 - weak poison

00073F31 - poison

00073F32 - strong poison

00073F33 - Viruble poison

00073F34 - deadly poison

Building materials

In addition to HearthFire in construction, you will need materials.

In order to add straw 10 pcs. We must enter:

player.Additem 03005A68 10.

where 03005A68 10 - 03 Because in the Hearthfire launcher is the third in the queue of loading add-ons. If the cheat code does not work, enter the first numbers 04. or 02, or 01 instead of XX (if the addition is loaded with 4 minutes, 2nd or first).

Found / purchased materials

Glass - Xx005A69.

Shed log - Xx00300E.

Straw - Xx005A68.

Skin strips - 000800E4

Manufactured subjects

Door hinge - Xx003011

Iron Details - Xx003035

Lock - Xx003012

Nails - Xx00300F.


Wolf Skura - 0003Ad74

Bear Skura - 0003Ad52

Deer Shkura - 0003AD90

Skore Savabeb - 0003Ad6d

Skin Skore Savab - 0003Ad6e

Goat Shkura - 0003Ad8e

Scales killer fish - 0003AD70

Mud Craft Craft - 0006BC00

Fang Horker - 0003Ad68

Fang Savabeb - 0006BC04

Big horns - 0006bc0a

Goat horns - XX00303F.

Stones and ores

Purified Moonstone - 0005AD9F

Ingot of mercury ore - 0005ada0

Iron ingot - 0005ACE4

Corundic ingot - 0005AD93

Career Kamen - Xx00306C.

Clay - Xx003043

Great stone shower - 0002E4FC, 0002E4FF


Children's doll - XX00c1de

Wooden Sword - XX004D91.

Amulet Akatosh - 000C8911

Amulet Julianosa - 000C8917

Amulet Dibella - 000C8915

Zenitar Amulet - 000878BB

Amulet Kinaret - 000C8919

Standard Amulet - 000CC844

Amulet Talos - 000CC846

Amulet Arkey - 000CC848

Amulet Mary - 000C891B

Treasure chests

Each of the chests contains all the items of their class. For example, the chest with the staff contains all the peas, and the ingredient chest is all ingredients. To get these treasure chests, use the following cheat codes for Skyrima: Player.Placeatme (without brackets)

Example: Player.Placeatme 000C2CDE - Get a chest with all the staff

000C2CDF - Enchanted Weapon

000C2CD7 - Enchanted armor, jewelry, clothes on the magician and robber

000C2CE0 - Standard Weapon

000C2CD6 - Standard Armor

000C2CDE - Sources

000C2CD8 - armor and jewelry, clothes on the magician and robber

0010D9FF - Books Skills

000C2CD9 - Spell Books

000C2D3B - ordinary books

000C2CD4 - arrows

000C2CDA - Ingredients

000C2CDB - keys

000C2CE1 - Scrolls with spells

000C2CE2 - potions, elixirs and tinctures

Notes: After the opening of some chests (with enchanted weapons and armor), Skyrim hangs on 30-60 seconds. (Depending on the power of your CPU). Wait for a while and everything will be fine. If, after opening a chest with enchanted weapons / armor instead of some kind of item to press [R] (take everything), then the duration of hanging will be reduced several times. The chests contain all the things of their class - there are a lot of things. In each chest, only 1 copy of each thing. If you want to make such items (ingredients) a lot - learn its object ID (read it below) and create the required number of these things using Chita Player.additem ID Number

Masks of dragon priests

To get the necessary object, the IDs are below, you must use the cheat code in the following form: player.additem [quantity] (without brackets)
Some IDs have signs XXwhat it is and how to get this item See in the section "What is XX in Item Item"

Example: Player.additem 00061cca 1 - Get 1 Wooden Mask

List of masks:

Wooden mask - 00061cca
Winsung - 00061CAB
Morokai - 00061C8B.
Vostov - 00061CC9.
Crossis - 00061CB9.
Otar - 00061cc2.
Hubnarak - 00061CS1
Ragot - 00061cc0.
Sailing - 00061CA5
Konarik - 00061CD6.

In DragonBorn.:

Mirac - this mask belongs to the character of the same name, the former Dragon Zresz. You can only get it at the end of the quest "on the top of the apocryph", taking the Miracle from the body.
Zakrisosh - XX024037
Dukan - XX0240FF.
Azidal - XX0240fe

Passing quests

To pass the quests in Skyrim, we will need the following cheat codes:

showQuestTargets - Shows an ID of an active quest

getStage (without brackets) - shows the step of performing the specified quest (the number obtained is not% of execution)

setStage [Stage] (without brackets) - set the execution step

movetoqt (without brackets) - Teleportation to the key point (last incomplete stage) of the specified task

sQS (without brackets) - show a list of all stages of an active quest (for each quest they are different). Used in SETSTAGE

rESETQUEST (without brackets) - reset all stages of the quest, after which it can be renovated. To make this quest from the "Job Journal" you need to save and download the game

player.comPleteQuest (without brackets) - Complete the quest. This command is not recommended to be applied, as you can not get the following quest, if it is a quest chain. Apply only in the cases if you want to complete the quest without the possibility of its further passage.

Quest items

Skeletal key - 0003A070
Precious flask - 00044e67
Precious Cup - 00044E6C
Precious jug - 00044e6e
Gem pendant - 00023DF8
Precious Candlestick - 00044E6A
Golden ship model - 00044E8B
Gold Urn - 00044E63
Mercer Plans - 00037CE9
Crown Barenzia - 0009DFF5

Items that can be sold Delwin:
Bust Gray Fox - 00019954
Countess Honning Honning - 00019952
Left eye Falmer - 0001994F
Figurine bee - 00019958
Double Puzzle - 0005598C
Marine Map of the Eastern Imperial Company - 00060CC2
Ship Model - 0006F266

Dragon claws:
Diamond claw - 000ab375
Iron Claw - 0008CDFA
Golden claw - 00039647
Emerald Dragon Claw - 000ED417
Coral Dragon Claw - 000B634C
Bone dragon claw - 000ab7bb
Sapphire Dragon Claw - 000663d7
Glass claw - 0007C260
Ruby Dragon Claw - 0004B56C
Ebonite claw - 0005AF48

Jazbi Grapes - 0006AC4A
Ranger root - 0001BCBC
Prah Berita - 000705b7
Scarlet root Nurne - 000B701A
Heath Heart - 0003Ad61
Nurne root - 00059b86
Fire Salt - 0003Ad5e
Easy - 0002F44c.
Thick Mammoth Test - 0006BC10
Poisonous bell - 000516c8
Snowless snow - 0002С25С

Argonian El - 0009380D
Jessica wine - 000f257e
Kolyany Brandy - 00036D53
Fire Box - 0003EC95

Stone Barenzia

Using RefID you cannot get a stone, but you can move to where it must be, using the Player.moveto console team . All 24 stones can be obtained using the Player.additem 9DFBB 24 command.
1) Refid 2) place where to search 3) detailed description

0007FB5D Ansilvund north-east of the settlement stone Shor, Zone "Feline Drawings", on the table between sarcophagi.

0007F908 The Collegium of Winterhold lies on the shelf in the rest of the archch. People become available after the quest "in the depths of Saartal."

0007F95D Dragon Limit in one of the rooms of the chalk chambers. Lies on the bedside table.

0007F956 Hall of the Dead Weitran Zone "Catacombs". On one of the gravestones at the end of the hall.

0007F923 Yorrvskr Zone "Residential premises". Peace Codolk White Mane.

0007F965 House clan Children's shield House is located in Windhelm.

0007F962 Royal Palace in Windhelm Upper Floor. Room of the Waunfert is non-living. Related Quest "Blood in the snow".

0007FB54 Swaming cave next to the corpse of necromancer. Up to Patch 1.4 This stone was in the Talmorsky Embassy.

0007FB4A Ingvilde Trone Hall, a room behind the throne of Arondila.
Related quest "Games with the Deadians" (Guild of Thieves).

0007FB58 Felling Fall in the room with an alchemical laboratory and a souls pentagram. Related Quest "Library Books" (College Winterhold).

0007F909 Museum of Dwemer Museum is located in the Podcast Fortress in Marcage. The stone lies with the golden lattice door, on the table. Related Quest "Difficult Answers" (Guild of Thieves).

0007F925 Treasury in Marcage in the bedroom of Tonara, on the end of the bed on the right. Related quest "Conspiracy of isoev".

0007FB64 Resident Rannweig on the table in the room with cells.

0007FB65 Stone Cave Cave near the Alchemical Laboratory.

0007FB63 Cave Hobbow to the left of the Alchemical Laboratory.

0007F927 Picky slots on the table next to the captain chest. Related quest "People's Snoads" (Guild of Thieves).

0007FB51 Divided Gorge North-west Falkrite. The stone lies on the table in front of the wall of the words.

0007FB55 Mattle Fortress in Refthe Naval Audley. The stone lies on the end of the bed to the left.

0007FB56 Residence "Black Heather" not far from Rip Natten. The stone is on the top floor, on the bedside table in the room. The associated quest "gave the word - keep".

0007F926 Blue Palace in Solitude in the Shallow Quicks.

0007FB3A "High Spire" estate is in solidude. One of the purchased houses for the main character. Stone in a room near the bed.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (without additions and custom modifications) has XX, equal to 00. The most common numbers for DLC:

DLC THE ELDER SCROLLS V: Hearthfire - 03

Going to the temple of the crow Rock Supreme Priest will tell you that the dead in the central hall began to revive the dead creatures. He will ask you to clean the temple from them and give you the key from the hall. Start into the temple inside and destroy all the evil. After that, let the priest that the temple is clean and is again available to residents of the city. In a reward you get gold.

Improving bone armor for Glover Melori

Local blacksmith Glover Melorori, who is Melvina Melori's mother brother from Rophiena's thieves guild, will tell us that Esmond Tyne stole a recipe for improved bone armor with which he fled to the north of the island. Go to his searches. Find it, more precisely, its remains, you can find caves of the castle of Kartar. You will see them at the input of the cave, on the left. Take a note and return to Glover.

As a sign of gratitude, you will get the key from the secret of the guild of thieves in the house of Glover Melori, from which you can take gold, precious stones and a set of unique thieves for black guardians. In addition, a letter of Glover to Sapphire will grab the chick in the chest.

Mystery sapphire

Read the letter of Glover to Sapphire, found in the cache of the thieves Guild in the house of Glover Melori. It says that the girl with a hard fate is the daughter of Glover. It's time to find out who her real family. Go to the rifle raggy flask and show the sapphire letter her father. In gratitude for the pleasant news you will get an exquisite sapphire worth 5000 septimov.

Folitan for Sindiri Arano

Sindari Arano, the wife of the first adviser home is Redorane, asks you to find an ancient folio for her on a broken ship "Terrible Skwalk". This ship failed during the fog in the south-west of Sttsheim. Now there are gangsters at the crash site. Disappear with the gang and in one of the ship chests, find the right folio. Returning his Sindiri Arano, you will receive a certain amount of gold as a sign of gratitude.

Embrella Zhele for Milora

The hostess of the alchemical bearing of the crow Rocks of Milora will ask you to find the necessary ingredient for it - the jelly rope. She needs five servings. You can find the worship of the ingredient from merchants, or you can get, killing the poor abnormal, the whole flock of which can be found on the west coast of Sttsheim.

When you fulfill the order of Milora, it will give you a whole set of varied potions. Now you can learn from her alchemy.

Eastern imperial pendants

Fetis Alor Merchant, which can be found near his dwelling in the crow, is looking for rare pendants with a symbol of an eastern imperial company. These pendants are scattered throughout the island and are stored special safes. You can find safes in the following pictures:

♦ Manor Morwein

♦ Alora estate

♦ House Melori.

♦ Ebonite mine (two safes)

♦ Mine Broken Test

♦ Ship "Grozny Shkalk"

♦ Northern Pier

♦ Grove stroke

♦ Pass Moirling

♦ Fort frosty moth

♦ Old shopping post

♦ Oven Hacnira

♦ camp north of the Sun Stone

♦ Parking southeast of water stone

♦ Parking southwest from Kurgan Herotmund

♦ Bengongerike Cave

♦ Entrance to the Ice Cave

♦ Northeast Island

Sadrij's judges

The owner of the tavern "Intrusted Netch" Geldis Sadri invented a new grade of judges. He will ask you to offer a test of ten bottles of this drink to citizens. Come around the city and offer drinks to residents, however, not everyone will be happy to perceive your offer. After it is possible to distribute all the bottles, come back to the innkeeper. In the reward, he will pay for gold.

Ancient Nordic Cyrk

Blacksmith Voronene Rock Glover Melori will complain that the hereditary miner of Creation ceremonies took away from him and does not want to return the ancient Nordic Kirk. This Kirk is valuable in that it is possible to produce an ancient magic ice to Stalgrim. This is a very rare and valuable material for the creation of armor and weapons. You can find a miner in an ebony mine. Kirk will immediately return to you, but will ask to investigate the circumstances of the death of his grandfather.

Kuznets, as a sign of gratitude, leaves you to pick you. Do not sell it, only by it you can get a stalre.


The main source of income and welfare of the inhabitants of the Voronene Rock for many years was an ebony mine, which is currently closed. For the age of one and a half years, brought income and prosperity of the roron cliff. Creation Cereals, the grandson of a large connoisseur of Ebonite lived Hurata Cellia, does not believe in what they talk about the disappearance of his grandfather in the mine and wants to investigate the circumstances of his death. He will ask for help you.

Go down to the mine. In the first fork, turn right and reach the boarding passage boards, break them on and go further. Open the grille in the tomb, which gave you cereals. Right from the lattice is a safe with a pendant of an imperial company. Go straight, painting with drarars, to the hall with a large grid in the floor. Racing by the drains, take things from the chest on the left and enter the door. Pay attention to the custody of the Stalrift, it can be extracted with ancient Nordic Kirk. Come past the alchemical table, neutralize the trap shooting the stones of the shower, and go through a large door to a large abandoned room with draraircers. On the right there is a grid, which can be opened by a switch located near the conclusion table. On the fork, taking the left spell book, go upstairs, neutralize the soul stone trap and go through the gallery. Turning left, you will find yourself in the secret part of the cave. Jump down. Near the strange gate, you will find the remains of the Horace of Cereches, take it a diary and blade Bladskal. Below you will find the remains of the assistant Horace - Malia.
Read the diary, it is said there as with the help of the sword of Bladskal, open sealed gate magic. It is necessary to be in the direction of red cracks (two horizontal impacts, two vertical, two horizontal and one vertical).

After the passage is open and go on. Run through a corridor with flying axes, activate the lever and enter the room with a wall of word words with a cry "Power - the embodiment of the dragon". Here you have a battle with the dragon priest, Zakrisos. As a reward for the victory over him, you will get a scatter mask. Here is the black book "Wind of Changes".

When you leave the cave, then you will find yourself on the mounds Boldly north of the crow Rock, where bandits live. Returning to the city, tell all the Cyssia Cepese. After a few days, the ebonite mines will open again.

Marsh Dead

Coming out from the crown rocks to the east, you will come across the detachment of the guards of the Redorant, which fight with ash monsters. Throwing them to help, the guards will not be able to save, but the captain tie will remain alive. Searching what will remain from ash monsters, you will find a document "Announcement of War", which should be displayed by Captain Veletu. That most of all surprises him, so this is what the document was signed by General Falkom Karius, which has long died.

Tellete will send you to the Ruins of the Fort of the Snow Motive, in which the general died, and find out what is the matter. Reaching forty, come inside. Initially, in the fork, go to the left, in the room with spiders get precious stones from deposits. Then head to the central passage, there you will find the key and the diary of Necromancer Ildari. After reading the diary, you will understand that she resurrected the Karius General to manage ash monsters. Now go to the right for the fork, opening the keys locked the door. Combate with General Carius. Crashing in the enemy, go back to the captain of the vetell.

In the award, you will receive the hammer "Dubb Hero".

Served cold

After your victory over the General Kariius will increase your trust from the authorities of the Voronene Rock. Captain Roet will send you to a meeting with Adril Arano - the first adviser to the house REDOAN. He, in turn, needs your help to find spies to Hlaalau, who have been hunting for many years to hunt the Learil Material - the head of the house is Redorane.

Investigate, start with the visit to the tavern, disperse Geldis Sadri, who will mention that someone visits the generic tomb of uvennes. Closer to the night, head to the tomb and wait. You will see how Tilis Severin will go to the tomb, which suggests that the Severin family is somehow connected with the house of Hlaala. Tell us about your suspicions Adril Arano. He will suggest to get into the estate of Severinov and find evidence of their work at the House of Hlaala. Adril Arano will give you the key from the estate.

Go to the estate of Severs, located in the northern part of the city. As soon as you go, Tylis and her daughter will attack us. Crashing with them, a hotel's ahead of their bodies and take the key from the safe. In the safe there is a letter with the proofs of their guilt. Take the letter of Arano.

Now all you have to deal with the head of the Severin family. To do this, you need to go to the center of the island, where the guards of the Redorant will be waiting for you. Once in place, you will see that the guards are dead. Having understood with members of Morag Tong, go to the nearest dungeon where Severin hides. Having finished with the criminal, return to Arano, who organizes you an audience with Learl Moraserin, who wants to personally to thank you.

The award will be the estate of Severinov with all the property.

Cache with wine

Ask the captain of the vellet about the state of his warriors. He complains that some soldiers drink hardened wine in their posts, but he does not know where they take it. We need to find a cache with wine and tell the vetell. The cache is located in a barrel, which stands between two unfinished houses that are located on the road leading from the abandoned house to the Stone of the Earth.

From under the ground

Questionating about rumors from the Taucher Sadri, you will learn that south of the city in the Kurgan Kolynorn and one Deeler wants to carry out excavations. Go to Kurgan and talk to Ralian Sedaris. He will tell about his grand planners, but complain about the lack of money. You can become a sponsor of his adventures.

Part 1

To start, Ralis will ask 1000 gold. A few days later, we will find the messenger and will give a letter from Ralis. Returning to the excavations, you will have to listen to his complaints about the defenders. Go to Kurgan and destroy the revived undead. After that, Ralis will ask for another 2000 septimov to continue work.

Part 2

A few days later you will get another letter asking Ralis to come on excavations. It turns out that miners whom Ralis hired, they disappeared and the drags appeared again. You need to go to search for missing miners who could survive. Descend to Kurgan. In the hall you are a dead miner Brandil. In the room, in the center of which is the ring on the chains, you jerk for it and go to the right. After activating the second chain, the room back will open. After it, left to the lattice with four switches, which can be activated in the following sequence 1-2-1-4 (from top to bottom). You will see the body of the Milliel, you can take a letter that she wrote before the death of the mother. Go on. Switch, which you will see on the right, opens a secret room with an azidal ring. Now you can leave the mound. 3000 gold to still hire workers and guards.

Part 3.

And again Ralis will call you through the messenger. This time the miners will stay alive, but the guards will die. You again will come down to Kurgan and deal with the dramrams. We go to the place where the azidal ring was found last time and go to the left. Behind the door, locked on the castle of the expert level, spiders, chest and emerald lived; Go to the right and descend down, then right to the chain switch on the left, then right. You will find yourself at the cliff, the door and the switch-switch on the right is, which opens the passage into the room with the azidal gloves. Go down to the left, then up right, and you will find yourself in a large room with pressure plates on the floor. On the left there is a room with an artifact. If you step on the tile, it will be high up for a few seconds. To open the grille, you need to quickly rest and highlight all tiles. Take the second Azidal Ring and rise up. Sitting along the corridor with axes, activate the switch circuit and exit through the bottom of the excavation from the mound. This time, Ralyce will require 5,000 gold.

Part 4.

After receiving the next letter from Ralis and returning to Kurgan, you will see that the camp is empty, and everywhere bloody traces of the battle. Ralnis left his diary from which you learn that he began to worship a azidal.

Go to the Kurgan in search of Ralis. At the beginning, go to the swap wall of the word strength and study the cry "Wind-cyclone". Now go a room with plates on the floor, straightening along the way with the dragrams. Go down to the stairs and go to the room where tremps are sitting on the thrones. Disappear with them, turn the column so that fish can be seen, and activate the lever. Take the azidal armor and turn the column to be two birds. It will open the hatch down. Get down, destroy the trecra and share the stallrim. Now turn the column so that there are two snakes and take the Azidla helmet. Beyond the door you will meet Ralis and the azidal himself, who kills whom, you will free the Ralis from the Dark Char. Take the Azidal mask and go to the opened passage, there you will find two chests and a black book "Thread and Filigree". To get out of the Kurgan, go to the next room, activate the lever and the stairs come out.

Many gamers played Skyrim. This game has won the hearts of computer and console games for their graphics and capabilities. For example, the open world. The player creates a character, after which he can travel, perform tasks and even build at home! In The Elder Scrolls V, you can find a lot of interesting items. One of these - Kirk. In "Skyrim", many are interested in this object. But why is it needed? How and where to find it?

Short description

Kirk is a tool representing a peculiar ax. It is used to mining ore deposits in mines and caves. Initially, Kirk in Skyrime had only a peaceful purpose.

This object can be used as a one-handed weapon, it can be attached. Improve the usual kirk is not subject.

In The Elder Scrolls V, you can find:

  • ordinary pick-up;
  • jazbed kirk;
  • ancient Nordic Kirk.

Each of the items has the same purpose, but different parameters.

Where to find

Kirk in "Skyrim" can be found or buy. But where?

Ordinary Kirk is most often about solitary locations of ore or mines. Discarded - on the sip of the world, between malachite and ebonite veins. This tool can apply 5 units of damage with electricity and pumps the blacksmatic character skills.

Nordic Kirk allows you to extract not only ore, but also to the stallrim. You can find it, walking through the pillow. The ancient Nordic Kirk in "Skyrime" is given for the task "Service for the service". The subject sells Baldor Iron Swamp in Poksheim.

"White Opens"

There is another Kirk in Skyrim. It is called "white frost." This object appears after installing Skyrim: DragonBorn. It can be used as an ordinary Kirk, and as a weapon.

The "white frost" hits with cold, slows down the enemy by 50% for 3 seconds and can freeze it. Charge is enough for 46 shots. Disassemble the "white frost" on the pentagram of the souls can not.

This Kirk in Skyrim is issued for the "excavation" quest. It can be bought at Ralis Sedaris in Kurgan Kolbjorn.

Codes for receipt

There is a simpler way to obtain studied objects. We are talking about the use of the gaming console. With it, you can give yourself any item in The Elder Scrolls V.

Here are the crook codes in Skyrim:

  • Normal - Player.additem E3C16 1.
  • Discarded - Player.additem 001019D4 1 or 001019D3 1.
  • Ancient Nordic - Player.Additem XX0398E6 1.
  • "White Inay" - Player.additem XX0179C9 1.