Story line. Passage of the Watch Dogs Watch Dogs How many missions

Watch Dogs passage. Part one


Go to the lying and try to make a shot, after which disarmament and proceed to the corridor. Attention information from the video, then we go ahead and hide behind the shelters, everything is in tips. Touch the cop and stun it, then the partner. A little time paying the enemy distracting training on the mobile phone.

Put in the locked door, turn on the "hakmashin" - x, then, moving around the cameras - q, we reach extreme and wires flashing due to the interference, open the castle. We go into the room and select a desk from the table for the manufacture of a trap. Click Tab, select paragraph 2 and click on E.

After the mouse, you go on the dedicated area and keep G, if you let go, then throw the bait. After the throw, it will be necessary to joke - Q. Quietly pass the guard, go to the door and silently envelope the crowd. The next case we wake the observation chamber, choose the subsequent and khakay of the guard with a mobile phone. After that, we break both the chambers, run the menu through Tab, choose zipper and click G. In complete darkness, we swear in rooms, bypassing bright places.

Once on the street, it will be necessary to get around the police, if the maneuver failed, remember the good old GTA, we break in a similar style. After leaving the chase, all the circles of the search should be left and proceed to the shelter, where you sleep well. After sleep, we go to the street and are looking for a crime, scanning passers-by and following their traces. In a highlighted location, calculate the object (it will draw it yellow) and we are waiting for the attacks and the occurrence of the system's prompts: "Threat! Protect!".

After the task is completed, we continue the plot passage, we cause a means of movement and rolling to the marker.

Older brother

We go to the backyard where we speak with my sister. Then go to the house and expect until it becomes threatened. We catch a signal and after the freak starts to run away, we begin pursuing, turn off the traffic light and catch a bastard at the intersection. After the shock, we go to the weapon store and buy a "utility" to yourself. Then we go to the new point.

Skipping kulishes

We follow how the system indicates. Near the gate we go to the door, located on the right, and carefully go to the second floor. We are looking for a security guard with a telephone, he has codes. After that, on the cameras we get to the point with the panel. Here we combine streams, solve the puzzle and hakam network. Now you need to get out, take the car and roll to the next marker.

Turning Muha

We follow the zone marked with purple color. We need to define an eliminator, and only within the action of the signal. Carefully follow the citizens, scanning them by pressing the X key. When the disposal is determined, it is necessary to shoot his head. Next, go to the position where we take the second part of the task. We take a comrade and carry it to the place of searches, it is necessary to observe accuracy and not to come across the copies and helicopters, they help to look at the mini-card. After leaving the search zone, you will take the character to the right place.

Open your World

We start the task, go to the subway. Then move to the marker, you need to go down, in the garage. Near the entrance we use the alarm and beatenly run to the boxes on the right. Moving quietly, make your way through the chamber and break the panel to the right. After that, the necessary doors will open. Again conversations, then another enemy zone.

We are not in a hurry, we wake up the network, being in the first position, you do not need to engage in a fruit. Owner codes guard walking on the first floor, not far from the entrance. We find it across the cameras. Then we move through the tracking cameras to the level above, where they track another security guard, which has a chest camera. Penetrate on it and expect when it goes to the room, where and pump hacking. Now you have to make your feet back, and as quickly as possible.

We use interference, and when the time becomes slower, scratch a couple and use G in the Tab list. We run as quickly as possible, we are waiting for the next task.

thanks for the advice

When activation occurs, it will be necessary to climb higher to the source. Next, we follow the wires to the loader, activate its descent and turn off the first shield through the cameras. The second to find will be easy, following cameras up. Then, hacking the shield, we are embedded in the laptop, and after the mobile phone. When hacking ends, it will be necessary to shoot. To begin with, we destroy snipers, and then all the others. Under the end of the episode, we roll on the sign to the meeting with Hipster.


Everything is simple, like a bicycle, we are going to the cemetery watch the video.

And this is not a pizza

We are going to the specified point, then we climb on the protrusions up to the balcony. We talk with the boy, after which we jump into the water and float on the other side. Moving on the left side, the protection there is smaller. When we get to the door and the guard, we wake the camera and the panel under the stairs. With the security, you should not make noise, you need to silently remove everyone. We look at the roller, after which you quickly leave the crime scene until the enemies fled.

Now it's best to run to the fence, then left along and on the door. Swim the channel, hang out cars and run away from the chase, from which you need to break away in any way.

We follow the place where the glass pavilion is found in the prompts. Inside there will be a niece, turn away from her and hakazh her mobile phone. Then the call and all first. A job update will be updated and it will be necessary to go on the route and fill up the specified goal. Everything is extremely simple: first the driver, and then everything like oil. It is not bad to have a sniper, the road blocked the car and do not want to shoot.

Redhead you do not go

Fight is over, moving on the sign. Inside the chamber, get to the window, after which the surveillance cameras move to the wicket and open it. We follow the ranks on the corridor to the left, go into the room with a marker, carefully look at the guard, who stands on the first floor and when he distracts, pass.

We wake up again, we go further and "open the" gate. Cheat the guard and rush to the exit. Near the gearbox at a hurry, we wake a security chamber, then the camera is next. We break the panel and go to the outer chamber. We define the goal and go to a third chamber, located opposite the door. He will be behind the wall.

Then open the elevator and run inward, while the guards did not notice. Going away, go into the chambers and turn off the switchboard, the door will open. Now it will be necessary to shoot. We fly to the room, take a shotgun and rules of all enemies. At the end there will be a fighter in armor, we kill it, undermining the valves on the gas, when it passes by.

We speak with a tattooed zack, we continue to go ahead, change clothes and leave the room. We take a car located nearby, and jump on the springboard on railway rails. We are going to the main street, and then on the track. The police will persecute much more actively, so it will be necessary to try.

Hold on, baby

Moving to the marked point, where we consider the strait, and then go to the sister. It starts the roller, after which we run to the car and rush into place, to the train. We wake him up and quickly go ahead. It will be necessary to intercept two cars, we are going for them, ahead of them along a short road (easily tracked on the map). I compress the car and shoot everyone, after which I rush to the train.

Watch Dogs passage. Part two

We follow the sign to the store, where you get everything you need. After that, I am mchim in the control center, which go through the lifting garage from the West. Now cutting the sniper and move through the cameras to a small utility room somewhere in the center of location. There I have a laptop with a laptop, and through it we open the entire system. We wake the server and, following the cameras, taking what you need. We go without problems.

Fragile things

In the warehouse we do the usual operations, we find a dude with codes, we wake up the system. Only the place is new, so: come from the south through a small door, there are already cars nearby. Now come in, immobilize the guard and go to the room near the fence. Inside Ralm of one guard, patrolling the first floor. Our goal is on the rise, there you can walk or jump around the cameras.

After that, we rise to the second floor of a nearby garage. Here it will be necessary to go to the door and, attracting the attention of the guards to objects or traps, get to the right from the entrance to the rise. We wake a computer, listen to the conversation and run to the rear entrance to the car. It will be necessary to catch up and kill the enemy. It will be rigid and sharply to run away, and often not on the road. It is not bad to have a hook of traffic lights and a gate.

Related damage

We return home, watch the video and start the battle. The first ruffles shot in the head, after which we go out and cleaned it from the enemies. It is impossible to give them to kill "Hooligan 17". And most importantly: you can wait and think for a long time, otherwise you will think, "like Tatars on Russia" and tired of fighting back, so everyone visited and to the car.

We sit in the car to the partner, and we yourself are looking for another. Now there will be races and shooting. In the course of the persecution, you can try to shoot the reptiles in narrow places, and then they are too much chasing for us.

One foot in the grave

Upon arrival at the point we find the panel on the left on the block. Then go for the girl, the code she will ask to find the hooks, we find a man who flies on a mobile one. After it is necessary to pursue the "eliminator" on the car. Everything is classically here, for interception it will be necessary to adjust an accident. After elimination, we leave from chase and go to the point. We speak with the character. Bald try to escape, it will be necessary to catch up and beat, you should not kill - they do not speak the dead.

The entrance is somewhere near

Turn on the bridge, go to the opposite direction. The goal is to include three choppers.

We follow the first circle located on the right of the entrance. Near the first building there will be a lift, he will raise us higher. Door with electric pump unpain, spinning around the cameras to the protection panel. Inside, it is necessary to blow up the barrels, after which we descend on the building next door - this is a switch number once.

It will be necessary to go to the second from the containers. We raise yourself inside the container using the loader. Then they make a roof through containers, we wake the door again and, as before, jumping to the chopper.

The extreme point does not fuss. We break the camera, standing near the gate, omit the container and break the camera again. Go to the next chamber to the left and below, raise the container, hakazham panel. The gate open, go and hide in containers. Getting on dynamic, we use it and get on the other side.

The case is done, you can now go to the entrance to the bunker. Inside, we wait until the container stops, after which you open the door. We run the system, then we go to the place where it will be necessary to produce a sabotage. All in the old manner - we find the code, lie, go. There is almost no security here, so we act boldly.


Inside the building we go to three panels. There is a major - not to get into the eyes of snipers in the building opposite. Optimally enter the door to the right in the territory, there to go to the panel, then it is in quiet to deal with snipers with a gun with a silencer.

Next, we move on the sign. It may start shooting, then it will be necessary to kill everyone, but we mean that enemies can cause a couple of times. So to the gate, then launch the equipment and go to the bunker.

Fraternal devotion

Inside the bunker we go to the panel and implemented in the structure of the structure. There are no problems here, go through the cameras, activate the goals, solve the tasks. First, break the cameras, we use the elevator and we are going upstairs on it, watching the world through his camera. In the lobby there will be a person with a camera on the chest, which patrols the last floor. We are hacking his camera. Now it will be necessary to wait until it comes to the place. After that, again jumping around the cameras, and at the end we watch the video.

Tyrone will not pull

Stepping around the quarter to the place of hacking, in the house on the right. Hence the hakaz system and look at the fat man. After the marker appears, copy the data from its mobile phone, but continue to follow it after it. The main thing is not to approach too close, but it will be detected. And you should not fall into the zone, highlighted in red.

After arriving at the destination, we leave the car and continue to go after the fat man. The main thing is not to shoot and do not make noise. There is a convenient moment that consists in the passage to the right of the entrance to the gaming zone. The protection does not look very closely, so you can move next to Tolstoy, looking at the mini card. After it finishes for the fence, we are hacking the chamber of tracking and look-listen.

When a fat man gets a trunk, it will be necessary to blow up Krenovin next to him and wait until he runs away. Then call the hidden comrade and try to spend it silently. Even if it does not roll, you should not despair, the phone will still be on the spot. After we define the right place, go from the location and go to the place of action.

Uninvited guest

We are going to the place of action. Explosives received from the Chinese, blast the van. Further along the plot to the panel in the room on the first floor. Now you need to place explosives in places defined by surveillance cameras. When everything is mined, you need to jump into the loader, you have to play.

The attackers will be quite a lot, but if you move on the trolley, it will not be a problem. Plus, the supplied explosive will destroy more than half of the enemies. When everyone perished, come to the phone on the table. We speak and immediately catch up with some Bangangan, here the motorcycle standing in Radom.

When you catch up, it will be necessary to get shed and track down the group of his brother. Closely do not fit and periodically call the fat man until the roller end.

Without noise and dust

At first, slowly go beyond the object of observation, the client stands around the stall, we use walking for quiet movement. Then track the fate of the suitcase. As a result, he will be thrown into the boat at the shore. Next, it will be necessary to pursue the boat, but in no case to keep up with much. Calculating it, go to the marked location, after which it was all the protection from the pier and do not rush to the Case. We remove everything in the photo and quietly leave.

Next we are going on the sign. Login will need to be through the entrance to the left, immediately nearby a guard with codes, it will be necessary to take them away. To the computer, it will be possible to get through the chamber of the Radom "Cerber", for which they are concluded with the camera and activate the diverting maneuver with the help of equipment in the room nearby, which will be easy to turn on.

After hacking a computer, a group of guards will appear, which is looking for a violator. If you do not go far, you can get out without flips.

View into the abyss

In the plot it will be necessary to kill a certain character located in the salon of luxury cars, and in a completely deaf room. Here it will be necessary to exploration to conduct "on wires". After that, it will be necessary to prepare for action. It will be optimal here to start shooting before the purple machine, and when the target runs out, pour it in slowdown mode. Now it remains to clean and hack his mobile. Now on the point and there in the basement. We watch the video. Next, we are going on the car by the sign.


At the auction, it will be necessary to follow the dude, which will lead to the girl. We talk with the old man and then penetrate the basement quietly, taking advantage of the booth on the contrary. At the bottom, we go ahead and, using a block on the left, jumping to releasing security. At the checkpoint, we climb up the stairs, then on the door to the right and on the wall to another door.

Back up. Here we will wait. It is necessary to blow up the wall, followed by the enemies who survived to finish. Now we move to the panel, blocking the output door. There will be a lot of people who want our blood, it will not be easy to sneak, you will have to kill everyone. At the end of the shootout, we are waiting for a soldier in armor, it will have to be able to subtit, blasting various junk, it is enough here.

Jump through the fence. Here you can shoot or carefully go through the left side, without falling across the snipers on the eyes. We do not relax at the gates, there are still enemies behind them, it's no longer going to go, it is better to sneak quietly, distracting the protection by your gadgets.

An example to follow

Combat assignment, you will have to shoot. We are going to the destination, where it will immediately be necessary to start throwing everyone. There will be several groups of attackers, and when they are run out, we go up to the small one. Here it would be nice to get a machine gun if it is. Here it is necessary to crawl into the attackers, and then we will define reinforcements.


We are going to the bar, where we drop the listener in the trash. Then go to the building using the loader on the left side. Follow the main doors. Inside it will be necessary to try.

We send Tolstoy, after the guard finally woined the corner. Skump across the cameras and lead it further, the boxes will first be calm first. The guard number two walks the diagonal, there will be no problems with him. The third dubbed, he will have to distract with the help of a dog flaw, and then pass. The latter is also distracted, but for this you have to be inside the laptop.

Now I am taking it to the door and connect to its breast chamber. When he is painted with the extreme door, jumping around the cameras and break her defense. After that, the fat "comes out" into the window, and they chase. It will be very difficult to escape, you can try to hang everyone.


It will be necessary to first visit the house in the bunker. After again there will be a shootout when we come to the point. Here all the extra - we kill. After that, we climb into the computer and start copying the data and shoot it in parallel. The position is better changed to a little, mix a little left, and to shoot from there.

After moving to the guarded entry. We press to the left and calmly pass. In the house on the right there will be a security guard with the codes you need. Sereyr codes, we go along the path upstairs to the panel. We break it, we get access, then, shining through the fence, we fall into the water.

Inside will have to work. First we go to the basement, there are moving on the map, downstairs turn off the door. Then up the stairs, move the antenna, go down to the next. And again you need to move the antenna in place, and at this time connect to the cameras on which the cable is tracked to the panel inside the building. The main thing here is not to forget about the correct position of the antenna, it must stand in the original position, and then the castle does not open.

Now I like the structure, we will take it on the bridge and turn the antenna again. And, being on the other side, again. Everyone was unscrewed, descending into the bunker. Inside, we blame the cylinder, located behind the bars, after which you listen to everything you can. Next, to the first basement, where the door is already open. Now you can go to the bar and run with Baradach.

We will have to take a walk with a comrade for the building. It will be necessary to steal the van. Here, as you behave in a quiet or loud, the pursuit will still be, so your business. The van must be delivered to the customer, the pursuers can be heaming, throwing sculptures installed by a hacker. And the simplest option: to sink and shoot everyone, so as not to Donimali.

Watch Dogs passage. Part of the third

Steps behind the back

We take the quest and move to the desired point. We are going beyond the helicopter, it is not necessary to approach too close, she will never go anywhere. It is quite suitable for a 3 hundred meters, just fine to come without problems. Arriving in place, we pass to the left of the protected zone, we are connected with the turntable and scan the surrounding area. Our goal is to detect 2 bosses.

Then they will need to kill, shoot with the same position with the elevation. From here you can see a good distinction and remove. Another is located nearby on the slope, near houses without security. If it will not be quietly removed, wait for a hard chastity with all the charms in the form of a turntable and crowd to the people.


Before starting the task, it is necessary to make explosives, it will be useful. We start, rolling down and cover the passage by car. We mount explosives around the perimeter and get the most serious trunk. After the appearance of the column, it will be necessary to undermine the infantryman in armor, and after all the escort. The task is not easy, time to prepare is strongly limited.

Future not far from the mountain

We move to the center of Blum. The task is to be purely stealth, do not give noise and other. Scroll through the left entrance, unscrew the gate with the camera. Then quietly kill everyone who is here. Next, approach the panel in the center. We go on the wires, at the end of each shield and security, sobbing with these trifles, return to the center and we wake the server.

After updating, the job is connected to the security chamber, the energizing server. We go to the office and listen to the conversation. After the object, a bunch of people are performed and starts to search the area. Do not brake and go, as they came. The exit will be, on what to blame.

We come to the hakra, the guard and wait for himself, let him comes. Now we expect annihilation. Looking at explosives as close as possible and remember all traps in the district. First attack directly, then after entering the circle. After that, you will need to guard the installed bomb. Then the shooting will catch and the last occasion will need to be shot by a group of enemies that will attack by one front. After the battle, jump in the boat.

Any means

We occupy a position in a familiar building. We kill everyone, the door activate the weapon with a zipper on the icon to turn off the lock. Inside the people will be quite a bit, on the balcony and in the elevator. Once up, we go through the corridors and stupidly rollers all. On the roof it will be necessary to fight back twice and shoot a freak. Upon arrival, the place will be active to protect the server from the Hacker attacks.

Default situation

We go inside through the hall. It will only be necessary to wait until the guard begins to flush on the mobile. The wast signal and he will go away to another place. Inside find a default, moving across the cameras and tracking its copies. Next, on the same cameras it will be necessary to find the panel on the second floor.

When everything is hacked, the default will start running up, it will need to catch up. Do not fall behind, but on the roof, one FIG will be an ambush. You can not kill everyone, but pay tribute to default: he is not in a hurry and will give himself without a rush. After the shootout there will be chase on cars. We are not pressed at all under the ass, and then the columns will be ours and have to replay again. The chase will be short, but when you catch up, the default will no longer disappear.

Younger sister

Moving to the panel, the guard of the guard by an explosion and waiting for the conversation. Then we lead a girl to the car, it is not particularly easy, but the highly located cameras facilitate the task. It can be done differently: first to kill the solo, and then the sister will just sit in the car and dump. The choice is yours.

Ghosts of the past

Task is just driving. Do not rush in the urban streets, it is impossible to sleep, so you choose the path and "everything will be in Openwork."

There are no paths

We start with espionage. Follow the quinoa, then when it is near the elevator, we break the alarm and make your way into the chamber. We grab the limousine and make your way to the hotel. Adhere to the left side and remain unnoticed, call the elevator. He will go long, do not stand under the door - you can run away.

We look at the video, after which we shoot the guard and the valves of all on the roof. Then we find the device and enter the chamber. Open the gate and execute Quin. We go through the door.

Further chase. Here you can use the tested option, go to the pier, there in the boat. We despair and mchim, for the complete tranquility of the Sniper Valim on the helicopter of persecution and without nerves leave the search zone. After that, we can paint with Clara and already in place it is necessary to kill all freaks.

Watch Dogs passage. Part five

All sometime lose

We are going to the city of Citios on the sign, they do not fall into the accident, the whole mess around the bardak. Then the full nightmare begins. We move and ship the virus at certain points. It will not be easy to do so, as the cops and glucituine electronics interfere. Looking for them easier, carefully looking at the mini-card, and not to notice the missing marker.

Arriving in place, you need to break the panel and wait for the download. Here the main thing to survive, the cops clearly do not want. Everything is not ice: the more you kill them, the more powerful they attack, there are armored peppers and jeeps with Rangers, darkness, and only. So the second time try hacking only after full care from the chase, as usual by water.

After activating the virus, we go and wake the terminal. Then we sail to the lighthouse, there we find Maurice and his partner, they will need to be fascinated. When the titers are completed, it will be possible to kill the freak, taking a niece, and can not be killed, the humanistic test, however.

Part 1
The end of the eighth inning

At the beginning passage Watch Dogs / Watch DogsAs it is customary, we look at the introductory video introducing us with the prehistory of the game. As a result, being in one of the stadium premises, we look at how our character interrogates Maurice, whom we eventually have to shoot. However, the gun will not be charged, so that any murder does not happen, just immediately after it will be necessary to press F to neutralize the striker opponent. Maurice's depeffecting of his phone by pressing Q, and listening to the message inspecting the locker room by collecting everything you can and go through the door with the inscription EXIT. Once in the corridor and having met Geordi there, we look at the next video after which we are moving in the specified direction. Our task to get past the arrived police officers are imperceptible, for this first thing you need to click with to hide behind one of the shelters to move between the shelters as well as S. Gently go around the police while they stand back to us, you can also distract hacking the object on Holding the Q button. Rising upstairs climb on the garbage tank, and then jump over the railing by pressing the "space", after which by pressing Z activate the Profiler with which we will see the flow of data from the door lock.

When viewing video Watch_Dogs Video To switch between the rollers, use the "Playlist" button and if the video helped you do not forget to put like) ...

The next to our action will be a breaking of multiple surveillance cameras, we do this to detect the source to which the data flow should take it, hacking it open the door. After you open the door make your way to the upper level by a policeman to divert the coopers to pick up the electronic components from the table by pressing the e, then holding the TAB, open the weapon selector and select in it using the Mouse Move Movement, and choosing Press E to create a device. Then closing the selector hold the G button to the specified location of the trap to throw the trap release G, and to activate the trap, press Q. After the policeman breaks up. Climb. Passing into the following room, turn on the Profiler and move behind the shelters in the specified direction viewed on the way of people, some of them can be stealing some money from hacking, which are then removed through any ATM.

Next, talking on the phone with a person under the nickname of Hooligan 17, we wake a marked camera, then another one, and with the help of it, we find a security guard with access code and hack his device. Next that we wake the stadium network, after which we turn on the weapon selector again and select the blackwood, closing the selector click the G button to arrange a shutdown of light at the stadium. In the dark, we are moving in the direction of the coming by the police. Reaching the exit and talking with Jordi by Nin on the phone I leave the stadium, heading for the garage where we are waiting for Jordi car, will leave the area in which the police leads, you may have to leave the chase, as a result, the last task will reach asylum, and It is the hotel rooms where we will be able to dispense the glasses of skills, and our character relax.

Older brother

After the rest, leaving the motel we pass on the street scanning passers-by using Profiler in search of criminals. You can seek the criminals with the help of surveillance cameras, as a result, finding a criminal and go to the potential crime scene. Arriving at the place we find a potential sacrifice and follow it, waiting for the appearance of a criminal, and after it appears and tries to commit a crime, it will be necessary to stop it in any possible way. Next, Jordei will call us and tell that you can call the car to order, so if you do not want to beat the wheelbarrow, you can use this feature.

As a result, one way or another, coming to the house of Nikki Pierce go to the backyard where Aiden communicates with his sister. At the end of the conversation, we go to the house where we are witnessing the conversation of the sister on the phone, hacking the phone Nikki and overheard the conversation we go to search for the caller. The offender will be near, but it will try to hide, sowing in the first car pursue it, our task can catch up and neutralize the criminal in all possible ways. After neutralizing the caller, we wake up his phone and communicate with a hooligan 17 talking with whom we go to hack the CTOS Center.

Skipping kulishes

Previously, this will go to the center of CTOS, it is worth looking into the weapon store and buy a storming rifle 416, this is the case during the penetration to the center there will be boring with security. Arriving in place the first thing we find a security guard with an access code and hack his mobile device, the guard will be on the second floor of the building, if you do not want to enter inside, you can detect it using surveillance cameras. After receiving the access code, you need to get to the CTOS servers, the terminal is also located on the second floor. You can get into the territory itself neutralizing or destroying guards or using observation cameras to distract the guard with a hidden camera standing on the second floor, after which hacking his camera will be able to get to the terminal. One way or another, getting access to the terminal will fall in the hacking menu, where you need to deploy lines over the data stream to get further access (as shown in the screenshot above), on the last time of the hacking will also be a time limit. As a result, having received access to the center of CTOS we wake all that is inside, after which you leave from the territory of the center (if it came into it).

Turning Muha

Arriving in place and trying to start the task, you will have to get rid of the 2xThetrap eliminator who is trying to hack us. To do this, we pass to the specified place and turning on the Profiler there we scan people there. As a result, after the start of hacking of our device, Eiden succeeds to narrow the search zone, so we go on new coordinates. Arriving in place again scanning all in a row in the specified zone until you find a criminal who will need to eliminate if it does not work out to deal with the hacker immediately, you may have to chase him by car. After the hacker is eliminated, we quickly leave the crime scene.

Having finished attempting to hack our device again we go to the specified place to start the task of "annoying fly". Our first task will get to West Island and find a fugitive there, while trying not to come across the police, and for this in the scan of CTOS marked on the map of yellow circles. One way or another, coming to the place we wake the door of the garage, then watch a short video. Now our task takes to the specified place without attracting the attention of the police, for this it is worth moving along the doorway and the alley without leaving the main streets and not falling across the eyes of the police (especially helicopter). In the end, coming to the right place to see the next video.

Open your World

Speaking on the phone with a hooligan 17 and arriving at the meeting place go down to the underpass and meet there with a tattooed girl named Clara. After a conversation with Clara Lill, we go to the CTOS office, where descending into the underground garage penetrate the loading area, there will be a lot of security, so if you don't want to go, get rid of the guards neutralizing one after another (a little reminds passing Splinter Cell: BlackList). Having penetrated into the loading area before we go further hack the switching remote control to open the door to the office (you can detect the panel by turning on the door to turn on profiler. When you get the first floor of the office building, you will need to find a security guard for this, to do the easiest to use cameras. Observations, the desired guard will patrol the first floor. Having received the access code, rose to the second floor, where we wake the access point, it is not necessary to go to the hidden chamber one of the second floor guards, in the process of circulating the territory it will be passed by the access point. Hacking time redirecting data streams, as well as the previous time, just the schemes will be a little more difficult, exactly how to send data streams can be seen in the video passing or on the screenshot. Hacking an access point, download to unprotected laptop the virus to give Clare access, after what will leave the office building will leave. At the output, the police will launch scanning so that You block the scanners you need to make an interference generator in the weapon selector and activate it.

Having started the task pass by convinced to the source of the signal, and turning to the place to include Profiler and go to look for CTOS shields, which in this case will be two. Focusing on the data streams and activate them by pressing Q, for this case it will be convenient to use surveillance cameras. After activating both panels to the panel and crack it redirecting data streams from one point marked rhombus to another. After a successful hacking, we examine with the help of an apartment surveillance camera, switching to the camera in a laptop we wake the sponatic smartphone and listen to the speech of Damien Brex. Next, it will be necessary to get out of the courtyard neutralizing those who came by car robbed and a couple of snipers on the balconies from above. As a result, hiding or having interrupted all the eliminors go through the specified coordinates, where Eiden communicates with Damien Brenx.


Very short chapter passing the game Watch_dogs.You just need to come to the cemetery and approach the grave to watch the video. After that, Aiden will call Jordi, after conversation with which we are sent by the new coordinates.

This is not a pizza!

Arriving to the specified at the place we climb the balcony of the Gorman Heights building, where Jordei has appointed us a meeting. After viewing the next video, it will be necessary to penetrate the depot that is located on the opposite bank of the river, so we simply go through the bridge and we climb the depot. Next, you will need to get to the marked entrance, Jordei will cover you from a sniper rifle and to help him enough to distract enemies providing Snayper overview. Reaching the door to the specified point we wake the door, the hacking panel can be detected over the flow of data from the door. Penetrating inside and talking to the boss again we will be on the street, now our task is to hide from eliminates or kill them all.

Sticks in the wheels

Arriving for Willis-Tower and taking a task, listen to Aiden's conversation with Clara Lill then pass to the specified place and turning on Profiler. We start looking for a niece Angelo Tucci (brunette with glasses with a green backpack). You can hardly have time to find it before Clara gives you more accurate coordinates. Going to the task on the Square konoi, which Clara called glass crap, continue the search, and after you find the right girl we are waving her phone. Next, listening to the conversation of Eiden and Helena Tucchi waiting for the time to call his uncle, hacking her phone again to calculate the location of Angelo Tucci. Now it will stay to intercept and eliminate Angelo until he reached prison.

Redhead you do not go

Starting this task, we are sent straight to the local stalk (Palin Correctional Center). Once in the chamber, you need to get out of it from it, for this we wake the camera on the guards until I get to the guard on the desired floor, waiting until it approaches the room with a remote control to the camera inside, then hack the remote control that thus the camera door. Send from the camera, we go to look for the surviving witness at the same time without falling on the eyes of the guards. Having passed along the corridor to the left to the stairs go down to the floor down and further into the room where we get information about the witnesses. Next, we go through the first floor to the locked grille, opening it in the corridor, passing to the left switch to the camera patrolling the guard corridor, when it turns out to be in the desired room, we start hacking redirecting data streams, as already done during other tasks.

Having access to the network inspecting with the help of surveillance cameras, our task is to detect a prisoner with a tattoo on the face named Raoul Lionzo. After Raoul is taking off the guards, turn off and wake the next remote, thus causing an elevator, after which waiting until the guard turns away to the elevator on which go down to the basement. Coming out of the elevator and hacking the next remote, we look at the camera room in which the guards beaten by Raoul, then taking the M1014 shotgun go inside and eliminate all guards including a semi-convened. By removing the security and talking to the surviving witness, we take our things and hacking on the way another door go out into the street. Once in the parking lot will remain a network in the car and hide from the police.

Part 2
Hold on, baby

Reaching the place of the next task and accepting it listen to the conversation of Aiden with Damien, after which we are going to the house of Nikki. Arriving to the house go inside and watch the next video after which we go to the subway station on which Jackson is located preferably quickly. Arriving at the station's station we wake the train after which I eliminate 2 vehicles sent for Jackson. After you figure out with the marked machines, we destroy the remaining devices and go to the next metro station where you sit down on the train.

CTOS management center
Brandon Doks.

Booking in the marked store of electronic components, we go to hack CTOS control center in Brandon Doks. Arriving in place the first thing we are looking for a security guard with access code, it can be done like using video cameras and personally penetrating the territory of the control center. The desired guard will be located next to a small building between the two tanks, after you find it download the code will crack the CTOS server, the access panel can be detected in that small building next to which the guard stood with the code. As a result, we successfully overproof data streams and getting access to CTOS in Brandon Doks leave from the territory of the Control Center, if it came at all.

Fragile things

Arriving to the yachts Club Robert Rasina, the first thing we are looking for an access code to the Rasin office, it will be at one of the guards in the building, for a variety you can penetrate inside and shoot a little, find the access code can be used with the help of cameras. Having received the code to rise to the Rasin office, it will be on the second floor, and we wake a computer there. Next, we wake the telephone of Rosin and listen to his conversation, after which it will be necessary to catch up and neutralize it. When leaving the office we will go on the armored guard, get rid of it quickly, you can blow up the shield from him behind his back. Well, how to neutralize Robert Rasina will be hiding from his guard.

Related damage

Returning to the hotel and entering the room, we look at the next video at the end of which you will need to shoot the eliminator of the covering Clara Lill. After that, we run behind the club covering it, the enemies will be on the roofs, on the second floor and in the courtyard of the hotel. Reaching the staircase and shooting all the eliminals on the road, accompany Clara before her car after which they are leaving the hotel.

One foot in the grave

Having accepted the next task on the banks of the river before the deployed bridge and after the next conversation with the Clara Lill, it will be necessary to find access to the bridge. Hacking the camera on the pole on the left you can see the flow of data from the camera to the shield next to the post. Hacking the shield we get access to the records from the surveillance cameras and after watching the video, we go to look for Tobias Fruier. Clara will show us the way to the place, so just follow her. As a result, when the locked door, I turn on the Profiler and scan homelessly standing nearby to find hooks. Hacking the phone of one of the homeless people will be able to track the location of Tobias Fruier. Before you go on the specified coordinates, you will need to neutralize one of the eliminates before it gets to the franior. Having finished with the staples, we go to play poker with Tobias Fruier according to the specified coordinates. Having arrived at the place go down to the basement of the house where we sit down at the table and start playing the card, although I can not really be able to play, because you have to pursue the flew-running Tobias. After catching out the franior, we look at the next video at the end of which Aiden will receive a remote control from the bridge.

The entrance is somewhere near

Having accepted the task unfolding the bridge to go on it to the island, the field of which go through the bridge and go to search for generators including that we will restore power in the bunker. The location of the generators will be marked with yellow markers, but it will not be easily reached as it seems. Going through the bridge we go straight along the railway until we have a building on the roof of which is the generator to rise to the top you need to go to the neighboring building on the right side. Coming down the neighboring building is discovered with a lifting from which in the end and we can climb onto the roof. Next, reaching the locked door open it hacking the panel to which the data flow from the lock leads (to detect the shield will have to use the fence surveillance cameras. After opening the door, we blame the shield next to the red cylinders, and after the explosion we can go to the building where you activate the first Of the three generators.

The remaining two generators will be on the island on the left, so we move there. The second generator will be left of the railway behind the building to get to it descend down the container on the crane. Next, go to the container and raise it up, coming out of the container climbing the roof of the building, where you need to open the door to do this again, use the camera weighing for the fence. After passing further on the lift on which we descend down where the second generator is activating. To get to the third generator, you will need to hack the gate, to do this, switching to the first chamber I lower the container on the loader. Next, switching to the chamber for the loader. On the left there will be another camera switching to which you raise the container on the loader, after which you can see the shift remote and open the gate. Having passed on the gate will need to rise to the marked building, but to do it can be climbing the container attached to the crane. After moving the container, we can get to the roof where the third generator remains (next to the generators you can find audio recordings).

By activating all three generators we pass to the specified place, it will be a container going inside which we will get into the bunker. Coming out of the container, we find the control panel and wake it up, and then talking to the Clara Lill turn the power in the bunker then we look at the next video.

CTOS management center

Before you start performing the next building, you will need to hack the CTOS control center in the Words area. Arriving in place the first thing we find a security guard with access code, it will be enough to use surveillance cameras by examining with their help all the protection on the territory of the center. The calculation is needed by the guard and having received the access code from him to get to the panel marked with a yellow marker and hack it redirecting data streams.


This task will need to be performed in the Rossi Frimont gangster district, the arrival in place should be penetrating into the territory marked red and disable three security terminals. Terminals will be located on the walls of the buildings marked with a yellow marker, if you do not want to raise the noise, you will have to act neatly bypassing and neutralizing the enemies of patrolling territory. Also, moving from one terminal to another, you can find audio recordings. After disconnecting the terminals, you will need to unlock the CTOS tower, you can find another audio recording in the same room. After completing all the tasks, it will be left to hide or kill all the gangsters from Viceroys.

Fraternal devotion

Returning to the new shelter, we use a computer terminal to connect to Rossi Frimont remotely, first talking to Clara Lill. After connection, you will need to calculate the source of the IP that Damien gave. All actions are performed using surveillance cameras to penetrate inside the next CTOS terminal redirecting data streams. After hacking, it will take another sound file lying on a rack with automata. Next, the chaknuv elevator switched onto its camera and raise the elevator to several floors up. Continuing to switch between surveillance cameras, including hidden on one of the bandits, I will get to the next panel that the redirecting data flows. After a successful hacking, we continue to switch between the chakka chambers on the road Laptops, collecting audio files and hacking the CTOS panels. As a result, coming to an electronic castle that was remotely not hacking about the conversation between Iraq and his cousin Bethbag.

Tyrone will not pull

In this task, the first thing we wake the CTOS panel on the honey house redirecting data streams, after a successful hacking, we set the "bug" to the fat man. Next, you need to follow Betbag at the same time not approaching too close, otherwise it will notice you. The territory marked red through which Bethbag is lucky, it is better to go around. After the Bethbag breaks out of the car and goes into another area marked with red, we hack the cameras on homes with which we continue to follow the fat man (you can try to get into the territory controlled by the bandits, but the chance that you find it very large, so it is better to use cameras).

Having traced for Bethbag to his meeting with a rabbit, prevent the fat man to kill the interlocutor blowing up the shield on the wall of the building. Next, we take the phone of the rabbit and help him leave the danger zone pointing to the clicks of the button with where and when to go, in addition, it is necessary to distract the bandits of patrolling territory. After the rabbit gets to the specified point and shares with the Aiden. Information will remain off the territory of the controlled Viceroys.

Uninvited guest

After a conversation with Jordei, having received him from him, blow the van by setting one of those explosive devices to the car. Then we go on the specified coordinates to the plant "Sienna", and the arrival in place we wake the computer to find from the surveillance cameras (in the room with a computer you can also detect an audio file). After watching videos from cameras, we install in the specified places, and we are waiting for the arrival of the gangsters.

Eliminating all Iraq people wearing a mobile phone lying on the table in the center of the room and talking with a pedbug we go to chase for the faded criminal from Viceroys. Calculating and neutralizing the enemy we go on the specified coordinates to find a povero. Having found his pedbag to pursue him, and then hacking a mobile phone once again talking to him. After the conversation, we wake the terminal to blow the pedbag compromising.

Without noise and dust

First of all, at the beginning of this task, follow a person with a portfolio, while you need to try not to fall into my eyes. After the pursued sit down on the boat, continue to the surveillance, we continue to the surveillance, this time on some vehicle, such as a motorcycle standing nearby. Having drove along the embankment or on the road along the river, at the same time, the boat is not behind the boat to a small pier. Further, our task to get to the portfolio does not attract the attention and pick up its contents after which it will be left to leave the marina called "Marina", in any convenient way.

View into the abyss

Hacking the CTOS control center in Mad Mail we go on the specified coordinates to perform the next task. Arriving in place the first thing we wake the CTOS shield redirecting data streams to find crispin, we will have 15 seconds. After a successful hacking and viewing a short roller, you will need to neutralize Krispina in any convenient way if he tries to escape will have to find the car to catch up with the enemy. As a result, neutralizing crispine and hacking his phone go to the Infinite 92 Club. Arriving to the club we pass for the leading room in which we are looking at the next video after which you leave the club.


Starting the task we get to the auction, where we follow the guide until we find yourself in the corridor. Next, we pass in the specified direction on the way Looking into the room on the left, there can be found another audio file. As a result, we again follow the guide that will take us to Mr. Quina. After watching the next video in the process of which you need to scan tokens weighing on the neck in Iraq, going down the stairs does not attract the attention of the protection. Reaching the basement moves in the direction of the direction by ordering or neutralizing the guards. As a result, taking your weapon open the door on the right side, for this you need to switch to the camera outside the door with which it will turn out to crack the door switching console.

After the guard attacks the guard and they both fall under the floor blasting a shield next to shooting guards. Discharged remaining guards open, hacking another shift remote, the next locked door. Next, it will remain moving in the specified direction to leave with the enemy territory, bypassing or neutralizing enemies, although if not hunting is hunting with an invisible passage of them all, you can simply shoot.

An example to follow

Arriving to the specified building it is necessary to find Jacks, but before that it will be necessary to eliminate or neutralize all enemies. First of all, we clean the territory around the building, after which we engaged in the gangsters on the second floor. By eliminating all enemies will need to deal with the reinforcement arrived on cars, most of the arrived enemies can be destroyed to blow up steam tubes in front of the building. And after around the building, there will be no single bandit on the third floor and we wake the door by clicking Q. After watching the hall until the next door, see the next video.

When viewing video Passage Watch Dogs To switch between the rollers, use the "Playlist" tab and if the video seemed helpful not forgeting, thanks ...))


Starting the task we go to the specified place where they penetrate the protected area. Bygoing or having interrupted all the protection go to the building after which Eiden will contact his pedbug, after the conversation ended with which it will be necessary to spend the fat man in the locked server Iraq. We act as in the task "Tyrone will not pull" switching between the cameras and saying the pedbuga when and where to move with the C button, the main thing is that the protection in the building did not notice it. As a result, coming to a dead end with a locked door to bring herbag to her, after which they can hack the castle. After that, switching to the chamber on the pedbag we wake the castle of another door. Next, it will be necessary to hack the door of the server for this to be switched to the en camera to the left of the pedbug and we crack the panel on the wall redirecting data streams. After the pedbug gets into the server, we look at the next video at the end of which we will need to hide from the bandits from Viceroys.

Against the rules

Returning to his headquarters and talking there with Clara Lill we go to search for Raymond Kinny. The first thing is guided by the place where the Kinny signal appeared for the last time. Arriving to the place go to the closed zone and eliminate all the stolers, then connect to the computer and download all the data. While downloading data to be bought from attacks of opponents, and at the end of the download, having interrupted all enemies in the room we return to the computer to erase all the data from it. One of the outparters still succeeds to escape, our task to catch up and eliminate it, as well as hide from the police arrived.

Chapter 3.
Last hook

Arriving in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Guards, the first thing is made by the CTOS station and get access to the system. Then we go on the specified coordinates to one of the marine, we will need to hack the terminal to find Kinny. After hacking the terminal, scan Profiler people in the marked area. Having found the right person and hacking his mobile device to get a discharge code with which we return to the Marina terminal. Our new task is to get to CTOS tower, it will be a little more difficult to do what it may seem at first glance.

After reaching the right place to be the first thing to open the door to the station's territory, for this you need to connect to the camera on the nearest antenna, with it on the camera hung on the next antenna, you can see the switching the opening door to the camera. Penetrating the territory goes down under the land on the stairs. Nearby from the entrance, in addition to the locked door behind which is a CTOS tower panel. Connecting a chamber in the room outside the door we wake a router of the system security system to switch in this way on the camera in the corridor behind the wall and opening the door there with the help of a break of the switching remotely next to the door.

Next, turning off from the cameras climb the street, where we climb the stairs to the far antenna and deploy it with the remote control on the tower in the center of the station. Thus, it turns out to go to the site around the antenna again turning the antenna again it turns out to move through the fence with the barbed wire being with the next locked door. To open the door, connect to the camera on the post, and with it on the camera's nearest antenna. By deploying this very antenna, we will be able to see and hack the switching panel by opening the door thus.

Next, rising to the roof of the building we go to the platform around the second antenna, having previously unfolding it, and once again turning the Eyden to move to the platform around the third antenna. Then we deploy the third antenna so that the site on which our character stands is above the lift with which we can go down. Going under the ground We will be near the door that opened at the beginning, passing through it. You can go right to the end of the corridor, there you will find an audio file and you can hack the laptop, however, we will need to go left from the entrance to the corridor, the passage from the grille The shield on the wall behind it.

And so passing through the broken grid, I will find at the end of the corridor the switching console whom and open the door you need the lead in the room under the base of the tower. Going out on the street climb up the path before the next door open earlier, returning to the CTOS tower again descend indoors under it, where we wake the panel. After listening to the intercepted post, we go in search of Kinny to the Jadida Bar. The bar will need to drink with a ty-bon that in the end and will be Ramond Kinny, while drinking the cursor to the circles with numbers and press these numbers on the keyboard. Ends all the small scuffle in which Raimond will choke Eiden Schoker.

We follow the Ti-Bon, and after he will show one of his traps in action by activating it by himself with the help of hacking. Next, we pass over Ti-Bon until he gives us a rifle of AC-AR and asks you to catch his own van with refueling. Having arrived at the place. It will be cleaned by the territory of refueling from enemies, although you can try to do without noise. In general, one way or another carved the van to go on it at a specified point where you activate the "Ti-Bon's sculptures" to get rid of the pursuers, as well as we use the usual types of weapons.

Steps behind the back

Having been in the new shelter on the outskirts of the stalls, we go to the place of the new task. Taking the task we follow on the car or motorcycle behind the flutter by the helicopter, pursue the turntable all over the guys until he hangs over the trailer park. Further, our task hack the camera at a helicopter and find it with its help among houses on wheels of two security chefs. After the two necessary people are found to be discovered to eliminate them, it is possible to do it as trying not to raise noise, so going for a rush of all the enemies on the way. If you want to make noise, then the second security chef after the elimination of the first will try to hide from the trailer-park, so quickly sit down in any car and catch up with it. One way or another, eliminating both security chiefs, scan their troupes from one of them the ID of the Blum's Security Head after which it will remain hiding or killed the remaining members of the patrol.


In this short task, you will need to destroy the Blum technique column, or rather one of the guards of the closed in heavy armor and sitting in the armored car. We put forward on the path of the column and arrange an ambush, in order to stop enemy machines, you can use both SCU and a grenade launcher or even a steam tube. In the end, lining the guard marked with a yellow marker and having interrupted or hiding from the rest of the "Blum", we go to perform the following task.

Future not far from the mountain

Reaching the specified point and accepting the next task go to the office "Blum". Arriving in place the first thing makes their way to a protected area, it can be done through one of the locked doors. You can open the doors to break the surveillance camera and with their help by finding the remote control the door you need. Once on the territory, we make ways to the marked panel by ordering or quietly neutralizing patrolling guards. After hacking the panel, we pass to the CTOS panel located in the building and scan it using Profiler (in the same room you can find an audio recording "Damien Brenet 09". After analyzing the CTOS shield, we go to search for two more shields (the remote control), the data flows will serve.

On the way to the shields, you will get off the guards of which will have to neutralize or hack the camera on the guard, so you can also get to the goal. As a result, one way or another, activating the switching remote control, we return to the main CTOS panel and crack it redirecting data streams. Immediately penetrating the "Blum" network with the help of another hacking, we establish a Ti-Bon Spy Program. After installing the program, we go to look for a meeting place with Damien, for this first switch to the guard chamber, and after it goes on the corridor to the camera in the office where Damien Brenx meets with the PR-director of "Blum" Charlotte Gardner. Having overheard the conversation Let's leave the office of the blues the same way that they penetrated inside.

For portfolio

Taking one of the motorcycles we are going through the specified coordinates, namely to the backyard of Ti-Bon. Arriving in place will be in the next closed zone, now our task is to kill all patrols, among other things, you can use Ti-Bon's traps. Having reading the territory and talking with Ti-Bon moving behind him and protect it from the attackers. Reaching the platform around the traps occupy the defense continued to protect Ti-Bona while it sets bombs. As a result, we again follow the Ti-Bon eliminating all the opponents on the way, after which I once again talk to the Ti-Bon, we watch the roller with the explosions after which we follow the boat on which we leave the stairs and go to the "bunker" where we look at the next video.

Any means

Having accepted the task again make up the world, the same security, the same actions, as in the task "on the ambulance hand," the truth is not necessary to break the terminals and the Jordei will cover us. Our task is to get into the building where we have already been remotely, in the task "fraternal devotion." When you get to the entrance, choose in the selector "Blackout" and click G after which we will have a few seconds to penetrate the building. Inside you need to get to Iraq's server, the path is already more or less than us and the yellow markers to help, the only difference is that on the road will have to deal with the protection. And so collecting sound files on the way and shooting enemies climb the floor with the Iraq server and go inside hacking the next lock, or rather several locks. After reaching the place, we wake the server and download the data and throw Frymont from Rossi, while looking at the roller with Iraq, and after graduation, follow him to the roof. After listening to the screaming from somewhere Iraq, shoot people who arrived on him, and then the leader of the gang. Neutralizing Iraq leaving Rossi-Frimont by passing in the specified direction.

Part 4.

Returning to the bunker and watching the next video, driving the hacker hacker by the name "default", for this you need to redirect flows. As a result, no matter how we try all the data will be stolen, and Aiden learns about Clara Lill something new.

Face to face

Starting a new task, we look at the next video in which Aiden occurs with Deemin Brenx. At the end of the video, you will need to quickly get to your vehicle while passersby have not identified our character due to the fact that all billboards are banging his face. When you reach the car or motorcycle, we go on the specified coordinates, our task is to detect and neutralize the wkz van marked with a yellow marker. After you figure it out with a van, you will need to leave the police, the easiest way to take off the persecution to hide in some garage by pressing F sitting in the car.

Rat nest

Having assigned to the first thing we are looking for in a radius marked on a mini map around the access point using the same Profiler (Z). You can detect an access point by going through the road to the right of the cafe, the shield that will need to hack is located on the corner of the building opposite. Hacking is another puzzle with redirection of data streams. After a successful hacking, we watch the video with a ty-bone at the end of which climb the top level and help the Ti-Bon to fight off the eliminates. By interrupting all enemies and giving a Ti-Bon of the opportunity to leave by car, they themselves also run away from the newly arrivals, well, or entering them into battle to the victorious end.

Default situation

In this task, we need to get into the Ambrosia Club or Zambroz, for this we approach the entrance and distract the knuckle hacking his phone. Once inside, go through the hall by scanning guests to discover default, for this we combine the phones of people marked with a red marker. Next, it will be necessary to hack the default server, the entrance point is on the second floor and to get to it simply we wake a couple of surveillance cameras. Penetrating into the system again redirecting data streams to get to the server so that the invasion does not find it preferably not direct the data streams on the nodes marked with red. As a result, coming to the surveillance camera Di Jay, which is a default, switch to the camera on a laptop, and after the light is cut down to the upper floor of the Ladder and the boxes at the wall. Next, focusing on the yellow markers climb the roof, where we eliminate all the enemies, and then pursue the smoking on the car of the default, our task is to stay nearby (while Ti-Bon downloads data), and after the scale reaches 100% neutralized default in any convenient way .

Younger sister

Taking the task penetrate the warehouse and crack the network in the specified location. Next, switch to the laptop camera and blast the shield behind the guard. Then hacking the phone guard lying on the table. We give the opportunity to Eyden to talk with my sister, after which it will be necessary to spend Nikki to the car marked with the marker trying not to come across the eyes of the guards, the management is standard for such situations, switch between cameras and point where and when to run Nikki pressing C. By bringing Nikki to the car and go with a dangerous territory.

Ghosts of the past

Looking at the beginning of this task, a short roller is chosen by car from the city. The main requirement, not to get on the eyes of a police patroling area, for this, at the beginning of the trip we try to keep in the alleys and the doorways, driving through the streets only when there are no police cars on them, from a police helicopter you can get rid of hacking it with the relevant skill, which to this point in the passage of the game Surely you already have. As a result, getting out of the police patrol area the easiest way will be in the primer running along the route thus avoiding block posts on the road. When you reach the specified point, we look at the next roller.

There is no way back

Taking the task we go to the hotel "Merlo" in parallel listening to the telephone conversation Clara with Aiden. Having reached the specified point, we wake the shield and with the help of the surveillance camera, see the mayor's speech, and after it will be completed by switching between the cameras, we get to the next marked panel hacking which we erupt the conversation of the mayor of Rashamor and Lucky Quinna. Upon completion of the conversation, we switch to the camera in the next room and we crack the hotel security system once again redirecting data streams, you can detect audio recording in the same office.

As a result, turning off the alarm sneak into the hotel, on the first floor it is neutralizing or bypassing the security to get to the elevator hacking which climb upstairs. After seeing the next video, click F when the time is slowed down, thus getting rid of protection. Next, from the Quinna's office, we go to the roof and destroying all enemies there we go to the marked entry. In the room we turn on Profiler by clicking Z and with it we wake the equipment for video surveillance under the table of one of the offices. Turning in this way on the camera in the asylum refuge, we open a roller shutter there.

Next, during a conversation with a varnish, scanning it by Profiler. You will find a pacemaker which activate the holding Q. After the next roller, you activate the pacemaker, and after the death of Quinna's varnishes, download the video and leave the hotel through the marked way out, time to leave the hotel will be little so We do not pay attention to security, but just run to the exit. Selling to the street will need to hide from the police, and then go to the location of Clara Lill and try to save it. Arriving in place and watching the next video will remain to deal with the eliminates and approach the body of the killed Clara.

All sometime lose

Reaching the bunker approach the console and look at the next video after which you sit down in the car and go to search for Damien. Arriving on the specified coordinates go to the building and trying to hack the marked shield, and after an unsuccessful attempt, we go to download the virus created by Ti-Bone in CTOS. To download the virus, you need to visit three points of access in different parts of the city, detect the desired points will not be easy because Damien Brenx has turned on interference, and these very points will be more than you need. The real access points will constantly show the distance, so we sit on the car and quickly go to the right direction (as an option in can be viewed on the map before turning on the interference and remember the right places), the police will be the second obstacle, so you have to try quickly Getting to each of the three points until the cops have fallen you from all sides. Also from the police, you can try to hide, but after a while they will start scanning and attack your trail.

At the end of the loading of the virus, we get rid of the chase and return to the point that it was not possible to hack at the beginning of the task, this time it is available as a port ... well, well, you understand). Running to hacking redirecting once again data streams to penetrate the CTOS center. Once inside switched between the cameras, thus coming to another connection point in which there will be only one data stream. By pressing q connect to the satellite, and then pressing again and hold Q reboot the system. Next, we go on the embankment and sit down to the boat on which we float to the lighthouse on whose top will find Damien. After reviewing the video, in the subsequent cat-scene, hold Q to blow up the lighthouse, and then click F to neutralize Jordi, well, in conclusion, we shoot in the lying on the floor. After the titles there will be the last scene where you need to decide to kill Maurice or leave alive.

The passage of the story campaign Watch Dogs was recorded on the PC on average and the maximum levels of complexity. Full passage of the game with all side quests took about 15 hours.

Note: Beware Spoilers!

Chapter 1: Family

Chapter: "The end of the eighth inning", "Senior Brother", "Skip for the scenes".

A year after the tragic death of the niece, Eiden Pierce went on a killer footprint.

Chapter: "Annoying Fly", "Open Your World".

Jordi Chin asks to give him a small service and deliver one person to the appointed place.

cTOS - What is it?

This is a computer program that controls Chicago. With the help of it, you can control the movement on the roads and in the subway, breed bridges, follow the lighting, observe what is happening with the help of video cameras from anywhere in the city. In addition, the CTOS stores all the personal data of each Chicago resident.

Chapter: "Thank you for the advice," "Remember", "And this is not a pizza."

Aiden Pierce went to the trail of Damien, his old buddy. It is time to apply a visit to him.

Chapter: "Sticks in the wheels", "Redhead you do not go."

Someone is ready to reveal the Eiden Pier. According to the information received, this person is in prison. We'll have to make him silence.


Reputation is a system that allows you to determine the reaction of society to the actions of the Eiden Pierce. If the townspeople support the protagonist, then I will speak of the media as a hero. If Aiden enjoys a bad reputation, then people will walk away from him. However, on the gameplay or plot it will not be displayed.

Chapter 2: Who is Ramond Kinny?

Chapter: "Hold on, baby", "fragile things", "accompanying damage".

Damien grabbed the pier sister to start working with him in the same team.

Chapter: "One foot in the grave", "the entrance is somewhere nearby", "an ambulance hand."

Clara has found something about a secret bunker in which CTOS was developed. It is necessary to find it and restore the work.

Commercial companies in Watch Dogs

In the real life of Chicago - the second most important city in the United States. This is an economic, industrial, transport, cultural capital of the entire Midwest. In Watch Dogs, the Chicago is engaged in business not only large, but also small commercial companies.

Blume - The company that created the CTOS system. Its responsibilities include developing and supporting the performance of a computer program.

WKZ TV. - The largest television channel in Chicago.

BOGEN. - A company that is engaged in the production of small and comfortable cars.

Pharmingtons - network of pharmacies.

Chicago Transit Authority.- Public transport operator. In real life is a city corporation, which also operates in Chicago.


Brewed Delight - The most famous cafe in the city.

Chapter: "Fraternal devotion", "Tyrone will not pull."

Traces lead to the database of Viceroys criminal organization. Pier must check everything before visiting the gangster lair.

Chapter: "Uninvited guest", "without noise and dust", "look into the abyss."

Eiden Pierce wants to use his pedbag for his own purposes. He needs it to paint the codes of Iraq (chapters Viceroys).

Organizations Watch Dogs.

Deadsec. - The Hacker Community, which opposes the use of CTOS.

Black Viceroys. - a gangster group consisting of some African Americans. He heads her Delford Wade on the nicknamed Iraq.

Fixers. - The organization of mercenaries, headed by Jordi Chin (familiar Eiden Pierce).

Defalt. - a hacker organization that leads war with DeadSec.

Chapter: "Risk stroke", "Example for imitation", "Cissible", "against rules".

The chief hero had to pretend to be a millionaire Lucky Quina to get to the closed auction. However, the pier opens quickly. He has to keep his legs.

Chapter 3: Between the first and second

Chapter: "Steps behind your back."

To decipher the code, the help of the CTI-Bon CTOS Creator is needed.

Chapter: "Stollen", "Future not around the mountains", "by any means".

Ti-Bon asked to remove its biometric data from the Blum network.

Levels suspicion

Suspicion levels - alert system. In Watch Dogs there are four levels of suspicion.

White level: No one suspects the main character.

Yellow level: When the territory begins to scan the police, yellow circles appear on the mini card. The longer you are in them, the sooner you will notice. If the yellow band is closed to 100%, the police instantly find the main character and begins to hunt behind it.

Red level: Bandits or police will hunt you as long as you do not go away from them. To do this, it is necessary to break away from the chase, and then when the hero will lose sight of, get out of the white circle.

911 : When you stop the car and throw out the driver to take his place, he can call the rescue service. Until that moment, until he caused the police, he needs to take the phone. Then the call will be interrupted, and the driver will just run away. There is also an option to quickly hide off the crime scene.

Chapter 4: Revenge

Chapter: "Face to face", "rat nest", "Default situation".

Damien decides to take revenge on the chief hero after he again refuses to work with it.

Chapter: "Younger Sister", "Ghosts of the Past", "There is no way."

Aiden manages to find and save sister. Now you have to take it into a safe place.

Multiplayer modes in Watch Dogs

The game has four multiplayer modes:

1. "Invasion"

In the commoner, this game is called hide and seek. You invade the game of another user and start copying its data. The task of the enemy is to find a hacker, yours - not to get to his eyes.

2. "Decryption"

Command battles 4 on 4. Both groups are fighting for downloading the file to the network before opponents. Wins the one who did it first.

3. "Slotting"

You find yourself in the game of another user and mining important information before escape.

4. "Racing"

Competitions on cars on the streets of Chicago.

Additional tasks in Watch Dogs

In addition to the passage of the story campaign, in Watch Dogs you can investigate crimes, save civilian from hooligans, destroy the gangster attachments, interfere with the underground trade in weapons, catch a serial maniac or slave trade, and also spend your free time for mini-games. There are only six of them: poker, thimbles, chess, "Who is cocked by whom", NVZN (you need to destroy the aliens with a laser), Cash Run (run, during which you need to collect gold coins).

Chapter 5: Exit

Chapter: "Everyone sometime lose."

Damien is completely distressed. He got under CTOS control and does everything to eliminate the pier.

Achievements in Watch Dogs

  • Family man - Complete the first part.
  • Who is Raymond Kinny? - Complete the second part.
  • Between the first and second - complete the third part.
  • Revenge - Complete the fourth part.
  • Exit - Complete the fifth part.
  • Hello everyone - interrogate and stun Morissa.
  • End of the way - run 40 contracts of the eliminator.
  • Scared - destroy 15 gangster drips.
  • Eye - Imgregate Private Life 30 times.
  • Fighter - Catch 20 criminals.
  • Clear signal - Unlock all CTOS ties.
  • Sysadmin - Hack 16 CTOS Steps.
  • Check Care - Collect eight disposable phones.
  • No disk space - open all songs using the Songsneak application.
  • In position - celebrate in each hotspot point.
  • Known as "Avenger" - complete all investigations in the game: "Human trade", "missing", "Arms trade", "QR codes".
  • The threads of darkness are the last task of the "missing" investigation.
  • Road Wars - Perform 18 assignment tasks.
  • Halyava - Unlock all skills skills.
  • Scrap metal - destroy ten cars.
  • Pursued - Become an object of surveillance 5 times.
  • Communication error - interrupt 10 calls to the police. No town-dweller should suffer.
  • Bookmarks - Mark 100 goals.
  • Magic smoke - kill four enemies in a row in concentration mode.
  • Game - take part in five different mini-games.
  • Gudini - leave the police chase 15 times.
  • Object "White Rabbit" - hide from police scanners 15 times.
  • Invisible - Slide from the police scanner level 5.
  • Explosive hat-trick - kill 3 enemies with one explosion.
  • Equipment failure - take the tires 15 times in cars.
  • Read only - scan 16 "QR codes".
  • Saturday Show - Perform the last task of the investigation of the "Arms trade".
  • Cancellation of client rights - fulfill the last task of the investigation of "human trafficking".
  • Language is unleashed - the reverse of three opponents at the level of the game "Who has been chatting."
  • Hacking - Complete successfully 10 times the task "Network Hacking".
  • On the tail - complete successfully 10 times the "Network Sliding" task.
  • The freeway - complete successfully 10 times the task "Network Racing".
  • Phantom - Spend a network surveillance, remaining unnoticed.

Act I. Familynin

Chapter I. The end of the eighth inning

The first episode of the game is the training and user acquaintance with the features of the game, such as "hacking". The main character of the game is a professional hacker, and thanks to the CTOS operating system, his smartphone has an exit practically to all modern gadgets in the city.

The player introduces the main character in strange circumstances.

After the entrance videos, the interrogation scene will be shown. Hover at your sacrifice and click the "Shot" button. The gun was not charged, so you just scored a guy. Now, as soon as you unsubscribe from him, be prepared to reflect the attack by the "Middle Fight" button - Aiden will give the telescopic baton and cut out the opponent. It is this gadget, except for weapons with a silencer, will be used by you for silent elimination of enemies.

Middle battle allows not only to neutralize the enemy near, but also do it without noise.

Find a smartphone on the floor and naked it, then listen to the audio recording. Get out of the room and see another roller. After it, a new task will appear, "leave the stadium."

Move on the right corridor until you reach the room with the police. With the help of a smartphone, hack the washing machine. Cops are distracted by her noise, and you can imperceptibly slip by.

How to exit the underground parking, jump over the garbage container to the second floor. Now look at the top, there must hang the camera tracking. Change it and find a second camera through the lens. Similarly, switch to it, and now wake the door through the control panel.

Come in the opening doors and hide behind the bar. Around you will be part of the gadgets. Lack them and locate the "bait" section through the weapon selection menu. In it create one such bait from the electrical parts that you picked up, and throw the room into the long-right corner. When she falls, naked it with a smartphone. A policeman will distract with noise, and you run further to the elevator.

When you get to the room with a big glass, Aiden will call a familiar hacker. After the end of the conversation, you will again be able to manage the character. Find the camera and hack it. Now, alternately hacking the cameras when it is stumbled on the electric shield, hack it. So you will fall into the server - a special room in which important digital data is stored. There you can disable electricity at the stadium. Doors will open, and Eiden will be able to continue the way.

Come in the room and move on the left side. When the guards at the stairs go to the right, quickly run by and jump onto the bottom floor. Get out of the building.

You will call Jordi Chin, your partner. He left the car to leave the garage around the corner. Run through the cafe run out into the street and turn the left in the alley. There you will be waiting for a red car. Sit into it and leave from the search area. If you are lucky, you will have time to hide before the police arrival. When everything sits, a new mark will appear on the map. Drive to her, so you will fall into your first refuge.

With the onset of the morning go out on the street. Around the motel constantly crowds people. Deliver your smartphone and follow the guests. A few minutes later you will receive a message about the preparing attack on the next street. On the Minikard, the "Crime" icon will be marked with a blue triangle. Immediately laying the head there do not run there, but carefully observe from the side. Otherwise, the criminal will hide.

As soon as you come to place, connect to the camera and watch the conversation. As soon as the victim's indicator starts to grow, grab the villain. You can kill his shot from afar, but better enough and stun a bat. So you will give more experience points and increment to karma.

Chapter II. Older brother

Go to the nephew for a birthday. Drive through the gate on their street and look for a house with multicolored balls. Along the path pass to the courtyard (right). Talk to my sister until it calls a stranger. It will begin to threaten into the phone, and you, meanwhile, find it. With the help of a smartphone, track the call and take a chance. The house will stand auto, jump into it and catch up with the goal. When the enemy is defeated, hack his phone.

Chapter III. Skipping kulishes

Go to the gun shop and buy an automatic 416 for $ 1200. Do not hurry to uncover a new weapon, you purchased it at the most extreme case.

Move to the target until you refer to the closed construction site. Leave the car somewhere around the corner so that the security does not see. Now it remains to penetrate inside. To do this, jacket the camera that hangs on the right post. And so on the chain until you reach the camera above the stairs. It will give access to the tracking device inside the building. Switch to it and download access codes.

Tree skills consists of basic and alternative options that are responsible for the duration of the actions of Navkov.

Switch to the camera over the staircase again. You will lie to the gadget, which, when hacking, makes a strong noise. Hake it. When the guard approaches the device, switch to the chamber on the guard. Wait until he does his affairs and return to direct duties.

When he goes past the shield, hack him. This is the first puzzle in the game. Here the chain must be built so that the circles are closed. Sometimes you have to return to the stages already traveled, but the tasks do not promise any problems, they are very simple.

If everything is done correctly, you will fall into the server. Haknta her. Congratulations, now you have access to CTOS. Thus, you did not need weapons, and you went through a mission without sacrifices.

The smartphone provides detailed information about all the inhabitants of Chicago.

Chapter IV. Turning Muha

Jordey asks to fulfill his task. Come to the garage. There will be a black dealers, who will have to bring out of the area so that the police do not see you.

Move in the south of the south ("s"). Do not forget to monitor the minicor at which the yellow zones will appear. If you do not have time to leave them on time, the police do not have a chase and chase.

Thanks to the hacking traffic lights, the chase can end, barely started.

All bridges will be blocked, and the only possible way out from the island is protected by the police. It is best to keep the alley, waiting until the patrol erupt. If you did not have time to hide, click the "Middle Fight" button. The main character will turn off the motor and fall so that it is not visible. Cops will think that there is no one in the car, and go further.

As soon as you leave the island, domche to the mark on the map. There you will first see the main antagonist of the game, the criminal authority of Lucky Quinna.

Chapter V. Open your world

In the underground transition you will meet your longtime familiar hooligan17. Let me not be confused by the fact that she is a girl. In the course of passing, it is she (Clara) will help you in difficult situations.

After a conversation with her, your phone is contapgried, and the test of skills is completely unlocked. And so that all this earned, you will have to penetrate the CTOS office.

Jump up on the motorcycle and drive through the subway to the parking lot. She is under guard, so I advise you to go unnoticed. If possible, do not touch the protection so that the rest do not escape on the shots or corpse. Hold the right side as soon as you go beyond the gate. Predibly with drawers, and at the door itself distract the guard homemade diet.

Wheel selection wheel gives quick access not only to guns, but also gadgets and special skills.

When you find yourself in the hall with columns, just overload all the guards, climb to the second floor and take access codes from one of the corpses. Next, find the control panel and hack it.

You will again find yourself on the server where the next puzzle is waiting for you. After its passing, access to the chamber of tracking in the office of the head of the office will open. When his computer is hacked, an alarm will rise in the building. Get out of it as soon as possible through the doors on the second floor and hide from the police.

This will help you with a new skill of Jam COMS, which will block outgoing calls. Avoid yellow zones on the map and go from the police forces of the city.

Chapter VI. thanks for the advice

Run in the alley and climb up the boxes. Pay attention to a large number of generators and blocks. Not touching them, connect to the shield.

Drop cameras to one of the blocks and hack it. Now jump down and run to the elevator around the corner. Climb it until the next camera, connect to it and wake up the shield on the contrary.

Now run back to the CTOS panel and wake it up. When you connect to the camera, see the room with a laptop. Shake the camera next to Laptop and get to the phone. After that, Damien will call you, your former accomplice.

After talking with him, the street is flooded by armed thugs. With the help of generators, undermine most and shoot the remaining. When the enemies are finished, sit down in the car and leave until the next stage of the mission.

Alarm on a car allows you to distract protection.

When you get to the monument, meet the very Damien. After a short talk, the mission will end.

Chapter VII. And this is not a pizza

You will learn that one of the wounded gangsters at the stadium survived. We must deal with him, until he passed the Kopam Eiden.

Rear to the second floor and talk to Jody. On the other shore is the base of hooligans that know where your goal is located.

At the boat, reach the neighboring pier. If you decide to go loud, then first it is better to connect to the cameras and blow up a couple of enemies. After that, recycle the remaining, Jody will help you with a sniper rifle.

Run to the door with lattices, there will already be waiting for Lance, a local boss. After a conversation with him, the cops are granted. If you have purchased a helicopter hacking skill, then you will not get any problems from them. Just come back to the pier, sit down in the boat and go.

Chapter VIII. Sticks in the wheels

Now your goal is Angelo Tucchi. But to get to him, you will have to find his niece. Come to the place marked on the map, and go to the building. Next to the musician will be our goal - Helena. Hack her phone, but try to keep as far as possible so that you are not noticed.

When Aiden calls her, he will introduce himself to a policeman who is looking for her uncle. After a conversation with him, Helena will call him a relative and warn it. On the call, we are tracking the signal of Angelo himself and move behind it.
When you get to the intersection on the motorway, stop and occupy, because all this time the tuple will go straight. As soon as you can, turn on the slower time and shoot auto Angelo, and then cut off the traffic light. An accident is formed and you easily cast all his retinue.

Chapter IX. Redhead you do not go

We learned that our goal is now in prison. Aiden goes after him, giving up the authorities. In prison you are already waiting for a gift in the form of a new phone. Almost all the guards have a webcam on the chest. Pee out of the window and on the chain from the chambers of the guards, get to the camera in the control room, and from there open your camera.

In prison will have to constantly beware of security.

Move through the columns so that the guards do not notice you. As soon as the guard floor below turns, run down the stairs down.

Next, go to the block on the first floor, where two guards go between two rooms. Hack the camera of one of them, then switch to the second and so get to the shield. So you will get access to the cameras in the yard. With their help, look for the goal (it is between the two walls, the most distant camera is watching it). There you will learn that the guard is preparing torturing a poor fellow.

Raoul Lionzo is the only survivor who saw you at the stadium. We must get to it before the protection.

Get out of the camera menu and use the security shield with the help of the guard. Now that the doors are open, run into the elevator along the wall. Wait until both guards are turned away, and run inside.

In the room, take a shotgun and run to save the victim. With conventional security guards, there will be no problems, but after their death a jagernaut will appear. The easiest way to make it in the end-to-end cabin and blow the generator, then his earthly path will end immediately.

Hack the door and talk to the prisoner, which just saved. After talking with him, run in the hall and wake the doors through the window. So you will open the path to the roof.

As soon as you get out, hide behind the nearest car, because there is already waiting for the platoon of special forces. Go from the roof of the building on the rails and rush to the next station. There, climb into the car and calmly leave, the police will not find you.

Act II.

Chapter I. Hold on, baby

Damien appointed you a meeting. Come to the specified place and look at huge screens. Hacker was in your sister's house, and now you need to go to save them with a nephew.

To come to the house, but there were no it, only Damien. After talking with him, we find out that the nephew ran away from the house. It is necessary to find it until the agents of Damien caught the boy.

When the threat is eliminated, run to Jackson.

Drive to the railway station and cross the enemies. As soon as they are finished, sit down in a jackson car and leave.

Chapter II. Fragile things

Get to the boat station, on which, judging by the description of Jackson, is the base of Damien mercenaries. It is best to go in quiet from the black stroke. Carefully cut out enemies using weapons with a silencer. The universal M1911 is best suited. Once on the stairs, go up to the second floor in the Cabinet of the main, some Robert Rasin. Hack the panel on the wall and door in its office will open.

A computer will stand on the table, hacking which you will get access to cameras. So you will learn that Robert calls Damien and warns of our arrival. After the conversation, Robert is trying to hide.

Run out of the cabinet. Immediately you will meet a Jagernaut, who can be killed by blowing up the gas pipe using the phone.

Get down and sit down in the car. Pursuing Robert, do not forget to hack traffic lights and shoot by car. When the enemy is killed, run-off from agents.

Chapter III. Related damage

Upon returning to the shelter, you will meet Clara. Mercenaries Damien will arrive with her. Protect Clara, interrupting opponents. Watch out the roofs, snipers are very often sitting there. When Clara is taking hostages, turn on the slower time and shoot the enemy.

Below is the easiest way to kill mercenaries, exploding the generators on the street. When the enemies are finished, the girl will sit in the car and leave. Separate any suitable car and hide from the asylum territory after it.

Chapter IV. One foot in the grave

After this mission, you will show a new refuge, which appeared in many game trailers. Come to the clearing where Clara is already waiting for you.

Go with her under the bridge until you reach the bum rate. Remove the phone and find some kind of Kyle John. He will talk on the phone with Tobias Führer, this is our goal. After the conversation, we learn that not only we, but also a group of eliminals, which has already entertained for Tobias's heads. We catch up and kill them, and then run behind Tobias. When you find yourself at the right home, go down to the basement and get along the playing table.

To save time, put all the money to the con. Tobias will calculate you and try to escape. Now you have to catch up with a person whose life is 5 minutes ago you saved.

Run behind him, but in no case shoot. When you get to the critical mark, click "Middle Fight" and feed Tobias with legs. He will give you a bridge control panel, and now you can buy the necessary gadgets.

Chapter V. Login Somewhere nearby

Now you have to connect all your logic and attentiveness, because the next mission will require you constant running from the point "A" to the point "b". Consider the right path is not always the most difficult. Using the physics of the game, you can overcome many obstacles.

On the island you will need to include three generators. The first will be in the building to the right of the beginning of the level. Go around it to the right and climb the elevator. On the roof there will be a closed door, open which is possible from the tracking camera. If you walk the door to the right, you will see it. Connect and immediately jump to the next chamber, and already hack the lock from it. Through the open doors, we get inside. It remains only to blow up the barrels and go through the hole in the fence, where there will be a generator.

Now move towards the rail to the second generator. The entrance will block the high gate followed by the camcorder. Watch it and turn right. Switch to the next chamber, and the third will be the left. With it you activate the lift and wake up the shield that it covered.
Once in the yard, climb on containers to the very top to the open green container. Take into the inside and wake it up. He will bring you to the desired shield.

Run to the warehouse and climb into the container. From it, hakite lifting crane that will raise you. Now move left and upstairs. When you find yourself on the roof with yellow foliage, go around the fence on the left and hack the camera. Camera hack the shield.

When the doors are open, go through and jump down from where you activate the last generator. Now we need to get into a new shelter. Return to containers and enter the designated. He will bring you to the door to the building (on the principle of the elevator) and you will find yourself inside. It remains only to turn on electricity, and Clara will turn on computers.

Chapter VI. Hastily

You continue to search for Damien. The trail leads Aiden in the black quarter, where everyone fills the Viceroys grouping. The area network does not have access to urban, so you have to connect manually.

The courtyard in which we need to penetrate is completely protected by Iraq, local gangster. In order not to provoke a whole army of bandits, you have to act quietly. To start, kill snipers on the roof, then eliminate the remaining soldiers. The easiest way will be hiding behind concrete shelters and tow them one by one.
When everyone is killed, hack three CTOS terminals. Now that the gate is open, you can unlock the tower.

Chapter VII. Fraternal devotion

Return to the shelter and connect to the Viceroys network. The camera goes to the bench, closed with a grid, and two guards on both sides. Watch the camera behind bars and go to the shield. You must have no more than 1 minute to solve this puzzle, otherwise you have to start everything from the beginning.

When you do everything, switch to the elevator, in the cabin it stands the camera. Jump on it and activate the elevator control panel. Close to the top floor, turn the lens to the left and wake the camera on Gangster. When it goes into the side corridor, switch to the camera on the wall, and already hack the shield. When you find yourself in a room with machine guns, switch to the camera, which will be seen in the hole on the floor. Wake up a laptop and read Imail. Now switch to the camera slave, look up and across the hole jump on the camera above.

On the table on the left, naked webcam laptop and go to the corridor. Before the shield you will pass with a pair of cameras in the corridor.

Now you are in the elevator mine. Switch from the camera to the camera, while you see a laptop. Cap it and look upstairs. Through the chamber on the wall, jump on the camera in the room, and then move in a blue corridor. Gangster Iraq will appear from the closed door, with whom Damien and had common causes.

Chapter VIII. Tyrone will not pull

Your new goal will be one of the girlfriend Iraq, Black Tyrone Guy. First you have to find it. Lives Tyrone Klop Hayce in the Black Quarter. Look for a house with red graffiti and wake up the shield.

When turning on the camera, find its phone and naked. After some time, Tyrone will come out of the house and leave. You will have to follow him. Just do not come. Keep up 45-60 meters away. When he appears in the closed "red" zone, turn right and rush parallel to his wheelbarrow.

Tyrone will stop and leave the car. You can not go behind it, just wake up the cameras and follow Gangster. When he meets with a man named Rabbit, a standard mini-game to prevent a crime will turn on. Wait until the threat rises to 70-80% and blew up the gas wire behind the Tyrone. His sacrifice will run away, and the ripped gangster will remain with the nose.

Aiden will call the rabbit. From now on you will cooperate. To begin with, output the rabbit from the quarter. Just hack a gangster phone next to the rabbit, and send it to the left, for the fence. And because You yourself did not appear in the forbidden zone, then just leave the quarter, no one is seated.

Chapter IX. Uninvited guest

Jody prescribed a meeting. Upon arrival, you will be given a new type of weapon - explosives. Test it on a green ice cream van. The bomb is lying thanks to the plastic, and you can blow it at any time from the phone or shit.

Drive towards the plant, where the arrow of the gangsters is about. There will be two passages: pedestrian and rail. Use the first.

To the left of the input will be the monitor, through which you can see the previous meeting. After that, you will have exactly 2 minutes to minor and prepare a trap for gangsters. The most optimal points will be marked in red.

When Gangsters will come up, let them break through the room and only then undermine. The remaining achieve and pick up a mobile phone from the floor. It turns out that Dean from Gangsters still washed off. Sit on the bike and catch up with it.

Thanks to your cellular, you can stop persecuted on any traffic light, hacking it. Now move to the Central Park to meet with Klop. It is impossible to approach close, it is better to get away and move to it unnoticed.

After talking on the phone, the guard guards will wash themselves, and you will stay with him one on one. Break the terminal in the bushes, and a compromising on a cloud will appear on the big screen. Now he is yours with guts.

Chapter X. Without noise and dust

The newspaper kiosk on the embankment will take place an important package for us. As soon as the seller gives a suitcase, follow the recipient.

In the crowd, try not to stumble upon Gangsters (they are marked red on the minicar). The suitcase will be transferred to the hands three times, after which one of the gangsters will throw him into the boat and leave. Job forward and sit on the engine boat. Follow the goal until it turns out to be in the docks on a small island. Look away from the pier and threaten to the boat on the crane. Wake up a faucet and climb up.

While you are hiding in the boat, wake up the cameras around and look for a suitcase. From most of the security you can get rid of the explosions and overloads of the system, the rest are just achieving a pistol with a silencer. If you did everything right, then the protection from another part of the dock will not be noticed.

Find the suitcase behind the corner of the building and take a picture of the documents. Now get away from the island.

Chapter XI. View into the abyss

Now your task will be to contact the criminal syndicate of Chicago and give yourself for one of the major bandits. To begin with, poning to the auto show and hack his server. When you get access to the cameras, inspect the building and find a person in a fetal hat. His you have to kill him.

All inputs are guarded by gangsters. But huge glass walls give you an advantage over the enemy. Close to the upper floor of the parking on the contrary and kill the goal from the sniper rifle, and after - everyone else. When everyone is killed, come back to the salon and find a suitcase in one of the rooms in which the jewels lie. When the gangster phone is hacked, sit down on an expensive purple car and leave.

Drive to goal on the map. Upon arrival, descend to the club's basement and hand over your weapon at the entrance. You will be brought in the VIP room with a dark-skinned dancer. She will take you to a newly killed rapist and try to kill. After a conversation with the girl, take the weapon and go.

Chapter XII. Risky

Enter the Skipsun building on the bandit you killed. You will again take off all weapons. Go further to the auction. Here you will learn that the gangsters of Chicago and the nearest districts are involved in human trafficking.

Upstairs you will meet Iraq and an old lacquer quinn. Your task will be to steal information from Iraq's card, which hangs on his chest. After that, Iraq will leave the room, and the same dark-skinned dancer will come for you, and reported that Eiden was revealed. Need to leave.

Go down to the lower floor and there find the stairs on which you will get into the basement. There are waiting for the guard to go right away, and run in the opposite direction. By jumping over the boxes, you will find yourself in another tunnel. Now move to a dead end, where the guard is. When he goes down, make the stairs to the stairs. There you will be waiting for the guard, from which it is better to hide behind the boxes. Cap the gadget to the right and distract the guard. When he goes away, run to the door to the right.

Upstairs take all your weapons and wake up the shield. After a successful hacking, the ambush will already be waiting for you. Take up the boxes to the right of the entrance and blast the gas pipes. When all the guards are dead, run out on the street.

In the alley sits a whole platoon of soldiers, which can also be killed by a strong explosion. Run upstairs. You are waiting for a long breakthrough through a warehouse with a huge number of enemies. Climb on the top, jump onto the container and move on it to the opposite side of the warehouse. Run to the street, there you need to open the gate.

Opening the gate, you will attract the remaining enemy forces. Better sit right in the jeep and leave. In the direction of the motorcycle, do not even look, you will be shot on it.

Chapter XIII. An example to follow

You will call the nurse of Jackson, and will report that the guy disappeared, trying to find his abducted mother. Adjust the bug, which was previously on Jackson. The last place where the signal worked is a coastal hotel.

Upon arrival, shoot all enemies around the building. Now, when they are all dead, two more cars with reinforcements will go to the hotel. If you figure themselves quietly, then everything will end. Switch to a gun with a silencer and get the remaining enemies. On the third floor, find Jackson and take it back to the nurse.

Chapter XIV. Walker

Drive up to the bar and reset the listener into the waste container. Now move in black quarter. There, disperse with the gangsters in the yard in quiet.

In a room with ATMs, call the bedbug and follow it through the camcorders. After the scene with blackmail, Tyrone works for you.

Jumping from the camera to the camera lead Tyroon on the corridors so that he does not get caught on the eyes. Sometimes it will be necessary to follow the bug to gain access to new tracking devices.

When you find yourself in the room of Iraq, hack the server. When you finish, Tyrone will enter the room and start jumping. Alas, Iraq caresses him and dried into an open window. At this point, you will again get access to Eidon Management.

Find the car in the yard and make it easily from the Black Quarter. It is best to wait for the enemies to go further, and at this moment slip past the patrol.


Upon returning to the shelter, you with Clara decide to search for Raymond Kenny, Hacker. When the word is a signal, extend to the residential quarter. There you are already waiting for a detachment of bandits. Kill them and find the old computer.

Waves of enemies will begin to roll on you. The easiest way to hide from them for drawers and alternately undermine gas pipes. When they end, throw the remaining grenades and finish from weapons with the silencer.

When all the data on the computer downloads, erase the hard drive and run for the last survivors. He will sit in the fire truck and the chase will begin. Rulling him on the motorway until you find yourself in residential areas. Only then can be broken by the car, adjusting the accident at the intersections.


Chapter I. Last hook

Your path lies in the suburb of Chicago. Come on the pier and hack the computer in the house through the window. In the middle of hacking computer someone will block.

Go around the area in search of a hacker. On the round platform will stand a hacker in a red shirt. Read the data from its smartphone and crack the computer.

Now move to the mountains to huge satellite antennas. Through the fence on the right, argue inside and naked the camera. Through it, you will see the shield you need. Immediately hack the platform itself so that the central satellite turns. With an approach of the platform, the shield on the roof on the left.

In the yard, go up to the highest antenna. In the center hack the turn signal, after which the platform will leave. Check out the fence and take into the roof, and you take a passionate to the next platform. Again, activate the turns and climb on the approach approach. Once again, activate the turn signal and run the elevator. I go down on Earth.

Now go to the underground tunnel. Turn left, connect to the camera. From it blew gas cylinders in the chamber. Now pass forward and wake up the shield. The door to the next bunker opened.

Through the courtyard in the second bunker, go down to it and wake the CTOS tight. After that, you will call an unknown hacker and will appoint a meeting.

There you will find a bearded hipster for 40 years. He invites you to compete: who will drink more. A minigra will begin, where you need to press the buttons that appear on the screen.

In time, spend through the cursor designated circles.

After another bottle between heroes, a fight will be tuned, and Eiden will cut down the electric shock. You wake up in Ti-Bona's house. In the same place to cooperate with him. After the conversation, he will give you away from the chair and will show his own possessions, after which it is waiting for his first task.

We need a van will stand in the courtyard Rancho. Rear to the water tower and kill the sniper. Now you can go down and achieve the remaining (or shoot them from the rifle).

All the events of the act will be held in the suburbs, and the base of Ti-Bon will become a new refuge.

Immediately after you sit down in the car, the chase will begin. Turn off from persecution so that the van remains intact. When it is done, come back to Ti-Bon.

Chapter II. Steps behind the back

You will have to follow the helicopter. Sit on the motorcycle and go after it. You can especially not drive, the mission does not fill, even if you leave 300 meters.

Over a small parking trailers helicopter hangs in the air. Your task will be to find a pair of sheriffs with codes. Cap the camera on the turntance and inspect the area. The first sheriff will be located in the center, to the SUZ from the roof with a sniper. The second is on the Mountain.

It remains unnoticed to kill the sheriffs and pick up the access codes. If you still saw, goals will be wonded, and you will have to catch up with them. After their death, naked smartphones and pick up codes.

Chapter III. Stolly

Scuba explosives and as much as possible grenades before the start of the task. You need to stop the military tuple. The task will begin in the middle of the city path, and you will have less minute.

Leaving in the mountains. On the road notice the dots of red. Put the car across the road, and go to the mountains. Road better mining.

When the tuple will drive up, blast the car and immediately kill the Jagernaut. As soon as the remaining enemies are killed, leaving the crime scene.

Chapter IV. Future not far from the mountain

Your path lies in the heart of CTOS, namely, the main center of Blum. The whole mission should be used quietly, otherwise you will have to new.

Go to the left gate and wake up the camera. Switched from it to the webcam from the guard on the chest. He looks straight on the shield that you need to unlock. Once the case is done, the doors will open.

When you find yourself inside the yard, kill protection only from weapons with a silencer. If the path is free, go to the specified purpose. On the wall will hang the shield, but it is protected by a pair of blocks. Track where the wires go, and turn them off. Remember, each block will stand two guards.

Now we wake the CTOS panel itself. You will find yourself on the server, which also need to hack. After that, you will show a video of the conversation of Hacker Damien with a representative of the Blum company.

At this point, anxiety will rise and you will begin to look for. Go out of the building and hide somewhere. When the security passes by, run away through the gate. From the gate to the right, there you will find a motorcycle.

Chapter V. For Portfolio

At the House of Ti-Bona attacked. Return to it and give the battle agents. There is no timer on the missions, but if you go for a long time, the task will be considered failed.

Use robots that have previously shown Ti-Bon yourself. Watch them, and they will start shooting the soldiers. Get ready to reflect the waves of the enemies twisted on you. The first will go through the tunnel in the center. When with them it will be finished, new ones will arrive. Throw their auto grants, so no one will even come out. Do not forget to hack robots.

Protect the hacker while it mines the site. It is best to stand next to and scan the terrain. As soon as the enemies appear, turn the time slowing down and shoot them. If Jagernaut appears among them, throw it with bombs.

There will be two bombs that Ti-Bon will install. When the second one will end, you will run through the tunnel to the pier. There you will be waiting for a boat on which you will return to Chicago.

Chapter VI. Any means

Return to the Black Quarter. With the support of Ti-Bon, you can easily hack server Iraq. On the way to the entrance, use silent weapons, so gangsters will not know about your presence and will not send a reinforcement.

When you find yourself inside, go to the elevator and come back to familiar places. Here you drove a cloud, if you remember.
For the elevator mine in the southwest ("Yuz"), we get to the room of Iraq. Download all the files of interest and meet the gangster itself. After a short conversation, he will start running away.

Close to him on the roof. It will be started to attack his thugs, with which you can easily cope with the help of explosives. When Iraq himself appears, do not change the tactics, and blast it.

Sit behind the shelter and shoot heavy opponents from the machine gun if the grenades ran out.

Iraq is dead, and with him and a gang of Viceroys.

Act iv.

Chapter I. Stuchali

All data is now on your server. But, suddenly, some hacker penetrates into your network and begins to delete the data. Through the hacking, you will have to block the hacker himself. This is all the same miniger with turning blocks, but now they will change on the go.

You saved more than half of the files, but the unknown hacker blocked your server. It is known only by his name - default.

Chapter II. Face to face

You are going to meet with the old familiar Damien. But the plans are changing, and the old hacker substitutes you. Now the whole city knows the face of Eiden Pierce, you need to hide as soon as possible.

Stay away from the sidewalk, otherwise people will cause cops. Go down the stairs down and go on the lawn to the car parked. Sit into it and go to the van of television studio. Damien's accomplice sits in it, from which it is necessary to get rid of.

After his murder, you will give 4 levels of search. We will have to go through underground tunnels or sea. In any case, you need to pump a helicopter hacking skill to hide from the police.

Chapter III. Rat nest

Ti-Bon tried to hack the computer of the default, but he himself was in the ambush. You will have to raise the comrade. You will find yourself in the underground parking at the entrance to the restaurant. Go through the road and wake the control panel.

It is always easier to break and shoot the hosts.

When connecting to the camera, you will see Ti-Bona, which runs away from the building of the building. Switch to Eiden and look on the camera on the street that go straight to Ti-Bon. As in the case of a rabbit, spend a hacker through guard posts. If you are too lazy to do this, just throw there and shoot all of them from the pistol with the silencer.

Now the chase begins on the car. At this point, default will manage traffic and traffic lights, beware of the explosions of gas pipes and other machines. You can escape from default in any underground parking.

Chapter IV. Default situation

You learned where the default is. He gave a party in one of the fashion clubs Chicago. Wake up the security phone and pass inside.

Now go to the scanning of guests. The easiest way to do it through camcorders. I will immediately say that there is no default among them. There are just dressed as well as he himself. When you find three such people, switch to the second floor. From there, we wake the server and is a real default. He stands for a DJ console.

The most social mission is to walk around the club, listen to music and calculate the default among guests.

Run to the second floor. He is already informed of the pursuit and runs away to the roof. Break through the crowds of guards. When he jumps into the car, blow him. Note that you are chasing the hacker, which is also, like you, can break down the devices on the roads. It is best to stay away from it.

When Aiden hacks his phone, pick up getting closer and closer. When 100% of the data download, give the traffic light at the nearest intersection. Get out of the car and execute default.

Chapter V. Junior Sister

You finally learned where Niki is. Drive to the Damien warehouse. Find a shield there and hack it. Now you see the warehouse from the inside. Bring the guard and call the sister.

Drive it as well as before this Ti-Bon and Rabbit. Again, if this option does not suit you, rummage to the warehouse and put all the enemies personally. When nicknames in the car, leave the warehouse and go home to her.

Chapter VI. Ghosts of the past

Niki decided to pick up Jackson and leave Chicago. Aiden must bring them to the suburbs through police posts. In this mission there is nothing complicated, just try to stay away from the cops.

Chapter VII. There is no way back

Aiden declares the war of Lucky Quinna. Come to the hotel Merlot, where the events of the prolobe took place. Hack a CTOS shield and follow the press conference of the mayor. When it is over, Quinn with the mayor will retire in the room. Take care of them.

Hack the phone varnishes. Now you know that he sent for the Clara a detachment of thugs. Now from the room varnishes go to the security room. Hack alarm.

Go Merlot left. Kill the guard by the pool and go to the building. There are several agents that can be killed one by one.

When you find yourself in Penthouse, you will be waiting for an ambush. Talk to Quinn and kill all his handicrafts. With Jagernaut, in a habit, we deal with explosives.

Get out of the shelter - die. Until you figure it out with more than half enemies, do not even think to stick out.

On the roof there will be a huge number of enemies. Stick them one by one while in the shelter. Sniper on a helicopter temporarily neutralize the hacking of the helicopter. When all the enemies are killed, get the arrow. Go further.

Connect to the camera and open the iron curtain in the lacquer room. It is still for bulletproof glass. Listen to his long speech, and then hack a pacemaker. Then, again. The main gangster Chicago is dead. Load video with a compromise on the mayor to the network and run away from the building.

You chase a huge crowd of guards. Drive on the car to the left of the entrance to the pier. Sit into the boat and wake a helicopter. Leave as far as possible from the city.

Attempted at Clara. Learn that she went to the cemetery. Follow her. When Aiden is at the grave of his niece, he will see Clara's death. Quinna's mercenaries shot it in his eyes. Relieve thugs and listen to the last words of the girl.

Act V. Exit

Chapter I. Everyone sometime loses

Reaching asylum, upload a compromising to the mayor. But the calm life of Eiden, and for the one and the whole city, interrupts Damien, which will receive complete control over the CTOS system. Chaos reigns in the city, all traffic lights failed, gas pipes are glowing with fire.

Move to the CTOS central office. You need to turn off Dedein from the network. But, alas, this is not. Traps who put a hacker work and you stay with your nose. Then Ti-Bon offers extreme measures: download the virus in CTOS.

Michit up to three points in different ends of the city. Movement will interfere with Damien and the maximum search level. Each point will stand the terminal. Wait until the virus boots 100%, and only then leave.

After the first goal, your navigator breaks and starts showing a bunch of different points. Move the memory to the correct goals. Consider the real goals constantly alone and the same, and false changes. You connected all three terminals. Now drive to the coast and jump in the boat. It goes from the persecution of the police.

Return to the CTOS office and crack the network again. There you will learn that Damien sat on the beacon off the coast of Chicago. Go there. When Aiden rises to the lighthouse, he will already be waiting for an old friend. Mouse over to it. At this time, our old associate appears on the scene, Joda Chen. He instructs an Aiden gun. Hack a lighthouse. The explosion is stuck everyone around. At this point, you discharge Jordi for the fence and shoot Damien.

After Titra Aiden comes to the appointed Jordy place (as it turned out, the Asian survived). As an apology, Chen leaves a gift in the garage - the killer of your niece. Kill him or leave to live, solve you. This will not affect the plot.

The series begins with the capture and neutralization of Angelo Tucci. Angelo is traveling accompanied by several cars on the site specified on the map. In our case, you will have to abandon the motorcycle, and transfer to the car. We catch up with his car and taraim. Impauted immediately begins. In the process of chase, you will be able to deal with a pair of machines, including the main machine with the mafia itself. Angelo will pop up from the salon and will throw a nude. Our task is to give him a turn in the back, and then deal with his remaining retinue. From the first time it is unlikely to do everything right.

After such an impressive chase, there is a police hunting for us. To break away from it is not the simplest task. If you decide to take the battle and start shooting the police, then the helicopter will arrive at the aid, from which it will be difficult to turn around. Tactics There may be like this: go to the side of the bridge, dive it, jump over, thereby leaving you follow yourself alone helicopter. After that, try to hide under any canopy in the shade. In general, the main thing that we need so that the police are behind are to hide and hide again. Even at the highest speeds, you will be difficult to break away from persecution.

The next mission is called redhead you do not go. The mission begins with the fact that our hero is specifically entered into prison, in order to track down there one prisoner, who survived after the events at the stadium, which happened at the very beginning of the game. After a long screensaver, we need to hack the control panel in one of the prison cabinets. We switched between stationary cameras and security chambers, until you find yourself in the office, where you can open your own camera (the one we sit in). Next, we go into the corridor and immediately run left, not hiding. We run into the office, take an electronic key and go out on the staircase through another door, climb up, we get the control bullets, go back and go down to two floors below. Here we do the same, we get the bullets, go further, go out into the corridor and go to the yellow marker to the room. Here we also take the second electronic key. The first part of the escape ended.

Now we find out in the corridor, near the guard room. We go into the room, neutralizing the guard. Now we need from this room to switch to the camera of another guards behind the grille, and wait for it when he starts walking around the room. In the process of its movements, we wake all that you can. As a result, the lattice will open. But we still need to hack the camera in that room with the guard. The camera leads to a prison yard. How much do you not look out for it from the main chamber, you will not see anyway. He will sit behind the wall, and there will be two policemen. To see it, you need to reconnect to the chamber opposite the main one. Now follow the development of events, after which we call the elevator, waiting when it arrives, and go to the basement floor.

We leave from the elevator, connect to the camera in the first room, and running further along the corridor until we get into the warehouse, where we will open the firewaters in police straps. To the left of your shelter will be a shotgun. Take it and kill all the policemen. As soon as you kill the latter immediately run and pick the machine, for a terribly armored policeman will come to the room, which can be killed only from the machine. Shoot need a purely head.
Now we run away from the room, we talk with the prisoner and go to the side of the elevator, where our Asian friend will leave us our entire inventory, along with clothes. Dress everything and go to the next series.