Story line. Assassins creed 3 storyline walkthrough games art

To complete the game Assassin's Creed3 Desmond is sent to Brazil to complete the next task. At the stadium he finds himself after leaving the subway. You need to think of something, since he does not have an entrance ticket. There is an open door to the right. We try not to be seen by the guards. We can bypass it through the entrance to the toilet. We find the door leading to the street, from there we climb back using the window, climb the stairs. We see the battle at the stadium - we are ahead. We need to catch up with the hired man, not paying attention to the guards. But it is necessary be careful, they are shooting. We beat them and take the artifact from the mercenary. We return to the subway.

To play Assassin's Creed3, you now need to turn on the source. Since none are still turned on, the desired hole is located in the ruins behind the stairs, not far from the Animus. It will open an entrance on the opposite side, where you can place another source. Then we go back to the Animus.

Lost cargo

Connor was about to reveal secret information to Washington, but the general is more concerned about the attacks on the convoys. We go to the given church and find our ally. There is a driver near the cart, you need to catch up with him and press LMB to stop him. This is how we find out the location of Church. Then we find a caravan loaded with hay. We can't hide there, but we need to get closer to listen in on the conversations. We go along the side of the road and still fall into the hay. We drag one enemy into the hay and follow those who are talking. We go to the ruins of the house and find the second guard there. We tolerate and wait for the talking people to go to a safe distance. Then we make a whistle and eliminate the guard. Not far from the boxes is the third sentry. We catch up with the "friends" and see that someone has already been caught by them. His salvation forces us to kill 13 enemies.

Father and son

Connor returned to New York again. To complete the game Assassin's Creed 3 follow Haytham. To do this, climb the rooftops. After reaching the desired place, change clothes for a uniform, climb into the cart and drag the mercenary behind us.

Foam and flame

Connor and Haytham ended up at Church's brewery. Then they have to get to a meeting with him. It turns out that this is just a mercenary, similar to Church and using a wig. We are fighting opponents. Haytem's health level is 50%, we are going to protect him. Then we leave the flaming brewery, following Haytham along the beams.

Bitter outcome

The pursuit of Haytham continues at sea. To complete the game Assassin's Creed 3, first we do half-force raising of the sails, since we need to pass between dangerous rocks. The maximum allowable damage is 20. In the bay we find the ship "Greetings" we need, which turns out to be empty. A small and dangerous schooner leaves for We start moving, we must not move away more than 500. Prepare for the fact that we will often be pursued by squalls. We find ourselves in a trap. Then we proceed to sinking ships. First, we destroy five schooners, then, using knippers, we break the masts on a battleship We must complete at least 3 eliminations in a row. To complete Assassin's Creed 3, all that remains is to eliminate three enemy officers on the deck of the ship. Connor then heads to the hold, where Church and Haytham have a conversation. We press LMB for its final elimination.

Chapter 10. Alternative Methods

We quickly follow Haytham to the area affected by the fire. We climb to the very top of the church, from where we make a jump on top of the soldiers. We eliminate all enemies of red color. It is forbidden to kill anyone marked with an orange tint. There is a condition - two enemies must be used as human shields. Remember that you need to wait until the moment when the preparation for firing begins. We approach the soldier and press the space bar. We forgot to tie up one enemy, so now we will have to catch up and detain him. This can be done by jumping on top of it. First, we find the route of the fugitive, then we look for a suitable shelter and catch the soldier. Then, we throw it into the fort by pressing the spacebar.

Committed trust

Washington and Kenway did not fulfill Connor's hopes. At the moment, the messengers are in a hurry to convey the order about the beginning of the siege on his village. Moving on horseback, we have to do everything within three minutes. To complete the game Assassin's Creed 3, it is forbidden to touch the ground. You need to shoot the first enemy, and the second team can be destroyed by jumping from one horse to another, on LMB, and eliminating the riders. We hurry to the village, bypassing the camp further. Here you need to find the elder. It turns out that Lee has removed the best hunters from the village and plans to confront them with the militia.

Battle of Monmouth

We aim the sight, make a shot. We set the sight a little in front of the platoon. The shot will not be heard immediately. It is easier to kill stationary targets - just focus on them and fire a volley.
- here you need to eliminate 2 platoons using just one shot. To play Assassin's Creed 3, the next mission is to provide assistance in the withdrawal. We make a raid on the teams in red uniforms, which are preparing for the execution of officers by firing squad. Thus, one more task will be completed.

Chapter 11. Our time

It is necessary to provide protection to the father. We got into the elevator shaft. You need to cling to the glass fasteners and destroy three guards. They'll be upstairs. Go ahead and eliminate the guards as soon as they appear. Then one armed enemy will grab a glitch and try to flee, but our task is to destroy it. We go to Vidik, who keeps his father in the office. We press LMB for a shot. Next, you need a combination - space, E, LMB R or Q. Then you can attack enemies using pressing the indicated keys.

If we go up the stairs, where the second source was turned on, it will be possible to connect the third one. Now we need the last area - this is the stairs to the right of the "central path". We observe the hologram. However, we cannot get there. It turns out that this is not required. Our path will go below, where something like a room is located, from where we can continue our journey. To complete the game Assassin's Creed 3, you need to get the final fragment - Haytham's key.

Battle of the Chesapeake

It is necessary to talk with Falkern, then set a goal - the mission "Battle of the Chesapeake". Again the battle at sea! We liquidate three small ships with one shot. We move in such a way that all three ships are in the scope of the sight at once, we make a volley. To play Assassin's Creed 3 you need to drown two frigates with a shot in the holds with gunpowder. After the first five ships are sunk, we see three new frigates. The first one can see the holds with gunpowder. But the rest can cause trouble. , it is necessary to make the holds with gunpowder open, shoot at the bow of the frigate, and only then open fire from the falconets. All the ships of the allies are sunk. "Aquila" was left alone to fight with the battleship. In the absence of guns, you need to ram the enemy ship. "s Creed 3 with the help of a counterattack, we kill five opponents. We remind you that it is necessary not to miss the moment when the enemy strikes. We will see it using a red diamond. Here you need to press E, then LMB. All that remains is to complete the elimination of the ship's captain and leave the collision site before the ship explodes.

Lee's final battle

The crusade against Charles Lee is under way. You need to go to the dungeons of New York, and then to the fort. To begin with, we inform the admiral about the beginning of the siege. We throw the guard into the well and leave. We climb onto the roof, the first of the two guards must be eliminated to facilitate the further path. Before reaching the lighthouse, we again see the sentry. We kill him too. We climb into the cart with hay and begin an attempt to eliminate the guard on the right side. Climb the lighthouse and act! To play Assassin's Creed 3 at the very beginning of the enemy attack, you need to reflect it, standing with your back to the wooden objects. Thus, it will be easier to defeat the enemy.

Chapter 12. Rest in Peace

Lee gives a speech during Haytham's funeral. Enemies catch Connor, no need to try to help him out. After they began to beat him, press E and break free. We eliminate five enemies, go back to the church and destroy the remaining opponents. We move to the pier, sail to the ship. The maximum number of killed enemies is 2. We climb aboard the ship and hold at the bottom of the window to eavesdrop on the conversation of the captain in the cabin. We go to the deck, then to the window and eliminate the skipper "Jersey". It is necessary to kill the guard at the door of the cabin interfering with us. We are waiting for the captain and destroy him. We dive into the water.

Chasing Lee

We move to the harbor and press V there - we see the target painted in gold. It turns out our target is Lee in disguise. We don't go further than 50 meters from it. Avoiding collisions. First, we pass the first obstacle - these are the barrels to the left at the edge. We bypass opponents along the right edge of the perimeter. We do not go to the next ambush, we make a jump to the left. The pursuit of us in the flaming ship begins. We jump down, following Charles, we climb up the wall to the right and move by jumping further. After the wall collapses, we see a free passage in place of the door, we head towards it. We can hardly run due to the ensuing weakness. Connor finally sailed for Lee, now our last task is to enter the tavern and watch the video message.


To play Assassin's Creed 3, if we still haven't connected all the sources, it's time to complete this task. Again, the first location is to the left of the "central path" near the protective barrier. This is on top of the stairs and ruins. a couple of visions, then we connect the source from above. There we see the beginning of the next path, behind the Animus. If you connect the source there, a new staircase will be opened. It is hidden between the crystals to the right of the "central path." There is only one place here that can cause difficulties. a hologram that shows the location we need. But we cannot get there. It turns out that it is not at all necessary to do this, due to the fact that the path goes further and lower. Further we see a room in which there is no ceiling. You can climb up there and continue your way. Then it is very simple to do a complex of jumps. Thus, the passage of the Assassin's Creed 3 game is over.

Part 1.

After listening to the narratives on behalf of Desmond's father that the culminating notorious date of 12/21/12 is approaching, we leave the van and head to the cave. The main character uses the Apple of Edemen and opens the passage. We continue to move deeper into the cave until we find ourselves on the training field of the Animus.

Repetition of what has been learned.

Updating the Animus firmware is a reason to train. Management from the time of the previous parts has practically not changed, but it became much easier to climb. Now you do not need to clamp additional buttons for this. It is still recommended to use the controller together with the traditional PC mouse + keyboard combination. We quickly run forward and climb the ledges. We kill two enemies in the air and get to the exit.

Deadly number.

Playing as the ancestor of Haytham Kenway, we follow forward. We pass through the door and find ourselves at the ball. We pass into the hall of the opera house and take our place on the left. After talking with the ally, we activate the Eagle vision and find the target on the balcony on the right at the far end. We move to the left, we pass into a small room and climb up. We move along the ledge to the right (occasionally upward). We find ourselves on the bed, which is opposite to the one where the target is. We go backstage, after having broken the lock on the door. We rotate each of the master keys to a characteristic click and quickly press the corresponding button to complete the hack. We jump onto unstable decorations, which are constantly falling down. But this will not prevent us from reaching the right place and dealing with the enemy. We take away his amulet and leave the building, pushing aside the panicking crowd.

A journey into a new world.

Additional assignments:
Lost health limit: 10% (during the first battle with sailors)
Rescue James in a given time (after the mast collapses)

On the ship "Providence" we go to the distant continent - America, namely to the city of Boston, where we will find like-minded people for our great cause. We will walk to the upper deck and meet aggressive-minded sailors. We ought to teach them a lesson. To do this, hold down the counterattack button and parry the enemy's blows three times. We carry out a series of quick strikes. With the next opponent, quickly press the counterattack button and also quickly the hit button. This will allow you to knock out your opponent. We repeat this action again to finish off the previous impudent person. The sailor pulled out a knife, as soon as he is about to strike, we press the counterattack button, and then the buttons indicated on the screen. By doing this, we will disarm the opponent. Let's follow the appeared captain. He will ask for a favor: find out what is happening on the ship. We return to the cabin and interact with the table.

The captain says it's time to act. Let's talk with the sailor who sends us to the cook and the doctor. Cock, in turn, will direct us to James. We rise to the steering wheel. Someone is dropping barrels of food from the side. We get down to the lower deck and head to the green area on the minimap. We activate the Eagle vision to see the clue on the barrel. We return to the cabin.

Let's talk with the captain, and then we will be sent to the lower deck in connection with the offensive of the enemy ship. Downstairs, Mills reports that it was he who set up this whole mess in order to get even with us for what we did in the theater. We counterattack and deliver quick blows to deal with the enemy. We climb up, fix the gear at the points indicated by the marker. Climb onto the mast and lower the sails. Next, we help James; getting to it will not be difficult.

We go upstairs and talk to the captain. After 72 days, we successfully moored to the coast of America! We climb to the highest mast.

Part 2.
Boston, 1755.

Welcome to Boston.
We are met by Charlie Lee, after which we will follow him. He wants us to train him. We get to a shop with mixed goods. Near the entrance we meet Benjamin Franklin, who asks for help (it is his face that is depicted on the hundred dollar bills). We pass inside, we acquire a saber and a pistol from the merchant. We go outside, where Lee is already waiting for us with the horses. Let us saddle the one that is meant for us and go to the "Green Dragon".
Arriving at the place, dismount and enter the building. We follow Charles upstairs and meet with William Johnson - a connoisseur of local lands. He is one of our future like-minded people. William reports that his tapes were stolen by robbers.

Johnson's commission.

Additional assignments:
Shoot 10 Mercenaries
Prevent Hickey and Lee from losing more than half their health

We leave the building, we communicate with William's assistant - Thomas Hickey. He has already found the kidnappers, all that remains is to help him take back what belongs to Johnson. We make a shot at the sentinel. Climb to his position, help the allies to deal with the enemies at the entrance to the camp. To achieve one hundred percent synchronization, you need to shoot nine more enemies. Having cleared the point, few enemies hide behind the gate. We destroy the powder keg with an aimed shot and go inside. We take away the box, we deal with the opponents.

It's time to leave the camp. We accompany Hickey all the way, we must not allow a decrease in his health by more than fifty percent. We search the bodies after the murder in order to get ourselves bullets and some money. We shoot enemies on the roofs with aimed fire. It is advisable to get closer to them, otherwise the firepower of the pistol will not be enough to kill them with one shot.
Demonstrating the amulet to William.

Additional assignments:
Stay unnoticed
Eavesdrop on the conversation of the patrolmen (not just the locals)
Eavesdrop on all conversations without being noticed

We communicate with Charles and together we decide to free the slaves. We leave outside, we approach the house of Church. No one opened the door at a knock, so the bolder Charles knocks down the door. There is no one inside, so we cut off part of the canvas and get to the orange marker. Being in the fenced area, we eavesdrop on the conversation of the neighbors. We will be noticed, then we quickly merge with the crowd and avoid exposure. Next, we get to the green area, where we will find many orange targets - gossips and similarly eavesdrop on their conversations. In the meantime, the green area will shrink. On the roofs we get to the restricted area and try to enter the barn. You will need a key that can be stolen from any of the captains marked with an orange marker. The easiest way to do this is for those who are not always watched by the guards. We enter the barn and observe the conversation. Then we Eliminate three enemies, sneaking up to them with a hidden blade, and free Church.

Additional assignments:
Do not exceed the detection time limit (the easiest is to hide behind buildings)
Get three consecutive multi-kills (Hidden Blade is ideal for this)
Prevent informers from calling for reinforcements (follow the mini-map to track the farther away enemy)

We follow Charles to Pitcairn. An attempt to free him from the clutches of General Braddock was unsuccessful. We follow a group of soldiers, trying not to catch their eyes at all. Lee distracts them with a daring act, we catch up with him. We deal with nine guards and free Pitcairn, who will "play" in our team.

Infiltrating Southgate.

Additional assignments:
Find and kill the general
Get 3 consecutive stealth kills from around a corner
Take no damage from the rifle chain

We set off on the execution of an uncomplicated plan to penetrate the fort. Directly from the roof we attack the train and destroy thirteen guards. After changing clothes, we head to the fort. On the way, the guards will have suspicions, we will promptly neutralize them by giving orders to the allies. Arriving at the place, we release the captive.

We go forward to the crossroads, then turn right. Let's go to the end and find the general. We will hide in a cart with hay and, when he comes up to us, press the hit button. To make three kills from around the corner, you need to snuggle up to the corner of a tent or other tall objects and destroy nearby enemies with a hidden blade. You can use a whistle to lure.

We free the captives in three places. But before that we deal with vigilant officers when they are left alone. Or we just wait for them to leave.

We grab the enemy and save ourselves from four shots. We deal with the enemies, we get to Cyrus. We destroy everyone in the same way.

Part 3.
Boston, 1755.

After talking with Charles, we go to the frontier and get to Lexington.

With your opinion.

Additional assignments:
The limit of lost health is 50% (when fighting wolves, you need to press the first two buttons in time)
Use destructible items in battle (in the tavern we stand so that there are tables behind our backs and then, after a counterattack, the enemies will break interior items with their bodies)

Together with Charles we go in search of the mysterious woman, whom we freed earlier. We follow Lee on horseback and discover a recently extinguished fire. We move upward along a thick continuous trail. Charles kills the attacking wolf, we run after the woman. It's time to face the beasts face to face. We quickly press the corresponding buttons to deal with the bloodthirsty wolves on the fly. We activate the Eagle vision to find the woman (she is on the wooden platform above). We continue the pursuit and when the stranger descends to the ground, we will be able to overtake her. The woman's name is Gadzidzio, we show her the amulet. She does not want to talk about the signs depicted on it, but asks to climb the hill.

From above we observe the camp in which the Bulldog (Braddock) is in command. To deal with him, you must first find him. We dive into the haystack below and, reaching the tavern, we go inside. Let's go right and snuggle up to the counter. Having overheard the first conversation, we go to the left. We get up at the window, eavesdrop on the second conversation. We return to the counter and listen to the conversation. We are heading for the exit, but the drunken guards will not let us leave. In hand-to-hand combat, we deal with eight opponents.

Execution is everything.

Additional assignments:
Do not kill guards (after listening to the conversation, use only melee combat)
Spoil two guns

We meet with Dzio not far from the camp. The easiest way to get inside unnoticed is on a cart, which just passes by to the left of us. Having penetrated into the camp, the wagon will soon stop. Let's leave it and go down the grass to the right. We disable the first cannon, without catching the eyes of enemies. We return to the cart and follow the left side. We go to the white area on the minimap and start listening to the conversation. When the enemies are a little further away, it is best to immediately climb onto the roof. And jump off the other side onto the grass. Before getting into the tent, we stun the guard from behind without using a weapon. We take away the card, disable the second cannon. From here we go down, leave the camp through the side passage and get to Gadzidza.

Expedition Braddock.

Additional assignments:
Kill two militias without drawing attention
Destroy the carts with gunpowder (we purchase cartridges in advance!)

Together with like-minded people, we go to the north, where we will meet Dzio and her tribe. Let's go right and enter the red zone. Let's hide in a haystack and deal with the enemy. A little further there is another haystack. We will get there through the grass and deal with the guard in the same way. Now we can kill everyone else.

We change clothes and on horseback we get to Braddock. He decided to run away from us, taking advantage of the French attack. We rush in pursuit, on the way we shoot at the powder kegs on the carts. Having overtaken the general, he runs away again. We select the blade, catch up with the target and deal with it.

Not finding anything interesting in the cave, we return to the allies. We take the oath of oath for Charles. From now on, he is a Templar.

Part 4.
Ganadazedon, 1760.

Additional assignments:
Find all children without making a single mistake
Find all children in four minutes

We play for Radunhageida (the main character, later Connor). We follow other children into the forest. Let's play hide and seek. We pull out a short stick and, accordingly, we drive. Having counted up to a hundred, we proceed to the search. We study the clue right in front of us. There are three green areas on the minimap. With each clue learned, the diameter of these circles decreases. Clues are highlighted long before they are approached, so it will not be difficult to find all the children. Mostly they hide in haystacks.

We return to the tree and draw lots again. We choose any of the available places where we can hide. We are attacked by enemies, one of which is Charles Lee. They are asking for a message to be sent to our tribe. We get to the village, which was engulfed in flames. Through the barn we get to the hut where our mother (Gadzidzio) is. Let's go around on the right side. An attempt to save her will not be successful.

Feathers and trees.
Additional assignments:

Do not touch the ground and water
Find three feathers (they are all marked on the map, you just need to wander a little through the forest)
Rhoda asked to collect feathers. We climb onto a thin tree and from there along a branch to the neighboring one. Climbing up is pretty easy. The main thing is to look in the right direction and hold the run button. We get to the river along the branches and at the same time keep an eye on our partner. He almost falls into the river, you will need to help him. We climb up the rocks to the bird's nest. Having obtained the feather, we fall down, but successfully land in the haystack. The map shows the location of three more feathers, which you need to climb on trees with small pegs.

Hunting lessons.

Additional assignments:
Collect three different species of animals (hare, fox, deer)
Set a trap with bait to catch the animal (it is advisable to fill the place where we set the trap with plenty of bait)
Kill two animals in the air (you must attack while on a hill (tree, cobblestone))

We get to the green area, shoot the hare with a bow and skin his body. We study the clue near the tree and, choosing a trap from the arsenal, set it up. We go to the next larger green area. Examine the clue (bush with red berries). Hiding in the grass, we get close to the deer as close as possible. Select the bait in the arsenal. The deer will smell the smell and run up to us. We attack him, kill and skin. We could also kill him with an arrow, but in this case, instead of the skin, we get meat. We return to the traps and check them for the presence of prey.
You need to get the meat of five animals. As soon as the counter is full, we will no longer be able to continue the hunt and, accordingly, additional orders not completed will be failed. We return to Ganadogon, who runs away from the bear in fear. Press the appropriate buttons to dodge the beast. Let's go back to the village. During the battle with the bear, we lost all the prey, but our talented student managed to provide us with a hearty dinner.

There will be something to remember.

Additional assignments:
Avoid mid-air collisions
We pass into the tent behind Rhoda. We get into the hands of the Apple of Eden and move to the Nexus. We incarnate into the body of a bird and fly forward, avoiding collisions with various obstacles. You can change the flight left-right, up-down.

Part 5.
Frontier, 1769.

Radunhageid left the village to get answers to his questions. We get to the Davenport estate. Through the global map to the point, you can move instantly.


Additional assignments:
The limit of lost health is not more than 50%
After knocking persistently on the door, they finally open us, but refuse to help. It started raining, so we will get to the stable nearby and take cover there.

In the morning we will try again to ask for help, this time the assassin does not open the door at all. Let's go to the back door, the owner of the estate leans out of the window and again asks to leave his possession. We climb onto the balcony and receive a rude refusal. We return to the stable.

At night we discover unknown persons trying to disturb the old man's peace. We deal with the enemies, and then Achilles appears and helps us to escape from the clutches of the leader. Having earned respect, we pass into the estate and communicate with the old man. After listening to the story, we follow him into a secret basement.

Achilles' commission.

Additional assignments:
Hide for a given time
We jump into the carriage and, together with the mentor, go to the city. We follow Achilles and then we go to the shop of mixed goods. From now on we are called Connor. We "unfasten" the coins to the merchant and ask them to deliver the tools to the van near the town hall. We return to Achilles. Find out what's going on. Among the crowd we notice the father - Haytem. Let's follow his accomplice into the alley. We don't come close, but we try not to lose sight of it for a long time. When he climbs onto the roof, you need to stay close, since in a limited time we have to deal with the enemy before he fires a shot. We hide from the guards, leaving first from the red, then from the orange areas on the minimap.

Especially dangerous.

Additional assignments:
Renown must not be higher than level 3

The wanted level has grown noticeably and now, at every meeting of the guards, they will immediately want to kill us. We get to Samuel, who will help us get rid of this "bad reputation". On his advice, we run around the city and tear down posters. A couple is enough for the first time, then we return to Sam. He introduces us to Silas, a local herald who, for a reasonable fee, will convince the crowd of anything. We accompany Samuel to the system of tunnels through the alleys so as not to collide with the guards once again.

Lay down to the bottom.

We get out on the other side. The path is pretty predictable if you look at the minimap, and Sam's comments and the running rats will give you directions in the right direction. We pick the lock in the same way as we did earlier. We rotate two master keys in turn until a characteristic click and, without releasing the fixed position, make sharp movements.

Fighting the seal.

Another way to get rid of your "bad reputation" is to visit the printer. He will do everything in the best possible way. We follow Sam to the pier. We communicate with the captain (anchor sign on the minimap) and select the Davenport estate on the global map.

The return of the prodigal son.

Returning to Achilles, Connor expresses his displeasure with him. But nevertheless, we get an Assassin set from the teacher.
Rescue on the river.
Additional assignments:
When saving Terry, do not touch the water (when the camera rises, you need to jump not into the water, but onto a log)

An unknown person knocks on the window, we go out into the street and find out about what happened. We follow Godfrey, who did not really explain anything. Having reached the river, we see a man on a log, who is carried away by the current. We jump over stones, branches and fallen trees. Terry and Godfrey are planning to equip a sawmill nearby, their work will be very useful for repairing the estate.

Start date.

We get to the hut on the shore, as our teacher asked. Here we meet Robert Faulkner, who will help us repair the Aquila. First you need to get the materials. We return to Achilles. He gives us a ledger (ledger) in which we can distribute materials and send them to the desired buildings. We perform the actions shown on the screen. We study the section "Stocks", "Craft" and "Trade".

We are not looking for easy ways.

Additional assignments:
The ship should not be damaged (use only half of the sails so as not to collide with the reefs)
Withstand three attacks (we dodge the shots of the frigate by pressing the corresponding button when we see a red stream of light directed at us)
Shoot two enemy ships with a Falconet

We meet with Robert at the repaired ship and go to Martha's Vineyard, where we can buy guns and hire gunners. We approach the steering wheel to start controlling the ship. We raise half of the sails, and then all the sails. The more they are raised, the faster the ship moves and the less controllable it is. When the storm intensifies, of course, we leave only half of the sails to keep the ship in the right direction.

We moor to the pier. In the tavern, there is a small skirmish due to the fact that Connor is trying to find out from the Templars about the whereabouts of Charles Lee. We buy guns, hire familiar gunners and return to the ship. We sail to the destroyed ship for training. We look in the direction where we want to shoot. Thus, we destroy two ships on opposite sides of us. Then from the falconet we make an aimed shot at the barrels of gunpowder. We return to Achilles, and on the way shoots the enemy ships attacking us. First there will be three small ones, then one frigate. We are in no hurry to attack him, first we will dodge the cannon shots.

Part 6.

Sean reveals that he found a power source in a Manhattan penthouse. We are thrown into an adjacent building, from where we begin to climb up to the highest point of the crane. Then we jump down from there, quickly press any button and open the parachute. We land at the helipad. We take away the source of energy, and the former assassin immediately appears, now working for the Templars. We neutralize it and return to the Animus.

Davenport Estate, 1773.
On the trail of Johnson.

Additional assignments:
Do not exceed the second level of fame
Do not exceed six shots when destroying contraband in port

Ganadogan arrives at the estate and reports that all the villagers are being asked to leave their homes, since these lands have been purchased by the Confederation. We also find out the name of the one who is behind all this - William Johnson. On the ship we go to Boston and meet with Samuel. We follow him, along the way we face another injustice. We help the resident to deal with the guards who disturb the peace of conscientious payers. We catch up with Sam.

After the meeting, we leave for the port. In the restricted areas we look for contraband and throw powder barrels lying nearby. We shoot at them to destroy. The pistol and ammunition for it can be taken from the bodies of killed enemies. Further, we deal with three groups of tax collectors prowling around the city.

The cook is angry.

Additional assignments:
Do not engage in collisions for more than 15 seconds
Shafo Health Lost Limit: 30%
Get five stealth kills

Enraged, Stefan goes in search of the robbers. We accompany him all the way. It is advisable to go ahead of him in order to have time to imperceptibly neutralize the guards. We actively use firearms to deal with a group of enemies quickly and efficiently. In the end, we use the gunner to destroy the captain of the guard.

Tea drinking.

Additional assignments:
Throw ten crates of tea into the water
Throw three British soldiers into the water (we try to counterattack when they stand with their backs to the side)
Get one kill with a musket in the air (a musket can be obtained from enemies, we jump on them directly from the side and attack in the air)

We find out from Samuel the plan of further actions. We arrive at the port, where we deal with fifteen guards. We proceed to unload the tea into the water. Our task is to hold out until the entire unloading of tea takes place. We actively help our allies to fight off enemies. First of all, let's unload ten crates. Do not forget that the forces of the allies can be depleted and then you will have to protect Shafo and Sam. If this is not done, then the task will fail.

Aggressive negotiations.

Additional assignments:
Prevent the killing of more than one Indian
Get close to Johnson unnoticed (from the roof it is easiest to attack the target)
Dive like a swallow and get away from the chase (having dealt with Johnson, we run down the clearing and dive into the water)

We return to the Davenport estate and communicate with Achilles. Soon Ganadogan arrives at the house and reports that Johnson is again trying to buy out the land on which the village is located. We get to the frontier and meet with Ganadogan. Let's jump down from the right side, finding a lower place in order to lose as little health as possible. From here it is much easier to get to Johnson on the hill. We avoid the guards by choosing a route through the minimap. We climb onto the roof and, having chosen the blade, in a jump we deal with the enemy. We are hiding from the guards.

Part 7.
Davenport Estate, 1775
Midnight jump.

Additional assignments:
Do not engage in open confrontation
Get to Prescott in two minutes
We leave for Boston to meet with Paul Revere and his colleagues. Together we go to the frontier. We move from one green area to another until we find the houses of the militia. Also, if you get confused, you can always ask your partner to show you the right path. Arriving at the third house, we were almost caught. We leave the danger zone and get to Prescott. Then we will visit Hancock and Adams and also warn them about the impending British army.

Lexington and Concord.

Additional assignments:
Destroy each of the seven groups of soldiers with one order
Rescue the hostages (we follow the mini-map on the way to the farm in order to notice the residents in need of protection in time)

Pitcairn's army launched an offensive. They outnumber us and therefore our fighters have retreated in unison. We get to Barrett's farm and proceed to command the troops. There are three groups in total: in the center in front of the bridge, to the right and, respectively, to the left. We follow the mini-map and run in the direction from which the enemies are advancing the fastest. We give the order to fire only when the enemy troops got close to a sufficient distance. You should also take into account that there are no losses in our ranks, and if there are any, then we are waiting for replenishment. Rather, it is relevant for the execution of an additional order. After finishing the fight, we communicate with James Barrett.

The war is coming.

Additional assignments:
Walk through Charlestown without getting damaged (run non-stop is best)
Kill a grenadier from the air (the grenadier is in the left ship)
Stay unnoticed on ships

We leave for Bunker Hill, where we will meet with Israel Putnam. But the scout brings us to Breeds. A fierce battle is taking place here. The general intends to leave the battlefield. We run to the ships to stop the shelling from the sea. First, let's swim to the left ship. The best way to get there is from the back. Imperceptibly we neutralize the guard in the back of the ship. Then we climb to the mast and in a jump we destroy the grenadier. We set fire to the powder keg, quickly jump into the water. We do the same with the second ship. All that remained was to replace the flags on the tops of the masts.

Battle of Bunker Hill.

Additional assignments:
Kill Pitcairn in the air without being noticed
Get through the battlefield without getting damaged
Kill more than four English soldiers unnecessarily

Having reached the coast, we sit down in the saddle and follow the patriot. We run from cover to cover, picking up the moment. We follow the enemy troops, as soon as the outbreak has passed - you can run! Climb up the rock and follow the thick grass to the left. We try not to tear ourselves away from her, as the guards are constantly patrolling here. Having reached the tents, we will go to the end and climb up a long tree. Jump over to the adjacent tree to the right. Climb even higher and follow a long branch. Jump over to the flag holder and from here easily jump onto Pitcairn's head.

Part 8.
Davenport Estate, 1776
Something foreign.

Additional assignments:
Do not push or knock anyone down (walk with a step when we see a crowd)
Successfully eavesdrop on a conversation while standing still
Successfully eavesdrop on a conversation while walking (you cannot climb the roof)

In the house of Achilles we communicate with his friend. We leave for the frontier, and from there we get to New York. Let's saddle the horse and follow the agent to the market. We are witnessing an attempt to purchase goods for counterfeit money. Let's follow the counterfeiter. We keep our distance so that if something happens we have time to hide around the corner. We eavesdrop on the conversation while in the appropriate zone. We continue the pursuit, we overhear the next conversation, moving along the alley. The counterfeiters will stop exactly two times: the first time we will easily hide among people, and the second time literally a meter away from them behind the shelter on the right, so we keep up! They will turn right and find themselves in their lair.

Bursting inside, we find Thomas Hickey. So, we begin the pursuit, we turn into the alley on the left. Now we are not running after Thomas, but straight ahead! This way we can cut it and quickly overtake it.

Bridewell Prison.

Additional assignments:
Do not kill more than one guard
Kill Hickey in two minutes
We are caught and, stunned, placed in a cell. We approach the wall to eavesdrop on the conversation of the prisoners. We go to bed.
The next day we go down for a walk, accompanied by a security guard. Turn on Eagle's vision and find the yellow target. Mason is sitting at the gambling table. We lay out the chips and at the same time find out useful information. We go upstairs and steal the key from Finch. We return to the cell. At night we try to open the cell door, but in fact the key does not fit this lock at all. In the morning we find out from Mason that the key is intended to be replaced with the original one, which can be taken to the overseer. We attack the prisoners, and then we deal with everyone. We act only one bundle of Counterstrike + Break through the defense. We also inflict a lot of short strikes in order to quickly neutralize opponents.

We escape from the confinement and, avoiding the guards, we go upstairs, where Mason is waiting for us. It opens up access to more spacious cells. As soon as we go out into the large room, we will immediately turn to the right. We climb the stairs to the very top and, when the guards leave, we will enter the cell.

Public execution.

Additional assignments:
The bodyguards of Washington must survive (we catch up with Hickey and push him as soon as possible)
Kill enemy militias

We are being led to execution. Without trial and investigation, we will be hanged. We make our way through the crowd to the gallows. After a short speech by Charles, the noose begins to squeeze tightly on the neck. We are quickly signaling to the allies to release us. In deceleration we catch up with Hickey and push him so that his attention is directed to us. We parry his attacks and just push him away. We deal with two guards and finish off Hickey.
We follow Achilles and after the conversation, we pass into the hall.

Part 9.

The second source of energy has been found - in Brazil. We rise higher to establish a connection with Rebecca. It's not so easy to get to the stadium - you need a ticket. On the right, there is an open door leading to the courtyard. We move through the grass after the guard and then we sneak through the nearest door inside. We move along the corridor, continue to bypass the security on the right side (toilets, small utility rooms). Climbing upstairs thanks to acrobatic abilities, we follow the guard. We can stun him from behind and go to the box. Let's move along the metal structure to the opposite side. If you activate Eagle Vision, then it is easy to notice a red target behind a huge glass in the VIP zone. We get there and face an unknown assassin who staged a bloody massacre and is trying to escape with an artifact. We rush after, and the chase will end in the courtyard. We deal with the guards and the killer himself. We attack it in the same way as we previously attacked the prisoners in the prison - Counterstrike + Break through the defense. We take away the energy source and rush to the subway at full steam.

Davenport Estate, 1777.

Lost cargo.
Additional assignments:
Catch a driver in thirty seconds
Don't hide in the hay, following the caravan
Kill three patrolmen without being noticed
We leave the estate and go to Valley Forge to do justice on our own. The commander reports treason, which is accompanied by the theft of goods. We get to the abandoned church. Going inside, Haytham attacks us. Surely, if he wanted to kill us, he would have done it. After talking with him, together we begin to search for Benjamin Church.

We leave the church and study the first clue - broken crates with provisions. We go further along the path, we get out on the road. An enemy squad is patrolling here. Ignoring them or dealing with them is a matter of taste. We study the traces of the carriage on the road. In the last small area, we can easily find the cart itself and the driver. We catch up with the fugitive and bring down to the ground. Haytham kills the driver and gives us new orders.

We catch up with the caravan and follow it. We move now to the left, then to the right, so as not to catch the eyes of the guards. Moreover, you must not leave the listening area. Once in the hay, we wait for the guard to come up to us, and then we will deal with him. Similarly, we destroy two more who will meet on the way. The mercenaries seized Haytham, help him and deal with thirteen opponents.

Father and son.

Additional assignments:
Steal the mercenary's clothes and not get caught
Meet Haytham in New York. We follow him across the roofs to the place where Benjamin Church is hiding. Since the guard at the gate has changed, we will not be able to get inside. We get to the mercenary and quietly kill him when he is near the boxes. We quickly change into his uniform and, returning to his father, together we pass into Church's lair.

Foam and flame.

Additional assignments:
Don't take fire damage
Haytham Lost Health Limit: 50%
We fall into a prepared trap and deal with enemies. As soon as we see that the health of our father is rapidly declining, we help him. The mercenaries fired at the explosive, and therefore the brewery was engulfed in flames. We climb up, along the beams that have not yet been touched by the fire, we move to the other side. We continue to rise higher and higher. We help Haytem and together we make our way to the exit.

A bitter result.

Additional assignments:
Damage taken from the environment: 20%
The distance to the schooner should not exceed 500

We meet with father at the pier and set off in pursuit of Church. We overtake the ship "Greeting", but there is no one on board. Meanwhile, on the other side, the line escort begins to fire at us. We chase him, trying to keep up with more than 500. We maneuver among the rocks with half of the sails. Further, in an open battle we destroy five small ships, the line escort - we do not attack. Already when we deal with the ships, we select knipples in the list of equipment and shoot the main enemy.

Let's board. First of all, we will kill three sailors in a row (they are easiest). Then marked targets on the minimap. We go down to the lower deck and finish off Church.

Part 10.
Davenport Estate, 1778.

Alternative methods.
Additional assignments:
Use guards twice as human shields
Pounce on the target from above
We leave for New York to meet with Haytham. Together we go in search of loyalist commanders. We follow the father and rise to the very top. We jump on the heads of enemies. We get closer to the arrows (yellow targets) to provoke them. As soon as they are ready to shoot, we grab the nearest guard and use it as a human shield. Having destroyed all, we grab the shooters prisoner. One of them manages to escape. We rush in pursuit. It is not at all necessary to follow on the heels of the fugitive. You can, without turning into an alley, watch for him first to climb to the height and attack. We accompany the prisoner to the interrogation room. We push it periodically, otherwise it won't budge.

Committed trust.

Additional assignments:
Do not touch the ground (we move and attack, exclusively while in the saddle)
Intercept all patriots' messengers in three minutes
Neutralize ganyageha with bloodless methods

Having learned the contents of Washington's note, we rush towards the village. We follow the green zone on the mini-map and along the way we exterminate the marked enemies. It is best to use firearms. Having finished with it, we go around numerous troops and get to the village. We inform the elder that enemies are approaching them. Rhoda, in turn, wonders why we are not with Charles Lee.

We leave the village and start hunting for the Ganyageh warriors. We try to sneak up on them from behind and attack without using weapons. Then we get close to Ganadogan. Charles has shrouded his mind in lies, and now he thinks that we are going to destroy the village. We press the appropriate button and do what we have to do.

Battle of Monmouth.

Additional assignments:
Neutralize each of the eight platoons of soldiers with one cannonball
Kill two platoons of soldiers with one cannonball (shoot strictly between two platoons)
Prevent three executions of patriot leaders

We meet with the commander-in-chief and begin to hold the defense. We have one single cannon at our disposal. We destroy the approaching enemies - on the right, left and in the center. The enemy forces outnumber ours, so we will have to retreat. We move to a safe place from one control point to another. Along the way, we stop the executions, running up and starting to attack.

Part 11.

Abstergo has taken over our father. In return, the Templars demand, of course, an Apple. We leave for their laboratory, where everyone is already aware of our arrival. We go straight, then we enter into a battle with the guards. Having interrupted everyone, we will go upstairs by elevator, but we will not have time to reach the required floor. We climb the elevator shaft to the fourth floor and deal with the enemies. We continue to walk along the corridors and bridges. We get through the doors into the room on the left and meet with Cross. When he "overlaps", we rush in pursuit. We overtake and kill with a blade.

We rise by elevator to the fifth floor. We are heading to Vidik's office. On the way we shoot numerous guards from a pistol. Then the doors will open, and we can go into the office. Using Apple, we manipulate the guards and force them to kill themselves and Vidik. We free the father, take the third artifact and return to the shelter, simultaneously releasing the energy of the Apple.

Davenport Estate, 1781

Battle of the Chesapeake.
Additional assignments:
Destroy three ships with one side salvo
Sink two frigates by hitting them in the powder holds
Kill five enemies with a counterattack

The last meeting with Achilles, the last instruction from our teacher ... On the ship we go to the Chesapeake Bay. We enter the battle under the command of the admiral. Earlier we already fought at sea, nothing has changed since then. We hit enemies with onboard fire. We will destroy a couple of frigates from a falconet, shooting at gunpowder on their sides. In the final battle, a huge line escort awaits us. But we will not measure the cannons with him, but we will face directly and board him.

We deal with the sailors, we kill five in the counterattack. The main target is the captain, marked on the minimap. We shoot at the powder barrels and quickly jump off the ship. The admiral was pleased with our outstanding abilities. He kept his promise and therefore will fulfill what we asked for.

Lee's last battle.

Additional assignments:
Reach the signal tower in three minutes
Go unnoticed on the way to the signal fire
Health Lost Limit: 50%

We pull the guard into the well. The best way to reach the tower is via the rooftops. But here, too, one should beware of even lonely, but very vigilant guards. We give a signal to the admiral, and the shelling begins. How, after all, at the wrong time we find ourselves in the center of events. After the explosion, Connor is seized by a shell shock. We get to Haytham and start the battle. We stand with our backs to improvised objects such as barrels, wooden tables. We carry out several parrying blows. We finish off our father by driving a hidden blade into his head when he begins to strangle us.

Part 12.
New York, 1782.

Additional assignments:
Kill no more than fifteen English soldiers
Get off the ship without engaging in combat
Kill the captain of the Jersey

We get close to Charles Lee. After the conversation, we break free from the clutches of the guards. We don't abuse killing. We destroy only those mercenaries who are marked on the minimap. It is advisable to run away from the rest. We find out from the latter about the whereabouts of Charles. We leave for the ferry, swim we get to the Jersey. We climb up the rope. We move to the left, climb higher, then to the right and thus climb aboard. We sneak past the soldier to the marked point. We scramble to the window to eavesdrop on the captain's conversation. Let's go right to the captain's cabin. After listening to the conversation, you will need to kill him. First, let's deal with the witnesses, and only then with the goal itself. We jump into the water and automatically find ourselves on the dock.

Chasing Lee.

Additional assignments:
Do not move more than 50 from Lee
Do not push anyone during the chase
Don't get damaged by fire

We leave for Boston to the Green Dragon tavern. We find out from the mercenary about the whereabouts of Charles. We get to the harbor in the green area. Climb higher to increase the view. We activate the Eagle vision and track down the yellow target. Now the chase will begin, which will make you sweat. At least I managed to pass it with all the additional assignments only on the ninth attempt. So, we run forward, stop in front of the barrels. We continue to run after the explosion. We go around the first guards on the right. The second arrow chain - by jumping off the left. We get to the burning model of the ship. We slide from below, then we climb up the wall to the right. We jump onto the hanging ropes on the left. We get out through the window. We jump further and further and find ourselves at the bottom. We slip, we go up the mechanism. The enemy flew around the corner. Let's wait a bit until the mechanism returns to us, and perform a similar action. We catch up with Charles, but we are no longer able to fight with him. Finally, we manage to shoot, after which he hides.

We are slowly moving towards the pier. Then we still slowly get to the tavern, where we will get even with Charles Lee.


The riddle is solved! Desmond now knows where the key is. We dig it out and return to the shelter. Turn left and go into a room with multi-level devices. We climb up the metal beams and install the first energy source. A passage opened to the right of the Animus. Let's go along it and go up the steep stairs. On the opposite side, we will see the place where we follow to stick the energy source. Let's walk parallel to that side, then turn right and slide down. Turn right twice and then again to get through the passage into the room. Climb the walls and install the artifact. We return to the Animus. Let's go a little further and turn right. We go upstairs, we climb the pillars to the passage in the corner. From there we jump onto the horizontal bars and, being on the other side, we again move along the pillars and install the last artifact. Let's return to the Animus and finally come to the transparent wall. Now is the time to make a choice. We are watching the final video.

Part 1.


We are watching a video that tells about the events in the previous parts. We leave the car and we pass into the cave. Use the Apple of Eden to open the closed areas. We settle in a new shelter and begin training.

Repetition of what has been learned.

Additional task:

... Get a kill in the air

Animus firmware has been updated. For us, as players, the controls have become more pleasant. Much fewer buttons are now involved when moving. We are moving forward, overcoming obstacles. We jump, climb the walls and stuff like that. We destroy two opponents in a jump and end the training.

Deadly number.

Looking ahead, I want to say that the hero, for whom we play about a quarter of the entire plot, is the father of the assassin Connor. His name is Haytham Kennaway and he is a Templar. We go inside and settle down in the hall, in a place specially designated for us. We speak with a supporter who advises to find a goal. We turn on the Eagle's vision and look at the far right end. We get up and move to the left. From a small room we climb onto the wall and move to the right. Also, sometimes we climb higher. We penetrate into the most extreme balcony and from here we pass behind the stage. We break open the door with the help of two master keys. We twist each of them until we hear a click. We jump around the scenery and thereby move to the opposite side. We pass into the box of the target and, after killing it, we extract the amulet. We get out and complete the task.

A journey into a new world.

Additional tasks:

... Do not lose more than 10% of health during a fight with sailors
... Save James in the specified time when the mast collapses

In order to hide from enemies who suspect us of murder, we are heading to America. We get out to the upper deck and talk to the sailors. They are aggressive, so after the verbal skirmish, let's get down to business. We look in the direction of those enemies who are going to attack us, and hold the counterattack button. After three successful parries, we go on the attack. Then, we do not just parry, but also carry out a blow after the defense. To do this, hold down the counterattack button and quickly press the hit button. Next, we disarm the enemy with a knife. We carry out a counterattack and press the corresponding button. Having dealt with the rioters, we communicate with the captain who arrived at the noise and follow him into his cabin. At his request, we take on the disclosure of a conspiracy preparing against the captain. Let's go back to our cabin.

Take turns talking with the sailor, cook and James. The latter will tell you more or less specific information. From the wheel we observe the dumped barrels from the lower deck. Let's go down there and go to the selected area. Eagle vision will help you see the clue on the barrel. Let's return to the cabin.

We communicate with the captain and go down to the lower deck. Mills reports that our murder in the theater did not go unnoticed. We deal with the enemy counterattack and simple blows. Having won the victory, we return to the upper deck and fasten the tackle in the marked places. We climb onto the mast itself and remove the sails. On the collapsed mast we get to James and help him.

We speak with the captain on the upper deck. We arrived in America, we climb to the top of the mast.

Part 2.

Boston, 1755.

Welcome to Boston.

Our new assistant will be Charles Lee. Accompanied by him, we move to the shop, where we buy a saber and small arms. We go outside, get on a horse and go to the Green Dragon tavern.

Here we meet William Johnson, who talks about his problem.

Johnson's commission.

Additional tasks:

... Shoot 10 Mercenaries
... Prevent Hickey and Lee from losing more than 50% of their health

Having got out, we communicate with Thomas Hickey. We kill the guard from the pistol, we rise to his location. After getting close behind, we destroy the enemies at the passage so that the allies can enter the camp. We run to the gate and destroy them, having previously aimed the pistol at the barrel. We pass further and select the box.

We kill several enemies and we can only hide from enemies. We cover Hickey and help Charles to destroy enemies. Do not forget to search the bodies where you can find money and bullets. The second resource is the most important, because many opponents are on the rooftops. We deal with them with an aimed shot.


Additional tasks:

... Go unnoticed
... Eavesdrop on the conversation of the patrol guards
... Eavesdrop on all conversations without being noticed

After talking with Charles, we go outside and knock on the door of Church's house. The partner breaks down the door. Going inside, we take the canvas and go to the marked point. We eavesdrop on the conversation without leaving the indicated area on the minimap. We blend in with the crowd to avoid detection. We leave for the next zone and find orange dots. We eavesdrop on other conversations in the same way. Finally, the search area will be reduced to its minimum size, and we can find the required area. We run along the roofs to the barn, which turns out to be locked. The key can be obtained from one of the captains. We wait for the guard to leave and, sneaking up behind, we search the captain. Church is found inside the barn. We kill enemies one by one using a hidden blade.


Additional tasks:

... Do not exceed the detection time limit
... Get three consecutive multi-kills (using a stealth blade)
... Prevent informers from calling for reinforcements (as soon as we see a receding target, we catch up and kill)

We follow Charles. After talking with the general, let's follow his soldiers. When Lee begins to distract, we will catch up with him and kill the nine guards. Having freed Pitcairn, we return to the tavern.

Infiltrating Southgate.

Additional tasks:

... Find and kill the general
... Get 3 consecutive stealth kills from around a corner
... Take no damage from the rifle chain

After waiting a little, we jump from the roof onto the heads of the enemies and kill them all. We change into the uniform of the guards and in the cart we move towards the fort. Along the way, we give orders to the assassins to neutralize suspicious guards.

Arriving at the fort, we get to the crossroads and turn right. At the very end we see the general. We hide in the cart with hay on the left and wait for the target to come here to kill her. Three more ordinary guards need to be killed, hiding behind various shelters. Whether it's a tent or a tree. To call them, we use the whistle.

We help the prisoners to free themselves by waiting for the patrolmen to leave. Or we kill them, sneaking up from behind, when they are left alone. When they aim at us, the camera changes its angle a little, and a mark appears over the heads of the shooters. At this moment, you need to press the jump button to capture the nearest enemy and use it as a human shield. On the way to Cyrus, we kill the rest of the guards.

Part 3.

Boston, 1755.

We speak with Charles and we get to the frontier, from where we get to Lexington.

With your opinion.

Additional tasks:

... The limit of lost health is no more than 50% (quickly press the buttons shown on the screen during the fight with wolves)
... Use destructible items in battle (we are positioned during the battle so that there are tables behind our backs and then, after a counterattack, the enemies will break interior items with their bodies)

We follow Charles on horseback and come across an extinguished fire. We orient ourselves along a wide trail in the snow and chase the woman. Faced with enemies, press the buttons shown on the screen to kill them. After that, turn on eagle vision and track down the woman in the tree. We catch up with her and find out the name. We show our amulet to Gadzidzio.

We get to the hill, from where we follow the camp. We jump down into the hay and get to the tavern. Once inside, turn right and hide behind the counter. After listening to the conversation, let's go to the left. We are located near the window and listen to another conversation. We listen to the first conversation again, after which we go to the exit. We deal with drunken visitors.

Execution is everything.

Additional tasks:

... Do not kill guards (after listening to the conversation, use only melee combat)
... Spoil two guns

Meet Gadzidzio outside the camp. Let's go left and get out to the road. We quickly jump into the carriage. After driving inside, jump down and walk along the right side, hiding inside the grass. We select a convenient moment to slip to the cannon. Disabling it, let's return to the cart. Now we move on the left side, until we find ourselves near two talking guards. When they leave, we climb onto the roof, but at the same time we try not to leave the indicated area on the map. We jump off the other side and move along the grass. There will be a guard next to the tent, we will neutralize him from behind without using weapons. There is a map inside the tent, we take it away and approach the second cannon. We follow the guard on the tower to the left, it is impossible for him to notice us. We go down the small slope and leave the camp through the side arch. We return to Gadzidzio.

Expedition Braddock.

Additional tasks:

... Kill two militias without drawing attention
... Destroy the carts with gunpowder (we purchase cartridges in advance!)

We leave for a meeting with Gadzidzio and her supporters. Turn right and go into enemy territory. We hide in the hay and imperceptibly eliminate the approaching enemy. We will do the same with one more enemy, but for this we will move to the next haystack. We clean the territory from the remaining guards.

After changing clothes, we ride on horseback to Braddock. He won't wait for us to kill him, and so he will run away. We pursue the general, simultaneously shooting at the powder barrels to clear the way. We overtake the target and deal with it with the help of the blade.

After looking around in the cave, let's return to our friends and conduct a ritual to convert Charles to the Templar.

Part 4.

Ganadazedon, 1760.


Additional tasks:

... Find all children without making a single mistake
... Find all children in four minutes

From this moment we start playing for Connor. We run into the forest with friends. We play hide and seek. This time we drive, the rest are hiding. We count to a hundred and go to search accordingly. And finding children is very easy. We pass into each of the highlighted areas and study the conspicuous clues. Most of all, kids love to hide in the hay, so first of all we search these places.

The second time it is already different, so we need to hide in any highlighted place. We face the Templar, in particular with Charles. After the skirmish, we return to the village. Everything is on fire, we get to our house as soon as possible. We are trying to help the mother, but we will not succeed.

Feathers and trees.

Additional tasks:

... Do not touch the ground and water
... Find three feathers (they are marked on the map, to find them, let's walk through the forest)

At the request of Rhoda, we go to the forest to collect some feathers. We climb onto the branch, and then we jump over to the tree that is nearby. We jump from tree to tree, then reaching the watercourse, we help our partner, who almost fell into it. We climb the rock to the very top. We manage to grab a feather from the bird's nest, after which we fall down. We collect the required number of feathers, climbing other trees.

Hunting lessons.

Additional tasks:

... Collect three different species of animals (hare, fox, deer)
... Set a trap with bait to catch the animal (set a trap, and sprinkle bait next to it)
... Kill two animals in the air (you must attack while on a hill, be it a tree or a cobblestone)

We pass into the green area and kill the hare by shooting from the bow. We refresh the prey and examine the clue next to the tree. We select a trap from the inventory and fix it. We will walk to the next zone, where we also examine the tracks on the bush. We creep up to the deer, hiding in the dense grass. Without leaving it, pour the bait and wait for the approach of the animal. We deal with the hidden blade and skin it. Let's check the previously set trap. We will stay in the forest and kill the required number of animals required to complete the additional task.

Let's meet with Ganadogan, who, in a panic, is trying to escape from the largest forest representative. As in the fight with wolves, quickly press the buttons shown on the screen. It will not be possible to kill him the first time. But then we can escape! We return home.

There will be something to remember.

Additional task:

... Avoid mid-air collisions

We follow Rhoda to the tent. Using the Apple of Eden, transfer to the Nexus. We control the bird and fly straight, occasionally maneuvering between emerging obstacles.

Part 5.

Frontier, 1769.

We leave the village and go to the Davenport estate. We use the global map for fast travel.


Additional task:

... The limit of lost health is not more than 50%

We knock on the door, the retired assassin refuses to help us. Since the downpour has begun, we will spend the night in the stable. The next morning we ask for help again. We go to the back door, climb onto the loggia and, having failed in the negotiations, again go to the stable. The chance to win our trust appears at night, when unknown people are trying to attack the estate. We deal with them and enter the house. After talking with Achilles, we go down to the basement.

Achilles' commission.

Additional task:

... Hide for a given time

Accompanied by the teacher, we get to the city, where in the shop we purchase the tools that will be needed for the restoration of the estate. We go to the square, watch the demonstration. Let's follow Haytham's assistant into the alley. Of course, we do not allow him to notice us. As soon as the target rises to the roof, we can get closer. We kill the enemy while he is aiming. We leave the danger zone to hide from the guards.

Especially dangerous.

Additional task:

... Renown must not be higher than level 3

To get rid of a bad reputation, let's talk to Samuel. He will teach us how to lower the wanted level. Let's tear off some posters and return to the ally. Together we will go to Silas, the herald, who will put on a real show for money. With Samuel we get to the system of underground tunnels, following the lanes.

Lay down to the bottom.

We pass through the tunnel, focusing on the exclamations of our partner and the rats running towards the exit. We open the lock on the door, rotating two master keys until we hear a click, and go out into the open air.

Fighting the seal.

We get to the printer who will help to "cleanse" the wanted list. Next, we will walk to the pier and talk to the captain (anchor on the map). He can get us to the Davenport estate.

The return of the prodigal son.

We communicate with Achilles, after which we accept a gift from him in the form of an Assassin weapon.

Rescue on the river.

Additional task:

... When saving Terry, do not touch the water (when the camera changes its angle, we jump onto the log, not into the water)

At the knock we go outside and at a fast pace follow Godfrey. Arriving at the river, we see a man who is trying with all his might to save himself. To get to it, we jump over cobblestones, branches and tree trunks. At the last moment, we make a jump onto a log, passing along any of the branches to the left. New acquaintances share their plans for the future.

Start date.

We leave for a hut not far from the coast. We communicate with Robert Faulkner. He will contribute to the repair of the huge ship "Aquilla". We get a ledger through which we can control all aspects of trade. We follow the instructions on the screen and thus get acquainted in detail with the sections "Inventory", "Craft" and "Trade".

We are not looking for easy ways.

Additional tasks:

... The ship should not be damaged (use half of the sails to avoid collisions with the reefs)
... Withstand three attacks (we dodge the shots of the frigate by pressing the corresponding button, spotting a massive red stream of light heading towards us)
... Shoot two enemy ships with a Falconet

We speak with Robert, after which we head to Martha's Vineyard on a repaired ship. We go to the helm and take control of the ship. By raising more and more sails, the speed will increase accordingly. But on the other hand, the ship becomes less maneuverable. For perfect maneuvering between obstacles, raise only half of the sails.

After mooring, we go to the tavern and carry out all the necessary actions. We sail away and head to the damaged ship. Let's practice on it, firing shots from various types of guns. Falconets are designed for point punching. For example, sometimes vulnerable areas appear on enemy ships, in the form of powder barrels. Having shot at them, we will send the enemy to the bottom. It's time for a real fight. We destroy three small ships and at the end one large one. Do not forget to use dodging shots to complete an additional task.

Part 6.


We get to the building where the energy source was discovered. We climb to the very top and jump down with the subsequent opening of the parachute. After landing, we steal the artifact, after which we deal with the Templar of our time and leave the territory.

Davenport Estate, 1773.

On the trail of Johnson.

Additional tasks:

... Do not exceed the second level of fame
... Do not exceed six shots when destroying contraband in port

Ganadogan warns us of the Confederate's intentions to buy back the land on which the village is located. This is the work of William Johnson. We get to Boston, we find Samuel and communicate with him. Let's follow him to the port. Our task is to find illegal goods. We throw up powder barrels to them, we detonate them with firearms. We constantly search the bodies of the defeated guards to get some ammunition. We return to the city and pacify the greedy tax collectors.

The cook is angry.

Additional tasks:

... Do not engage in collisions for more than 15 seconds
... Shafo Health Lost Limit: 30%
... Get five stealth kills

We leave for the city for a riot together with Stefan. We move a dozen meters ahead and quickly deal with the enemies. We do it imperceptibly to complete an additional task. Also, do not forget to use the pistol in order to destroy entire groups of guards as quickly as possible. At the end of the assignment, we will use the help of the assassin, whom you need to summon, and then he will quietly kill the captain.

Tea drinking.

Additional tasks:

... Throw ten crates of tea into the water
... Throw three British soldiers into the water (counterattack when they stand with their backs to the side)
... Get one kill with a musket in the air (we get a musket from enemies, jump on them from the side and attack in the air)

After talking with Samuel, we get to the port and destroy a certain number of enemies. We unload the counterfeit tea directly into the water. All the time we are directly on the ships and in every possible way we cover the allies from enemies who are coming up from both sides.

Aggressive negotiations.

Additional tasks:

... Prevent the killing of more than one Indian
... Get close to Johnson unnoticed (preferably attack from the roof)
... Dive like a swallow and get away from the chase (having dealt with Johnson, we run down the clearing and dive into the water)

Returning to the estate, we speak with the teacher. Bad news comes from Ganadogan again - the enemies are again trying to take the lands from the people. We leave for the frontier, where we communicate with a friend. Let's turn right and carefully go down. We run to the hill mainly on the left side, dodging the route of the guards. We climb to the roof, from where we attack Johnson with a hidden blade. We run down the slope and jump into the water.

Part 7.

Davenport Estate, 1775

Midnight jump.

Additional tasks:

... Do not engage in open confrontation
... Get to Prescott in two minutes

Arriving in Boston, meeting with Paul River and his friends. Let's go to the frontier, where we move through the green areas marked on the minimap. We find the dwellings of the militias, looking into the last of them, we find ourselves in a trap. We run away from enemies and go to Prescott. We will also walk to Hancock and Adams, inform them about the approach of British troops.

Lexington and Concord.

Additional tasks:

... Destroy each of the seven groups of soldiers with one order
... Rescue the hostages (follow the mini-map on the way to the farm to notice residents in need of help)

Pitcairn, along with his troops, launched an offensive. The allies are forced to retreat. We have to command these small groups. The mini-map is the main assistant in this difficult task. We follow her and in time we deal with the enemies who are closest to us. We refrain from attacks only in two cases: when the enemies are not close enough and when more than half of the fighters are absent in the group. Having won a small victory, we inform Barrett about our successes.

The war is coming.

Additional tasks:

... Walk through Charlestown without taking damage (we run at an accelerated pace without stopping)
... Kill a grenadier from the air (the grenadier is in the left ship)
... Stay unnoticed on ships

We'll get to Bunker Hill and meet Israel Putnam. The scout accompanies us to Breeds. We watch the battle and the general about to leave the battlefield. We get to the ships, sail to the left. We climb aboard from behind. We quietly deal with the guard in the stern of the ship. We climb onto the mast, we jump on the head of the grenadier (he is in a skirt). It remains to set fire to the barrel of gunpowder and hastily leave the ship. In the same way we destroy the neighboring ship, after which we climb the mast of any of the ships in order to change the flags.

Battle of Bunker Hill.

Additional tasks:

... Kill Pitcairn in the air without being noticed
... Get through the battlefield without getting damaged
... Kill more than four English soldiers unnecessarily

We swim to the shore and then ride a horse after an ally. Let's move around the shelters, watching for the flashes at the far end, after which we have literally a couple of seconds to manage to reach a safe place. We get to the mountain and climb up. We move through the grass on the left side until we find ourselves near the tents. We climb up the tree trunk, jump over to the tree on the left side. We rise to the top and move along the branch to the flagpole. From here we attack Pitcairn and kill him accordingly.

Part 8.

Davenport Estate, 1776

Something foreign.

Additional tasks:

... Do not push or knock anyone down (we slowly pass through the townspeople who eagerly rushed to the ground)
... Successfully eavesdrop on a conversation while standing still
... Successfully eavesdrop on a conversation on the go (don't climb the roof!)

We are talking with an acquaintance of the teacher. Through the frontier we get to New York. On horseback we go to the market, where we find a counterfeiter. It is necessary to follow him, without catching the eye of him and his accomplices. It is also necessary to listen to periodic conversations in order to find out about the location of the den. Once in the alley, we act very carefully. It will not be possible to hide anywhere here, except that, except for the wooden structure on the right, literally a couple of meters from the enemies. Just around the corner is the counterfeiters' den.

We burst inside and meet with Thomas Hickey. We pursue the fugitive, first turning into the left lane, and then continuing to run in a straight line to cut Thomas and grab him.

Bridewell Prison.

Additional tasks:

... Do not kill more than one guard
... Kill Hickey in two minutes

Having found ourselves captured and imprisoned, we press against the wall in the cell and eavesdrop on the conversation of the neighbors. Then we can go to bed.
The next morning, we leave the cell and proceed downstairs. With the help of eagle vision, we find a person at a table, which is highlighted in yellow. His name is Mason and he must help us escape. After the game, go upstairs and quietly grab Finch's key. Let's go back to the camera. Waking up at night, we try to open the grate. The next morning we are interested in Mason, why the key didn’t fit. This is actually part of the plan: the overseer has the original, and this copy is meant to be replaced. We begin to beat the prisoners to attract attention. First, we break through the defense, and only then we strike.

This time, nothing will stop us from escaping. We dodge the route of the enemies and run upstairs. Having met with the ally, we pass further and, having seen the guard, we will turn to the right. We go upstairs to the desired camera.

Public execution.

Additional tasks:
... The bodyguards of Washington must survive (we catch up with Hickey and push him as soon as possible)
... Kill enemy militias

We reach the gallows at a slow pace. As soon as we are dropped down, we immediately press any button. We overtake Hickey and run straight at him to push. During the fight, we also use shocks, otherwise we will not have time to kill the guards. Let's finish off Hickey last.
Let's go after Achilles and, having talked, we go into the hall.

Part 9.


Arriving in Brazil, we get out of the subway and contact Rebecca. To the right of the control is a door that will allow you to bypass the posts. We got out into the courtyard, sneak further along the grass. We enter the building, do not forget the golden rule - we always go through the premises on the right. Climb upstairs, stun the guard and go to the VIP tribune. Let's go through the central structure to the other side. Let's go out into the corridor and get into another VIP zone. We catch up with the unknown killer, kill him and his guards. We select the artifact, we return to the subway.

Davenport Estate, 1777.

Lost cargo.

Additional tasks:

... Catch a driver in thirty seconds
... Don't hide in the hay, following the caravan
... Kill three patrolmen without being noticed

We get to Valley Forge, then after talking with the commander, we will go to the deserted church. Inside we encounter Father Haytham, with whom we have one goal - Benjamin Church.

Going outside, we examine the trail in the snow next to the boxes on the right. We continue to move along the path, road. We destroy or ignore the guards encountered on the way. We will find footprints on the cart near the road and run to the cart itself and the driver. We rush in pursuit of the carter and, having caught, we ask.

We overtake the loaf and follow him. We move from one side to the other to avoid detection. Having overheard the conversation, we will find ourselves in the hay, without leaving which we neutralize the enemy. We also kill two more enemies, after which we free Haytem from the clutches of the guards, killing a total of thirteen people.

Father and son.

Additional task:

... Steal the mercenary's clothes and not get caught

We leave for New York to meet Haytham. Let's follow him through the rooftops to Benjamin Church's lair. To go further, you need to get a special uniform. We get to the guard and deal with him, while others do not see. After changing clothes, we can go to Church.

Foam and flame.

Additional tasks:

... Don't take fire damage
... Haytham Lost Health Limit: 50%

We were in an ambush and with a bunch of enemies in the same room. We are actively helping Haytem to prevent him from dying. Next, a shot will fire, which will break the powder keg. We climb up, over objects not engulfed in fire. We pass to the opposite side, climb to the very top and, having freed Haytem, ​​we break out.

A bitter result.

Additional tasks:

... Damage taken from the environment: 20%
... The distance to the schooner should not exceed 500

Together with Haytham we rush in pursuit of Church. We catch up with the ship "Greeting", on board of which there is no one. A ship of no less size appears. We set off in pursuit of him, maneuvering through the reefs. We use only half the speed to be agile in tight turns. First of all, we attack small ships, then a huge escort. For this we use knipples, which can be selected in the inventory.

We enter on board the enemy ship and destroy enemies. We find Church in the lower deck and also deal with him.

Part 10.

Davenport Estate, 1778.

Alternative methods.

Additional tasks:

... Use guards twice as human shields
... Pounce on the target from above

In New York, we meet with Haytham. Let's go in search of commanders. Let's follow our partner and go upstairs. We jump from here directly to the opponents. We draw the attention of the shooters located in the back row. We use other guards as shields. Having dealt with everyone, we take the shooters hostage. One of them escapes, so we set off in pursuit. It is advisable not to run into the lanes, but to walk along a straight street and, after cutting off the fugitive, grab him. With jerks, we lead the enemy for interrogation.

Committed trust.

Additional tasks:

... Do not touch the ground (we move and attack, exclusively while in the saddle)
... Intercept all patriots' messengers in three minutes
... Neutralize ganyageha with bloodless methods

We leave for the village, exterminating the marked enemies along the way. We communicate with Rhoda, who is surprised by our arrival. We leave the village and look for the Ganyageh warriors who need to be neutralized. It is advisable to do this by bloodless methods, that is, without the use of any weapon. In the end, we deal with Ganadogan, as he, unfortunately, believed in Charles' sweet lies.

Battle of Monmouth.

Additional tasks:

... Neutralize each of the eight platoons of soldiers with one cannonball
... Kill two platoons of soldiers with one cannonball (shoot between two platoons)
... Prevent three executions of patriot leaders

Having met with the commander, we begin to hold the defense. We destroy the approaching platoons, firing from the most powerful weapon. As a result, we will have to retreat, since an incredibly large number of enemies cannot be held indefinitely.

Part 11.


We arrive at the Abstergo laboratory. We deal with the guards at the reception. We go upstairs on the lift, which gets stuck along the way. We'll have to climb into the mine, from where we independently climb to the desired floor. We continue to destroy persistent enemies. We move through the corridors and various bridges. Let's go through the door to the left and find Cross. Fortunately for us, he fails, and then we begin to pursue him. He will run for a long time, so you need to overtake as soon as possible and kill accordingly.

On the lift we go to the floor above. We go to Vidik, simultaneously killing enemies with a pistol. Let's go to the very last room, use the Apple of Eden to control the minds of the guards. Vidic is dead, along with numerous employees. We help the father, extract the artifact and go to the shelter, using the Apple more than once on the way.

Davenport Estate, 1781

Battle of the Chesapeake.

Additional tasks:

... Destroy three ships with one side salvo
... Sink two frigates by hitting them in the powder holds
... Kill five enemies with a counterattack

We get to the Chesapeake Bay and begin an attack on enemy ships. Their number will constantly increase. We try not to fall under the side fire, and if this happens, then we use evasion, having noticed a red stream of light. We board the last long escort.

We kill enemies, then we get to the captain and shoot at the barrel of gunpowder. We leave the ship, hastily jumping into the water.

Lee's last battle.

Additional tasks:

... Reach the signal tower in three minutes
... Go unnoticed on the way to the signal fire
... Health Lost Limit: 50%

We throw the enemy down and go to the tower through the roofs. We warn the admiral to start the attack. We find ourselves under assault fire, which causes concussion in us. We chase Haytem and enter into battle with him. We are positioned in such a way that there are interior items behind us. We parry the attacks of the enemy, after which we deal with him, carrying out a decisive blow to the head.

Part 12.

New York, 1782.


Additional tasks:

Kill no more than fifteen English soldiers
... Get off the ship without engaging in combat
... Kill the captain of the Jersey

We overtake Charles Lee and after talking, we free ourselves from enemies. We kill them and we get to the ferry. We swim to the "Jersey", climb aboard and, avoiding enemies, we get close to the zone from where we can overhear the conversation. Further, we will move to the right and continue to listen to the conversation already near the window of the captain's cabin. After him, we will destroy the guards and the captain himself. We return to the pier.

Chasing Lee.

Additional tasks:

... Do not move more than 50 from Lee
... Do not push anyone during the chase
... Don't get damaged by fire

In the "Green Dragon" tavern we will find out about Charles from the locals. We leave for the harbor, climb onto the roof and track down the target using eagle vision. We rush in pursuit of enemies. We linger a little in front of the powder kegs. After the explosion, we can continue running, go around the guards on the right, and the next shooters - on the left, cutting off the corner. Having reached the ship, we slide from below, we climb up the wall on the right side. Turn left and jump over to the other side. We jump over through the window, going outside, we will turn left. We continue to jump on the structure, being at the bottom, we slip under the obstacle. We jump up the rope, wait for the return of a special device, by which we can go around the corner.

Having overtaken Charles, we do not have time to deal with him, but we can safely get even in the tavern, where he will not even be able to resist.


We extract the key from the place where our ancestor hid it. Returning to the shelter, turn left and get to a room with complex mechanisms. We climb to the very top along the iron rods and install the artifact. We will be shown that a new room has opened, we will get to it.

First, let's go up the stairs. Noticing the connector for the artifact on the other side, turn left and go to the end, then turn right twice and go down. Two more times to the right, and finally, one last time, to get into the central room. From here we climb up and get to the very place where you need to install the artifact.

Let's go forward from the Animus towards the transparent wall and turn to the right. We climb up, jump along the columns to an accessible place. Feel free to jump onto horizontal pipes and move along them to the other side. Again the columns that will lead us to the place where the artifact needs to be installed. We return to the Animus, we pass to the wall. Watching the final video.

Memory Sequence 1

There will be no problems with the passage of the first sequence - in fact, it is a training mode that allows you to master the controls and basic principles of the game. In the chapter "Deadly Number" the hero will have to destroy the target in the theater. Once backstage, you need to move to the other side of the stage and enter the balcony. After killing the target, an alarm will sound and panic will arise in the hall - just mingle with the crowd and leave the theater, following the signs.

In the chapter "Journey to the New World" the hero goes to Boston by ship. On board, he will have to fight a sailor and uncover a conspiracy. To do this, you need to talk to the helmsman Mills and go down to the hold, where, using the eagle's vision, examine the barrels. One of them will be marked. After that, there will be another battle - the game will give you some fencing lessons.

The tests will not end there - you will have to rescue a ship caught in a storm. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions of the captain - to fasten the sheets (at the two ends and in the middle of the deck), climb onto the mast along the net near the ropes and cut the rope to lower the sail. Along the way, you will have to save one of the sailors. For everything - less than a minute. After successfully completing the tasks, talk to the captain and climb onto the mast, from where you can already see the New World.

Memory Sequence 2

In Boston, you will be greeted by Charles Lee, who will find horses and help you settle in the city. Explore the world map. There you will also receive a task to find the stolen pages from Benjamin Franklin's almanac. But first you need to go to the gun store and buy a sword and a pistol. After that, get on your horse and go to an institution called the Green Dragon. One of the guests will ask you to find the thieves who have stolen important records. However, you don't have to look for anyone. You just need to take part in the operation to destroy the robbers. To do this, talk to the person at the fence. After killing the bandits, search the corpses. Do not forget to escort your allies back, as you will encounter several more enemy units along the way.

Charles from The Green Dragon will ask you to find another person. Go to the house of Mr. Church and carefully eavesdrop on the conversation of the neighbors. To do this, stand next to other people so as not to attract attention. Then go to the church, climb onto its roof, press the sync button and take a leap of faith, hitting the hay cart. Listen to some more conversations and wait for Charles. After that, you need to imperceptibly enter the warehouse, taking the key from one of the guards. Benjamin Church is kept in the warehouse, who must be released.

The next task is quite simple - together with Charles you will find yourself in a military camp. Follow the patrol, being careful not to get too close to it. Then Charles will distract the soldiers' attention. You just have to go after them and kill opponents. To prevent reinforcements from arriving at the enemy, be the first to kill the soldier who will run into the alley for help. Talk to Braddock to complete the mission. The last chapter is devoted to completing a few more tasks of Charles. You need to kill a detachment of guards and free three groups of captured Indians - the last group is on the ship. In addition, the game will teach you how to escape from bullets, using soldiers as human shields.

Memory Sequence 3

On horseback, follow Charles to the extinct fire, and then follow the tracks heading north. Find and catch up with the girl who will be hiding in the tree. Talk to her. After the next cutscene, jump into the hay cart and go to the tavern, where you will listen to the soldiers' conversations and take part in the fight. You can complete a side quest by breaking several interior items. To do this, counterattack the soldier when he is standing near a table or other object that can be broken.

Go to the fort. To go unnoticed, hide in the wagon you meet along the way, and then hide behind the bushes. Remember that you cannot kill a soldier, but the enemy can be stunned if you do not have a weapon in your hands. The task is to overhear the conversations of the soldiers, hiding on the roof, and then disable two guns and steal the map from the tent. Distracting the sentry is simple - hide in the carriage and get his attention. When a soldier gets close, just stun him. It remains to pick up the map and, leaving the camp, talk to the girl found earlier.

Now, together with your allies, go to the enemy camp and secretly kill two soldiers, taking possession of the form. After changing your clothes, saddle your horse and go in pursuit of Braddock, not forgetting to destroy three barrels of gunpowder along the way. After catching up with the enemy, kill him. Then return to the "Green Dragon" and talk to your allies.

Memory Sequence 4

Now our hero is a little boy. The first task is to play hide and seek. Finding your friends is very simple - just carefully study the clues and footprints on the ground. Then it's your turn to hide.

After that, you will meet with the already matured Connor. Talk to an Indian who will teach you how to climb trees. Move to the rock and pick up the feather. It remains to find three more feathers - the places where they are located can be viewed on the map. Then talk to your friend. Now it's time to learn the basics of hunting by killing animals from the specified list. This is easy to do. At the end of the hero, a meeting with a bear awaits. Press the buttons shown on the screen to get away from the attack of the beast, and then run away from it, leaving the red zone. Return to the village. In the final episode, the hero will turn into an eagle. He will need to overcome a certain distance, trying not to collide with obstacles.

Memory Sequence 5

Now Connor needs to find a man with the sign of the assassin. First, go to the mansion marked with a marker and enter the door, then head to the stable. The next day, knock on the door again and climb onto the balcony. You need to return to the stable and fight the robbers at night, keeping at least half of your health. Only after that, the owner of the mansion, who, by the way, is called Achilles, will open the door for you and lead you to a secret hideout.

In the carriage of Achilles, the hero goes to Boston. In the city, you need to go to the store and buy the goods ordered by Achilles, although the seller does not have boards. Then return to him to get the assignment to chase a certain person. Try not to get too close, but also do not lose sight of him. After climbing onto the roof, kill the enemy. After that, you need to escape from the pursuers - just leave the red area. It takes only 1 minute and 20 seconds to escape.

Connor is still wanted, so it's best to head over the rooftops to meet the new character, Sam Adams. To reduce the interest of the guards in Connor, you need to tear down at least two posters with a portrait of the hero, which are hung everywhere. After that, again on the roof, return to Adams and go to the entrance to the dungeon. Go through the tunnels, following Adams' directions. After getting out to the surface, follow Sam to the port. After that, you need to return to the mansion of Achilles, who will hand over the weapon to the hero.

Now you need to help a character named Godfrey. He will escort you to the river, where his friend is carried away by the current. Jump over rocks and tree trunks, and at the end, dive into the water to save a man. After that, Connor learns where to get the boards that Achilles asked to find.

The next episode is about teaching. First, the hero will help to restore the ship, and then he will be able to control it and even take part in a real naval battle. This is one of the most interesting parts of the game, but at the same time one of the easiest - just follow the directions carefully to deal with the enemy ships.

After this fun, a rather boring mission awaits - in the role of Desmond you need to find a source of energy. It's very simple - run forward, overcoming obstacles, and at the end climb onto the crane, jump from it and use a parachute to glide to the helipad.

Back in the cave, do not rush to activate the source - this can be done later. Better to go back to Connor's adventures.

Memory Sequence 6

Go to Boston and talk to Sam Adams, then help Stefan fight off the guards. It is necessary to act very carefully and once again do not come across the eyes of the soldiers. Go to the meeting point marked with a marker and get a new task. Go to the port where you need to destroy the boxes. To do this, place a barrel of gunpowder next to them and shoot at it. Now kill the running guards, and then the tax collectors - their groups are marked with a green marker.

After that, you will meet with Stefano again and will accompany him while he will make trouble and fight with the guards. Connor also needs to secretly finish off several opponents. Take advantage of the turmoil and attack them from behind. To complete the mission, send Stefano to the market, ordering him to kill the target.

Here comes the famous Boston Tea Party! The task is to throw 10 boxes of tea into the water and push at least three British soldiers there. To do this, stand near the side or bridge of the ship and simply intercept the attack of the attacking opponent. And do not forget to help your allies until all the boxes are dropped into the water.

New mission - Johnson assassination. To do this, head to the area marked in red. Climb onto the stone roof and jump straight onto Johnson. Kill him before he kills any of the locals. Now head east towards the cliff. Run along the leaning tree and dive into the river.

Memory Sequence 7

In the first step of this chapter, everything is very simple - follow the instructions of your partner and knock on the necessary doors, which are indicated by the marker. The only caveat is that in the final you will have only two minutes to get to Prescott, but it will not be difficult to meet this deadline. To complete the mission, head to Lexington and enter the house marked with a marker.

Now go to Concorde and along the way rescue the hostages guarded by the soldiers - you can easily identify them by the red dots on the radar. After that, Connor will temporarily lead the militia. To give your subordinates the order to open fire, you need to drive up to a special circle behind the detachment. Moving between units and giving orders, you will need to destroy more than a hundred enemy soldiers, trying to save as many militias as possible. After successfully completing the task, just talk to Barrett.

The next task is to eliminate the ships firing at the militias. After making your way through Charlestown and not receiving damage, jump into the water and swim towards the goal. On the ship located on the right, it is enough to throw a patrolman into the water in order to climb aboard unnoticed and set fire to the gunpowder. The second ship is a little more difficult - first you have to deal with two soldiers on the bow, and then send a grenadier to the next world with an air attack. Now you can destroy the second ship as well. After that, climb onto the indicated mast and raise your flag, and then swim towards the shore.

After receiving the next task, go to the specified point. You will have to move in dashes, as the soldiers are constantly shooting. It takes about 5 seconds to reload, so it won't be difficult to reach the next cover. Then climb the rock through the trees. It remains only to kill the specified character in a jump, while trying to complete another side task - to send no more than four Englishmen to the next world.

Memory Sequence 8

Once in New York, follow the sign and arrange for spying on the counterfeiter by overhearing his conversations with the accomplice. Try to remain unnoticed. After that, you will need to go in pursuit of another character. At the same time, there is an important condition - during the pursuit, you must not push the townspeople. This is not easy to do, as at times they will literally become a wall. In this case, try to look for another route.

The next episode begins in a prison. After following the guard, use eagle vision and talk to Weems. Having played dice with him, Connor learns about the key to the cell, which was stolen by a certain prisoner. It is located on the upper tier. Find him and steal the key from him. After returning to the cell, it turns out that the key does not fit her. Now you need to get into solitary confinement - for this, arrange a fight with other prisoners. Once again, finding yourself behind bars, steal the key from the overseer, who is standing with his back to you. Open the door and follow the guard to Weems, who will show you VIP cameras. One of them contains the character you chased earlier. You need to get to it in two minutes, while trying not to be seen by the guards.

The hero will begin the next episode with his hands tied - he is being led to execution. Press the buttons shown on the screen in time to release. Now it remains only to catch up with the marked character and kill him, while finishing off a couple of soldiers along the way. The mission ends in Philadelphia.

Now you will meet again with Desmond - he needs to find a second source of energy. This time the events unfold in Brazil. Enter the stadium through the door on the right, and then look for the door to the toilet. Get out through the window, climb the stairs and go to the bed. Having made your way along the iron structures to the other side, you will see that you are ahead of you. Chase your opponent and take the artifact from him. Then return to the metro.

Memory Sequence 9

Talk to George Washington and follow the sign to the church. Examine the tracks, and then catch up with the owner of the cart. Then, imperceptibly move behind the carriage, hiding behind stones. When it stops, you will find yourself inside and will have to quietly kill three soldiers.

Back in New York, follow the indicated character across the rooftops. Connor will need to change into uniform. To do this, find the target marked in red and quietly drag the soldier into the hay cart.

The next episode takes place in a brewery. First, fight the mercenaries, while not forgetting to protect your ally - he should not lose more than half of his health. Then escape from the burning building by jumping for your partner along the ceiling beams.

Once on board the ship, you need to deftly maneuver between the rocks. For this it is better to lower the sails a little. The desired ship is in the bay, but it is empty - the target escapes on another ship. Chase him, trying to keep up. As a result, Connor's ship will be trapped - first you need to kill small enemy ships, and then take care of the battleship, damaging its masts and taking it on board. Having dealt with the soldiers, go down into the hold and kill the main target.

Memory Sequence 10

Follow your ally again. Climb to the destroyed church and jump into the crowd of soldiers. The task is to kill everyone marked in red. This is where the ability to use enemies as human shields comes in handy! After that, you need to catch up with the fleeing officer and deliver him to the fort.

Talk to Washington and ride a horse to the indicated point, destroying all five messengers in three minutes. Once in your home village, talk to the elder. Now you need to neutralize the Indians who are going to attack the militias. To do this, hide the weapon and stun them with blows from behind.

The next task is even easier. Connor will control the cannon. Its task is to hold back the offensive of enemy troops for three minutes. Everything is elementary - aim and shoot. Then the time will come to retreat. On the way, don't forget to kill the soldiers who want to execute several patriots. This will complete another side quest.

And again, the hero returns to our time - in the form of Desmond, you will look for an artifact in Italy. After interrupting the guards, enter the elevator and go up the shaft to the open door. Catch up with the fleeing mercenary and kill him. Having dealt with a few more opponents, you will find yourself in a room that you have already been in in the first part of Assassin's Creed. Watch the cutscene, kill opponents and go out the door, and then go to the Animus.

Memory Sequence 11

After talking with the master of the port, go to the ship, look at the map and select the mission marked with an exclamation mark. The mission is simple, but very exciting - you will become a participant in a big sea battle! It will all end with the boarding of the battleship and the killing of its captain. After that, it remains to have time to leave the board before the explosion.

It's time to put an end to Lee's story. Returning to New York, go down into the dungeon and make your way to the fort through the tunnels. Do not forget to signal the admiral to start the assault. To do this, you need to quietly remove the sentries and climb onto the lighthouse. The time limit is three minutes.

There is one last thing left - a battle with a really serious enemy. Try to quickly parry attacks, and then you will be successful. It is best to counterattack when the enemy is standing near wooden objects. Watch the cutscene and complete the mission.

Memory Sequence 12

There is an important limitation in this mission - you should not leave behind more than 15 corpses, so you will have to act covertly and carefully. After interrupting the mercenaries who seized Connor, go to the pier, dive into the water and sail to the ship. By this time, you will finish off already 13 out of 15 possible opponents. Climb aboard and, hanging under the window, overhear the captain's conversation. He needs to be killed. Wait for the captain, after the detour, to return to his cabin, and quickly finish him off by attacking from behind. It remains to jump into the water and return to the shore.

Once in Boston, the hero receives a new task. We need to go to the harbor, where with the help of the eagle's vision we find the target - it is highlighted in gold. The rules of the chase are simple - the hero must not lag behind the pursued by more than 50 meters. In addition, you cannot push, knock down other characters or harm them in any other way. Let's say right away - it's not easy to do this. The main thing is to act in cold blood. Not the first time, but you will be able to cope with the task. The chase will end on the upper deck of the ship, where the hero will take a makeshift elevator. Watch the splash screen and then go to the point marked with a marker.

However, the game does not end there - now it is necessary to place the previously found artifacts. It is quite easy to do this - you just have to jump a lot over various obstacles, but you are already used to this. After successful installation of three sources, all that remains is to watch the final splash screen. Completed the game!

Part 1.


After listening to the narratives on behalf of Desmond's father that the culminating notorious date of 12/21/12 is approaching, we leave the van and head to the cave. The main character uses the Apple of Edemen and opens the passage. We continue to move deeper into the cave until we find ourselves on the training field of the Animus.

Repetition of what has been learned.

Updating the Animus firmware is a reason to train. Management from the time of the previous parts has practically not changed, but it became much easier to climb. Now you do not need to clamp additional buttons for this. It is still recommended to use the controller together with the traditional PC mouse + keyboard combination. We quickly run forward and climb the ledges. We kill two enemies in the air and get to the exit.

Deadly number.

Playing as the ancestor of Haytham Kenway, we follow forward. We pass through the door and find ourselves at the ball. We pass into the hall of the opera house and take our place on the left. After talking with the ally, we activate the Eagle vision and find the target on the balcony on the right at the far end. We move to the left, we pass into a small room and climb up. We move along the ledge to the right (occasionally upward). We find ourselves on the bed, which is opposite to the one where the target is. We go backstage, after having broken the lock on the door. We rotate each of the master keys to a characteristic click and quickly press the corresponding button to complete the hack. We jump onto unstable decorations, which are constantly falling down. But this will not prevent us from reaching the right place and dealing with the enemy. We take away his amulet and leave the building, pushing aside the panicking crowd.

A journey into a new world.

Additional assignments:

Lost health limit: 10% (during the first battle with sailors)
- Save James in a given time (after the mast collapses)

On the ship "Providence" we go to the distant continent - America, namely to the city of Boston, where we will find like-minded people for our great cause. We will walk to the upper deck and meet aggressive-minded sailors. We ought to teach them a lesson. To do this, hold down the counterattack button and parry the enemy's blows three times. We carry out a series of quick strikes. With the next opponent, quickly press the counterattack button and also quickly the hit button. This will allow you to knock out your opponent. We repeat this action again to finish off the previous impudent person. The sailor pulled out a knife, as soon as he is about to strike, we press the counterattack button, and then the buttons indicated on the screen. By doing this, we will disarm the opponent. Let's follow the appeared captain. He will ask for a favor: find out what is happening on the ship. We return to the cabin and interact with the table.

The captain says it's time to act. Let's talk with the sailor who sends us to the cook and the doctor. Cock, in turn, will direct us to James. We rise to the steering wheel. Someone is dropping barrels of food from the side. We get down to the lower deck and head to the green area on the minimap. We activate the Eagle vision to see the clue on the barrel. We return to the cabin.

Let's talk with the captain, and then we will be sent to the lower deck in connection with the offensive of the enemy ship. Downstairs, Mills reports that it was he who set up this whole mess in order to get even with us for what we did in the theater. We counterattack and deliver quick blows to deal with the enemy. We climb up, fix the gear at the points indicated by the marker. Climb onto the mast and lower the sails. Next, we help James; getting to it will not be difficult.

We go upstairs and talk to the captain. After 72 days, we successfully moored to the coast of America! We climb to the highest mast.

Part 2.

Boston, 1755.

Welcome to Boston.

We are met by Charlie Lee, after which we will follow him. He wants us to train him. We get to a shop with mixed goods. Near the entrance we meet Benjamin Franklin, who asks for help (it is his face that is depicted on the hundred dollar bills). We pass inside, we acquire a saber and a pistol from the merchant. We go outside, where Lee is already waiting for us with the horses. Let us saddle the one that is meant for us and go to the "Green Dragon".

Arriving at the place, dismount and enter the building. We follow Charles upstairs and meet with William Johnson - a connoisseur of local lands. He is one of our future like-minded people. William reports that his tapes were stolen by robbers.

Johnson's commission.

Additional assignments:

Shoot 10 Mercenaries
- Prevent Hickey and Lee from losing more than half their health

We leave the building, we communicate with William's assistant - Thomas Hickey. He has already found the kidnappers, all that remains is to help him take back what belongs to Johnson. We make a shot at the sentinel. Climb to his position, help the allies to deal with the enemies at the entrance to the camp. To achieve one hundred percent synchronization, you need to shoot nine more enemies. Having cleared the point, few enemies hide behind the gate. We destroy the powder keg with an aimed shot and go inside. We take away the box, we deal with the opponents.

It's time to leave the camp. We accompany Hickey all the way, we must not allow a decrease in his health by more than fifty percent. We search the bodies after the murder in order to get ourselves bullets and some money. We shoot enemies on the roofs with aimed fire. It is advisable to get closer to them, otherwise the firepower of the pistol will not be enough to kill them with one shot.

Demonstrating the amulet to William.


Additional assignments:

Stay unnoticed
- Eavesdrop on the conversation of the patrolmen (not just the locals)
- Eavesdrop on all conversations without being noticed

We communicate with Charles and together we decide to free the slaves. We leave outside, we approach the house of Church. No one opened the door at a knock, so the bolder Charles knocks down the door. There is no one inside, so we cut off part of the canvas and get to the orange marker. Being in the fenced area, we eavesdrop on the conversation of the neighbors. We will be noticed, then we quickly merge with the crowd and avoid exposure. Next, we get to the green area, where we will find many orange targets - gossips and similarly eavesdrop on their conversations. In the meantime, the green area will shrink. On the roofs we get to the restricted area and try to enter the barn. You will need a key that can be stolen from any of the captains marked with an orange marker. The easiest way to do this is for those who are not always watched by the guards. We enter the barn and observe the conversation. Then we Eliminate three enemies, sneaking up to them with a hidden blade, and free Church.


Additional assignments:

Do not exceed the detection time limit (the easiest is to hide behind buildings)
- Get three consecutive multi-kills (Hidden Blade is perfect for this)
- Prevent informers from calling for reinforcements (follow the mini-map to track the farther away enemy)

We follow Charles to Pitcairn. An attempt to free him from the clutches of General Braddock was unsuccessful. We follow a group of soldiers, trying not to catch their eyes at all. Lee distracts them with a daring act, we catch up with him. We deal with nine guards and free Pitcairn, who will "play" in our team.

Infiltrating Southgate.

Additional assignments:

Find and kill the general
- Get three consecutive stealth kills around the corner
- Do not take damage from the rifle chain

We set off on the execution of an uncomplicated plan to penetrate the fort. Directly from the roof we attack the train and destroy thirteen guards. After changing clothes, we head to the fort. On the way, the guards will have suspicions, we will promptly neutralize them by giving orders to the allies. Arriving at the place, we release the captive.

We go forward to the crossroads, then turn right. Let's go to the end and find the general. We will hide in a cart with hay and, when he comes up to us, press the hit button. To make three kills from around the corner, you need to snuggle up to the corner of a tent or other tall objects and destroy nearby enemies with a hidden blade. You can use a whistle to lure.

We free the captives in three places. But before that we deal with vigilant officers when they are left alone. Or we just wait for them to leave.

We grab the enemy and save ourselves from four shots. We deal with the enemies, we get to Cyrus. We destroy everyone in the same way.

Part 3.

Boston, 1755.

After talking with Charles, we go to the frontier and get to Lexington.

With your opinion.

Additional assignments:

The limit of lost health is 50% (when fighting wolves, you need to press the first two buttons in time)
- Use destructible items in battle (in the tavern we stand so that there are tables behind our backs and then, after a counterattack, the enemies will break the interior items with their bodies)

Together with Charles we go in search of the mysterious woman, whom we freed earlier. We follow Lee on horseback and discover a recently extinguished fire. We move upward along a thick continuous trail. Charles kills the attacking wolf, we run after the woman. It's time to face the beasts face to face. We quickly press the corresponding buttons to deal with the bloodthirsty wolves on the fly. We activate the Eagle vision to find the woman (she is on the wooden platform above). We continue the pursuit and when the stranger descends to the ground, we will be able to overtake her. The woman's name is Gadzidzio, we show her the amulet. She does not want to talk about the signs depicted on it, but asks to climb the hill.

From above we observe the camp in which the Bulldog (Braddock) is in command. To deal with him, you must first find him. We dive into the haystack below and, reaching the tavern, we go inside. Let's go right and snuggle up to the counter. Having overheard the first conversation, we go to the left. We get up at the window, eavesdrop on the second conversation. We return to the counter and listen to the conversation. We are heading for the exit, but the drunken guards will not let us leave. In hand-to-hand combat, we deal with eight opponents.

Execution is everything.

Additional assignments:

Do not kill guards (after listening to the conversation, use only melee combat)
- Spoil two guns

We meet with Dzio not far from the camp. The easiest way to get inside unnoticed is on a cart, which just passes by to the left of us. Having penetrated into the camp, the wagon will soon stop. Let's leave it and go down the grass to the right. We disable the first cannon, without catching the eyes of enemies. We return to the cart and follow the left side. We go to the white area on the minimap and start listening to the conversation. When the enemies are a little further away, it is best to immediately climb onto the roof. And jump off the other side onto the grass. Before getting into the tent, we stun the guard from behind without using a weapon. We take away the card, disable the second cannon. From here we go down, leave the camp through the side passage and get to Gadzidza.

Expedition Braddock.

Additional assignments:

Kill two militias without drawing attention
- Destroy the carts with gunpowder (we purchase cartridges in advance!)

Together with like-minded people, we go to the north, where we will meet Dzio and her tribe. Let's go right and enter the red zone. Let's hide in a haystack and deal with the enemy. A little further there is another haystack. We will get there through the grass and deal with the guard in the same way. Now we can kill everyone else.

We change clothes and on horseback we get to Braddock. He decided to run away from us, taking advantage of the French attack. We rush in pursuit, on the way we shoot at the powder kegs on the carts. Having overtaken the general, he runs away again. We select the blade, catch up with the target and deal with it.

Not finding anything interesting in the cave, we return to the allies. We take the oath of oath for Charles. From now on, he is a Templar.

Part 4.

Ganadazedon, 1760.


Additional assignments:

Find all children without making a single mistake
- Find all children in four minutes

We play for Radunhageida (the main character, later Connor). We follow other children into the forest. Let's play hide and seek. We pull out a short stick and, accordingly, we drive. Having counted up to a hundred, we proceed to the search. We study the clue right in front of us. There are three green areas on the minimap. With each clue learned, the diameter of these circles decreases. Clues are highlighted long before they are approached, so it will not be difficult to find all the children. Mostly they hide in haystacks.

We return to the tree and draw lots again. We choose any of the available places where we can hide. We are attacked by enemies, one of which is Charles Lee. They are asking for a message to be sent to our tribe. We get to the village, which was engulfed in flames. Through the barn we get to the hut where our mother (Gadzidzio) is. Let's go around on the right side. An attempt to save her will not be successful.

Feathers and trees.

Additional assignments:

Do not touch the ground and water
- Find three feathers (they are all marked on the map, you just need to wander a little through the forest)

Rhoda asked to collect feathers. We climb onto a thin tree and from there along a branch to the neighboring one. Climbing up is pretty easy. The main thing is to look in the right direction and hold the run button. We get to the river along the branches and at the same time keep an eye on our partner. He almost falls into the river, you will need to help him. We climb up the rocks to the bird's nest. Having obtained the feather, we fall down, but successfully land in the haystack. The map shows the location of three more feathers, which you need to climb on trees with small pegs.

Hunting lessons.

Additional assignments:

Collect three different species of animals (hare, fox, deer)
- Set a trap with bait to catch the animal (the place where we set the trap, it is advisable to fill it with plenty of bait)
- Kill two animals in the air (you need to attack while on a hill (tree, cobblestone))

We get to the green area, shoot the hare with a bow and skin his body. We study the clue near the tree and, choosing a trap from the arsenal, set it up. We go to the next larger green area. Examine the clue (bush with red berries). Hiding in the grass, we get close to the deer as close as possible. Select the bait in the arsenal. The deer will smell the smell and run up to us. We attack him, kill and skin. We could also kill him with an arrow, but in this case, instead of the skin, we get meat. We return to the traps and check them for the presence of prey.

You need to get the meat of five animals. As soon as the counter is full, we will no longer be able to continue the hunt and, accordingly, additional orders not completed will be failed. We return to Ganadogon, who runs away from the bear in fear. Press the appropriate buttons to dodge the beast. Let's go back to the village. During the battle with the bear, we lost all the prey, but our talented student managed to provide us with a hearty dinner.

There will be something to remember.

Additional assignments:

Avoid mid-air collisions

We pass into the tent behind Rhoda. We get into the hands of the Apple of Eden and move to the Nexus. We incarnate into the body of a bird and fly forward, avoiding collisions with various obstacles. You can change the flight left-right, up-down.

Part 5.

Frontier, 1769.

Radunhageid left the village to get answers to his questions. We get to the Davenport estate. Through the global map to the point, you can move instantly.


Additional assignments:

The limit of lost health is not more than 50%

After knocking persistently on the door, they finally open us, but refuse to help. It started raining, so we will get to the stable nearby and take cover there.

In the morning we will try again to ask for help, this time the assassin does not open the door at all. Let's go to the back door, the owner of the estate leans out of the window and again asks to leave his possession. We climb onto the balcony and receive a rude refusal. We return to the stable.

At night we discover unknown persons trying to disturb the old man's peace. We deal with the enemies, and then Achilles appears and helps us to escape from the clutches of the leader. Having earned respect, we pass into the estate and communicate with the old man. After listening to the story, we follow him into a secret basement.

Achilles' commission.

Additional assignments:

Hide for a given time

We jump into the carriage and, together with the mentor, go to the city. We follow Achilles and then we go to the shop of mixed goods. From now on we are called Connor. We "unfasten" the coins to the merchant and ask them to deliver the tools to the van near the town hall. We return to Achilles. Find out what's going on. Among the crowd we notice the father - Haytem. Let's follow his accomplice into the alley. We don't come close, but we try not to lose sight of it for a long time. When he climbs onto the roof, you need to stay close, since in a limited time we have to deal with the enemy before he fires a shot. We hide from the guards, leaving first from the red, then from the orange areas on the minimap.

Especially dangerous.

Additional assignments:

Renown must not be higher than level 3

The wanted level has grown noticeably and now, at every meeting of the guards, they will immediately want to kill us. We get to Samuel, who will help us get rid of this "bad reputation". On his advice, we run around the city and tear down posters. A couple is enough for the first time, then we return to Sam. He introduces us to Silas, a local herald who, for a reasonable fee, will convince the crowd of anything. We accompany Samuel to the system of tunnels through the alleys so as not to collide with the guards once again.

Lay down to the bottom.

We get out on the other side. The path is pretty predictable if you look at the minimap, and Sam's comments and the running rats will give you directions in the right direction. We pick the lock in the same way as we did earlier. We rotate two master keys in turn until a characteristic click and, without releasing the fixed position, make sharp movements.

Fighting the seal.

Another way to get rid of your "bad reputation" is to visit the printer. He will do everything in the best possible way. We follow Sam to the pier. We communicate with the captain (anchor sign on the minimap) and select the Davenport estate on the global map.

The return of the prodigal son.

Returning to Achilles, Connor expresses his displeasure with him. But nevertheless, we get an Assassin set from the teacher.

Rescue on the river.

Additional assignments:

When saving Terry, do not touch the water (when the camera rises, you need to jump not into the water, but onto a log)

An unknown person knocks on the window, we go out into the street and find out about what happened. We follow Godfrey, who did not really explain anything. Having reached the river, we see a man on a log, who is carried away by the current. We jump over stones, branches and fallen trees. Terry and Godfrey are planning to equip a sawmill nearby, their work will be very useful for repairing the estate.

Start date.

We get to the hut on the shore, as our teacher asked. Here we meet Robert Faulkner, who will help us repair the Aquila. First you need to get the materials. We return to Achilles. He gives us a ledger (ledger) in which we can distribute materials and send them to the desired buildings. We perform the actions shown on the screen. We study the section "Stocks", "Craft" and "Trade".

We are not looking for easy ways.

Additional assignments:

The ship should not be damaged (use only half of the sails so as not to collide with the reefs)
- Withstand three attacks (we dodge the shots of the frigate by pressing the corresponding button when we see a red stream of light directed at us)
- Shoot two enemy ships with a Falconet

We meet with Robert at the repaired ship and go to Martha's Vineyard, where we can buy guns and hire gunners. We approach the steering wheel to start controlling the ship. We raise half of the sails, and then all the sails. The more they are raised, the faster the ship moves and the less controllable it is. When the storm intensifies, of course, we leave only half of the sails to keep the ship in the right direction.

We moor to the pier. In the tavern, there is a small skirmish due to the fact that Connor is trying to find out from the Templars about the whereabouts of Charles Lee. We buy guns, hire familiar gunners and return to the ship. We sail to the destroyed ship for training. We look in the direction where we want to shoot. Thus, we destroy two ships on opposite sides of us. Then from the falconet we make an aimed shot at the barrels of gunpowder. We return to Achilles, and on the way shoots the enemy ships attacking us. First there will be three small ones, then one frigate. We are in no hurry to attack him, first we will dodge the cannon shots.

Part 6.


Sean reveals that he found a power source in a Manhattan penthouse. We are thrown into an adjacent building, from where we begin to climb up to the highest point of the crane. Then we jump down from there, quickly press any button and open the parachute. We land at the helipad. We take away the source of energy, and the former assassin immediately appears, now working for the Templars. We neutralize it and return to the Animus.

Davenport Estate, 1773.

On the trail of Johnson.

Additional assignments:

Do not exceed the second level of fame
- Do not exceed six shots during the destruction of contraband in the port

Ganadogan arrives at the estate and reports that all the villagers are being asked to leave their homes, since these lands have been purchased by the Confederation. We also find out the name of the one who is behind all this - William Johnson. On the ship we go to Boston and meet with Samuel. We follow him, along the way we face another injustice. We help the resident to deal with the guards who disturb the peace of conscientious payers. We catch up with Sam.

After the meeting, we leave for the port. In the restricted areas we look for contraband and throw powder barrels lying nearby. We shoot at them to destroy. The pistol and ammunition for it can be taken from the bodies of killed enemies. Further, we deal with three groups of tax collectors prowling around the city.

The cook is angry.

Additional assignments:

Do not engage in collisions for more than 15 seconds
- Limit of lost health Shafo: 30%
- Get five stealth kills

Enraged, Stefan goes in search of the robbers. We accompany him all the way. It is advisable to go ahead of him in order to have time to imperceptibly neutralize the guards. We actively use firearms to deal with a group of enemies quickly and efficiently. In the end, we use the gunner to destroy the captain of the guard.

Tea drinking.

Additional assignments:

Throw ten crates of tea into the water
- Throw three British soldiers into the water (we try to counterattack when they stand with their backs to the side)
- Get one kill with a musket in the air (a musket can be obtained from enemies, we jump on them directly from the side and attack in the air)

We find out from Samuel the plan of further actions. We arrive at the port, where we deal with fifteen guards. We proceed to unload the tea into the water. Our task is to hold out until the entire unloading of tea takes place. We actively help our allies to fight off enemies. First of all, let's unload ten crates. Do not forget that the forces of the allies can be depleted and then you will have to protect Shafo and Sam. If this is not done, then the task will fail.

Aggressive negotiations.

Additional assignments:

Prevent the killing of more than one Indian
- Get close to Johnson unnoticed (it's easiest to attack the target from the roof)
- Dive like a swallow and get away from the chase (having dealt with Johnson, we run down the clearing and dive into the water)

We return to the Davenport estate and communicate with Achilles. Soon Ganadogan arrives at the house and reports that Johnson is again trying to buy out the land on which the village is located. We get to the frontier and meet with Ganadogan. Let's jump down from the right side, finding a lower place in order to lose as little health as possible. From here it is much easier to get to Johnson on the hill. We avoid the guards by choosing a route through the minimap. We climb onto the roof and, having chosen the blade, in a jump we deal with the enemy. We are hiding from the guards.

Part 7.

Davenport Estate, 1775

Midnight jump.

Additional assignments:

Do not engage in open confrontation
- Get to Prescott in two minutes

We leave for Boston to meet with Paul Revere and his colleagues. Together we go to the frontier. We move from one green area to another until we find the houses of the militia. Also, if you get confused, you can always ask your partner to show you the right path. Arriving at the third house, we were almost caught. We leave the danger zone and get to Prescott. Then we will visit Hancock and Adams and also warn them about the impending British army.

Lexington and Concord.

Additional assignments:

Destroy each of the seven groups of soldiers with one order
- Rescue the hostages (we follow the mini-map on the way to the farm in order to notice the residents in need of protection in time)

Pitcairn's army launched an offensive. They outnumber us and therefore our fighters have retreated in unison. We get to Barrett's farm and proceed to command the troops. There are three groups in total: in the center in front of the bridge, to the right and, respectively, to the left. We follow the mini-map and run in the direction from which the enemies are advancing the fastest. We give the order to fire only when the enemy troops got close to a sufficient distance. You should also take into account that there are no losses in our ranks, and if there are any, then we are waiting for replenishment. Rather, it is relevant for the execution of an additional order. After finishing the fight, we communicate with James Barrett.

The war is coming.

Additional assignments:

Walk through Charlestown without getting damaged (run non-stop is best)
- Kill the grenadier from the air (the grenadier is in the left ship)
- stay unnoticed on ships

We leave for Bunker Hill, where we will meet with Israel Putnam. But the scout brings us to Breeds. A fierce battle is taking place here. The general intends to leave the battlefield. We run to the ships to stop the shelling from the sea. First, let's swim to the left ship. The best way to get there is from the back. Imperceptibly we neutralize the guard in the back of the ship. Then we climb to the mast and in a jump we destroy the grenadier. We set fire to the powder keg, quickly jump into the water. We do the same with the second ship. All that remained was to replace the flags on the tops of the masts.

Battle of Bunker Hill.

Additional assignments:

Kill Pitcairn in the air without being noticed
- Get through the battlefield without getting damaged
- Don't kill more than four English soldiers unnecessarily

Having reached the coast, we sit down in the saddle and follow the patriot. We run from cover to cover, picking up the moment. We follow the enemy troops, as soon as the outbreak has passed - you can run! Climb up the rock and follow the thick grass to the left. We try not to tear ourselves away from her, as the guards are constantly patrolling here. Having reached the tents, we will go to the end and climb up a long tree. Jump over to the adjacent tree to the right. Climb even higher and follow a long branch. Jump over to the flag holder and from here easily jump onto Pitcairn's head.

Part 8.

Davenport Estate, 1776

Something foreign.

Additional assignments:

Do not push or knock anyone down (walk with a step when we see a crowd)
- Successfully eavesdrop on a conversation while standing still
- Successfully eavesdrop on a conversation on the go (you cannot climb the roof)

In the house of Achilles we communicate with his friend. We leave for the frontier, and from there we get to New York. Let's saddle the horse and follow the agent to the market. We are witnessing an attempt to purchase goods for counterfeit money. Let's follow the counterfeiter. We keep our distance so that if something happens we have time to hide around the corner. We eavesdrop on the conversation while in the appropriate zone. We continue the pursuit, we overhear the next conversation, moving along the alley. The counterfeiters will stop exactly two times: the first time we will easily hide among people, and the second time literally a meter away from them behind the shelter on the right, so we keep up! They will turn right and find themselves in their lair.

Bursting inside, we find Thomas Hickey. So, we begin the pursuit, we turn into the alley on the left. Now we are not running after Thomas, but straight ahead! This way we can cut it and quickly overtake it.

Bridewell Prison.

Additional assignments:

Do not kill more than one guard
- Kill Hickey in two minutes

We are caught and, stunned, placed in a cell. We approach the wall to eavesdrop on the conversation of the prisoners. We go to bed.

The next day we go down for a walk, accompanied by a security guard. Turn on Eagle's vision and find the yellow target. Mason is sitting at the gambling table. We lay out the chips and at the same time find out useful information. We go upstairs and steal the key from Finch. We return to the cell. At night we try to open the cell door, but in fact the key does not fit this lock at all. In the morning we find out from Mason that the key is intended to be replaced with the original one, which can be taken to the overseer. We attack the prisoners, and then we deal with everyone. We act only one bundle of Counterstrike + Break through the defense. We also inflict a lot of short strikes in order to quickly neutralize opponents.

We escape from the confinement and, avoiding the guards, we go upstairs, where Mason is waiting for us. It opens up access to more spacious cells. As soon as we go out into the large room, we will immediately turn to the right. We climb the stairs to the very top and, when the guards leave, we will enter the cell.

Public execution.

Additional assignments:

The bodyguards of Washington must survive (we catch up with Hickey and push him as soon as possible)
- Kill enemy militias

We are being led to execution. Without trial and investigation, we will be hanged. We make our way through the crowd to the gallows. After a short speech by Charles, the noose begins to squeeze tightly on the neck. We are quickly signaling to the allies to release us. In deceleration we catch up with Hickey and push him so that his attention is directed to us. We parry his attacks and just push him away. We deal with two guards and finish off Hickey.

We follow Achilles and after the conversation, we pass into the hall.

Part 9.


The second source of energy has been found - in Brazil. We rise higher to establish a connection with Rebecca. It's not so easy to get to the stadium - you need a ticket. On the right, there is an open door leading to the courtyard. We move through the grass after the guard and then we sneak through the nearest door inside. We move along the corridor, continue to bypass the security on the right side (toilets, small utility rooms). Climbing upstairs thanks to acrobatic abilities, we follow the guard. We can stun him from behind and go to the box. Let's move along the metal structure to the opposite side. If you activate Eagle Vision, then it is easy to notice a red target behind a huge glass in the VIP zone. We get there and face an unknown assassin who staged a bloody massacre and is trying to escape with an artifact. We rush after, and the chase will end in the courtyard. We deal with the guards and the killer himself. We attack it in the same way as we previously attacked the prisoners in the prison - Counterstrike + Break through the defense. We take away the energy source and rush to the subway at full steam.

Davenport Estate, 1777.

Lost cargo.

Additional assignments:

Catch a driver in thirty seconds
- Don't hide in the hay while following the caravan
- Kill three patrolmen without being noticed

We leave the estate and go to Valley Forge to do justice on our own. The commander reports treason, which is accompanied by the theft of goods. We get to the abandoned church. Going inside, Haytham attacks us. Surely, if he wanted to kill us, he would have done it. After talking with him, together we begin to search for Benjamin Church.

We leave the church and study the first clue - broken crates with provisions. We go further along the path, we get out on the road. An enemy squad is patrolling here. Ignoring them or dealing with them is a matter of taste. We study the traces of the carriage on the road. In the last small area, we can easily find the cart itself and the driver. We catch up with the fugitive and bring down to the ground. Haytham kills the driver and gives us new orders.

We catch up with the caravan and follow it. We move now to the left, then to the right, so as not to catch the eyes of the guards. Moreover, you must not leave the listening area. Once in the hay, we wait for the guard to come up to us, and then we will deal with him. Similarly, we destroy two more who will meet on the way. The mercenaries seized Haytham, help him and deal with thirteen opponents.

Father and son.

Additional assignments:

Steal the mercenary's clothes and not get caught

Meet Haytham in New York. We follow him across the roofs to the place where Benjamin Church is hiding. Since the guard at the gate has changed, we will not be able to get inside. We get to the mercenary and quietly kill him when he is near the boxes. We quickly change into his uniform and, returning to his father, together we pass into Church's lair.

Foam and flame.

Additional assignments:

Don't take fire damage
- The limit of health lost by Haytem: 50%

We fall into a prepared trap and deal with enemies. As soon as we see that the health of our father is rapidly declining, we help him. The mercenaries fired at the explosive, and therefore the brewery was engulfed in flames. We climb up, along the beams that have not yet been touched by the fire, we move to the other side. We continue to rise higher and higher. We help Haytem and together we make our way to the exit.

A bitter result.

Additional assignments:

Damage taken from the environment: 20%
- The distance to the schooner must not exceed 500

We meet with father at the pier and set off in pursuit of Church. We overtake the ship "Greeting", but there is no one on board. Meanwhile, on the other side, the line escort begins to fire at us. We chase him, trying to keep up with more than 500. We maneuver among the rocks with half of the sails. Further, in an open battle we destroy five small ships, the line escort - we do not attack. Already when we deal with the ships, we select knipples in the list of equipment and shoot the main enemy.

Let's board. First of all, we will kill three sailors in a row (they are easiest). Then marked targets on the minimap. We go down to the lower deck and finish off Church.

Part 10.

Davenport Estate, 1778.

Alternative methods.

Additional assignments:

Use guards twice as human shields
- Pounce on the target from above

We leave for New York to meet with Haytham. Together we go in search of loyalist commanders. We follow the father and rise to the very top. We jump on the heads of enemies. We get closer to the arrows (yellow targets) to provoke them. As soon as they are ready to shoot, we grab the nearest guard and use it as a human shield. Having destroyed all, we grab the shooters prisoner. One of them manages to escape. We rush in pursuit. It is not at all necessary to follow on the heels of the fugitive. You can, without turning into an alley, watch for him first to climb to the height and attack. We accompany the prisoner to the interrogation room. We push it periodically, otherwise it won't budge.

Committed trust.

Additional assignments:

Do not touch the ground (we move and attack, exclusively while in the saddle)
- Intercept all patriots' messengers in three minutes
- Neutralize ganyageha with bloodless methods

Having learned the contents of Washington's note, we rush towards the village. We follow the green zone on the mini-map and along the way we exterminate the marked enemies. It is best to use firearms. Having finished with it, we go around numerous troops and get to the village. We inform the elder that enemies are approaching them. Rhoda, in turn, wonders why we are not with Charles Lee.

We leave the village and start hunting for the Ganyageh warriors. We try to sneak up on them from behind and attack without using weapons. Then we get close to Ganadogan. Charles has shrouded his mind in lies, and now he thinks that we are going to destroy the village. We press the appropriate button and do what we have to do.

Battle of Monmouth.

Additional assignments:

Neutralize each of the eight platoons of soldiers with one cannonball
- Kill two platoons of soldiers with one cannonball (shoot strictly between two platoons)
- Prevent three executions of Patriot leaders

We meet with the commander-in-chief and begin to hold the defense. We have one single cannon at our disposal. We destroy the approaching enemies - on the right, left and in the center. The enemy forces outnumber ours, so we will have to retreat. We move to a safe place from one control point to another. Along the way, we stop the executions, running up and starting to attack.

Part 11.


Abstergo has taken over our father. In return, the Templars demand, of course, an Apple. We leave for their laboratory, where everyone is already aware of our arrival. We go straight, then we enter into a battle with the guards. Having interrupted everyone, we will go upstairs by elevator, but we will not have time to reach the required floor. We climb the elevator shaft to the fourth floor and deal with the enemies. We continue to walk along the corridors and bridges. We get through the doors into the room on the left and meet with Cross. When he "overlaps", we rush in pursuit. We overtake and kill with a blade.

We rise by elevator to the fifth floor. We are heading to Vidik's office. On the way we shoot numerous guards from a pistol. Then the doors will open, and we can go into the office. Using Apple, we manipulate the guards and force them to kill themselves and Vidik. We free the father, take the third artifact and return to the shelter, simultaneously releasing the energy of the Apple.

Davenport Estate, 1781

Battle of the Chesapeake.

Additional assignments:

Destroy three ships with one side salvo
- Sink two frigates by hitting them in the powder holds
- Kill five enemies with a counterattack

The last meeting with Achilles, the last instruction from our teacher ... On the ship we go to the Chesapeake Bay. We enter the battle under the command of the admiral. Earlier we already fought at sea, nothing has changed since then. We hit enemies with onboard fire. We will destroy a couple of frigates from a falconet, shooting at gunpowder on their sides. In the final battle, a huge line escort awaits us. But we will not measure the cannons with him, but we will face directly and board him.

We deal with the sailors, we kill five in the counterattack. The main target is the captain, marked on the minimap. We shoot at the powder barrels and quickly jump off the ship. The admiral was pleased with our outstanding abilities. He kept his promise and therefore will fulfill what we asked for.

Lee's last battle.

Additional assignments:

Reach the signal tower in three minutes
- Stay undetected on the way to the signal fire
- Health Lost Limit: 50%

We pull the guard into the well. The best way to reach the tower is via the rooftops. But here, too, one should beware of even lonely, but very vigilant guards. We give a signal to the admiral, and the shelling begins. How, after all, at the wrong time we find ourselves in the center of events. After the explosion, Connor is seized by a shell shock. We get to Haytham and start the battle. We stand with our backs to improvised objects such as barrels, wooden tables. We carry out several parrying blows. We finish off our father by driving a hidden blade into his head when he begins to strangle us.

Part 12.

New York, 1782.


Additional assignments:

Kill no more than fifteen English soldiers
- Get off the ship without engaging in combat
- Kill the captain of the Jersey

We get close to Charles Lee. After the conversation, we break free from the clutches of the guards. We don't abuse killing. We destroy only those mercenaries who are marked on the minimap. It is advisable to run away from the rest. We find out from the latter about the whereabouts of Charles. We leave for the ferry, swim we get to the Jersey. We climb up the rope. We move to the left, climb higher, then to the right and thus climb aboard. We sneak past the soldier to the marked point. We scramble to the window to eavesdrop on the captain's conversation. Let's go right to the captain's cabin. After listening to the conversation, you will need to kill him. First, let's deal with the witnesses, and only then with the goal itself. We jump into the water and automatically find ourselves on the dock.

Chasing Lee.

Additional assignments:

Do not move more than 50 from Lee
- Do not push anyone during the chase
- Don't get damaged by fire

We leave for Boston to the Green Dragon tavern. We find out from the mercenary about the whereabouts of Charles. We get to the harbor in the green area. Climb higher to increase the view. We activate the Eagle vision and track down the yellow target. Now the chase will begin, which will make you sweat. At least I managed to pass it with all the additional assignments only on the ninth attempt. So, we run forward, stop in front of the barrels. We continue to run after the explosion. We go around the first guards on the right. The second arrow chain - by jumping off the left. We get to the burning model of the ship. We slide from below, then we climb up the wall to the right. We jump onto the hanging ropes on the left. We get out through the window. We jump further and further and find ourselves at the bottom. We slip, we go up the mechanism. The enemy flew around the corner. Let's wait a bit until the mechanism returns to us, and perform a similar action. We catch up with Charles, but we are no longer able to fight with him. Finally, we manage to shoot, after which he hides.

We are slowly moving towards the pier. Then we still slowly get to the tavern, where we will get even with Charles Lee.


The riddle is solved! Desmond now knows where the key is. We dig it out and return to the shelter. Turn left and go into a room with multi-level devices. We climb up the metal beams and install the first energy source. A passage opened to the right of the Animus. Let's go along it and go up the steep stairs. On the opposite side, we will see the place where we follow to stick the energy source. Let's walk parallel to that side, then turn right and slide down. Turn right twice and then again to get through the passage into the room. Climb the walls and install the artifact. We return to the Animus. Let's go a little further and turn right. We go upstairs, we climb the pillars to the passage in the corner. From there we jump onto the horizontal bars and, being on the other side, we again move along the pillars and install the last artifact. Let's return to the Animus and finally come to the transparent wall. Now is the time to make a choice. We are watching the final video.