Features of the game without a disk. Installing games on PS4. Possibilities of the game without a disk game PS4 you can play pirate copies

PS4 games are bought two ways: on a CD or in PlayStation Network.

In the first case, you will have to insert the disk to the drive all the time, which is not always convenient. By purchasing a digital version in PSN, you can save a littleplus - no need to highlight the place to store boxes with disks.

In this article we will tell about all the possibilities of the game without a disk and share the secret, how to install hacked games on PS4.

In our workshops produced Repair PlayStation 4.. You can safely trust many years of experience of our specialists. Call and write down!

How to play ps4 without disk

Purchase in PSN allows you to get a game, without leaving home. All you need is to pay content by any convenient way of cashless calculation.

"Black Friday" in PS Store

In the official digital store, various events are often held, during which users can purchase games at reduced cost.

After buying a PlayStation Plus subscription, you can install the game on PlayStation 4 for free or discount. Of course, this is not about all games, but only about those on which such an action is valid.

All game files are downloaded from the Internet and are installed on the hard disk. Purchase information assigned to Accountfrom which she was paid. Accordingly, to play on the PS4 without a disc, you just need to enter your account.

When playing from a CD, you need insert it into the consoleSince the license is recorded on it. It turns out that it is impossible to play without a disk, which is not always convenient if you play a large number of games.

Purchase and installation of games on PS4

To purchase the game, you need go to your personal account And authorized it in PSN.

Make sure your account tied credit card. How to do it:

  1. Go to "Settings" - "Account Management" - "Account Data";
  2. Select "Wallet" and subparagraph "Payment Information";
  3. The prefix will offer to choose a paypal wallet or credit card, specify a convenient way;
  4. Enter all the data requested;
  5. Check that all fields are filling correctly and click "Save", and then "OK".

Now you can go to the purchase of games:

  1. Find the right game in the catalog;
  2. Add it to the basket;
  3. If you want to buy several minutes, click "Continue Shopping", and if one - "Proceed to checkout";
  4. If the money is enough, click "Confirm the purchase", if not - "Add funds".

The inscription will appear on the left: "Added to [Downloads from Network]" - This means that the purchase has passed successfully. The installation speed of the game on the PS4 hard disk depends on the speed of the Internet connection and the amount of data.

Pirate Games on PS4

The network has long been taking conversations about the possible pirate firmware PlayStation 4.

The Xbox 360 past generation console broke a few months after its release, the PS3 owners had to wait more than a year, and the consoles of the current generation: PS4 and Xbox One, do not want to disappoint their manufacturers at all.

Only now, 5 years after the release of the new console, appeared first decent hackingallowing free to play pirated games on PS4.

Hacking about which is a speech - exploit, allowing you to be introduced into the official firmware and add several new features to it, in particular, running free gamesdownloaded from the Internet.

Drive firmware yet And it is unlikely that it will appear in the near future, so play pirate disks for PS4 will not work yet. Now you can install the game from the flash drive on PS4, which is much more convenient to "WIN" with the writing record.

Fortunately for Sony, but not for users, this method is not suitable for everyone. To launch the exploit, you should be in your hands prefix with version for not higher than 4.55.

If the version is below, it is necessary upgrade up to 4.55., and if it is above - to hope that the hackers will come up with a way to hack her. Most likely, this will happen very soon, as it appeared on some foreign resources working on Hacking 5.01But at the moment all detailed information is in closed access.

Flash ps4 for games You can in one of our workshops. First call managers and specify all the details.

Instructions for hacking PS4


Below all the necessary information starting with the purchase of the desired version of PS4, hacking, and ending with the launch of the downloaded games.

Basic information:

If on your PS4 firmware 5.50 or higher - you are not lucky, everything is not for you.

Downgrade from 5.50 or higher is impossible at the moment.

Running games requiring version of the firmware 5.50 or higher is also impossible at the moment.

Recently released the PS4Ident tool, to identify the potential version of the factory all firmware.

Works caching (offline), Hen v1.8 5.05:

It works caching (offline), hen 4.74 (about 4.74 more information will find in the second spoiler):

I will add from myself that I used to activate the exploit through the browser (I came to one of the sites), but I tried to break through DNS and I liked it more because:
1) All PAYLOAD "s in one place.
2) You can use the Internet without any problems, because after registering the DNS all ends with Sony servers and actually the console itself will not be updated.
3) is more stable (only before each shutdown of the console does not remove the daw with the "Connect to the Internet", otherwise after the next inclusion, when the console is activated, the console will be cut off (after updating the Henu to 1.7 I have become so, I use active Internet, everything is possible)) .
4) Easy caching and the ability to use this hacking method without the Internet.

1) For some reason, Linux Loader does not work, although I replaced my slim on Fat, because I really want to put Linux (and just like the design more), but on Slim "kah Linux works bad as far as I know.

P.S With Hen Update to V1.7 Now there is no need to remove the daw before turning off the "Connect to the Internet", if you do it, now at the next Hen activation, "a console will turn off in most cases.


Part I - Setting up DNS

1. Turn PS4
2. Go to the settings, select "Network"
3. Put the check mark on the contrary "Connect to the Internet"
4. Go to "Install Internet Connection"
5. Select " Use wi-fi" or " Use LAN"Depending on the type of connection - wireless and wired, respectively
6.Select " Special", Select your WiFi connection if Wi-Fi is selected.
7. In the menu " IP Address Settings"Select" Automatically
8.The menu " Host DHCP Name"Select" Do not indicate
9.The menu " DNS settings"Select" Manually
10.The field " Basic DNS."Enter
11.The field " Additional DNS."Enter
12. Click " Further
13.The menu " MTU settings"Select" Automatically
14.The menu " Proxy server."Select" Do not use
15. Click " Check Internet connection"To complete the setting
Checking may pass as successfully and not pass. If you see the inscription "Failed to connect to the Internet (error number)", do not pay attention to it. The main thing is that the settings are preserved.
16. By the end of the checks, click the (PS) button to return to the initial screen.

Part II - Blocking Update

”, “User's manual

PS4 Exploit Host by Al-Azif

5. Click OK.
6.Select " 5.05
8.Andented " You are All Set"(In some dyloiders" Done

Disable Updates is enough to run once. After rebooting the console, it is not necessary to run it!

Part III - Starting Explant

1. Hold off the drive of the console disk and disconnect the USB devices before exploiting activation
2. On the console, go to settings to the item " User Guide / Useful Information”, “User's manual
If an error occurs, reboot the console
3. The article will open the page. " PS4 Exploit Host by Al-Azif
4. The end of the process will jump off the notification
5. Click OK.
6.Select " 5.05
7.Select "Hen"
8.Andented " You are All Set"(In some dyloiders" Done") It suggests that the Paylohad has been successfully activated
If the first time does not exit (not enough memory), press the (O) button to close the error message and try again.
You can also extort the browser data and delete cookies, after which restart the console
9. Click (PS) to exit the start screen
10. Now you can connect all previously disconnected USB devices

PART IV - exploit caching

1. In the settings to the item " User Guide / Useful Information”, “User's manual
. After the error occurs to reboot the console
2. The article will open the page " PS4 Exploit Host by Al-Azif
3. Select " 5.05
4.Select Cache.
5. The caching of Peiladov
May take a few minutes
6. The end of the process will jump off the notification.
7. Click OK.
8. Click (PS) to exit the start screen

Once overlooking the Peiloads, you can run them with the usual way even without an active Internet connection!
If you want to delete the acupunged files (for example, to hide new), go to the browser and delete the data.

Instructions taken with RUTORKA

The content is incorrectly displayed or does not swing the game? Please write and this trouble will be fixed in the shortest possible time.

Since the end of 2017, messages are walking on the network that the famous PlayStation 4 console from Sony is literally two steps from jailbreak, that is, a complete hacking. How is it really the case?

What is jailbreak?

Before proceeding to the analysis of the entire mysterious situation with the Hacking PlayStation 4, it should be understood that it represents. Jailbreak is to get absolute rights on the device. Among the owners of tablets and smartphones on Android, this process is associated with the unlocking root access, but in fact it is the same as the jailbreak.

Goals are also similar. The devices are flashed and selected in order to be able to change their settings at the lowest level, as well as to bypass various systems that in the protected mode of operation do not allow these or other things. For example, in the case of gaming consoles, such systems do not give pirated versions of the game.

Of course, hacking PS4 opens much more interesting opportunities, but the games are the main reason why the console is trying from the moment of the appearance of it on the stores of stores in 2013. The ability to play all exclusives is very attracted by gamers, because their purchase costs non-sash.

Actually, the sale of exclusive games is the main way to earn a platform-container, whether Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo. Dear games are the main counter-argument in disputes between consolers and "bakeries". After all, the prefixes of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One are relatively inexpensive, if you compare them with similar in characteristics.

Is this the first hacking?

Not. At the end of December 2017, a group of hackers headed by Specter in free access to the so-called Kernel exploit. Network users have actively discussed this event, because for the first time in 5 years someone was really able to introduce into the PlayStation system 4. At the same time, no question of the jailbreak of speech was then, the exploit performed a single function: "Listened" one of the important ports of the console.

Interestingly, hacking occurred only on the firmware 4.05, on all other versions of PlayStation 4, the exploit is useless. However, a lot from a small one, and now in mid-January, hackers were able to install and launch a third-party application, which turned out to be a pirated version of the sensational tisser P.T., which was originally positioned as a demo version of Silent Hills, but later was removed from the PS Store.

The entire trigger startup process captured on video. Moreover, they gave quite specific information on how to repeat what was done. It turned out that they used some dumpfile405. It is not difficult to guess that this file was obtained as a result of the console listener thereby kernel-exploit. And then everything became truly serious.

Playstation 4 finally hacked?

Why hacking PS4 is bad?

First of all, it is worth noting that this material is solely cognitive. The work of developers must be paid. The industry cannot live without infusion of finance, and therefore the purchase of games is a necessary condition for its existence and development.

What will the cook piracy turn out? No, the games will not stop doing, but they will embed the need for a permanent connection to the Internet. Already, many games require every second connectment, and modern protection methods like Denuvo can strongly.

At the end we will open the secret, how to run hacked games on PS4Since this option is not very common, but we still can't ignore it.

What is PlayStation Network

PSN - Online service Sony, where you can buy and download games and applications for PlayStation. Digital copies of games are stored on the hard disk. No additional actions are required to start them, you can play PS4 without a disk in the drive.

Disk games are installed on HDD, but for their launch it is required that the BR disk itself is in the console, as it contains information about the license.

In PSN, various shares are often arranged for which you can buy a game at a discount to 70-80%.

PlayStation Plus paid subscription allows you to play multiplayer mode, and also opens free access to some games. Most of the free titles end up with ind-games, but among them almost always have 1 more or less worthy project.

Installing games on PS4

Before moving to payment, you need create and authorize your account in PSN. First of all, you must bind your credit card or PayPal wallet.

Step 1. Go to the section "Settings" - "Account Management" - "Account Data".

Step 2. In point "Wallet" Find "Payment Information". Here you specify a convenient way to pay content in PSN.

Step 3. We enter all the necessary data, after which you check the correctness of the specified information and click "Save". To complete the binding wallet, click "OK".

Now we buy our first game:

  1. We are looking for the game in the catalog and add it to the basket;
  2. We are convinced that funds are enough to pay;
  3. Zhmem. "Proceed to checkout" and "Confirm the purchase".

If your PSN account does not have enough money, click "Add funds".

If the inscription will appear in the corner of the screen "Added to [Downloads from Network]"So you did everything right. Wait for the download And installing the game on PlayStation 4 - and proceed to the game.

PS4 firmware

All consoles are sooner or later wearing what happened to PS4.

True, PS4 and Xbox One are not going to fake under the head of the hackers and still hold the defense. The old version of PS4 4.55 turned out to be weaker than the developers conceived, and she still managed to hack. On the approach also 5.01, but so far it's only rumors.

If in a happy chance you did not update your prefix already very, very long, you can run a special exploitthat allows you to install the game to the PS4 hard drive and open it on your console.

Before installing the game on PS4 from a flash driveDo not forget to run exploit.

True, this hacking has several flaws. The main thing is that you can not do with a hacked prefix, - play in the multiplayer. As soon as you connect to the Internet, it is immediately banned in PSN. If this happens, you we will not be able to use the PSN service.

Pirate disks for PS4 It is impossible to make, since the licensed versions are a complex protection system. The actuator firmware is also not invented.

Installing Pirate Games on PS4 is needed if you cannot afford to buy licensed copies. All projects that will fall to you on the console will be designed for one player, since access to PSN you will not havewhile the firmware is worth.

Sooner or later you want play with real rivals online, so we advise you to establish an exploit, play PS4 to pirate games, until the projects you are interested in are for free, and then upgrade to the latest version and enjoy new titles that you could not run on the old version of the system.

Sony managed to create a gaming console, stunning in all respects. PLAYSTATION consoles have always been at the height of technical specifications, amenities Accessories and rogram security, by the number of available virtual entertainment. Also, the Sony consoles became one of the best in terms of protection against hacking. Hackers needed really very time a lot of time to hack PlayStation 3.. And the newest console of the eighth generation, PS4. and remained reliably protected from flashing.
But still those who prefer to enjoy hacked prefixes, with hope they are followed by news from hackers. What if the miracle withdrawing licensed protection with PlayStation 4. Still, inclined! Believe in it help some achievements of computer pirates, as well as the experience of successful hacker work with PS3.

How to hack PlayStation 3

In 2006, the game console PS3 was presented in the Game audience. Almost immediately attempts began to bypass the Sony's protection. But unlike direct competitor, xbox 360 consoles Make it managed not immediately. A few years have fought hackers over the program code and tried to create a cunning technical device for hacking PlayStation 3.. But the first information about their real successes appeared only in 2010. Then made a special USB keychain, called PS3 Jailbreak. He deceived the console, giving users the opportunity to run games from the images stored on the hard disk. And rather soon console PS3. It was cracked finally - hackers managed to decode the key.

Naturally, neither Sony, nor manufacturers of games at all delighted such news. First hacking prefix PlayStation 3 managed to fix using software updates. But when even a low-level key 0 was decoded, even such an opportunity to return the prefixes to the licensed path of Sony disappeared.
Process hacking PS3. Was long and time consuming. But now those gamers who are not ready to pay for licensed games maybe buy PlayStation 3 Console With installed cobra Ode chip . This is a small fee to be in the console, and is an emulator of an optical drive. With it, you can run games from a flash bearer or from an external hard disk. To play PlayStation 3 In unlicensed games from the internal storage of the console, you need a complete flashing of the device. Similar procedures can be done with your console and in shop game consoles "PITERPLAY" !

Still, PlayStation 4 hacked!

Waiting for appearance hacking PS4 It has a significant base. After all, a successful process has been demonstrated at the Specialized Conference of Hackers Chaos Communication Congress 2016 hacking PlayStation 4.. The craftsmen managed to circumvent protection, install the Linux operating system on the console, the Game Boy Advance game console emulator from Nintendo. It would seem, that's where it will be possible reflash PS4 And playing on it to any existing games without a fee to developers. But this did not happen, as hackers decided not to disclose the secrets of their success and not to produce methods hacking PlateTayshn 4..

Also, the RECKZ0R Hacker described in detail some of the console vulnerabilities than even deserved the warning from Sony about the future arrest. But many consider his information to be deceived, with the aim of attracting attention whether to themselves, whether they say to the console, the manufacturers themselves launch fake rumors about hacking consoles to raise sales. By the same category include rosques about the availability of codes for Jailbreak PlayStation 4.which then turn out to be just invention.

"Brazilian" method of hacking

Hackers from Brazil found a way to implement the most important goal hacking PS4. - Installation on the console of pirated versions of games and their free launch. In fact, it turned out not such a positive achievement, since the user still did not get full freedom in the launch of the toys downloaded from the Internet. After contacting a specially created company for flashing PlayStation 4., Gamer gets a prefix with 10 games. If they are bored with him, you can put others for an additional fee. How brazilians hacked PlayStation 4In detail it is not explained to preserve the uniqueness of the commercial offer. Still know that such PS4 reflashing Pretty complex. And it is unlikely to be called a full burglary.

Check the honesty of hackers writing on social networks about their successes with New Sonya, it does not work - they do not reveal their methods, explaining this with reluctance to support piracy. So it turns out that so far the installation of a custom firmware, nor Chipovka PS4 remain impossible.

Buy hacked PS4 - pros and cons

The main advantage of any reflash or chipped console - Ability to play pirated copies of games for free. Depending on the method hacking consoleSuch games can be recorded on disc discs, run from external drives or an inner hard disk. In addition, the pirates processed console allows the use of homebrew applications, emulating other consoles and games for them. These are undoubted advantages for the end user.

Cons relate to restrictions on access to multiplayer adventures. And this is one of the main advantages of modern console Games ! In addition, hacked consoles may have problems with updating software or even banned in gamers. Here it is worth thinking - hack or not ...
In addition, even what seemed a plus, can get sideways. Do not spend money on licensed games Gamers are approaching collapse of the gaming industry . Who will be inserted into the development of new shooters, races, roots and other fun if profit is not planned from this?

Will there be a hacking PS4 last step before the appearance of PS5?

It seems that by working out experience with PS3, Sony made his new console really very protected from pirates. Round out that hack PlayStation 4. It will be impossible, while the manufacturers themselves do not allow it to do. As if this happens when the life of the current version of the console is coming to completion, the new generation will be released, and for a sharp increase in sales of the console and attracting attention to the brand, occurs "hacking". Well, perhaps this option will arrange everyone. Fans of pirate games will receive a lot of entertainment. And those who behave responsibly and pay for toys will think that buy PlayStation 5. And pour out products both in the production of advanced consoles and in the development of class games.