All passwords in minecraft. What password in "minecraft" on the server? Methods for determining. How to protect yourself from hacking your player on the game server minecraft

Good day Friends! For you, as always broadcasts s_jeb! And today, I will tell you how to hack the player in minecraft! (I know, such wrote Point) and so, for the beginning you need to find your sacrifice (for example, the / rg info team, but it does not work on all servers). Click Tab and wait until our victim gets from the server. I remember nickname and go with his nickname. Next, begin to select passwords, the most common passwords from the bottom:

  1. 12345
  2. qWERTY.
  3. 123321
  4. 12345QWERTY.

If the password came up - rejoice: D! And if we are looking for another sacrifice.

Okay, with hacking figured out. But many will ask the question: "How to protect yourself from hacking?" I will tell you about it below.

  1. The first thing is important to know: Never make light passwords, as any schoolboy may pick up!
  2. Second: not in any cases do not let your password left people! But it is better not to give anyone 😉
  3. Third: Do not be fooled on the tricks by type: "Go to my server will give the admin" or "I went to my server I will give you diamonds" Shlieve such people to the forest, as they try to hack you!
  4. Fourth: Do not give your password to false admins who write to you "Come on your password or ban!" The administration will never ask your password if they need they can get it and so.
  5. In general, it's all that I wanted to tell you today. Good luck in hacks! 😉

On this page you will receive answers to the Issues: I can not move on the server in minecraft. How to change the password in minecraft? How to register on the server in Minecraft?

AUTHME commands:

/ Register - register on the server
/ Login.

/ Authme Reload - Reload the plugin on the server
/ Authme Register.

- register the player
/ Authme ChangePassword.

- change the password for the player
/ Authme Unregister

In this small article, I will tell you how the admin can be made if you learned the RCon password from the server.

So, let's say you recognized the password from any server.
Now go to the game, connect to this server and enter the password into the RCON_PASSWORD console

Now it's time to get admin rights. How to do it? And very simple! Using the RCON AMX_ADDADMIN command
It suggests a completely natural question: how exactly?

For authorization on nickname and password:
You need to come up with a password and register the following in the console: SETInfo "_pw" "Password" (where _pw - default prefix)
And then: rcon amx_addadmin "Nick" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "Password" "Name"
1) SetInfo "_PW" "AdminLoh"
2) RCON AMX_ADDADMIN "UserName" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "adminloh" "Name"

A huge database of the site for vulnerable Ashley Madison was almost a month ago. Data 36 million accounts, including password heshi, have become public domain. At the end of last week, it became known that Cynosure PRIME password crackers group that 15.26 million passwords in the database were processed using MD5, which makes it several orders of magnitude to Brutfors. As a result, hacking 11.7 million passwords, hackers.

Total Cynosure Prime managed to hack 11,716 208 passwords.
Among them are unique passwords 4 867 246.
Passwords that are fully coincided with the username of 630,000.

Mostly passwords used by users were very simple. Most often it is the letters of the lower register with numbers, or alone only the letters. On the other hand, hackers note that brutheli passwords, starting with the easiest, so it is quite logical that the exit of those turned out to be the most.

The shortest password turned out to be only 1 symbol length. The longest - 28 characters. The average, the most common password length is 6-8 characters.

Also, hackers compiled a list of the most interesting and funny passwords, in addition to the usual list of 10 \\ 50 \\ 100 popular (that is, repeating most often). The results are really quite funny:

Sometimes users believe that the more words, the better password:

Some doubt whether it is worth using the site services to change:

Some users are generally under denial:

Naive users who considerAshley. Madison. Simple dating site:

Users who believe in safetyAshley. Madison.:

Passwords outxkcd. (

Some seem to guess whatAshley. Madison.:

Just funny:

However, the "boring list", that is, the top-100 passwords, the hackers were published too. In this list, nothing funny is no longer, here everything is predictably primitive and bad:

Password Number of use
123456 120511
12345 48452
password. 39448
123456789 26620
qWERTY. 20778
12345678 14172
aBC123. 10869
pussy. 10683
1234567 9468
696969 8801
ashley 8793
fuckMe. 7893
football. 7872
baseball. 7710
fuckYou 7458
111111 7048
1234567890 6572
ashleyMadison. 6213
password1 5959
madison. 5219
asshole. 5052
superman. 5023
mustang. 4865
harley 4815
654321 4729
123123 4612
hello. 4425
monkey. 4296
000000 4240
hockey 4191
letmein. 4140
11111 4077
soccer 3936
cheater. 3908
kazuga. 3871
hunter. 3869
shadow. 3831
michael 3743
121212 3713
666666 3704
i love you 3671
secret. 3522
buster. 3402
horny. 3389
jordan. 3368
hosts. 3295
zxcvbnm. 3280
asdfghjkl 3174
affair. 3156
dragon. 3152
987654 3123
liverpool 3087
bigdick. 3058
sunshine 3058
yankees. 2995
aSDFG. 2981
freedom 2963
batman. 2935
whatever 2882
charlie 2860
fuckoff. 2794
money. 2686
pepper. 2656
jessica. 2648
aSDFASDF. 2617
1QAZ2WSX 2609
987654321 2606
andrew. 2549
qazwsx 2526
dallas. 2516
55555 2501
131313 2498
aBCD1234. 2489
anthony. 2487
steelers. 2470
asdfgh. 2468
jennifer 2442
killer. 2407
cowboys. 2403
master 2395
jordan23. 2390
robert. 2372
maggie. 2357
looking 2333
thomas. 2331
george. 2330
matthew. 2298
7777777 2294
amanda. 2273
summer 2263
qWERT 2263
princess. 2258
ranger. 2252
william. 2245
corvette 2237
jackson. 2227
tigger. 2224
computer 2212

2015 began with the fact that Julia writes some materials for paranoids. I have no idea how it happened. But since then in the suit, today I will share with you information about the most popular user passwords in the past year. And if among this set numbers and letters you found your own, know - it's time to change it!

And despite the fact that the digital blog "123456" still keeps the palm of the championship in the list of the most not that bad, but common, and therefore unreliable passwords, Splashdata has published an annual list of disadvantageous passwords. On January 20, the report of the company's speakers was held in California and it seems to me that he was at the same time sharply, and very serious. Surely, seeing a list of the most popular passwords, security specialists laughed very loudly over human naivety. In order to save its security information, and the electronic wallets on the castle, it does not have to acquire wonderful devices. Just use passwords. And not the simplest. And you do not need to put one and the same password on all accounts from unlocking the company to the account on Facebook.

Actually, the list of 25 most popular passwords looks like this:

  • 123456
  • 12345 - became more popular at 17 (!) Points
  • 12345678
  • qWERTY.
  • 123456789
  • 1234 - became more popular for 9 points
  • baseball - LEADER
  • dragon - LEADER
  • football - LEADER
  • 1234567
  • monkey - became more popular for 5 points
  • letmein.
  • aBC123 - has become less popular by 9 points, it's good
  • 111111 - he became less popular by 8 points, it's good
  • mustang - LEADER
  • access - LEADER
  • shadow.
  • master - LEADER
  • michael - LEADER
  • 696969 - LEADER
  • 123123 - he became less popular by 12 points, it is good
  • batman - New
  • trustNo1

Use one of these passwords to protect your device is equivalent to that if you really have no password on it. During the year, "Leaked" more than 3.3 million passwords. And actually this data and the user error report was based. The 25 most used passwords make up 2.2% of unprotected passwords. And, as Mark Bernett notes, Safety Specialist, notes that this is the lowest percentage of all four years of the company's work.

  • if it is not possible to protect your gadget with a fingerprint - use a password. Always use.
  • if you have many accounts and devices that need a password, do not place the same everywhere. Better use the application application for data storage, PasswordBox for example.
  • do not use exclusively by tile passwords. It is better that in it there were letters, numbers, signs, also different registers.
  • passwords based on simple models on the keyboard (type QWERTYUIOP or 1QAZ2WSX) are very easy, they are wildly popular, because they are remembered by mechanical memory.
  • do not use your hobby when drawing up passwords - football with baseball even the words and new this year, and yet.
  • tell me "No!" year and date of your birth in the password. As well as dates of important days in your life, the type of birth of children, the third divorce or other mother-in-law.
  • do not use native and friends' names.
  • and yes, the names of popular artists and athletes, the names of brands and films, as well as the winged expressions, are also included in the list of "bad" passwords, however, its more extended version.

So be vigilant and inventive. And if you are too creative, and the accounts are much, not to mention, write down the passwords into a document with the name "Document with important passwords" and will be all happiness! (of course not). It was not said about this in the report, but I still clarify - write down passwords from a bank card to a notebook, which you constantly carry with you, taking pictures and store in the gallery, write on a napkin and glue it to a fridge or on a business card and put it The wallet is not worth it. To do this, there are password messengers or infinite differences of reason, where they should be stored. And if you have not watched, then a couple of elementary rules of behavior on the Internet, about which we sometimes forget, we remind you here

And what you need to know that this does not happen to your player.

I will say right away that I mean the player / account on some game server, and not the Minecraft account itself, which you usually buy and which you use to enter the miniskraft in the official "launcher".

Just recently, my small complained that some of his "friends" - players on the same game servers, and also at all unfamiliar players came to these servers under his player without his knowledge. With his grief-friends everything is clear, he just told them his passwords on the gaming servers in naivety and negligence.

But with unfamiliar players - it became interesting to me: how do they do it? And, most importantly, hacking a player on the server - does he mean hacking a paid account of Minecraft? And also what to teach your small, so that his players do not "break" dishonest comrades on the game?

The most interesting thing is that the hacking of the player is the crime of Identity Theft (theft of personal data), and in some countries a criminal article is provided for this. And considering that hacking players on servers are engaged in children and adolescents who make up the main playing public of minecraft, then you are good parents - whether you will not be "substituted" whether you and your integrity of your "advanced" kids and do not suffer responsibility for Identity Theft?

Account on the game server and Micraft account

These are different things. But to register on some game server you or your child will use the name of the Minecraft account.

The password during registration on the game server you need to come up with another - when the first login is first.

Passwords to the Micraphaft account and the player account on the game server can be different, and more correctly say, must always be different. For security.

The main thing is not to confuse these concepts.

At the moment I was convinced that the hacking of a player on some Microseft's game server does not at all mean the hacking of the minecraft account.

But the password for the minecraft account just in case would change if that.

How to hack players on Minecraft game servers?

And for what? Yes, for the same reason as in the real world. Someone suits her life, and one of her steals.

On gaming servers, the player can "privat" (do only to yourself only) things, important or rare resources, etc. For example, a player may have a "married chest" (and not alone!), Where he keeps something.

Going under a stranger and more "rich" and "skillful" player to such a server, you can access it or its "darked" resources. Everything is exactly like in real life.

And it turns out that your male is already actually from the diaper studying a certain "craft", hops the "craftsmanship", so to speak ... But we will leave the moral side of this phenomenon. I personally is not interested. This is a personal matter of everyone.

About how to hack the player, on the web full of information. You can watch video on YouTube. They are full. And no one hides. A bunch of evidence in public access.

There are several ways. The easiest is to choose a password. The fact is that the human laziness causes a person to invent the simplest passwords, for example, the password, which coincides with the nickname of the player, or something like "123456".

There are lists of such frequently used "lazy" passwords. And spending not too much time you can choose a password.

But often use another way to which even adult can get caught.

You play on the server. Another player addresses to you or to all, and invites you to your server, "throws" aipi-address, it can even promise the distribution of different "buns", admin, etc.

You go to his server, maybe even play. And then it turns out that your nickname, under which you played on the previous server, "hijacked".

Just an attacker creates its Michekraft game server precisely to lubricate the players from the server of interest.

On your server, he puts some plagne-logger.

The unfavorable victim player comes to such a specially harvested server, registered. And, as often it happens, when registering indicates the password that it uses on other servers, including the server that interests the attacker.

A plug-in logger This password (along with nickname) writes to the file.

All that now need an attacker - after some time to see this file and use the "catch".

And if you're lucky, and the victim entered the password as the password to the Micraft account, then the Minecraft account can be hacked.

Specifically about this type of hacking - where to "raise" the server how to install the miniskraft server, which "plugin" to use how to install it, - I will not write, and I was not going to write, because the goal of this message is different.

It must be said that all these hacks are quite primitive and, subject to certain rules, they can be reduced. What is the lower and we are talking about.

How to protect yourself from hacking your player on the game server minecraft?

All general rules for creating and using passwords are applicable here. If you did not know about them, then it's time to ask.

And if your offspring spends a lot of time on game servers, you should talk about "it" with him. About security with passwords.

Here is a minimum that you need to explain to your young player who plays on Minecraft servers, but would not want his player to be hacked there.

  1. Never use the password to the Micraft account (The one that is introduced in the official Minecraft launcher) as a password on any game server of minecraft. It should always be different passwords.
  2. Do not use the same passwords on different game servers.. It is unpleasant, but so safer. I can allow the same password on those servers that are lightweight and who are not sorry to lose. But the favorite and the most "class" servers passwords should be different.
  3. Do not use simple and "lazy" passwords of type "123456" and "QWERTY". The longer the password and the more precisely the set of characters in it, the better. I'm by the way once.
  4. Change passwords regularly On gaming servers, as well as to the Micraft Account. On servers usually there are commands to change the password through the console. For example, changePassword.<старый пароль> <новый пароль> and the like. The password to the Mickeraft account can be changed on the official website of on the page of your profile.
  5. (This item for especially "gifted") Never tell anyone your passwordsEven the closest and best friends, and even more so do not make them publicly available in other ways (for example, writing on a paper room near your computer, etc.)
  6. Not "Flight" to the invitation to play on some other server (already playing on some server). You just caress the password when you will "register" on such a server. You can contact Privat, but can contact everything. Just ignore.
All rules are not limited to these rules, but if you comply with them, then hack your player to a minimum. For example, you can disrupt the rule number 6 and go at the invitation. In this case, you just need when registering on its server to use absolutely new password.

And then the attacker will not "like" anything. After all, this password will be relevant only for his server, and he will not be able to use it anywhere else.

By the way, some gaming servers provide their own launchers to access them.

I do not want to say that all such servers are fraudulent. Not. But this can be another way of hacking a player, as well as an account Minecraft. Here you probably can't.

In this case, too, be careful. In no case do not use the password to the Minecraft account - nowhere in the launcher. And also use a completely new password to register on the server.

What if the player hacked?

Usually attackers are the same lazy as their victims. And they do not bother to change the password of a hacked player.

As soon as you suspect or found out that your player hacked, simply change his password on the server. Immediately.

It will also not hurt to change the password and to the Micraft account. But this is already depending on the degree of your paranoia and laziness.

It is clear that if you can no longer be logged on to the server, the attacker turned out to be more damaged and the password did you still changed. Well, in this case, "write to the Sporto" and do not repeat your mistakes to continue.

So far, everything about this insidious world of minecraft.

P. S. I specify just in case. I did not play and do not play minecraft. At all.

As in any multiplayer game, in Minecraft 1.12 you need to have a unique login and password, with which you can access the account, your things and other progress. In this article, we will deal with what password in the minecraft on the server, since this question is one of the most frequently asked among beginners.

How to enter?

It is worth noting that the login and password are not needed if you play offline or in free mode in a single game. If you want to log in on the server, then you will need this data.

When you first enter the chat, there will be a notification that you need to enter a password that will be saved in the database. Remember that it will not be possible to change it, so it's best to write a combination. You will have to enter the command / Register for example, a string with a command will look like this: / register 134567 13567. Repeat combination is required. After that, press ENTER to save.

What password in "minecraft" on the server?

Many players are trying to find unique passwords on the Internet to log in to the game. However, there are no such, since you yourself must come up with a unique code and use it when entering the server. If you went to Minecraft and saw a message that you need to enter login, it means that with the same nickname someone came. Change nickname and try again.

After you "beat up" a unique code into the database, you can safely play. If you leave the server, then go back again, then the game will ask you to enter the password again. To do this, you must open the chat key and enter the / login password command. For example: / Login 13567.

If you enter data with an error or try to access someone else's account, the game will disable you from the server. If you do not enter the password in general, then through some time you will throw out from the game automatically, since the protection system is configured to skip only authorized players. Because of this, no one can gain access to your character, subjects, private buildings and so on. Now you know which passwords on servers in Minecraft 1.12 and how to enter them correctly.