Japanese fool: options, number of cards, rules of the game and recommendations. Fools Games Card game Japanese Fool Rules

Japan is an ancient country and for the centuries-old history knew many games in which, undoubtedly, played both children and adults. Some of them disappeared over the past centuries, some are alive and by this time. However, the development of the latest computer technologies had a revolutionary influence on the modern culture of the country, for the pastime and entertainment of its inhabitants. This, in turn, affected what modern Japanese played today.

Karuta (and its version "Uta-Garuta")

Analogue of the European Lotto. Originated in the Heian era. Still used in Japanese families in order to teach poems and hieroglyphs - poems or hieroglyphs are written on cards (often used to use the ready-made poetic collection "Häakunin Issi" - "100 antiquity poets"), then the cards are cut in two and Mixed. The one who fastest will pick up the right number of correct couples. So games contribute to the study of literature and writing. The general name of these card games - Karuta.

Traditional children's games


The game with throwing fingers. There are several modifications. The most common known we have called "Stone - Scissors - Paper." The figure "Stone" - the compressed fist is thrown, the figure of "scissors" - two fingers are spread - index and non-name in the form of Latin V, the rest are pressed, "paper" - smooth palm. They play together, throwing hands synchronously (usually at the expense of "times, two, three") to the victory of one of the playing. If the same figures fall out - draw, if different, then "Paper" wins the "stone", but the "stone" wins the "scissors", but the "scissors" won the "paper".


This game usually consider the game for girls. Players take turns click on the little figures in the form of coins, which are called Okhajiki, trying to get into other figures. Previously, the game used pebbles or figures from another game, go. Now the figures are usually made of glass. When playing, you need to fold a big and index (or medium) finger with a circle, and then click on the figure with a thumb.


And this game is usually considered to be a game for girls. Take a rope with a length of about 120 cm and tie her ends so that it turns out the loop. The goal of the game - with the help of fingers to make a figure of a certain form from the rope. You can play together in the aleuta, and you can and alone. If they play the winner, one of the players keeps the rope in a certain form, and the second makes another figure. The one who makes a mistake and destroy the intended form, lost. Forms can be admired for their bizarre beauty. Some fold the shapes of Ayatori to make a surprise to friends.

They are Gokko

The game, externally reminiscent of our game "in the square" or salting. Typically boys play with water and running away who are trying to hide from him. "They" (emphasis on the first syllable!) - So the hell is called damns. That is, the game in the cabinet is called in Japan "Onygokko". Playing and Salka is called "They". That is, it can be said that "Onygokko" is a Japanese analogue of the cabin, or, rather, "in the sorcerers." Rising - a monster type character, everyone is afraid of it. "They" chases players and sail them. The outstanding must measure in place and wait. "They" - the one who leads in these hide and seek. But this word means to be accurate, "demon."

Modern sports games

Modern sports European and American games are widespread in Japan. The first places here for boys are occupied by baseball and football, and girls have tennis. Also in Japan there are analogues of European locker, hide and seekers, jumping through the rope, running chairs. Note that the Japanese prefer to win, and not just play for the sake of the game. The slogan "The main thing is not victory, but participation" for the Japanese is only a weak consolation of the loser.

Vintage board games with a playing board


Syogi is one of the oldest Japanese intellectual games. She was brought in the VIII century from China and comes from the ancient Indian Chaturanga game. Chaturanga - the overall ancestor of Chess and Sögi. Therefore, Syogi is largely similar to chess. The modern view of Sögi acquired in the XVI century, her final reform made emperor Gonar.

During the reign of Sögunov, Tokugawa Dynasty Syogi and Guo were recognized as games that develop strategic and tactical military thinking. All other board games were for samurai prohibited, but these two, on the contrary, received state support. Tokugava Iseasu established the position of Sögi-Dokero - the main court-of-country teacher Syogi, who was detected during the ever-held championships. Only Syogi-Dokero had the right to assign workshops. After the restoration of Maidzi, Syogi state support was discontinued, and Sögi-Dooro's position was canceled.

Syoga board is a square of 9x9 cells that are numbered from top to bottom and right to left. From above are placed in three rows of white "figures" - pentagonal plates with hieroglyphic inscriptions, from below - "figures" black in the mirror image of the white order. "White" and "black" are the colors of playing, and not figures, the recent belonging is determined by the direction of the acute angle of plank. Directed down - white, directed up - black.

Figures include: King (Goyk), Rye (Hee), Elephant (Kaku, 2 Golden General (Kin), 2 Silver General (Gin), 2 Horse (Kay), 2 spearner (ko) and 9 pawns (FU) . They go around the same way as chess pieces. Having reached the zone of the initial opponent's arrangement, all the figures, except for the gold generals and the king, can at the request of the player to acquire additional movements - then they turn over the opposite side, on which hieroglyphs are written, denoting "reinforced" Figure.

Taking figures takes place according to the chess rules. Taken enemy figures can be returned at any time to the board (though not to any place) as their own.

Start in Syogi (as in all Japanese games) black. The goal of the game is to put the mat king. Drawings in Sögi - a rarity.

Players in Syogi are classified according to the traditional Kyu-Dan system. The lower discharge is the 15th Kyu, the highest - the 1st. Next, the workshops are assigned: from the 1st Dana to the 9th. Amateur 5th Dan is equal to the professional 5-th ku.

For victories in tournaments, it is possible to get a rank not higher than the 7th professional Dana, the 8th and 9th are given to contribute to the development of the game and for receiving the title "Maidzin" ("Master") - "Absolute Champion". Since 1962, the title of Maidzin corresponds to the title "World Champion" and is assigned based on the results of the annual championship. Previously, this title was lifelong.
Now in Japan, about 20 million people play Sögi.

Go, like Syogi, appeared in China and was brought to Japan. For 1300 years of history, in Japan, she changed so much that it was already considered a Japanese game.

Like Syogi, during the reign of Sögunov, the Tokugawa dynasty received state support. The main court teacher is called, respectively, he-dooro.

The housing board consists of a grid of 19 vertical and horizontal lines. Each of the two players is given a large amount, respectively, white and black stones. You can put stones only at the intersection of the board lines. The goal of the game is to grab as much as possible, surrounding it with stones of your color.

A stone or a group of stones surrounded from all sides (vertically and horizontally) by the enemy's stones (and / or edge of the board), is considered "taken" and is removed from the board. You can not put your stones in the "dead dots" - completely surrounded by the stones of the enemy.

When none of the players can no longer make a move, the game is considered complete. Winners are declared the one inside the territories of which there are more empty intersections. At the same time, from the number of empty intersections of the player, the number of its stones, which were captured by the opponent.

The system of classification of players is similar to the discharges of Syogi, only the lower is not the 15th, but the 20th Kyu. Amateur 5th Dan is also considered to be equal to the professional 5 kyu. Finally, the title "Maidzin" is also used to designate the world champion.

Go is a game of simple rules, but a huge number of combinations. Now there are about 7 million people in Japan.
Renju (Gomoku)

Like Go and Syogi, Renzu was brought from China in the III century AD. The name of this game could not be established for a long time, but the most common option in Japan was "Gomoku-Narara" ("five chips in a row"). The name "Renju" ("Pearl Thread") was proposed and accepted only in 1899.

First of all, Renzu was learned under the imperial courtyard. Only in 1081 it was allowed to play outside the imperial palace. Immediately the game "went into the masses", but the special love for her at the courtyard is preserved. On the contrary, the signes of all the dynasties did not complain and forbidden her. Only after the restoration of Maidzi Renzu was equalized in Rights and Sögi.

In fact, Renju is "noliki cross-ticks" on a 15x15 lines board. Until the first half of the 20th century, Renju was played on the board for GO (19x19 lines), and the classical rules continue to be supported by the Federation "Old Believers".

Unlike "Nolikov-Zholikov", on the Randise Board for winning it is necessary to build a series of five chips. The first move is made to the center of the board, the second and third - inside the central square 5x5.

It is mathematically proven that the novice game blacks have an advantage. To destroy it, for black, several regulations of the "foul" are invented - forbidden moves that are allowed only white. So, it is forbidden to create two rows of four chips lying at once in one way ("Fork 4x4").

The Kyu-Dan system is valid in Renju (the lowest Ky is considered to be 12th), and the title "Maidzin" is assigned. However, the professional league of players in Renzu fell apart after World War II and never recovered. Therefore, all modern players in Renju are lovers.

Madziang (Mahjong)

Madziang (Chinese Mahjong) is a gambling in chips in China and Japan, ideologically close to American poker, but devoid of the concept of "bluff". For some reason, it is considered the favorite game of the "Chinese mafia", but rather it is a rash stereotype or a myth that supports a special "image" of this very popular in the east game. Currently gained popularity as far beyond Japan and China - in Europe, USA, etc.

The Mahjong set consists of 136 chips - sets from one to nine-nine chips type symbols-mandza, stick-coat and balls - Pindy, 4 winds-cadzé (oriental, southern, western and northern) and three dragon-san Geng-Pai (white, green and red). The chip of each species is included in the set in four copies.

Play four players. Each of the players can simultaneously have 13 chips. The task of playing is to collect three sets of four chips (identical or running numbers for characters, sticks and balls) and a similar set of two chips. To do this, he must take the chip from the general heap and either to declare his winnings, or reset any chip from his set, which other players can "overpend". The move consistently moves from the player to the player.

The full rules of Mahjong are complex, entangled and vary significantly (as well as its terminology) from the country to country and from the company to the company. The game requires attention and luck, but is not considered intellectual, since its outcome is completely dependent on the case.

Currently, Mahjong's popularity in Japan falls, since there are more fascinating classes to carry out free time, and Mahjong also requires at least a company of four players. However, in 1950-1960 he was extremely popular.


Patinko is the common name of gambling in the electronic automata installed in Japan's crowded places. Actually, these are the famous "one-armed bandits", which can now be found in Russia and other CIS countries. They appeared in Japan after the Second World War and became a popular "thoughtless" pastime for gambling Japanese.

You can win big money in Patina, but usually playing playing - sometimes very serious.

European card games

Card games are a relatively new entertainment that has been developed in recent years. It's not about card games like our "fool", but about complex intellectual games like popular now in Russia games "Magic: The Gathering".

The basis of these games is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "magical" battle, which uses specially selected decks of maps of many species. Map can mean spell, monster, game effect and so on.

The victory gives first of all the optimally selected and drawn deck. Cards are sold in random sets in the sealed form. Therefore, to find the strongest and rare cards, it is necessary to either buy them from other players, or to buy branded sets for a very long time. Naturally, around these games there are difficult organized "black" and "gray" cards of cards, and collecting a strong deck requires time and money.

Card games of this kind are manufactured based on popular video games, anime series and so on. The last hits of this genre are the games "Pocket Monsters" and "Yu-Gi-Ou!" Based on the manga and anime series of the same name.

Both games exist in computer and card execution - the "Gameboy" series pocket gaming computers can be connected to each other, and therefore you can play together and transmit each other cards.

Albanian Durak

Game B. albanian "fool" different from the game in a simple, podkin or transferable "fool" just the fact that cards in degree decomposed descending values. That is, on top of the decks lie aces, further kings, ladies, valves, etc.

Armenian Durak.

Game B. armenian "Fool" It differs from the game in a simple, pricer or translation "fool" just the fact that the player can go out not only from his cards, but also from the card lying on top of the whole deer.

Breakless fool

Game B. costrumless "Fool" different from the game in a simple, podkin or translation "fool" just what the game goes without kozray .

Big Durak.

Game B. "Big Fool" It differs from the game in a simple, pricer or translation "fool" by the fact that the game goes with 2 decks of cards. Equal card by value and by masty. It is impossible to fight off. The player who had 52 cards and more, loses immediately.

I do not believe

The game " I do not believe"Differs from the game in a simple, podkin or translation" fool "next. Each player can beat back to another player, both correctly and wrong. And another player is invited to check the correctness of the removal. If, when opening a card, it is detected that the computer has fled correctly, then the player picks up the cards if the computer fell off correctly, then the card takes the computer. Example of the game: let's say, the player came from 6 to the cross, the computer is fighting 8 babes, then the player throws up 8 peaks, the computer is captured by 7 peaks, putting the card with a shirt up, so the player does not know which card the computer was fighting. If the player agrees with this selection, then the cards go to the back, if not, the card 7 of the peaks opens and the computer takes the cards to yourself, as it misunderstood if the computer beat himself correctly, then the cards would take a player who would not agree with Severe.

Two-shine fool

Game B. two-shine "fool" It differs from other varieties of the game in the "fool", the fact that each player plays with his trump card. Moreover, the trump card of the opponent is not a trump card for a player and he can beat it with his vision or another map of the same suit, but more. In the rest of the rest, the game is conducted according to the rules of a simple, podkin or translation "fool".

Road Durak

One of the species card game "Road Fool". For rent all the spoda to each player. The latter mapping card opens and shows: it is a trump card. It belongs to passing. The first one who has a junior trump card or one who won in the previous party goes. He goes under the player with one card that you need to beat. After the map is broken by the player, it is necessary to either drop (beat) already upper (beat the first) card, or agree to the back, then the course moves to the player who has broken. If a player cannot beat the top card, he must take all the cards lying on the table. In this case, he loses the right move, which goes to the next player.

Journal Dool

Game B. boring "fool" it differs from the game in a simple, podkin or translation "fool" just that the player can be like only from the maximum value card, that is, if there are aces, then with the aces, if there are kings, then with the kings, if there are ladies, then with the ladies etc.

Trump fool

Game B. trump "fool" It differs from the game in a simple, podkinny or translation "fool" just the fact that the last card with a penny changes with the trump card and the game continues with the new goat.

Royal Durak.

Game B. royal "Fool" differs from the game in a simple, podkin or transferable "fool" only by the fact that 6 (if the game goes the deck in 52 cards, then 2) beats only ace, and the trump ace can be disconnected any 6 (if the game goes the deck in 52 cards, then 2).

Crusade Durak

IN "Cross Fool" Play a deck like in 36 cards and a complete deck out of 52 cards. The number of playing from 2 to 6 people. Each player is distributed over one card with a face value up, and one card falls on the con. The first one hosts the oldest card. The player takes one card from the deer and looks at whom you can put it, for example, if he pulled the ace, and you have a top map King, he puts the ace and takes again. If the next card, which he pulled out can not lie down, not one player card, he puts it to himself and moves to another player. If the player stretched out, for example, the currency, and the other two players dozens, then the curren falls on the card of that player who is next after it clockwise. If he pulled out, for example, the currency, but at the player and on the horse, dozens, then the currency is put on the top ten, which is on Konu. The Ace is put on a six or a twice depending on which deck is played. If the player has a top map of the nine, and someone from the players or the eight of the player, then he first gives the nine, and then only takes the map from the deer. If after the nine at the player the upper map turns out to be a lady, then he also gives it. It is impossible to give the last card. Thus, the whole deck is disassembered who took the last cards from the deck takes all the cards that lie on the horse.

Next, players take their cards and start playing. The trump card is always considered to be a tambourine, they beat any card except Trefova. The first one walks the one who has a twice or six tambourine. The game is built as follows. For example, the player was like a worm six, the next after it should close either a senior map of the same suit or a bubnoy tambourous can only be closed by tambourous. If the next player has nothing to be discarded, then he takes the bottom card, and the rest of the cards go to the next player who should either beat off or take the lower one.

An example of a game with four players.

1 Player entered 7 peaks, 2 player put a row on top of the currency, 3 player put 6 tambourines, 4 player put a lady tambourine, the cards went to the back. Further runs 4 player who put 6 Treph, 1 Vnet's player Tref (Tref can only beaten by Trephami), 2 player put a lady Tref, 3 Player could not beat off and took 6 orders, 4 player put a Tuft Tref and cards left. Then 4 player walks the Wormy currency, 1 player put a lady tambourine, 2 player put a tauben ace, 3 player took the Cherv's currency (since the ace of tambourine could not be discarded, as well as Tuza Tref), 4 Player took a lady tambourine, 1 Player took the ace of tambourine . Now the second player goes. So the game is being done until 3 players come out, the fourth is considered to be a loser.

Round Durak.

IN card game "Round Fool" Play a deck of 36 cards. The deck is carefully hung and 8 cards are laid out on the table. Ninth trump card.

Players alternately take on one map from the deck and beat her one of the eight-lying cards on the table (given the suit, seniority of the card and the announced trump card). For example: Ace of peak can be disconnected any peak lying on the table, 8 tambourine can only beat 6 or 7 tambourines, the trump king can beat any card on the table, except for a trumping ace, etc. If the elongated card from the deck is impossible to beat anything Also put on the table. If the player broke the card, he takes both cards to himself (the first one from the deck and the second one he broke). The player who takes the record (trump card) takes it to himself and also takes all the cards on the table. The first one player who has a trump gear. You can walk one, three or five cards.

For example:

  • 1 card - any card;
  • 3 cards - any card and one pair of cards (example of a combination: 2 six + seven or 2 ladies + dozen);
  • 5 cards - any card and two pairs of cards (example: 4 six and ace or 2 ladies, 2 seven and king).

Those cards who beat off the opponent go to the back. If he did not beat off at least one card, he takes her herself and loses the right.

The game is carried out taking into account the trump card announced at the beginning until one of the players will have cards. Wins the one who will not have cards in their hands. The game is allowed "draw".

Circular Durak.

Game B. circular "Fool" It differs from the game in a simple, podkinny or translation "fool" by the fact that after each penalty or capturing cards, the player and computer maps are changed.

Magadan Dool

Game B. magadan "Fool" It differs from the game in a simple, podkin or transferable "fool" by the fact that from 6 distributed cards, the player and computer 5 cards are not available for the game. Every 1 card opens with each selection. For example, if the computer was fighting, then it opens 1 closed card. When the deck ends with maps, then all inaccessible cards open and they can be played.

Bulked fool

Game B. bullying "fool" It differs from the game in a simple, podkin or translation "fool" by the fact that the deck of cards is distributed at a time. The player having a junior trump is given the right of the first move. Next, the game is conducted according to the rules, respectively, a simple, podkin or transferable "fool".

Invisible fool

Game B. invisible "fool" It differs from other varieties of the game in the "fool", the fact that each player knows the suit of a trump card, but does not see the card itself until the end of the game, while the deck is left 1 card. In the rest of the rest, the game is conducted according to the rules of a simple, podkin or translation "fool".

Cooked Durak.

Weretricated "fool" This is a comic variety of game in "Fool", a completely unpropered game. The game is carried out according to the rules of a simple, podkinny or translation "fool", but with the only difference that players hold cards with a shirt to themselves, and the face-side partners. Players do not look at their cards at no reason, nor for good. The player, incorrectly broken, translated or throwing the map, takes all the moves of the stroke.

Fucking Dol

Game B. fucking "Fool" It differs from the game in a simple, podkin or transferable "fool" by the fact that every second ovebrid cards are not going to the back, but in a deck with cards, where they are mixed with other cards and then report to the player or computer.

Point dool

Game B. point "Fool" It differs from the game in a simple, pricer or translation "fool" by the fact that one who will beat the greater number of rival cards.

Transferable fool

Transferable "Fool" - One of the most popular games along with a podkin "fool", a variety of games in "Fool". It originated, according to some Card Game Researchers, in the middle of the 20th century as a modification of the podkin "fool". The rules of the game in the translation fool differ from the pododynna that the player under which the move is made, has the right, putting the card of the same dignity as the card (cards) of the stroke, translate the move towards the next player. The next player, in turn, if he has a map of the same dignity, can translate move on. Translate the move player can, but not required. Translation is possible only when the player did not begin to fight back.

If at least one move map is broken, other cannot be translated. If the next player has a number of cards less than the number of cards translated under it, the translation is impossible and, therefore, the player must repel or take cards, despite the fact that it could translate them.

Translated fool 2.

Game B. transferable "fool" 2 It differs from the translation fool, only by the fact that it is possible to translate not only the cards before the opponent began to fight back, but after. For example, the computer came from 6 tambourine, the player was captured by a 8-tube card, the computer throws up 8 peaks, and the player transfers 8 peaks 8 treph, then 8 peaks and 8 trephs must knock the computer. If the computer cannot discourage these cards, then he takes all the cards that were laid out during the course and chopping.

Ramating Durak

Game B. straight "Fool" It differs from the game in a simple, pricer or translation "fool" by the fact that the one who will make a more pursuit of the opponent. Moreover, if the number of pursuit of the pursuit is the same, the one who will put older epaulets will defeat. The board is called the situation when the opponent takes 2 identical cards by value, and only two, but not 3 or 4 cards.

Podkin Dol

Podkin "fool" - The most common variety of games in "fool". It happened from the simple "fool" in the XIX century.

The podkin "Fool" differs from the simple thing that you can throw up the cards when the opponent (computer) is fighting off. Moreover, you can throw up the cards of only those values \u200b\u200bthat you like, or which the computer is littered.

Poker fool

Game B. poker "fool" It differs from the game in a simple, podkin or transferable "fool" by the fact that the player before to beat the opponent's card has the right to change any 2 cards from the deck, but only if he has no more than 6 cards.

Secret Fool

Game B. secret "fool" It differs from the game in a simple, podkin or transferable "fool" by the fact that under the trumpor put another card, which is unknown to players. When the whole deck is dismantled, including the trump card, the map opens, which was entangled and it becomes a trump card, then the game continues. The main goal in such a game is to save aces and kings.

Simple fool

Card game "Simple Fool"Commoned in Russia in the XIX century. Not recognized by the highest light enjoyed great popularity in common. Currently, almost does not occur and, at least, heavily inferior in popularity to the fool of the priest and fool

2 players take part in this game: a computer and you. The game uses a deck in 36 cards. In this game you can play a deck and in 52 cards. Maps are issued on one, but, in total, six each. The upper card in the deck turns over and put on the front side upside down. This is a trump card. The first move belongs to the player in the first game having a trump card of junior dignity. In subsequent games, the progress belongs to the previous game. You can walk either from one card of any dignity or with 2 cards of one dignity.

The player under which the move is made must cover (beat) all the cards that moved. If he cannot cover at least one card, he is obliged to take (take) all the cards that moved. The next course in this case belongs to the player who went. If the player covered all the cards, then it is impossible to throw new cards and all cards from the table are sent to the back in order to no longer take part in the game, and the next move belongs to the player who has fought off the player.

After each removal or mapping, players take turns make cards from the deck to 6. The oddness of the problem - first who went, then scored. Players make cards until the whole deck is disassembled, including the opened trump card.

The number of cards that the move is made should not be greater than the number of cards on the player's hands, under which this move is made. The meaning of the game is to get rid of all the cards in your arms. Having cards in hand when another player got rid of all his cards and when the cards ended in the deck, lost.

Empty fool

Game B. empty "fool" It differs from the game in a simple, podkin or translation "fool" by the fact that the player takes the card from the deer only when the player's cards end.


Game in "Tryshka" "Fool" Differs from the game in a simple "fool" by the fact that each player must come immediately from 3 cards if less than 3 cards remained, then with 2 cards, if there are no 2, then with 1 card.

Czech Dool

Czech "Fool" - Russian name of the popular European game "Mau-Mau", which has received a significant distribution in Russia in the middle of the 20th century. The game exists in a variety of options under different names: "Fool English", "Pharaoh", "Pentagon", distinguished by minor details.

Simple game.

Play a deck of cards in 36 cards. Cards are formed one at a time, and only 5 each player. The trump card is not open. The deck is put on the middle of the table. In the first game, the first move belongs to the player who will choose the computer with a random method, and then the player who won in the past game. He goes from any card. The next player can put a card on her the same suit or the same dignity. If he does not have the required card, he is obliged to take cards from the deck until it exes the desired card or until the deck will end. If the cards are shown in the deck, the tops are removed from the stacks of open cards and is left open on the table, the rest are turned over and again serve as a deck.

Some cards require after themselves certain actions - from the next player:

  • 6 - take from the deck of 2 cards and skip the move;
  • 7 - take from the deck 1 card and skip the move;
  • Ace - skip the move.

The lady is a trump card. It can be laid on any card. A player who laid a lady can order any suit. The next player, in this case, can put a map of just ordered suit or a lady (and order any suit).

The goal of the game is to get rid of all cards in your hands. Wins the first, getting rid of cards on his hands. The loser believes glasses on the maps who remained in his arms.


  • 2 points - currencies,
  • 3 points - lady,
  • 4 points - king,
  • 11 points - Ace,
  • The rest of the cards are in dignity.

The player remaining with the same lady in his arms loses 20 points.

Game options

Option 1. In the absence of the required card, the player takes from talon Only one card, and if it does not allow to make a move, the player misses the move.

Option 2. When playing a small deeline (32 sheets), the seven requires a lifting of two cards, the eight is one card.

Option 3. Rent six cards. Having opens the last map (which goes to him). This is his move. A predominant value is not a lady, but a currency. The remaining currency loses immediately.

Option 4. "Fool English". The player, who placed ace, has the right to put another card of the same suit and order the next move (different from the Tuys's master). If the owner of the ace has no map of the same suit, he must take one card from a deck, and if she does not allow to make a move, he loses the right of the progress and the right to order a suit. This right acquires the next player if he puts the map on the ace of the same suit that ace or other ace.

Option 5. "Pharaoh". Rent 4 cards. If the player finishes the lady, then he writes off from his points 30. If the lady is the only card remaining in the hands, writes 30 penalty points.

Option 6. "Pentagon". Cards are put only in the suit. Put the card of the same advantage you can only if Sixer is lying. After ordering a suit through the lady, the next player misses the move. Glasses: Ace - 11, King - 4, lady - 20, currens - 2, 10 - 10. For other cards, points are not accrued.

Option 7. "Polish fool". For rent 5 cards, the 5th card of one of the players is revealed, the goal of the game is to get rid of all your cards. If on top of the dropped cards turns out to be 6, then the player from above can put any card; 7 - the opponent must take from a deck of 2 cards; 8,9,10 do not matter much; The shaft falls on any card and at the same time the suit is ordered. If there is a lady of peak from above, the opponent is obliged to take 4 cards. If the king of peak turns on top, then the opponent takes 6 cards. The remaining ladies and kings do not have values. And finally the ace - the passage pass. If a player has nothing to walk, then he takes one card from the deck, and if they still have nothing to walk, then the move goes to the opponent.

Option 8. The same as in Embodiment 1, only added the following rule. If the king of the tambourine is placed, the opponent is obliged to take from the deck of 5 cards and skip the move.

Option 9. Rent for 6 cards. Walks away. The eight continues to move, while if there is no continuation in the hands, then the card is taken from the deck. If 6 and 7 puts it, then the opponent takes the cards from the deck (6-1 card, 7-2 cards) and makes the move. If the last card in the game becomes a lady of peak, then a player -50 glasses if the peak lady remained in his arms, then the player is +50 points. Optionally, the rule is introduced if the player puts the peak king, then the opponent takes from a deck of 5 cards, and the player continues to move.

Chukotsky Dool

Game B. chukchi "Fool" It differs from other varieties of the game in the "fool", by the fact that each of the players is heard from 6 cards, the deck with the goat is removed from the game, and then the game goes according to the rules of a simple, podkin or transferable "fool".

Japanese Dool

Rules of the game B. japanese "fool" They differ from the rules of the game in a simple, podkin, translation "fool", just that the trumps are always a tambourine, and the peaks fight only peaks.

The Russian name of the popular European game "Mau-Mau", which received a significant distribution in Russia in the middle of the 20th century. The game exists in a variety of options under different names: "Fool English", "Pharaoh", "Pentagon", distinguished by minor details.

Simple game. Play a deck of cards in 36 cards. Cards are formed one at a time, and only 5 each player. The trump card is not open.

The deck is put on the middle of the table.

In the first game, the first move belongs to the player who will choose the computer with a random method, and then the player who won in the past game. He goes from any card. The next player can put a card on her the same suit or the same dignity.

If he does not have the required card, he is obliged to take cards from the deck until it exes the desired card or until the deck will end. If the cards are shown in the deck, the tops are removed from the stacks of open cards and is left open on the table, the rest are turned over and again serve as a deck.

Some maps require after themselves certain actions - from the next player: · 6 - take from the deck 2 cards and skip the move, · 7 - take from the deck 1 card and skip the move, · Ace - to skip the move, · The lady is a trump card.

It can be laid on any card.

A player who laid a lady can order any suit. The next player, in this case, can put a map of just ordered suit or a lady (and order any suit). The goal of the game is to get rid of all cards in your hands.

Wins the first, getting rid of cards on his hands. The loser believes glasses on the maps who remained in his arms.

Glasses · 2 Points - Curlee, · 3 points - lady, · 4 points - king, · 11 points - ace, · other cards - in dignity. · The player remaining with the same lady in his arms, loses 20 points. Game options Option 1. In the absence of the required card, the player takes only one card from the coupon, and if it does not allow you to make a move, the player misses the move.

Option 2. When playing a small deck (32 sheets), the seed requires a lifting of two cards, the eight is one card. Option 3. For rent six cards. Having opens the last map (which goes to him). This is his move. A predominant value is not a lady, but a currency.

The remaining currency loses immediately. Option 4. "Fool English". The player, who placed ace, has the right to put another card of the same suit and order the next move (different from the Tuys's master).

If the owner of the ace has no map of the same suit, he must take one card from a deck, and if she does not allow to make a move, he loses the right of the progress and the right to order a suit. This right acquires the next player if he puts the map on the ace of the same suit that ace or other ace.

Option 5. "Pharaoh". Rent 4 cards. If the player finishes the lady, he writes off from his points 30.

If the lady is the only card remaining in the hands, writes 30 penalty points. Option 6. "Pentagon". Cards are put only in the suit.

Put the card of the same advantage you can only if Sixer is lying. After ordering a suit through the lady, the next player misses the move. Points: Ace - 11, king - 4, lady - 20, currens - 2, 10 - 10.

For other cards, points are not accrued.

Option 7. "Crocodile". The game goes according to the rules of the first option, to which the following rule is added - the king of worms obliges the next player to skip the move and take 5 cards from the deck.

The game in Albanian fool differs from the game in a simple, podkinny or translation fool just the fact that the cards in the deck are decomposed in descending order of values. That is, on top of the decks lie aces, further kings, ladies, valves, etc.

The game in Armenian fool differs from the game in a simple, podkinny or translation fool just the fact that the player can come out not only from his cards, but also from the card lying on top of the whole deck.

The game in a loose fool differs from the game in a simple, podkin or translation fool just that the game goes without a trump card.

The game in a large fool is different from the game in a simple, pricer or translation fool in that the game goes with 2 decks of cards. It is impossible to fight off the value of the value. The player who had 52 cards and more, loses immediately.

I do not believe the game different from the game in a simple, pricer or translation fool as follows. Each player can beat back to another player, both correctly and wrong. And another player is invited to check the correctness of the removal. If, when opening a card, it is detected that the computer has fled correctly, then the player picks up the cards if the computer fell off correctly, then the card takes the computer. Example of the game: let's say, the player came from 6 to the cross, the computer is fighting 8 babes, then the player throws up 8 peaks, the computer is captured by 7 peaks, putting the card with a shirt up, so the player does not know which card the computer was fighting. If the player agrees with this selection, then the cards go to the back, if not, the card 7 of the peaks opens and the computer takes the cards to yourself, as it misunderstood if the computer beat himself correctly, then the cards would take a player who would not agree with Severe.

The game in two-year fool differs from other varieties of the game in the fool, the fact that each player plays with his trump card. Moreover, the trump card of the opponent is not a trump card for a player and he can beat it with his vision or another map of the same suit, but more.

In the rest of the rest, the game is conducted according to the rules of a simple, pricing or translation fool.

One of the varieties of this game. For rent all the spoda to each player. The latter mapping card opens and shows: it is a trump card. It belongs to passing. The first one who has a junior trump card or one who won in the previous party goes. He goes under the player with one card that you need to beat. After the map is broken by the player, it is necessary to either drop (beat) already upper (beat the first) card, or agree to the back, then the course moves to the player who has broken. If a player cannot beat the top card, he must take all the cards lying on the table. In this case, he loses the right move, which goes to the next player

The game in a boring fool is different from the game in a simple, pricer or translation fool just that the player can only be with the cards of the maximum value, that is, if there are aces, then with the aces, if there are kings, then with kings, if there are ladies, then with ladies, etc.

The game in the Chinese fool differs from the game in a simple, podkinny or translation fool just that the first one player who has 9 tambourines. If the player fought off 9 tambourines, then the cards are immediately falling into the back, if the player did not fight, then only takes the first card that he beat off. Wins the one who will not have cards

The visor fool's game is different from the game in a simple, pricer or translation fool just the fact that the last card with a penalty changes with the trump card and the game continues with the new goat.

The game in the royal fool differs from the game in simple, podkin or translation fool just because the youngest map can only be discouraged with ace, and the trump ace can be discarded any younger map. For example, if the game goes with a dealer of 20 cards, then the youngest map 10, that is, 10 can only be discarded the ace, if the game goes on a deck in 36 cards, then the youngest map of 6, the six can only be discouraged with ace, and so on.

The game in a circular fool is different from the game in a simple, podkinny or translation fool in that after each abandon or capture, the player cards and computer are changed.

The game in Magadan Fool is different from the game in a simple, podkin or translation of fool by the fact that from 6 retained cards, the player and computer 5 cards are not available for the game. Every 1 card opens with each selection. For example, if the computer was fighting, then it opens 1 closed card. When the deck ends with maps, then all inaccessible cards open and they can be played.

The game in bulk fool differs from the game in a simple, pricker or translation fool by the fact that the deck of cards is distributed at a time. The player having a junior trump is given the right of the first move. Next, the game is conducted according to the rules, respectively, simple, podkin or translation fool.

The game in invisible fool is different from other varieties of the game in the fool, the fact that each player knows the suit of a trump card, but does not see the card itself until the end of the game remains until 1 card remains in the deck. In the rest of the rest, the game is conducted according to the rules of a simple, pricing or translation fool.

Comic version of the game in a fool, a completely unpropered game. The game is done according to the rules of simple, podkin or translation, but with the only difference that players hold the maps of a shirt to themselves, and the face side to partners. Players do not look at their cards at no reason, nor for good. The player, incorrectly broken, translated or throwing the map, takes all the moves of the stroke.

The game in the jackhake is different from the game in a simple, podkin or translation fool by the fact that every second hanging the beat cards are not in the back, but in a deck with cards where they are mixed with other cards and then report to a player or computer.

The playing fool's game is different from the game in a simple, podkin or translation fool in that he wins the one who will beat a greater number of opponent's cards.

Translated fool is one of the most popular games along with a pricked fool, a kind of play in a fool. It originated, according to some examiners of the card games, in the middle of the 20th century as a modification of a podkin-fool. The rules of the game in the translation fool differ from the pododynna that the player under which the move is made, has the right, putting the card of the same dignity as the card (cards) of the stroke, translate the move towards the next player. The next player, in turn, if he has a map of the same dignity, can translate move on. Translate the move player can, but not required. Translation is possible only when the player did not begin to fight back. If at least one move map is broken, other cannot be translated. If the next player has a number of cards less than the number of cards translated under it, the translation is impossible and, therefore, the player must repel or take cards, despite the fact that it could translate them.

The game in translation fool 2 differs from the translation fool, just that it is possible to translate not only the cards before the opponent began to fight back, but after. For example, the computer came from 6 tambourine, the player was captured by a 8-tube card, the computer throws up 8 peaks, and the player transfers 8 peaks 8 treph, then 8 peaks and 8 trephs must knock the computer. If the computer cannot discourage these cards, then he takes all the cards that were laid out during the course and chopping.

The most common variety of the game in the fool. It happened from a simple fool in the XIX century. This fool differs from the simple thing that you can throw up the cards when the opponent (computer) is fighting off. Moreover, you can throw up the cards of only those values \u200b\u200bthat you like, or which the computer is littered.

A card game common in Russia in the XIX century. Not recognized by the highest light enjoyed great popularity in common. Currently, it is almost not found and, at least, heavily inferior in popularity to the fool of the podkin and fools transferable. In this game, 2 players take part: a computer and you. The game uses a deck in 36 cards. In this game you can play a deck and in 52 cards. Maps are issued on one, but, in total, six each. The upper card in the deck turns over and put on the front side upside down. This is a trump card. The first move belongs to the player in the first game having a trump card of junior dignity. In subsequent games, the progress belongs to the previous game. You can walk either from one card of any dignity, or from 2 cards of one dignity. The player, under which the move is made, should cover (beat) all the cards that moved. If he cannot cover at least one card, he is obliged to take (take) all the cards that moved. The next course in this case belongs to the player who went. If the player covered all the cards, then you can not throw new cards and all cards from the table are sent to the back in order to no longer receive participation in the game, and the next move belongs to the fighter player. After each penalty or maps, players take turns make cards from The decks up to 6. The oddness of the problem - at first he went, then chopped. Players make cards until the whole deck is disassembled, including the opened trump card. The number of cards, which have been made, should not be greater than the number of cards on the player's hands, under which this move is made. The meaning of the game is to get rid of all the cards in your arms. Having cards in hand when another player got rid of all his cards and when the cards ended in the deck, lost.

The game in an empty fool is different from the game in a simple, pricer or translation fool in that the player takes the card from the deck only when the player's cards end.

The game in the robust fool is different from the game in a simple, pricer or translation fool in that the one who will make more pursuit of the opponent. Moreover, if the number of pursuit of the pursuit is the same, the one who will put older epaulets will defeat. The board is called the situation when the opponent takes 2 identical cards by value, and only two, but not 3 or 4 cards.

The game in the poker fool is different from the game in a simple, pricer or translation fool in that the player before to beat the opponent's card has the right to change any 2 cards from the deck, but only if he has no more than 6 cards.

The game of the Fool's Truca is different from the game in a simple fool in that each player is obliged to go immediately from 3 cards, if less than 3 cards remained, then from 2 cards, if there are no 2, then from 1 card.

The game in Chukotka Fool differs from other varieties of the game in the fool, the fact that each of the players is heard from 6 cards, the deck with the trump card is removed from the game, and then the game goes according to the rules of simple, podkin or translation fool.

The rules of the game in Japanese fool differ from the rules of the game in a simple, podkin, translation fool, just that the trump cards are always a tambourine, and the peaks are fighting only peaks.

The oldest of the games given in this section is "Fool's simple". This game, not recognized as the highest light, was extremely popular in common as early as early XIX century. Now, displaced by more modern "fool of podkin" and "fool's convener." It is extremely rare.
Players - from 2 to 5. In a 36 card deck. For one to five each player. The top card in the deck remaining after delivery, turns over and put on the table with a shirt down. The suit of this card is a trump card. Across the trump card holds the rest of the shirt up. The following player starts the move. You can walk from any card, or from two cards of one dignity, or from two cards of one dignity and another card. Sitting on the left hand should cover all the cards that have been made. If at least one is not covered, he is obliged to take all the cards that the move was made. The next move belongs to the player sitting on the left hand from the card. If all the cards are covered, then they are sent to the hug, and the move belongs to the player who has broken. After each move, players take turns make cards up to five of the deck. Dobor stops when the last map is taken, indicating the trump card. Despite the fact that the player can have more than five cards on his hands, the course is made to a maximum of five cards. A player having less than five cards in hand is obliged to warn about it walking. In this case, in this case corresponds to the number of cards that have a chopping. After the move is made and started with a feather, the throttle of cards or their replacement is not allowed. The course is done once. The demolition produced during the game, the players are not considered and does not touch. The demolition cards are not involved in the future.
The player, the first remaining without maps, when the cards ended in the deck, - won. Having cards on hand - lost.

This option is different from the previous one that the chopping has the right to beat the part of the cards exhausted under it and take the remaining. Breakdowns are sent to the back. If the player did not beat at least one card, he deeces the right to move, which goes to the next player.

The player has the right to make a move only three possible ways: one card; two cards of one dignity and one more card; Two cards of one dignity, two more cards of one dignity and one card. There may be no other options to be. In all other way, the game is similar to version A.

The game is different from "simple" by the fact that you can walk only with a steam card and only two cards. If there is no, the course is transmitted to the next player.

The most common view of a card game is currently. An occurred in the XIX century from the "fool of a simple".
Players - from 2 to 6. In a deck of 36 cards, for one. Each player must have six cards. The top card in the deck remaining after delivery, turns over and put on the table with a shirt down. The suit of this card is a trump card. Any trump card beats any no trump card. The remaining deck holds a trump shirt across a shirt. The first player who has a junior trump card; In subsequent draws - sitting after passing (from under the "fool"). You can walk with one card or two or more cards of one dignity. The move is made under the player sitting on the left. You can throw up the cards of the same dignity as the cards that the move was made, and which the player is fought off. Maps should be thrown into turns: first the player who has moved, then the rest clockwise. There may be no more than six cards. In the event that on the hands of the wheezing less than six - no more than this quantity. If all the cards are covered, then they are postponed in a hangup, and the move belongs to the swift. If the player does not cover at least one card, he takes all the cards thrown into it; In this case, it goes sitting on the left of the card. While the deck has not been over, the players take the cards from it so that they have no less than six on their hands. The first makes one who went first, then others clockwise; The latter takes off. The card open when surrender, the good end. Won the game one who was the first left without cards. A player having cards in his arms when there was no one left, - lost. He is declared "fool". If the last move under it was made by two six, then the loser is declared "fool with riding."

When playing "Two to two" or "Three to three", players are searched in such a way that the opponent was sitting between the two partners. Under the player, only his opponents will be thrown into the cards. After one of the players came out of the game, his partner plays simultaneously at his own place.
For example, players are four: s, s, in, y, s, s, s and u,, respectively, partners. Yu dropped out of the game. Instead of Yu under z, it goes with, in the case of a penny, it goes under C, etc.
The team wins, all the players of which remained without maps when someone from the players have another team there are cards. In cases where, after the course of one player, the enemy was fighting off, and both cards left, a draw is recognized. Loser drops. When playing the team gives any of the losers.

In the middle of the 20th century, the "fool of the podkin" arises a modification - "fool with translation". This game has now gained considerable popularity. Option A.

This option is different from the "fool of a pricked" one addition. The player has the right (but not obliged), putting his card of the same dignity next to the exhausted under him, "translate" a move under the next player.
For example: the course under the player was with seven. Having placed next to his, the player translates the course under the next player who may, put in turn a seven, translate the move on. Translation is possible only when the playing has not started to fight back. If you are covered at least one card, then all the others must be repulsed and cannot be translated. If a player who could make the transfer of cards, less than translated, then the translation is prohibited, and the player is obliged to disconnect the cards exempted under it. The good card starts the player sitting on the right hand from the fighting. There are companies in which the first move is being done "under the fool", in which case the card of the first turn cannot be translated.

In this embodiment, there is the right "failure". Despite the fact that after the last move under the only remaining enemy, the player did not have the cards, the enemy has the right to "refuse", i.e. Translate card back. Maps are translated in this way, and the game continues.

This game that appeared quite recently has extremely small distribution. The game is conducted on all the rules of "podkinny" or "translation fool", but the retracted cards do not look, but hold the players with a shirt to yourself, i.e. The face of the rest of the players. Players should not watch their cards both after distribution and when set from the deck. The player, incorrectly covered, translated or throwing the card, takes itself all the moves of the move, which he holds again with a shirt to himself. Loser drops.

This option is different from the "fool of the podkin" by the fact that the trumps are always a tambourine, the peaks are fighting only by peaks.

Also known options in which the trumps are open similar to the "podkin-fool" or are prescribed before the game. In the event that a peak suit opens, it is removed in the middle of the deck, and the following card opens. In some companies, in this case, an ordinary draw "Fool of Podkinnaya" is produced.

This modification of the "fool of a simple" appeared earlier "fool of translation", but not widespread.

Players - from 2 to 6. In a deck of 36 sheets. For rent on one map to three each player. The top card in the deck remaining after delivery, opens and put on the table with a shirt down - this is a trump card. The rest of the deck is put on the trump shirt up. A player who has a junior trump card walks from any card to a neighbor on the left. The enemy should cover this card and go under the next with his. Maps covered by players remain in the center and do not remove into demolition. The player who did not cover the card exhausted under him takes all the lying in the center. The course is transmitted to the next player after it. After the stroke and penny, players take cards from the deck. Good (up to 3) stops when the last map is taken, indicating the trump card. The player, first remaining without cards, won. Having cards on hand - lost. And in the "fool in bulk" with the loser.

The game is different from the version A. The fact that the player, without covering the map of the unique suit, takes three tops from the underlying in the center, and not covering the visor card, five cards.

This is a more modern modification of "fool of bulk".
Play from 2 to 6 people. In a deck of 36 sheets. For one all cards. The last map opens. It is a trump card, after the presentation is closed by passing. The following begins the move. You can walk from any card under a player sitting on the left. The player under which the move is made, is obliged to beat the card exhausted under him. The following player must beat the top card, i.e. The one that was broken first, etc. Before the moment when the number of cards in the center of the table will not be equal to the number of players. After that, the cards are sent to the back. A player who cannot beat the card exhausted under him, takes the bottom. Sitting from him on the left is obliged in this case to beat the top card. If all the exhausted cards are disassembled, it begins the move next for those who took the last card. If he can beat the map of the previous player - i.e. If his card is the same suicide more dignity or a trump card, he puts it into the center, then opens the next and also puts into the center of the table. This card must be broken by the next player. If he can not beat her, he takes himself as this card, and stretched out from the deck, then stretching the next one, puts it under the next player. If the player has on the hands of the card, he may not pull out of the deck, but to use the existing ones and walk. When all the cards are disassembled, and in the center lies the last, a player who cannot beat her, takes three top cards from the middle. The next player must beat the card after that from above. Wins the one who first dropped all the cards.