Civilization 6 Description of features. Sid Meiers Civilization VI: Overview of famous information. Network game and balance

Output Civilization 6. We surprised us a little. Beyond Earth. With the only addition, I did not have time to cool, but here it is a continuation. However, if you consider Civilization: Beyond Earth for a branch (by analogy with Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri), then everything falls into place ...

From the release of the fifth part, a good six years have passed. But over the years Firaxis. So did not invent any revolutionary ideas: the sixth part as if tuning the fifth, without daring to overtake certain boundaries.

"The Sound Of Progress, My Friend"

Barely all Firaxis enrolled with the structure of cities. Perhaps their appearance is inspired by perverted cities from Total War: Rome 2: There are close bunches of buildings turned into appetizing such saues, on the texture of much more similar to real settlements. However, the essence is still completely different.

Areas not only create a new building depth, but also strengthen the external similarity of virtual cities with real. And won that campus let it be Oxford!

Here is the team of settlers stopping and selecting a place for a prival. A new city appears. All that is now there is a center. And a list of buildings that are allowed to build, very short: barn, water mill, sewage, walls of several species. Other architectural excesses require special areas that are erected by citizens.

It is quite obvious that the zoning is a direct consequence of the specialization of cities, for many years pursuing Civilization: in the capital we collect an industrial car for the construction of miracles, in another city we provide an overabraity of food and make settlers there one after another, and for the third, put in the midst of the jungle to arrange a scientific Bum after two hundred years.

The military camp can slowly slow down the offensive of the enemy - it snaps no worse than a separate city. It is good that there is no such thing in Liverpool.

This paradigm is now legalized and in general inevitable: only the fastest growing city will master the creation of all regions. And they are full: Scientific Campus, Industrial Town, Military Camp, Commerce Center, Theater Square, Airfield ... For example, the library will open only in campus, and since the area during construction requires a lot of production points, some kind of militant nation (such as sanctuary Scythians ) The risks at all not to see any library, except for those that will be in the captured cities of the enemy.

In modern times, the settlers are transplanted on a cute minibus. Well, what else can they establish, if not San Francisco?

Logical? Perhaps, even without libraries, even wild unbridled Huns were not built. But the player is not easier, but much harder. Now, when a chance appears to build a new area, a question arises - where to stick it.

Following, like a snowball, problems grow, and almost all are generated by new gameplay reservations. So, the workers will now not improve the cells of the area from antiquity to the nuclear war, because the number of their manipulations of course. At first, three actions are available, and then, thanks to technologies and miracles, somewhat more. And okay if the builders "fell", so not. Thus, the processing of the landscape (farm, mines, plantations, and the like) also rests on the urban production. The settlement is forced to regularly be distracted by the release of fresh work, otherwise the new townspeople will have to handle the "negleous" cell - consider, almost frightened.

One-storey Pangeus

By the way, about the townspeople - they need to settle them somewhere. Most likely, the rapid growth of your city, surrounded by "fields" of wheat and livestock, will strengthen the population: there is no new housing - it became, and there is no need to give birth to new Darmotov. Three people live, the fourth is born, and the growth of the city is slowed down by half, because the lifetime is five people. Mostazhenets to the fifth, reach the limit, and the growth will still continue, but with a fine of 75%, which is leveled only in the most giving city, where the sidewalks are already pawn.

In general, there is no longer for the whole country of happiness or health: every unfortunate city flashes in its own way.

At the beginning of the game, it is not easy to solve the apartment question. You can add housing by improving the cells: farms, for example, give half a residential area. Some buildings will share citizens: two in the barn (do not ask like), one at the university, two more will fit if there is a sewer. These are all semi-dimensions, and the only effective tool for settling is suburbs, areas, or anything other than living. But the density admires: up to six citizens, if the area with high prestige (something like the "elimination" of cells, and first of all it affects tourism).

But suddenly you have already improved the plot where the suburb is asking? And if right under the elite village there were deposits of invaluable uranium? And if I tell you that the productivity of farms increases when they are standing near, and it would be better to shut them down?

IT IS IMPORTANT: Firaxis thoroughly so worked on the overall style of the game. The fifth of the fifth looked at the ar-deco, and the sixth of the era of great geographical discoveries. First of all, this is reflected on the guise of the game world: white unexplored stains are stylized under the ancient cards, as well as places that are tightened by the fog of war. Elegant - not the word, however it makes it difficult to read the card.

Spies should be preserved and not to assign to failure: if it is not killed right away, you will have to pay redemption.

By the way, for the miracles of the world, some sections are also needed - as a rule, with Draconic conditions: Great Zimbabwe requires a number of commerce center (and market in it), and on the other hand, the pasture. It will urge you to build a commercial district far enough from livestock - and cried your Zimbabwe.

And sometimes the game causes to overpower yourself and does not improve the territory in any way - to establish a national park there. The park is generally the absolute antipode of everything that we have ever done in Civilization. First we buy a naturalist for the points of faith (oh, so you spoiled to religion immediately after Pantheon? Then I breathe, my sleeve), then we are looking for a plot in the form of a rhombus and four cells in the area - and that prestige there is a higher level. And all the cells should belong to one city.

You still need a mountain or something as picturesque. And without a single improvement! Then, and only then, naturalist will open the National Park in this wonderful place. What for the sake of such victims? The park attracts the abyss of tourists, which is critical for cultural victory: Yes, the victory of tourism remained almost unchanged.

Firaxis again refused artistic landscapes with wonders in favor of accelerated construction animation. Along with the change of day and night it looks very nothing.

Never in the CIVILIZATION series, planning the territory and development did not mean so much.

Architects souls

There was no more Civilization, in which the culture system would not be invented. And here again! For the first time to regard its significance on a par with science, Firaxis allocated all humanitarian ideas, discoveries and achievements into a separate tree. And next to - scientific, only "encouraged" a little. The conquest of cultural vertices is distinguished by a little - instead of science glasses, culture glasses are spent, all sorts of structures and wonders of the world are also opening. But there are also a political courses card. Civilization policy also changes with enviable regularity.

Be careful with great writers! Their countless masterpieces before the middle of the game are simply nowhere to put, and the poor people are languishing in anticipation of the new era.

Now artificial limiters appeared: in the presence of ten control schemes, and the closer to modernity, the more cards are allowed to apply. Some fascism allows you to keep three military maps, but only one economic. Democracy, on the contrary, is one military and three economic.

And the cards are not "cosmetic". Some accelerate training of different types of troops, sometimes already twice. Others give special benefits from trade routes or from state cities. Third - glasses of great people, or additional actions for workers, or you never know what else.

Cards in skillful hands literally flutter. They took one - hired an army, took another - built the fleet, took the third - saved on re-equipment.

Maps are not scarce, they are issued in the course of cultural development, therefore the unfinished "solitaire" depends on your game strategy, and not from preferences. What is even more important - the course is easy to change almost at any time, which the addon could not boast Brave New World. for Civilization 5.where also implemented politics. There, each selected "Perk" remained with you forever ... or before the revolution, if the pressure of other ideologies will be too strong. In Civilization 6, all the pressure is the hostility of the Communist Spain, which your trading republic does not suit.

Catch up Einstein

The poverty struggle moved to a different level, where they were not waiting for her - into the race for great people! For the first time in the series, they stopped being unified supersunits, and everyone, depending on the type of activity, their skills were given. Well, except that great artists, writers and musicians simply fill amphitherators and conservatory products of their creativity.

Whether the case is engineers! So, one instantly builds the workshop and the factory (the latter - with an increased exhaust) in the industrial area, the other accelerates the construction of the wonders of the world. And all of them are made to the table, where every global leader sees how close it is to getting a new genius. How close is his competitors - also visible. Is it necessary to say that in Civilization 6 the struggle for the bright minds is almost the same intense as the miracles of the world?

An alternative to race for geniuses is to bother them with guts. Only a few thousand gold or faith - and the new Alfred Nobel is yours today!

This flatters: Although Russian great people in Civilization 6 are not so much, pleases the choice of miracles of the world, representing our country in the game. Hermitage and Bolshoy Theater - we assume that this is a tribute to Russian culture. And they could also return the Kremlin, which is depicted as the Cathedral of Basil Blessed. Or at all the gigue is some. But the black pages of Civilization is trying to bypass.

Diplomacy is the eternal problem of all solid strategies. Civilization 6 for some reason ignores achievements Civilization: BEYOND EARTH - RISING TIDEwhere it was possible to somehow get out of this existential crisis. Here, interstate relationships try to bind to some variables.

What does it mean? So, Japan follows the Codeus Becido - in the language of the game it means that the nipponsters respect the strong army supported by faith and culture. Without these solid armed forces seem to be Japan with something offensive. Vikings (formally - Norway, but we know) the neighbor not controlling their waters instantly (read - deprived of a strong fleet) instantly.

Queen Victoria takes the award for the most acidic mine in Civilization 6. Her Majesty managed to quarrel with all the famous nations. Bravo!

What does this lead to? You do not have time to keep up with everyone and please everyone - maybe therefore there is no diplomatic victory in the game. And most surrounding starts to hate quietly. Let you armed up to the teeth - the war still not to avoid. To accept the conditions of friendship will not even be those who are well-tuned (this is reflected by the emoticon in the interlocutor pictogram). But it is worth it to encroach on the land that II "reserved" for yourself ... In short, one day the Japanese enough of the city I found it, so that there is no standard threat "Sell away from me" - declare war and shamefully to lose it.

"Telvizations" in the direction of casualization is extremely clear and justified. Play this in 2018 the mass consumer will not, but not because stupid, but because the gameplay resembles beating with his mouse itself on his forehead. Starting with medium cards, the game turns into a pitch-adhesive micromege. You literally launched on the screen in search of every unit, and their 50 more pieces. It's just idiocy!

I played all tsiva, starting with the first. This is the worst.

All new things that appeared in the 6th part (except, perhaps, the roads that the merchants are still pulling, which is logical) is a step back.
- The idiotic tree of the social bar. Not only is it difficult to figure it out, it is now not connected with science. Therefore, you can open computers, for example, not knowing electricity. Seriously?
- idiotic miracles. As far as it was the topic in previous versions, they lost all meaning. Their cost and time of production are exorbitant, and the effects are insignificant. Of the more than 30 miracles, it is really worth building 2 and more pieces 3 make sense to separate. Accordingly, more than 80% of miracles are the absorption of Chusi. Some requirements for placement of miracles are so stupid that no nation in the end simply cannot build.
- Heavy charts, and it looks CIV6 after the fifth approximately as a cartoon dashing after the star wars.
- Religious victory is only for the game alone, because the AI \u200b\u200bis so stupid that he lacks the brain with any military unite to execute missionaries and apostles. In real rivals, a clear case, there will be enough brains. The diplomatic victory in CIV5 had more meaning.

In general, this is a solid twice. Shameful continuation of the legendary series, made to lure money from fans in memory of the past times.

He played all parts except the first of the first 90 years.
6 part is the worst of all.
1. A very controversial design style - red-haired ancient parchment.
After the design of the 5th part - just misery.
2. The interface is unnecessarily overloaded with useless information, a bunch of small numbers, with the desired information often not even in the Civopedia.
Especially pleased the strip of the glasses of the upgrade of military units - 2 pixels thick. I think most players do not even represent about its existence.
3. The game was done very strange people.
What is only "Siege Tower", which upgraces in ... doctors !!
Solid stone shores on the floor continent on which it is stupid impossible to plant the infantry !!
All the gemplies are reduced to constantly change different social institutions backwards, as needed, which in the middle of the game are recruited several dozen.
4. Barbarians will spawn every move crowd and fruit like rabbits.
5. AI is still dumber than in 5 - due to the complication of mechanics. They may condemn or even declare war only for ... you did not build areas in cities!
6. Because of the filmed militaristic fines - it doesn't make any sense to fight normally. It is easier to tune the missionaries and win a religious victory or science.

1. Removed the Hall of Fame. Thus, they cut off the influx of new fans of the game, because in the end, the principle of competitiveness, which prompt the player to improve the result. There is a strategic clutinism of Phiraxis ideologues.
2. Beased counting points in the direction of the military victory. Those. You can enjoy a powerful and mobile army (a pair of BMP, a pair of PT-teams, a few SRZO (with balloons attached to them), a modern tank, a strategic bomber, a modern fighter, a pair of machine guns, 2-3 atomic bombs), but if You did not capture any capital and / or city city (for example, moving along the path of religious or cultural, or scientific victory), then, some of your rivals, which, who, say, 60-70 combat elephants, and only Estimated as more leading in the direction of military victory. Full nonsense. It is time for the crews of the 6th version to scratch your stupid turnips.
3. Endness at the end of the moves in the endgame - every turn is pumped at least a minute.

Take your vacation and disconnect the phone: Firaxis again made an almost perfect game and requires another one thousand hours of your time.


The Civilization series follows the basic principles of its own gaming process. Each follow-up game receives a new level of depth in communicating with the user, gives him a bigger scope for maneuvers. It becomes if you want, a bit more difficult with each new iteration. If using its own terminology, displays the entire series into a new era. Do not worry about the fact that individual elements are still sitting in the Stone Age.

A meeting player with a pleasant and light music based on the folklore of one of the participating parties in the party parties, a stunningly beautiful map of the terrain, filling in detail as the surrounding world study, and the cute rulers of neighboring states drawn in the caricature style will give you several moves to admonish beauties and Relaxed learning. And then put a muzzle on the table and start painting with you pants. Welcome! Do not attempt to play for scores from the fifth part.

Because the game wants you to think in advance. Put the city in the middle of several "tiles" with rare resources was a great idea in previous games of the series, now it can turn into a catastrophe due to a new system of districts. Previously, all the buildings of the city were stuck in the central "tile", and all the free space around him was opened for building farms, mines and shopping posts. This gave the player a bunch of basic resources and allowed to pull one or another aspect of the urban economy at any time. The areas now have to be located on the external "tile", taking a precious place to buildings, often not providing basic resources at all, but on receiving profit in other areas. In addition, each of such districts has its minimum requirements (the harbor is based only at the coast, which is logical) and may well refuse to build anywhere in addition to the cell in which you grow, for example, bananas. Or already built a farm.

At the same time, depending on the surrounding cells of natural conditions (mountains, rivers, jungle, and so on), located in a good location area will bring additional bonuses to its city. That is, yes: First you need to think well, how to locate the city so that everything is successful, then estimate, how to build it in it, so that everyone gets bonuses to their production, and then consider that areas also provide tangible advantages located nearby To the buildings. And then you can already build a city. By the time you find the perfect place, your neighbors will already launch a satellite into orbit - even if the cosmoport will be located in the starving city. The scheme becomes even more difficult when you understand that the wonders of the world also require a whole cell. And that religion also significantly affects production in the city, therefore, having agonizing a couple of other people's apostles, you can stay without familiar bonuses and get a starving the city of Paris in the hands of the city.

And let all the problems listed on top at first frighten, if you exhale and look at, everything is not so bad. For such a task, we love the Civilization series. They make it possible to turn on the head, estimate the available options. In the end, the process is more important in this game than the result. Ask any player which part of the match like him most. The answer will be either the beginning or the Middle Ages - the phases of research and explosive development.

Seriously changes the series not only in terms of the device of cities, but also in the device itself of the political system of your state. As before, for the glasses of culture, we can develop new directions of politics, but now the system is made much more flexibly and allows for a couple of moves to radically change the focus of its civilization. In the simplest tribes of ancient times, a clear case, politics were not particularly bored. But as you need, you can choose a suitable state system: from banal chickens to, for example, socialism. It was both in previous games, but now each type of government, in addition to basic bonuses, there are open slots for politician cards - each with its own small improvements. Open the monarchy - we get more space for military policies associated with the production and management of troops. While the republic, for example, gives greater freedom in the management of state economic systems. The cards themselves do not disappear during use, which makes it possible, depending on the situation, apply new policies and more freely feel ourselves in the ever-changing conditions of the new world.

A new approach to the city's device implies the changed approach to the work of builders. Previously, one detachment of workers could accompany you from ancient times to the era of the atom, regardless of the player by running on the map and building the mastered cells of the masses. The logic of the new Civilization, as already noted, implies a more thoughtful approach to resource management, so the workers now have a limited amount of use. Such a decision perfectly fits into a new system and forces it in advance to plan production in cities in advance. The only controversial point in such a situation is the construction of roads: now it is engaged in shopping caravans, automatically turning their way into the surface suitable for movement. Handcard lovers can independently connect different points of the map expensive with the help of engineering troops.

And now a little about what does not work. The Casus Beli system does not work - reasons for war. In logic, it should provide an opportunity to declare war to other states depending on the geopolitical situation without receiving a huge penalty for militarism. In fact, peace-loving states will still hate you, regardless of the list of reasons why you attack their neighbors. Moreover, the opponents themselves (if you, of course, play with artificial intelligence, and not in the multiplayer) will be easily violating your promises of eternal friendship. It would be better to introduce the opportunity to put an ultimatum. The situation is strange: you can a thousand times in your city a spy of the neighboring country trying to blow up your, for example, a workshop. At the same time, the ruler will crumble in apologies and promise this not to do, but to break the promise and still remain your friend. To declare war it is impossible: the fine will be huge. But the ability to put an ultimatum and promise to pull the eye on the ass in the event of the capture of the next spy would have taken away very by the way.

The Civilization Game Series has passed a huge path over the past 25 years, but its development is far from completion. This is shown both perfectly imagined new mechanics and the memory of problems familiar to the previous games of the series.

Twenty-five years have passed since the first, and the release of this year was decided to make special. Already debut demonstrations of the gameplay hinted that the indignations of players in the style of "developers only textures changed" just can not be. The project has increased new mechanics and at the time of release already contains religion, tourism and other elements, which have recently been added in the form of add-ons. But, despite all his innovations, talking about best from the comparison side than we will deal with this review.

As they say, meet by clothes, and Civilization VI Maybe how to please many, so and push the tier opponents of the entire cartoon. The fog of war is in general one of the best solutions ever met in games. The area located beyond the visibility of your cities and units is styled by a pergument card. Let it initially cause some inconvenience, the clock pairs are quite enough to fully add. The designers worked well over the details, optimizers, in which there were normal projects in the game PC, and in general everything looks very beautiful. Especially developers managed the rulers, the emotions of which are often forced to smile until the brought phrases with constant accusations of your state will become nervously pressing on "ESC".

Permanent accurate accusations of computer opponents of your civilization are one of the main problems of local artificial intelligence. Regardless of the nation that the developers promised us, he prepares a huge army and attacks you under any pretext, be it disagreement in religion, politics, or just your inclinations to rapid expansion. And let these steps be at least based on something, such a behavior of a computer opponent could be forgiven. But often his militaristic inclinations are negatively reflected in general development, and while the computer stamps dozens of specks or riders, you successfully open technologies to train crossbars. The outcome of the confrontation with such a rupture of technology, even with the numerical superiority, the lagging part is easy to predict. After receiving the ears and spending a truce, the valiant AI will again begin to extend the army and will soon announce the war to come to you to come to the next Fiasco.

Returning from the topic of inadequate behavior AI, I want to thank the developers for the magnificent system of urban areas. Now cities really have specializations, and you need to carefully plan development. The fact is that most of the buildings are erected not in the very center of the city, but in a special area, created in the territories adjacent to it. More interest in such a planning adds an impact on the bonuses of the new district as a terrain and already built areas and miracles in neighboring tile. Great buildings, by the way, also now occupy a place on the map. This simultaneously eliminates the couple of dozens of miracles in one city and makes the construction process - designers worked out the stages of the construction of each of them, and it is pleasant to watch the hanging gardens near your city.

Diplomacy system Civilization VIIf you forget for the time about the inability to use it, simultaneously laconic and multifaceted. There are both standard trade transactions and all sorts of additional options, such as the foundation of the embassy or the conclusion of unions. The locious announcement of the war now has negative consequences for diplomatic relations with other nations, so that before the advent of the enemy, it is better to come up with some "excuse" to the World Community.

Immediately in diplomatic negotiations will have to negotiate the division of cities in the event of the conclusion of the world after the war. Often, however, the losing computer opponent will be happy to leave your former possessions, if only you deigned to give it a pause to the construction of another technologically backward army. In the game with people, such a bargaining can be an interesting event, taking into account the negative consequences of the economy of both nations during war, which goes by itself the desire does not delay conflicts.

Processing of land outside your cities, as before, workers are engaged in working. But in the past, tireless palls, most people translated almost from the very beginning to automatic mode, now require a microcontrol. The reason for this is the exhaustibility of their forces, the basic reserve of which is enough for only three actions carried out now in just one move. Want three farms - be kind to build a worker and sacrifice it to the fully good cause of the development of the city. In the future, ways to increase the limit of the actions of each builder, but at first will have to be content with small.

Do not hurry to upset such innovation - let it be controversial, the gameplay from this approach only wins. In addition, on the shoulders of the builders no longer lies the task in the laying of roads. It is enough to specify the merchant to establish a connection between the two cities, and he skillfully connect their dear. If you are inconvenient to lead in the forests, the mountains and the offensive army, and through the rivers, you will have to be patient and build a sufficient number of auxiliary units. Traveling as supporting armies, these brave guys will create roads and even build strengthening. The additional class of units of support also has a doctrine in its spectrum, capable of pushing your troops even during the longest siege.

The emergence of support units is not the only change that touched the warriors. The same detachments can now be combined into the hulls and army (two and three identical units, respectively). The combination of troops allows you to make a numerous army more easily managed, increasing the power of each separate unit. Do not expect the dual gain of the "power" of the unit - the detachment will simply receive a tangible bonus, which is more noticeable in real battles than in numbers. A good military development of the city will allow you to immediately prepare corps and army, without spending time on a separate production of several units and their further association.

The development of units has also changed - now the troops have their own, albeit a small, wood pumping. The opened skills are very interesting and contain not only the increase in power, but also original abilities - for example, infantry can learn how to climbing the cliffs that appeared on the maps from some shores, and the long-rod units will shoot on the cage further.

The war in the new civilization is conducted not only by swords and bullets - religion this time is built in almost all aspects. If in the fifth part it was quite possible not to think about what your virtual pallbkers believe, here it will be a big omission for the nation. The religion created by the Grand Prophet may contain bonuses useful for your strategy, and evil missionaries from neighboring countries will constantly try to transfer your subordinates. Fortunately, the presence of a pair of inquisitors in the reserve easily solves the problem.

The clash of two religious detachments capable of "fighting", generally transfers the action for the line of fiction. Trying to prove that their deity is cooler, they call the lightning strikes on the heads of opponents. It looks impressive, but even more effect this action has on the cities within a radius of ten cells. As a result, the defeated religion loses its influence, and the winning recruits will appear in its ranks of new followers.

The religion is tied and one of the victories. To achieve it, you need to make your belief dominant in the world. To do this, you need to achieve faith in your god at least 50 percent of the cities of every nation.

Scientific Tree B. Civilization VI There have been major changes in comparison with the last series of the series. To ensure that the separation of the set of elements in a separate tree development tree, which is now to some extent similar to science. The political courses open there are separate bonuses of different categories that can be installed in the slots available to your civilization. The number and type of the latter directly depends on the chosen type of government opened on the same culture tree.

The decision to make a culture tree similar to scientific can well be called controversial, but here is the system of choosing a board type with its basic bonuses and the ability to set up its political courses - the best thing that could happen to political management. Regularly making adjustments and thinking a strategy of development on a dozen moves forward, you can get a real advantage over rivals.

Both wood development, cultural and scientific, have another highlight - acceleration by performing special action. For example, the construction of a quarry will help your civilization much faster to study the stone masonry. The active battle with barbarians will allow the military direction in the early stages faster.

The previously mentioned system for the development of cities by districts, which closely binds the process to a territorial location, plays additional paints due to the special bonuses of states and their rulers. The latter, by the way, more than the states - while the luxury of the two rulers got only Greece, but hopefully future updates will divert the choice of historical personalities. Unique buildings and special location bonuses dictate the development process.

It is worth mentioning about resources - as before, it is necessary to have certain technologies for their prey and build a working special improvement. But now strategic resources are not spent during the construction of buildings or creating units. The restriction consists only in the presence of a specialized area - for example, the recruitment of the swordsman in the city is possible when processing two tiles with a corresponding resource. The presence of a military camp reduces this requirement to one unit of iron mining.

Spying B. Civilization VI Available from the first day of release, and its mechanics is also changed compared to the previous part. Now the recreation of agents occurs just as well as ordinary units. Spies can be sent both to enemy cities, and send to counterintelligence. The victim in the task and the detected agent is forced to look for ways to retreat - the presence of various areas in the city replenishes a selection list by adding the opportunity to use the car or even by the aircraft.

Steering technology completely spies are no longer able, simply giving your civilization the previously described bonus, speeding up their opening by your scientists. At the same time, the spectrum of tasks may have a sabotage and even theft of relics or works of art from museums. The latter is useful if you are striving for a cultural victory and are trying to send the maximum flow of tourists to your state.

Civilization VI - The best game of the series in recent years. The developers were able to make a lot of successful fresh ideas and return to the game good elements of past parts. The only bold minus lies in artificial intelligence, whose militaristic inclinations are shrinking regardless of the nation led by him. We hope that in the near future, developers will be able to fix this drawback, and the sixth number of the series will become a practically an ideal model of the genre of global strategies.

A huge addition that I want to call "Civilization six and a half"


From the Stone Age to the technology of the future, from the first steps of mankind to the first flight to space, from the dawn of civilization to its sunset. At this long distance will have to go through both the Golden Ages and through Dark Times. The allies will become enemies, and the enemies will disappear from the face of the earth. In addition to your decisions, it depends more than ever. Can you build a civilization that will pass the time test?

Series Civilization - The standard of step-by-step strategies, carrying the banner of progress in this somewhat stagnating genre. Each new game invariably brought one of his own, but at the same time was still felt like "Civilization" . The developers have never been afraid to go even on radical changes, such as the failure of the "instruction" of the units and the transition from square cells to hexagons in. But progress is not limited to alternating from part to part. Firaxis Games. Creates wonderful addons that are noticeably modified the game. The sixth part of the franchise was accepted somewhat cold the fans of the series, and everything was clear that the developers would have to try to prey, in order to make the game better and change the opinion of the public. Did they manage it? And how!

Traditionally for the series, addon adds several new civilizations and leaders to the game. Total nine them: eight new and one alternative ruler - Chandragupta Maurya - for India. In addition to him, the Chief of the Indians Cree Powmaker, the Queen of Georgia Tamar, the Semi-Land Queen of the Korea Sandok, the warlord of Mapuche Lautaro, the Great Khan Mongolia Genghis Khan, the Queen of the Netherlands Wilhelmina, the ruler Quadzul Chuck, and the greatest monarch of Scotland Robert I Bruce. Of course, the style of the game for each leader will differ significantly, sometimes even radically; But it is also worth noting that not all of these civilizations are equally strong in any particular party. Scientific-oriented Korea because of its bonuses will always be relevant, when, for example, for use of all the power in Georgia, too many stars must come together. Veterans will be happy with the integrated and unusual style of the game for Lautaro. But newcomers in the offense also did not remain: the leader of Zulus Chuck is ideal for familiarization with the basics of military affairs.

The main thing and the most significant innovation, which hints the name of the addition, is the system of gold and dark centuries. In the original game, the era meant little and served only by the indicator how far civilization advanced in the tree of technologies or social institutions. Now they will mean much more.

Depending on the action throughout the whole era, the player is charged "Epoch's glasses". Have studied significant technology? Ten glasses Gryffindor! Did the barbar camp? Found the city on the coast of the sea? Built a miracle of light? Recrewed unique unit? Plus to points, plus to points, plus to glasses. The list is simply huge. All information about these moments is stored in the chronology menu: at any time you can look at the glorious history of your civilization.

Each era has two point threshold. The achievement affects what the next era - ordinary or gold. If it was not possible to achieve even the first mark, then be a dark century. The golden age gives a huge bonus for loyalty (about it below), as well as one aspiration bonus, which allows you to focus the development and "throw" it in the right direction. The Dark Century, in turn, reduces the loyalty of your cities, however significantly increases the chance of achieving the Golden Age in the future; It will be called heroic, and will give to choose two bonus aspirations.

In addition to obvious and tangible gameplay pluses, the introduction of this system the developers were able to make the game just more interesting. She comes to actively explore the card, look for new ways to earn points (some of them are very non-obvious!), And it in turn, encourages experiment. However, there is a suspicion that over time, players simply learn to take the best ways to receive points - what technologies they give, what units are better to pump and what buildings to build. The complete "automation" of the process, of course, sufficiently prevents accidental generation of the world at the beginning of a new batch, but not completely - after all, each civilization is coded a preferred landscape of the start.

The cities appeared the value of loyalty. The closer the city to the capital or to the borders of civilization and the farther from the settlements of the rivals, the longer and dedicary its population. Do not establish your settlements for the thirty lands: when the loyalty falls to zero, the city becomes free, he appears his semblance of the army, and if they do nothing, he can join the opponent's empire.

In essence, the loyalty system creates another battlefield. It is possible to think thoroughly on it, plan forever and be attentive. Civilizations that have entered the golden age, do not just make their cities are more loyal, they also become much more attractive for the cities of rivals. On this battlefield, you can capture settlements without armed conflict.

It all very much resembles the so-called "cultural bombs" from, only the difference is that in the sixth part under it there is own mechanics. The return of this system cannot but rejoice: the sensations from the fact that you lured a foreign city to ourselves only because you are cooler, just indescribable.

Hand in hand with a loyalty system go governors. Yes, you can now prescribe people to lead the city. Governors are only seven, and on their hiring the same glasses are spent on the upgrade. Therefore, an acute is worth a strategic choice: it is necessary to assign as much damaging governors as possible or have a total of a couple of-triple, but with all possible upgrades.

The provision of choosing a player is a very important and good solution. It pleases that the restriction here exists not for the sake of restriction, as it often happens in games, but brings the tactical element even to the city management. For example, there is a social institution that increases loyalty in cities with the governor, so it is worth a certain civilization to hire them as much as possible. But empires that do not extend from one edge of the continent to the other, and focus only on the pare-troika cities, it is necessary to prefer to improve.

The system of unions changed very much. Now it is not just a pact of non-interference or customs. Alliances now have serious bonuses. There are several varieties of unions - scientific, military, economic, cultural and religious. And although each type is quite good in itself, it is worth thinking in the long run: the longer the operation of the Union, the more benefit. Therefore, raw solutions can get sideways. They can also be used tactically - to extract diplomatic benefits. The actual union makes even such cunning machinators as Catherine Medici, less hurry to blow a knife in the back. And yet it is worth remembering that alliances are beneficial not only to you, but also an ally too. Therefore, it is worth carefully choosing friends.

In addition to intentional unions, in the empire can become one side of the barricades by the will of the case. When someone won too many territories or used nuclear weapons, the critical situation occurs. "Critical situations" as a gameplay mechanic actors the last lever of response to someone who will be speedy victory. When such an event is triggered, II selects all possible participants, and they are invited to choose to postpone all things, stand on one side and try to overcome the overall enemy, or refuse to participate. The victory promises a huge benefit to all participants, but if the dominant enemy fails, it will be even stronger. Executive mechanics is still that everyone makes a decision on their own, and there is a huge scope for the minds of the mind. It is possible, for example, to refuse to participate, and then still open the second front to the enemy, but at the same time make sure that the participants do not achieve their goal in the established temporary framework. Thus, it is possible to spoil the raspberries at once to several rivals at once. And this is just one example of tricks. The system itself also works very well - the game needed the function of the "last turn", and she received it. The main thing to remember is that this is a stick about two ends: you can also be a victim.

By the way about cities-states. It is very sad to see that their AI was not finalized properly. He will also be a spample of units, which then intelligently moves there and here every move. He still does not know how to defend against any organized aggression from civilizations. They simply too much static.

As a result, we can safely say that all expectations are justified. The developers clearly listen to the community, are not afraid to admit and correct their mistakes and always seek to make the game better. All adduction mechanics are interrelated, logical, and perfectly perform their functions.

Doesn't matter if you are in the series Civilization, or veteran - this addition does everything possible to enjoy any players. Hands all the keys to succeed, gives fantashes, think, act, and, most importantly, enjoy the process. And now forward - fight the tests that prepared the sands of the time!

Have you played this legendary strategy? What part do you prefer the rest?