Where is the stronghold of Druids. Overview Legion Supplement: Class Optlings. How to start a mission in the malt

Comraders not only help to perform missions, but also open some story in the fight against the Legion. So, you can meet the key personalities of Laura, for example, reghart for shamans or manashtorma for magicians. The source of comrades (champions) to help in various missions of the class unfathroom, which give experience, the strength of artifact, gold, and sometimes germination. The determined number of missions is also necessary to complete the class company or receiving the Mount, for example, foxes. Each class has access to the associates in the leggland of the Legion, but only five champions can be active. The rest will be marked "awaiting instructions." At any time, you can activate an ally, but it will cost it 250 gold. Pumping comrades in the Legion: normal, rare, epicThe initial level of the champion is determined in which company (chapter) of the Ottophe is obtained, but the starting quality will always be ordinary. That is, quality does not depend on the level of the hero: 100, 13, 19 or 110. The maximum level is 110. To improve the quality of the associate, you must perform mission. Schedule experience for comrades, regardless of class:

XP need:


When the champion received the maximum level and quality, then the experience is not charged for it.

Levels of comrades in the Legion

Reached 110 levels of the associate, it receives Ilvl items 760, which can be enhanced to perform more complex tasks. Maximum level of items 850.Sign the quality of the equipment requires the following improvements:

  • Heavy Armor Set: +5 Position Level
  • A set of fortified armor: +10 position level
  • Set of impenetrable armor: +15 position level

This means that items will always be multiple, and associates cannot have, for example, 799 ILVL. You can get elements in two ways: from various miscrete missions, using the third level of improving the whole. As for the second way, he can receive Druids, Monks and Shamans. Other classes simply place orders for the execution of champions weapons. Each order takes 12 hours and costs 50 units of resources. Hyd on colleagues in class facilities: low level and bible, for 100% WINDERS In missions, you can add low-level colleagues, but if you send all the low level of champions, then the chances will win much lower . It is also worth considering that such comrades do not get completely experience. If the difference is too large, it will be just useless: it does not contribute to success.

Equipment of comrades in the Legion

When the champions reach 110 levels and other quality, they open slots for equipment that can be used as improvements. The first slot is unlocked when the comrades will reach rare quality, the second is epic. Get the equipment can be:

  • Mission classcoas
  • Local quests
  • Third level of Okloota
  • Emisar
  • Treasures, chests

To put the equipment, simply click on the or place the desired object in it. There is a table with a different equipment that improves a specific characteristic:

Percentage of Victory Enlargement:

Lost stone

Happy bauble

Fetish Good luck

Increases the chance of success of missions by 15%.

Hurrying pocket hours

20% on mission less than 4 hours.

Potion Energy

30% of missions less than 4 hours.

Elixir of mighty concentration

40% of missions less than 4 hours.

Durable hiking boots

On the mission longer than 8 hours by 20%.

Dumpless flask

On the missions longer than 8 hours by 30%.

Phial of infinite breathing

On the mission longer than 8 hours by 40%.

Neckani faults

Death Knight

Rune Retalia

Touching death

Relic black blade

Marauder trail

Demon hunter

Relic shadow

Printing Demon

Essence of Evil

Gear Eluna

Growth scroll

Lighted tokens

Forest corner

Onion ancient kings

Catching a crawler

Dar Vietroshotel

Cloak cheating

Shabby Kudesnik

Corrodian token

Ring of primitive power

Rogue of highborne

Gem of Energy Q.

Tea blessing

Mad stone mi

Bell of Yarerty

Hammer justice

Protection of light

Manuscript Enlightenment

Decoration of the Order of Silver Dlann

Vessed statuette

Priest (Pri)

Power of light

Sannosis in a bottle

Grand sanctity

Smoke grenades

Decoction of power pulling

Powder disappearance

Mitan Vuddu

Earthy clamp

Totem land

Furious jerk

Dark Brotherhood Skull


Demonic decoction

Helmet of power

Reliquia of the Council of the Gloomy Harvest

Power Valarian

Martial banner

Ax Val "Kira

Skull fallen enemy

Demon in the box

The chance of the success of the mission is 15% higher.

Royal feathers

The chance of the success of the mission by 15%, and with bodyguards gives 25 units. Resources for the execution of a local quest.

Potion sacrifice

The chance of the success of the mission by 15%, and the bodyguards gives 15 gold for the execution of a local quest.

Brooch endless dreams

Reduces the task time by 15% and increases the chance of success by 5%.

Tyne book

Reduces a 15% task time and gives 25 units. Resources in local quests at bodyguard.

Elder's mercy

Reduces the task time by 15% and gives 15 gold in local quests at the bodyguard.

The strength of the omen

Gives 100 units. Resource with bodyguard in the execution of local quests and increases success in missions by 5%.

Ice Cang

Gives 100 units. The resource at the bodyguard in the execution of local quests and reduces the time of the mission to 5%.

Coals of fiery expanses

Gives 100 units. Resource with bodyguard in the execution of local quests and 15 gold.

Little light

It gives 50 gold with a bodyguard in the execution of local quests and increases the percentage of victory to 5.

End of nightmare

It gives 50 gold at a bodyguard in the execution of local quests and reduces the time of the mission to 5%.

Azeroth dust

Gives 25 units. Resource with bodyguard in the execution of local quests and 50 gold.

Winter Gorn

Death Knight

Increases the percentage of victory by 20% during one missions, can be used to three missions.

Golden banana

Manuscript Truth

Action plan


Small soul

Demon hunter

Restores 1 viability of the target detachment.

Wild mushroom

Modified Meryila

Well healing well

Totem of healing flow

Health Stone evil soul


Creek dead

Calls by the detachment of Valarjar seeking.

Commander in Legion by classes: list where to get?

Below you can view the list where all the legion comrades are indicated by classes, which abilities they have. For some champions, we have created useful notes.

Hunter comrades (Hunt) Legion:


Robber colleagues (horns) Legion:


Class stronghold is an innovation that appeared in the game with the release of the Legion. The class stronghold is a zone in which class representatives can perform various actions.

For example:

  • return the glasses invested in the properties of the artifact;
  • change the appearance of the artifact;
  • complete the task of the class unfathroom using hired champions and detachments;
  • deepen in the history of class and artifact, performing special tasks;
  • acquire sets of combat and decorative equipment in the intente;
  • get a reward for passing the dungeon in an extended epochial mode.

Initially, class optotes were often compared with garrisons, but now the differences became obvious. Below we will tell about how to get into the class stronghold at the first moment of appearance on the split islands and how to manage champions and detachments.

Most classes can get into their strongholds through portals located in different parts of Dalaran. And for each class there is a separate portal that can not use other class characters:

Where are the portals:

  • For and: in the Hall of Alliance / Horde;
  • For: on the flight site;
  • use planning to get to one of the islands near Dalaran;
  • can get into their strongholds through the countersunk moves that are in some buildings of Dalaran;
  • : Portal next to Cloaca;
  • : through a special network of flights on the griffin;
  • and can create portals themselves.
  • Heavenly Citadel, Stormham

Video - Comparison of the classic cells of the Legion and the garrisons of drainor:

Optothes of each class

Each class stronghold will have some unique features.

For example:

  • Robbers have an additional NPC to access the black market auction.
  • Druids in the gallery have portals in the main natural locations.
  • Warriors can arrange duels in a special arena.

How to open access to the missing mission

Get access to tasks / class missions easy:

  1. Once in Dalaran, task the artifact and access to the class malt.
  2. On the commander's table, select the location in which you plan to swing up to 110 levels.
  3. Just download until you get 325 units of the forces of the artifact.
  4. Return to Dalaran - get a short chain of tasks like the quest for the receipt of the artifact.

After performing this chain, you will get access to four things:

  • Several champions (comrades)
  • Your first detachment
  • Class Machining System
  • Class Ocloat Mission Interface

Further access can be obtained only at 103 levels - on returning to the class of class you will again give a task, after which you will open the second type of detachment and another 2 champion.

By the way, during the implementation of this chain, the appearance of artifact weapons opens to achieve the stylish: classic look.

Completion of the Class Opt Campan

To complete the Campaign Class Ocloat, you need to resume up to 110 levels.

In the course of the campaign you will get a lot of pleasant things:

  • Opt resources and artifact power
  • Bracers of 810 levels from the set of class unfold (for 6 champions)
  • Chest 830 levels from the set of unfold (for completing the campaign)
  • The title associated with your class (for example % Shadow Blade For horny)
  • The third slot under the relics in your artifact
  • Another appearance of the artifact for the achievement hardened for battle

Quality resources

In the legion, a stronghold came to the garrison shift, in which players of the same class will adjust the invasion of demons together. The development of the Ottop will occur due to the new currency - the resources of the class of the class, which will be used to hire detachments, making missions and orders, improve your optotte

You can get them for ordinary and local tasks, passing the campaign of the class unfathroom, search for treasures and killing rare monsters.

In stock will always be useful to have 1000-2000 resources for rare missions and artifact research. The remaining part can be spent on improving the unfold or class equipment.

Note: Unlike the garrison, in the Legion you do not receive the resources of the unfold for the fulfillment of missions!

Where to get the resources of the class of class

1. Campaign class unfathroom (100-5000 resources)

For performing some tasks in the Class Ocloat Campaign, the player will receive the resources of the garrison. Basically, their number will not be more than a pair of hundreds, but after reaching the level 110, tasks will appear and 1500 and 5,000 resources.

2. Local tasks (350-1000 resources)

Once a week, the player will be able to configure the murder of world bosses, the award will be 1000 resources of the class of class. The remaining local tasks will be brought by 350-450.

Studies of classcoas, such as church tensity, will help increase the efficiency of tasks - you will get more of the resources of the class unfathy.

3. Quests to execute 4 local tasks (600 resources)

Sometimes quests appear to execute 4 local tasks. For an example, take the Yard Ferondis, a reward for which will be Safe Phandis. 700-950 resources fall from the safe with a large chance.

4. Disposable bonus tasks (200 resources)

Like in and drainsor, bonus tasks sometimes appear on the map - they are designated two crossed swords. However, they are available only in the process of pumping the character and after 110 levels disappear.

5. Rare mobs and local tasks for killing them (70 resources)

Award for the murder of rare mobs can only be obtained once. For the murder of mobs during the execution of local tasks from the category "Wanted", the player will also receive 70 resources.

6. Treasure chests (35-225 resources)

In the process of Legion locations, a small treasure chest and treasure chest, which may contain 35-225 class of the class of class. The greater the chest, the greater the amount of resources it contains.

Each of the Legion fractions can be purchased by the cards on which the location of the treasure in a certain location of split islands is indicated:

Yard FerondisAzsuna
Tribe KrutogoryaKrutogorier
Tips dreamsWalshara

You will also find treasure cards in our Legion locations (right columns from the table above)

Video about the bonus for receiving the resource of the class unfold:

What to spend the resources of the scale of the class?

In this section, we will tell you how and where you can spend the resources of the class of the class.

1. Investigation of the improvement of class unfold (total 39050 resources)

The above figures are designed for a month.

Improvements in the class of class give the player various bonuses or buffs during the passage of tasks on the split islands. For example, an improvement is armed with faith will allow to use more legendary items per character.

Dimensional value is growing and duration of research:

  • Study for 1000 resources of the unfold will last 7 days
  • 10 days will leave 10,000
  • 12 days - 12500
  • 14 days - 15,000.

Thoroughly think about your choice, because the change will need to pay additional resources of the class unfold.

2. Investigation of artifact (12,500 resources)

In order to raise up to the maximum of the artifact strength, 25 artifact data studies are required, each of which costs 500 resources.

3. Improving the equipment of the class unfathroom (29000 resources)

Things class set can be improved to 840 levels. For example, to improve the regalia of the Supreme Priest, you will need:

Do not make the most inserted into the equipment until you improve the class stronghold.

4. Perform the tasks of the class unfath (50-1000 per each)

Rare missions in the dungeons and raids give a backbone with nightmarish treasures in a reward, each such mission costs 500-1000 grades of the class. Some missions are tied to the unfolded campaign, they will cost cheaper - 50 resources.

In addition, there are mission for which the player receives gold, the power of artifact, experience, or equipment or experience for the champion. They cost 100-200 grades of the class.

5. Hiring troops (20-85 per each).

In the class malt, the player will have the opportunity to hire troops to send to the mission. Thus, several missions can be performed simultaneously.

Troops over time ends - one group can be used only 2-3 times, then you need to hire a new one.

Little detachment:

  • Cost: 20 resources
  • Probability of the Success Mission: + 15%
  • You can use: 2 times.

Large group:

  • Cost: 30 resources
  • The likelihood of the success of the mission: + 30%
  • You can use: 3 times

Pumping of a class of class in the Legion

The pumping system allows you to spend the resources of the unfold to study the improvement in the standard of the class.

The system is very similar to the pumping of artifact talents, where the resources of the Optota are the strength of the artifact, and the class stronghold - artifact.

At the start of the Legion of improving the unfold require a large number of resources and occupy a lot of time.

A total of 6 levels (tires) of improvements are available; At each level, you can choose from two options, and options differ for different classes.

Table with cost and time research, change change and level requirements (RO \u003d Opt resources):

Level of improvementPumpingChanging selectionNeed level
TIR 1.50 RO / 2 hours500 RO / 1 day100
TIR 2.500 RO / 4 hours2000 RO / 3 days105
TIR 3.1000 RO / 7 days110
TIR 4.10,000 RO / 10 days
TIR 5.12500 RO / 12 days
TIR 6.15000 RO / 14 days

What improvements to choose for a class unfold

In this section of Hyde, you will find tips on choosing improvements at each level of the class of class.

Level 1.

At the time of pumping for all classes, it is better to choose an increase in the chance to get the subject of sharp quality as a reward for tasks.

After reaching the level 110 and the fulfillment of most tasks that could give good equipment, it is better to choose an increased likelihood of missions.

Level 2.

The choice of improvements depends on the class:

Death and Paladin KnightsIt is better to take the option with the mount. The second option is worth taking only if you do not have enough champions to neutralize the mission threats.
Hunters for demons and warlocksAt the start of the Legion, when you need an equipment, it is more profitable to take the second option - for additional LUT and Buffa. Closer to raids can choose anything
DruidsAdditional items - at the start of the Legion, a decrease in missions time - then.
Hunters and magiciansPrior to the introduction of flights in the Legion, the variant with the movement by split islands looks preferable; Then - in terms of the situation.
Monks, Priests, ShamansFor the time of pumping - an option with a buff; 110 levels - improving detachments.
RobbersWarehouse voucher is always better.
WarriorsAdditional LUT - at the beginning of the Legion, a decrease in missions time - then

Level 3.

If you just started dressing your champions - choose an option that allows executive orders for equipment or receive it from missions.

When the champions are dressed in good equipment - choose an increase in the number of detachments.

Level 4.

As a rule, the improvement of large detachments gives the greatest benefit - since only in this case it will be possible to neutralize the threat of a boss without champions.

Level 5.

Level 6.

At the last level of improvement, nothing to choose, as only one option is available - the ability to wear 2 legendary objects at the same time.

Champions Class Okloota

Champions are well-known representatives of your class, which can be recruited in the course of the Campaign Class Ocloat.

You can:

  • Send champions for missions
  • Hire them as combat colleagues to help you in the Legion

Each class has its own set of unique champions associated with the history of the game. For each clamp of the class, 8 champions are provided, but only 5 of them can be active at the same time.

If you have more than 5 champions, part needs to be "deactivated." To then return it to work again, you will need to pay 250 gold.

How to get champions in Wow Legion

All champions are opened along the completion of the Oklota campaign. As soon as you finish the first chain of tasks after receiving 325 units of the forces of the artifact - you will receive the first champions.

At 103, you can perform another task chain and open 2 more champions.

The remaining champions will open in the course of the further passage of the Class Ocloat Campaign.

Useful video on classcoat colleagues:

How to wear champions in wow

New champion equipment slots open with the growth of their level and quality improvement (like a garrison comrades in Dtenser).

The first excipant slot opens when the champion reaches rare quality (blue); The second slot - when reaches epic quality (purple).

To prepare a champion of the battle, you need to find him some kind of equipment. It can be obtained in the following ways:

  • Mission in class malt
  • Local tasks
  • hidden treasures
  • Awards for the tasks of messengers of fractions
  • Pumping of the clock of the class

Items for champions can be divided into 6 categories.

1. Improving the probability of success

  • Enhances a certain amount for all missions
  • Increases only for missions in short 4 hours
  • Raises only for a mission longer than 8 hours

2. Reducing the execution time

3. Compariability of associates

Equipment, which gives certain bonuses, if, together with the champion, certain types of associates are sent to the mission. Each class has its own set of third category items, which depends on the class unfathroom.

Two types of such items are available:

  • Increase the likelihood of success in the presence of certain small detachments
  • Enhance success chance with certain large detachments

4. Equipment of combat branches

These items are useful only for combat associates: they improve player awards when performing local tasks with the champion.

Two types of such equipment:

  • An increase in the resources of the class of class
  • An increase in the resulting gold

5. Consumable

Allows you to give champions and detachments to certain useful effects.

Depending on your class, there are three types of similar items:

6. Legendary Ecupation

The legendary execution for comrades is different from other items, because it is difficult to get it.

Such an equipment is much more powerful and often combines two of some effect from the above.

The legendary shooting of champions is next:

  • Increases the success of all missions by 15% + something one thing:
    • Reduces duration by 5%
    • 15 golden for local quests with comrades
  • Reduces the time of all missions by 15% + something one thing:
    • Enhances the success of the mission by 5%
    • 15 Gold for local tasks with comrade
    • 25 RO when performing local quests with comrades
  • Gives 100 ro for the execution of local tasks with the champion + something one:
    • Increases success by 5%
    • Reduces duration by 5%
    • 15 gold for quests with an ally
  • Gives 50 gold for local quests with a champion + one:
    • Increases success by 5%
    • Reduce time by 5%
    • 25 Opt resources for local tasks with comrade

Pumping and quality champions

The initial level of champions depends on how the stage of the campaign of the class unfathing player has been recruited, but its default quality will be normal.

Despite the initial level of the champion, be it 103 or 110, it will still receive experience when performing tasks.

As soon as the champion reaches 110 levels, it begins to increase its quality up to the epic. There are the following types of champions:

  • Normal
  • Unusual - the second champion ability opens
  • Rare - the first gear slot opens
  • Epic - Opened Second Equipment Slot
LevelRequired amount of experienceTotal received experience
101 200 200
102 400 600
103 600 1 200
104 800 2 000
105 1 000 3 000
106 1 500 4 500
107 1 750 6 250
108 2 000 8 250
109 2 700 10 950
110 3 000 13 950

The quality of champions / associates and the necessary experience:

Unusual8 000 21 950
Rare20 000 41 950
Epic100 000 141 950

Champions Equipment Levels

Upon receipt of the 110 level, the champion will be dressed in 760 ILVL, and the player will be able to start improving the packaging of the ward. The greater the level of the subject, the more difficult the task will be able to perform the champion. Maximum level of items 850.

There are the following improvements in the equipment of champions:

  • Heavy Armor Set: +5 Ilvl
  • A set of fortified armor: +10 ILVL
  • Set of impenetrable armor: +15 Ilvl

Improvements of champions equipment can be obtained when performing the tasks of the class unfold from the table, or for improving the whole of the Ottoca of 3 dash. When assigning champions on tasks, do not forget to compare the level of task and champion. The closer they are in terms of level, the more experience will receive the champion.

Champions abilities

All champions have pre-prescribed abilities. The first is available immediately, and the second opens to achieve unusual quality.

The abilities are designed to overlap one or another threat arising during the completion of the tasks of the base from the table. In the process of performing a task, a threat from the boss and a secondary threat arises. If they do not consider them, the percentage of successful task will be reduced. The following secondary threats are existing:

Battle satellites

Some champions have the ability - battle satellite. Thanks to her, the chosen champion with this feature will help you during your journey through the split islands. Some abilities of associates are supported, and some are active, that is, they can be called upon request. It is worth noting that in the dungeons, on the BG and in most scenarios, they will not follow the player.

  • Personal abilities

Such abilities are triggered under a specific condition. For example, if the player begins the battle or gets damage. Also for them there is an internal timer.

  • Active abilities

Some champions abilities add the feature an additional button to the panel, which, the player will be able to cause champion. Rollback of such abilities varies from 2 to 5 minutes.

  • Bodyguard

Among other champions it is worth highlighting the NPS with the ability of the bodyguard. They will follow you everywhere, can keep agro and use spells and abilities. If they die, they will quickly return to the battlefield.

Each class will have 4 champion that can be appointed to the place of combat marriage, as well as at least one bodyguard.

Appointment of combat satellite / associate

The combat comrades can be assigned on the table tasks in the malt. On the task tab, a blank slot will be depicted in which you can insert the champion icon, it will cost 50 oblota resources. You can remove the champion from this slot for free, and there is no CD for the reassignment of combat comrades.

As soon as the player appointed a champion for the position of combat associate, it becomes unavailable to perform tasks across the table in malt. Also, for the change of equipment will have to temporarily remove the champion from this position. For each task made with a player, a combat associate will receive 150 experiences. Thus, they pump out faster.

Updated: In early September, Blizzard told about the new mobile application for the Optota - WOW COMPANion.

It will allow players to manage a stronghold from the phone:

  • Pump improvements in the class of class and change them;
  • Wake up with equipment for comrades and equip them;
  • Start and complete the missions (awards will be in the bag bags when entering the game);
  • See on the map Local tasks available for character.

Odlota squads

In addition to the champions, a significant role in the optotic of the class is played Odds.

Each detachment has different indicators - for example, vitality. You can send detachments to the mission, but when the survivability is over - they will die and you will need to recruit new troops.

The detachments have no equipment, there are no levels and experiences - they are simply a food that distracts monsters while your champion perform a mission.

The detachments cannot perform the missions of the Oklota alone - there should always be champion with them. Adding detachments to missions optionally, and only affects the likelihood of the success of the mission (+ 15% for a small detachment and + 30% per large detachment).

How to hire a squad

To hire a detachment, you just need to find a special NPC in classes of malt, and create a working order from him. It will be worth a certain amount of Optota resources (20 ro for a small detachment, 85 ro for large) and take 30 minutes.

Four classes - Death Knights, Druids, Mages and Monks - can hire a special type of squad. Its creation takes 12 hours, but this detachment is stronger than others: gives + 30% to the chance of the success of the mission and additionally opposes certain abilities of bosses.

To pick up the hired squad, simply use the item that will appear next to the NPS, which you recruit them.

Restrictions on the number of detachments

There are no restrictions on the number of detachments that you can hire, but there is a limit on the number of at the same time active and living groups. Standard fork size - 3 small detachments and 2 large detachments. Restriction for special detachments - no more than one one.

The only way to increase the size of its troops is an improvement for the Ottop at 3 (+1 detachment).

Litness detachment

In the missions interface you can see the heart icons next to the detachment icon - these hearts and show the survival of the detachment.

Initial values:

  • Small detachment - 2 hearts
  • Large detachment - 3 hearts
  • Special detachment - 1 heart

Every time a detachment completes the mission of the Otto, from losing one heart (regardless of the outcome of the mission). When all the cords of the detachment are completed - he will die and will be removed from your troops.

Some classes have the abilities that allow you to restore the vitality - for example, split souls (demons hunter) or suppression of pain (priest).

Please note: For ordinary missions, the detachment loses only one heart, but there are mission category "deadly" - for them you must find a detachment or champion that will endure a fatal threat. If you do not find - the detachment will lose the whole stock of the survivability and die.

Mission of the Optot Class

Just as in Dratenor, you can send to the fulfillment of champions and squads. To start the mission, come to the commander's table in the class malte.

Missions interface

The interface remained the same as in the garrison: there is a tab with all available missions, there is a tab with already performed missions. Here we can hire the champion that will run with you by split islands.

On the "Comraders" tab, you can see all your detachments and all champions, improve them equipment, to see the abilities, etc.

How to start a mission in the malt

To start a mission in classes, do the following:

  1. Open the missions interface through the commander's table
  2. Select the mission you want to perform
  3. Rate the threat that every opponent creates
  4. Choose champions and detachments that are neutralized as many threats.
  5. Click "Start Mission"

Threats of missions

There are 5 types of threats with which you can post during missions:

Each mission can have from 1 to 3 threats - and you usually be able to neutralize them all.

Additional awards

Regardless of which constructions of the Optota you send to fulfill the mission, the chance of success can be enhanced almost twice. If you do it - you can get additional awards.

How the probability of obtaining additional awards is calculated:

  • If the mission's success probability is 150% - this is a 100% chance to successfully complete the mission and 50% chance to get an additional LUT.
  • If the probability of success of 200% is 100% mission success and 100% chance of obtaining additional awards.

Additional LUT depends on the main award for the mission:

Tokens on +50/250 reputation Subject for task (raid)Printing broken fate

Types of missions

In the layout of the class in the Legion 4 types of missions are available:

  • Ordinary: the most common type of missions; Rarely give something except gold, the forces of artifact and experience.
  • Tasks: related to the Campaign of the Class of Class, they need to be performed if you want to develop a class stronghold. Usually give a reward only the power of the artifact.
  • Treasures: become available when your champions will raise the 800 Equipment level (for dungeons) and 820 (for raids). As a reward for such missions, you can get equipment and weapons for champions, as well as Sargeras's blood.
  • Cosmetic: very rare missions, as a reward for which you can get fan objects - for example, pets or toys.

List of pets and toys as a reward for the mission of the Oklotet class:

unknownunknownBattle in the Fortress of the Black Food

Achievements in the class malt

All achievements can be found in the class stronghold menu\u003e Mission.

In general, the achievements are not enough and almost all of them can be performed by simply passing the campaign of the class unfathroom, performing the mission and hiring squads.

For achievements in the optical class, no special awards are provided.

Kits classroom booking kits

For each class there are unique armor kits from 8 parts that can only be bought in classes. In appearance, these sets are similar to the sets for the passage of the test mode in the fog of the Pandaria, but there are small changes.

Each part of the kit is obtained differently:

  • Helmet - for the quest in Classes
  • Bracers - for hiring 6 followers for class unfathroom
  • Gloves - Requires Respect with Fraction Prained
  • Pants - Requires Help with three fractions of split islands
  • Foot - You need to kill the last boss in all the dungeons of the Legion
  • Breast - for completing the campaign in class malt
  • Belt - Earn 50,000 artifact points
  • Shoulders - exalted with fraction

In this case, different parts of the kit are different levels of objects. To raise the level of the item, you need to buy a token for which there are certain requirements:

  • Improvement up to 810 levels - respect with strange;
  • Improvement up to 825 levels - you need to kill the last boss in all the dungeons of the Legion (for any complexity);
  • Improvement up to 840 levels - exalculation with strange.

We hope that this guide in the wow, champions and missions in WoW will help you understand all the intricacies of class obtrots.

Perhaps you noticed that in the troops of the Alliance and Horde now some confusion - a mess in the ranks of management. In addition to WORLD OF WARCRAFT: LEGION You will have to take responsibility and find a way to rally your people against demons threatening everything in Azeroth. To save the world from destruction, you will go on a split islands. Here you have to unite with other representatives of your class (regardless of their fraction) and oppose the Burning Legion.

Every class needs a house: asylum where heroes will find support, and the hall for military assemblies, where you can make battles. In addition, LEGION, this house will be your stronghold - unique for each class of stronghold, where, together with you, Warcraft's heroes will try to prevent the army of the flaming legion, who invaded the split islands.

Death Knights: Akerus

Akeror, also known as the Black Fortress, once was the necropole of the plenty. Now, every Knight of Death will find in it what he needed: Horn, the forge of runes and the burned shower.

Where is:parit over the split shore
How to get: with the help of the gate of death
Famous death knights: Lord Torval, the commander of terror lords Talenor, Bishi Sioxy

Demons hunters: "Ground Molot"

The demons' hunters immediately recognize the ship "Hammer of the Spruce", because already visited it during the introductory part of the game in Mardum.

Where is: Maddy
How to get: Using teleportation
Famous demons hunters:Allari Eater Shower, Altruis Stradler, Caun Rage Sun

Druids: Ross Dreams

In front of the Fortress of the Black Foreway, a dense forest spread out, where the grove of dreams lies. Here, Druidam offers the emerald path of dreams, with the help of which they are able to move between different areas of interest to them.

Where is:Val "Shara.
How to get: After opening the class of the class, use the ability of the "Sangered" for teleportation in a dream grove
Famous Druids: Guardian Remul, Lunar, Malfurion Rage Storm

Hunters: shelter arrow

From the shelter, the arrow opens a network of air trail that only hunters can enjoy. Here you have to join the wanderers, trails and dark trails, so that together you could pass extremely difficult tests. Only hunters who have passed the survival school and possessing deep knowledge of wildlife can count on success.

Where is: Krutogorier
How to get: After opening the class of the class, call an eagle that will assign you to the shelter arrow
Famous hunters:Haming Ernestuway, Veris Windward, Rexar

Mages: Study Stretch

The stronghold of the keeper is the tower in which the magicians of all the masters gathered together, so that in difficult for Azerot to revive the Order of the Guardians of the Tirisfal.

Where is:Dalaran
How to get:using teleportation
Famous inhabitants: Edria, Supreme Solder Andromat, Meryl Storm Square, Morud

Monks: Seven Year Hall

The time of the year, where there are a temple of five dawns and the Mandori village, serves as a shelter for the monks of all races.

Where is:Walking Island
How to get:with the help of "spiritual journey"
Famous monks: Chen Stunny Porter, Ji Fire Lap, whether the rivest porter, Aisa chasing clouds

Paladins: Abode of Light

The abode of light is the place where the Order of the Knights of the Silver Dlann was revived, which united the servants of the Sun, Dlann Argus, blood knights and many others.

Where is: under the chapel of the last hopes in the eastern plague lands
How to get:flight to the challenge of the last hope or using the special ability of paladins, allowing teleport to the abode of light
Famous Paladins: Edrik Clean, Lord Maxwell Tiros, Lord Grayson Shadel

Where is:Cloaca Dalarana
How to get: Enter the gate, open only for robbers
Famous robbers:Vanessa Wang Cliff, Garona Semi-Housing, Valira Sangwinar

The distribution of soldiers in Legion sheltered in his Heavenly Citadel The main character of military legends and myths - One. The harsh Scandinavian God with his Heavenly Drawn Valchalyt found a place in the new Addon World of Warcraft.

The stronghold is a zone where players of the same class will spend a lot of time, go on the frontiers of Azeroth's defense from the Burning Legion. In addition, the stronghold gives many opportunities, for example

  • examine and improve artifact - mythical weapons that will reward warriors one
  • send squads of associates to fight demons
  • get quests for raids and plot with Illidan
  • once a week get a chest with awards for the passage of mythical dungeons
  • visit coaches and mannequins

How to get into the stronghold of soldiers in Legion?

For the first time, the Messenger invites the Messenger, who will warn about the danger of the invasion of the Legion and tell how to get into the stronghold on the audience to his chapter. But, if you forgot where the entrance or accidentally teleported to another city, it becomes difficult to return.

Entrance to the stronghold of warriors is located in Dalaran on the playground (where there is a pallet or master of griffins in human). There are no spells and abilities to return to the stronghold from warriors, unlike Druids or Mages.

To go to the stronghold need to come to Valkyrie which boils over the beauty site next to falling light from heaven. Enter the circle of light and click on the button which will appear in the middle of the screen (extra-batton).

Class optotes in the Legion are separate zones for each class, where players can improve their artifact and develop the stronghold itself by performing associated tasks.

How to get into class stronghold

Most classes can get into their strongholds through portals located in different parts of Dalaran. And for each class there is a separate portal that can not use other class characters:

Where are the portals:

  • For priests and paladins: in the Hall of Alliance / Horde;
  • For shamans: on the flight site;
  • Demon hunters use sliding to get to one of the islands near Dalaran;
  • Rogues can get into their strongholds through secret moves that are in some buildings of Dalaran;
  • Warlocks: Portal next to Cloaca;
  • Hunters: through a special network of flights on the griffin;
  • Knights of death, druids, monks and magicians can create portals themselves.

Optothes of each class

  • Rogues - Shadow Hall
  • Paladins - Sanctuary of Light
  • Warlocks - a spoke of a terrible scar
  • Warriors - Heavenly Fortress
  • Death Knights - Akerus
  • Demon hunters - Determined hammer
  • Druids - Ross Dreams
  • Hunters - a fault faithful shot
  • Mages - the Hall of Defenders
  • Monks - the temple of five dawns
  • Shamans - whirlpool
  • Priests - Light Temple

Each class stronghold will have some unique features.

For example:

  • Robbers have an additional NPC to access the black market auction.
  • Druids in the gallery have portals in the main natural locations.
  • Warriors can arrange duels in a special arena.

What to do in class malt

List of what you can do in the Legion:

  1. Change the appearance of the artifact. Adding artifact power and choose talents can be in any place of the game world, but it is possible to change the appearance only in class malic.
  2. Change the selection of artifact talents.
  3. Take the books that are needed to increase artifact's knowledge points.
  4. Complete the missions of the Oklota. Missions are much smaller than in the Draenor garrison.
  5. Take the tasks associated with your class and recognize the story.
  6. To buy in the Intendant sets of armor armor (about them below), weapons for transmogrification, tokens for the upgrade of equipment and books, allowing to study additional cosmetic effects.
  7. Get a reward for the passage of the raid on an aptic complexity.
  8. Chat with other players of your class - both factions!

Kits classroom booking kits

For each class there are unique armor kits from 8 parts that can only be bought in classes. In appearance, these sets are similar to the sets for the passage of the test mode in the fog of the Pandaria, but there are small changes.

Each part of the kit is obtained differently:

  • Helmet - for the quest in Classes
  • Bracers - for hiring 6 followers for class unfathroom
  • Gloves - Requires Respect with NightFallen fraction
  • Pants - Requires Help with three fractions of split islands
  • Feet - you need to kill the last boss in all dungeons of Legion
  • Breast - for completing the campaign in class malt
  • Belt - Earn 50,000 artifact points
  • Shoulders - Increasing with the NightFallen fraction

In this case, different parts of the kit are different levels of objects. To raise the level of the item, you need to buy a token for which there are certain requirements:

  • Improvement up to 810 levels - respect with NightFallen;
  • Improvement up to 825 levels - you need to kill the last boss in all the dungeons of the Legion (for any complexity);
  • Improving up to 840 levels - exalculation with NightFallen.


Content in the class of legion of the Legion is such that encourages players often get out of the foal in the game world (as opposed to Draenor's garrisons).

Class Quests

As the character pumping the character, class quests are open. They are told important events and shed light on the history and fate of the class in the Legion.

Mission in class malt

Missions in malt appear less often than it was in garrisons. In addition, the new missions encourage players to come out of the squirrel in the game world.

For example, a reward for making a mission to the dungeon is not a thing, but a quest item. To get a reward on it, you need to independently go to the dungeon and finish the quest.


There is something like the "technological development tree" of the class unfathroom: to improve and pump the stronghold, you need to spend. This will give certain improvements in the character and associates, and will also open the additional possibilities of customization of the artifact.

I would like to hear your opinion on classcoas in the Legion? What are they better or worse than the garrisons of drains?