Imaginarium game Rules game for beginners. How to play the game Imaginarium. More interesting - basic additions

Perhaps one of the most beautiful and inspiring games. Participants dive for a long time in contemplation of delightful illustrations, screaming, surprised and Ahai. Sometimes they are keen so that they forget to act according to the rules, and they are quite simple and explained in 1-2 stroke.

Purpose of the game

Get ahead of rivals and gain the largest points, enjoy and learn better than your friends.

Game description

Included 98 cards, but their number can be increased due to additional sets:

The game field is characterized by original design. The set also goes 7 color chips and 49 tokens of the corresponding shades. Looking into the world of pictures and dive into the thoughts of opponents at the same time can from 4 to 7 people over 16 years old.


Start the game with a pleasant procedure - choose yourself an original chip, as well as a set of suitable color tokens. Their number corresponds to the number of participants. Install the starting figures.

Remove extra cards from the deck. If you play:

  • in 4 - 2 pieces
  • at 5 - 23 pieces
  • at 6 - 26 pieces
  • at 7 - 0 pieces

Drag the deck and distribute each participant for 6 cards. Choose a key to a specific round. This feature will be transmitted during the game.

Stroke Game

The presenter examines the cards. Of these, he chooses the one that caused him the most interesting association (complex, but preferably understanding at least one player). He voiced his thoughts. And the limitation in choosing the phrase is only fantasy. In fact, you can do whatever: sing, read poems, make sounds, indulgertic words and much more.

After his performance, the lead is putting a closed card into the center. Participants find among their pictures that brighter than others illustrate the voiced association, and send it to the table. When everyone has made their choice, the lead shuffling cards, after that lay out face up.

Participants carefully look at all the pictures, trying to search the one that the host posted. There is a secret ballot. All players (except the lead) choose a token with a digit, but do not show it the rest. On the command, the signs turn over. Point counts.

Determination of the number of points

Moving players

If the player guess the leading card, it moves on 3 cells.

If someone from the opponents noted a card of any participant, the latter passes the corresponding number of steps, regardless of whether it discovered the picture of the master.

Travel lead

If the leading association guess one or more players, it moves on 3 cells plus one for each participant.

If all players guess the leading card, or, on the contrary, no one - his chip remains in place.

The right to represent the Association goes clockwise.

Special marks on the field

These designations make some kind of restrictions in the free flight of fantasy, knocking down the arms and forcing the players to move the shimmers and, of course, laugh. So, the association should.

Overview of extensions and varieties of the board game "Imaginarium"

Those who are not familiar with the wonderful desktop game in the Association "Imaginarium", we invite you to reading this fun, created in the image and likeness of the legendary show "Dixit", which has deserved recognition all over the world.

"Imaginarium. Childhood"

The original set of the game "Imaginarium" was created exclusively for an adult audience. Therefore, the game did not get into the category of family. But the developers quickly understood that they would lose a whole segment of the market, and hurried to correct their mistake by creating "Imajinarium. Childhood". This tank is different from its "adult" predecessor with decoration and simplified rules.

In the set you will find 98 cards with good, bright and colorful drawings suitable even for playing with the most small family members. 49 token gateways remain unchanged and seven plastic elephants. The instruction is written by a simple and intelligible language so that children may find themselves in the rules if desired.

The field for calculating points has changed somewhat - feathery elephants no longer flutter on the night clouds of the starry sky, and jump on the "digital" stones. New pictures appeared for special fields. For example, a cat in boots settled on some stones. If the storytellor's chip is on such a field, the association should be in one way or another associated with a fabulous character. The rescue circle (it is not clear what he does in the middle of the sandbox, but this is already on the conscience of the developers) will save the player from the retreat, if his association gave all or, on the contrary, none of the party participants to decipher it. If the elephant of the lead will turn out to be on the stone with the book of fairy tales, then his story should begin with the words "long ago."

As for the rules, I personally, they like much more than in the original version of the game. The calculation mechanism of glasses is the most unpleasant part of the gameplay - greatly simplified. Everything is looped here on one digit to avoid confusion. If the host association was not guess, then his elephant retreats into two fields, the same happens in the case if all players found a map of the storyteller. We voted for the right drawing participants of the game receive two points. One additional point gets to everyone, including the lead, players for each voice in favor of their cards. Opens the most youngest participant, the right to voice the association is passed clockwise. The chips of the "Malyavok", not reached six years, are not retreating back on the playing field.

Despite the fact that the illustrations on the cards are significantly different from the images of the first set of the game, this version of "IMADZHINARIUM" is perfect for adults. Having got a set of game "Imaginarium. Childhood, "you can always spend a fascinating game evening in a circle of a family or company comrades, and children, together with friends, do not have to miss. If, after a long-term use of the card, they will become too familiar, and the associations are increasingly predictable, it will not hurt to acquire the sets of game extensions that you can read below.

"Imaginarium. Soyuzmultilm "

This option of familiar fun in the gaunting of association will not leave indifferent or children or adults. As you already guessed, on the cards of the "Imaginarium. Soyuzmultfilm »You will meet with the characters of your favorite all old good Soviet cartoons. Another distinctive feature of the game is not abstract, although the "cartoons" are depicted in situations that it is often difficult to interpret unequivocally.

In this version of "IMADZHINARYUM", the field counting field was transformed into a real kingdom of water - a pond with water lily, on whose leaves are jumping (strange, is it?) Our flying elephants. By the way, I want to tell about the latter. This time, the pennate pets are made of transparent plastic, the same as the Mipli from the expansion of the popular medieval stand "Carcassonne. Phantom. " They look much more attractive than chips from the usual set of "Imajinarium".

On the field for calculating points, new areas appeared that the storytellor to voicing the associations in one way or another, which makes the gameplay even more fun. This time on the leaves, the pussy settled down, the goldfish, as well as not one-generation of Russians, the Parrot of Kesch and the Donkey IA. If the Elephant of the narrator got on the field with the last, then he should voice the association, Kesha, in turn, demands from the lead to repeat every word twice. If the player's chip stands on a jug with a goldfish, he asks his mystery in the form of a desire, starting with the phrase with the words "I want ...". Russian pussy - she in a sense and the work of goldfish performs (those readers who remember old good fairy tales, agree with me), so the Association should be started with the fairy-tale "at a prominent courage ...".

The creators of the vendors themselves argue that this is the best option "IMADZHINARYUM" to play in a circle of new acquaintances or with people who first encountered with such a desktop fun, - to pick up the pictures with the cartoons of the Association easier, due to this, the waiting time is reduced while the narrator ripens Or a different riddle, and the specificity of the game itself creates a pleasant friendly atmosphere.

The only drawback can be called only that cards with cartoon heroes are available solely complete with a full-fledged game "Imaginarium. Soyuzmultfilm. " It is also known that the developers do not plan to produce a set of cards in the form of an extension. Contrary to numerous requests for fans to draw images with cartoons in the form of an independent (and cheaper) deck.

"Imaginarium 3D"

Traditionally, the set comes the deck out of 98 large format cards with completely new drawings. But the distinctive feature of this version of the game is exactly the fact that all images are stereoscopic. They acquire the volume and "pop up" from the plane of cards as soon as you wear special 3D glasses. Moreover, it often happens that without them you just can not understand the Association spent the leading leading. Thoughtful game creators have provided seven pairs of cardboard points, which corresponds to the maximum number of players.

Unfortunately, this version of the game can be found a couple of flaws. The first and most important - not all suitable stereoscopic glasses. In some people, after long gaming parties, eyes and head can ache, but it already depends on the individual characteristics of the body. So before buying "Imaginarium 3D" it would be quite reasonable to take the game and try out her time-different in the company of friends. The second "minus in Karma" The Board gets for the fact that in 3D glasses colors of chips are indistinguishable. But it is already trifles, because few people will sit in them all game time.

"Road repair kit"

In a compact box, you will find a field that is going out of small elements as an ordinary puzzle, so it certainly there is a place even in a small bag (hence the "road" part of the name). The package also includes seven plastic elephant chips and 49 token gateways. So this set will be useful to those who have lost or extended game elements to "patch up" a favorite desktop game and avoid buying a new full and much more expensive version of the game. As a pleasant addition, the developers have added three new cards. Keep in mind that "Imajinarium. Road repair kit "is not a full-fledged game, since in the kit there are no decks of cards!

So, on this we completed a description of the varieties of beloved desktop fun. Now is the time to go to its extensions. In each of them you will find 98 cards. Shirts of additions cards and all versions of "Imaginarium" are the same, so you can not only mix extensions without any problems, using at the same time a deck from different options for your favorite hangs.


An additional set of cards called "Ariadne" is a gallery of bright joyful illustrations, which we strongly recommend diluting enough dark pictures of the main kit "Imajinarium", making the game more positive. In addition, this expansion is perfectly combined with the children's version of the game, which we told above.


Only one thing can be said about this expansion - it is performed in the spirit of the original set of "IMADZHINARIUM". Along with sad and gloomy pictures in a set of drawings, bright illustrations are present. All images are highly abstract, so players exactly do not have to miss!


This addition to the game goes with the mark "18+", and not in vain. Gloomy illustrations of the expansion of "Chimera" will fall asleep far from each adult, and the children are better not to show them at all. In the plots of drawings, frank cruelty often read and even vulgarity, many will find them really disgusting.

And nevertheless, hardcore and horror strokes, this highly unusual set of images can come to taste. It is necessary to pay tribute that with a properly selected setting - in the evening with a muted light - the gameplay causes mixed impressions similar to that fear that arose in the children's camps during the night stories of terrible stories. Or, on the contrary, you can put yourself as a rule to the extension cards to make only positive associations, and then the fun evening is provided!


Here everything is simple - the pictures for expansion are borrowed from the game "Imaginarium 3D". Only this time the pictures are presented in the usual two-dimensional format, so now they can be combined with decks of other sets and forget about stereoscopic glasses.

On this, our story ends, we wish you a pleasant pastime in a circle of friends or family for the game in "Imaginarium"!

In the world there are many games for parties and funny companies, but there are few of them won such popularity as the desktop game "Imaginarium", the game for imagination and association, which will force players to strain fantasy and release all the power of their mind to the will.

"" This is a board game, in which players try to score as many victory points as possible, makes each other associations based on special cards. To start the party, the first player is selected, which becomes leading one move, then each player is heard from the general deck and the game begins. The host player chooses one of the cards from his hand, puts it up with her shirt upside down and calls any association associated with the image on the map. The rest of the players then choose from their cards the one that seems to them most correspond to the named association. All cards are secretly mixed and laid out with pictures up, after which the players are secretly voting, trying to determine which cards still belongs to the lead. For the right answers, victorious glasses are charged on special rules.

The goal of the lead in the desktop game "" - to make such an association that would be understandable to players, but not everyone. If his card guessed everything or not nobody guesses, he will not receive victory points, so the player must deftly taper between too obvious and too foggy hints on the image. Sometimes this task is not so complicated, because all the card game cards "Imajinarium" can boast of magnificent decoration (they depict pictures created by beautiful Russian artists), and the association can be whatever, from the melody and phrases to a separate word and Combination of sounds. And those who are confused in the maze of their imagination, the store of board games "Unicorn" is ready to give a few tips.

First, in the board game "" Rarely sit down to play an unfamiliar company, so the lead can make a tricky (and perhaps it is not too sporty) trick and to make an association that will be understandable only to his acquaintances. In each friendly company, internal jokes appear in time and well-known stories, so if you wish, you can contact them.

Another way, a little more honest to the participants of the board game "" is to choose a more specific topic for the Association. There is a big chance that someone at the table is not too versed in physics, gender theories or literary criticism, so it will not be able to understand what the "glass ceiling" refers to the "Observation Society" or "corpuscular-wave dualism". True, in this case there is a great chance to enjoy at least a boring or strongly overestimate the capabilities of the participants.

The third method is the most efficient, but it requires collens and care. Anyone who sits on a board game "" has its own style of thinking, the luggage of the knowledge and features of associative chains and, it is enough to wait 3 or 4 full circles, carefully following the associations of replacing leading to understand the stylistic features of each of them.

Anyway, the board game "" can bring pleasure even those who are not too lucky with victorious glasses, because the main goal in this game is not a victory, but the ability to enjoy the flight of their own fantasy.

Play with pleasure!

The biggest stress after buying the game is to understand what is written in the rules. Worse rules for games only instructions for microwaves. We decided to make life easier to make you a little and formulated the essence of the game in one sentence. Here it is:

"You must invent associations to selected pictures and guess pictures of other players in their associations.".

If you were able to understand that IMAJinarium Soymmultilm is written in this sentence, you can relax, you already know how to use this game; All that is written below will allow you to understand who of your friends does it better than you.

First of all, prepare a game deck. For a different number of players, a different volume of the deck will be required. Squeeze the desired number of cards, and return extra cards to the box. For 4 players, leave in the game 96 cards, for 5 - 75, for 6 - 72, for 7 - 98.
Each player chooses an elephant and a set of cards for voting the same color as an elephant. Voting cards seven. You use so much cards as a person playing. If 6 people play, you do not need a card with number 7.

Definition of the first turn.

You must determine who will go first. You can use for this voting card. All participants take their voting cards, stirred and pull any card at random. The first one who pulled the card with the greatest number begins to walk. You can use any other mechanics to select the player starting the first.

The course of the game.

The leading move: the lead chooses one of his cards, puts it on the middle of the table shirt up and calls its association with this card. Association can be anything: word, offer, poem, well-known quote or even a unique set of sounds. The presenter is limited only by his fantasy (if only his elephant is not worth one of the special clouds, which is written below).
Player Answers: The rest of the players choose among their cards one such that best suits the Association of the Master and also put it on the table with a shirt. The host mixes all the recorded cards, including its own, and folds them into one row drawings up.
Maps are numbered from left to right: the first, second, and so on. Where you have left, and where is the right, you will have to determine yourself.
Guessing the lead card: now the main task of the players is to guess which one of the above-mentioned cards made a presenter. Each player chooses a token with its version number and puts it down in front of him. You can not choose your own card. The presenter in guessing does not participate and the card laid on the table does not comment. After all the players decided, they turn their tokens and put them on the appropriate cards for the convenience of counting.

Move of elephants:

If the leading card was guessing all the players, then his elephant retreats 3 hours ago (or on a cloud with a number 0, if he has not yet advanced the third field), and the rest of the elephants are in place.
If no one gave the card to the lead, then his elephant retreats 2 steps back. The remaining players move their elephants forward to so many steps as a person chose their cards.
In any other case, the elephant of the leading and elephants correctly guessing his card players move forward for 3 steps. In addition, all players, including the lead, move their elephants forward to so many steps, how many people have chosen their cards.
End of the progress: At the end of the course, the playd cards are sent to the reset, and the players receive on one new map from the deck (when the deck is over, just continue to play the cards remaining in the hands). The role of the host moves to the next player clockwise.

Special fields.

Some clouds on the playing field are marked by special icons. If the elephant is standing on one of these clouds, restrictions are imposed on its association:
(Figure 4) - the association must contain exactly four words.
(Question mark) - Association should be formulated in the form of a question.
(Logo Abibas) - the association must be associated with some famous brand. It is not necessary to call the brand itself - the association can be based on slogan, commercial, etc. Before the game, you can negotiate how to widely interpret the concept of "brand".
(TV) - the association must be associated with the movie, cartoon, TV series or television.
(Book) - Association should be a story.

Ending game.

The game ends when the cards end up on the players. The winner is the player whose elephant has advanced further than everyone. If one of the elephants reached the last cloud and should go further - nothing terrible, just send it to the second round.

Variation rules.

The rules of "IMADZHINARYUM" can be changed as you like. For example, we suggest trying the following variations:
You can finish the game when one of the elephants reaches the clouds with the number 39.
All cards can be used in the game, and when the deck ends - mix the discharge by forming a new deck. And so indefinitely.
You can enter permanent restrictions on the association. For example, to spend a whole batch, makes only phrases of four words or stories.
If you want to play more than seven, you can unite into pairs and play two for one.

Additional set of cards.

After a while you may seem that you know the card in the deck too well, and you will want something new. You can buy additional sets of IMADZHINARIUM cards or use maps from other games in the Association or even draw these cards on their own.

Historically, it happened that the board game acquired the form of the competition, in which the most cunning, the smartest and most resourceful. But the most harder will be competed on the understanding of the art and the image of the thinking of opponents. To become the winner of such a game, you need to learn how to play with the imagination of our faithful friends. Many of you thought: how it would be nice if such fun existed. But in reality it exists. Your attention is offered the desktop game "Imaginarium". Rules - further in the article.

External description

Today in our article we will tell you about the amazing, fantastic and bright game "Imajinarium". When you look at the box with the game, a variety of thoughts come to mind. The first impressions of what seen in the package are such: there is something colorful, real and even fictional in the game. In fact, this game is such.

As they say, miracles begin with the first seconds of preparation for the game - exactly at the moment when you shoot the lid from the box. Under it lies the playing field, decorated in the form of a starry sky, on which white translucent clouds float, and the numbers of the playing field and the counter of victorious points are drawn. If you look at the clouds, you can see symbols on some of them: crossword, TV, sports symbolism, clock, numbers, and so on. But about them - a little later.

Then without which the game is not a game

Amazing fun - "Imajinarium". The rules of the game are still close to standard. Simultaneously in the gameplay, 4 to 7 people are involved. The presence of a minimum of 4 participants is the immutable rule of the game "Imaginarium".

Gaming chips and tokens are painted in seven different colors. Lovers of this fun have even threesome, as the role of the fourth player can perform any of them. What is inside the box with the game? It lies 98 unusual cards with bright and fantastic, provocative and funny pictures. Such illustrations are necessary in order to, as they say, stimulate your imagination.

About the goals and sense

The goal of the game is not only a time to carry out the joy and pleasure, but also to get the maximum number of points in the process of solving what your opponent has conceived. Before starting the game "Imaginarium" (the rules report this), you need to choose from each player one of the figures of multi-colored flying elephants. Yes, yes, you will have to play unusual chips - figures of magic elephants. For this game, this is a normal phenomenon. Also, each participant needs to take tokens in order to vote. These small square cards will be the same color as your elephant on the field.

Beginning of the game

Whether it is an ordinary game or "Imaginarium Childhood", the rules of the game are first remain unchanged. The chips are set on the very first trading field - on the starting cloud. Then 98 cards are then mixed. Each participant needs to distribute six cards from the deck, and those that remained, located in the center of the table. The player is selected, which first will begin the gameplay. As a rule, leading in desktop games someone alone, but not in the game "Imaginarium". The rules are written in so that the leader is the player who makes the move.

Starting stroke

The presenter, looking at the image on the cards, chooses and makes the association to one of them. He voiced the specified association, then puts the card with a drawing down, and shirt up. The remaining players, looking at their set of cards, choose one of them, most suitable for the voiced Association of the Master. And naturally, lay them on the field also with an illustration down.

After all these actions, the cards are mixed and laid out images up. Now each player has to guess what kind of these cards belongs to the lead. To do this, in secret, everyone himself chooses a token with the card number, which they consider the right answer. After that, the tokens open, and the winner is awarded a certain number of victorious glasses.

The association should be invented in such a way that it is enough to understand the players, but also without frank hints on it.

  • If the Association guess all the participants of the game, then it was too simple and understandable.
  • If no one is guessing the idea of \u200b\u200bthe lead, he stopped with imagination.

In the game "Imaginaarium" the rules are such that in this case the lead is punished: he is charged fines. When the course is successfully completed, the leading and players move forward, getting victory points.

Examples of unsuccessful associations

If the girl will be depicted on the card in a red cloak or an alone headdress, then voiced the image of a red cap will be inappropriate. Such an association is considered too understandable players. That is, the Association with the Red Cap in this case will be unsuccessful.

If the card is drawn on the card, sitting at the table, and in front of him a festive cake with candles, then to make the "Birthday" Association also should not.

End of action

When the course is played, the participants disassemble their tokens back, the wardrified cards with images are reset. And again each player gets one new card from the deck. Now the course is available to the next player, which means that he has the right to lead: to make his own association.

End of the game

The finish occurs when the cards end in the deck and on the hands of the players. Dictate the rules "Imaginarium" counting points at the end of the game. The winner is determined by the maximum variable points among the opponents. It was a standard (classic) game scheme.

For those who love difficulties

At the beginning of the article, we paid your attention to special signs for leading watches, TVs, numbers, and so on. The lead you need to come up with an association associated with this sign. If you decide to play a non-standard form of fun "IMADZHINARIUM", then the presenter comes down and voiced by the Association, given this sign.

For example, on the third game field there is a figure 4. This suggests that the Association needs to make out of 4 words. If the TV is drawn on the field, then your association must be associated with a television film or a popular current show. "Imaginarium" is perfectly developing imagination and associative thinking.

How did the game appeared in Russia

The creators of the game "Imaginarium" once began to play "Dixit", this is an analogue of the first game. Timur Kadyrov and Sergey Kuznetsov literally became its fans. They constantly replenished the deck of cards, and then came to the conclusion that it was time to create and patent their own game. So our game "Imaginarium" appeared. It is different from their "Pramama Dixit". First, Imajinarium is designed for the age of "16+", therefore, the creators presented it as a game for adults. Secondly, the playing field is completely changed. Thirdly, cards and rules were slightly changed and supplemented.


We often spend your free time for this game, and then on the same illustrations you can come up with a lot of associations. "Imajinarium" is a beautiful and unusual game that gives excellent mood, joy and laughter. After all, fantastic illustrations on cards will not leave anyone indifferent. The rules of the game are understandable even to children.

There are various additions to the basic configuration of the game "Imaginarium": "Childhood", "Ariadna", "Pandora". The rules of the game "Imaginarium Ariadne" are similar, only cards with drawings are still incredible! By the way, this board game is unique in that the owner of a set can make his cards for the game! Similar rules "Imaginarium", even children will be able to count the points. The game must be in the home arsenal of entertainment! Develop fantasy and imagination! Logic and positive will come to the aid of active players.

Such fun will have to taste all talented people. "Imaginarium" is an excellent game at once for all family members.

Well, we still have to wish to success developers of the game so that they bring all bold and amazing fantasies into reality. Arthops of the game "Imaginarium" should express separate thanks, since the illustrations created by them were forced to "boil" not one brain!