Play complex solitaires. Games: Solitairees. The history of the appearance of Solitales

Solitaire is a fascinating and pleasant game. It will help if you need to pass the time, it will help to develop such important quality as an effortfulness, will answer the question whether the mung desire will come true. In addition, this game does not require a partner. This book contains the most interesting solitairees, simple and complex, modern and old, who laid out our grandmothers and great-grandmothers.

Simple solitairees

A full deck of 52 cards must be put on 6 cards with horizontal rows in each (Fig. 1). Maps of one suit or one dignity shift to the right left if they lie near or through one card. Thus, the entire ribbon of solitaire gradually moves from the bottom row to the top, shifting to the left.

The collected maps move in a stack, the upper card in the stack continues to play. The vacant place is filled by shifting the remaining cards to the left side. Solitaire fell as if all the cards are collected in one stack.

Fig. 1. "Bayan"

"Two by two"

The table is put a full deck of cards. It takes 4 cards from it and lay out pictures up (Fig. 2). If there are 2 cards of the same suit, they are covered with 2 cards from the deck. Solitaire fell asleep if the cards in the deck ended.

Fig. 2. "Twice two"


For the defold of this solitaire, you will need a deck of 32 cards and both Joker. From the deck you need to remove the aces and put them in the top row of the picture up. The remaining cards are taucked and lay out the same way up, in 5 rows. Each row should be 6 cards (Fig. 3). Only free cards can shift, that is, those that lie on top of the stack and all of the fifth row. Maps are shifted in descending order, alternating black and red suit. For example, on a dozen tambourine, you can put a nine peak or treph, on nine peak - eight tambourine or worms. Free maps are shifted on the aces in the ascending order only in the suit. If a joker turned out to be a free map, it can be left in the reserve and use at the right moment. Joker replaces any card any one. For example, a joker can be put on nine worms, which in this case will play the role of eight peak or treph. It is permissible to use two joker at once. If there was a place occupied by some column in the process of shifting cards, you can put a free map there. Solitaire was descended, if all the cards in the rising order lie on the aces, that is, at first ace, then six, seven, eight, etc. to the king.

Fig. 3. "Joker"

"Christmas trees"

For the defold of this solitaire, you will need a deck in 52 cards. Of these, you need to post two "Christmas trees", each of which should be 16 cards (Fig. 4). The remaining deck is tausal and take from it on one map. If in one of the "Christmas trees", regardless of the suit, there is a free map on one point less or more taken from the deck, then both cards are transferred to a separate stack. Thus, other game cards "Christmas trees" are moved into it. Solitaire fell asleep if the "Christmas tree" disassembled before the cards ended in the deck.

Fig. 4. "Christmas trees"

"A wish"

In solitaire use two full decks of 52 cards, which need to be decomposed horizontally in 8 stacks of 12 cards (Fig. 5).

The top card opens: it will serve as an "index". Below you need to position more - 8 stacks on 1 card. Of these, maps will be shifted to places located above the maps - "indexes." The value of each overlay card must be per unit greater than the value of the map - "index", that is, it is necessary to put a twice on the ace, etc. Do not matter. When all possible combinations are exhausted, you need to decompose in the lower row of the map - "indices". Solitaire is assembled, if all the cards other than the cards are "indexes", regardless of the suit, are collected on 8 bases in the ascending sequence.

Fig. 5 "Desire"


The deck of 36 cards decompose in 4 stacks in this way: in the first stack - 4 cards, in the second - 3 cards, in the third - 2 cards, in the fourth - 1 card. Upstairs leave a place for four bases to which the cards will be collected (Fig. 6). Nearby you need to put a deck with maps left after the scenario.

Fig. 6. "Carlton"

The maps are shifted from the stack into the stack in the descending order, alternating the colors of the masters. That is, at the beginning of the base there must be ace, then a twice, triple, etc. When there are no cards for shifting, you need to take them from the deck. Solitaire is considered collected if all the cards lie on four bases.

For this solitaire you will need a deck of 36 cards. They need to be shirt up in 4 rows of 8 cards in each, leaving places for the aces.

Increased cards are pile nearby (Fig. 7). Next charge the map from this stack. For example, it is a gear tambourine. It must be put on the third row on the first position. Lying at this place the map turns out, say, eight tambourine. It should be shifted on the third row in the third place and, in turn, to open the map here. If this is ace, it is shifted to the end of a number of suitable suit, after which you can again take a map of a separate stack.

Fig. 7. "Coco"


Maps (36 sheets) need to be decomposed on the stacks - 4 side and 1 central (Fig. 8).

Red and black suit alternate. Maps are put in the central stack ascending - they must follow the ace, and in the remaining stacks - descending. For the released places shift any cards from the reserve. From there they take them in the event that the main dignity cards are not in the main stacks. Solitaire fell asleep if all the cards "moved" to the central pile or lie on the "Well Dn."

Fig. 8. "Well"


The deck of 52 cards should be decomposed on 7 stacks in this way: in the first stack there should be 1 card, in the second - two, in the third - three, etc. (Fig. 9). You can shift open cards or groups of cards collected in the descending order by value. Black and red suit alternate. First they collect aces and put them on four bases, then collect cards on suit, starting with twos and older. After transferring the next card to the adjacent stack or the base below the card is open, and it becomes gaming. If the stack is completely disassembled, or the collected group of cards or the king is put on it. When all possible moves are made, you can take cards from the deck of three. At the same time, the game is considered the top card, and if it is suitable for transferring to the base, the next one opens. It is believed that Solitaire was descended, if all the cards from the deck are assembled at the upward order on four bases.

Fig. 9. "Kosyanka"


For solitaire, two decks of 52 cards will be required. Of these, the aces are chosen and put them in the center in two rows located vertically - each four bases (Fig. 10). They will need to shift the cards in the increasing order, regardless of the table. On the left side of the bases lay a vertical series consisting of 4 stacks. The right lay out exactly the same row, too, of 4 stacks. For moving, only the game cards use - the top of each stack. The cards are shifted from the stack into the stack in an upward order: the ace is placed on the ace, the top is three, etc. Solitaire was kept if all the cards were lying on the grounds regardless of the table.

Fig. 10. "Kings"


From the deck in 52 sheets take out aces. The remaining cards are laid out of 8 pieces in 6 rows horizontally. Above the ranks leave a place for four bases with the aces.

If, when distributing cards, there are those that can be put on the aces in the upstream order, they are immediately shifted on the ground. Games are considered the cards of the lower and top rows. If you are taken from the top row, it opens a map lying in a row on it. Similarly, the card from the very lower row opens a map in the next row near it. If open cards are suitable, they are put on the base in the upstream order - ace, twice, triple, etc. Solitaire was coming out if all the cards lie on the grounds in ascending order of values.

"Monte Carlo"

The deck (52 sheet) is laid out in 4 rows of 5 cards. The remaining are placed in a separate stack (Fig. 11). From the rows gradually remove the cards of one value if they lie near or diagonally. Empty places are filled with cards from the lower row, and the places in the lower row are taken from the stack.

Solitaire was agreed if no card was left in the ranks.

Fig. 11. Monte Carlo


Full deck in 52 sheets must be decomposed 5 cards in 7 rows. The remaining maps are placed at the top and leave one base (Fig. 12). A collected maps will be shown on it. They should be shifted from the deck on the base. You should begin with shifting cards from the ranks, provided that the free card is greater than one point. So, you can shift the ace or vice versa, but it is impossible - the king. Solitaire was descended if all the cards were on the basis of.

Fig. 12. "Foundation"


A deck (36 sheets) need to be decomposed in 4 rows of 9 cards shirt down, leaving free four places (Fig. 13). Aces are removed from the deck and put on the left of each row of cards.

On the free places you can put cards on the point more card lying next. For example, if on the left side is a nine treph, then you can put a dozen treph to the free place; If the right lies the currency trend, it means that it is also allowed to put a dozen ten. Solitaire was descended if all the cards are decomposed in their places in the increasing order: Ace, six, seven, etc.

Fig. 13. "Paganini"


For this solitaire you will need a deck of cards in 36 or 52 sheets. It must be decomposed in 4 horizontal rows of 9 cards shirt up (Fig. 14).

Fig. 14. "Memory": A - deck decks in 36 cards; B - Single deck in 52 cards

The essence of this solitaire-game is that the unfolding must remember the location of the cards and open everything for the smallest number of moves.

Each right course brings point. If open cards did not make a pair by value, they are put up again and the player loses glasses. Then he opens two cards again - and so until all the cards are open. Maximum number of points - 36.

For the defold of this solitaire, two full decks of 52 sheets will be needed. Maps should be decomposed in 4 horizontal rows of 8 pieces in each. Nearby is a stack of remaining cards. The goal of the game is to shift the cards from the stack and the lower row in the 3 top rows (Fig. 15) in the strict sequence. It is necessary to shift in the following sequence: the five are put on the two, and then the currencies of one suit; Troika put nine and lady; On the four - seven and king. Empty places are filled with twins, three and fours, taken from the bottom row. When all options are exhausted, the lower row can be replenished with the cards from the deck. Solitaire fell asleep if no card was left in the deck and the bottom row.

Fig. 15. "Parade"

The deck of 36 cards is folded up with a shirt up on 9 stacks of 4 pieces in each (Fig. 16). The top cards are open in an arbitrary order. If these are two cards of one dignity, they are set aside. Solitaire came out if all 18 pairs of cards are open.

Fig. 16. "Couples"

For the defold of this solitaire, two full decks of cards are needed. Initially, you need to mix them and decompose in 10 stacks horizontally a shirt down (Fig. 17). The remaining cards put in 5 stacks of 10 pieces (according to the number of horizontal stacks). They are used in the game when you need to distribute the following series of cards. Maps are moved by shifting them from one horizontal stack to another according to the following rules: any card is transferred to the free space in the descending order. The collected stack of cards of one suit can be moved from one place to another, freeing the next card. When all the options are exhausted, you can hand over a number of cards from a spare stack. However, for this it is necessary that at least one card remain in the horizontal column. The deck during the game is not relocated. Solitaire was descended if all the cards are assembled in masters and for seniority from the king to the ace. In the computer version of the game there are variants of the scenario with one, two and four masters.

Fig. 17. "Spider": a - a game with one mahi; b - a game of two suit; in - game in four masters


For the defold of this solitaire, you need a full deck of cards in 52 sheets. Lay out the "Cross" of 5 gaming stacks on 1 card in each (Fig. 18). The remaining maps are postponed to the reserve. Games are the top cards of the stack and the top map of the reserve. Cards are removed from the game with pairs of one dignity, regardless of the table. When all the pair came out, the upper backup card is put in the central stack, and the released places are filled with the following backup cards. Solitaire was descended if all the cards were removed by couples of one dignity. It is impossible to rejected a deck.

Fig. 18. "Crossroads"


For the defold of this solitaire, you will need a deck in 52 cards. First, 28 of them need to be put in 7 rows as a pyramid (Fig. 19). The remaining maps will be a backup deck. She is put next to a shirt down. Bottoms are considered the lower, no covered cards at the base of the pyramid, the top map of the reserve and the top card of the coupon. The goal of the game is to remove all the cards from the pyramid so that the amount of pair card points amounted to the number 13: for example, twice and currencies, six, and seven, lady and ace, etc. When all the options are exhausted, you can sort out the backup deck. Solitaire was descended, if all the cards are removed from the pyramid. Card advantages:

Valts - 11.

King - 13.

Lady - 12, etc.

Fig. 19. "Pyramid"


A deck in 52 sheets should be decomposed in 5 rows horizontally. In each row there must be 10 open cards (Fig. 20). The remaining two cards put the sixth near under the first column. Free are considered to be cards available below. During the game, the pairs of cards of one dignity are removed - ladies, troika, etc. Deleted cards open access to the subsequent. Solitaire fell asleep when all couples of cards from all rows were removed.

Fig. 20. "Shawl"


A deck in 52 sheets are laid out in a row of 7 stacks of a shirt down (Fig. 21). The remaining cards must be put alongside: this is a spare deck from which you can take cards to shock in stacks. Maps move so that, as a result, all the cards were collected in the four bases in ascending order of values \u200b\u200band on suit. In this case, it is believed that the solitaire came out.

Fig. 21. "Secret"


The deck of 52 cards lay out in 8 rows of 6 pieces in each. Above it is necessary to lay out one horizontal range of 4 cards (Fig. 22). Even above, you need to leave a place for the grounds that make cards during the game. These bases can be used and when moving cards from one column to another. Put out only open cards, alternating red and black suit and folding cards on each other in descending order. If you allow empty places in the rows of cards and the presence of a free base, the stack of cards can be transferred from one row to another.

End of a familiarization fragment.

We offer all lover cards to play fascinating online puzzles that can be free. The page presents several different types of solitaires, all of them have unique rules and features. Solitairees are logical card games for one person. It is necessary to decompose the cards in a given sequence using the rules. For each game there is a detailed description so that you can get acquainted with the passage and then play freely. The time layout time passes quickly and unnoticed.

Download solitaire to computer

Solitales have become popular card games, the passage of which can be carried out long hours. Now there is an opportunity to play on ordinary computers and even on phones. In his free time, it is nice to spin a little brain and take a logical thinking, laying out the cards. In recent years, there has been a huge number of diverse solitaires. Developers were able to come up with numerous rules for decomposing a deck. For victory you need to be attentive and apply logic, but you should remember about the chance. In almost every solitaire, luck plays an important role from which the final outcome may depend.

Card solitaire

The popular type of games, which in most cases is intended for one player. Depending on the type of game, there is your own rules and features that need to follow. Most often the essence is to collect the cards of one suit in a column ascending or descending. The most famous and common game was a brazer, which is almost on each computer. It is necessary to decompose one deck of cards in four stacks of one suit in a certain sequence. First, there is ace, then a twice and so on by increasing to the king. During passage it is necessary to use special tactics and be attentive. Accident has a slight value, but the presence of good luck becomes a key point for victory.

The page provides a large number of free solitairees online. These are the most popular representatives of the card games that are intended for one person. Among the most famous is to highlight Solitaires Kosyanka, Spider, Rug, Pyramid and Soliter. Most people are perfectly familiar with the rules of these games, but we made an additional description of all the rules. Even inexperienced beginners will be able to deal with the rules in a few minutes and quickly come to victory. All online games are completely free for passing and available without registration. Enjoy logical card games, and let you accompany the luck.

Welcome to free solitairees: play online and without registration, in Russian. It has long been proven: Card Solitairees - Logic games that can develop intuition and train memory. The goal of them in the placement of maps in a certain order, sorting on a suit or taking into account the seniority.

How to play

We are ready to show the rules of the best solitaires: "Kosyanka", "Spider", "Pyramid", "Three Peaks" and "Soliter" are presented in the modern and classic version. Choose the most pretty design and play with pleasure!

Card solitaire has a long story. Today is a view of online games in a variety of versions for tablets and computers. In ancient solitaire from the cards attributed a mystical property to predict good luck. There were several decks and certain suites. Foreaging solitaires was practiced: it was necessary to make a desire during the scenario and, if it was possible to easily fold the cards - a faithful sign on the success of the idea.

Check yourself with free online solitaires: All the best and new are waiting for you to play!

What to do in the game

Solitaire Spider is a card game where the goal is to collect all the cards in the stacks from the king down to twos and cover the twice ace. As soon as the stack on the table is collected, for example, the king, lady, ... Two, Ace, then the whole stack is removed from the table. As soon as all the cards left the table - Solitaire was descended. Solitaire "Spider" is played by two decks, i.e. 104 cards. Initially, 54 cards are decomposed in 10 columns. The first 4 columns of 6 cards and the remaining columns of 5 cards. All cards in columns are turned face down, except the top. Top cards, one in each column, lie face up. The remaining 50 cards are placed in a deck at the bottom of the screen. You can play a spider in three different ways that affect the complexity of the game: newcomer, advanced player and expert. In the online solitaire for a beginner all 104 cards of only one suit, this game is called "spider one suit." In the option of playing for advanced (two suites) there are worms and peaks. And in the option for experts - all 4 suites. The number of cards on the table remains unchanged - 104 pieces.

What to do in the game

When playing one suit

The game begins with open 10 cards on the table. From ten open cards, you need to find ordinal combinations and fold them from the older (king) to the younger (two, which at the end still needs to cover the ace). In other words, the card can always shift to another minimal card. For example: 4, it is possible to put on only 5, and the entire combination of 5 + 4 can be put on only 6 s.t.d.
Please note that the combination of 9 + 8 + 7 + 6 is can be dragged, and 9 + 8 + K + 4 + 3 - it is impossible. But in the second version, you can take 4 + 3 and move them to 5-ku.
The goal of solitaire is to collect on the table a full stack from the king to twos with ace. As soon as the stack is assembled, it leaves the table.
You can also mix one card or incomplete stack to the place of the empty column, regardless of the suit and value of the map.
If the available combinations of open cards are over - click the deck located in the lower left corner of the screen. New 10 cards will be opened, which will cover cards lying in 10 columns on the table.
The collected stack is the king, the lady ... Two, ace - automatically retract from the screen.

What to do in the game

Solitaire Spider game in 2 and 4

Rules are continued in the same form, however, with some additions. In the process of folding solitaire, you can add maps of different stripes to each other. For example: 2 worms can be folded on 3 peaks. Red cards on black and on the contrary, only in such a sequence. However, in general, this combination remains temporary, since the final deck should consist only of maps of one suit.
As for the movement of the stack, you can move the stacks in which the cards lie in the correct order by seniority and at the same time have one suit. Those. A stack with a "lady of peaks, a currency of peaks, 10 peaks" You can move, but a stack "Lady peaks, currencies worms, 10 peaks" - no.
NB: Option of spider in 4 suit is ready and you can play it.

What to do in the game

Rating in Solitaire "Spider"

Points in spider are considered to be different and the rating is built in different ways. We adhere to the simple rule in building the wrestling of our players - the faster the player collects solitaire, the faster he thinks. Although we adhere to such a rule, in the near future we turn to the system counting system. The smaller the moves made the player - the better. +1 for the course, +1 for the hint, +1 for canceling the stroke.

What to do in the game

Features of our game

We added a new functionality to the spider, this you will not find anywhere on online services - this is a game of solitaire to the whole screen! This feature is very convenient, especially for laptop owners, whose small screens do not always fit the entire contents of the web page. We have unique platforms for spider in 2 suites that will help to collect solitaire even novice players. Our solitaire spider converges almost always. Over time, we remove extension from the base, which players cannot collect and leave only those that have already come down from someone. Those. Crowdsourcing helps not only fill the base, but also filters extensions that cannot be decomposed. We do not take money for the game, so you can play a spider solitaire you can completely free our solitaire cross-platform, i.e. You can play it both on the computer and on your smartphone (iPhone or Android) designers tried on a deck of cards, so you can appreciate the beauty of the deck, its convenience when playing both on the computer and on a smartphone, where visuality and The size of the cards directly affects the usability of solitaire. While you cannot save the alignment, open on the table, but you can remember the number of this scenario and replay it at any convenient moment. The last 20 layouts issued for collecting, are available in the Personal Account, unless, of course, you entered the site through social networks. Registration of users allows you to participate in the ranking with other players. You can track the most popular and most complex layouts and try to improve their results.
Full list of our pieces of solitaire "Spider"

What to do in the game

Convergence of spider

It is believed that any solitaire with proper decomposition converges. This applies to a suited spider when taking into account a) that the player does not make mistakes. B) Card alignment is generated in a special way and subordinated to some rules. The first rule depends only on you, the second from us. If you and we do our job correctly - then the game converges. It should be noted here that the convergence of solitator is much higher, so it is more valued by players. There is a mathematical model that we use when distributing cards (it is more correct to say - when generating distribution), according to which our spider converges almost always (99%). Although we write 100%, it is not quite so.

This legendary card game has won incredible popularity worldwide. Moreover, a lot of interesting facts are connected with it, which you probably will be interested in learning.

Its name comes from french word "patience", which means "patience". It's not just like this: she really requires a lot of patience and prettiness from their players. For this reason, it was popular for the time of time, allowing you to rest after a serious working day.

As for varieties, they are numbered by an incredible set. Each of the species differs in terms of complexity, by the number of devodes used and a number of other parameters. At the same time, the rules for each may differ. There are both very simple, which are unfolded in just a couple of minutes, and very complex, beat over which you can watch. Total experts allocate more than 800 species, and 300 Of them were passed from past generations, and the rest were developed after the appearance of computers.

Fortunately, today you can play solitaires for free and without registration. For this you do not even need to leave the house. Just have a computer, a stable internet connection.

Rules of the game card solitaires

Despite the huge number of variations, most of the rules differ in the rules quite slightly. Consider the most popular type - "Kosyanka", which is familiar with almost everyone.

So, our task is here: to decompose solitaire in 4 decks by increasing the ranks, throwing gradually 52 cards in ascending order. It all starts with ace, but ends with the king. There is also not only individual cards between columns, but also whole stacks. The complexity is that the masters should be alternate, that is, after black, the masters must necessarily lie red and vice versa.

    Basic Tips for Successful Scenario:
  • Maintain the same stack, because one too long can make it difficult for other moves;
  • The more in the column there is a shirt card up, the more point to open them by increasing the chances of winning;
  • Use empty places as temporary storage for further transition.

  • We wish lovers of successful layouts in this wonderful intellectual entertainment!