Games for two fire and water ice. Levels and their passage

How to play:

Control remains on the WASD keys and arrows for two players. The remaining rules and subtleties will be shown at the first levels. There are three separate workouts, two of which can be skipped so as not to spend extra time. Use special talents of two characters to pass the labyrinths.

Fire and water 3

The third part of the online game fire and water offers an exciting adventure on the ice temple. Here are new traps and more complex mechanisms, they will make players think and act carefully. A collaborative work plays an extremely important role. If earlier it was possible to pass any level alone, now only the initial labyrinths will seem simple, then the complexity increases sharply. In the ice church, many cold and hot rays, they can change the state of liquids. If a big puddle of water appeared on the road, then the boy fire is in full impasse. Girl water is obliged to find the source of the cold to freeze the surface, then the second character needs to be easily running further.

The interaction of two different heroes becomes the basis of success. Small errors may entail a complete failure of the entire team, so it is impossible to throw a companion. Play Fire and Water 3 You can free full screen, the high-quality image remains good. Explore the labyrinths of the ice church, try to find the mechanisms, levers and buttons to create a safe passage. In some situations, act for a while until the hint doors remain open. Try to succeed and defeat!

A story about the third part of the games from the fire series and water should, perhaps, start from the beginning, that is, with the menu design. Although the font of the name is somewhat alay, in general, the menu looks good - everything is simple and understandable, the gamer does not have a single chance to get confused or not to pull there.

Very nice decorated menu of levels - in the form of a golden decoration of snowflakes, on which a gem appears after each passage of the game. So everything is just fine here. Fire and Water 3 game in the ice church does not differ at all difficult graphics, but it does not make it less attractive - on the contrary, such simplicity helps focus maximum attention on the plot and passage. And they are worth it.

Gameplay and management

Boy Fire and Girl Water Tightly jump over the levels of an ice temple, helping each other and collecting precious stones along the way (the girl collects blue, boy, respectively, red). Sometimes in order to jump on the next obstacle and reach the entrance to the next level, they need to first substitute the support, and already jump from it. With the help of gamers, they are easy to cope with it. By the way, the management here is very interesting. Since the characters are two, and the gamer is one, then it controls the small fire with the help of arrows (left-right-up), and with water - using the AMD buttons, respectively).

After each level of the game, the achievements are shown - how many collected stones and how much time it took to complete it. However, it is possible to monitor the time and in the process of the game - there is a small scoreboard, counting precious seconds. Interestingly, in the game there are several types of obstacles, so, obstacles with the form of spilled water or fire they pass apart - everyone chooses what is safe for him, because if the water falls into the fiery trap, it will evaporate, and the fire will go out in water. And at the end of the level, they also come out each in their door, but at the same time always.

Levels and their passage

Some levels of fire and water begin to pass from the opposite ends of the game space, when the fire comes out of the door with the water icon, and water is from the "fiery. And then their task is to, successfully overcome all obstacles, get to your door. Often, for a successful passage, you must click on the button or rotate the lever so that the step or other support is needed for jumping. Many obstacles they can go through, only helping each other - then the boy will throw on one end swing the load so that the girl was comfortable to jump, then the girl will press the button that removes the obstacle so that the boy can go to his stone. So coherent tandem they overcome the game level behind the level.

However, the gameplay is difficult to call overcoming, after all the game fire and water 3 refers to the category of simple. At first, it causes the control and the need to think in two directions immediately, but then the passage turns into pure pleasure, accompanied by the same unobtrusive music and cute sound effects.

Naturally, with each level, the passage is complicated - there is a confusing system of counterweight and elevators that need to be used to get to the cherished pebble, in order to remove the obstacle from the path of not one passage, but both, on the appropriate button you need to throw off the cargo .

And, of course, you need to collect more and more stones. Sometimes, however, a small number of stones with interest pays off their inaccessibility and plenty of obstacles to the way. Completely in all these buttons, levers and counterweights are not easy to understand and the level has to be held several times.

What can be said by summing up.

First, the game Fire and Water 3 in the Ice Temple is not so simple, as it might seem at first glance - it is worth starting to play. How it becomes obvious.
Secondly, it not only allows you to perfectly spend time, but also develops coordination of movements and consistency of the actions of the left and right hand due to the features of the management system. Third, it is simply nice to spend the evening for it, and the gradual gameplay is delayed so much that I don't want to press the "pause" button and stop until the last level passed. And the end causes a pleasant sense of satisfaction and the desire to immediately go through the next part of the fire and water series. Sometimes - insurmountable.

The dizzying adventures of old friends continue - but in a new place and with new interesting tests! Meet the game Fire and Water 3: In the Ice Temple!

The boy and the girl and the girl-water successfully coped with your help with a difficult road through the Temple of the Forest and the Temple of Darkness and Light. And now, now they have a new test - even more incredible and exciting! Fire and Water 3: In the Ice Temple - this continuation has already managed to love all the sagas about the adventures of real friends: such a deadly different, but at the same time capable of great accomplishments!

Together, the fire boy and the water girl travels on the temples of the elements who worshiped the ancient inhabitants of these places. In each of them, they are expected to be riddled and surprises left by many generations of the admirers of natural phenomena.


You are waiting for many exciting arcade levels, each of which represents one of the rooms of the temple, in which the boy-fire and the water girl must perform a definite task. The essence of the task becomes clear when looking at the shape of the gems, which the level is indicated on the map! We look more closely, and you will notice that I initially seemed the same pebbles on a tree-like game levels, in fact, have a different cut.

If the level is marked with a hexagonal stone, then you will have arcade, in which the main characters should get to the finish door as quickly as possible. At the same time, the speed is the only requirement for the movement of heroes! But then be careful with traps, which are always a lot in the ancient shrines. So, for example, our fiery hero will not like it at all if it falls into the tank with water, as well as a water girl would be very uncomfortable to visit the fiery lake. At the same time, of course, through the traps of their own elements, the guys can pass quite calmly, and also collecting bonuses (which are also very clearly tied to the element of the character). Of course, it is impossible to do without traps, equally dangerous for both characters! The game itself warns at the first level that the black marsh will easily absorb and destroy the boy-fire, and the girl-water.

In the course of the passage of the level, you will have to use ingenious mechanisms left by ancient. Some of them are enough to activate once, but some have to hold for that time when you still need his action. Then then it is nourished by our heroes what they travel without one way! After all, while one holds the button, the second can task and pick up your diamond or go to a previously inaccessible part of the level. Almost all interactive elements are intertwined intuitively: stones are moving if they pushed their lips, the mirrors reflect the sun's rays, and the levers and buttons are pressed by simple advancing on them. The level ends when both heroes reach the finish line and eat each to their door.

If the level is marked with a stone in the form of a truncated triangle, then you are waiting for almost the same task as in the previous case ... with the condition: the heroes should move at the same time! And finally, the level marked with a classic cut diamond is a search quest, the victory in which is achieved at the time of finding a green diamond, and then a successful finish from the final door.

Office in the game Fire and Water 3: In the Ice Temple

Boy fire and water-water can be controlled simultaneously. After all, the boy-fire listens to the control buttons with arrows, but the water-water girl responds to the commands from the WAD keys.

What do you think can be the fire and water? In the real world, probably no, because the fire can be ground when it is influenced by a large amount of water, and the water in turn may well evaporate, turning into steam, under the action of strong fire. And what if the fire and water are the characters of the famous series of fascinating flash games for girls? Then, of course, without any doubt, you can see how inseparable friends - a boy named fire and a girl called water.

Want to go to entertaining travel along with expensive friends? Then Rather, turn on our free entertainment Fire and Water: in the Ice Temple. Today, friends intend to visit the most real Ice Temple, in which you, together with your characters you can find out what ice water is, how to freeze liquid water and melt the frozen, and also learn how to endure the cold, our inseparable friends fire and water. If you want to overcome all the obstacles of the ice church, then you will be delivered to act together, because only such an approach to business will help to cope with all the difficulties arising from the path and achieve the goal. The site wish you great success!

Tips for passing:

After our entertaining online toy is finally loaded on your screens, click on the Play inscription. Now you can immediately begin its passage, because for this you do not have to even register on our website. To begin with, decide which from which levels you would like to go first - select it from the list available, which are located on the Lesnoe Temple map along with the rest of the rooms. Then you find yourself in a frozen room where it is full of ice. It should be remembered that our heroes react to the ice in different ways. Fire, for example, slides on it, as on the rink, and water is thrown on ice, as in tremendous snowdrifts - slowly and carefully. Therefore, try to competently use these features of your characters of the game to successfully pass all the tests of the ice church.

In order for the fire to move to the left and right use the appropriate arrow of the keyboard, and use the up arrow to exercise. To control the same water is possible using the keys with the letters W, A, D. Remember that the water should be watched with fire fluid, and the fire of ordinary water.

The main thing in these toys is friendly interaction. It is best to play in them together when one player manages a boy-fire, and the other is a water-water. One player can also pass the levels, but it will be needed for it much more time. Levels are constructed in such a way that they cannot be passed, acting only by one character. In addition, each of the characters can perform certain actions inaccessible to another. Thus, just carefully using each of its advantages, players will be able to bring each level to completion. Such a scheme of the organization of the gameplay has justified itself at 100%. Free fires and water have become very popular thanks to this particular feature of the game mechanics.

Moreover, now all the games in which you need to act two players, taking into account their specific features and undergo levels in close cooperation, began to call "fire and water games". For your convenience, so that you can get as much pleasure as possible, we have collected in this section not only the classic flash games about the boy fire and the girl water, but also all those like it. The heroes here are both pandas, knights, and the heroes of Disney cartoons, and Japanese Anime Cats. The main and unchanged remains one fact - in all games you need to feel the shoulder of the comrade and be able to work in a team - then you will achieve success and pass all the levels!

How to play the game fire and water and to the end

Fire and water is a wonderful game for two about the boy fire and a girl water. In this game you need to pass levels, overcoming obstacles and solving simple puzzles. The highlight is that it is best to take it together when one player controls the boy with fire, and the second girl water.

This game is quite simple, but very interesting and exciting! Try to play it with a friend or girlfriend, and you will not be able to go away until all levels go. And when you go - on our site there are also a bunch of games about fire and water!

How to play the game fire and water

Everything is very simple here. One player manages fire with the arrow keys, and the other drives water using the A, W and D keys on the keyboard. To go through the level, you need to get from the bottom of the labyrinth, in which there are fire and water at the beginning of the game in the upper part and go to the door intended for the heroes.


On the way, the players will meet various obstacles and here you will come in handy the knowledge of the features of water and fire. The boy fire can not cross small lakes that are constantly found in the labyrinths. If he falls into such a lake, he will just go out and the game will end \u003d (the girl water is afraid of fires, which are found no less often than lakes. In such bony, she can just evaporate and die, which you should not allow. But the fire Free to overcome the fires, and the water is lake. However, there is a fire and water obstacle in the game for both. These are green puddles with acid that quench the fire and pollute the water. They need to jump over both characters of the game.


As we have already spoken, an important feature of the game fire and water, for which children and adults love it, is that it is much more interesting to play it. This is because the levels in the game are specifically invented so that it was impossible to go through it. On the way, the boy and the girl will constantly meet cunning elevators that work if someone stands on the button activating them. You understand that at the same time stand on the button and you will not work for the elevator. Here then you will help your teammate! It will stand on the button while you are driving, and then arrive until you hold the button for it. So the fire and water incompatible in ordinary life are easily combined and even bring each other benefits in the game.


It is important not only to get to the very end of the level of the ice church, but also to gain as many points as possible in the process of passing. To do this, you need to collect the crystals of the appropriate color. Red crystals - for fire and blue - for water. The more such crystals you collect, the more points you get!

Fire and water - as an embodiment of the combination of opposites

In nature, the fire and water is hard to exist nearby, watering near the fire can turn into steam, and the fire under the action of water goes well. In the game, the other vice versa, and a friend without a friend of fire and water do not pass levels to the end, do not get out of confusing labyrinths with a bunch of crystals in your pocket. And all because the fire and water are depicting boys and girls here, which, as you know, being quite different, always draw up to each other.

Moreover, the most successful are always those who can understand the opposite sex well. No wonder the developers of the game chose fire for the boy - after all, quick-tempered and militant, the hot and unbridled nature of boys looks like this rebellious element. The real young ladies are always called those girls who are calm and bleeders, gentle and smoothly, like water personifying all the girls in this game. In the game, fire and water can be seen like boys and girls can be useful to each other and how easier they go through life together.

We hope you realized that without interaction, even completely unlike each other, the matters and people do not achieve complex goals and not succeed in life labyrinths. In the meantime, you are waiting for an exciting game fire and water to which you can apply the knowledge gained in practice. Good luck in mysterious labyrinths of the ice church!