How to open your third eye and develop clairvoyance in three days. Encyclopedia of secret methods - abstract of the book. Rapid Development of Clairvoyance A Practical Guide to Developing Clairvoyance

This new practice is, on the one hand, an addition to the basic practice of "Opening the Third Eye" and independent practice as well. I decided to single it out as a separate practice, since I give new techniques that differ somewhat in their content. And mainly - these are more energetic techniques and more concentrated. Also, the reason why I decided to create this new practice is the fact that there are a lot of practitioners of the practice of "Opening the Third Eye", this topic worries a large number of people, and of them there is always a certain percentage who need special practices, stronger , with a different approach, with a different energy filling, so that their practice in this direction will be crowned with better results. In other words, these are more energetically strong and concentrated techniques with a slightly different approach.

You can decide for yourself whether to pass the basic practice of "Opening the Third Eye" before this practice or not. You can go through it in whole or in part (for example, choosing from it only the techniques you like), or skip it and start immediately only to this practice described on this page. It's up to you to decide. Perhaps your inner feeling will tell you the best way to develop in this direction, trust yourself.

Briefly, this practice is built according to the following plan:

  1. Removal of various blocks (energy plugs, plugs, etc.) that interfere with your clairvoyance.
  2. Tuning the Third Eye - aligning in the right combination of all its complex and multidimensional structure (like a telescope) in order for everything to come together in the necessary "focus" and you finally begin to see what the external consciousness would adequately "understand".
  3. Consolidation and strengthening of the result of clairvoyance.

1. Removing blocks from the Third Eye

Description of the first practice

This practice clears the Third Eye of the energy blocking it, which interferes with seeing subtle energies, in other words, opening the opportunity to see the aura and energies in color. This can be compared to a retractable telescope (telescope) with a protective cap on the eyepiece or lens. In this case, no matter what you do, you will not see anything with the Third Eye. The protective "covers" need to be removed to see.

  1. Place the palm of your right hand on your naked body in the area between the eyebrows (forehead), as follows: the center of the palm corresponds to the area between the eyebrows, the fingers are spread wide with a fan, the middle finger is pointing up (lies on the scalp and looks at the crown), the little finger touches the left temple with a small pad, the thumb touches the right temple with a small pad. It looks like you are holding the ball with your fingers wide apart.
  2. Keep an open palm on the forehead in good contact with its surface and pressing on the frontal bone with your fingers (as if trying to squeeze them, as if instead of a head - dough). The effort should be felt - as if you are trying to penetrate the center of the head with your palm.
  3. Fix the position of the palm in this position and, without changing anything, hold your hand in this way for about a minute.
  4. In about a minute you will have a feeling of the unity of the energy of the hand with the energy of the body at the point of contact, as well as the energetic penetration of the energy double of the hand into the body - this is the area starting from the eyebrow to the center of the head. At this moment, begin to slowly squeeze your open palm and at the same time thinking-feeling how your energy hand in the same way squeezes the energy that is in the interval of the head I indicated and which blocks the vision of the Third Eye. Those. You are actually cleaning-removing the block from the Third Eye.
  5. It looks like this: the fingers, which covered the head like a ball, slide along the surface of the head and move towards the eyebrows, gathering in a bun.
  6. Do all this very slowly, capturing well the blocking energy (which you either visualize, for example, in dirty colors, or just mean it if the visualization fails). After that, slowly pull it out of your body - moving the physical one (while the energy hand passes through the physical body, but confidently holds the blocking energy in the fist).
  7. When after that the pads of the fingers connect together in the area of ​​the Third Eye and thus part of the blocking energy will be pulled out - make a fist and quickly throw it into the center of the Earth, presenting the center of the Earth as a very strong Fire. Those. with your physical hand, make a throwing movement down and open your fist at the very bottom - as if you are throwing a stone down.
  8. It is very good to carry out this "cleansing", or better to say - removing the block, just before the practice of "Opening the Third Eye". Those. this practice can be done both before the main work on opening the Third Eye, and in parallel with it.

Description of the second practice

The second practice is also from the series of cleansing the Third Eye and is done after the first practice. It is similar in a sense to the removal of static in the area of ​​the Third Eye, i.e. it allows you to make him active, mobile, bring him out of the state of "stupor" in which he was for a long time due to lack of demand.

  1. Take any comfortable position. For example, sitting on a chair, half-sitting in a chair or even reclining on a sofa. How convenient.
  2. Close your eyes and relax.
  3. Press with any finger of your right hand on the area between the eyebrows. For example, it is most convenient to press with the middle finger. Keep your finger straight, press with the top of the pad of this finger.
  4. So, put your finger on the area between the eyebrows and wait about 5-7 seconds, without weakening tangible pressure on the forehead.
  5. Then slowly release the pressure on your forehead with your finger and move your finger slightly away from the forehead (this is only a few millimeters, i.e. the finger is still touching the skin of the forehead).
  6. Hold this for 5-7 seconds and then slowly build up pressure on the forehead again, as written above.
  7. Do this for a pleasant amount of time. For example 5-10 minutes.
  8. During the exercise, feel as if the energy cylindrical area is in the area of ​​the Third Eye, which is either pushed into the head, then pushed out again (due to an invisible spring) following the finger. This can be clearly seen in the animation below, which I made for this exercise.

Animation for the second exercise:

Removing the psychological block

There are also times when the Third Eye is open and everything is ready for a person to see with it. But psychologically, he continues to think "the old fashioned way", that is, somewhere inside, in the subconscious, he does not give himself, does not allow to see more than ordinary people see. This block also needs to be removed to remove the last clairvoyance barrier.

For this I have created a number of programs that you can easily find on the site. I just want to highlight one program, to which I will give a description for this particular case. This is the SSSP-NLSK program. Download it, install it on your computer and read the instructions for use on the program page.

Settings for the program:

      1. I really want to become clairvoyant!
      2. I can see everything well and clearly.
      3. I allow myself to see everything.
      4. I know how to become clairvoyant.
      5. I do everything to become clairvoyant.
      6. I am actively becoming clairvoyant!
      7. I am already fully clairvoyant.
      8. Name.

These are approximate settings, you can change them a little, but the meaning should remain that way.

2. Setting up the Third Eye

Below I give you practices, as well as an online program so that you yourself can quickly adjust the Third Eye in the correct way, so that all its "elements" are folded into the necessary sequence and take the necessary order in which controlled clairvoyance occurs.

Third Eye Customization Program

This program makes the Third Eye attune to the vision of subtle energies, including the vision of the aura. In this case, the Third Eye can be compared in a sense with a retractable telescope, which must be properly adjusted in order for a clear focus to appear. Then good vision comes.

Description of work with the program

  1. Wait for the download of the program on the next page of the site.
  2. Wear headphones for a binaural effect that will bring your brain waves to calm and harmonious waves.
  3. After downloading the program - you will see two buttons "First" and "Second". you need to start with the first. Then you can move on to the second.
  4. In the first part you will see a stereo picture of Sri Yantra. Defocus your eyes so that the two images overlap (merge) on top of each other. As soon as you do this, you will immediately see this yantra in volume. If your monitor is large, move away from it to make it easier to align the yantras together.
  5. The top of the yantra will be directed towards you. Achieve maximum elongation of the image in your direction with the top. The better you are focused on yantra, the more it will reach towards you with its peak. Keep this concentration for as long as it is pleasant, not allowing the top of the yantra to sink. Keep your focus on the triangle within the yantra as well as on the whole yantra.
  6. Then proceed to the second part of working with the program. Here you will see a dynamic yantra consisting of rings of chakra colors (rainbow, color spectrum). Also split the image and superimpose one on top of the other to see the stereo effect.
  7. When you see a yantra in volume, you will see that the top of the yantra is either approaching you or receding. Keep your focus on the triangle within the yantra as well as on the whole yantra.

The file size of the program is 1.84 Mb - it takes 1-2 minutes to download at an average Internet speed.

3. Practices for the development of the Third Eye

These practices are at the same time developing the Third Eye and fixing it in a state of clairvoyance, strengthening it.

Third Eye Massage

  1. Take a simple upside-down pose. I will not describe it here, just follow the link and read its description.
  2. So, you are in pleasant relaxation, in an inverted position, in which you can stay for quite a long time. Place your right palm (or left if you are left-handed) over the brow area.
  3. Press your palm to your forehead and begin very slow and smooth movements along the surface of the forehead towards the crown of the eyebrow.
  4. Move your palm in this way until the center of the palm reaches the hair. There is no need to lead further. Then you slightly lift your palm from your forehead and again place it in its original position to start all over again.
  5. During this action, imagine that you are like opening a box, which has a lid approximately at the level of the eyebrows. To make it easier, I will give an example: imagine that you have an old casket that has nothing to open its lid by catching any protrusions, handles, etc. Therefore, you have to open the massive lid by friction - i.e. pressing the side surface of the cover and lifting it up.
  6. Those. You really seem to be opening something that has been closed. You can just imagine that this "lid" is the top of the head. It is possible to imagine something more complicated - that you are opening the energy "lid" and so on.
  7. Do this for about five minutes every day, for at least a week.

Strengthening the area of ​​clairvoyance

I already wrote about this area in the "Treatise on the Third Eye" in the fifth paragraph. This area is not located in the physical world, you do not see it with physical eyes, but in this area, as if on a TV, spatial images appear.

  1. Get on your knees.
  2. Align your left and right palms so that the left palm is placed in the right and is clamped from the sides. The centers of the palms touch. In turn, the left palm, being in the "embrace" of the right, also squeezes the right palm from the sides (a kind of lock, but not to be confused with the lock with interlocking fingers).
  3. Next, lower yourself on your elbows (a kind of bow, the elbows are separated by about 70-90 degrees) and lower your head with your forehead in the palm of your hand. The mid-eyebrows correspond in position to the centers of the palms (i.e., all these points are on approximately the same vertical line: the first point at the bottom is the center of the right palm, then the center of the left palm goes above and at the top of the eyebrow).
  4. If you wish, you can lean back a little if this is more convenient for you.
  5. Close your eyes. Relax in this position.
  6. Keep your concentration on the area where the two centers of the palms meet.
  7. Pay attention to any images that appear before your inner gaze. Strengthen them. Try not to think about anything.
  8. Do this exercise for at least five minutes every day for about a week or more.

The vision of any people, objects, places, etc. anywhere on earth, at any time

This practice will be most convenient for many people to practice before going to bed, directly lying in bed and falling asleep. The practice is designed to develop the skill of seeing whatever you want. For example, you say to yourself "I want to see what is happening right now in the area of ​​the Egyptian pyramids!" and then a vision of the Egyptian pyramids appears, usually as if you are hovering over them like a bird, or you are shown a panorama of the area from all sides, etc. You can see anything you want. For example, what is the person you love doing, whom you, for example, have not seen for a long time and miss him. You will say "I want to see Nikolai, Sveta, Alexander Petrovich, etc." and immediately before your inner gaze there will appear an image in the form of a film of what these people are doing now.
But that's not all. You can also travel in time. To the past or the future. This is somewhat more complicated, but quite possible. For example, you might say "I want to see which numbers will win the lottery!" and these figures will appear in front of your inner gaze, which will fall out in the future. You can also say, for example, "I want to see Atlantis!" and you will see Atlantis, its inhabitants, its buildings, technologies, etc. Say "I want to see how life was born on Earth!" and you will see this ...
There are a lot of options. Are you interested in this? Then use the practice below, with which you can easily develop all these abilities.

Practice Description

  1. So, you go to bed. You have relaxed, you feel good and pleasant.
  2. Now think about what you would like to think about. It can be anything, as long as it is pleasant to you. It can be the events of a day lived, some place in a resort, some thing, some person. Anything. It doesn't matter, the main thing is that you feel comfortable thinking about it, so that the images appear by themselves, without tension, so that they are desired.
  3. Let's say it will be the seashore where you were once and you are happy to remember these happy hours.
  4. As soon as you have decided that you will think about it, then say to yourself such a self-installation "I want to see this place!" and think about it.
  5. Then relax and fall asleep as usual when you decide to sleep.
  6. Some time will pass before falling asleep. Maybe ten minutes, some more. During this time, observe all the visions and pictures that will appear in front of you. They will definitely appear. And they will be associated with this particular place.
  7. Consider these pictures and do not strain. Just keep falling asleep (falling asleep) and watching these pictures. Which will, as you fall asleep, more and more vivid, distinct and realistic.
  8. Do this every time before falling asleep. It is not necessary to do this only before bedtime - if you decide to take a nap during the day, then do it during lunchtime as well.
  9. With each new practice, your visions will become more and more distinct and clear. They will appear faster and faster. And after a while, when everything will turn out well for you, all visions will correspond to your desire. Those. if you gave the installation to see what is happening right now in this place - then you will see exactly what is happening now. If you want to see the past or the future, you will see this too. And it will no longer be just your imagination - it will more and more correspond to reality as you practice.
  10. After this stage has been passed, you will be able to see any visions in your waking consciousness, simply giving yourself self-righteousness of the form "I want to see what is happening now around the Taj Mahal!", "Where is such and such a person now!", "What are the numbers win such and such a lottery! " etc.

Below I have created an online program for you that will greatly help you in this practice.

Description of work with the program

  1. Wait for the download of the program on the next page of the site.
  2. After downloading the program - you will see two buttons "First" and "Second". You need to start from the first. Then you can move on to the second.
  3. In the first part, you will see simple pictures and images. And also a self-installation will be written in front of each picture, which you must read and think so. For example "I want to see a triangle!" - so you need to think that I want to see a triangle, etc.
  4. Then proceed to the second part of working with the program. There will be real images here. For example clouds, rainbow, etc. Do the same as in the first part.
  5. Throughout the practice with this program - focus on the area between the eyebrows (Third Eye).
  6. Go through both parts every day, you can several times a day with the desire that you have everything exactly the same as in this program. Those. You told yourself to see it and you saw it immediately. Without any "buts". Order-answer, I want-received ...

The file size of the program is 1.04 Mb - it takes 1-2 minutes to download at an average Internet speed.

It is advisable to make several sheets of paper, on which either draw with a felt-tip pen or glue the cut out simple geometric shapes. Each sheet is different. Alternatively, you can simply take several envelopes and attach the cutout data to them. While mixing envelopes, pull out any envelope and without opening it, close your eyes and let the self-installation "What is the figure in this envelope?" If you have practiced the above practice well, then your mind will already be prepared to show you what exactly is hidden in the selected envelope. This test will simultaneously show you your progress in practice, but it is also excellent practice in itself. You can also take the online version of this practice test here:
(practice given on November 28, 2009)

This is a surprisingly simple and effective exercise for opening the third eye or Ajna - Chakra, one of my acquaintances told me about it, who tried it on his own experience. After a month of classes, my friend began to feel overwhelming ecstasy in the brain area, and also began to notice strange things. It also describes the methods of developing clairvoyance, which were used at different times and in different cultures of the world.

Why did I decide to write this guide?

How to open your third eye and develop clairvoyance in three days. Encyclopedia of secret methods free download

I am a seeker myself, just like you. I was constantly looking for a universal method of developing the abilities hidden in me. I have always understood that life is short and I do not have time to waste myself on long-term practices. I sincerely believed that someday I too will find a method for the rapid development of secret forces and will be able to help thousands and millions of people in finding and revealing ITSELF.

Many have heard that only a select few have clairvoyance. This is not true. The ability to clairvoyance is present in everyone, only not everyone can develop it (due to the individual characteristics of the psyche, such as laziness, for example).

Rice. 5 basic techniques for developing clairvoyance

Clairvoyance is perhaps one of the most mysterious and interesting, which allows you to find almost unlimited possibilities. Experts have developed 5 effective techniques that will help develop this ability, provided that the person tries and follows all the instructions exactly.

To get started, memorize three basic commandments. When performing exercises for the development of clairvoyance:

  1. you should try to visualize as much as possible everything that you think and say
  2. You should

Technique No. 1 "Intuition"

Take four playing cards, for example four aces. After carefully shuffling them, lay them on the table. Close your eyes, while not letting go of the image of the cards laid out on the table. Refer mentally to each of the cards, asking: "Which suit - black or red?" Check the received answers with reality. If you are good at it, try to guess not only the color of the suit, but also the suit itself. Guessing not only a specific suit, but also the card itself (for this, use any cards from the deck) is considered aerobatics.

Technique No. 2 "Concentration"

Draw a bold black dot on a white sheet. Hang the sheet on the wall. The distance between the image and your eyes should be about a meter. Look at the point, discarding all unnecessary thoughts, concentrate on it as much as possible. You need to look without blinking, while you should completely relax your eyes. It is recommended to start with 30 seconds of continuous contemplation. The time can be gradually increased. Instead of a drawn dot, you can use any object, such as a pen or a figurine. It is desirable that the item be small and not oversized.

Technique No. 3 "Vision of the aura"

This technique will allow you to recognize where the breakdowns are in the aura, so to speak, to see the areas that have been affected, for example, by a negative energy impact or illness. In addition, with the help of seeing the aura, one can determine the nature of a person's emotions, his thoughts, intentions, mood, and even the level of intellectual development.

To complete the exercise, you will need to involve an assistant. Retire with him in the room, the lighting must be dimmed so that the outlines of objects remain distinguishable. That is, it should be dusk in the room. Get into a comfortable sitting position. Look at the space around the helper's head. The gaze should be focused, clear, but at the same time relaxed. Don't try to see something right away. Everything will come gradually. Repeat the exercise daily for 10-15 minutes.

Learning to see the aura, you will tune your brain to receive "subtle" information, which in turn will contribute to the development of clairvoyance. Everything is interconnected...

Technique No. 4 "Scanning by photo"

Take a photo of any person you know where their eyes are clearly visible. Concentrating, gaze into the person's eyes. Ask a question in your mind about the person. Next, watch his gaze without taking your eyes off the photo. Analyze what visions, thoughts, images you have visited. If nothing worked the first time, repeat the exercise over and over again until you can see or feel something. Your goal is to see stable pictures. When you are successful in this matter, do not forget to check if you were correct in your predictions.

Technique No. 5 "Visualization"

This method consists of teaching, which you have previously looked at for 1-2 minutes. Repeat this exercise every day for 5-7 minutes. This is an important basic technique to hone your starting skills.

Of course, in order to fully develop clairvoyance and use all your inner resources, basic techniques are not enough. Well, you have to start somewhere! The described techniques will allow you enough