How to get ebonite armor in Skyrim. Official patch for compatibility with SKYRE. How to increase protection with craft

Armor in Skyrim is one of the types of clothing that increases the protection of the character. Armor in the game is divided into two classes: light and heavy armor. Lightweight armor provide low protection, but high speed of movement and shocks and maneuverability in battle. Heavy armor, on the contrary, provides better protection, but has a greater weight and limits the character's movement. The light armor includes: fur, elf, flip, leather, raw, glass, elven gold-plated armor, lamellar, lamellar gold-plated and dragon armor armor. It belongs to heavy armor: iron, steel, dwell, ornory, steel, ebonite, dragon pacarne, plate, daederic armor. A set of armor is divided into: helmet, shield, boots, armor, gloves and bracers. Armor can be bought from merchants, get as a trophy or make himself, mastering the skill "blacksmithing". Enhancing armor skill increases the effectiveness of the wearing of armor. Since it is quite difficult to find good armor in the game, it is possible to facilitate this process, applying the following cheats.

Getting the required set of armor: Player.additem [code_Bronic] [Number]

For example, to get some dwell boots, click Claw [~] and enter: player.additem 0001394С 1

Example: Player.additem 0001394E 1 - Get 1 Delmer Gloves

Crue armor kit:

0001394F - helmet
. 0001394C - Boots
. 00013950 - Shield
. 0001394E - Gloves
. 0001394D - Armor

A set of daederic armor

000D7AF6 - heat shield - to cold resistance + 70%.
. 000D7A8B - Silence boots - silent movement.
. 000D7A8C - Fire suppression boots - to the resistance of the fire +50.
. 000D7AF9 - Grounding shield - to electricity resistance + 70%.
. 000D7A8A - Mammoth boots - to "Magnifier" +50 ..
. 0001396B - Armor 0001396D - helmet
. 0001396C - Gloves
. 0001396A - boots
. 0001396E - Shield
. 0010DFA3 - negation shield - to the resistance of magic + 22%.

Set of leather armor

00013921 - violation
. 00013920 - Boots
. 0003619E - Armor
. 00013922 - Helmet

Set of glass armor

0001393C - Shield
. 00013938 - Boots
. 0001393A - Gloves
. 00013939 - Armor
. 0001393B - helmet

Kit dragon scaly armor

0001393E - Armor
. 0001393D - Boots
. 0001393F - Gloves
. 00013940 - Helmet
. 00013941 - Shield

A set of imperial armor

000135BA - Shield
. 000136D6 - Boots
. 000136D5 - Armor
. 000136D4 - violation
. 00013EDC - helmet

Kit Dragon Pacar Body

00013967 - Gloves
. 00013966 - Armor
. 00013965 - Boots
. 00013969 - helmet
. 00013968 - Shield

Set of elven armor

0001391A - Boots
. 000896A3 - Armor
. 0001391D - helmet
. 0001392A - Gold Plated Armor
. 0001391C - Gloves
. 0001391E - Shield

Embonite armor kit

00013962 - Gloves
. 00013961 - Armor
. 00013963 - helmet
. 00013960 - Boots
. 00013964 - Shield

Set of row of armor

00013959 - helmet
. 00013946 - Shield
. 00013957 - Armor
. 00013956 - Boots
. 00013958 - Guidelines

Bronkov reservation kit

0004B28D - Gloves
. 0004B288 - Boots
. 0004B28F - helmet
. 0004F912 - Shield
. 0004B28B - armor

Kit armor Izoev

000D8D4E - boots
. 000D8D52 - helmet
. 000D8D50 - armor
. 000D8D55 - violation

Set of nightingian armor

000FCC12 - Hood
. 000fcc0f - armor
. 000FCC11 - Gloves
. 000fcc0d - boots

Set of ancient Nordic armor

00056B17 - Gloves
. 00056A9D - Boots
. 00018388 - Armor
. 00056A9E - helmet

Reference book set.

000CEE7C - Boots
. 000CEE7E - Gloves
. 000CAE15 - Armor
. 0004C3D0 - helmet

Set of officer armor brothers storm

00086981 - Boots
. 0008697E - Armor
. 00086983 - Gloves
. 00086985 - helmet

Tim Guild Bolt Set

000D3ACC - armor
. 000D3ACE - Hood
. 000D3AC4 - Gloves
. 000D3AC2 - Boots

Reservation Guild Chapter

000E35D8 - Gloves
. 000E35D7 - Armor
. 000E35D9 - Hood
. 000E35D6 - Boots

Unique armor with bonuses

000F9904 - Helmet "Diadem Scientist" - All spells spend less magic.
. 000295F3 - Ingola helmet - + 30% cold resistance.
. 0007C932 - Armor "Odine Archima" - + 100% to the recovery rate of magic; Mana consumption less than 15%
. 000E41D8 - "Isgramore" shield - + 20% Magic resistance; +20 units. Health.
. 000FC5BF - Shield "Tarch Bloodthience" - a blow to the shield causes 3 units. damage per second for 5 seconds.

Accessories with bonuses

000С8911 - "Amulet Akatosh" - to the recovery rate of magic + 25%
. 0002D773 - "Amulet of Handira" - +30 units. Health, Silma stock and.
. 000C891B - "Amulet Mary" - recovery spells spend 10% less magic. We are necessary for the wedding.
. 00100E65 - "Necklace of immunity and diseases" - immunity to diseases + 100%

Helmets (masks) with different bonuses

00061CA5 - "Maskap Schrin" - spend 20% less mana to spells of school recovery and destruction; Adds 50 units to mana
. 00061CAB - "Volsung Mask" - Discounts for all goods increase by 20%; +70 to breathing under water
. 00061CC9 - Mask Vobun - School School of Illusion, Changes and Witchcraft Spend 20% less mana
. 00061CB9 - "Mask Crosis" - + 20% for hacking skills, archery and alchemy
. Loading
. 00061CC2 - "Otar Mask" - increases electricity, resistance to fire and cold
. 00061CCA - "Wooden Mask"
. 00061CC0 - "Ragot Mask" - to the reserve unit +70 forces.
. 00061C8B - "Mask of Frosts" - to the speed of restoration of mana + 100% to
. 00061CC1 - "Mask Hevnokara" - Immunity appears for diseases and poisons
. 00061CD6 - "Mask Konarik" - with a low amount of health mask heals the carrier and causes damage to nearby enemies.

Protection is one of the most important character parameters in, besides, the armor largely determines the appearance of the character. How is the balance between security and attractiveness? Is the defense indicator important? How much does it reduce the resulting damage?

This guide is highlighted all that you need to know about armor in Skyrim. It will be useful to everyone who is looking for better protection - both in quantitative indicators and from the point of view of the appearance. Hyde for all versions of the game, including for.

Maximum level of armor

In The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim has such a concept as the maximum protection indicator. It is 567, and this is the highest level of armor, which can be obtained without resorting to use and mods.

Of course, to achieve such an indicator you need to wear a complete set of armor. At the same time, in Skyrim there are bonuses when wearing armor elements from one set: +25 per body armor, helmet, gloves and boots. Bonus per shield is not provided. Total +100, which is very good.

How exactly the level of protection affects the damage? The game has a proportion between security and a real decrease in damage. If the character's defense is 567, the physical damage obtained decreases by 80%.

Thus, when wearing the best armor in the game, the character will receive only 20% damage, that is, only the fifth of the infused physical damage.

How to improve protection with magic

If the character does not have the necessary items to achieve maximum security or on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe player should not wear a complete set of armor, it can take advantage of magic.

The most optimal option is the dragonhide dragon (dragonhide) spell. It gives maximum protection for 30 seconds, that is, increases the defense rate up to 567 and due to this reduces the identified character physical damage by 80%. This spell is very useful for magicians who can not afford a heavy swing.

Of course, the Dragon Skura is one of the two best school spells change. To master them, you will have to develop the appropriate skill. Therefore, for some time the character will be able to effectively use simplified versions of this spell:

  • Oak flesh (Oakflesh);
  • Stone flesh (Stoneflesh);
  • Iron flesh (ironflesh);
  • Ebonit flesh (Enbonyflesh).

Interestingly, the effect of these spells can be significantly strengthened if the alteration skill is not high. To do this, you need to use the skill increase potion. They are quite rare and roads, but with a certain skill, an experienced alchemist will be able to provide itself with a good margin of such "flasks".

How to increase protection with craft

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim has several skills that allow you to create and improve items. This process in the games is called "craft" (from the English word "Craft"). Here are three skills for crafting:

  • Alchemy (alchemy);
  • Blacksmith (smithing);
  • Enchanting.

As already mentioned above, alchemy can be used to increase knowledge about the school's school, which, in turn, enhances the effect of spells that increase armor.

For a blacksmith job allows you to order almost any armor set in Skyrim, but the best items require a high level of skill. Ideally, you need to have 100 levels of blacksmith, 100 light or heavy armor (depends on what you need to see) and go through the "from the depths" task (Unfathomable Depths) to get the talent "Ancient Knowledge" (ANCIENT KNOWLEDGE).

The latter accelerates the development of a blacksmithing business and gives a bonus of 15% of the armor when wearing a complete set of dormant armor.

Enchantment is another useful skill that allows us to facilitate the process of achieving the maximum protection. Everything is very simple: every thing is suitable for the character, you need to enchant the same effect "Raising Skill: Blacksmithing" (Fortify Smithing). It is important to understand that the spells are imposed not only on the elements of armor, but also on clothes, decorations (rings, amulets).

If the character reached the maximum level of protection (567), then the further increase in this indicator does not make any sense, since the percentage of reducing the resulting physical damage in principle cannot be higher than 80%. Alas, so game.

Best Light Armor in Skyrim

Lightweight armor is very comfortable for characters who want to find a gold middle between mobility and security. They do not occupy a lot of space in the inventory and do not interfere with the use of secrecy. Of course, in its effectiveness, light armor is almost always inferior to heavy, but this is the price for the advantages mentioned above.

To get more protection against light armor (Light Armour), it should improve the corresponding skill to 100 as soon as possible. In principle, it grows itself, if you use light armor, but the development can be accelerated by reading books and pay lessons to teachers. The higher the skill, the more armor will provide any set of armor.

If we talk about specific sets, then in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, you can select the 2 most valuable sets: NightGale Armour and DragonScale Armour DragonScale Armour.

Nightingale armor. The magical set of easy armor, which increases stamina (Stamina) and improves the damage applied by one-handed weapon (one-handed). You can only get nightingale armor as a reward for the completion of the last task of the thieves guild - "Renewable Triad" (Trinity Restored).

With the maximum improvement, the full of nightingale armor increases the stamina reserve by 40, improves the resistance of cold by 50% and adds 25% of the additional damage to all attacks with one-handed weapon.

But that's not all. The nightingale armor is useful to any Warmer: it improves the efficiency of secretion (Sneaking), simplifies hacking lock (LockPicking) by 25% and reduces the cost of school spells of illusions (illusion) by 17%.

Drakonia scaly armor. According to its security indicators, this light armor is better in its class. With it to achieve the maximum level of protection is the easiest way. In addition, it looks very cool.

You can only get the scaled armor dragonfly using the crafting. At the same time, the following resources will be needed: Dragon Scales ("drops" only from killed dragons), iron bars, skin strips. It will also be necessary to raise the skill "blacksmithing" to 100 and open the Perk "Dragon Armor).

Top Heavy Armor in Skyrim

Due to the fact that in the game there is a protection threshold, there is no fundamental difference between light and heavy armor, as in the end everything will be equally: 567 protection and reduction of physical damage by 80%. However, heavy armor allows you to achieve a maximum faster, and also leaves space for experiments with incomplete sets.

As with light armor, in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim has 2 set of armor, which can be considered the most efficient: Daedric Armor (Daedric Armour) and Azidal Armor (Ahzidal "s Armor).

Daederic armor. This equipment kit has a very high reservation rate, in fact this is the best armor in Skyrim, if you do not take into account the contents of official add-ons. She also looks very impressive.

You can order daederic armor from ebonite ingots, Daedra Hearts and leather strips (Leather Strips). To do this, you need to have a developed blacksmithing skill (at least 90) and open pep with the appropriate name.

Armorzidla Armor.. You can get for the passage of the "Excavation" task (unearthed). Armor has several very useful entries. First of all, he gives a chance that opponents attacking the player's character will be paralyzed. School spells of witchcraft (conjuration) and rune spells are 25% more, but have an enlarged radius.

And if 4 subjects from the set at Dovakin at once, it will receive an increase in 10 points to the indicator of the enchantment skill.

How to download the best armor in Skyrim

Not all sets of armor can be seen. For example, nightingale armor and azidla set can only be obtained for performing certain tasks. An experienced blacksmith is not at all necessary to pass them, because it can get the maximum protection directly without leaving for a blacksmith horn.

Daederic Armor (heavy armor):

  • perk "Daederic Armor";
  • 90 for a blacksmith;
  • 10 leather strips;
  • 17 ebonite ingot (Ebony Ingot);
  • 5 Hearts Daedra.

Dragon Pancar Armor (Heavy Armor):

  • perk "Dragon Armor";
  • 100 for a blacksmith;
  • 6 dragon scales (Dragon Scale);
  • 6 Dragon Bones (Dragon Bone);
  • 10 leather strips.

Dragonfly scaly Armor (light armor):

  • perk "Dragon Armor";
  • 100 for a blacksmith;
  • 14 dragon scales;
  • 4 skin (leather);
  • 2 Iron Ingot (Iron Ingot).

Skin strips can be cut from leather on a special workbench or purchased from traders (the average price is 3 gold apart). Iron bars can be about 7 coins from the very beginning of the game, and ebonite ingots are only after reaching level 27 (there are approximately 150 gold).

The fastest way to get a lot of hearts of Daedra is to clean the Schrine of Mehrunes Dagon in the White Shore area (The Pale).

Dragon scales and bones can be obtained only in one way - to kill dragons. Fortunately, so with them there is no problem in Skyrim.

"In the name of Ismir, Ebonite armor, what a wonderful spectacle! "- guard

Skyrim Ebonite armor is a heavy armor that is found only in Skyrim. These armor are one of the best in terms of protection. This armor is worn by mercenaries and thieves that can be found on the way, as soon as the 30 level has been reached. To sow the data of armor in the blacksmith, the ability of "ebonite armor" will be required, it can be obtained when an eight-dimensional level of the "blacksmithing" skill is achieved. Even to create armor, materials will be required: ebonite ingots and leather strips. Improving the elements of armor on the workbench occurs if there is one ebony ingot.

As soon as the player reaches the 19th level, the Skyrim ebonite armor will begin to meet in any containers randomly. However, it is not possible to find them. After receiving the 30th level player to buy armor, some merchants and Kuznetsov can be. Absolutely, this armor can be obtained by removing it from the warrior of Boetics, as well as from the body of an ebony warrior after the victory over him.

Ebonite weapon - a set of weapons made from an ebony. This kit is considered one of the most powerful in the game and additions. The damage is similar to the Stalglinov from the add-on DragomBorn.

To create this set of weapons, you also need 80 levels of the "blacksmithing" skill and the ability of "ebonite armor". Materials will be needed: ebony ingots, leather strips. You can improve weapons on a grinding stone, having 1 ingot of ebonite. Arrows are created in the blacksmith, if the Dawnguard addition is set and you need to have one option for 24 arrows. When the player reaches 21 levels, it will be possible to find elements of weapons throughout Skyrim and Solstheim.

At a high level, almost all the progress of military leaders and the trefras-lords wear weapons from Ebonite.

The complete set includes:

  1. Ebonite armor - heavy Kirase. Protection: 46 units.
  2. Ebonite boots - heavy boots. Protection: 17 units.
  3. Eabony gloves - gloves. Protection: 17 units.
  4. Ebonite helmet - heavy helmet. Protection: 23 units.
  5. Ebonite shield - a heavy shield. Protection: 34 units.
  6. Ebonite armor - heavy armor having a high degree of protection. One of the elements of ebonite equipment.

    Having reached the 32nd level, you can find the usual one, and with 33 you can find enchanted.

    Ebonite boots - Characterized from grinding plates of ebonite, heavy walled boots. One of the parts of ebonite equipment, have a high reservation rating.
    Ebonite gloves - One of the elements of ebonite equipment, have a high security indicator.
    Ebonite helmet - A closed warm helmet, decorated with a pattern, has a high reservation rate.
    Ebonite shield - Thick convex plate with one handle. Has a high reservation rating.

Mandatory part of equipment is a weapon. In full set there:

  1. Ebonite sword.
  2. Ebonite battle ax.
  3. Ebonite Bulawa.
  4. Ebonite two-handed sword.
  5. Ebonite secreir.
  6. Ebonite combat hammer.
  7. Ebonite bow.
  8. Ebonite arrow, 24 pieces.
  9. Ebonite dagger

Ebonite Sword - It is one of the most powerful and hard swords. Damage: 14 units.

Ebonite dagger - Powerful one-handed weapon, has a slightly smaller damage than a daederic dagger. Damage: 10 units.

Ebonite battle topor - one-handed ax that causes a large number of damage to the enemy. Damage: 15 units.

Ebonite Bulawa- one-handed weapon, which causes 17 damage units.

Ebonite two-handed sword - This sword is superior to many other two-handed swords. Damage: 24 units.

Ebonite secure - Powerful two-handed weapons. Damage: 25 units.

Ebonite combat hammer - severe two-handed hammer. Damage: 27 units.

Ebonite Loek- expensive, but powerful and heavy weapons. Damage: 18 units.

Ebonite boom- Ammunition for archery. Damage: 20 unifiedies.

By nature, in any armor made of the Dragon Bones, there are organic grace and animal power. Only a highly skilled blacksmith may generally work with such a material, the true master can include the knowledge of other metals to maintain bones and replace the fragile skin of the chain. From their talent and diligence, armor is obtained, which not only shows experienced skills, but also competes with the work of Dahedron in protective characteristics.

Dragon Ebonite Heavy Armor from this Fashion is an autonomous set, combining the clean power of dragon dice with a more submissive elasticity of an ebony. For a more logical gameplay, in the manufacture of this armor you will need to possess the skills of creating bone armor and the skills of creating an ebonite simultaneously. The protective characteristics of all parts of this armor will be almost like daederic. Armor can be knocked in any blacksmith in the Dragon and Bone Category.

Update: 1.1A (SE)
- Fashion adapted for Skyrim SE
- Unlike the previous version, the modes are now packaged V.BSA files. Since we didn't have this fashion for Skyrim SE, but if you downloaded this mod previous version with Nexus or from another site, then completely delete all files from version 1.0a, and then install a new version 1.1a.
- In theory there may be some differences between SSE .nif files and those in the usual edition of Skyrima. I did everything possible to check all meshes and still, as I can determine, everything works.

Read more:
- Two arm-style modes are included in the modes (sets of components for making are identical to each other, the choice is assumed only in aesthetic purposes).
- 4 different types of helmets are available, in closed or open versions (a total of eight). Similarly, the characteristics and materials are identical just a matter of taste.
- You can also make a chain hood (since it is not solid and almost does not use a dragon bone, its protective characteristics are significantly less than that of helmets).
- However, when wearing a collapse helmet, you can wear hoops of any type.
- Heavy shield (with changed geometry) is included as part of a complete set.
- All parts of the armor are improved by ebonite ingots.
- Compatibility with any race, floor, support for bodysliders.

What is included:
- Dragon Ebonite Boots
- Dragon Ebonite Gloves
- Dragon Ebonite Armor
- Dragon Ebonite Helmet
- Dragoni Ebonite Bib
- also options for helmets (closed, durable, great, classic, horny)

Skyrim SE and above

Installation:(manually manually or via NMM / MO managers)
1. Place all the contents from the DATA folder in the archive to the DATA folder in the game, activate.
2. How to install mods read in this topic.

Table of basic values \u200b\u200bof ebonite armor

*** The characteristics in the table may differ from the real, since these are the basic values \u200b\u200bof the level of protection and cost. Real characteristics may be higher Because of your level of wearing heavy armor, and eloquence skills.

Video Skyrim - passage of the quest "Call of Boethya" and receiving an Ebonite chain

Ebonite warrior - opens at 80 levels

A note from the book "Production of heavy armor", the author - the two hammes.

"Ebonite can only be riveted. If it is riveted in cold, cracks are formed, and all the armor will fall apart. Unlike other materials, the ebonite is not fused with iron, it is used in its pure form. "

Video Skyrim - Where to find Ebonite armor in Skyrim

Where to get an ebonite ore for free

Well, here are some excellent ways where and how quickly and without any problems find the parts of the ebonite equipment you need, including unique.

Skyrim Ebonite armor is a heavy armor that is found only in Skyrim. These armor are one of the best in terms of protection. This armor is worn by mercenaries and thieves that can be found on the way, as soon as the 30 level has been reached. To sow the data of armor in the blacksmith, the ability of "ebonite armor" will be required, it can be obtained when an eight-dimensional level of the "blacksmithing" skill is achieved. Even to create armor, materials will be required: ebonite ingots and leather strips. Improving the elements of armor on the workbench occurs if there is one ebony ingot.

As soon as the player reaches the 19th level, the Skyrim ebonite armor will begin to meet in any containers randomly. However, it is not possible to find them. After receiving the 30th level player to buy armor, some merchants and Kuznetsov can be. Absolutely, this armor can be obtained by removing it from the warrior of Boetics, as well as from the body of an ebony warrior after the victory over him.

To create this set of weapons, you also need 80 levels of the "blacksmithing" skill and the ability of "ebonite armor". Materials will be needed: ebony ingots, leather strips. You can improve weapons on a grinding stone, having 1 ingot of ebonite. Arrows are created in the blacksmith, if the Dawnguard addition is set and you need to have one option for 24 arrows. When the player reaches 21 levels, it will be possible to find elements of weapons throughout Skyrim and Solstheim.

The complete set includes:

  1. Ebonite armor - heavy Kirase. Protection: 46 units.
  2. Ebonite boots - heavy boots. Protection: 17 units.
  3. Eabony gloves - gloves. Protection: 17 units.
  4. Ebonite helmet - heavy helmet. Protection: 23 units.
  5. Ebonite shield - a heavy shield. Protection: 34 units.
  6. Ebonite armor - heavy armor having a high degree of protection. One of the elements of ebonite equipment.

    Ebonite boots - Characterized from grinding plates of ebonite, heavy walled boots. One of the parts of ebonite equipment, have a high reservation rating.
    Ebonite gloves - One of the elements of ebonite equipment, have a high security indicator.
    Ebonite helmet - A closed warm helmet, decorated with a pattern, has a high reservation rate.
    Ebonite shield - Thick convex plate with one handle. Has a high reservation rating.

Mandatory part of equipment is a weapon. In full set there:

  1. Ebonite sword.
  2. Ebonite battle ax.
  3. Ebonite Bulawa.
  4. Ebonite two-handed sword.
  5. Ebonite secreir.
  6. Ebonite combat hammer.
  7. Ebonite bow.
  8. Ebonite arrow, 24 pieces.
  9. Ebonite dagger

Ebonite Sword - It is one of the most powerful and hard swords. Damage: 14 units.

Ebonite dagger - Powerful one-handed weapon, has a slightly smaller damage than a daederic dagger. Damage: 10 units.

Ebonite battle topor - one-handed ax that causes a large number of damage to the enemy. Damage: 15 units.

Ebonite Bulawa- one-handed weapon, which causes 17 damage units.

Ebonite two-handed sword - This sword is superior to many other two-handed swords. Damage: 24 units.

Ebonite secure - Powerful two-handed weapons. Damage: 25 units.

Ebonite combat hammer - severe two-handed hammer. Damage: 27 units.

Ebonite Loek- expensive, but powerful and heavy weapons. Damage: 18 units.

Ebonite boom- Ammunition for archery. Damage: 20 unifiedies.