How to make a soap solution for cleaning coins. How to clean coins - home cleaning methods. Instructions on how and how you can gently clean various alloys (75 photos). Condition of coins and preparation for cleaning

The best coin cleaner should be free from strong abrasive substances that can ruin the surface of the product. Today, there are many ways how to wash a banknote from oxide, patina or dirt. At the same time, the owners of rare and expensive specimens also need to know how to properly clean coins at home so as not to deform the valuable product.

Before you start cleaning coins from various kinds of dirt, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with several recommendations, including:

  1. Objective assessment of the value of a metal banknote. Sometimes the surface of the disc is covered with a patina that forms over time. However, it is this kind of pollution that gives the coin both historical and cultural value. Therefore, removing the patina can significantly affect the value of the banknote. It should be borne in mind that the incorrect application of any drug can deform the metal from which the specimen is made.
  2. Some formulations, especially chemical ones, should first be tested on less valuable types of coins. It so happens that even the most gentle means can ruin the banknote.
  3. It is better to entrust the cleaning of very rare and expensive specimens to more experienced specialists who are versed in metals.
  4. In no case should nitric and sulfuric acid be applied to silver and copper products, since they will erase small elements of the ornament.

If you neglect all these tips, then the cleaning, which was carried out without the necessary experience and knowledge, not only will not return the coin to its former appearance, but also significantly spoil the copy.

The best cleansers

The best cleansing compounds, of course, are the helpers who can be found at home. Most folk remedies (for example, soap solution, citric acid) do not contain abrasive substances, therefore they do not so strongly affect the metal surface and does not spoil it.

However, you can also use chemical universal preparations that will effectively cope with any kind of contamination on the coin (for example, Asidol-M, Tech-45, Leuchttrum, Shine Coins, Silbo, Lan 7). Instructions for use, as well as on which surfaces a particular composition can be applied, is indicated on the package.

For silver

It is necessary to clean silver coins based on the probing and the degree of surface contamination. Instances of high-grade metal can be cleaned with soda (30 g of the substance will be required per 100 ml of water) or ammonia solution (9 parts of water and 1 part of alcohol will be needed). The silver coin is simply placed in one of the solutions for a while until it clears.

Note! The process can be significantly accelerated by putting the composition with the coin on fire and bringing it to a boil a couple of times. In this case, the contaminated areas of the surface should be treated with a brush with soft bristles.

If the oxidation is negligible on silver banknotes with a high purity, the surface can be cleaned with a mixture of soda, alcohol and toothpaste. The composition must be thick, and also there must be no abrasive in it. Apply the product to the surface and rub either with a brush or with your fingers.

Low-grade silver coins can be cleaned with a compound such as Trilon B. The product is mixed with water in a ratio of 1:10. After the product is dipped into the prepared solution. When the patina comes off the banknote, the coin can be rinsed with water.

For copper

Often the surface of copper specimens is covered with a patina. However, if there are no significant traces of rust, but there is simply a film, then it is better not to clean the copper metal disc. Patina protects the coin from rust, giving the specimen a noble appearance.

If there are traces of grease or fingerprints on a copper banknote, they can be removed with warm water by rinsing the coin under a stream.

If the coin is still susceptible to corrosion, it is necessary to use aggressive substances (for example, "Trilon B", citric and acetic acid). They will remove the deformed layer without affecting the integrity of the image.

Weakly oxidized specimens can be soaked in solution for several hours, and heavily contaminated ones can be left for a day.

To prepare a solution with citric acid, you need to dilute the powder with water in a ratio of 1: 3, respectively. To make a vinegar solution, stir a couple of tablespoons of vinegar in a liter of water.

For bronze

Bronze products can be cleaned with compounds designed for copper. Also, the banknote can be cleaned with ammonia, but the surface of the disc will change the color of bronze. As a result, the metal will turn black or brown.

To restore the shine of the bronze surface, it is enough to grease the coin with toothpaste, and then wash it in warm water.

After washing, the banknote must be dried. To do this, the copy is wrapped in cloth folded in several layers, or a paper napkin.

For gold

There is no need to aggressively clean gold coins. If there is any contamination, they can be washed in warm soapy water, then rinsed and dried.

Gold coins do not need to be wiped clean with a cloth, as the cloth can scratch the surface.

For bimetal

Bimetal coins are made from two different materials. For example, for the minting of the central part, steel or silver is used, and for the rim - gold or copper. Therefore, not all cleaning methods can be applied to bimetallic products, since while one metal is being cleaned, the other can already deteriorate.

The most effective means for cleaning bimetal banknotes are:

  1. Soap solution. Stir 30 ml of liquid dish detergent in a liter of warm water. Dip the coin into the composition for an hour. Then wipe the product with a dry, clean cloth.
  2. 10% ammonia solution. Pour the substance into a container and lower a coin there. Wait exactly 10 seconds, and then you can take out a copy with tweezers and wipe it dry.

Note! The main thing is not to overexpose the coin in an ammonia solution, otherwise you can ruin the product. If necessary, the procedure can be carried out a couple more times.

You can use ammonia to clean proof quality coins. To do this, you need to hold on to the rim of the disc, removing dirt from the surface with light movements. The alcohol can be applied with a cotton swab. After the procedure, the coin must be washed and dried.

It is not difficult to clean a coin, including a dug one, from dirt at home. The main thing is to know for sure whether this tool is suitable for a specific type of metal or not, so as not to spoil the instance. If you are not sure, you can return the coin to an experienced professional for cleaning.

Various metals and alloys are used for the manufacture of coins, which are susceptible to corrosion and oxidation, which not only spoils the appearance of the product, but also reduces the cost of especially valuable tsarist, Soviet and anniversary items. This problem raises the question of how to clean the coins without damaging them.

Ancient coins are valuable for history. To maintain their original appearance, provide suitable storage conditions and periodically carry out preventive cleaning.

Returning metal money to its presentable appearance and extending its shelf life will help mechanical, chemical and ultrasonic cleaning methods... The choice of method depends on the type of metal, the nature and degree of contamination. This article contains useful recommendations and the most effective methods to help keep old and modern coins clean.

Features of cleaning products from different materials

Choosing a method and means of cleaning coins, it will be correct to take into account the material from which they are made. The correct approach will allow you to quickly and effectively return the shine to the product without damaging it.

Gold and silver

Numismatists usually treasure copies of silver and gold. They require careful maintenance and special storage conditions. Money from precious metals should be deposited separately from other banknotes, otherwise they will oxidize and will have to be washed much more often.

To clean gold and silver money, use gentle agents, avoid aggressive substances and excessive mechanical stress.

Dry cleaning

Stains on banknotes made of precious metals can be washed off with a 10% ammonia solution. First, soak the products for several days in distilled water, and then for an hour in ammonia solution. After the allotted time, rinse them and wipe dry.

When working with ammonia, take precautions: wear rubber gloves and open a window for ventilation.

Mechanical cleaning

Mechanical cleaning with brushes of different hardness will help to remove minor dirt. First, dip the change in distilled water for a few days. Then polish it with a toothbrush, thoroughly cleaning the surface. To remove stubborn dirt, use additionally a mild soap solution.


Copper coins can be cleaned using a variety of tools. The choice of method depends on the type of contamination. For removing red plaque soak the change in 5% ammonia solution for 2 minutes. Get rid of green pollution a solution of citric acid will help, and from yellow ones - acetic acid.

After cleaning the coppers, carry out the final care step:

  1. Rinse the items with distilled water.
  2. Dry well with a napkin or soft towel.
  3. To create a protective layer, dissolve 50 g of copper sulfate in 1 liter of distilled water and add 5 g of potassium permanganate. Heat the mixture to +90 ℃.
  4. Dip the items in the solution and let sit for a few minutes. Turn them periodically during processing so that the patina evenly covers the surface.

Nickel and bronze

Nickel and bronze products can be cleaned independently at home using improvised or special products.

Salt and vinegar

Step-by-step cleaning instructions:

  1. Make a vinegar and salt solution.
  2. Soak nickel money in liquid.
  3. After soaking, treat the surface with an eraser and then buff with a soft cloth.


Prepare a glass container and Trilon-B for cleaning. Pour the powder into a container and fill it with boiled water. Dip the money in the solution, leave until the dirt is completely cleared, then dry and polish.


Bimetallic coins are an alloy of several metals. When choosing a method and means of cleaning, it is important to take into account the characteristics of each of them.

Safe and effective cleaning solutions for ten-ruble bimetal coins:

  1. Toothpaste... Apply a small amount of the product to the brush and run under running water. Remember, after cleaning, the change may darken a little.
  2. "Coca Cola"... Soak bimetallic rubles in a carbonated drink overnight, and in the morning rinse well and dry. For maximum effect, repeat the procedure for 7 days.
  3. Formic acid and alcohol... Prepare a solution based on these components and immerse the products in it for 5 minutes. Such processing will return shine and beauty to the coins.

Cleaning coins with special means

Special household chemicals will help restore metal money to its original shine and cleanliness. Funds are available in the form of liquids or sprays, differ in effectiveness, but require compliance with certain rules of use.

Cleaning algorithm:

  1. Study the instructions on the packaging and follow them clearly.
  2. Take the recommended safety measures - work with gloves, avoid contact with skin or mucous membranes, do not inhale vapors.
  3. Treat the little thing with chemistry according to the instructions.
  4. After the set time has elapsed, rinse the product with water and dry.

The following products are especially popular: Asidol-M, Silbo, Leuchtturm, Shine Coins. With their help you can clean items made of gold, silver, copper, brass, bimetal... When choosing, take into account the degree of pollution, the type of metal, and carefully read the instructions before use.

Using home remedies

You can effectively clean an old coin or penny from the times of the USSR with affordable home remedies without the use of expensive drugs.

Lemon acid

Cleaning technology:

  1. Prepare ceramic or plastic utensils. Do not use a metal bowl to avoid oxidizing the metal.
  2. Pour warm water into the container, add citric acid and stir.
  3. Dip coins in the resulting solution for 10-15 minutes. The exact processing time depends on the degree of contamination.
  4. Rinse the money under running water and wipe dry with a soft cloth.

An alternative to citric acid is lemon juice diluted with a little water.

Soap solution

To prepare the detergent, grate a bar of laundry or baby soap and dissolve in warm water. Dip coins in soapy water and let sit for a few days.

After the allotted time, remove the products, treat them well with a soft brush, and then rinse with water. Repeat the procedure several times if necessary. Wipe cleaned items dry or dry naturally.

Vinegar + toothpaste

The following method will help get rid of traces of corrosion:

  1. Dip the change in a 5% vinegar solution.
  2. After 5 minutes, brush the money with a soft brush and a little toothpaste.
  3. During the process, be careful not to damage the products.
  4. Rinse the coppers under running water and wipe dry.

You can clean it with vinegar alone. To do this, soak the change for 2 hours, and then rub the dirt with aluminum foil. Rinse the cleaned coin under running water and dry.

"Coca Cola"

Coca-Cola contains a large amount of phosphoric acid, which effectively removes minor dirt and corrosion. For cleaning, pour a carbonated drink into a glass, dip coins into it and leave for 5-7 days. After a week, remove the items, clean them with a soft brush, rinse under running water and wipe dry.

Baking soda

Use sodium bicarbonate solution to restore shine and purity to coins. To prepare it, mix baking soda, toothpaste and ammonia. Rub the mixture with the resulting mixture, and then rinse with running water.

"Oil" boiling

Heat vaseline or vegetable oil in a water bath. Dip the change in hot liquid for 10 minutes. After cooling, rinse and boil the products in distilled water.

This method of cleaning is ideal for money made of bronze and other alloys, but is contraindicated for silver items.

Electrolysis as a way to clean coins

Electrolysis will help to restore the glossy shine and purity to metal money. During the procedure, the contamination is destroyed by the action of an electric current on them.

Cleaning algorithm:

  1. Prepare a 6-12 volt power supply with alligator clips attached.
  2. Take a small metal object, but do not use a copper or brass object.
  3. Prepare a glass container and fill it with brine (for 1 liter of water, 1 tablespoon of salt).
  4. Attach one clip to a coin and the other to a metal item.
  5. Submerge the items in saline solution and plug the AC adapter into a power outlet.
  6. Under the influence of the current, the dissolution of dirt and oxide will occur. After a while, the coin will become clean and shiny. The duration of treatment depends on the degree of contamination
  7. After the procedure, rinse the product with hot water and dry it.

To visually familiarize yourself with the cleaning process, watch the video:

Old pennies are often found in the ground, they gather dust at the homes of collectors, random people, and do not always look presentable. The products are often rusty, covered with dirt, blackness and corrosion. This reduces their value. Affordable home remedies or professional household chemicals will help you restore glossy shine, clarity and shine to coins.


In order to scrub coins, a variety of methods are used, the choice of which depends on the degree of pollution and the material of the product. The following videos will help you to understand the intricacies of cleaning metallic money:

Stretch ceilings made of PVC film are capable of withstanding from 70 to 120 liters of water per 1 m 2 of their area (depending on the size of the ceiling, the degree of its tension and the quality of the film). So you don't have to worry about leaks from the neighbors on top.

If the first signs of gestation appear on your favorite things in the form of untidy pellets, you can get rid of them using a special machine - a shaver. It quickly and efficiently shaves off clumped fabric fibers and makes things look worthy.

The dishwasher is not only good for dishes and cups. It can be loaded with plastic toys, glass shades of lamps and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without the use of detergents.

Fresh lemon is suitable not only for tea: clean the dirt from the surface of the acrylic bathtub by rubbing with half a cut citrus, or quickly wash the microwave by placing a container with water and lemon slices in it for 8-10 minutes at maximum power. The softened dirt will simply be wiped off with a sponge.

Before removing various stains from clothes, you need to find out how safe the selected solvent is for the fabric itself. It is applied in a small amount to an inconspicuous area of ​​the thing from the wrong side for 5-10 minutes. If the material retains its structure and color, you can move on to stains.

The habit of using the washing machine "sparingly" can lead to an unpleasant odor in it. Washing at temperatures below 60 ℃ and short rinses allow fungi and bacteria from dirty clothes to remain on the inner surfaces and actively multiply.

Threads made of gold and silver, which in the old days were used to embroider clothes, are called gimp. To obtain them, the metal wire was pulled for a long time with pliers to the state of the necessary fineness. Hence the expression "pull (breed) gimmick" - "engage in long monotonous work" or "delay the execution of the case."

One of the problems in numismatics is how to preserve the look of your collection, so that rare, hard-to-get copies will please the eye for a long time. All coins, regardless of whether they are made of precious metals, copper, aluminum or nickel, require cleaning. You can hold such an event at home on your own. The rules for removing corrosion, oxides, grease depend primarily on the alloy from which the coin is made. Let's figure out how to clean a copper coin at home.

Copper coins

Before starting the cleaning itself, you must carefully study all its aspects. After all, incorrectly carried out, it may not only fail to return its original appearance, but also harm the product. One of the harmful layers on a copper coin is a layer of green copper, or copperhead. This is a layer of copper acetate oxide, which appears on the coin under the influence of acetic acid vapors when interacting with oxygen.

Cleaning copper coins

The easiest way is to treat the coin with a 5-10% acetic acid solution. Table vinegar is also suitable for these purposes. Depending on the initial state, coins can remain in solution from several minutes to several hours. From time to time they need to be removed, turned over and wiped.

Acetic acid

Another way to give copper coins their original appearance is to treat them with a solution of laundry soap. In order to prepare such a solution, the soap shavings are poured with boiling water. You can use a plastic container to prepare this product.

When dissolved, the soap should turn into a jelly-like substance. Coins must be placed there for two days. Then take a soft brush and rinse thoroughly under water, dry at the end. Some oxides will not be able to be removed immediately, but this procedure is considered sparing, it can be repeated as many times as you like.

There is a faster way. To do this, add soda dissolved in water to the soap solution. Then rinse the coin so that there are no traces on it.

If it is necessary to remove the oxide layer from the coin, it is best to use a slow-release copper cleaner. One of these is Trilon B.

You can prepare a citric acid solution. For 70 milliliters of water, 30 grams of powder is taken. Most often, citric acid is sold in sachets of 10 grams, so three such bags are needed. When the coin is immersed in this solution, a reaction begins, it will continue until the patina is completely gone, about 5-10 minutes. Then the coin is taken out clean, without damage, since citric acid is too weak for this. It happens that this time is not enough, then you can add more acids or take out a coin from time to time and wipe it with a brush.

For copper coins, the method of boiling in petroleum jelly is also sometimes used. You need to boil until the coin is completely cleaned, and then wipe it with alcohol.

For coins in very poor condition, a solution of sodium hydroxide, or caustic soda, is used. The solution is prepared in cold water. First take a low concentration, then increase. Let the product sit for a few minutes and then rinse thoroughly.

The Cilit rust remover is well suited for cleaning copper coins. To clean the product with it, apply it to the surface of the metal and wipe it with a sponge. Then rinse with water.

You can also use regular lemon, for this you need to cut it in half and place a coin there for a quarter of an hour. Then take it out and brush it. Rinse well in water and wipe dry.

For a cleanser, mix the salt with the flour and add a drop of vinegar. The coin is rubbed with this product and left there for a while. It is necessary to rinse it in running water.

Copper lends itself well to cleaning when boiled in vinegar. For this, acetic acid is added to boiling water, the concentration should be less than 25%. Additionally add two tablespoons of salt and place a coin there. After the solution has cooled down, take it out and clean it with a soft brush. If the coins touch each other during cleaning, the place where they touch may remain uncleaned. Be careful when working with acid so as not to be poisoned by its vapors.

You can use tooth powder or whitening paste to clean your coins. Rub the product, while the movements should be active. Wipe the coins and assess whether they are sufficiently cleaned, if plaque remains, it is recommended to repeat the procedure.

Cleaning copper coins in soapy water

Ammonia will also cope well with copperhead and blackness. The ammonia will react with the compounds that give this plaque, after which they can be washed off with a soapy solution.

A white coating may appear on coins with zinc in the ligature. To clean such a coin, you can simply take distilled water and hold the coin in it for several days.

You can use a jewelry cleaner or take the coin to a jewelry workshop, where, using a specialized cleaner for copper coins, they will perfectly cope with any kind of plaque.

It is not always necessary to clean copper products. In addition to corrosion and grease, they can become patina. Patina is a layer of oxides that forms when exposed to oxygen, salts, acids and carbon. The patina is considered beautiful and valuable, it gives the coin a noble appearance and can be of different colors, from brown to greenish black.

If the product is covered with a uniform layer of patina, it is not recommended to clean it, as it may lose its value.

How can you not clean copper coins?

So that the coin does not lose its appearance and does not wear off the drawing, it is impossible to clean copper coins at home:

  • Abrasive powders and tools: such exposure can damage the patina and leave traces of damage. This can be household chemicals, sandpaper, wire brush, or stiff bristled brush.
  • Use concentrates of acetic, hydrochloric, sulfuric or nitric acids: the embossing pattern can be damaged.
  • You should also not use a solution of ferric chloride. Ferric chloride is a salt used to etch circuit boards, and it reacts by literally corroding copper.
  • Expose copper coins to high temperatures. The metal can not only melt, but also lose its structure after cooling and begin to crumble.

Drying coins

Drying peeled coins is imperative. If this is not done, they will oxidize, their appearance will deteriorate. You can do it this way: place the coins after washing on a paper towel rolled several times and blot. You can wipe the items with a cloth, but it is very important that it does not leave marks. Cotton fabric works best. An oven is also used, but it is very important to remember that the temperature should be low, no more than 100 degrees.

Peeled coins look unnatural as they do not have a patina. Over time, it appears, although it can lie unevenly. There is a way to avoid this: after cleaning the coin can be aged.

This requires a substance used in darkrooms - hyposulfite. The coin is immersed in a 10% solution for 10-15 minutes, after which it is taken out and wiped dry. Nickel-copper coin can be opened with varnish for safety. Another option is to grease the coin with alcohol and vaseline oil, which will also save it from further exposure.

How to store coins after cleaning?

To keep your coins free from oxidation and need frequent cleaning, you need to store them properly. They should be kept in a dry place out of the sun. There are several storage methods commonly used by collectors:

  • Special albums with plastic pockets for coins.
  • Cardboard trays with round coin slots.
  • Glass cases. In such a pencil case, you can not only store, but also view valuable coins without getting them out of there.

Frequent touching of coins exposes them to bad effects, therefore it is necessary to grasp them by the edge. If you still had to take them outside the field, then immediately rinse with warm water and dry.

Observing all the rules for cleaning and storing copper coins, you can be sure that the most valuable pieces of your collection will delight you with their appearance for a long time. Remember that copper is not a very hard metal and must be handled with care.

Cleaning coins at home is a simple set of work, the need for which is due to the oxidation of almost any metal within a certain period of time.

Those who know the specifics of various metals, in particular, copper, gold, silver, etc., are aware of the fact that the older the coin, the stronger the oxides appear on it.

When cleaning coins made of copper and other materials on your own, without contacting specialists, you need to follow simple rules to avoid damaging even the oldest coins.

Do we spend money on purchases or do we manage with handy means?

Specialized solutions intended for cleaning procedures were developed taking into account the specifics of each specific metal: copper, silver, etc. Each of the funds presented on the shelves of hardware stores allows you to remove various dirt and uneven patina, oxides from the surface of coins.

However, striving to restore copper and other metals in their pristine radiance and purity, not everyone can afford to purchase these rather expensive solutions.

Therefore, most ordinary consumers decide to tidy up the copper surface of coins with the help of more affordable and less expensive means.

Home-friendly alternative cleaning methods can clean virtually any soiled copper coin.

The list of necessary funds available in most households is as follows:

  • "Coca Cola";
  • lemon acid;
  • soap;
  • electrolysis.

With the help of each of them, many ordinary consumers were able to clean the copper surfaces of coins and other products made of this and other metals without undue hassle.

The algorithm for cleaning copper and silver coins is characterized by the same simplicity and affordability as similar copper products. Numerous Internet resources contain all the information you need.

The following overview is devoted to the task of cleaning copper coins in various ways.

The preparatory stage is a search and selection of a container, a possible material for the manufacture of which:

To clean copper coins, in addition to citric acid, you also need to prepare water. The acid is poured into a bowl and diluted with water. Coins are dipped into the solution.

It is necessary to take into account the rather strong aggressiveness of the solution - the cleaning process must be carried out under continuous control.

The product needs to be turned over from time to time. Carelessness and neglect of this requirement can lead to the solution being able to clean the coin down to the metal.

After it has been possible to clean the entire surface of the product, remove the dirt completely, it is advisable to create an artificial patina.

Option number 1

This cleaning technique is considered to be as gentle and safe for the subject as possible. As a rule, in this case, not household soap, but neutral baby soap is used.

Having decided how to clean the coins, you must first grate the soap on a coarse or medium grater. Then the grated soap is diluted with a small amount of water - until a homogeneous plastic-type mass is obtained.

To clean the coins, they are inserted into the resulting soap mass. Having left the products in this state for a while, nevertheless, it is nevertheless necessary to periodically pull them out of the water and check them, washing off the layers of dirt and oxides.

Having decided to clear coins by this method, it is necessary to understand the specifics of the approach, such as its impressive duration. The fact is that in extreme cases, absolute cleaning can be achieved only after a few weeks.

Option number 2 (additional)

You can also achieve the desired goal by resorting to laundry soap. The process is somewhat different from the one described above, but it is just as simple.

In this case, a plastic container is used as a container. It is filled with steep boiling water, into which soap chips are poured.

After waiting for the soap to completely dissolve and a jelly-like substance is obtained, the owner can drop copper coins into it, leaving them for a day or even two. The duration of stay in the solution depends on the degree of contamination of the products.

After the required period of time has elapsed, the money must be washed using a soft brush and dried properly.

Multiple repetitions of the procedure are allowed. By removing all the oxides layer by layer, you can get coins with an absolutely clean and without any damage to the surface.

Fizzy Coca-Cola: spend money to clean

The ambiguous properties of the drink, beloved by children and adults, have found their application in the struggle for the purity and shine of ringing coins.

Many already know that it can be used to perfectly clean and gloss the chrome-plated surfaces of various products. Cleaning of old coins at home is no less successful.

So, in order to clean a soiled and tarnished coin, it must be lowered into a container, preferably a glass one, and filled with an effervescent drink. The dishes and their contents are left in this state for several days, preferably for a week.

With a lack of patience, the time required to clean coins can be significantly shortened. For this, the dishes are placed on a battery or other safe and effective heat source. The essence of the approach is that an increase in temperature accelerates the reaction.

It is possible to put in order the old coin in the presented way due to the content of a small amount of phosphoric acid in the sweet drink. If the pollution is much more serious, you will have to turn to more radical methods.

Those who have given due attention to the lesson of physics are familiar with this concept from the school bench. Its usefulness in the processing of coins will be ensured if the following two important rules are observed:

  • compliance with safety regulations;
  • testing the method on inexpensive copies, in order to avoid damage to more valuable products.

It is worth paying special attention to the second point of the principles of work: the fact is that sometimes, due to a minor mistake, serious, irreparable damage to a coin or other valuable product is caused.

Old coins are restored in terms of cleanliness and luster by using a small power supply unit (6-12 volts). As such, a universal charger can be used. Another alternative: an old mobile phone charger.

Attached to the power supply or its alternative are:

A saline solution is also used, prepared in the following proportions: 1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water.

The process is simple, you just need to accurately follow all the steps. One clip - with a minus sign - is attached to the specimen, while the opposite one, with a plus sign, is attached to a metal object.

Then the coin and the metal product are lowered into a previously prepared container, where the saline solution is located, while the power supply is plugged into the outlet.

The result makes itself felt quite quickly: the process of dissolution of oxides and dirt leads to a rapid clouding of the solution. The bathing period is short, after which the specimen is rinsed with hot water and dried.

A little care and clarity in performing all the steps will allow you to achieve the desired results.

Mix of soda and soap

If you want to achieve the desired cleanliness in the shortest possible time, then the soap method can be enhanced by using soda. However, you need to add soda already dissolved.

After completing the cleaning, the coins must be thoroughly rinsed, after which they must be greased with alcohol and vaseline ointment. The last step provides maximum protection against new contamination and oxidation.

Oil method

In this case, you need to boil the coins in an oil product. The best option is to use petroleum jelly. The boiling process must be brought to an absolute purification of the coins. The last step: rinsing in ethyl alcohol.

Extreme cases

If the coin is brought to an extreme condition: it is unusually heavily soiled, you can resort to caustic soda. The product must be handled very carefully, it must be diluted in cold water.

Since this agent is inherently a strong alkali, it is recommended to avoid contact with it. You need to lower the product into this solution using tweezers. Dwell time in solution: no more than ten minutes, after which the coins are taken out and washed.

However, not all coins can transfer this method. If a green or blue spot is seen on their surface, the cleaning process should be interrupted. In case of a negative reaction, you should not use this method on already tested products.

Having studied all possible methods of cleaning coins and choosing the optimal one, you need to observe the accuracy of each step.

You also need to take care of your own safety - especially when using some methods.

Clean, shiny and sparkling coins delight with their appearance both connoisseurs and connoisseurs of these products, and ordinary users who, for one reason or another, are interested in cleaning reused coins made of copper and other metals.

Mother of two children. I have been running a household for over 7 years - this is my main job. I love to experiment, I constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.

Novice numismatists and treasure hunters are often faced with such a question as cleaning copper coins. Can you do this at home? You can clean old or old coins with ammonia, vinegar or mechanically. It is important to choose the correct recipe so as not to damage the surface or spoil the valuable specimen.

Dirt and stains are a small part of the damage. More often plaque forms on the surface. It is caused by chemical reactions that occur as a result of the interaction of money with gas exchange in the environment. There are several types of plaque:

  • Green bloom - copper carbonate dihydroxide.
  • Blue bloom - copper azurite.
  • Black coating - copper sulfide and oxide.
  • Red with brown tinge - copper oxide.

If we are talking about old and very expensive coins, then take special care. Do not use aggressive agents, there is a risk of irreparable damage. For light soiling, use the following methods.

Soap solution for coins (extract)

It allows you to clean the most stubborn dirt on the surface of metallic money, but it has advantages and disadvantages. I must say that the method is the most gentle, it allows you not only to preserve the features, but also to return the coin to its original form, if, of course, it was not mechanically damaged.

Use a soapy solution to start any cleaning at home. Soaking in a gruel made from soap is a more effective cleaning method. You will need:

  • Laundry soap.
  • Water 100-150 ml.

Grate the soap on a coarse grater, pour in water and mix the composition. After a while, when the soap swells, immerse coins in the resulting gruel. If necessary, add water to the mixture; the consistency should be slightly thicker than sour cream.

After 2 days, remove them from the gruel, rub gently with a soft-bristled toothbrush, and immerse them in the soap mixture. Please note that the prepared composition dries out over time, add water so that the mixture does not lose its consistency. The exposure time depends on the degree of soiling. Sometimes it takes up to 1.5 months, which is the obvious disadvantage of this method. But the result awaits you excellent, and the money will not be damaged.

The method will help to put in order even the royal coins, the integrity of which is especially important to preserve.

Cleaning coins with soda (cooking)

Take the following ingredients:

  • Acetic essence 1 part.
  • Water 10 parts.

Mix the components and immerse the coin in the resulting composition, the solution should completely cover it on top. You can soak several pieces at once. Every 12 hours, they must be removed and the oxides must be brushed off with a toothbrush. It takes from 3 to 10 such procedures, depending on the degree of oxidation. Cleaning ends with drying - first it must be wiped with alcohol, and then put in a warm place for several days, and only then in an album with a collection of coins from the Tsarist and Soviet times.

Acetic-salt way to clean coins

Coins of the USSR from a copper-nickel alloy can be cleaned with an acetic-salt solution. This method consists of several stages:

  • Take a small container, pour 100 ml vinegar into it and add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt. Stir.
  • Immerse the money previously washed with soap in the solution so that they are completely covered.
  • Then you will be able to see the chemical reaction - the surface will begin to whiten, and its contents will become more visible.
  • After 10-15 minutes, the coin can be removed with tweezers, then clean it gently with an eraser. Repeat the entire procedure from the beginning if necessary.

Never heat the vinegar-saline solution, otherwise the coins will be completely ruined.

After cleaning with vinegar, the patina may be damaged, cavities and other uneven parts may open, you should be especially careful.

Mechanical cleaning

The mechanical method is the best and preferred method for most numismatists. It is performed using a special instrument under a microscope. It is carried out by experienced restorers, since it is important not to harm, but to help the coins recover. If you have a valuable antique coin in your property, do not try to clean it yourself. Select a mechanical cleaning method by handing it over to a specialist.

Cleaning copper coins is a rather laborious process that requires concentration, proportions in the preparation of solutions and aging periods. But as a result, you will save your finds and be able to replenish your collection with new items.

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