Leah poker. Lily "Liay5" Novikova: poker, youth and mathematics. Entertaining facts from the life and game Lii Novikova

Lia Novikova, known in the community under the nickname "Liay5" decided to challenge himself and launches the poker marathon for the next six months. We will tell you more about the marathon and its universal purposes in our full material.

"Become a top regoma"

No, not our topreg "Ohm, who just returned from Sochi. On your page VKontakte Leia posted that "stands still and does not develop", so it requires a test. The marathon began on September 16 and end on March 7.

Exec PokerStars Pro wants to do only to a little: work on the game, teach English every day, fight, build up the audience and read useful books. In addition, a few more points singled out as "Sitecies":

  • Play sports, eat right, lose weight
  • Develop YouTube Channel
  • Develop Instagram Account
  • Make cleaning every day

Publicity with its intentions Liay gave for additional motivation, because the marathon is really hard. One of the end targets, the girl pushed participation in the road tournament offline for $ 5000- $ 10,000.

The weekly charter will include 5 working days and 2 days off. We wish her good luck, and you suggest subscribe to her social networks If you want to follow the successes in this hard matter. Maybe she modifies you to something like that!

Intermediate results of WCOOP on PokerStars

A series of WCOOP tournaments on PokerStars crossed the equator and time to celebrate several major drifts for the last week.

The player from Ukraine under Nick won into the knockout of the PLO tournament. The first prize was $ 77,845 taking into account Bounty. There were 1088 inputs.

WCOOP-33H: $ 530 PLO

Another Ukrainian under the nickname at the expense of $ 215 on the road. Prizes According to the results of the transaction in the Hedz-Appeal amounted to $ 71,802. In third place was the Russian RUS) Timur.

WCOOP-48H: $ 215 NLHE

finally won your first WCOOP champion title. It was submitted by a 6-Max tournament on Unlimited Holdon, for the victory in which he received $ 75,414. There were only 676 inputs (+113 Rubayev and 371 addn). In Top-3, the champion of the Main Event WSOP, Martin Jacobson.

WCOOP-45H: $ 215 + R NLHE

Poker brings successful pokerists not only a lot of pleasure, but also a decent material remuneration. Still, the game is money. What do players spend, earned currency units? Of course, on a beautiful life! Well, and on the game (yes, as they say, Poker is not stable - today you are someone, tomorrow you won you). You can read about this and more about many other things in our new rubric "you will not allow you to safely live."

Today, we have a Russian Lily5 Russian Sight Lily5, which is just called Liya in the poker community. It is often described like a winged expression of the Soviet Chanicomedy "Caucasian Captive", only on modern way: "Pokzer, Gamersha and just beautiful."

Last spring, she became PokerStars Team Pro Online. But even before the acquisition of this status, the life of the girl was bright and rich. What makes life Lii beautiful? Let's find out.


"Travels" - this must be my favorite heading in a series of articles "not allow you to safely live." Well, think about yourself who does not like to travel? Here is a liar, for example, loves. Even more. She visited a variety of countries. At the same time, the poker trips have only begin. So everything is still ahead.

It is worth noting that Novikov from those people who in the evening "from nothing to do" can easily break from the place and go (or even fly) to another country. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that last year Leia along with another Artyom (one of those who introduced her to poker) just went to Minsk to pass the boring evening and meet friends.


Liya lives in Moscow. And this city gives a lot of entertainment opportunities. Quests, karaoke, Buddha Bars, Restaurants, Concerts, Dinner Parties - So the girl is trotting the evening with her friends. Only, unlike its peers, which can devote to the entertainment only on the evening of Friday and Saturday, at the disposal of Lii - all the days she, of course, does not devote a poker game. In addition, the girl often travels, which opens even more opportunities for entertainment.

Karaoke with friends:

Not only are the restaurants in their native Moscow, it is often visited by the opportunity to sit in them abroad, some time ago, the girl in Paris made a whole journey home champagne with wine tasting and champagne. So the beauty is no longer surprised by sophisticated drinks.

Other entertainment:


The fact that Liya loves animals - there is no doubt. She has a couple of dogs and chinshill lives at home. She even told about it in video broadcasts, during which she was presented by Poker Commune as a new member of the PokerStars team.

Perhaps Chinshill has now become less ... or, on the contrary, more. But, according to the latest well-known data, there were 7, and three of them are black. The names of their pets is trying to pick interesting, for example, she has a lebron chiller, bonia, prince, spectrum and Mirana.

For a long time, two Spitz live in the Novikov family - Plato (White) and Magnus (Red, Metis).

And in September, the girl introduced his subscribers with a new pet - Satheric named by Mimi.

In addition, Leah is always ready to help yard and homeless animals. Often on its pages in social networks you can see a call for help find a dog home. On a regular basis, the girl sends money to different shelters.


Soon after finding the status of PokerStars Team Online, the girl acquired a new car. They became the Nissan GTR supercar.

But this, of course, is not the only car, behind the wheel of Novikov went. According to her, the most acute sensations caused a ride on such a horse:

And, despite the star status, you can meet the girl on a two-wheeled handsome. By the way, it is also a new bike that is also new, carboan, and she acquired him quite recently, during a trip to Minsk for playing poker offline.

"I love to ride on a large, more than running. For several years I tried to go to run, but I still like the bike anymore. I rode not professionally, but for the soul. "


Unlike most top regulators, Lyia now does not often meet in the gym, but this does not mean that she does not play sports. She has a couple of very sports hobbies, such as snowboarding, rowing, boxing. Previously, she was engaged in volleyball several years.

In addition, time from time to time visits various sporting events or entertainment.


Taste in music in Lii is very specific. She graduated from a music school in the piano, sometimes playing a guitar and visits classic concerts. And at the same time, it listens to rap and goes to different rock concerts and festivals. She was fortunate enough to visit many concerts of famous performers. Here is a photo with some of them:

And from time to time it can be found in classical musical concerts:


Many players came to poker from cyberports, and there is nothing surprising. Well, of course, in addition to such a small detail as what Leah is a girl. Always for equality of floors, but you agree, there are not so many representatives of the finest sex in the world, which achieved the status of professional cyberport, and then became a member of the team of professionals of famous poker room.

Now, I dare to assume that Leia is not so much time that she can devote to games, but I simply could not mention this "passion". Liay5 belongs to Dota and Diablo.


"The second after the poker hobby is cooking. I love cooking, especially confectionery »- Liya itself admits.

In her case, the standard male statement of A la "Woman, your place in the kitchen" in principle may not be offended by the girl, but even to delight. As well as a gift in the form of a Kenwood kitchen machine for the new year.

Novikova graduated from confectionery courses for beginners and often pleases their relatives and close to appetizing desserts and just delicious food.

Perhaps the love of cooking from her remains because she does not have to prepare every day several times a meal for the whole family. Rutin, nevertheless, kills the romance of cooking.

Girl joy

Yes, Leia professionally plays poker, has a considerable experience of playing Dota and chases on Nissant GTR, but this does not mean that she dug away from all the "Girl" stuff.


"Standard phenomenon, you go with the 1st suitcase, come back with three",- wrote Leah once after returning from abroad.

And it's not necessary about clothes. Leah can spend a lot of time choosing, for example, books or culinary supplies.

And as the investigators of the shopping - the acquisition of various pleasant trifles:


Few of the girls do not like flowers and Novikov clearly not an exception to the rules:

"I try to always flowers on the table, it raises my moral spirit!"


It is difficult to say is the popularity of a positive or negative factor in Lii. The girl repeatedly suffered from the attacks of the so-called "sofic critics" and not so long ago admitted that it was hard for her public person. But there are certain advantages in this. In many ways, thanks to popularity, she gained the status of Pokerstars Tim Pro, and as a result, I got acquainted with a lot of famous poker.

And not only with pixists ...

Being a girl in the poker world is difficult. We often perceive more like a "cute diversity" rather than serious rivals. Therefore, it pleases that Leah every way trying to destroy this myth, seeking considerable success. And in parallel with this, Novikova continues to live his saturated life, complete adventures and entertainment. It develops in different spheres, travels and visits new places. The girl is young and promising, so everything is still ahead ... and, yes, you will not allow you to live beautifully ...

Grandmother Lily was a teacher of mathematics, her non-cubized abilities in the field of exact sciences she handed over and granddaughter. From the school of Leah brought only excellent ratings and was always better in class.

Page Lii Novikov VKontakte: https://vk.com/liay_liay and https://vk.com/liay5pro.
Poker strims of Lii Novikova in Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/liay5.
Microblog Liay5 in Twitter: https://twitter.com/liay55

Entertaining facts from the life and game Lii Novikova:

  • She graduated from MSTU. N.E. Bauman, Faculty of Machine-Building Technologies, Department of Mutening Machines.
  • There was a pro player in Dota, and now often sits down at Defense of The Ancients, Diablo and Dayz.
  • Lie like Victor Bloom, she especially admires his rudeness and Scandinavian appearance.
  • Leia loves to make gifts to her loved ones.
  • I started playing from a deposit of $ 50.
  • He loves animals and helps volunteers taking care of homeless and abandoned dogs and cats. Her houses live dogs and chinchillas.
  • It feels better in the online game.
  • Put supernov on PokerStars for the month.
  • Leah loves the oven and invent decorations for confectionery products.

Brief biography Lii Novikova:

Grandmother Lily was a teacher of mathematics, her non-cubized abilities in the field of exact sciences she handed over and granddaughter. From the school of Leah brought only excellent ratings and was always better in class. Thanks to the analytical warehouse of the mind, the girl has already mastered one variety of poker with the help of the father, the 5-card DRO. In this game, without general maps, they loved to play in the family of newcomers.

The fact that Lilia was enrolled in Baumanka was logical - enough to recall her excellent relations with mathematics. There, the girl studied mechanical engineering and design, although she wanted to enter the aerospace department. In the student environment in those days was a real booming of steadyness in the professional level. Everyone wanted to make money with the mouse in your hand! Leah, too, with Azart joined the women's Dota team. One day someone from her friends invited Novikov at the poker tournament online, where the girl felt nostalgia at home card games.

Lily began with a regular format, but quickly moved to the hypertureturo Site end-go tournaments, since only their dynamic ideally came to her in nature. To improve the skill of Liay5, some time was engaged with an experienced trainer. His lessons did not disappear for nothing - soon Novikova declared himself a specialist in tournaments Hyperturbo 6-Max. Literally, for the month, Leah won the status of Supernova than and drew the attention of PokerStars representatives.

In the spring of 2015, she was offered to conclude a contract for cooperation with Rum. Lily, according to her, was insanely happy and grateful for the recognition of her merit. The girl admitted that he had dreamed of being the face of the world brand and stand in the same row with Daniel Negrian, Chris by Manyaireker and Vanessa Selbst.

Stars presented Novikov to the poker community as a "fearless player who inspires respect and fear in our 6-Max Hyperurbo tournaments." Since Liay5's contract must submit PokerStars in living and online games, it has significantly more often to notice in a large offline series. So, quite recently - in December 2015 - it became a tournament triumphistor € 1100 NL DeepStack Big Ante on EPT Prague. Leah offered to his rivals on the final table, but they refused to find it easy prey. As a result, Novikova took the maximum payment of € 50,000, and its opponents were biting elbows.

On Online Liay5, with great success, having having his own game on Twitch and demonstrates stable results in favorite hyperburbo for $ 60. She knows how to drag and inexpensive MTT with large fields. Newbirds in online poker are often referring to Lee for advice, but since the requests have become too much, the pixist is now trying himself as a coach. Pupils at Liay5 little, still she is more like a game, not pedagogy!

Lii-free from poker time. And she likes to spend it outside the house with departures on the snow-covered slopes of the mountains with a snowboard or on the marine spaces under the sail. If we talk about short walks, then they consist of training with dogs.

Follow the poker successes of Liay5 more conveniently on its Twitch Channel, and she always announces its streams on the VKontakte page. We also look for exclusive competitions from Leia and Passwords to Fryrillax PokerStars.

Video with Lee Novikova:

  • Acquaintance with the new member of Team PokerStars Pro: https://youtu.be/33haybvvmfc
  • Women "S Sunday with Liay5: https://youtu.be/wup0n2rgewo
  • Interview with Leah Novikova: https://youtu.be/oetc-t0d6mo
  • Example of strima liay5: https://youtu.be/5r64nti3cym
  • Liya Novikova comments on the game Eugene Kachalova: http://www.twitch.tv/liay5
  • Leah for Competition "Miss Russian Poker Communication": https://youtu.be/xpss8cgais8

Lia "Liay5" Novikova - a young successful pencil from Russia, which died in 2019.

Previously, the girl was known as the professional player in Dota (Defence of the Ancients) and other computer games. In the Russian-speaking poker community, she became famous thanks to his blog "Gaymershi Diary", which Leia led since 2012.

World fondness came to her in March 2015, when Novikov signed a contract with the most famous poker rum and became PokerStars Team Pro Online. In 2017, she continued to conduct a personal group of VKontakte, fight and promote poker in the masses in various other ways.

Novikova preferred online poker, where she achieved considerable success. The main discipline of Lii was hyperturbo. In 2015, she also often played Spin & Go. After signing the contract with Pochstars, Liya Novikov became the frequent guest of the offline series. The most significant result of the girl was the victory in the NLH DeepStack Big Ante tournament for 1,100 € at Ept Prague in 2015 (win - 49,440 € or $ 54,070). At this event, Liya won its first significant poker trophy - peak PokerStars.

Leah is quite popular on the network. Streaming, recordings and photos of Lii Novikova gained many views in a matter of minutes. But the popularity has a reverse side. Often the girl was criticized for her words or actions, an active discussion was amenable to Novikova's personal life. Despite this, the shell in poker continued to show good results and sought to further develop as a professional player.

June 11, 2019 as a result of an accident. A few days later she had to be 27 years old.

The unexpected death of the famous penny from Russia has become a tragedy for a poker community. The news about what happened appeared in the Vkontakte girl group. For the first day, information about it was perceived as a joke, until it was confirmed by close friends of the girls and guy Lii Novikova - Arthur. Later, the media appeared information about the fact that the cause of death was a faulty electrical appliance (most likely, hairdryer) in the bathroom.

Interesting facts about Lie "Liay5" Novikova:

  • The present name of the girl is Lily Novikova.
  • Liya loved animals very much. She had chinchillas and three dogs at home.
  • Novikova graduated from the Technical University MGTU. AD Bauman in the specialty constructor engineer.
  • A career in Poker "Liay5" began with a bankroll in $ 50 and for the year with the help of a coach spun from a limit of $ 1.5 to $ 60. Initially, Lii's working discipline was SIT & GO turbo, then the girl began to professionally play hypertures 6-max.
  • The main hobby of Lilia Novikova could be called cooking. The girl graduated from pasta courses and loved to cook various dishes.
  • Leah led an active lifestyle and was engaged in sports such as snowboarding, basketball, rowing, boxing, and the like. Also, the girl loved to ride a bike.

More about what was the life of Leia 5, you can read in the article