The animated series "Vacpha": characters, plot and interesting facts. The animated series "Vaccu": characters, plot and interesting facts for the first time on the field

Vaccu game is offered on the animation French TV series. Like the film, belongs to the genre: comedy, fantasy, adventure.

Acquaintance with plot meaning

The world was comprehended by the terrible event "Chaos Ogres", namely, the flood occurred by the tear manifestation of the ribbons named, which was the destruction of the third part of the settlement all the planets. The culprge of the catastrophe is the error of an unsuccessful experiment of the alchemist otama. The creature, which brought in the Universe Grief, was lonely. Its peculiarity is in the power of tears, which can be placed with water.

Love for databa made it vulnerable. The girl, in turn, enjoyed a good location to himself giant. And once prompted him to get artifacts giving magic power. However, in love in time, the whole cunning intent in his beloved. Killing a cunning cheater, pain and longing broke the monster. Monk-axis cry and caused the global flood.

Social, Economic, Architectural Code Vacpha After water, construction structures resembled ruins. There are practically no big cities. Although marriage (cruel and evil inhabitants) and Bontta (decent's inhabitants) remain the most attractive, between which the lake.

Vacpha uses a cash unit of Kama represented as a gold coin. One is a single currency for the entire people.

Cresting To create a character, the Vaccu game offers to click on 1 out of 5 lots, which indicates the possibility of creating five heroes at once, playing with each of them alternately. Characteristic is standard: Paul, Race, class and individual properties in the CHARACTER NAME column.

Once on the playing field, you must immediately go to the learning task to understand what is specifically required for further action. Exciting circumstances, unexpected obstacles that are found throughout the path. It seems that there is a stay in a completely different realistic, where there is always a possibility to meet, both evil and good people.

What everything is over - the main question, the answer to which is hiding in the most fabulous journey.

WAKFU Knowledge Base includes information about some features of the game, with the aim of more detailed acquaintance with all the nuances. Also gives some tips for a comfortable start game.

Where to begin

We start with the main one. Complete registration on the official website of the game by performing all instructions. How to register, see chapter "Registration WAKFU". Also download the client of the game and install it on your personal computer. Run the client, select the desired server and enter the game. Next should be the creation of a character.

Character Creation

To create a character, click on one of the 5 slots. As you understand, they can be created only five, and play one of them by choosing anyone when entering the game. All these five characters are available for all servers, that is, to create another hero only on another server - will not work. Choose a man's or female floor, a character class and proceed to the individual settings of the hero's appearance. About classes, you can find out detailed information in the main WAKFU review. The individual character settings include changing the skin color and hair color. Next, come up with your character and enter it in the field. Character Name.But if the name is already busy, the game will warn you about it. Note: The name must be typed with the Latin. You can choose a random name by clicking on the "Random Name" icon. After you confirm the character, you can immediately start the game.

For the first time on the field

As soon as you find yourself on a playing field in the WAKFU world, immediately go to the training task that will help you quickly adapt to control and get basic knowledge. WAKFU passage will be much easier if you pick up for yourself the most successful tactics of the game, because after passing the learning job you will be taken to the city of mercenaries. This is a city in which you will need to choose one of the four nations for yourself, having acquainted with their ideology. The loyalty of the nation is measured by the "goggles of citizenship" that can be lost or earned in accordance with the Nation's law. The choice of nation means a lot in the game, so it is worth thinking well and make a decision.

Character pumping system

As for the pumping system of his hero, then without features and everything is quite familiar. We are looking for and destroying mobs, we get experience points as a reward, we increase the level for the experience, we obtain the skills of skills and so on. For the points of skills, you can increase the health, dexterity, magic level and so on. Also in the game there are 4 elements that are subject to each of the classes. Natural abilities act as the main weapon in the game, which pumps away from use. It turns out that it is swinging the subject you use. Elements of equipment are needed to raise overall resistance or damage indicators, to some particular elements. It turns out that they serve as a supplement to major skills. You can apply to the character to twelve different things at the same time. Also in the game included the concept of "Seth", which gives significant advantages over ordinary multiple equipment.

At the moment, the version of the game is 1.39.122023 (the last six digits are not important at all, but are indicated exclusively for complete accuracy).

It is quite a unique MMORPG in the sense that tactical step-by-step role-playing games of a good level among multiplayer is not so much, and 95 percent of those that exist are either browser crafts or a pathetic sight.

It is no secret that, in fact, the spiritual heir to Dofus "a, and in the narrow circles, this creation is so generally considered the second part, because the action in this project occurs a thousand years after Dofus events.
But still it is a "guidebook", so there will be no story about the plot component here.

In the first part of the rather surround guide, the main concepts, key points, characteristics (koi) and the like, so if you are a 10+-level character holder or something else is faster, then you can safely close this guide, for it is unlikely that Find something new for yourself. Although people who pretty at decent levels still did not know that the damage from the back is significantly higher than in front or from the flank, or if the character is sitting, then his health glasses are restored faster.

It is worth notingthat every year many changes (for example, in 2014, almost all gameplay in terms of characteristics and parameters of all classes and monsters was converted absolutely, and very often a rebalance of individual skills or in general their full change), but this guide is dedicated to the relevant version of the game.

If it is of great importance, the Russian-speaking community dwells on the European Remington server and the Asian Phaeris server. Initially, the second of the presented was a bit experimental and free, but Remington became free-to-play only in the middle of last year, but the premium subscription still exists everywhere. It is almost no different from the free account, except for premium users a little elevated the percentage of experience and loss of things, there is a special compartment in the inventory, thanks to which you can move objects between the characters on the account, and also open access to the latest update (for example , With a new patch, there is a discovery of some new location in the dungeon, so access to it will be opened exclusively for "subscribers"). That is, absolutely friendly to those who do not invest in the game at all (in contrast to many MMO of a similar distribution model). The formulation of Pay-to-Win is absolutely not applicable.

At the beginning of the game you will be offered a little training. If this is the first immersion in the game, you will certainly pass it, because it is there that, all those foundations that I spoke slightly above, and some other little things. It doesn't make sense to sharpen on them, because there is in the literal sense, "we will delve" everything so much that writing a guide to the "tutorial" is stupid and inexpedient.

Before moving to the consideration of classes in the game (for this is the first thing you encounter), we must talk in detail about all the characteristics of the future character. This is done in order to subsequently have no misunderstandings in the classification of one or another hero, because there are quite a lot of narrow concepts.


So, in the Universe of the game, four main elements: water, earth, fire and air. Each character, depending on the class, has three of them as attacking abilities and can develop both in all three and in one or two (at this time, the gamers prefer two or three only, because the concentration only on one will make your character Extremely vulnerable and limited). In each element, five skills, and their development system is very similar, for example, with a series, that is, the more often you use the skill, the faster it swings. But it is worth considering that the system of experience is limited, and you will not be able to pump all the abilities in all branches. It is also important that the techniques you use also increase the overall damage of the elements to which they belong. In addition to the attack parameter, divided into four elements, there is also the resistance to it (roughly speaking, an analogue of protection, that is, the absorption of damage). Resistance is also expressed as a percentage, but if the attack coefficient at high levels reaches thousands and more, then protection, of course, cannot exceed one hundred percent (however, reaching resistance equal to at least 80% of any element, at the moment can be read Units and only specific classes).

In addition to 15 elements skills, each character has 10 special skills unique for each class. Five of them are active (that is, they require direct use), the remaining five - passive. With each new level, the player receives 5 points in this tab. The increase in any passive skill per unit costs 5 points, and the cost of increasing active is gradually increasing depending on their level.

Basic and Secondary Parameters

Next, the game has such abbreviations as HP, AP, MP and WP.
HP. - Health glasses.
Ap. - This is Action Points, that is, points actions. Everything is simple: for each skill you need a certain amount.
MP - Movement Points, that is, the number of vehicle glasses, but some skills require not only AP, but also MP.
WP. - WAKFU POINTS. WP are required for some attacks, as well as specialized skills of each class.

The combat characteristics include:

Initiative. - The initiative affecting the order of the progress of the progress, that is, the more initiative, the sooner your course will come in battle in the order of turn.
Dodge. - Evasion, but evasion is not here in the traditional sense. The game does not have a mishai as such, Dodge is the opposite of another concept called Lock, that is, evasion is the opportunity to move away from the monster or the opponent player, which is close to you on the battlefield. Roughly speaking, the more dodge you have, the greater the likelihood that you do not lose some number of AP and MP, if you want to move away from the enemy.
Lock (Further, the words "locker" may be found in the text, and so on, that is, derivatives from this characteristic) - the very opportunity to "clamp", "locate" the enemy. Accordingly, if you have Lock more than the enemy Dodge, it will lose a certain number of points if it trustly wants to move away from you (meaning without any use of skills, because there are those thanks to which you can push off, teleport and so on). I think the scheme is simple - everything resumes everything too narrowly into classes. There are classes-lockers, and there are those who shake a lot of dodge, rude and simplistic speaking.
Range. - range. Each skill has a range radius, the Range parameter allows you to increase the radius, but it is important to note that some skills have a permanent radius and cannot be enlarged using Range.
Critical Hits. - critical hit. The digit literally determines the percentage of its application.
Critical Damage. - Every skill has both ordinary damage and its critical option. So, the CD increases the damage of a critical strike in a percentage, depending just from this characteristic.
Block - Another parameter that exists in another form than in a traditional understanding. The unit makes it possible to absorb 30 percent of the final damage. The number in this column means the percentage of the operation of this skill (from 0 to 100).
Berserk Damage. Increases damage and activated when the character's health becomes less than half.
Close-Combat Range, Long-Combat Range, Sigle-Target Damage, Area-Of-Effect Damage - Middle damage, far damage, for one purpose and mass damage, respectively. These parameters do not increase the final damage, but only added to those percentages that have elements. For example, your parameter of fire attack is 1000%, the far damage is 150%, and the damage is one target - 100%, so if you hit any unit target from a long distance with fire skill, then all these parameters are summed up to 1250%.
Damage From Behind, Resistance From Behind - Improving damage during the attack behind and resistance to the attack from the back, respectively.

And several secondary parameters:

Heal - Percentage increase in treatment force.
Wisdom. - Percentage increase in the amount of experience earned in battle (does not affect questists).
Control - The parameter is quite specific, it is not needed to some classes at all. Affects the number of urgent creatures, mechanisms, traps and so on.
CMC Damage - This parameter is no longer applied, do not pay attention to it. He was taken into account before the revolutionary change of mechanics that occurred last year.
Prospecting. - Increases the percentage of "Drop" dropped things.
Kit Skill. - This is an opportunity to wear things above your level. For example, if KS is equal to five, and you have a level of 150 level, you can wear any equipment up to the 155th level.

Distribution of glasses

We now move on to narrower parameters that can and should be pumped directly by distribution.
For each level you will receive one point for the development of parameters. They are divided into five main categories: Intelligence, Strength, Agility, Chance and Major. Each new level will be marked by obtaining only one points in one of the first four categories in order, that is, at the second level, you get the Intelligence point, on the third - Strength, on the fourth - Agility, on the fifth - Chance, on the sixth - again Intelligence and so Further. The mechanism is understood. Glasses in the Major category player will receive only at 25, 75 and 125 levels (at the moment!).

% Hp. - an increase in health base glasses to a certain percentage (by 4% for each point).
Resistons - General resistance to all elements (by 10% per item).
Regeneration According to Missing HP - The percentage of health glasses recovery from lost (in battle before starting the stroke, a certain percentage of lost OZ) will be restored.
Heals Received. - This parameter increases the treatment of you to a certain percentage on top of the existing and laid in the Lekary parameters (a maximum of 40%).
% Life Steal - For simplicity, it can be called "vampirism". A part of the damage you caused will return to you as treatment (the maximum value is 10%).

The Strength category includes:

Eight parameters, four of which increase the attack of all elements and resistance to one of them, respectively, and four, increasing the total amount of health points and also resistance to one of the elements.

The Agility category includes:

Settings Lock, Dodge, Initiative (for each point rises by three points), Dodge and Lock (at the same time, but the increase only for two each), Multi-Target Lock (This option will raise LOCK depending on the enemies in close proximity to You), Berserk Dodge (increasing Dodge, provided that HP is less than half).

CHANCE category includes:

Percentage increase in the triggering of the critical strike and block (maximum can be increased by 20), the percentage increase in the critical damage, damage from the back and in the "berserka" state, the resistance to critical and damage behind, as well as an increase in the treatment in the percentage ratio (this parameter is already important for Hielyra himself, and not for the "patient").

Finally, the category Major (in it to pump any of the characteristics presented below only once):

Action Points. - Increases points of action per unit.
Movement Points and Damage - Increases the number of glasses of movement on one and adds 20% damage to all elements.
Range and Damage. - increases the range of one cell and adds 40% damage to all elements.
WAKFU POINTS. - increases the number of WP by 2.
Control and Damage. - adds 2 points to the Control parameter and adds 40% damage to all elements.
Kit Skill. - Increases this parameter by 10 points.
Final Damage. - Increases the final general damage by 10 percent.
Final Reduction - by analogy, reduces the final damage applied to you by 10 percent.

Class system

Next, we proceed to the most important step - the choice of class. At the moment, there are already sixteen characters in the game. There will be no detailed study of techniques, buildings (for it is already a narrow specialization), but a brief description of what they imagine to help figure out "Who is who" is necessary for beginners. Especially given the factor that it is unique in the lack of a banal and soldier "Warrior Magic-Ark-Thieves" in a strict understanding (still not five classes, but sixteen): Each of them in some kind of universal and has different development ways.

IOP.. To a greater melee warrior, there are several useful methods of mass lesion. With proper pumping, "discharges" quite a good damage.

CRA. Classic fighter long battle, and nothing can be done about it. It is a formidable force exclusively at a distance, when playing a group is useful and universal, has many skills of mass lesion.

Sacrier.. As you can guess from the name, this class can become a live shield for your neighborhoods. Can take damage instead of allies, has a huge amount of health glasses, a good "dispatcher" in battle (can change places with enemies and friends, attract and push), has skills in arsenal, whose damage depends on HP (the fewer health glasses, the stronger the attack), and so on.

Eniripsa. (reverse in advance is translated as "aspirin"). On some sid, this class can be considered an analogue of the gear. Yes, undoubtedly, this class is made with a focus on treatment, cleansing from debuff, resurrection, but from it you can also do a very decent attacking character. The only question is whether it is appropriate? Nevertheless, Eniphes are in demand, because even being a good DD (abbreviated from the English phrase "Damage Dealer", that is, focused on applying a large damage; further on the text more than once), to treat you do not see.

Enutrof. (If you turn the word, then it will turn out to be Fortune). They can be conventionally called treasurers. A distinctive feature is an increased value of Prospecting and the ability to knock out from any monster and boss right in battle any thing. A very good class in terms of damage is thrown by coins, shovels, can call half-coat and to turn into a werewolf.

Osamodas.. If you read on the contrary, it sounds like "Sadomaso", but do not be afraid. In essence, it is a classic Summoner. It can catch various monsters living in the universe, and use their large variety as a living shield, Lekary, Fighter, Locker, and so on. It quits them to get stronger. But besides the classic cilancer, it can turn into a dragon with the help of his own creature named Gobgob, who jumps to his owner on the face, thereby transforming it.

FoggerNaut.. A specific class, which possesses two elements and one non-classifable inherent in him, whose name is Stasis. It is a robot, can call the bot, to do with it on the battlefield rails to move (less MP will spend when moving on them) and create a turret. Upon understanding all the mechanics of this class and the correct handling of the Foggernaut, one of the best DDs in the game with a huge amount of health points is obtained.

Pandawa.. Manoid pandas. At the end of last year, during the next patch, they were made much advantageous, so at the moment Panda is held in advance due to their versatility. They do not part with the barrel, they can take an ally or a monster to their hands and throw them, where they please themselves, as well as apply an impressive mass damage and even treat. In general, the master for all hands.

Rogue. Typical gangster. Good DD, however, is enough variatives: it can be made from it as a melee fighter, so used as an excellent remote "gunboard"; Able to put bombs.

Masqueraider.. Very curious class using masks in battle. These masks (depending on their elements) give certain opportunities to skills, the main thing is to understand how they work, and there is already small. They have decent attack indicators, and can also cause a twin, which is a copy of the owner, which means that a couple of moves will be provided double damage.

Ecaflip.. "Eku" often take, probably because they are human cats. "Good luck", for one of its specific skills is able to double the damage on the enemy and cure it (chance 50 to 50). Priming of a kind of gambling type, for in battle rushes cubes and cards. With a certain luck, "discharges" decent damage.

Xelor.. A bit specific, but very interesting and useful class. We command the time (if you read in the reverse order, then everything will be turned out to be a well-known brand of hours), you can take away from enemies actions, add AP to your allies and yourself, to teleport both both and others, resurrect fallen, and with all this are excellent DD .

Sram.. Prim of the classic class "Shadow". After fundamental changes, they became one of the strongest classes in the game. Focus primarily on the attack from the back, they make a huge damage, can cause a twin, which in some dungeons is very useful as a locker or a living shield.

FECA. It can be both DD and a tank, support class and "dispatcher". It has the greatest potential for the leaf. A single class that can achieve a block value of a hundred percent.

Sadida.. It can be said that this is a wood master in some sense of the word. Causes "dolls" of all sorts of species: Locker, Lekary, applying damage, reduce resistance, kamikaze. In general, it is possible to develop this class in different ways, the spectrum is large enough, for it has skills and treatment, and mass lesion, can reduce resistance to the elements of monsters, throw shields to allies.

Eliatrope.. The freshest class in the game. Appeared at the end of last year. Can create portals, thanks to which the allies are moved from one to another if desired (in some cases it is very useful). Aliatopa themselves have the opportunity to damage the damage through these portals, which is sometimes convenient. The class was very popular during the appearance, but those who decided to focus on it, not so much from the total number.

1. Remember that if you initially confuse, nothing terrible will happen. Absolutely free can be reset all the parameters at the 30th and 80s levels.
2. Drive enough points in HP and resistance. You must survive, low health and protection indicators will especially hurt in the future, when opponents become an order of magnitude stronger, and their attack will increase. Do not count, for example, on Life Steal or regeneration. This is the game where all the high-level dungeons pass only with a complete team of six people, which means you will probably have a doctor or one who can replace it.
3. When pumping the remaining characteristics, it is simply logical to think in accordance with the selected class. If you are a frank DD, then it makes no sense to download a block or resistance to damage behind, because in any case, these parameters will be negligible. It makes sense to distribute equally points in the first four lines in the STRENGTH tab, because the attack increases absolutely in all elements, and the resistance to it is better to have a balanced one.
4. Major tab, where glasses are purchased only at 25, 75 and 125 levels at the moment (in the future, the point will appear on the 175th), key. Now the maximum level in the game is 170, and the most common and desired build "12 AP, 6 MP" can be obtained, no longer pumping AP and MP in this graph, due to the emergence of new top items. But it is quite difficult to become their owner, and you will spend a lot of time before this equipment will appear (and it will most likely appear, already at the maximum level), so carefully count your points of action and movement, especially what to 80 The level you will also have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe selected class, so that free reset will help bring in order, perhaps not too successful build.
5. Try it from the very beginning (or as quickly as possible) to find a guild. It will be Russian-language or not - it doesn't matter, but in a good guild there are permanent bonuses to many characteristics, which will slightly simplify the game at first levels.

On this, the introduction can be finished, for the gameplay is already beginning to be immediately beginning, full of interesting things: from its own small world-workshop and managed satellites before the presence of a heap of necessary and not very professions, as well as the decent number of dungeons.

... the more impressions. Today I will continue to share WAKFU -EMONATIONS, observations and new, which has opened in me in the mode of tactile relationships with the game, information about this is a truly interesting project. In total, the above is not less than it becomes. I do not know, fortunately or not.


Acknowledge, the phrase "I have never met that before in MMO" in the context of WAKFU begins with me somehow suspiciously often. Maybe the fault is the fact that I am not very much MMO and saw (from a dozen), but I give up to me that it's not about it. Not afraid of guys from Ankama experiments. Well done. And these are the most shallenges (i.e. "competitions") for me again something new, which is here to do something.

At first, I did not give much attention to this entertainment. I found something like quests and calmly passed by. Was wrong. The indifference has cost me some gaming losses, including quite material.

So, in some zones at some point it may occur (or what happens more often: constantly hangs on the screen) a small window that will joyfully warn that through N minutes the competition will begin. Through these most N minutes, information will appear about what competition and what will be awarded. You will have a minute to agree, take part or not. Any competition lasts five or ten minutes and in essence is simple: "Who will kill anymore", "who will meet the most of all", "Who will find the first / catch." The award for the first place is very seductive (most often difficult to produce a resource or a tool with an increase to the speed of what makes this tool)

The idea is elegant in its simplicity and straightness. All who signed, begin to fight for the first prize. Want to have fun? - Nat you, compete entertaining yourself. I must say - excitely and, importantly, the competition often smoothes the tediousness of Grinda. Because you yourself do not notice how 150 wheat flushed in the thirst to get a new braid with + 3% to the speed of the bow. The progress of the competition (that is, on what you are there now and what has already gotten) the game with all courtesy shows, so the excitement works for the entire coil. The number of participants does not seem to be limited.

Competitions in each zone of their own. They correspond to the ecosystem of the zone and their pieces of six into the territory, but ... in reality, the same two or three are visible because the competition is tied to the budget of the zone and politics. Each competition costs money (N Kama per day) and not in every zone enough budget to just twist, some, expensive competitions. Also, there are other needs for which the budget can be spent. And finally, what exactly the government solve the government. Here is the insider link from the official forum, where it can be seen as it is that all the government is available.

A spoon of conception in this process is prisoner while in two things. First, they, as I mentioned, is not enough. Secondly, there are very few people on the server test, therefore, from time to time, it is possible to participate in the competition at all alone, that, though the sweet Darmovshchka, but is deprived of the Competitive Spirit and Azart.

That's how simple the interface of the competition looks at different stages. Without unnecessary pump, but informative.

Weather and Artishoki

Artichoke is such a low-level vegetable. In the subtitle, he fell for making me a game for several evenings and helped deal with the weather. Understand, that there is the weather in the game, I, of course, knew, but her influence on life was somehow imperceptible. Exactly as long as I needed artichokes for some kind of recipe.

I did not have artichoke seeds, and I went to look for them. She climbed 3 rural zones and did not find it. Spat, went to buy to the bazaar and ... I did not buy. Not sold. "Wow! There is a vegetable in the Red Book, "I thought. There was even a temptation to write a blister to the Government, but I decided not to rush. Only the next day, I accidentally stumbled upon two stupid bushes, collecting three unfortunate seeds with them.

And the battle of the harvest began. Plants grew extremely slowly, caused to seeds almost a clock, showed explicit displeasure (the example is visible in the picture below). Yes, the poacher players attacked them (the greens of a small level and to pull it away every fool of a novice farmer). To get at least some result I had to be clogged into the farthest bear corner of the zone and literally protecting this green bastard. And the reason is that artichokes need wet weather with a temperature from -10 to +10, in the zone where they can be grown by heat +23. The weather in the plant, as it turned out on its own skin, strongly affects the rate of growth and ripening. Such are doing.

On the left information about current weather and what kabesta what is needed. And on the right is very unhappy and very happy plants, in the game.

Haven Bag.

Last time this curious topic, I casually concerned, but not sin to reveal it in more detail. In addition, since then, I have greatly advanced in the question of a personal "magical" bag, putting in its development almost everything that has slipped by unbearable in the mines.

Personal homes in other games have already met. That's just everywhere they had extremely limited functionality. As a rule, it is purely decratative baubles, visible only by the player himself. How maximum - warehouse. However, the Haven Bag in WAKFU is distinguished by extreme utility, and the matter is not only in Offlain trade described last time.

At the moment there are 4 types of rooms in the game that can be expanded by apartment. Room for machines, for trading, for decorating and garden-garden. The room is 16 cells, and the entire rooms in the bag can be nine, including the initial one. Huge space!

With the first type of rooms, everything is transparent - you can install "machines", which are usually scattered around the world. The benefits are perceptible instantly - do not run to, say, the sawmill in two zones. Take the most successful yet. This stone itself and the rooms for the room are a relative innovation, and these machine tools require a high level for their crafting, so while I just don't have one, not even seen so much to sell.

Second room for shopping trays. This is a warehouse and marketplace. It is with that, the only thing, the bag and falls into the hands of the player. An unusual feature, by the way, is that everything that lies on the shelves in the bag is put up for sale. So you need to be attentive with prices so as not to sell something necessary for nothing. But it is convenient. I appreciated.

The third type is a clean decor, there you can put any meaninglessness. In this room, there are wooden boxes in this room, which for not clear to me the reason are considered decorations.

The fourth room is an earthen field on 16 cells. You can plant anything with a 60% chance. It is good enough. Just some kind of holiday. It would be possible for me during the times of the war of artichokes ... True, the garden-garden does not give any experience, and it only ripes there only when a character in the game. But even so it is very big support.

In addition, the bag is given a certain system of access rights (anyone else can anyone come in, remember?) And she can lead a trade log.

There are no words, as I like it all. And it is obvious that the options of the rooms developers can upgrade up a lot, such as a room for mobs, I would raise yellow chickens there.

This is my grinding burgrel. Strange thing on the right on the center is the interface for stones by which the rooms add. The blue stone room on the screen did not fit, well, God with her, it's still empty.

Study of territories

WAKFU world crashes. I somehow did not notice this while in one of our conversations about this feature did not mention ATRON. For the sake of interest looked. It was that a small zone is of all the area, approximately 100x100 cells. A large zone is five to six times more. Total visible on the map of zones of pieces fifteen different sizes + caves + territories of the second fraction that are not visible on the map. From the end to the end, all fractional lands run on about a quarter of an hour, taking into account the overcoming landscape obstacles. It would seem not thick, but enough. (In several zones I, by the way, has not yet been, not to mention the territories of the second faction)

But there is no special prompts. Everything needs to be looking for itself since scattered through the territories of machines (some of which are quite rare, for example, the sawmill I still know exactly one) and ending with finding out what and where you can grow. On the map you can independently marry interesting findings, and it is convenient - helps to navigate. Plus - each territory has special secret places in which you can get only by finding a certain special cage. I came across only one thing on one thing, missed the cursor past the mob and having failed to the chamber secret dungeon. In general, lovers work out the studies of the territories, despite the not close, there is something to attach.

Map. On the sides, special pieces that can be put on it for marks. You can also sign seats. By themselves (but only after you find) only teleports, high-speed "transport" and the Renaissance points are marked. Inputs in caves and dungeons are always visible.

The most secret place where I failed. Dali 5 eggs and counted part of the territorial achive. Funny :)


Gemlin is a pet, the tail running for you everywhere and always. Some mucus with eyes. Everyone has each. Sometimes it gives weakly useful tips. It can be modified in different ways, with the help of special stones, which are given for the achievement. And you can just hide, so as not to loom. Achievements in the game are not particularly much and they are not completely simple. In addition to the stones that affect the appearance, there are also stones that are stuck in Gemlin, but affect the character, improving its characteristics. In general, Gemlin is this ... "Show me Gemlin, and I will say, you are cool." Well, the stones for Gemlin have a significant reason to try to earn an achievement.

However, the important feature of Gemlin is that he reflects WAKFU / Stasis as its color to WAKFU / Stasis. And this is the only way to appreciate this status even at your character.

Wakfu vs stasis

WAKFU - order, stasis - chaos. We are engaged in planting plants or trees - increase your WAKFU and reduce Stasis. Kosite or chop - the opposite. The process of changing the status is visualized - when the character carries out WAKFU / Stasis action, it is enveloped by the cloud of the corresponding color.

Why is it all necessary? From some level, things are beginning to come across, requiring a certain level of Wakfu or Stasis from the character. In general, it is logical: you want a "sword of chaos" - be kind, becoming a haositis. In WAKFU, by the way, a lot of normal logic is subordinate. You can only craft such a special equipment in a special place. Moreover, it is available only for its adepts, naturally. I somehow stumbled on this. More, recently new entertainment appeared. In general, the idea is interesting, but not yet very clear. I'm not Doros before where it "play" begins.

On the right of my wakfu gemlin, and on the left Gemlin. here is this stasis. From the point of view of achive, we both are equally untenable.


The guilds in the game are very sandy. Walking in the guild gives exactly three things: guild chat, the name and logo guild in the title (but only if in the guild of at least five characters), and in the Haven Bag you can distribute the right to the entire guild. Everything. Nothing about any quantitative restrictions in the guild is known to me.

You can create a guild in any tavern, using the Mysterious Guild "O" Matic. Tavern is a purely decorative structure, found in cities and not only.

By the way, I lied last time. No money for the creation and / or content of the guild is not taken.

That's how it is created. You can choose the form of the substrate and the logo from the not particularly extensive set of predefined options, as well as the color of the other.

Created. I am proud of yourself.

Again, much remains behind the scenes. PVP, local dungeons, combat system parts. And not only. As in any good and deep world, the more I find out about him, the better understand how little I know. Much of this is available only with the help of a truly collective game, something will come with an increase in the character, and the game itself is in the active stage of development. For example, on September 21, another fraction with a whole region is added. So there is a lot of interesting ahead, but I will find it slowly, trying to try to taste every aspect well. So the next note, like a good artichoke, will appear on the table only when it really matures.

An animation is one of the most popular and massive types of art today. There is a huge number worthy of both full-length animation tapes and animated series. Within the framework of this article, the French animated series "Vaku", whose characters are known all over the world, and not only on the homeland of this work.

About cartoon

Despite the fact that the "vacuum" and the characters of this project are created in the stylistics of Japanese anime, it was created far from this country. In general, for France, where the cartoon was produced, unusually producing anime, as, for example, it loves to make Americans.

The choice of such an animation stylist was chosen, most likely due to the growing popularity of the genre. In an effort to keep up with fashion trends, Ankama Games and France Televisions decided to also join him.

By the way, they did it perfectly. The cartoon "vacuum", the characters and his plot - everything is worked out quite well and looks pleasant and harmoniously. Thanks to the good work, the team that created it, the animated series became quite popular, so already has 4 full-fledged season, and maybe it will be extended yet.


"Vaccu" whose characters are pretty well thought out and worked out, designed for a children's audience, so the plot is not too intricate and complicated. The essence of all that is happening is that the main character is a boy named South, has a purpose. He must change the whole world. At the same time, he possesses a supreme, which, as he aggressed, begins to manifest.

South is able to open portals to various worlds where it goes to travel along with a true friend and a person who raised him, named Albert, as well as in the company of Persdal (Knight) and the Games of Amalia (Princess). The bodyguard of the princess is still living with them.

Vakfu: Characters and Biography

The main thing as mentioned above is a teenage boy named south, which has special forces. It is worth noting that south is not a person, he refers to an ancient extinct race, which is called eliattes.

He is only 12 years old at the time of the beginning of the adventures of the main characters. Despite the fact that he still does not fully own on its own, he is already able to create portals that teleport any person or thing. In addition, he masters the ultra-speed movement, learns to create energy rays with destructive power, and also develops sensitivity to vacuum.

As the scene develops, the south grows, but even when in the cartoon "Vaccu" in the 3-season character for about 20 years, he still looks like a boy. This is due to the fact that the eliathes grow physically slower than people.

A romantic line develops between South and Amalia, and although he loves her, for some reason he tries to resist his feelings. His timidity and reluctance to recognize their feelings resemble how in real life, teenagers are shy to tell people about them, to whom they are experiencing them.

Other cartoon characters

In addition to the South himself, there are other key characters in the series. For example, south has a pet named Az. He belongs to the type of tofu.

Within the framework of this article, there is no need to list all the heroes of the Vacfu animated series. The list of characters are as follows:

  • Evangelina is a bodyguard of Princess Amalia. Refers to the Race of Kra. She is pretty calm and cool, is a professional of his work, and work is given to all 100 percent.
  • Ruel is a friend of Albert, who became for the south adoptive father. He is an adventurer by nature, so without unnecessary thought, agrees to go into a difficult journey from the south, the purpose of which was to search for his family and relatives.
  • Princess Amalia, of course, is one of the most important characters of the Miserier. In the worship, she went because of the vision, which she told her to go on a journey. So she meets the south and his friends, and from now on traveling with them.

"Vaccu", whose characters not only are visually worked out well, but also have deep characters, is a very qualitatively made animated series for children and teenagers. Thanks to this serious approach of the creators to the project, he won a rather large fan base, so there is still to this day.

How to draw characters from "Vakfu"

Many animated series fans would like to learn how to draw favorite characters. Let's briefly analyze the scheme of how to do this, on the example of the main hero of South.

First of all, the head is drawn in the form of an oval, to which the lines indicating the neck and shoulders are attached, as well as torso. Then his face is divided into 4 parts, as well as his hat with big ears.

After that, a part of the head, hidden under the cap, is erased, and hair is added from it in the form of triangles. Also added large eyes, mouth and a small nose. He has pupils close to each other.

Then the seams and folds are drawn at its cap. After that, you need to give the shape of his body and the hands, which were contourly depicted. At the end, T-shirt is drawn, as in the cartoon, and after the hero you need to paint. That's all, our hero is ready, exactly in-point, as in the cartoon "Vaccu". Create a character for this principle is easy.

The start of the cartoon broadcast falls on October 30, 2008. However, in Russia, this entertainment project was presented significantly later. Only in 2014, he was officially shown in our country.

One of the creators of the Vacfu animated series and the characters of this show Anthony Ru is not only a director, but also a screenwriter and a producer of the project.

Few people know, but the cartoon has become so popular that even spin-off called "Dofus: Treasures of Keruba appeared on his universe. There is also a full-length animated film of 2015 "Dofus - Book 1: Julit".