Orzammar. Side tasks. Frosty Mountains Relic Legion Dead Dragon Age

This is the passage of Dragon Age: Origins does not contain information about prehistory, as they are very much, but at the same time they are not very complex, and therefore you can easily go through them without our help. Our article begins after the arrival of the main character with Duncan in Ostor.


You arrive in Ostor with Duncan and welcome the king. After that, Duncan leaves you so that you can get comfortable in the camp, we get the updated Code and Quest "Dedication to Gray Guards". So, at the other end of the bridge, you can find something from the first soldier's first. Go west and talk to the psarem. The fact is that Pesik must be cured, for which it is necessary to bring a flower that grows in wild lands. This is the quest "Wolfhound Mabari".

Dog is your first ally. I recommend to talk from time to time with your dog. Ask him if he sees something interesting in the district and he will not return with empty pockets. Sometimes there are very interesting instances. In battle, it will be useful only at the beginning, with time, replace it with more promising members of the detachment.

Now it's time to get acquainted with Alistair.

Oh, Alistair. One of the youngest gray guards. Former temple, with all the resulting ... The guy is not so simple, as it may seem at first glance. It is especially interesting to observe their confrontation with Morrigan. In battle behaves decent. It owns a sword and beat the shield.

After that, go south and talk to Duncan. We charge 2 tasks: collect 3 flasks with blood of the origin of darkness and find a cache with important ancient treaties. Everything else is joined by two new members of the detachment - Given and Jori. Well, we go to the wild lands of Corkari.

Wild lands Corkari

For the start of a flock of wolves. But the division of darkness is garlocks, and on the hill there are genes (archers), so that rationally regroup the detachment. After the murders, do not forget to search for their corpses (remind you to perform the task you need a flask with their blood). We go south, on the road Do not forget to break the field flower (the one that is necessary for the treatment of PSA, if you have taken such a quest). We continue the movement and move north, to the ruins of the tower. Going to the cache, we have a conversation with Morrigan and her ... Sorry ... Mom. To fulfill the task, we return to the camp, talking to the Duncan and participate in conducting initiation ritual into gray guards. Do not forget about the PSA (Take the flower, you return after some time). After go to the general meeting.

Tower Izhala

A well-thought-out strategy of the upcoming battle is a pledge of victory. At the meeting, King Kailan will ask you and Alistair to light alarm fire and thus let it know that the Horde of the Raman of Darkness moved into battle. After that, Tairna Logne's detachment will hit Horde from the flank. We go to the eastern part of Ostagar, aside of the tower. We look at the roller about the start of the battle. We continue the path to the tower, but on the way we inform you that the division of darkness has already snewed into the tower and all our interrupted. We enter inside the tower and clean the floor outside the floor. And on the top of the top, between signaling fire and we are facing the OGR, with which you have to fight.

After the battle we light the signal fire. We look at the roller in which the king and Duncan are heroically died, and Tayir Logain betrays the Order and orders his detachment to retreat. And we have trouble here ...

Woke up in Morrigan's hut. As it turned out, a fever, Morrigan's mother, saved us. Next, a nice conversation and on the road. Morrigan goes with us, and Aleravera, as a former temper, is not like.

Morrigan. "Forest witch? Lie and delusion. You are not used to thinking about your mind? " Morrigan speaks little about himself. It does not deny the fact that is a witch of wild lands, but all the other facts of her biography are enveloped by the curtain of secrecy.


After watching the roller with Tayir Logyin, we encounter that PSA (which was treated at the Ostabar) and a small detachment of the species of darkness. On the road to the city, we will meet local "tax collectors" on the bridge, the robbers, which, as you understood, are rolling like a sticky of the already unfortunate refugees. Morrigan proposes to teach them. But if you are too lazy, you can pay them 10 silver coins. Personally, I figured them out, but at the same time I learned that for our heads the reward was declared. Next to the robber lies the corpse of the temple, the fact that it is useful to one of the inhabitants of the lottering.

Life in lottering is based on the principle of powerful. The city is filled with refugees, but some are trying to prove on it. I am talking about the scene of the priest's dispute with a merchant, who launched the price for its products.

Near the entrance to the church you can disrupt the announcement with the task "Robbers everywhere." The purpose of the task is to destroy 3 piles of robbers, which is inhabited in the northern surroundings of the lottering. By fulfillment, go to the preacher De Devons for a reward. After the bulletin board, 2 more tasks will appear on the bulletin board, they are quite simple: "When the bears attack" and "the last gift". Take a look at the church and talk to Sir Donall. From the conversation, it becomes clear that Earl Eamon, for the help of which the Alister hopes, is mortally sick and the Knights of Rarclife are looking for the urn of the Holy Praha Andrasta. Also, give him a medallion and a note that you picked up a soldier at the corpse (well, remember, at the entrance to the lottering).

We go to the local zabak. There we are waiting for one of the whimsal Logyna - Dane and be prepared for a small conflict. Leliana will join us. Attention! If you kill Dina, you will forever lose the opportunity to take Leliana into your squad.

Leliana - the obedient of the church, able to embroider the spirit of the trained mercenaries, by itself is worthy of attention, and if she also claims that the creator himself sent it to the battle with the divisions of Darkness, it ... to put it mildly, unusual.

Hey, there is some kind of peasant in a cage!

This guy is called Stan, and in the cage it was planted by the church for ... a crime. We get the quest "Prisoner Kunari". How to perform? It is necessary to talk with the Rev. Mother (with Lelian negotiations will be more successful). Reverend mother will find in the church, in the room on the right. But I was not particularly steamed and in Schurd Leliana stupidly hacked the castle of the cage.

Stan. A courageous giant planted into the cage - undoubtedly, residents of the lottering have not seen anything more terrible while they did not hit them.

On this, our stay in the lotning ends, and the passage of Dragon Age: Origins just begins. At the exit from the city, we help the gnomes-merchants from the occupation of garlocks. From now on, they will always be near your camp, so that the necessary inventory and the imposition of the runes will provide you. Where to go next? Earl Eamon will not help us, so it's meaningless to go to the Redcliff. It remains to enlist the support of the gnomes, elves and magicians.

City of gnomes

On the pass in the frosting mountains, we are already waiting for a gang of thugs led by a magician. At the entrance to Ozammar, we see the scene, where the Messenger of Tayer Logyne is trying to enter the city of the Dwarfs, but the entrance to the kingdom is closed for everyone. But the contracts of gray guards turned out to be more pruded the reason and we were still let in.

Political affairs

Dwarves are ready to answer the call of gray guards and recognize the strength of the contract, but for no hope, in the Gnome Kingdom, complete confusion with the authorities.

If you feel in the means, you can take several side quests in the community halls of Ozammar. For example, the film will ask you to find her son in the deep paths. Brother Berkel asks you to help him open the church in Ozammar. And Dagna wants to learn magic. Why is the Goat Bayan, and the Magic Magic? Well, oh well, let's talk with the first magician when we are in the circle tower. Well, and a couple of tasks can be taken from the keepers in the diamond hall.

We go to the boardroom. All the honorable minds of Orzammar decide much more important questions for the gnomes, one of which will take place on the throne. The throne can not share 2 applicants: Belen and Harroumont. Your task is to support one of the applicants, so that the newly elected king ordered to let go of the army on the battle with the sea. I supported the latter, since Harroumont seemed to me more noble. True, the first task of Harroumont is more complicated, it is necessary to win the tests in the tests, and at the same time to figure out the reason for the bayzila bayzila to represent Harroumont.

Tests for valor

We go to the location behind the communal halls. The weaponier tests can order a fight. For each victory you will receive some money, and if you go through all the fights, then the reward will receive a ring of blood (the requirement of the blood magician).

To persuade Bayzila and Guiddon to participate in the trials not easy. I did not succeed. No matter how it was, we go to record on participation in the tests. And here we are in the arena. Our first rival - Severin. Easily! Our next opponent ... Um ... Opponents - Gemini from Military Casta Lucian and Mihad. It's like two Severin, do not really worry! The next enemy is more serious - this is a silent sister of Hanashan. Next, the pair test can take someone from the detachment. I took Alistair. Be careful, our enemies of the vodgers and the velons are well protected by armor. And the last test ... Pyotin will come to the fight. Lord, that's it was a mess! The enemy is unrealistic and lively. This is a very difficult battle, I ran out of angle into the corner, drank everything that was, for courage, and, nevertheless, won, albeit from the first time. After the fight, we receive congratulations and go to Dulina to the tavern "at the kabatchikov".

Halfway to the throne!

We helped Harroumont, participating in the tests. However, this is not enough. The next thing to be done is to deal with the local villain Jarvia. We go to the dusty city. In the dusty city we are not waiting with open arms. Well, oh well, after what I survived, fighting with Pyotin, all these thugs are flowers. You can talk to Rogeck. This is me that you can ease on the smuggling of Lyrima, but you need to make 50 gold coins. I just killed Roghek and extracted 20 gold, it was enough for it. By hope, we learn that members of the Charter Jarvia are special keys, in the form of a finger knuckle. Next, talk about it with Alimar in his shop, and then go to the abandoned shack at the end of the city. For dead thugs, take the key. Then take the "suspicious" door and you are in place. Hmm ... The shelter of the Charter resembles a labyrinth and a habar here. On the way, you can turn the cells with the prisoners. And here she is, Jarvia! Oh, the fight with Jarvia and its minions will not be out of the lungs, but it is susceptible to magic, act! That's all, searching locations and corpses. And the key that we found from Jarvia leads us to a secret output through the jankar bench.


Lord Harroumont asks us to go to deep trails, looking for some perfect branches. The word perfect on the advice on the weight of gold! We go into the deep trails, and on the way we speak with Ogren.

Ogren. "I can not say that it would be used for a couple for dance on the coronation ball, but on the deep path, I exactly who you need." Ogren from the house Kondrad was a promising member of the caste of warriors. His house did not occupy a particularly high position, but many of his representatives, including the Ogren himself, enjoyed outstanding victories on the tests and increased their position. Ogren loves to drink well, so gifts to him give appropriate.

To begin with, I went to Teig House Oduukan, a little hunging on the origin of darkness. After catching the labyrinths, nothing interesting, except for bags with the remains, I did not find. Next, I went to the Crididine intersection. So, you can go different ways, there is a passage to the left and right. Come on the passage to the left, push the cries, in the passage to the right - you are waiting for a detachment of genes. At the end of the way, the next portion of the host, but already with manual armor. And here he, Tag Ortan. We go along the corridor and turn into the passage to the right, on the way there are spiders and genes. We meet the gnome - the hand, whom he asked to find the filter. And here and our new enemies are forgotten spirits, and with them a stone golem. In the same place lies the chest inside which the Nutan's notes (for the quest "lost recordings"). Next we are waiting for another detachment of enemies and two golems (each "controls" on the bridge). We go to the passage straight, we have to fight with the queen of spiders, which constantly causes themselves like, and when it threatens the immediate danger - dumps. After clearing the location, read the Branca Diary. Now it becomes clear that Branka went to the dead mo. So what are we waiting for?

Dead Rips

To begin with, we will show a roller with a dragon and an impressive number of trees of darkness. Next, we help Cardol and its legionnaires. On the other side of the bridge we were waiting for a squad of archers and OGR. We move to the left, we are growing with a bunch of garlocks and armor, cut the door and again enemies. In the big hall to the left you are waiting for the hordes of the enemies led by the Host Golkomovanie. In the opposite side, go through the bridge and in exactly the same room, but already with skeletons-eaters. Next, a meeting with hespit. "Brunka betrayed us ... She did ... She turned into ..." In the room with the Relics of the Legion of the Dead, we take the key from the altar and cut the door (in the center, before the broken bridge). Be ready. I have not seen a more terrible creation. It is this creature that turns the gnomes into the genes. The uterus is relatively harmless because of its motionlessness. To begin with the tentacle to start her. That's better. Oh her, her, the tentacles of the industry again, and even genes with the cries appeared. But I know you can handle. Next, the next script replica is hespit.

Anvil void

We are given the right to change the members of the detachment. Ogren does not remove. I took with myself - Morrigan and Leliana. And here is Branka. We are locked! Congratulations! Branca was so sturped at this anvil, which asks us to go through numerous corridors and find this place with anvil. One good turn deserves another. For a long time and stubbornly follow the marker, in the course we clean the terrain from the species of darkness. In the room with 4 goals you need to fill up ... right, golems (will be animated one by one). Going further, we go to the corridor, where the golems will attack in pairs. We reach the place with the vehicle's apparatus (this is such a mechanism in the form of four stone heads that call spirits). Kill the spirits and activate the unsolved anvil. And so before readiness. All simple! We go to the passage on the left, watch the screensaver. Now it is necessary to choose who to help: Branke or Caridin. Motivation here is this: Branka wants to use the power of anvil (the army from the golems would be useful to us in the war with the sea), and Caridine torment the remorse, because he created such a dangerous tool. You can order the crown any of them, the benefit they are both perfect. I helped Branke, adhered to the opinion that in war all the means are good. In any case, you will have to fight with a crowd of golems and one of the leaders. After a difficult battle, we speak with a branch. That's all, the crown with us. And, by the way, here you can remove the list of dwarfs that turned into the golems (assign the keepers). If you have acted as well as I, then do not forget to pull the armor from the dead caridine. And then the coronation of the chosen king and ... everything ... It's time for us to move on.

Forest Elf

At the entrance to the elven lands, we are met by the Patrol of Doli. What, how? .. After us, still lead to the main one. After a conversation with the elder, it becomes clear that most of the elves fell from the curse of a mad fang and is about to turn into a weapon. And as you already understood, they are clearly unable to fight with the sea. To remove the curse and their speedy recovery, you need to kill the source of this infection.

In the camp of the valves you can take side quests, the benefit they are not so complex and not much. Elora, the chief cattle breeder, sitting near Gaul (such a horned animal) will ask you to inspect the animal (we use survival skill). A young camman hunter cannot arrange his personal life (persuade his choices to hein to score on the test and let him still have no experienced hunter). Atraces wants to find out what happened to his wife Daniela. And the local artisan Varatory will make you a bib if you break the iron bark.

Enti, elves ... Gandalf?

Go to the Bresilian forest. For me there are many wolves here (both ordinary and roasted). Deliching into the forest, we will meet the runner. The conversation with him was not so long, but soon after the fight he ran away. We continue to explore the forest. Next to the fallen tree (where you can get an artisan iron cortex) I met a new enemy - Silvan (analog of entels from the Lord of the Rings), but do not really worry, any area is well lit. In the south side of the Western Bresilian, talk with a great oak, from whom someone brazenly kidnapped him with the charm ... Pardon, Acorn.

Next, I went to the eastern part of the forest. Here I met a hermit, who stole acorn to oak. He has a counter offer, namely the murder of oak. But no, I promised an oak to help, so I endured anchor from the hermit on some book from the inventory, and returned the oak to the loss. And the oak as a sign of appreciation handed us a staff to overcome the magic barrier and move on. In the bottom of the entrance to East Bnessilian, you will find a revolf Daniela (Hiswide atras, if you took such a quest in the camp). She will give you a message for her husband and a handkerchief. Danielu do not save anyway. Even if you refuse to kill her, she will accept "Ozberry" and will attack you. Also, if you go north, you can take the quest "Treasure Maga". The purpose of the task is to find 3 tombstones, kill the gracious and assemble the agency of the Jagernaut's reservation (a very useful thing, I spoiled on Alister, and he envy knight).

Loria beast

After passing the magic barrier, we again encounter a runner, and then pass to the ruins. In the ruins, we go straight, and at the end of the corridor we turn left. Kill Draco and in the passage to the bottom level. In the first zone, you will meet the ghost of the boy and there can also find a description of a certain ritual. In the second zone, place for conducting a ritual. This is what you need to do: fill the jar of water -\u003e move away from the source -\u003e to look at the altar -\u003e put a jug there -\u003e pray -\u003e inspect the pitcher -\u003e to pour water -\u003e take a jug -\u003e approach the source -\u003e pour water there. After that, the door will open, and after dismantling with the dead you can pick up the armor of the Jagernaut. In the next zone, you can explore the specialization of the combat mage, for this, put the precious stone on the altar (lying on the floor). The fourth zone is just soaked by traps. See where you come! Leliana was with me, she turned off them. Next, a few more shades with enemies and all, we are in place.

Mistress Forest and there is a white fang?

And here is our third meeting with a runner, but this time he was more located to the negotiations. After a conversation with the hostess of the forest it will become clear that in the curse it is to blame himself, and it was he who spawned a white fang. Ask him, it will be quite nearby. We drive it to the owner of the forest and cute cute. However, the cute conversation did not work out, because of his hatred flatly refused to remove the curse. I had to apply strength ... the battle will be difficult, but we are not accustomed to us. First of all, the ended paralyzed waswolf and caused the Allied Silvanov. But we won and settled the price of our life dispelled the curse. All the werewolves took their true human appearance, and the wounded in the camp began to recover. We speak with the new elder valves. The case is done, the elves will come to the battle with the sea.

On the way we were already waiting for the hired killers of Tairna Logyne led by Zevran. However, he could not overcome us, and nothing remained to him, except to join us. Zevran was a raven, with whom Logain concluded a contract for killing surviving gray guards. However, after an unsuccessful attempt, he found himself in the hands of his failed victims.

Tower Circle

We go to the marina lake Calenhad. In the Tower of Circle talking to Gregor. As it turns out, the tower of the circle is simply earsed by obsessive and demons of all the masters. You see, the most "smart" magicians wanted freedom, and they decided to resort to blood magic, and the most gifted, like Uldred, decided to release the inhabitants of the shadows. Who got a fate to correct the situation? Guess! But to begin with, we buy everything necessary for the Intendant, after all, as soon as we get inside, there will be no way back to the very end. Note that the passage of Dragon Age: Origins in this location will require you a certain smelling.

We meet the magician - Winn, which guarded some of the few surviving students with the help of a magic barrier. She introduced us to the case and agreed to help in stripping the tower.

Winn. "I will not lie still in bed, stretching the blanket and waiting for the chin and waiting for the death hour." Wine has especially well developed abilities for healing magic. In the tower of the circle, it is one of the most respected.

So let's start clearing the path, floor behind the floor. On the second floor in the Irving Room, take the book "Black Grimoire". Great gift for Morrigan. On the fourth floor we encounter a demon of the desire and the temple-acquired temple, and in the central hall we will meet a daisy demon who enslaves our mind.


Having woke up in place called Weiskunt we get a new quest "lost in dreams." Ahead is Duncan, by the way, what the hell is he died? Where are the other members of the team? An interesting situation. Do not believe it's dreams. "Duncan" is actually one of the demons, but members of the squad wandered somewhere in the shadows, you need to find them!

Activate the shadow pedestal. Point destination - "Promotional Shadow". We speak with Nialle, we learn more about this place and how he tried to use the Litania, but did not have time, and also as we were here. Nearby we get the ability to turn into a mouse and pass into machine holes, as well as be unnoticed for enemies. This is just one of the four images to be used. As soon as you get all the images, pass the circle again, read everything you can, because in separate locations you can enlarge one of the basic parameters. Next "Burning Tower". Here you will receive an appearance - a flaming person, which will make you completely immune to fire. In the place of "scattered magicians" you will get the opportunity to turn into a golem, which has deadly physical attacks and the ability to unscrew the locked doors. In the place of "invasion of darkness of darkness," you will find the form of the spirit, so it will be easier to pass in inaccessible areas. After the violence over all the main demons, we go to cut out friends (elements at the edges). And how will you be ready, head to the central element, on the battle with those who dragged us here, with a demom of idleness. The demon will be in the bottom of the limit, then what the hell is and so to the victorious end. Battle tactics for your taste. Main use mass treatment from wine. That's all.

From the body of the late Niallaver remove the Litania of Andralas. We go around this floor and near the stairs to the top tier tower, speak and prisoners in the magic field - Cullen. And then on the scenario ... After not a long verbal battle, the fight with Uldredred will begin. In places where magicians begin to turn into demons, use lit. After the victory over the main connector, we speak with Irving. And everything is good ... Do not forget to talk to him about Dagna (Gnome from Orsammar), if you took this quest. And our path on this is not over, new accomplishments are waiting ahead.


We fall into a small village. On the bridge we meet the post, which will take us to Bannu Tagan, Brother Earla Eamon. The fact is that every night of the castle comes out every day. Once contlected, two, ... And this time we will not be taken. These are the moods of local. Well, what, help?

Immediately in the temple can take the Quest "Lost Baby" (oddly enough child sits in the closet, in the house).

Would love this night

Talk to the old village of Murdoch. So, it is soon dark, the soldiers in the village are practically no (if you do not consider us and the Knights of sulfur sulfur), so you will have to fight in mostly peasants. Weapons and armor in a terrible state, and the only blacksmith in the village refuses to help. The gift of convictions at this point was already well hammer, so I just promised him to help, find him daughter Wallen. Forced OENA by force will only go in minus. Any Dvin Gnome Mermer refuses to help the village. To raise the combat spirit of the militia, you just need to call on such a warriory. A suspicious elf suspiciously stopped in the local tavern, a certain Bervik, who, after the questions, confessed, is spying for Tairna Logane. It can also be convinced to perform this night. Near the mill we speak with gray Perth. The sulfur of Perth is not necessary in general, except for the divine blessing and some kind of faith. No problem.

Humidly ... So, the dead will go to pour out of an ominous fog. How everyone will turn around, go straight. We meet the knight, which reports that the kits are already in the village. Hurry! The final battle will take place near the fire. How to destroy all the undead, the victorious Uraaaaa! After so long, we go to the castle.


Immediately speak with the blood of the blood of the blood of the blood to the chamber. It was he who poisoned Earla and taught his son of magic, but he did not cause demons and other dead. I did not do hasty conclusions, so Jaovan remained in a cage. So, we knew a little in the castle. In the northeastern part, on the first floor, Valena hid, the daughter of the blacksmith. In the courtyard in the courtyard, activate the lever in order to handle the gate and let the sulfur of Perth and his knights. After you spread all the undead, talk to Perth and Forward, in the castle.

We see a strange picture: Bann Tagan dances like a jester, and Connor is obsessed with a demon. The battle will begin, in which all obsessed in this room will take part, led by a bath of Tegan. But everyone gained merit. It became known that Connor wanted to save his father and began to study magic. Earl Eamon is still in our world, but the mind of the Connor is obsessed with a demon.

Jaovan proposes to use blood magic, but someone's life will be required for this ritual. Volunteers were found, but I decided to go to another way and asked for help in the circle tower. Irving kindly agreed to help us and sent his magicians to the Redcliff, and then on the scenario.


So, we are in the shade. We go to the portal, we say / fight in Connor, or rather with the demon. And so several times. On the fourth such go to have a serious battle with a demon. That's all.

I advise you to wander a little on the castle, gifts for your wards will not be superfluous. I was well hammered by Leliana, so hacking the locks on the doors and chests turned out to be fun. On the lower floor, in the Earla's office, there is an amuleuer's amulet in the table, a wonderful gift.

In search of relic

Earl Eamon is fatally sick. Help him can one legendary relic - the urn of the Holy Prahi Andrasthe. Of course, it can be just a legend, but still it is the only hope. We are in Dencherim, talk with some Jeniologist, he can have useful information on this.


And here we are in the trading quarter of Derulema. So, let's start with side quests, the benefit of them here is a great set. Sergeant Kilown will ask you to deal with the debrian mercenaries in the "Pearl", and then with the same success to hurt the "noisy" visitors of the tavern. On the market, someone master Ignacio represents the antivan rahures. Talk to him, and after a while the messenger boy will give you a letter. Go to the tavern "Frontalist nobleman" and find Ignacio in one of the rooms. Would you like to work a hired killer? Our first victim is Pedan, a person who has drawn traps at all who, anyway, is associated with gray guards. I think to kill this reptile - a matter of honor! Pedan is located in the brothel "Pearl", and the secret password you will find in a poster that hangs at the entrance to the elphinage. In the pearl, you can persuade the local robber to train us deuel (useful if you or who from the detachment is a robber, Leliana, for example). To do this, you need to beat Isabella in a card game (Leliana should help). So, after the "accident" with Pedan, I will not know about this Ignacio. Next to him, in the chest you can take a couple of orders - "Hunt for mercenaries" and "Auditor's audience". Three tasks can take from the restaurant in the tavern "baked nobleman" and several tasks are traditionally hanging on the board of the preacher at the temple.

In Dencherime, it can be affected by members of your squad. Leliana has a conversation with her long-time "girlfriend", which is trying to remove it. And Aister has a meeting with his sister.

In search of relics (continued)

In the jeniologist's house we do not find the one who we need. Instead, we speak with his assistant Weylon. And he does not negotiate something, well, we decided to press him to the wall. Plowing in the chest of one of the rooms. We were interested in recordings on research Jeniati. We go to the village of Refuge in the Frosty Mountains.

Strange place, I tell you. I could not really talk in the temple, the sectarians led by Eyrik began their weapons. Namely the bodies of those killed, and on the right side, behind the brick door, talk to the jeniologist.

And here we are in the temple. Jenivi decided to stay in the big room, and we need to continue the search for urn. Here everything is extremely clear: we clean the location from obsessed sectarians and just obsessed, we select keys, ring the doors. Next will begin the caves and ... cave dragons. As soon as you get to the appointed place, a conversation will begin with the leader of the sectarians by the cologment. Guys, apparently, completely distracted ... Andrasta was revived, her dust needs to be discharged and so on. But I did not go to the persuasion and joined the scuffle ... In general, we broke all. And from the body of the cologma, they removed the horn, shoes and a good toporist. By the way, if you use the horn of the cologry on the top of the mountain, then a meeting with the highest dragon.


To get to the urn, you need to undergo a test consisting of several parts. We will learn about this from the guardian who wakes urn for many centuries.

First you need to solve eight riddles. But just in case I will say the answers: Elisha - Melody, Bronos - Dreams, Lady Vasily - Revenge, Tain Chutan - House, Pupil Haward - House, General Murfert - Jealousy, student Kater - Hunger, Archont Gesarian - compassion.

Next, we speak with the ghost of the past (everyone, he probably, but I spoke with Yovan), and then there will be a fight with ... our clones. The third stage of the test is a puzzle. You need to get up on the tiles in such a way as to recreate the bridge.

Well, the last condition is to remove the clothes and go through the fire. After the replica of the guard, we approach the dust of the Andrasta itself.

As it should be considered, the dust healed Earl Eamon, which means that the case took a serious turn. And so, when the contracts are confirmed by the army of the gnomes, elves, the magicians are ready to help in the war with the sea, and Earl Eamon recovered - the time of lands meetings. We re-arrive in Deternalim and we are located in the estate of Earl Eamon. But, we did not have time to relax in the luxury apartments, as the servant of Queen Anora asks us for help. The fact is that Lord Hou holds the queen of the captive in his estate.

Queen in imprisonment

On the way to Lord Khou, the antivan crows headed by Taluese was met. Tassen tells Zevran, that they are all right that everything understands why he did it and suggests returning to his duties of the hired killer. If you are not in freaks with Zevran, then it will take the offer of the crows, and so we quietly killed everyone.

So, through the front door will not work, there is a crowd of some people. Erlin offers to enter the black stroke, but there are 2 guards there. Wait until the servant will distract them or get them in and inside.

So that the passage of the estate has become more secure, rejoice in the guards. Bypassing the excess attention of the officers, we get to the place of imprisonment of the anory, however, the door is blocked by the magic barrier. So you have to kill the one who created this barrier. In the location there is a treasury (coins and some inventory items), so have a good hacker with you (later you can come back with keys). In the room, in one of the chests there are documents that once belonged to gray guards.

And in one of the cameras you will find Riordan, another surviving gray guard. But we have no time to break, go down in the dungeon.

Be careful, because practically in every room there is a dozen soldier and battle dogs. In the room of torture, free Ovwina, thereby unlock the "nobleman under torture" quest, after you do not forget to talk to his father with a bath Sighard in the "bustled nobleman." This act will add you a voice at the land collection. In the place of release Rexel for the quest "missing", after taking the root of the dead guard.

And here Earl Hou, who despite not what he insisted on his right. And next to him was located a combat magician who created the magic barrier. Kill the bastards! After all the scuffle, I found a vogan, which provoked an elven uprising, and in the next cage I was sitting by a vulnerable lyrium Temmer Ilimrinka (pass the ring of his sister Banun Alfistanne, which sits everything in the same tavern). Here, perhaps, everyone, we liberate the princess.

And here is a small trouble. Catherine and her guardians meet us. In stock 3 options: to kill everyone (fight experienced and well-armed soldiers is incredibly difficult), try to explain or surrender. In the last two cases, you will find a drake in the fort.

Fort Drakon

We are in conclusion. We have 2 ways to get out: wait for the help of friends or to get out of yourself. Options in both methods mass. I chose the first option and waited for help from Leliana and Morrigan, who were introduced by the ministers of the Church. Morrigan in church outfit, imagine? I thought the guards would look at Morrigan and say: you, in the church? But the eloquence of Leliana was saved here. Just do not communicate with Rev. Augustine, otherwise it turns out that the church did not subscribe to anyone and will expose you. In the hall with the ballots, the way blocks Sergeant Tanna. You can try to convince it to leave the post or take advantage of the Ballists. If you target the very first right (from the entrance) ballast and palp, then you can apply a serious damage to Tanne, and then kill the rest. You may have a reasonable question: why did I take the girls, and not the powerful warriors like Ogena and Stan? Leliana was pumped trick, there were abilities like secretion and skill traps. Well, Morrigan had the ability of the "blizzard" by applying the soldier as his hand was removed. And here are our prisoners. By killing 2 guards, get the keys to the camera, everything is simple! We are again four, so deal with the remaining guards will be easier.

Place on the throne

Upon returning a conversation with Eamon. Who will take place on the throne? Options Several: Alistair, Anora, Alistair + Anora, GG + Anora (If you play per person-nobleman, you can try happiness). I managed to convince Alistair and Anora that marriage was the most profitable for both sides.

Before the lands meeting, a couple of days left and need to solve some problems in the elphin.


And these problems were as follows: the crowd of elves argued with healers from Teveliter. The fact is that Quarantine announced by Elfinage, and these "doctors" are collected and healthy and sick elves in the shelter and ... nothing more about them is known. By finding around this case from Shiyanni, we are decided to look inside the hospital. On the shifts kill the sole guardian and go inside. We did not have time to enter how they were attacked on us, which were later regretted. From the table Take a note, and then go out and again into battle. Talk to Shijanni again. We go to another building on the shifts. Inside asking the elf, which is soap floor. He told us where and how the elves are taken and we went further. Let's go through the other door and "say" with the Tevinets. In stock you will learn that all this "treatment" comes down to a banal slave trade, and the chief here is Kaladrius. Excellent opportunity to get a compromising on Logain, the Council will be interested to know that the regent is not against selling his people into slavery.

Kaladrius was located to a peaceful outcome. He offers us a letter with Logain's seal. However, what prevents us from picking up a letter from dead slave traders and permanently commit to their activities? After Caelandrius's health comes to no, he offers us an even more generous proposal, namely to raise my health at the expense of slaves. Interest, of course, but I politely refused ...

Solid Otto - blind Tempera, who feels evil. We get the quest "evil", to perform which you need to search for unusual things in El Chinage. For example, inform Otto about a crazy girl, about a puddle of blood and about mad and dead dogs. Next, it is necessary to clean the shelter from the unclean.

Meeting of land

After you do all your affairs, talk to Earl Eamon, and then go to the palace to the land collection. And again we communicate with the old acquaintance of Catherine, but this time she is without her militia.

So, that the Council takes our side it is necessary: \u200b\u200bComplete quests with prisoners in Hou (Ovwin and Imminrink). Do not say the anteor that you are going to kill her father Logain, otherwise she can take something against you. Do not rush to talk about Alişea and killed King Caelan. Start the conversation with the fact that your main goal is a war with the sea. And then you can point out the crimes of Logane, for example, about the worker in the elphin. This will be enough.

At the meeting, we were unanimously supported, but the only thing remained - a fight with Logyan. You can participate directly yourself, and you can send someone from your squad, Alistair, for example. After the fight, Riordan intervened, which made an unusual proposal, namely suggested Logane to redeem his guilt by joining gray guards. It seems reasonable, and you know than in most cases such a dedication ends. If worthy, it will pass if not, then death is still waiting for him. Logain will take a dedication and will take the place of Alistair, after he will scatter and leave the detachment. But with Alistair, we are familiar to the longer and are in friendly relations, so I gave him the opportunity to take revenge on the Duncan and the rest. Seeing how the Father cut off his head, Anora was dissolved our marriage agreement with Alistair. Alister ordered her to lock it in the tower, and began to slowly master the role of the ruler.

The last fight

The story of Dragon Age is suitable for its logical conclusion. The traitors of Ferlden are punished, the contracts of gray guards are confirmed by the allies, it remains only to defeat the BI and the architeon.

Earl Eamon went to Redcliffe to collect the army, and we are after him. And here we are leaving the reserved chambers where the most important secret of gray guards will be found. Riordan explains to us with Alistair, why the architeon can only defeat the gray guard. It turns out after the death of the archhead, his soul moves to the nearest Darkness. Thus, immortality is achieved. And remember, from which the Gray Guards are, what did we drink on dedication? Yes, in our blood is the bad, so the soul of Achidemon is settled in us. But the gray guard has its own soul, so at the time of the last strike the archico'nemon gray guard dies. On another it is impossible. Riordan, as the oldest of us, decides that killing the architeon himself, but if he fell? We will have to complete our GG. However, Morrigan has an obscene offer, which is the opportunity to escape. What I used ... It's time to perform.

So, the fight will begin in the gloomy atmosphere at the city gate. Everybody dance! Sorry, all members of your squad are involved in battle, but you can only manage GG. It is to fight with garlocks and genons, but they are easily taken out. After that, talk to Riordan. It is necessary to deal with two enemy commander, in the trading quarter and elphin. From now on, you can call on one of the allied armies, just keep in mind that for the last battle, and the archhead, it is better to preserve one of the armies untouched. You understand what a dragon is. It is almost unrealistic to defeat him in the near battle, so in the late elf archers or magicians. Although you can try happiness and with dwarves or golems. It is also important that there was a robber near you, Leliana is the most, with a good dexterity shoots from Luke, which will help defeat the dragon. Latest facilities with squad members and ... Forward!

Fight in the trading quarter should not cause difficulties, I called on magicians, which made it possible to throw odds at a distance, they did not even have time to reach us. In Elfinza, such a focus will not roll, too small catches in this area. I decided to do without support in general, since the enemy did not occur until the gate and barricades were broken. Well, in the meantime, the gates were intact, the real rue of the elements was happening behind them, the benefit of Morrigan enviable magicians.

Next, it is to be played for the remaining members of the squad and protect the city gate. The commander I appointed the Ogren there. Well, the fight is not simple. Orena, I sent on the "yellow" enemies. While Stan and Pesk were spread with simpler, but superior to quantities, opponents. And Winn, traditionally used magic to treat the detachment.

Switch to our main detachment. The next place of action - Fort Drakon. Before that, we look at the roller in which Riordan is broken, without having time to bring the case to the end. Archdaemon will have to do us. At the entrance to Fort Drakon, we will be waiting for many enemies. The place is good for the shelling, for example, it will be logical to call the elven archers. But the archers will be useful for the last battle, but for now you can call on the soldiers of rarecliff, dwarves or golems.

Inside the fort we will be alone. We clean the terrain, and at the entrance to the second floor I will buy from the sandalle. This is our last chance. We use the most rational finance. Sell \u200b\u200ball that is superfluous and guided various lubricants (or extracts and what you need to make yourself). Paint the roof.

And here is the last battle. Archdavelmon in all its glory. Dracosh spits the energy of the Spirit, waving the tail, and when he threatens the immediate danger, changes his position. How to be? First, call the Allied Detachment. I chose the elves, since the archers seemed to me the only right solution. Leliana (with onion), Morrigan and my GG took up directly for the archhead. Alistaer, in the near battle will not be effective, so he aimed the ballists and shot the dragon. As soon as the genes and garlics appeared, I switched it on them + one of the magicians. This is an excellent opportunity to fill the stock of the healing suppress. As soon as the ballists broke, Leliana is trying to repair them. This is, in my opinion, the most efficient tactic. Of course, it was possible to call the gnomes or golems, because these guys eaten for breakfast of the treatments of darkness in their Orsammar. That's all!

The dragon is blocked, and we look at the final video. The end of everyone will be different. It depends on the one who becomes the ruler of Ferlden, whether you agreed with Morrigan and did in a particular area (for example, when I helped Harroumont in Ozammar, the kingdom of the gnomes was more and more moved away from the outside world, etc.). That's all, the passage of Dragon Age: Origins is completed. Congratulations!

BUT? - Ogren responded, without holding away from curious and also looked in the ditch.

Tell me ... Have you ever thought about committing suicide life?

Opening, the red warrior opened his mouth and immediately slammed him, not knowing what to answer.

So I did not think ... - my brother over his nose. - But it is better ... what it is!

Shooting black housing wings, out of the abyss, with a strong thread of the wind, pushing us back and writing to the ground, the dark, covered with scales of the body broke out. After describing the eight in the air, the creature, pursing the clawed paws, was drilled on a wide curved bridge, which is a little further and connecting two shores, on the far of which, the wall of the huge metal gate, the facade of a lonely, long captured gnome fortress. The elongated Dragon Morda, with sticking out of the mouth and slightly bent to the chin with sharp fangs, swayed a little, carefully studying their minions, endlessly dark red stripped downstairs at the bottom of the crack. I had a feeling ... As if it was already. As if, I had already seen this somewhere. Brightly, clearly, up to the fingers of the wind, the harsh of my, collected in a loose tail, hair.

Ryk. A loud, frightening scrakes of the wall of the cave, and breaking darkness proudly and sneakily responded, echoing their voices on the walls of stone tags. A flurry-blue flame flourishing his gaze of his unnatural palette, broke out of the mouth of a majestic lizard, and melted, having lost his grateful warriors on the head of his grateful soldiers, crowding down. Soon, and the monster chemged up, barely not hooking the stone icicles, which decorated the cave arch, and cutting the streams of the air, it was impurled in the distance, where the dungeon, expanding his borders, was lost in the embroidery, the volcano jerle.

As soon as the dragon disappeared from the field of view, as in the bridge, from the gate, the wave poured the squad of two-legged creatures. Riding swords and skillfully using crossbows, caused the amount of gnomes-warriors in durable black armor. It seemed that fearlessly bearded legionnaires were not coming.

It is necessary to help them, - helping me to climb and snatching the sword from the scabbard, said Owen.

Metal sang. Again. So familiar and so frightening. A whistle ripped out someone else's skin, with splashes, pulling out of the bleeding black thick wounds, crumpled bones, rubbing on the hands of unpleasant caskets. The sharp tip of the enemy arrows with a snaps crashed into my shoulder, just above the elbow. The muscles tightened, having fallen, and from the numbed fingers with a ringing knife fell, lost somewhere under his feet. The rebound, one more, as long as I crashed back into the bridge. Grimas pain and discontent on face. Eyes in the excitement run from side to side, looking for a way out. I touches the arrow hand and clogged, with a strength of spraying my teeth. Everything will not shine from pain. The send of the seduction and the edge falls out of the hole, and the wound slowly, literally on the eyes, is delayed, leaving only a torn hole in the armor's skin. The dispersed view captures the edge of blue mania, which slipped past, and the cap of red hair. Naskovo picking up with someone else's granite, slightly heavier than I would like, a short sword, I, again full strength, rushing into the thick battle.

Darkness did not expect this essor. Their crossbows with a crash broke, and the skull with a crunch was cracking, riding the ones handled by crimson-black blood, the bridge. We helped to defend the frontier, so coming to the profits in time, and the gnomes were grateful for it.

The Legion of the Dead is the famous military unit subordinate to a direct king. They are angry and they are afraid. Rough skin of their individuals is painted with gloomy tattoos, and the only possible outcome of their life is the valiant death on the deep paths under the exciting grinding of steel swords and the whisper of death, which wanders behind his back, knocking on the poisoned blade between the blades.

Gray Guard? "Stretching his brother, one of the legionnaires asked. By how everyone was watched on him, he was no doubt the commander. - Cardol.

We will be familiar. How long have you been here?

Always, the guard, - grinned by the gnome. - Such is the service. But to the fortress they came up only from a week ago, when the hordes were smelled. New Mor?

I wondered my brother in a surprised-perplexed glance and hand pointed towards the gnomomy. In his eyes, everything was also read a mute question. Having a look at the stove, which was once stood, I realized that the object of my searches would disappear without a trace, as if dissolved.

Managed to clear the move. But ... Cardola we did not find ... - said the younger, carefully touched his hand to my chin and peering into the eyes. - What's wrong? Are you okay?

The head of Naga Beram is standing in community halls near the entrance to the Diamond Quarter. He complains that all his nagi ran around the city, and he will now have to close the case. Invite your help to him, and he will tell you that even one Naga will be enough for him to correct things.

As soon as you agree to engage in captivity, Nagi will appear in different scan. Catch one and take it to Bimor. He will pay you 12 silver and the task will be performed. However, you can catch and drag him the rest of the NGA to get the same 12 silver, only pays not for the same thing, but immediately at the party, so it is more profitable to attract them one by one, and not wholesale.

The animals can be found in the following places:

  • At the access point in the depth trails;
  • Near the fitor store;
  • On the bridge in front of the entrance to ORZAMMARY TESTS;
  • In the gateway, Janar store;
  • Near Berkel's brother.

After you take the Bimor five pieces, he will say that you have shut off all NGAs in Tedas and nothing else can be obtained from it.

Note 1: A bug may happen when Bimor says that there are still not caught nagas.
Note 2: If you give Leliana manual naga in communal halls, then you can catch it and pass the bole.

Hope of Mother

In communal halls near the Janar workshop, you will find a gnome filter, a prayer ancestors about helping her to find her son's son who was lost on the deep path. Offer her help her.

You can find a hand in Taga ortan. He will start running away from you, follow him in his camp, where he lives, feeding the flesh of the species of darkness. You can kill your hand, or you can convince or intimidated it to be able to speak and trade with him (it has some good things on sale, as well as a couple of gifts to the conventians). If you decide to spare it, he will tell about why he escaped to the deep trails, and asked not to tell his mother's fate.

If you agree to lie the film that he died, Winn it approves.

If the group is zearan, then at the end of the conversation with the hand, he will offer to kill him and you will have to do it. If you want to avoid it, complete the conversation through the trade window.

If Stan will be in the party, he will not give the filter about the fate of his son and tell her the truth.


In a reward for completed task, you can get experience, money or shield hand (small shield, steel, protection: 1.50, protection from shells: 2.25, + 10% to resistance to spirit, +4 to attack).

If the hands stayed alive, and you lied the filish about his death, you will get experience and shield. If you killed him, but lick about it, you will only get experience.

If you killed him and tell her the truth, she will curse you and, again, you will only get experience. If you decide not to look for it, and tell the film that they were looking for, but I did not find anything, she will give you money.

If you killed your hand, it is possible to get experience, gold and shield as a reward. To do this, select the option "I doubt that you want to hear it," and then lie to her that he heroically died for a long time ago.

Note: If you talked with a hand before you got the task, you can still perform it if you return to Orsammar, talk with the LD, and then - again with the hand. However, it is necessary to do this before passing to the location of the anvil of emptiness - after coronation of the filter disappears.

Unprecedented scientist

If you agree to talk to the magicians, Winn and Leliana is approved.

If you tell Jahanar about the request of his daughter before she leaves in a circle, he will ask you to dissuade her from this act. Alternatively, go back and convince it to stay in Ozammar.

If you decide to transfer her request to the magicians, you first need to finish the plot task "torn Circle". Will Dagna agree to study in a circle, depends on whose side you have taken: Mages or Teastovnikov. Knight-captain Gregor will be against it to study in a circle, and the first magician Irving, on the contrary, will say that it will be an interesting experience.

Return to Dagna and tell her about solving a circle. If you say that it does not want to take it or that the circle is destroyed, she will go there herself, without permission. If you pass to her that she is waiting for in a circle, she will thank you and rewards with a great potion of Lyrima or Ruhnu-two meter.

Note: If Dagna goes into a circle, Janar will be very dissatisfied with this and stop selling with you. If you do not want to lose a merchant - do not talk about my daughter with him.


In the southwestern room of the Royal Palace, Travnik Voron is trying to cure his patient Lady Broadens, poisoned by exotic poison. To help him, you need to bring an antidote, composed of rare and expensive ingredients:

  • Elf root - 4;
  • Stone of life - 2;
  • Concentrating reagent - 2;
  • Flask - 1.

To prepare an antidote, a character or a copriatum should own the maximum level of grass skirt. Create a potion and give it a patient. In a reward, get experience.

Lost records

Gnomka Orta is looking for any ortan home records to prove that it comes from this house. Teig Ortan was lost during the last Mora, and the records of it practically did not remain. However, in the family of Mother Orta it was believed that they were taking place from the younger daughter of the house of Kelana Othan, which at the time when Teig was lost, studied in Ozammar.

You can get a task or personally from the orts, which will be found in the custodians' halls, or, taking paper from the chest in Teig ortan, not far from the place where you meet a hand. Return these papers of Orta to show them on the Council demanding to restore her family as a title and inheritance.

To complete the task, talk to it again in the halls of the Council. You can demand more money to get 5 gold, you can ask her to vote for one of the candidates or ask nothing in return by having received experience.

In any case, if you leave Orsammar, and then return there again, Orta will give you 10 gold.

Task in the game Dragon Age Origins "Dead Castle" is for many players impassable test. Some do not know what to do in the course of the adventure, others pass by this mission, and the third suffer because of the error. In this article, you can find comprehensive information on this quest with a description of all problems and mysteries.

How to take a task

Initially, it should be noted that the task in Dragon Age Origins "Dead Castle" often passes by players, because it can only be taken on hidden location in the deep paths. This territory is called dead rs and notable in that it does not open immediately. The entrance to it becomes available for the player only after an ortan will be able to find the Branki diary. This item can be considered a key to the task, because without it will not be able to even try to pass the mission. The reward for execution will be the full Armor of the Legion of the Dead C, which gives good defense. It can be put on the main character or give to someone from the comrades.

Start of task

The mission in Dragon Age Origins "Dead Castle" is activated automatically after finding a diary. The player should be prepared for execution, because the hidden location is in itself a huge number of opponents. To complete the task, the user will have to look for four parts of the Dead Legion Armor, which will later become a reward. It should be noted that the award is quite symbolic, because the warriors of this detachment still fight with the raising of darkness in the fortress of Bonammar. The first item for searching will be shoes. To receive them will have to help the Legion in the battle with enemies at the entrance to the former stronghold of the gnomes. Then go through the tunnel from the gate. Immediately at the exit you can see a large sarcophagus, and inside it will be the first detail of the armor. In the fortress it is recommended to be extremely attentive and not forget to constantly use the function of the saving. In the task "Dead Castle" in Dragon Age Origins, the passage of different unpleasant surprises.

Continued search

After receiving the boot, the player has to find three more subjects to complete the task "Dead Castle" in Dragon Age Origins. Gloves Player will be able to find in the room where there is a gnome statue, but it is recommended to move carefully. The statue breathes with fire if you step on the slab with the activation of the trap. The flame relieves a lot of health, and therefore it is best to send the strongest associate. Chest armor is also hidden in the sarcophagus, but in another location. Skeletons guard her, and commander of the Garlock Emissar. There should be no problems with the locking location, because the player before this task will face many times with the sealing of darkness. The last item will be a helmet that finding the easiest. The player is enough to go to the Sanctuary of the Legion, approach the altar and pick up the desired thing. Nobody protects her, but on this difficulty on the task does not end. Four subjects will open access to the new location, which will be indicated in the Personal Code.

Fight with boss

Hyde for the passage "Dead Castle" in Dragon Age Origins should prepare the user to the main test. All four parts of the armor were collected in order to open the way to closed location in the former fortress of the gnomes. Players just get to the center of the tunnel, which leads to the uterus - the main enemy in Bonammar, after which it is to pick up the last element of the Legion Armor of the Dead. It is the emblem of the caste, you can just pick up, deploy and leave. If you want to test yourself for strength, you can fight the boss, but you must first go for the key. He unlocks the gate to the territory where the creature is located. There is a necessary subject in the southern room, not far from the Legionnair altar. The battle should not be too complicated if all his associates are used correctly. For the victory, you can get good items and a small amount of gold, which in the game never happens.

Completion of the task

A complete set of Legion of the Dead Dead in Quest "Dead Castle" in Dragon Age Origins is needed to complete the task. The player will have to go again dressed in new things in the room where the user has previously found a helmet. The altar will have a relic that can be activated only in armor. The action will lead to the appearance of a mysterious shadow with which it will have to fight. Prizes for victory will not be, but the action is necessary to complete the task. The Code will appear the corresponding victory record. After that, you can go to the diamond halls. Pre-player should not forget to give the emblem the caste of the dead custodians. Further, the right wing of the diamond halls will be a memory book to which you want to click. Only after this task will be completed and will become marked in the journal as performed. The path will have to go a little, but the award is worth it, plus a journey through the fortress Bonammar will open up new pages of the history of the gnomes.

Possible mistakes

The problem with the quest "Dead Castle" is far from news for players, many users have come across it. The error lies in the fact that the last sarcophagus, where the emblem of the caste of the dead is hidden, after collecting four parts of the armor is not active. If you do not collect a complete set, then the tasks will not be passed. Unfortunately, the optimal solution of this problem does not exist. As mentioned above, the players in the location of the dead rs are better to preserve. Return to earlier files can help in this situation. Initially, you should try to exit location, preserve and close the game. The next time you can find that the error has evaporated, and you can interact with the sarcophag. This method is the most effective, but if nothing happens, you should not be upset. The complete set of the Dead Legion can be obtained in the awekenging add-on.

Scene Quests

It is on this territory that you need to go to gain access to the gnome city of Orsammar, where you have to persuade the gnomes to give you to help in the battle of darkness. A group of head hunters, which will be the magician, will attack you on the way, if you came to this card for the first time, but they are unlikely to introduce danger to you.

In fact, you don't have anything to do to admission to Ozammmar - go to the goal, listen to the deposit of the guard with the Messenger of Logaine to the city, declare your desire to enter the city, then either kill the imper, or drive it away - and the guard will let you in Ozammar .

Navalny Quests

At the entrance to Ozarovamar not far from the merchants walks by one of the students of the magician who you need to give a letter to dismissal.

In the frosty mountains there is one of the caches that you need to visit on the line of quests of Derulema "Services to interested persons."


Scene Quests

Having passed across the hall of the heroes and entering the residential part of the city, you will immediately witness not too multiple scene between Belen and Harroumont (with which you can already be familiar already familiar if you are playing noble dwarf). Speaking with the head of the Guard after everyone scattering in different directions, you find out that you got to the gnomes at a not very right moment - after the death of King, the endlin, the Assembly cannot decide who should inherit the throne, and without the presence of the king no submorts from Dwarves do not have to wait, for no one will take responsibility to send an army to the surface when it is almost a little civil war.

You do not need to be a genius to conclude - you need to take everything possible that one of the applicants for the throne becomes the legal ruler of Ozammar. What exactly - to solve you, is not a big difference (although if you play noble dwarf, you may have personal accounts with one of the applicants).

ATTENTION: You can talk to the representatives of both applicants and get the initial tasks from both, but fulfill only one of them - that the applicant you decide to support. If you fulfill them all, both representatives will decide that you took the side of the opposite party and will not talk to you anymore.

Regardless of whose side you decided to accept, first you will be offered to prove your loyalty (and the fact that you are not the spy of the opposite group) by performing a small order.

If you decide to take the side of Lord Harroumont, then you should talk to Dulin. It can be found in the Harroumont mansion in a diamond area or in a local tavern. If you decide to go to the Assembly before talking to the representatives of both applicants, then Duline will capture you at the exit of it. To verify your loyalty, you will be offered to take part in the competitions on the Tests arena as Chairroumont Champion. Several of his fighters unexpectedly refused to participate in the competition, so that it would be quite good for you to find out what the cause of such behavior (although it is not necessary to complete the task).

Go to the arena. Bayzil, one of the fighters of Harroumont, will share with you with your problems, if you have a skill of conviction. As he admits you, he is in love with a married lady, and representatives of Belen, somehow having a letter of in love with a couple of love, threaten to make them the property of the public. Letters are in the chest in the locked room of Myagaly - one of the fighters of Belen - immediately, in the arena, and you can either simply open the castle if you have an appropriate skill, or steal the key at the Myagaly itself and thus open the door. If you give the bayzile letters, he will agree to fight for Harroumont.

The second fighter of Harroumont, Guiddon, informed that Harroumont decided to pass the position and give way to Bellen, the competition is held only in order to allow him to "save face". You can persuade him to take part in competitions, convincing (with the presence of the appropriate skill) that Harroumont is not going to give up.

After you finish all the cases, go to the Arena manager and declare that you are ready for a fight. You have a series of fighting, and the first three you need to fight alone. In the fourth you will be allowed to choose a partner of one of your associates. In the last battle, if you convinced Bayzila and Guiddon to perform on the side of Harroumont, they can join you if you want - or you can take your usual group.

When you finish all the battles and will be announced by the champion, you can finally meet with Lord Harroumont face to face. Unfortunately, victory in the arena is not enough to convince the Assembly in the right of Harroumont to the throne, so you still have to work hard.

If you decide to support Prince Belen, then his representative of Vartaga you can find either in the palace or in the assembly chamber. As a confirmation of your loyalty, you will be asked to deliver two letters, from which it follows that Lord Harroumont promised support for the support of the same reward to two different persons. It is these persons - Lord Helmi and Lady Dace - you have to take the letters. Lord Helmi is located in a local tavern, and all you need is to give him a letter. Lady Dais, although she will be very upset by the news, nevertheless does not have the right to make such solutions herself, and therefore after a conversation with it you will find her father, Lord Dace, which is on the deep paths. Lady Dace will give you a card so that you can get to the right Tag, namely Tag Edukan.

Lord Dais is located in the southwestern part of Taga. To get to him, you have to make your way through a significant amount of rally of darkness, deep pursuers (small animals with very sharp teeth who love to throw out from the ambush into the indecent amounts) and other inhabitants of the dungeons. When you get to Lord Dace and help him deal with the attackers on his group of monsters, you will finally give him a letter and get assurances that from now on he will support Belen.

After that, return to Vartaga and you will receive an audience from a prince in the palace. Unfortunately, your efforts only won two supporters for Belen - which is not enough for the belief of the whole Assembly, and therefore you should take a few more steps to provide him with the throne ...

Regardless of whether you took the side of Belen or Harroumont, your following tasks will be absolutely the same, and the first of them will deal with the head of the local mafia named Jarvia, from which there is absolutely no living - especially in a dusty city.

Go to the dusty city. If this is your first visit to this remarkable place, it will be marked by the attack of local gangsters. If you are playing a dwarf-versatina, you can meet here your old friend Leske, but he will not tell you anything useful. To obtain the necessary information, talk with a bench name by Nadezhda, the local merchant Alimar or Gnome named Radek. (Perhaps, it is most profitable to speak with hope, since she does not need to pay - except that you yourself want to award it - neither to apply special persuasion.)

Who would not have chosen, you will find out that the Dzharvian lair can be penetrated with the help of special talismans that are worn by Assistants Jarvia. Go to the house in the southernmost part of the district (you could even go there earlier and not find anything interesting). However, this time you will wait there a whole gang of bandits. When you remove almost all the lives of the leader, he will plead about mercy. You can kill it or let go, but in any case you will receive a bone finger mascot, which is a kind of key to Jarvia's lair. Now go to the "suspicious door" north of the house with gangsters, and when you examine it, you will get the applied mascot option and now you can safely go inside.

Dzharviya's lair is sisite with gangsters of all possible varieties, in some places - spiders, as well as, as well as a respected gangster attachment, it has numerous traps, so it is extremely recommended to go there with a robber. Jarvia itself is in the eastern room, and whatever the options of the dialogue you have not chosen with it, as a result you will have to fight it. Beware of traps - there are quite a few of them in this room, although in fact all of them are concentrated in the second half of the room (you can notice them by numerous barrels placed around).

If you are playing a dwarf-simpar, you will find a fishing line along with Jarvia. If you play someone else, then the fishing line will sit in a chamber in one of the previous rooms, and you can free it if you want.

Having understood with Jarvia, disarming the traps and finishing the inspection of the room, go to the corridor in the northeast corner - through it you can go to a dinner area through the shopping shop, without returning through the entire junk and dusty city.

When you report to Harroumont / Belen about the success of your mission, you immediately will be introduced to another task - to go to the deep trails and find a paragon there (perfect) Brranka, which you could already hear from local residents. Branca to this moment is the only living paragon of Orzammar, and its support will surely provide the candidate to the election. (In the event that Brranka met the sad end on the deep path, you need to find at least her remains.)

At the exit from the city you will hean some Ozen, with whom you may have already met earlier - and perhaps that there is no, but no role is playing. Branca is his wife, and therefore he will decide to join your group. You absolutely optionally take it with you now, even if you agree with his proposal, but at a certain stage it will still automatically join your group. (Ogren - Warrior, specializing in two-handed weapons.)

Navalny Quests

According to the Ozammar, information about the city is scattered - collect her, and you will open the location of the treasure in the Assembly Chamber. Each area of \u200b\u200bthe city contains a part of the information you need, that is, you need to visit: Heroes Hall (close to the entrance to Orsammar), Tests arena (in the south room), dusty city (near Alimar's shop), Diamond region above the entrance) and a dormant area (a document on the bridge leading to the arena). After that, go to the Assembly and in Niche next to Vartag you will find a chest with a reward - a ring adding 2 to all characteristics.

This quest gives you an ort in archives in a diamond area. You need to go to deep trails and find evidence there that her family belongs to a noctive race. The evidence you can find in the chest in Tayig ortan in front of the bridges, near the observed perfume and golems. (It will be there even if you did not receive the quest.) As a reward, you will receive 5 gold from Onts, when visit it in the Assembly Chamber. If you refuse the award and return to it later (you need to leave Orsammar and frosty mountains), then get 10 gold from it.

This quest is available only if your GG is the gnome noble origin of the male and if he spent the night with Mardi in the Prologue. Now she has a son (yours), but since you have declared an exile and you have lost your caste, then her child is also an extracephal. You can ask the Belen or Harroumont (depending on whom you supported) take your son in their family. Do it before leaveing \u200b\u200bthe Ozammammar after the election of the king (the best way to talk to him immediately after coronation), otherwise the child will remain extraordian.

You will receive this quest from Ragek in a dusty city. He will instruct you to deliver smuggling Lirium Godwin in the tower of magicians (if you have already passed the tower, you can remember him - this is a frightened gentleman who hid in the closet on the second floor). To obtain Lyrima, you must pay the Ragen 50 gold (40 with a high conviction) and money should be in stock. If you talk to Rogeck, without having the right amount, it will remove away, and the quest will be lost. Also, if you have already completed the quest on the tower of magicians and took the side of the temples, you, of course, cannot deliver the smuggling to the addressee.

If you delivered Lirium a year, then you can get about it from 50 to 65 gold plus a dagger depending on how high your belief is. Report the Rogek on the execution of the task, and you will receive a reward from 10 to 25 gold.
If you cannot complete the quest (for example, if Godwin is dead), you can sell Lyrium to merchants (although it will not compensate your losses completely).

You can also kill Rodek. If you say that you can not deliver the goods on purpose, because the magicians in the tower are simply not left, he will decide that you are going to inflate it and will attack you. He will also attack if you become threatened to give it to the authorities for smuggling. (Rode can be killed and immediately, without bothering with the quest, but in this case you will receive only 20 gold from his corpse.)
If you feel a moral obligation to stop the smuggling of Lirima, another way to do this is to report to Gregor in the tower of magicians (and this can be done after you received money from Godwin.)

In the archives, one of the keepers Mildrart will complain to you that they have stolen the book. Go to the dusty city and talk to Cherebeat. He will attack you. You will not find the book, but you will find on his body a receipt, from which it can be concluded that he has already spoiled the product to someone in the Test arena. Go to the arena and talk to Gredit. He will attack you. Having received a book back from his corpse, you can either return it to Miltrartu, or to sell the personalities named Jerrin immediately, in the arena, for a couple of gold.

This quest gives you the catcher of Naga Bo -ermore in a low area. After you get it, Nagi will appear around the city - the grace of rats and pigs. You need to deliver them to boaermore. The quest will be considered completed after the delivery of the very first Naga, but you will be given money for each subsequent, and if you find all ten, you will get an additional reward.

In the dusty city of Nurse, by the name of the Grainy, will tell you his sad story, and if you want, you can help her. You can advise her to try happiness on the surface or talk to her father, which is located in the local tavern, and convince him to accept her daughter and grandson back. If you have finished the Berkel's brother's quest and a branch of the Church opened in Ozamarra, you can send it there (or talk to Berkel's brother yourself and ask for help for the Lorus). You can also convince her to throw a child on the deep paths, as its family requires.

This quest gives you Dagna in a low area. She dreams of learning in the tower of magicians, but for some reason all her letters with requests for acceptance remain unanswered. Go to the tower. If you have already completed the quest "Torn Circle" and took the side of the temples, Gregor will refuse Dagna in her request. If you took the side of the magicians, Irving will agree to accept it in the disciples, and all you have to tell Dagna news. Another option - you can persuade Dagna to stay in Ozammar, as her father wishes. If you help Dagna go to study in the tower, her father, the owner of the weapon shop, will be so upset that refuses to sell you their products.

You can get this quest before or later depending on whether you took the side of Belen or Harroumont. If you decide to support Belen, then you can go to the right part of the palace immediately after the first conversation with him, and if you supported Harroumont, then you can do it only after its coronation.

In one of the bedrooms in the western part of the Royal Palace, you will find a sick woman, and a nearby doctor will explain that she is poisoned and only a very strong antidote can save her life. He will give you a recipe antidote (for which you need the highest level of potion). All you need to do is prepare an antidote and give it a patient. You will not get any awards other than the recipe for an antidote (which can cure from paralysis and sleep).

You will get this quest from Berkel's Brother in a more dumb area. Brother Berkel dreams of opening the church of the Creator in Ozammar, which is somewhat difficult, since conservative gnomes honor the ancestors-perfect and not too inspired by a prospectus of some new religion. If you decide to help your brother Berkel, then talk to the chief keeper in the archives and convince him to resolve Berkel to open a branch of the Church in Ozammar. (You can also refuse to help your brother Berkel, stating that he should not interfere in the religious affairs of the gnomes.)

This quest gives you Field in a small area. For several years, her son went with an expedition to deep trails and disappeared there. It can be found in Tayig Othan, but over the past years and the tests of the poor hand changed it so much that he does not want to be rented back. You can lie to Field that it is dead (this option is available only if you talked with the hand about his mother and he asked you to lie to her) or tell the truth. If Field finds out that the hands are alive, he will decide to go to the depth trails, but in any case the quest will be completed on it. You can also kill your hand if you want. If you leave him alive, it will perform a merchant function for you.

You will receive this quest in Jarvia's lair. Almost at the very beginning of the map you will find a jammer diary from which to find out that he hid the treasure here. Three chests are scattered over the dungeon, and from everyone you need to take one - the cheapest is the item (iron knife for opening envelopes, a silver ring, a grenade bauble). If you take the wrong object, then get injured. When you in the presence of all three subjects, you can open a chest with a treasure in the northern part of the map.

If you talk to boaarmore with Leliana in a group, she will notice that His Nagi does not like it. Talk to her after that - she will say that she would like to have their own Naga. If after that you talk with a celebrating dwarf in a dusty city, he will catch you for a few silver coins of "Cute Naga", which you can present Leliana as a special gift. After that, the nag will be found in your camp.

In the Throne Hall of the Royal Palace you can resolve a small riddle. Stand in two satellites on the tiles in the form of arrows in the southwestern corner and put the third to the central tile in the previous hall, then activate the Through Throne (be prepared for the battle). Separate with a monster that appears, and you will get a two-handed sword as a reward. This quest must be allowed to coronate any of the applicants.

In the royal palace in one of the eastern rooms you will find a black bottle. This is one of the vnental bottles if you disarm it.

In the Royal Palace in the northeastern part, when you enter there for the first time, a group of robber gnomes appeared before you, which appeared in this corridor by mistake. You will not have any other option except to kill them, because they immediately attack you.

In the Test arena, you can take part in informal competitions (in contrast to the competition for honor of Harramont, here you will fight not alone, but the whole group). If you win all four, then get the ring for the magician of the blood as a reward.

If you activate the memory wall in the archives and then you will find and activate the three business plates scattered over the Orzammar and the deep trails, then when you return to the memory wall and activate it again, you will get experience as a reward. (Rounic plates - next to the head of miners at the exit from Orzammar to the deep trails, in the southeastern cave at the Caridine crossroads and in the Western Central Hall in the Dead Rips.)

After you choose the side of Belen or Harramont, you are attacked by the supporters of the opposite party several times.

After you are shaped with Jarvia, if you come back to the dusty city, the supporters of Jarvia are attacked.

In the chest in one of the rooms of the Royal Palace, you will find a love letter, which you need to complete the quest "Intercepted correspondence".

Depth trails

Scene Quests

In order to find a brunch, you need to go through a whole series of tags and dungeons. For a start, go to the Crididine crossroads, which should appear on your card after a conversation with Harrojondt / Belen. You will go on it at the very northern point, and your goal is to reach the exit on the southernmost. The straight path is blocked by the dust, so you can bypass it either through Western caves or through the eastern. Western caves are filled with disassembly of darkness, and the eastern - mostly deep pursuers.

Through through numerous opponents and being south output, now that you go to the map of the depth trail, you will open a new place - Tag Ortan.

Tag Othan is put down in the disasses of darkness and spiders, as well as spirits, golems and other than unfriendly inhabitants of local dungeons. Your goal is to get through to the northeast of Taga, where the Branki Diary is located. Be careful - when you achieve a place with a diary, you have a battle with the boss - the queen spiders. I recommend to run away away after its appearance, because in this case it will follow you and you can avoid simultaneous battle with other spiders that will appear later. The queen will disappear several times when you remove a certain percentage of her health, but it will soon return to the battlefield. Having understood with her and the rest of the spiders, read the Branca Diary. Now that you go to the map of the dead trail, you will open a new location - dead rs.

And enjoying the view of the army of the dissection of darkness at the entrance to the dead Rips, you will rather quickly scroll into the Legion of Death, reflecting the attack of the speculation. Since you still need to go through the bridge and attacking enemies to continue your mission, you can help the gnomes in the battle or even run along the bridge forward and take the entire opponent on yourself (in this case I recommend going cautiously and with a loaf, because the group of coming oscillage Darkness is very numerous and tie the battle with everyone can immediately be not very reasonable - although everything in any case depends on your group and your level.)

If you clear the bridge and territory behind it, the Legion of Death will follow you to keep the defense on the new line, but then they will not advance, so you have to rely on your own strength. Go on the map, knocking back from the Horde of the Ratings of Darkness - in some places you will wait almost a whole army - for example, in the South-central part you will meet an orange boss - Master of the Forge - along with an elite alpha Harlock and numerous "white" opponents. It is best to first explorate your robber - traps here too.

Overcoming all the obstacles, you will be hung on Hespit - Captain Branca. At first she will simply appear ahead of you from time to time, insigning in the inwilth-free poems, and then you can talk to her personally. From the conversation with Hespit, you will be able to find out that Branca, apparently, is still alive, and that with the accompanying dwarves (especially with women) something solely terrible happened - but, in general, they will not achieve particularly intelligible information .

Having passed through the cave with Hespit, you will go to a fairly spacious room, where you will wait for a few odds. Clearing the hall from the enemy, you will find that one of the doors is locked and requires the key. Go to the southern door, where you will see several brands of legionnaires, and take the key of legionnaires from the altar at the end of the corridor. Perfume after that will become hostile, so be prepared for the battle.

Now you have a key to open the "sinister door". Go through it and the corridor and pretty soon you will hide on a huge and extremely frozo look of the boss of this area. So, now you know how the uterus looks like the Darkness, producing them on the light.

The uterus cannot move away, but her tentacles (each - elite) can disappear and appear where they want, and besides, she can spit in a large distance in almost any place in the cave. If you look around, then notice two corridors on both sides of the uterus - you can translate your group there so that it does not get you too much powerful splashes. If you confuse at the very end, you will not directly attack and tentacles that for some reason may appear only at the very beginning of the corridor. Several times for the battle of the uterus will call on the help of the disassembly of darkness - fortunately, ordinary, not elite.

When you are parted with her tentacles (and they have a habit of disappearing when you bring them a certain damage and appear a little later, so it may take some time), then the uterus itself will not be so dangerous opponent. You can finish it from the distance, you can do it in the near battle (ku de gra - the blow of mercy - the melee weapon looks very impressive), just keep in mind that, like fires, she can grab the enemy and start rigging him on Pieces right in the air.

Crashing with the uterus, go to the oriental corridor. If you need to stock potions or sell prey to free the place in the backpack, go back now - after you cross the border of the next territory, return when you want you can no longer.

After you go to the track a trail, you will open a new location - the forge of emptiness. When you enter it, the OGRN will automatically join your group (if it was not in it before) and you will get the opportunity to change the rest of it, if you want.

In the cousin, you will finally meet Brank and get information from it, which happened to her and her dwarves. After a conversation with the Branka, you will have to fight back from several attacks of the Darkness. Having understood with them, go along the corridor to the room with the Golemas. It is filled with poisonous gas and to turn off, you need to turn four levers in the center of the room. The golems will come to know when you approach them too much, so it makes sense to retreat from the room at once, as the first golem is activated, to divide with it, repeat the procedure until the room will not be cleaned from the enemy completely, and then turn off the gas and proceed further.

And then you will meet another room and again with the Golemas - which, for a variety, will be activated by couples (although in this case not all the golems will come to life, some will remain statues). Also on the floor in this room there are traps.

Go further, and you will pull up a rather strange device that resembles a giant head, surrounded by four altars, near each of which is the spirit. When you are shaking with the Spirit, you need to activate its altar. You need to repeat this procedure four times, after that four somewhat stronger spirit will appear, but the principle will remain the same - after the death of each of them, activate its altar. When you figure out the second four, the device will finally fail and you can proceed on.

In the final cave you will meet the Caridine itself. He will explain how he was able to create golems at one time and why now regrets it. At the end of your conversation a broke will appear and you have to make a decision: take the side of the Caridine or Branca. If you take the side of the Branca and in your group is Sheil, he will go to the side of the Caridine and you will have to fight him. If you accept the side of the caridine, then - as expected - lose a fairly large number of approval points with Ogren (although nevertheless it will remain on your side in the battle).

Regardless of whether you accepted the side of Branca or Caridine, pay attention to the Lirima divergent around the residential. It is warmly recommended to use them as often as possible - first, it is a free increase in your mana and health, and, secondly, if you do not, they can take advantage of your opponents. Also, if you have difficulties with the battle, I can recommend some way to temporarily immobilize the main boss (for example, by the power field) and first of all deal with the Golemas. Do not forget that the golems are usually very sensitive to magic, and the gnomes are the opposite.

After the battle, Branca / Caridin creates a crown for you, which you can give the contender to the throne. If you accepted the side of the Caridine, then after that he will ask you to destroy the anvil of emptiness and rush to Lava, thus completing its centuries-old existence. As an option, if you fell on the side of the Branki, you can convince her in the wrongness of her actions - in this case, she, giving you the crown, rushes to Lava, pre-destroying the anvil of emptiness. Now you can go back and hand the crown Harroumont or Belen. If you give the Crown Belen, he immediately orders to execute Harroumont. If you give the crown Harroumont, Belen and his minions will raise the uprising right in the ward of the Assembly and you - with the help of supporters of the new king - you will have to kill them all. You do not need to give the crown to that challenger whose quests you were performed - if you please, you can betray it and hand it with the crown of his opponent.

In any case, after that, the new king promises you support in the war on the surface, and your quest will be completed on it.

Note: If you have chosen the side of the Branki and she remained alive, then in the final battle of your army will also join the detachment of the golems.

After you have chosen the king, at the exit from the Assembly, you will welcome the Cardol - the commander of the Dead Legion. If you are able to convince it to help you on the surface, then it will appear during your battle with the archdoor, along with Eamon and others.

Navalny Quests

Find three bags with the pieces of the demon body on the deep path and collect it together. The first bag is located in Tayig Edukan in a small cave with darkness of darkness in about the center of the map, two others - at the caridine crossroad - in southeast and in the northeast caves. When you collect all three bags, go to Tag Otarta and activate the altar in its southern part before the bridge with spirits and golems. The demon who appeared can be killed, and you can let go with the world, having finished bribe into 25 gold from it. If you kill it, then there is a possibility that he will drop the magic sword or armor, but in most cases you will not get anything other than moral satisfaction.

Four parts of the Armor of the Dead Legion are scattered over the dead Ravam. If you collect them all, you will find the location of the sarcophagus, from which you can get the seal of the Dead Legion and attribute it to the archive. If you do it, the dead legion will be recognized as a separate caist. Three parts of Armpeople are in sarcophagas in the central and northern part of the dead RVs, and the last part is on the altar in the room with ghosts. Print You will find in the sarcophage in the corridor for the ominous door.

Survey the four bugs of stones at the caridine crossroad to find the hidden treasure. The bugs you need are: near the western entrance, southwest from the bridge with Alpha Harlock, in the central part, east of the cave with deep pursuers. When you examine all four, you will appear on the map with the designation of the place of the place in the southern part of the map. When you take the treasure, this will complete this quest.

In the anvil of emptiness in the cave with a caridin, you will find the wall with the names of the gnomes, voluntarily agreeing to sacrifice themselves and become Golemas. If you remove the copy from this list, you can give it to the main custodian in the archives to perpetuate the memory of valiant dwarfs.

Collect together the mandon sword. To do this, you need to find all three parts of it. One is located in the Emissar of Herlokov in the southern part of the crossroads of Caridine. One can be found in a vase in a cave hand in Tayig Ortan. The latter falls from the ancient waste of darkness in the South-central part of the dead connections (it appears there only if you already have two other parts. Sometimes it is not always - for his appearance, you also need to first visit the grave of the warrior in the southeastern point Taga Othan ). When you get all three, go to the grave in Tayig Ortan, which is designated on your map, and when you activate it, you will get a collected sword (a very good one-handed sword with three slots).

If one of the members of your group will be dressed in the armor of the Dead Legion (all four parts), when you activate the relic of the Dead Legion in the room with ghosts and altar, a monster will be painted on you.